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>Kelly Swimsuit edition

A general for SheZow, it's characters and any other cartoons with genderfluid presenting characters such as tomboys, traps, nonbinaries, femboys, boymoders, ect.

>/she/ booru archive:



>Regular Show


>Star vs. the Forces of Evil


>Big City Greens

>Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish

>Last thread:
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I usually repost OC from last thread to make sure the archive gets a chance to dobles it but, not only was there a lot but, I think we all reposted it all elsewhere just fine so I think this beginning I'll just chill
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This that good stuff tho
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The schedule for Disney Channel. Seems like there's less Primos around except for weekends as usual. They're on autopilot spamming movies again. Makes me glad I didn't try to get cable. I wanted to watch Primos live but, then they do this. Bluey and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in an afternoon slot!
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>5 chapters of anal rape

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It is almost Halloween. Nick or Treat, my /she/roes
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NEW T Sisters theme song Takeover!

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Cute, dainty, skirt pull
I just wish it was on regular Ben.
>deleted fanfiction
Literally 1984
Such energic cheerleaders
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I like em'
Of course the leader is the best looking girl, no offense
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She is the prettiest, even if her voice is super deep and raspy. It would be nice to get a solo episodes someday that way she can gave more of a personality besides "oldest"
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Lol, Tater got bug eyes
Nellie is so flexible...
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You cheeky son of a...

>tfw I'm already nostalgic for this mp3 first getting shared in the threads
I always avoided the leaks or songs before watching the episodes. All nice surprises, fucking awesome music!
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What a sensual voice!
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Yep. They're what inspired me to give the show a watch. I'm sure that will be a good gateway to people giving Primos a chance in the future
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Oh man, if the artist included Storm E. from Lalaloopsy it would have been perfect
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Today's censored lot for Korea
Don't let your dreams be dreams, anon
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I've never drawn a lalaloopsy before and I don't even know how to approach its style
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Probably some lineless work with alpha lock brushes on top. Are you a regular artist?

If you need help, there's a whole booru dedicated to dolls. Warning though, it's mostly porn.
>alpha lock brushes
I'm interested.
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S-should I explain? They're not a type of brush, just a setting most programs have. You can lock on a certain shape you make on a layer and only color that while no more gets used on the canvas
OH. Fuck, sorry, I'm dumb. Just kinda used to call it lock transparency or similar when coloring. Thanks for the explanation!
No problem, it's all good. I would call it that too, I just use it so much I memorized the name
Looks like there's few fanart from the 2017 tv show, this clown girl doesn't appear in i, maybe it's from the original toy collection brand

Cool, maybe even fast than creating and having an alpha mask layer
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I'm still looking for a decent way to create clean linearts ever since not being able to use Paint Tool SAI anymore.
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>I'm still looking for a decent way to create clean linearts ever since not being able to use Paint Tool SAI anymore

The classic conundrum. In my research really the only way is the draw and erase method to create depth and weighty line art. If you don't have a stabilizer I imagine it's even harder. It takes forever though. I think you should only focus a lot on lines if you don't want to render "too" much

Because highly rendered pics look best with thin lines painted over and lots of realistic shading. If you want really gorgeous lineart like a good cartoon you should just focus on a good lineart with good flat colors and as little shading as possible
It takes no effort to sketch an idea, but it takes a huge effort to complete the drawing.
Some artists just draw sketches...
Thanks, that's exactly what I want to aim for, used to do it years ago but got very very rusty.
The vast difference in reception of traditional art vs digital is wild, at least for cartoon fanartists, it's the reason I'm trying to return to digitally colored works. I see artists who don't really draw that well but, they are good at coloring digitally (even the ones who simply do flat shading) and their drawings really look a LOT better just because of that and the cleaner look.
I doubt they would post ugly sketches like this https://litter.catbox.moe/1udtz3.png
What type of sketches, if any, do you consider "good" or "complete"?
I mean, these are very cute, just need some polishing but that's pretty much it.
Those sketches are pretty great. They'd look great in a drawpile or baraag WIP dump, some good poses there
I wish the admin still accepted new members. Had to join Aethy instead.
Yeah, masterpieces drawn traditionally are so easily passed up compared to digital sketches on grey backgrounds.

It takes a lot of effort to sketch good. And in these days with AI, where you can get a full illustration done so easily, I think the things it can't do like forcing you to use your imagination with a color job are going to become pretty respected artforms. I don't think AI can do that so the tease of an idea can still inspire people
I saw that you can even color sketches and linearts with AI by providing it a color reference of your character now.
>I saw that you can even color sketches and linearts with AI by providing it a color reference of your character now

Yeah, I saw a guy on /dlc/ doing that, I think it was "newguy." It's really weird. That's been a thing for a bit in development for a while, it just gives it a whole pixiv/pinterest illustrated look to it. It's kinda sad when it's artists who have a cool coloring style doing it. It's a cool experiment at least but, always feels very Frankenstein to me
Do you know what methods he used?
>Do you know what methods he used?

No. You could try asking him on baraag tho. I'm no expert on these inputs
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I drew another request because I thought of a SheZow related pun. "Facsimile"(Ms. Facsimilady) Tater would know that word. Just posting it here to archive
Let's say I want to complete them, would it be better to make each piece individually with a colored background, or just leave everything in a single canvas, colored but now background? The latter would take less time but will get less details
My idea would be to color them individually in better detail and then re-incorporate every colored piece into the collage.
Deleted? Unfortunate, wanted to silently judge it.

Just put the effort and learn. Using AI just denies you from gaining the actual skill and personally, I wouldn't dare claim I'm an artist if I relied on such shortcuts or tools. It's like saying you are singer when you can't sing and you just get someone or something else to create the voice you pretend to have. It ain't right.
>Just put the effort and learn
I agree 100%, it's meaningless if it's going to do the work for you.
I love it, very nice and cute.
Thk u, thk u ^^
I say it depends on what style you're going for. If you want the full, rendered painter look, you HAVE to do a full background and colored figure; And that takes forever. It's really just a way to show off skill. If it's a person then u need a really good pose, maybe a comic panel format so people aren't bored. Like some text talking to the viewer
That's it. I'm embracing the vectorizing style.
It's a start :)
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Teen versions of the T Sisters by Sam
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>tomorrow we're back to work
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Back to earning that bread
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I'm glad this suit got another use. Usually I don't like reused costumes but, for a show like this with so many original things each episode it's welcomed viewer easter eggs
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This was a really nice sketch. I like the cool/chill vibe in recent Alex fanart
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Oh hey, the Ms. /co/ tournament is over, neat. So cool that SheZow got a nomination, how did that work? How inclusive! Even got some Skibidi and Smiling Friends in there. Cool stuff
Holy shit, so many characters. I couldn't understand these tournaments, are they just to get free art?
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fanart chileno
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In a way, they're kinda just a battleground to drum up interest for your waifu. Filled with crossover art and shenanigans. They've been plagued with controversy in the past though, and leadership has always been a scramble. One of the worst offenders of this, Nightshiftanon got kicked out this year, so crossdressers were allowed when their rules were thrown out, hence SheZow's inclusion
Got some real soul to it, aye
fuck, not here also.
What's wrong?
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The Amazing Digital Circus is coming to Netflix and getting a manga adaptation
ngl i thought this was a base to add your own outfit to
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You could if you want, I'm not the original artist though
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I drew it and I'd really love to see that.
Last one. The Primos cast. Some pics shared after it became the #1 streamed show that one day

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She keeps it warm, what a good girl.
so cute omg
By the way, thanks for sharing, didn't know there was a booru for dolls, which is super cool. Also, I've spotted a fanart that caught me interested, not because it's lewd, but it's the Storm H's eyes that are drawn derply and it's so eye catching
My pleasure. I'm glad to find anyone that could get a use out of that booru and spread it around
This is the picture in which her eyes cracks me up, like the pupils aren't centered so they look funny. Maybe it's just my different type of humour
That's one of my all time favorites. Didn't notice the eyes until now, lol
Here's a funny and addictive video I found
Any Maz request?
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Maz in this outfit
Kelly giving Maz a friendly and quick handie!
Maz catching up to SheZow and he's just buck ass naked in a mask and calls himself "Naked Lad"
Wow, a video like this made today is surprising. That's dedication
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So today I've completed watching the Netflix show "Lalaloopsy", that was a nice enjoyable experience, getting to know the people from Lalaloopsyland, the singing, the drama, the sad parts and the happy ones. Each person had a pet, and every pet had a personality too! So you get a great balance and it's not boring at all.
Each girl has a unique feminine trait, so everyone can self insert or have a favorite. They weren't mary sue though, each had a problem/disorder/weakness and the series show them.

I'm so thankfully to SheZow's fanbase because it's due to its creator that I've discovered Lalaloopsy, he talked about writing some episodes for it in a interview.
Glad you had a good time anon, I didn't know Obie wrote a few episodes. I hope some of his cheesy charm leaked into the show
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New official art of Primos from Xfinity!
New still from "Los Bots" Tater becomes Iron Man.

New episode premieres October 5th on Disney Channel and Disney+ on October 23rd
Still from "Hacienda Chills" something spooky is happening and it takes LotLot and Tater to find out why
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Beautiful Sheezy. Love that thigh action
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An alt version
Very cute. Love the casual sleepwear look. Reminds me of the Marco/Shezow roommates AU
How old is she supposed to be?
Like 20
Whoa. Younger than I thought.
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I had some free time again so I went shopping, got an Amy Rose plushie, listened to another Melanie Martinez album and worked on my artstyle/updated my sona OC a bit. I combined all my past sona mascots into one
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And after that, I used it to draw this Serena & Tater pic. I really like their friendship and wanted to draw some bestie art of them
Did he also draw Gordita?
She's very cute, I like her design

Niiice, it's great that Serena is getting art. Their friendship is awesome because Tater won't be lonely anymore.
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No, just LotLot, Chacha, Gwen and Tere so far

>She's very cute, I like her design
>Niiice, it's great that Serena is getting art. Their friendship is awesome because Tater won't be lonely anymore
Yep. She was a welcomed addition to the show, actually having someone who shared Tater's passions and can even stick around once the summer is over! Hope she gets to be more peoples' favorite
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Cutie (:
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Hey guys, one of my favorite youtubers, Phantomstrider can no longer afford to make videos and is going to become an electrician full time if he must. I like his videos and he has a beautiful wife named Nin who helps him. He set up a Patreon to help out, if you have anything to spare that would be much appreciated. He and his wife are both on the spectrum like me

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cute blush
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This one?
Yep. They sure make a cute pair up
Yep lol
Can't wait for October 5th
Truuuuue, a new Halloween episode and spooky LotLot takeover. Gonna be gas, I didn't even think a show like this could have a Halloween special but, here we are
Yeah plus Kiff and BCG
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True. Dis gon be gud. It's a good time to be a DTVA fan, this month at least

How come the Shezow and Primos fans overlap here?
/dlc/ doesn't abide us
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>How come the Shezow and Primos fans overlap here?

By some miracle it seems that by looking for fans of SheZow I also found fans of Primos. 2 shows I like posting fanart of. I like the other shows in the OP as well but, looking for fanart of them is too much of a task, Primos and SheZow get about the same amount of fanart daily so it's easier to gather
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Well, it's official. G5 is over next month. Comics are still coming out. G6 for what it's worth looks like a more promising adaptation, a semi reboot with recognizable characters. We'll see, at least seems better than Pony Life which I liked but, was very rough around the edges
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A /co/ request.
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Nice ship. Tere looks like she gives such good kisses
Her lips just look very juicy.
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One of her finest features along with her twin tails. I'm real happy with th love she's getting
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A princess
Please share this model
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I don't have it. But, I'm pretty sure someone from this thread or the /co/ one has it right now
Aw well, thank you anyway, it's awesome Tere is suddenly getting more attention.
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The Queen of /she/
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Gwen episode this Saturday
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Cuuuuute. This looks like some classic Shezaz
The updated schedule for Disney Channel is up. It seems like there really is only 1 new episodes of Primos coming out this October. (Sigh) Now I'm gonna have two hyperfixations on ice for a bit. Since Disney hates putting out new eps during the holidays we might not conclude the series until next year. It's silly to think but, once they're out Primos is gonna have 3 more episodes than SheZow att. We have nearly 19 eps out right now so we have about as much content to chew on. At least we also got that cool, LotLot theme song takeover coming out as well :)

Very nice anon. He looks sexy
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Re-posting because I just found Tere's lora. It's very cute.
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Cool, this looks great! The model really gets her
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Great artist. His shezow stuff is stellar
Thanks! I just drew that and was sharing it here
Thanks for sharing bro. Shezow art is always appreciated and your stuff is top notch. On a side note, I wish the show was brought back. I really do miss it.
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Guy in his natural habitat, always nice to see. Great art bro
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I like this style, the ass fangs are a nice touch
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Great news guys! We reached the goal, he got 990 patreons yesterday and now we can get more videos with him and Nin! Thanks so much to anyone that contributed :D Around 5,000 a month, a tidy sum :)
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Good for him.
I instead had a bad day. And it's getting worse each passing day.
Well, that sucks. How bad was it?
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