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Previous thread
I want photorealistic!

>Pick one and install Stable Diffusion

>Recommended /aco/ SD models

>Beginner prompts: save an image and load it with PNG INFO

>Optional extensions
ComfyUI only:

>Paint with Krita & SD

>/aco/ LoRAs:

>GPU tier list

for more technical info check the thread on /g/.

No futa (own thread), do not respond to trolls or off topic posts, report, hide, and keep on gennin'.

>Related threads
>>>/g/ldg (replacing /sdg/ with /ldg/, as sdg is focused on web generation & has turned in to a discord circlejerk, whereas ldg is for local generation (A1111, Comfy, Forge, etc.) )
File: Alexis_c031.jpg (56 KB, 512x768)
56 KB
The usual archive dump.
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1.89 MB
1.89 MB PNG
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2.12 MB
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796 KB PNG
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62 KB
And that was the archive dump.
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1.51 MB PNG
Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Masha (The Owl House).
What a shit quality image for op, yet the other thread with a better looking image gets deleted.
Love that one.
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831 KB
831 KB PNG
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624 KB PNG
Well, *this* is bootyfull.
(Last one I got).
All that Jedi training paying off.
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3.93 MB PNG
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3.65 MB PNG
File: Kristine Sanchez.png (2.78 MB, 2400x3508)
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2.78 MB PNG
Requesting a front view of Kristine Sanchez except that she's topless.
File: 1727278160609.jpg (379 KB, 1856x1280)
379 KB
379 KB JPG
This one is a better fit for >>>/b/ AI DEGENerated
I'm breaking no rules
File: Riley Andersen.png (2.94 MB, 1536x2304)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB PNG
Requesting more topless jeans pinups of Riley Andersen (Inside Out).
File: Nessa.png (3.69 MB, 1740x3060)
3.69 MB
3.69 MB PNG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/tkwxjx.png
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901 KB PNG
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subscribe to my patreon instead. my wife's boyfriend keeps using my toothbrush and i need a new one.
Wow, nice! I wish I could see more of this.
gape lora this please
Ok, I'm lost. There's blood, because the guy's a virgin? Is this some retarded new meme or something?
Is that Beetle Bailey? Excellent either way.
How did I do?
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2.23 MB
2.23 MB PNG
File: Molly Jo.png (3.41 MB, 2410x4380)
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3.41 MB PNG
Requesting Molly Jo (Amphibia) in a sexy topless lingerie.
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805 KB PNG
Lois Flagston and her (18 year old ¬_¬) son Chip
What character is it supposed to be?
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2 MB
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1.19 MB PNG
More milk bags Mavis please?
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160 KB JPG
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1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG
started out this week, its been a rough beginning
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1.27 MB PNG
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1021 KB JPG
asked on /g/ which led me to /h/ which led me here

I've only ever used promptchan which didn't really get results like what I want.
What would be the best method to generate pictures with a lot more stylized anatomy like pic related rather than generic anime style?
huffslove, jek, foresttherotten, bandlebro, all that similar thicc shortstack with exaggerated cartoonish proportions. not interested in the generic anime style most often associated with ai
You'd need to get some specific models/LoRAs and fiddle with them until you figure out something that looks good to you.

If you have a good GPU (check tier list in OP) then you can install a local copy of forge or A1111 and generate stuff on your own

If you have a bad computer but some money you could use Civitai and pay to generate using the models/LoRAs supplied there

If you have a bad computer, no money but some paitence you can use Collab and load the models/LoRAs onto google's hardware and make them pay for it (suckers)

If you have a bad computer, no money and no patience then idk
File: 72544-3091946522.jpg (1.22 MB, 3840x3000)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB JPG
The Huffslove LoRA is pretty great.
File: 71574-3275782376.png (1.19 MB, 1280x1000)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB PNG
Here's one specifically prompting for a shortstack imp.
File: 81978-472606760.jpg (440 KB, 4000x1094)
440 KB
440 KB JPG
Here you go, some examples of what I was able to grab pretty quickly of CivitAI and run through A1111. I'm fortunate that I have a pretty good gaming PC, except I don't use it to game any more. Just this.

black hair, long hair, messy hair, high ponytail, hair over one eye, violet eyes, medium breasts, wide hips, freckles, body freckles,
goblin girl, shortstack, gobbo, green skin, yellow eyes, black lips,
Holy fuck...
Are requests fine here?

I'm hoping someone could fix the hand for this image I found. Just needs an extra finger.
Or hide the hand naturally somehow. I'm fine with either. Just just this sexy pink haired milf nun done proper.

Or should I be asking at the edit threads?
Holy fuck this is perfect. Sorry for being retarded, but where do I download this?

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