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• Respect /aco/ and global rules
• Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do it for free
• Keep art critiques short, and only give if requested
• To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 or Image limit
• Nobody is entitled to deliveries under any circumstances within these threads. Don't critique others' requests; If you don't like it, don't draw it
• Ignore the bait, you're better than this
• Stay on topic, and report bait, deliberately poor/antagonistic "criticism," and off-topic posts

• Reply to the OP when you request
• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), and keep it to one post
• One request per thread
• The request must be of an Original Character. This means no licensed characters, there's a General Drawthread for that
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost
• Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck
• If you get a delivery, wait 2 threads before you re-request. If someone breaks this rule, don't waste posts by complaining

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be
• Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info, but only after delivering. Otherwise, you're just advertising
• Remember to reply to the Anchor Post to make deliveries easier to track
• Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take
• Ignore the drama and draw what you want, it's nobody's place to tell you what you can or can't deliver

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

If you're looking for a deleted thread, try checking

Previous thread: >>8467978
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Anchor post for works in progress or deliveries.
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Requesting my magical boy Adam and his rival demon girl rival Marie just hate fucking. Lotta bite and scratch marks, swearing at one another, all sweaty ect. Clear they still very much hate each other.

If that's a bit too much to ask for, then could you just draw Adam jerking off then?

If anyone has any deepest lore about these two idiots, feel free to ask. I like all the oc discussion last thead
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Can I get a slim girl called Kuroaka with a hime-cut and no pussy presenting her anus and saying "Breed my ass!"?

An X-ray view or diagram shows her womb is joined to her anal canal, giving her a literally breedable ass to compensate for her missing pussy.
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Requesting my zombie futa in a (slighty bloody) night dress (without the thong) shyly asking the viewer if they wants to sleep with her
alternately my zombie futa gooning cumming on the wall in a dark alley catching a curious girl's attention
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Not really an NSFW drawing but i would just like a drawing of my crazy metalhead OC
>is it a boy or a girl?
Depends on what you prefer
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I've never really had to anchor nor paid attention to people who have but I remember someone was working on Loren so I guess I post her here for that artist to find me? Is that how this works?
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Requesting Hanami facesitting, either your own character or another character in this thread, getting a facefull of her peachy behind.
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Requesting something with my retro space-girl GalaxXxina!
She was once a government agent on Earth, but escaped in the 60s and has lived in outer space ever since. Life with aliens is way more fun, and she's become an interplanetary celebrity. She's a musician and performer as well as a not-so-secret agent starring in musical movies based on her irl cosmic adventures. Think of her like a funky fusion of Austin Powers and Ulala

Some ideas:
• A sexy pin-up or striptease. She owns her own space casino where she often makes live appearances, so it could be themed like an xXx show she's putting on. You can throw her in a slutty bikini if you like
• Getting fucked by some sort of alien/aliens, any position is cool.
• Pic of her getting fucked in the ass or pussy with the thrusting/plapping made to look like it's a rhythm minigame
• If yuri is your thing, you can draw her having sex with or interacting with this lady. She is her former fellow agent and rival : https://catbox.moe/c/ip9jra
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Requesting Coriolis, my sky mage and astrologer, happily giving a blowjob or titjob during a break in her studies.
Hopefully, not making any stains on her stars maps! Thoses are expensive, you know!
Requesting a OC of a 30 year old male draw in a 90's Disney 2D animation style art (almost similar to the official Disney style) based off the Disney movie Tarzan (with the character not similar to Tarzan) with short brown hair, brown eyes, a slightly chubby body, wearing 19th century glasses, and a brown loincloth similar to the one Tarzan wears in the movie, and barefoot, standing, in a full body art, smiling. Please keep it SFW and No AI generated art please.
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Posting my fitness girl Tatiana. Sweat/pregnancy/workout related content is a bonus, but anything goes except foot/vore/gore.

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Requesting my oc Betty and her friend Lyla undergoing a transformation into faceless girls with massive breasts like the image provided, due to a third oc, The dragon maiden of the beach, Tenny, who likes to mess with people, especially girls, via transformy stuff.

Tenny doesn’t need to be directly included in the picture at all if it’s too much effort, just giving lore behind it, and I’m fine with the chests being a bit smaller as long as they’re still quite big compared to standard chests.

If going for beach wear, Betty would wear something red or yellow and with more body coverage such as a shirt made for swimming and skirt while Lyla would prefer something also red or light blue and more like a sundress, but both could wear bikini variations depending on whatever the artist feels like, I’m not picky. Otherwise, normal clothes work. Fine with the end product being a wordless image or a caption.

Alternatively though I’m fine with them having faces as long as the idea is similar, if the artist really feels the need to draw their faces, it’s just that this idea has been in my mind for a while.

This will be my last request for a long while if it gets filled, because I don’t want to overdo the thread too much and also I’m back in college now. Anyways, if you read all this, have a nice day.

Sorry for the wall of text. Willing to infodump about ocs if asked.

Tldr; requesting the caption scenario happening to the two girls in the reference because of the dragon girl oc mentioned.

References/Extra References/OC Infodump(Previously was reply to the first time I made the post, changed for space):
Give model please.
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Requesting my creepy gothic girl that has big boobs despite being so thin in a school uniform flashing panties or in a lewd cosplay
she's got big tits but like a semi-realistic D cup
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Requesting Edda with enormous breasts.
doing this pose, she has bright purple eyes.

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Requesting Eliza with her clothes on the ground about to get molested or something where she's getting rammed by a femboy or futa
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Requesting Shizuka enormous ass on Gunky Slimer, just like an image on a right.
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Requesting my extroverted tiefling Bard getting pounded from behind by a buff warrior-type. Maybe using her horns as handlebars?
Th buff warrior type can be a guy or a futa, btw. Sylk isn't picky.
Just so I'm clear, because your reference collage is a bit confusing, is the middle left pic actually the character? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be taking from each of these images and if any drawing is the actual character or just "inspiration"
the middle left yeah but the breasts are a bit too big
the top left is the boney body type, then the hair
the face has goth make up and eye liner just like in the eye reference
the bottom breasts are the approximate breast size reference

Rooting for Teelari's owner to see im working on their thing
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Requesting one of my husbandos getting his holes stuffed by slime or plant tentacles.
Anchoring Shalee riding the Orc, hope the artist working on this is still around.
Are we counting the short thread from the board nuke as a full thread for waiting for requests?
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request my village Sinn(left) poledancing (right)
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Requesting a drawing of Lucca lying naked on a sofa.
An example of pose: https://files.catbox.moe/frs14o.JPG

Other pictures with this character: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=lucca_%28hayabusart%29
OC in not mine, but owner(artist) is okay with fanarts.
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Requesting anything of my half-elven shieldmaiden/valkyrie. Artists' choice!
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Requesting a flustered Dani being grouped at by another woman or women.
Turn her into a trolls fuck nugget.
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Requesting my magical girl Verona getting fucked by a GMPD body-typed monster.

Make him big, possibly disgusting (I don't judge other's tastes), lecherous, and all-around sadist who likes making his victim squirm. I have two ideas I'd like to see her in, shown in the reference pic, but if you want to put them in another scenario or pair her with a different monster type, I'm game to see that.
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Requesting a horny Neon pushing her pussy into a phone, resulting in it portal-ing and sticking out of the phone of a friend that opted to help. The friend could be someone's OC (feminine preferred) if they want!
When was your delivery? I usually wait one month or two, personally.
This is either the second or third thread by my count depending on if we're counting the short thread as a full one or not. I can't remember the exact date of delivery.
Anybody have any OCs specifically for Mind control/hypno?
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how about my wood elf Zatyr? She's a farmer girl who goes into the woods to hunt wolves and mimics that would eat her cows.

tentacles or being made a hu-cow/servant would be lovely
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Requesting Stitches, my fit, awkwardly quiet, but quick to violence ripper dock girl in either a nude pin-up, or a scenario where she surprises a partner (male or female) by being surprisingly dominant.

The pin-up can be her nude or just wearing her oversized lab coat.
Feel free to use her with other OCs
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Could do something with this barbarian.
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Requesting the Runescape OC Dang in any vanilla lewd situations like her giving a guy a titjob/blowjob or her getting fucked by him. Despite the many many commissioned fan art she has gotten the creator never has had any lewds of her made or has been very selfish never sharing any of them so all she has is just sfw art and pin ups that are also sfw.
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Requesting my blonde OC having sex with a male zombie with long black hair and glowing red eyes against the wall. The blonde wears a black skirt with striped socks.
Consensual or non-consensual I have no preference
All you need to know about this character is she's a newb horror fan, although she loves zombies, she's unaware of how it'd feel to have sex with one, and she's a sort of chill laid-back person
I was yapping about my OC without a request last thread and I think an anon decided to draw something for them. Should I hold off on requesting to see if that comes to fruition? I came up with an idea i'd like to request but I don't want to be rude.
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Requesting Olivia getting pissed as she gets groped as a waitress
or something with her fat ass, maybe in a mini skirt school uniform
post it and if the other art anon posts the fill, then thats it. You dont get another and start counting down from there
You only have to hold off once they deliver, not just say they might84wva
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Requesting pyim in a sexy nurse outfit
she's kinda dim-witted and silly
pay no mind to the blue skin in the reference it's totally not her usual non-human form, this request is for a human form

That's her proportions in the image, her human form should have fairly white skin, her hair's black and she has green eyes
she's like 30-something
If you got a wip, post it to the anchor and wait. Otherwise just make your request.
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She kinda sounds like a space age Josephine Baker. I didn’t feel like doing an explicit tentacling, so here’s a prelude to a romantic evening of soft music, chilled Romulan ale, and passionate tentacle touching.
Any background details about her? I always like including the characters back story in deliveries
Request this thread, I was doing sketches last thread for a few characters as a warmup so I'd be sad if I prevented you from requesting
Well, she doesn't remember much of her backstory but I guess the relevant parts for the point in time she's at in my request is that she was a loyal brainwashed soldier (Well less a soldier and more akin to a personal servant he just threw at problems to make them not problems anymore, best fighter in the empire, lived in the palace) for a big intergalactic emperor sorta guy and got pulled out by some people which ended up in her freedom. She's rarely at ease, but she's trying to adapt to having to make her own decisions now. She got into wood carving in the meantime.
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anyone willing to draw my centaur lady fucking another OC?
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OR here, omg this is spectacular!!!! I love it! She looks absolutely amazing in your style, her face is so sweet I love how you drew her eyes especially they are so pretty! You struck the perfect balance of sensual and sweet but also super erotic and exciting. This entire scene and scenario is just so perfect, that alien has got to be the luckiest fan in the galaxy lmfao! I love how even without a mouth you can tell how psyched he is to spend an evening with her, the look on his face is so great.
I'm so in love with the outfit you gave her, the translucent nightgown is so cool!!! I especially like the peek at her little bush it offers. And the planetary ring slippers are so adorable, speaking of which even the way the planets in the window looks is so cool. I love everything about this! Thank you very much!!
Romulan Ale may be illegal but it's worth it for a night like this. Also, yes, she absolutely is like a space age Baker I'm glad you picked up on that. Her little green man is about to make it in the history books
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Curious if I could get something with my magic superheroine Celeste.
I included her civilian and hero costumes, as well as her bound servants, an infernal imp, and a four-armed golem. They don't much care for her but are mystically compelled to obey her commands.

Her powers are general magic stuff, flight, energy blasts, mystic bindings etc. and she has Kritch (the imp) and Gart (the golem) provide interference if she needs to string a particularly powerful spell in the heat of battle.

> Sorry for the shite image quality CO doesn't have the best photo mode.
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Well, I'll give it another try. Requesting my dryad Lily, maybe engaging in "diplomatic openings" with humans, in a much more intimate manner than she'd like.
In normal circumstances she's merely part of the security detail of diplomatic missions, but the forest elders are not above tasking the ambassador's attendants to "foster good will" with the locals when necessary.
Otherwise she could also have a run-in with bandits while patrolling her forest, or do something else if you prefer.
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I'd like to request my magical girl Miri Kale losing to hypno (and cock), preferably to a futa villainess.
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Requesting my alien OC Ozell sunbathing while nude like in the reference
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Requesting my old Tabletop game OC Dea and her High Elf lover Estromo making love.

I'd like good ol' romantic loving baby-making breeding sex between Dea and her High Elf Husband Estromo. Just missionary position in bed will do, with Dea leg-locking her Estromo, both of them kissing and with an impregnation creampie shot. I dunno the name of that type of shot or scene in a porn video or hentai where the camera focuses on the dude's behind as he's thrusting or cumming in the girl. But if possible do include that type of shot with the elf hubby cumming in his human tomboy wife. Thanks.

Also to the writer anon Corncob_Smut. I really really hope you're still out there writing and see this. Hope you still update the Dea and Everett love story.
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Not the original asker, but went for it anyway.

Our sorceress is a lover of animal husbandry, so is happy to break in a new sow
oh wow! OR here, thank you so much!
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Requesting some Ladybug smut. Instant loss or sexy comic book peril scenario (fuck machines, mind control) would be good.
I’m glad you’re pleased. It was a pleasure to do such a cute character.
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request coraline flashing her tits at a mirror and doing the whole "Finger selfie" to hide the naughty bits
Do you have more pics of this character?
Here's a few more

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Requesting right pic in your style
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Requesting my snake girl rancher here eating out a girl. Putting that snake tongue to good use.
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Posting my sona, free to use however you'd like as long as its consensual, no /d/ worthy stuff unless its just tentacle fun. Also look to expand their lore so feel free to ask me anything about them.
Wait, are you the actual original creator of this character? I used to see her posted on /co/ all the time! She's not only one of my favorite OCs she's one of my favorite super hero characters!

Champions Online is somehow more dead than the City of Heroes Homecoming servers. Come join us on that! The whole character creator is unlocked from the start, you might enjoy that more than Champions.

Anyway... Since I've been playing City of Heroes and love super hero OCs so much I made both of yours in the CoH creator. I really hope you both get real artwork soon!
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Speaking of which, we already got an AMAZING picture last thread with a pleasant surprise of ENF(pictured bottom left) but it never hurts to have more art of your OCs.

This is Thick Thunder and Little Lightning, a mother and son crime fighting duo! Poor Little Lightning was born without powers, so naturally his mother from another planet have so carry him bridal style to all of their bank robberies. I'd like a picture of this, or just them doing anything heroic that super heroes do!
You're supposed to wait 2 threads before requesting again if you get a delivery
Celeste's OR here. Yeah, I played CoH a long time ago, and when Champions came out, I actually purchased a lifetime membership (surprisingly despite the game changing owners once or twice they have honored that lifetime commitment), so I'm always getting some free in-game currency and such. I may give CoH another look, as I haven't since about '10.

You did a good job recreating her look in CoH.
I had actually felt fairly rude doing so regardless, I wasn't aware there was a specific rule for that. My apologies. I simply had seen other Super Hero OCs and got a little excited about my own.

We've got a little group together of heroes in the game playing right now actually, more than just the duo.
Requesting a couple of my ttrpg OCs together. Both started as D&D characters in the same campaign (one as a backup for the other).

She's a shapeshifter and psychic, and he's a human sorcerer priest turned diety. Both started as polar opposites; her a borderline hedonist on a path of self-destruction, him a prudish priest of a truth god frigid to the warmth of the world around him despite his kind nature. He saved her from death and she got a hold of her vices. She is still a pleasure seeker though not subject to addiction or compulsion, and he's lost his prudishness in place of deep love and passion. Both started out not looking for love but finding it among others, leading them each to start separate large families.

Despite her aggressive flirting, she's never been able to get the clothes off him. He's not a shapeshifter (typically) like her, and she can't read his mind since his ascension, so she simply has to find out what he's hiding beneath those robes the old-fashioned way; potential smiting be damned.

The boy's appearance has changed slightly since this design was made, both his hands are silver now, sorta like this
Both these OCs are so overdesigned it's laughable. And who the hell is Zephyr? Presumably the girl, but you never actually told us the names in your post.
To each their own I suppose. I could see the boy being a bit much, for sure. No worse than some stuff out of FFXIV and the like.

Zephyr Blitz is the girl, yes.
Salah is the boy
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I'm working on a Zeph pick where the universe jumping captain gets a little to cocky and ends up in trouble while traveling to a different setting.
I don't know when / if it'll get done though so feel free to keep requesting in the drawthreads
Do you have a twitter?
Sick, i'll for sure keep an eye open for it, thank you anon
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Requesting Catia providing special service to a customer after her working hours.
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>Wait, are you the actual original creator of this character?
I just like her, too. The /co/ creations thread keeps talking about wanting porn but not making or requesting any. Some of them don't like /aco/ because of conflicts in the Golden Girl project. So I took it upon myself to put out the olive branch.

CoH Ladybug is very Sentai.
I recognize TT and LL from Pocket D. Sup.
Who's this?
>We've got a little group together of heroes in the game playing right now actually, more than just the duo.
[spoiler]I'm morbidly curious as I am in Everlasting on a daily basis RPing.[/spoiler]
Just a random Anon who occasionally pops in the drawthread after someone posted CoH stuff a few months back. The /vm/ CoH thread died and I just peeked in here to see if any talk of the game was up. Was shocked to see CO screenshots as well.
Need some ENF with her
Nice spoilers, anon!
And for the both of you, there's a group of us playing the game that originally came from /heals/ on t/rash/. The idea was to make a "Lewd Avengers", and so far it's been pretty successful. We call ourselves The Sensations.
You should come and say hello to next time! I hear that TT is always happy to meet and greet a fan!~
Truly tempting. If I see her and I am not in the middle of RP I might just do so. Love meeting new characters.
shut up and draw
>And for the both of you, there's a group of us playing the game that originally came from /heals/ on t/rash/. The idea was to make a "Lewd Avengers", and so far it's been pretty successful. We call ourselves The Sensations.
You guys have a discord?
Do not ask of others what you lack the will to do yourself.
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Requesting my OC Freya getting a Full Nelson from a Warcraft troll.
If the Warcraft troll isn't to your taste, then just a basic orc will do.
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As I contemplate bringing my Classic WoW Paladin to Retail for TWW

Requesting her looking smug and sexy in some red or black lingerie, magic cocks or enchanted dildos welcome, but mainly being a big smug tease.

feel free to make her bustier or thicker than WoW models allow.
Is there a setting you'd be interested in seeing? A game series, a movie, a show or anime?

No, not yet
Off the top of my head nothing I'm particularly drawn too one way or the other but, we've talked about going to a few places in our rpg group.

Warhammer/40k would be a rough time as a psyker and instantly gaining the undivided attention of Slaanesh. Darkest Dungeon too as just another setting that's a rough time all around.
Another one with an overwhelming psychic presence that could stunlock her might be Signalis, and it comes complete with mind broken lesbian robots.

I was actually running a dip into the world of star trek as an excuse for the DM to play for once. She's stuck with her powers suppressed, and her shapeshifting locked until the crew gets to her.

I can say I'd always mused as to what she'd look like in something more cyberpunk-themed, or done up like an android from Nier Automata, but I'm starting to run on now.

If none of these jump out at you, don't worry about picking something yourself. The beauty of zephyr is she can be molded to fit in anywhere, though I will say for any specific 'partners' you may put her with, I'm not huge on futa.
What is your obsession with indian women tied to chairs? Is the very act of being tied to a chair what does it for you, or...?
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Requesting my snobby brat Krissy getting DP'ed while fully clothed with her skirt lifted up and her panties down.
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A) the bridal style carry can’t be the only option. He could sit cross legged on her back as if she were a magic carpet, or straddle her back like she’s a horse, or there’s this method! All have their disadvantages.
B) I like this signature cut logo for Thick Thunder better than the previous one. This lightning bolt the Ts make looks better to me.
C) this isn’t a real delivery since it wasn’t what was asked for, and I didn’t do much shading of the colors. But I hope it made you smile!
Requesting anything of my D&D character, Olivia.

She was born into living on the street as a petty thief and swindler, until she was taken in by the Royal Guard. She was fired after several years of working with them for trying to uncover a conspiracy that they didnt want her touching, so now she's back on the street. She's depressed and dejected, so she drowns her sorrows in alcohol and sleeping with random men and women that she takes home from the bar.

She is a skilled thief, a flirt, and absolutely does not shave down there. Go crazy with her, do whatever you'd like!
Thanks so much anon! Makes me wish the game allowed alternate powersets (without rerolling) so I could put that Lightning Bolt Baton to good use!
On the subject of TT's logo, I like making "hunder" level with the second "T" like you did here, but I'm curious how that'd look with the lightning bolt from the original.
Maybe if you give us a proper delivery next time, you could try that?
>Thanks so much anon! Makes me wish the game allowed alternate powersets (without rerolling) so I could put that Lightning Bolt Baton to good use!
Just roll an alt version with a hypen or named LittleLightning. Also needs the shock baton mace, imo.
And you said a lewd cosplay, what would you like in terms of a costume? What would she as a character want to dress up as?
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/req/ Maisie getting fucked hard on her break at work.

Thinking that Maisie could be checking her phone (probably endless scrolling tik-tok) while bent over a table.
Anon or another OC has a massive cock and standing behind her asking "Okay are you ready?"
Maisie distracted by her phone doesn't realize she is about to get split in half "Yeah, yeah, just hurry up I gotta get back to work in 5."
Cut to full insertion in one thrust. Maisie "HOLYFUCKINGSHIT!" with the phone likely dropping out of her hands.

If you want to do something else with her let me know what you got in mind.
Any interest in another one with Pipeliner?
She'd dress up as the mentally ill girls like Tomoko and Bocchi in public but online where she can hide her face maybe something more lewd like the dead or alive ladies
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requesting Kira getting caught bathing or masturbating in the woods while on a wilderness expedition or hunt. Her getting drunk at the bar and flashing some guys (or more) would also be fun.
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looks like she got caught stealing some potions (wip?)
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Okay, let’s try your logo suggestion!
I also tried switching the characters around so they are on the same side as their names.
Sounds good, it could even be in a similar scenario to my above post.

Maisie bent over a table distracted by her phone, waiting for an anon to fuck her
but Pipeliner has knocked out the anon and tied them up
Pipeliner comes over and pulls down her shorts
Maisie not looking up from her phone "There you are. Let's hurry up I only have 5 minutes left on my break."
Cut to full insertion in one thrust
Pipeliner grabbing her hips, arms, neck, or hair pulling her in for those deep strokes and preventing her from running away.

Or whatever you got cooking up in your head.
OR here, super cute, i love it! Always wanted to draw tentacle stuff with her myself.
I'd like to request my OC Sylvia Castillo giving paizuri fellatio with a look of pure, submissive bliss and heart shaped pupil. The dick should be big enough that she can easily fit it between her breasts and a good portion of it in her mouth, maybe pushing one of her cheeks out. if you want to add more male parts, one or 2 large, muscular, veiny arms, grabbing her ass or shoulders.
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shit, here is the references.
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Oops! Did you forget something Mobile?
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I'd like a female oriented request of a maid having sex with her Fox Boy master. The Fox Boy master and the maid are having sex in the Lotus sex position while on a fancy luxurious couch and most of the maid's dress is stripped off except maybe her skirt, or just unbuttoned but the bottom part of her maid's uniform is removed. Both the maid and the Fox Boy are looking at each other lovingly.

If it's okay, I'd also like a bit of dialogue which the Fox Boy says:
>"Get pregnant, give me an heir and bear my children and more of my kin."

And the maid can say:
>"Yes master, yes. I'd be happy and love to."

The maid image is based off an OC or is a random one shot character drawn by Twitter artist "hero_of_groznyi".
Okay, I've never seen these before and I'd like a link or a dump of the full Vixen County Volleyball set please.
I think this logo is the best of the three!
And nice idea swapping them around like that!
Or instead of being a lazy cunt you just look through the past 2-3 threads. You'll see it all there.
You got any way we can connect aside from these threads?
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Here's another version a request I finished>>8468484. I felt the digital piece lacked depth, so I wanted to try copic markers. While I got the depth I wanted, in my haste, I forgot to add the pufferfish sight gag that I really felt captured what the requester wanted specifically. Sorry for the missing bits, hope this will please.
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I opted to go with panty flashing
thanks anon!!
Goddamn I love your work
I do hate giving out my email but if you send it to maisiethepizzagirl@tippabble.com it will be forwarded to my real email for the next 9 days
Sent you one
Ah yes, the three threads that have absolutely everything that was made for it, and not 1, maybe two images total.

Consider pic related.
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an Idea I've had rattling in my head while pondering about bringing her back.
Guess the answer is "screw it" then
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Requesting my eighties gal Elsie getting stuck in some kind of anal-related bad end.
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requesting a correct gaming posture drawing of notquesty and nawtyq
you idiot
why? we all want anonymity here.
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Can't believe I nearly forgot about this thread.
Introductions are in order. This is my new dwarf girl, Oliva daughter of Oliver of the Blueridge clan, at the service of you and yours.
She's an exile from her clan in a fantasy American Frontier/Wild West setting. Makes a living as a trapper, bounty hunter, guide and scout on occasion.

Requesting her downing a pint with a collection of already drained pints at the table/bar she's drinking at.
oh sorry i didn't read the entire thing
she's sexy me next
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I know it's not as detailed in terms of the rendering as my other pieces, but since it was making a character out of a collage I didn't want to go all out if there was something I got wrong about them.

>is it a boy or a girl?
I made a choice
so did I actually summon you or...?
OR here kinda late but damn you did NOT disappoint and happy with what you made amazing job
> I didn't want to go all out if there was something I got wrong about them.
The only thing you missed was the star-shaped hair pin but I don't blame you it was hard to see
Still an amazing job though
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Requesting my four-time serial killer survivor, Magenta Nemea, caught with her pants down, getting railed by a monster. Werewolf or minotaur preferred. Also open to her fucking someone else's OC!

She's a paranoid survivor constantly in-between jobs, drawing people's commissions on the internet to scrounge for money. She's got a huge monster fetish and she's fairly certain she could tame a werewolf if she met one!

Yea I'm still here been working on this and some other requests from this thread and the other one predating the nuked oc thread.
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requesting sex or whatever
Real pretty character and gorgeous muff
>she's fairly certain she could tame a werewolf if she met one!
Well, could she?
yes, your summoning circle worked

poor NawtyQ!
OP here, love both of these!
I'm still around. Spent the summer away from home, so that's where I've been. Looked back at Chapter One, and was surprised to find that it was better than I remember it being.
Looked at the notes I had for chapter two. I'm going to introduce an antagonist character, Mary-Lee Newpike, who is going to compete with Dea for Everett's attention. Of course, Everett only has eyes for Dea, even if his dad commands him to court Mary-Lee.
First sex scene will probably be in chapter three, if I ever get around to it.
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Can I get my Jedi Knight non-consensually high off her Mirialan head on Spice and either performing in a sleazy strip club, or being fucked in an alley?
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Requesting her sweating with a visible erection under her skirt as a coworker tries to seduce her
Are quite a few more than 2 such images in those threads, which you'd know if you weren't a baby waiting to be spoon fed.
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Requesting Julie here post battle with some kind of supernatural monster or alien with her clothing all torn up - or, in some kind of a non con situation with said supernatural monster or alien.
She's from an early 2000's x-files/men in black esque setting, and is an agent for a clandestine agency working to study and contain these threats before they reach the public eye.
She's a young asian american, and a former science grad turned field agent for the organization
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requesting some pin-ups of my newest oc
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requesting a pinup of my ghost please
Not an artist but damn, she's cute as all hell
thank u!
thread too slow
I'll give it a whirl.
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do you have any details you'd like? Also, I like doing bimbos, so I like making really exaggerated proportions. Pic related and >>8500748 and>>8500353 are examples of my work. Do you want me to tone it down for this piece or go full ham like I usually do?
ahh yeah the really exaggerated bimbo proportions isn't really for me
Ok, I'll try and keep it more realistic.
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Hello there author! Good to know you're still writing. And hey, I understand you have a life outside of the internet and the literature ya write. Also allow me to post these from the last OC thread, it's my previous feedback regarding the setting details if you don't mind:




Still patiently waiting and looking forward to the next chapters. And as always, I leave the romance and drama writing to you! And welcome back from your vacation, looking forward to the next chapters.
Not or but thats a real adorable pic. You did an excellent job with the traditional work.
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Ello Again! I'm back with my boyo Contract! I'd love it if someone put him in this cute little outfit please ^^

Ooor~ you could put him in whatever scandalous outfit/situation you'd like! :3
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Requesting my Gnome Bard, Irene, enjoying a soapy bath and resting her fat tits on the edge of the tub, looking like she's flirting with the viewer.
Catia OR here, that's really cool, thanks!
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Requesting my Tome Imp, Aaron, welding some kind of big or massive weapon. It could be a large battle axe, war hammer, basket-hilted broadsword, a big f' of gun, or anything as long as it looks at least a little oversized or silly.

He's about 2'10", can float in the air if he wants, and generally only wears his great kilt, his good luck and protection charm, and glasses, sometimes with a berret or other hat. He studies magical body art and tattoos inspired by ancient Picts, using them to help ensure he gets an edge in combat while helping whoever holds his tome with either chores or adventuring. Despite being short af, he's super strong and usually further increases his strength with potions and magic body art to help him get an edge in combat.
OR here, It's great to see you're still around, this is looking great, love that cheeky smile in the second panel.

not the OR but I wanted to say that this is great looking, I love the tongue action you got going there.
No Problem would love to draw more of this elf so if you got anymore ideas feel free to let me know.
Glad you liked it, Ive seen her around, just never got around drawing her before.
Thanks! I wanted to mess around with the tongue, but Im not a fan of x-rays
got any socials for more of this girl
Thanks bro, though there some details I missed. Gonna work on that and post the real finished piece later.
yeah you can find deliveries of her and and the other magical girls over here
Someone gimme their shortstack OC to doodle~
post your art drawfaggot
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How about my dwarf battlesmith Modi? travels the lands, fightin and fucking with an anvil strapped to her back, fixing up fellow adventurers weapons for coin

Requesting her giving a very sweaty titjob after working/fighting or being bent over her anvil by some horny adventurers/bandits/monsters
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Hoping I can get a drawing of these two having sesbian lex. If you care about roles, the redhead would be a teasing dom while white haired lady would act like a Tsundere. And hey, if possible, having them hiding in a public space would be great.
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I got space-halfling mech pilots.
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Requesting a horny eliott in a cock cage. Other restrictive apparel optional.
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omg I love it!!! Thank you! Do you have any socials?
How much time should you let pass before you consider that the person who took your request just isn't gonna deliver it at this point
this is some ugly ass shit lmao
negativity won't get you a delivery.
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Don't discourage them! This is really pretty and actually funny!
Also waiting on a fill
Depending on the board, I usually give it at least a thread or two, typically around a month. If you get a wip in a thread and its one that tends to stay up for a while, two to three weeks without movement is probably a reasonable time frame to believe the request has been dropped.
I've got a delivery after a couple.of months a few times, athought the artist would show up once in a while to signal he wasn't dead.
Once he disappeared into thin air, never heard from him again, then I stumbled upon his twitter and found he had completed the delivery two years later and posted it here. It was great, too.
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not a request just showing some oc stuff I'm gonna be working with through the week
He is 4’2 if that helps
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The Lovely Ladybug >>8493192
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How about my gnome sharpshooter, Kaylee?

She's flexible, kinky, and willing to stand on a chair to give a proper standing paizuri! Or she'll just stand under the desk and do the job.
Post the goblins.
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Not a traditional goblin, but I've posted my space-goblin Xofia before. She has practically the same mannerisms as any fantasy goblin even though she's a scientist. Open to anything with her!
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Oh, my goblinas, top is rich and spoiled Makoto, bottom is celestial moth priestess Amor
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Glad you like it. I was experimenting and you were my unwilling subject!
The only thing I have is a DeviantArt page as Karandosh. Or you can search for Special Lass.
Have another little sketch.
Support bump
thank you, it's a small personal project I'm just doing for fun to test some waters but I'm happy with the results so far
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Requesting my drow babe Mizz'ri suspended and bound by spiderwebs.
I'll keep and eye open.

Though I admit a pear shaped dwarf is a new one on me. But I'm glad I got the ref sheet done.
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first to respond decides what color/pattern i make her thong.
neon pink
Beautiful! Thank you so much!
Any recommendations for places to put character art other than google drive?
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Any love for Troll gals?

Ama is a shaman of Gral the shark Loa and has a general polynesian/surfer vibe, would love to see her engaging in some beach side lewdity.
Delivery, kind of went out of line with your request for the male but hope that's okay.
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Excellent work there, got any socials?

>kind of went out of line with your request for the male
Nah I think you got it, big, burly, and on the gross-looking side. You got it right on.
Your oc is cute and fuckable, more refs?
knohphiltur on twitter, im search banned so you won't find it easy so I don't post too much either
Ah found you with a Google search, looks like you did a pic of Verona before, getting DP'd by red and blue guys.
OR here the glasses could be a little more rounder but i love how she turned out thanks a lot drawfriend! :)
I've done it for all the girls except the femboy and the tomboy
Guess I got a goldfish's memory, thanks again for all the deliveries.
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I should really make my twitter nsfw, I’m a kinda proud with this one.
Must be my lucky day i got TWO amazing deliveries! i especially love the body language and how nervous she is honestly one of the best drawings in the thread thank you so much drawfriend
>I’m a kinda proud with this one.
Me too!
Maybe I'll do those two eventually down the road, but that'll be a long while from now
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Gonna request something with my southern-fried cajun mechanic Lancer pilot. Sweaty cockpit art was the current suggestion from a fellow player. Could be SFW or NSFW, either is fine. If you got any questions just let me know.
>He doesn't even remember
Yup, for me, nine months is a lot of stuff to remember, but then again, I have problems remembering someone's name when they told me just ten minutes earlier. Don't know why, but strangely I can remember the puzzle solutions for Resident Evil despite not having played the game for over two decades.
Sounds like a lot of excuse for being a ungrateful prat.
Ah, I see you're one of the board trolls who like to stir up trouble. Well then I won't bother trying to have a civil conversation with you as you are not willing to converse in good faith.

knohphiltur knows I love their work and that is what matters.
I'm waiting on a bust right now, but 'til that's done, this is all I've got
a redraw of this?
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We're approaching spooky season, requesting a trans or femboy Madeline fucking a pumpkin or Jack-o-lantern
How’d the thread get to page 9 so fast?
The d and general drawthreads have guys who pushes them down at bump limit.
Hahaha, I love the cartoonish style you went with. A most excellent delivery my friend, thanks.
Why the condom? Fucking ruined.
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with October around the corner, I want to get a jump on requesting my witch Guinevere dominating a female's mind forcing them to lick her pussy.

the female can be an original character or one ITT, interested victims can tag my request but it will be up to the artist to decide.

bonus idea
- Guinevere conjures some pumpkin vine-like tentacles to fuck the female. (she has lots of magic, but it is mostly all nature-based and mainly pumpkin-themed.)
- It may be too far, but, an all-the-way-through penetration of the female using the tentacles, to also penetrate Guinevere.
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Boy version.
Girl version. Sorry about the lack of colours, but I ran out of time.
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Silly me, I forgot the picture.
Very nice!!! Thank you!!! I needed this, I'm unemployed as of the day before yesterday and I've not been able to draw anything since then. Depression is a bitch, yo
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Shit I'm so sorry to hear that. It sucks when you're put into hopeless situations like that. I hope you'll find your passion again and draw more. I really enjoy the concept your created. Do you have more art of Mobile or other characters?
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Impending molestation by femboy
that's amazing thanks!
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Tiny bubbles
Nice (not OR)
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results. her name is decimita, pretty pleased with how she's turned out. first lil' foray into 40k content and the adepta sororitas faction hit me like kryptonite.
Very nice.
thanks! I did some alts too but I don't wanna clutter the thread up. they're online though.
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Is the owner of this lady still around?
Late reply sorry, but I'm Telarii's OR

Got it done. Here's Part 1
Fuck. Filesize is somehow past 4 MB for the rest... i really dont feel like downscaling the rest this late. I'll do that tomorrow
Them upload limits are a pain, loving what's here, can't wait for the rest!
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Requesting any pics of my new girl, Kerry Ryan. Perhaps she gets caught staring at a swinging pendulum too long ang gets some swirly eyes out of it?

Part 2 - It was as simple as exporting as jpg instead

Part 3

Part 4 - Ending
Holy smokes that is amazing friend, thank you so much!

Her cock got so big and her darked tones makes for a great contrast, definitely an improvement and I'm SURE she's happy to serve the cult with her new baby maker

You got any socials for these?
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anyone looking for written stories? i wrote some for this board years ago and was looking to fire up the keyboard again. reply with a character and a scenario and ill pick one i like and post it here using pastebin
Shrug, she is a fake biker chick because real ones are her type. She thinks she is pulling it off but isn't, her fellows are mostly playing along, she is easy to take advantage by them of because of this.
>reply with a character and a scenario and ill pick one i like and post it here using pastebin
Ladybug >>8493192
She's a midget heroine with an energy shield. Getting bimbofied by a villain or something would be cool.
These two chucklefucks if they take your fancy? (Adam and Marie) They're both bored on their hero/villain off time so they're just screwing in Adam's room. Easy no-strings attached sex for the night, then they can go back to killing each other tomorrow. It's very obvious it's a one night stand and they don't actually like each other. (Neither will admit they actually do)

I write as well, nothing very good but it's a good time killer, and I've been thinking of doing a little writing for these two idiots.
Man I'm a poobrain
Post your art (writing)
haha nope, i wrote like 5ish years ago

here you go:
paste (dot) ee/p/N69WO
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Ye! Im on twatter @mobilekun1
AAAAHHHH thank you!!!
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Are you the guy who wrote that short about my deaf alien e-girl? I liked that a lot.

I would love to see something based on my request for Kira.
I'm debating if I should let ocs make a guest appearance in something I'm working on. Would you guys be interested if someone did that? Not full on main character, but in the background or walking by during an establishing shot
>something I'm working on
You'll have to be a little more specific than that, anon.
Post your art and I'm sure you'll kill the thread with how much targeted begging you'll receive.
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I don't want to take over your thread but here's the spiel. I don't really make characters. I only do as much as I need to to work out a setting, and then from there its free game on what fills the spot. Most recently? I designed these two with somebody else to do a joke. Originally I was going to make a game, but those are years long endeavors I don't have time in my life for at the moment. So it would be filling space in a comic/graphic novel. As for drawing? I mostly stick to flats and shading these days. I'd grab somebody to put on it.

Just want an opinion on if I should do it or not since I see people paying patreon money to have their oc make appearances in YouTube videos. Don't want to take people's money for that though. Just gauging interest before I disappear into the ether, but you'll probably see me again one day
Ah was curious, I'd commed him and a few other writers from the commissions thread back in the day
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Maybe a story of my Glass Assassin, Maya, in a story similar to Tracy Scops' Bangin Jet where she investigates a mysterious pornsite filming pornos with models that look eerily similar to her and her colleagues, only to find out they been actually mind controlling them and erasing their memories.

Maya is quite stern and no nonsense. She can manifest glass out of thin air. She may seem tough but she's actually pretty sensitive. She never had any sex experience in her life. Also, she's not affiliated with Marvel so if you were to choose this try not to add any Marvel stuff.
Yeah, think folks would be interested. You could probably do better than here though.
Finish the work you were doing before you left. You know the one.
You guys are good company. You might not be the same anons from a few years back but I wager you're good people. It was fun being around here when I was learning how to draw. So I don't mind too much. See you all in a few months
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Requesting my vampire gal Whitney using a human chair.

The gender of the chair is unimportant to me. If you can make out how they feel about being used, I would prefer they appear to be enjoying their predicament.
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Fuck it here goes nothing
Requesting any art with my Oc: Joe Filbert
for more than a year now,i have been writing and posting this story/greentexts in /co/'s /coc/ threads, about a small superhero team that fights small crimes Named Dynamo League and about the leader and his adopted daughter relationship and him teaching her to be a good hero.
Anyways, the leader is Joe Filbert aka Marmot-man who kinda looks like Jensen Ackles soldier-boy (but a way better father than him) so if you want to draw him without his Marmot-Man suit (basically a brown DC's wildcat suit)
i advise you to use this fanart as a refrence for his face and expressions (he has brown eyes):

and you can use this sketch that anon drew of him (the beaver girl beside him in the second photo is his adoptive teenage daughter btw)
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I'll offer the Admiral keeping her crew happy with a gang bang
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requesting dahlia giving an absolutely and disgustingly messy titfuck
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Requesting, my centipede lady Zeldri putting that tongue and mandible to use.
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Darn hitchhikers!
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Requesting stella using starfish pasties struggling to keep composure as they play with her niiples
Here's one:

I once had a boy OC who may not be 100-percent a femboy and is more in line with being a twink. During the time I was making or conceptualizing him, I was not aware a twink VTuber called Shoto existed until recently. And to my shock, I was surprised how the male OC I was building ended up looking way too much like him. Thus I consider this to be a "discontinued" or "retired" OC of mine since he just ends up looking too much like VTuber Shoto. I sadly did not think of a permanent name for him either, however pic related is relevant.

For you see, I made this OC as a one shot story I thought of doing but ended up scrapping and not doing anymore due to a lack of motivation and busy from work. My discontinued prototype OC was a flamboyantly gay (gay as in old word for happy, not homosexual) cheerful and borderline feminine attitude. He liked wearing women's lip gloss, applying light shades of make up to lighten his skin even more and loved covering himself in women's perfume finding it more fragrant. This was his attitude and personality quirk since his highschool days as he also was a fashion nut thanks to being a child of parents who worked in jobs relating to fashion and perfumes. His father worked with perfumers and his mother worked within the fashion scene, this his parents basically exposed fashion and perfumes to him as gifts or something to show off to their child. Because of this, he ended up often hanging out and befriending a lot of girls since highschool as his knowledge fashion and perfumes did help him be more relatable with the gals.

But despite appearing and looking like a stereotypical gay guy he is actually surprisingly straight and completely heterosexual. He even attended proms being the partner of some old female class mates of his and has even rejected advances from gay classmates even. He makes it clear he just likes wearing fancy and fashionable clothes thanks to exposure from his parents.

And previous post pic and this pic related is basically him in a double date with two dear childhood friends who he befriended since highschool. They too befriended him because of him being a fashion nerd and even liked him smelling good from his perfumes. I was able to create a bit of story where he has a date with his two dear female friends and eventually once their dinner date was about to end he eventually confessed his love for BOTH his female gal pals. Both of them were shocked he'd confess love for one of them, let alone wanting to be with both of them since they both assumed he's always been secretly gay. But again, he isn't homosexual, he is straight but he loves both of the gals since all three of them knew each other since middle school and highschool. And long story short, both the gals happily accept his advances since again they've known each other for a very long time and are even confident he he can be a great dad and provider since he is of a wealthy upper-middle class background. So he can provide for both of them and their future kids.

So if you're gonna make writing for my discontinued OC. I'd be happy you write them coming home from their dinner date and beginning their sexy fun times where kissing starts turning into fucking. It'd help give me some closure as well, and like I said I ended up scrapping this purple haired lad due to lose of interest. And just me being too busy with work.

Hope it helps, but if you wanna get more details I can provide if you ask. Lastly, I actually do have a commissioned drawing of himself. But it's under risk of becoming lost media because I saved the commission in my secondary PC which unfortunately ended up becoming broke and would refuse to turn on. Still trying to have it recovered as much as possible since I do have some files of interest stuck in my busted ass PC. That is why I had to use AI slop pics to give a visualization at least.
>ai slop
>a lot of words to say very little
Maybe you should just ask an ai to write it for you.
Fuck off with this shit
A young man, Bill, working in finance has been blackmailed into becoming a sextoy for his co-worker. He had been going along with it to avoid losing his reputation and possibly his job, but at tonight's office Halloween party he will lose any such notions of pride or corporate advancement. He is standing in the elevator, dressed up as a sexy clown, a pink wig, clown makeup and nose, a tight slutty pink dress and heels, holding a bag of props, anticipating the night to come.

Tonight, for the entertainment of the whole office, he will performing a skit as "Silly Billy". After what he expects will be a terrible night of mockery and debasement he knows he will be taken to an afterparty for the more senor staff, and up-and-comers, to perform a more explicit "show". He fears he will actually be pimped out, particularly to an obese slime ball that has been eye fucking him since he first interviewed for the job.

Could have someone else get on and talk to him during this, and/or him noticing in horror that he has a visible erection and trying to hide it just before the doors open.
He is just using it to get his idea across. Calm down guys.
AAAAH! You're too sweet!
>Silly Billy
i'll make you say how proud you are of me
>Calm down
What're the masks for?
Well at least one of them looks like the mask is hiding a snout so...
Now that you mention it, it is a bit odd that the human is shown unmasked but the bunny isn't.
No, what's really odd is that the obvious Eggman expy is still human but the obvious Sonic expy is a rabbit.
Actually, the more you look at the pic, the stranger it is. Good art though.
>Good art though.
I don't disagree.
Is this your OC? What's wrong with the pic as it is?
Some anons are just never happy with the deliveries they get
Sadly true.
Hey anon, should I anchor this in the next thread? No worries if you've left it
not OR but they're opheebop and bob from some friday night funkin mods
isn’t that a game? why are they requesting here?
Lurk more.
New thread:

While technically oc, being from a mod rather than the game itself, I doubt they are anon's oc.
Now that the threads about to die its a high altitude setting. Also no snout. Its just everyone else being some half animal girl hybrid. Catgirls. Foxgirls. And so on. I don't work on anything furry. I'm glad you guys got the joke on who they're supposed to be lol
that’s what i was thinking
Athor691. Your stuff will go live tomorrow

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