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'Can a jock lock image be good?' edition


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Previous Thread: >>8497001
For your consideration.
Easily one of the new hottest wedgie pics ever. Through sheer detail (all that detail on the waistband and "tag") Gabe managed to make something so ferally horny without taking off a single bit of clothing. Got to appreciate he did this for a male character too.
A rare jock lock image where it actually looks difficult to get out of. Points just for that.
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Images usually drop points for me if a lot of clothing is removed honestly
At most I like pantsings but if it's just full on nudity I tend to get the sense they wish they were doing regular porn but just inserted a wedgie in there. Glad for the Angel Devil pic they understood pants are essential to even making a jock lock a wedgie.
missed that nobara image because deviantart search is such shit now, dang, thank you.
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Unsure if this has ever been put in the spotlight. I recently discovered that one of the official ref sheets for mahoako depicts whats essentially a shoulder wedgie

Do with this what you will
That's just a slingshot outfit. Though Mahoako definitely deserved more community attention than it got.
This goes hard, almost as hard as I am
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ummm guys. i have dirt Internet service so i can't post the full pic. so i have to make a crop post. sowwy
That's a built in shoulder wedgie and I don't care what name that dumb piece of clothing has
banana hammock
Has your internet improved yet? Just let it sit for a while and it will work
What's up with people in this community and never improving or even devolving in skill? Tokky's been drawing the same dogshit for years, Yummy's been just as garbage since he started, Garul's been stagnant. Coxxy's actively gotten worse, Semi turned to slop (then again, loli is always slop)
Oh, while I'm here, Kemono didn't die because of this community and the faggot who keeps saying that is an idiot. The backend of the system was basically taken out back because they're in legal shit. A large-format leaking platform wouldn't suddenly go radio because of a very small, very niche community leaking shit.
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Wasn't that obvious?
nah. i don't feel like t anymore
For many it becomes a job/obligation, and there’s not much reason to improve past that point
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This is why I fear whenever an artist's Patreon happens
Great Bait
i heard from an artist that they don't change styles much because that's what commissioners/followers enjoy the most usually

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