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Melody Cross groomed me edition

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You know what I've wondered. Is Toddlerkun a virgin? Not wondering because I care about his sexual life but rather his unique situation does bring into question if he even gets to fuck. Seems like a situation where you're not allowed to ever get off sexually.
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Don't care much for 3d usually but this one is hot
For me, it's the mind melting brain drain regressing her into a dumb bab
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>you get the biggest cum
>you lose your potty training for the day, lasting longer depending on how intense the feeling you selected is

would you cum?
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So Littles dont get to have sex right? You live like an eternal cuck? So ABfags like Toddlerkun are virgin cucks right?
Next level rent free
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That's more or less all the "canon" stuff for now.
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can you dump those in a zip?
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You can find all the artist's work here.
That's not what I asked.
Had a stressful Monday, and I've got the day off tomorrow, so here's how I've prepared: high fiber meal yesterday, no going number 2 all day today, took a stool softener a few hours ago. I'm really feeling it in by stomach now. I plan to double diaper w/ a booster and plastic pants and take an edible.

Anything else I should do to maximize fun? Buzzy wand is on standby and I'm open to playing a game or doing some kind of faproulette thing. Recommendations welcome.
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do you have the rest of the wicke set?
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Sadly, no. I found this one part of it on Tumblr and there weren't any more alts. The blog I found it on is diaperboom.
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That's not how anything works, trollfag
Fuck off
>asking if a findom cuck lives like a cuck is trolling
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Here's a better quality of the pic.
Obsession has clinical treatments anon
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And here's the other version. There only the two.
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how bad would my gym shorts show my diaper? I bought a cute pair with dounuts from bucky's and when I wear them it carresses the diaper in a way I like. I'm just gonna wear them when I'm inside alone since I'm a guy, but how bad off would I be if I ever wore them out while in a diaper? I like how my butt looks, but they only cover 7in out of the 20in leg, I know I bought one that was too smol. pic related are what I"m wearing.
It's a legitimate question.
Obvious, stop forcing your fetish on others
>I'm gonna stay inside
>forcing fetish on others
Why do you ask then if you stay inside, retard?
Thank you
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>asking if a findom cuck actually gets to have sex at least once is being obsessed
Cant insult your manlet can we?
Refer to >>8510569
>but how bad off would I be if I ever wore them out while in a diaper?
It may be a legitimate towards them, but they don't visit this place.
What it is is yet another way to troll to get the conversation back onto them because you have a hard-on for the dude.
Of course the hyperfag is involved in the bullshit.
This is my surprised face
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Is this fetish related to autism?
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Maybe. Why do you ask?
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Not related, but highly populated by.
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You don't have to be autistic, but it helps
It's literally pure autistic cringe kino (if you have the fetish). If you don't it's just autistic cringe.
anyone have that gardevoir pick with the little wearing the pink chastity cage underneath their diaper?
>see cuck art posted of guys, usually mockingly on 4chan once in a blue moon
>never really got it
>see art of cute girl being cucked and diapered
>instantly get it
Damn. Does it make me a cuck if I want to be the one doing the cucking? I've never really thought about this.
Stop enabling the schizo delusions in OP, retard. Don't engage the faggot.
>don't make fun of our idol
ABcucks are hilarious
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Ok I legitimately need to know how many of you guys play yugioh. Didn't think I'd share this in common with AB friends
I don't. Never really been interested and the game spun way out of control for me.
Is there something wrong with Kemono? offtopic sorry
Diaper artists moved off patreon

The subscribe star importer doesn’t exist
And the fanbox one hasn’t worked since may and barely did before so we’ve been back to square one for awhile now and now only get the occasional piece of soap drawing posted here or something
The only one who thinks they're an idol is you, stop reflecting and start chocking on his cock
There are a lot of other places you can find Soap's pixiv fanbox art. I've found some pretty regularly updated tumblr accounts and instagram accounts that have high resolution drawings from various artists.
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What are peoples opinions on ai stuff?
it's overhated. people just jump on the hate wagon and think they are superior if they go against the new thing. I personally like AI. it's still working the bugs out, but it's nice to have something free that can diaper any anime just about even if it needs polish after.
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Without getting into the ethical shit, the art generally isn't great. The finer details are usually muddy and most 2D diaper art has strange looking diapers, which kills it for me. Some of it's fine but it's just not there yet for the most part. The one you posted isn't the worst, but stuff like the skirt folding in on itself wrong and the diaper having that weird horizontal line take me out of it. That's just me, though, and I do hope it gets better.
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I know it's kind of meaningless on the surface to say AI slop is "soulless", but I really do feel that way.
There is just some deep underpinning factor that makes it very unappealing. My dick completely flatlines on it.

Maybe its the utterly generic "greasy" style, maybe it's the lack of thought of making an interesting pose/situation and it's always just "character in diaper", maybe it's the uncanny valley effect, maybe it's the knowledge of all of the NFT pajeet techbros behind every post.
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saw this image from last thread, does anyone know the artist? reverse image searching it lead to dead ends
It’s a good thing you’re still using meme words like soul, because creativity is factually incorrect now.
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Jarvis, draw a normal human face over this.
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As you wish, m'lord
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thank you!
Im so sad that diver is dead
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He tends to disappear like that. He'll be back eventually.
>retards bringing up Toddlernigger in yugioh threads now
I hate ABcucks
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>totally not me to farm drama
>farm drama
You wish it was that. A literal diaper tranny already got doxxed after shitposting too much on /dng/. Literally got his Twitter, Reddit, Discord and more exposed because of one mishap.
Wouldn't surprise me if it's the same dumbmotherfucker from here
Elaborate? Was it taiga or sorafag?
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stop talking to yourself
Neither, I did say tranny and not femboy. Also those 2 are the same person.
It's all they can do to try to distract them from how sad and lonely they are
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Can you fags stop making /dng/ into Diapered Network General?
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can you stop crosslinking your own post to farm content
How about you go bitch them out instead of complain to us? I don't give a fuck what other people on other boards do. That's not our problem.
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Don't reply directly to him. He's been trying to start some weird thread war for years.
I don't and have never cared about not linking replies because responding means you're still giving attention anyway. It's a pointless gesture.
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Speaking of yugioh
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Crumb in me, daddy!
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I just received a resin chastity device of much the same design, this image now hold immense self insert potential and I firstly wish I had a straight jacket styled sleeve restraint and secondly I hope I don’t eventually end up buying some sissy dress, though at this stage of degeneracy that does seem a likely outcome
>Yu-Gi-Oh is now a diaper game
Diaper shadow duels when?
I know it's late but should I diaper up or wait until tomorrow
>haven't drawn in like 5 months

Bros I am never gonna get good enough to do coom diaper art commissions now
yeah its over for you
But I'd bet you'd look so cute in one
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Get a sissy straitjacket instead.
Holy shit that's a cute fucking Sora
Is it wrong to want to move out of my parents house so I can wear diapers 24/7?
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this image set hits nearly every button of mine.

Giddily peeing yourself and crazy turned on by it. Perfection

Artist, if you follow these threads, please please draw more omutsu. I can't get enough
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this image set but with Mars and I'd be in heaven
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First thing I did when I got my own place I bought a pack of random abu diapers to finally try it out.

That was the only time I ever tried it. The rest of the pack has been in my closet since. Not a bad experience, but something felt a little off compared my years of following the fetish. I'm sure I could condition myself to like wearing them more but that's too much effort for a purely solo experience imo. They were admittedly a little oversized.

I def know I prefer others in diaps, or at least wearing as a couple. Hope I can make that happen one day
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>is it wrong to want something
No not really, it's only wrong if you do it recklessly or if its illegal or something. If you get a job and start earning money to the point where you're financially secure enough to move out without causing any issue and the main motivator is wanting privacy to wear diapers that's perfectly fine.

If you rent/buy something you can't afford like a retard and end up in a bad financial situation because of it, then yes that would be wrong.
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Just a heads up bros: do NOT try burning diapers! They don't burn all the way and make a huge mess. Just... trust me on this.
>burning diapers
Who is stupid enough to do this?
>pamperchu sequel
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Pieceofsoap's new game has an in-universe tv show about how to get the most out of your diapers

This concept needs to be taken further
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Posting this here also
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I needed to get rid of some diapers! I live in bumfuck nowhere so I don't get local trash pickup. I also live w/ parents, so unless I take the trash to the landfill they would notice it.

Anyways my burn barrel is now filled with piles of SAP and half-burned cartoon characters. I'll deal with it tomorrow
holy fucking hot
The face ruins it.
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I can't wait for the full colored versions
It's based on Vaabs' art, which I happen to like. Reminds me of the cartoons that gave me this damn fetish to begin with
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Even has the seams.
Um yeah, firefighters are using SAP, the gel that absorbs your pee, to extinguish fires!
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Is this ai? Don’t care if it is I just wanna I know.
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Personally I like his style, as well as his comics. He actually does some pretty good scenarios.
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Vaabs is such a good artist, he deserves way more respect and attention and his collabs with Soap have also been really good.
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RIP, that would explain it. Please forgive my retardedness
Speaking or if any of you follow his fanbox can you post some of it
Some people figured it out but I can't get it to do what I want.
Why the fuck would you do that to begin with?
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fuck off
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>I had too many diapers
>I couldn't wait until trash day
>Fire hot = burn stuff
the plan was flawless in my head
>/co/ diaper thread
>dude lashing out because some people prefer artists with a more cartoon-y style
every time.
Anon with all due respect you are fucking retarded
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>horrid abominations are "more cartoony"
As expected from calarts soilents
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fair enough
Yes we know the only way you can cope with truth is to doubledown on the spam of malformations.
>One new artist turned out to be underage
Maybe the government is right and we need a registry of everybody that is 18+
Bros... would you buy a ticket to that show?
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>sonic, furshit, fat people
who cares
At least they admitted it themselves. Maybe in 2 years they can return with an apology and be welcomed back, but until then I hope they leave. Doesn't matter if their art was good.
Sketchman got so much better
>Need more diapers
>Ideally want some 2-tapes instead of 4-tapes, or something that's not $3 a diaper
>ABU is sold out on SDKs
>Kiddo/Diaper Minister is sold out on both Kiddo Jrs
Well fuck. I guess I could get more M4s from Amazon but I was somewhat disappointed in their performance last time.
Only get M4s if you're fine with using extra tape. Duct tape has been what I've used, because the tapes they come with are garbage unless you're a god at taping.
Yeah I know, had to use the white tapes several times when the blue tapes refused to unstick and almost ripped the plastic. I'll probably keep around a pack as emergency diapers, cause $1.80-$2 a diaper is still pretty good.
All I've got left are like 4 Rearz Halloween Haunts from last year, 3 Bambino Magnificos, and 1 Kiddos Teddy Ultra.
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>literal who with hyper-shit art
And close the door when you're out.
if an image is 832x1216 there is a 90%+ chance it's AI, those are the dimensions that NovelAI and I believe other SD models generate at
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behead them, they're already tainted.
Honestly I don’t see the big deal , I wasn’t a drawfag but I was in this community since I was a teenager and never got groomed or anything, like I joined discords and shit when I was 15 and had enough common sense to avoid any weird people
Zoomers are more retarded than the previous generation. Those fags can't open the door to get their doordash without filling their diapers
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That art isn't too bad, except the fact that an underage drew it.

There's a reason Global Rule #2 exists.
This reminds me the fact Omufish might have been underage when I ordered a commission in 2021
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Does anyone have this comic?
Is this a new Omufish drawing?
We're better without her. Reminder that she was the reason the baby themed Holo EN event where Gura wanted to wear diapers didn't happen, because she knows Gura is into it and vetoed the thing
The fuck is this pony shit
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The fuck are you on? Those are girls, not ponies. Ponies have 4 hooves. Girls have none.
where did personalias go
he hasn't posted anything in months
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Give me a prompt. I can write as good as him or better
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I hope Uuushi still remembers my request and uploads these on Pixiv.
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this guy being an unironic OC really kills me inside.
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Someone shits themselves because of magic or some thing like that
Ame quite literally said it in a stream.
>”Ideas that we didn’t use? Gura wanted us all to wear diapers but I wasn’t so sure about that one. So, yeah, thank your lucky stars you didn’t have to see us in diapers.”
Although as a make good they should do a diaper stream now.
Shut up, bitch.
For a second I thought you were responding to a yugioh CAC
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big if true
Interesting claim, I don't suppose you have a source?
How do I make a good ABDL game that has somewhat depressing themes?
Horror game
explore the struggles of genuine medical incontinence
what did you have in mind?
Have everyone involved with diapers get exposed in the worst way
The MC is a drug addict (admittedly to minor drugs, but he is psychologically dependent) who gets involved with a magical drug. The drug provides a massive boost to basically everything about a person, but it has a crippling dependance and the withdrawal causes you to stop existing as a person if it goes badly.
As far as bad things that can happen as a result of the MC's failures, everything from his brains being blown out the back of his head from gunfire to the world being doomed to an incursion of creatures whose presence cause reality to break down can happen.
>admittedly to minor drugs
Shut the fuck up you weaksauce. Heroin or nothing.
He's like 19, bro, he's a fucking pussy. What do you want? I'm not doing heroin to get personal experience. I can tell you what weed and alcohol feel like, especially when you want them and can't have them.
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hey anons, you know how there's edible underwear of things like Fruit roll-ups, and hard candy?
what would a diaper version be?
obv it wouldn't absorb anything, but what would edible diapers be?
>who would want to eat something that's been pissed on
I mean, if someone gets horny enough, I'm sure they can be talked into it and think it's sext
>but what if it's pooped in?
yeah, you got me there. I wouldn't want to try it, but I'm sure there would be porn of that just the same.
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Chronic illness
Anyone got a higher res version of the lucky star picture above
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It's all so fucking boring. This fetish is just the same tired scenarios played out again and again.
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it happens. Do you have any scenarios in mind?
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I personally would like to see more scenarios of diapers just being a utilitarian item. Seeing more designs of diapers outside of massively fetish styled diapers. Mainly just scenarios from your own life; drawing from life rather than tropes.

It's a systemic issue, artists being paid to draw the same shit over and over. Meru got bored and left and artists with a shred of inclination to improve will do better to not bother with this fetish.
There is a limit to the utmost creativity that can be expressed in any genre, before that genre ceases to define what is being expressed.
So basically you just want drawings of people doing regular every day stuff while diapered? There's lots of art of that, to be honest. It's boring and droll. The point of a fantasy is to be fantastic, not regular.
>There is a limit to the utmost creativity that can be expressed in any genre
I fundamentally disagree. Diapers are an object not a genre. I just want to see more novel ideas rather than generic illustrations that look like an AI just spat it out.
This fetish is a genre, or an overhead of genres, with genre underpinnings and obligations.
At a certain point, it stops really qualifying to fit under the genre, even though it may be attractive to someone.
For example, I could make, what some would legitimately argue to be a fantasy story, a fantasy story in which no magic happens, not a single blade is drawn, and it take places in the modern day, and the only thing that has fantastical elements to it is that people talk about magical creatures that are never shown on screen.
Someone would read that, I would bet money. Not a lot, but somebody.
Anyway, commission art you want. I don't want the art you want, but I'd be happy to have more art as a whole as long as it inspires more of the art I want.
Our fortunes, unironically, rise and fall together.
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Yeah you seem to be into the baby stuff. It's fine but it's a dead end creatively.

I'm mostly just venting frustrations at seeing the same characters again and again because of manchildren growing up on cartoons/anime getting the same shit over and over.
Everything is a dead end creatively. It all reaches the bottom of a pit eventually. The challenge is to figure out how to paint the walls of our finite space (this is true of all genres, even literary) in a way someone else hasn't.
I kinda get your point. Have you ever watched a Blue Archive PV? Just like those do a great job portraying the characters' everyday life I want that but with diapers. Thing is I'm a goblin and refuse to comission art that won't look how I want if I can just spend it in fancy food and diapers
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You know what you can do to solve your problem? Make the art you want to see. Commission it. Find like-minded people and put something out together.

Sounds like you're romanticizing the 'creative potential' of your interests. I'm willing to bet they land within about the same scope as everyone else's.
Please enlighten us, mr. transcendental, about your preferred characters.
They look comfy.
>calls people man children for their taste
>is also throwing a tantrum
Just because you're an autist with zero creativity or imagination doesn't' mean the well has dried up.
>somethin like the flu
imagine being her roommate or her sibling or something, and watching her room fill over time with nursery stuff as the condition progresses, while you're trying your best not to catch her "flu"
and then one day, maybe while you've got your guard down, bored, entertaining her playing some baby game, she gets just a little too close to you (or maybe a lot too close - she doesn't really remember the concept of "personal space," after all)
and you soon come down with the same "flu" she has
and you know from the start that you're going to have the same symptoms she has
and you end up, sooner or later, playing the same games she plays (in the same playpen she plays in), sucking on the same pacifiers she sucks on, sleeping in the same crib she sleeps in, wearing the same footie pajamas she wears, and using the same kind of diapers she uses
eat burgers until you shit yourself
>spreging out because he's not getting the kind of art he wants for free
you need to be 18 to post here
Kinda rude to draw that Bridge dude taking a shitbob on the Tranistan flag tbg.
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I don’t usually post here, and pretty much hate all of you, but this is the only place I can actually talk about this. I’m completely asexual, and have never experienced sexual attraction towards another person, but I am very much into this fetish, and have been since puberty (there wasn’t any influence or anything, it just kind of happened naturally). I have no interest in content with other stuff mixed in (masturbating while wearing, exposed breasts etc.), I’m purely into the idea of wearing diapers, ESPECIALLY of *needing* diapers, and/or being forced into them and treated like a baby. I’m fine with that side of myself, but… even among the people in this community, I feel like I’m too far gone. Just hearing the word “diaper” gets my heart beating fast, and I try to avoid irl conversations about baby stuff at all costs. It would be one thing if it was just pictures of adult anime girls wearing them, but even seeing kids in public with diapers exposed drives crazy, and the idea of kids being still in diapers at school-age makes me unreasonably excited. It’s like diapers trigger a switch in my brain that triggers whatever naked women should be triggering, and it almost feels bizarre to me that the people around me don’t react the same way. I think when I see a baby or toddler in a diaper, I think about helplessness and dependence, and being treated as lesser, which activates my libido and probably makes me self-insert on some level. But even though I know it’s not the kids themselves I’m attracted to, and I know I would never, EVER do anything, I just feel constantly guilty when I have those feelings, and I don’t know how to make them stop. Rationally, I know that I’m not a pedophile, but it just feels like it’s too close to matter. (1/2)
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I’m almost definitely not going to have kids anyway (being asexual and all) but I’m scared that if I eventually become an uncle, I’ll have those same thoughts when I have to take care of my nieces/nephews, and I’d just feel guilty around my family at that point, even though I wouldn’t even be tempted to do anything. Since I’m already not causing harm as it is, I don’t know whether I should seek to change something about myself, or try and accept that this is just the way I am. After all, this fetish is literally the only form of sexual pleasure I’m able to have, and there’s nothing else in this world that makes me horny. So, does anyone else relate, even a little bit? Am I just a fucked up person? Am I overthinking this way too much? (2/2)
What is this shit falseflag attempt?
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I want shareholder sodiumslop logos on on my adult diaper porn!
Reference corporate boardroom wealth hypnotism while I smell the imagine. My neurons need aerosolized corn oil along with the fragrance of piss and feces to splatter my batter.
Scan my retinas with the sign of the BRAND™, I need to know where I can get a good deal on a Big Mac with Supersize Shit Sack combo.
Put the transfat fries grease stains on the plastic-backed SAP lattice before Phil Sokolov's revenant can fuck them up (they don't use beef tallow any more)
Give me the Cardiff Fent Reactor™ and install GeorgeFloyd AfroidNegroid Microsoft™ Technologies on my organdrive so I can hypergoon to fecal containment as I fantasize about my McDonalds™ GMO french fries

This is going in the adsense profile, you're welcome.
Lock it in, get it twisted.
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Nah he's right, the amount of hyperfocus on overdone characters is absurd
Remember why everyone hated Sammy?

Then you get
>guys what if I.... commed Mario Daisy and Nami from One Piece again??? They don't do anything but stand there wearing a diaper!!
>Takoyaki Chanpuru just debuted as ANOTHER v-tuber 10 minutes ago we NEED more art of her in diapers!!

Make an OC with a neat design and have her pressing her fat diaper butt onto another's face.
Lock one into a diaper that will only come off if her captor lets her.
Crane-operator girl happily shitting her diaper instead of hanging her ass over the railing again.
Sci-fi XXX diapers with built-in vibration and leak-warning holograms.
Uma-musume style farm with literal cow girls shitting their Premium™ manure into collection diapers for sale.
Getting stuck in an unfortunately designed submersible with a stinky diaper girl.
Star Trek's Q apparating out of nowhere and forcing Hyro to experience the fucking shit mountain diapers he draws as eternal punishment for creating them.
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You both talk like massive faggots
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bold words for a goon posting niggoctopus ai shart
what the fuck is wrong with the diaper why would you save that?
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>goon posting niggoctopus ai shart
Those are definitely words
and that art isn’t even AI
At least their pic had a diaper in it
>Am I overthinking this way too much?
Considering you said all that and I still have no idea what you're getting at. Yes
I am aroused.
It's almost like everyone developed their own hyperspecific focus so there will never be enough "art you like"
Why? If they stay you won’t be able to control your pedo urges? Sick fuck
Couldn’t you think of more boring/cringe scenarios?
That's just what every other fetishist does, human farms, sci-fi degeneration, the very basics.
Does anyone have this comic?
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One percent of my power, baka-san
honestly an underdone topic in games
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>Remember why everyone hated Sammy?
??? Pretty sure it was the opposite and they had many friends in the ABDL art community. what people like you fail to realize is that a commission only has to appeal to the one paying for it.
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Daria & Jane being into diapers shouldn't work at all, but somehow ahbagels nails it
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I think it works kinda well. It's the 'everyday life but with diapers on' aspect that it plays into.
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People raise their prices so that you, specifically, can't afford to commission this hyperautist shit.
Good anons, what's the pull of daria? I see it here alot and at this point I wonder what is so great about it.
Some retarded nostalgiafags commissioning their childhood crushes even if they are god awful for diapers. Exactly what that other guy was saying earlier.
>Gets turned with a single word
>Talks about his libido going crazy just at the view of a diaper
You are not asexual, you are just repressing yourself because of guilt. And wanting to be fully dependant of someone is yelling SUB to me. Seeking help won't help you because you won't open up out of the guilt you feel. What you need is being honest to yourself, stop using a false asexuality to runaway and embrace this shit.
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seems liek it. I mean, I'm all for likeing the show they like, but it kind of seems like that tumblr BS is what the show's about, I don't have a clue though. just something about the art style and the expressions of the characters.
You're too young and retarded to know what you're talking about. Daria is older than tumblr.
Sounds to me like you developed a sexual fetish in replacement for sexual attraction. That's what a fetish technically is. And that's the same way it was for me, I had zero attraction to girls or guys and didn't see much appeal in the human body, but diapers drove me crazy like nothing else. It hasn't really changed much since then, some of the pics in my porn folder are literally just diapers and nothing else. In high school I also thought I was asexual, and it made some friendships hard because I didn't like the girls who liked me the same way, and I didn't want to involve them in my fetish either.

Just know your limits and restrain yourself, and you will have to accept your fetish as inherently part of yourself, and become comfortable with it. Guilt incites the binge-purge cycle, which can only be overcome or eased out of with acceptance.

Check out this website, it might be helpful. It's ancient, but still useful: https://understanding.infantilism.org/
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It's from the 90s, anon.
All I know about it is that it's based in the same universe as Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill.
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sometimes rich girls desire a caregiver to make them a spoiled little rich brat forever <3
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>many friends
Yeah "friends" lmao
Nostalgia, mostly. It was one of the few good cartoons for teens back in the 90s.
UNF love this scenario tho I don't see Dipper as a caregiver.
Yeah we know Gramps that back in your day you could hang a black man just for looking at your wife. Go sit down and take your meds. You know how worked up you get when you forget your meds
Zoomer, I'm just explaining that Daria has nothing to do with modern brainrot where everything is about race, even in a society where it is literally illegal to be racist.
Meru will still make diaper art if it's for her, you literal retard.
Meru is a tranny?!?!?!?
Sammy is
Lol, no. Some anons just cope by assuming there's no womenfolk
you find, in the early stages, and to your surprise, that the "flu," despite all its other symptoms, doesn't affect your capacity for arousal at all
this becomes a bigger problem the closer your caretakers monitor you, and the less space you have to take care of things privately
once you're back in diapers full-time, privacy becomes impossible, and the pressure slowly builds until it becomes unbearable
you reach your breaking point one night in the crib, after lights-out, and manage - with your fellow "patient" sleeping right there by your side, even - to defeat your thick white chastity belt with rainbows and lions on it, and get yourself off for the first time in ages
but then, soon enough, your self-control starts slipping, and you don't bother to wait for lights-out; instead you just crawl off and do it somewhere you think your caretakers can't see you - and all you're able to think of while doing it is how cute your cribmate is!
eventually you quit doing even that, and just feel yourself up whenever the urge strikes, and look straight at her while you're doing it - even if you're right there in the playpen, even if she's in there with you, even if she's squatting down right in front of you, grunting, and pushing a mess into the seat of a diaper that's already bloated past capacity with pee
and in the end the two of you are crawling all over each other during every nap and every playtime - even though your diapers only come off for changes
Should I wear my Tinimals or my Camelot sample tonight?
Why not both double up
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Doubling two megathick diapers isn't feasible.
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This is gold you should write more
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I want narcissu with diapers, sadly I think it's a bit too depressing compared to what most people do with diapers in art so I might never see it. Closest thing is medical/amputees but they rarely mix it with infantilization.
I'm going to make squirt squirt through my cage into my diapers later imagining I'm getting down with the sickness >/////<
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Artist name?
what did you request?
i tried to write down as much of them as i could
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Not that anon, but I've been requesting Kentou Kanami

It’s a members only stream so it’s four bucks to hear it. I pledge that I’m not trolling or fucking with you. If that doesn’t time stamp just forward until you see someone in the chat mention “you have to reel in her kinks.”
either rip it or fuck off
Stop being poor. If you’re interested and not homeless it’s there.
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Make new thread retards.
>just buy it brooo pleaseee
>I don’t have four dollars to my name :(

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