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Previously, on /asdg/ >>8509010
The cartoony side: >>>/aco/csdg

No DALL-E generated stuff.
No futa.
Report trolls.

General: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | rentry.org/sdg-link | rentry.org/rentrysd
Hires Fix: rentry.org/hiresfixjan23
Inpainting/Outpainting: rentry.org/drfar | rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Create LoRAs, TIs: rentry.org/59xed3 | rentry.org/simplified-embed-training
List of models/LoRAs:

>Auto1111 extensions
ControlNet: github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet | rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
Regional Prompter: github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter
Tag autocomplete: github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete

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And that was the archive dump.
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Report the spammy /pol/tard.
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Taylor Swift age 45
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prompt and loras? nice ghost nips
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Big Lust, no Lora.
'face zoom on a busty young lady with blonde hair in a ponytail wearing glasses, BREAK, sunlight from a nearby window'
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It was made with the hucows milking machine LoRA (pony)
Her face inpainted/adetailer with her SDXL LoRA
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Very photo-like, cool stuff
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What's everyone prompting today?
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What model is recommended now?
first passing AI I could cum to. Bravo.
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> AI loves bush

Absolutely based. Unless you guys are prompting that, then still based.


>Blonde peach fuzz on tits

Okay. That's it, AI can do it all.

I don't know how you're getting these out of biglust, mine NEVER look like this.... great job! Could you post a catbox of one of your gens so I can shamelessly steal all of the settings?
These are pretty cool. I kinda wanna see one of them measuring that BWC
oi >>8513570 what did you prompt for beast? Thought it was tough/banned in pony and XL. could never get it right myself.

>please go easy still a noob at more intricate/hardcore stuff
Dude the model is literally CALLED Pony
>and the guy that made it blacklisted beast content
thanks for your input
>>and the guy that made it blacklisted beast content


Fire up your fav pony checkpoint and prompt: "horse, horse penis".
Matter of fact, dildo penises often go horse-like unprompted
To get a smooth dildo strapon, I always need "horse penis,spiked penis" in the negatives
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Can you post more, but take a clothing item off with each pic until she's naked?
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God damn!
Is there a place you can upload uncensored celeb ? Civitai deletes them without any warning
also >>8525813
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yea here. what the hell do you want? to be some faggy influencer posting images and getting followers and being a total fag about it. kek kys if thats the case
The Peach is Zonkey 4.2. I didn't post it this time, but it is my work from a few months ago. The others are Zonkey 6. This catbox has 20 images with embedded ComfyUI workflows.

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i thought that was the blonde daughter from 7th Heaven tv show
On your way to the gym, Lt.?
Do it here. Use catbox galleries if you have too much material, to avoid spamming
But also >>8525867
I want to nudify celebs using SD. Inpainting doesn't really works for me. Is this the right thread?
If not can you point me to the right board to learn this?
I mean you can make entirely new scenes instead of just nudifying. if keeping the integrity or location of the original photo is important than yeah you'd need to learn inpainting or try one of those nudify sites. I don't know any worthwhile ones anymore since i learned sd stuff
Nudifying literally is inpainting, you are just not doing it properly
You want to discard the original contents of what you are painting over (the clothes) or sketch over the clothes with skin-colored brush strokes and then inpaint over that
I always end up inpainting on the extra area around the clothes and it fucks up the output
What tool are you using? And are you prompting for nudity also?
You need to use the right model, too
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>What tool are you using?
>And are you prompting for nudity also?
>You need to use the right model, too
which one you suggest?
What do you use to prompt full-face bondage (rubber, leather, whatever) hoods? The AI seems to be extremely heavily biased towards hoodies, and the model doesn't seem to help very much.
I love Rock & Roll
what i do is put the image i want to inpaint both in the inpaint box and control net box. then crank the generator all the way to one and i get nudes easy without needing to use paint tools to color flesh color
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Fully loaded
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The fairy edits/gens are always super cute. Anyone got any more?
yes Lursa and B'Etor also.. we need more Klingons!!! so hot .. original Dommy mommy
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stop seething gif tranny
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Always nice to see pics about her.
Who, that's just some random pic
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where are the bat'leth loras
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gimp mask. Install Tag Autocomplete to learn the booru tags or google them, Pony understands these AND NOTHING ELSE.

I have a few loras if you need a specific hood.
booru tags is what you should use 99% of the time
But it's not true that the realistic pony models don't understand anything else
They are remixes after all
If they didn't understand anything else, you would have a pretty bare selection of backgrounds for example
They know the backgrounds, but they don't know the words for them. Easy to test.
great now make her pregnant
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Hello friends I have given up on DALL-E as it is completely and utterly cucked

Are there any good free flux sites other than blackbox, which only lets you gen for like 50% of the day

Not asking for somewhere that lets you gen rape porn of Tay or anything, just sites that don't shit themselves over displaying the occasional glimpse of underboob
why do you want to go straight to flux? try SDXL pony first
A most honorable picture.
Not aware what that is, would be appreciated if you could clarify? I've never previously looked into non-DALL-E.
Not that guy, but Flux is till very recent, having some problems, in particular the nipples. SDXL has been around for longer, thus more streamlined.
Why skin-coloured? A mask is a mask, at least in A1111.
Got it, thanks. Um... best place to use SDXL? Or is it all secret like the DALL-E stuff in case that cuck journalist is monitoring the thread?
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Just use civitai, you need to sign up, but you get some free buzz (100 you you donĀ“t missclick), and you can get more by interacting with others (liking pics, postin, following people).
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No, you modify the image. Like sketching out what should be there
Can be crude brush strokes with solid color or copy-pasted frankenstein images
Then mark those parts with the mask so it gets regenerated, but it will "see" what's under the mask
In A1111 that's the "Original content" and of course denoising strength settings
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OK thanks man, will look into it
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I'm a fan of the characters as real people look.
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Crazy how real this looks thanks to a little compression artifacts
She looks really familiar, is she a 2000's actress or model maybe?
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gotta love having to upload from a phone to circumvent a ban for low quality posts lol
I see what you mean. A high Original denoise is required to remove the clothes but then the pose might change. The alternative is 1.0 Fill which may also change the pose without a lucky seed. Painting a rough idea over the clothes then using a medium Original denoise keeps the pose.
This doesn't seem to be working. It still generates either girls with face masks, or strange masks with cat ears.
I'm trying to prompt a gynoid, and I'm not having much luck. For some reason the word "android" generates furries. Gynoid / robot girl works better, but mostly for girls with mechanical arms and body parts, not for synthetic patches of skin etc. Any ideas or suggestions?
My options would be 1- look for a LoRA. 2-Work that inpainting tab with a lot of masking over a robot girl.
The android generating furries is quite frankly bizarre.
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Yeah Big Lust does well with this style, best I've seen so far and my current favourite model.

Person is fully AI, no idea about a celeb match. Had to inpaint the facial features slightly as they were initially messy.
anyone have a guide on upscaling? how do you keep the fine details?
StableSR extension.
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>turning sluts you know into loras
no one man should have all this power

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