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/lc/ - UC edition

previous >>32007515
First for
Second for I hate women.
men what color combos do you wear the most
State gender, do you have a favorite Dragon Ball character?
Gohan. Even though he cucked out hard.
95% of my clothes are black
Black and blue.
Blue and red.
Red and black.
admittedly, I look on instagram for women with better fashion taste an use them as an example for color coordination.
>be me
>work next to restaurant
>leave general area to get a drink at the adjoining bar and chat with coworkers
>tfw the qt server I'm acquainted with follows right behind me to the outdoor bar area to take her vape break at that moment
>tfw group conversation with others outside before she has to go back
She's into me, right?
Videl is HOT.
Android 18 as well, but she's too mainstream
Bottoms are always either blue jeans or khaki shorts. Shoes are neutral colors, black, grey, tan, etc. Shirts are always solid colors, but there's a lot of variety. Various shades of red, green, blue, brown, orange, etc. I think the only colors I don't really wear are pink and purple.
Young Goku and early dragon ball z goku
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Probably blue and, uh... dark blue. Bit of a blue fan.
Mostly blacks.
Light denim jeans and light colors or pastels sometimes.
My favorite is when I wear browns and dark greens so I look like a tree.
No, but I had a cat for many years. One of my sisters brought her in off the streets as a kitten with one eye and ear. Little kitten took to me fast and we became best buddies. I miss her.
Black and blue.


No, I have a 1-bedroom apartment and I think it'd be cruel to have a cat. I miss them a lot though.
I like my reds and whites but I just wear jeans most of the time. Really need to get some light khakis
Evens decide if I should text him
Yeah, two cats.
I like Tien and Android 17
A mix of blues, greens, and black.
Tien, but I have a Piccolo cosplay outfit.
two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Is it a deal breaker if a 25 y/o man has to sleep with a CPAP mask? I've heard "no" in the past, but I don't understand how picrel isn't a huge ick. It looks so sickly and infirm.
Yes a turrtle
The ultimate expression of femininity is to be consensually sexually assaulted by the father of your children while doing household chores
double double supersize and don't forget the fries
I like sickly boys
Blue and black. I have blue jeans and black jeans and blue shirts and black shirts. I try to avoid wearing dark and dark or light and light, but that's about the extent of what I know about fashion.
Gray, blue, and my one black coat. Sometimes brown or green. I strongly dislike light colored pants. Gray slacks >>>>> khaki chinos
Foids, what's your limit on how sensitive a guy should be?
Women why are you so mean to us?
it makes you horny
I said no, he probably doesn't even want your ass and your gonna give it to him anyways.
i dont think im mean :(
Women hate men.
If you take it off will you die?
Oh no... they know
Women, how many options do you personally have? If you were to think, right now, of all the guys you COULD realistically let's say go on a date with this week, what is that number?
Not would, just *could*.
women do you enjoy playing with, or having your butt played with?
For now, but apparently it might be at least partially central apnea, and apparently once you have it it never entirely goes away, so I may have to wear it even if I lose the weight (I'm already dieting and it's going well so far).
M. Future Trunks. He has a sword.
Odds so i don’t have to listen…
He wants me he loves me I know it
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Why can't women just say "hey I was offput by our previous conversation, I'm no longer interested and we should stop texting" instead of fucking nothing
It would be extremely tiring.
Women have no accountability
You're telling me if your obese ass got on Tinder you wouldn't have 200 matches an hour from now?
Women should I shave my face, yea or nay
Men maintain bears to impress other men.
It does not
Shave your face with some mace in the dark
NAG but probably less than I am. I'm a bitch
Plushie anon last thread made me cry
There are 700 million men in India.
I have a Polar bear.
I wish I could maintain a bear
Women rather have sex with bears than men
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Kodiak for me.
Let's turn that into 0
i dont like beards, a little stubble is ok but it hurts to kiss guys with stubble
I’m not obese and I don’t have tinder
I’m not in India am I
They'll come to you if you sponsor their visa.

Anon, that company died a while ago. You'll have to get film from Fuji
I won’t
Damn... that's a pretty big hike just for some film...
Thoughts on me doing cocaine for the first time 2 days ago?
If I knew you personally I would now think less of you, even if I didn't say it.
If male, toss yourself in a shredder.
Saving up your food stamps and burning down the trailer park
NTA but what would you do to a woman?
whats it like doing cocaine? its one of the few drugs id never want to try (seems way too addicting
He treated me so right but god took him away from me. Why keep living?
nta and haven't (wouldn't either) done it myself but I've been told it's like the effect of very strong coffee. Jittery energy. If you become reliant on it you feel down all the time without it
My thoughts are can I bounce on your coke cock?
You feel like 110% yourself. I basically just kept fidgeting my legs because it felt really good to move. The comedown was really, really annoying. Apparently it's different for everyone, and I got very angry and irritable. I was kinda angry the whole time, even though I felt good. Also felt like it was hard to keep my thoughts straight.
god here
do women get annoyed when i msg them randomly or was that the point of them giving me their ig?
Fuck you nigga cuz I can
dog here
rrrrrrbarkbarkbarkbark arf
It takes your ability to handle stress from here _ to here -, and makes you intelligent enough to understand a Denny's menu.
They just want more followers
Modern women directly link that number to their self worth
And so do I
bad dog
you can't just group an entire race like that because there are a few bad ones
get in your kennel
Like I said, there might not be an amount of weight that is really enough in my case, especially if it's central. That's why I want to know what women think about the mask.
If you can then I can kill myself
If I can do rails off your ass.
Honestly, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility. But, no reason to really dwell on that. She was only 12, so it does seem sus, but apparently her breed usually live that long, so it could make sense.
Women whats your girth preference?
Shut up, brainlet
Women what's your mirth preference?
How rare are women who are attracted to the male body?
we are SO back
Do what ya want
the "male body"? Not rare
YOUR male body? haha
>has to settle for asians
KWAB ask me how i know you stare at the floor while walking around
What is a unique but hot costume I could do for Halloween? As a woman btw
>YOUR male body? haha
Im just asking a question and you feel the need to insult me. Cool.
I have come to talk shit
>do you have a favorite Dragon Ball character?

>Evens decide if I should text him
Send him a love poem and a pic of your scarred inner thighs, showing your devotion to him by cutting

>The ultimate expression of femininity is to be consensually sexually assaulted by the father of your children while doing household chores
No, schedule her chores properly so you aren't sexually assaulting her in the middle of domestic duties. She may forget her place and progress. A bit of patience prevents problems.

>Women why are you so mean to us?
They're not. They only hate the men who would rather cry and blame others. Such men deserve it.

>women do you enjoy playing with, or having your butt played with?
You'd be hot if you weren't schizo

>Why can't women just say "hey I was offput by our previous conversation, I'm no longer interested and we should stop texting"
Because men don't know how to handle rejection gracefully
Thoughts on the W88P thermonuclear warhead?
Pick me as fuck.
>Because men don't know how to handle rejection gracefully
Okay then say that and then block him. What's he going to do? He can't text back
NTA but I’m trying Nigger girl. I’ll make the fuhrer and his communist Nazis proud.
you just think she's 6'5" because she's a head taller than your 5'1" ass. She's 5'8" at most
living at high altitudes cures this
im researching it a bit, its scary that the process to make fogbank has been lost
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I want a boyfriend
>He treated me so right but god took him away from me. Why keep living?
You will be able to get attention by being annoying if you stay alive. This will temporarily feel good to you.

>god here

>asian girl orbiting me while trying to order lunch
>I love being chad
Chad does not appreciate distractions

>How rare are women who are attracted to the male body?
Women are only attracted to whichever dark triad personality traits you refuse to develop

>What is a unique but hot costume I could do for Halloween? As a woman btw
Time travelling assassin
Hello! Let's have SSSSEEEEEXXXXXX!
I only pick women with fragile but overly inflated egos sorry
I have done this
>deliberately misunderstands my insult
I highly doubt you are a fulfilled person, and that's okay.
>I want a boyfriend
no, you want a better boyfriend than you're worth
So he will put his head on my chest and I can stroke his body all over and tell him how lovely and wonderful he is
Women do you actually like swallowing?
oh my god i need this so bad
Yeah, and? Men are the same. Everyone has unrealistic fantasies

Women refuse to communicate honestly because the part of the brain that chooses to be unattracted
Is not in contact with the part of the brain that understands and produces language
So it'd be like me asking why your neighbour was late to work last week. You don't know. You can't tell me.
Black/white/gray + dark green/dark brown/black
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I refuse to believe women want this
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we're never gonna make it
>>deliberately misunderstands my insult
>I highly doubt you are a fulfilled person, and that's okay
Engage with my bullshit to satisfy your pathological need to have the last word and I will pretend to be entertained
android 18 because I wanna fuck her
why do you guys even come here if you have such a low opinion of women
Chest no
Thighs yes
hey I was offput by our previous conversation, I'm no longer interested and we should stop texting
you're a faggot
that's fine but I would prefer to be able to put my arm around him
if he puts his head on my thighs I will stroke his hair though so I suppose thats fine
>He likes his ego
nta but I have nowhere else to have any kind of casual interaction with women
I unconsciously don't even believe they exist anymore
where’s the anon I promised to draw big boobies for
It's really offputting when men act astounded that women are people with the same desires you have
oh yeah say it just like that baby
>be able to put my arm around him
Legs tho
Just wear something with exposed calves for skin to skin contact
yeah its a long long time till i even have a chance at trying
I had laksa tuna with Chicken Crimpy flavour Shapes. Ameriburgers will never know what they're missing out on when it comes to Shapes
Draw a neverending orgy of love
2 large pizzas + 1 garlic bread
Should I eat bc I'm bored even though I don't really need it?

Fellas, have you ever asked out your escort? I read on reddit that it's usually her who should ask you out if she liked you.
I come here for the same purpose I've used the internet my entire adult life, to yell at black people and women on the internet.
But its women who constantly tell us how much of a nuisance we are
too many naked people
how many people would an orgy be anyway
fair enough
No, fuck off.
because it's not our experience at all. The only experience I have of women is that they're socially performative, and merciless to anyone they see as low-value or threatening to their body or status
15 years in co-ed education and I had no positive interactions with women as people, only 'professionally'
Currently I use Shade by Lush
No they say how much of a nuisance YOU are
>too many naked people
This is a nonsensical statement.
if you're a man, yes. If you're a woman, no.
im sick and i dont know how long it will take to get better
some shit from versace and DG
I just let Jeremy pick my fragerances out for me
What does sex feel like for women?
No perfume, just body wash and deodorant that smell like sandalwood.
tfw no gf literally made of ice
as an artist anything above 3 is too many people
>I just let Jeremy pick my fragerances out for me
No, i barely interact with women outside of /atoga/. But i read about it all the time, everywhere on the internet. Women do not like us.
What does sex feel like for men?
I constantly fantasize about buying scented soaps or cologne for my boyfriend so I can choose what he smells like
>im sick and i dont know how long it will take to get better
>she's depressed because she has to wait DAYS to get affection
must be hard
>how many people would an orgy be anyway
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ice gf you say
No idea
i have literally never used a fragrance. I dont think it really has a purpose
What does sex feel like?
no one here would know
worse than just jerking off
salty coins and milk
What does sex feel?
wrong place to ask this
like chronic illness?
What is sex
baby don't hurt me
imagine hugging her and her meth knee crystals dig into your legs and you overdose and die
boyfriend with soft hair I can run my fingers through
Like my pp is being hugged :3
I do this and he forgets to wear it Sigh
boyfriend who pets me while I fall asleep
Do women prefer top or bottom?
That’s love
I don’t wanna say it but you already know what I would say
I'm sorry anon. What is it?
girlfriend who doesn't speak and has a trust fund
Are you a dog?
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top easily
girlfriend who exists (impossible)
I would let a gf do this if it meant she'd cuddle and rub all over me for hours
*pokes ur mattress from below*
Men, would you consider a guy messaging OF models for custom content while in a relationship cheating?
Girlfriend whom I chomp at all times
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I'm a furry so close enough
stop it
Yes, also even outside of a relationship that is pathetic
It's like one step down from hiring an escort, of course I would.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>paying for porn
absolutely gigantic K E K how fucking retarded can someone be
i still don't have a full diagnosis yet, which is a big slog in and of itself
I'm metabolically fukked and I have extremely low energy levels
Yes, also embarrassing because he's probably not even talking to the model and his "custom content" is probably one of the five thousand videos she's recorded already.
I mean, it's not like they'll respond
My Estimation of him as a man would fuckin plummet
yes. any non-professional interaction with women would be cheating.
>invite a girl over to my place
>we’re just gonna hang out, have some good food, play some games
>last night I spot a fucking ROACH in my bathroom
>it’s fucking impossible, I’m clean as fuck, they’re coming from another unit
>office doesn’t know what unit they’re coming from, exterminator can’t come out until they figure it out
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You know what. I don’t even care anymore. Would.
How beneficial is it for a guy to learn lap dances to impress women?
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I hope things get better anon
Yes kinda, I think it's one that can be forgiven if he changes but only if he changes.
Would you consider bathing with him and cleaning him yourself?
Do Tai-Chi daily for a few months while taking some relevant herbs, and you'll be cured.
>women would rather forgive Chad buying (((custom onlyfans videos))), paying ACTUAL MONEY for them, than lower their height and jawline requirement
it's absolutely over
Women are tattoos a turn off for you?
thanks anon
I have high hopes that it will, but basically everything in life is on permanent pause until then
The Japanese wouldn’t
I mean, i'm a human irl so you don't have to like furries
I would love to wash a man. My bf would not be allowed to touch his own penis so I would have to supervise him in the tub anyway.
>Men, would you consider a guy messaging OF models for custom content while in a relationship cheating?
Being attracted to those models and not even trying to change that attraction, though? Yes
i wonder if somebody could unscramble my face from this lol
>My bf would not be allowed to touch his own penis
What do they have to do with anything
Are you that anon that was saying Japan did nothing wrong in WW2?
>My bf would not be allowed to touch his own penis
i hate artificial scents sorry
>My bf would not be allowed to touch his own penis
this is ok if she touches it a lot every day
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It depends on the tattoo. Shit tattoos are a turn off, but I love good tats. Unfortunately, not many people have good ones.
Without permission and supervision, I mean
I'd do this for my GF.
>you don’t have to like furries
But I do, I’d have to like you
>would wash
>bf isn’t allowed to touch penis
Just be gentle is all I ask
>Without permission and supervision, I mean
I say again: lolwut
Japs don’t think visiting prostitutes is cheating
I'm very gentle
Also I hate furries personally and don't like being lumped in with them, but it is what it is
I prefer it when men don't cum. they are more fun when they're pent up and desperate
I'm white and 6'4". It's an internal martial art (benefits the organs) that helps with performance in external martial arts (benefits the tendons, bones, and muscles). It makes me harder to unbalance in Judo. But you're a retard who hasn't exercised since middle school so w/e dyel
Yes. I've swiped no on people because of their tattoos. I'm not repulsed enough to reject him if I haven't seen the tattoos until he was naked, though. And if I had gotten to know him and fancied him before seeing the tattoos, that wouldn't be an issue either.
Japs are also experiencing a demographic collapse because their birth rate is abysmally low and many of their people have basically given up on relationships.
>doxxing event
whats this?
So is every developed country
them being hikkis who marry virtual WAIFUS is much more relevant to demographic collapse than seeing prostitutes
That's a good tat
Yeah, that ain't gonna work for me. I could understand not wanting a bf to jerk off to porn or whatever, but long-term orgasm control is weird and I'd dump a woman for suggesting it.
They're much further along that path than everyone else.
Nursing handjobs?
ENTJ is a real man's man.
Women what do you think of the Great Male Renunciation?
>I prefer it when men don't cum. they are more fun when they're pent up and desperate
ok not like that
I hate how boring men dress
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>I prefer it when men don't cum. they are more fun when they're pent up and desperate
Hot… but I would turn feral and stupid after a while
>I'm very gentle
We’re good then I guess
Guess I will never have my denied leaky bf
It's all related.
Very wise, master Yoda
I feel like this is a femdom thing. You want a bitchboy you can peg and dress up in lingerie, don't you?
you're the guy namefagging and pretending to be a chad for attention albeit
I think it’s a great shame and I hope it reverses.
show what you wouldnt consider boring
You mean just the penetration, I suppose? The first moment of penetration feels incredible, I audibly sigh when he enters because it feels so intense. With someone you love it feels so emotionally intimate and close. A part of him is within me, I think, and it's pleasurable for both of us. There's a lot of sensation around the vaginal opening. Otherwise it's the feeling of fullness. The most pleasurable sensation is inside the vagina as I become more aroused; the internal clitoris engorges so each thrust stimulates the internal clitoral tissue. I've heard that men can feel this engorgement too - the upper vaginal wall gets spongy in texture.
What species?
Barely. South Korea is at a 0.9, China at 1.2, Japan at 1.3, UK at 1.6, US at 1.7.
Japan’s fertility rate is pointed out for a few reasons. To distract from the same happening everywhere else, and to try to bolster arguments for mass migration into Japan.
You can't even run a mile without gassing out. Chads play sports. Learn your role, kid
Like sneezing out of your dick while having your eyeballs sucked. Kind of neat.
Yeah, honestly, 99% of the time it’s a turn-off.

It’s a turn-on if it’s a good tattoo, but most people do not have good tattoos. Dated a guy with Huginn on one shoulder and Muninn on the other— they were small, well done, well-placed tattoos on his back. I liked them. It was hot.

Pretty much most other tattoos I see on guys these days are trash.
Fuck you, when the Shogunate is reinstated you’ll feel so retarded
Yes, I love it. It feels intimate and intense with someone I love. I want to absorb the physical manifestation of the pleasure I've given him. With someone I don't love, it feels quite satisfying to swallow. I'd say it's part of doing a good job. On a practical note, it's simpler to deal with if I just swallow.
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No, I don't like how femdom gets conflated with those kinks. I like masculinity, I like men who look and dress like men. However I do prefer men who aren't aggressive/domineering and have gentler personalities.
I really like the suit this guy is wearing in this video, but I like it when men are even more colorful. I just don't have an example on hand
Hope I dont get banned for posting this, picrelated
Women would you let your bf donate their sperm for a bit of extra cash?
Wish it felt like that for me. That’s how I always fantasized it would feel. I still sometimes fantasize about that, even though I know that’s absolutely not how it feels for me.

Instead it feels like being penetrated by an alien, it’s just uncomfortable and invasive.
Racism is for midwits.
You must be >120 IQ to have an opinion on this
I'm a guy
>and to try to bolster arguments for mass migration into Japan
japan seems like a pretty bad place to live. lots of earthquakes, tsunamis etc. maybe out in the country side would be nice but i dont think i could get meaninful employment in my field over there
So you're just into furry/anthro porn?
Aren’t they? China and Korea, anong others, shit themselves to this day at the idea of Japan re-arming.
I drew a portrait of you anon
I hate my body which turned into a fixation on wanting to be an animal person. I'm not attracted to furry stuff myself, just want to be one so I can be powerful and beautiful
They’re a resilient people. They constantly renovate buildings for greater earthquake safety, they have extensive public alert systems to warn people to take shelter.
>I really like the suit this guy is wearing in this video
oh yeah, I wouldnt be caught dead wearing something like that
But why?
my GF has never had an orgasm, what's the best strategy to give her one? Penetration's painful for her, so that's off the table. I have to be careful fingering and licking her too because it's pretty bad. She hasn't really masturbated, so she doesn't really know what feels good for her. Yeah, yeah I know orgasm shouldn't be a goal
not ugly enough
First thing you both should do is go to a sex therapist for Vaginismus.
Why are you being a schizo tonight, ENTJnon?
I think being on top helps to make it feel less alien and more intimate. As is having sex with someone who is imaginative and has sex in a loving and intimate way. With my bf, even using my mouth on him is a sensual and loving act. That's quite rare but it's special when you find it. Speaking during the act I think helps too. Getting properly turned on makes it so that his penis rubs against really pleasurable spots inside.

I can't come from penetration but it does feel good. Does clitorial stimulation feel better for you?
It sounds like she isn't aroused enough.
ive been to japan a few times and while i did enjoy it there, i think its best as a holiday destination. or maybe i just need to become a psyychologist that specialises in helping foreigners and expats so i dont need to get my japanese knowledge up again
He probably felt insecure because he saw his crush with a big black man.
because it would look bad on 90% of the time and it only looks good because its on set.
its like those assassins creed hoodies, they look good in photos and promo videos, but wear it in real life and it looks dumb as fuck
another example is the ryan gosling drive jacket
Vibrator. I can recommend a few?
Does this ever actually manifest in your behavior or is it just escapism?
You're like a stupider version of me, not gonna lie. Your insults have no bite, they just sound like projection.
You’re smarter than me?
The only one it looks good on is the dog lol
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Yeah i get it, you need to be a hot thin celebrity to pull off swanky clothes. But like pic related is a normal shirt on a normal guy. I wish men dressed more colorfully in general
Well I am very deep into escapist hobbies like roleplay, writing, and playing Second Life but if you're asking do I meow at people irl - no, I think I act pretty normal. I don't like how cringe furry "culture" is.
Women, I am a eunuch. Have been so pre-puberty. I dress in lazy feminine clothes but don't hide my masculine voice and upper body. I have hips and A cups and a mostly flat ass. My hair is very long. What are your first emotional impressions?

Men, at what point in courting do you feel unable to control your horny level? Serious question, I get aroused at the sight of women but it's never debilitating and I rarely get an erection unless I focus.
Would anyone even notice if half the posters here were just chatgpt?
I’m hoping to move there semi-permanently in 2026. I have a bit of a hookup for a job, luckily.
well she didn't respond well to one with that had a big round heads sort of like a magic wand. Either she felt nothing or it was too intense
How did that happen?
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I felt inspired
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Haha fuck no
Women, my cock is good but he's not very photogenic. How do I cope.
Why does it need to be photogenic?
cope by becoming prettier than your cock
If I hug her, won’t she die…?
I would clap those cheeks. Or thud I guess on the cold hard ice.
when I was four, at my dad's dealer's place, a junkie tried to rape me and I resisted. he began kneeing me in the testicles until one popped and I stopped fighting. never had much of a puberty after, rendered me sterile.
Already am
I dunno, sometimes women want cock photos dont they?
I would think "That is a very androgynous guy, perhaps they are trans." I really wouldn't care either way.
>I wish men dressed more colorfully in general
they do, but again, unless you're really hot you cant pull it off.
I am super into fashion but I personally stick to black, grey and white.
if you hug her for long enough probably . She’ll melt by sunrise anyway
slipping on them cheeks
>She’ll melt by sunrise anyway
nta but ;-;
Yes, keep that shit in your pants.
right on, cheers
hashtag poetry
Bitch child support me? I kill my baby momma.
>She’ll melt by sunrise anyway
I would have to smell it in person to know whether its the good stink or bad stink.
>I dunno, sometimes women want cock photos dont they?
I don't think so. All of the nude photos I save are a man's entire body with both his cock and face in the frame. I don't think many women like just plain cock photos.
Women, let say you go an event for something you really enjoy, whatever that is. You meat a guy and you really click, he later admit that he didn't care much for the event, he was only there so he could meat women.

Would that be a dealbreaker, and why or why not?
I’m trans btw, if that matters.
Also, when I'm looking at nude guys I spend more time looking at his face and forearms than I do his cock.
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Hah, the magic wand is definitely an advanced toy. Good for women who know they need a powerful toy - I only bought my first after 5 years of using vibrators.
I would suggest starting with a high quality rechargeable bullet vibrator. Make sure it has a few intensity settings. High quality to ensure it's rumbly, rather than buzzy, and can be powerful enough if she needs it.
Picrel is one of my favourite ones. I don't insert it, although you can. I use it on my clitoris. It's sort of like a gentler and more ergonomic magic wand. It's got a large area of contact compared to a bullet vibe, but it's more slender and less aggressive than the magic wand.

I'd definitely recommend a premium bullet vibrator to start off with.
I wish people would stop saying they don't understand why I can't find someone
I don't know what's wrong with me either
bathe eventually. proximity privilege revoked until you bathe.
It depends too much on the situation to give a definitive answer but I would be very disappointed that we don't actually have that interest in common, and it might make me less interested in him.
>sometimes women want cock photos dont they?
I do, yeah. But not because the penis is photogenic. I kinda like knowing he's doing something for me. I also get off on how sexual/sleazy penises sometimes look.
I'll leave and you won't see me again.
They know why
Ladies. If you do like using sex toys during sex, what would your reaction to be if a guy had a doxy or hitachi wand on his nightstand and liked using it with different women?
Hmm... I see
>I also get off on how sexual/sleazy penises sometimes look.
Harlot (affectionate)
Android 18
I would never have sex with someone who had sex with other people besides me
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I'm just gonna say, you guys are so fucking boring. Holy shit. This thread has fallen off a cliff. No I will not generate content for you. Just wanted to say I'm disappointed.
anyone ever have the feeling that their entire point of your existance is to serve as a cautionary tale of what not to do in life?
Fuck off already, brainless
No. My adventure will be starting any day now.
women would you ever pay to suck a dick?
Yeah. That's the only way I could think of to quickly describe it. I was going to say filthy but I don't mean gross/dirty. It's this very sexual sleaziness. Wet, shiny, expectant, ready to go. I quite like photos of his soft penis too, with the foreskin pulled back. Looking all cute and small.
I don't know. Some guys are long distance and I wouldn't. I get plenty of hookup requests that probably wouldn't mind going on a date.
Probably around 10.
I've had a regular hookup who had TWO of those kek. And also a couple of insertable ones too. As long as he wrapped it with a condom before using it with me, I'd be glad. It definitely helps.
Because niggers kill us for saying they don't have conversation skills.
If you get ghosted, blame it on blacks.
>Looking all cute and small.
Interesting. I think penises are more beautiful than sexual. But I still prefer looking at a guy's face.
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I HATE plain cock photos because there is no Art in it. picrel is poses that are good methinks
nta but what if its just jojo poses
This is will be a great resource for many years to come. Do you have any other poses you'd recommend.
I'm currently obsessed with this guy called jamesnikko1 on Reddit. He takes very aesthetic full body pictures.
why man looks so sad but the pp so happy
im a guy an idek what dick smells like
Mostly funny random clips. Sometimes comedians.
do you have an ugly bastard fetish?
Nice trips you mindless idiot
>pov shot
i would kms from embarrassment
>How rare are women who are attracted to the male body?
I'm only attracted to medium shirt white male non balding bodies.
oh shit this is great for posing practice >>32011238
it’s really just variations of those 3, but I’ll whip some up for u anon
thought it’d be funny LOL
The fact that men are walking around with penises in their underwear hidden from me only by a few layers of cloth is completely obscene and I think they should all be arrested. I just can't stand how many penises are around me every day that I cannot touch or see.
It does seem crazy to take a pic like that of yourself
the japanese attitude to prostitutes was basically normal in the west before the 60s to varying degrees
Three, maybe four. Almost all I've found through a dating app.
Too bad, deal with it.
it doesnt have a particular smell as far as i can tell
>it’s really just variations of those 3, but I’ll whip some up for u anon
ty <3
why do women need to feel safe?
the better question is, do they deserve to?
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how though
What's even worse is that my best friend has a penis and sometimes he tells me things like he peed in his yard when he was drunk and thinking about him holding his penis, or having it just there in his lap while he's talking to me, drives me insane. Why won't he let me see it? It wouldn't hurt anything if I saw his penis just once, and yet he won't let me.
What about gorean poses?
K-kono powa da
No seriously
you're probably not attractive to him
>tfw no pervert gf
I think he's handsome...
yeah no shit
Not to be rude, but I think it’d be funny if your home burned down while you watched, maybe somebody tied you to a lamppost or tree, with all your pets and loved ones still inside, then you had to dig their graves and bury them with your own bare hands.
me with boobs
Sarge coded.
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Please no. I don't want to look at black penises.
White guys should show me their nice cocks, hiwever.
Get him drunk and take his pants off. It's OK, women can't commit sexual assault or rape.
No, leave me and my cock alone.
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All this talk about bfs and penises is making me feel like I need to burn down a building
He's an online friend and he's already rejected me
Average penis is fugly tho

t. fag
>most men spend their whole young adult life single
>they're expected to just deal with it
>one foid has to live for a day without a bf
>she becomes an arsonist
That's not me. I just ignore the pajeet. Why would anyone waste their energy on some indian larper?
>mmm yess babbyy i get many bobs and veganas i am soooo handsummm n hairy my friend ranjeet sumtimes pretends to be a girl an we hav many dates i am very ladiesmannn mmm yesss
The day you come into these threads weeping in anguish, the day you discover what unhappiness is, I will cum absolute buckets. The only better day will be the day your grease-addled heart finally gives up and you expire. I just hope all those trees that are cut down for your coffin were worth it.

Ah, who am I kidding. You’ll be dumped on the side of the road like trash. I’ll drive by and throw an empty can at your head too. Lol
"Ugly" looking penises turn me on more. Is that weird? Like dirty old man penis.

>t. woman
Which part of that triggered you?
NTA but you're a creep, basically.
No, what does it smell like?
Shut up loser. There's nothing wrong with having sexual thoughts about people you know as long as you don't act on it.
What the fuck anon
honestly why not just enjoy clothed guys instead at that point?
Sure, and there's nothing wrong with being judged for it when you vent it into a public space like this.
so i should wear long sleeves 24/7 to deny women the pleasure of male forearms
That adds to the tease, anon
But yes you should do it. You need to be strategic about showing your forearms off.
Why are you pretending to be me, though? Lmao.
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>femanon's face waiting for me to post dumb shit
OK GO OFF I like that shit anon.
it was cold this morning so i wore a long sleeve shirt, but then rolled up my sleeves because i was using the lathe today and i dont want to turn into a liveleak video. is that a good reason
I get my pics from Reddit and there aren't many subs for clothed guys posing nicely. When guys want to feel sexy they take their clothes off.
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cock pic tutorial by yours truly
Apparently men have no subtlety with these kinds of things. A shame honestly.
Maybe someone needs to start a new subr*ddit
Anons named me the new Sarge. Deal with it.
Good one. Did you develop your keen wit as a defense mechanism, or was it a futile attempt to try to cultivate some reason for somebody on this Earth to ever give a fuck about you? You miserable shit, I guess that’s what happens when your greatest hardship on a daily basis is trying to roll your big ass out of bed.
one time a guy I liked sent me a pic of his cock sticking out of his pants. He was wearing tan khakis and for months afterward I would get wet whenever I saw tan khakis
Fair enough, you're just furthering my legacy though. My cute lil Private.
Doing gods work anon, I kinda get it now
Ty for teaching these boys.
Don’t foids like when we roll our sleeves up?
Yes that's the point anon
I like your little self insert
If you're fat and balding then you're still not hot enough for me to look at your cock. So it's ok.
the sniper one made me laugh my ass off
If women are wondering why footfags are like that, it's the same thing.
>full body + feet
>clothing optional
I'm neither of those things, but you're still not going to get to see it.
The homosexuals forced me down, anally sodomized me with their cocks, and then once they had finally broken me, they forced me against my will to bake their homosexual wedding cake and use my semen with the cake mix.

How was your night?
The only thing fat and balding about me is my cock itself
glad to be of service
me too That was the most fun (except for the silly penis faces)
this wasn’t meant to be a foot thing
Similar; I made a BBQ bacon burger and it was really good. Could have used some green pepper.
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>girl handwriting
>this wasn’t meant to be a foot thing
*everything* is meant to be a foot thing
i can't actually imagine having sex desu
for feet people maybe
What do you think about male cock pics
>male cock pics
As opposed to female cock pics?
Raised? Please. We all know your parents didn’t give a shit about you either. That’s what I hate about you, you’re a contemptible lying piece of filth. You sat in your room alone playing with the two toys you owned while your parents lamented having such a total waste for their offspring. I bet there were countless instances when they looked at you and just envisioned killing your retard ass then and there.
Sadly, the world isn’t so kind.
>cropped photo of feet
not so nice
>fullbody photo showing feet
quite nice
God, I can only hope to have a gf like this
Unfortunately most women I interacted were straight up ungreatful
There were some pleasant exceptions
why are the girls so angry today
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I have the power of girl handwriting
It was mostly just me, but im going to bed now
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Tonight's thread has me even more confused about women
What's there to be confused about?
It's not like I'm going to break into your house and take your cock pics while you're sleeping.
Creed GIT, Encre Noir, VK Spicebomb and sometimes YSL LNDL
hell yeah an agreement on boxer pics. something about Just Boxers tickles me just right
I wish my GF would send me sexy pics
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dont you dare disrespect my wife
The less of my body there is in the shot, the better desu.
Actually that probably includes my dick too. The best dick pic I could take would probably be my floor with no part of me visible.
why are her arms so long? she looks like an alien
i see
what women want
I wish my (hypothetical) GF would send me asshole pics
>t. shah of iran
What if her asshole is really hairy?
shadow pics don’t sound too bad actually
She is one
They want it all.
Not my preference, but it's not necessarily a turn off. Depends really.
Jesus I think you broke ENTJ, anon…
Are you two gonna lez out or something?
my ideal relationship is nothing extreme except I wear a full face mask all the time and never take it off again. you meet me while im wearing it and you see me go into the grave with it
God, I hope so
Hey cultist anon
>cultist anon
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So is there a list of like, stuff girls think is cool? basically, girl kino. stuff that girls go "kino!" when they see it.
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this is the fate of every femanon born after 2000
There’s this anon who posts weird pics of cultists wearing masks. Guess it isn’t you
>except I wear a full face mask all the time and never take it off again. you meet me while im wearing it
So you're a cheater.
Plastic surgeons should be beaten mercilessly.
I wasn't expecting you to respond. Thank you for doing so.
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yeah it is me, I was just never called that
I just dont think its healthy for the relationship. thats why I put so much more emphasis in my body
Plastic surgery for anything that isn't a burn victim or similar seems kind of unnecessary and kind of against the hippocratic oath
The medical industry in the US ditched the Hippocratic oath many decades ago.
a list you’ll learn once u start becoming friends with women
Now draw them pregnant :)
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does it get you wet bb
I want a full nights sleep tonight so no I won’t do pregnancy drawings
too tired to even want to be horny
im invisible in this thread tonight
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No not that… though also odd.
This was in the last thread.
What was that noise?
Must have been my imagination...
hi anon I see u
Do girls like this aesthetic?
only now...
Probably just his bedtime. Busy day of being a miserable fucking nuisance tomorrow.
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what makes you feel invisible anon and how can I help you feel seen
>is the guy hot
>is the guy not hot
Get some straight cut black jeans, a pair of army style boots, a dark colored flannel on top, a watch, a bracelet, veiny forearms, partially close the flannel, roll up the sleeves, wear a fall/winter feagrance that is not sweet, a well fitting leathe jacket and I’d say it’s a good aesthetic
if i state it plainly it doesn't really work
that's kind of like asking for a pat on the head
foid hands
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mine are moid
the "im gonna have to say i tripped and got a black eye" aesthetic
Either gender - would you rather your partner have shitty real teeth or perfect fake teeth?
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I’d give you a pat on the head if you’d ask
f, depends. are they rotten or just crooked?
Yes, even on skinny guys.
Perfect fake. Teeth are just weird hard things for biting and chewing anyway, but the implication here is that shitty teeth = bad hygiene and good teeth = good hygiene but something happened and I'm pretty fucking picky on oral hygiene.
Anywhere on that gradient I guess. From yellow to crooked to chipped to British.
hell yeah, we are SO back
i might blush is that ok
I react to same to headpats
Nothing worse than getting recognized by your posts
... I posted a shopped picture of Willem Dafoe looking up in horror at a giant penis casting a shadow on his face, and you think I'm trying to make you horny?
... What?
You sure? It led me to getting >her, so I'd say it's pretty good.
any alcohol appreciators on atoga?

thoughts on

also what do you like to drink?
Neither. I would not want to kiss the rotter/teeth-balding man.
I didn’t even notice the penis i thought you were making up a hypothetical I am so tired
it's literally never happened to me ever since 2007
Sometimes I wish I did get recognized, but I think it’s probably not worth it, huh
Dead thread
time to do my NYT dailies
It’s nearly 4 am in the parts of the world that matter.
time to go to bed
If you were here in the past few months, you saw it.
I wasn’t regularly then, only once every few days until recently.
Basically I got an atoga gf.
Tuck me in!

Lucky bastard
Was not luck. The luck was finding her.
Men, I made wings at 1am.
What do you think about that?
An hour to say “no u”. You really are one pathetic little cockroach, huh?
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drew on instagram as i am tucked in myself .. will be my last post for the night goodnight everybody
Yeah that’s what I meant. I’m happy for you, anon.
kinda hot desu, post pics
Thanks man, me too. WAGMI
dont care
Thank you! Good night!!
You’re only kidding yourself, not anybody here. You’ve never been any use to anybody. Ever. The only living things that gain from your continued existence are the bacteria infesting your bloated body.
F. Real teeth as long as they aren't seriously bad. I'm a britbong though...
How the heck would I remember that?!

None, it's maybe my most hated anime. I hate it more than naruto or one piece.
Question for virgin men. What are you most looking forward to when it comes to sex?
Creampies of course.
It’s truly a marvel. I’d wager it’s only your numerous diseases, coupled with your will to be a total blight on anybody unfortunate enough to encounter you, that are keeping you going. You’re a rotting husk. If there is a God, I look forward to him annihilating your putrid ass.
post nut clarity being better than climaxing.
Really? What makes you hate it more than those?
I kinda eated them already T-T
Probably that it was on when I was a kid and didn't like it, whereas naruto and one piece were on when I was a teen.
I want to have sex with a nice average looking man who treats me right. Pic related. Why is this so hard to accomplish?
I don't want sex I just want someone that enjoys me in their personal space.
thats okay, i hope they were tasty
That’s fair. I gave each of the three a shot only later in my teens, and I still really love DBZ.

Talk to average looking men!
Creampies. And feeling really connected to a girl.
I don't really like wings
I've noticed that women actually love being talked down and infantilized outside of job environments. Like how often do they complain that they meet a guy that starts telling them that the frogs are turning gay because of the chemicals because of Joe Rogan? They complain about it but end up dating the guy anyway because they love being talked to and explained things as if they're dumb. They don't want an equal, they want a daddy.
No, I like them
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Future Trunks because he has a sad backstory but isn't jaded by it at all and is in fact very friendly
I also think it's cool that he has a girlfriend who is 60 but looks 30
Future Gohan, the one who never stopped fighting (and died like a bitch)
>I also think it's cool that he has a girlfriend who is 60 but looks 30
Mai was an adult in the original Dragon Ball, and by the time of Future Trunks, she’s elderly. Except due to a wish on the Dragon Balls, she was returned to being a child, and so is physically about Trunks’s age.
Yeah. They were naked and I put BWW parmesan garlic sauce on em.
I didn't realize they were an item. Since when was that a thing.
That sounds good.
Now post your slightly bloated belly.
jk... (unless)
>your potential bf didn't undergo teeth whitening treatments
What is your reaction?
Goku Black saga.

As far as I know though, they both went back to their timeline and haven't been in the story for like five years.
This >>32010860 but without white.
I don’t have time to reply much more, as much fun as relentlessly pummeling your stupid ass is. I have actual tangible responsibilities - shit you’ll never understand.

I’ll leave you with this. I’m sorry your father sexually abused you. I’m sure he regrets it. He has my condolences.
Since when the fuck is this a Dragonball thread?
We need to bring back Athens-style ostracism. But, instead of just kicking people out of society, we need to build a giant catapult so we can launch them into the sun.
I'm not posting shitttt
Daily JH affirmations
JH you are cute
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Why does this board take so long to load?
Men do your balls warm up when you have a fever?
The touch and smell
also the feeling of someone reacting to MY touch and action
Intimacy, and being naked together.
if the body warms up, the balls will hang lower to cool down, so kinda
I've never checked, and also I can't remember the last time I had a fever.
So she's basically a pedo with some peter pan syndrome?
Kinda. When you have a fever your nuts hang lower.
This is how my mom would check if I was sick when I was a kid.
Alright. If boyfriend says he's sick, tell him to drop trou and look at his balls.
It never explores the implication. Kid Mai crushing on Kid Trunks really grosses me out though…
don't need to do that, just grope his crotch
Yeah that checks out >>32011666
Idly playing with femanon's bush
Would people reach the sun though?
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>foid when she sees me, an alpha male
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>moved into a new and much better job
>three week streak of not feeling sad about loneliness
>haven't been to /adv/ in a month
>having a nice dinner at McAlister's
>suddenly Dreams by The Cranberries comes on
>spend the rest of the night thinking about missed romantic opportunities and all my happy married friends

State gender
Are you an organ donor?
using femanon's pussy as a pillow
Do you mean could we actually launch something out of orbit with a trajectory toward the sun, or would they reach the sun's surface? We actually have catapults already that launch small satellites into orbit without the huge boosters, although they experience way too many g's to ever be feasible for launching manned vessels. As for making it to the sun, no, definitely not. Even if we were trying to make the vessel last as long as possible it would still be vaporized tens or hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the sun's surface, and anything that could get that close would be too large and too expensive for this application. They'd probably burn up a couple million kilometers from the sun's surface.
putting a drop of my precum on femanons philtrum
Men, do you go after women with
>Similar Taste In Music
>Similar Taste in Hobbies
>Similar Personalities
Just read an article that those are the top 3 signs of highly compatible couples.
do you have any posters that you regularly interact with or can recognize
even if you just remember interacting with them in the past
The latter, obviously. Don't litter space.
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>Men, do you go after women
I haven't really "gone after" a woman in a while. I think there has to be some overlap among these three categories though for a couple to have any chance of working, so I guess I'd say yes.
>do you go after women with
not anymore, learned my lesson
>>Similar Taste In Music
Not necessarily
>>Similar Taste in Hobbies
Even less
>>Similar Personalities
See above
Having stuff in common is nice, but not a requirement. I'd say there must be something that tied us together in the first place, but that aside it's more fun to explore things outside of what you are normally used to
Isn't it disrespectful of JH to let her uncle cum on her or inside her, yet she made all her bfs wear condoms? Curious.
I avoid women with
>Similar Taste In Music
>Similar Taste in Hobbies
>Similar Personalities
Just intuited a vibe that those are the top 3 signs of highly emotionally painful couples.
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>go after women
She loved her uncle more
I don't go after anybody because I'm dead inside but anecdotally all my friends who've made it to ten years of marriage check at least two of those
Thread full of dead male babies apparently.
Women are you still here?
State gender, age and your letters
A: Apathetic
B: Beautiful
C: Caring
D: Dominant
E: Energetic
F: Friendly
G: Greedy
H: Hedonistic
I: Intense
J: Joyful
K: Kind
L: Lazy
M: Mean
N: Needy
O: Obedient
P: Playful
Q: Quirky
R: Respectful
S: Submissive
T: Trustworthy
U: Ugly
V: Vain
W: Wholesome
X: Xenophobic
Y: Youthful
Z: Zealous
what the fuck does this even mean
I don‘t care for hobby or personality being similar. They have to like similar music though, that‘s a minimum
>I couldn’t give less of a shit
>still replies to clear his tripname
Yes, but not much to do.
Except for the >>32011724
looks fun
I have this faggot filtered adds nothing of value just like ENTJ's in real life
F 21
>one (You)
oh gee I wonder who that could be
I'll keep doing this until you fuck off forever
You wouldn't be the first namefag I got rid of. You're clearly seething
G: Gangsta
Why are guys so attracted to dreamy and vapid ethots?
Guys take whoever they can get, I don't think it's that they like those girls, more so that those girls reply to everyone.
They don't like real women, bunch of incels.
I bet that pussy is primo
I genuinely think people who engage in long-distance running are retarded
Guy in his 30s larping as woman
Running is not the word I thought was gonna follow that sentence but you know what I do agree. Endurance runners look like shit compared to sprinters.
I I do, I like those girls. I wish I could have a BPD gf that would lovebomb me
F 31
>Bronze 1 Flex
How? Man this bitch is dogshit at the game.
>oh boy, chris chan is trying to masterbate to trannies again
You all got fooled, it was me the whole time HAHAHAHA /atoga/ is so easy to troll
>evil hag
M 27.
Please peg me
Intimacy, knowing that someone wanted me and recignized the work I put in myself
Also, making her cum, but that’s not something that will happen the first time
Dogs are so incredibly stupid.
The smaller the more stupid.
That's way too much fucking shit.
reminder that runners regular crap themselves mid-run
>You wouldn't be the first namefag I got rid of
Alright I'm back.
You're too arrogant.
Omg it's dog dick girl.
First values then personality
Music and hobbies are secondary
Why do women hate fat and balding guys so much?
how long you been lurking scales?
Have you seen one?
Fuck. Wrong password
Why do women hate skinny guys with hair so much?
Bad personality? Beats me
Go eat a butger lmaooo
And now we're back to discord trannies having their gay little discord melties in /atoga/ for some reason, are we?
>getting beat by a skinny guy
lmao just beat him back
A woman?
I don't believe I have.
I will. With my ass.
NAG but hair where, on the body or head or face?
Saved, I love these so much. Its easy to know what poses guys like (usually anything with titties) but I needed the references from a girl's perspective
He better mean on his head.
Embarassing if he's just walking outside like a small foot.
Yeah, she's a good artist.
dont be retarded anons, he clearly meant it to be the opposite of fat and balding
I love how benis is habbi
i lost my inhaler and my airway feels itchy
Does not compute. Maybe he meant skinny and balding?

What do women think of skinny and balding men?
Would you like to be buried or cremated?
Which one is your favorite
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I just want a low to mid gf
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pic unrelated I suppose
That would be fun
>shitpost with some tards name pretending to be an individual on an anonymous image board
>get hit with the tard hammer for wasting everyone's time and and contributing nothing
Seems normal to me.
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Where does someone find a girl like this
In your dreams maybe
All of them have their uses, but mirror selfie and pov seems to be the most useful to keep in mind
Brown and black
>Female actually buying a honda
>and it's not a Jazz
Peak male hands
How the hell are you supposed to do the POV shot
i just cant get into cars. i think theyre really boring sorry
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F. Goku is my husband and would beat up any of your favorites.
sup chichi
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>bronze 1
Draw one?
W-wanna duo? OwO
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No way kid
I'm retired
I killed him
Now I can take my hat off.
Good boys,
If you could be any character in a movie, who would you be?
Like expieriencing the movie wise, not as living as the character to improve your life.
I mean, you could include both anyway I guess.
But I'm diamond 1 58 LP rn. I can boost you.
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I said I'm retired
I left that life behind years ago and I'm never going back
You know what? I get it. Are you the cunt that only played ARAMs?
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Frieza-Forma: Negro stomps
I'm a man baby
And no, I didn't do much ARAM. I was a jungle main until I switched to ADC for my last couple of years with the game.
What's your peak rank? I kinda did the opposite, I was adc main for many years until I swapped mid.
I didn't do much ranked, mostly normal draft.
I got to like plat 3 in season 5 I think but just quit. It was too stressful and aggravating for me.
I don't really like ranked in team games I guess.
No, I don't watch shit anime and I'm also not a child.
>plat 3 in season 5
Bit of a Cinderhulk merchant huh. That's fair, I personally love it. Now that I'm high elo I actually genuinely enjoy the game, seems like a lot less egos in d1/master games rn and everyone knows how to play the game.
Ew we have seen it, it’s disgusting
I actually loved when the game went through tank metas, when my boys Jarvan and Trundle were at the top.
Do you run into a lot of streamers/pros up there? When I used to watch streams I could recognize pretty much every player on both teams.
I was reading back this conversation and was hoping yiu were talking about a game like Rocket League and not some generic trash.
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I miss prework pantheon like you anons wouldn't believe. S5/6 also gave us the most cracked champs ever
For me, it's prework Gragas
He was my little secret and then pros just had to pick him up and get him neutered
>Start working out
>Meet girl I haven't seen in ages
>She says I should stop working out, because I'm big enough and anything bigger will gross women out
>Say I'm not working out for women
>She accuses me of being gay, says that I have to be doing it for women, genuinely won't accept not everything men does is to attract women
Women, do men ever act like this with you? Like anything you do must be for their benefit?
>Women, do men ever act like this with you? Like anything you do must be for their benefit?
Why can't you just say you like cock?
We can hook you up with our gay bffs.
Yep. See men's opinions on makeup or fashion or hairstyling. Career choice. Very common.
>See men's opinions on makeup
>i prefer it when girls dont wear makeup
>why do you look so tired
I do prefer girls without makeup. It's not my fault you spend all your time around callous men because you prefer them.
>>i prefer it when girls dont wear makeup
One of the biggest red flags in men and no, I am not being sarcastic.
How come? How is it different when preferring how women look after a night together and washing makeup off? They're even prettier with messed up looks

How is this a redflag
>why do you look so tired
This happens because most women use makeup to hide the consequences of their life style.
What’s the best dating app for autistic men with social anxiety? I’m gonna be 21 next week and I really don’t wanna be a virgin anymore.
It's a weird controlling thing to have an opinion on. Plus, men who go "no makeup" often show other fucked up mentalities, like being conservative
She's too asian for me to self insert as her, unfortunately.
Doesn't matter what color you paint him, Goku will split him in half again. Then he'll come home and split me in half.
>Dating app
Literally every dating app is terrible for men unless you're absurdly handsome, a murderer or rich
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Are you Indian?
its usually a sign that a man is controlling. but if you actually like women without makeup thats rare, because most men actually mean they prefer light makeup
The answers to this show just how soulless the average coomer is
>A18, why
>Not because of her personality, fights, the time she broke Bejeta's arm, no
>She's hot, that's it
>I don't care about any other factor
If she wears make-up, it's okay to lie to her.
For me it was AP sion with his point and click stun. Me and my buddy would run sion taric bot and just make them mald
What if you prefer pretty women without makeup
You KEEP saying that but the ONLY ones who give you that result are the sub-80 IQ, 6'2" apes whose lizard brains tell them to rape some arm candy
>Dating app for autistic men
But your best bet is hinge, good luck
Not a woman so can't answer that but you doing anything later?
Krillin because he's my kindred spirit (I'm also a manlet that wants to score a hot blonde taller than me).
No, we don't. This horse has been beaten to death already and you females are like a broken record.
How would you know, fucking retard? I've seen enough village girls and bitches without make-up to know that I prefer them. You're just trying to convince yourself that it's okay for you to put chemicals on your face.
I've played with a few streamers, no one major. Especially since it's end of season.
>release Ekko with 0 cost mana ult
Idk about that one chief.
>prefer pretty women without makeup
>most men actually mean they prefer light makeup
Gals, he's not even capable of reading.
I think it's insane to say you prefer women without makeup. What I will say tho is that I want to marry a woman who looks like she's wearing makeup when she's not. I know they exist because I dated one.
You only think you do.
>pretty women without makeup don't exist
So you're monstrously ugly and it's a cope.
Please, more buzzword, lil' incelly.
>who looks like she's wearing makeup when she's not.
>because most men actually mean they prefer light makeup
They actually believe this.
Anon, I woke up next to this woman. I saw her take her makeup off at the end of the night. Are you suggesting some sort of intricate and long term ruse
What are the hottest makeups?
Lipstick? Eyeliner?
The blood of your enemies
Fake freckles IMO
I fucking love the egirl anime zoomer look
that shit would immediately cake up and peel
not hot, shit taste
when i actually dont feel like doing makeup i just put on lipgloss since i think its the easiest way to elevate your look without taking more than like a minute
I agree with the other anon. Fake freckles
When their eyeliner is running because they get a little teary eyed while sucking cock
>Fake freckles IMO
The worst thing I can imagine.
None. I hate all make-up and their faces always look greasy in the sun.
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the one thing I don't understand is trannies that decide "okay I'm a gal now" but then refuse to put in any sort of effort into their appearance or actually look the part beyond growing their hair and accessories. why? it's actually better to be a fat ugly man than a fat ugly woman (that everybody knows it's a man). in general an ugly man will make for an ugly woman, like just because you take some estrogen you won't suddenly become an anime girl
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Anons do you celebrate sea pancake day?
Women, how much do you care about bumps on a man's face? I'm not talking about a face that looks like bubble wrap, but a few bumps here and there.
Weird looking cat.
The men here are all gay, fellow women.
How are we going to pair them up?
I think we can safely put the guys that like fake freckles together if we put them on both.
black lipstick
racoon eyes
Imperfections are memorable. I have flawless skin, but I don't expect everyone to.
i think they view it as "growing pains" and are hoping that they can come out on the other side like a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis
I like popping pimples....
holy crap manta rays are one of my fav. i saw one when i was in japan but i recognised later on that it had zoochosis :(
Cope, shit tast haver
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Is this more suitable?
Yes, thank you Cat Poster. I do not recognize any animals besides cats so I felt a little afraid.
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Excuse me, m'lady, but is that a banana?
You stay away from the bananya minion anon
I agree, I'm dumb and need a pretty smart girl to think for me :(
i ate half a bowl of cereal and some cashews today. i didnt vomit.
Nah I already tried that once and I had to bite him because he was too stupid to communicate and had temper tantrums.
Biting??? Oh no!
Nice work. Proud of you. :)
I just had a giant meal, fortunately it was my only meal today, feeling good.

Fat slobs 4 life.
Men, should I make biscuits and gravy?
Do you want biscuits and gravy?
I don't see why not.
Cashews are the best nuts.
"Biscuits and gravy is a popular breakfast dish in the United States, especially in the South. The dish consists of soft dough biscuits covered in white gravy, made from the drippings of cooked pork sausage, flour, milk, and often bits of sausage, bacon, ground beef, or other meat."
Sounds ick
Every time I hear about this dish I go through a horrifying second of imagining bourbons in gravy
Biscuits and gravy are delicious despite how it sounds
Yes and please post picks
Ex dumped me in March this year and I've moved on. We've had a bit of contact since, her messaging me on my bday and asking about how things are. I did so for her bday recently and the convos been nice and pleasant. Was thinking of asking her to go to coffee to catch up, but I'm not too fussed. Is something like this fine or strange?
"well it's good to hear you're doing alright, if you'd ever like to catch up for coffee that'd be cool. You know where to find me!"
Neither, it’s a bad idea. Move on
In my experience this is a bad idea and I advise you not to do it.
I mean sure but to undergo a metamorphosis you actually have to put in effort. Estrogen isn't a magic pill that will make you suddenly not fat or know how to dress.
How so? I can understand so, but what's your experience?
I don't have feelings like that for her anymore. She was a terrible girlfriend and I'll never go back to her, but I've forgiven her and the feeling is neutral towards her. I'm dating someone else now. Someone who has their shit sorted
In my experience it takes six months to begin getting over someone, and another six months to be totally over them.
I cannot think of any good reason to meet someone who dumped you, and who was terrible to you, and who you are neutral towards, when you are dating someone else. I can, however, think of several bad reasons.
its fcinbg over bro
iutsw fucking over
its done
shes done with you
dont do it bvro
its over
do you sit on the toilet in your workplace?
also, what's your job?
Retard, do you hear yourself?
You’re dating someone and you justify going out with your ex while claiming you have no feelings for her?
Are you so disconnected with yourself that you don’t realize what’s the issue?
Your brain will always remember the good times more intensely because of dopamine/oxytocin even if you know she’s bad for you just as information.
is it bros > hoes
hoes > bros
for you
Women, what do you think about more violent men?
I had this wish to bash a certain guy’s teeth with a steel pipe
Question for women

There's a woman who i came up to at work and she complained about a problem and seemed cutesy and innocent about it, which i helped her with.
I then asked if she read books and her eyes lit up, and she smiled, crossed her legs towards me and she told me stuff she read and enjoys and got suggestions from her.

However, she doesn't seem to look at me or come up to me otherwise.

Is she just being friendly?
I don't live the kind of life where that could ever come up
Bros > hoes
But I have no ‘bros’ anymore so idgaf about anyone
calm down there bud
That's not a violent man. A violent man would be one who ACTS on those thoughts. Most people have unsettling thoughts. My older brother hit a guy with a car and ran at a group with a machete. He was a violent man. He fucked his health up drinking and fighting all the time. What you're describing is tame and normal.
My workplace is different places, but yes.
I’m in college but I’m a dominatrix
What if I actually do it, then torch his car and destroy his apartment (in minecraft)
Then that goes beyond being a violent man and straight into retard territory.
Why did she dump you?
Alright - no need to get personal. I came here for advice and I didn't turn my nose up at it. I'm taken what you've said on board and I've considered it. I appreciate your help, but relax.
You're right.
Greys and tans
Women: seeing someone and we're texting less (we usually texted everyday). Am I right to assume it's nothing serious and we're just getting more secure?
selfie, place phone on pillow side
She was depressed, in a bad way and had a lot of problems. I started to resent her and we called it quits. Though I would have tried to make it work, she couldn't at that time.
Hard to say, we don’t know you or her
dont even need to read replies to know the answers will mostly be
>black (dirt stands out less, work clothes are often black)
>blue (because jeans)
>red (sports apparel)
>white (default color for socks)
>brown (belts, men often wear brown shirts)
men have literally no fasion at all its sad
chill out pal, whats going on there friend
Is she dating someone else now?
What are some words people use when talking to you that aren't meant to be offensive, but offend you anyways?
For me, m, its "pal"
Since when you were my pal, buddy?
black t shirt, blue jeans
but im shredded so it looks fine
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I made it.
Really easy.
I know you brits think biscuits are cookies, but they're salty butter scones. Closer to toast in concept, except it's a lone baked good.
Why would you need to be shredded for that to look fine? That's literally the most generic male outfit you could wear. Tons of men dress like that because it looks fine.
There's nothing to say really. We've been seeing each other for months. Recently spent the night and the next day together, spoke a lot about our own insecurities, what we wanted in a relationship, etc. I have literally no reasons to stress over it, I just do.
if youre not in shape it looks disgusting

it looks like melted maggots or vomit ick
do americans really?

Everything looks bad if you're fat
No idea, I don't care enough to stalk her social media or ask her
>it looks like melted maggots or vomit ick
>do americans really?
You guys don't even season your food after you waged war on every continent for it.
What do you even eat that isn't beans on toast or take away?
I wear a lot of complementary colours. Occasionally I use the three-colour method (like blue, yellow, and red). Sometimes I go for just one colour, but different shades, broken up by something either white, grey, or black.
I wear a lot of "black trousers, orange t shirt, blue coat" kind of combos. I am also a massive sucker for black and white, but I overcorrect in favour of colour because I'm worried about using monochrome like a crutch.
>Beans on toast
Oops, wrong topic. No one saw that post. It didn't happen.
I'm glad you asked.
Kedgeree, game pie, fish pie, arbroath smokies on toast, cullen skink, coddle but browned so it's not shit, steak and ale stew, and of course roast lamb with all the trimmings.
I do find it odd you're trying to pick a fight with Brits when biscuits + gravy is the most British style dish you could possibly invent.
If I'm in public, mostly all black with silver accessories. At home, anything goes.
>course roast lamb
this is the only good
rest is ickkkkkk
>i want my food to be 90% liquid
>game pie, fish pie
I had almost forgotten about fleet street and their barber.
calm down there bud
Many symptoms of autism can be hard to manage, but ARFID is one you can, with time, overcome. I wish you luck.
>fellas, is pie a sweeney todd reference?
>Only argument is throwing around the autism buzzword
sorry you like baby food
Don't know if anybody here really cares, anon who's dad got the cancer diagnosis recently here.
He'll have to do 7 weeks of therapy, will be in the hospital mo-fr. Chemo on monday, roentgen on the other days, he can go home on sat & sun.
This is a lot longer than I had expected desu, I though it was going to be just 2-3 weeks, since the cancer is I think only at stage 2 based on everything I know.
I hope the chemo is relatively weak and doesn't hit him too hard.
The doctors still said he has good survival chances.

I'm not really sure what to do or say tomorrow when I see my parents, I just talked with my mom on the phone.
The therapy will start on the 30th.
Ironic, given most of your kind subsist on dinosaur shaped tater tots
>still no argument, just made up attacks on character
Why are men like this?
>i want my food to be 90% liquid
Gravy is a liquid, you mong.
Nice, this makes me want to make some but I lack biscuits currently
Autism is not a character flaw. There's nothing to be ashamed of because autism isn't shameful.
You can put it over toast or potatoes too.
Any startch option really.
>except what brits call biscuits
Yes and that's the only meal he listed that's not just gravy + stuff
Gravy is fucking nasty
If you're eating roast lamb without gravy you're eating it wrong.
Also that seriously does sound like ARFID.
>not liking sauces
No condiments even on a burger?
No it doesn't lol
>You don't like a literal singular source of food, must be arfid!
You haven't even asked what I DO like, you just hyperfocussed on one thing, which itself is a sign of mental illness ironically

And when did I say I don't like condiments? I said
>I don't like gravy
Anon, you claimed to be unable to eat a vast swathe of different kinds of foods because they're too icky for you -- because of the liquidy texture. That's not a normal kind of preference.
Because of the gravy
I like peas
>Since when you were my pal, buddy?
I'm not your buddy, guy!
I hope everything goes well for your dad and family anon praying for a speedy recovery <3
No, not because of the gravy, but because they're liquidy in any form. You can't even eat curries. That's such a gigantic textural preference that it's probably sensory-related ARFID.
>You can't even eat curries
I like curry
Why is it so common for men to just make up things about the opposing party and then argue as if its true?
Thank you.
He has always been very active until this whole ordeal, so I hope his body is strong enough.
Anon. You looked at a list of dishes which included a curry (and a soup, and fish on toast) and declared that they were all "ick" because they're too liquidy.
>Everything looks bad if you're fat
it looks bad if youre skinny too imo. you need muscles to feel out sleeves
Alright lol
>Literally trying to make himself special for wearing the most generic outfit possible
How do you feel about women that get off to father-daughter incest porn?
Maybe he just wants everyone to be calm in the face of death I have alot of respect for your dad if that’s the case he is blessed then absolutely nothing to worry about
>Yes and that's the only meal he listed that's not just gravy + stuff
I don't have any judgement towards those women, but the fetish itself revolts me. I won't be able to do that kind of roleplay with you. I can do something adjacent, though, like prince x kidnapped princess, teacher x student, that sort of thing.
My married (male) coworker asked me what kind of meal would I make to impress a guy.
I said I honestly don’t know because I’m a disappointment lol.
Since I’m a KHHV how do I deflect questions about my love life?
What is this flavour of trolling called? Is it just single shaming?
I feel sorry for every woman that has to grow up without a daddy I wish I could adopt them all and make it all better sometimes
What gender are you?
Same as every other fetish
>actual porn videos
>written smut
Men. A girl your seeing refuses to remove her clothes in bed with you. She'll give you as many blowjobs for as long as your want. Would this be a dealbreaker?
Just remove the hypothetical man from the scenario and say your favorite meal to make for yourself, that's what he's really asking
Yea I said gravy is bad
Are you dumb?
Of course not. I’m a virgin though so anything is better than nothing
Just larp and tell them what they would like to hear I do this my in laws to be
Why don't you know how to cook?
Evens vote on whether I should text him
I had a dream he did and it was nice.
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I don't know about dealbreaker, but I wouldn't be very happy.
I just want to see tiddies, you know? Is that so wrong? I'd at least ask for a reason why you refuse.
>for as long as you want
I'm not sure you understand the purpose of a blowjob...
whats the issue? why are you khhv?
are you fat or from a muslim family?
Yeah if a girl isn’t comfortable in her own skin then it makes things kinda awkward lol
I have been with a few women like this minus the on demand blowjobs and it has been frustrating.
If you truly do mean as many blowjobs as I want then I can definitely deal with that compromise.
That's terrible to hear and I'm sorry you, your family, and your father have to deal with this. Cancer is fucking bullshit. Just be there for him, be positive and try to help with whatever you can. I hope the treatment goes well for him and he beats that shit.
its a tranny!
Send him a pic of yourself in bed and say "you could be waking up next to this"
I can cook though I’m so burnt out right now that I only cook a proper meal once a week.
Mr Rager where you goin
Most of it is written, but there are some decent videos.

My most recent read is:
Yes, even though blowjobs are the best
Why would I want to be with someone who has such a major hangup? Both the not willing to show body thing and signing up to be a blowjob dispenser. I want a gf, someone to please and be pleased in turn by, not a blowjob dispenser
>from a muslim family
Not a tranny. The guy is much more attractive than me and I'm worried he'll not like my body naked. I look okay in flattering clothes. I've also got self harm scars and body hair.

My thought process is that blowjobs feel better than PIV for the guy. I enjoy giving them. So what's the problem?
>Original Work
Hm, I'm more into fanfic, but if it's well-written and gets the job done, I have no problem with it. Sleep sex happens to be a kink of mine too, so I'll give this one a read, thanks :)
That’s okay take it one step at a time you got this
>blowjob dispenser
Yeah, that's my mentality. I want to be a cocksucking android for him. It's less painful than all the things that come with revealing my body.
You'll stay worried forever if you don't rip off the bandaid and just find out what he really thinks. For your sake and his, it's best to just get it over with and at least be seen in a bra.

Sis...... NTA, and this may sound like beta shit, but I respect women too much to treat them like Suckbot 9000. Please let him love all of you, not just your mouth.
I wonder how many of these are actually written by women and not just men LARPing.
Girls, could you handle a relationship with a guy who had a vanilla fart fetish?
Thank you too.
Yeah, I hope by christmas/NYE he has already mostly recovered from the treatment and we know if it was succesful or not.
blowjobs are sluttier.
Not her, but the overwhelming majority of AO3 stories are written and read by women. I'll take my chances. If a story is hot, it's hot.
>at least be seen in a bra
Nah, my breasts are probably the only good thing. I wouldn't mind being seen in the inverse of a bra.
are you !nd!an
>My thought process is that blowjobs feel better than PIV for the guy
I don't understand why you'd think this? BJs are awkward for me, I never know what to do with my hands. PIV is a much better experience, since I'm face-to-face with W O M A N who's enjoying it just as much as me.
>So what's the problem?
All your insecurities?
Absolutely talk about this with a potential partner. He will love you anyway if he is a right one for you.
That’s just mean
Well, there you go! Nobody's saying you have to do a full striptease for the guy, just pop your shirt off and see what he thinks. I'm 99.9% certain he'll be very pleased.
Kissing --> Kissing while shirtless is a very common step in intimacy. A small step, but a powerful one. Try it and you might feel more confident.
A girl at work has been really friendly for the past month or two.
There's been a bit of banter and silliness. I've been kind of catching feelings.
Then we talk about birthdays because mine is coming up. We both thought the other was older/younger. We both thought the other was 24. She's 19 and I'm 33.
So what's the best way to kill myself.
Islam has taught women to hate their bodies, absolutely heartbreaking.
Women, if given the chance, would you take your worst enemy’s soul, and transfer it to your toilet? The only downside to the scenario is now you have a sentient toilet
You have great tits so what the hell could be that disgusting about your body?
SH scars aren't that terrible, especially if they are healed. Body hair is not really important as long as you remove the one from armpits and crotch.
You don't have to have relationship experience to answer this question...
>on bed
is he soft in this pic? do women like seeing dicks that aren't hard? I think soft dicks look silly
I wish I had lost my virginity to him
I hope you didn't say "because I'm a disappointment" out loud.........
I wouldn't say it's single shaming, he's married so he automatically sees everything in a romantic context. He's not being mean, just a bit clueless.
There's a girl who may like me. She's currently on an extended holiday in South America. I recently followed her on Instagram and she followed me back instantly.

Would it be weird or boring to message her "Hey how's South America?"
Go on text him so he can screenshot it and make fun of you later
Maybe, but I got evens AND dubs, so you have to do it
>SH scars
You haven't seen mine. They're so bad one guy asked me what I had used because they don't look like standard healed cuts.
>Body hair is not really important as long as you remove the one from armpits and crotch.
Thigh hair is okay?
>so what the hell could be that disgusting about your body?
He's /fit/ and I'm /not/. I'm not fat but he can definitely do much better.
My thought is just because it's not your first time doesn't mean it can't be special. I had my first time stolen but I won't let that affect other times
>hes just being silly
How would you know? I’m in the process of getting married and I have an intense urge to backhand compliment everyone still single
>he can do better
"better" is relative. you might not be a swimsuit model, but a woman who's loving and willing to be intimate is better than one who isn't. you're already #1 in his mind.
“Hey how’s your trip going? I’ve been planning to go and I’m looking for recs for nice places”
> So what's the best way to kill myself.
Working a job for teens
nta but my sh scars are still really red. idk how long they take to fade to white because I only started cutting last year
Convince me not to call my ex
Weird no, boring yes
Ask her something uncommon like "seen any cartel members riding around with assault rifles?" instead
Why don’t we try someone closer to home bud
The SH scars are usually not that much of a problem though, but the mental issues you may still have.

I don't care about any leg hair.

Does he say he want a muscular mommy dommy or what? lol
Him being fit doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Holy shit, grow up and leave him alone.
For me its

You can usually very easily tell if its written by a man in smut because it will be very male bias in how its written. There'll be little to no cunnilinguis or anything that actually feels particularly good for the woman, it'll just be straight PiV or blowjobs the entire time, with the PiV just being mindless thrusting with no thought put into the technique or anything
Sex for the sake of pleasuring the male side of it, not the female side
When women write its a lot more even usually, much less selfish
There are exceptions though, like that one story about a hung futa elf who hates sex and gets raped day 1 by some maids, where it still seemed very male coded in its writing, but the focus was more on how the maids techniques were unpleasent (biting and such) and how having a magic cock all women love but being too weak to resist anyone could kind of suck
I have your number blocked.
If you're engaged, then you're full of excitement but still in charge of your emotions and your words
If you're already married, then you've been beaten down by years of the same relationship and can't remember life while single, so it's understandable you'd frame everything in terms of marriage
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Huh never really thought about how it feels, just feels good? It's been awhile but it wasn't the sex itself it was the enviroment and actually being with someone physically. Bodies pressed against each other, pleasure, etc. I mean a lot of people cheat and do fucked up things just to have some so I assume good lmao.

Yeah I would. Your texting another chick in sexual manner. Not very cash money.

Love wife beaters. Black ones go hard.

That's good anon. Honestly focus on the grind and the rest will come if you keep an eye out.
>No I think I changed it a couple years ago

I mean yeah, obvious all the stated would be ideal to have in a partner. But since I mainly use apps its looks, then personality, although I have swiped right on people you I would not have if they had a different personality.

I like the female form so its not a dealbreaker but for sure makes me want more fr. Ik their is a fetish for keeping clothes on for sex so if we could do that still i'd be happy. I do like tits though.
Ok fine

I DIDNT POST THIS! The girls are all just down bad today I guess
They'll take around 2 or 3 years to lose colour. Longer to flatten if they're keloid or hypertrophic. They'll never disappear if more than a scratch. Most of mine are 15 years old at this point.
i consider jumping into a volcano a cool option
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Thank you
Is dating through long distance worth it? It sounds hard to actually get to know the person
Very immature and almost comically offensive view on marriage desu
dont care (like him)
It's like how you can immediately tell if drawn porn is made by a male or a female artist. There's some overlap ofc, but generally there's a Male Style and a Female Style.
It's somewhat grim that one of the biggest tells is "is the woman showing pleasure the way women actually show pleasure? If so, it's probably drawn by a woman".
So what exactly is the issue? You can lose weight if you want but plenty of men like chubby women anyways.
>They're just saying that :((((
Men decide what men are attracted to. not women
If you wanted to lose weight then it shouldn't even be hard since women both perform better in HIT excersizes than men, eat less baseline AND spread the fat around more so it doesn't just all pool in one or two areas
Just shave, literally not an issue
Seen worse
>But you haven't
I know a girl who has a scar running from her stomach to her shoulder; seen worse. Not that big of a deal
State gender
Which gender do you think has the highest sex drive?
It better be a damn special person.
Write here what you would have wanted to tell him.
Women with high sex drive are insane but on average men will have the higher sex drive.
F. It's obviously women. How strong can a man's libido be, if it drops to 0 as soon as he nuts once? I'm always the one left frustrated and wanting more.
At least one of you two should have some decent funds to pay for visits. You need to come up with a plan how often and when to visit, ultimately moving in together.
We already know its women by far. There are a lot of studies on the subject, women cheat by far the most and Teiresias stated women feel more pleasure literally before christ
The sex toy industry is also almost entirely female driven, with women being so inherently horny they normalized having "toys" purely to simulate sex
I know we hate each other and you think I have every other option in the world but that doesn’t matter if the only option I want is you, I’m sorry I broke things off I took this time to better myself emotionally and not be so attached.

(He’ll probably say something mean and then I’ll cry and hang up, because the more vulnerable I am the worse he is)
And this is why I would never date a muslim
>The SH scars are usually not that much of a problem though
These aren't mine. But you're really saying something like this, all the way up both arms and both thighs wouldnt be a problem? Combined with hairy legs, trimmed bush, not being /fit/, and having an ugly face? Really? Especially for an 8/10 guy with many options?
>"I'm glad you called, your voice sounds hot"
yeah they're not cat scratches but styros. they seem to change colour depending on the weather and other things which is kinda cool
No. Ignoring and forgetting about them is easier
Only if you have the ability to see each other. As in, even if you can't fly out to visit for a month and a half, you need to be able to schedule that visit and follow through on it. You also need to have a general idea of being able to close the distance. If you're both attached to where you live (e.g. having several years of college left, having a great job that you don't want to leave, etc.) so that it'll be years before you'll be living together or even near each other, then just don't bother.
Its fine if you've stopped doing it
Stop fixating on the hairy legs; just fucking shave
If you want to be /fit/, just work out
Your face is probably fine also
SH scars aren't a problem in the physical aspect. Just a potential red flag.
You don't need to have your ideal body. Even chubby is ok as long as you aren't fat. Even stretch marks aren't a big deal.
I appreciate the laugh anin
Wake up babe, sseth dropped a new video.
f, I'm in a long distance relationship and it's a bit touch with wanting to be with someone so badly but you're both poor. but I find it to be worth it and one day we will have all the things we've dreamed of like watching movies together under the blankets, kissing and holding hands and hugging at night as we fall asleep.
Hey you can actually laser those
I said "usually", because most don't have SH scars in such a pattern, but usually limited to just one area.

If he thought your face was ugly, he probably wouldn't be attracted to you?
>with many options
If you think men are really that shallow, use those great tits of yours and win him over.
Thread too depressing women please stop talking about self harm
Volcano is pretty cool
Oh... definitely don't call a narcissist.
Glad you just wrote it here.
I'll make it a bit more positive, I'm nearly one month clean
Realistically, how much trouble could you get in, if you’re a man caught filming voyeurism videos? I heard a voyeur can make a lot of money selling bathroom videos, and I honestly think I could do that. Seems easy enough; I could slip in the chicks bathroom easily, since I already have long ass hair, and I’m pretty feminine. I’d just need some make up.
Should I go down this path?
The worst thing about ass rape is the lack of respect, that's what hurts the most. Except for the other thing, that probably hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts too
A lot
Stop being horny
It's men, by far. Why do you think pretty much all prostitutes are female, and that the few male prostitutes are the ones who do gay stuff? Men want sex more than women, to the point that many of them are willing to pay for it. Also, gay men into hookup culture have ridiculous amounts of sex, far more than anyone who's into women. Even in relationships, lots of men have stories about an ex-GF who wanted sex as much as they did, but it came with a proportional amount of crazy. In every other relationship, they have to accept being the hornier one.

I'm not saying that horny women don't exist, but women with an ACTUAL high libido (i.e. wants to have sex every day) are VERY rare.
High Risk, High Reward.
This is such a Norm thing to say.
Someone of you are probably beautiful people but this shit isn’t going to help you
I heard of a man that got caught because he recorded the daughter of a bikie and he’s getting raped in jail
>Why do you think pretty much all prostitutes are female?
I don’t even know where to unpack this one
It's a misdemeanor in my state.
>the chicks bathroom
Make that a felony.
>If you want to be /fit/, just work out
Okay, but that means he'll have to out up with me being a fully-clothed blowjob dispenser for at least 6 months.
If you work on deepthroat skills and are up for sucking his dick at least once every day, I don't see how that's a problem.
Imma be honest,
99% of men would not be okay with this.
Highly unlikely he's the 1% exception.
Very few people are going to go through the effort of a relationship and then sit there and just accept your body issues and blowjobs, they're going to try and fix it
What about HJs or FJs? I'm sure you're a woman of many talents, don't sell yourself short...
Also unrelated q, you don't have scars ON your tits, do you? I think I'd cry if you cut something so beautiful ;_;
It is hard to get to know someone without ever meeting them irl.
I don't masterbate so I can't evaluate sexual compatibility or even physical compatability. Skin starvation from it drives a hole in my heart.
Please nigga, being a sensitive buttboy icks more women than anything else.
Leave Islam learn to love yourself seriously why do the worst posters always have some Abrahamic bullshit in common
yeah, real men hate tits and don't care if they're cut off and ground into dog meat
How's life in upsidedown land?
Pretty faggot feminine response, thanks for proving my point.
Literally hang yourself please.
Preying on people for money is the worst you could do.
Wrong I just watch sons of anarchy
I only harm others, for their own pleasure. And mine
nta but am I a POS for getting off to voyeur scat? I just can’t with the fake stuff, I need genuine scat
I have to quit this job. I don’t think even prostitution would fuck my pussy up this much. They don’t pay me enough to deal with this but I don’t have another job lined up yet
Cringe but also somehow based
>What about HJs or FJs?
Nobody cares about that trash.
Uh what.
The king of dicks has spoken
No. I have a small vertical one just below my breasts, though.
Just found out the girl who liked me in middle school is super attractive now and married

I somewhat agree with you but
>Why do you think pretty much all prostitutes are female
Women can get free sex easier than men.
Men can't fake an orgasm or even force an erection.
The is a social aspect where women are afraid of being called sluts by other women.
Women experience sexuality in a different way than men. Women are so horny that they can base their entire personality around their object of desire, like kpop fans.
A lot of old women go to third world countries for sex tourism.
Host clubs are popular in countries like Japan.
My life is retarded that’s what
What the fuck has Islam got to do with this? I have extreme scarring on my body, mate. Islam forbids that. And the guy is hotter than me.
This. It’s not sexy it’s just weird I could literally do the same thing myself fuck me already dummy
>Very few people are going to go through the effort of a relationship
Do the percentages change if we're not in a relationship? He can have me suck him off only and get his vaginal sex elsewhere, right?
No one cares about you or your opinion
I literally fucking wish i was joking.
have some self-respect
In that case, I think he'd be happy with just BJs and making out, with you in a low-cut shirt.
>And the guy is hotter than me.
You know he thinks the same about you, right? That alone should tell you he's not going to dump you for someone else. Both genders think the opposite is impossibly attractive.
I want a gf with boobs big enough to have scars hidden underneath them
Your satanic religion made you like this are you so blind that you cannot distinguish between free will and self sabotage, or perhaps your god forbid that as well because you cannot think for yourself watch your tone with me I’m trying to help you.
Men, do you have sexual fantasies of rescuing women from danger?

Women, do you have sexual fantasies of being rescued from danger?
And I wish you'd blog in /GIOYC/ instead, but we don't always get what we want, do we?
Unethically sourced porn is bad.
Why do autistic women always have large, dilated pupils? Is it from the medications they have to take to control their autism?
He's a normie. I'm sure more guys here think the opposite sex is unbelievably out of their league, but in my experience attractive men know they're attractive. They'll fuck anything that let's them.
We shall see
Yes I wish I could monetize saving damsels in distress from the local warlord
Yes, any healthy male should.
>Women, do you have sexual fantasies of being rescued from danger?
I want to do the opposite.
I've shown my body to previous boyfriends and fuck-buddies confidently. I'm just tired of the whole rigmarole now. This is easier.

Are you really Indian?
I ask so many questions I’m allowed to blog
It’s their predator genes trying to come out
>He's a normie
Are you sure? A lot of anons here claim to have very good normie disguises in public.
I'm not sure how well you know this guy, but it's very possible he's a weirdo who just happened to get lucky with good looks.
i'll bite, what job? professional bullrider?
If one of you actually guesses I will personally go to your house and give you $20
Today I will be indian for your mental health
so you just wanted us to imagine your mangled pussy? not start a conversation? weird but ok
Good tastes, also I agree

I concur
What no
Hey you got it. What’s your address I’m coming over
I just like you autistic man.
nta but how is being a lifeguard messing with your pussy
I never figured autistic women's big, dark pupils were a sign of affection. But if I think that, I am probably wrong.
for real? are you sure you're wearing your swimsuit right? wtf
There are so many questions I have for you I don’t even know where to begin so I will go to bed instead
Ph, probably.
I am that anon and I'm assuming the chlorine is playing merry hell with her pH.
>Women, do you have sexual fantasies of being rescued from danger?
I have sexual fantasies of being in danger
I thought being a lifeguard messed with your pussy because you frequently see scantily clad people exercising and it makes your vagina and clitoris tickle with longing to carnally know them.
Why would a swimming pool be dangerous to 50% of the planet's genitals
That seems like poor management
They don't.
I even looked at my autistic, female neighbor just yesterday and she has no such issue
In 2 years and 9 months I'll be 35. I'm a man and I've been making good gains the past year towards not being a retarded man child. I think by 35 I'll be in a hugely better place.

My question is what age should I shoot for in trying to find a wife? I was thinking 25-30 but I don't actually know. I want kids.
Do people under 30 still use facebook?
I dont but i will sometimes go through my pictures and get nostalgic
>Why do autistic women always have large, dilated pupils?
That can't be tr...
[Opens up camera]

>It’s their predator genes trying to come out
No, I have sexual fantasies of owning women
A sucking chest wound has a better chance at survival
I like you already
I have sexual fantasies of being owned by other women.
A guy at my Muay Thai club who can't be older than 23 tried to convince me to make an account so yea
Its specifically the social media he said everyone uses
Buddy the average public pool is so over chlorinated it's amazing she didn't melt.
I would save a child or a dog but an adult should be able to save themselves
>But I'm on fire
Have you tried dodging?
When I did my police training they made up delete all forms of social media basically blackout presence
Like most things, it was built for men, with women as an afterthought.
>guy at my Muay Thai club
Mma trainers are peak cringe. My bjj coach still uses AOL.
It’s the Chlorine I’m almost certain. I have to get in and sit in a wet bathing suit for hours. God it’s horrible I want to die
As a man the only sexual fantasy I have and regularly struggle with is having a hot redheaded milf who loves me and is experienced in sex riding me while a younger deviant brunette kisses her and licks her and my balls and stuff. They're both into each other too, and they're both into me, and we share a life together having sex regularly as a group.

I know polygamy is wrong though because the Bible warns against it.
yes, but only to keep in touch with my relatives
>Why would a swimming pool be dangerous to 50% of the planet's genitals
>That seems like poor management
Most people still don't fucking wash their ass before they get into a public pool.
If you don't have sex and are getting sick a lot, you can help your odds naturally by attending the "clean" public pool.
how tall is the redhead
you're making it difficult for me to fetishize lifeguards in bikinis, so for the sake of my dick, I have to stop reading your posts, sorry
No, not the trainer. One of the other guys I'd do the two guy excersizes with a lot. The trainer barely spoke to anyone, so much so it made me really question what I'm even paying for and after they ended a lesson having us literally follow a youtube video for 20 mins, I haven't bothered going back.
0 effort put into explaining anything
I don't know why, but I have a hard time being submissive to men. I feel like it's because they don't respect the dynamic or think it translates outside of the bedroom.

Women, I could know you for 5 minutes before letting you leash me.
5'10" a little shorter than me but taller than the Brunette.
>r they ended a lesson having us literally follow a youtube video for 20 min
was it at least their video
I’ve never had a job make me feel so ugly. I’m never going to get a boyfriend doing this shit
Navy seals never had it this rough
Does the bathing suit ever get awkwardly wedged inside? :/

Heartbreaking that a stereotypical job for hot bimbos is actually miserable, I was happier before I knew this
Anon you'll find someone even if you're mid, being a lifeguard means you're way fitter than most girls and guys will kill for that
Being a female lifeguard is THE way to meet and fuck hot guys, what do you meannnn
I will date a femcel from this board for exactly one just to experience what it’s like to be miserable
Ever seen any cute guys on the job? It's your job to always be looking around, so if anyone knows where the hotties are, it's (You)
No, the coach said "we're going to do these excersizes in this video I found". Between this, warmup and jump rope, we barely did anything actually related to the specific sport we're there for.
I can't find any info online if this is the normal experience or not but if it is I'm still not paying it, I'll try out some other gym and if that sucks find another hobby
My skin and my vagina are in fucking ruins dude I’d rather have every single limb broken
I thought it was going to be easy shit but it’s a top contender for worst job in the world and I have worked some pretty stupid fucking jobs
>need bf to save you from vagina-melting job
>can't get bf because melted vagina
See guys? Easy mode ain't so easy.
>My skin
Oh no, I didn't think about that... just sitting around, letting chemicals make your skin all dry and ashy...
Anon, please slather yourself in lotion for me, ok? It's important.
It’s not working
THERE ARE NO HOT GUYS. ZERO. I thought there would be and it’s either 40 year old married men or 16 year old girls.
Idk what you’re talking about
Literally zero. They don’t come to swim either it’s all families and the elderly
What was your last ick?
my dick been hard for one hour since i woke up....im a little concened. can a femanon give me a suckjob to relieve it?

I hate the idea of doming a woman and then just completely ignoring the dynamic outside the bedroom. I'd honestly rather just not have sex at all.
girls vaping
It’s actually just because my life is retarded
I shower so much I use so much lotion and I’m still always fucking itchy. I hope everyone in the world who ever swims drowns this shit isn’t worth it
>not even any eye candy to look at
Ok, I believe you now, it's the worst job ever. My local pool at least has hot dads, but the kids kind of ruin it, lol
An email reminding everyone that our safety policies prohibit bringing knives to work.
do you at least have a nice tan? please tell me there's at least one upside to this shitty job
The hot dads were the only thing keeping me going but they stopped coming so I’m going to kill myself
Have you considered finding a bf outside your workplace?
I forearm maxed too hard and now I can't even do that shit sucks

You can find plenty of delusional female art as well. The actual tell with male/female art is how they fuck up the anatomy
Shoulders smaller than they actually are in any human, waist so thin the organs have nowhere to fit, excessively tiny hands
Ignore waist and the exact opposite, guys with shoulders like 4x the size of their head and hands that could crush an entire man
>It’s actually just because my life is retarded
Hey Mods, new /adv/ banner just dropped.
NTA but this isn't a good thing for single girls, since you're getting hot for nobody....
If I'm going to give myself skin cancer, I at least want some dick to go with it!

LOOOL I'm sooo sorry
kinda like getting-there
Are you medium shirt white non balding man?
That's a rare pic, like snapping a shot of a butterfly coming out of a cocoon... now I want a photo album of a dick going from soft to hard :3
Yes. It’s not going well
A monument to my misery
Yea even if I was outside I’d be hiding from the sun
He asked for my Instagram. I don't have one.
right… so cutesy….
Lol. He looks like me. Same face shape, same hairstyle. Even similar cock.
Its over for me, bros
Just wear one of those giant floppy hats so you can do your job and still be super pale
It's actually more safe that way, since you'll glow from reflecting the sun and people will see you easier
(I like how everyone just assumes you're white lol)
I am white and I don’t need a hat because I’m inside
baka I bet lifeguard-anonette could instantly find a bf of her dreams from tinder
Most of the time I wear all black.
However when I don't, I most often wear a green shirt and blue jeans.
My roommates
If polyamory was socially acceptable and you were attractive enough to have multiple men/women, how many would you want?
I would say 2, as a man, I don't believe I could meaningfully create a connection with more than that or bring myself to consistently please more than that. My penis is too weak.
he told me he was dealing with mental health problems and called his brain shit, saying he felt like being alone. told me earlier that day he didn't want to exist, and I saw it but didn't reply hours later saying I was feeling similar since we've both been going through it. I feel like me opening up about my similar struggle didn't help him. but i still want him to be okay, and am a little worried about him.

he blocked me later that night everywhere except one app we occasionally interact on, that I made an account just to talk to him on since he wanted me there.

that was the night before yesterday. should I reach out?
>tinder is for long-term, mature relationships
My favorite atoga meme
You joke but many men would buy Tinder Platinum if the platform had a healthy supply of fit lifeguard women to match with, simp for, wife, ant put babies into.
Oh god... last time I went to an indoor pool, I nearly passed out from the chlorine smell, it can't be good to be exposed to that in a confined area for so long
Ive tried hinge and tinder I think I’m too much of a virgin for that stuff
F. I'd have two or three boyfriends but I wouldn't mind having a few more just fuckbuddies.
To further elaborate.

Having a woman submit in the bedroom and then completely ignore it outside of the bedroom feels a lot like a guy saying they love you and want to be there with you forever and then completely ignoring it as soon as you let them fuck you. As a guy the submission of a woman you care about and admire is basically confirmation that you're fulfilling your leadership role in society and are actually on your way towards building a family and leading a household, being a father, etc. Genuine real submission means the woman trusts you to lead and take control, and that responsibility is something that is extremely powerful as a driving motivator for taking on life because if she believes in you and is willing to submit to you then you need to step up and protect her and provide for her and lead. At that point her submission is everything. It means a lot.

So faking it for sexual thrill is fucking degenerate and gross.
I'm not joking, I'm serious and that's what I thought as well

If women on tinder weren't there just for sex I'd sign up in a heartbeat. Guys love long-term relationships with hot girls
Men are bad at this. They think sub means abuse. And men that are into this are more likely to be a predator.
I have my own sub at the moment, but I want more
It’s fucking with my hair too

That’s it you guys convinced me I’m quitting. I’d rather be broke than do this anymore
I think I need three guys to pound silly and I want one high fem woman so the house isn't too hyper masculine.
And we can all at least snuggle if the power goes out during a storm.
Yes anon, pls quit before the chemicals turn you into a human statue, you're too young to die
Fucking based coach preserving internet communities
Female hobbies
Male hobbies
>watching sports
Why are moids like this?
>My bjj coach still uses AOL.
Woah, a dinosaur.
meant for >>32012767
I don’t like theater.
I like porn and vidya
I need money though. I don’t know anymore I just want to go die in a hole
Because we aren’t lying to ourselves
Whenever I used to go swimming, I would go home smelling intensely of chlorine, and my dog wouldn't recognize me :(
Reading books or being into artsy stuff like origami never got me female interest
Yeah, we know
It's not sexual for me but yes. The act of rescuing someone shouldnt be clouded by an erection.
However, if she wants to fuck after we're both safe, then I am not about to argue.
I'd say the biggest anatomical tell that a man drew porn is that the vagina is where the dick would be rather than where the balls would be
I don't know, maybe 3?
It's less about quantity and more about connection and ability to do things with them.
Forgive my curiosity, but it sounds like you might still have one testicle? Or did you lose both?
>Female hobbies
>Reading "romance" novels (porn)
>Scrolling reels
>Shopping/travel/going out for other spending- & consumption-based activities
Come now, don't be disingenuous nona.
F. I agree with this. To be honest, I can only truly sexually submit to someone I also respect deeply and willingly submit to outside. It feels incredibly intense and emotionally intimate.
You forgot
>going to the pool and looking at hot attendants
Why is chlorine so evil. I’d rather swim in piss and shit than chlorine
I would honestly be seeing a specialist about this, you are literally working in a toxic environment, and your hair and skin need special protection
Maybe there's some skincare products that protect against chlorine specifically? But then you'd be spending all your money on surviving your job... quite the pickle you're in, missy
I largely agree with the sentiment, but there are times when I want to be the one getting dommed. What are your thoughts on how a switch relationship should work?
>at what point in courting do you feel unable to control your horny level?
Never, because I'm not Indian.
Im going to the doctor next week to get my cooch checked out and then I’m quitting. I don’t care anymore I’ll be a neet. They literally do not pay me enough for me to spend so much money on preventative care and medical bills
I used to do plenty of times about my ex.
meanwhile, fast food chads go home smelling like chicken, and their dogs love them <3
I honestly don't know when you should reach out. Sorry.

>saying I was feeling similar since we've both been going through it. I feel like me opening up about my similar struggle didn't help him.
It's entirely possible that he didn't take this the way you intended. What you clearly meant as connecting through shared struggles could have been taken as diminishing and invalidating his pain because you're going through it too (and you're not as bad off as him so he shouldn't feel as bad or maybe he's just weak)
Pain makes you stupid and depression constantly lies to you. It's easy to take positive words as criticism.
Female bookreading is literally mostly smut
Theater and sports watching are both sitting on your fat ass watching cooler people do stuff
Art isn't a single hobby, it emcompasses tons and most of the porn men watch if its not just real life shit is... art, made by men
I still can't get over the fact that we fill our public pools with pussy poison
Whoever makes swimming safer for women deserves a Nobel Prize
Evidently not
It's just proof that boys were right and girls are icky
>most of the porn men watch is art
This is delusional and sickening.
Can you describe the fantasies?
Praying for u anon... pls make sure to research all your options, my area has special health insurance just for NEETs that's actually very good, but you have to find it and apply for it
I'll be thinking of you the next time I drive past my local pool!!

It's literally healthier to jump into the ocean naked right now, this can't be the best we've got
I could say the same for your smut.
>Men, do you have sexual fantasies of rescuing women from danger?
More that when I've had fantasies of rescuing women, they've aroused me.
My sexual fantasies are more direct but there are similar elements.
I cannot even describe what this job has done to my pubes. I cry for them everyday. My beautiful curls are fried beyond belief
>he thinks porn bimbos are artists
Moids are dumber than I thought
Thank you for your prayers
Can you give me a hint about the health insurance?? I used to qualify for free stuff but not anymore
I could say the same for your smut
Have her move in with me, make her feel comfortable and save for the first time in her life, tell her I will protect and look after her, wanting to cook for her and make her feel full, driving her to doctor appointments, telling her she is save from her family and abuser, holding her in my arms and cuddling on the couch, showing her love.

It really hurts writing this down, especially today of all this.
>Whoever makes swimming safer for women deserves a Nobel Prize
There are actually a lot of alternatives to chlorine, they're just more expensive.
I hardly ever read smut
Oh my goddddd

Here it's just called "low income health insurance" and zero income qualifies as low
It's actually better than what my dad gets through his work, truly we live in a fucked up society
I'm too innocent for that, my only fantasies are missionary and cuddling while watching movies
Are happy and healthy vaginas not worth the investment??
We need to get our priorities straight.
Thank you I hope I can get it
>I used to qualify for free stuff but not anymore
are you sure? you should apply for it anyway, the worst they can say is no
Not to mention that a non trivial number of people piss in the pool
Hey so now that I’m quitting my job what do I do. I value my health over this shitty company but I do need some kind of income right
Sex for the purpose of procreation or recreation?
>Are happy and healthy vaginas not worth the investment??
The invisible hand has spoken.
I think my mom claims me as a dependent still and that fucks with everything but I’ll ask her. So we don’t pay anything monthly but I when I do go to the doctor it’s usually like $20
Emotional fulfilment
There's always OnlyFans. Do you have a nice face? Nice body? Nice feet? People pay for those. They pay a lot.
Por que no los dos?
I think I need to order some fucking pizza today.
I'm bathing and it ain't helping too much making me feel much better.
I absolutely need tomorrow and Thursday to be great weather so I cn go outside and hike.
Bikini model.
>She wants kids
Recreational only, of course, but roleplaying breeding.
I like women because they're soft
Women should not have to work jobs that make them less soft
In my perfect world, every woman would be entitled to free skincare products for life
Oh no I don’t think I’m cut out for that. Maybe I’ll just babysit
I’m not pretty or tall enough
What can you do?
>Colege course I'm taking was only finished by 1 person
Umm... is this a good or a bad thing?
Damn ladies, what did nuclear power ever do to you?
>I feel like it's because they don't respect the dynamic or think it translates outside of the bedroom.
>I hate the idea of doming a woman and then just completely ignoring the dynamic outside the bedroom.
>Men are bad at this. They think sub means abuse.
>there are times when I want to be the one getting dommed. What are your thoughts on how a switch relationship should work?
>I can only truly sexually submit to someone I also respect deeply and willingly submit to outside.
The truth is that all kink terms and dynamics are descriptive of individual dynamics and not prescriptive. Many individual kinks share similarities and are grouped together but the truth is simple:
Every dynamic is unique as the people within it.
One person could easily go to a club and have a wonderful time whipping or being whipped by strangers, orgasm, and go home happy. To others that sounds horrible.

Conflating gender into it is missing the point and imagining a truth where there isn't one. If you find that someone isn't delivering what you desire from the dynamic, it's likely either a lack of clear communication or a lack of self control of the individual.
With communication in every relationship, BDSM or not, people bring all their own expectations into it and too often just assume that the other has the same expectations. Like if you kiss on the first date or ask before sliding a finger in.

Ask yourself if the last time you were disappointed did you clearly communicate or just assume they should know what you wanted?


>And men that are into this are more likely to be a predator.
This seems true enough, unfortunately. Not sure about the ratio of female predators but they exist too.
well, what are your qualifications? would you rather flip burgers in a hot kitchen? be a wageslave at a retail store?

yes anon, absolutely ask her, this is important and worth getting all the details
frame it as "I'm being a mature, independent adult, aren't you proud?" and I'm sure she'll be happy to tell you everything lol
And most importantly have well manicured hands with sexy nails.
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>Have to go to work
This sucks I wish I had a black queen gf to very quickly rail
Either gender

My younger sibling is going to get married soon and I keep having lewd dreams about their fiancee. They're both living with me right now, and I often find her walking around the house with very short shorts on, bending over with her ass in my direction, and she's always so kind and complementary to me. She's pretty cute, too. If her hair color was different she would be 100% in my strike zone. Part of what's tipped me over the edge was that, as I was leaving for work, she accidentally(?) said "I love you" to me for the first time in my recollection. Not really sure what to do about all this. What would you do in this situation?
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forgot pic
>I don’t think I’m cut out for that
I won't argue with you on this, I'll just say you'd be surprised at the kind of girls who succeed. You don't have to appeal to everyone, just one niche with money.
Fap like mad and keep it platonic with her.
5/10 midgets buy bikinis too, you know? All shapes and sizes of models are in demand.
Yes but it's a fantasy for a reason. Ain't nobody saving anyone these days.
I wouldn’t know where to start or how to market myself
Sales agent? You are clearly good with people if you were hired as a lifeguard. And some of those jobs give you a car to use as well.
How do I find a cuddling partner? I don't want to date anyone, not necessarily an FWB who'd I need to get off.

I just want intimacy without the baggage, cuddling and poking someone with a boner
That shouldn't matter as long as you yourself have 0 dependents and 0 income. I have $20k+ in the bank, but I still get 100% of my med bills covered because I have zero income. I hope you can find something just as good :)
power should be enitrely generated by sweaty men pushing things around under the baking sun
every man who does this would have a harem of adoring women to come home to after
every man who cant do this would be a cuck
unfortunately we dont live in a world where real men get to be real men
Noodles on soc
For you, probably bad.
Friendship ended with capitalism
...You know, I actually have no idea either. I guess I shouldn't push ideas if I don't even know the first step, huh?
I know there's agencies and online media groups that promote girls so you don't have to go it alone, but how you'd join one of those is a mystery to me. Maybe just sell your blood plasma instead lol
To me these are non-hobbies, even as a female.
Unless you're writing books, or creating art, or preforming the theater.
I play viya, sing, swim, and renovate my house.
Notice how nowhere has rape fantasies involving trans women
I guess I'm exposing my pretty privilege here, but I just got approached by modeling agents on my college campus, and they did all the work for me.
man fuck
I read the midget post first and hoped we had a a short goddess here
now im angry and horny
We have at least 3 shortstacks here, no worries anon
>buy cheap socks at costco
>wear them for a bit
>sell to footfags at 600% markup
Easy Money honey.
Stacy pls go, you're not wanted here
You misspelled "college" while using a device that spells for you. A professor with a drop rate that high will eat you alive.
Nice, good. I want them to know they are beutiful.
Not her, but out of curiousity, I checked out a few of the top "feet girls", and what they do is... disturbingly easy. Like, all I'd need is a better camera, and I could produce content of the same caliber. I kinda wish I hadn't looked into this lol, now I'm haunted by thoughts of quitting my real job.
Both genders

Do you like posting pictures of your significant other on social media? And if they do it for you?
Why or why not?
My girlfriend and I don’t really use instagram much but we have each posted one another every now and then. She is also the type of girl to not always communicate exactly what she thinks out of fear or being pushy or embarrassment. Yesterday we were in bed and she made a remark about how she was thinking about posting some pictures we had taken recently on her profile. And I now feel like she wants me to do the same, even though she didn’t say that explicitly. She is much more the type to hint at things and see how they make me feel rather than to just say it. Which I’ve experienced with a lot of women.
I do however really care about her and like the idea of “showing her off” so to speak
wtf so why did they reject me. I’ve spent hours on the phone with them I might just take the L instead of fussing with it anymore
I’m pretty sure you have to pay the agencies so I’d be starting in the negatives
Oh wow… yea that’s never happened to me
I’m not a midget but models are generally 5’9+ and I’m 5’8
But who am I selling this to? Where? Is anyone actually going to buy it? What if the IRS gets me?
No particular reason not to.
This kind of shit is why women are said to live on "easy mode" even though an extreme minority do it, because it really is like a cheat code. No skill needed, low barrier of entry, absurdly high payout, no effort
I mostly just float in my bath, recently.
I didn't even get to get in the ocean at peak heat this year.
>What if the IRS gets me?
That's the fun part, you can claim your skincare products and clothes as business expenses, so they're all deducted from your taxes!
It's a legitimate job like any other, you're not doing some shady deals in a back alley. It's all public, and more popular every day.
Is ice skating a good first date option in winter?
I want to start practicing now so i can raelly impress a girl with my skills
What is and isn't a hobby doesn't change based on gender.
Regardless of gender all 3 of those are just
>I sit on my ass
I wouldn’t want my family ever finding out I did something like that
>What if the IRS gets me
The IRS won't care as long as you report it.
no im not a cuck
id keep a picture of my gf (if i had one) on my lock screen, wear a locket with her face in it, and keep a small picture in my office downtown.
Haha I just got the captcha
No, she's mine. In am hers. Only I can take and keep pictures of her. Other people don't deserve to.
Should I start finesteride if i have thick hair because i see my mom side males are balding?
I literally read more than you almost assuredly.
girls, have you seen this video?

I think its a cartoon about crystal cafe.
>Do you like posting pictures of your significant other on social media? And if they do it for you? Why or why not?
Neither of us use social media. I get squirrely having photos of me on the internet. I do like showing him off and I like it when he shows me off, but generally I prefer that to be in person. Especially since he's so charismatic.
If I didn't have privacy concerns I'd probably enjoy him showing me off than vis versa. I feel like it gives him a social boost to have an attractive partner. But again, I mostly do this in person, meeting his coworkers etc

>She is also the type of girl to not always communicate exactly what she thinks out of fear or being pushy or embarrassment
Have you talked about this and are working on it? Does she ever get mad at you, resentful, or visibly disappointed when you don't get the hint?
Yea I love this song
Women, name a romance movie in which the female protagonist isn't a total bitch and the male protagonist isn't an asshole. It seems that every romance movie has at least one of the two.
when did you start browsing imageboards.
M, but Blue is the warmest color.
He's just not that into you
>wear a locket with her face in it,
That's sweet. What does it look like?
I’ve never used crystal cafe but I started going on here like a year ago
How do I as a nordic guy get a cute latinx gf? Or honestly anyone with brown eyes, brown skin and brown hair
The Amazing Spiderman. Gwen and Peter are perfect.
Delete this.
Lmao, can somebody capture that dude that types "Bothering women online" for me?
I need that for tsunderekun.
bump vv

I'm thinking of mentioning and apologizing the chance i came off invalidating to him. i really didn't mean to. he has a lot of pain in his life, and felt close enough to me to reveal a lot of it to me. I feel bad because he found out I was talking about it to other online, but i didn't reveal who he was. i was reaching out for help and understanding about it all but the environment I did that in wasn't helpful and quite harsh and he witnessed it, so I fear he may be spiraling.

I'm genuinely shocked he didn't block me on one social platform though. i also checked his Spotify because I follow him there and he made a new playlist titled something about his brain being trash, and in it is socks i like and songs ge has sent me, with romantic undertones and a song/artist I introduced him to so I wonder if he thought of me occasionally. he has felt regret opening upto me and feeling like a burden, which truly isn't the case. I hope he pulls through and I wonder i it's okay to reach out to him on the one app he didn't block me on.
>im not a cuck
>id wear a locket with her picture in it

That’s cute but also incredibly more gay than posting a picture of her on your profile lmao.

That makes sense! She and I both show eachother off in person as well. Neither of us are huge into social media either but I do think she likes the idea of it. Again, she’s just not the type of person to explicitly stay stuff.

For example, my neighbor friend made a comment about how she’s over my house all the time and the next day she was being all weird and asked me if I was sure I was okay with her coming over again. Which I totally was. And she felt bad and like she didn’t want to invade my space or whatever. It took her a minute to open up about the fact that the guys comment got to her head a little bit. But I don’t care. And I knew it did. So I just reassure her occasionally that I like when she’s here and that she’s always welcome etc.

At the end of the day I don’t really care if she ever posts pictures of me or not anyway, I just really like the idea of showing her off. I think she’s great and really hot and she makes me really happy.
Step one is to survive calling someone latinx.
Recreation whenever, and procreation when ready and willing. AKA the opinion any random bloke on the street would have.
I dunno i dont have a gf ._.
prob something typical.
Idk, babes. Might just be one of those things you respect his personal space on.
I know I'd be miffed if I said I need space to be mentally ill and you bothered me, I'd bitch.
In some cases, JBW might really be enough.
Hey is that Tarot anon from yesterday still here? I have a question about my reading
Lol, Latinx can't hurt me
This question reminded me of how a few threads ago, there was a Persian femanon who said that she found blond Nordic men attractive, but wouldn't get with one because she'd feel bad for him if the children turned out to have dark hair.
i dont think its gay.
my grandparents had it.
i dont use social media. why would i put my wife/gf pic in it? its a profile pic. not a family pic
if you're the kind of person who calls Mexicans "latinx" you're never getting one lmao
anon...its mumbo jumbo
>he said, shortly before the stabbing
So why is it coming true
Anything. I even have a degree lol but it’s getting me no where
I have experience in most basic things, but I’m never doing retail or food service ever again
Tsundere-kun in the house!
What industries are there where you live?
In that case, isn't it something to respect when women willingly choose the hard way instead?
If someone climbs to the top of Mt. Everest, are they on "easy mode" because they could have just flown a helicopter up there?
What is a funny reply to send to a cutie after told me she got a speeding ticket?
Half of the top girls are completely anonymous, but they're probably still paranoid they'll be discovered, so you're right
Because it’s left very vague on purpose
Cloud Atlas (2012)
>lifeguard with a college degree
thank you for making me feel better about my life
State gender
Is majoring in math a good idea?
>You drove so fast you didn't notice that you drove right into my heart.
Why did I get made fun of for dating him but he didn’t get made fun of for dating me
How much do you sleep and does it affect your erection?
What is your degree in? Just curious

F, if you like math, sure? I was always told that more general majors give you more freedom in the job market, so math could lead you anywhere you want
Everything I guess except like coal mining
Sounds risky
Hey fuck you I try my hardest in life I didn’t want it to be this way
>they could have just flown a helicopter up there?
They actually couldn't. Everest is too tall for a helicopter.
You aren’t the biggest loser here. I have two degrees and I work fast food.
Use your lifeguard experience to join the Navy and shitpost in /atoga/ from inside a nuclear submarine
Your ego wasn't valuable.
how do you know he didn't? the worst comments probably came when you weren't around, and same way the other way around, he thinks you got off easy
What does that mean
Can women even safely go in diving vessels like that? What if the ocean pressure fucks up their eggs?
If they’re exposed to ocean pressure I think their eggs are the least of their worries.
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tfw no coal miner gf
It’s rough out here anon I don’t think you’re a loser
I didn’t know there were recruiters on Atoga
Stop eating delicious goods.
Not her but I actually applied, and I was rejected because my spine was too curvy. Beauty is a curse.
I'm NTA but I dabble. What's the question?
Do male sub techs shoot jizz uncontrollably because of the pressure difference outside their balls? No? Then women will be fine.
This isn't a competition.
That's actually amazing
And the metaphor still works, since women may have advantages, but not a free ride all the way to the top
Tfw no semi autistic 6’2” hyperfocused on gym and baking with an accent that has the one pet and keeps his family at a reasonable distance
I don't think she'd find that very funny...
make me
yeah, and I get that. it's just someone I don't want to take for granted, we've been talking consistently everyday for many months now. he's the first person I think about waking up in most cases. and maybe he feels that way for me too, since he always sent me good morning texts and I tried to too if I woke up before him, but he's usually up before me.

I do feel like disengaging from him to respect his space to sort out his mind and troubles dealing with mental illness. he could be doing it to protect me. I don't want him to snap at me again, and he has owned up to his sour attitude before saying he is working on his anger if I'm being misunderstood or he feels attacked.

is there any time frame okay for me to reach out? part of me wants to keep the ball in his court out of respect. it's only been since the night before yesterday. I admit I need space too sometimes and I've distanced myself due to inner and external issues going on in my life.

just hope it isn't permanent, that's why I looked at him not blocking me on the one app as a maybe he still wants me around when he feels better. or maybe he forgot, but I might be overthinking since I just don't know.
Post girl version
Of course not.
I guess I think that it’s important to keep in mind that it isn’t all happy and successful people we’re surrounded by - plenty are in the same boat, just doing what they have to instead of what they want.
Sorry for making it sound that way.
I wish a hot latina would stab me in a fit of jealousy and anger. Imagine cheating on one and going home never going if the night would be your last

>What's even worse is that my best friend has a penis
God yeah that's terrible
>couples finding literally any reason to be upset at eachother
spoiler alert: they fuck and forget why they were upset
You just reminded me I have a fetish for black underwear on guys thank you
>So I just reassure her occasionally that I like when she’s here and that she’s always welcome etc.
That's kind of you to reassure her. I'm kinda similar to her. Something that's helped me is for him to assure me that he doesn't dance around his words and is going to be honest with me. He takes responsibility for sharing what he wants and it isn't my job to guess. I've also worked on internalizing that concept of responsibility. I thought that I was expected to figure out the meaning behind the words, and if I didn't, I would be punished. But it isn't my fault to trust someone and take them at their word. It's their responsibility to be honest. So that's helped me a bit with the guilt and shame. Another thing that really helped me is him telling me no occasionally. The fact that he demonstrated his ability to be honest helped me feel more confident about his "Yes". Ofc it can backfire on you if she takes that to mean "every 'yes' was secretly this 'no', it was all a lie and I should have known!!!" so be cautious about that lol

She doesn't punish you for not guessing correctly, right?
>Damn that sucks. I got a ticket at ______ once, because ________
Why does it always need to be funny? Just be genuine.
What are your degrees in?
Computer science (job market is impenetrable without knowing the right people) and business (idek where to start with it).
>had dream I was going to hook up with a hot woman
>in a fucking hotel room with her, no clothes, about to do it
>get nervous and tell her “I don’t my first time to be a hookup”
Why do I still hold onto this fucking nonsense even in my dreams, like no woman would care about this fucking gay sentiment and it would actively HURT my chances I’m pushing 30
Without knowing your circumstances, I don't see why that would be strange. If a a model was dating someone disfigured, he'd be praised for snagging a hot girl and she'd be made fun of for dating someone "beneath" her.

Regardless, who is making fun of you? What are they saying? Sounds like you should either tell them you don't appreciate the banter, and if they're truly malicious they don't deserve to be in your life.
>Why does it always need to be funny?
Because I'm a fuckin clown, nigga
I'd say after like a week it could go through? I also don't know this person and if there is a pattern of their absences to follow or if they let you know their progresses at all? It's not your fault, hun. Just have to ride it out, I guess.
I seriously doubt men feel the same about boobs. You get to see half of them exposed in public already, but dicks are completely hidden from us. It's not fair.
Are you dating? How far long distance are you? Have you met in person?
>all of ENTJ’s posts from last night got nuked
Good riddance
i try to get at least 6 hours a day. aim for 8 but i stay up late shitposting and internetting.
Those sound pretty good, sorry that you're struggling
And what about erection???
Question for women:
What did she mean by this
>be me 25M
>seeing girl for over a month
>she definitely likes me
>ive already caught feelings for her because im a virgin and this is the most ive gotten from a woman ever
>last thursday spent like a hour in the back of her car making out and sucking on her tits
>she didnt want to give me head at the time
>ask her if she wanted to take to a more private location
>she said maybe later down the line
ff to sunday
>pick her up and bring her flowers
>she's really happy from the get go, she really liked that i brought flowers
>we spend time at the mall looking around shops and then go to a movie
> on the way back i confess i have feelings for her
> she says she feels the same
> i ask if i can call her my gf
>she says "i dont want to put a label on things"
what the fuck does that mean, am i being played?
Where are my duck pics you were meant to send me last night, anon?
For the tit pics, anonette, cough ‘em up.
*grabs you*
7 hours on weekdays 9 on weekends
>does it affect your erection
I wake up with a boner pretty much every day or any time I fall asleep or take a nap.
Had a one on one meeting with a girl in a small meeting room. she took of her cardigan thing and was wearing a very tight sleeveless shirt and emphasized her big boobs. i didn't look aside from my peripheral. the whole meeting was very awkward and there was a lot of sexual tension at least on my part. after meeting she said thanks put cardigan back on.

Is she into me?
I mean I can't quite post any of those here, anon. I've got a few posted on the /soc/ ATOGA thread, though.
Did you ask her for more details or just say OK? How long have you been seeing each other?
M. It could be. Outside of things like quantitative finance I don't know of many fields where people actually do math (I haven't done calculus since I took it in school) but those fields that do are usually pretty good.
The other anon makes a good point about general fields providing versatility but the flipside to it is that you have to convince an employer that they should hire you as a generalist instead of someone who studied something specific.
What’s the thread name
idk i usually have morning wood. but it goes down by the time i brush my teeth.

>wake up
>take vitamin D and drink water
>brush teeth
>piss (sometimes im half chub still)
thats my morning routine
Please tell me these are just your fantasies, and you haven't actually received so many dick pics that you have such well-defined preferences...
State gender
Is majoring in suicide a good idea?
I've heard it's pretty easy to get a position in the field but the long term prospects aren't great
How can a Desi male impress an latinx female?
I've noticed that on days that I get very little sleep, it's harder to get off, since I just don't have the energy
Men may be sex machines, but every machine needs fuel
Why did I think this lifeguarding job was going to be easy and fun and help me meet hot guys and not completely obliterate my vagina. Why would I ever believe something good would happen to me
*slithers away*
Fellow men, why must we be cursed with the desire of the flesh?

I want to monkMAX, but the temptation is too great.
Sleep deprivation will undoubtedly impact literally everything you do, which includes erection quality. Even if you're really horny it wouldn't be as good
Call her a fucking Latina for one.
Where have you gone.
Here's the details:
1. she just left a toxic relationship of 3 yrs
2. she told me from the beginning she wants to take things slow, when i asked why she said the last relationship she was in moved too quickly and she felt she didnt have a chance to watch out for red flags and set her boundaries.
4. when i asked her what she meant by "dont want to put a label on it" she made a reference to the "he's my man but he's not my man" tiktok meme which i didnt know about. WHen i looked it up after its black women saying they're loyal for a guy that they're not officially together with.

again, i want to be clear on whether this means we're exclusive or not because if we're not i dont want to waste more time dating only her and i want to meet more people if she doesnt want to be committed with me. am i insane for having this expectation?
Was the room hot?? Maybe she was just too warm and took off a layer without thinking

I mean I thought the same thing, so you can take comfort in the fact that you're posting with fellow dumb girls here
back into the earth hole
She does look 45 holy shit
Are there delicious good over there.
>Desi male
Ouch, okay this isn't great, but you can work with it, the Indian community in the 1800s California wiped itself out by going Latina (true story) so you've got a chance, now-
Forget it Raj, it's over.
It's not gay. Trust God.
Same as here. /ATOGA/ - Ask the Opposite Gender Anything.
Leave us the fuck alone
>be putting on anti-aging cream
>6 year old son asks what it's for
>"it keeps daddy from looking old"
>"but you already look old"
it's so fucking over
yes, we have ant poop and decomposed twigs
you want some?
That doesn't sound very delicious.
>I've got a few posted on the /soc/ ATOGA thread, though
>”which one?”
I misread when I’m starving, my bad.
>Women, do you have sexual fantasies of being rescued from danger?
No. In my sexual fantasies I am 6ft tall, muscular, and I princess carry my man.
bad taste
No I have a fantasy of me and my man going on a pedo killing spree
I will impress a fiery Latina
I will start calling her my latinx after we're married
I will make her happy
Okay well, stop eating delicious goods, then.
gone girl tier horror story
request denied
I swear to fucking god every asshole saying latinx is an absolute twat with 0 knowledge that wants to be called Papi and has -10474838 money in the bank
No problem. Here, hopefully I remember how to crosslink.
Rate my goals in 2025

>Save $20,000
>Buy a car (shitbox)
>Write 3 books (if I set the goal at 3 I won't be overly concerned about making them good or perfect, don't need to sell any, just need to finish them)
>Get fit (185 lbs, work out all 12 months and push moderately hard for improvement)
>Read first three years of Great Books 10 year reading plan
>Read 1 hour leisure each day
>Long bible study once a week (Sunday) + prep daily devotionals for the week
>Daily devotional journal every day + daily short Bible reading (Bible in a year reading plan)
>Daily journaling

>Make vegetable garden
>Learn to repair jeans
>Learn to do laundry (clean and fold etc)
>Make a basic bookshelf

I'm a male
>the Indian community in the 1800s California wiped itself out by going Latina (true story)
He doesn't know the concept of aging, goofy.
>you're posting with fellow dumb girls here
<3 besties
But I feel like such a quitter. But at the same time I gave it a shot and it ruined my health so. I guess thats a good reason to quit
Why the fuck would you post that

>laying down in bed with flash
All of these is great but try not to set your expectations too high.
Knowledge about what?
You're cringe
>Why the fuck would you post that
Because... anon asked me to?
>laying down in bed with flash
I'll have you know I was in my recliner. And they were taken in the middle of the night, what was I supposed to do, wait for the sun to come out?
Again I call no one Papi.
Anyone that calls latinas fiery is dumb or a fetishist
>>Save $20,000
State your age man. Only then can we judge accurately
>write 3 books
What do you intend to write about? I've self published a few (romance and fantasy) and while it's not enough money to quit my day job they are a nice income supplement.
I'm dumb and you need to give me cross cultural education....
dhave you heard of lightbulbs?
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Post gender
Suppose that you used to know a pair of identical twins of your preferred sex, named Sam and Nikita. Both of them had attractive (according to you) facial features, eye/hair/skin color, height etc. But Sam was obese while Nikita was in good shape. You haven't seen either of them in 3 years.

Now you run into them again and are surprised to learn that Sam has lost all that excess weight and now looks just like Nikita (who mostly remained the same).
On a purely emotional level, which of them, if any, do you think you would be more attracted to?
(if you prefer fat people to fit people, imagine the inverse of this situation instead)
I like your pp, exhibanon <3
>that time femanon got a BBL
woahhh sick so voluminous
It depends what you want to do. Pure mathematics was my minor and there's a ton of work opportunities for math degrees.

It's a dead end

You can't. Indian men are repugnant, and calling us "latinx" doesn't help.

What kind of shitbox and what exercise regimen do you have in mind?
I refuse touch grass maricon
The light in my room is pretty dim and also behind my chair.

Aww, thanks! Me too!
I don't think I'd want to date you. You sound annoying.
Having gone from 300lbs to 175lbs over a couple of years I'm going with the former fatty because I'll be she won't make fun of me for paying for skin removal.

I miss my ex :(
Did you self publish?
Do you have a social media following?
How did you find your niche?
Thanks, I'll use that in the future
My goals are similar to yours, but
>save indefinitely, spend frugally
>repair my dad's 1990 BMW
>continue to spend lifetime working on my novel ideas
>continue to learn new recipes
>continue 50 burpees every day MINIMUM
Apparently God wants me to be a lame incel faggot
What good is waiting gonna get me? Some blown out whore after she’s done fucking everyone?
It's up for debate.
>I miss my ex :(
Sorry to hear anon. I hope you can find someone new who makes you just as happy, sooner or later.
yes I think we are, he views it as working on being committed to eachother. we are about 5 hrs if either of us drive otherwise it would be like 14 or a whole day of travel depending on method of transit. we have not met irl but have been talking about it, either my place o his and he said he wants to check my place out to see if he wants to move since he has said multiple times he's seriously considering it.
this is the 2nd time he blocked me due to mental struggles, he got scared I was gonna leave him but unblocked me a couple hours later asking me if I was not meaning to ghost him later explaining he felt bad about his self worth and assumed I'd be like other women thinking he has no value. so he apologized that time.

he does let me know his progresses, like he sent me a pic of his healthcare approval situation so now I even know his address.

my friend said maybe in two days I could reach out since he was thinking I didn't wanna come off indifferent to him, but also said the week later thing if he didn't respond.

thank you it means a lot to me :) I am also taking time to love myself too. got a yummy breakfast croissant sammich. :D
You can ask her if you're exclusive. That's a normal conversation to have. How many dates have you gone on and how long has it been?
Mmmm, nice
Why thank you. I grew it myself, believe it or not.
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>telling femanon I'm going to kill myself as shit test for our friendship
>Indian men are repugnant
nta but some indians are good looking if they are mixed race
Okay, ill ask her next time i talk to her.
We've been on 9 dates and for the past 3 weeks we've seen each other like twice a week. First date was Aug 10th so we've been dating for a month and a week
>did you self publish
Yes, professional publishers didn't seem interested in anything I sent them so I just stopped. Amazon makes self publishing and getting paid for it pretty easy, if you want to make money in the course of writing you can always publish some things as a serial and then take it down and republish on Amazon when you're done, but this will only be particularly profitable if you're in certain genres.
>do you have a social media following
My pennames each have a twitter, I have two, one for my stuff with a primarily female audience, and another for primarily male audience. I don't hide that they're the same person, but I find that women don't want to hear about updates to my swashbuckling adventure stuff while they're looking for fantasy romance and vice versa.
>how did you find your niche
Start with what kind of stuff you like to read in that genre and ask yourself what you like about it, then craft a story that helps you feel that feeling.
I'm 32. I'm getting my license this year. I have my driving test scheduled for the 29th this month.

I want to write fantasy. I have a tendency to prefer writing villains as the main character. I'm in a writing group right now that I visit once a month and I'm trying to bridge into actually writing complete projects. I like writing erotica too but I think the limits on romance and erotica in books is very confusing to me. I'm not sure what's actually allowed and what's not.

God doesn't want you to view your wife as a tight young virgin even if that's what she is, or a blown out roastie if that's what she is. God wants you to find someone who sees God's plan for you and sees the man God is trying to make of you. He wants you to find someone who you want to stand before him with, hand in hand, presenting eachother knowing that you both pushed eachother closer to him and his design. He wants you to find a spiritual friend who can endure your sin and stand beside you as you work through it. Someone who is genuinely on your side and loves you, and loves you more than just passion and the high of lust. Someone who will rebuke you and uplift you.

What you're doing by chasing desire and these traits that you think are attractive is creating a fake woman that doesn't exist. You're creating a shadow, a vixen that only exists in your mind, probably influenced by porn and fake shit on the Internet. I'm definitely not saying you have to "settle", I'm saying you should focus on God and his plans and will and then interact with others as fellow children of God. You will find happiness doing that, not immediate cheap happiness, but the deep resounding happiness that comes from God's love. Reminder that God saw that man was alone and he didn't think it was good. Whether it's friends and family within the church, or a wife, you will not be alone.
Probably Nikita, depending on how well I knew him while Sam was still obese
Memories are powerful things
>female math major
Were there many other women? Or was it a total sausagefest? I'm worried about going into this field myself :/
I might lean Nikita here. You could say something about Sam having the willpower to go through her diet, but Nikita had an even better one preventing herself becoming obese in the first place.
Of course the real answer is to fuck both and let Sam indulge a little so you could have a cute chubbier twin to fuck too
My female friend and her boyfriend pretended to have hep c
I just don’t expect anything good to happen
Can’t get a job and move out to where I want, can’t draw, can’t learn a new language, can’t hold a job for more than a few months
About 1/3 of math majors in my uni are women.
>thank you it means a lot to me :) I am also taking time to love myself too. got a yummy breakfast croissant sammich. :D
Yw luv. Do you. Take it easy.
That's very reassuring, thanks
I've been sleeping badly this whole year and this year has been my worse for boner strength so I would say yes it makes a difference
women, is hasan piker physically hot to you?
what about politically?
He is objectively in good shape but I don't find him attractive. Also his political views are dogshit.
Not at all lmao, what?

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