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Attention you stupid morons who are up past your bedtime, prioritizing a 4chan thread over your health and well-being: Fuck off and go to sleep.

Previous ATOGA:
This girl I've been talking to has been pretty distant lately ever since we met up for our movie date. I can tell since she's being less frequent at responding and less playful with her replies unlike how she was before.
Thinking she lost interest and was going to ghost me, I figured I'd get her opinion on what hairstyle looks better on me since I'm overdue for a haircut and going on vacation soon.
Just when I thought I found a good point to end the conversation and to lay low for awhile, she came back today with this. Is it just me or does it look like she's trying to resuscitate the convo or keep it going?
Wanted to make sure I'm getting the right read on this and not reading too much into things
I should put a chair in my shower.
Fuck sleep.
Women, do you like the smell of cock?
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Fuck, forgot to attach the pic
You should, and you should sit down to clean your legs and your feet.
Women, are you, or would you be self conscious about under eye bags?
I can't get to sleep. I just went to a neighborhood bar where I downed three vodka red bulls.
Ufc is on tho
>prioritizing a 4chan thread over your health and well-being
I messed up my sleep schedule all on my own today thank you very much.
That hair is gross
Well to be fair I’ve never slipped, and I can clean my legs and feet just fine. It’s mostly for when I’m shitposting like this.
Has Tinder been weird for anyone else? My accounts (and remade ones) have been getting hit with shadowbans and suspicious activity captchas even though I've been using risque bios and pics for the longest time
So you can take sponge baths when you inevitably become crippled or medically compromised from your poor life decisions.
Does being negative like this really make you happy?
It does seem like she is trying to keep the convo going by saying that.
But desu that wouldn't give me much hope in your situation, I'd still feel like it's over and see what happens next.
It's unbelievable that you people don't know who she is. No way /atoga/ is this much of a normie, newflag place. And it's not like this is some old obscure lore either...
You should put a stationary dildo in your shower, sit on it and spin.


Yes, I've had them since childhood and they're my only real skin blemish.
Why are feminist women so inconsistent in how they practise their politics and ideology? I know a woman who touts herself as a big Woman's Rights fanatic and rants about the evils of incel culture, but some of her best and closest male friends are known sexual predators against other women in the local scene
Better safe than sorry. All it takes is one slip-up where you lose your balance for an instant, and then BAM.

Cleaning your legs and feet is good though. Can you believe that there are actually people IN THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW who don't manually clean their legs and feet when they shower?
I know who she is and 4chan is better with her dead.
Tired of you faggots.
>second Tessa violet post today
>it wasn’t me this time
Nice, I’m in good company
Yes. Next question?
Such a bop. Love that song.
Please don't bully hair dye anon like this.
>copperhead road
Today I saw the deep, thick chest hairs of an African man. I wanted to homosexually massage his chest hairs with my hands but I was afraid telling him that would be creepy so I held off. It's actually a big accomplishment not to say every creepy borderline sexual thought that pops into my head. That's why I have you guys, so I have someone I can express this to, you know.
Oh, neat. I've posted her before here but not lately and didn't see your post. Idk, the date I. That filename was the last time.
CLEAN cock, yes.
Because it's grandstanding. Most women don't give a shit about all these issues, but it makes them feel like a good person to pretend they do.

Why the Mr. Beast tattoo?

No, musky cock
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Do you like cheese??
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I love women.
I appreciate you, weird anon. I repost your posts on discord for clout.
>AI slop
I know what you mean. Maybe she just wants to farm me for meme pics instead of completely cutting things off?
If I were to marry you would you walk around in only an apron?
Where do you go to get your cock cleaned by another person? For me, there was a communal homosexual bathtub I was invited to where three men rub-a-dub-dubbed my penis in soap and warm water.
Women would you give your so permission to share your nudes on /b/?
No, cheese!
Pussy for not doing it
What about "had sex earlier and still smells like (you)" cock?
I don't need a ring to walk around naked
Well don't. They're endearing
Lmao look how butt blasted he is
Dont worry i wont take your larping tranny queen hand just yet, you can have her
i have them and im very self conscious of them
I don't need no diamond ring to keep me satisfied
Doesn't exist, you don't have sex.
What do you think of men with no shirt and an apron.
>musky cock
No, unless it's gym cock.
I still remember when Marc and her dated it destroyed the board
You won't know until it happens, try inviting her out on a date again.
Not really, but it’s a memorable smell
I had a shower that had a corner seat portruding out. It was super nice to just sit in the water
Not a chair, but a little stool is nice.
Gymcock has a very specific smell to it
I shower before every gym sesh and its reliably the same smell
I’d want you to have one, especially if you want a family
State gender
Are you going or have you gone to uni? What did you study?
I've gotten to use a couple of rain showers that had benches installed. 11/10 experience.
What does it mean that a woman who once used to have a crush on me now thinks I'm a gross sexual creep? What happened that made the 180 degree turn a thing?
Gym creep here

>Spoke with this trucker girl
>She said she wants to see places here in netherlands
>I reply we could go togheter
>She says yes we should
>Wanted to schedule time next week
>She says due to work planning being done day in advance she never knows when shes free

So what now
Women please whitepill me. Please explain to me the psychology behind enjoying books about rape fantasies while at the same time claiming to like nice stable people. Are you saying if one of these romance fantasies presented itself to you you wouldn't enjoy it and leave your partner for that man? If not, why is that your ideal fantasy?
I went for a biology degree and I’m switching majors next semester to nursing.
Your mask slipped.
Women, after you get yourself off, do you still like men, or less?
>If I were to marry you would you walk around in only an apron?
I din't want a ring. I want to walk around naked and never be bothered about it.
I might (would) actually kill him

Even better

Post-workout sex really is the best for a multitude of reasons

I went online while active duty, so I didn't get the college experience. I studied actuarial science.
Either gengar.

Is it true that you are more likely to be approached and flirted with in public if you wear a ring on your wedding ring finger?
Rape is okay when hes hot and i secretly want him.
M. Started in physics with minors in math and chem. Switched to mech eng and dropped the chem minor.
Majored in Computer Science and minored in Japanese
Unlimited bacon, but no games. Or unlimited games, but no games.
Same. Never really got incels to be honest. Women seem pretty nice to me :)
Should I cut myself?
What does cock even smell like? Just cum/bleach and sweat, or nothing?
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Started forestry, quit after semester
Had zero interest in finishing it either
Yep, I got a degree in Common Sense from studying at the School of Hard Knocks.
She's not dead, she just finally got therapy because her parents knew what she was doing online. She briefly resurfaced on social media and then disappeared again when it got found.
No, it’s bad for you
Too wet, gonna dribble on me. Wipe it off.
First option is objectively better.
>Do you leave marks on your partner after sex?
I'm not extremely agressive or anything but I seem to keep leaving bruises on my partners thighs and knees even if we're fucking in a bed.
I have never studied on campus despite working at one and after interacting with some of the students in my peer group now I can say I’m glad I chose not to study
Haven't gone to uni, only community college.
I'm still in it and I'm going to get an associates, I kinda want to get a bachelors but I am unsure of what I will do.
Tbh I kinda want to get a bachelors as a back up for my career as an Electrician, once I am old I could work as a vocational professor at college teaching youngins about electricity like my professors do today.
I’m looking to make some blood.
So is smoking, but a No is the first concrete answer so okay.
>They're endearing
How is my lacking consistent sleep endearing?
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He's only 5'1 by the way.
Cock/ball sweat is like armpit sweat in that it has a uniquely musky element but is unlike pit sweat in that they don't actually smell like each other.
Post workout sex sounds like something that happens directly in car right after leaving the gym parking lot
>Need a gym date that ends up in sticky sweaty sexo at home
You shouldn’t smoke either
linguistics and math
>I might (would) actually kill him
For asking consent?
I had lots of beer and korean fried chicken yesterday my gf said it smelled like sauerkraut
Thanks, but I’m kind of self destructive because I hate myself.
It’s weird but mens armpits smell oddly good
Yeah, not much you can do about it. Women just bruise easily. Doesn't mean you're hurting her.
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Me big woman, me carry him.
>unlimited games, but no games.
this is just me and my backlog
Why do you think that is?
Are you planning to go into a field dealing with both or is one more of a passion project?
why do women lie like this?
want gf like thsi hnggg
Don't get our hopes up when you're ultimately only jesting.
Many a long year ago, I was a student of the Political Sciences and Global Affairs. I learned that civilisations are destined to clash. I also learned that Nucular Weapons Are Good Actually and We Should Love the Bomb.
I know why. It’s the classic “bad childhood” stuff. Bullied at school abusive parents etc, nothing special about it. I started smoking so I could “quiet suicide”.
Almost obligatory to leave her with something damaged or sore so she remembers who her owner is it’s the same with feeding cats you have to hide the food so they associate seeing you being the provider
>Tl;Dr: Girls are just big cats
Reminder that the concept of body odor was invented by a marketing campaign.
Used to be we just accepted that people smell like people.
All I want is a self obsessed woman with low self esteem I don't think thats too much to ask
That's how autism works
Everyone wants a shorty until you meet a 6foot tall girl with pretty face and long legs.
I thought studies showed body odour was meant to prevent incestuous sexual behaviour
That you can’t control, you can control now. I believe in you anon
People can smell like people. But dirty people don't want to smell like dirty people.
>collective "ahdhskskjssj"
tell that to dogs, cats, and most other animals
There should be a death sentence by firing squad for posting like this
Marry me
Thanks, man.
>im attracted more to shorter women
>women taller than me are the only ones I’ve confirmed liked me
What does this mean?
couldve just not given them the (you)
no but body odour does smell better depending on your compatibility with them
if avoiding incest was all about body odour then there won't be articles about siblings separated by birth hooking up because they can smell it
No problem. Keep fighting the good fight
Tell them what exactly? That it's normal for them to smell the way they smell?
I think they know.
I am putty
Good evening /atoga/
I hate women.
Women, whats the best perfume for a man? Or if you dont know any, what general smells or candle smells should a guy have for himself and for his house?
Why do you like short women
Carve my initials into your thigh
So women do understand…
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Femanons why don't you look like this?

You had one job.
Was thinking more on the face.
Breadcrumbs keep them contained within their digital prison I am really getting into this whole slave owner archetype haha
Whats wrong with either of those?
If I knew I’d tell you, maybe it’s because my mom was only 5’3
No, now are you gonna keep being a brat or are you gonna be a good girl
Jeez that’s short
Women don’t cut themselves.
>posts about knowing a foreign language
>doesn't show us how it's done
I think this should be illegal going forward!
Yeah, she’s not a big woman but I’m not that tall either
Not really desu.
Incels are a threat to democracy, I get hit with so many sexual harassment claims on my desk and when we conduct the interview process with them they say some dumb shit like I just want us to be friends again she never used to be like this like bro she will never fuck you lmao
how tall are you
I'm interested. Can you tell us about any really noteworthy ones? With names filed off
>falling for the larp
I should have clarified- I did go to university, I have been out for quite some time.

I was planning to go into academia as a linguistics professor, math was just for fun. But I ended up becoming an actuary instead.
I don't know, I only know what mine smells like and it actually smells really good. It's a unique smell, not disgusting, just really nice but kinda strange and not comparable. I guess it's some pheromone
You sound like a schizophrenic psycho.
What's actuarial work like day to day?
Lol what
We had this one guy taking photos of girls in their dorm and when asked he said he was a making a collage for the yearbook and we all thought that was sweet until someone pointed out that in the photos are they were all doing sexual poses and it was basically softcore porn so we banned him from campus, still to this day I’m not sure if that guy was being genuine or an actual pervert
He is
Thats not how HR works lmao

I woulsnt be surprised if it wasnt a massive projection on his part kek
Inb4 the dude whos obsessed about gym creep is a creepist himself except IRL
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He's 5'6 lol
I'm just 5'8 and larping~
I'm seeing double, four actuaries!
I love my job
>Thats not how HR works lmao
Dude you’re literally on 4chan
Why do you talk about yourself in the third person?
What a lunatic.
There was a guy on my campus who straight up went around jerking off in public. He always got away right before security showed up. I hope he's dead now.
How do I start and maintain a conversation on Tinder? What should I talk about

Btw I am very mentally unwell and I am trying to interact with people on Tinder for socialization as part of my therapy
Terrible idea. Eat your therapist.
>I am trying to interact with people on Tinder for socialization as part of my therapy
No you aren't.
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>"my mom was only 5’3"
>"Jeez that's short"
>tfw 5'3, but man
My own isn't too bad because I'm more on the technical side. I have meetings and I poke at Excel. I develop Excel tools for underwriters to use.

Other actuaries' jobs seem a lot more boring. More time spent modeling with GLMs or whatever, dealing with government bureaucracy, things like that.
Yes I am

Self isolation wont do any good for me
Ok, what should I do? Isolate myself?
>98% of men's issues that they need advice on are "boo-hoo-hoo I can't get pussy! :((("
And women have it on easy mode?
Women don't even need advice, they just talk about their boobs.
How come my mom didn’t love me?
Don't ask for dating service tips under the auspices that it's for therapy. Jerk.
It's not your fault, you don't deserve what God did to you.
That isn't much of a whitepill.
Her vision was too good.
Women literally cause their own problems, and when they can't figure out how to cause a problem, they just make them up.
He honestly seemed like such a nice guy which is sad because he was also part of the events staff so he would help set up dinner parties and keynote speeches for the students and everyone knew him on relatively good terms
Asian actually
Fuck you too.
No honorable man would do that though.
I assume that involves a lot of VBA?
Yup. I've gotten quite good at VBA since starting working here. Excel too.
Sorry. Maybe it was because she new you couldn't handle the banter.
Literally my gf yelling at me first thing in the morning because she can’t find where she put something in the kitchen which is somehow my fault bruh
Some of us aren't meant to be loved. It sucks, bro, but it is unfortunately true. I have accepted it as my fate though
Any VBA resources you'd recommend?
Ladies, help me determine something because this kind of reaction from a former friend feels weird as hell.

>earthquake happens in my area
>message and text multiple friends and family members to see if they're okay
>one of the people i texted was a close female friend of mine
>we had some form of a past together where we were both interested in each other, but I put a stop to it because she was indecisive with who she wanted, but wanted to have her cake and eat it too
>she reads the message late and texts me
>"you were scared??? and you ask MEE if I'm okay?"
>proceeds to randomly throw out that me messaging her has to do with her deleting social media
>it doesn't
>starts asking me why i've been concerned with her lately
>i really haven't, but i also haven't been talking to her for a minute due to us being busy and working else
>a few minutes pass and we wind up arguing a bit about me not really appreciating her ghosting me whenever we do try to hang out and she says she's down
>next day i get a barrage of texts saying that she thinks i still like her when i stopped feeling that way a year ago
>says me checking on her is disrespectful to her bf and it isn't my job to ask if she's okay for some reason
>we argue about stuff lately and defend myself from her attempting to gaslight me and claim i still hold feelings for her when it's starting to feel like the opposite at this point because she still drones on me liking her even though im committed to someone
it feels like this friendship all started to fall down hill more and more because i told her i was going to visit said person im committed to
I wish I didn’t hate myself, maybe I’d have more ambition :/
My ass is too big and you didn't give me a lolipop and take me to a sport event so I could dance on camera.
Instead I'm bedmaxxing.
Anons, what are you doing up so late? How are you occupying yourself?
I'm actually closer to 5'4 so I like to round it up to that, but technically i'm 5'3". This shit isn't right. Anything I do will be seen as over compensating as well

Also, while i'm on this. Can people stop calling me a "short king"? It makes me feel like Lord Farquaad
It's only 9:49 PM here, I'm watching youtube.
Ok, so I am a cool dude trying to score laid

What do I talk about and how do I maintain such conversation?
I am in a bad place mentally.
If you aren't in EST you're a terrorist
Find a project and start doing it, honestly. When you don't know how to do something, look it up.

I usually use the docs+stack(exchange|overflow) myself. But I know other programming languages so...
This absolutely annoying midget nigger faggot looked WAY more aesthetic with short hair. His annoying personality and shit takes were still a problem, though
Wow dude that's like, a total bummer
What a waste of trips!
>doxxable relatable posts
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It's 5:42AM and i'm here with you losers instead of sleeping
I'm rewatching the gamegrumps episode because I went to go make food in the middle of it and forgot.
You're gross.
Listening to prank calls and about to play a porn game
drawing and trying to animate, but this god forsaken laptop is shit and on its last legs. need to buy the rest of my gaming pc parts.
I'm the same height.
Just stop caring about people thinking you're overcompensating.
I wear boots with big heels on them because they feel comfortable even though most people probably think I do it to gain height.
You leave my shortie alone, double nigger!
Congrats. Or sorry that happened.
cycling between 4chan and youtube. its not late, just 10pm lol
>what are you doing up so late?
I fell asleep after lunch... ;_;
>I wear boots with big heels on them because they feel comfortable even though most people probably think I do it to gain height
But you do wear them for that reason though, don't you
hi anons i am a femanon graduating college in the spring with a major in cs. how fucked am i
funnily enough, it's both. i was able to just tell her how it is and gave her a reality check which led to her just groveling and admitting but not fully that she fucked up. it sucks because drama aside, she was fun to be around. but her stuff really became overwhelming and i had multiple talks with her to stop. bpd really do be like that
Like I said I wear them because they're the most comfortable footwear I've ever had in my life.
>Find a project and start doing it, honestly
The hardest part of being self taught... :/
Why do I become so depressed when I drink?
Probably screwed, did you do any internships to network?
If not get on that, that should be your priority because the job makret is fucked right now.
Any degree puts you ahead of not having a degree, even for jobs that are completely unrelated to your degree. You are only fucked by student loans.
Booze is well known to amplify emotions in some people.
Go make a simple Excel-based game. Can be any type of game. Pokemon combat simulator, idle battler (use DoEvents), grid-based roguelike...
For bonus points, keep track of some sort of event and give the player a dashboard to track how well they're doing, with pivot tables and charts.
I will make sure you get blacked.
> did you do any internships to network?
yes i got an internship with the military and also network profusely in college. but im terrified of all of the horror stories atm
>femanon with cs degree
Considering the current political climate, I’d wager a guess that you’d have a better shot at finding work than an incompetent male programmer like myself.

Have you had an internship? Do you know anyone else who’s working in tech? Do you have a GitHub portfolio? Have you grinded leetcode problems? These are all things that, according to what I understand, are pretty much expected of incoming tech graduates who have 0 work experience.
Sounds like you did well then, keep in contact with the people you networked with.
The only way to get a job these days is to know the right people.
Try to get some more internships while you can.
Oop, they got banned for doing illegals.
Suck it. You're a lurker now.
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A question for the women's, how do I find girls who like nerdy guys? I been at college for a bit now, lots of cute girls but I'm too shy to talk to them. what to do?
Systems Eng, switched to physics, switched to eng with minor in physics, realized i was too stupid for physics, switched back to eng
A little. I don't have them naturally, but if I am sleeping like shit I'll get them. It's one of the few cases when I use make up.

Seems like she's not a great person to associate with, maybe just avoid her.
>a simple Excel-based game
This is a joke, right?
Yes, very much. I have saved this picture, cute.

No, ew.

I don't like being naked much. I'd do it if my husband asked.
It’s literally a CNS depressant, anon. The endorphin rush that is associated with the spike in BAC can feel pretty good, but alcohol by its very nature makes you depressed in every way possible.
Why don’t you like being naked you beautiful creature?
Well, you wanted ideas to practice VBA, didn't you? VBA is for *doing things* in Excel, not for data analysis. Click button make thing happen. Change value make thing happen.

If you have a job, you have things you need to do in your job. If you don't, you have to come up with them on your own. And unless you want to build a fake values Excel based insurance rater...
>Excel-based game
*scrolling twitter*
Men, why can't you be more slutty?
Which of those three words is the confusing one?
Women don’t want to see me slutty
Just feels kind of gross to put my naked genitals and butt on stuff that I can't easily clean before and after. It's all a little icky.
Well, how exactly does one make a game in Excel? I’ve never heard of a such a thing, but then again, I’m still learning.
need to work out more, too scrawny
also need contacts
As in, posting nearly-naked pictures of myself, or having sex with attractive women?
If the latter, can definitely be arranged.
If the former, I don't like social media and I don't like how I look without clothes on yet.

Put a towel down first, that's what we did at nudist events.
It's more that using a spreadsheet for gamedev seems like the programming equivalent of telling the new guy to go get a bucket of steam.
I can’t sleep should I text him
I am, you just don’t know me :/
Only if I should text my former best friend (female)
>why can't you be more slutty?
I'm trying. No one wants what I'm selling.
Text me instead.
If you want
Will you make me feel better? I can’t stop crying
>If you want
She hates me and thinks I'm a piece of total shit. I think I'd better not, and you'd be better off texting that other anon.
After being introduced to a girl she seemed to get very flustered, hugged her friend, then whispered something to her in another language. Does she think I'm attractive or am I so hideously ugly that she felt the need to remark on it?
ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵇᵉ ᵐᵉᵈᶦᵘᵐ ˢʰᶦʳᵗ ʷʰᶦᵗᵉ nᵒn ᵇᵃˡᵈᶦnᵍ ᵐᵃˡᵉ.
I don’t know I didn’t talk to guys at school
Why does she think that?
The core of the fantasy is, usually, a desirable man who wants you so much he can't help himself but take you. Which is just not the reality of rape.
Plus enjoying a book about something doesn't mean you'd want that to happen to you. I always wanted and looked for drama free, easy relationship and can't stand any amount of conflict with my SO, but that means the biggest conflict my man and I had in 7 years together was when he fell asleep and locked me outside in the heat for 2 hours. Our relationship doesn't make for a great story for a book. If there's any romance in the books I read, it is often less nice than my relationship.

>Put a towel down first, that's what we did at nudist events.
I'd rather just wear underwear than walk around my house carrying a towel. Again, could do if it was my husband's biggest fantasy, but if it was for my personal comfort I'd just wear pants.
>Will you make me feel better?
I can try.
Well, you're working with Excel, so you have the limitations and benefits of that.
>keep the data (e.g. monster data) in another tab, hidden if you actually were to release it
>some sort of user interface
>maybe a separate tab for the "start menu" screen
>handling user input, you could either do Excel buttons, or you could do some sort of "on key press" thing, or you could maybe even do a selection change macro or something
>if it needs to run anything in real time, as I said use DoEvents to keep it from freezing up
>if you want to display messages to the user, have a place for that in the UI
>if you want to change values of text, change them using VBA, and you can change colors too

Yeah, but he's not doing it to be a game developer, he's doing it to learn VBA. And civilians don't usually need to use VBA for much, and I don't know his hobbies. Myself, I used Excel/VBA to make a quick little applet for tracking character investments in a tabletop game, but if ttrpgs aren't your hobby that's not useful.
How do I learn to sleep alone again?

I think I finally understand why people stay in shitty relationships. A warm body is addicting
>medium shirt non-balding male
Jesus if it was that easy I’d be swimming in more pussy than a litter of kittens.
Because we got along super well, and when her BF dumped her I made my move. She refused, then said essentially that I tried to sabotage them and get her to emotionally cheat with me.
I don’t even know what I want to say
ˢᵏᶦᵖᵖᶦnᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ʷʰᶦᵗᵉ ᵃᵈʲᵉᶜᵗᶦᵛᵉ
I really like the way she did her make up.

I like Polo Blue. 3 men I was attracted to had it.
>civilians don't usually need to use VBA for much
My use case is maintaining code already written.
And a few things where I genuinely have no idea if VBA is even the right tool.
I have this exact body it’s wretched
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Would you call this number?
What would you say to the klan?
What's on your mind? What needs to be made better?
I’m white. Well, half-white. I kinda look like an Italian guy, unless by white you mean a blue eyed, blonde haired dude. I have dark brown hair and light brown eyes.
I think she's sort of right. It's weird for you guys to still be in touch if you've dated and you're both in relationships with other people, move on.

It really is, I have a lot of trouble sleeping alone. I usually take something to help me sleep if I can't fall asleep, hug a pillow or two. Also I got a heavy blanket.
That's so fake it's not even funny, within half a second I could tell that it was a false flag.
I’m really lonely I think. I don’t think I’m capable of getting anyone to like me
I’d treat it like it was a sex hotline. Either that or blast a bunch of German nationalistic/propagandistic songs from WWII.
You're so stupid for saying that. You literally have the perfect body.
A lot of people are not good at ideological consistency. For example I know a dude who hate immigration in general while having an immigrant wife. Thinks that there is a conspiracy trying to breed out the white race yet his wife is a POC. There's a book about this called "mistakes were made but not by me." I would say that overall she is blinded by her emotions and doesn't want to believe they're predators.
How come?
I wish I had someone to hold and tell me they love me
I look so stupid from the side. Completely flat all the way down
whats it like being hot
I've felt like that before. Why you you feel that way?
So you'd rather be fat than objectively aesthetically beautiful?
It’s a body without curves. You guys seriously find that attractive?
There’s only ever been one guy and I don’t think he even really liked me. I don’t know. I’ve gone this long living life and no one has found me enticing
...anon, we meet again. That other fella jumped in
You sure about that?
If it’s a female body between 20 and 50 I probably find it attractive
I wouldn’t know
I don’t want to be fat I want like B cups at least
I don’t know anyone who loves me and I don’t think anyone will
Yea. I’ve done the calculations
oh my god woman, you have no idea how hot you are then.
You ever get that feeling you were born too soon?
I think I want to live in the next century instead.
Obviously. It's model-tier, and I like models. It's weird for some people to be so opposed to beauty. I hope you start liking your own body because it's really beautiful.
My mom should have aborted me
Maybe people feel, for whatever reason, you aren't approachable. I've known girls who felt like that, but they actually had a lot of guys like them.
haha, youd probably look like a boy if you cut your hair short
Pathetic. Have some self-respect, anon.

Unless you’re fucking deformed then you’re allowed to have some standards.
We all do bud.
I’m not very attractive
but see, the thing about it is that she tells me this one thing and then goes on to confess to me for the umpteenth time. you're right though when you say we shouldn't have stayed in contact after dating in all honesty. i won't say i regret it because we had great memories, but somethings could have been handled better on both our ends. we really weren't good for each other in any kind of relationship and it makes me sad because she told me something i knew which was that i was truly her only friend. had she respected my boundaries and not make attempts to throw me in situations that would make her bf not like me or gaslight me, had i put my foot down more often, this whole thing could have been avoided. but alas, all things come to an end.
maybe you should show it off more
I think I was born about 25 years too late.
Big number coming up
Need gf with large outer labia lips
Without curves of any sort, I’m not interested. May as well have sex with a guy at that point.
Why are Asian men so undateable?
Why would they feel that way? If anything I feel like people ignore me. I’m not pretty or anything so idgi
I should marry a nice Irish-American girl with Ashkenazi and Gentile Russian ancestry from the South or the West. Fuck cultural barriers.
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I dont know u_u
Nah. The world may not even be around in the future.

I’m not even that femanon you creeps kek. I’m a guy. Can’t believe you’d simp so hard for a chick without any feminine features other than her pussy.
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Are you shy and reserved? Tend to keep to yourself?
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>brown pp
Yea :/ but I like to talk when other people start conversations
I'm sure this is one reason among many
Welp at least mine is big :3
You are too retarded to understand women
That is one pretty face.
Ahh yep, I have friends in the same boat.
I think they assume you aren't interested in talking or anything more. Like you're off in your own world.
Lol is that right? Please enlighten me then.
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H-..hi.. anon..
Yes. Especially if she’s skinny
Im still not white babe </3
that chick is hot as fuck, not lying

you just can't be fat + ugly, you can be one or the other and that girl is neither.
yes. whatever it is going through your mind, get it out. don't wallow in regrets and uncertainty, approach life without fear and do what you want
Thoughts on Dimitri Shostakovich?

Brain autocorrected his name to Dimitri Shortstack
It was always over for me
Stop fucking replying to me then!
Nah. I'm a piece of shit but even I found somebody interested in me. You can too.
You started it <3
Would make a kickass anime
To each his own. Women like that should be lucky that there are men who would slobber all over them. I sure as hell ain’t one of ‘em.
>cock is severely pointed up
Is this a bad thing?
Just FYI I'm the whitest person itt and you never (you) me.
I'm gonna go knock up a brown girl out of spite now. Toodles.
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Middest of mid men, but would.
He qualifies.
It honestly sounds like you're just not comfortable with a "curveless" female body not because you don't find it attractive, but because it activates your latent homosexuality and you instantly start thinking gay thoughts.
How did you find her?
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Stop talkinggggggg
Go away fat balding mannnnnnn
What I want to ask of him he can’t give me
Work. She was shy but cheery. Bit of a wallflower. Whenever she had a bad day, I'd try to cheer her up, but I wasn't great at it. The fact that I tried was apparently enough though. She liked that I treated her softly when nobody else did.
>Stop talkinggggggg
You want me more than you know lol
You’re getting filtered by a woman smarter than you instakek
That’s a huge cope on your own part. I simply don’t find lanky, curveless bodies to be attractive on women. It might be a suitably attractive look for a male, but not a female. I’m absolutely not gay (found out by real life experience) so this isn’t some attempt at trying to cope with the fact that I’m afraid that I might be gay kek. I simply don’t find women like that attractive and wouldn’t waste any time trying to hook up with one.
>absolutely not gay
>found out by real life experience
:( Cute I’ve worked so many places and never had that
Good for her, then she’s earned the right to be in the tech field. The only women who don’t are the ones that are dumber than me.
My hair is fantastic and my belly is getting smaller by the day.
>still fat
That’s not the own you think it is. Back when I was younger, being “bi” was akin to being more open-minded than others. I tried to do some experimenting, discovered that I actually find men to be sexually revolting, and that was the end of that.

Doesn’t change the fact that a woman without curves doesn’t turn me on and isn’t worth my time.
Yet. I'm 30 and the well was dry for a long time. You'll get there anon. Your loneliness will be something you look back on and barely even recall the feeling of.
Embarrassment for men, entertainment for women.
No I promise that I would never want to touch you in a million years for not being white.
am femanon, dating my bf of three years. i'll cut to the chase and say we haven't had PIV sex yet, technically we are both still virgins. Its moreso that he gets performance anxiety and doesn't stay hard when it's time to insert. he's able to get off by spooning me, feeling me up, and jerking off on me, but I want the real thing atp

how should i even begin to approach this?
Is he avoiding it for """"marriage""""?
So he can trap you into being sexless?
I’m so glad I saw I was online to see this
You are a tsundere.
nope, we aren't avoiding it. i think we both want it, but when its time to mount, he goes limp. He does find me hot in some capacity since he gets hard at anything i do but the whole inserting thing... i never expected sex to be this hard
Cock ring and blew chew/horny goat weed
Anon here's the deal. I'm not just gonna give you empty platitudes.
Try to put yourself out there a little bit more. Strike up idle conversation more often. You don't need to be a butterfly. But try to not seem cold.
Namefag, do you deliberately post very nebulous things to bait responses or what?
No. I like specific kinds of men.
There is no Dere for you, at all.
Is he using condoms?
Peg him.
How bald is too bald, medium shirt anon
Not for long. :^)
The pillow hugging honestly makes me feel worse
He's the most aggressive troll left in /atoga/.
It’s very demure
I’ll keep trying
which is what? did you guys get in a fight or something?
If you met a guy that’s 5’10, good looking face, brunette (not balding), blue eyes, great frame (wide shoulders, well proportioned), in stem, works out and is visibly muscular (visible adonis belt), is the sort of good guy that does not ask for anything in return if he does something for anyone, makes 6 figures, plays the guitar regularly at events, dresses well, fully owns his apartment, decent humor (not a jester, but not a dry fish either, is well groomed
BUT is virgin and doesn’t have friends
What would you think about that person? Would you date him? What would stop you from doing so?
I think I’m going to die like this
>inferiority complex
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You wanna kiss me so bad
Just keep hope. You're a valuable person. Somebody will notice.
At the absolute worst, you can find a shoddy ATOGA male.
Hardly. Comes off as brazenly smug, but makes almost no sense so it’s like reading things a genuine schizo would write.

Ah, I see. Makes sense.
sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds but who are these
You don’t deserve him. I’m male and I’d let him smash my bussy while we write songs together.
>BUT is virgin and doesn’t have friends
>What would you think about that person? Would you date him? What would stop you from doing so?
At my age I would assume he's a waiting until marriage kind and gather intel to figure out what's wrong with him mentally. He probably wouldn't like me anyway, just curiosity.
For extra fun, get him to post salt without replying.
Zero clue, just grabbed it off of a search
Forgot to mention he’s 27
Fell down on my arse am hurt need a potion of moderate healing urgently :<
Go use your free healthcare
Did you land on your tailbone? If so, RIP.
i will take his virginity
nta but doing a reverse image search brings up beta designs for a show called the owl house
>nobody talks to me so I guess that feels just as bad when I do it to someone else
>has to sit in an ER for 14 hours with a broken arse
Well, at least it’s free.
What's the hottest stem subject?
Why are you avatarfagging with the worst total drama character BIZARRE
Irish-American girls with Eastern European ancestry from the Southern and Western states where are you? We need to marry each other!
See what I mean?
does discreet math count
Up to 2 and then it's all down hill.
You two are cute
Showing femanon affection by chomping on her
Wow. II is just how my hairline has always been.
Is this destiny?
>technically we are both still virgins
No such thing. You aren't virgins, and that's a bad thing.
Made a post in a wrong thread in a wrong board this isn't the first time I've do it might as well cut my hands off what a worthless bastard I am
By virtue of being more narrow of an answer than expected, yes by default.
Probably not because you didn't confirm the rest.
We talked earlier I'm pretty sure. I asked what you brought to the table?
If you can design something to chop off both hands and not die you may be worthy of keeping your hands.
If my partner wanted it then sure, but he'd have to provide anti-chafing cream or something so my thighs don't become irritated.
Only if he marries and provides for me. The two biggest issues with nudes being posted on the internet are their effects on your ability to find a partner and a job. So if I'm married and he's providing for me, those two things will be irrelevant and he'll have full permission to do whatever he wants with pics of me. But not a second before.
I went to uni, just did sociology as a filler degree so I had something to apply to teacher's college with, but then started doubting becoming a teacher so now my degree is just collecting dust.
Rape is hot in theory but ultimately fantasies have the no risk of the rapist going too far. I have lots of rape fantasies but the rapist will magically not have any STDs and never choke me or drug me or do anything that could kill me. There's just too many ifs and buts for these fantasies to work out irl.
I'm behind on the splatfest so gotta stay up and grind some more :(
Unfortunately girls who like nerdy guys are nerdy autists themselves and therefore you'll probably never find them off of the internet.
Being a virgin and having no friends isn't a deal breaker as I'm in the same boat, if he was interested in me I'd give him a chance. Though I'm not really into muscular guys and 5'10 is only an inch taller than me, but neither of those are deal breakers in and of themselves.
Nta but I bring the fine china and the silverware
I feel like this is probably you lol
Ok. So now what.
Why do either of you, as supposedly adult males, have an opinion of TDI?
You tell me! Or are you the dog chasing the mailman?
Women, would you rather your man’s cum be thick or thin?
Mayhap some sort of a guillotine device that is light enough for me to transport near a hospital and a minifridge for my hands to fall into then I rush into the hospital for them to save me hmmmm.
Have postgraduate engineering degree
We were both young once. We can't just delete memories can we now? Well not unless we get dementia or a bonk on the head
I always thought the guy with the green hair and skull t shirt was the coolest.
You now have my permission to hack off your hands in any manner you wish. gl;hf
... you're west coast aren't you.
Thanks you fat cow. I go with your blessing.
I don't have any irl experience with cum, but thick seems ideal. I want him to cum on me and if he does, I want to actually be able to see the whitish colour of the cum vs it looking like I just got a bit wet. Also thick would probably feel nicer.
No, midwest. Is that where I fall apart?
Literally me throughout puberty
ha! gaaaayyyyy!
need stem bf to help me get through a second degree
What are you studying?
Sorry, you miniature bovine.
If licenses to kill existed, would you get one?
Average /atoga/ male
Only for male /atoga/ posters and people who block the box.
I held one briefly
I hate when people draw a character in different art styles
i was thinking about getting a degree in math. either that or get a masters in teaching and teach psychology at high school
Thank you. Please be aware of correct pronouns going forward.
Yeah cause I'm east coast. Rip
Woah real life gang members, cool!
What did you do in undergrad?
Sure. Sounds fun.
I'll be like a ferral cat in a bird sanctuary.
This is literally what my actual girlfriend looks and behaves like
That's not even that far. :)

Started uni/college with the intention of becoming a pharmacist. Managed to get into pharmacy school at 26 but dropped out after 3 semesters. Since then, I’ve been studying for a computer science degree at my own pace and working odd hours as a pharmacy technician. Comp Sci is 500x harder than I imagined it would be, but learning it makes me feel like a super genius with limitless potential.
>yet another reason for no /atoga/ meetup
Keep up the good work.
>Comp Sci is 500x harder than I imagined it would be
psychology, hence the teaching option. i kinda want to do it but teaching seems a bit shit, even though its what im passionate about
>all the people that are supposedly drastically underweight gymrats that go to the gym 14 times a week are actually a bit pudgy
>the slutty girls are actually total virgins
>the guys are too shy to act like fucking psychos in person
I can see it now.
Pinterest sucks it's just AI
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Well, I've finally done it.

I've gained enough experience with women that Schopenhaur's 'On Women' contains nothing I disagree with. They really are just big children that only respond to violent sex.
Assault femanon's boobers with my face
AI is literally going to take over your job you shouldn’t stayed in medicine because of the availability to branch out dumbass I would actually kms if I just did what you did
I mostly blame the awful guidance of professors. Most of them completely took a backseat when it came to teaching the material, so having to figure out how to teach myself the shit has made it easy to just cheat on everything and consequently learn very little.
Just one word. stupid simpleton
All femanons deserve infinite kisses
>I ... blame ... professors
All femanons deserve infinite kickes.
My gf is a registered nurse and she can’t even speak English properly but she will still have infinitely more opportunities than you holy shit
>teaching seems a bit shit
Where are you?
Uh ok whatever you say.
It's not viable or maintainable as a ldr.
I own assets I can't abandon.
Really? That's impressive.
How bigly you fucked up hasn’t occurred to you yet because autists can’t sense incoming danger
>finally finds exactly what she wants
>gets skittish
Yawn, as if I haven’t seen that exact response 10,000 times over and over all over this website.

You know, back when I first wanted to get into pharmacy doomposters like yourself tried to convince me to abandon hope because all of the pharmacist/technician jobs would be “replaced by robots” kek. That was 10 years ago. Ironically, I’m the one who replaced the “robot” at the hospital I work at. Every new form of revolutionary technology is always met with derisive hysteria by people who don’t even understand the limitations of the tech in question. Moral of the story is that I’m not falling for it, anon. I’m not the same wide-eyed, ignorant youth I used to be. Once you’ve seen how things function in the work force, you know better than to believe AI will replace things that weren’t already on their way out.
Yes, that’s correct.
>a registered nurse
Meaningless. I can pick up a spic RN at any bus stop.
Bloody Hell mate lay off of it won't you? Not sure what world you live in but whatever your guru told you it's not holding water
you came to this conclusion how?
The "AI is gonna take her jerb" retards are the best part of LLMs desu.
He’s either schizoid or just trying to rile people up with typical low quality posts for his own amusement.
The latter I imagine
Licking femanon's neck
>doomposters like yourself
Ignorant retard destroys his career prospects for the future by listening to 4chan again
You would have to leave your parents basement first
Somethings you just know
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Hey faggot. Taking your lady bitch. She's mine now. Feels good being an ENFPChad
Do not redeem the pussy saar
ENTJ is a mentally ill pajeet in Australia.
No, why would I ask the government for permission?
There's more qualifications like finding their face attractive. I'm just spamming the absolute minimum.
On cool morning like these I can't help but remember some of my childhood traumas. Cheers.
Use femanon's mouth like a pussy
>Ignorant retard destroys his career prospects for the future by listening to 4chan again
Anon, if your reading comprehension is this bad then you can’t seriously expect anyone to take your 0/10 takes seriously. You’re not even trolling anyone; just being fucking annoying.
Anon, don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure you can do better than /atoga/ guys anyways. :)
Woah like woah, not sure you know this but /atoga/ men are the best MEN around I should know I am one
/atoga/ men are like 3 bad days from turning into /r9k/ men.
Saaaaar do not redeem the bloody bastard google play store
Despicable lies. Snake snake!
Will you be my muse?
>life is in shambles
>no you’re not real this is all in my head
Why deny reality when you can create your own dumbass
I was just checking my uni's anonymous confession blog and come across a story of how some boy RAPED a hamster to DEATH when he was 13!
Post it.
Hump femanon
Just give him Viagra and have done with it. Once you've been fucking for a while, he may get less nervous and not need it any more.
I have just completed my maze and the minotaur has been released and he is yearning for women. I ask of you to humbly enter the maze and be at his mercy. Thank you. Your remains, what's left of them, will be buried beneath the "TOP DOG" obelisk.
They cross post when they get banned and all the pajeets have mass exodus from almost every other board due to the onslaught of racism lol
>You ever get that feeling you were born too soon?
Sometimes I feel like I was born too late, actually. I'd like to have been part of the counter culture in the late 1960s - free love and psychedelics.
Depends. Will he rape me before killing me or no? I want to have some fun before I go.
>Will he rape me before killing me or no
Sounds like a skill issue.
That's a good point. How should I respond to her?
Let's spitroast femanon!
It's not in English
Dibs on the mouth.
My left testicle has been dully aching the past few days. Should I be concerned?
Post it anyway.
Not all of our volunteers are lucky enough to receive a rape then a mauling. But if the minotaur finds you attractive enough yes! Please register on our website www.deathmaze.com and submit a picture of your self with a short description of your hobbies and please tell us about your self, then we shall review your potential as a future sacrifice for the minotaur. Thank you. Who knows you might even full fill his needs and he keeps you as one of his wives to bear his children! Good luck!
Okay so after fagmaxxing all day I can honestly conclude that it is *not* effective at boosting the number of hookups for heterosexual men. faggmaxxing results in more likes but LESS matches and normalfagging results in more matches by default.

Fagmaxxing DOES have its benefits, it INCREASES the lower threshold of looksmatches by about two points, so when i wasn't wearing face paint i would match with sub-7 women rather frequently, with the lower end being roughly 5/10 attractiveness women, whereas with full clown makeup I would get like, 7.5/10 minimum attractiveness women. Faggmaxxing results in LOWER QUANTITY of matches, but HIGHER ATTRACTIVENESS matches for the low end.

I had five hookups today. If I had to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 10 vs the quality of sex on a scale of 5 it would be like
>Hookup 1, 8/10, 2/5
>Hookup 2, 8/10, 3/5
>Hookup 3, 7/10, 2/5
>Hookup 4, 9/10, 4/5
>Hookup 5, 8/10, 4/5

Comparing my results from the non fagmaxxing trial the other day, I conclude that women treat fagmaxxers WORSE in the bedroom than normalfags. They're more likely to be more violent and abusive towards fagmaxxers they matched with than normalfags they matched with. I asked my hookups if they would still have sex with me without makeup and sent them photos of myself, 4 out of 5 women concluded they would NOT have sex with me without makeup, contrasting the normalfag trial , where 2/5 normalfag women concluded they would not have sex with me if I kept the makeup on.

In conclusion, fagmaxx if you're morally bankrupt and want hotter unstable matches that treat you badly. Normalfag if you want slightly uglier women who actually want to treat you properly both sexually and otherwise.


How was everyone's day, today was absolutely disgusting.
Should I have a bubble bath or a regular one?
Either way you're bathing in your filth so whatever I don't care
Has anything happened to it recently? Any new bumps or bulges?
Bubbles are fun, but go regular this time.
Bubble bath and post about it so I can live vicariously.
>tfw been in two threesomes but didnt get spitroasted
Not that I'm aware of. No visible swelling or anything, but that fleshy part on top of the nut feels a little tender
what are we thinking.. should I get a little late night chocolate ice cream action going?
Hell yeah brother
shurgs *I don't rightfully know*
>choco at night
dios mio
Grappling hood extraordinaire
WTF is fagmaxxing?
Basically when a straight guy dresses like a flaming homosexual in order to have sex with ultra progressive, typically bisexual, women.
Do it next time, it’s pretty amazing
My initial thought is that it's probably nothing, a random ache. If it starts getting worse over time assume the other anon is right and it's spontaneous torsion.
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Er, so long as that's not a euphemism, sure.
It started out good, but the dying part is a no go
odd your brain went there
What does it say about me if I genuinely want to be raped and impregnated by a minotaur?
Did you coom, or are you fat
Am I fagmaxxing when I wear clown makeup?
I notice women hit on me a lot when I do.
I might
Yay icecreammmm :P
Doesn’t matter, it just needs to be a lot
Idc, better taste good.
Doesn't say much, except that you should register today! I have a good feeling about you being picked
Can we cuddle up together?
Not necessarily. The same principle is at play. Literal clown makeup is more of a novelty that is pleasant to see. Normal types of heavy makeup but worn by men (fagmaxxing) have a polarizing effect, straight women either hate it or love it. When I wrote clown makeup in the earlier post I was being hyperbolic and facetious, not literal. I have not done the literal clown paint experiment, but I'm now suddenly tempted to try that another time.
>haagen das
Someone's bougie.
Wow, rude.
Sorry I have this meeting I have to get to. Next Sunday same time? Good, see you then. Oh and remember don't call my home number I'll call you if I need you. Bye!
Seems like you're finding these women on apps, I will say I haven't gotten matches from the clown makeup, but I've had women stop me while walking around in it in social situations to talk to me.
>Being on 4chin
>I had five hookups today.
stopped reading right there. nice larp lol
You started it by being brown.
I'll be in your room when you get home.
I'm not brown.
funny, I actually got it for free.
I want a friend to cuddle with because I'm touch starved but asexual
Can I still jerk off to you?
That would be nice but I don't know if people really do that.
I need you to sit on my face right now femanon
I'm hungry.
Don't give that mouse a cookie, anonette.
I need a cuddle buddy.
Yeah I did the experiment on apps. I'm scared of doing it in public due to being perceived as gay and receiving homophobia.

I don't *normally* have five hookups in a day I was doing an experiment. I usually only have 1-2 a week. I did five hookups today (past 24 hours) and five hookups yesterday (24 hours before that).
Yeah, give the mouse some coochie instead
Me too, me too.
I feel like people can only platonically cuddle with the same sex, it's sad.
I have a few very good female friends that I would cuddle with but it just isn't allowed in a platonic manner.
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>hungry, hate the thought of food
>not hungry, all food sounds amazing
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moids how much does kirby weigh
>Can we cuddle up together?
After you've made me cum 12 or 15 times, sure.
I wish the second guy existed.
>After you've made me cum 12 or 15 times, sure.
How would I do that?
He's in England right now, drinking a Guinness at a pub that's a 5 minute walk from his council home.
men, hope much of a red flag of an eating disorder for you? I ate a peach today and I'm contemplating vomiting it up
Big redflag, it's deadly.
I don't want my gf to die.
I want to live with her until we are raisons.
unfixable by cock.
I had an eating disorder that very nearly killed me, and I have no desire to go through that again. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole
you do deserve to eat . im sorry you’re thinking otherwise
Biggest red flag women should be fat and pregnant
Only if you use my dick to trigger your gag reflex. I might consider allowing you to use my hand as well.
How can I help
sorry abt the men making this sexual , I hope u get the help you need <3
I wish women weren't so demonically charged so I could have normal conversations with them.
A lot of my female family members have had severe issues with anorexia and now I'm terrified that I might not be able to protect my future daughters from it .
You don’t talk to women they just vent and you listen
you are a true man
Based. I'm already fat now I just need to get pregnant.
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is it nice to be a girl?
Fix my stupid brain.
Life is suffering.
Even when you are pretty.
they won't even vent at me I'm too ugly. They will vent my ugliness at myself.
How can I fix what you don’t have
I need to impregnate you while I touch your tummy.
I'm not pretty enough to benefit from it. Also bleeding each month sucks and it's frustrating knowing that I have to get pregnant if I want kids while men just gotta cum then wait.
I fucking love being a girl and girly and being around girls and and
the hospital does n't car because my BMI is over 15
If the pregnant fat girls I know are any indication you won't even need new clothes!
Some men here will say the most sexist shit and when they get push back they cry because women aren't being empathetic to them.
that’s fucking dumb I hope you find better professionals that can help you
Aren't there places for treatment that aren't a hospital?
>had a draw request in mind hours ago
>it's gone now
NOOO im cozy in bed and too lazy to get my iPad anyway hehehegh
idk I can't afford it and idk if Im really that serious. Im still fat and eat like twice a day usually
The hospital doesn't care because you're a psych patient and they probably can't deal with you.
>t. worked in an ER.
how do I make sense of women
Did your parent used to give aways your old halloween candies the next halloween?
That is the most jewish thing I've eve read
A guy I'm dating told me he doesn't find me super hot but he likes me. What do I now?
What do you find extremely difficult that most people find simple?
>When he was at the height of his ascendancy, he ordered his chair to be placed on the sea-shore as the tide was coming in. Then he said to the rising tide, "You are subject to me, as the land on which I am sitting is mine, and no one has resisted my overlordship with impunity. I command you, therefore, not to rise on to my land, nor to presume to wet the clothing or limbs of your master." But the sea came up as usual, and disrespectfully drenched the king's feet and shins. So jumping back, the king cried, "Let all the world know that the power of kings is empty and worthless, and there is no king worthy of the name save Him by whose will heaven, earth and the sea obey eternal laws."
Literally all men. It's like they lack basic self-awareness
Keeping a relationship, my longest one was still 8 months when I was 17
So what's wrong with you?
Why are you incapable of keeping a relationship?
Being honest or not superficial
It takes a long time knowing someone for me to be serious and honest with them
Idk, probably trauma
>How would I do that?
Ah, we have a beginner! Well, first off, admit that you're a beginner and ask me to tell you what to do; if you pretend to be more experienced than you are then I'll just think you're really terrible at sex. You don't want me to think that.

Next thing to remember is, don't go straight for the clit; if you do that too soon, it's painful. You've got to escalate. Spend some time kissing me (which doesn't mean licking my tonsils - kissing is lips first and tongue second). Then you can play with my tits and stroke me - along my sides is nice, and inner thigh. *Then* you can try my clit; gently, and lick your finger first, dry is painful.

Pro-tip: women like to be teased. So don't just go straight for my clit or my nipple, kiss or stroke around it first, and get slowly closer. Whatever you're doing, let me anticipate it.

After I've cum once, you can try a finger inside; then a finger inside and your thumb on my clit (gently!). You'll probably get two more orgasms out of me that way. Then you can use your tongue on my clit (middle of the tongue, not the tip, and not too fast - stroke, don't press!) and fingers at the same time. You might need ear plugs at that point, because I get noisy! kek.

After I've cum another six or seven times, then I'll take you in my mouth for a bit; and then you can fuck me. As it's your first time, we'll probably do cowgirl. But if you're on top, then don't just jackhammer; take your time; try a pattern of six or seven shallow thrusts followed by one deep one - that feels great, and you won't cum so fast. Also try sliding up my body a bit - you're more likely to get some friction on my clit that way.

And after all that, THEN we can cuddle. Post-sex cuddles are the best thing ever, trust me.
Can you not feel the vibration when you blow with your lips or the pitch with your ears?
Why men can keep eye contact with me but I can't keep eye contact with them?
You warm up!
Lemme guess, "therapy is for pussies"
>men, hope much of a red flag of an eating disorder for you?
If you know you have an eating disorder and are trying to do something about it, I'm willing to help you through it. But if you are in denial about it, or you have the attitude "well, I'd like to get better, but only if I can stay this thin" then I'm afraid that's a massive red flag. Anorexia kills; I don't want to fall in love with you only to watch you commit suicide in slow motion.
>is it nice to be a girl?
Anyone who asks this has never had a period.
Nah, I am just lazy
I can't change pitch or volume.
Why would someone who has had a period ask that?
Have you tried to find a therapist or counsellor with eating-disorder training?
>Im still fat
NTA. Okay, so, you know that people who have eating disorders can't accurately tell whether they're fat or not, right? So I'm sure you *feel* fat; I'm sure that when you look at yourself you feel fat; but that doesn't mean the fat is actually there. Someone else looking at you probably wouldn't see anything.
>how do I make sense of women
Talk to them. Actually listen to the answers. Question your assumptions.
I'm trying to work through Ed and sh but they're really fucking difficult and psychologists seem so useless for this
just a normal psych
>What do I now?
Depends. How much do you like him?
>Post-workout sex really is the best for a multitude of reasons
I'm always too tired or even slightly nauseous
Who is this semen demon?
>What do you find extremely difficult that most people find simple?
Just about everything. I have a long term spinal injury, and arthritis in every joint, including all my fingers. I was trying to cut something up yesterday and could barely handle the scissors. I can't move faster than walking pace, or lift anything heavier than a cat, or bend, or twist. Try cleaning a toilet or a bathtub without bending, or putting clothes into a washing machine - it's hard; if your knees hurt too much to kneel down, it's even harder.
>Either gengar.
A psychic flash!
>Why men can keep eye contact with me but I can't keep eye contact with them?
You're either scared, or autistic, or both.
He looks like a fag here. Is he bi?
Maybe she transitioned and forgot what being a girl is like?
I somehow lost the little red napkin I used to clean my glasses. I'm literally crying. It makes no sense how it got lost. I always kept it in the same place. I looked under everything.
Checking these double trips
I am so sick of how hot women are
That's the U.S. average for women
>just a normal psych
Hmm. You really need to be seeing someone with specialist training, I think. The prognosis is quite good if you do.


I don't know how old you are, but if you're still living at home then I understand Family Therapy may be quite helpful. CBT is worth a try.

I'm no expert, I just read stuff on eating disorder charity websites! If you don't have access to a therapist who knows what he or she is doing, you might try contacting one of those charities and see if they have any suggestions.
She's fat

If you're in the US, go onto Amazon and buy some Magicfiber cloths - large size - as a replacement. It's amazing how clean they make your glasses - better than other microfiber brands.
Is Steven Pinker right about Chomsky's generative grammer being needlessly complicated?
I am a landwhale then
>She's fat
She's healthy and hot.
I hope you feel better soon bruv
It's actually hard to find girls willing to do CBT. I always had to convince them that it's okay and I like it. Girls sadly don't want to hurt men. The best CBT I experienced was with my first gf and one escort, others were always too hesitant.
>licking them
Sadly for you, I meant Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. But maybe you know more about this than I do, and Cock and Ball Torture actually is an effective treatment for eating disorders? *ponder* I can imagine it would make a woman happier.
I know you're joking or whatever since that's the other CBT, but how do you enjoy that CBT? I've seen some scary vids of guys getting kicked super hard in the balls and cumming from it and I just don't get it. if I had a dick and balls I couldn't do it
You got dp'd instead?
Desu being kicked in the balls regularly would be an effective deterrent for a lot of things.
Probably not.
No clue.
Everything to do with social interaction. I don't want it, I don't enjoy it, I've never gotten past the awkwardness.
Fairly sure the anon with an ED is female. Could kick her in the ovaries, I suppose, but I'm not sure that would help her.
It feels good if not done too hard but still with enough force that you can feel it, if that makes sense. I don't like extreme stuff. I've been into it since I was little.
please don't do this I've only got one working ovary
I've named my gf's eating disorder Eadie. This allows to me say things like "What did Eadie say to you to make you feel like you couldn't eat breakfast?" I think it's useful to think of it as an independent entity that's constantly trying to trick you.
What happened to the other one?
>one working ovary
I love a challenge. :)
>Men, why can't you be more slutty?
I want to give my virginity to someone special
does that actually work?
it never developed
I yelled at one girl for not finishing her plate. An eating disorder isn't an excuse to waste food.
This is gayer than being anally raped.
I recant my original answer because I don't have a twink bff
Based af
How fat are we talking
I think I just got in at the right time. I got to see the world at it's peak, and as much as seeing the decline sucks, at least all the stuff from the past is still here to be enjoyed mostly.
>Men, why can't you be more slutty?
You clearly haven't met me.
>does that actually work?
I think it helps a little. You can talk to it too. "Oh fuck off, ED, I'm not listening to you today!"
Lmaoing incel theory
We don’t celebrate satanic rituals
Reading, I do not have the time or patience to sit down and and read books
This my gf has big predators eyes I hate looking at them because they’re terrifying
Oh god stfu small dicko
Horrible gaslighting of someone you’re supposed to love
That's adorable.
I wish there were more like you.
I loved the laws of the 19th century. I want to go back instead of to the future where everyone is brown or chinese and the water will be brown.
Women could you imagine your life if you needed to make efforts to get laid?
I'm sorry we're so dumb, mistress :(
>Horrible gaslighting of someone you’re supposed to love
Gaslighting how, exactly? You think people should be listening to their eating disorders uncritically?
It's pretty bad.
Bulimia destroys your teeth.
Anorexia just kills you.
Yes they should.
Eating disorders are basically the voice of god telling you that you do not deserve to be attractive.
>Gaslighting how
You're playing into her bullshit. Just beat her whenever she tries to not eat.
>too soon
I was born too late and in the wrong timeline
Rather than treating them like children with a teething issue, make them confront their problem like and adult so they can helping understand why the problem is effecting them
Depend weather or not you still have titties.
yeah my teeth are kinda fucked from vomiting
Most of our women are ugly so they do need to make the effort
Hahah nice job
The effort of swipping guys right on tinder?
small (a cup)
I wish more girls had eating disorders when I see the cows walking outside. Nothing beats a nice flat tummy.
it's pretty funny how quickly I can get a hookup, but I have like no standards and get intimidated by super attractive guys
>Women could you imagine your life if you needed to make efforts to get laid?
We do need to.

I mean, you could actually get laid with no effort at all. Just go on Grindr and you'll find someone willing to fuck you in the ass inside of five minutes. The problem, of course, is that you don't actually *want* that person to fuck you, and it wouldn't be fun if he did. Finding someone you *want* to fuck who also wants to fuck you is hard.

Finding someone I actually *want* to fuck and who wants to fuck me is also HARD. For starters, I have to be in love. That takes time. Plus he has to be confident, and funny, and kind, and have nice eyes. Guys like that don't grow on trees.

So yeah, I could do the equivalent of going on Grindr, but I don't, because that would suck for me just as just as literally going on Grindr would suck for you.
Desu being fat should be considered an eating disorder
Women, what’s your favourite Tim Burton film?
I wish for more tasteful thiccness
despite being gothy myself I don't really like tim Burton movies
True. Your body is already telling you that you eat too much with the excess fat.
You mean the few rare fatties who get fat in the right places and not their face? I like those too, but again, they are rare and not the majority.

It's not a question of treating her like a child, it's a question of getting her to perceive her eating disorder thoughts as not being part of her normal thought processes. She has to stop thinking "I want to be thinner", and start thinking "my eating disorder wants me to be thinner, but I don't necessarily have to listen to it".
Were you abused?
>You mean the few rare fatties who get fat in the right places and not their face? I like those too, but again, they are rare and not the majority.
You're discerning enough to understand. Carry on.
>you wanna get laid? just be a faggot!
You're a retard. Fuck off.
>being fat should be considered an eating disorder
It literally is one.

>Women, what’s your favourite Tim Burton film?
I don't like Tim Burton very much, but "Ed Wood" is probably his best.
(whistling sound as the point passes several feet above your head)
You're right, that would be a stupid suggestion; that's the point. For you to suggest to me that I should have sex with a man I'm not attracted to is EQUALLY STUPID. Do you get it now?
I already do, even when pretty.
Men are such headcases.
I get on my apps and organize the whole thing.
So how do women tackle lust? Like, for men, oftentimes we have constant sexual impulses from seeing all kinds of different beautiful women. I know people joke about chadsexuals, but it seems lmost as a rule of thumb that women are "higher functioning" less distracted by lust, similar to the subset of men that experience lower sex 'affect'.
It's not the equivalent because men are straight. Retard. Fuck off. You're lucky you're a female and allowed to be stupid. You wouldn't survive a day as a man.
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Don't make fun of me.
I love bone man.
We watched the new Beetlejuice movie yesterday it was so good we went home and watched the original again lol
You really think you tell a woman what to think? They don’t even listen their own intrapersonal thoughts
I love The Nightmare before Christmas! Are you going to go watch the new Wicked movie when it comes out? It looks so good
>So how do women tackle lust?
Idk about other women. But I rationalize it until it doesn't make sense anymore and then the feeling is gone.
>he could kill me
>he could trick me into an abusive relationship
>he could be crazy and torture me
>he would be lazy in the relationship and work me to death like Ballerina Farm girl
>he could run away and cheat in a foreign country and I'd never know
And more~
I think I will, purely for more Ari.
I want to see her act.
>It's not the equivalent
It is; and when you understand why it is, you will understand women much better than you do now.

I'm not exaggerating even the tiniest bit, here: for us, having sex with a man we're not attracted to feels EXACTLY the way it would feel to you to have sex with an unattractive MAN. It doesn't feel at all the way it feels to you to have sex with an unattractive woman. It's not just unpleasant, it's actually traumatising.

I know you don't get this; men never do. It's part of the way you see the world that you think everyone feels basically the same way that you do about basically everything, and you can't imagine that that anyone might not.

But really and truly, it *is* exactly equivalent, and if you ever really understand that, you'll understand why women do a whole bunch of things that, right now, don't make sense to you.
You're projecting because that's what you females do. Men are happy that one female wants to be with them, but you bitches are always seeking for the new exciting bf and jumping from dick to dick. You're incapable of love and loyalty due to your tiny female brain.
>he would be lazy in the relationship and work me to death like Ballerina Farm girl
Safest option
She's so pretty
>it seems lmost as a rule of thumb that women are "higher functioning" less distracted by lust
Pic related.

No, we get just as horny as you; probably more so; but it's a bit more targeted. I don't get horny for *random* men, I get horny for *specific* men. But when I do my whole brain dissolves in lust until I lose the power of speech.
>it's traumatizing that a non-Chad wants to fuck
Kek, it's good fuel for guys to keep approaching if it means the female ego gets taken down a peg. Remember, you wanted this dating market with your hypergamy. Enjoy being a cumrag for Chads and getting abused when more men get tired of your female bullshit. You don't deserve rights and shouldn't make any choices.
Can we put this man to death already?
I'm tired of his constant bullshit.
>I'm not exaggerating even the tiniest bit, here: for us, having sex with a man we're not attracted to feels EXACTLY the way it would feel to you to have sex with an unattractive MAN. It doesn't feel at all the way it feels to you to have sex with an unattractive woman. It's not just unpleasant, it's actually traumatising.
It is truly over
Leave him alone, he's already going to die alone in his parent's basement, no point beating a dead horse.
Thank you for this strategy. I like to pick the brains of women to understand their thoughts and priorities a bit better, so these explanations are helpful even if they seem like common sense.

Thank you for letting me know.
Can I see it as flirting if this girl and I keep flipping each other off? She started it fwiw
Not until she sucks her finger before or after doing it
Yes. Used to flip off my crushes in highschool, at least.
You just need to larp as a Chad until one dumb bitch falls for it. Always lie to bitches because they are basically NPCs with no thoughts of their own. They are the equivalent of animals still stuck in the stone age with their mentality.
Praying for a flash flood in his area
A quick death in Texas
men on 4chan have no right to be calling anyone else an animal
Well, it's floodin' down in Texas.
All of the telephone lines are down.
As a goth babe I myself I don’t really care about any of his movies with the exception of The Nightmare Before Christmas. We watch it every Christmas morning while we sacrifice cookies and milk to krampus.
Men on 4chan are actually good people, the guys here are just shy, short or awkward which is already a death sentence in the dating market. I am giving them hope that there is a way through giving up their old morals and doing what females respond to instead.
But you females here are actually a trash bunch, just fatties, anorexics with eating disorders, self-harmers, regular sluts or rape victims. Now tell me, which group deserves love? Protip: it's not the latter who would be terrible mothers anyway.
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>shy, short or awkward
Not even falling for your larp you fucking psycho.
Men on here prove they're trash all the time.
yes multiple times
I agree with this, they've all been nice when I've met irl
No bvlls for thee
>loser males
>loser females
>who deserves to be loved more
None of you lol
>anorexics with eating disorders, self-harmers, regular sluts or rape victims
yes to all these except being a slut lol
>I'm such a nice guy!
>rape victims don't deserve love!
Once again, Nice GuysTM prove that they're absolute scum.
I will never understand jewish holidays
>Now tell me, which group deserves love?
The regular sluts.
femanon, if you're a regular here, you're also a piggy down here in the mud
you don't get to pretend you're some different breed
>I agree with this, they've all been nice when I've met irl
Thanks. I'm always right, but anons get upset at me because my posting style is too on-the-nose for them, lol.
You can't be a non-slut if you were a rape victim.
>You can't be a non-slut if you were a rape victim.
wtf kind of logic is this
I hope you get raped by a broom
>too on-the-nose
Try delusional
Okay femanon, assuming every girl has "their type" How should I approach dating? Do I just put myself out to as many girls as possible and hope I'm "their type"? It's clear that going about all of this from a perspective of trying to turn into "someone else" doesn't seem the right tactic.

>inb4 be yourself
What comes after that part? Is it just numbers? Going past as many different women as possible? It feels just as ridiculous to say I'm no one's type as it does to do the trial and error thing for too long.
Be yourself. Be a human.
You guys know Tim Burton didn't direct "The Nightmare Before Christmas", right? He was just the writer and a producer.
Probably why I like it then
I'm enduring large quantities of unrequited love for the sake of meeting my future wife. I don't think I can make it, it's too painful, I don't have the right outlook.
>her best and closest male friends are known sexual predators against other women in the local scene
Are they handsome?
Burton was producing a stop-motion animation feature film for Disney, but did not have the time to direct it himself, and needed someone to direct and to supervise the developing process.
Hey tsundere
>yes multiple times
Sorry to hear that.
You're right. If I'm okay, everything will be okay. Thanks femanon, this was a fruitful and insightful talk.
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but I always tell people 9 because they can't get off Gene Wilder's pretentious dick.
Not really. It’s the most basic thing and comes naturally to everyone. Literally don’t have to do anything
The do all the work directors and execs are the most bullshit jobs
Damn... I guess that's why I always have to pee.
Why is everyone single?
>Do I just put myself out to as many girls as possible and hope I'm "their type"?
Saturation bombing is not a good approach. Guys always make this mistake on dating apps; they think they should match with everyone, and send a copy-and-paste message to everyone. The problem is, it's really obvious that it's a copy and paste; and that makes her think "huh, as far as he's concerned, I'm literally identical to thousands of other women, and he doesn't care which of us he gets." And, not surprisingly, that gives her the ick right at the start.

Not to mention the fact that there's not much point in trying to date someone you don't actually like or find attractive.

Ideally, it's best to know someone at least a little bit first, and only ask her out if you feel like there's some attraction and some chemistry there. If that's not possible (and I know it isn't for a lot of people) and you have to resort to apps, then at least put some thought into who you match with, read profiles, contact someone you think you might actually like, and mention why you think you might like her.
Why do they deserve it? They will be awful partners just because of the mental baggage already.
>been wildin’
Yeah he sucked in every movie too
>then at least put some thought into who you match with, read profiles, contact someone you think you might actually like, and mention why you think you might like her

Men can't do that, you dumb foid.
>send a thoughtful message
>get ghosted or unmatched anyway
I had most success by spamming regular one line sentences.
I have a girlfriend
I have stopped watching YouTube. AMA.
State gender
Why are burgers like this?
This seems like that weird chicken-and-egg thing where you need to spend time with someone to not get ghosted, but they ghost you before you spend enough time to not be ghosted. Your suggestion only works at the girl's discretion, I don't get even a chance to "get to know her", so I can't move anything forward. I just hop between doors that are perpetually shut to me, I can't even ring the doorbell metaphorically speaking because the entire reason the door is shut is to keep me out and not let me in. Seems rough.

Nobody is single on atoga?
Philly is a cesspool. Like, I shit on a lot of cities but I have good things to day too. There is nothing good about Philly. Like, it has more white people than Baltimore and Detroit but even they act less niggery than the whites in Philly.
What do you do with all your free time?
>Do I just put myself out to as many girls as possible and hope I'm "their type"?
To girls you like and get along with well, yeah.
This. I don’t even enjoy it anymore because there’s nothing to watch or I am too old and feel cringe watching now
I'm single by choice because I don't want monogamy.
He said he would only do the role if he could do the roll when his character was introduced, just so people couldn't tell from that point if he was lying or not.

Yeah, great choice. Absolutely 4D chess move right there for a children's movie that no one gave a shit about.
>To girls you like and get along with well, yeah.
This is my issue, I don't get that far with women, ever. They don't like me enough to want to get along with me beyond the established social tolerance. I excite no woman alive, I'm an endurance test of civility, at best. "This conversation is going nowhere, sir, best of luck with that, or sorry that happened" and a firm handshake. I'm not a romanceable man, I guess.
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Women don't want to get laid. They want romance. That takes effort of a different kind.
I finally realized myself that the myth of women being unresponsive chatters is just because 4chan men are autistic. Irl, normie men have absolutely no conversation skills and trying to get to know them or set up a date is like trying to get a toddler to tell you any coherent fact.
You can't put technology in public spaces without anchoring it down herebecause people will steal it for parts since we are paid poverty wages.
You should work on identifying why that is then, and also whether that's an accurate assessment of yourself at all. In what situations do you talk to women? Work, school, apps, etc? Are you ugly, are you fat, are you autistic?
I did not need to know this much lore about Tim Burton films last time I ask incels about anything incel related
When I talk about getting to know someone, I'm talking about a situation where you meet someone irl, perhaps because they're a friend of a friend, or you're in a class together. You get talking, find you like each other, and only then do you actually ask her out. Clearly this isn't an option for some people; but if you can't meet people like that because you don't actually have friends, then that's obviously worth looking into.
I just thought Tim Burton's was closer to the books.
>What do you do with all your free time?
Post on 4chan, look for stuff to torrent, read, listen to music, watch movies...There's plenty of things to do.
Besides, YouTube isn't the only website with videos. There's Odysee, for example, or even /wsg/. I have mainly stopped watching YouTube out of principle, because I despise Google and am opposed to the censorship. Most stuff on YouTube is trash now, anyway.
You will never have a harem if you can’t handle one lonley girl lol
>That takes effort of a different kind.
Nice kneejerk response, because men still have to push romantic relationships forward
Please, think before typing.
here's your (you)
>men still have to push romantic relationships forward
If a girl likes you she will set course for the direction of the relationship
Without drugs nobody could possibly interpret Tim Burton novels
weird way to save face but ok
It's Roald Dahl
This is the most of text I’ve seen for someone to simply say they have no life
f, I have a gf who I love a lot
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I never liked him jewish Disney wanna be
Never heard of this before so I had a look. The front page looks 100x shittier than what I see on youtube.
>trying to get to know them or set up a date is like trying to get a toddler to tell you any coherent fact.
Correct. I feel like we have a very real tower of babel situation going on. And I herald the disparity creating a gap that forces genuine social interactions or death.
>You should work on identifying why that is then
I don't know where to start with that. They can't even tell me what I'm doing wrong because it's "lol no" before I talk to them. Even the ones who friendzone me and talk to me are very obviously avoiding honesty because my guess is that they want to be seen as a "not mean person" so I get shitty dodge answers like "You'll find them (not me) someday. Atta boy." It's comforting, but not really a way to solve my problem which is what I'm after. I feel like chicks conclude that being helpful means they're leading someone on, so they try not to be helpful so that the person "doesn't get the wrong idea". It's tiresome.

>whether that's an accurate assessment of yourself at all.
It's the conclusion I made after life experience.

>In what situations do you talk to women?
There's a lot of female friends in my social circle, the single ones don't like me romantically, and the taken ones seem tolerant at best. I'm someone outgoing I talk to anyone who listens or lets me talk to them. I'm not ugly, or fat, or autistic, I'm just not physically attractive enough, not sociable enough. I don't have the right words or life pattern to make people not ick, I'm just honest with myself and inadequate for them at the same time.

I can get to the talking part just fine, I just have unrequited feelings, and we become friends. My female friendgroup is massive, no one likes me romantically, they've all rejected me for "more adequate" men (can't say chad but we all know) who they barely talked to but they "click" on physical attractiveness in minutes. I have to go through hoops just for a firm handshake or a maybe or a we'll see, and the other guy doesn't do any of that. again it's tiresome.
Who in their right mind is going to read all that honestly just fuck off losers >>>/r9k/
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Women, we are more than them.
It is time to rise.
Men, femdom society now?
This is a good thing
it means males are less worthless, and less demand on women
let's get that female/male ratio UP
I don't feel the need to go there because I'm hoping to have the female posters to chime in. I'm male.
>They can't even tell me what I'm doing wrong because it's "lol no" before I talk to them.
I'm talking about identifying your flaws as a person, for the sake of personal growth which in turn makes you attractive to everyone regardless of sex, as a person, as a friend, and also as a partner. Surely you can do some introspection about this, you don't need a feedback survey from women.
Your post is overly fatalistic and hints at an inferiority complex, which means you probably do, in fact, have some blind spots about yourself and your situation.
I'm probably not going to continue this conversation much longer because the woe-is-me types are draining to talk to but I would urge you to work on your mindset. Be friends with girls without ulterior motives or thinking that a female friend dating a different man is a personal rejection, and work on yourself for your own sake rather than with women as the main goal.
>Be friends with girls
Lmaooo, you're going to turn that anon into Elliot.
He said he already has a large female friend group. If you're going to be friends with women that's fine, but doing it because you're thirsting after them and hoping one of them will pick you, that turns toxic fast. Either appreciate them for what they are or get them out of your life.
It's probably not to do with your looks. There's a certain basic minimum: you need to bathe or shower regularly; don't be obese; dress in a way that makes it look like you've thought about what looks good on you; don't have bad breath; spend some time on basic grooming; have a hair cut that suits you.

But once you get past basic stuff like that, it's more about personality than looks. Sure, if a guy looks like a movie star, he'll get women hanging off him, just as if a woman looks like a movie star she'll constantly be surrounded by men with their tongues hanging out. But people don't only date movie stars.

For most guys, it's about things like: are you confident? are you funny? does the conversation flow nicely in a way that feels like I'm not having to try? If we get to the end of a conversation and I think "Oh, that was fun! Hope I get to hang out with him again," then you're in; if you ask me out, I'll definitely give it a try.

But if the conversation feels like hard work; if you're dull; or if you're constantly stammering and not making eye contact, then we get to the end and I think "okay, I'd like to talk to someone else now, please." You need to make being with you *fun*. And being (or seeming) confident is probably the single most important thing.
>f you're going to be friends with women that's fine, but doing it because you're thirsting after them and hoping one of them will pick you, that turns toxic fast.
This is good advice.
>i’m male
Not for long haha
>that pic
I've noticed boomers being shit conversationalists
They are. I ignored my cunt mother for a week because she was talking like a simp trying to hit on a girl.
>is it still hot over there?
>are you okay?
yeah. too bad boomers are the only thing that gets my pussy wet anymore
I'm a woman.
Good talk. Sorry for draining you or whatever, I wanted to vent my frustration but it's not the right place for that.
>which means you probably do, in fact, have some blind spots about yourself and your situation.
Same goes for 100% of humans unless you think random girls I've never talked to are flawless in every way, in which case there's not going to be any common ground.

>work on your mindset.
My mindset is fine, I'm just venting my frustrations.

>Be friends with girls without ulterior motives
That's a loaded mischaracterization. Just seems like victim blaming, but it doesn't matter.

>work on yourself for your own sake rather than with women as the main goal.
Will do. Thanks.

>But once you get past basic stuff like that, it's more about personality than looks.
>If we get to the end of a conversation and I think "Oh, that was fun! Hope I get to hang out with him again," then you're in; if you ask me out, I'll definitely give it a try.
>But if the conversation feels like hard work; if you're dull; or if you're constantly stammering and not making eye contact, then we get to the end and I think "okay, I'd like to talk to someone else now, please."
>You need to make being with you *fun*. And being (or seeming) confident is probably the single most important thing.
That seems to have absolutely nothing to do with love. It seems like more of a walking amusement park, than a human being.
I can communicate that, for sure, but is that really what women understand as a romantic partner? Being awesome over and over? It seems like something anyone can do.
They never learnt how to text or communicate other than face to face and despite this they still have absolutely zero rizz
>I've noticed boomers being shit conversationalists
*sniffs sadly*

That's just because... it's... because... it's just... look, when you're my age, your brain won't work properly either.
>Sorry for draining you or whatever
I regret saying that now. I shouldn't have been that harsh.
What part don't you understand?
>is that really what women understand as a romantic partner? Being awesome over and over?
No, not at all. But if I'm going to want to spend time with you, spending time with you has to be a *pleasant* experience. If, ever time I'm with you, I think afterwards "Jesus, that was hard work", it's not going to last. If spending time with you is *fun*, it probably will.

Seriously, do you want to go on dates with someone you don't actually enjoy being with, just so you can say you have a girlfriend? That's crazy.
>Being awesome over and over? It seems like something anyone can do.
The friends that I choose to spend my time with are people who are awesome to be around. I wouldn't want to date someone who is less awesome than my friends; why would I pick him over them, in that case?
That’s the thing nobody actually enjoys going out on dates
I wanted to get a bf but then played Catherine and now I don't want it anymore
>I regret saying that now. I shouldn't have been that harsh.
You didn't do anything wrong. I should have been more considerate, sometimes I just treat this place like a text dump it's easy for me to forget about the other person. If anything I should be apologizing lol. Don't worry about it.

I get what you mean, I just feel that, idk, people in these threads seem to have highs and lows, it doesn't seem right for it to be "always highs" in the dating scene, like a sad person should be able to connect with another sad person, but it doesn't seem to work that way. Sad people seem to always have to, i guess, make happy people feel better? Idk maybe that's not accurate.

I would think a boyfriend could be a specific niche to a friend, but I guess it depends on the friend group.
>I would think a boyfriend could be a specific niche to a friend, but I guess it depends on the friend group.
Sometimes I think the major difference between men and women is that women want to date their best friend, and men want a person who is a separate category: someone you can fuck, but will leave you alone while you do your real hobbies and hang out with your real friends.
>That’s the thing nobody actually enjoys going out on dates
Lol, wut?
It’s an advanced form of contemporary humiliation ritual, my gf and I much rather prefer to go gaming arcades with pizza and beer where nobody can judge us
this is the kind of lady I want.
so hot.
Guys, I had my eyebrows done yesterday
I want Amazonian woman.
humba humba
>That's just because... it's... because... it's just... look, when you're my age, your brain won't work properly either.
I think it's more to do with the collectivism of the time period. And the huge emphasis on etiquette, making conversation less dynamic and more "scripted."
wax or threading?
I'm sure they're very pretty
I got one of these but shes scared of everything
Hey how r y’all doing I’m not feeling great but I’m trying to stay positive, any tips
Come and check yourself. Tbh nobody noticed it though
I'm sure Chad or Tyrone will love cumming on them.
"You have no powah here, Gandalf Stormcrow."
Try Costco ice cream
>not feeling great but I’m trying to stay positive, any tips
For me the answer was drugs
>Sometimes I think the major difference between men and women is that women want to date their best friend
I've noticed this as well.

>men want a person who is a separate category
That's true, but my understanding is that women are lacking a crucial component of the male identity, which is the "gendered obligation" towards women. Men have several lists of behaviors they are meant to follow in regards to female interactions, simply just for being male, that have everything to do with civilization and nothing to do with biology. If men fail to perform the "gendered obligation" towards women correctly they get punished, whereas women will only be punished for breaking the law of society itself (i.e. crime), and have *zero* "gendered obligation" towards men.

Having a friend you can have sex with, isn't valuable because most men can have friends in high numbers. Sex is valuable to horny people, I guess. The woman exists in a "special status" that is above a friend or sex thing, hence male issues like the madonna-whore complex. A lot of men of men "heal" by gradually learning to erode the "gendered obligation" towards women.

>someone you can fuck, but will leave you alone while you do your real hobbies and hang out with your real friends.
I don't think men want this, I think women define friendship as "doing hobbies and activities together" and men define it as "someone you commit to making sacrifices for and someone you commit to loving despite their flaws"
Don’t have a Costco card
Drugs always make me feel worse :( I actually really wish they worked on me I want to have fun for once in my life
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Why do people say "you should be friends with a girl before you date her" but every time I try that with a girl I can see myself dating, they only see me as a friend. Even if we get along and will flirt. I know the femcels in this thread will jump me for this, but it feels like a ruse to actually try and be friends sometimes.
If someone was interested in seeing you they would be texting you everyday right? We were texting everyday and she wanted to me to ask her on a date, so I did. But I haven't heard from her in 2 days.
my fingernail somehow got a trim
I don't know how, I didn't feel anything
Poorfag death twink death
You are simply retarded if you don't think women are expected to perform for men.
I just started lexapro and its helping, but gives me terrible insomnia. I woke up at 4am and haven't been able to go back to sleep.
Solution: Be a girl's first kiss.
>common advice is covertly trying to make you undateable
Are you surprised? When they said they have the whole male population on the globe as potential dating options and that they have trouble filtering for the top men, they meant it. This is how you make it easier on them, by following every stupid suggestion.
If I’m friends with a guy and develop a crush on him it will be stronger than if I just dated him from the get go BUT I will be less willing to pursue because what if it doesn’t work out and we ruin the friendship in the process. It’s a lose lose you should just shoot me with a gun
>You are simply retarded if you don't think women are expected to perform for men.
NTA this is an extremely childish kneejerk response
>I just started lexapro
opinion discarded
gtg to dmv soon, says new ID is ~$40
they won't ask me for tax on an ID, will they
Can girls be twinks?
I just meant like weed and stuff
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Jeremy Brett still thinks you're a faggot
I PAID $90 FOR THE NEW ID AND I DIDNT EVEN NEED IT The DMV will burn in hell for all eternity
If you're a female, why are you feeling bad? Chad isn't responding?
I’m about to shit my pants but I have to hold it for several hours. I love my life!
I’m having health issues and just a string of bad luck
You gotta understand that when women say this it only applies to ugly dudes. If they find the guy attractive he doesn't have to be their friend.
>BUT I will be less willing to pursue because what if it doesn’t work out and we ruin the friendship in the process.
Life is about taking risks. Would you really rather never know just to keep a friendship that could also have mutual feelings?
Why lol
NTA but this kind of talk is what turns people into bitter incels, since the essence of what you're saying is: you're a bad person, that's why women don't like you romantically.

But when you look at the real world you will find that there are plenty of horrible people with the worst types of characters have no trouble finding partners. Serial abusers and cheaters, perpetually unemployed guys who failed to graduate high school are out there in the real world and they are dating and occasionally even getting married and having children. Certainly, their relationships tend to be messes and often don't last long, but they are at least capable of taking that first hurdle of getting themselves in a relationship.

By asserting that anon is somehow a worse person than these people who has some growing to do before he is deserving of having a relationship, you are adding insult to injury. You accuse him of being dishonest in his approach, trying to befriend women to date them, but the reality is that this is how most relationships begin, since neither men nor women can mentally detach themselves from their libido. It is not an 'ulterior motive' to befriend someone because you find yourself superficially attracted to them - how else are you going to find out whether you're compatible at all? And a female friend choosing someone else over you IS a personal rejection - there is no way around it. It literally states: "I prefer that other guy over you." That does not mean you should personally blame them or feel too despondent about it, at the end of the day, all it says that this particular person prefers them over you rather than the entirety of women (and they might as well not be a good judge of character), but it is what it is.

At the end of the day, your advice is not helpful, since you can't tell him either what he's lacking.
>go to a butcher shop
>stay in line behind a cute guy
>he smells soooooo good
I still can't get that smell out of my head. What do?
I like it when females are miserable. But it happens rarely because you all live on easy-mode.
>What do?
Are you still behind him?
you are uniquely obnoxious poster, what a gay little man you are
No, it was 2 hours ago
>You are simply retarded if you don't think women are expected to perform for men.
NTA but In 2024?
>you don't have to cook
>you don't have to clean
>you don't have to provide money
>you don't have to put effort into your appearance (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't have to be smart (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't have to be kind (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't need any social etiquette of any kind (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't have to protect anyone (not even children)
>you don't have to think about anyone but yourself (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't have to be kind to his loved ones (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't have to listen to him talk (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't have to agree with him on literally anything (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't have to plan anything for you partner (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
>you don't even have to think about you partner in any positive capacity at all (men who want this are automatically misogynists)
I don't smoke but my friend does
It makes my clothes stinky
>you don't have to be good at sex
>you don't have to navigate a gorillion "ick"s
countless other things.
You can send dick pics on Tinder?
Why do moids on dating apps always ask what's my hobby? And what am I supposed to answer? I won't tell them it's 4chan and anime. Sometimes I'm tempted to reply "big dicks"
> you're a bad person, that's why women don't like you romantically.
Your reading comprehension is poor. Try again.
>By asserting that anon is somehow a worse person than these people who has some growing to do before he is deserving of having a relationship
No one deserves a relationship. No one deserves anything. I never said or implied any of that. What would your advice be, though? Bitch and cry about being an incel forever, rather than working on yourself to make yourself more attractive to other people?
Start reading books and then you can reply "reading books".
Make your own ice cream like me
I fucking hate reading books
That's rough, buddy.
>No one deserves a relationship. No one deserves anything.
But you females lost your mind when men here said that they wouldn't help a female if a pack of muslims or blacks are beating her up or raping her? Curious.
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They are giving you an opportunity to talk about something that interests you. Appreciate it as a gift.
picrelated for you
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>If men fail to perform the "gendered obligation" towards women correctly they get punished
Men, can you type with your dicks?
It's just funny how they changed their minds immediately, suddenly they do deserve help and men owe them that help. The tiny female brain is a funny thing.
>Sad people seem to always have to, i guess, make happy people feel better? Idk maybe that's not accurate.
My suspicion is that if you were spending time with a girl who talked about literally nothing except how sad she was, you'd get tired of that fast. Of course everyone is sad *sometimes*, and when the person you love is sad, of course you support them, and you enjoy doing that and being there for them. But someone who is relentlessly sad 24/7 is just exhausting in the end.
>Sometimes I'm tempted to reply "big dicks"
my fujo brain is in overdrive right now
>my gf and I much rather prefer to go gaming arcades with pizza and beer
That's a date, dummy.
>Hey how r y’all doing I’m not feeling great but I’m trying to stay positive, any tips
What is this new word?
ok but did they charge tax

Please explain the phenomenon in which a guy and girl meet, have intense eye contact and closeness and flirty conversation, go to a more private place and when the guy makes an advance, girl stops it and reveals she has a bf, but stays very close and allows passive touching still.

Is this like woman-crack? What gives
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>every girl has "their type"

actual they only have one type
The females couldn't come up with a word of their own (due to their tiny brains) and copied the "foid" word from men.
My sister got me a bag of dried shrooms for my birthday, looking forward to taking them but I'm waiting until I feel less terrible. It's been about 8 years since I did psychedelics so I'm a little nervous.
It's not a new word at all, gramps
I'm not a ho
>girl smiles politely and makes shallow chitchat
>why did this bitch lead me on??
>Why do people say "you should be friends with a girl before you date her"
I don't think they do say that...? It can help to *know* a person before you date them, but "friend of a friend" is probably a better status.
this chart is such bad bait lol dont tell me people actually believe this?
If foid is short for femoid, then is moid short for memoid?
>amusement park man
>100% of women
>men who are unhapppy for too long of a time (>5 minutes)
Ok if it were only that, I don't always get intense eye contact unless the other person wants to fuck or fight. And explain the going to a private place
>Your reading comprehension is poor.
I think I substantiated my position well enough and those points still stand.

I'd recommend the following article for reading: https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/08/31/radicalizing-the-romanceless; it's a decade old now, so the terms might not be fully up to date any more, but the subject matter is still relevant and sheds some light on the male perspective.

>Bitch and cry about being an incel forever, rather than working on yourself to make yourself more attractive to other people?
The point is that this is too vague of an advice to be helpful. Being unsuccessful he is clearly lacking 'something', but it's probably not a question of not being nice or successful enough, given the fact that plenty of not-so-nice and not-so-successful people (and not so attractive people also), have no trouble finding partners. It is probably not a question of a lack of achievement that you could somehow counteract by hitting the gym harder or something along those lines. Perpetual singlehood - based on all data I've seen - is best predicted by a lack of extraversion. People who are perpetually single usually don't create a lot of opportunities for themselves to meet people and when they do, they are too reluctant in their approach. It's less a matter of height, jawlines, canthal tilts, muscularity, having lots of interesting/creative hobbies or being a particularly nice and understanding person, and more a matter of not putting oneself out there enough and not decisively enough.
Some people bite their nails without realising.
memale thoughs
>foids are so chadsexual
Perhaps the ravenous parasite that had consumed her tongue was feeling peckish, which was why she lured you to a private place, but she liked you too much to kill you so at the last moment she convinced the parasite to spare you and used the BF line as an excuse
why is it bait?
Bisexual women:

Are men for sex and women for relationships, or vice-versa?
the top left of this chart (>>32001095) is way bigger than the top right
>I don't think they do say that...? I
They absolutely do
Why didn't you ask him out?
Pretty much, but women are also for sex. If you're particularly greedy, you can have your cake and eat it too. Problem is finding a man that won't try to impose on a WLW couple because they brought him into the bedroom.
Lots of people around me
he was fagmaxxing on god frfr
How can I stop feeling insecure about my height? I'm 5′8 and feel insecure about my height.
>And what am I supposed to answer?
Is there seriously nothing you ever do that you enjoy doing? Nothing you feel even slightly enthusiastic about? What do you do all day?
Move to a country where people are shorter.
>Men, can you type with your dicks?
Yes, but very slowly.
Just keep reminding yourself that, at the very least, you're still taller than me (5'7").
>What do you do all day?
Work, browse 4chan, watch anime, masturbate
fellas back off she's mine
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>Work, browse 4chan, watch anime, masturbate
Moid: man.
Foid: woman.

Both derogatory. I think incels started calling women "femoids" first, then that was shortened to "foid", and then "moid" was a bit of reverse etymology.
What opinion would you have about a man who's exactly the same?
Oh that’s mean
I don't want to quit my six figures job just for that
>inb4 just transfer to an overseas branch for your company
My company doesn't have an overseas branch
Ocassionally I am but I'm more self conscious about some other things that I don't really mind that as much
>Both derogatory.
It's just banter. I can't believe people are taking these words so seriously.
I don’t fucking know
>am like 5'11 and a half
Can I just round up to saying I'm 6 foot?
Ill take it
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Have you tried different shoes?
Yeah too much it causes me too much gas. Prrrffft
Round down. It'll filter out shallow women for you.
Anons who post this have NPC brains. If it was 20 years ago, you would be posting the "just be yourself bro" phrase.
Musky, if they don't wash it well it smells funky and gag inducing
Well, fine, talk about anime! Mention some of your favourite series or films. Talk about why they're good.
Who ends up being a tranny and or infertile
Wtf. These shoes are for women. I'm not wearing anything like that.
>These shoes are for women.
What is a woman even in the current year?

>I'm not wearing anything like that.
They would make you taller though. Have you considered that this negativity might be part of your problem?
I like to believe they're for both, and it's just chance that dictates who I end up meeting and falling in love with. It'd be way more convenient if it ends up a guy, so starting a family would be simple.

You may not be able to get taller, but you CAN get wider and thiccer if you put on some muscle.

Also, try walking as upright as possible. Even if you're not ACTUALLY taller, you'll feel taller
>Are men for sex and women for relationships
Probably more that way round, yes. But I have had boyfriends.
Won't they consider this childish?
Oh wow, it's almost as if you never ask men about what makes them interesting and ghost them when the answers aren't suitable. Fuck off with your dating apps garbage, if you're a woman and still cannot succeed there then you are a failure.
Do you think that you're childish?
Nice try incel
I met a cute 50yo girl a few weeks ago and she started talking to me. Should I have asked for her contact or she would have asked me if she wanted to meet me again?
I want to put up a femanon's legs while she lays on her back and then start railing her wet, inviting pussy that I licked just moments before.

You should try GIOYC instead.
Women, don't fall for the lifting meme. For a more feminine figure, do:
>50yo girl
lmao you cunt
So I met a girl in a study lounge of the hotel I'm staying at, she barely understood English but when I asked if she wanted to come to my room, she said yes and followed me in. Even sat on my bed with me and watched funny shows where we laughed and learned more about each other.

Why did she gaze into my soul and look at my lips only to nudge away my advances? I was touching her the whole time but she didn't want to kiss or cuddle.
Why girl so confusing
What meme
She wanted you to touch her penis instead.
Both bisexual men and bisexual women are more likely to date guys, since women are harder to get - even when they're bi/lesbian.
Wdym by that
Is this reverse psychology? There seems to be some misunderstanding here, turning (You) off is a bonus.
he probably was using you for free stuff. He has a penis
Ah shit I shouldve checked!!! Thankz
You heard my right the first time, asshole.
>Ask the opposite gender for advice thread
>Literally just jealous incels who don't give any insight
>open Instagram
>bombarded by hot sluts that I follow
This is unfair, my boner never stood a chance...
I used to think this was a parody, yet 98% of men on this board are like this.
>50 yo
There I separated so it makes sense now
>jealous incels
Don't be such a retard and have some fun in your life.
Guess this is why she didn't let you fuvk her, since you are such a dry autist.
We were laughing n shit what more she want nigga???
Try asking the question again without being a teenage incel
You JUST met her, she barely understood English, and you brought her to your room to watch Youtube videos? Is that right?
True story.
And then you have the brown rapists going
>lemme sniff femanon
>lemme lick femanon
>lemme please you femanon
While they're fat and balding.
And yet women are telling them that they're not being nice and understanding enough.
Feminine male epidemic, they take every question here as a personal attack lol
I don't know
Yes. I assume you don't get laid if you're implying that wouldn't lead to at least a kiss or sex. I can tell you that it does.
These super specific, situational questions are annoying because no one can tell you why another person behaved the way they did. This is a good place to survey general opinions about things, not answer your type of Q.
>Sam Hyde
Immediately closed.
Again - those are the baseline. You don't get rewarded for the bare minimum.
Jesus fucking Christ anon. Lmao
Spend some time thinking about it. Figure it out.
Need well-aged granny to dress in a school uniform and rail gently so her back doesn't literally turn to dust
I asked a general question earlier "why do girls give serious attraction signs and even go to a private place with you, withstand touching only to reject in the end bc they have a bf (in this case her lock screen had a pic of them holding hands with a ring.
So why did she even go to my room lol what did she expect
Women who spread their legs for rent are good girls.
You can't prove me wrong.
You'll be very lucky if you don't face legal trouble.
I mean I agree, the girls who put out immediately may not be the best girls to start relationships with, but I've tried both and there's not much of a difference
>You don't get rewarded for the bare minimum.
Anon, there are a million guys out there who regularly beat their girlfriends. Being nice is and has never been a prerequisite to getting a girlfriend. It's simply dishonest to pretend otherwise.
Lol for what??? Do you get scared crossing the street?
Then just go around assaulting them. It's easy, right?
Neither are men tbqhwyra
She wanted to hang out as friends, you wanted sex from her. I don't understand why you can't understand this.
>I feel X
>everyone else must feel X too!
You're horny so you assume the object of your desire is equally as horny. You are motivated by a need for sex and assume she is too.
Men with beards are meant to be hit in the face.
Men, why shouldn't you accept abuse? When you wear beards, you're built for it.
Guys I need some help
>meet girl
>was interested, she didn't return the interest
>she had some red flags herself anyway no big deal
>still want to be friends
>text every now and then
>she invited me once to hang out with her friends
>invite her out to dinner/drink and she ignored the text (it's been a week)
She may have interpreted the text as asking her out, when in reality I just meant it as friends. I'm worried she's gonna ghost me over it.
Would it be worth it to double text and make it clear that I just want to be friends?
Why the FUCK do women hate having sex??? Doesn’t it feel good for you too? Why do you hate it so much?
>just met a girl
>she doesn't speak the same language, doesn't have the same culture
>bring her to your room, again having just met her
>do so under the premise of watching le funny videos, planning to get laid
>try to force yourself on her
You're an aspiring rapist, and you should be THANKFUL you didn't go further.
The cognitive dissonance on this site is strong. Almost every femanon with multiple exes has made bad decisions but they'll never admit that women are generally shit at picking their partners. No, they are flawless and can do no wrong.
If I'm such a horny beast why am I not running around with my dick out???
The point is that it has nothing to do with how kind of a person you are.
Nta, but why did she go into his room? What did she expect?
I didn't even say it did, just that being 'nice' isn't enough.
Men with beards are built to be my seat.
Literally no premise was given. I literally just asked, "wanna go to my room?" She didn't ask why, so I assumed she understood the subtext of asking the opposite sex if they want to go to your room, you don't need to know any language to understand body language and subtext
She probably had little idea what he was even saying, and thought they would just hang out. Then he started putting his hands on her out of nowhere the first time they met.
>touching blacks as a white woman
Death sentence.
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Forgot to mention that the build came with instructions to build a chicken? No idea why it came with the keyboard and I don't know if its suppose to be a minecraft reference or not lol.
You really don't see how this situation looks quite bad from the outside?
What a naive little angel! Milady would never think of it! Vs omg why is this guy approaching me I know he wants sex.

Choose one
Show it to Nigger girl, she has chickens and she'll like it.
Jfc facial hair is so sexy it drives me wild
If I don't get a zaddy bf with a lickable beard this year I am going to kms for sure
I've made out with girls I met hours before in hotel rooms, parking lots, I never asked "can I kiss you?" I felt that it was right because of the context. Are you so autistic?
>wake up
>she isn't real
I doubt she'll care and she also strikes me as someone who reads through the whole thread so she'll see it.
Nigga, lifting doesn't make you jacked if you're not eating enough or doing hypertrophic lifting. Also, women naturally don't build muscle the way men do. You've got to actually want to build muscle as a woman for it to happen.

You'd know that I'd you weren't fat.
That anon is trolling you. You did nothing wrong.
>you're some girl who thinks in scribbles and squiggles
>some guy walks up and just says 'come with me'
>brings you to his room and starts touching you

Did they speak English?
I hate hate hate women with lots of guy friends
You can NEVER tell if they're really into you or not
Facial hair is disgusting and every man that doesn't shave is ugly.
What about touching whites as a mixed woman?
No, I distinctly target ESL bitches because theyre idiots
What a gem you are. Racist too? No wonder you need to rape women who can't tell anyone to get your rocks off.
To women, attention is crack. You and me may think
>Oh wow people think I'm cool? Alright la Dee da
Women are like
Let me kill your ladyboner quickly: he wears the cap because he is bald(ing). Bald(ing) men grow out their beards the most.
I eat their brains too, none the wiser. Because they're women. Oh yeah heil hitler
I enjoy high hairlines and horseshoe baldness pattern. Hate it when balding men shave off their hair totally.
>Doesn't imagine that perhaps I'm the lingual minority
nvm it is a mineman reference, I found another bag in the box and its obviously Minecraft inspired, I didn't know the Japanese liked Minecraft this much but there you go.
You did call it a baseline in >>32001283 though.
Never been near a woman before?
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whoops forgot the picture...
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bald is beautiful
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Would you like a guy who wore a cape in public??
Men that like men say that
this has to be some kind of joke
Where did he get that? I want one now for around the house.
Some women like bad guys.
Women who like nice guys don't just like them because they say please and thank you and hold doors. That's the baseline, you need to have value beyond being nice. Am I coming through a bit clearer now?
You're 6x more likely to die to a nigga with a gun than me so at this point I would go gay for your personal safety.
Hm. If I imagine a guy I find hot then yes. But I’m goth so it’s a good fit

All women are narcissists. It's why every child of a sibgke mother turns into one. The father is there to introduce reality into the fantasy world the mother creates.

All women exist solely to soothe the insecurity of bring a woman and nothing else matters to them. If this wasn't the case then the patriarchy wouldn't have needed to enforce marriage so strictly.
no I just have a crippling hair fetish
>325 bucks
And just like that I'd rather not have one lmfao.
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Kek, they kinda are.
>hit on a Vietnamese girl in the morning
>I say we can go on a date later
>she somehow understood that I meant I wanna go on a date right now when we both have work

Are black bitches the easiest? I haven't hit on them yet.
Black cunts smells like goat pussy
Mine is the horseshoe type but even once I shave it still looks uniformly grey as the thinning is not so pronounced yet, just evident enough if I'd let it grow.
How do I know if I’m a “high value woman” ? How do I know who is in my league?
I understand what you're trying to say, I just don't think you're very good at expressing it.

I believe in terms of the things that matter - even to women who are into 'nice' guys - saying please and holding doors is very low on the hierarchy. It's a very minor nice-to-have rather than a baseline that every guy has to meet in order to be considered at all.
I got curious and looked it up and you can get a Benedictine Monk robe cheaper than that cape and I'd say its "twice" the fabric, so I don't know how their cape math works out unless its a really labor intensive process.
If you gotta ask... Train yourself to not ask or give a shit what women think, it takes a lot of work
Personally I have performance anxiety with new women and need emotional connection.

I'm working on killing my empathy so I can see women as sex objects, which will get me another gf
I'm probably the only woman in the world who likes that sort of thing so don't take my opinion into account
Btw male baldness is caused by DHT which also influences dick growth during puberty....... so...
If high value men hit on you
Computer, deactivate this poster.
I drank so much last night even at 3pm I still feel dizzy-drunk wtf
What's this loser even talking about
then whyst wouldth baldeth be beutifulth
I feel like you'd look less whimsical and more like a genuine cult member with that.
I think that sounds hilarious. I imagine wearing one of these too, then posting it and asking /atoga/ why girls don't like me.
Too much brainrot to read? :3
Because they still have hair around the back of the skull. Idk. It just looks very masculine to me. Only men bald in that way.
You don't.


Women tell every other woman she's more attractive than she really is as a sly strategy to keep them from competing with the men she's interested in.

If you're both 6's but you're each interested in a 7 man, then convincing you that you're a 9 means you'll think the 9 who's using you as a fleshlight and wouldn't be caught dead with you in public is almost about to marry you.

It's an amazing evolved psychological strategy.
Get on topic, moran
>You'd know that I'd you weren't fat.
I have a BMI of 19.9, nigger.
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No, their standards are either on the floor or way too high for what they have to offer.

If you're saying the smell of my pussy is GOAT'd, I agree.

If you ask men, they effectively want a pick-me girl that only vies for their attention. If you ask women, they'll say single and childless in your 40's with more bodies than a Cambodian labor camp. Just do what makes you happy and you'll find someone that loves you for you.
.t faggot autist
>I feel like you'd look less whimsical and more like a genuine cult member with that.
I have monks in my community so I think it would depend on where you were, but I wouldn't wear this out if I had one. It would be more "around the house" attire, but even then near 100 bucks is expensive for that.
>I imagine wearing one of these too, then posting it and asking /atoga/ why girls don't like me.
lmfao, very Phantom of the Operaesque how would this not make women wet? :^)
So do I, but what's your body fat percentage?
I wish I had a 10 inch dick
Maybe I should get a pilot's license.
Men, would you date a blonde that could kamikaze your ass? Or would you cheat on her too with that bitch charlene?
No, ...

t. the 9 that's been hurt 6s he really liked but who thought they were too good for me.
>I'm probably the only woman in the world who likes that sort of thing
More power to you.
>DHT which also influences dick growth during puberty....... so...
6.5" but without pressing the ruler into the pubic bone because it hurt and seemed stupid.
I don't date for obvious reasons
I was making a joke anon like how men with big feet are supposed to have big dicks. But there's probably no correlation at all.
I'd be worried about her pulling an Amelia Earnhardt and wrecking her plane. Women are bad enough with just four wheels on the ground.
>no girl female to sit on my crotch and make it become an erections and question it but i just tell her i was having gay thoughts leaving her very confused
What about nigger girl?
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>why do they avoid eye contact?
Women love sex. Just not with you.
That's a good job so sure, especially if you're actually passionate about.
Would not date anyone else in a plain though, slut central
Why do black kwanz got such banging bodies?I swear the first one to spread her legs like a cirque DU Soleil mind broke me and I haven't been the same since.
Men, would you give me your hat for my vagina?
I had casual sex for the first time a while back and it was a really bad experience.

I don't like feeling objectified.

Women, is this really unattractive to you?
Is it a one time thing or can I have your vagina repeatedly?
Slutty male spotted.
>lmfao, very Phantom of the Operaesque how would this not make women wet? :^)
Masktok remains one of the most popular female aimed thirst traps online
This is legit what a lot of women are into
But only if you're posting it online or in the bedroom, not just walking around

No, I don't own a hat, furthermore, that's just prostitution
>Nta, but why did she go into his room? What did she expect?
Not to be raped.

>I assumed she understood the subtext of asking the opposite sex if they want to go to your room
The prisons are full of men who made that assumption. Don't.
The fact that you had casual sex and didn't enjoy it? No, that's not unattractive at all.
State gender.
Do you take any supplements? If yes, which ones?
Women like masks because they think we’re ugly
I yean for sex immediately but feel disgusting and devastated after it happens, either because I lowered my standards to get it or the girl is so out of my league I never see her again
What the fuck

Flintstones' vitamins
I could barely get hard.

I just ended up feeling really empathetic to her and getting her off with my tongue and toys.

I think my first girlfriend traumatized me by having bpd and being super selfish in bed.
I take a multivitamin
Daily: Two multi-vitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium.
Two to three times a week: Zinc
I think that is the actual reason.
So they can see males bodies, then remove the ugly face, since most men don't have anywhere close to 10/10 faces and its not really "acceptable" for men to looksmax to the absurd degree women do.
Yeah, the shoe size thing is definitely a myth.
I have bpd and all my fantasies revolve around giving :'(
>Black cunts smells like goat pussy
How do you know what goat pussy smells like?

You know what, never mind, I don't want to know.
Its more me than you, Kermit the Frog isn't really a sex icon lol.
I have brown hair and brown eyes, so you know the answer.
Pretty sure you'd get arrested for that if you were out in public without some sort of performance permit.
>But only if you're posting it online or in the bedroom, not just walking around
I'm aware thanks to booktok and the biker helmet and balaclava guys.
Yes. I actually want to get a licence myself although I don't see myself owning a plane any time soon.
Fiber and Vit D
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lmao checkmate
I legitimately don’t think I’ll ever have a happy relationship
And black cunts look like horussies.
me neither
At this point I'd be fine with an unhappy relationship too, but I don't see that happening either.
>I have brown hair and brown eyes, so you know the answer.
It's so over...I thought /atoga/ vocaroos could help blossom new romance, but I was merely a blinded, idiotically optimistic fool.
I don’t think women even like men
Brown hair is the norm because its literally the most healthy eye type (blue is the worst btw).
You should rejoice if you have brown eyes, you're the most well adapted
The chances of anyone hooking up here are astronomically small since we don't trust each other to begin with.
They like the benefits men bring to the table, otherwise they're just a fashion accessory to show off on social media.
must suck having your windows to the soul being covered in shit
Maybe 0.001% of them do.
I don't think a lack of trustworthiness is the decisive factor here if we consider what kinds of men actually hooked up in these threads.
Ya know thats what she wanted I think but I just wasn't able to understand it through all the crying and the crazy.

If you're a virgin guy and your gf cries and freaks out if you touch her wrong then you learn to just ... do exactly what she says and stop caring what you want.
I don't actually care that much about the color of my hair or my eyes. NG does however and she refuses to date anyone who isn't blonde or blue eyed, its got nothing to do with my feelings on it lol.
Having casual sex is attractive
>if we consider what kinds of men actually hooked up in these threads.
Sounds like a cursed topic I don't want to know about.
The American dating market is cooked
The girls in /atoga/ are just too shy.
After reading some of the posts itt you should be thankful women tolerate men at all.
>After reading some of the posts itt
Give examples.
They like valuable men
Nope, larp better
I'm getting that.

Is it just that all women want to go through that slut phase?

I guess I feel bad for potentially ruining the woman. I've slept with sluts, and man, I can now empathize with what they've been through.

I can't imagine what it's like to think someone likes you only to later realize they thought of you as a toy.
DO you ever get a crush on people who aren't even particularly attractive?
If you truly felt bad you’d marry a slut
But I know your kind you’ll just marry a virgin like the rest of them because sadly a male “slut” is the equivalent of a female virgin and they love the male sluts
Yes, especially if I see them often
>I can't imagine what it's like to think someone likes you only to later realize they thought of you as a toy
I like guys as toys. They're good for occasional enrichment.
But bad for my mental health in the long term.
Yeah, that's how I can tell my depression is getting worse and I need to take my meds.
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I found a good book and I don’t want to keep reading it because I’ll finish it, I’ll never get to experience it for the first time again
Sure, I've seen women who aren't conventionally attractive but something about them is attractive to me. Sometimes its their attitude/personality, other times its harder to really put my finger on why I find them attractive.
This is also why you don't want to throw away your virginity.
I married the girl who took my virginity and she'd slept with 4 guys and a woman

I absolutely would not marry a non-virgin after that experience, for sure. You can be mad at that but I did what feminism told me to do and it almost ruined my life.
I could be wrong but I think the majority of people with depression are women.
I’ve had sex
Is it because they listen to Taylor Swift too much and want to be trendy?
Depression goes beyond "I'm sad that I don't get any pussy :(("
Keeping your man happy is super easy, just spread your legs every day
Fellas is it gay to have a chemical imbalance in your brain or suffer from sadness?
Guy here,
I haven't even broken the double digits on bodies and I already wish I could take them all back. A decade since I've started making "relationships" with women... All for naught. I wish my parents weren't heathens
Do you think that’s why men are depressed?
No? I tend to avoid Swifties because I actually liked Taylor Swift when she sang country and apparently that makes me "fake" or "misogynist" for some reason.
Spoken like a true virgin.
Hello /atoga/. I got engaged recently. There's an issue that's been kind of needling us though.

My fiancee has a phobia regarding most types of pet, dogs in particular. I have a dog. Fortunately, he's older and is pretty attached to some other family, so if I give him to them when we get married it won't be a problem. I don't mind giving him up. That's not the issue.

The issue is that her phobia worries me, and I believe she wants to get over it, but I also don't know how to approach it without making her fear that I want her to have a dog when we're married. I just want her to be able to walk down the street without needing me to stand between her and any dogs, or to not jump a mile when she hears a dog bark.

tldr: Any advice regarding helping my beloved fiancee overcome her phobia would be appreciated.
I'm sure Chad not responding to your texts must be horrible. Nobody could ever know that feeling.
About 99% of the time yep
Not seeing a lot of guys in relationships on /adv/!
>he only has a chance with the virgin after he has sex
Lmao, typical
I wouldn't say so, I was depressed for most of my 20s because of how I sounded and how I struggled with making friends and finding intimate connections with women. It goes away with time, you just need to give it time and do positive things for yourself like workout and eat better.
It's not a phobia, but absolutely normal to not like dogs, especially ones you don't know should not be trusted.
Do you see a lot of women in relationships on adv? If I had a gf I wouldn’t waste time asking random women questions
nta but my fiancee is a virgin and is sad that I wasn't when we met. She's basically gotten over it but is still occasionally fearful that I'll overstep a boundary because of my past experience.

I think it would've been easier for her if I wasn't. But at the same time, I'm the sum of my life experiences: There's no telling who I would've been had I not put my dick in crazy on two occasions nearly eight years ago.
Yeah, me finding ugly people attractive? Yikes, something is definitely wrong with me.

What's even your argument?
It's a phobia. Her fears are simply not rational. There's not even a trauma that led to it. She doesn't even like seeing a picture of a dog.
Yes, in these threads in fact.
>my girlfriend is totally “sad” I’m not a virgin!
Notice how these virgin women who “totally want a fellow virgin” never find one?
You don’t feel bad about it. In fact I’d say you’re glad for that experience
Why would you like to see a picture of a fucking dog? lmao
Then why ask us stuff instead of asking your bf/husband?
It's not about wanting, it's about being unable even to see one without feeling intense discomfort.
NTA but I think the women not in relationships outnumber those who are.

While probably 95% of guys here are not in relationships, it's probably 70% of women who aren't either.
They usually ask about shit like how their bf can't keep it up.
>Notice how these virgin women who “totally want a fellow virgin” never find one?
The fact that I'm not a virgin didn't get me the relationship you dunce.
You think it's only 95%?
So what? It's dogs, who gives a shit? lol
Could be more, but most guys here aren't in relationships. And a sizeable number has never had any relationships at all.
Are you autistic?

What don't I feel bad about? My ex wife abusing me as a virgin despite the fact she had slept with multiple people and done a threeway?
>And a sizeable number has never had any relationships at all.
I hope not, even I've been in at least 1 relationship.
Okay, so why can't she just look at a pic without saying "Meh it's a dog. Who cares?" And why can't she walk past a tiny lapdog being walked on a leash without needing to stand behind me?

It's irrational.
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Nah the studies are in, man. This is the current situation:

Most guys are laboring under no delusion that they're single.

Most women think that Chad letting them suck his dick is a relationship. Women are retards.
She wouldn’t have given you a chance if you were a virgin be honest with yourself
That you have sexual experience
“Ugh I feel bad for having casual sex :( it’s so sad that my experience enabled me to get a virgin” fuck off
You are the one marrying her. Why do you want that in a partner?
Your dog is old, will eventually die, and your wife will laugh at you for it.
I hope I get to treat a woman well someday
I come here to realise some men ain’t shit, it’s so good to remember who yall treat women you aren’t attracted to
I've never had a virgin.

Are you English second language?
Its a two way street, saying you are going to disrespect someone different because they share a characteristic is what racism and sexism is based on.
To be cringe and quote Katawa Shoujo:
>"We all have damage... Be the better person."
It's refreshing. Sobering.
I don't need this. You're disposable.
Recycleable sometimes.
But often a lost cause.
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hey girls, anyone would please pretend to be my gf, so I can get a gf?
What are you even talking about? Plenty of guys here hardly even leave the house, let alone be rude to anyone.

As usual, women are blaming the types of men they don't date for the things the types of men they date do.
I treat women I’m attracted to like shit too
Look at this faggot.
He can't even be genuinely nice to a woman.
like croc
You’re more likely to than any virgin man and I know you’re looking for one despite how “bad” you feel about hooking up
>She wouldn’t have given you a chance if you were a virgin be honest with yourself
She didn't know I wasn't until ~3rd date?
Guy here;
I hope you have a good day
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>lifting to look good for a woman that doesnt exist
>training to fight and shoot to protect a woman that doesnt exist
>work hard to earn enough to provide for a woman that doesnt exist
whats even the point
Yeah, she assumed you weren’t
If she thought you were she wouldn’t have dated you, dumb fuck

It’s funny, despite all you faggots saying “my virgin wife wished I was a virgin when we met” but yet I NEVER hear of a woman reacting positively that her bf or husband was a virgin
Only lying ass hoes on here pretending but he’s also completely perfect in every other way so it makes up for it
>You are the one marrying her. Why do you want that in a partner?
Because I love her more than her problem with dogs inconveniences me.

But because I love her and want her to be able to be physically comfortable in the unavoidable situations of life where dogs might be present, I want to help her get over it. That's why I asked itt in the first place.
Same but actually I treat ugly people better. Attractive people I don't trust. I always assume they just want something. I have an irrational bias against them.
Can you really get arrested in America for wearing a costume??
There wasn't a point when you were born as a non-Chad. Those are all distractions. Maybe you can impress an escort who's grateful you're not a fat old man thanks to the gym lol
Cross post cock or gtfo
>Yeah, she assumed you weren’t
She did not. She was upset when we hit that discussion and I disclosed that I wasn't.
>I NEVER hear of a woman reacting positively that her bf or husband was a virgin
Because normies don't come here. Are you dumb?
>"I can't get pussy :((((("
Maybe the issue is that everything you do revolves around wanting to fuck, and women can smell it on you.
“Upset” yet didn’t leave you, curious
She’s feigning morality
>Maybe the issue is that everything you do revolves around wanting to fuck, and women can smell it on you.
This is why people think virgins can't get virgins. The virgin men who are out hunting virgins have the stink of desperation on them.
Do you really think a virgin partner is better? If he or she never had another experience, they will always feel there could be something more, something better. Seems to me more of a risk
NTA but I think the problem is not virginity itself but what is typically associated with virginity.
If you locked Henry Cavill in a monastery until age 30, he would still be effortlessly able to find a partner - virgin or not.
Girls are more likely to date non-virgins than virgins because whatever attracted other girls to the non-virgin guys will also attract them, while whatever resulted in the virgin guys not losing their virginity will appal them. While there is a bit of an ick when it comes to virginity (past a certain age), it's not nearly as relevant as the underlying issues which are the cause of a guy's virginity.
>you have to be a non-virgin to get sex
Ok, incels.
I don't think it's needlessly complicated, in fact it works pretty well ("pretty well") for syntax, but I don't agree with everything in it because a lot of the time he claims sentences that I find ungrammatical to be grammatical and vice versa, and uses that to make theories on. Plus languages are so weird, and languages that don't follow the rules necessitate a change in the theory, which does lead to overcomplication. But on a surface level it's not too bad, especially compared to e.g. Lexical Functional Grammar.

For phonology it's probably more complicated than it needs to be though.
yeah that would be a good service to have around, but then they would just end up prostitutes or something and those are worthless.
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>Maybe the issue is that everything you do revolves around wanting to fuck
Vomit is gross so bulimia would be a problem.
Anorexia... idk. If she's willing to eat at least a decent dinner with me, I can tolerate e.g. OMAD or a 1200 calorie diet. As long as she doesn't look legit anorexic anyway.

Peaches are only like 90 calories.
Virgin cope
As if there aren’t tons of virgin Hunter guys that aren’t virgins
>this take again
Have you retards never heard of pre selection
A mask specifically, yes, its considered social intimidation if your wearing a mask on public transit and refuse multiple times to take it off.
How do you view men who capitalise with capslock instead of shift?
Taking responsibility for trying to heal a familial psyche is something that is against moral code in therapists.
You can help. But if it doesn't yeild results... are you going to put upwith it at all costs?
>as far as he's concerned, I'm literally identical to thousands of other women
Honestly given some of the profiles I've seen online...
My defeatist attitude, depression, and lack of ambition have made me an unfuckable nightmare
I’ll be as nice about your eating disorder as you are about my social anxiety
Take that however you will
And ironically I did have some sort of “eating disorder”
>As if there aren’t tons of virgin Hunter guys that aren’t virgins
Virgin hunters in general are girl repellent, but the ones with experience at least have the confidence to mask that stink.
>self admitted cheater and wife beater
>still managed to fuck numerous women from these threads
Really makes one ponder
Oh are we past getting banned for refrencing that texas trash?
>still managed to fuck numerous women from these threads
According to him.
>are you going to put upwith it at all costs?
Yes. I'm willing to marry her and stay with her even if it never goes away. The reason I want her to get better is because it hurts me to see her be afraid or uncomfortable with something like that, and I know she struggles with being unable to "fit in" with normies who have dogs. (which itself is ridiculous, you don't have to like dogs to fit in with dog owners)
Yes if we click well.

Exposure therapy.
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How do I get a gf as a 21yo man?
>virgin hunters are girl repellent
Only if they’re virgins themselves.
I believe him, every guy I’ve met who has a lot of sex is an awful person lmao
Then simply ignore it. If she wants to solve her problem, she'll talk to a therapist and work on it. If not, then it's simply a fact in her life you will be dealing with.
what kind of jank pizza place are you going to? those are abysmal

no cheese, black olives, and pineapple
Whats a good response to this girl who keeps joking about me not being fun - despite her (voluntarily) spending a lot of time with me and obviously having fun?
M, ham and pineapple. Get fucked.
>what kind of jank pizza place are you going to?
I'm getting a large 2-topping for 7 bucks, I'm not complaining
State age
do you want kids?
i think you are right. These kind of girls would probably charge a lot of money already like 80$ or something for an hour. At that point you can just add in the extra 20$ and get a proper hooker.
>Come on, SOMETHING must keep bringing you back, and I'm sure it's not my good looks
Your entire internal motivational structure is subject to Darwinian principles. Men attempt to achieve things in life because it raises their mate value - regardless of whether that's conscious to them or not.

And there actually is data on what the difference between sexually successful men (i.e. a lot of partners) is and the sexually unsuccessful men. And it largely comes down to sociosexuality and extraversion.
The people who fuck the most are the people who want to fuck the most. Chances are, the person you're talking to isn't not getting laid because he wants to fuck too much and is too motivated by fucking but that he does not want to fuck enough. He thinks he does, but it does not manifest in his actions, because he is ultimately held back by inner inhibitions.
20, at least 2. if she wants a football team we can do that too
Jokingly invite her to the most boring (but randomly niche) things possible.
>Hey let's go to the library at the courthouse!
>Hey let's go to this store that sells nothing but zippers!
>Hey let's go ride this bus route from beginning to end!
Then actually do something slightly more fun.
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>lifting so I don’t get osteoporosis
>training so I can walk well in my 80s
> work hard so I don’t rely on anyone
Gross! no! I want a wife, why are you implying there are pedos here?

36, ideally I'd want one boy and one girl. I know, it's getting kinda late
> screeches in Italian
>words words words
Why is it that people with nothing to say always say the most?
>no cheese, black olives, and pineapple
You truly need to be hanged.
What terrible """""taste""""".
You just have nothing to say in response because you got told.
39, yes. However many that God gives us. I'd love to have a big family, but 3-5 would be perfectly fine. I know it's a little much to hope for the upper end of that or more given my fiancee is in her early 30s, but a man can dream can't he?
Shrooms and pepperoni.
Would have added feta too.
Spinach and bacon
Eat a veggie you stinky man.
Come on.
Yes, but I don't think it's going to happen.
Nah I'm not reading your essay is all, pseud
You think people are incapable of self-improvement for its own sake because that's how YOU think, YOU are fucking dying for pussy.
Absolutely not.
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Hey! I always get a veggie!
What’s it matter I’m never gonna so much as go on a date anyways
Did anyone else struggle with finding a partner after breaking up with your first one?
>You think people are incapable of self-improvement for its own sake
Because there is no such thing as "for its own sake". Something inside you attributes value to whatever you're trying to achieve - why is it worth to pursue one thing over another. And you should ask yourself why the things you consider worthwhile to pursue are coincidentally the same things that are typically associated with raising ones mate value in the eyes of women.

Are you even listening to yourself?
Nta, but science already proved that everything humans do is related to reproduction and getting access to it. Just because you got molested when you were little and are afraid of sex as a result, doesn't mean it happened to everyone.
Not finding them, but fully committing to them. I chicken out, not wanting to get hurt.
Yes. The first one was honestly a stroke of dumb luck though.
Oh my fucking god why do you always have to have this shitty grating doomer attitude, fuck oooffffffff.
Yep, that was 2 years ago
Got it, asexual people can't be healthy or go to the gym

>science already proved
More virgin cope. You are allowed to rise above your basest instincts, you know. You're ostensibly more than an animal.
Skill issue
No. The only reason I'd consider it is because there's something sad about a great woman not reproducing, but I know that is just my human programming talking
a post made by a female who gets different dick every day
I’ve tried the positive attitude and never gotten what I wanted I’m not about to get shamed by someone who gets everything they want
“No bro I went to the gym and got fit haha it’s literally so easy to get a gf just go to the gym it’ll cure all depression trust me bro”
Fun fact, femanon: if I actually killed myself, you could be arrested for that.
women, thoughts on waking up to a dick in you face?
Torsion is a sharp pain and can only really be felt when you squeeze it (unless it’s so bad that it aches on its own). Either way, getting it checked is a good idea.

>t. had torsion surgery when I was 12
>Got it, asexual people can't be healthy or go to the gym
What you fail to understand is that an asexual person, for whom sexual access is not a desire, might still have an internal reward structure akin to a person who is. Also, asexuality itself also is a spectrum, in the sense that plenty of asexual people still yearn for companionship.

>You are allowed to rise above your basest instincts
NTA but you can't rise "above" your nature. That instinctual side will always be part of you.
no they couldn't. Women literally don't need to face consequences ever.
>an internal reward structure akin to a person who is
*an internal reward structure akin to a person for whom it is
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>favorite restaurants have stopped selling my favorite beers
Jesus Christ of ALL the things to progressively get worse on this gay fucking earth, now I can’t even go out and have a decent fucking meal anymore.
Does anyone here actually parallel park? I think parking on the side of the road is a terrible idea. My neighbor told me last week that his wife’s car was totaled by a drunk driver. It was parked in their driveway but close to the road because there isn’t enough room for 2 cars under their carport.
Lol this, they literally get away with killing babies because it's a "human right" or whatever
Today, I disassociated while having sex. Has this ever happened to you? If so, did it happen again?
In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that are coming, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there.
I couldn't care less about you.
>not being able to perform an abortion also means women who become septic during pregnancy will just have to die
Thanks Obama

Here in Texas they’re also making it more difficult for people to watch porn for some stupid fucking reason. Now I need to use a VPN to watch videos on PornHub and Chaturbate.
Ham and mushroom. But adding black olives as well would be even better.
Yummy heavy metals and pesticides water
Then don’t reply to my weepy fag shit
>State age
>do you want kids?
Fuck no.
No, I will continue to shut the fuck up when I feel like it and you will take it.
You forgot your trip, MKG.
>Fun fact, femanon: if I actually killed myself, you could be arrested for that.
I'm willing to take the risk. Do it.
Who or what is MKG?
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That beer is delicious as fuck, don’t even care. Goes great with curry and pho. Some dickhead chink working at their factory posted a clip of a coworker pissing in a vat of raw materials for making the beer and the whole world shit itself and stopped importing it. Goddamn.

The trendy pizza place I like to go to once in a while also stopped serving pic related. The waitress laughed in my face like I was some sort of a fag for asking for it even though that restaurant is LITERALLY where I was introduced to that beer.

Fucking insanity.
That's terrible, how can they do that to another living creature?? These savages aren't human, they're monsters!

Yesss, get that pepperoni and sausage and bacon and steak, yum!
I only have parallel parking option at my apartment block. Never had any problems.
Look, I’m not reading all of that. If it’s not Schwarzbier, I’m not drinking it.
Fucking pleb. Only women and pussies drink that shit. May as well order an ice cream cone.
this is your reminder to leave this place if you value your time at all. just leave right now and dont come back
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Womp womp
Reminds me of that scene in Terrifier where Art saws that chick in half from her pussy on down.
I've seen a video of a guy nailing his dick to a piece of wood. This image does not work on me lol
Waking up femanon with my mouth on her pussy
Never had it before.
>In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that are coming, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there.
Kek. I live in Bongland, but I did watch that debate, and that that was a moment of pure comedy. I don't envy the lot of satirists living in the US - how the hell do you satirise a man like Trump? He is beyond parody. No matter how insane an idea you come up with, he has actually said or done something crazier than that.

You guys remember when he nearly invaded Venezuela? Or the time he started a major diplomatic row with Denmark because they refused to sell Greenland?
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I decided pepperoni and spinach sounded like a good pair.

Happy, dork?
It’s 10/10— one of the best beers you can buy as an average consumer.
>large pizza for 6.99
Damn, either that’s some low quality pizza or you’re living in a place where the economy has restabilized
I remember when he accidentally misspoke and named the wrong state in the path of a hurricane. Instead of acknowledging that he misspoke, he came back with new fake maps that had a new fake path for the hurricane. The most important thing to understand about him is that he is Never Wrong. If He says it then whatever He said is True.
First just to clarify cause a lot of comments probably the most here are about dating advices or how to get a girl, the girl above and I are just friends and even if I wanted ( I did for a while) I know for sure she doesn't have romantic feelings for me. So that out of the way:

I dont know if my female friend is just being polite with me or what, she talks with and show some interest but I think she's just being polite and I'm usually the one to start the conversations and I'm afraid that I might be bothering her I already asked her once if I was bothering her when she stopped answering me for a few days she said no and she was just having a bad time but I still can't get out of my mind that I might be bothering her, she knows i had feelings for her at some point and i know she doesnt have them for me but im trying to be over it and want to stay as friend with her, she wants it too or at least wanted i dont know anymore, we planned on watching a movie next weekend but I don't know what to do if I should approach her about it or wait for her to make a move, im particularly afraid of that cause we were trying to set up this film for a long time and the last time we tried was just after the days she stopped answering so we stayed like a week without talking and when I asked if she would show up she said she was couldn't show up cause she had something to do on this day she apologized in a way that I felt sincere but I still don't feel confident and am afraid of asking her if she will show up and the same thing might repeat and she something show up on the day and we end not watching it again.
He’s out of his fucking mind and power tripping so hard that it’s practically suicidal. Literally just saying absolute nonsense.

Republicans who vote for him are insisting on doing so out of “party loyalty”. It’s beyond ridiculous.
He’s said plenty of other stupid things. Injecting disinfectant, nuking hurricanes, so obsessed with a hurricane hitting Alabama that he extended the cone to Alabama, the noise from wind turbines causes cancer.
sorry, but I'm too ADHD to read all that.
I meant below not above I'm retard
Good boy eating his veggies~
Female friend is giving me cold shower
>she knows i had feelings for her at some point and i know she doesnt have them for me but im trying to be over it and want to stay as friend with her
This is your mistake. Stop wanting to be friends with her; it’s bad for you. If she doesn’t offer you any service as a friend, then she’s not a friend. She’s just someone that you are afraid of no longer being with.
I'm sorry it's not yellow?
And if a Haitian immigrant supports him, he’ll say at rallies how much he loves the Haitians and then say “I don’t know anything about immigrants eating pets”
>if she doesn't offer you any service as friend, then she's not a friend

I dont know exactly what do you mean by service but she always cared and was kind to me and I even thought if I deserved her friendship to begin with it, that was until I told her how I felt about her and now she feels more distant but still talks with me.
It's Domino's. It's not great, but for that price, I'm okay with 'okay'.
That’s because he knows his constituents are retarded. That’s what he’s banking on. Retards and party loyalists.
I hate women so fucking much
If RFK comes on stage with him then they can talk about how delicious dog meat is.


Migrate when ready.
Like helping you with things that you need help and support on. I have a female friend who has acted as a support to me for many, many years. She’s incredibly sweet but we established physical boundaries years ago, which is why I can respect her as a friend instead of getting hung up on why she won’t sleep with me.
I am deeply afraid my ex is going to kill himself
Oh, is it like a coupon deal or something? Dominos is fucking awesome (when it’s fresh). It tastes so decadent. My brain literally cooms itself after taking those first few bites of a fresh pizza.
Well she did when we were friends things now are awkward (maybe it's just me) now that I told her I liked her and I don't know how to react I'm afraid of talking with her the way I used to and she thinks I still have some feelings for her and get the wrong idea (she told me she knews before I told her that I was into her cause of the way I talked with her and wanted to talk about it but I ended doing it first)
Yeah, the $6.99 mix-and-match. They upgraded my medium to a large too.
Idk what to tell you, anon. Sounds like you’re pretty young and will just have to figure this out for yourself. I’ve had enough experience with rejection to know when to let something go, so it’s hard for me to relate to your mentality anymore.
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Based, enjoy your pizza anon.
I'm almost 30 but that's the first girl I've ever confessed to :^)
Jesus Christ, welp better late than never I guess. First time I did that I was either 17 or 18, so I’ve had 15+ years of experience with all that.
Yep I'm fucked up I never really talk with girls or w/e she was the one who started talking with me out of the blue I discovered we had a lot in common and just said fuck if I can't let the opportunity pass
I used to have a nailbiting problem but that can't be it
State gender and thoughts on the saying:
>To keep a husband happy, you have to keep his balls empty, his belly full, and his mind at peace.
I wonder what the equivalent saying on how to keep a wife happy would be.
Happy wife, happy life.

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