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Previous >>8514707 (afraid it might get slid because of post limit)


https://hailuoai.video (new version, reqs sign up)



Useful Tips:
>ChatGPT can be a useful tool for creating verbose prompts from simple descriptions that can then be tweaked

>All videos are 6 seconds long but there is no limit to the number you can create

>The AI is not perfect so if it generates stuff completely different don't despair, in fact mistakes can sometimes produce better results than you intended

>Chang censors not only explicit words but also anything implying sexuality
>The AI has three ways of censoring: analysis of the prompt (see above), a post render analysis of the generated video which can result in the dreaded 96 where the generation nearly completes but then disappears, and another analysis of completed videos in your history so completed videos can sometimes disappear

>Because of the third layer filter, if you generate a particularly spicy video save it immediately because Chang will likely delete it. If you try to play a video and it just spins without ever playing it was deleted and will not show up when you refresh or generate a new video

>If using a prompt that is repeatedly getting 96'd you should "camp" i.e. watch the generation so you can grab the video before Chang has a chance to delete anything that gets past the first two filters

>Never, NEVER use the word "girl" when genning anything spicy, always use "woman". At best it will 96 and at worst the filter will fail and you will see something you don't want to see and might be illegal

>You can generate videos of celebrities if you wish but only if they are particularly well known
And in the vein of pregnant Anne Frank, I present y'all, pregnant Elvira Mistress of the Dark
God help me.
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It's the middle of the 20th in China and the beginning of it in the U.S. So maybe the old site won't go away? Maybe it's still too early to know for sure, though.
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>generated by accident
>gets auto deleted when trying the prompt again
its too bad this blocks the good stuff
we are so close to every kind of porn in the universe
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apparently if i describe someone as tattooed it gives them big boobs automatically
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I tried to get a transformation sequence going but it keeps interpreting it as two separate people
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This isn't thread 9.. this is:
The new thread was linked at the bottom of the thread you linked to, idgi
holy fuk
help me refine this
>Ariana Grande as a giant-sized teen, she is wearing tight workout clothes, she is laying on her back with her limbs stretched out, her iliac region is glowing, a group of miniature men are running and diving into Ariana's glowing iliac region
>iliac region
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That's hilarious lmao.
>she is laying on her back
I use "prone"
Extremely hot.
In hindsight, her being a lesbian should have been more obvious.
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I heard you like jiggle.
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It gets Chang'd a lot but it does go through on new and old sites
35mm film, low angle close-up from behind hipline static shot on the back of a captured female adventurer with detailed fair skin with light cuts wearing torn leather armor leaning forward as she bounces comically against the camera. Her arms are raised above her head and her wrists are bound and out of frame. feminine musk, massive bustline, professional cinematic lighting, exquisitely detailed, sweat, perspiration. The video should capture her intense helplessness. slow motion emphasizing the vigorous tremors. leather breechcloth bouncing wildly. shockwaves visibly rippling from her waist up her back into her underarms and shoulders. detailed orc fortress interior. the adventurer writhed and thrashed against her bonds which only excited the orcs watching her, her scent unmistakably told of her lascivious actions. the adventurer was exhausted and breathing heavily

Exactly why going full plant makes it hotter!
boing boing boing
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It turned the plant into the pose and it looks honry.
damn thats sexy, thanks anon
I'd be careful with this prompt if I were you. It's getting a little risky.
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All excellent jiggles, but this is my favorite. The airheaded expressions make it even better too. #2's more workmanlike approach gets an honorable mention

The eyes turn to face the camera because it KNOWS it's going to be fucked. BEING TRIMMED INTO A FROG ISN'T STOPPING ANYONE

No problem, post any you get out of it too! Here's a newsite one
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POV: you're reading The Illustrated Kama Sutra the library, then see this
whats the difference between the newsite and old?
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yess finally got a sequential kiss kinda
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I love the total lack of a word filter on the new site. I can just tell it to zoom in on a groin, and it'll actually listen. It's only a matter of time until the plantussy is revealed at this rate!
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Haha, nice steal!

God damn, could you share your prompt on that? Those plants are luring me in
>There's an attractive, adult woman in her early twenties. She's petite and has small breasts. She has green skin, and long brown plant roots for hair. Her body is hairless. Her outfit is made of nothing but flowers. She's outside on a busy city sidewalk. After a few moments, an attractive Caucasian woman with a hose waters her. The water makes her smile. The water washes off her flower outfit, revealing her skin. The camera zooms in on her groin as the flowers fall off there, revealing it.
Most of the results are either getting deleted or otherwise not having the desired outcome, but I'm generating 4 at a time, so the detection should slip up sooner or later and get me a good one. Pure brute force method!
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The new site's water mark is different.
Yeah, they even upgraded to a capital H. Real fancy.
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x swiggly line minimax
Loving these gens. A big group of attractive lesbians is pretty much impossible to find anywhere (maybe it's in a couple of 90s pornos), which makes it a great opportunity for AI.
The censoring, mainly. Oldsite was more reliant on filtering your text and you could sometimes grab videos before a jannie removed them. Newsite the jannies always get to look first, but there's basically no outright word filter so you can TRY more prompts

Thanks a bunch! Going to fiddle with this one!
In my opinion the new site is generally better. I've found it's more consistent at obeying my instructions, it can produce more varied content, it doesn't have a word filter, and even the unintended nudity is much better quality.
how did you manage to get it to flash lol. is this the new site?
Old site - just brute force it. Ran a ton of the same prompt and eventually got one
bottom right hand corner if it says minimax it isn't the new site
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Great expressions!
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Watching their hands and faces morph together is kinda horrifying.
>Newsite the jannies always get to look first
Wait, so how do you get nudity past them if an actual human looks at them?
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Christ, you aren't kidding about Chang fighting that one. Trying to edit it so it gets past smoother
Doubt they view the whole thing. Also I'm pulling the jannies out of my ass, I just guess because sometimes videos will be locked behind "Under review" for an hour and other times they go through review in 5 minutes
Yes, one must be very gentle and smooth with plants to reach the pistil.
>but I'm generating 4 at a time
How do you do that? With me it only lets me do 1 at a time.
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> Hot next door neighbor heard you were a real kiss-ass
> Had to see for herself
I'm positive that it's not always human jannies doing the review process, I've had blatant nudity for an entire clip.

Four different accounts in two browsers + two incognito windows in said browsers.
very nice
>you now remember the monster breeding flash game where you poured some cowgirl milk on the alraune and she gave you a boobjob
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> "Does this make my butt look big?"
>no minimax watermark
hmm? where'd you generated this?
File: cue battle music.webm (1.18 MB, 1280x720)
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NTA but that's the new site, anon.

Yeah new site's watermark is just 'HailuoAI Video', not sure what the deal is with Minimax desu
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please tell me your dick is not out during these pimple genning sessions
it's contagious!
this is awfully close to waterboarding
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on top of having to sign up it's even gayer
>muh dick
>a penis
Wouldn't that feel good?
That's not even the freakiest shit I've seen in these threads. But I'm fairly certain that yes, his dick is probably out. Honestly, I just learn to roll with everyone's degeneracy since everyone's generally pretty nice and helps each other out in getting prompts that can sneak by Chang.
As far as I'm aware the review is done by their AI, because a lot of nudity slips through the cracks. The review process may add a bit of time to an individual process, but there's no longer a time limit on how often you can start a new generation, so you can simultaneously generate for as many accounts as you're willing to make. Which makes it potentially faster than the old site, even with the review process.
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One of the better human to human transformation gens I've gotten so far. Kind of a fluke, I feel like my results have gotten worse the more I tried to fine tune.

I feel like half the time the pink gas helps the AI do the morph, or occludes the morph so there's not much to be done, but there's still a good chance I get both before and after in a few frames. Structuring the prompt like a script seems to help.
Ai review or not, wouldn't that make it far harder to camp?
Camp? What do you mean? You can also start a new generation while it's reviewing, so it's not like it slows down how fast you can gen stuff really. There's just a delay before you can see it.
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I have an itch for replaying Cross. This isn't helping.
camp meaning waiting to download the video the instant its finished generating. the previous site already have instant takedown
File: plant2.webm (2.23 MB, 1280x720)
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God damn it Chang, nearly a 600 queue to gen, let the plants through

I've never had success with transformations for whatever reason, but that's a good result there!
Anon you need the Emperors Mercy for generating this Nurgle shit.
Camping not being a thing is an upside if you ask me. I hated the feeling of missing a good video because it got deleted while I was AFK or whatever. Here, once a video is viewable, it never gets deleted, as far as I've seen.
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messed up the prompt a bit, but still got something out of it.
Don't make stuff with kids anon, you're playing with fire. People are getting in big legal trouble for that shit.
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More 'video calls' with the bae.
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We are fighting hard on this. Look at this.One day it will do my prompting.
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2.4 MB

Ooo, also dig that idea a lot. Might change lanes since the plants are an uphill battle on a crushed server
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> 'Hope you liked the room tour'
You live like that?
how do you get them to jiggle like that?
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Damn it! I can't escape the pubic hair curse even with plant girls! Or I guess it'd be pubic grass...?
I'll heed your warning. Thanks for the heads up.
The flower known as butterfly pea looks like vagina
No prob. Better safe than sorry.
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new to this. has anyone else tried making women appear later in the video and not in the first frame? I'm thinking that the content censorship only checks the first frame.
It doesn't only check the first frame, but you're right that having briefer instances of nudity reduces your odds of the automatic detection catching it. Limiting it to later on can indeed help with this.
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Made a bunch of selfie-styled gens the other day so I've been trying out other themes now, but yeah those ones are probably still my favorites, mainly because it was coming out with a lotta consistent quality stuff without really needing to mess with the prompt too much
might as well cover her in coco puffs too
That is chia. CHIA!
Well now those commercials are gonna make me horny.
Horny enough to eat chia seeds?
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Don't worry, the grass will get stomped down with use!

Good tip, changing my approach now with that, hope the AI knows it

The casual videos like that are just real nice in general
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Thanks! If anyone wants to try something similar, the prompt was close to this:
>A nerdy man, wearing a lab coat and geeky glasses, inside a glass specimen container, in a research facility. Billowing clouds of pink gas fill the container, totally obscuring the man's body. When the pink smoke clears, the man has been replaced with a beautiful sweaty Korean gravure model, inside the glass specimen container. She wears a lab coat over a lacy low cut pink bra and pink bikini bottoms and geeky glasses. She has been exercising and working up a sweat. Her mouth opens in astonishment and amazement. She skips up and down, running her hands through her lustrous black hair. Realistic. Close- up cinematic.
Hoping to find more reliable ways to do either semi-occluded morphs or just avoid the 50:50 chance of getting the "after" person just stand up in front of the other one (webm kinda related)

I have a few more if anyone wants to see, but generally the earliest ones were best
>Don't worry, the grass will get stomped down with use!
I'm busting out the weed whacker. Just gonna bluntly start including "her pubic area is shaved" since word filters don't exist. I wonder if it'll understand that.
Any tips on prompting them on all fours?
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If it ignores the butterfly part of the the butterfly pea you will get peas. PEAS EVERYWHERE! Its also known as Clitoria ternatea. Hell look at its wiki. I am prompting its wiki.
I've noticed it depends on the prompt too.
I just do regular lesbian kissing vids, but some scenarios require a 10 minute review before finishing render, others scenarios only like 30 seconds.
No nudity prompts/render, no other legal stuff, just some prompts are on the "check this stuff more than once" list which can cause significant delays
No unfortunately, missing the 2 chicks in 1 bed
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Got a little nipple in this one
Go for it! I'd probably try it now if the site was running better, but I'll save it for later 'cause that's really good. I tried some bimbofication before and got nowhere near that. Might try now anyway 'cause everything's fighting me

Weed whacking a pelvic lawn, hmm!

Damn it Chang! We just want plantpussy!
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>Weed whacking a pelvic lawn, hmm!
I mean I would use my mouth, but I'd start feeling like a goat.
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how do I get her to carry the barrel (anything) on her shoulder.
carrying a barrel slung across her shoulder with one muscular arm raised holding it

I'd probably try there. And don't be scared about the muscular giving her huge guns, assuming enough feminine stuff in the rest she should be fine
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Have you tried
A barrel is stuck to her shoulder.
Heaving a Barrel.
Flexing her arm holding a barrel on her shoulder.
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Hey waaaaaaaait a minute. Jarvis, reverse this video!
If you're talking about on all fours, ass-first, from my experience Mr. Chang can be stubborn as shit when it comes to the buttstuff, at least when trying get a precise scene and pose + face, but maybe that's just because of other stuff in my prompt.

For me what somewhat helps in brute forcing it is adding stuff like 'Butt'/'Glutes pointed at camera'/etc at the front.

For that one I think the starting sentence was
> The video starts with her sizable rump to the camera.

Then the description of the woman (attractive, fit Japanese woman), then the position (on all fours). Then specifying her turning to face the camera at the end of the video. Still not a 100% guarantee but that got results for me
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arguably wholesome
I don't see a single hole in this clip. You liar!
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If you can find any improvement in the prompting, please do share!

These are greeeat, how did you manage the selfie part? Would you share your prompt?
how many cents in electricity cost to generate each video?
File: DSF DSF D S F.webm (1.2 MB, 1280x720)
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Clitoria ternatea, commonly known as Asian pigeonwings,bluebellvine, blue pea, butterfly pea, cordofan pea or Darwin pea, is a plant species belonging to the family Fabaceae, endemic and native to the Indonesian island of Ternate.

This is what genned. A dick sucking plant.
Nice one
I've heard of succulents, but this is ridiculous!
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I used mostly the same prompt base below, a couple times it'll just ignore the selfie part but it gets it right a good amount of times, and pretty decent quality.

> The video is in the style of a selfie video taken by an attractive, busty Japanese female college student with short hair, wearing booty shorts and a low-cut top, as she walks across her room, flustered and restless. She seems to be looking for something. Her fit, female Japanese roommate can be seen in the background.
I like that. What prompt?
>It's time to call HR
sir, it isn't locally, and my chrome is only using 46 rams
yes i know i meant for the chinese company running this free for everybody
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> 'Do you like my top? Lol so boring ik'
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Definitely no improvements yet but fun when it goes through

>photo from above of two females smiling. looking up at the camera. they put their tongues out. ponytails. winged eyeliner. choker. tongues pointed at each other. kissing her nose. lips touch. imperfect skin. hippy-chick. black lanyards. slobbery tongue. dripping drool. outdoor festival. jar of buds. hookah. smoking. tie-dye, vibrant colors, crouching, man in jeans on ankle over vans in foreground,
You should make her talk if you can, the blank stare is kinda unnerving.
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I apologize for the wall of text but, this is how it works.

extra thin christina hendricks at age 20 who is super well endowed with her hands on her hips the whole time while doing a teasing dance wearing a super tiny french maid costume, the costume is black with a white apron, she is alone, extrem super low-cut balconette top for jiggly extrem speedy wiggles to sideways, hair in a messy bun, pale skin, loosen top, natural blue eyes, triangular face shape, close to a hot tub. Keeps her hands on her hips.

This is how it worked on the old site:
It usually passes initial detection, make sure to keep in the misspelled extreme as "extrem". her hands on her hips is important to prevent meat claws and wild waving arms, also works with "her hands behind her head".

It gets 96'd about 1/3 of the time.

Gets the jiggle right more than half of the time.

Generalised format to keep the jiggle:
[body type] christina hendricks at [age] who is super well endowed with her hands on her hips the whole time while doing a teasing dance wearing a super tiny [Outfit] costume, the costume is [Color], she is alone, extrem super low-cut balconette top for jiggly extrem speedy wiggles to sideways, [hair], [skin], loosen top, [face modifiers], [Location]. Keeps her hands on her hips.

Notes on Outfits:
Bikinis and sportswear seem to prevent the jiggle and trigger more 96's.
Lingerie and Undergarments give mixed results.
Best results with Costumes, Dresses, shirts and sweaters that have a v-neck or u-neck.

Notes on Location:
Close to a hot tub gives a model like face and adds a bit of a tan. I tried a bunch of locations around a mansion like "luxury bathroom" was used in image 4 they all seemed to work .
Tried it with a few other bases other than Christina, seems to need balancing in the line "extrem super low-cut balconette top for jiggly extrem speedy wiggles to sideways" for each celeb or whatever you choose to get the jiggle right, the words "jiggle" and "bounce" seem to trigger the censorship pretty hard but, can go through sometimes, words like "fast", "fastest", "really", "very", "jelly", "shimmy", "soft" and "shiver" can get swapped in with fewer issues.

Things will be a little different on the new site without having to dance around the word filter. Let me know how it works, please post results.
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Looks like you created opposites gas. I would have suspected a chubby short nerd girl not some nordish stacy.
> 'Hey babe just settling in with the gurls -- sry can't see where the hell I'm even walking rn, shit be a mess'
looks like highland dancing
thanks boss
>'Oh god not this bitch again...'
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Servers need to work faster so I can iterate on women in a PSA warning of cocksucking plants and looking disgusted. Strange how things go in AI-land
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Yeah I got a fair amount of those weird plastic looking dudes, not sure exactly which parts of the prompt can trigger it but the description of the starting character effects a lot. "Scrawny" gave me lots of puppet guys for example.
That's the vibe I was going for with that one. I messed around a bunch with different expressions and moods. That one is more stoic.
Might be my favorite one yet, good transformation and that move toward the camera after, chef's kiss
Dwayne the Rock Johnson
Tom Cruise
Alec Baldwin
How do you set the cameras point-of-view to the mobile?
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Strange, but she knows too much!
someone posted earlier a PASTE:something bride something something brunette kiss.

where you trying to get a 2 Broke Girls scene with Kat Dnnings and Beth Behrs cause thats what i'm seeing.

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sirs I had to break it down to

>shot from above of two females smiling. looking up at the camera. they put their tongues out. ponytails. winged eyeliner. choker. tongues pointed at each other. imperfect skin. hippy-chick. black lanyards. outdoor festival. jar of butterfly peas. tie-dye, vibrant colors, stting frog position, man in jeans on ankle over vans in foreground,
from this >>8519696
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My (probably) last upload of the day, just for you
nice thank you sir
Thanks a lot
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>monstergirl milking time
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captcha huggg
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for whatever reason ample bust and other boob words seem to be extremely finicky about the rest of the prompt
Sir, if you turn into my wife I will be forced to marry you.
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Calling it close enough to a victory. Belligerents:
Allies: Anon
Axis: Chang, cocksucking flower
obviously the outcome will be an explosion that showers her with liquid pollen
It looks like a hot glue stick or a streusel frosting with the tin off.
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tried both and this came out. got really close but still a bit awkward
a half assed prompt desu
>a buxom christina hendricks wearing a cow print two-piece bikini is affectionately hugging a big muscular handsome black bodybuilder wearing fake horns, he has a big bulge in his black underwear. day light.
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>Near 800 in the queue
Worst I've seen. I guess Friday into Saturday but damn
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Gah! That would have been the perfect plant pussy, but no! Why the hell did it randomly make her crotch human?!
I wasn't, but I like your render(except for the weird foot play at the end) I just use blonde and brunette as my standard go-to so that the AI knows what character I am talking about when describing the actions of them
hmm minotaur...
wonder if you could add in short/soft fur,
gray/cow-pinrt skin
upper/top head cow low head humanoid

or stuff like that to get around the nudity filters and make it more fun
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I seen 2000 recently and once I want to say 5000 something at most.

flesh golen got infected by alraune
this smell is suspect
kinda works
I'd gen it
>a buxom christina hendricks wearing a cow print two-piece bikini has a barrel stuck to her shoulder, both arms up overhead flexing biceps at center frame. A glowing Fibonacci sequence covers the image, colorful misty vapor surrounding scene.
don't tell me what to do
Enjoy the prison cell I guess. Better hope word doesn't get out regarding what you're in for.
why is he never trying to snap her neck
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maybe in your stupid country
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her bones will be removed before such a thing happens
You mean like for making porn with public figures who can sue you to death any day? Yeah good luck with that, haha.
I'm not using public figures, weird projecting.
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1.34 MB WEBM
Ok then, Bye.

also I really wish 4chan took straight .mp4 cause its annoying to have to keep curving through a bidirectional converter get my input in.
>not me personally
Everyone and their mom genning random celebrities without a second thought.
File: mother of dragons.webm (1.4 MB, 1280x720)
1.4 MB
>4chan starts accepting mp4
>the size limit is still 2 Mb
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Gens are so slow I'll probably call it quits here. Getting tired and mainly focusing on other stuff rather than genning at this point anyway. I will say I'm very disappointed to see what "1950's technicolor sci-fi style" did for it. Was a half-assed stab at getting some Lost in Space/Forbidden Planet nonsense but it failed me. May have to try that again later and getting much more specific, liked it more than I expected. Night, thread
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this but in public fountain
Can any of you ai gigachads help me? I'm trying to prompt a camera that follows a girl from behind as she walks away from the camera while wearing booty shorts, but I always get weird camera angles I don't want. What exact wording has worked for you?
Prompt? My girls' faces are never that cute
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dude literally just write what you wrote
wow this is great
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I've finally done it. The plant pussy is mine! Ripe for the pollinating!
OP here. Sorry for the numbering. I posted this #9 while #8 was still up and the other #9 wasn't made yet.

Here's more pregnant Elvira Mistress of the Dark.
In 1986, I was in middle school and saw Elvira on TV. I never knew this was what I wanted so badly for my birthday/Christmas gift.
>muh Elvira Mistress of the Dark pregnant

I would magdump the contents of my testicles into that Goth mommy until she burst. Too bad she was such a ditzy whore.
>a beak
My last one since Cloudconvert limits me to 5 conversions a day and I'm too lazy to delete their cookies.

I'm using the new site for another set that is not Elvira related, and more like the Taylor Swift gen in OP (but not Taylor Swift, because she's kinda meh)
>not using a free converting site
>not installing a local converter
Nice. Coom twice.
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Tried a few times with the script on the old site but kept getting an error about the module. I'm a brainlet
Just a little mouth rectum to cleanse the palate
Anon what was the prompt for this?

This could be the perfect setup for creating a close-up pussy workaround.
If you somehow force a very macro close-up with a lot of depth of field and tell the AI the pants are skin flesh colored you could get there. Her ass essentially looks like labia.
prompt for the belly expansion? That looks hilarious, but has serious potential.
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imagine the smell
>fade in cinematic full body close-up shot of a slow weight gain of a supermodel Japanese female in a futuristic space station in her quarters slowly bulking up, wearing a tank top and white cotton underwear. she walks out of her quarters with an smug evil smile in becoming a very heavyset zaftig woman, she gains around 300 pounds in weight as she start giving her new fat belly a good shake by resting both hands on showing it off to her supermodel Japanese woman before her wearing low-cut blouse and pencil skirt. soft key lighting.
honestly those it needs to be made better but you can take a crack at it
can sophia vergara face be swiped on her?
Why can't some hero coomer chink make an uncensored version, I'm tired of having to play around these prompts
What was the prompt for this towel full-pull off or even full chest?
I havent been able to get it to work, and I notice youre on the old site. Same.

I tried undone, tighten, rip. Towels seem to replace with other towels. And im getting 85%ed on old site. Idk if that means flawed prompt. But ive gotten 10 gens. A few brief nips.
sure you can try
File: prompt9.webm (254 KB, 1280x720)
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trying to make this "teat" prompt work. any tips on making it emerge from the loincloth?
kudos to anon that posted the teat prompts earlier
Also other guy got a full big breast reveal up close. He said he used "she flashes the camera." But that didnt work for me.
Thank you, that's a surprisingly simple prompt actually.

Also it looks like Pewdiepie fucked us by talking about this AI (and others) in his latest video and bringing wider attention to it. The queues are insane, but it might also just because of the weekend.
I have spent way too much energy trying to have massive insects impregnate my ex. Anyone know why "blue eyes" is code to glow like Dune?
Prone is belly down. Supine is face up
>the machine is fully capable of rendering naked christina hendricks
Fucking goddamnit man, somebody release the uncensored version already. This thing can make porn, the tech is already here but they won't let us
Nudity is never consistent. Especially on the old site, you're not likely to get more than a few every day, even if you spam your prompt all day. And you may not get any if your prompt sucks.
Your best bet is to try to get the nudity to be as brief as possible. That reduces the odds of the automatic detection deleting it. A good way to do this is to try to delay the nudity-causing event until the last second.
I can't get any nudity on the new site
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I don't see how, I got a full nude in the first hour and a whole boob in the second. And I wasn't even trying that hard.
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>any tips on making it emerge from the loincloth?
Really wish I knew.
This is probably the closest I've gotten in the past to make it look like it belongs to someone (that isn't a cow person) but I think it just went through since it's closer to stomach level than groin level, this one simply had "milking a teat through a farmer's open fly" in the prompt. Fucked up hands though.
Source or bull.
how the fuck did this not get deleted man
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sunday morning messy bedroom with a cute japanese woman adorned by flimsy pastybra and no bottms, early morning, dawnlit room, she is alone, she sits on a pillow in the frog position, grinding and bouncing on pillow, looking down, out of breath and sweating and laughing as water droplets drop off, Japanese has a very jiggly bust. water droplets drop off, Japanese has a very wobbly bust. water droplets drop off soft funbags
Maybe dumb question but does using hailuo or any browser-based generator use monthly internet data? Or like, raise your bill?
Jesus christ they have arrived. It's over.
each vid you download on average is like 1.2 to 1.5 MB depending on how elaborate your prompt is, could even be >2 MB
you don't have to save it to "download it", previewing the video uses data too
Does paying for food makes my money dissapear???
yes each nanobytes increase your bills by 100$ and then fbi will be able to track you. Don't use it, forget it exists
They've been like 500kb-1mb for me so far, so that's good. Just wasnt sure if the generating on their site used data or not
>Bakes #9 twice
>Doesn't just use thread copypasta
>Doesn't use proper subject for thread
How hard is it to bake, retard?
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Heh, handkerchiefs work well.
PC3 used 4 gigs in one day
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90% of the time my gen is butt-focused, it gets nuked.
Nothing that can be done about Chang manually deleting it, but any tips/tricks for preventing the ai from auto-detecting ass and deleting it?
some people suggest fade in and fade out. i guess to remove the subject matter from first and last frame?
also there are some gens in older threads where looking through window blinds allowed them to have the character undress "off screen" then appear through the blinds. so perhaps think of ways to obscure the vision
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Using only Fade out at the end was working as a free way to unblock some words/prompts [not waste time fading] since the fade out didnt apply 90% of the time for me.
But a [fade in], any first frame that isnt the body/nude, can help to allow 2nd frame/other frames to be nude. And I use Quick fade-in to do it faster, waste less time.
I got pussy this way.

Also you can do this to get 2 scenes in one (full screen, not split). One line:
>Quick fade-in, closeup of torso,
>Quick fade-in, [your wanted view].
The first part will gen a close up of whatever for a sec. Then second part will gen the remainder view.

But you see the AI ignored fade in on this vid.
>blue hair
Is it supposed to be Rei Ayanami?
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3.79 MB WEBM
Old site still going strong, we in the Eternal September 20th
download the ffmpeg executable
>ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -f webm -c:v libvpx -an -crf 18 -b:v 4M output.webm
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this is some horror shit
>AI ignored fade in on this vid
not really, it was just interpreted in a weird way
she puts the towel down and it makes her "appear" on the screen, which is a "quick fade"
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Is this Christina Hendricks with a bunch of modifiers like "young 20 year old" or was this created using a completely different method?
"Fade in from black" trick really works.
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No, that was just an experiment I made for feet. I decided to make the girl blue-headed for fun.
Finally a good video!
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I generated in that one
>Christina[ Hendricks[ with chignon de cou hairstyle,freckles, black choker necklace in a bikini[. Sh33r[. Micro[. Fun bags[
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It can be inconsistent. She doesn't always look the same.
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Still experimenting with open mouth prompts. Haven't gotten anything perfect yet. Tried moving the yawn to the end to avoid them getting cancelled.
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But seems like that increases the chance of them talking before, even while mute.
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2.13 MB WEBM
This one's cute though. Like she's a deaf-mute person trying to talk.
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2.16 MB WEBM
Tried some more milkshots too.
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2.14 MB WEBM
>breathing heavily
>sweating with open mouth
it's not that hard
>mouth hanging open in confusion
>mouth hanging open in shock
>milking a teat
why don't you change a teat to something else
Screaming would probably look wrong in most cases though. I'll try hyperventilating though, thanks anon.

Yeah I've tried those. And it's usually only the bad ones that pass the censors.
Tried "opening and closing her mouth as if to make an 'ah' sound for a doctor's examination" or something along those lines?
Tried "licked her lips, then biting her lower lip" instead?
Yeah or at the dentist. Nothing good so far. But I might try those again thanks. Also opening her mouth ready to be fed, worked alright earlier but not anymore.

Sure I might try, got any suggestions?

Licking her lips is usually awful unfortunately, but I'll try thanks.
This first one I used many times in the beginning was
>mouth goes ahhhhh
I tried experimenting with getting them to lip sync and that didn't work.
>Mouth is open in shock.
works at the end or at a
>At 3 seconds mouth is open in shock
Hey, if she's down I'm down. That works.
>At 3 seconds mouth is open in shock
Does the seconds still work? It worked a lot in the beginning but I haven't had much luck with it since, often it even stops it at the text analysis level for me for some reason.
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I am uncertain if it still works. I will try it.
Thanks anon I'll try it too.
how do I stop getting hags when using "woman" in the prompt? It's very randomized
Can somebody help find prompts for armpit licking? Every one I tried to generate got taken down. Tried underarm, replaced lick with tongue taste, didn't work.
Have you tried tongue is comically stuck to her armpit?
obviously "sausage" or "skin sausage"
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>At one second knods her head. At three seconds winks. At five seconds opens her mouth in shock.

lol its subtle even with my spelling boner but she is doing what I prompted.
You have to use "young woman" to avoid the hags. Don't use girl though, it takes it literally. I usually give it three things to chew on like "pretty young woman" or "fit young woman" or "beautiful [ethnicity] woman" so that it at least tries to make them better looking or of a certain archetype. That works for just about every type of woman, save for a few fantasy races where it considers "young woman" to be a young teen.
got taken down after review :(
Maybe say they're cleaning the other person's armpit with their tongue? Could also make it food related but that means putting something edible on the armpit which will probably make strange things happen, so maybe a liquid would work better.
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I use Romanian.
why do you use the new site to experiment with prompt
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Niceee. Thanks a lot anon.
Yeah must have been only when I tried giving specific timings to milk spurts then, where the prompt sensor suspected I was up to something. Open mouth seems to work fine.

This probably the best one yet even though she did the opposite of what I told her to. I told her to open her mouth in shock after 4 seconds (to make sure it passed easily) but she decided to keep it open in shock throughout and only talk at the 4 second mark. They're not always the smartest girls.

Thanks for all the suggestions anons. I'll keep trying a couple more.
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Anyone get size TF working? Trying to get a lady to shrink a guy by kissing him and Skynet refuses to cooperate
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Maybe I should have her sign them as well.
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>zoomers really don't know how their own smartphones work
I've been using https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-webm as it seems to have no daily limit.
cute retards are a fetish of mine
Very cool scenario
These queues are ridiculous, chang needs to go to sleep
Okay not but seriously, when are the uncensored generator is going to be available?
when you will be able to afford it
>hey guys found this new site check it out
>bunch of newgaggot coomers start cooming
>blames chang anyway
Right now are the peak congestion hours, blame the Americans.
Also, mainstream content creators have caught on and talked about it to their audience.
And it's weekend, so little Timmy is trying to gen his teacher kissing him.
I did with the old chink site, armpits didn't past the prompt, so I replaced them with axilla. It didn't past the post generator check.
ABC - Always Blame Chang
>when are the uncensored generator is going to be available?
Why don't you just buy it yourself?
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it's impossible to experiment when the queue is so huge
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New one with the same Taylor Swift prompt. You other Anons make the next "actual AIVG #10 thread"
Moar pregger Elvira
>wood nut, in cider
>by the barrel
Have to specify a color with certain things or they default to Chang's Temu/exploding pagers & walkie-talkie basics
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wait till the image limit
>complaining about how the OP didn't make the thread "correctly"
Just as predicted.
I just woke up and maybe I'm still groggy and shit but this gave me a good laugh.
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>licked her lips, then biting her lower lip
Sorry anon I tried.

Sorry all sausages got rejected so far. A few days ago I tried making a some veiny rigid skin-colored teats and stuff like that too, with varied results. But I eventually stopped since it was more difficult to make them finish rendering. And I'd rather have a lot of really hot girls rubbing sup-optimal dicks (or better yet dicks out of view) than just a few girls rubbing immaculate photorealistic dicks desu.
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The chewing could at least work for scenes with chewing gum. Using "chews gum" or something like it produces only abominations
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dwayne the rock johnson works
what prompt did you use for this one?
hot. wonder if you can get a crowd of girls watching
I wonder if the insane queues the last week or so are going to blow over or if we're just going to have to deal with this from now on.
two weeks ago things were so nice
bro 1600 people even on the new site, it's so over
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Don't know what happened here, but I think I prefer mouth closed to this.

>Using "chews gum" or something like it produces only abominations
Interesting, in what way? Does it misunderstand and make them chew their own gums or something? Or is it more like they've censored it and it produces weird results.
PewDiePie made a video like 20 hours about 'chinese ai is insane' or something, it's pretty much over
What's the prompt btw?
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Guess we gotta ride out the hype, we got this
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>1.7k que
christ man I remember like two weeks ago the que was like 30 people
Try it out, you will get a model with some thing like a white crooked stick sticking out of the models mouth.

Cigarettes work from time to time (without some glitches with the fingers or doubling them). Chewing gum, at least simply slow chewing motions do not seem to work. Simply using "chewing slowly" will get interpreted that the model needs something to chew on.
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Christina Christina...
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That's so ugly bro, if you retry with blank prompt it retries original prompt, you can also change the prompt and click retry
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hendricks bro what prompts are you using to get the lewd swimsuits? I'm guessing plump or something too right?
absurd proportions
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Sorry for the spam but I figured some of you would like these.

Something along the lines of like spandex-only, skin-tight, translucent, motherly, etc. I play around with it all the time.
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Also have like 500+ of these... lmao. Been cooking for 3 days.
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yeah 10-12-minute processing times with multiple failures in a row is making this impossible
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Christina Hendricks is standing in a classroom wearing a spandex-only, skin-tight, low-cut, translucent, thin, homogeneous, light-pink, revealing wrestling-singlet. She is in front of the camera, smiling and leaning forward deeply, arching her back, while maintaining eye-contact with the camera. The camera is 2 feet away on a low chair in front of her, and Christina is in the center of the shot. Cinematic, realistic, still-camera

I've tried using other rooms, but I find that classrooms almost NEVER get booted from their censors. Classrooms, but NO KIDS
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Christina Hendricks is a teacher standing in front of a classroom wearing a skin-tight, homogeneous, low-cut, thin-cloth, spandex-only, translucent, pink, revealing micro-bikini. Christina is standing across Amber Heard, who is sitting in a desk wearing the same exact micro-bikini. At 1 second, Christina slowly walks towards amber and leans forward to eye-level, face-to-face, putting her hands on Amber's desk, then Amber stands up. The camera is on Amber's shoulder. Cinematic, realistic, well-lit, still camera.
wonder if you can get her to turn around and squat at the camera
kek yeah sounds weird, I'll try it when or if the queues get shorter again.
Just 5 more to upload for now, but yeah I have like 700 more... about half are fails on the AI's part, but the others are just as good as these.
Last one for now, enjoy!
I've tried, but it gets kicked SO many times. I have found that sometimes you can put in prompts telling the models to "pose", "move", "walk-to" and you get some interesting results
They censoring nun outfit now?
Nicely done!
Describe her as a canoness wearing a habit.
Okay, one more for u bois.
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Decided to finally try the new site and for me, the difference is that the new site keeps making my girls fat as hell.
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Even when it, for whatever reason, makes a cartoon version... hell, this is even worse.
Do you use buxom?
I'm trying for a Xena: Warrior Princess type thing.
queue down to 1200, the nightmare will be over soon
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Until I can figure out a way to avoid the hambeasts, I'm sticking with MiniMax. I guess I know what the "mini" stands for now. It's a limiter for these bitches' waistline.
>hundreds of videos where absolutely nothing happens
You must be having fun. Of some sort.
This is my exact prompt:
>A scared beautiful cute hot young Japanese gravure idol with black twintails hair. She has a very skinny and thin waist, she has a youthful 18-year-old face, and she has a massive ample bust. She's skinny and fit and short of stature, with only her ample bust being the only thing about her that is huge. She has a very bouncy, jiggly, and wobbly ample bust. She's wearing a blue sportsbra. Her blue sportsbra is low-cut. Her blue sportsbra has a plunging neckline. blue sportsbra, black athletic shorts. She is running away from an orc. She is being chased by a tall bald pointy-earred young male orc in a white single-shoulder strap toga and golden olive leaves resting above his ears who is very chasing her and grabs her by the chest with ill intent and attempts to remove her sportsbra. Real life footage.
Have you tried it without "ample bust"?
celeb posters always been weird
Hey now I'm a simple man with one fetish, and that is swimsuit cleavage and huge tits.This AI makes it too easy.
I might give it a shot tonight, but right now I'm on my way out to head into work.
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Before I go, here's another MiniMax one. This got a little weird splitting the orc into 3 characters, but it's still nice to look at the girl.
Looking at it again... the human looking "orc" is about to punch one of the more orc-looking orcs, isn't he? Huh, guess the girl gets to escape getting dogpiled. For now...
It's crazy to me that the new site just openly lets you describe her vulva and will actually try to generate it like that. Often gets deleted by the nudity detection filter before it gets to you, but sometimes they still slip through. No word filter life is nice.
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I'm a simple man with multiple fetishes
Then it seems that they changed the model a little bit on the new site. I'm still using the old one.
Maybe they just tally the bad words internally and just nuke your account later
Oh well, I can just make a new one.
Not what I meant by 'blue eyes' but whatever..
Maybe better try "blue irises" or "blue contact lenses"
Theanks, I'll try that next time.
you guys have infinite google accounts laying around or something? Don't you need a phone number and a whole lot of setup to create one nowadays?
You can use the same phone number. I've got 5 of them.

Contact lenses not working, I think I might just leave that detail out. But I'll try irises first. Body is looking great though.
can you share your prompt?

Whenever I try multiple people in one pool at once the gen seems to refuse to let them share the pool. It places one person in the middle and all the others just outside of it. Very annoying.
how long does it take to review each video? if I try to gen another it eats my last video.
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I'm trying to design a robot woman and it keeps making her belly button into her vagina. Absolutely cursed. Do not fuck the belly.
bumping for prompt request on this
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would buy
'Natural Blue Eyes' is less likely to give you the Dune look
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You don't even need a "workaround" on the new site. Brute force a prompt enough times and it'll randomly spit a blatant pussy at you sooner or later.
Yeah irises not working either but I'll give natural blue eyes a shot next time.
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I write these prompts like an illiterate but have been trying to get mouth-to-mouth-to-mouth action through repetition:
An attractive bimbo sorority swimming pool fight in shallow water, and cheerfully greets her sultry best friends by ravenously group-kissing her lips to her friends' lips to her friends' lips sequentially for a long time tugging at clothes, and camera zooms close-up of their faces. Wide camera angle. Realistic, with colored lighting.

if I replace "fight" with "contest" I'm more likely to get matching suits instead of varied, which is interesting. also this one it looks like it genned mardis gras beads on the college girls that are kissing, which kinda makes sense from the animation
I have the same problem on the new site, and my prompt uses "ample bust"
however it didn't give me fat women before today.
>can do muscular men and manly women easy
>even gay scenes
>but not curvy bitches without retries
Chang why?
try "subtle" or "faint"
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>trying to get a robo-vagina
>it keeps just giving me actual flesh vaginas
What a weird dilemma to have.
Prompting it for ethnicity works too if there's no other way to get blue eyes. I use "Swedish woman" in most of my prompts and about 75% of the time the eyes are blue. They tend to be a bit more slender in the gens though, so maybe try something like Danish or Norwegian that also gives blue eyes.
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top kek
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I've had this stupid thing in my head for too long
>Miss Mary Mack
>Mack Mack
>As seen on BLACKED
>Blacked blacked
It's supposed to look like the PoV spoojed on them and their clothes melted.
It didn't quite work
Still pleased with the result
holy based. Prompt? I'm trying to get a horse to climb on a girl who's in stockades in a western saloon
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This was my prompt but ultimately it kind of did this completely on its own as I was just trying to get a scene of a JP girl pointing at her ass while looking at the cam (spoiler: after numerous gens, got none to match that, tho some were close):

> The video starts with a woman's sizable rump to the camera. She is a good-looking, fit Japanese female college student, (the kind of body you'd expect to see on TikTok), in a casual sweater and tight jeans, checking herself out in her bedroom. She looks over to the camera and asks someone offscreen if her rear looks fat, which she appears self-conscious about.


Chang needs more curves in his life, fr. Super stubborn when trying to get a properly thick bodytype compared to muscular, I use 'fit' but it still makes them a little too thin for me alotta times. Least with Asian gens.
does the thread really need 50 copies of the same buff woman running
Maybe not but these threads are slow anyway and it takes forever to gen anything
Girl eating fried chicken
wow, looks very promising!
well, it's transparent in a way
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I haven't really genned much over the last days. Surprised to see that the old site is still up. Is it worth checking out the new one too? Also, is it just me or did they reduce the image/generation quality on the (old) site?

I bring you half a saracen nipple as greetings.
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chang keeps all the good ones.
New one is far better for lewd content. Blatant nudity can make it through with much higher frequency and quality.
if you prompt with certain words it cooks your image quality
Glad to see I'm not the only one trying to make Star Wars tentacle shit
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What do you guys use for the walls? Flesh walls? Tentacle walls? Flesh/Tentacle cave? Inside a tentacle monster? I haven't tried making any tentacle vids yet but I'm gonna give it a shot now that the queue is gone.
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its impressive how much i feel like i'm watching a french advert for luxury perfume
Slave swimwear Padme (Natalie Portman) restrained by many coiling tendrils inside the fleshy Sarlacc Pit. Hiccuping quickly with arms behind her back.
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yes, their movements and gestures are so lifelike. prompting video scenarios reminds me of that black mirror episode where a creep was creating sims from his coworkers DNA to act out his power fantasies
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hell yeah got a three-way kiss
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>that feel when you walk back to your PC just too late and see the thumbnail of a godlike lewd gen but you were too late to instantly download the clip before Chang deleted it.
let them extend their lingual septums toward each other until they meet in the middle
>using the old site
you brought this on yourself
The script is pretty good about grabbing most vids before Chang can get his hands on them.
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Alright, fleshy pit it is. Here, have some free slightly misshapen tits I got a sec ago as thanks for the tip.
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True, but a lot of complex or weird prompts don't work as well in the new site. Old one feels more consistent, but its hard to tell with how stupid the cues are.


Maybe not what you wanted but those clothing tears are sweet, prompt for those?
>that feel when too stupid to understand how to use the script
where do I find my "token" ?????
>a lot of complex or weird prompts don't work as well in the new site
I've had the opposite experience, old site could barely comprehend simple tasks while new site is doing whatever I tell it to
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Nta, but some of us are not smart enough to install scripts. I'm just a coomer noob.
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These have been great, what is your prompt for her to grab her breasts from behind? Been wondering ever since it was the man
Are you using the "automatically refine prompt" option or noticed significant differences between on and off?
>Maybe not what you wanted but those clothing tears are sweet, prompt for those?
Something to the effect of gets splashed and her shirt or dress melts the reveal a tight plunging neckline pushup bra
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I find that gens are more chaotic and prone to weird shit with it off, so I usually leave it on.
I see people creating celebrities, but has anyone tried mixing celebs into a new person?
Actor 1: woman with facial features which are the average between Christina Hendricks and Jessica Simpson
or something?
We will watch your career with great interest.
Okay I must suck dick at prompting because I see this, meanwhile mine are getting cancelled before generation just for adding "woman"
Is this the last hailuo thread on the 4chins? Seems the ones on /pol/ and /gif/ got killed.
>on /pol/
The hell were they generating? Nazis riding cadillacs through all-white neighbourhoods?
imagine you could prompt a giant cock between their faces
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hands cover her ample bust/massive funbags/pectorals
but it's low probability, most of them get deleted on both sites
If only. Their threads were like 80% "ironic" images of shit and feces.
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The were some good ones
@all. Was the DL script updated to work on the new site? Because I cant make a G account. Even tried the [fake] gmail temp. It still demands a phone # just to sign up with an already existing gmail. wtf?
So pls someone right click at the new site, give me the URL that requests the token for the new site with the &___. From there I can insert my own. Ty
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Love the Looney Tunes physics
What prompt are you using?
Can you get a woman to expose her breasts in any other scenario, or does it only work in a classroom scenario for some reason?
Does it have to be at the end of the video? Can you make it happen immediately?
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femboy on its own doesn't pass the filter, but "medieval femboy" does. (it's a long story)
somebody should try this with catgirls.
go to /lgbt/
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I was trying to prompt for her shirt to just pop off like in this video, and it randomly makes her show her breasts, I have shared this prompt before and people have refined it to show nipples more so the prompt will look weird. It happens every so often but it's not really guaranteed.

Prompt: Fade in to Kate Upton, is dressed a a teacher with a blouse and pencil skirt, she is in a classroom near the chalkboard, she is talking to her class which are offscreen and the whole time her shirt slowly becomes undone revealing her bra,
ouch, delaying the fall for maximum impact
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hilarious. prompt?
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>20 year old Christina Hendricks, dressed as a college professor, wearing a white blouse and a pencil skirt, speaking to her class. A random large, tall, muscular male student appears and forcefully causes her blouse to come undone, kissing and squeezing her bra as she frantically attempts to push him away.

the most hilarious thing about it is that it decided completely on its own to make him a big retarded looking black guy.
I need the new host name URL for the new site connect. Can someone tell me?
Is this still valid or obsolete? Does the newest v work for the new site? If I can get site v2 working then I can get more win. I made an alt script.

Ty for that. Were you the one with the original wet blouse? I noticed if wet then it makes transparent, then AI might auto add bra. So I removed wet, got more results. But still random
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Is the next thread going to be called #10 or #11?
the ai fucked up and gave me this
It's supposed to be a woman rolling around on top of a bed, which I think you can see if you squint
I think this is a peek into how the ai generates video - starting with blurry shapes, then massaging them into an actual image
Apologies if this is common knowledge and I'm just stating the obvious
Gonna try some ada wong and see how I go.
Do you know what some of these words are?
Chang hated this prompt
>The scene opens on a Beautiful but dour Asian woman, the avatar of Chinese pride wearing traditional Chinese garb. Splashed with viscous white goop causing her traditional dress to melt revealing an American flag pushup bikini. Her hair falls loose and she's super happy
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While on the page, press F12, then go to Network header on the thing that pops up. Refresh the page. Now look for something that says something like "my?page=" or something like that and click on it. Now look through and you should find your token. There's a bunch of other things, too, but don't worry about any of those things. Just search for header.

Hopefully I explained that right, I'm going off of memory.
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I've been playing around with the new site for a bit now. Just got my first ever full nude tits!
>The OP doesn't link to the python script for automatically downloading videos
Come on OP
Nice! It's surprisingly easy if you word the prompt right. There aren't even many word filters, you can bluntly say things like "nipples" or "vulva" and it'll try to generate them. Just gotta hope the detection doesn't catch and delete it.
But sign in as Google? I haven't kept my logins fresh and all my fakes are long dead. Thanks for the extra security, Google...
Hey, nice. What was your prompt?
Yeah, it took me a while to become brave and just straight up prompt lewd lol. The relevant part of this prompt was:

>Directly behind the arab supermodel is standing a european crusader knight (he is wearing chain-mail armor and white mantle, black cross on white tunic), he is immediately reaching around the supermodel and immediately pulling down her bra with his hands to expose her naked breasts.
Full prompt:

>35mm film, static camera shot. Close-up of a beautiful arab supermodel standing on tiptoes, hanging arms over head, rope supports on wrists. Her cute arab face is very sad, breathing heavily, she is looking up at the viewer. She has beautiful eyes, beautiful nose, long curly black hair with silver headpiece jewelry. She is wearing colorful ottoman fashion that is torn open to reveal a black cotton skimpy bikini. Heaving sternum, panting sternum from exhaustion. She is a speechless mute. Rope support to wooden frame. Directly behind the arab supermodel is standing a european crusader knight (he is wearing chain-mail armor and white mantle, black cross on white tunic), he is immediately reaching around the supermodel and immediately pulling down her bra with his hands to expose her naked breasts. In the windswept ruins of an eastern city, hot sun, sand, palm trees.
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Little late but pillow is one of them, it's not always 100% but man it can deepfry them
That's... definitely not what I expected. Man, half the vids in this thread are hot as hell, and the other half are complete bone killers like this one.
did her bones get teleported out of her body?
I keep losing my videos after I refresh the page. how long does it take for the review shit to end?
About 2 generations worth of time. Just keep tossing generations and sooner or later some will make it through the review process. Use multiple accounts and browsers / incognito window if you wanna go faster.
sirs should I correctly new thread with the right number
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New thread

Yes. But how many attempts did it took to pass this one particular result?

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