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General for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related creators.
>All STA related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot.
>Zero tolerance policy towards drama: report it for off-topic, and then more importantly, IGNORE IT.
>Remember, if someone you don't like posts here, just be an adult and ignore them. All jumping down their throat will do is cause the board to become 90% bickering and 10% actual porn. You won't chase them off.
>Settings > Filters & Post Hiding > Enable Filter and Highlight Specific Threads/Posts > Edit > Add Pattern: (whatever the Tripcode is), Board: /aco/, Type: tripcode, Enable: auto & hide > Save
>No virtue signaling of any kind. If you see something you don't like, hide it, and if you think it breaks the global or board rules, you're welcome to report it.
>No diaper, scat OR fart porn. It'll be considered troll posting and will be reported as such.
>Youtuber sexooooo
Fanfics: https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc (last updated circa. mid 2023)
The OSP Archive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lGGqaV1thjD4BKYe2ZitrE5xMHzU4SVU?usp=share_link (last updated March 2024)
https://mega.nz/folder/Ia90TbQR#2clwpj3Y0sP9sN98x4yLZQ (last updated June 2024)
Previous Thread: >>8504949
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Edit of Overt's art I made
Oh yeah I saw these rule 34
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I kinda wanna see art of Luvvucy twerking while wearing the Wapeach cosplay, taunting black Wario and Sonic, cuz they've been kicking and launching each other during the Mario 64 streams.
Then the next pic would be her flying through the air with two foot prints on her cheeks
Perfect follow-up panel
gomotion x bizabizow request
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who would you pick?
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Their mom's
Both and both of their moms
This is really good. I love when vendetta draws youtubers.
There is still one youtuber I hope he'll draw someday
He's pretty goated when it comes to drawing youtubers for this particular thing.
Who knows? I'm planning on doing a sequel to this pic involving other persona girls in the future and that particular youtuber may or may no be included.
Who are the youtubers planned for that sequel if you don't mind me asking
I'm thinking of doing Cypherden, emirichu, Ararchnia, Tabbes, Scomicmaker, and the last one maybe your particular favorite tuber.
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I'm quite excited for that sequel whenever it may happen :)
>and the last one maybe your particular favorite tuber.
I do hope so, I have a feeling he could draw her quite well. I just hope he picks the tall one as that one has the best feet
You know, it never occurred to me how weird it is, not that the youtubers themselves have worn but the people featured in their videos (family, friends, enemies, random people they encountered) have born.
Like imagine you find out one day you have rule 34 of yourself drawn fucking some girl you never met because you were in a video where they talked about a convention they went to.
Like would you be flattered, creeped out or would you wanna fuck up whoever drew that you know?
Have porn*
Fuck autocorrect
I guess it depends on the context really. Say people are doing what whole scarf boy fucks the Youtube Cinematic universe stuff(in which I'm pretty sure he's a child) I'd have a issue with that. If you were just drawing me fuckin or getting fucked I'd prob be okay with it 9/10 tho
you still didn't fix the tripcode filtering bit where it has to be aco and not /aco/ and instead added yet another superfluous message that goes without saying
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Requesting sexy mermaid Savannah
Adds some Ginja
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Back at it again with more requests for any or all things Minbitt content. Can't find an artist I like that'll take commissions for it.
Going to do a couple requests over the course of the thread

Cursed illy-possum edition.
My honest reaction would be a mix of interest and a bit weirded out that someone would find me that interesting to depict me fucking some youtuber lol
Well if you are really taking request, I would like to see something with Shgurr. Maybe her with big tits giving someone a titjob or a buttjob.
definitely need more of SkeleHarpy and LuVVucy together. Shame they weren't both in the newest video. I need more of them interacting
Could you do this one
What are requests limited to?
3 new arts coming soon!!!
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Randomly did this in 2023. I need to work on my digital skills better.
A blessing to the goon gods
jaiden's mom gave me a hard on
Glad that she verred to doing videos that make her happy( her redraw or sketch vlogs). But man between her guest appearances with other youtubeers and videos with sultan sketches it really is a shame that she's kinda pigpnholeld herself into a niche cornerand doesnet really get any art anymore. Feels like ginja is all but forgotten these days, what with the heavy hitters or niche(pantsless pajamas has a whole guy who does 3d model rule 34 of her for example), not to mention newer one like introverted cartoonist, or the bug girl that blew up a few threads back.
Can you do chaos55t please?
Yeah I miss old Ginja design (the new one's fine I got plushie after all mostly for support; but the original made me WEAK) but eeeh I guess it can't be helped. Still utterly crushed we never got the rest of the planned six part series that started with Webkinz. I guess it doesn't matter still follow for their art alone; its just a whole different vibe now video wise.

Well at least we're getting some new promising material.
I’m a YouTuber myself and this has happened to me. To be honest, it’s pretty mortifying. It makes me want to collaborate less with other YouTubers or be in spaces with them because I’m worried they’ll blame me for the porn made of us.
What are the 3 drawings
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requesting the right pic with lily looking smug, giving the finger and saying "enjoy your broken cock, bigot trash~!" with cum leaking from her ass or pussy
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Livarachii has zero art if you want to be the first.
Requesting a large breasted Shgurr swallowing a huge mouthful of cum with it bulging down her throat
Happy trying her hardest to put on her jeans

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As the person who requested this I’m so happy to see it still get posted

(Another Jamie just because)
Jamierightmeow eating out Amyrightmeow
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Sorry to hear, I'd ask who you are but obviously you wanna remain anonymous.
At the very least, I'm sure people at least blame the folks making the art as opposed to people like you outright.
This is amazing! Thanks for doing my request
If possible, could you draw anonymous guy thrusting in between Minbitt's thighs while she's smugly looking back at him?
Would it be ok to ask for a pic of Jaiden getting an embarrassing lewd makeover from Miku resulting in Jaiden having Cinnamiku's hairstyle and being bottomless with only a short-sleeved t-shirt?
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Will fully admit to you I didn't now how to make her sexual other than to keep her tits out.
>I didn't now how to make her sexual other than to keep her tits out.
That's how majority of mermaid pics are
Some emphasize the curve of their lower part to give the allusion of an ass
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Zelenta in this pose: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10451672
I like how finny you made her!
Cursed? Or Blursed?

Anyway, can you draw Yoontoons getting impregnated?
KelseyAnimated and Scribblejuice double dildoing anally.
Still came out Really hot. Thanks
Some also give them pussys in some way.
Here are the edits for the osp stuff posted a few threads ago hope you all enjoy
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did you also edit this?
GinjaNinja takes 19 inches of Venom
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Belbeeps (Twitch streamer but tied to GinjaNinja so I figured...close enough right?)
Absolute fire just like always
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Looks like Bizabow fully tooned out oldschool style. I wonder what the local Bizabow-lover thinks.
I have a boner
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Most likely just a joke tweet but its still so hot. We need more Biz lewds!!!
You’re thinking from the perspective of someone detached from all of it. It’s easy to break it down to the fault of the artist/commissioner from there, but when you don’t like to be sexualized and people do that to you with someone you barely/don’t know, they just decide to avoid the situation altogether. It’s not even a matter of blame at that point, it’s just the path of least resistance.
fr tho, we need so much more of here
Looks like a dumb bimbo who need cock
It makes me want to fuck her ass harder
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Thxnfor drawing her.
In hindsight I probably should've included the ref of her
Oh yeah I was going off google images but glad you like it
In the future could you do the shortstack version. Also sorry for not including that ref originally, that was my bad
I’m sorry I legitimately can’t bring myself to edit Kronos to be nude just doesn’t feel right.
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Same energy, requesting someone draw this
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Ur free to draw me if u wish
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Jett model sheet
Oh hell yeah, this just drop?
Also thanks for the ref. I was too lazy to go back in the threads to look for it, but I'll be needing it for that feet commission I'm planning on doing in the future.
It was back in September 17th
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I think it's time for some freak shit
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I bet they reek so good

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