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>Must be female
>Must be at least 75% mechanic
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbian is okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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does my google home count?
she's a feisty one.
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Maybe Drones aren't on the same tier as Nandroids in terms of being made for human dicking, but they're damn close. Even the Workers.
>Be you
>Scrapper living on the edge of colonized space
>Your only accompaniment is a Junkbot that you salvaged from an old planetside warzone
>Most of your scrap and pay goes towards repairing and juryrigging her body together
>You don't mind much though. It's gets lonely out there and it's better to have company
slimdroid or SLAMDROID
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>Urge to headpat
Rising, Too much to controll!
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lulu deserves all sorts of pats, head and otherwise.
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any source?
there's a couple of those lewd drones by the same artist but i cant find a single place to find all of them.
The dronebooru
Do be warned there is alot of OC autism on there
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Did they remove loli/shota content from the nandroid booru?
Kerfuffle, my beloved
is there a name for the artist?
been spelunking the .co dronebooru but no cigar.

You're going to shoot your dick off, calm down
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You need to make an account & log in to see NSFW content, by the way
I don't like it either but it works
a, thats the thing, thanks for the info.

they ask if you are an adult at the door but an account is still required, meh.
Has Emmy appeared nude in the comic? I’m just curious.
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20 ai threads
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>artificial intelligence ladies almost get archived because of artificial intelligence
Can't make this shit up
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Oh I like this character design is this an OC?
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Got it from Cromirz on tw*tter. And yeah it's an OC.
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Long shot, but does anyone happen to have the other two parts of this?
>No gas or onara
They're robots. Why would they need to fart?
never question a brapfags ability to inject their fetish where it doesnt belong
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I wonder what her breast's feel like

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>Must be at least 75% mechanic
eh, close enough
not rly
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It's what inside that counts, anon
You can fondle those fleshy tits all you want, but they're still artificially attached fatsacks to a robot wearing torn, decomposing human skin
Flesh-metal robots are underrated, just my opinion.
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Fletal, or Mesh?
not the other anon but the robots have meat inside them too, which might bring it below 75% metal
Don’t forget the best robot woman of them all, GLaDOS from portal

Really like the stuff were she goes from bossy to melting in pleasure
Are there any good TTS for Auntie Dot from Halo? I need her to call me stud muffin during JOI.
Pic unrelated, other than Geth being hot.
Don't you die. Not before my Antie Dot JOI!
GLaDOS might be THE gateway bot
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>>No gay shit
>>>Lesbian is okay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>No gay shit
Retarded faggot.
seething homoid
she got me into femdom AND robots
Emmy the Robot SUCKS
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her vagina is like a slip-n-slide vacuum.
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Nice try, Sterling Robotics shill, but i'm buying your sexbots unless they've got the hardware to do link related
>the end of that video
help, help me, she won't TURN OFF! oh no, I'm gonna start cumming blood!
does anyone have this comic with the censored scene? I keep seeing on youtube where a Person who speaks spanish dubs over it and they censor part of it where by context I think maybe they pee in emmy? post it in /b/ if it goes against that rule, but please let me have a copy to see what it really was.
pixiv.net/en/artworks /80784826
>go to link
>blocked in country
>change county, per the tool tip
why even have this feature if it can be defeated, not only defeated but the website itself tells you how to bypass?
fucking retarded ass website.
Gonna need to lift that dress just a little bit higher to interest me
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Wet robopussy, now we're talkin'
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Robitussin for my cold, with robopussy for my Hot?
bottom 2 are super cute!
>murder drones
impure, exterminate exterminate

not in the slightest, there’s skin, blood, and bones! hardly called a robot
>decomposing human skin
you had one job at being a robot fucker, yet you somehow managed to mess that up
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>”one of us is slow, friendless and completely devoid of personality, the other... is a protectron”
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um, Would *you* be my friend please Protection?
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>Maybe Drones aren't on the same tier as Nandroids in terms of being made for human dicking,
I RESENT that, you bastard.
These bitches were made for rough fucking AND violent murder!
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nta, but what about:
>Murder drones are for animalistic fucking, knowing once you enter them, either you make them cum hard so you can get away, or if you cum too early they get the jump on you instead.
>Nandroids are for loving, no risk sex, when you pump inside them they call you a good boy and cheer you on, then work with you to keep the house together when not fucking.
That's basically the consensus, yeah.
>Murder Drones, the violent killing machines of an eldritch horror designed to hunt, kill and consume all living beings and other machines.
>They have an ingrained instinct to hunt down prey,
>But this same instinct to hunt and kill also makes them INCREDIBLY horny
>The only way to survive is to dick her down so hard and so thoroughly that she's left as a trembling mess - bootlooped until her systems can recover.
>If you fail and don't manage to satisfy her, or don't get out of there in time, well...
>Just look at what female Praying Mantis or spiders do to their mates.
V is a cuck, some “violent murderer” she turned out to be
>the seam on the top of the slide
Nice airsoft gun, FAGGOT.
wow, you have eyes, Good for you!
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Don't forget the emotional breakdown cuddling AFTER you get through to them.
Lesbians aren't gat retard the choose to like pussy only men can be gay.
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They're just trying to appease international laws and their own taking advantage of a slight technicality while still allowing users to see what they want relatively.
it would be way more erotic if she only showed her legs here, I'll get around to editing that sometime soon
cheers anon helps me understand what to do in the future.
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she's a tease
Any good MILFbots out there?
I have a very peculiar craving at this present moment
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MILFbots.. MILFbots are good.
she's naughty
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what is it with emmy the robot that attracts so many spanish speakers?
is it simply
>both is often a job taken on by Mexican women for various reasons
>therefore Mexican people latch onto the idea, perhaps feeling like it's "homely"?
spicoids like to infest smaller fandoms, simple as.
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Emmy the robot, giving you more BANG for you buck since 19xx!
Stay in your containment thread
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this IS the containmant thread. I'm here for emmy, and other related automatons.
maybe one day I can ask one to fix me a grilled cheese.
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I love my robot wife who is also a warmachine
Didn't mean to reply whoops
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I want to make an oc for my Little persona to have as her loving nanny, is there a Guide to help me come up with what I want her to look like?
I've already seen https://perchance.org/nandomizer and of course an obvous way to make an OC has "not for making oc" on it. is there like a list of what they can come with somewhere?
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I'd like to hear this thread's general consensus on robots with tiddies. What's your preference, anon?
>none at all
>as flat as cardboard
>a noticeable chest bump, replicating the look of a bosom (best choice)
>regular boobs
>large, very necessary fat reserves
>I don't care man you can do anything with machinery just make them bigger
I like tits so give me robo tits
It doesn't matter what your reasoning is I want tits
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Short film with a sexbot that got recommended to me
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Hochi Mama!
what happens when you Overclock a sterling nan?
rosie the robot:
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Of course, that lines up perfectly with the ridiculous DBZ fandom representation you see out of there. Niche.

You're not even trying, dude. Why bother.
hit a nerve, papi?
of course they enjoy normal fandoms as well, but they're exceptionally vocal when infesting smaller ones.
The future.
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… looks grim, robots shouldn’t have synthetic skin or hair
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>no synthetic hair
Hahaha, this guy likes baldies!
...Which is respectable, i guess.
Robots shouldn't have emotions either but that doesn't stop people from fantasizing about it.
They should look cute cause if they're cute we're (probably) less likely to abuse them and therefore prevent skynet
A robot doesn't understand what abuse is, though.
It's impossible for a robot to pull a skynet so I'd say we're pretty safe.
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what nandroid do you think would be most likely to give a pleasant spanking if their Master asked, like one with just enough pain to have an afterglow, but not so much where they can't take it, coupled with somehow making sure master know they aren't being mean without being verbal about it?
Gosh I wish I had a nandroid...
The feels, anon. Imagine the feels.
If a robot is sentient enough to learn they'll definitely learn what abuse is and what qualifies as it
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Men only want one thing and it's disgusting
Molly would be to give a nice one and even oil their master's ass afterwards
Followed by little kisses
Not really. Abuse is an emotional response that a fully inorganic robot would be unable to comprehend. It literally lacks the chemistry for it.
why's she oiling my....
Oh no, please don't get the ultra-dong 4000!
My boyhole's still raw from last time!
I was thinking more the oil is to soothe the pain from the hard metallic spanks but that works too
They'll work ten times as hard in every task but might burn out faster than before
Also you'll void her warranty
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the skin on their head doesn't look right having become used to the exposed metal plates.
Makes her look like she's related to Wally Darling from welcome home.
I don't see it
Also all the good stuff there is by mercurialmorose, you can ignore the rest.
Was it ever explained why they had that? Just feels weird to me.
I will never understand Cyn fans. She's the least appealing of all the characters in the series.
Forgot about >>8507219
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>she's the least appealing of all the characters in the series.
No harm in ramming your dick inside the naughty robot demon-maid, anon. Imagine how many vagina's that centipede form of hers has.
There's also incestfags but nobody likes to talk about those
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