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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>31964849
Any advice for approaching women who are walking? I have very few positive experiences with such girls. 99% just keep walking even if they're walking very slowly. I rarely even bother with girls who are walking because it's fucking hopeless. I normally only bother if they stop from time to time and then I approach when they're standing still. Tried approaching a girl walking very slowly again today and she kept walking. It's one of the most humiliating rejections.
Kek, are you just walking around in a park and just talk to random woman?
are you any good at approaching women who aren't? if not, focus on that first, level up, baby steps yadda yadda
but generally you have to have the confidence that they'll stop for you. you stop and assume they will. it's a jedi mind trick
Any advice for easing anxiety before going out. I go out multiple times during the week and leading up to me eventually leaving the house I'm always anxious. Alcohol helps, but it's a trap. I tried positive affirmations and they didn't seem to help, Maybe meditation?
Fuck off newbs
Old thread died, copying >>31984632
I want to try cold approaching. Or at least, I'm considering it.
>Why is this challenging.
Past success has been with slow methodical "warm approaching" where I just spend around a girl in some college classes I was taking until she warmed up to me. I took notes, I became obsessed. I broke up with her for some complected reasons, but it was a success in that I had a gf and proved I could maintain one.
The lucky coincidence that started it isn't going to happen a second time though. Besides, I kind of want to prove that I'm not trying to replicate the same relationship again.
This means that I have one data point of interest and the means of starting it are unreplicable. So I'm starting from scratch.
>What I'm looking for
One thing I did learn is that I don't want to just pull a new chick every week. For better or worse, I do get attached. I just want one who's nice to me and willing to have sex one day.
>Current plan
Approach a girl.
Get her to treat me like a human being and not immediately get me arrested or killed.
>End Goal
Repeat process until one relationship is formed.
I'm planning to try this at a local music venue I go to. I picked this because it's a neutural setting, it's a party, I'm familiar with the area, I've had girls ask me for help here at least once, I've been approached by men here, and people generally don't hate me here.
I'm not drinking. Therefore, I'm not trying a bar. I also won't be seen alone with a drunk girl.
I keep a 24/7 recording of my actions and location because I'm tired of being beat for things I didn't do. Whether women are involved or not. So far, this has been enough to get me out of jail.
Talk me into taking the risk. I know, due to the logic of "perception is reality," any contact with anyone is a risk of prosecution. I'm asking for proven methods of reducing this risk.
Conversely, I'll also accept people talking me out of anything mentioned here.
Is it worth using dating apps if you're an average looking guy? Not sure how else to meet girls since I work from home. I've tried a few co-ed sports but I didn't land a date until after a month and the chick wasn't even that pretty.
Debating just going the cold approach route at this point
I’m ugly, short, and fat but still talk to all the girls at bars why is it so fun talking to girls? I never go beyond small chat but just enjoy talking to beautiful women that’s one thing I have to tell you attractive guys who are shy. Most if not all girls are nice enough to hold a long conversation with someone no matter what unless you just crawled out a sewer with torn up clothes so my point is don’t be shy to talk to slightly drunk beautiful women that is all! New thread
>I'm tired of being beat for things I didn't do
Your whole approach is coming from a place of fear that seems excessive and unrealistic to me. But NYC is not LA is not Denver is not Vézelay. I don't know your reality.
What actual negative experiences have you had outside of your home that support this level of fear?

For example, literally nobody is going to arrest someone for casually talking to a stranger where I live.
NTA, but do you think approaching is worth it if you're not a charismatic person? I tried it a few times long ago and it was just awkward. I got one date out of it with the least attractive chick I approached, but it kind of sucked to go through all the rejections
>Any advice for approaching women who are walking?
Unless they're idly strolling and taking in the scenery, Just. Fucking. Don't.
There's an almost certain chance of failure. Honestly, punching yourself in the nuts and rolling around on the ground in pain has a better chance of being a positive and rewarding experience.
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I was talking to this girl and we were talking about past relationships, I told her that every girl I've ever dated or had sex with was because they liked me first, that I've never gone out of my way to ask any girl I've found attractive out or shoot my shot so to speak, and she gasped and had her mouth agape for a while and said "interesting" and walked away, what the hell does that even mean?
>Is it worth using dating apps if you're an average looking guy?
They're not designed to result in a a successful relationship. They're designed to make money.
That said, I met my first gf on Plenty of Fish.

>Not sure how else to meet girls
Put yourself out in the world and interact with people on a regular basis.
I sometimes approach girls, get a positive response, then walk away because they're not fuckable. I just do it for a confidence boost or because I couldn't tell from a distance if they were fuckable or not. I don't even include these girls in the number of approaches I've done.
>Put yourself out in the world and interact with people on a regular basis.
Where do you think is the best odds of success? like for meeting girls you're league or above your league?
I moved to an expensive location just to meet girls, but at this point thinking of moving back to my hometown where it's cheap to might as well save money (I work from home). Going from $2k rent to under $1k. There's a local community college which I'm thinking of taking classes at and then renting a hotel once a month to a bigger city for meeting new women, maybe attending a public event and then trying my luck with the nightlife.
>NTA, but do you think approaching is worth it if you're not a charismatic person?
It's a skill. Like basketball. Some people just have talent and skill comes easily. Others have to work harder to develop the skill.
You're not going to have a great or easy time the first time you pick up a basketball.
You have to practice to gain skill. I found parties, bars, and cold approaching to be the best practice.
What helped me was shifting the goal of talking to women from getting a date to making her smile, then I changed it to getting her to reject me but leave her smiling.
By not seeking to make a basket from half court, I was able to appreciate my improved ability to toss the ball.

I tried it a few times long ago and it was just awkward. I got one date out of it with the least attractive chick I approached, but it kind of sucked to go through all the rejections
It's stunning that you would proudly broadcast that you're either lazy, cowardly, vain, or some combination of the three. Her reaction is appropriate.
What did you imagine her response would be?
>Where do you think is the best odds of success?
Wherever women casually exist and you can enjoy the experience of being there. A knitting club might be full of women but you might not like it.
Happiness is the best attractive trait.
>What actual negative experiences have you had outside of your home that support this level of fear?
It’s a long story, so I’ll try to give an oversimplified version. Basically, I’ve been randomly accused of things like carrying some my classmates weed, talking in bathroom during military basic training, and general lying and disrespect. All of which is an offense deserving of blood to someone. The straw that broke me was a morning when my new command asked me to sit down and ask what I did wrong last night. After foolishly trying to criticize every minor part of the night, I was finally forced to admit to lying and whatever I was accused of was true. Turns out, I was accused of falling asleep on watch. That day, I started recording myself.
It serves both as proof for my defense and for myself. After all, what if I did do something wrong and reasoned myself into thinking otherwise? Plus, what if a particular behavior or survival strategy I’m using, isn’t working? Without raw data, how will I know?
>For example, literally nobody is going to arrest someone for casually talking to a stranger where I live.
I don’t know where you live or what your reality is either and will show your opinion the same respect. I will only explain why I think the fear is valid.
It does not seem to matter what I do nor what the accusation is. The accusation can come from anywhere, at anytime, for any reason. The punishment is also seemingly random and shares no relation to the alleged crime. I have my own hypothesis on why, but it doesn’t really matter. This is what has happened and according to my notes and record, only a handful of things can stop it.
I will give credit where it is due though. Not every environment has a someone waiting to strike like this. To my own surprise, I have found some people who are genuinely nice. The reason for continued fear is simply that one nice person does not mean the cruel one doesn’t exist and could be anywhere.
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Should I date the poor pretty girl or the ugly rich girl?
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What's stopping you from dating both of them? Go on a date with one girl, then the day after go on another date
Alright, fair enough.
It sounds like you were in a military unit and unfairly targeted. I've seen it happen. There's a very real phenomenon where a pretty young blonde woman is hired at a place and a number of women truly hate her for things she's innocent of. Essentially, the woman is young and pretty and therefore evil. Some of the women targeting the new person don't even understand what they're doing. They believe the woman is a horrible bitch based on feelings they don't question. Then they act on their beliefs.

I imagine the military is more about venting frustration and exercising contro. Like, they're miserable and can't change that but they can make someone else suffer worse. And they target perceived weakness.

I appreciate the bodycam philosophy.

It's just genuinely harder to approach dating without a sense of optimism.
I’m a bit nervous about getting it on soon with the girl I’m seeing, what’s a good guide on lovemaking and what’s a decent brand of condoms?
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i realize I wrote a wall of text that no one’s gonna read, so I’ll break it down a little better.
>What actual negative experiences have you had outside of your home that support this level of fear?
It’s a long story, so I’ll try to give an oversimplified version.
>I’ve been accused of things like carrying someone’s weed, talking in a bathroom during military basic training, and general lying and disrespect.
>All of which is an offense deserving of blood to someone.
>The straw that broke me was a morning when my new command asked me to sit down and guess what I did wrong last night.
>After foolishly trying to criticize every minor part of the night, I was finally forced to admit to lying and whatever I was accused of was true.
>Turns out, I was accused of falling asleep on watch.
That day, I started recording myself.
It serves both as proof for my defense and for myself. After all, what if I did do something wrong and reasoned myself into thinking otherwise?
>For example, literally nobody is going to arrest someone for casually talking to a stranger where I live.
I don’t know where you live or what your reality is either and will show your opinion the same respect. I will only explain why I think the fear is valid.
>It does not seem to matter what I do nor what the accusation is. The accusation can come from anywhere, at anytime, for any reason.
>The punishment is also seemingly random and shares no relation to the alleged crime. I have my own hypothesis on why, but it doesn’t really matter.
>This is what has happened and according to my notes and record, only a handful of things can stop it.
I will give credit where it is due though. Not every environment has a someone waiting to strike like this. To my own surprise, I have found some people who are genuinely nice. The reason for continued fear is simply that one nice person does not mean the cruel one doesn’t exist and could be anywhere.
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> Like, they're miserable and can't change that but they can make someone else suffer worse
The phrase we had was “shit roles down hill.” As in, brass is mad, the person below is pissed, and it escalates until it gets to the bottom.
Idk. It wasn’t all bad and I don’t think I’m ever gonna have a consistent view of it desu.

I guess my problem though is that, civilian life isn’t devoid of this problem, it’s just different. Like what you mentioned about girls in fighting. It’s not literal bloodshed but the same amount of hate is present.
>It's just genuinely harder to approach dating without a sense of optimism.
I guess, but at the same time, isn’t blind optimism just naivety? Like, hoping for the best sounds great and all but without caution you can easily walk yourself into a worse situation.
I recommend cautious optimism.
As in "This could go badly and if it does I'll roll with it but I hope it goes well!"
A lot of trying to date is rejection. If you start off pessimistic, you burn out fast.
I got 14 matches on tinder but I don't know how to start a concersation and how to sustain it. How do I do it and what should I do if I get a date?
>Only girls I’m not attracted to show any interest in me
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How do I get with alt girls?
guys, if I go in to a giant mall and just shoot my shot at every girl I see, will I get results eventually? what is the series of comments I make to them? it seems really archaic to just actually ask for a phone number.
NTA but I think whenever I start optimistic that I get too let down by a rejection. I have switched to not pessimistic, but realist. It might happen, it might bot. If not, she wasn't the one. Next.

>A pessimist, an optimist, and a realist look down a train tunnel
>The pessimist sees a long dark tunnel
>The optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel
>The realist sees that the light is an oncoming train
>The train conductor sees three idiots standing on the tracks.

Sometimes a yes is worse than a no. She might be the train about to hit you or the train to take you where you want to go. You won't know unless you get on board.
Just be anxious and accept negative outcomes
It's all facebook or instagram or some other app. Nobody does phone numbers.
ok just replace phone number with instagram or whatever. should I just approach them and ask if they want to see a movie or go out to eat instead of asking for contact info
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How do I win my gf back? My Indian gf found out from a mutual friend that I’m a curry catcher. I tried explaining to her that while I Indian women are my fetish I still love her unique as an individual person but now she won’t text or call me back.
indian women are terrible like that. make you feel like they are planning their marriage with you then ghost you completely. I think they're really family centric and their parents bash it out of them. they dont really conceive of a future without an indian spouse they just get off on the romance of it.
Dinner or a movie sucks for a 1st date. Coffee or a walk in a very public place is good because they can leave whenever. Movies don't give you a chance to chat. Get the social media and ask 1 to 3 days later. Even something vague like "want to meet up rhis weekend?"
Fuck, so she was just using me? I was just a fun time to her? That’s not how we talked.
>got a date
something tells me you're not as horrible as you think, cold approach is difficult
its happened to me twice with indian women, you'd think I'd be less retarded but satan loves throwing these demons at honest white men to keep us on our toes. seriously just don't touch it, move on. unless they're somehow the most whitewashed indian in the world and you really love them for some reason.
yeah you basically have to train your brain to realize "stimulus = no danger" and ask yourself how you'd do that. you'd do that by doing a light version of the thing that exposes you to the stimulus but shows you nothing bad comes of it.

when you think about it, therapy in the west is a scam
How do I overcome a fragile ego when dealing with rejection? I have an irrational fear of making a social faux pas, looking like a creep/weirdo like I always do. Which would lead to disrespect from others and more difficulty climbing the social hierarchy in terms of meeting new people, moving up in a potential career, etc. Make sense?
Had to admit I've never been with anyone to some dude today, how much he refused to believe me is a bit of a compliment I guess
>will I get results eventually?
Bruh you'll get someone threatening to kick your ass
Your problem was being weak.
"I heard you like indian girls"
"Are you just with me because of a fetish?"
"... Alright then"
>How do I overcome a fragile ego when dealing with rejection
Have stable self esteem
> I have an irrational fear of making a social faux pas, looking like a creep/weirdo like I always do
Gotta just be cool with it
>Which would lead to disrespect from others and more difficulty climbing the social hierarchy in terms of meeting new people, moving up in a potential career, etc
Do it anyway
So basically i'm a 20yo male, i regularly go to the gym and about 2-3 weeks ago i started noticing a cute girl that frequently goes to the gym at the same time i do, so we're normally there at the same time. Thing is, i frequently catch her staring at me, and sometimes i stare at her and she looks back (and we both look away immediately), this has been going on for a few weeks, i know i should go up to her and start a conversation but i just can't... i freeze just at the thought of starting a conversation with her, my mind goes blank and i can't even force myself to do it. I know that we have a few friends in common but i honestly don't know how to overcome the fear of talking to women, i've had to deal with this practically my whole life so idk what to do at this point, desu i'm getting really frustrated
Try telling her she has a nice body and then just walking away before she can reply
How do I stop this pattern?
My whole dating history has been like
>meet girl
>have sex
>becomes super into me
>lasts for a while
>starts being distant
>I try to communicate my feelings or unmet needs
>starts texting or seeing other men
>calls me jealous or controlling for reacting
>cucks me in the end
Don't. Your nerves will blow it. If you can't have confidence entirely, embrace that nervous energy and use it to your advantage. Play the clown a bit.

Approach it like a game. If you play with the idea that anything you say is gonna come out wrong anyways, say something absurd but NOT too personal. Do NOT talk about her body. Clothing or accessories can be a good jump off point though, if she likes some gay band or something. If she is physically attracted to you she'll find the "awkwardness" endearing. I don't approach at gym, but I've been approached, mostly by old folks during my fucking routine when I have buds in too, but whatever. I play it off cool every time.

>old hag sees me doing backwards treadmill
>what does that do?
>I dunno, it's harder and makes you look extra stupid
>she laughs and says she'll try it next time

>in middle of stretching legs
>old man comes up to me
>you're gonna snap it off
>"What gave it away?"
>Conversation goes to weight loss or something
>Offers me cookies and to come over
>haha maybe next time

It's some retarded real life examples with non cuties, yes, but if I sat there and stuttered some "you too" shit, THAT would make it even worse. I'll even give you some shit I've thought about approaching with

>how bout that sweat?
>I'm REPPING here
>God I hate working out

Who cares. Be stupid about it. Give her something to react to. Catch her off guard a bit without getting too personal. If you HAVE a gym body and look attractive, trust me, having a mild, I repeat, MILD self deprecating sense of humor is going to ease a lot of initial tension. No one wants to deal with an ego inflated gym bro. Everyone I meet initially thinks I'm a confident asshole until I start talking. Carry yourself well and carry a silly stick, anon.
Bros, I'm getting seriously demoralized by being ghosted.
I know about all the tips about internal game and how you should view women rejecting you as an opportunity to find one better suited for you, but that feels like a cope. In reality the more I get ghosted the worse I feel. It's even worse when considering when I talk to these women in real life they gas me up so much. I don't want to toot my own horn to much but I founded a start up and when I tell people what I do I get compared to Steve Jobs and Elon Musk and other such figures. And yet even when women do give me their phone numbers I just get ignored and it makes me feel like shit, like I'm actually value even though I've actually made millions through my company. This happens with chicks ranging from 18 year old baristas to 40 year old nurses.
I don't think I'm ugly, I've had relationships in the past, but for some reason ever since I broken up with my ex last year nothing's been happening for me even though I just have done at least fifty legit approaches the last six months. I see guys with chicks because of money all the time, there are ugly ass pajeets and chinks in my area that bag good-looking women all the time because they work at MEECROSAFT or Amazon.
Side note, why do women bother giving me their number if they're gonna ghost anyway? Do women seriously think every man is a murderer-rapist who will kill them in broad daylight or something if they don't cooperate? If so that's really fucked up. I really really wish that women would just say "I'm sorry I'm not comfortable giving my phone number to a stranger" instead of leading me on by acting all excited and giving me their numbers just to completely ignore me when I text them. Why can't they be fucking mature adults???
Sorry if I sound emotional but I'm drunk right now and just frustrated after getting ghosted for the nth time with a woman I thought I had a shot with.
Thanks for elaborating, will try to come up with something
Its just what they do. Just like any other animal exercising their nature. Just learn from it and take it in stride, especially the last part where she's gaslighting you for your perfectly normal reaction.
great advice bro
i was being sarcastic by the way
I would suggest absolute noobs to get comfy to even interact by asking for information. I didn’t practice such approach because I have long gf, but thought maybe could work for some to overcome interaction anxiety. For example, couple days ago I asked young attractive random woman for directions, she didn’t refuse. Just ask practical questions you need answers to, but try doing it organically.
>Tried approaching a girl walking very slowly again today and she kept walking.
The funny thing is that I approached another girl in the same street just a few days earlier, she was hotter but it went totally differently. Some of it due to game but I think a lot of it just due to the numbers game factor.

bitch yesterday
>see her from behind
>she keeps walking slowly
>maybe she was stopping sometimes but only very briefly
>lots of people around
>my approach anxiety seems higher than a few days ago for whatever reason
>walk behind her, don't see a good opportunity to approach so I wait a little, sometimes I walk in the opposite direction, sometimes she's behind me, she also disappears and I'm looking for her, then she comes out of a store and sees me standing looking back in that direction, looking at her as she walks out
>I think she saw that I was following her and waiting for a good opportunity and this is always a bad thing
>finally approach her when she's walking slowly by walking up beside her
>say a few words, walk with her a little but I'm trying to stop, she shows no interest in stopping
>I let it slide
>bitch walks off

girl a few days ago
>we first see each other while walking in opposite directions, she looks at me
>I keep walking a bit, then turn back
>there are some people around
>I stay in the area, walk around a little looking at stuff, thinking of what to do, I think I lost her for a while but then found her
>she's staying in the area, also walking slowly looking at stuff
>she walked up to a window with art and looked at the art, I think maybe to give me a chance to approach
>I approach her and say something about the art
>she had a positive response
>had a positive attitude the whole time, helped drive the conversation on
>after a few minutes of talking I asked if she wanted a drink
>she kind of laughed a little I think and said no, she had already had drinks or whatever
>I walked away
Ah, the dating life of the American woman. Yes anon, I know it well. The problem is that sex is so easily obtained so quickly that there's really no good way for a lot of genuine pair bonding experience. These women do not actually care about you, you are like a rollercoaster to them. When they feel it coming back to the station and they would need to get in line and wait a while for a dopamine rush, like a junkie they give in to their first hit that arrives in their inbox, then continue the pattern with the next fella.

I've thought of how, in my dating life, I've almost universally not only had sex on the first date, but unprotected, and cum inside them as well. The only women that wouldn't let me do this were ironically foreigners or ethnic minorities that were not culturally American. Inevitably, the relationships that were the hardest to maintain were the ones where they were almost desperate to let me cum in them the first night. I suppose you could use that as a good starting point for avoiding these types of women.
I think maybe the second girl was actually interested but she thought it was too big a step too early to have a drink so she rejected the offer even though she didn't want to reject me. I think maybe she wanted to keep talking and that I had a chance with her. Maybe if I had talked for 10 minutes rather than 2 minutes she would have wanted a drink. Several girls this summer seemed to be like this. After some such girls I experimented with talking for longer, talked for about 10 minutes, but some girls then gave excuses to leave. But those girls were not as positive I think. I've gotten dates after just 2-3 minutes of talking, so I don't know, a lot of it's just a numbers game, but I think maybe some girls require 10 minutes or so of talking, and possibly that you talk about yourself too, not just nonpersonal stuff. But also I thought it was a bit awkward when standing by a window, it's easier to talk for longer if you're both sitting or you're standing leaning against a railing. Also I think if a girl seems interested but rejects the offer for drink/coffee/ice cream after a few minutes of talking I guess you don't have to leave, but can keep talking if you wish, never did this, don't know why, I guess every time it was just in hindsight I thought she actually seemed interested and that I thought maybe she wanted to just reject the offer but not reject me because she thought it was too big a step too early.
The reason is because the most important thing for a woman to feel is 1.) that they are safe and 2.) that they want to be there. It sounds like in the first situation you related that the chick felt like you were stalking her. In the second, she sounded like she was more relaxed and open to you talking to her probably because she had already been drinking and her inhibitions were lowered. If you're not in a bar, then it's really important that if you strike up a conversation with a girl that it seems really, really out of nowhere and completely serendipitous that you two are talking together at all. It needs to be like something out of a romantic comedy where you just randomly bumped into someone, felt comfortable with talking to them for a few minutes, and then gave them your number to talk to them again. If you look like you've been following her at all she's gonna run for the hills almost every time.
Yeah like I said she saw me following her and that's not good, it's just that there was no good opportunity to approach that's why that happened, happens sometimes. The second girl also saw me and probably saw me sticking around but she seemed like she gave me an opportunity to approach by lingering in one place, rather than keeping walking and only very briefly stopping. I don't care, it's a numbers game. Not sure she had actually been drinking, that might be a lie, might have nothing to do with that. I have no problem with approaching girls really. I do however still have a problem sometimes with people around, such as if there's an outdoor seating area of a restaurant very close. It's the onlookers which cause me to hesitate, never the girl. And it's always bad if a girl sees you hesitating/stalking. The biggest problem for me in game has for a long time been overcoming the fear of being observed by others, but I have gotten better at it. But really it's all just a numbers game, if a girl is interested in meeting a guy she'll make it possible, she might intentionally filter out guys who don't have balls by staying near people, but at the same time most of the time the girls won't just keep walking, never stopping, only stopping very briefly, but rather will stop for a little longer, a little farther from people etc to make it less awkward to approach. The interested girl was hotter, so overall don't care so much, just play the numbers game.
>gave them your number to talk to them again
I rarely do this, almost always do instant date, got 4 instant dates this summer, a few numbers too, all led to nothing, fake numbers, ghosted, didn't reply etc
When I hesitate/stalk it almost always goes badly. I rarely approach girls who are walking, but when I do it almost always turns into hesitating/stalking. I think this is maybe because I almost always do indirect game. But I think indirect game doesn't work with girls who are walking. Having the mentality that you're going to run indirect game contributes to the hesitation. Instead with girls who are walking, and never stopping, you have to run direct game, you have to have a canned opener ready, just walk up, possibly it's better to move in front of her, stop and stand facing her, rather than approach her by walking beside her, and then you run the canned direct opener.
Oh fuck, she followed me on Instagram.
Sarah Gadon?
Bros is there anything wrong with asking to do anything with a girl? I think she likes me but it’s taking a long time for anything to happen and I’m too autistic to do anything
start doing cool stuff, start talking about the cool stuff you do, and when she says it sounds cool, tell her to join you next time, then don't follow up
I’ve been dating her for 5 months
nta yeah ask lol
then why did you say "i think she likes me"
Way less tourists now compared to August. Thinking of maybe taking a plane to London. Might be more there. Getting a hotel for 3 days or so and just nonstop daygaming.
Have you ever successfully flipped a woman from uninterested to at least banging?
How is it that you can be in a room full of couples and still feel completely alone? All of them were in relationships. I was the only single idiot. I see all of these couples together and it's like watching an alien race. Although I'm in the same room as them, I feel as though I'm still on the outside looking in. I don't even know what I can do anymore. It just feels like life is telling me that I'm not meant to have a girlfriend, I'm not normal enough or goodlooking enough, or whatever enough to qualify. Is life trying to push me towards suicide? I wish I had never been born in the first place if that was the case.
thanks for the reply. I will give it a try. Going out again tonight and just started getting a pit in my stomach. Last night I pretty much just talk to people I know which seems to be what I always do. Someone tried to set me up with a 65 year old though. It was kind of awkward.
Alright lads, I guess I'm more attractive and fun to be around than I thought, cause when I tell people I'm a virgin I almost have to make them believe me by force, which I guess in a sense is a compliment, But I spent a good 15 years or so with severely low self esteem so I have zero experience. Last date I was on was like 5 years ago and it crumbled cause I didn't lead enough and was too scared to break the touch barrier.

Anyway, walk me through sliding into DM's to getting laid, my response rate with girls that have low follower counts is actually pretty good, but I friendzone myself 100% of the time cause again, I don't know how to go about this
How do I move from making a few jokes, to making my intentions clear? I keep getting falling into this pit every time. It feels like I'm constantly lining up my shot instead of shooting it, until someone else comes along and shoots his.
Is an "sorry I don't like guys" as answer for a confession over? She didn't said she doesn't like me should I give up or keep trying
I feel like i'm at a tipping point guys, I've known this girl for a year but only recently started talking to her, we hung out one day and after that we sort of became closer (as in going from saying hi with high fives to friendly hugs) and we started texting, my question is:

Should I ask her out while we're still kind of acquaintances or should I wait until we're friends?
I'm too aggressive about actually wanting to meet a woman in the USA and I refuse to settle for an ehoe love bombing me anymore only to slaughter me with random ghosting.
How tf do I even start doing this? Ive had girlfriends but every single one of my relationships has been initiated by her, I actually want to initate Im just so cowardly!
Mystery and Ross Jefferies debate just popped up for me on youtube. This shit only happened a month ago which is shocking to me. I thought all the pickup shit had been scrubbed from the internet. Anyway I am 15 minutes in and I still have no idea what they are even debating about but its nice to get some new content.

I am a married 36 year old boomer with children but pickup will forever be interesting to me.
Yeah but it took years, don't recommend
How do I get a wannabe influencer to notice me on instagram so we can date?
Why do hot lesbians seem to love women who look like literal boys who discovered Travis Scott yesterday?
Youre pathetic and you deserve your virginity
You will make it someday!
I'm not a virgin anon but I want to date this cottagecore influencer, she seems very kind, nice and is beautiful too.
I'm very bad at instagram dating and my profile sucks so I need help with it if I am to get her interested.
people date on instagram?
It's the biggest dating app in the world. Most normies flirt using instagram by liking pictures and stories. A normie coworker explained it to me when I made my instagram a few years ago.
>date on Instagram?
>go through mutual followers of friends/acquaintances
>send requests
Never tried it myself, but insta is apparently a great way to meet people outside of dating apps, and IRL obviously - it's basically cold approach
Did you get any dates from liking pictures and stories?
I only tried it once and I had met the woman IRL first and then liked the more thirstytrappy photos to show my intentions (as per my friend recommendation). It worked as intended but it didn't go far with her because she was a raging feminist bitch and got mad over a joke I made so I cut all contact with her.
From there I used instagram just to keep in touch with family and acquaintances and to watch reels while in the bathroom.
Recently I got the reels of this woman who is lovely, dresses very elegantly with vintage like farmy dresses and she shows her family, her animals, her day to day and I want help to get her to date me. She has a few thousand followers and it'll probably get harder if I wait too long.
Are these relationships or are these girls you are "seeing" without a label? If the latter, then the issue is simply you making these girls wait to become exclusive. After awhile they start to assume that you aren't interested in a relationship and despite initially being super into you, they start to look else where because they are giving you sex for free. By time you notice them being distant, they are already one foot out the door and exploring other options. Hence the reason why they don't care too much when you start communicating your feelings and then call you controlling.

I've always taken my time when it comes to dating. My motto was always, "Wait at least 6 months before deciding to make them your girlfriend." However, I realized over the years it's honestly just me leading them on. I'll tell them that I usually take about 4-6 months to get to know someone before starting a relationship. They usually agree with me.

However, I realistically know within the first 2-4 dates if this is a woman I can see myself waking up to for years at a time. So, what usually ends up happening is that I "see" these women for a few months, already knowing I don't see them as relationship material but continue to "see" them anyways until it eventually sours. Usually after around 3-5 months the women start to explore other options because it seems like I'm not taken them seriously (which is true). Meanwhile, the entire time, I'm still going on dates with new women and or "seeing" another woman at the same time.

So, assuming you aren't in a relationship with these women, you need to communicate how you feel a lot earlier.
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Is it a good sign if immediately after meeting a girl she seems to get very flustered, hugs her friend, then whispers something to her in Cantonese?
Is this the Asian equivalent of saying "he cute" or does she just think I look weird?
Anyone got any basic text game advice? I feel like a robot when texting and am not very good at it. Been trying to up my emoji usage as that makes me seem less autistic
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Are girls typically shitty at communication, or am I just striking out with this chick?


I'll ask to hang out, never hear back, assume it's a no and go to bed. The next day or so I'll receive an enthusiastic response. Okay, so I give her a choice between days that work for me. Never hear back. Guess it's a bust. Then randomly several days later at 3am I'll get a novel from her bitching about some mundane life problem, as if she hadn't just ghosted me. Wtf is this? Feels like deliberate ragebait.
>coworker trying to get me to hang out with her
>very loosely sets up plans
>doesn't give a specific time or location
>just says what day we should hang
>expects me to call her first even though she wants to organize it
>sticks her phone between her boobs and gets me to facetime to her friend we're gonna hang out with for some reason
is she into me or am i being autistic
Yes she's into you but also sounds like kind of a nightmare person, so your call chief.
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Attraction is genetically deterministic. You have no say over whether you get a girlfriend or not lmao.
What does that mean in relation to this pic?
You can be a scrawny noodle boy but if you're 6'3+ it doesn't matter.
>Attraction is genetically deterministic.
>posts an asian girl with white boyfriend
if it is deterministic, why have thousands of years of evolution creating the perfect male for a given type of female suddenly become irrelevant for your pic related couple?
She wasn't Asian. I think they were both Spanish.
Should I go to Thailand?

T. 27 year old virgin
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You have to be "alt" yourself, I fucked a few of them but it's hard because I don't have tattoos but I have a wide and niche interest in music, went to a few "underground" concerts and opened discussions with chicks like that.
Women are always more attracted to mirrors of themselves, but in the end the basics are the same: be attractive, confident, comfortable, high status.
Sex with Thais you can get in your local massage place. No need to waste money to fly across the globe. Getting a Thai girlfriend is a totally different matter. If you could not get a gf in the west, you will have trouble getting a legit, non-scammer one in Thailand. Especially in just a few weeks.
I'm talking to a girl on ig that I met through some friends at an event. We have a good time talking about the event and our hobbies but when I slip in a suggestion about meeting up she doesn't address it. At the event she was friendly and came up to talk to me even when I was alone. Is she not interested and was just being friendly because we have mutual friends?
>Women are always more attracted to mirrors of themselves
Absolute bullshit. Women are attracted to men who resemble their fathers.
Interracial relationships debunks this
I saw a short black dude on /fit/ who managed to get his first gf at 29 in Thailand

Maybe she was a hooker, idk. Standards for men where I live are very high though
Pls respond this is the only interaction I've had with a woman that seemed remotely positive
This happened to me once but I found out later that she was married to some fat dude
Currently at the park waiting for couples to walk past so that I can take creepshots later to torture myself. I think I might have a problem?
You can also be resemble a person with a similar character. If you want a good husband for your daughter, don't abuse her.
>he has failed so badly at getting women that he has to resort to 4chan /adv/'s titular How To Get Women General thread number 258
how far gone can you be..?
at the point where my only resort is to DM women I remember seeing in Uni.
what do I say? is it over is they don't even follow me back lol?
Me, and I think many others here, have simply got to a point where we are not even near women, due to work or what have you. If you are around women in a friendly environment you are bound to get some.
>Attraction is genetically deterministic.
Let's assume that's true
>You have no say over whether you get a girlfriend or not lmao.
Meet more girls and present yourself as easily receptive to or available for their attraction.
>Meet more girls and present yourself as easily receptive to or available for their attraction.
Lmao. If you're genetically disadvantaged, this is a waste of time. At best you'll get friendzoned. Most genetically blessed dudes don't have to put in conscious effort. They stumble ass-backwards into relationships.
Oh, you don't actually want a girl, you just want to be schizophrenic and bitter about scenarios that you don't realise are all in your head.
Got it. Best of luck finding the right combination of medication to help you sir.
you talk like a faggot redditor
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
Attraction is genetically deterministic. Full stop. That's why every goodlooking, tall dude has a gf. Heck, even the tall, ugly-hot ones do. Everything else is pathetic cope.
I don't.
You're looking for excuses to be mad. You can literally just admit you're mad because I knocked you out of your schizo delusion.

>That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
The part where you can't tell reality from the hallucinations in your head, and you get agitated about those hallucinations?
Where you get beliefs and feelings based on those hallucinations or on delusions related to them, and you're incapable of identifying them as delusions?
Where the part of your brain that generates good ideas gets jammed, and you get stuck repeating the delusions over and over?
That illness?
That's what I'm talking about.
And you can seethe as much as you want. I'm not going to agree with you.
In my mind, you are a schizophrenic and will always be a schizophrenic. Nothing you do will ever change that, and you can be as mad as you want, but you can't do shit to stop me.
But is it a good thing or not?
>I don't.
yea you do fag boy
Coping too hard, apply yourself.
Because I don't swallow your bluepill faggotry means that I'm schizophrenic? I think they call that "gaslighting", friendo. Also, imagine trying to pretend that women wanting tall hawt guys is some kind of mental delusion lmao.
If you're trying to convince me you won't succeed because I don't believe your bullshit.
You aren't trying to convince yourself; you're already stuck in your delusion.
So what are you yapping about?
>apply yourself
im not creating an account on that site because im not a queer
Like, does it bother you that I'm not a schizo like you to the point where you need to lash out? Okay.
>Because I don't swallow your bluepill faggotry means that I'm schizophrenic?
I'm actually redpilled - you're not.
> imagine trying to pretend that women wanting tall hawt guys is some kind of mental delusion lmao.
Their tastes diverge when they are seduced, yes.
You refuse to go seduce them because you'd honestly rather be a loser who makes excuses to be bitter and alone. You just can't admit it.
>im not creating an account on that site because im not a queer
Well you won't find me there, so go do it. You'll be able to get away from me, and that's a vacation you desperately need.
Attraction is genetically deterministic. Like I said, if it wasn't then all these tall, goodlooking dudes wouldn't have gfs and we'd see a far more equal playing field.
>You'll be able to get away from me
nigger this is the first time I'm talking to your buttpirate ass on this site
>more schizo yap
You're literally incapable of picturing a word where seduction works, aren't you.
That's sad.
Have you ever seen a tall guy without a gf? I have. Seen short guys with gfs too.
The greatest equaliser in the playing field is that you have a broad social net and you approach women with fun, secure, sexual confidence.
You haven't tried it so you wouldn't know.
Instead you just bitch about how it wouldn't work, to give yourself an excuse to sit on your ass and cry about it.
>nigger this is the first time I'm talking to your buttpirate ass on this site
And you can't handle it to the point where you hallucinate that I'm a redditor.
Bro, most of this site agrees with me in thinking you're a tool. And I know you care, because you think you can assign me a place in the social hierarchy.
You can't. I'm outside the hierarchy. You, however, are not. And that upsets you. Lol.
im only annoyed because you talk like a fag
and what hierarchy. this is 4chan, not reddit. there are no updoots here
>meet American born Asian girl last year
>went on 2 dates
>3rd & 4th date we had unprotected sex
>5th date she spent the night
>she wanted to have sex but with a condom from now on
>said her vagina felt itchy
>told her I wasn't in the mood
>got breakfast together
>didn't text her for a week
>texted her but she said my comms were lacking
>she said we should take a break from each other
>fast forward 3.5 months
>randomly texts me at 10pm if I want to hang
>she comes over to my place
>bickered for an hour, then had unprotected sex
>she went back home for 8 months
>kinda kept in contact with each other

We reconnected again early August. 1st hang we got Ice Cream, 2nd hang we walked around a park at midnight, then went to my place but I didn't feel like having sex. 3rd hang we had wine and played a freaky card game, I ate her out but she wanted me to use a condom, lost the mood. 4th hang said my comm is still lack. 5th hang basically said she wasn't expecting anything serious from me and didn't let me kiss her goodbye. 6th hang we had unprotected sex. 7th hang we had unprotected sex. 8th hang we had unprotected sex, which was last Sunday.

I asked on the 3rd hang if she was seeing someone else. She said she had went on 3 dates with one guy and it was going well. I asked if she had sex with him yet and she said no. After the 8th hang I could tell she was being distant in comms. Called her and she said she doesn't see us working out in a relationship (which is fine). She still wants to continue to have sex though, but isn't sure its a good idea. I asked if she was still going on dates with the other guy and she said she was and it was going well. Asked if they had sex yet and she still said no, it just hasn't happened yet. She likes to be "courted".

Idk if she is making the other guy wait but this sounds like the meme.
I asked her why bother having sex with me. She said because it's fun and it's ok cause she doesn't see me as relationship material.
>im only annoyed because you talk like a fag
Good, kill yourself.
>this is 4chan, not reddit
Then act like it, retard.
>muh seduction
Lmao. Fuck off with that PUA grifter bullshit. I live in the real world, which is fucking brutal and merciless. Women automatically filter out men that they consider subhuman. They won't even look at you or give you a chance. The only equaliser is money, but you need to have serious FU money, since women are only going to settle for a subhuman if they're being well remunerated for it.
>most of the site agrees with me
reddit argument
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Bro I don't think there are meds strong enough to fix what's wrong with you
I know, and I use it because it works on you.
Wanna seethe about it? :)
As for the grifter bullshit:
Bro if you wanna shove your head up your ass and eat shit, go for it. I think it's funny 'cause you're clearly suffering and your suffering is 100% your own fault.
I'm not here to grift you, I'm here to call you a faggot and tell you to kill yourself. You and I are not the same.
Concession accepted.
>Concession accepted.
It clearly isn't.
You tell yourself that, but you fucking hate yourself because you can't convince anyone of "the truth".
You know you aren't better than anyone. You know you aren't getting friends. You know that even your own family thinks you're special.
And you pretending you've won? That's hollow to you. You haven't won a damn thing and you know it.
>your suffering is 100% your own fault.
Yeah I just need to pull myself up by my bootstraps and that will fix everything.
Worked for me, and I'm poor and short.
What's your excuse?
Most people on this site will agree with me over you, dumbshit. They don't need convincing. You're just a bootstraps boomer-tier idiot who believes in just-world fallacies because the true reality would be too demoralizing to accept.

yes im allergic to redditors. i can sniff them out. sense them. im like a detection dog that's been trained to find cocaine. except in my case I'm sniffing out redditfags
>Most people on this site will agree with me over you, dumbshit.
>You're just a bootstraps boomer-tier idiot who believes in just-world fallacies because the true reality would be too demoralizing to accept.
Nah, the world can be pretty unjust at times.
But I do know that putting in the effort to fix your problems and get what you want will get you better results than being a I CAN'T IT'S IMPOSSIBLE NOBODY WILL EVER LOVE ME AAAAAAA WAAAAAH schizo.
Bro said, as he picked up his own scent lol
>muh effort
Fucking cringe.
>Worked for me, and I'm poor and short
No one cares about anecdotes told by an unreliable narrator. They can see with their own eyes what women go for.
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>No one cares about anecdotes told by an unreliable narrator.
Good, you can shut up then.
>no u
you'll have to do better than that you pasty faced mongrel redditoid. back to the retard home where you were conceived
*puts in trash*

Yeah okay. The bottom 5% of men are too ugly to get laid. What do we do about the men who are between the 6% and the 70%?
Eat shit faggot. Success is possible and you just don't want to try.

>you'll have to do better than that you pasty faced mongrel redditoid.
No, I'm winning. Stay mad kid.
Don't give a shit if the women are interested in you or follow you back. I recommend simply telling them that you think they're cute and asking if they wanna go to (whatever social event you're doing later that week), and simply not giving a shit if they say yes or no.
If you aren't doing any social events later that week, start doing some. You don't meet women by being a creepy obsessive on the internet stalking their DMs, you meet women by meeting women.
Now he's moving the goalposts. I thought it was all down to effort? The fact you've admitted there is a % of men who are beyond help at least shows some progress on your part.
>I'm winning
did your mommy tell you that before you turned off the xbox out of rage?
the question is : how to get the right woman ?
Even on the woman side, the question is : how to not get random-dude n546184 but the special one made for me
Why would you want to date an ugly woman? Looks aren't everything, but they are essential. Only date women you want to have sex with.
because she is rich
Question: I recently had casual sex and wasn't able to perform because I felt like I wasn't able to emotionally connect with her.

It's the first time I've ever literally been unable to get hard.

Do I just need to kill off the part of me that sees women as human? She immediately went and fucked someone else, it was quite hurtful to my ego. I'm typically a great performer, but those women I had a desire for romance.

I don't want love anymore, I guess. Have ant of you made that transition?
what gives you the right to bother random women? The entitlement of men nowadays is craazyy
Extremely powerful message in the first half of this video. Every guy doing cold approach should watch it. Most women you cold approach will reject you, and they will have some sort of negative opinion/attitude/judgement of you. What he's talking about in the video is that you can actually choose whether you are fazed by it or not. I find it harder to do sometimes and easier other times, but I think he has the right idea, and sometimes I see it, that he's just right, this bitch thinks I'm ugly, this bitch thinks I'm low status, so what, you can actually choose to just shrug it off and not care about that one fucking bit and I would say that mentality is THE biggest factor in becoming successful with women.

Fuck off bitch, this thread is for men only. Any girl who isn't covering herself deserves to be constantly harassed.
>Any girl who isn't covering herself deserves to be constantly harassed.
facts right here. I stare at the tits and asses of whores until they feel harrased.
Back in Roman times, men wouldn't have jerked off, if their wife rebuked them for sex they would have just gone and fucked their slave girl. You have no idea how much entitlement we've lost just to be nice to you.
Does she like me? shes not the most attractive girl but she seems really sweet

>join a combat sports club
>theres a girl, shes a regular
>we pair up sometimes for training
>she often picks me herself as a partner despite us rarely talking
>shes bubbly and chatty with other guys but gets quiet around me
>catch her looking at me sometimes but she looks away
>always gives me tips and corrections if i'm doing something wrong and i don't have to ask
>when we pair up, she stares at my chest and avoids eye contact
>saw her twirling her ponytail during a face to face sparring exercise
>other than that, she doesn't really talk to me about anything including personal stuff
Imagine forcing yourself to get a hard-on for an ugly woman only because she has money. Not worth it
This!!!!! Seriously I leer at women with their ass cheeks and titties out. Uncomfortably so. Lmao.
Being an amputee missing a functional penis would tend to be a problem. But that’s not what you were hoping we were talking about was it?
>what gives you the right to bother random women?
average western foid is literally dressed like a streetwalker. It's accepted worldwide and in ancient times as an "invite".
Don't want to be bothered? put clothes on and be accompanied by a male.
>Does she like me?
Don't think so. If women like you they'll look you in the eyes. She doesn't want you to get attached but she obviously knows you and the other niggas there want to hit.

>t. been to kickboxing gym with thots.
don't look for anything there. Pawgs go in there in leggings to get attention and a few followers. that's it.
Go get fucked
How to have sex with homely milfs in their late 30s/early 40s?
I am neither of those two things but I am considered subhuman and overlooked by women. You have no idea how brutal it is out there.
Hi Anon.
Don't listen to the other anon. Goth girls can have chad looking botfriends or alt looking boyfriends, it's a matter of taste on their part. Alt girls are usually more shy than aggressive in my experience, usually asking little questions or a lot of questions in return but in the end are very self-conscious.
Talk to them, have something general to bring up then extend off of their responses by asking why or what is or how so. If you get their contact first try then go for it anon. If not, chasing will probably not go well (haven't not gotten a contact first try so I can't say what happens if you chase a alt girl that doesn't give you a contact)
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Would you recommend jerking off BEFORE a date or abstain from jacking off until AFTER your date? For this situation, assume you aren't going to have sex on this date.
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As far as dating is concerned, do you think dating a woman who lives about 1 hour from you is too far? I have spoken with a few people and some say 1 hour is nothing as far as distance is concerned and others say 1 hour is too far if you want to build a relationship. Yet people somehow make super long distance relationships work? How is that?
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What are some good part time jobs for meeting fit women (either coworkers or customers)?
I know restaurants and catering are solid. Lots of attractive women and with catering some of them are also at their second job and just want to fuck cause they have no time for relationships.
What are some other types of part time work that could open some doors for me?
I asked a girl out today. I had seen her before. She works at a local restaurant and I find her so pretty...
I arrived today to the restaurant in my bycicle. She was in the entry door. I remember the change in her face when I got there. JFC she's so pretty, and I think she likes me. The change in her fac when she saw me said it all to me... But when I asked her out (after some small talk I left the place and came back to ask her out), she told me she's married. But right after that she made this odd gesture. She looked to her right and had this sad expression... May6she hates her husband or something?
I don't like drama and if she's married, I don't want anything with her. But she's so pretty...
Maybe I'm just delusional, confused and overthinking. I feel sad because she rejected me, but also kinda happy to know that she seems to like me. I'll visit the restaurant a few more times and see.
Btw this made me realize that I DO have low tolerance to frustration. I replied ok to her (I think), but afterwards I felt really sad. What do?
>Don't want to be bothered? put clothes on and be accompanied by a male.
This. It's time to adopt the pashtun grindset
Leave her as eye candy unless/until she indicates to you (on her own accord) that her current relationship is finished. You can continue to get to know her but try not to put too much stock into it.
>She didn't even open the DM.

it's over!
How do women in general feel about guys who argue with women or have any sort of beef with women, not romantically or sexually, just straight beef like you would have with a guy?
hello Anon, where should I go to see what you're talking about, and what should I look for?
there is a college town nearby
Don't jerk off at all while you're seeing this girl, wait until you have sex with her to bust a nut, trust me.
NTA but what if I dress alt but just don't have tattoos?
really? i thought those were usually male yokes from the nearby areas. what sort of warehouses are we talking here?
ive done it before and it was only half fun because i liked the shit my store sold (computers, electronics, video games, etc) would go nuts at a shoe store or clothing store even with hottie customers.
Just give up if you're under 6'3. You're setting yourselves up for unnecessary suffering.
Amazon and target warehouse have a lot of women working there
oh yeah forgot about Amazon. always think of warehouse jobs as people picking and putting items on pallets. seems like they will take just about anyone so ill give that a go.
Amazon has a reputation for being an easy place to find girls to fuck for fun, the whole place is basically one big highschool.
Can we come up with a compilation of everything that works based on anons have posted here through the years?
I downloaded a dating app earlier this week, nothing so far. :(
Where do women gather?
last time I downloaded bumble I used for a month (everyday) and I got nothing lol.
I remember using tinder in the early days and it actually worked. Shit is fucked. Delete it.
One week since I sent a girl a message throw Facebook. No response. I even commented in something she shared. Crickets. Is there hope?
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>date girl in friend group
>tell her not to tell anyone anything, because I like my godam privacy
>she tells everyone
why are women like this
>date girl in friend group
How did you get a friend group?
Thanks for the advice anon. Will do.
>last time I downloaded bumble I used for a month (everyday) and I got nothing lol.
Dam I downloaded Hily so maybe things will be different.
>I remember using tinder in the early days and it actually worked. Shit is fucked. Delete it.
I probably will eventually to be honest.
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why does talking to females feel so dirty like I'm breaking some unspoken oath?
I would be working Leaf amazon so hopefully that carries over to this region.
Féminisme convinced you that you're a threat to women
it was probably your fault somehow
And it somehow hasn’t occurred to you that the reason girls might not be interested isn’t because of your appearance or height?
I had to move back in with my parents after my girlfriend (who was a saint) kicked me out after a drinking/cheating episode, all I do is work and try to save my piddling money, I really want to try with another girl but I'm so demoralized about my situation. Do you think its a bad idea to start putting my feelers out there given my current situation? it feels like torture having no one.
Why are you talking to females in 2024
I think they're cute
I don't know
>get girlfriend, lonely my entire life
>stabs me in the back and turns everyone I know against me because I didn't give her enough attention
maybe I was better off just being lonely my entire life. I don't like people anymore
You sound like a scaredy cat. That's the biggest pussy repellent. No woman will feel attracted to you unless she's a psycho.
Man up. Embrace adversity. Being alone is how things are for a man and you must work to be comfortable with loneliness.
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They weren't your friends. Fuck them. You're better off alone. Meet new people. Yiu can do this. You're a man, you can handle this.
Die, blue board.
Also, sauce.
as a man with bipolar disorder and other mental health issues like depression should i just give up on getting a girl
Shine on crazy diamond
i dont get this comment
I hate being Bipolar its awesome
no its not
I'm 6'5 and still miserable.
Height is not a cheat code for life.
If you're crazy you need to work on being sexy too
I don't make the rules
Get good. I've done alright but I could do a lot better playing a different character.
im like average in terms of looks at best. women show interest so sometimes but my mental health has been bad for a while (about 24 now) so much that i have a reputation now in my city. some people hate me and others just pity me
OH shit why didn't I think of that?
I know that feeling
Have you adopted a craft? Being very good at things is a noble virtue for a man
I'm like a really good mechanic. I also used to be hella jacked but at the time i shaved all my hair off and looked at others like i wanted to kill them. You say you know this feeling so what did you do? im thinking about getting closer to god. My dad lived for himself and was abusive as hell so i think me going for a godly life can make me get out of his path
>match with cute
>chat for a bit
>they begin to disengage and I mutually ghost
>or go on one date and then ghost
31 and going nowhere fast, I thought moving to a new city would be empowering but I didn't change at all.
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If I ever get a gf I want her to have a small belly like this. If she doesn't have it i will force feed her until she does.
I'm going through it, made a few women very angry with me because I didn't do what they wanted. Burned bridges and got fired from work because I felt like they turned me into some kind of productivity icon. I love music and computers, but making money in with those involves cutthroat competition.

I come from a religious background but couldn't stand the ideological limitations. I never want to take on dogma, feelings first. Nevertheless you should try reading the bible
damn man im sorry. for me i just didnt handle my dads abuse and just spiraled out of control and people see me as a freak
1. What's a good, yet realistic personality and how do I know if someone has it.

2. I've been reading about signal detection theory and it says I should expand my selections. "swipe right" on more women if I want to maximize my chances at a "hit" but how wide should I cast my net? 50%? 75%?

3. What dating apps/sites proved most effective to you guys?

4. What's a good way to maintain stamina in a conversation and keep going even if you don't want to talk anymore?
The whole reputation will fade. People will forget about it. I think you're on a good path
I don't think I've ever gone up to a girl in person and chatted her up and asked for her number/on a date. And I've never been on a third date.
Hate my brain, bros. How can I get out of my way? My lack of experience interacting with people has to be palpable at this point.
based and true
Revisiting this after rereading:
Does she have a ring on her finger? Her saying she was married and looking away awkwardly could be a defense mechanism to hide that she isn't romantically interested in you. I don't have these extra context clues but it may be an indication to not hang out there again.
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I wanna date a chick like this - I’m alt but the problem is it seems these types of women are mostly drawn to NPD men. I”m like the complete opposite of that, a people pleaser/conflict avoidant.
Yeah, I know she might have lied to make me go away. Again, I'll see what happens in the future. If she keeps talking to me or refuses to even get close to me, then things will be obvious.
Yeah well do yourself a favor and keep it a fantasy, these types of women are insufferable. I dated plenty of emo/alt chicks and they're all loaded with mental problems.
Try killing yourself. Those dumb whores will love you then
I don't know what to do with these feelings. I think I'm in love with someone I grew up with but we're related (2nd cousin).my dating track record isn't that great. I had flings here and there but not too much experience with sex. dated people outside of my class like models or art people or higher education because I worked as a barback and they were introduced by bartenders. but not enough to have a girlfriend locked in. I just always feel incompatible with them, like yea I'm physically attracted to them but not with feelings that you see in movies or songs. Except with her.i genuinely enjoy spending time wih this person.I'm just confused and don't know what to do with these feelings, everytime we spend time together I'm fighting what feels like a natural body reaction to kiss her yet It feels wrong but I don't care but I do because of the ramifications
>shows example of why you will have no women coming to you
The answer is obvious, if you talk like this about women, it clearly shows in real life as well. They can tell, you will die alone, as you should. You wonder why no woman wants to approach you when you have the mindset of an edgy porn riddled retarded 14 year old.
feminism convinced you to care about them
How does no one answer this? I haven't been here in a few months, but genuinely how the fuck do none of you have an answer for this, cause my assumption is this place degraded into /r9k/ tier bitch tears
i have had women make frequent eye contact with me or it feels like they were. is it usually an invite to come over or does it just mean they were curious at how i look.

also second part has anyone approached women on runs they always seem friendly and greet politely.

i am part of a trail running club and i am like the only poc person there so it feels a but weird to try to approach women there(where i live a lot o poc women dont train and idk why)
Holy shit this happened to me, we talk on IG (through comments) sometimes, when she saw me she did exactly this, I took the pessimism route and figured she didn't want me anywhere around her so I left the scene, we still exchange comments, but I haven't ran into her since
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i don't date coworkers but this one girl i have lunch with sometimes is leaving her job and then leaving the country soon temporarily. i said we should do something before she goes and she said yeah, but didn't get her number before her last day. would it be gross if i emailed her to keep in touch since email is for pedophiles and nerds?
like maybe ask for her number through an email see where that goes, would make it easier imo
yes that would be an indication of interest, just her saying "come talk to me" pretty much
I hate these photos so fucking much
>Hurr Durr somebody write me a comprehensive guide on how to get laid from the initial DM to actually sliding my dick in. Go!

Nigga, come here with a pointed question on a situation. There are no how to guides for women, every single one will have different barriers to their pussy, most of which are entirely outside of your control. Did you really expect someone to give you a tutorial like a video game?

Bang your head against the wall and get some experience bro
I just moved to a new city I have no friends or connections here, I've also never had a girlfriend. I'm feeling quite lonely at the moment, really craving a GF more than ever
how do I even go about meeting people and women specifically these days
Not sure, having tattoos is kind of part of the whole aesthetic really, but it can already take you close to them, fashion is a valid way to draw attention to you.
Ultimately all these things are just ways to relate to each other, if you're just posing as an "alt" guy you probably won't get far.
Yeah no shit, but I expected at *least* a story, a shared experience, anything, it's not like I'm asking how to hypnotize a girl into liking me, I *thought* my question was common and shared enough in a space like this for at least some level of interaction
>"less people going out means you have less competition!"
Doesn't that mean also less women being outside?
I really do have to use Tinder, don't I?
Most alt women are just as NPC as the normies they claim to detest. A bunch of non-conformists all conforming to the same standards of non-conformity. It’s pretty laughable honestly, they all have the same dumb Instagram handles like “Dollspit” “Vomitbrat” “Pixiespit” “NovaCane”. They all have the same shitty tattoos, same shitty haircuts, same shitty Dollskill fashion, they all obsess over Hello Kitty. It’s a joke. None of them are actually counter-culture, it’s merely a simulacrum.
So I guess my point is it’s best to be as superficially “alt” as possible - stereotype yourself. Don’t try to be authentically counter culture because you’ll just get the ick from these posers b/c these people are just as predictable and typecast as normies
>if you're just posing as an "alt" guy you probably won't get far
Most alt people are posers though
yeah, I'm sure all these drug dealers, wife beaters, convicted felonies, soccer players, niggers etc, all think very highly of women (whom they fuck, a lot) and don't see them like total whores at all.
>match with older women from client site
>don't really work with her but have interacted
>msgs me "lol"
she's not in a high position. what do?
I got similar exchange when matching with girls I went to HS with. The "lol" means, "this is so funny , here we are, you both wanted to fuck eachother, let's go".
G'morning lads. Just popping in to remind you to stay sane, stay confident, and stay open-minded. I met my fiancee at the time I least expected it and in the place I least expected it (and honestly least wanted to at the time), and she was the type of girl I least expected to go for.
Rights are a subjective concept.
The fact of the matter is that cold approaches is the only option to many of us.
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>get lonely
>waste another weekend alone
>want to kill myself
>want to approach girls
>know that failure is inevitable and will shatter my ego
>my ego is the only thing keeping me from killing myself
Do any of you actually have coping mechanisms other than "deal with it"? Cuz that shit doesn't work. I want to die.
Thing is I've approached a few girls but it never led to nothing.
I just focus on my art and go to TLM(mass).
Humans weren't made to be this lonely.
If you're referring to religious mass I don't even have that.
And I'm not getting any more attractive. It's just guaranteed pain that I have no tools to cope with.
Those men have the genetic foundation to get away with it. You don't.
So you found some post-wall fat roastie? OK then.
>tell dude at work I think one of the girls at work is really attractive in private so as to not make the situation awkward at work
>few weeks pass
>girl now actively avoids me and acts cold/bitchy towards me
jfc why are dudes like this? You can't tell anybody anything, oh well, I'll just tell the other girls what he's said about them as payback.
okay so you just basically admitted that it is actually about genetics and not the personality bullshit

most guys are extremely pathetic and desperate tb h
NTA but read that sentence again, retard. Read it, and try actually understanding it this time.

And how do "soccer players" get lumped in with women beaters and criminals? What is so scummy or violent about sports?
people at work wanna see you fail. it would have been the same thing if you said something bad about another co worker. "Speak ill of no man" is a great saying for your professional life. doesnt mean you cant make friends at work but go into these relationships with the mindset that this person is plotting against you. If you're at something like a dealership literally they will gain from your failure
>And I'm not getting any more attractive
true, I was also going to say that. I remember when I was 22-26 I would get more girls looking at me on the street. I'm 29 now, and It's becoming rare lol. I haven't gone bald or anything, I'm 6'0 and decently fit.

>And how do "soccer players" get lumped in with women beaters and criminals?
I just meant it in the sense that they will pump and dump women. Women know damn well these men will not settle for them, and will cheat on them.
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women are dangerous
Context is that I'm genuinely autistic and live in a pretty small town. Is it possible to get a GF online? I'm not really asking if it's recommended, just is it doable? Any advice on how? I consider myself a bit desperate at this point. I've posted to /soc/ a good few times and I've had luck but nothing that's lasted.
anyone you meet off of soc will be extremely mentally ill and ready to ruin your life

It's probably doable.

You need to be smart about it though, none of that /soc/ bullshit. Think about contexts in which there are many women, not just a few who are getting a bunch of attention from the 90% of men, and where you can bond with them over time. Because just straight up hitting on women is bullshit that only works for chad.

This becomes obvious once you pay attention and notice that, in situations where men make their intentions clear from the start and women have a big pool of men to choose from that they don't know anything about, such as tinder or night clubs, they only pick gigachads.

Normies will claim that they get laid on tinder, but the statistics on that are available for anyone to see. They will also all have stories about how alpha and chad they are at night clubs, even turbo manlets will be claiming that they get a new stacy every day, but you can go to any night club and see for yourself what's actually happening. They do this because the idea of just getting what you want quickly by doing something "brave" is appealing to men. However, it is not actually a good idea.

Most normies have girlfriends, even if they're not gigachads, and the way they meet them is through friends and by bonding. That's what actually works, even if redpillers don't agree because they're such stupid copers that, not only do they deny the existence of chads because they can't deal with the fact that most of their attractiveness to women is predetermined by face and height, but they also can't even come up with good strategies and just go with what feels good to them.

Therefore, look for contexts like that based on shared hobbies or whatever and stay off anything like /soc/, tinder, contexts with mostly men, or anything that makes it obvious from the start that you want a gf and allows for slowly bonding with people, and it may be doable
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Ive been alone for so long that i no longer even register women as potential sexual partners

Some of my co workers might say "did you see the fat ass on that one?" and I have to lie and pretend I did, because i dont even look at women that way anymore because I think my Brain just knows its not going to happen

Im not gay, and frankly as I get older, the Urge to try and get with a women is shrinking, whats even worse is since I dont Understand women, I started trying to Understand how they think, and once i did it made me want to be with them even less

What do I do bros? Do i try anyway?
that is so fucking brutal, i feel you tb h

just SEAmaxx it's what i will do if i dont get a gf soon
*Most humans are. Very few that are genuinely nice and harmless
Whats SEAmaxx? You mean just buying boats?
no i mean going to south east asia

or latin america
He had his sights on her and decided to be a white knight while also removing a competitor.
Yea ive thought about doing the pass port bro thing, maybe i will one day, but i like my own race.
I could maybe do that with a place in Europe? But idk how Euro women are
na they are the same basically

only in sea, latin america and africa do you get a significant advantage from being white
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I'm just here to say I got my gf on Bumble recently. First girl I matched. Told her I'm racist in the first few messages and then dropped the hard-r on our second date while I grilled her about herself. My cousin did the exact same thing and it worked for both of us with the first girls we matched with. Moral of the story, be picky and put your autism out there early so the girls self-filter and save you the pain of false matches.
Refer to >>32002403
I was single for 8 years and didn't even try to get a date. He totally honest and don't chase them. Bumble is good in my opinion. Make your profile brutally honest and funny.
you should have asked a woman about her, they are probably less likely to fuck you over for some reason
>true, I was also going to say that. I remember when I was 22-26 I would get more girls looking at me on the street. I'm 29 now, and It's becoming rare lol.
Well, that's coincidental because I'm also 29.

>I haven't gone bald or anything, I'm 6'0 and decently fit.
I mog myself pretty hard from my 22-26 stage because I more than doubled the amount of workouts I started doing by starting long distance running.
This not only bought me a new lease on my six-pack, but led to me joining a mostly 18-21 year old running group at my local university and later something even crazier where I could regain some of that athletic glory that I thought ended in high school. And this all started because my ex told me I was losing my abs.
The other game changer that my next ex introduced was skin care. As it turned out, a lot of the wrinkles I had been acquiring were due to my skin being dehydrated. I used retinol + peptide on my forehead, and once I massaged it in, those wrinkles just disappeared. It was really that simple.

>I would get more girls looking at me on the street.
It's rare for me, but it was always rare, or at least me noticing it with severe ADD is rare. Probably because I'm only 5'11".
Even so, I went to this monthly event yesterday where a bunch of colorful characters sell strange things, and I swear I noticed one or two of those zoomer alt girl types looking at me -that- way. I think my friends and this guy would have >>31986345 been frustrated by me not approaching even then.
My point is that you it's not over if you can still appear young, and there's ways this can be done.
Any advice? I am in a similar situation.
How do you know when you're ready to settle down?
Dated a long-term girl and felt like I wanted to sleep with a few more girls before settling down. Gf was not happy so left but I'm not getting any younger and my skills aren't really good.
I joined an app a month ago thats used for meeting people at shows & events, its also used for dating but thats not why I downloaded it. I never used any sort of online dating service or anything but just out of curiosity I decided to swipe thru on this app just for shits because at this point fuck it why not. Pretty big range of attractiveness and such, majority of women I wasnt interested in, small handful of women that are attractive but didnt seem my type, more or less what I expected. But to the point - I found this girl who is 1 billion/10 pretty in her pictures, like total unicorn status of attractive to me, quite possibly the most pretty girl I have ever seen in my fucking life.

The problem? I sent her a “super like” and by the grace of god she matched with me. We just started talking over the app and I feel like there is more spaghetti being produced by my pockets per minute than what Italy makes in an entire decade. Idk what im doing, im a solitary person, this this basically the first time ive put myself out there in many years because of giving up after rejections when I was younger, and now somehow the possible literal prettiest girl in the entire world now wants to talk to me. What do? How do I not fuck this up? I should add that she lives a few hours away so its not as simple as asking her out for coffee to chat in person, but with how absurdly ridiculously pretty she looks to me in her photos I dont even care about the distance and I just want to get to know her more anyways.

Any general advice is welcome because hole lee fuck I cant even believe this is happening to me right now.
any ukfags got any advice
I don't meet any women. Everywhere I go I see guys and the few girls I see already have a boyfriend. I don't want to go to parties or bars because I only find fluzies. I just want a normal girl, I don't even find attractive what others find attractive, they all say the girls I like are average.

Where do I look for women, where can I meet some? I don't want to start a girls only career just to meet women.
Are the types of girls you find attractive girls you have seen or know irl? Take note of their habitat and behaviors and look for patterns therein.
I like timid/sweet/shy girls, they don't have to have a big rack or long legs. But even the ones that seem innocent act like whores afterwards so I dont know where to look.
Why are some of you guys even bothering if you're under 6'3? You do know that women think you're subhuman right? Must be gluttons for punishment.
This troll is getting boring. Try something new already you turbo-faggot.
Not trolling. Just don't understand why you want to torture yourselves.
Yes, trolling. And probably a poo as well, you dipshits are like termites on the Internet. If you don’t like what you see, you’re more than welcome to fuck off and never return.
Maybe a bit too general for this thread but I feel like a lot of my self-esteem issue relate to dating/social interactions.

On paper, I should be really happy. Graduated last year, probably in the top 0.5% for people my age in terms of income (I'm almost 23). I have decent friends/coworkers at work who I occasionally interact with outside of work, regularly interact and have a good time with my friends online (live too far apart), go to a sports club I enjoy 2x a week (and exercise 2-3 time a week on top of that), and a board game event 1x week where I'm recognised and am starting to meet with some of the regulars outside of the cafe itself. I have a creative hobby I work on at home I find rewarding.

Honestly what else can I do? I've given up on dating apps because I don't think I could take getting 0 likes for months again, there's very rarely any women at board games (and none that come more than once), and no women anywhere close to my age at my sports club.

I'm still pretty overweight (110kg 5ft8) but I've made huge progress in the last few months of dealing with my really harsh picky eating (even had and enjoyed prawns the other day), and again since starting exercise at the start of the year I've been doing a lot of exercise.

Sorry for the blogpost, just in a bit of a depressive phase recently.
I wonder if other people have my experience where even after a match 7/10 will just never respond, and the other 3/10 will only respond with minimal disinterested sentences

All bots or just women looking for ego boosts via matches?
If it works, she was only pretending to be disinterested
Why are so many women dyeing their hair black and blonde right now? Which celebrity are they emulating?
Because being alone is even greater torture and I'm not ready to kill myself yet.
I see no reason to exist while lonely.



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