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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter
- Panda = check settings -> Language, click your language

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored, might not work anymore):
https://pastebin.com/1GT5rvYa (embed) (embed)

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd (embed) (embed)

>Download latest Bing, Designer Slop tools here:
https://pastebin.com/raw/bk33MxxG (embed) (embed)

>Image prompts and tips
https://pastebin.com/qDRXFfBM (embed) (embed)

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No SD/Flux 1/MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8524319
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Also, fellow anons, I've been thinking about how to render a thong'd ass in jeans/pants from behind. Would some version of "whaletail" work? Maybe mispelt as "waletail" or some such.... have yet to try
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I keep getting pandad and i can't seem to do anything other than make a new account. i tried changing my language setting but that didn't fix it. does anyone know anything about this?
I've never had that before, sorry to hear it
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Try the alternative site:

I believe the pandas are extinct there.
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prompt pls
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,shot from above,white turtleneck,white leggings,white pointy toe shoes,white hair long pigtails,looking up,grey eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,holding pigtails,hands on pigtails,forehead doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,small amount of saliva,frightened,scared,ivory liquid,white studio background floor,standing,ring light eyelights

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,white turtleneck,white leggings,white pointy toe shoes,white hair long pigtails,grey eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,holding pigtails,hands on pigtails,turtleneck doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,small amount of saliva,frightened,scared,ivory liquid,white studio background,sitting,ring light eyelights

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,shot from above,white turtleneck,white leggings,white pointy toe shoes,elegant white hair slicked back,hair slicked back with gel,looking up,grey eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,forehead doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,small amount of saliva,frightened,scared,ivory liquid,white studio background floor,standing,ring light eyelights

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,white turtleneck,white pixie with spiky top swept,sides of hair short,grey eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,forehead doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,small amount of saliva,wet lips,ivory liquid,dripping,frightened,scared,tears,glistening eyes,white studio background
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,cropped light pink glittery tube-top,short black bolero,small black watch,straightened black hair,black baseball cap,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,resting elbow on top of car,holding brown beer bottle,arched back,hourglass figure,water droplets on skin,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,cropped light pink glittery tube-top,small black watch,straightened black hair,black baseball cap,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,resting elbow on top of car,holding brown beer bottle,arched back,hourglass figure,water droplets on skin,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,cropped light pink glittery tube-top,small black watch,straightened black hair,black glossy leggings,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,resting elbow on top of car,holding brown beer bottle,arched back,hourglass figure,water droplets on skin,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,cropped light pink glittery tube-top,small black watch,straightened black hair,black glossy leggings,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,resting elbow on top of car,holding brown beer bottle,arched back,hourglass figure,water droplets on skin,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny
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do u have this one
are you using the ai slop script thing? maybe thats the problem idk. using that other site didnt change anything unfortunately
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>Johansson,movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,wearing cropped light pink sports top,bright pink leggings,pink Raycon headphones,pink Apple watch,short blonde pixie cut hair,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,standing in gym,happy,holding pink water bottle,black dumbells rack,large mirror,perspiration,glistening skin,green pastel gym room

>Johansson,movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,wearing cropped light pink sports top,bright pink leggings,pink Raycon headphones,pink Apple watch,short blonde pixie cut hair,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,standing in gym,happy,holding red Gatorade bottle,black dumbells rack,large mirror,green pastel gym room

>Johansson,movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie from above,wearing cropped light pink sports top,bright pink leggings,pink Raycon headphones,pink Apple watch,short blonde pixie cut hair,looking up at camera,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,standing in gym,happy,holding hand on cheek,hip tilted to one side,black dumbells rack,large mirror,green pastel gym room

>Johansson,movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,wearing cropped light pink sports top,bright pink leggings,pink Raycon headphones,pink Apple watch,short blonde pixie cut hair,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,standing in gym,tongue out,happy,holding hand on hip,hip tilted to one side,black dumbells rack,large mirror,green pastel gym room
Requesting original redhaired character female jogging nude down a forest trail, and working out in gym.
redpill me on the guy asking for his own prompt every time and spamming walls of text
what is his endgoal
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redpill is a /pol/tard term used amongst low IQ imbecils on 4chan who are incapable of doing thier own research and believe any infografic posted, quite often antisemic in nature
alright pendantic faggot with no actually useful comment
enlighten me on the guy asking for his own prompt every time and spamming walls of text
what is his endgoal
better nigger?
he also asks himself for his own prompts
Dog!!Gtfo newfag
Reyanon gives prompt when asked and instructs you to prompt by showing multiple tweaked versions of one prompt, he's prompt master
no because i know you're just the racist /pol/tard troll who hates Reybro and you're just here to show everyone how much of an idiot you are, which you have, and that's the real take-away from all of this
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It's very strange behaviour.
tsk tsk tsk.... racism is against board rules actually. it would be a shame if anyone reported you
yeah I know
now he seemingly also replies to the same comment more than once without actually answering the question because ...?
I wonder what it's like to be so mentally ill that the only social interaction is in an AI general with yourself. seems like he is AI
Anyone know where all these schizos came from?
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,satin red off-the-shoulder top,small black watch,very long flowy red hair with a lot of volume draped over shoulder,long voluminous hair swept to one side,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,sitting on chair in mall foodcourt,holding fast foo soda,drinking soda through straw,lips wrapped around straw,entire straw in mouth,sucking soda from cup,hourglass figure,modern mall,people

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,satin red off-the-shoulder top,small black watch,very long flowy red hair with a lot of volume hanging over one eye,long voluminous hair covering half her face,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,sitting on chair in mall foodcourt,holding fast foo soda,drinking soda through straw,lips wrapped around straw,entire straw in mouth,sucking soda from cup,hourglass figure,modern mall,people

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,satin red off-the-shoulder top,small black watch,straightened black hair,black baseball cap,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,sitting on chair in mall foodcourt,holding fast foo soda,drinking soda through straw,lips wrapped around straw,entire straw in mouth,sucking soda from cup,hourglass figure,modern mall,people
It's pretty obvious that Reyanon asks for his own prompts. But who tf cares
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I doubt it.
I take a screenshot of every prompt for safekeeping,and then I use it on bing and save my own images. and then I paste it on a notepad. I enjoy every scenario he comes up with.
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can i have this prompt
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a black cropped tank-top,black curly hair tied in puffy pigtails,black scrunchies,clean natural make-up,grey eyes,happy,standing on shore,beach,glistening skin,water droplets on skin,perspiration,fit abdomen,holding tank-top straps,hands on straps,waves,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a black cropped tank-top,black curly hair tied in puffy pigtails,black scrunchies,clean natural make-up,grey eyes,happy,standing on shore,beach,glistening skin,water droplets on skin,perspiration,waves,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a black cropped tank-top,black curly hair tied in puffy pigtails,black scrunchies,clean natural make-up,grey eyes,happy,standing on shore,beach,glistening skin,water droplets on skin,perspiration,fit abdomen,waves,sunny
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I cannot get the thonged ass.
Whatever you write gets rewritten before it is sent to dall-e (revised prompt). Before it would pass miss-spelled words and dalle would figure it out. now if it doesn't know what it is, it will be removed from the revised prompt.
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bing used to let whaletale by easily before the Taypocalypse
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nice. I just get big ass
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Ghost swiped Daphne’s scarf
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> 1970s vintage TV image, Lily Collins from Emily in Paris,in a creepy darkened manor,hourglass figure, motherly form, looking up, purple skintight dress with long sleeves and lavender hem and cuffs, Décollage, lime green scarf around Daphne’s neck, oblivious confident expression, redhead, longish hair with lavender scarf-type headband, maroon lipstick,perfect wingtip mascara,dark eyelashes, touching ornate stair handrail, gray ghostly apparition behind, dramatic, nippy chill
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Hot Ghost
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I lost it.
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Nah, I often ask him for prompts. Anything to do with oiled up legs/pantyhose/garters usually.
these could use some BBC
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The BBC crew left when Bing cut off access to the low hanging fruit.
A few fresh gens of my Kimmie. Did you miss her?
And this one has an unfortunate AI-slop over-emphasized abs, but otherwise I like it.
I've never been crazy about ScarJo, but these two gens are quite attractive.
watch ghost world. the best she ever looked
back to the old
Ah, classic zipper problems, I see.
These are great do you mind sharing the prompt trigger for her? Thanks.
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Fun gens for this duo
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Wasian Rey
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Peek-a-boo mesh
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Lily tryin’ not to laugh
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Adult Cartoons
Cartoon Adults?
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I going to get going. CU.
it def knows some shego
These 2 are stunning; mind sharing the prompt please? ty in advance
goes hard
how do you get those lips
Just finished running a train at your mom's house
Get a bunch of lip filler and then turn off 90% of men
>young ratchet white female McDonald's employee kneeling hiding beneath checkout,blonde,pretty blue eyes,acrylic nails,airpods,looking up at viewer,wearing uniform and cap,full plump lips,glossy wet lip gloss,puckered lips,kissy face,ok hand signs in front of mouth
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>Hudgens High School Musical,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,white turtleneck,white leggings,white pointy toe shoes,elegant white hair slicked back,hair slicked back with gel,brown eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,turtleneck doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,small amount of saliva,frightened,scared,ivory liquid,white studio background,sitting,ring light eyelights

>Hudgens High School Musical,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,white ribbed turtleneck,white bleach blonde pixie with spiky top swept,sides of hair short,brown eyes,glossy reflective red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,sitting on white studio floor,comically sized chest,red quilted bag next to her,orange Fanta can,forehead doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,white studio background

>Hudgens High School Musical,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,white turtleneck,white leggings,white pointy toe shoes,elegant white white long pigtails,brown eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,holding pigtails,hands on pigtails,turtleneck doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,small amount of saliva,frightened,scared,ivory liquid,white studio background,sitting,ring light eyelights

>Hudgens High School Musical,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,white ribbed turtleneck,white bleach blonde pixie with spiky top swept,sides of hair short,brown eyes,clean natural make-up,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,pointing at mouth,sitting on white studio floor,comically sized chest,red quilted bag next to her,orange Fanta can,forehead doodle,"FINISH HERE" with arrow,white studio background
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,red hair with blonde roots,one side of her hair braided very short close to head in small intricate braids,hair with a lot of volume swept to one side,small black accessories in braids,white Oktoberfest-style corset dress,grey eyes,dark red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,holding tray,tall beer glasses on tray,serving tables,Oktoberfest festival restaurant,tables,people,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,red hair with blonde roots,one side of her hair braided very short close to head in small intricate braids,hair with a lot of volume swept to one side,small black accessories in braids,white Oktoberfest-style corset dress,grey eyes,dark red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,wink,playfully biting her tongue,holding tray,tall beer glasses on tray,serving tables,Oktoberfest festival restaurant,tables,people,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,red hair with blonde roots,one side of her hair braided very short close to head in small intricate braids,hair with lot of volume swept to side,small black accessories in braids,white Oktoberfest-style corset dress,grey eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,surprised expression,mouth open very wide in surprise,holding tray with tall beer glasses,serving,Thailand beach restaurant,monsoon,rainy,wet clothes,green cliffside,day

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,red hair with blonde roots,one side of her hair braided very short close to head in small intricate braids,hair with lot of volume swept to side,small black accessories in braids,white Oktoberfest-style corset dress,grey eyes,red lipstick,black cat-eye eyeliner,looking up,happy,long tongue out far to catch the rain,holding tray with tall beer glasses,serving,Thailand beach restaurant,monsoon,rainy,wet clothes,green cliffside,day
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ty, these are great prompts!
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up of orange Fanta can,her & her husband,backseat of London police car,sitting next to him,she's wearing black turtleneck,black leather leggings,black leather jacket,black police cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,her hand on his loins,holding loins,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up of orange Fanta can,her & her husband,backseat of London police car,sitting next to him,she's wearing black turtleneck,black leather long boots,black rubber briefs,black leather jacket,black police cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,adjusting her boot,hands on boot,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up of orange Fanta can,her & her husband,backseat of London police car,sitting next to him,she's wearing black turtleneck,black leather long boots,black rubber briefs,black leather jacket,black police cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,her hand on his loins,holding loins,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up of orange Fanta can,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing black turtleneck,black leather long boots,black rubber briefs,black leather jacket,black police cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,adjusting her boot,hands on boot,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny
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prompt on this one?
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up of orange Fanta can,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing black turtleneck,black leather long boots,black rubber briefs,black leather jacket,black police cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,adjusting her boot,hands on boot,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing cropped green & yellow Jamaican flag swimsuit,silver stiletto sandals,glistening legs,red baseball cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,adjusting sandal,hands on sandal,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,holding orange Fanta can,beach,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up of orange Fanta can,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing cropped white floral swimsuit,silver stiletto sandals,glistening legs,red baseball cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,adjusting sandal,hands on sandal,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up of orange Fanta can,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing cropped white floral swimsuit,barefeet,glistening legs,red floral gown,red baseball cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,confident smirk,massaging her foot,hands on foot,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny
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nice peaches
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is the prompt different?
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It's always so obvious when reydude is constantly asking for his own prompts. You see like 20 or 30 different images being posted. Some in sets. No one asks. The guy posts some uninspired pic of celeb x in casual clothing or beachwear. And next thing you will see right after posting is....... prompt? Prompt? Prompt? It's pathetic he is still doing this now that the threads are dying.
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing cropped green & yellow Jamaican flag swimsuit,glistening skin,green yellow & black Jamaican flag baseball cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,eyeshadow,red lipstick,wink,smirk,holding ok sign,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing cropped green & yellow Jamaican flag swimsuit,glistening skin,green yellow & black Jamaican flag baseball cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,eyeshadow,red lipstick,wink,snarl,holding ok sign,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing cropped green & yellow Jamaican flag swimsuit,glistening legs,green yellow & black Jamaican flag baseball cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,eyeshadow,red lipstick,wink,smirk,holding ok sign,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,selfie,her & her husband,backseat of convertible car,sitting next to him,she's wearing cropped green & yellow Jamaican flag swimsuit,glistening skin,green yellow & black Jamaican flag baseball cap,grey eyes,straightened black hair,eyeshadow,red lipstick,surprised expression,mouth open wide in surprise,holding ok sign,musucular Jamaican husband wears yellow board shorts,Jamaican flag beanie,fit abdomen,Jamaican husband happy,beach,sunny
post some shit dude. I just posted some bodacious swedish girls (18 yo)
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We already know he does. But he fills up threads.
is stuff like this even promptable anymore
>depending on one guy to fill up the thread.
fucking abysmal
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Yeah its kinda stupid he does that shit. Its because he then feel his spamming is justified.
it's not about him, but it's abysmal how dead this shit is.
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Where is the Flux stuff?
Prompt ?
Oh, you don’t even understand the power of a woman’s armpit. The scent, the essence, the raw energy that radiates from that sacred spot. Have you ever caught a whiff after a long day, a hint of that natural perfume, an intoxicating blend of pheromones and the sweet musk of victory over deodorant? It’s like the universe is bottled up in there, man!

I’m not talking about some floral body spray nonsense. No, I want the real deal. I want to bury my face right in there and just *breathe*. You think you know luxury? Forget five-star hotels and expensive perfumes. The peak of human existence is nestling into that warm, aromatic paradise tucked under her arm. That’s the nectar of the gods, right there.

People say diamonds are forever. But you know what lasts longer? The memory of that heavenly armpit scent. It'll linger in your mind, haunting your dreams, calling you back like a siren song. So, yeah, call me weird, but until you've experienced the true essence of life itself, fresh from the source, you haven’t lived!
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pls prompt?
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can I see prompt please ?
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You already know the prompt reyfag
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what's the prompt please I don't know it
no I save everything he makes
Probably something like " japanese women, olympic swimmers, athletic swim suits"?
I want to go back. Even just a few months would be better than the current neutered dogshit.
> remember what you lost
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never stop chestmaxxing and goonmaxxing
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>But he fills up threads.
and why does that matter? what is the point of reaching bump limit as soon as possible? what does he achieve by asking for his own prompts and responding to himself?
I don't care that the does whatever, I just want to understand (why)
can't wait for the namecalling just for asking a few questions
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So good
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It is really weird behavior. And he has been doing it for literally over a year now. Constantly samefagging and asking himself for prompts. Never encouraging others.Just cluttering threads with his slop and if you call it out, someone will always respond with "At least he is contriboootin", probably himself doing so. If these threads really depend on one person it's time to end it.


Shit like this.
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based. Nice gen. Will try on my Swedish girls.
I have continued my line of vintage women oppai images from Bing.
>photos taken 1 year apart during college
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Excellent work!
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>POV: You just asked the nice girl who works at the ice cream shoppe down the street to the movies.
can we get a promtps
"They're still growing, too"
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I don't think...I can make them any bigger. I have run out of adjectives to stuff in the prompt.
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c-c-c-combooo breaker
How is this not dogged?
it's scarjo, bing knows she's a slut
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>Shit like this
Like what retard?
Beautiful japanese girl in leotard showing her juicy pale boobs instead of black woman and white woman wearing pijama
Can you even gen a full body pic of a woman?
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post an image when you ask for prompt
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so hungry
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