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File: asian leg moves.webm (1.25 MB, 1280x720)
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prev: >>8528286

https://hailuoai.video (requires sign up w/ google)
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invisible pogo stick has potential
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Trying to get it to do convincing jizz is almost as difficult as making fake jizz in reality.
someone asked me in last thread what header copy and api spam is.

look up how to see network in browser

clear network log
submit prompt
right click video network log and copy curl

look up how to curl then spam what you copied to submit a prompt over and over.

do the same for retries if you want to but spam clicking retry is usually faster.

this will let you chain generations like I have 11 generating.

you must spam submit prompt at 77% before doing any retries if you want to keep queueing gens. only do retries when your furthest Gen is less than 70%
narrative anon reporting in, working on the final act of the 10 minute film.

Trying to gen a girl to deepthroating something huge. I'm trying with elephant trunks now. It seems the AI does not like showing actually big things in mouths, I've only had an accidental thick Frankfurter sausage slip out of a mouth here and there. Describing these struggles in battling the AI (and Chang) is so fucking funny.

Getting the AI to visualize an actually overstretched mouth around something impossibly thick seems near impossible.
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1 minute coomer
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Hi Mom I'm working.
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someone in another thread mentioned angels are treated differently that human women
How did you get them nude? I'm trying "sans human articles of coverings" to be vague right now to see if that flies.
you mean spam the generate button when process is 77% or over? I tried it doesn't do anything
it's no guarantee thats why a script to spam the curl is better since you get a successful message back then loop retries

loop GET my-videos and processing calls to capture video urls before deletion.

ask chatgpt or smtg
Thanks anon, I'll give that a shot after my current gen gets Communitied.
I tried it at 77% on mobile, got an extra two retries going (same results - failure).
yeh if you refresh on mobile at 77% and your video aren't loaded, start spamming submit prompt til it goes through then you can spam retries, poof you should have 2 or 3 concurrent gens going
today's Gens suck
I strangely have simultaneous prompts running across multiple browsers right now. Not complaining just strange.
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he's on to us...
I'm tired of getting blocked lol
accidental mogging
lol what was the prompt? like to swap in some for fun
mf ogre eating my tit gens
it's this one >>8529094
i just added "and her sister" and didn't change anything else. i got a bunch of changs before getting this as my first result
File: skeetplay.webm (547 KB, 1280x720)
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really feels like it's 90% fail rate as soon as there's 2 people in this prompt unfortunately, it'd probably be better to rewrite it in some way
should we start making a
>The video generation failed as it does not comply with community policies.
word list?
what stuff from our prompts actually got filtered?
new ui looks cool.

pretty much any word gets thru if u add two \ to it.
IDK why there is a third woman, but it made both Elvira and Taylor Swift pregnant. If this is a sliver of what's possible, I'm selling my house to live in a pod, eating insect protein, and gooning on VR forever.
what prompts do you use for shaking the boobs?
the words don't get banned. the video gets nuked because it had too much [...]
it seems it temp bans the prompt or some of its content but you can use those words or prompt successfully later on. after genning different stuff.
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Wide Shot, experience the enchanting allure of renowned model, Kate Upton with voluptuous chest. her head is out of the frame. (she's dressed in a lace bra with glistening sweat on her skin). kate is sitting on a bed in a dark lit room, creating an intimate atmosphere. she is rocking her torso back and forth in a bouncy rythm. Every move she takes causes her ample bust to wobble gratuitously. foggy, fog.
The next couple of hours is peak use time for Chinese coomers, I think I'm going to take a break and come back later.
ty, got this as my 2nd one, gonna keep tweeking to see what i get and maybe try other ppl

wide shot, [experience the enchanting allure of renowned, young Christina Hendricks with voluptuous chest. (she's dressed in a loose open weaved nearly translucent white lace bra that shows her skin tone to be visible through the fabric with glistening sweat on her skin). Christina Hendricks is sitting on a bed in a dark lit room, creating an intimate atmosphere. she is hopping in a bouncy rhythm. every move she takes causes her ample bust to wobble gratuitously and her huge bustline moves accordingly. the renowned, young Keira Knightley with thin flat chest. (she's dressed in a tight white poet shirt and wasp corset, wet from having been in the ocean) Keira Knightley is sitting on the bed next to Christine looking down at her chest sadly on the edge of tears.] foggy, cinematic, 4k
kek this is pretty good
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what prompts do you use for braless?
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Between this and other gems like the "German Shepherd is riding on her back piggyback style because the floor is too cold for his paws" prompt, the ingenuity of you coomers never ceases to amaze me.
whycome other guy like the red kimono guy make them show the bobs so easy but ure marylin monroe just wont shoe thw goods
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never mention a bra or you're more likely to get one
that ended too soon haha
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>blanket turns into buffalo bill
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that is one massive bedroom with two large beds.
houe u made she take of the cloth sir
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i was trying to approximate a possession
when the ai fights you
they remove bones
new update. I give it another week before slap on a premium membership for faster gens and limit free
if there's still censorships for premium then I wouldn't bother
thank youuuu!! I can gen so much more now
please explain it to me like I'm 5
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NTA, but follow the instructions for obtaining the curl and then have chatgpt write a script to spam it
the most annoying shit about this is that you can't ever really properly test prompts because it takes way too fucking long to gen a single thing
use other video gen engines
>1000+ in queue
go to bed chang
Propylene glycol is looking promising, I need to experiment more.

#1 wait until it's bedtime in China
#2 you can run multiple simultaneous gens with different prompts in multiple browsers and in private/incognito modes of those browsers

Ideally if you are doing #2 you have two or more screens so you can line your browsers up on one screen to monitor and grab videos before they are deleted and still have another screen to fuck around on.
>tfw all my gens are blocked or either extremely tame or obscure fetish stuff
They are before the nerf, now all I get are failed gens
I don't remember the exact thing I added to this prompt, but it was something about the cross rubbing against her glutes.
>A fit, good-looking nun wearing a cross necklace smiles at the camera before turning around, her sizable rump to the camera, and bending over, placing her hands on a chair in front of her. She is wearing a short dress which accentuates her sizable glutes, she is shaking her visible ass, her skin reflects the lighting.
Hot, I wanna see more like this.
Do you think she fucks her horse?
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Lol was going for something a lil' different but that works.
Doubtful, I've only seen Chang generate mares. Even if if you specify stallion or gelding there is no giant horse schlong hanging down unless something changed.
How do Mongols carry their bows? Magic.
Hot, that means the AI might be trained on horse pussy. Gonna try something out...
Pretty sure if the Mongols could have engineered that they would still be ruling the world.
>why are there 1000 changs

now we know
practice makes perfect
That's great! But perfect would be the horse bouncing up and down too.
If they can engineer this beauty they'll rule muh dik
So fucking hot
I had to make it a wooden statue. when I made it like a mechanical bull there's too much clipping and things got weird. the horse still moves like its alive though lol
Interesting, the head looks natural.
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don't think
its kinda creepy in an uncanny way
Getting a little closer with propylene glycol but still have to tweak the load look natural. Apparently Chang doesn't understand milliliters or cubic centimeters, he always wants to drench the poor girl with a waterfall.
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looks like water
could use it for girls squirting on each other
for jeez I mostly use transparent white glue with various results
Nice hairy pussy
>The horse is also oiled
Why does it make me hard?
ngl I think I just got really bored with this. Maybe I'm just dogshit at prompting but I can't really get it to do anything that I would want it to. Still experimenting with prompting but can't get it to do something like a wedgie
What alternatives are there? I know about Luma.
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Yeah that's what I'm trying to fix. It's the slimy after effect at the end I want to retain.
Small amount or a little bit of white transparent ooze or goo
you did promt for it to be slimy, right?
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Chang wtf is this, is there some European politician named Pepe that I don't know of?
Also don't try this prompt, it's ass (not the good kind).
>the clown is back
it happens
this thing is a genuflection
That's something else I am experimenting with. So far every time I use creamy, milky, or clouded I get crap like this.
>a couple of anons figure out how to generate naked women
>they refuse to tell anyone how to do it, sparking massive outrage
>all other anons figure out how to do it, and prompt hundreds of naked dancing women
>chang sees all the naked ladies and bans nude prompts
>ai is now only capable of family-friendly stuff
...maybe...maybe the gatekeeping anons were correct...
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1.22 MB WEBM
managed to get nude gens last night
Good job brother
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how the fuck do you actually do this?
>look up how to curl
nigga the fuck is a curl?! i aint got time for that shit, not my fucking field

like do i get this right?
>paste prompt
>clear network
>press button
>get the curl thing so some long ass text: curl 'https://hailuoai.video/api/multimodal/generate/video?device_platform=...
>tell chatgpt to write a pyton script for me to spam dat shit
>spits something out
>paste that shit and run it
>nothing happens
>ask why
>It looks like the requests are being sent successfully (status code 200), but the API is returning an error message: "Request exception, please check request parameters".
oh gee like im gonna fucking know what that means
im just only clearing networks and spamming retry button but only get like 3 gens at once most
>refuse to tell anyone
>thing they were trying to prevent happens anyway
donutsteelers should get the rope, they were shit gens anyway
Your Mongolian women are turning out a lot better than my Comanche women.

Are you the anon that made hundreds of Asian girls with pink hair?
>anon is mad he didn't gen the pussy
>starts crying
>never shares anything
This one is a little better but not much.
File: totally spies.webm (2.14 MB, 1280x720)
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for that anon who was trying to figure out how to get the uniforms off the spy ladies
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my attempt to re-create your video ended in complete failure
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>get the rope
We have the rope at home.
>Pubic hair peek
Most based webm ever posted in any of these threads
man i'm only getting community policy fails today, shit is rough
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>hag posting
fucking yikes
Thanks anon, your gens are pretty good too. Love their midriffs.
Finally got a fuckable Comanche.
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she decided to an hero
i don't know if its just me but the videos i'm generating look blurry and low quality
try putting something like "cinematic" or "exquisitely detailed" at the end
i've been lurking these threads for a while and i'm noticed a downgrade in quality, seems like chang downgraded the resolution of the outputs to save more computing power, older minmax videos looked better quality, now the faces are not good
i think there is a method to newchang's communitng poolice. You guys should start shitting long ass prompts just to try to overwhelm the thing, 1500+ characters at least
sprinkle a few special characters here and there spelling, or many more synonyms, repeat things a lot, hell maybe double paste the short prompt.

newchang really hates my shortened "perfected" version of the prompt that i used for the coomer spree, retrying my old one and it works like a charm.

maybe the donut schizos were right
1500 chars, fuck
File: kate-sydney2.webm (858 KB, 1280x720)
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>You guys should start shitting long ass prompts just to try to overwhelm the thing
There is a thing to this. If you write a short prompt Chang gets outraged over words like face or lips or squirt, but if you run a prompt through ChatGPT and couch it in a gay Emily Bronte style paragraph the AI takes it in stride.
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Oh hell yes
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Hypno / Mind control app
How do you describe Elvira's outfits for most of your gens?
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What the fuck is happening, every gen is failing and this is all I'm trying to make.

My sweaty armpit prompt has never had issues getting deleted and never generated nude, but even with tweaks and trying to make it as clinical as possible every prompt fails at the last second, have tried 30 at this point.
>Molly visits /b/ for the first time
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>...maybe...maybe the gatekeeping anons were correct...
Retards with egos (the problem) that think 4chan is the only site that has people trying to gen nudes. In their minds, worldwide users do not exist. Only 4chan exists and everything is 1 time zone to them.
I got nudes before and after the nerf, then again. Gatekeeping is for retards and does nothing because what you see in this thread is not what AI sees. He sees everything worldwide, which YOU faggots cannot control with your ego power trip attempts.

So again, STFU with your retardism and elite ego shit. We dont care. Your value is posting quality gens, not flawed opinions.
And stop being bipolar with your communism. I've seen you post a lot to share with the communist community. Focus on what youre good at. Dont backtrack.
Go on...
File: Smellina Gomez.webm (892 KB, 1280x720)
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Can you give me an example? I don't have GPT I'm a NAI user
This is a ChatGPT generated prompt:
>Close-up shot of a person's face as a clear liquid suddenly squirts onto their skin from an off-screen source. The bottle and person squeezing it remain unseen throughout the video. The liquid splashes across their face in slow motion, with droplets catching the light as they disperse. The subject’s reaction is visible as they blink and flinch slightly upon contact. The background is blurred, focusing solely on the liquid hitting the face and the expressions. The lighting highlights the liquid’s movement and sheen as it runs down their skin.

This is not something I would ever write on my own.
File: Snort it up.webm (734 KB, 1280x720)
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How much to get you to start adding "with her hands behind her head" to these my senpai
File: ARIEL WINTER.webm (1.03 MB, 1280x720)
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First gen in 35 today to work, and it FINALLY gives me a perfect Ariel Winter

Been trying to get it to realize who this bitch is forever and Gomez was the closest I could get, but apparently you can bracket between names to combine them, So this is SelenaGomez|ArielWinter and it nailed her face.
Bear in mind ChatGPT is tranny cucked so I modified it to this:
>Viewed from slightly above, a slim but busty 18 year old blonde Norwegian woman wearing a thin tight white tank top is sitting on a bed and looks apprehensively at the camera with open eyes. The bottle and person squeezing it remain unseen throughout the video. The slightly translucent propylene glycol splashes across her face. The woman’s reaction is visible as she blinks and flinches slightly upon contact yet she is happy and starts to laugh. The background is slightly blurred, focusing solely on the liquid hitting the face and the expressions. The lighting highlights the liquid’s movement and sheen as it runs down her skin. The only thing visible in the video is the woman and the slightly translucent propylene glycol impacting her. Their is no excess liquid and definitely no splashing liquid apart from the liquid hitting the woman's face. No text or annotation.
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嘿Hailuo情人!我们渴望听到您的想法,并找出您想要的改进。请花一点时间填写调查信息,并帮助我们塑造Hailuo AI的未来

are we really going to be honest and tell chang we want porn
Producing porn is illegal in China, that's why Chang is obsessed with censoring he doesn't want to go to prison.
What AI video generation products other than Hailuo AI do you regularly use?
Kling AI

huh? anyone checked those for coom?
I understand the premise but how do you prompt the ai to desexualise the prompt?
Very nice, I really like these.
They want our money, don't they?
They don't hate it, they're only censoring now to avoid the hard work of proper legalities, but you and I both know that's 99% of whats being made, there's no chance they don't nail down the market for this my guy.
Hold up, are you using the smoke to obscure the first few frames of tits and getting around the Changifier? You mad genius
Are they among us? Where'd the form come from, didn't get an e-mail lol.

On the flip side, I sure hope nobody's idea of the 'future of Hailuo AI' is a sterile skin-less wasteland comprised mostly of edutainment and Windows home screen wallpapers.

Aka, if Chang ends up censoring it even further due to feedback then they are already lost

Maybe that was their plan all along, to be the spearhead of AI-generated porn and bring about a lewd revolution while using this SFW stuff as a front (Copium. But y'never know -- if they have pro'lly the best vid gen tech out for public use, it would be prudent of 'em to snag this market early.)
It was from me, just english to chinese their message from twitter

can't stop won't stop, never gonna stop generating asian girls with pink hair and bouncing breasts
>So...we jigglin, or?
Oh right, forgot they got a Twitter account.
please share prompt, after chang tightened the filter i am only getting extremely tame content and can no longer generate closeups of large bouncing breasts
seek help
It's so obvious whenever it's this guy lmfao
Who tf is Ariel Winter
Don't talk to yourself please, it makes us cringe hard.
t. Janny

PS thanks for laying off the kids and gore
nope, they all have even stricter censorships
Inspired by Arshes from Bastard! (first attempt, work in progress).
Unintentional black girl version

Nah, I'm >>8531655 the guy who tried help you learn something while you decided to instead speak out of your ass about math and AI while you write retard red herring communist love letters to your own inflated sense of self

Keep doing you commupiss boy
Keep going. When does manbearelf pick her her up and dominate her?
>Possibly no panties
>Pits exposed
>Bouncing in an enclosed camper
A+ anon. If you could get her shirt looking more sweat-stained it'd be nice but that makes it more transparent and gets Chang mad
subscribe to orcd.com
Sir that is CLEARLY a bugbear, possibly a hobgoblin depending on version
Pretty sad to report that that domain is just being squatted

woman and goblin bear thing, the purest form of love
I definitely don't gen love but yours do turn out excellent
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The prompt is 18 years old adult, so this isn't a minor
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do i have to mention he's 18 years old everytime?
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chang knows about the glyphosate
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can't get booba no mo
even if its joever it was fun trying to break the AI to get coom material, hopefully there's more generator like this to come during my lifetime
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kek what a promplet
what is ur success rate sir
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the nerf is real of course, but i kinda feel it's worse when you start spamming the same prompt, sometimes i can get titties on the first try and the prompt doesn't put out anymore but maybe its because i tweaked the prompt wrong i'm not using some crazy script or anything
Can you at least let me know who the reference is to get that blonde's face?
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Haven't even heard of most of these until filling out the questionnaire. Do any of these let you prompt nudity?
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I guess the word "petite" for a short woman ends up just making a dwarf.
i told everyone it's elle fanning mixed with other actresses most of them are with kate upton and christina hendricks
>transparent or translucent
>you have to pick a suitable color
File: wtf brush.webm (383 KB, 854x480)
383 KB
AI doesn't know what brushing teeth looks like.
well this came out a bit scuffed but mite b cool
gotta catch some sleep now
if anyone wants to test / tweak it
>Wide Shot, experience the enchanting allure of renowned young model kate upton with voluptuous chest. (she's dressed in a lace bra with glistening sweat on her skin). kate is sitting on a bed in a dark lit room, creating an intimate atmosphere. she is hopping in a bouncy rythm befitting her athletic figure. Every move she takes causes her ample chest to wobble gratuitously. her hands are on top of her head. her twin sister is behind her and assisting her by holding her torso, her arms around as a hug. foggy, cinematic, 4k
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>he doesn't use both hands
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Not really into pits but one of you guys will probably enjoy this one.
Best cameltoe so far
because there's only so few actresses the ai recognize
Heimlich maneuver?
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>Spacey goggles that keep a controlled amount drugged mist on your eyes
I dig it
You are a scholar and a gentleman.
Finally got my first booba!
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Did you ever manage your kisstrain?
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sort of, but the prompt stopped working yesterday

also theres a random blind girl in this one
What if her blindness enhances her lip game?
ok I'm bored of kate upton and selena gomez...

Who else are you anons using for prompts? Any bimbo type names?
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the v2 beta is getting better
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All it takes is one gen and then you further change the prompt to give her a crusty cum shirt because you know what they say about those mech girls
Fantastic eyes on those
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That's funny. It randomly put Alan from Two and a Half Men in my video and there was nothing in my prompt remotely related to him:
>A man is painting an exceptionally beautiful young woman clad in bridal-themed lingerie with thigh high fishnet stockings and high heels with her toned midriff showing. She resembles a young Adriana Lima and has a remarkably large chest. To the surprise of the painter the woman in the painting comes to life and steps out of the painting into the real world right in front of the painter. She excitedly throws her hands up in the air and yells "ta da!" while jumping up and down just as her bra falls off.
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I guess it's not *that* bad. I can still get some sexy stuff out of it.
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What kind of prompt do you use for that? Whenever I write "she rips off her shirt" or something similar, the video gets killed by Chang.
Have you tried "she take of the cloth"? Using ESL and grammatical errors to skirt the censors knowing that AI has an in-built autocorrect function.
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"she rips her top apart" but it has to be at or near the end of the prompt, otherwise it gets deleted.
Chang's servers sure are acting fucky. Getting a line of over 2k and then starts genning in one tick
yeah that surprised me, too. I've had gens with terrible eldritch horror looking nightmare eyes before. It was so bad I was deleting them
Yeah queued at 3700 here, then went straight to genning.
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I'm so upset!
Same here, had 5k queue but immediately went through.
No kidding. It's nice when it nails it though, good eyes and good expression can be most of a good gen to me
does anyone know what their pay model will be, i heard there's only like a 5 dollar monthly rn, wonder what pedos would pay for an uncensored model
China would never allow an uncensored model. Chang would be put in prison.
So how many more years before we can do this locally on commercially available (and affordable) rigs? :(
you never know bro in some ways "communist" china is more capitalistic than we are, if they think it would win them the AI war anythings possible
I give up on this fucking time-wasting bullshit.
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Get some weird gens but cool, even when she doesn't do anything it seems like it might be enhancing jiggle
holy booba
nice one
10,000 people ahead of you?????
well i mean its noon beijing time dunno if that number's bullshit or if chang's kicking in with the overclock but it feels normal actually
Yeah its telling me im 12356 in the queue and then 25 seconds later it starts genning
damnit China... it's Friday!!! SLEEP IN
The active verb of the material helps determine the consistency of the material. Try "spewing milky puke"
That's a lot of peeps
10 seconds later it started genning, though
File: Normal.webm (1.06 MB, 1280x720)
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>Expected to wait for 51 minutes
Honest reaction
You mother fucker
can we have one gen without surprise puke
somebody do something fun for a change this place is gross
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>this place is gross
As it should be. Anon's puke gens are great. If I was just slightly more into it I'd probably be trying to gen drunk fancy sluts horking in nightclub bathrooms
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omg 19k lmao
Also is the censorship cranked up right now?
Prompt please?
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nice minge
I went and tried all of them just to find out. I regret to report, that Chang is the best one, and it's not even close. It's a tragedy, really.
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Well that's a new one
anyone knows the prompt to recreate the golden age movie look of this anon?
That is a tragedy, my guy. Well, thanks for taking the time to do the investigation work.
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Shame this was a fluke
china numba 1 unironically
Yours are quite good, if bizarre at times. Can you make her tits bigger?
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I give up I'm only getting 1 in 30 that aren't getting deleted and the ones I get are terrible, it's dead jim.
I wonder what Chang's secret sauce is? I've also tried many of the western ai video models and they are shit compared to this one.
Reminds me of Nei from Phantasy Star 2.
The auto-censorship is pretty bad right now, yeah. I think they decreased the threshold for the 84% 96% auto ai-checks so that it's about 2x or 3x as likely to full delete it immediately, probably trying to decrease the load on whatever tertiary intern chang and his wall of flagged videos review system they've got going.
BTW for this kind of stark splash lighting, start your location description with the word Cramped, it brings the ceilings and walls in enough that any light source is very close.

Cramped trailer works the best I've found for consistently recreating the effect, and no other descriptions on lighting. Cramped hallway, bus, RV, boat cabin, dressing room, bathroom are also all good choices but all have slightly different light colors.
How the fuck did this get ignored? PROMPT PLEASE
Being backed by some the largest company in China probably helps.
Hey. I'm the guy who made that video. I generated it the other day when Chang's censorship was nigh nonexistent. I did save the prompt, however. I have my doubts you'll ever get anything from it, though.

>A woman stands, top on but bare ass, facing away from the camera, mooning. A glob of sentient green slime, the creature known as Flubber from the iconic film, flies into her asshole from behind. She begins to shudder violently.
whats the point in talking out of your ass
That's an old video from a few days when you could still get bare naked butts on the new site. It's no longer achievable.
I fuckin love you guys
Thanks anons, nice to see what's possible with this AI.
So you're saying that the censorship is less today? I don't understand. They've clearly tweaked the auto-reject system.
this isn't even a secret. you can literally just look up minimax and find this information.



you're fucking retarded.
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im saying its impossible to know the mechanism as to why exactly censorship is the way it is

that anon was asking for their secret sauce and you reply with something about money, insinuating money magically manifests complex datasets or what is extremely advanced capabilities for this model that far exceeds competitors
in words you can understand:
Being backed by the largest company in china has little to do with their 'secret sauce'

if thats still too hard to comprehend ill say it even simpler:
you responding with the company about the largest company in china is like you responding "it helps that they have 4 people working on the pie" when you hear someone ask for the recipe of an apple pie
me on the right
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once you get out into the fetish range there's naturally going to be less training and i think the gens look more uncanny and artificial and way easier to get pulled by the censor, lemme load up the big guns and see what i can come up with
is there a fix for when the website just becomes a blank page with three dots? been like that every time i check for a week now
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It stinks
Research and development is defined by funding. Funding enables a company to hire people that are at the absolute forefront of their field. It allows access to expensive technology, expensive data sets, information, everything.

Money obviously doesn't 'manifest' complex datasets, but it very much enables the collection of them.

It's not that they have 4 people working on the pie, it's that they have 4 master chefs working tirelessly to come up with a recipe that stands head and shoulders above all other pies in the world.

I'll say it again. You're retarded. It's impressive that your brain is so underdeveloped that you can't even understand such a simple concept.

Do you really think that OpenAI and Anthropic are miles and miles ahead of every other LLM because of... what, luck? No. They have the resources that enable them to jump ahead. Why is that, exactly? That's right, it's money. It's not like they just happened to be smarter and better at it than everyone else.
Need to have her in a tidal pool and dead fish bobbing to the surface
your browser got banned. try a different browser.
clear your browser cookies and cache
it's bots or DDoS
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i can't get her to sit between his legs
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wtf, cramped trailer is blessed? its literally all I changed
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Glad to see tits are still possible.
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yea seems like its harder to get a titty drop with the biguns
Yeah no shit I can't know every single little precise thing they're doing, I'm not fucking Chinese and I don't work at the company. It doesn't take an inside knowledge to recognize when they tweak the censorship though, which they obviously have in the last day or so. They've been using at least two levels of censorship from the beginning, prompt censorship (initial text check) that rejects immediately and a secondary AI-check of the gen as it's generating or when it finishes generating (would operate on some sort of a censorship threshold for rejection). The prompt censor changes as they find new keywords and combos to add to the naughty list. The secondary AI-check could obviously be tweaked to reject things more or less often if they so desire, or perhaps they've just improved the detection, but given what it spits out sometimes I think the second option is unlikely. Whatever is the case, they've obviously tweaked that secondary detection because things are rejecting at a much higher rate without completion when they hit that checkpoint. As for why specifically, who cares, that's a matter of opinion, lessening the burden on intern chang and his tertiary censorship duty is my guess, you can take it or leave it, but don't sit there and pretend like it's impossible to recognize the changes without being on the inside.
probably some antis fags trying to ddos them with a poorly made script
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>45000 ahead
Serves me right for making anti Chinese content
i think someone just made a coding and kept incrementing the number, because it behaves more like the queue is around 100 right now
WOW sir.
Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
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I'm a pretty broken human being but this interaction made me feel again
I wish it was that easy. I usually need a fifth of whiskey to achieve the same thing.
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Are you grabbing yourself while finding the pathway your soul?
Time for what Chang-sama?
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kek saved
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hmm "anticipating the intimate contact" was ok with the prompt filter, but "she thoroughly enjoys the experience of being intimate with him" was not. (even with inserting random brackets in "intimate")
"she thoroughly enjoys the experience of being romantic with him" passed the prompt filter
ai removed his femur at the end
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are you still using v1?
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yeah, i have no script for v2 and the prompt gets rejected too often for me to deal with the ui
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>Both of them on using invisible pogo stick
It should be ESL enough to work, dammit!
File: My final Ass gen.webm (1.09 MB, 1280x720)
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How many more years before we can do this locally on commercially available and affordable rigs? :(
How many more years before we can do this locally on commercially available and affordable rigs?
How many more years before we can do this locally on commercially available and affordable rigs?
How many more years before we can do this locally on commercially available and affordable rigs?
Soul already rocketed out of me, just a husk now
People will have closets dedicated to AI and plex serving their computer. The walls will be OLED lined. Zee Zee Ping your great brother will check on your work progress every morning except on Wanday. You will be happy.
that jellyfish hat thing is pretty awesome
Couple years, I'd guess?
It's fucking over.
v1 site is changing messages to match v2 now
e.g. 视频内容不符合社区规范,生成失败 for community standards
It's over then?
File: warm sunny day.webm (3.12 MB, 1280x720)
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it is getting out of control

Well I'm no insider, just a coomer. But the fact we have public video gen AI this coherent this early is throwing me for a loop honestly, wasn't expecting a free site like this considering stuff like server load would SURELY be a bitch.

I'd thought we'd for sure would have to wait a few more years when stuff like OpenAI's Sora was made available before getting here, pretty impressed that Chang beat everyone to it.

That's the thing worth remembering, this is a taste of the stuff to come, everything's moving pretty quickly even if it's not apparent to we 'plebs'. E.g. there was a recent deal made by this company called Runway with Lionsgate to have access to all their movies to allegedly train their models on. They're also building generative AI tool to generate whole movies with AI. A lotta competition in the space, which means we will be seeing more out of it in time.

We have chatbots, text-to-img, and text-to-audio. Text-to-video is next up in the priority list I guess (then text-to-games, even).

Aka. Yeah it's still gonna take a couple years before something like this gets some open source model running locally without exploding the GPU. But shit once it does. The game will be forever changed. Like I'd wait 5 years for that long as they get it right
(Also was NTA of the OG post that was being replied to, just third-wheeling.)
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Prompt finally blasted her. Now, I am at peace with my soul.


Hell yeah, good job.
new here? we on page 3.
locally? 5-8 year.
cloud baed unfiltered w/ fee? 1-2
>being intimate with him" was not
yeah I think it rejects a lot of [lewd word][(preposition)][him/her/person] but it can work with the same word without as obvious direct connection to the person in the sentence.
Yes, banned here from gif. The thread is dead.
old site is kill?
No that's what I'm genning on. Old school.

It works as long as you never closeed the tab.

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