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A thread for farting and burping art of western origin.

Previous thread:
Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org (Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org (vintage and rare onara art)
Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:https://discord.gg/XkzsGwk

>No begging for kemonoparty updates or asking for unsolicited requests
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman)
>No furry/anthro (monster girls are allowed)
>No Yokai Watch/single series spamming
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this month has been especially gooner status for me idk why
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Convinced my gf to fart on my face the other night.
Gf was ripping ass all night in bed from pizza, I was horny as fuck cause she was wearing these cute striped panties and I asked if she could rip one on my face. She agreed, but warned me they were “especially brutal”
So I stuck my face in her asscheeks as she laid on her stomach and after a couple minutes she placed her hand on the back of my head, lifted her ass, and let out a huge, bassy, 3 second fart right up my nose. Could feel it vibrate up against my face. Smelled fucking disgusting, like rotten eggs mixed with pizza, but my god, my dick was fucking DIAMONDS. She was laughing at me and calling me nasty, which honestly kinda made it hotter. Felt like I was in heaven for a bit. Anyways I nutted like 3 times afterwards.
Living the dream anon, happy for you
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Nerd gas...
>tfw you will never have a brazilian qt brap in your face
I want to come to Brazil
This would be so much hotter if it was Violet instead
nah, helen is way better
As the victim, I mean
It's the most popular fetish in brazil so you probably have a chance anon
yes! someone fucking gets it!
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korean braps
dude, 3 seconds and longer is like nutting material all on its own. My ex used to tease me all the time whenever she ate something with butter or cream in it (she would consistently rip them in the evening, usually in these fluffy ass pajamas lol)
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You can draw Family Guy characters with the sexiest bodies known to man and I still wouldn't get hard.
gook gas > chink stink
This but with these shitty overrated anime bitches instead.
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kek there's always one guy who takes personal offense to whenever someone says they don't find family guy characters hot
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silly question but do you guys have any recommendations for stories (either fiction or non?) its been a while since I’ve read a good one
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Zelda Just Did the Wario Explosive Flatus.
Fairy Pixie Flatulence Very Very Smelly.
Don't you have somewhere else to be retarded, Yoshi?
Is Yoshi even to this level of autism? Last I checked, he usually speaks in... relatively normal sentences
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not that anon, but I'm pretty sure yosh's autism causes him to hyperfocus on certain words and word combinations. maybe sometimes he just can't help himself and has to speak like that even in public spaces
Refer to his personal booru that someone linked a few threads back. Some of these tags are fucking deranged.
That's not his booru newfag, you would know if you weren't underaged.
I take it a nerve was struck, Yoshi?
Yoshi you're the only one doing this shit.
We've now reached the portion of the thread in which Yoshi attempts to discourage making fun of him by accusing such posts of being himself samefagging.
I'd be surprised, but it isn't the first time this has happened.
Maybe if you didn't samefag it up and kill interest in the thread we wouldn't be here Yoshi.
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Man why did you do that? You know making fun of that dude always causes him to throw a tantrum and shit up the thread
Because he's a schizo, that's his prime thing to do.
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Is SubscribeStar stuff harder to leak into kemono?
kemono is FINE. there is nothing wrong with kemono. stop asking about the uploader, which works perfectly.
But that's such a stereotypically Chinese hairstyle and outfit. I thought the joke was that it was China lusting after Nippon.
You will never earn the Mandate of Heaven.
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>Drew Saturday
An obscure pick but definitely very appreciated. I would say "underrated" if that meant anything anymore.
you think this was inspired by tenn’s peach animation or nah
No, it's just the NES Peach fotm going on twitter right now.
Jesus christ when are they gonna come up with something good?
I don't see people giving this guy enough credit for how much he improved in a relatively short time
she just works at a chinese restraunt.
don't doubt the power of kimchi bro
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What would you prefer?
I would but I don’t even know who this guy is
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based honorable chink stink warrior
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>she just works at a chinese restraunt.
And who tends to work at Chinese restaurants? Sounds like a cope to me.

But, anyway, the official co-creator of Puuca says that she has no real, defined nationality so it's up to how you want to interpret it. So I chose Chinese because I think it adds a level of humor to the series + horny.

Reposting for truth, justice, and the American way.
Don't underestimate the Chinese obsession with fresh produce.
We will not go without a fight.
>person who made that picture deactivated again again again
who was/is the artist, btw
THAT'S BUTTERKNIFE?? hot damn, he really did improve...
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>Don't underestimate the Chinese obsession with fresh produce.
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Which one of you guys went to /v/ last night?
absolute maniac
isn't pucca, as a franchise, actually from Korea?
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I get that plants farting doesn't make sense, but I wish Kanna from Blaster Master Zero had more brap content. Best I could find is some edits.
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BTW, if anyone is around and willing to do edits like this that'd be pretty neat.
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i mean, plants take in carbon dioxide and output oxygen. You could theoretically consider that plant braps
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>ywn get a face full of blairs gas
Its not fair brap bros...
>Unironically censoring the screenshot of the post
The absolute state of /brap/

Kill yourself, my soul brotha.
Don't know if this is the right thread to ask, but couldn't see anywhere more appropriate... way back in the haziness of 2022-23, I stumbled upon a pic in a thread here on /aco/ that amounted to this teen girl failing to sneak back into the house without her dad catching her. As he questioned her off-screen, she protested her innocence in the first panel, only to let out this huge cum-scented belch in the second, because she'd been out sucking dick. The third panel was of her sulking because she'd been sent to her room.

Did this pic actually exist, or am I just imagining it? It was around the time when Some Bullshit kept getting mentioned in the stuffing threads...
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Martha is such a perfect character for fart stuff i wish there was more of her
...I apologize, but who? Sorry if that seems mean, genuinely curious
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can we refrain from posting literal ms paint doodles please
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pullin up with that rare smeo
Why, how, what?
I comm'd this when he was really new.
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hnngh... strong women...
big stinky protein farts...
One on the right is a boy
who's the artist that drew this?
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My favorite part of commissioning is that there's no middle ground. It's either getting your comm done in 1 or 2 days or straight up in 3 weeks lol
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Feel like too much of this art focuses on making it look gross instead of cute/sexy. Any good examples of the latter?
>fart fetish writer
>Gets delusions of grandeur and starts thinking he's an artist
>Picks up MS paint/SFM/Koikatsu/MMD/etc and begins to only produce the most low effort slop from than on and never makes a single story again
This happens too much.
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Not sure what you want since 98% of this art has rank poo-colored clouds coming out of asses
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You mean stuff like this? Elaborate bro
give some??? literally can’t think of anything
Ayyye, one of my comms. I am way too obsessed with fighting game girl fart stuff, I gotta learn to animate to do it myself
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Farting is inherently gross, dude. That's why seeing cute/sexy girls doing it is so hot. The contrast of it all.
Its an obvious pipeline so its really no suprise
If you mean girls acting cute while farting i think this is good
literally who?
When will we get a cute girl with canonically deadly farts?
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Pyrosinical is on twitter

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Who is your favorite of RushGob’s OCs?
The rich one
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honestly it's gotta be blair. she seems like someone who would be fun to hang out with. and of course she's a massive braphog which is also great
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Time stop + braps is such an underrated combo
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On the note about rushgob, what are your thoughts on his new OC?
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Not to my tastes
not really a fan. she looks like an obese bratz doll and she does not have the appeal of either blair or natalia for me
holy crap that reminds me of that scene from click lol. always wondered why no one did something similar with a hot girl instead of you know, adam sandler
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Feels like a weird mix between blair and natalia but doesn't pull off what makes those two distinct.
Personally I’m really not a fan of Gob’s new style. No offense to him, it’s just, they seem, too lumpy, I guess? Like he tries to go for the short stack vibe but it’s just offputting. Does anybody else agree?
Maybe they could put it better than me
hell yeah
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>you will never be suffocated by lady D's titanic putrid vampire braps
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Y*shi is one, he started out writing gassy fanfics but dropped that in favor of spamming his ugly ass drawings.
yeah well it's not like his stories were any good in the first place so no big loss there
Oh I know, but I'd rather he stuck to stories because the awfulness wouldn't be blatant and in your face when I'm looking up content
Yoshi that guy wasn't the one anon was talking about you samefagging retard
>Picks up MS paint/SFM/Koikatsu/MMD/etc and begins to only produce the most low effort slop from than on and never makes a single story again
>never makes a single story again
Learn to read and fuck off you schizo dumbass.
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You used to upload like 20 drawings per day on Pixiv. Maybe you still write occasionally but you're more known for your shitty MS Paint drawings than the pokemon fart fics now.
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I don't know why you get so defensive and angry over even the slightest criticism. Is it the autism?
He never did that Yoshi
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That would require them to not be underaged so that's not going to happen I'm afraid.
Case in point, retard here doesn't even get his facts straight.
Notice that a certain thread about blueberries happen to be up on the front page at the same time as this one?
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>y*shi immediately starts shitposting and sperging as soon as anyone even so much as insults him in passing
What the fuck. Does this dude seriously sit here all day every day waiting to pounce whenever someone mentions him?
Yoshi stop censoring your name like you're an underagefag you retard.
I think that moron is underaged, young twitter tourists tend to do that shit regularly.
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i don't know why you think calling everyone that name will somehow obfuscate the fact that it's still you doing the shitposting. you're the only one here who consistently calls people "underage" or "newfags" or whatever. not to mention you're the only one who gets this upset over some random faggot getting insulted
Part of me wants to think its a bot that's programmed to activate whenever that dinosaur retard is mentioned. But honestly its far more likely the dude is just a big autistic manchild who can't stand people being mean to him
Because most people don't call him 'Yoshi' anymore, Yoshi, that's why.
The fact that you're using pics of Nintendo girls farting isn't helping your allegations samefag.
Cutting through all the bullshit, the fact is this butthurt shitposting only happens after Tardzilla is mocked or otherwise spoken about in a negative light. Every single time.
Yoshi your retarded dumbass brought this up, own up to it or fuck off.
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Yeah just let the autistic faggot shit his pants until he gets bored. Anyway have some smelly Chunners
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The whole set of this is super hot. I wish Pepperspot would have spawned a few more works before banishing.
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He posted like 50 pieces of unfinished art on Pixiv before closing his account, I don't know if any of it was saved
>ywn help your female friend cure her constipation by fucking her gassy ass
Your samefagging sucks Yoshi, and pick an actual good picture next time not Tenn garbage.
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don't know why cupping is so hot, maybe something about its childishness and the inherent sadism in it idk
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>he never did that
>400 posts within a year
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artist/link to full?
Kids Gamera/not finished yet
>Is meant to be Korean
>Carries around Sun-Tzu
>they seem, too lumpy, I guess?
It's because he's become obsessed with fat and saggy women.

(Also, nobody posted the Nat one which is sad because she's my favorite even if Gob's style is degenerating.)
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You think only Chinese people read The Art Of War? It's popular book in business circles around the world.
>"20 drawings per day"
>only 1 per day
Can you not be retarded for five minutes?
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Good morning Yoshi
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What is "hyperbole" for 200 Alex.
What is being a retarded faggot who's blind for 100 Alex.
Good morning sirs
Came here from /trash/ to laugh at you since someone there actually mentioned you, but also here to answer this
Tenn, Gobrush, and especially AnimatedJames
Bait used to be believable, you fat retard
It's amazing how piss poor of a job you do at pretending to be somebody you're not. They don't call them Nintoddlers for nothing.
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Tenn and AnimatedJames never wrote before doing art, Spergzilla. You on the other hand up writing to post drawings that wouldn't even be put up on the fridge.
*gave up writing
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I like Videl's face here, looks silly
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Can't say I'm surprised he hasn't recovered from full retardation.
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I like how he immediately threw a tantrum the moment he was called out in the /trash/ thread specifically for ranting about shitty artists/commissioners.
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I remember him complaining about how much of a "dick" Gob was before. But it's probably more like Gob was tired of dealing with his hyper specific autistic comms and just told him to fuck off.
I miss him bros
me too. and cloudfountain
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are you literally retarded or something
Only retarded one here is you Yoshi.
If you want to be more convincing, stop defending yourself while claiming other people are you.
Who said that guy was defending Yoshizilla you fucking moron?
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
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>mass replying to a bunch of people claiming they're the same person based on literally 0 evidence
What's wrong with you?
Look at the numbers and time posted you clown
what the hell are you even talking about
>newfag still doesn't get it
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No seriously, what the hell are you talking about? You're acting like a genuine schizophrenic right now.
>retard is pretending to be retarded
You're not fooling anyone.
Shut the fuck up, Lurker.
Once I posted my art in here and people said it was good but I still hate myself for being a fartfag
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I love Nikke braps
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I dunno what to tell you, there are worse things to be into than farts.
>2 posts are within the same minute
>other posts are nearly an hour apart each
Wow that's way more damning than you rearing your ugly head everytime Yoshi is criticized.
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Anon don't do it, you're gonna get that tard riled up and he'll start calling everyone "yoshi" again.
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You're right, I'll stop
Yes, but it's a little weird since she was introduced as a Korean retcon and you know Korea and China...
Weird monkey nose.
holy shit there is no way this is real, this is disgusting
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>introduced as a korean retcon
i don't think you know what a retcon is, anon.
> you know Korea and China
Know what? I think you're confused, they don't hate each other. It's Japan they both hate for WWII.
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>and you know Korea and China…
…they’re both Asian?
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This guy has been begging for comms for a while if anyone is interested

>Won't do list
I can see why.
>you know Korea and China...
they both have cute girls with stinky farts?
show me art with multiple women farting, where each woman has a differently colored fart cloud

it's my obsession
Was Nat ever implied to be Korean or even Asian before her introduction? It's an effective retcon.
China, Japan, and Korea all have bad blood.

Thinking it's Korea and China vs. Japan is laughable, especially from the Chinese perspective.

I don't want to get into the sociology of modern Korean nationalism but if Hanna is supposed to be some hyper-aggressive, hyper-modern Korean, she probably wouldn't be carrying around an ancient Chinese book of war.
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>get sudden bi-curious strike from time to time
>never find art or actual videos of both female and male farts at the same time

What's up with that? Farting with your partner in real life is the most normal thing, at least I used to fart with my ex all the time and she did the same thing
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That wouldn't be a retcon because she didn't change ethnicities, it just wasn't mentioned. I always got asian vibes from her design anyway

The fetish is exclusively for females farting because we like to see very cute women doing something very animal and "dirty". The psychological basis is also very freudian and I've gotten backlash for explaining it, so I won't do it again.

Basically, to see men farting is seen as commonly seen as incredibly homosexual. However, if you have a woman in your life who's down with the clown, cherish those moments.

You should watch "F is for Fart" by Noboru Iguchi.
>You should watch "F is for Fart" by Noboru Iguchi.
I would say there's little to no anons here that haven't seen it already
There are definitely women who like men farting as well
there was a /brap-m/ thread that was up not too long ago. I think it's in the archive
I wanna get bigger farts but mine are usually just silent puffs what should I do
I’ve tried holding it and that makes the noise super loud but how do I get long farts
go ask on the brap m thread
there's no active /brap-m/ thread up right now, just the one in the archive. ...That could change, however
Well anyway any tips
Yeah, the girl named Natalia with the butler Seymour was definitely always planned to be Korean.
I made a new /brap-m/

eat a chipotle burrito and a big protein shake, or a bowl of onion soup, and I guarantee you're going to be farting up a storm
Interesting I wanna try it
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...whoops, I did not see you make a new one at first
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can we not post lolicon here
I don't understand why some people prefer to keep cartoon fetish porn as grounded and realistic as possible.
It's "grounded and realistic" to not post children farting?
Fuck off with this garbage holy shit
Loli is fine but that art just sucks ass
it's literally against global rules to post, though?
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/aco/ mods are inconsistent with that though
I've noticed more than a few straight up furry images posted here and on /d/ over the past few months. so either more people are coming here from other sites and don't know 4chan rules, or they just don't know how to read, or both
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That would make sense.
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