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1. Post a bondage image when you request. Ignore requests without images.
2. Post female bondage only. Male bondage posters, you have your own thread, use that.
3. Don't feed trolls, ignore them. Ignore and report their posts for being off-topic. This includes off site drama bullshit, rumors, and politics.
4. If you post AI bondage be sure to say so either in the post or the filename.

Have fun!

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kidnapping girls, abusing girls, shipping girls some third world shithole countries

just hope the buyer wont mind cumstains on their merchandise
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Anyone have any of the new Special Edition DBComix Teen Titan comics? The Raven, Starfire, and Blackfire ones. The ones with the added pics?
Could someone possibly share magnoliaduckys Beach Chai Tea set? It's mags most recent post.
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Does anyone have the new Issa Yuffie and Tifa pics
Anyone got elijahpink new arts
Anyone have the new Merinthos stuff from his fanbox?
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Anyone have raver1357 comics?
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Does anyone have this?
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Here’s pic for the request
Patience, patience, young grasshopper. Good things come to those who wait. ;)

Soon. Sooooooon. Also, WHAT THE FUCK is with the CAPTCHA? SIX CHARACTERS!? Are you SHITTING ME!?
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Does anyone have the Ellen set from Issa?
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Anyone have this Husman comic? Usually I just wait for the kemono to update. But it's worked 3 months this year.
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anyone got the new pic from ryner or wossa?
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Someone got this comic from ViscousVeil?
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Can't find the sauce on this, do you have it?
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I love his art
Elijahpink art please!
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Hi guys did any of you comission something before? If yes which artist and how was your experience?
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Wonder if anyone's stumbled upon this comic by Devan Muse/acquired it perhaps?
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pic with request
A couple times, though only one of them could be halfway considered bondage. They were positive experiences.
Anyone have the variants for this pic?
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same request !
Weird, it's not in the gallery.

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