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Rough Mexican Breeding Edition

This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8511460
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Bros when can I give her my weapon of Atlas?
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love da enchilada
which pale carnation is this?
What games have the best writing?
>game is labeled finished when it's missing a good chunk of content and still receiving patches
Fucking hate that shit
Interim Domain, Exiles, Projekt Passion.
what are you talking about
lmao this dude bought future fragments
It was funny when Roundscape Adorevia did it. Assumedly they were hoping for their new games to flourish, but when their fans said "KEEP MAKING MORE ROUNDSCAPE SHIT" they went back
Anyone keeping an eye on new stuff? I played one recently named Wild Cats and it seemed promising.
I typically don't play a weg until five or more updates in.
v0.01 chads, our response?
Depends on what you mean by new. I don't usually fuck with any 0.1s. Somewhat new: New Antioch.
Did the Azraesha poster kill himself?
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bros... will i ever find an azraesha irl??

no i didn't kill myself. i'm still looking
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That translates to what in WEG years? Like 6 or something. I was trying to find some new stuff and I found this Wild Cats one and I was interested in the little story it had, can't wait for it to be abandoned just fuck with me.
Doesn't need to literally be new, like it released yesterday or something, just a hidden gem you found, something that isn't among the regular ones most people follow.
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3+ years and counting.

Keep it up.
I hate false advertising.
then why are you here? that's all wegs
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Between Humanity isn't half bad, if you don't mind Honey Select.
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Hard pass.
it's sad just how true this is
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Buying games is based, especially if it's on Steam.
there aren't even any good v0.1s, anon
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My wife.
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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>You're just an incel loser who ended up as the personal servant to your mean, bitchy high school crush.
>She’ll drain both your wallet AND your balls.
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MY wife
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Image MD5 list to filter out the tranny / blacked cuck spammer:


>use 4chanX
>go to settings
>select the drop-down menu with the name "Guide" on it
>select Image MD5
>paste the list in the blank

The list gets updated regularly.
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What game
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star periphery
fan art
findom queen
whats his problem
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Yup. It's even more pathetic now since his main IP got banned so he can't use his bot to spam and has to resort to manually post each pic now lmao
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Thank you
What's the name of that game where you have a girl best friend who acts like kind of a chaos gremlin
what's a chaos gremlin?
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What? Ripples?
that's most of wegs
Not mine
WVM is even worse than I remember.
what changed?
I dunno! Started from the start and I don't think I can take anymore of the cringe.
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what game
Moondew Valley
The loredump at the start made me drop it.
The Tyrant, anyway Saddog still sad?
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One more update and I'll replay it again
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Isn't that DLC for Milfy City? I don't think they've released it yet.
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the secret is to not read anything
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Why is it so common for male protagonists in games using DAZ models (even when rendered in Blender) to have no body hair? Is the protagonist of my game the only guy who doesn't shave his entire body?

Note: I was going to add body hair to the girls too, but an anon said it was disgusting and I ended up avoiding it...
>whiteleaf releases game
>doesn't even shill it here
is he mad at you

Bush is underrated. Love me some bush.
nevermind it's another remake
It's extra compute that has to be rendered every time for every sex scene. Long hair with many strands for girls are a pain as well.
I like bush so fuck the fags
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new sp teaser
based, though some of his shit is still slipping through
what's with all the hidden posts?
that's hot
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Spam bot posting cuck/troon shit.
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How full of absolute butt-hurt seethe do you have to be to spend *years* spamming shit nobody wants to see in a porn game thread on a mongolian basket weaving forum? Instead of, you know, fucking off to somewhere with like-minded faggots?
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It's a bot, jannies are just lazy about banning it.
gimme the bush
Only snowflakes use filters. Just ignore shit you don't like.
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seeds of chaos
>seeds of chaos
fuck off
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you will now remember a weg that could have been...
Hey, I know that store!
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If you report it you get your post deleted and a temp ban. Schizo is a mod.
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>OP said I don't like certain fetishes
>That makes the post off topic
lol. At least report them for trolling or something.
Yes you drooling retard, each thread pertains to certain themes and fetishes. If the OP specifies certain content to be included or not included in their thread, posting anything outside of that content is off-topic for that thread.
Not surprised that a mentally ill cocksucking cuck like you has such difficulty understanding simple concepts
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I think you fags are way too sensitive but
go to Advanced and put this at the end of "File Info Formatting"
>[Filter - %f]
I hash every picture on most boards. Seen it once, don't need to see it again. Only a few threads and boards I don't filter.
i use it for spammers spamming threads with the same pics. annoying as fuck.
does it increase your load times?
>load times
Like loading a thread on the browser? No. And this is a relatively old machine (i3 nuc type thing from like 2018). I do have a decent amount of ram though. I have about 30 tabs open. If I'm mass filtering I've had crashes in the past, so just take some time between hashing. 4chanx has a countdown timer for when the script is updating, if it freezes then that means it's still updating your changes.
>"File Info Formatting"
>>[Filter - %f]
what does this do?
If you use fappetyme and filter images it makes browsing most red boards much more efficient.
Doesn't seem like the mods agree with you. Kek.
filterfags are always tourists with no exceptions
Yea the mods are cucks here, what can you do
If I went to one of the many futa specific threads and started posting non-futa content I'm sure those dumb trannies would do something about it
adds the x so you can filter with one button
>go running to the mods to protect your safespace
>get mad when they delete your shitposts and leave the other stuff up
For someone who hates gays you sure do act like a fag.
When did I go running to the mods? I don't bother reporting anything, it's faggots like you that are probably flagging posts for le heckin racism!

>Expect mods to do their one job
>get annoyed when they only do it selectively, deleting only stuff they don't like and leaving all the gay shit that suits them
For someone that has no interest in the topic of this thread, you sure can't stop sperging out about it. Go die from aids like a good faggot
>expect mods to enforce your rules and not the actual rules of the site
FTFY. Mods may be cucks. But you'll always be a bitch.
nice! Thanks
>NOOO, you have to look at the heckin cuckposters!
Fucking israelis.
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that's handy, thank you Anon
sigh... the peace was nice while it lasted. back to a bunch of rejects getting pissy and whiny because their thread is dead
I mean sure we tend to last for around a week now instead of 1 to 3 days but we're hardly dead, anon. Many other general threads on this board don't hit the bump limit for over a month.
Yes retard, screenshots of games that are explicitly contrary to the topic of the thread are in fact off topic.
wegs you wish weren't [abandoned] for me it's vinland and WaL
What a Legend
my sweet neighbors, our fate
What a Legend
Milftoon Drama
That one game about vampire, don't remember the name.
not us, dude. the other thread that lasts for 2 months before it goes down. the falseflaggers in here who spam the images and try and delude you into thinking you're a schizoid for not liking that shit are from the other thread and they're pissed that this thread is now the main one
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In case this was real question, Timestamps.
what is this from?
Such A Sharp Pain
The Tyrant
it seems that his 4chanPass got banned though. Got to manually post everything lmao
The Futas Dammes at least jerk off the Twink Kun or they only impale him?
Rainy Day
original Elven Tales with the ugly protag
The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston - it's been on hold for 4 years now
>The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston - it's been on hold for 4 years now
I miss it so much bros.
it sucked
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Star Maidens. Makes me wanna cry just thinking about it
Finally have my week off so I need recommendations about bimbofication wegs. Please help a shitter out.

Copying from the other thread.
my bimbo dream
That's a good one.
why? it was a mid game
>What a legend
>What a Legend
I miss it so much bros..
>take a week off
>use it to read half finished wegs
Name of game?
just absolutely stunning gobbos, taking into account this came out in 2019. Thinking what they could've done in the past 5 years with it breaks my heart. Untapped gobbo potential

If you have any recommendations with similar ones im all ears
>Thinking what they could've done in the past 5 years
Maybe release 5 updates, and then rush an ending.
thats fine, as long as we would've gotten more of this cutie who wears fishnets to the gym!
Love and Submission.
True bond.
I've played it several months ago. But I've read that the creator was unhappy with how things were going and changed stuff up. How is it nowadays? How is the bimbofication going?
I am horny.
>>No QoS/blacked
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Reminder that little sisters belong to their brothers
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fucking finally
> So well over 250 images though about half of them are just alternates so yeah, it's a short update.
still more than expected
>including incest and harems
Is there any weg with actual biological incest or is it all stepshit?
if you even think about step shit you're out
this fucking guy...
But yeah bimbofication games onegai..
are fag95s renpy weggies safe yet
Bitch breaker
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Tyranting the Lost
this. i slept on it while it was not really abandoned, but tried it when the last update came out. was very positively surprised.
Of course not.
which is it?
There's nothing wrong with stepcest, anon.
star periphery
it's Intermedium
Usually there is a no way related to the dev patch that works in fixing the step.
I'm a bit of an expert in the field, here's a comprehensive list of the good ones:
hope this helps, lmk if you need help finding a link/getting them to run
Does Apocalust finally has actual sex in it?
Please tell me you picked the submission route
were you infected?
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I had to completely reinstall Windows if that tells you anything.
What happened?
F95 jannies powerless to stop script chad from infecting wegs.
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oh god why.
just make her a tranny if you have to
futa is the worst shit ever
why don't these faggot uploader accounts change their passwords?
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I want to commission some SFM of Tasi from Amnesia Rebirth. Can any of you niggas help me out?

I'll give you $30 since you'll just be using existing models.

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