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"It's not your looks, it's your fucking personality" edition.

ITT we ask the opposite gender anything!

Standard /adv rules apply; for example, all images must be work-safe, and no posting pictures of yourself or contact details. If you want to post toonme images, etc. there is a corresponding thread on /soc where that is allowed.

Please take racism to /b or /pol, and incel rants to /r9k. And note that this is not actually a "general" thread or a chat-room: only post a question here if it makes sense to have only people of the opposite gender to your own answering it.

Previously on ATOGA: >>31999505
First for good white boys
Women make my weenie boing boing
Third for I hate women
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Why are women like this?
Fuck off
State age
Do you want kids? Why or why not?
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Yes, I think I’d be a good father
Yes, but it'll probably never happen
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You can't make me~
I think I could make a good hooman
I wanna have kids with a nice girl who is into threesome, spitroasts, and orgies.
What a shitty OP
Dumb cunt
So why do you consent to be seen in bikini but not in underwear?
I'm ashamed to admit but the woman hating guy was right all along.
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Low iq
Yes. Because the world would be a better place if there were more people like me.
Womp womp
Women fill in the blank:

"All women ________, and any who say otherwise are lying"
get uncontrollably horny
"Opinionated OP should die" edition when?
State your gender
Have You dating people of 4chan? How was it?
Stir up shit for no reason
NTA and M, stop pretending to be this autistic.
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Would you say that this girl is "mid"?
>State age

>Do you want kids?
Fuck no. First thought about this when I was 14. Knew I didn't. Have become steadily more and more certain ever since.

>Why or why not?
I have shitty genes that the human gene pool is better off without. Plus, I don't have the physical or mental resilience to be able to look after a child. Plus, I don't fucking want them. I have no paternal instinct. Kids are fun for about 20 minutes, then I want to give them back.
M. I have an ATOGA girlfriend. It's great, but everyone feels the need to insult me about it all the time.
Bro I think your done regardless
Have a slut phase
I haven’t, but I don’t think I’d mind.
Deserve to own men as a slave race,
What do they insult you with
The state of my vagina is gruesome
>Bro I think your done regardless
I'm currently seeing a woman half my age; but she doesn't want kids either, so it's all good.
>and any who say otherwise are lying"

Should I shave my pubes off? It makes me feel a bit more hygienic but when the hairs grow back in it kinda hurts my dingdong.
>What do they insult you with
I got called a living abortion the other day. That was a good one.
I'm afraid of talking with her what should I do
I’ll be the judge of that. Post pics and we can determine a prognosis.
>The state of my vagina is gruesome
What's the matter with it?
Are you expecting a congratulations because I honestly pity you. Do you though.
Nta I mean my dad was 50 when my sister was born.
That doesn't make sense joke-wise lol. But what are they even judging?
No, I'm just pointing out that me not wanting kids is actually still a choice. "I think you're done regardless" isn't entirely accurate.
Do it anyway. Fear is the enemy of success.
How is he gonna protect her? Hopefully he's a vet right?
What if she ends hating me for it tho
I think you're done regardless of the table
>Me when I dig a posthole for my neighbor in 30 minutes and he tells me "It would have taking me hours to do that, thank you!" then forces me to take 100 dollars after another 10 minutes of me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvqXCK9tD7orefusing it.
How you you helped someone today?
I'm not a f*id
Don't feel bad KP
why not trim it
Can't see the face well so I don't know, but her body seems very nice.
>10 minutes of me
saying no*
Not me, I'm so dead inside that insults don't really hurt my feelings anymore :D
>more women in relationships than men
How is this possible?
I tipped outrageously generously for the delivery girl just bringing a pizza to my building, not even to my apartment. I helped a stranger move their stuff upstairs too.
>But what are they even judging?
They mostly don't like the fact that there's a big age-gap, or that there's a bit of a DD/lg vibe to it, or that I'm into ENM.

Some of them may also be pissed off that someone old, scruffy, unfit, physically unattractive, somewhat disabled, impotent, autistic, mentally ill and poor has both a partner and a girlfriend, while they haven't. It causes cognitive dissonance: they can't blame their problems on not being Chad any more.
Then she’s out of your life for good and you can quit worrying about it. It’s a good deal.
eating a donut and pretending its made of flesh
No, probably wouldn’t
I have never dating anyone.
Oh yeah I guess I could do that. I kinda like how it looks (and feels) when it’s fully shaved, though, and it gives the illusion that my cock is bigger, which is pretty nice.

Damn, I guess that’s a lot of good reasons for going through with it. Thanks, anon. You’ve just convinced me.
Not KP, whoever that is, but I don't feel bad. It's fun. ~:o)
Women, what's it like wearing high heels? I tried walking on my toes for a few minutes and my calves got tired quickly but that's not really a good simulation
My first and only sexual partner was someone I met on /soc/. It was fine, but this website has gone downhill since then and I would never do that again
If you want a comfy-cringe anime to watch I highly recommend this:
You'll see why its cringe when you watch it.
my ideal gf walks around naked and isn't phased at all
Some guys have more than one girl; some girls have more than one girl, but not as many. Plus, more lesbians are in stable relationships than gay men.
Ah I read the manga for that.
It's not cringe, it's sweet.
I dont wear heels but I'm an autistic toe walker and I have massive calves. Is that why?
>whoever that is
Pregnant Kermit sounding dude :^)
>It's not cringe, it's sweet.
It is until Mamoru shows up then its a bit too on the nose for me.
How was /soc/ back then? I browsed the archives and I mostly just noticed the gender ratio being less unbalanced.
Yes and no, what if they inherit what I got? I could never forgive myself
I know
I would kill myself if she's out of my life
Feels good.
Click clack
I can attack
With my shoe
In your eyesocket
This was back in 2013 that I met him. I had 2 really close online friends that I met from 4chan in addition to him. I felt like it was easy to go in a Discord thread and meet someone cool whenever I felt like making a connection. Nowadays its the same 20 highly dysfunctional tards spamming their ID over and over again.
Great, another generic teenage boy fantasy, just what anime needed.
What’s the point of bettering myself?
Yikes lol. Can’t help you there, anon.
>What’s the point of bettering myself?
You'll like yourself more.
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>Mamoru was one of my favorite parts of it
FUCK ME. KP is less sappy and soft than I am. Fffffffffuck. I need that cultist outfit to hide my shame.
If that is what you call robot romance, sure. The keyword here being fantasy. I'd also recommend Time of Eve if you don't want a romance:

Research indicates that chewing gum can significantly reduce feelings of hunger and cravings for snacks. So, in the same vein, can prolonged blowjobs help women with weight loss?
Is that it?
Can I chew on your balls?
just popping in today to say that JH is the cutest of the femanons
an adorable ball of sweetness

Awful, you're very wobbly and have to be mindful of every step. They're often painfully tight and my toes go numb pretty quickly. Walking more than three city blocks in them is dicey. Overall would not recommend
Damn, at least take me to dinner first.
>So, in the same vein, can prolonged blowjobs help women with weight loss?
Not that I know of. But I have a friend who said it helped her quit smoking!
JH came onto me. :(
She’s black, though. Black chicks are gross.
What if I just sit in my room all day and think? Is that preferable to playing vidya or scrolling Tiktok?
I mean... You didn't find the whole "It's your robot child :D" part a bit on the nose at all? I was kinda at my limit when Super Mina also wanted the MC as well cause it felt forced as fugg but I was willing to tolerate that up until Mamoru showed up.
But maybe that is me, I can get behind robot wife, I can't get behind robot child though.
Jew Hater
>smoking cocks helped her stop smoking cigarettes
Checks out
if you are very gentle.
Eve no jikan was good precisely because it wasn't targeted at horny teenage boys.
Men, I know I am objectively very ugly. I have looked at my face from all angles and done the calculations. There is no era in history where my face met any beauty standards. My body is flat and lanky.
So when guys say I’m pretty or beautiful, I should just assume they are only saying it to be nice or get in my pants, right? Or that they’re making fun of me?
Trust me, that's a lot.
>You didn't find the whole "It's your robot child :D" part a bit on the nose at all?
No, I found it adorable. Your 'on the nose' is my 'earnest and sweet'.
I'm the kind of person that can't be mean even to AI girls.
I don't know why you need to shit on anime that isn't targeting you as its audience, there's enough for everyone out here.
I only post my ID on /soc/ once or twice per year, and I can tell you that that ain't working out for me either.
Because garbage needs to be pointed out as such.
Then where do I start?
It doesn't take much for men to say that you're beautiful and that they like you. Men usually don't have the same kind of standards you have.
>My body is flat and lanky
That means you aren't fat. A major plus.
tfw no flat gf
>My body is flat and lanky.
*elegant and graceful
Probably, but you should just accept the compliment and let them fuck you anyway. Any guy who is willing to lie to you about your appearance enough to get hard and maintain a boner long enough to perform the sex act might actually be into you.
I can respect that you enjoyed the cringe :^)
>Its garbage if it doesn't cater specifically to me
How tall are you?

Either way, it is not healthy to assume compliments have a negative intention.
I don’t want to do them that much
I can't maintain an erection if it's not the real thing. If I'm in her then she's in my heart.
In my experience, beauty and ugliness are necessarily subjective. I've had the experience of looking at someone's face while I was in love or had a crush on her, and then looking at her again after my feelings have died down, and it was seriously like my brain was seeing two different faces. The first time I saw her as beautiful, and the second time I had no idea how I could ever have seen her that way.

So sure, they probably are trying to get into your pants. But that doesn't mean they're lying about how they see you.

And there really is no such thing as an objective beauty standard anyway. Different people like different things.
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this is all I want in life.

state gender
what do you want in life?
Well, you tell me: what don't you like about yourself, and what could you do to change that?
Girl with whom I own matching flip phones with.
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>I won't wear an oversized shirt and baggy pants with rainboots and sunhat with cat ears and spin leeks for you in a field.
How do I know if my excessive daydreaming is "maladaptive"?
What do you mean
A mid woman who loves me.
This is the highest definition I've seen of this picture, is it a redraw?
Same, but from what I hear some guys can do it. They’re probably the same guys that will gladly fuck ugly chicks like that femanon.
By virtue of the fact that the question comes to mind at all.
34, more than kids I want a good women at my side. I'll give her all the children she wanted.

M, Never, but I'm willing to

I've fallen for girls just for being fun and nice to hang out with. Everyone's looks will fade eventually, so you are better off finding someone you get along with anyways.
I'm not going to want to touch them unless they're white.
They are. But why do you want to bite white balls?
Which part eludes you?
patterns of actions, thoughts, or emotions that are detrimental to an individual's well-being and hinder their ability to function effectively in various aspects of life.
When they start to make you like a backseat driver in your life
dunno, got it from the first page on google images
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Miss Piggy or an equally autistic voice :^)
>spin leeks for you in a field
They're white and balding
>So when guys say I’m pretty or beautiful, I should just assume they are only saying it to be nice or get in my pants, right?
Possibly, but it could also be that you are overestimating the extent to which the things you identify as detrimental to your beauty matter in the overall assessment of your looks.
Have you asked the men who complemented you to specify what they liked about your looks?
>what do you want in life?
Not to be in pain. To get good quality sleep.
>How do I know if my excessive daydreaming is "maladaptive"?
Is it having a negative impact on the rest of your life? Do you wish you did it less?
damn. me too
She will though
And you're not fat or balding either....
What do you mean real thing? Can’t pretend she’s attractive or something?
I'm not. So tell me why you want to bite my balls.
Fat and/or balding anons' balls live to see another day.
Feed my hunger
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I think women smiling during sex makes it 1000x hotter
I thought guys were willing to fuck anything?
There's an easier way to get ball juice
I could go to the gym more, get out of the house in general, and go back to school
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State gender
Have you ever heard your parents bang?
The penis has a will of its own. You cannot give it commands like you would move your arms or your legs. My penis will not maintain an erection if I'm trying to do something disagreeable to my heart, such as trying to have sex in the wrong circumstances.
Once, it was unremarkable
No, my parents were never together. I was born of a one night stand.
Not as far as I know, I probably did walk in on them as a kid but never put 2 and 2 together cause I used to come and sleep with my parents alot, especially in the morning.
No, but I walked in on it once when I was around 5 years old
Some guys are willing to fuck anything. Some guys aren't. Why would you assume that all men are the same? Doesn't it irritate you when some men assume that all women are the same?
No juice, only nibble.
Do you plan to leave them in a working state afterward?
Protagonist Energy
One of the girls who is training me at work is one of these high energy genki Asian/latina girls who is somehow a tomboy and excessively feminine at the same time. This video reminds me a lot of her.
Okay. How about doing those things, then?
I’ll give it a shot
If you don't move. Should I bind you down?
Maybe, sounds hot
M. Once. Didn't bother me.
Go gym today
I'm the anti-hero, I do bad things for sympathetic reasons and have the most tragic backstory
Nice, I'd tell you to ask her out but dating people you work with is an awful idea. I like girls who are a little tsundere, they know how to banter and they know when to be cute, but I don't think those women actually exist in real life. Kinda like in the link:
I have work till late
No, we had enough of that already, it's time for your redemption arc.
State gender and thoughts on the saying:
"To keep a husband happy, you have to keep his balls empty, his belly full, and his mind at peace."
Trust me, I got memed into believing the same thing and my self-esteem took a blow when I realized that I was unable to fuck anything. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me.

Turns out that gross women don’t turn me on, which is just fine with me.
My bad sorry
5 kids and to live on a farm
So where do I go to get them
My only redemption will come from self-sacrifice.
To keep a wife happy, you have to keep her pussy full, her belly empty, and her mind in a state of confusion.
Still go, no excuses. Do an at home body workout if there’s no 24/7 gym nearby
No worries. Learning about the opposite gender is what this thread is for, no?
Sorry, I don't really leave my apartment.
Fuck that

And that
What are your thoughts on anime?
Can I break in?
>has never done manual labor in her life
Good for you!

If you do find yourself thinking "Oh, I can't do that..." then figure out the reasons why you can't, and then see if you can figure out a way of dealing with each of them one at a time. But if it seems like you can, great! Go for it!

If I may make one more small suggestion: if you weren't already planning to do this (and you probably were, but if you weren't) then maybe pay a little more attention to what you're eating as well. A decent diet will make you feel happier and healthier anyway, but it's particularly important for both fuelling workout sessions and building muscle in between them.
I fucking hate my job. Should I quit it and become a NEETgirl for however long it takes me to find a new job OR just tough it out and let it continue to ruin my body and soul
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What do you think of this thing KP made last thread?
Nta but I thought this thread was for venting out your frustrations against the opposite sex.
Farming is fun if your farm is very seasonal. But the moment your a farm year round, things get miserable. I like having a 6 month break between farming lol.
Modern anime sucks. 80s-90s anime is cool. Studio Ghibli is cool
:) Aw cute
>what she'll actually get:
>3 kids from two different fathers
>single working two jobs to make ends meet
>can barely afford a 2 bedroom apartment.
All girls were NEETgirls before feminism. Your ancestors are calling for you to retvrn.
Mathematically, we would describe this as a necessary but not sufficient condition.
I guess you can, if you want...
Venting? Sus...
Can it just be sex?
And yet most women can't even provide that.
There are better things to fantasize about than an anon on ATOGA
Look for a new job while doing that job, If you can't do that and your job constantly gets in the way of you apply or you going to interviews (of course without you telling them) then leave and look for a new job.
Why not both?
Don't you want your belly to be full and your mind to be at peace?
There’s plenty of good modern anime. Lots of the 80s-90s shit was novel due to it being completely shameless edgelord bait. It really sucks that the same high level of quality animation doesn’t get used anymore.
>All girls were NEETgirls before feminism
Oh fuck off. Women were working the fields for thousands of years. Then they were working in the factories.
Are you afraid of your life ending up like this? You’re projecting pretty hard
East coast?
>good modern anime
like what
A lot of people just don't want kids because they aren't optimistic of the future, me included lol.
No... not on a coast...
This but through the 2000's
No, I'm not even a f*id, lol
NEET: Not in any Education, Employment or Training
Doesn't mean you aren't doing any work at home.
Most women of the past weren't in any education, employment, or training, were they?
You reminded me of this:
Daydreaming in class or driving
>A major plus.
If that was all it took I'd have a committed boyfriend, no? I can be skinny and still ugly
I thought guys liked boobs and ass
>let them fuck you anyway.
I will never have sex
I don't think they're necessarily negative, i just don't think they're being honest whether it's conscious or subconscious
>The first time I saw her as beautiful, and the second time I had no idea how I could ever have seen her that way.
That is the scariest thing I have ever heard
>so you are better off finding someone you get along with anyways
I think so too but it's hard to convince guys to give you a shot when you're not pretty. I want a husband but guys only want casual things with me
>Have you asked the men who complemented you to specify what they liked about your looks?
No I haven't, I guess I didn't want to come off as as conceited but might as well
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state gender
you are given the choice to either give or receive oral from any person you want and they have to go along with it.
what do you choose giving or receiving and why?
>ruin my body and soul
Your body had been ruined by all the dicks you have taken
You soul was never there
That being said, keep slaving away and providing value for the society at least in that way
I see F91, I click
I want an oral fixation gf so bad bros...
You're in the middle... ugh.
That's too big.
I bet it's ohio.
You skibidi.

M, a few times. My dad is more vocal than my mom, lol
Yes it ruined my fucking life
>state gender
>you are given the choice to either give or receive oral
>from any person you want
You think your grandparents were optimistic during the Cold War when they thought they could be vaporized any minute by nuclear weapons? If you are white, don’t be an antinatalist, you’re hurting your own race
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>80s-90s anime is cool
I'm in my 30s so I grew up with 90s to 2000s era anime and I do miss it, but I do also like the clarity and sharpness of modern anime, though the moment it goes cell shaded 3D I fucking hate it unless its CS3D from start to finish.
Women, how vocal are you during sex, on a scale 1 (quiet as a mouse) to 10 (The Sex Banshee)
No, I'm the one from Ohio from last night. You're getting your suitors mixed up.
>they have to go along with it
The only person I want sexually doesn't want me and I would not force myself on them
>Your ancestors are calling for you to retvrn
My ancestors had men taking care of them and I'm completely on my own
I've been looking for months I can't stand it
Im a virgin
>There are better things to fantasize about than an anon on ATOGA
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Not anymore. I'm way too traumatized.
No, much further west
>I do also like the clarity and sharpness of modern anime
NTA but I agree. I also liked the filter they used in Mushoku Tensei, to achieve something akin to a vintage look, which fit the aesthetic of the show reasonably well.
I generally don't watch anime at all, but mecha, I make an exception for.
>If that was all it took I'd have a committed boyfriend, no?
No, well... you see, by rejecting a lot of men you essentially lower your chances at having a "committed boyfriend", as you would call him.
>doesn't like careers
You'd make the perfect tradwaifu.
Made in Abyss
Dungeon Meshi
Violet Evergarden
Kill La Kill
Tengoku Daimakyou
Ooku: The Inner Chambers

There’s a lot.
But you’re obviously afraid of fathering kids that aren’t yours, while married to a woman that despises you. Murphy’s law buddy
I like you and your smile more than I like all the world's boobs and all the world's asses combined. I would do anything to protect that smile.
>Implying I could get a girlfriend long enough to even consider kids
Sweet of you to assume that, but the current era market is too vain for me to even stand a chance.
>I've been looking for months I can't stand it
In what ways is your job bad/hate it? If its just boring, keep doing it. If you have people who are just dickheads and are mean/rude to you, quit.
I wouldn't know if I like careers because NO CAREER JOB WILL FUCKING HIRE ME!!!!!!!
Women do you really like kissing that much?
No, I'm not concerned about any of that. Well, maybe remotely about the second one, but it's definitely not something I worry about often.
I'm sure a manon would like to hire you as his wife.
They were in employment as factory workers or tenant farmers.
Starting off with pedophilia? Not a good look for anime...
The men who called me pretty never asked me out they just tried to hook up
>That is the scariest thing I have ever heard
Why? What's scary about finding the person you're in love with beautiful?
Are girls into this kind of outfit?
To fall in love with a lady who doesn't want kids
Existential dread does not seem detrimental to birthrates in general. Countries interlocked in deadly struggle, such as Israel, outperform the west in terms of birthrates. And when child mortality was much higher, people typically had more children.
Why haven’t you moved on? Aren’t you hurting yourself
Not to be a dick but men learn not to expose themselves to heartbreak after the first couple of times they're used for sex.

You gotta drop the handkerchief
If that’s your take on it then it’s too good for you.
Yeah, it's hot
I never watched it, do you have an example?
I started with Pokemon and because I'm naturally curious, to a fault, I branched out from there. I watch basically anything and everything, I don't really have a defined genre I stick too.
>they just tried to hook up
How did you come to that conclusion?
Really? Here I was thinking you were maybe a /m/an.
Do you actually think Israelis experience constant existential dread? They're not retarded like western white women are.
Yes, the world is dangerous. It's not a safe place, bad shit will probably happen to everyone. Choosing not to have kids because they might not get a picture-perfect life is retarded.
>when child mortality was much higher, people typically had more children
Nothing wrong with having a lot of interests.
Certainly seems as low IQ as an incel.
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They were using some kind of noise/grain post-processing on the image.
Traumatized from what
your place or mine?
The secular population in Israel isn't reproducing. It's the ultra-orthodox super-religious population with high birth rates. You know, the ones who reject education and reject work and only drag down the entire nation socially and economically. Anyone who believes Jews run the world can disprove their theory by watching Israel slowly collapse in on itself in real time.
Sure, fair enough.

Weak women have to mentally prepare themselves. Me? I'm built different.


Moid hands

The only hard part is the weight distribution.

Just like me fr

Considering how much fat women love sucking dick, probably not.

I've seen them, unfortunately. I've also seen one of my sisters and two of my brothers. It's not fun.

My ex used to make fun of me for it.
Braincels rise up!
>big titty wolf girl
Okay, maybe I should watch it
The difference is called consent.
The dating market outside of dating apps is not so ridiculous. You just need to meet women from your community. Also make sure you’re taking care of your own appearance. Go to church
The point is: being threatened by war or hardship does not typically make people less willing to have children.
Doesn't matter.
Do i have to be hot to get a sugar mommy?
What if im like, a 5/10?
I've never used a dating app
>Also make sure you're taking care of your own appearance.
My problem isn't attracting women, my problem is when I open my mouth, you can see the interest in their eyes die the moment they hear me lmfao.
>Go to church
I left my church because it chose politics over god.
.... colorado?
Will there ever be an /atoga/ couple?
NG and her voice harem of men has my vote :^)
how do I contact you?
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Yesterday we got two anons to swap emails. I hope that's going well for them.
you guys dont remember CB and Satou?
The point is:
The religiously faithful will maintain high birth rates even when they feel threatened, because it's all part of God's plan.
The agnostic and doubting will drop to low birth rates when they feel threatened, because they don't believe that a child's suffering is part of any higher power's plan.
>they have to go along with it.
I refuse to participate in this horrible experiment in non-consensual oral sex
My smile is lopsided and weird
It's scary that how you view them can completely change
>You gotta drop the handkerchief
What does that mean
Never talked to me again
Sorry to tell you this, but I was just LARPing. I'm a guy.
>My smile is lopsided and weird
Your smile is unique and precious. Nobody else in the world has your smile. And that's why I would fight off the whole world for your smile.
Why do straight men imply that I will have kids one day when I’m a proud childfree person? Are they trying to bait me into defending my lifestyle?
>In what ways is your job bad/hate it
There is one employee that annoys the shit out of me and my boss is completely incompetent

It's mostly the physical work environment though. It is actually deteriorating the state of my body
Oh great. the /atoga/ cult has us covered.
How much will he pay?
The agnostic or atheistic people will let birth rates fall even when times are good.
>Not capitalizing God
You need to go back to church. Pick a different one if that one wasn’t for you
we all know that you are just coping.
Idk. Depends on the manon, his income, and his generosity.
What nationality has the most affectionate men?
Next state over lol
Jenny's here!
I forget, have you ever read the Bible?
But even the secular populations have higher birthrates than the secular populations in the west. It's not as simple as you paint it, and the data doesn't show that either. What is more likely is that in religious communities, childbirth itself is more associated with status. Some data from Georgia points in that direction, where birthrates were raised when a religious leader there announced he would become godfather to every third child. Also, religious communities themselves might be more inclined towards fertility at a genetic level.

At the end of the day, the point remains however that hardship and birthrates are mostly unrelated.
You don't have to do that
Who the fuck is Jenny?
Define affectionate
Maybe he's guessing at your middle name? Lol
Don't male penguins randomly commit suicide by running off toward distant mountains?
Don't people who date in these threads get sad that they can't be completely anonymous here anymore because their beau might find it?
It was never a matter of "having" to do something. It was always a matter of *wanting* to do it.
But why?
Then that's a really bad guess.
That ain't my name.
>That ain't my name.
It is now, jenny
I forget, what does it say about you ordering him around like that?
>Le ebin grammar nazi
Sola Scriptura, Ecclesia non est necessarira. Gloria in Resurrectum, et salvete Maria.
Redi ad erenum patres.
My dad wanted me to get a mortgage on a house to rent out, and I said no because I didn't feel like getting involved

Did I do the right thing?
I feel like I'm disappointing him
It makes a lot of men seethe when women don't need a man
Also some people still care about the fate of society etc (lol)
>Never talked to me again
You sound kind of delusional desu.
Or like something is just wrong with how you see yourself.
You get men asking you out, act like a stonecold motherfucker and then assume they just wanted to fuck you when YOU are the one who didn't respond to any advances? And now you assume you are ugly?
You are a complete mentalcel.
Men are threatened by women who cannot be controlled easily.
>>Le ebin grammar nazi
Pretty sure she's just a regular one.
I really want to be in this image
My name doesn't even start with J. Also I go by my initials.
KEK, I wouldn't go that far, she is just spicy
Idk, my guess would have been Joy or Jane or something like that.
Like all children, she's just going through a phase while searching for her identity.
Has this thread seriously forgotten your name? That discussion is the whole reason we know you as JH.
>when women don't need a man
OP said nothing about that.

I get similar shit as a guy too and I have zero intention to ever have children.
Fuck that noise.
Then it will be easy because no one else is fighting you
Meds, now.
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Why do i still have a gatekeeping mindset? I just saw a rumour that there might be a Raidou kuzunoha HD collection coming and my immediate thought was "normies are gonna get into it now". Why am i like this? i dont want to be...
It's true
You just keep getting more autistic.
Matthew 28:19-20
Idk why you think my middle name starts with a J.
No it isn't. People started calling me "jizzhater" and shortened that, it has nothing to do with my actual name.
The greatest resistance comes from a heart that's closed off, the greatest battle is winning you over. But I won't give up because, in the end, you're worth it all and more.
Female autists aren't real.
Diary of Jane?
>My name doesn't even start with J
Doesn't matter. I officially dub you Jenny
Ok, incel.
Why don’t you want to get involved
Okay. I've been called worse.
That happened at the same time your actual name got revealed, and it was because you didn't like your actual name that people called you JH instead of, you know, your name.
I mean, as a woman, doesn't that Paul guy have some thoughts on when you should speak and what you should say?
Because that's the second letter in your nickname, but I guess maybe that's the initial for your last name.
I told about a personal matter with people that didn’t need to know that, with two women I am friends with.
The situation involved a guy I considered friend that betrayed me by going after a women I loved, while he knew that.
How can I redeem my kmage and regain trust in people around, and also respect.
Some people that are friends with these women avoid me, talk less with me, their behavior changed
exgf is liking our photos together after she broke up with me what now
>being a protestant in the current year
JH's nudes in /soc/toga when?
None. Men are incapable of affection. They only feel attachment and possessiveness.
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What do you think about The Queen James version of the bible? I latched when I found it its literally just KJV with a handful of verses changed.
Why are you saying such things
>almost all of these guys have girlfriends

What happened?
Holy fuck my grammer, I’m off the goop
You get what I meant
This is true.

t. man
This is trash.
You missed them on /b/ 15 years ago
I was part of a 4chan community where there was this absolute prick of a woman. Just a grumpy, grouchy piece of shit. Acted like some kind of bitter wine-drunk 40-something divorcee. Anyway one day she revealed she'd just turned eighteen, dropped nudes and then vanished.
Not really relevant, just wanted to get it off my chest.
Was that what happened? Regardless, most people who were around back then are dead.
It could be either. Or neither. No point in remembering specifics since I could just be lying right?
Fucking hell, I need to sleep
Anglican, but yeah its cursed unless you go to an African Anglican church. They still hold the traditions and every GAFCON they gather to yell at the weird political portion of the religion and its always funny.
I'm so sorry.
Man I only know it 'cause I was there. I already know I've wasted any and all time spent here.
I mean maybe my memory's fucked but I'd bet a small but decent enough amount of money that it's not
I never said you were lying, and I remember your first name and your nickname. I just thought for some reason it was your first and middle initial, I guess because it sounds weird to me to be called by <first initial><last initial> <last name>.
All true things are always worth saying.
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Sure here they are bro.
This >>32002391
laughed* I'm gonna turn this auto-correct shit off, its horrible.
Its ultimately harmless, to be outraged at it gives it power, especially when its just a handful of verses made into fanfiction.
Anglicanism is at its core isn't perfect, there is a fault that goes all the way down to is foundation , but it does have some good in it and you can see some faint echos of the Cathars in it. I really respect the Cathars.
anon idk how to tell you this but those are clearly not nudes
When I'm homeless and need to advertise an OnlyFans or whatever to survive the winter. Until then, you're shit out of luck.
We're all getting old.
Let's talk about something that isn't names on fucking 4chan of all places. Where are the sex questions? It's the weekend.
How can it be true...
I'm just meming; I'm not a particularly religious person. And technically, I'm a baptised protestant myself, although I left the church some years ago.
>anon thinks underwear is part of the naked human body
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I was 21 when I started coming here, man. I wanted to ask about a crush I had in university.
Would you be attracted to someone based on their natural body scent?
>I'm not particularly religious person
Believe it or not I"m not either, or at least I'm not dogmatic. Most people are surprised when they find out that I'm religious because I'm not harping on about it 24/7.
I remember I came to the thread to ask advice about a bf. Now I'm three more exes deep and I'm single. Fuck.
Yeh. The natural smell of a hygienic guy mixed with the light scent of his soap is hot as fuck.
Two exes deep and also single lol. I also did not end up with my crush because she is gay.
>Where are the sex questions?
I've pretty much given up on this place, and on the internet in general. Which sucks because I also don't really get out or talk to people much irl, but there's nowhere online that feels like it's worth spending my time there anymore.
Religion has become a bit of a counter-culture, quite akin to what Atheism was for some time. To a large extent performative religiosity does not just serve its own cultic purposes but it also serves to communicate discontent with the status quo.
I think you're joking (?) but so many women have commented on how good I smell and then got embarrassed when they find out it's literally just my shaving cream.
Look, fellas, I genuinely do not belive that women should be allowed to vote.

However, it should be a bannable offense to autistically insult women for being heterosexual.

Like, yea, they like dicks. They do not like your dick, but they like dicks. How is this insulting to your ego, incels?
I was also 21, because I was having breakdowns about still being a virgin and you guys made me feel better but I'm still a virgin lol
What makes you think a woman is a femcel virgin?
I was 17 when I started using 4chan but 27 when I started browsing /atoga/. I'm 30 now and in all that time I've never had a gf.
Posting on /atoga/.
I feel it in my heart, and who are you to tell me that my heart is wrong?
Well at least you don't have to worry about what ifs.
You sound depressed. Shitposting should be fun.
Definitely not joking. There are good-smelling products for guys, but they're best when they just compliment a guy's natural smell.
>They do not like your dick, but they like dicks.
I don't care about voting but this should be illegal.
I agree, people these days are so quick to virtue signal these days about anything or everything. I find it insecure. Why would I need to constantly tell you that gravity exists or the sky is blue when it is so evident? That isn't to disrespect people who believe in other religions, but strength comes from quite action, not constant proclamations of power.
Coincidentally I too started coming to /b/ and thus 4chan when I was 21.
But that was back in 2008. lol
JH, does your ass look anything like this?
In real life though. Not a cute waiting for the right man type but the forever alone virginity with terminal brainrot.
Yes, I think having kids is one of the biggest joys in life and that it is extremely fulfilling to have them but also a challenge to raise them right.
I don't know, I only talk to women in here.
I was 14 when I started browsing 4chan and in that time I've gone from bright eyed Guy Fawkes mask wearing anarchist to being close to edged out of this website and nobody believes me when I say things didn't used to be this way because they all came to 4chan during the 2016 election. It's insane to me that I've known post-gamergate 4chan far longer than I ever knew pre-gamergate 4chan. The fuckers saying that everything was getting worse were right, and that's the worst part, because I always thought they were just dumb.

(Note, I'm absolutely not saying that 4chan was left wing when I was here, because lol, but it was so fucking different it's unreal.)
>You sound depressed
Probably, but I don't really know what I could do about it.
No, my butt is unique and can't be compared to any other butt on principle.
How is your waist and butt compared to hers?
Go binge shopping for clothes/sex toys/kitchen appliances? Cheers me up.
I'm glad you feel better about it. I hope you find the right person and the right situation in which to lose your virginity soon (assuming you still actively want it).
Yeah, I remember pre-gamergate 4chan too. I miss it.
The truth is that at any given time, most communities are getting worse. You occasionally get a community that pops up or changes rapidly for the better and it'll be good for a while, but the good changes happen quickly and don't last long, before returning to their slow decay.
bo and bad posture
She seems skinnier, but that could be the angle.
Damn girl, you shit with that ass?
I don't think 4chan has become worse. The types of people on this website are still largely the same. It's more that the discourse in general has become more hostile. There are facebook boomers who can compete with the worst types of shitposters all while being fully serious about what they're saying.
I keep telling people the whole "Remember you're here forever" is only partly a joke, but yeah the website did get worse. I left for 7 years after m00t sold 4chan and when I came back it was like my hometown got demolished and repaved, but that is how the site is. Ephemeral, always changing. I do miss the pre-gaymergay days though, quite a bit... Most of all I miss the /b/ullshit WTSnax and m00t would get up too.
Not on days that I'm putting things in it.
I’m pretty comfortable with being a white nationalist
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Women, would you date a man skinnier than you?
I'm not a woman so this doesn't really work for me.
Lmfao, a disgrace
I mean, dont they say that anal feels like taking a shit?
That isn't 1:1 with a Nazi.
That's true. Being a Nazi is a little better.
The reasons I think this website has become worse all basically boil down to everyone becoming thin-skinned and sensitive culture warriors. People will get so fucking angry at you if you, like, don't like gas hobs. Because to them, gas hobs represent Freedom and The Traditional Way, and Liberal Pod People don't want you to cook your bacon and eggs with gas, so if you prefer induction you're a Jewish cuck. And they mean it.

And that's just one example out of many. And like you say, it's not playful any more. It used to be that, okay, sure, maybe people relentlessly made fun of you for using a slow cooker or something, but it was just for fun. It wasn't because they earnestly thought you were the enemy of civilisation.

FWIW I'd say the types of people who come here has changed. In my era, you came to 4chan because of all the epic trolling /b/ got up to, and that was your landing board. By 2016, people came here because they heard it was where all the cool conservatives hung out, and /pol/ is the new landing board.
When you take it out, sure. But I mastubate by just putting something in then using a vibe or whatever, not moving it in and out.
I voted for the Green Party :^^^^^^^^^^)
So you just leaving there? do you even notice it after a while?
Yes, a buttplug is very noticable if you're moving around at all.
Women, whats your fetish?
The two ideologies are brothers within the same household
fart simulator
Depends on if you like socialism or not, commie :^)
About an year ago I had a mental breakdown in front of my math tutor. How do I get over that?
What do guys like to shoo for?
whats the appeal? the pressure?
Therapy and gym!
If its the same tutor you'll just have to explain yourself.
Have sex with him.
Is it embarrassing to be a virgin in 24? Embarrassing as if I should avoid revealing this fact.
Women, would you date a man who is a little bit of a bitch?
My math tutor is a middle aged married woman...
You shouldn't feel embarrassed about something like that, but will people judge you for it? Yeah, they will. So its really your call.
Too many to count. I guess since it's on topic: buttstuff.
If you're holding farts as big as buttplugs, you should change up your diet.
Yeh. It's a stretch that feels good but unique. Goes really well with other toys, too. It's the only way I can get off nowadays.
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>tfw i have 20/20 vision
not at all, don’t feel pressured by the idea of losing your virginity. save it for someone special :D
You can buy faux glasses, they call them "fashion frames" lol.
As I said: I don't think that's particular of this website. These discourses happen outside of it as well. The fact that conservatism became the counter-culture was due to the fact that the establishment became liberal. At the same time however, liberalism was unable to resolve its intrinsic contradictions and keep its promises, so you have plenty of people who are discontent with the status quo and cannot envision themselves succeeding within. What is considered the political right nowadays is far from a homogeneous group, they are an ideologically wildly diverse group of people who don't fit in with mainstream society.
Mainstream conservatives don't really have much of a place there either though - and not just due to anti-semitism. People who hold views akin to Ben Shapiro will find themselves get laughed out of the room, or at least severely challenged.
This idea that the political right was a solid bloc and 4chan somehow aligned on that end is not true at all. Support for Trump/MAGA is a controversial issue, and you can bet that if Trump were to lose, plenty of people on /pol/ would be quite happy about it - if only for the trolling potential.
Can i put 2 in the pink 1 in the stink?
I fucking wish </3 I have an appointment next week to check up on my sight
Have a threesome with her and her husband.
What do they call the opposite of the shocker? I'd prefer that.
Women would you date a man who talks shit about reaction youtube channels, but secretly watches some of them? Im sorry, im a hypocrite okay!
Depends on the guy. Could be guns, cars/car parts, tools, PC parts, other electronics, or other things. But more often than not this "shopping" that guys do is just looking, not really intending to buy.
>Goes really well with other toys, too. It's the only way I can get off nowadays.
Imagine having a gf that always needs you to rail her asshole too.
Kinda hot.
2 in the stink 1 in the pink?
Hell yeah brother, manly man shit.
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got this shit on twitter
is it true?
are you just asking for reassurance about yourself

why do so many men here ask “women would you date a man who” and it’s just about themselves
Anal fisting?
I don't agree with your political analysis -- I think things are more complex, with the "mainstream nerd opinion" back before GG not actually being very left wing at all, and therefore easily dovetailing into the modern 4chan right wing -- but my focus is actually on the culture war stuff, not the specific political ideology. If 4chan was somehow left wing, I suppose I'd be talking about how people would blow up at you for eating at McDonalds because they support Israel or whatever. It's the way so many things have become reasons to get enraged, not because of what they are themselves, but because of what they represent.
told you it was going to be a daily thing from now on
Because that's how retarded incels are.
IQ in the sub 80 range.
I'm not sure I'd call PC parts "manly man shit", but OK.
Do you think men go shopping for kitchen utensils and towels often or something?
>are you just asking for reassurance about yourself
Yes, that is the point lol. I thought women would be able to figure that out
Window shopping is fun, too. I spent last night with my ex window shopping. She was looking for an apartment nearby.
I still don't see how having fewer options is hot to you fucks, but I give up on trying to empathize.
Yeh, there's a name for that.
Ok, not that far.
Then I'm going to have to also call you stupid daily.
I guess it's good that you're on speaking terms with her now.
>Ok, not that far.
Really? I'm surprised you haven't tried that yet.
Sigh, let me put my headphones... 1 moment...
Fuck off with your 1% volume recordings.
I think Nazism is cringe
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I already know that about myself
do as you please cutie
>but I give up on trying to empathize
i cant believe jh hates men
Men standards are lower because they benefit from relationships more than women.
>le edgy Nazi gurl
It's like I'm back on 2009 /b/
Would the content really be worthwhile if she were more audible?
>I still don't see how having fewer options is hot to you fucks
What the fuck is hard to understand that I wanna fuck your asshole?
Yeh, we're pretty friendly. She's still a flirt, but at this point I'm used to it.
Also I haven't even managed to comfortably get past the second of the three-piece plug kit thing I got forever ago now. It's about there being a comfortable snugness, not fucking rupturing my insides.
Of course not, unless she did some sex roleplay. But it's just something that outs her as extra retarded.
learn to love and accept yourself and seek less validation lil bro
Do you think you'd ever get back together or do anything together, or is that door closed for good?
room temperature IQ
Oh shit it's fucking kermit again.
Don't make me post the AI webm again.
I love men(s penises).
That I get. But the idea of it being a requirement rather than a fun option seems less than ideal.
>KP = Kermit poster
>the "mainstream nerd opinion" back before GG not actually being very left wing at all
This might be my ESL but I'm having a bit of a hard time deciphering this. Your critique of my position is that you believe the "mainstream nerd opinion" was not left wing or do you believe that my position is that the mainstream nerd opinion was not left wing?

>It's the way so many things have become reasons to get enraged, not because of what they are themselves, but because of what they represent.
You mean how people are reading political statements from anything people do? I agree. But again, I don't think that this is particular for this website. You can find the same behaviour outside of 4chan as well - even in the real world. The political fronts have hardened and the wrong word can set people off immediately and make them unresponsive to any argument of reason because they're already classified you as the other.
>Doesn’t expand on why it’s bad
Lol. Lmao even
>Don't make me post the AI webm again.
dont threaten me with a good time
Would be funny if he made a voca about Ms. Piggy being a huge fucking slut, lol
If we have more nights like last night, and she seemed actually interested in trying for a relationship again rather than just saying she wants my body, then maybe. She already made me feel awful once when she broke up with me out of nowhere, I don't want that again.
Yes, it's well-established that you only like men for their dicks.
Yeah yeah, we know. All we're good for
fellas is it rude to tell someone to love themselves
That's kinda surprising to me. If it was me I wouldn't give someone who did that to me another chance.
It was a joke. Fucking of course it was. I love pretty much everything about men. At least the nice ones.
If JH actually looked like this, I'd cuck her uncle
It is when a woman does it to a man to invalidate his assessment that no one loves him.
some men can’t ever catch a joke if it’s about them
Nah, we know the truth.
Exhibitionism and futa cuckqueaning
I didn't say it was ideal, you still have your cum issue anyway, you needing something up your ass is really irrelevant in comparison to that.
Watch Europa The Last Stand
She's really, really, really hot, though. Also she's equally good in bed. Not to mention she's well-off and all that.
You can't blame me for weighing the option considering I've been single since we broke up and I've had no luck dating.
projection masters over here
>I love pretty much everything about men
Even the hairy butts?
Men, tell me something about your penis
My critique of your position is that I believe mainstream nerd opinion was not actually all that left wing. I think it liked to think of itself as progressive and left wing, but I don't think it was. I think it was a kind of political position that doesn't really exist any more -- the kind of position that was firmly atheist (or at least secularist), environmentalist, and pro gay rights and even feminism. But it also had a deep antipathy towards anything women actually had to say about feminism, and towards ideas of representation, and towards the idea that women could actually be pressured by social forces enough to not pursue their desires (like, for example, not joining an F1 fanclub because the men were all dicks to her, or not going into STEM because the men always turned her into an outsider). And other such things. There was a reason tumblr became a hub of what I guess you could call alt-progressivism (which is now mainstream progressivism); most nerds were not actually fans of all that left wing stuff.
>You mean how people are reading political statements from anything people do?
>But again, I don't think that this is particular for this website
I totally agree. I do think that 4chan has just been caught in a worldwide landslide.
>lil bro
Im not stupid. Don't pretend that was genuine
Yeh, people take shit too personally sometimes. I just wanted an excuse to type out the word "penis".
Idk how I can prove otherwise.
True. I have worse red flags in bed.
can a girl not use bro language
You can notice the temperature change when it gets hard
They can be pretty shapely.
Flaccid penis, teeny tiny mode, my laptop is on top of it while I'm resting in bed, watching a movie and browsing 4chan.
penis penis psnis penis
There are more fun words for it, too.
There's a dark line down the middle of it and it looks ugly af
Idk. If it was me I wouldn't be open to anything serious with someone who had previously thrown me away like that. I'd make it very clear that this was a casual thing and if I found someone else that I was serious about we'd end it. But maybe you're not into that kind of thing.
It’s been rough, but unironically because of the YouKnowWho’s greed, I think a lot of people are waking up
see >>32002047
But I don't even know if I should try to do a kermit voice on top of that or just do my regular voice lol.
It bends slightly to the left halfway up the shaft, and just after the bend it gets slightly thicker.
The Nazi party wasn't divided by or even in line with communists. Aside from the antisemitism, the party was primarily anti-Marxist and anti-capitalist. Hitler was staunch anti-communist because he believed they undermined nationalism.
Do both
Why do they bend
>The Nazi party wasn't divided by or even in line with communists
Wasn't the point I was making at all.
>Do both
I don't wanna >:(
And I thought my thighs were bad.
How could you prove something that is false?
No projection here.
And it has more to do with their own actions when left unchecked being shown to the masses. Nazism itself is just a shield for them at this point.

But I guess I shouldn’t be so harsh. I do think Imperial Japan did nothing wrong.
She has given very convincing apologies since then. Also she apparently hasn't found a new partner or hooked up since then, so I sort of believe her when she says stuff like she really did just need time to get her shit together. Her dog dying, changes at work, needing to find a new place to stay, etc.
She has offered to do a fwb thing, but I know that, even if I was up for it, I'd want an actual relationship sooner or later anyways. If anything, to get back with her I'd need the security of a promise that she'd be trying her best to make us work this time.
im assuming you're F, but thighs are one of those things where women inflict insecurities on themselves. Most of us love your thighs
It pisses me off when KP said “they were basically the same”. He is a fucking retard, but doesn’t even know he’s retarded. Doesn’t the humility to say “I don’t know”.

>t. highly affectionate Iranian male
What a breakup!
Expand on your thoughts about Imperial Japan
They had very similar economic policies, the reason they were fighting was over what I said, the nationalism/internationalism divide. NAZI even has socialism in the name. Why would communists join the Brownshirts or vice versa during the riots if they were so different?
Suddenly I don’t think black women are gross anymore.
My thighs (and my legs in general) will look much better once I've lost 6 kg, which I will accomplish in the next two to three months. Thin legs look longer and prettier.
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wait til you hear about blasians :)
She's clearly a mulatta, if not a quadroon. All hot "black" women have significant non-black admixture.
im going for a night walk now that the first snow fell on the mountains
anyone got any calm sad vibe music I can listen to
18 when I started using 4chan (mostly /b/) and only started posting in here regularly a few months ago (33 now). I have had many romantic interests and flings over the years but nothing that has panned out. Seems like at every turn there is something or someone hellbent on sabotaging me. That person is oftentimes my own self.
It's not false. Most of my dates have been with men. If I didn't like them, why would I waste my time and money on them so often?
Fuck you.
So that's jungle Asians came to be.
Swifties, how do you feel about her unwittingly assuming the role of a heroic Chosen One against the forces of evil and darkness in our world?
Dick, and you want to be pregnant.
Yes and yes, but there is more to appreciate in a guy than cock and fertility. Those are admittedly great, though.
>They had very similar economic policies
They didn't, though. Marxists didn't even believe in private property.
>the nationalism/internationalism divide
There was no divide. The Nazis were just staunch nationalists that believed they had a right to seize land from other countries while the communists wanted to focus on dissolving class and the national banks.
>Why would communists join the Brownshirts or vice versa during the riots if they were so different?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Reminder that the Nazis killed all of them too.
It’s the intention behind the phrase that determines whether it’s taken as rude or as useful advice. I get told that often in therapy, and I see that it’s a pretty wise thing to say. People like me who are excessively hard on ourselves after years of failure have to remember to judge ourselves harshly a little less.
This is such an American/western brain worm lmao. There is a shit ton of different phenotypes in Africa
If women are so excited about guy's dicks why are they so grossed out and threatened when men send them dick pics over messaging apps?
Sometimes thinking about the way it looks when it’s fully hard and fully shaven turns me on.
>Don't people who date in these threads get sad that they can't be completely anonymous here anymore because their beau might find it?
My ATOGA gf does indeed find this frustrating sometimes. I've asked her if she wants me to stay off here; so far she's said no. But if I disappear that's probably why.
Even in some parts of America. You don't think people who've lived in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands generationally are entirely of one race and bloodline, do you? Much of the Caribbean population and the population of U.S. territories and outlying islands are mixed.
You get turned on by your own dick...?
For me, it’s calling it a John Thomas
>Marxists didn't even believe in private property.
Yet even the USSR had private property, you were allowed up to 20 items I think, maybe less. But the ideal was abolisment of all private property in the end, yes. Hence why they say "It's never been tried before", because the USSR collapsed before the complete abolishment of "personal effects".
>There was no divide.
Yes that was the divide, they were both socialist parties the only thing that was different, besides minute details, was an international or national focus...
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Reminder that the Nazis killed all of them too.
Weird how communists would join nazis if they were so different :^)
I love dick when it's attached to someone I know, not strangers. Disembodied dick just reminds me of A&P class. But seeing a dick attached to the guy I love that I know got hard for me specifically is hot as fuck.
You can never be completely anonymous. Especially if you post something that's edgy enough to catch the attention of law enforcement. Police departments have ways of tracking the metadata for IP addresses. They can easily figure out where you live.
It's clear. We are always less than they think we are too. They're like "Oh, are you half?" Like nah, bitch. I'm barely a quarter. The genetics are just strong.

I want her to sit on my face.

Because like 90% of black people in the US are of Sub-Saharan descent. Very few are Southern, Eastern, or Northern African.
I wish a woman could legally own me... I don't get why feminists were that mad
>Fuck you
Be better-looking you spear chunker.
>already fapped 3 times today
>feeling I could for a fourth one
No single woman could ever satisfy me...
Socialism, not Communism, is actually practiced in Israeli kibbutz communities. However many western socialists are hardline pro-Palestinian liberation so they like to ignore that Israel has some of the most efficient and accurate experiments in communitarian socialism.
I don't think feminists were ever mad about femdom. If anything, they like it.
God I wish I could marry, racemix her and have 10 brownish kids... That ass, I'd die for it
I'm not single
What about the really Anti-BDSM and Anti-Kink feminists, like the r/FemaleDatingStrategy crowd? I don't think that page is a thing anymore but the crowd have moved on to other FDS websites.
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>You don't think people who've lived in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands generationally are entirely of one race and bloodline, do you?
No. But the idea that some black women look attractive only because the have "white" features is a dumb statement
Yep, sometimes. It’s a pretty nice dick.
Holy trips.
I'm not arguing for either socialism or communism, it was just a friendly jab that sent NG into a spiral, I still love her though ;3
As for the Israeli kibbbutz thing, I've heard that but I don't really know anything about it and that's an interesting thing to think about.
Most people I've spent time around in my life are mixed-race in some way and knowing them gives me a pretty good incentive to really fucking hate racists and especially white supremacists. Granted, I would still think they are douchebags even if every single person I knew was white as wonderbread.
>had a deep antipathy towards anything women actually had to say about feminism, and towards ideas of representation, and towards the idea that women could actually be pressured by social forces enough to not pursue their desires
I am not in disagreement with that. If we are talking in terms of history of ideas, your average nerd, when it came to that, probably held views that would be more fittingly classified as classically liberal, viewing the world in terms of individual agency rather than through a Marxian lens which considers material and social relations imperative. Still, I would say that this internal rift on the greater left had not become salient until that period. People occupied the same space in the political realm, but they were ideologically quite diverse. As computer games were becoming more mainstream, and feminist cultural critiques were beginning to be applied to the medium, that rift was opened and the (male) nerds were beginning to feel alienated by whom they previously identified as on their side.
I would say, that this does not just apply to nerds and video games however; but the political left in general underwent an ideological re-alignment. You find a lot of people who consider themselves "former leftists" who now make a living pandering (at least in part) to the right: Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Glenn Greenwald, etc. - on the feminist side you have Terfs, who are not on-board with the trans issues and ended up politically homeless.
To a certain extent, the political right also underwent a similar process during the corona virus pandemic. It opened up a rift between the libertarian (and schizophrenically) minded, who were opposed to any form of governmental intervention and the more authoritarians for whom the borders couldn't be closed fast enough.

>I do think that 4chan has just been caught in a worldwide landslide.
Yes. We are in agreement then. I don't think it's 4chan which became worse. It's the political landscape itself.
>I still love her though ;3
Any talented artists on /atoga/? We need a romcom manga about those two.
Do you like Italo Disco music?
Weird flex but okay anon, I wish I had qt black gfs too
that nigga gay .webm
>Any talented autists
There are many autists on /atoga/, a few of whom were in the Gifted and Talented program in their youth
I know you won’t, Lol
>a few of whom were in the Gifted and Talented program in their youth
You guys probably wont believe me, but i actually missed the qualifications for getting into the accelerated class in my school by like 0.6 of a grade.
>I don't think it's 4chan which became worse. It's the political landscape itself.
Or rather: to be more precise. 4chan also became worse, but it became worse as a side-effect of everywhere else becoming worse as well. It was just coincidentally at the epicentre of the left/progressive realignment, resulting in GG and helping give rise to the alternative right.
I like to imagine Taylor Swift and Chappel Roan as a Rule 63 Aragorn and Faramir leading their armies against the dark and cursed forces of Incel Mordor
Also KP you don’t need to reply via voca just because I am doing it
Jesus, are you Snake or are you Kiryu?
It was the kind of militarized Fascist police state augmented by ethno-nationalistic us vs. them mentality that many countries are in danger of turning into once again these days.
Yell at me more my big momma jungle bunny. Let’s do the jungle boogie.
Absolutely agree with you, Japan was late to the party so they got fucked for it
I just noticed the eggplants in the background lmao
Better than porn webms that used to be spammed.
m 25 yes when i have a better more stable life,i want a little me to give him the things i could never have and always have someone i could look to and love
Women, how can a guy be a good kisser?
How do I confront the fact that I have turned my back on God, and now worship creatures? That instead of the grace of the Lord, I now practise blasphemy and sodomy?
>Women, whats your fetish?

Ooh! Did I say that out loud?!
Do you want to see the girl drinking milk out of a hugeee beer mug?
hands on my waist
Hi, mom.
M no but id like to try it sometime but im new to 4chan and dont really know how to pull it off
I think Japan’s transformation from utterly buck-broken by Perry’s big black ships to East Asian superpower in some 50-60 years was really inspirational. They had an alliance with Britain even, which was instrumental in the Russo-Japanese War. Then the western powers soured on them, even long before WW2.
I guess we have something to agree on.
how about AI porn webms featuring a girl that looks like that
Who have you raped?
>hands on my waist
Not face? or neck? or thigh?
I tried to get around the censor.
Start by having good oral hygiene. That's 90% of it.
I'll actually kill you.
Some of my stuffed animals, I guess.
>I'll actually kill you.
Please do.
Is this actually AI generated?
Yeah. You dont notice the weird warping? like on her mouth?
Say something else in Japanese!!
What is she saying?
>Men, tell me something about your penis
I have an unusually long foreskin.
I am impressed with how good it looks though.
yeah the only thing id say is missing is making your life easier,being straighfoward and covering a task you struggle with what else could you want?maybe for her to be dropdead gorgeous but that might be excesive
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>I’ll actually kill you
Shinobu gf pls come step on my balls.
On the vision board it goes.
Yeh. It's good right?
In my head, she's calling you all retards.
A lot of times while driving, I never had an issue when I was in school
>Is it having a negative impact on the rest of your life?
It's my favorite pastime, it at least the thing I do the most.
>Do you wish you did it less?
My parents do. They think I'm just sleeping away my life but I don't see how laying in bed daydreaming is any different than watching YouTube or listening to music for hours on end.
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It’s getting better, but people who’ve seen a lot of it can usually tell right away. It’s pretty hard to make a video or an image that doesn’t have obvious tells.
>Start by having good oral hygiene. That's 90% of it.
There has to be some kind of technique or something?
That's the dumbest looking character ever.
I really half-assed it lol.
Why does being homosexually raped up the butt brainwash men into being gay and converts them to homosexuality?
Are you kidding me? Be an aggressive angry tsundere all you like, but don’t be a tasteless one as well.
Character concept is cool but I will admit she is a big over designed, even for anime.
Women what is the male equivalent to wearing hot lingerie in bed?
Wearing a banana hammock in a hammock chair
It's just adaptability and common sense from there. Start slow, don't knock teeth, don't use tongue unless it seems natural to go that far, etc.

Nigger girl is interesting but I like the girl with the orange hair more
Because getting the good rape causes them to cum from the prostate massage whereas getting the bad rape breaks their butt and puts them in the hospital for a week.
surpisingly some guy might really think that some of the ugliest bums on earth got with gorgeous people cause they were their type so test them,ask if they would go out with you if they say no to save face flip it on them call them out

also is there any celebrity that looks like you?you might not be as ugly as you think
Fuck you, look at her head. Someone cut out white cardboard and hung it over her head for that pic. It looks so not-hair-like.
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Something like this?
High art, thanks anon
Men, please insult me
You're mid.
Why bother? It’s like insulting a cockroach. Only cockroaches are better at getting laid, and they’re prettier too.
>even for anime
I think it works pretty well. Does a great job of selling her as a flashy chuuni ninja, but black. The combination of the ornate stockings and those loose-fitting socks over them is a great choice. More women should dress like that.
You're not going to get off on this, are you?
>"Hi, I think you're pretty and I was wondering if you would like to go out some time?"
Try not to cry.
No one will ever pay you much attention. You are nondescript with no hobbies or interesting traits.
if you were naked on the bed begging me to impregnate you, I'd walk out
No problem. I might start making these regularly.
M id have you suck my balls,taint and rim my asshole
>Fuck you guys I'm not horny enough for racism (y-yet...).
Haha you gave an incel a boner. Incel boner.
Women, please don't insult me.
I"ve with you on everything but the hip waste hoodie and the ornate stockings
Women, how well would you say you understand male psychology?
It’s a japafro, but white because muh rule of cool.

Dang bitch, can’t you even into b-movie camp? You should watch some blaxploitation flicks and learn to have some fun.
Why do you guys always seem so difficult to read after dates?
>Suggest a date at a cafe i like
>He liked the food
>He prodded at a sensitive topic about some trauma I have that he knew about
>Didn't want to talk too much about himself despite aluding to some negative things
>Asked me how I'd prefer handling the bill, seemed fine with me just paying for both of us.
>Seemed surprised when I went for a goodbye hug as we parted ways, very little obvious signs as to whether any of today was good or not
>Complete silence until 22:00, where I suddenly get sent a "goodnight" message with a photo of him with his cat.
I don't get it. Made me remember why I didn't like dating. All these guessing games are exhausting.
Femanons, do you like spanking and/or choking?
Every single male problem boils down to “I want pussy”
>What about the really Anti-BDSM and Anti-Kink feminists, like the r/FemaleDatingStrategy crowd?
PLEASE. Those idiots are not feminists.
Hey, KP, how do you feel about this:
I can't promise
Guys don't want to come across as needy and obsessive especially early into dating. They typically have experiences with that not ending well or being seen as a red flag. As a result, they will often play up a nonchalant act so they can present the image of having options and being chill instead of volatile.
Yes and yes, especially when done together
I don't understand it but it sounds neat, thanks.
They despise male erotic desire and wish there were a mechanism to suppress male sexuality outside of a marital context. Sounds feminist to me.
How do you feel about a working woman that can also be a housewife?
Also, I'm making this for dinner.
It fits her role as a chuuni high school chick IMO. Chuunis aren’t exactly known for their modesty.
I feel like drawing :]
Draw me a bath, I need a good soak
Draw some hairy balls!!
I'm always horny for racism, but only very specific racism that none of you fucks can understand the nuance of.
I thought it might have been AI-assisted at first, like run through an upscaler or something.
Try me. I bet I can.
Nuanced racism? Now you’re just talking nonsense.
I’ve been summoned
JH, if someone generated an AI video that matched the webm you keep posting but it had the girl chugging milk all angry. Would you be upset with the person who generated it?
If I have to explain it to you, then the nuance is already lost. Tough luck, butthole.
This whole thing just makes my head and heart feel numb. I hate it.

Guess I'll see if he cares enough for a second date or not.
>Men, please insult me
Why? You're not interesting or significant enough to be worth insulting.
Not particularly. Just disgusted. You guys already proved you will make dumb OC for no reason, so I can't be mad about that.
I just don't believe women actually feel this way.
she needs the slave masters side piece treatment
to feed her ''im above all these lowlife field niggas'' ego
talk to more women anon
>Women, please don't insult me
There there, anon. The nasty femanons won't insult you.
>Women, how well would you say you understand male psychology?
What's there to understand? It's like understanding a bad-tempered puppy.
That's what happens when girls take the lead
You want a guy to talk about making mixed babies with you or something?
you’re cool anon
Idk how many times and how many ways it'd take to make tou understand how I feel.
That's stupid.
And this is why women will never understand men
Ah, you're retarded. Best of luck, retardanon
>Sounds feminist to me.
Then you know less than nothing about feminism.
Yes and no
Yikes, do black chicks really?
Well that's not really racism, right?
Fuck you fuck you fuck you.
Dont complain
Women made it this way
Fucking lol, saved
I wasn't intending on drawing humans nor their genitals.
kys fag
Guys I finally got a Wacom tablet everyone celebrate
State gender and:

What the MOST you've weighed as an adult
What's the LEAST you've weighed as an adult
What do you weigh right now?
Is that a good or bad thing?
>And this is why women will never understand men
Made you post that, didn't I?
immediately opened osu
Oh god why did you return
Draw a butt naked black chick riding a zebra with a giant fucked up afro yelling at Eddy Murphy for not doing anything for her lately.
140lbs, 120lbs, 125lbs.
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I've always weighed around 110 lbs.
Feminism just recycles a bunch of moralizing bullshit from the Christian tradition about oppressing sexual freedom and then tries to frame that around a secular idea of women's liberation. It's a very cynical reframing of old and authoritarian ideas.
sorry… I’ll be on my way out then…
I talk to women all the time and I've been on dates with dozens of women. I just don't see anything but cocklust and baby fever from them.
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203 lbs.
145 lbs.
193 lbs.
NG gives me a boner

Probably maxed at 180. Don’t weigh myself often
Around 130 back when I was working out frequently and in great shape.
Around 175. Been trying to get sober and get back into shape.

I’m 5’8 for reference. Never been “fat” so much as I’ve been on the border of being overweight according to BMI.
>What the MOST you've weighed as an adult
24 stone / 336 pounds / 152kg
>What's the LEAST you've weighed as an adult
10 and a half stone / 147 pounds / 66.5kg
>What do you weigh right now?
No idea. Too much, but nowhere near that much.
88 kilos
70 kilos
77 kilos
>Whoa, you can't say 'nigger', girl!
>Wait... That's it! That'll be my name!

You have a boner for your owner
Assuming any age over 18
>What the MOST you've weighed as an adult 46kg
>What's the LEAST you've weighed as an adult 39kg
>What do you weigh right now?
41kg. Struggling to gain weight.
ah yeah it really is the age group of the-clock-is-ticking baby fever
Nice, time to put that tablet to use and draw >>32003036.
Like the other anon said, women did this. When a guy seems very interested a lot of women seem to take it as desperation, and women don't seem to like guys who don't have a lot of options. So guys act like they don't care that much to avoid seeming desperate.
>Yikes, do black chicks really?
Indulge in raceplay and pick-me behavior? Yes. It's validating to a lot of black women to be desired by white men.

>Fuck you fuck you fuck you
No, you may not. My race kink is based and yours is cringe.

Most is 140
Least is 108
Currently 122, as of this morning
>most you've weighed
>least you've weighed
>weight now
Haven't weighed myself in a while but I'm guessing 114lbs.
Fuck no, because 1990+34
Men, is it true that you like it when a girl wears a school uniform?
Because I still have my highschool one
How tall are you?
It evokes youthfulness, which can be hot.
I think if a guy is really into it though, that might be a red flag.
Her uncle passed away shortly after his relationship with JH. She brings flowers to his grave every year, though. RIP to him, he sounded like a great man, judging by the stories.
I like this chick. I will allow you to obsess over me if you like. No touching, though.
No, that's creepy and 'philic. I suspect men who are into that like women with infantile personalities and expressions. Pretty gross and icky if you think about it.
Extremely cute, thank you
Another anon named me this, I just kept it
I don't think I've ever seen a high school uniform as sexy, not even when I was the "right age" for it.


230 lbs.

124 lbs.

>Right now
167 lbs.
The thing that makes it sexy is barely fitting into it because now you are so womanly
You don't know anything about my race kink, you can't call it retarded. It makes sense to me. And part of that kink includes the person not knowing that I like it, or else it's ruined.
You mean you didn't get it in a cheesy 90's movie scene?
Kill yourself, pedo.
>sort of piggy backing on the school uniform question
Women... Is it creepy/a red if i ask my (hypothetical) adult gf to dress like that, not because i have a thing for that age group, but because i want to pretend to experience what i missed out on?
That's why it's retarded
Oh poo~ that’s no fun.

You working on anything new now that you have some sophisticated tech to boost your output?
Fuck you. Fight me.
I really, really, really hate women.
We dont have school uniforms where I live
I never understood the appeal
It depends on how comfortable you are with it. I think a lot of the time, girls take the lead at first with the hope that eventually a switch will flip and he'll suddenly start leading, and when that doesn't happen they get upset. Personally I believe in being positive and encouraging, but also hanging back and giving the guy space to initiate things. It's an easy way to filter men who might not be that enthusiastic about you, and also guys who just don't have that type of energy. But if you're happy and comfortable with leading, then embrace it
The jews mangled it and now I have a skin bridge.
They do drugs.
Keeping secrets from your partner is retarded though. NTA BTW.
If she doesn’t automatically understand why you’d want it and be on board with it I think she’d probably think you’re a creep kek. Surely no woman is dense enough to not understand why a guy would want her to dress up as a school girl.
Why are you angry?
>Women do you really like kissing that much?
Oh yeah!

>Women, how can a guy be a good kisser?
First realise that it's more about the lips than the tongue. The basic action is to take one of my lips between yours. Then go slow, and really concentrate on the sensation in your own lips, and make it feel good to yourself; stroke and caress with your lips and tongue, don't just press. And a lot of making a woman feel good is about making her anticipate what you're about to do; so let your mouth go slow from one kiss to the next, so she knows what's coming and has time to think about it a second before it happens.
not a big trad guy as long as youre both pulling your weight in the relationship i think that thats good also make sure to stirfry some vegetables too
>hope you find the right person and the right situation in which to lose your virginity soon
I hope so too I'm getting old
My crush doesn't like me back in the same way.

I've tried to make up for it by asking several women if we can exchange numbers and keep getting rejected. But that's the only way I know to get over the woman of my fake dreams who is going her own way that doesn't involve me.
I interact with people all day here and irl and I'm still lonely! I'm fuckin pissed off!
F. First thing to know is not to use any advanced skills until you know what the woman likes. That includes things like tongue, biting her lip, or lots of pressure. I like all of these things, but you have to use them at the appropriate time. Make the things you're doing with your lips reflect the context in which you're kissing. Some women might not enjoy those things at all, though, keep that in mind.

Anticipation is key; instead of just going straight to pecking each lip, slow the movement down and allow your snog partner to predict what you'll do next.

Kissing should be sensual and deliberate. Take time to really enjoy it, pay it attention, and hopefully she'll enjoy it too.
>Men, is it true that you like it when a girl wears a school uniform?
Yes, but I'm a hebephile.
How long after a break up should one wait before getting back together?
It's not a secret. The fantasy centers around being forced to do things against my will because of an existing system of power based on race that I can't go against. The nuance of the roleplay hinges on the other person understanding and enjoying that dynamic intrinsically, instead of having to need to me explain how I'd like them to act. Otherwise it'd feel obviously self serving for me.
Most 145lbs
Least 115lbs
Current 135lbs
I'm not really angry, mostly just bitter
What if I practice on the back of my hand?
Every family reunion, it seems like a different one of my relatives smears feces on my face while playing with themselves or breaks into my guest room to masturbate and anally probe me while I sleep. You don't know pain until you've received profuse anal bleeding from your uncle sodomizing you with a prostate massager while your great aunt claws, scratches, and scars your penis with her sharp fingernails.
I hung out with my exgf yesterday and she was showing off her tits and I didn't even get to touch them. I missed my chance and I'm mad about it.
You can practice with me if you like. EU?
>What if I practice on the back of my hand?
You'll get really good at kissing hands.
>take one of my lips between yours
Like the bottom or top? You dont sort of kiss them both?
>i want to pretend to experience what i missed out on
That's actually creepy. It's much less creepy to just be turned on by women in school girl uniforms
These are the kinds of posts I come here for. God bless this wonderful, wholesome place.
Do you ever use your semen or vaginal fluid as shampoo for your hair?
You're going to try and manipulate your partner into doing things that get you off but you're going to keep it a secret from your partner when they're doing the right thing and you'll get mad at your partner when they're doing the wrong thing, but you won't explain the difference. You're so secretive that you can't even talk about it in plain speech with people who aren't your partner and will never be your partner. A secretive manipulator through and through.
Because I lost my adderall prescription. Life on stimulants is the best life.

I'll kiss her hand first and get her giggly!
Don't worry, I will eventually. Just like all of us.
I will never die.
Not me. I’ll find a way to stay alive forever, just wait and see. Hopefully posting in /atoga/ gets me closer to that goal.
The fuck are you talking about? When did secrets even come into play? All I said was that, if someone doesn't understand the nuance of roleplaying in a noncon scenario, then they won't be able to do it justice and they'd ruin the appeal.
Yeah I think it's hot.
Will you miss Jill and Joe and all their funky friends?
Will you ever become jaundiced?
>Like the bottom or top? You dont sort of kiss them both?
You can kiss them in turn, but only one at a time. One of my lips between your lips. *Which* of my lips you go for is up to you; switching from one to the other is nice sometimes.
It's a secret when you won't tell anybody what you want.
>BuT iF i HaVe To ExPlAiN iT tO yOu ThEn ThE nUaNcE iS aLrEaDy LoSt.
Wah wah wah.

When you wrote
>And part of that kink includes the person not knowing that I like it, or else it's ruined.
then you committed yourself to keeping it a secret from your future partner, you dumb secret-keeper.
How common is this experience?
All I can say is, I miss that one guy who knew how to be upfront about what he wanted and how he felt about it.

This is annoying, and I don't care if women created it. I didn't.
I'm severely unhealthy, and have been hospitalized for this before.
what is an insult that accuses the subject of being a cowardly, effeminate male but avoids implying that they are homosexual?
like if I wanted to make fun of a whiny woman hater, how would I best do that without implying that he likes sucking cocks?
This is genuinely news to me... i always assumed you had to kiss the space where the two lips connect? huh
I'd embarrass you

Unaddressed childhood trauma

>stirfry some vegetables too
Sir, I'm not Asian.
It's a short fake headline from a satire website, not an ad.
I just remembered that I'm banned from imageposting for another 24 hours :[
I went for a walk, KEK funny, but online is not reality.
Are you more attached to the hoodie or the stockings? Cause I would say choose one, but that is just me. It is good though, did you draw it?
yes, but only because catholic school fucked me up. I saw a girl get fingered in history class and that experience just stuck with me.
You can't just call him an incel?
>allow your snog partner to predict what you'll do next
You mean like, pause between kisses?
The algo also served me that video the other day and made me think I should make it
Hey, we're the same height!
Lightest I ever was is 48.5 kilos and I've always been really skinny, so you must have been emaciated.
I've never once had a guy ask if he could kiss me, thank god
Wait, so you thought what you quoted was me talking about my partner in general, not about the roleplay? Really? I was talking about the kink specifically in that post, as I made clear in the sentence before it.
If the master in the slave-master roleplay knows I'm into it, it changes the dynamic of the roleplay completely into this more realistic CNC thing that I would enjoy outside of the raceplay thing. When it comes to raceplay, it's my excuse to embrace the noncon part of CNC. That's the whole point and why I said it was nuanced and nobody understands it.
Then you're kissing empty air instead of kissing my lip. You want lots of lip to lip skin contact!
Sometimes being kind to them kills far more than insulting them back, the problem isn't that they exist, its how they act. Just insulting people like that is going to make them dig their heels in more rather than if you just proved him wrong some how.
I want to wear you like a backpack
Why do i feel like peeing immediately after drinking water? is it like a mental thing?
It can be okay if done sweetly
No. When you alternate kissing different areas of the lips, you do so slowly and sort of brush/caress the lip before you apply pressure (before you actually kiss it). In one, fluid, motion. Don't pull back. Maintain the contact, just vary the pressure.
What gender are you?
Your body might have an association between drinking and peeing so when you drink the brain goes "Oh shit we are drinking, test fire the piss cannon!" and then you want to pee.
>There are two wolves inside of you:
>One is addicted to cement
>The other is also addicted to cement
Which one do you choose?
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is it gross that all this kiss talk got me hard?
And then people wonder why no one ever answers the questions on here seriously.
Sir, sir! That appears to be a joke, sir.
you know what, that's actually sufficient.
they revel in that sort of thing like >>32003204
Well, good to know

>you alternate kissing different areas of the lips
Damn, i really didnt know anything about kissing lmao
no, kisses are wholesome
Yeah. Sometimes the answer really is just that simple. lmao
Most 156lbs
Least and current 140
Am I broken if I'm immune to the fear of missing out?

What if I'm totally the opposite of people who suffer from fear of missing out? People say: "oh, you missed out." (by not going)
I feel nothing about it.
State your gender.
forgot to reply>>32003210
>Am I broken if I'm immune to the fear of missing out?
No that is power. You're able to focus, its a "superpower" today, I find it hard to focus on something myself these days. Use your poer to follow your dreams and get shit done!
Is it a red flag if I used to have kind of fwb relationship with my cousin?
>Are you more attached to the hoodie or the stockings? Cause I would say choose one, but that is just me.
For me, it’s the stockings. I could do without the hoodie, but the stockings on her hands and legs are neat and add a flair of gentrified elegance to her look.

>It is good though, did you draw it?
Hell no, I fucking wish. I just respect the design. I’m an amateur drawfag but I’m a total hack. Can’t do anything without a reference.
Green flag
See the brainrot deepends hourly
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Is it a good idea to date a (female) sex therapist? did i just figure out something extraordinary?
its just how it is these days
I got ghosted almost everytime I actually showed genuine interest at first.
Is it cringe to give a smol gf piggy back rides
Too much kink lingo for me. I guess you win because I'm not reading that.
Nope, and your not
Most guys will because its an outfit that shows enough skin to imagine but not enough to be outright slutty, connected mentally to what are supposed to be your most enjoyable years of life/the years you wasted if you're a loser, can instantly become slutty by lifting the skirt more or undoing the top, can actenuate curves by tucking the shirt in more, can direct bring eyes to your breasts with a tie, can create contrast between socks and skirt with the bit of skin in the middle while still being totally on brand and can go slightly off-brand by having sexier lingerie such as a thong underneath or makeup
Its also just a simple, asethetic uniform, is something you're wearing to look sexy in most cases as an adult, plays well into popular roleplay scenarios and the contrast between a woman wearing childish clothes itself is sexy
You can make a school uniform pure and dainty, a total whore and anything in between by simply changing the socks and how you choose to wear it.

Its not hot in the same way a maid costume (submissive) is, but its hot in the same way a nurse uniform is, but more flexible since there's a larger variety of school uniforms and they're made of more pieces
Cool, I guess for me its an aesthetic thing. I prefer simplicity over ostentation, unless its something like Warhammer 40k or an artstyle that demands a detailed drawing overall, I find that my eye is being "dragged" back to the middle of her hips/top of her skirt because of her stolkings and her hoodie.
I'm not a drawfag and I don't know anything about design, this is all based off of my personal taste and noticing that I keep on staring at the "middle" of the picture a bit too much because of how busy it is.
Gonna expand on that? or you just wanna be a contrarian?
I took a psychology class with a female sex therapist as the professor once. I think she tried coming onto me at one point, but then again I always assume most women who are in any way forward with me are coming on to me.
Larp better
TLDR, the only secrecy is in the roleplay itself, where the character my partner plays doesn't know that character I play likes the racially-charged abuse. That's the nuance I was saying was unexplainable.
Nice. White, not racist, my country doesn't even have enough black people for that to be much of a thing, WOULD be racist in bed for a black QUEEN if that's what she's into, its basically just a powerplay which is hot
Would you prefer a woman with little sexual experience but degenerate porn tastes, or a woman with an extensive sexual history but no weird kinks?
I always assume kindness first before attraction.
Yeah, and I really wish women didn't assume desperate guys were less valuable, or that most/all guys are dangerous potential rapists, but it is what it is.
Larp as what?? its a question
Can I choose to stay single?
The former
However degenerate you're thinking, it's not too degenerate.
h-h-how degenerate are we talking here? (Please no eels! Please no eels! Please no eels! And no squids either!)
Depends on what the first is into. Female on male buttstuff? Pass lol.
Tough one...
I'm leaning towards the first,but
>degenerate porn tastes
If it includes NTR or any kind of cheating stuff, its a hard No for me
One asexual gf, please. I would rather just cuddle for the rest of our lives instead of whatever the hell this is.
I'm gonna give you an anal fissure, Tsundere-kun
Pretty much anything that isn't shit, vore, and gore. Everything else is on the table.
That's bitch shit. I've fapped to worse.
Lemme get my helium inflator and blue paint
my hair :(
def 1st one id be worried about not satisfying her needs but its better than someone that dosent want to tryanything new
Aw he’s trying to make it work
Even if it's just porn? What if it is reverse, like cuckquean?

Like what?
What about blacked porn?
You know, with how complementary colors work, your being blue really brings out the orange. :)
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Don't do it, Cannes!
Raceplay is so far up on the iceberg that it may as well be vanilla
Cuckqueening is hot in fiction but in reality would not be desirable. I would want a 1-to-1 relationship with someone I actually want to be with, without any weird complications like a third wheel. I'm also against threesomes for the same reason; if our sex isn't good enough with just us, why are we together?
>I think she tried coming onto me at one point
I have no friends, no bf and no job
>Even if it's just porn? What if it is reverse, like cuckquean?
Yeah sorry, that shit is scary. Especially if we're in a relationship
I wish girls were okay with us checking them out when they're wearing bikinis.
Also when has a girl called showing skin "daring?"
Like I said, this is just porn tastes and fantasy. Many people think a lot of these things are weird to even fantasize about.
>if our sex isn't good enough with just us, why are we together
Non-sex reasons? You can always be sexually compatible with someone better, but it's often a combination with other things that make a relationship work.
LMFAO, why is everyone a normal person but berryboy is anime?
Speaking of raceplay I had a chinese girl who wanted me to be racist to her once but I didn't know enough about china to be meaningfully racist
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As far as kickass videogame kunoichis are concerned, you’d probably like Hibana’s design a lot more. It’s an admittedly superior design in every feasible way, though. One of my favorite in all of vidya. Significantly less over designed, but then again, she’s not meant to dress like a teenage edgelord brat.
should've roleplayed a jap officer in nanking
That's not too bad. I got off to some face huggers the other day.
Say that you'll make Nanking look like fucking kindergarten. Her grandchildren will beg for reparations.
Yea and that combo includes actually enjoying sex together for me.
Not much to it, really. She took me aside after a lecture and said her husband was a pharmacist and I mentioned that I was trying to find work as a pharmacy tech and she immediately said she’d hire me on. I was taken aback by it— she literally had 0 reason to offer me a job on the spot. Something about her gave semen demon vibes.
Should have said, "Oh herro, wercome to-a shitty wok, may I take your order prease?" And tell her you want to eat sushi out of her gook pussy.
Anon...... I didn't mean art.
Ideally, yes. But a 4chan loser doesn't make for a good father
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Its so frizzy recently it looks so horrible
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M, 32
I decided I don't want kids when I was like 8 and have never seen the appeal since
I was thinking of dyeing my hair to match so we're in it together, anon.
Was she not hot or why didn't you go for it?
>My ex used to make fun of me for it.
Mine too.
Let's date and scream at each other!
Is the reason gossip is viewed socially as a bad thing because it has historically been women's most powerful weapon against abusive men?
Have you never played with kids? They are fun. But I don't know how to find a woman good enough to be a mother these days.
Eh. She was alright. I’m not into the hag thing, and something about the offer felt off-putting. My gut instincts told me that I was about to walk headfirst into an adventure that I’d probably not be able to walk back out of.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemoney
>Have you never played with kids?
No, because I'm not a sex predator or a diddler
my school has a bunch of art programs available for students so I’m going to be messing around with them :333
Have we forgotten about Handyman and The Dark Lady already?
That's fair. I listened to my gut too when the fat chick wanted me to fuck her without a condom on the first meeting and when my practice gf started talking to me about having kids together. My gut just went "NOPE" and I listened.
How about an annoying pushy anon?
Why did your mind jump there?
Yea, kids love me too. A computer game is also fun. As is eating. All are boring in excess and having a child is mandatory excess.
A kid is also a ton of effort, a commitment, an expense, mentally and physically and fincantionally taxing.
If your goal was "fun" there are much better choices; the actual reason people get them are
A: Validation, people who had kids are the "main characters" for a while
B: So they can feel accomplished. You have a kid, pat yourself on the back, you've done the thing. Your life has value.
C: Personally just wanting a kid.
None of these things appeal to me at all and neve rhave.
Do you spend every morning masturbating yourself?
>masturbating yourself
Who says this?
no I get a human sized robot to do it for me
That is literally the only reason a man would ever willingly be around children who are not his own offspring. Is because he has a sick desire to abuse them. This is why you should never, ever trust men who are voluntarily in close proximity to little kids.
I'll stay single thanks
Every morning and night
I fap as soon as I wake up, then after I get out of bed, then before I leave for work. Then I get home, fap, then fap before going to bed, then fap in bed.
No you are nice
Femanons, are you a "Don't even breath on my clit or i'll cry" kinda girl? or a "Take a pliers and fucking squeeze my clit" kinda girl?
I used to do it as a reward at night for performing total dental care before a shower (i.e. flossing, brushing, then rinsing with fluoride), but since I started taking antidepressants it’s really hard to cum so I don’t do that so much anymore. Only when I’m feeling intensely frisky do I make an effort to milk my sacred skin flute.
what should be the first thing I animate with my wacom guys
>Take a pliers and fucking squeeze my clit
I mean, not literally right? But yeah, you have to rub pretty hard and apply a lot of pressure to get me off. I quite like masturbating through my knickers because the roughness sort-of helps, in a way.
You’re nice too! Although I only know of your posts about your poor hair.
>playing a porn game before it crashed on me
>fucking the gf's mother
>wanted to keep fucking the gf too but I would have to decline dates with her sometimes
>end up pushing the gf away and she cucked me

Darn it. Now I have to play it all over again.
Kek same, or at least kinda same. I briefly dated a fat chick I met on Bumble and we ended up hooking up each night we had a date, but I couldn’t keep my dick hard enough to fuck her properly despite her claims that she was on birth control. She would sometimes make comments about having kids and being a wife and said she was on lithium for bipolar disorder and it *was* the year of the rabbit, so I was pretty terrified of knocking her up.

Which kinda sucks because we had a lot in common and she was down for kinky shit. If she was just 50-60 pounds slimmer I’d probably be a dad right now and singing praises for online dating.
every single femanon ITT is a fed
>Wake up
>Feed cat and put her collar on
>Let her out
>Get Coffee
>Doomstare at the wall or out a window while coffee is being made (Black)
>Drink coffee while cooking breakfast
>Eat, Shower, Shit, weigh myself if its on my weighing day
>Day starts
If you start your day with a high dopamine activity you won't have the motivation or the energy to do anything else hard.
Girl enjoying one of those big swirly lollipops.
Should I get a tattoo of a pair of female breasts on my nut sack?
Whatever is in the middle
Two people dancing and then one of them falls over then the other helps them up and then they hug and keep dancing.
a day in the life of an /atoga/ anon
I'm a horndog and probably played it already, but yknow.
She has a harem of subs :0
Well, you don't expect us to do it for free, do you?
> you have to rub pretty hard and apply a lot of pressure to get me off
what about sucking?
oooh this is cute
that is a week long project anon I wanted something quick
def the easiest request
What are funniest things I can do with your ball sack?
leave it alone
Immersion ruined
Do the "kiss me" or "number" meme? I forgot someone posted these in here and apparently its some old drawfag trend?
Pull them over your eyes and then shout, “OH GOD I’M BLIND!”
I hope i can redeem myself
Only on shower days.
When its hot If I thrust my pelvis rhythmically I can make it clap against my taint/ass like asses can clap.
Grab myself by my nuts, pull them back, and then use them to slingshot me at great distances to a new location.
What would you be posting about if not for the orange hair?
Based Looney Tunes enjoyer
>Linked the same video twice
I'm kinda shocked how I'm still alive considering how easily I fuck things up
I said leave them
Get a pool cue and
I was gonna say put it over your eyes, but the other anon took it. Hmm, maybe stretch it to hold water and drink from it?
I really wish my name wouldn't follow me around 4chan so I can post in multiple threads with ease :/
I won't
That’s the price you pay for being a pseudo tripfag, anon.
What are funniest things I can do with your labia?
they're private
Just take your name off. Nobody asked you to keep a name. It was really sweet when you made yourself visible and vulnerable once to encourage someone with their social anxiety. Now it just turns out that you're an attentionwhore I guess.
It really is but would you rather that or having my Eldritch screeching destroy your ears? I make this sacrifice so you can live :^)
pull them out and make a cute bow
>Now it just turns out that you're an attentionwhore I guess.
Never said I wasn't, but I kept the name so people could filter my voice, also this is my last day here before I disappear back into the void anyway.
They're mine
On the one hand, based. On the other hand, I’m a big boy and can handle whatever Eldritch horrors you have to offer.
Women, could you please explain the concept of divine femininity?
>is it gross that all this kiss talk got me hard?
If kissing doesn't get you hard, you're doing it wrong.
>Never said I wasn't
It negates the kindness of the gesture when it turns out to be self-serving.
I’ve never been too deep in animation memes, but I’m sure excited to start making animatics :D I have a bunch of songs I have an idea of how it could be pictured, some I’ve storyboarded, so I’m excited to make a finished thing!!!!
I-is that what this means?
cute giggles. I love to listen to a woman’s laughter
Slap them, it makes a loud noise
wrong, im the only one who can touch them
That’s a fantastic question. Nothing good probably I don’t have a lot going on
NAG, but basically Kali will fuck your and then chop your head off.
Women where do your hands go when kissing?
It wasn't self-serving, I wanted to do that because anon had similar problems that I did. Its possible to be multi-dimensional.
How do you do animation anyway? Is it like a frame-by-frame layer that a program puts together? does that mean you have to redraw the image over and over everytime?
Probably 140
I have a 1,000+ year old scar on my genitals from when a prostitute knifed me in the balls. I lived in Hastings at the time. Is this something women will be okay with when they see it? Will they understand my story?
Women, would you feel honored if i trusted you with access to my balls?
Not anymore
I wish I had a femanon big sister
Did you just post random shit too before the hair incident?
I’m still learning to animate! my professor used adobe after effects for his examples (basically telling a figure to move for a period of time, at certain speeds, at certain frame rate) but it was sooo overwhelming and he didn’t go over how the program works. I’m more comfortable with frame-by-frame, and the copy and paste key works wonders
I don’t think they mind. I have two relatively “open” scars on my testicles from when I had a torsion surgery as a kid. I won’t bring it up unless they ask about it, which no one has yet.
im putting you into a RNC if you even try to reach for them
Well good luck to you!
Yea but mostly I asked questions
nta but as a former animator, frame by frame looks better than tweened garbage anyway
Other anon explained it quite well, but the point about building anticipation is not that you pause, it's that you let her know what's coming before it happens.

To put it in a different context, if you're going to suck a girl's nipple, don't just put your mouth on her nipple: start by kissing around her breast, then spiral slowly closer, *then* take it in your mouth. That way she knows what's going to happen, and has time to think about how good it's going to feel before she actually feels it. That makes it more intense: you're making her want it before you do it.

It's the same with kissing: you have to let her know what's going to happen in a couple of seconds' time.
I’m going out. I don’t look great and I don’t feel great and I don't want to drink so I don’t think I’m up for talking to any Boys but at least I’m leaving the house. Right
Frequently, they're on his chest. Often, one of my hands is gently touching his beard. Sometimes I have one arm over his shoulder to half hug him. If he's seated and I'm straddling him, I most frequently have my forearms on the backrest. I quite like gently touching his neck, too. If his hair is clean I really like resting my fingers in it.
>The Radio Network Controller (RNC) is a governing element in the UMTS radio access network (UTRAN) and is responsible for controlling the Node Bs that are connected to it. The RNC carries out radio resource management, some of the mobility management functions and is the point where encryption is done before user data is sent to and from the mobile. The RNC connects to the Circuit Switched Core Network through Media Gateway (MGW) and to the SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node) in the Packet Switched Core Network.

What does it have to do with your ball sack?
Sounds awful
Baby steps
Rear Naked Choke
You know how you can hear the ocean in a clamshell? Basically, you can hear the Howard Stern show through my balls if you listen close enough.
That's a bit different. I have gotten off from that before but the guy had patience. The next time we did it, I helped him out by warming myself up by rubbing myself first.
thank you!
yes I totally agree, but times a’ changin and tweening is quicker to work than frame by frame. but for my class we can do whatever, as long as we are understanding the flow of an object
Should I marry the first man who ever made me feel horny in his presence? He’s not around anymore but I can go find him
all that takes is a good cologne, no?
lesbians are disgusting
I am a peculiar creature and don’t have a sense of smell so no
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Wear one of those Japanese gym uniforms and I'll die for you
>yes I totally agree, but times a’ changin and tweening is quicker to work than frame by frame
I mean sure, but thats the only benefit. Its quicker and cheaper, but the quality will never be as good. Only good use of tweening i have ever seen is all those slow mo shots in demon slayer.
Women, are boobs really that heavy?
With a guy, on his chest or around his back. With a girl, on her chest or holding her arms.
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Is it really how women think?
women dont think
Oddly enough, many of us are lesbians because men are disgusting. We've come full circle.
No, I'm not a titcow
real shit, I very much appreciate the artists back in the day working with Hand Drawn animation with paper… I could never do that to my posture!!!!
I’ve lost perception of how heavy Heavy boobs are
My jeans are chafing my labia I’m going to KILLLLLLL MYSELF

>captcha SADK
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>t. Dewey Cox
men are "disgusting" in a different way
Damn, we probably talked even before the incident. I'm sure all the moids are interchangeable though.
For stupid tittymonsters, yeh.
No some are nicer than others and you all have your quirks
>t. yeast girl
>What are funniest things I can do with your ball sack?
Isn't your ex a tittymonster?
Why aren't you wearing underwear?
>men hurt my fee-fees!!
you are a failed woman
What does AOGTA mean?
think for a second
You lysdexic mthoerfucekr
Please ask god to give me a fucking break
Then how are they chafing? This doesn't make any sense.
You know the underwear are supposed to go on before the jeans, right?
Women what's it like not having a penis?
how red and swollen is your clam?
Meat sandwich down there?
having a vagina instead

Ask Opposite Gender Things Always, duh
I guess so. I just know you as orange hair lady and probably wouldn't spot you if you didn't mention it, so I shouldn't really be talking about recognition.
It took me a second to see the problem with my post, and yours.
I went on a few dates with a guy I found on r9k. He was very sweet, quite autistic, and we had fun. I met up with him again recently but I stupidly lost his contact details.
I've been seeing someone I met here on ATOGA for about 10 months now. It was quite a coincidence that we live so close by. It's been very good so far.
I'm not a tranny but I'd like to have a penis for a one day
Yeh. And I've called her a stupid tittymonster to her face. I think she just liked the excuse to show them off when I did.
What is that like?

Just the penis, no balls
What job should I look up for if Idespise women?
She's my ATOGA gf because we met on an ATOGA thread, like this one. We were both semi-regular posters prior to that, and we both still post here sometimes.
>only wanted to pump and dump
>the girl fell in love and plans future with me
What do?
Anyone is think "Penis" sounds too weird? like, idk it sounds like my grandparents saying it. But dick sounds more normal
>Women what's it like not having a penis?
I can't aim when I pee.
nmmmmm penis

How do you cross that bridge from posting anonymously to exchanging contact details
Penis penis penis
Wait, you actually like penis?
Penis sounds cute! I don't think I've ever heard it said in an American accent.
been a while but sure
>hey if you wanna keep talking, here's my email
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we could do this all day
Don’t know about femcel though this is the list of traits for a virgin woman

>bad breath
>no hair dye
>looks younger than her age
>frugal (no bf/simps/OF)
>lets men talk over her

I just think we missed a great opportunity to call them the penis and the venus
I like the word penis. I dislike dick, perhaps because it is used too commonly, so it has little sensual connotation.
Probably more comfortable. Men seem to only complain about it.
Understandable. You'd probably be very disappointed with how few times you could coom. not sure if our orgasms are more powerful though? You certainly see men doing more depraved things to chase the coom
M. Just the opposite: I quite like the word "penis" and I detest the word "dick"; it sounds like a child's word, only one step removed from "willy". "Cock" is a little better; that at least makes some sense. (Not as in a male chicken, but in the sense of a valve/tap/faucet).
I indirectly met my ex through 4chan and she still posts on some boards to this day.
It was one of the worst things that has ever happened to me, she even said it herself. I wasn't aware of it back then though.
I am now hyper aware of some warning signals though that I used to overlook on purpose.
I was on HRT for a few years and I would say orgasms on testosterone are shorter lasting but very intense in a single moment, while estrogen orgasms last a lot longer, feel more build up, but the intensity is stretched out over that time so the peak isn't as high.
I've only exchanged details with people who are relatively close-by. That helps. Both times I've done it quite fast, too. Exchange a few (You)s, determine we live reasonably close by, I'll chance it and share my details. I guess I also get worried I'll never find them ITT again.
>how do you cross that bridge from posting anonymously to exchanging contact details
Post a Discord handle on the ATOGA thread on /soc and link to the post from here.
First actually valuable piece of information I've seen on atoga in a while, thank you for volunteering that. Did your clit grow?
How did you know I was that kind? Yes, it did
Turning lesbian in your 30s because you're childless and without a husband is like me rejecting Sydney Sweeney's pussy.
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Either gender, I need some advice.

So my sister refuses to give me the phone number of a girl I used to date who also used to be a friend of hers. She hated, and I mean *HATED* the fact that she and I were dating even though dating her made me extremely happy. My sister is kind of insane, and anytime I bring it up she says she’s going to block my phone number.

Any suggestions on how to convince her to give me that number? I’m starting to think the only way to get it is brute force, which seems to be the only thing my sister understands. She cannot be reasoned with when it comes to things like this and instead she throws tantrums and makes threats. She’s literally the only source I have to make contact with that girl, and believe me I have tried other ways.
Women, if you had a penis, what would you stick it into?
>She’s literally the only source I have to make contact with that girl
That seems extremely unlikely. What other avenues have you tried so far?
When I was younger I read about men putting their penis into the vacuum cleaner pipe. I was kind of jealous of that! So I'd do that, but on the low-suction setting.
your mom
I've never heard of an mtf taking testosterone. Any other observations on taking test?
If you hang out with your sister in person, I would say stop mentioning the number for a long time and wait for an opportunity to get it off her phone if she leaves it unattended in your presence. However I think this story is retarded and there's no way you can't find some other mutual friend on FB to ask for it.
I have several but I think this general will get triggered if I talk about it at length. I rarely bring it up.
Cant you just contact the girl on instagram or some shit
I like saying "cock" instead. I'll take any excuse to shout it.
What she >>32003694 said.
A sub woman I can mommy dom
Check the article on the right here (from 1980).

I don't know what it is, but there's this one lebanese dish that smells like pussy.
What job should I look up for if I despise women?*
There fixed. Now answer
There are recipes that use pussy juice and period, there's whole cookbooks about it.
I've always heard scary stories involving penises getting horribly maimed by vacuum cleaner experiments so I've always been afraid of trying anything along those lines.
Give me one effortpost.
>there's this one lebanese dish that smells like pussy.
It's spelled "lesbian" not "lebanese".
Well hopefully he means lesbian and lebanese cause I read that as "lesbian".
NTA. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/med-student-finds-way-to-make-yogurt-using-her-own-vaginal-bacteria-secretions/
What the fuck
Women are fucking disgusting
To be fair there are also seman cookbook and cocktail books as well.
She has no social media presence, and neither do I (got rid of all my accounts back in 2020ish). I think she has a Twitter account that is ancient. If she’s using Instagram, she’s either using a pseudonym or is inactive. There are two accounts using her name, and neither of them responded to my request. Couldn’t see any pictures either. I tried to get into contact with her younger brother (who I barely know) and he ignored me on Instagram. No response after two weeks of waiting. The mutual friend that we have and I had a falling out many years ago, so relying on her is an even less likely bet.

This sounds like my best bet. I know the password to her phone, so if I can get my hands on it, I can definitely get her number (assuming it’s still in there).
Hey you got brought up earlier >>32002920
It was harder to cry, my emotions felt more muted. I was more interested in visual stimulation (watching porn instead of reading, watching action movies felt exciting instead of boring.) Felt energetic and happy more of the time.
I felt less empathy for animals which made me disappointed. It was way easier to get aroused, and I would eye-fuck people and fantasize about them sexually in public. It increased my attraction to women, but not enough that I would have actually hooked up with one, I reckon. I'm like a 2 on the kinsey scale.
I enjoy(ed) the way girls act around me when they perceive me as a guy. It's cute.
the period blood recipes appear to be a joke.
Women, i just washed my pubes with shampoo and conditioner. Thoughts on this information?
now shave
Shave your armpits. Same advice to the guy who was asking about shaving pubes earlier.
>shave my armpits
Absolutely not.
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NTA and M, shaved armpits are much nicer.
Now you realized!? Really? Welcome to the real world my friend, is like stick covered in poo. Is shit wherever you see it and women don't make it better
Fuck off
>The inside of a vagina is literally shaped like an inverted dick
Women, we're literally made for each other
Ok, monkey.
You're not even a man.

I was born gay
Shave after i washed it?

I actually do. I'm that one anon who thinks armpit hair looks gross on everyone
I have never seen a dick that looks like that..
you wanna see weeny?
make a braid actually then cut it and frame it
Really? How so? Sounds painful and pointless.
Assassinating people is bad. Please don't do that.
painful? anon have you ever picked up a razor
He assassinates himself on TV every day.
why don't you offer your body as compensation?
The world is run by sadistic pedophiles and they all need to be griefed in Minecraft
Need advice. Two years ago I was at a friend's house and while she was in the shower I smelt her dirty laundry. I still feel extremely guilty. How bad was this and what do now
What about when they grow back in? Am I gonna be professor itchy and scratchy? Won’t women be disgusted by all my *scrunch* *scrunch* *scrunch* noises?
How the fuck would it be painful?! Are you 12 and never shaved?
Hmm, interesting! Are you still on it, or if you stopped, why?
Your idea of what happens to shaved armpits is really weird.
I’m poor and have been using a butter knife to shave for the last 20 years.
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It's a little creepy/fucked up.
Not much worth doing about it now, just don't do it again.
depending on how you shave, and the aftercare of shaving.. itchiness isn’t really a problem. but everyone’s hair type is different. for me, I’m not itchy or scratchy! and also, there’s no noise LOL not for me at least
now who’s penis is that small
That’s what happens to my dick, you see. The tiny hairs start to grow back and then it’s all *scrunch* *scrunch* *scrunch* until they get longer than my nose hairs.
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>now who’s penis is that small
>now who’s penis is that small
mine's, probably
>insulting the moids' cocks
You've started something terrible.
>now who’s penis is that small
y-yeah, haha...
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oops.. pls accept my apologies .. how can I make it up to u all..
I stopped about 4 years ago because I realized I was wrong, to make a long story short. Adapting to life as a woman again was very difficult, heartbreaking, and sometimes I regret it though. I need to stay in this lane and quit changing my mind though.
That's a relaxed vagina so that penis is like 2.5 inches long
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No... you're right. Its the truth
I don't even have one, so you don't have to apologize to me. Though I'll gladly ask for a chance to suggest something to try with your new tablet whenever it's ready.
Draw our collective benises as being large and intimidating and women swooning over them. Also, put a king’s crown on mine.
YA I have toon boom open, watching tutorials after procrastinating.. but I can whip some stuff up on ms paint since that’s the only other art program on my computer LOL
Do you guys think penis pumps really work?
I see. Have you noticed more Ms commit and go under the knife than Fs? My personal theory is that since F is the default condition and maleness only occurs due to hormones, femaleness is somehow more strongly ingrained in us.
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My vagina is always relaxed
not sure if that’s allowed here, plus I don’t have much penis practice in art
You can't
Sounds like your hair is retarded.
I've been regularly shaving my crotch for years now.
>Draw our collective benises as being large
Nah i hate when women overexaggerate to try to make us feel better
Anime girl! Swirly lollipop!!
Does the cavity expand when it’s not relaxed or something? If you’re telling me that the average vaginal cavity is 2.5 inches then guys getting all worked up over their dicksize are insane unless they are literal dicklets. Even 4 inches is enough if the slot is 2.5 inches and you’re full on plapping the shit out of her.
Nta, but yes. Vaginas expand when aroused. So its still a valid concern
or stretching?
Expand how much? They become “erect” and go super saiyan the same way an average penis does? Like it expands by 4+ inches?
Yes, I've seen men posting their gains from pumps and jelqing
She could post in on /soc/ /atoga/
Allegedly the canal lengthens, which trolls use to suggest you need 7 inches to fill a woman, which is obviously nonsense
Sounds like a great way to have incurable ED for the rest of your life.
>My personal theory is that since F is the default condition and maleness only occurs due to hormones, femaleness is somehow more strongly ingrained in us.
This is not something I agree with. I believe that most mtfs are autogynephiles who fetishized femininity to an insane degree, and I believe that most ftms are trying to escape the horror of being female - some have issues with it biologically, others are rejecting gender roles. (Of course I believe there are some people who actually have gender dysphoria and should transition but I think those individuals are rare.)
I think that some men fixate on femininity and some women reject it because our culture has developed so many toxic ideas about femaleness and how we express our sexuality but it's not worth going into right now. Contrapoint's Twilight video actually reflects my view on that close enough. Anyway it's not as if I'm an expert, this is just what I think after what I experienced of the trans community.
Vaginas swell up when aroused like penises do.
I had chronic ED and I don't think they do shit for that
>Vaginas swell up when aroused like penises do.
Damn, I guess we’re not so different after all. What a crazy world.
How did you not know that?
The also elongate.
I'm female and learned this on 4chan as well a few years ago. Sex education in the US is shit.
Nobody ever told me and it’s not a subject I have much interest in. I guess reading up on it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Can’t really do that at work without having to meet with HR afterwards, though, and sadly work is where I get the most studying done.
Oh. Indie
(Fell asleep)
Utah lmao
Take care of animals, live in a coastal town, plant stuff, play with my sub
I'm gonna post it anyways
Ughhhh that's literally nowhere.
How did you get there?
I'm sicking the bear lake monster on you.
how do you like my palette?

>what do you want in life?
Crush my enemies, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of the women.
I have no clue what you mean.
Very pastel.
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still learning the positioning, had some tech difficlties but this was good practice !
I moved here for work and I have family here too.
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Is anyone able to give me advice for this problem? I can't seem to shake this complex and I always get backhanded comments on the regular from just interacting with strangers.

I view every interaction and would respond to someone as if it were on 4chan but thats not how real life works lol.
It’s nice!! Thank you anon
>palette: the range of colors used by a particular artist or in a particular picture
Sorry its here.
aw ty :D
I thought it was about food taste.
I was originally gonna suggest a popsicle since summer just won’t go away, but I think the swirly lollipop is more fun.
My fate is in your hands!
Should I go and buy a beer or two? I've drastically cut down on my drinking (I'm not an alcoholic, at least I don't think so but I did drink quite a bit to cope with stress and anxiety). Should I go an get some beer tonight?
ooh yes lollipops are cute too hehehe
I got a lollipop right here for you ;)
Nicely done
Don't harass drawfags, dork
We are a whole 24 hours apart.
I am on the other coast.
but doctor...
This, kek
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Femanons, how gay are you?
I think you just need someone in exactly the same state as you anon!
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oh boy oh boy!
Yeah right, they don't come here.
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Hey guys, it's the anon who keeps accidentally touching his friend's breasts reporting in once again with an update.

We're still flirty. We started making sourdough starters with another friend, and I jokingly call her my trad wife which she likes and now we joke about being "trad" all the time
She recently started giving me random compliments every time I see her
She also said she loved me today but was piggybacking off her sister saying "love you" as she left (I'm close friends with her and her husband)
Though last month, she mistook me inviting her to lunch as me asking her out and tried to friendzone me, but I'm hesitant to date her because she gets huge anxiety and abruptly ends relationships as soon as the "honeymoon phase" ends.
No, I haven't recently touched her boobs. I think I'm on a 4 week streak of no accidents!

I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I'm vibing.
I've let girls squeeze me like that at a pep rally before. I thought it was kinda hot.
I essentially went on a date with a woman last night. She complimented my butt and I complimented her everything. If things were different between us, I definitely would've asked her to go home with me.
did you do the one where a crazy anon sneaks up on femanon and says "I HAVE 100k SAVINGS" or something? can you post it
What is your color palette?
I'm a warm autumn. Need to move to a more temperate climate to take advantage of it. But I do love the beach. Maybe I should get a time share.
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I've eaten more pussy than a fat guy at a Chinese buffet

Forgot the picture
no, that wasnt by me LOL but that sounds silly
For me, it’s pre-rendered and with baked lighting.
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That's a nipple
Summer goth
here's a sample https://files.catbox.moe/h63qbr.png
We have a genius ITT. Wow.
So are you gay or not?
Looks like milk duds
I love you all, anons!
And I love (You), random incel!
Oh wow, anon delivers.

All is forgiven.
>gf going back to college to finish the units in her degree
>went shopping yesterday to buy her books and pens
My little ESL is all grown up
Stop uploading on catbox and post pics here.
>random incel
You rang?
Are cunts excluding a rare few.
>State your gender
>Have you dated people of 4chan?
>How was it?
Bad. My ex cheated.
thanks :]
>and post pics here.
funny thing about that, I said the n-word too many times and can't post images again until...*checks calendar* tomorrow around noon I guess? unless I do something else to piss off janny (again) between now and then
This! Agreed, yuck!
I also had Whataburger for din-din :]
I haven't made it yet, but it's chicken and pepper quesadillas
Oh nice, I managed to position it properly this time. Things are finally starting to go my way.
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This and ice cold water. It's still not gone.

Did you post the logs of shit last night?
I replied to you but accidentally left off a digit, sorry
Just had some Indian food from yesterday I heated up again.
Was enough for the whole day because of my hangover.
>Did you post the logs of shit last night?
Yep, I sure did. Those were some mighty fine logs I tell ya hwat.
Yeah I saw it.
Stop being such a bad girlie.
>bad girlie.
I hate to break it to you bro but I have a weeny. I'm just very gay (not really).
As long as they were good, anon. I made some instant oden shit last night and it looked fine but tasted like puke.

That's ok, you are still a bad girlie to me.
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I know big dicks arent important in general, but for vaginal orgasms it's proven by some studies that they are in fact important. Which feels kinda shitty for me tbqh.
that's cool, most of my friends irl are bad girls ;)
>tfw you will never be ENTJ
Die in horny pajeet fuck
This is one of my two favorite TDI episodes
Damn, really? I thought you couldn’t really go wrong with instant food (at least not in terms of taste).

And damn, janny warned me for encouraging anons to post their slop. I guess he wishes he could’ve eaten my burger.
The first legitimate romance in the series and it’s the most toxic
I'm a tall white dude and not an angry midsized brownlet.
Guys who brag about their height are like school children.
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Maybe I put too much water in it, but it just tasted of pure bullshit. The noodles were translucent and very delicate sweet potato noodles. That leathery thing is supposed to be a fish cake, or an egg, not really sure. It had tomato sauce flavoring that was basically Campbell's tomato soup but thicker.

The little folding fork was really neat though. I'm sorry you got warned anon. :(
Is chatting to a coworker of the opposite sex all day only count as cheating if you are an introvert?
Maybe if one of you ends up flirting
Ask your gf.
I have an entire work harem but no gf
If chatting with a coworker is considered getting laid then that means I’ve had sex like 50 times.
It wasn't toxic to start with. It was toxic when she tried to turn him into someone he didn't want to be. It was him not being like that which initially attracted her to him because she herself was tired of being so straight-laced.
I hate women so much, anons.
sorry if this is posting too much but I have rigorously determined that the 11x11 pixel cube looks the most aesthetic
What do you value in a relationship?
>I’m a tall white dude and not an angry midsized brownlet.
Effort and connection
Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.
Intimacy, understanding, and shared values/goals.
I'm so fucking jealous right now.
Cuts deep man
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Thank you for your service.
I fucking hate pajeets
day of the loo soon
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time to bring back the flag
Oh yeah I remember this image. Definitely looks like you poured too much water seeing as how everything is immersed in it. Did you pour over the fill-line? I usually try to match it 1:1 and it turns out well enough. Usually the noodles end up absorbing every last bit of water that is left when I do that, though, which is kind of ominous.
nobody wants to see my flag :{
Are you a guy?
i do!
There was no fill line. The instructions were to pour boiling water in until everything is covered, I believe. But the instructions were in Chinese...
>food pics get deleted
Utter retardation.
Whataburger has this weird thing where the first few bites are orgasmic and then the meal progressively becomes less and less delicious with each consecutive bite until you’re at the end and just want it to be over. If you let it sit for more than an hour the fries become soggy and taste like cardboard and the burger becomes a soggy mess as well.
Trying to figure out if you can jerk off or not?
Just an explanation for why no one cares.
its gross (even though I am a whiteboi)
this too
>its gross (even though I am a whiteboi)
Im sure that one femanon who always swoons over while balls will love it
Welp, at least now you know the perils of eating exotic instant noodles.
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Where'd all the girls go?
you get fembois instead
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Men, or women:
Is being sexy or having a sex appeal something that you inherit, or can you become kind of sexy by acting, walking, and dressing a certain way? I’ve seen people post Brandy Melville and I’m thinking of changing my fashion to picrel, tailoring to flatter my body shape.
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the only femboy i care about is venti
Sex appeal is all about showing off your goods. Some people have it naturally, some people have to think creatively to figure out ways to display it. But, for the most part, people who make an effort to show off their goods will be sexually alluring. Form-fitting or subtly revealing clothes in particular are great at doing this.
You can definitely improve your sex appeal to a point
Anyone can sexy in tight clothes just don’t be fat or too skinny
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Black and fluorescent transparent green.
I eat it all the fucking time so I’ve become a connoisseur of Whataburgers. As long as they’re fresh, they’re based. But if they sit for too long, you definitely remember that it’s from a fast food joint.

I’m pretty full now from eating that burger though so maybe it’s just the drop in blood pressure causing me to say depressing things.
Yeah. I should stick to the Japanese brands.
Then I will talk about it forever
Even when you've got it all fixed? Lol
Men how long do you want me to wait until I try to get back together with you?
If you’re the girl I talk about in >>32003686 then bitch, I’ve been waiting like 5 years for you to come back home. Hurry the fuck up and talk to me again before I blow my brains out.
Yes I need to remember my mistakes
Hopefully it'll be in a more lighthearted manner and less gloomy then.
>Go ahead and look all the want
I don't think a woman would actually say that?
They weren't in ancient egypt

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