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• Respect /aco/ and global rules
• Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do it for free
• Keep art critiques short, and only give if requested
• To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 or Image limit
• Nobody is entitled to deliveries under any circumstances within these threads. Don't critique others' requests; If you don't like it, don't draw it
• Ignore the bait, you're better than this
• Stay on topic, and report bait, deliberately poor/antagonistic "criticism," and off-topic posts

• Reply to the OP when you request
• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), and keep it to one post
• One request per thread
• The request must be of an Original Character. This means no licensed characters, there's a General Drawthread for that
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost
• Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck
• If you get a delivery, wait 2 threads before you re-request. If someone breaks this rule, don't waste posts by complaining

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be
• Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info, but only after delivering. Otherwise, you're just advertising
• Remember to reply to the Anchor Post to make deliveries easier to track
• Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take
• Ignore the drama and draw what you want, it's nobody's place to tell you what you can or can't deliver

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

If you're looking for a deleted thread, try checking

Previous thread: >>8491663
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Anchor post (For deliveries and wip)
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Well, I'll do the honors then.
Requesting my air genasi lady giving a private performance to a patron of the arts appreciative of her talents after a generous donation (or after being "invited" by his goons).
oh I like this one a lot
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request my speedster/yellow lantern Sinn(left) poledancing (right)
Any questions
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Can I get a slender girl with a hime-cut and no pussy presenting her anus and saying "Breed my ass!"?

An X-ray view or diagram shows her womb is joined to her anal canal, giving her a literally breedable ass to compensate for her missing pussy.
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Requesting a drawing of Lucca lying naked on a sofa.
An example of pose: https://files.catbox.moe/frs14o.JPG
Or you can draw any other scene/pose if you want. The only requirement is to draw her solo.

Other pictures with this character: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=lucca_%28hayabusart%29
OC in not mine, but owner(artist) is okay with fanarts.
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Requesting Tijak getting up to some lewd shenanigans in the club.
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Whoever was doing this one was quiet the entirety of last thread so I'll post it again. Requesting my girl Loren in a nightgown, showing off for the viewer like the pic on the right but looking away in embarrassment.
Requesting a OC of a 30 year old male draw in a 90's Disney 2D animation style art (almost similar to the official Disney style) based off the Disney movie Tarzan (with the character not similar to Tarzan) with short brown hair, brown eyes, a slightly chubby body, wearing 19th century glasses, and a brown loincloth similar to the one Tarzan wears in the movie, and barefoot, standing, in a full body art, smiling. Please keep it SFW and No AI generated art please.
Requesting my insane scientist Tessa Emya and her robotic boy Isarin in a 69 position. The way she just grinds her pussy into his face as she goes down on him...

Wanna try a halloween Tentacle party (like the mass orgy happening lots of threads ago but not as pro)
Example: >>8501548
not sure on a limit so I'll only ask once and whoever is interested this thread will be in.
Costume or real doesn't matter
I will be using an OC of mine as the Centrepiece so if you wanna see her let me know
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Requesting Olivia getting her fat ass slapped at work and she looks PISSED
Show us the OC, so folks can match and pair their own characters to fit the idea.
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Requesting anything of my half-elven shieldmaiden/valkyrie. Artists' choice!
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here she is. this is a quick no-build doodle of her so it's very rough
Name: Shadiow Saia
as you can guess from the arm: Shapeshifter
She'll also be the source of the tentacles
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Requesting, my centipede lady Zeldri putting that tongue and mandible to use, preferably on another gal.
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Requesting Maxine dressed up as a sexy vampire. Unsure if she should keep the glasses or not.
I'd be up for it.
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Requesting my oc Betty and her friend Lyla undergoing a transformation into faceless girls with massive breasts like the image provided, due to a third oc, The dragon maiden of the beach, Tenny, who likes to mess with people, especially girls, via transformy stuff.

Tenny doesn’t need to be directly included in the picture at all if it’s too much effort, just giving lore behind it, and I’m fine with the chests being a bit smaller as long as they’re still quite big compared to standard chests.

If going for beach wear, Betty would wear something red or yellow and with more body coverage such as a shirt made for swimming and skirt while Lyla would prefer something also red or light blue and more like a sundress, but both could wear bikini variations depending on whatever the artist feels like, I’m not picky. Otherwise, normal clothes work. Fine with the end product being a wordless image or a caption.

Alternatively though I’m fine with them having faces as long as the idea is similar, if the artist really feels the need to draw their faces, it’s just that this idea has been in my mind for a while.

Not likely to get a delivery, but I kind of expect that, just didn’t want to drama up the threads over in /d/.

If you read all this, have a nice day.

Sorry for the wall of text. Willing to infodump about ocs if asked.

Tldr; requesting the caption scenario happening to the two girls in the reference because of the dragon girl oc mentioned.

References/Extra References/OC Infodump:
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Requesting Shizuka enormous ass on Gunky Slimer, just like an image on a right.
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Screw it, have Lavenza
Love her color scheme, I think she's adorable
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Requesting my shortstack half-dragon wearing a slutty chainkini outfit like the real woman in the examples.
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with October around the corner, I want to get a jump on requesting my witch Guinevere dominating a female's mind forcing them to lick her pussy.

the female can be an original character or one ITT, interested victims can tag my request but it will be up to the artist to decide.

bonus idea
- Guinevere conjures some pumpkin vine-like tentacles to fuck the female. (she has lots of magic, but it is mostly all nature-based and mainly pumpkin-themed.)
- It may be too far, but, an all-the-way-through penetration of the female using the tentacles, to also penetrate Guinevere.
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Requesting a horny Neon pushing her pussy into a phone, resulting in it portal-ing and sticking out of the phone of a friend that opted to help. The friend could be someone's OC (feminine preferred) if they want!
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Requesting my vampire gal Whitney using someone as a human chair.

Gender of the chair is up to you. If you can make out how they feel about being a chair, I would like them to seem like they enjoy it.
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Requesting my alien OC Ozell sunbathing while nude like in the reference
delivery from the last thread
Not OR, but excellent work as usual
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Requesting my planet opera babe Zaahirah pinned down and fucked by a monster of your choice.
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Requesting Coriolis, my sky mage and astrologer, happily giving a blowjob or titjob during a break in her studies.
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Requesting my old Tabletop game OC Dea and her High Elf lover Estromo making love.

I'd like good ol' romantic loving baby-making breeding sex between Dea and her High Elf Husband Estromo. Just missionary position in bed will do, with Dea leg-locking her Estromo, both of them kissing and with an impregnation creampie shot. I dunno the name of that type of shot or scene in a porn video or hentai where the camera focuses on the dude's behind as he's thrusting or cumming in the girl. But if possible do include that type of shot with the elf hubby cumming in his human tomboy wife. Thanks.

Also good luck to you, writer Corncob_Smut. Still awaiting the next chapters of Dea and Everett's love story, including the inclusion of that antagonist girl.
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Requesting Hanami presenting her anus wearing a dunkin donuts uniform or some other donut store apparel
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Requesting a chubby black goth femboy vampire.
not OR but cute fish
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Requesting right pic in your style
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I got into 40k lore and made an adepta sororitas sister to doodle up in my free time if anyone would like to try their hand at her

she's named decimita lash and getting dicked down is not heretical (probably)
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I'd like to request my magical girl Miri Kale losing to hypno (and cock), preferably to a futa villainess.
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Requesting my insane asylum inmate Raven giving a psych ward grippy-sock footjob. Either that or just her getting some anal action. Dealer's choice.

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