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Melody Cross killed my dog edition
Previous thread:
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oh my god it's beautiful
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I'm not paying money to listen to shit the voices in your head convinced you is 150% proof that your oshii is abdl. Post the audio or fuck off.
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that's really old ahbagels art. I got it from her old patreon archive
Ted Pamperczynski sending boobytrapped packs with used messy diaper.
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>Ted Krinkleski
you had ONE job m8.
>There is a universe where college students are subjected to experiments on the effects of forced potty training
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Super hot!
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This is very good. Casually humming while drawing or writing, not letting your bladder get in the way of creativity.

Would love more pics with the same tone
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Ahh thank you so much!
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I've got this one, not quite the tone you're looking for but still
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Does anyone have this comic
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Looking for this one art piece, of Anna from Fire Emblem, she’s sitting in a hyper messed diaper like how she sits on a huge bag of coins.
Maybe that was never drawn but I’m so sure I’ve something with that description.
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Where the maids at?
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>>8525862 you didn’t imagine it, i’ve definitely seen that piece before. though i have no idea where it is now. i remember seeing it on twitter last.
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The fuck? Imma need some eyebleach
what are you doing here then
Looking around the only one I can find is this one by Lilith

Also if Uuushi is still taking requests I'll throw in Edelgard
Ok so it seems like there is no place to find this so does anyone have it?
Does anyone have this comic? I can’t find it anywhere.
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you can stop trying now
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melody cross would post that comic...
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(on) country Roaaaaaaaaaads
I TOOOK a Pooo,
in my diapeeeer
so Squisheeeeeeee!
Fuck off.
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I requested Mizuki from Project Sekai. Another anon wanted Nene and Emu and I'd like to see them too.

If you forgot about them, there were some requests in this thread that you haven't done yet along with some that you recently did.
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Nta but very fucking cute
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I watched this old, classic cartoon as a kid. It's probably the reason I'm like this. There's a hard-ass dad who keeps tripping on his kid's toys that are left around the house. He blows up on his kid and then gets babified via conveyer belt.

Anyone know what I'm talking about? Got a link or name?
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Are you doing them now one by now or do you have them already done?
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idk but how much padded pippa is there?
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looking for kircai rip (non-furry artworks)
If someone could up it or those works you have, would made my day
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This is all I have.
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i am doing them now
Mizuki Akiyama is coming up soon
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godspeed. I forgor what I requested so hopefully I remember when you post it
Best diaper artist
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Is Kanami on the list?
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Got an more info on it? Like year or art style?
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Is it possibly "Boy Meets Dog"?
(Youth machine scene ~7:45)
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I wish the rest of this got leaked
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I have no power here, but perhaps to get a leak of art, you need to sacrifice a leak in your diaper?
wear your diaper too long and let it wet the chair, and maybe the universe will leak the art somewhere...
anon I don't even have any diapers...

Make sure you round all these up for pixiv, some of 'em are real kino (these two, Lisa, Pippa)

Glad you're still a drawfriend, keep up the good work.
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That was terrible; I cast a dark spell upon you.
Stop samefagging loser
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Do you even know what samefag means? retarded newfag
>Oh you're so smart and your shitty doodles are amazing!
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uh oh, anti-oc melty!
This is the same retarded in everything that bitches about anything and everything and doesn’t know how to reply to threads.
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wtf is this cringe pony shit
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you can stop trying now
would anyway

also thought this was sugi for a minute, you should do more with her (filling her diaper on the potty maybe?)
If you have a spot opne, please Rodion babying Sinclar (both chars from limbus company)

Do that and my life is yours
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>aifaggot tries to draw without ai
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>not wanting a cute unicorn girl to rest her head against your chest and impale your ribcage
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You don't even spam the entire thread? Shitposters sure fell fucking off.
What triggers this tard specifically to start spamming? Seems like he does it randomly sometimes years apart
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It is a deep quarter astral goon season in recumbence.
Now is when the gaylines are perpendickular to the Turkmenistan hellportal, which means the dead Weimar spirits can roam Terra for a little while.
Some inevitably reach a 4chan terminal and you get this.
I'm glad Monkey Poster is back.
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Thought the monkey shitposter fucked off
He's like the Avatar: he sleeps a while and comes back.
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nta but grown woman diapered and strapped into booster seats is hot
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Do you still have that Yu-Gi-Oh Sora pic you drew a while back?
Probably a combination of the unneeded meltdown over the drawfag and the Bridget shitpost (I checked Owl's SS and it's not there).

Owl used to actually draw even if the art wasn't technically great. AI brainrot is real.
are you sure you just didn't use a big enough fire lmao?

you don't burn one diaper'd you have it as part of a bigger bonfire... just trying to light one that's full of wet and poop would be stupid

source: growing up my younger brother would wet the bed and I distinctly remember paper bags of garbage, including the offbrand pull-ups, being thrown on the backyard bonfire some nights. It was fascinating to watch the plastics melt away.
That's another anon that doesn't like your stupid doodles and your obvious samefagging
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Mind if I ask for Ze Amin and his mommy Martha?

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