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Literally Me Episode
Last Episode >>32013290
First for good boys
state gender
what makes you insecure? what makes you confident?
thats me! im a good boy
>no single women exist of sound mind and good moral character
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State gender
What are some of your favorite games?
>her voice
>her eyes
>her body
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I hate women.
I get insecure when people talk about my appearance; getting to flex my knowledge about a topic I know well makes me feel awesome.
I wish I was a good boy.
Being asian
My autism making people uneasy. Find it hard to connect people.
Feel confident about looks and intelligence tho
>what makes you insecure
>what makes you confident
Being bad or failing at something
succeeding at something
Me too. I especially hate attention whores
>My butt
>My tummy
>Eating food
Black ops 1
MW 2
Halo 2
>it's not me
Kotor 2
New Vegas
Demons Souls
I've grown to hate most of the games I used to like.
Based movie.
It's sad though, yeah. You need to be a sociopathic man to be happy with this dating market. Every female is already talking to 100 niggas and she can drop you any day. If you're a non-Chad and didn't get a good virgin female in high school or earlier, it's pretty much over and you're always going to be fighting for used goods.
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Femanons, please post an example of a wedding dress you love. Or any dress you would love to get married in, or are actually planning to get married in, or did get married in

Pic related is my ideal but sadly the designer is no longer in business and there are no more second hand ones on the market
I LOVE TERRARIA and life is strange (all of them) and minecraft
I like Sega and SNK games in general. Sonic, Phantasy Star, Panzer Dragoon, NiGHTS, Samurai Shodown, The Last Blade, stuff like that.
>post an example of a wedding dress you love
I do not like marriage. Men are embarassing.
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I reallly want a dress like this one
M or F
Favorite Anime
Favorite Manga
Favorite anime movie
Favorite character
If you are who you think you are it’s nice to see you in love again A
>I do not like marriage. Men are embarassing.
My labia, my dumb brain, my height and size, in that order
Dbd, Fort, Monopoly, Uno
>M or F
>Favorite Anime
Dragon ball
>Favorite Manga
>Favorite anime movie
I forgot
>Favorite character
I’ll tear you a new A, faggot, this ain’t missed connections.
Sorry you feel that way anon

Beautiful, I love the lace. Vintage, lacy style is much less of a headache to find, too
Gundam SEED
Death Note
Gundam SEED Freedom
Kira Yamato
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Full coverage lace back dress or a vivianne Westwood
>what makes you insecure?
my age and romantic inexperience
>what makes you confident?
friends reminding me of my positive qualities, and just having friends like that to begin with
‘Men’ be like
>deflect arguments
>shift blame
>refuse to take accountability
>tell others what to do
>can never apologise for anything
>justify every action
And also claim this is not a feminine behavior
top kek
Haibane Renmei or Evangelion
Blood on the Tracks
Kite and Akira
>can never apologise for anything
I apologize for my gender
Trigun or Cowboy Bebop
One Piece or Berserk
Howl’s moving castle
Probably the letter ‘a’ but I don’t discriminate
I am a nice anon, I do none of that :)
>pump and dumps post wedding dresses on 4chan after blowing up all their options
Oh also M I forgor
Tsundere-kun is the best boy
Marry a qt lesbian
I resent that. I'm clearly the worst boy.
Lying liar
Fzero GX, JSRF, Nier Gestalt, Dodonpachi and other Cave shmups, Metroid series, Castlevania series.
My gf said to be nicer so all I’ll say is, you two are good for each other. ^_^
Bocchi the Rock!
End of Evangelion
I wish women were real
Like none of you seem to be like what I imagine in my mind
If you apologize to a woman even one time it's like blood in the water. After that she'll undermine you at every opportunity. I've persisted in being wrong for years just so my wife never scores a point on me.
Unironically I feel like the only person on earth capable of unconditional love.
I unironically don't believe that chief
No, I am sweet and friendly

Unbelievably good taste holy shit
Nier is the only one of those I don't like, and I just haven't played it
Paradise kiss
Tokyo godfathers (or whatever satoshi kon has ever touched)
Integra Hellsing
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Chrono Crusade
Howl's Moving Castle (I'm basic)
Albert from the famous anime Twin Peaks
Sounds like a great woman to be around
I like boys that are sensitive, introspective, and possess depth
Seras is better.
Now that you've said this, I will strive to be none of these things.
Proving me right, Ironically.
Are you the latinx sapphic femanon?
Lovely, I love the long sleeves
No, I’m a man. I really just think you’re all pathetic faggot losers. But I can’t say that anymore.
How can someone with emotional depth get rid of that depth? That doesn't sound possible
Ah, hi, sarge
You mean wrong, how would I do that
>Kristen Stewart
Apparently if I'm attracted to a woman it means she's gay
There are so many masturbation toys for both sexes and yet none at all to practice kissing. What's with that?
Apologizing to a woman is one thing
Being at fault in a traffic accident and claiming you’re right is another thing
Fucking up at work and blaming someone else is again another thing
Most ‘men’ today are a bunch of fucking pussies
Also, if a woman can’t appreciate that you recognize your faults and fix them, you shouldn’t have a relationship with her
These sort of women keep score on everything you do or don’t, then hold it above your head when it’s convenient, that’s hell
Mirai Nikki
Kokou no Hito
Cosmo Imai
There aren't any synthetic materials that feel anything like a tongue
So why are you pissy?
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Just got a haircut.
Once again faced with the reality that I'm balding.
It's over.
Lmao ofc you would recognise it
Sigh, if you possessed unconditional love you would have agreed with me, that perhaps you too, also feel like one of the few people, who possessed the capacity to love unconditionally. And then we would have platonically bonded over the sentiment. Now it's one-sided.
Isn't it a bit misogynistic to think those negative traits are feminine traits?
... I guess I wouldn't know
NTA but you sound like a huge faggot manchild. 99% of people are capable of unconditional love.
It's really easy if you consciously make that decision. You just stop responding to things.
I do I understand unconditional love. I don't fully believe you do
To add
I was dating a woman, I was in traffic overpassing about 4-5 cars and one of the cars got out of the lane to stop me from passing and I honked
At the same time a dog came out of a yard in front of me so I honked constantly until it left
She was very startled even though I was calm
I told her I didn’t meant to scare her, I did not expect the car and the dog and told I’m sorry that what I did made her feel bad
The moment I told her that she put a hand on me and said “it’s ok, I understand” and she calmed down
Do that with a woman that keeps score and see what happens
> one of the cars got out of the lane to stop me from passing and I honked
You reacted better than I would, why the fuck do faggot cunts do this shit? I’d have raged hard.
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Is it the phones?
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hope you had your fill of sex and female affection because you're never getting it again
It's a lot of things.
The frogs made us gay
I’m pissy because I notice the same retarded behavior from people I consider friends, and the moment I see it I despise them
Also, because ‘men’ like this don’t have any notion of real friendship. The moment it suits them, they step on anyone because this is what ‘men’ do.
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So are you a woman or what? You are not wrong but it’s not a gendered thing, a lot of people are pathetic losers.
Always the option of just shaving it all and going for the fully bald look.
Empathy is reserved for in-groups which is conditional love. 99% of people are capable of conditional love. 1% are capable of unconditional love.

>no you
Sigh, gaslighting is not conditional love, but that's because it is also not love. If you truly believed in unconditional love you would have recognized the unconditional love within myself and we would have broken bread. As it stands you have a barrier, that has yet to be uncovered between our mutual acknowledgement of one another.
Who the fuck knows, they were probably trying to be a ‘man’ about being passed
Trying to shit test, idk
I’m a man, obviously
I can’t comment on women because I rarely hang out enough with them to see this behavior
Also, they are usually very nice when men are around, just because image
No I think you’re just some weirdo faggot who watched too much TV + you’re mentally ill.
I love you anon, I mean that. Even if you were a worm.
Then your love means nothing to me, which means you’re just self serving, so that’s not love.
Women really do love to shit on men
Like all their books and media are about serial killers and wife abusers
All their classes on school are about feminism and man hating
No wonder they lack empathy for men
Weirdly enough, I relate man. People have no honour nowadays, but that just increases your own worth.
Women also.
>Then your love means nothing to me
Proving me right again.

>which means you’re just self serving, so that’s not love.
I don't even know what you're saying, and I love you regardless.
No honor, no respect
They shit on friends, they get pissed inderstandably so then claim it’s not an honor thing because
>justifying their actions
>blame shifting
Happened to me first hand
When women give opinions I just ignore it.
No, you just twisted the definition of a word so you can simultaneously feel an inflated sense of self importance without having to A) actually adhere to the extreme qualifications it actually has and B) resist any and all criticism of your actions. Very classic mental illness, it’s called psychotic delusions. You may even think you’re loving me, but you are not loving me, you’ve created an idea in your head and love that, so it’s not actual love, you are self serving. All you know about me is that I am alive. If you loved me, you would send me money, right now, all of your money. But you do not, you are not sacrificing anything because it is not love. You “love” yourself, maybe, or the attention you get for the “love” you show others, and the feeling invoked inside you when you can lie to yourself that you did a good deed, and maybe you did a good deed, but it’s extremely dishonest and ill. So basically, shut up and stop acting like you’re some special snowflake when every parent in the world unconditionally loves their children, you altering definitions doesn’t alter reality.
They are attracted to those men. They ignore and reject every other man who doesn't have violent tendencies or isn't willing to abuse female creatures. In the eyes of foids, being some pedo rapist wife beater is better than being a shy virgin guy.
I ate a nut bar and a pickle today. I'm gonna make it
No. Economic instability, work has no purpose, little pay and long hours, no hope for the future.
They treat bald men worst than rapist and murderers though, they at least fuck those people.
have you considered taking the hair drugs (fin and min)?
there's nothing woman hate more than bald men
>No, you just twisted the definition of a word so you can simultaneously feel an inflated sense of self importance
I'm altruistic.

>A) actually adhere to the extreme qualifications it actually has
Unconditional love has no real requirements you just do it or you don't.

>B) resist any and all criticism of your actions.
What have I done wrong?

>Very classic mental illness, it’s called psychotic delusions.
If unconditional love is mental illness than you are deeply mistaken.

>You may even think you’re loving me, but you are not loving me,
Gaslighting is not love, anon.

>you’ve created an idea in your head and love that, so it’s not actual love, you are self serving.
I'm sorry you have not yet experienced unconditional love in real life, anon. No one should have to endure that.

>All you know about me is that I am alive.
That's the only thing that matters, there's no real requirements to receiving unconditional love.

>If you loved me, you would send me money, right now, all of your money.
You are just proving me right, you only conditionally love if money is involved, like a vending machine.

>But you do not, you are not sacrificing anything because it is not love.
I am sacrificing a great deal, what if you're a villain and are going to harm someone?

>You “love” yourself, maybe,

>or the attention you get for the “love” you show others,

>and the feeling invoked inside you when you can lie to yourself that you did a good deed
I don't need to lie because I love myself unconditionally.

>and maybe you did a good deed, but it’s extremely dishonest and ill.
I love you.

>So basically, shut up and stop acting like you’re some special snowflake
I'm not special at all, anyone can love unconditionally.

>every parent in the world unconditionally loves their children,

>you altering definitions doesn’t alter reality.
I love you.
Agreed, I'm not talking to her anymore anyway.
>a billion counterpoints that all say “erm I’m right you’re wrong”
Therapy will help you. You are mentally ill. I’m not interacting with the mentally ill, not my problem.
The girlfriend of my friend (I'm also friends with her) has been trying on her own initiative to set me up with a friend of her but she's clearly out my league by several different metrics.
What gives? I'm convinced she's in good faith.
Before you ignore me, I want you to know that you are *not* unlovable, and that you are loved just for being yourself.

No one wants to believe in love, love is strong, but people like to test its strength until it breaks, then they say, "some love, it breaks after being tested". Some love indeed, it endured so much for so little.
I never claimed that I was unlovable. But the fact that you accuse me of gaslighting then create this weird straw man of me in your mind is insulting.
Yeah my bad you're right every woman hates bald men just like every woman hates XYZ physical trait.
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Unconditional love is how you get serial killers and abusers.
well its true
i read an article a while ago that this generation of young women (18-25?) is the first to really be concerned about the size of their uterus, akin to guys being concerned about the length of their penis. apparently, the theory is that fewer guys are available and those who are available have larger penises and this is causing women with smaller uteruses to be either passed up or having to adapt and so forth.

anyway, just wanted to know if "uterus anxiety" is a thing or not. was an interesting article.
She probably thinks you’re a good match
Tell her what you think maybe, see her reaction
Frame questions in such a way that don’t show you’re insecure about something
And assume something in that question
You can start like this
>why do you think we’re a good match?
Is she answers with a questions or denies it say
>I assumed you might be seeing it that way and was wondering why
Or do whatever you want, these are just some ideas
Sigh, I never said that you were unlovable, only the opposite.
How does it make you feel when I tell you I love you so much. You don't want to be hurt?
No one does. Love is a sore subject. We all want to be loved.

But to be loved unconditionally? Perish the thought. Love is a prize with a price tag.
We imagine love as the ultimate trap, the ultimate trust. Love is weakness, love is vulnerability.

No, love is strength. Love is vitality. Love is bravery. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Always perseveres even when it breaks even when everyone says "shoddy love has fallen apart yet again" It is true always, and forever.

You don't believe that. If you truly believed that you would kill children prior to being born, that they would not love you, their parent, unconditionally.
Well now I wanna put you in that dress.
> How does it make you feel when I tell you I love you so much.
That you’re a liar, and mentally unwell, and arrogant to assume that you are capable of it, much less the only one. You are not divine.
Elden Ring
Stardew Valley
thanks for the journal entry karen
Is it related to wmaf?
If you truly believe in unconditional love, you would love people that kill babies, you would love people that don’t love you etc
You are unhealthy, seek therapy
Well, you shouldn't give me that type of power over you regardless
Spiteful resentment toward women is literally the only thing keeping me going.
Hot and elegant
NTA, but I'm wondering if "unconditional love" can include a "but only for specific people".
Can you link article?
uncertainty about being able to have kids
body image issues
mental health issues

idk if anything makes me confident though
That sounds unlikely.
What is troubling you?
She previously said we have hobbies in common. I've been careful not to show insecurity and even hinted my interest but when she introduced us in a casual environment my first thought was "no way I have a chance". I'll ask what was she smoking when the chance comes up.
If I explained it everyone ITT would call me a schizo or an incel something similar.
That would be conditional. And specific people have been loved until they got caught for pedophilia or cheating or murder. Unconditional love is extremely bad
just don’t cut yourself short, you never know unless you try
>That you’re a liar, and mentally unwell, and arrogant to assume that you are capable of it, much less the only one.
Could you blame me for believing I'm the only one in such a world? No one gets along, no one likes anyone, their demands are ever increasing alongside their criticisms, an ordinary man being on trial for being less than perfect, and so on. What was his crime? Loved turned to hate before him. And bare.
>You are not divine.
But *he* who was and who is my god my lord and savior jesus christ he has gone to a place where I cannot follow him, and when he had returned he was killed. What was his crime? Tell me, anyone.
Was it unconditional love?

I love you.

Why would I not love them. I would have no choice but to love them. I am sad they would do such a thing, so is everyone here.
Team Fortress 2
Ape Escape
Dying Light
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Oh. You are straight up mentally ill. Hopefully you won’t end up with anyone
I don't know why, but I've been surprised at how many designers do black wedding dresses. That looks like it would be a lot of fun to wear
I think there's some old stigma about wearing black to a wedding but I would love to wear a black dress to my wedding. mine is going to be pretty atypical though
Alright man. You really should seek help. You have a good intention, but this ain’t it. Please seek medication.
i dont play games, games are for children
A white bridal gown is supposed to represent purity/virginity.
Based chad
Muteking the Dancing Hero
Space Brothers
Monster Strike the Movie: Lucifer - Dawn of Despair
Lupin the Third (green jacket and black jacket)
Alright then
well I know I'm not wearing white then lol
>Hopefully you won’t end up with anyone
I've ended up with christ, who understands me.

At least tell me what I'm saying or doing that is untruthful, that is incorrect, that is wrong, that is in need of reproof, or anything similar to that or like that.
Thank you boys.
See >>32015646 for a brief summary.
Only in some cultures. Most of them do it out of tradition, not meaning. White does not mean the same in every country
A white bridal gown is only a tradition in cultures that are heavily influenced by western/Judeo-Christian culture and traditions, which is where the "white = pure" idea comes from.
Eh. That religion have extreme conditions, it it’s nice to know you would love a god that would torture you for all eternity. Religious people are known to be mentally ill
Black is definitely a particular aesthetic, and there are some gorgeous black wedding dresses out there

In the west yes, but some people go for colour. My sister wore a dark pink sundress for her wedding which was really casual
Say it to the other anon not me hehe
> At least tell me
Saying you’re the only one.
Is it really the friendzone if neither person has made it clear that they just want to be friends and there is 0 possibility of more than that?
Women, how often do you grab your own boobs? Not in a sexual way, almost like a "well it's there".
NTA but most churches teach humility and recognizing your imperfections and limitations
I'm the anon you replied to. I was saying that anywhere where white wedding gowns are a tradition also believes white = pure.
I've turned 35 today. I came here a couple weeks ago asking you about love,asking if the ideal of love could be real and got told I should grow up.
Today I am here to tell you I'm going to look for it because I think it could be out there. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe I get very lucky and find it. Only one way to find out. In any case I will either be happy or dead before 36, that is my resolution.
For that one F32 who replied to me how she was wondering the same thing and passively suicidal about it... If you're here please try. It is worth trying. We probably won't meet but maybe I can find a woman with a soul just like yours or maybe you can find a man who likes to dream just like me. There is a chance.

I wish you all well /atoga/, I hope you find your own path to walk and if you are happy already then you have my respect.
Good luck and goodbye.
It is still the friend zone. A woman friend of mine both agree we both put each other in the friend zone. We're just not attracted to each other. She tells me of her dating struggles and I tell her mine.
Not sure what you're asking, anon
most days just because and also every week for a self breast exam
>all this flowery language to say basically nothing
Why are you the way that you are?
Most people don’t celebrate Christmas because of their belief in Christ. Connect the dots anon
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Women: How many of you actually either have, or have had in the past, a boyfriend or husband who is not physically attractive? What would you rate him out of 10?
Outside of sex, pretty much never. Unless I need to seriously readjust my bra or something, but even then not really because there isn't much to grab
Yes, because the holiday has been heavily commercialized. It is no longer a Christian holiday for most people, it is a secular holiday.
Uh huh. So people wearing white wedding dress means
NTA but it didn't actually come from Christianity, it was Victorian sentimentalism
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Forever and ever. It's like they made a videogame just for me.
Anyone ever gone full hypocrite after overcoming a shortcoming or insecurity?
>lose weight
>start being more critical of fat people in my life with personalities i dont like
>lose virginity
>start calling out fags on plebbit for not having sex or being incel
>she said I have a nice cock
>start accusing others of being shrimp dicks
>start agreeing with plebbitors that my penis is tiny when they accuse me of that
Too bad about the dungeons though, poorly put together and extremely repetitive
I encourage you to find christ eventually. christ's love is infinitely superior to anything a human being can give to another human being.

I repent of suggesting the idea that I could ever possibly be the only ordinary person in the world capable of unconditional (not conditional) love.

>NTA but most churches teach humility and recognizing your imperfections and limitations
I repent of giving even the impression of anything resembling being a flawless person. I am a normal person of no outstanding qualities or characteristics. I do not have magical powers. I am not smart, or strong. I am flawed, I have sinned countless times, and failed countless times at being a half-decent person. I have lied, and cheated, and stolen, and hated others.

I still maintain the fact that unconditional love is exceedingly rare to find in life. Even christ said he did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For he had come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.
I'm basic, all my bf's have been conventionally attractive even though my own feeling of attraction towards them varied
>He’s quoting Matthew
Meds, my friend. Jesus himself revealed himself to me in a dream.
Evidently not, you for example give unconditional love to a god that does not. I hope you seek medical help
Anon, stop talking about your penis on reddit. It's haram
I do not live in the USA so I don't know any niggers. The black people I've met were like anyone else.

I know there are many autistic users here so I won't judge you harshly, maybe in the future you will understand.
Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. Not to wish to imply you've been sleeping on the job. No one is best deserving of a rest and all the effort in the world would've gone to waste if it weren't for...well...let's just say your hour has come again.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.
Weddings are still heavily associated with and influenced by their origin as a religious institution.
I know this is most likely some weird larp, but how do you know you are capable of unconditional love? How has that been tested?
The devil is a liar. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

It doesn't need to be tested. I know I love unconditionally because I am not afraid. There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
Why aren't girls into femdom but also complain foreplay is too short?
I am not lying, I have met your Lord.
NTA but religion had nothing to do with it. White became a symbol of virgin purity the same way tartan kilts became traditionally Scottish
Not sure why you'd ask this, they all pick attractive ones because they can and because hot bfs are status symbols. There are no other possible answers at the minute.
they are the ones who bring it up first. mostly cause they are dumb women angry at my unapologetic and ballsy suggestions.
agreeing that my penis is small throws them off cause anyone who actually has a small penis would probably slink away like a cuck.
Because I want to see how much they'll tell on themselves, ya dingus.
Nope. Educate yourself
>your Lord
resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Yeah, it's easy to "love unconditionally" when you never leave your parents basement
You love the devil unconditionally. You love liars and murderers, we already know.
I’m into femdom and foreplay, we’re just not straight.
Purple pill debate or 2 xtra chromosomes? Either way, as I said, absolutely haram
The stereotypical image of a wedding is two people in a church with a priest officiating.
The fact that it wasn't that way when Christianity began doesn't mean it doesn't have a religious origin.
neither actually just a local dashcam group
On top of this, have you ever hooked up with a guy who wasn't at least a 6 or 7/10?
Pointless. They see your question but they don't answer, and not because they're lurkers but because they would be considered shallow.
Goodnight /atoga/
Women are trash.
Possibly, but you might be surprised how candid they are sometimes when they get to post anonymously.
>be me
>a high school ex suddenly reaches out on social media
>we blabber on for a bit
>"Can I call you?"
>it's 1 AM at this point
>"Sure, why not" I say
>we spend a few hrs on video chat
>say I have to sleep because work starts soon
>a week goes by
>she reaches out again
>we video chat again
>she starts mentioning meeting up
>we live in different countries
>"Don't think so, we're far away."
>"It's not far by plane" she says
>my red flag alarms start going off because she has a boyfriend
>I was cheated on after 5 years not 6 months ago
>tell her she's making me uncomfortable and to stop cheating and leave me alone
>sells me the "wtf it's not cheating, he knows we talk" spiel
>tell her to please let me be
>"ugh fine"
>2 weeks go by
>"I don't like the way we ended things last time"
>I just reply with OK
>"ah, what do you want me to say?"
>tell her nothing because I don't really care
>"wow, nice"
>start getting annoyed
>tell her once again to stop going behind her bfs back and to LEAVE ME ALONE
>"I'm not like your ex"
>call her a stupid slut and tell her to fuck off
>she still wouldn't back off
>tell her she can fly over for some dick, but that I have zero intentions of being her pen pal or friend
>she finally lets off
>"wow, you will be alone forever"
>blocks me
I think I did good, but I feel a bit bad about it. I just couldn't shake her off without being so harsh, and I truly don't feel like being in another love triangle.
I think she wanted more than to reminisce.
Makes sense. It's just weird to see a lot of posts about women complaining about lack of foreplay and not taking responsibility
Erm, I am a heccin woman and I find this sooo sexy!
I kind of still enjoyed the whole "descent into madness" vibe they had because it's one of my favourite fiction tropes but yes, they're the weakest part about the game. But the rest of it and specially the DLC is so fucking good and the whole setting is so great it'll be hard for another game to replace it.
I didn't say you could reply to me, faggot.

>What makes you insecure?
Being sober.
>What makes you confident?
Being drunk.

I’m working on figuring out a way to change that dynamic.
Why do you keep reposting this story?
I don’t need your permission lil bro.
2 seconds on google will tell you it doesn't have a religious origin
>woman has perfectly shaped tits but they're ""small""
>gets implants and they're now ugly as shit but bigger

Women, why do you do this?
I hope you get a 10mm kidney stone and it forces its way out.
That's good. Great actually. I wish more people did that.

Yes, actually. It's a satanic planet. The whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

Unconditional love is not omnidirectional love. read Romans 12:9 "Dude just love everything" is satanic, but nice try.
>they're now ugly as shit but bigger
Your opinion doesn't matter, it's not you that they want to attract but the aggressive dominating brutes who find fake tits on dumb bimbos arousing.
Somehow that's even worse
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I’ve played a fuck ton of games and my dream is to get into gamedev. Absolute favorites over the years have been RPGs and point-and-click adventures, but there are a few shooters I’ve adored over the years as well. Was into playing retro games for a while (and still am) but I’ve been spending way, WAY too much time on vidya and not enough time studying, so I’ve kinda set playing games aside for the time being.

Ever since LISA and Undertale came out I’ve been really into indie games, and I think pic related is easily one of the best that’s come out in the last 5 years. Finnish gamedevs seem to have popped up out of nowhere recently and have been absolutely crushing the competition when it comes to making exceptionally high quality and inspired games.
Mhm, non christians marry in a church with a priest as well. Out of tradition, not belief. As you said, it’s been commercialized. Weird how you pointed this out, did you not realize you proved yourself wrong in the process?
you could've solved it by just sending the screencaps of the chat to her bf
I hope you feel alone for the rest of your life as you slowly become more away of your facade as it slowly crumbles.
Do femanons like christ schizos?
NTA but what's wrong with dating attractive men? Why is that considered something negative? Would you date someone you didn't find attractive?
I feel conflicted by my actions and would like input. I still feel heartbroken by my ex's betrayal and can't view women without a hateful lens. I haven't had anyone chase me for years, and it just feels like a ploy.
It's the first time I felt anything for anyone except my current ex, and a part of me feels justified while another part thinks I may have fumbled the bag with someone who acrually really likes me.
I just want to die.
Nobody likes Christ schizos. Not even fervent members of the clergy like Christ schizos.
>run-on sentence
>used the wrong word
The religious connotation has existed basically as long as the tradition.
A little bit.
I wrote it stupidly. Doesn’t matter, you get the memo.
If it had been commercialized they would all pick expensive wedding venues and have crazy shows and entertainment. They wouldn't do it in a church that will usually do these things for free, especially not if they weren't religious.
>"Can I call you?"
>it's 1 AM at this point
>"Sure, why not" I say
>we spend a few hrs on video chat
If you knew she had a bf, you should have never gone along with that. You invited whatever problems befell you afterwards
Ugly is subjective. That being said, I think my small tits are definitely ugly, and I'd find them more attractive if they were bigger.
I'm not even really religious, I'm just not delusionally frothing at the mouth about people who are, like some anons apparently ITT.
NTA but foreplay requires femdom?
Honestly tits are all about shape rather than size. Big tits will be ugly if they sag too much and small tits can be plenty cute if they're perky and have nice nipples.
I don't know, I'm not your moral compass or whatever, but it's hypocritical to always refute the claim that a man's physical attractiveness isn't the first and most important aspect you consider, if then you're going to come back and ask what's wrong with ALWAYS choosing attractive men.
Idk, I like that game. But I am very tired of the fast paced action. And like most of the bosses in their games it’s very unimaginable.
They hit so hard with Dark Souls that it changes the entire industry, but they never seem to understand why themselves. They never went back to vertical exploration, they thought bosses were the main staple so now it’s a staple of every game with little to no change. They went from somber solitude atmosphere to bombastic action. Even in the dlc of Dark Souls they changed to fast combat in a slow paced combat game. Bloodborne is mostly a theme and color change.
Bitch child support me? I kill my baby momma.
My small tits are frumpy and my nipples are deformed. If for nobody else, implants would be a good idea for me.
You want to go to the opposite extreme and get giant balloon tits, which to most men are far less attractive than small and misshapen tits.
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Chaotic Good
They do pick expensive wedding venues and crazy shows and entertainment. How are you this lost on something so common as the wedding industry
I'm finally dating someone again and while I guess this will pass I'm currently in the period where I just want to have sex and bite and lick and rub myself against her body 24/7 oh my fucking god why are women so fucking hot
I've thought it over, and I would want more modest implants now.
Isn't there nip surgery? Also how are they frumpy?
Some do, most don't, which is why the stereotypical image of a wedding in most people's heads is in a church with a priest.
I have an open hole where my sexual/romantic security should be. When I'm validated I feel strong and on top of the world, but when I'm not hooked up to a supply of constant validation I start to forget what I even look like. I become a window to see the world through, not a physical person with a face and body and penis. If I'm dating a gorgeous ballerina (for example) I feel titanic, and if it's been a couple of months since I had sex I feel like I don't even really exist.
It rocked my entire world when one of my closest friends casually dropped that to her, I'm her "always has something going on with someone" friend. Because...I guess she's right. Dry spells of a few months are actually really short. But they feel like an endless desert to me. I recently went travelling for three months and only had sex with five people, and I think objectively that's a lot of people! If one of my mates told me they had sex with five people while travelling I'd be raising my eyebrows. But to me it feels like nothing. It feels like whenever people talk about how much sex they had in hostels they're talking about so much more than I had.
I'm also insecure about the fact I'm so old and have never had a job. I repeated a lot of years in university. I'm really smart, but I don't believe in myself enough.

Paradoxically, I'm confident in my intelligence. I'm aware, in the abstract, that I'm good looking -- I don't feel it, but I think it. I'm confident about my friends; they're all great people I can trust, and I love them and they love me. My brother brings me confidence. I know that I'm creative and funny. I know that I'm sensitive, and I know that girls love how I don't pressure them to act in any way other than their own and they're comfortable enough to be themselves around me without fear of judgement. Frankly, I know I'm the male equivalent of a manic pixie dream girl to a lot of people, albeit maybe more "ADHD" than "manic".

Huh. Good exercise, actually.
The excuses for throwing away your 20s and 30s on partying, drugs and sex with strangers are getting more and more elaborate. I'm sure that your ran through being is perfectly capable of birthing healthy offspring in your 40s.
Nigger, I'm human too. If she were closer, I would have dicked her down
Nope. Educate yourself
nta and idk your convo but partying, drugs, and sex with strangers is a worthy use of time
>im also like this
The fuck? Validating.
Maybe. But I'd rather kill two birds with one stone if I'm going under the knife.
And my tits are small, misshapen, point opposite directions, etc.
Am that anon and I'm a man, anons really need to stop assuming everyone they disagree with is a woman and just fucking google the studies (studies by men btw) instead of plugging their ears whining about the matriarchy
Oh, nice. I have no idea what your band size is, but I think somewhere between C-E is a good size for most women. Plenty big enough to be enjoyed by you and your partner, but not grossly oversized.
No, although I have a lot of respect for religion including Christianity
Wow. What a solid argument. How can I possibly counter that?
It's always funny when an anon spends half an hour convinced you're a woman for no conceivable reason
I agree to some degree. The truth is that dark souls was probably the most impactful game of the 2010s when it comes to its effect in game design (which you can still feel today), but it's true that FromSoft themselves have gone mostly from being world-focused to being boss-focused. I still think the worlds and settings they create are top notch and among the best in gaming, but it's true that no game after DS1 really managed to recapture that "alone in an extremely hostile environment" feeling the first one has, and now it's more than anything about big bosses rather than exploring.
I still think Bloodborne is their masterpiece though, I can't think of many games that have managed to be such a perfect package or have such an incredible progression.
>worthy use of time
I know. The time window is limited and her body gets ugly and fat. In part because of the partying and drugs.

We aren't the ones marrying old men and having their babies. Show your studies to women.
Same reason they shave even though a bit of hair is a lot more pleasing, they're silly and pornbrained.
But it's a cultural connotation, not a religious one. You won't find any church rules either Protestant or Catholic about wearing a white dress
Everything is big compared to 34A, so I'll accept any improvement at this point.
Rain World, baby. I loved it before it was cool. No game even emulates what it does.
Splatoon 3. Reminds me of those long summer days as a kid spent sitting on the steps of a shop eating an ice block sometimes saying something to a friend or my bro.
BallisticNG. Best racing game, and I love racing games.
Metroid Prime. Make me feel lonely. I want to feel lonely.
Caves of Qud. It's had a gigantic impact on my writing growing up, even if it is just Gamma World.
I've had a guy tell me my boobs are "nothing to write home about" after nutting in me so like I get why some women would get a ba
The idea of virginal purity, particularly as it relates to marriage, is definitely a religious concept. The culture at the time was very religious. So yes, the culture may have made the association, but that doesn't mean the connotation isn't religious.
There is nothing more to argue, you are wrong and unwilling to change. We tried to talk to you and you refused. Can’t even do a simple google search because you would immediately be told how wrong you are again. So nothing left to do. Enjoy your cope, anon
I did search, you just didn't like what I found. Cope.
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How many of you love a man who mistreats you?
How many of you still love a man who mistreated you in the past?
I've thought about small teardrop implants in the past, but yeah. I have no real issue with my breasts, they're just small and my nipples are a little too pale but nothing can be done about that anyways. I might get teardrops after I'm done having children, though
F. Hatris, Pokemon Red, an old PS2 puzzle game I forget the name of.
If you did you would know you were wrong haha. Remember when you said it was commercialized then you had to go back on it because you realized you proved yourself wrong, that was my favorite.
I have never liked being mistreated. Having a guy I love treat me roughly but respectfully is what I enjoy.
I've given up on videogames for the most part. They just seem to get worse and worse.
How does anon feel about asymmetrical social groups.

Femanon, being in groups that have more men than women.
Anon, being groups that have more women than men.
>boohoo i can't get a bangmaid :(

This but not Minecraft a boring game snore zzzzz wow this sucks
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Why do so many female singers have songs about guys who abused them or cheated on them, but they still love the guy and want him?
alpha (lover) fucks,
beta (provider) bucks
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I'm glad I made this graphic so this question is easy to answer.
It's actually not that bad.
I'm a guy with predominantly female coworkers. Chicks are actually pretty cool as long as you don't form relationships with them.
>it's another "femanon's entire identity is sex and chores" episode
F. It's the closest I can get to a gangbang, so I enjoy the feeling of being around a bunch of guys who give me attention as much as I can. I'm used to working in woman-dominated fields (education, child care, patient care), so usually I'm around way more women than men.
It’s usually not worth having male friends
Physical chemistry is obviously the first aspect everyone, male and female, considers. Sometimes a guy can be insanely attractive to a girl, while at the same time not being conventionally handsome. I tend to date conventionally attractive guys and said that in my response to the OP. But one of my best friends is always falling for guys who are definitely not conventionally physically attractive. So I have no problem with my moral compass, and you're wrong if you're implying that women only go for handsome guys. I mean, just going outside and being around people would tell you that
Hold up
Is this why some women prefere to hang out with more guys than chicks?
Like her with 4 other guys, for example
NTA but you're really not telling the entire story, the same way that we aren't seeing it, either.
A mediocre looking guy with an attractive girl or whatever is only what you can see in that moment. If it turns out she just uses him for all the bf shit while she plays behind his back, it's not even remotely surprising.
What are some insults that men used on you that turned you on or made you interested in him?
I can only speak for myself. Feeling lost in a forest of guys a foot taller than me is definitely fun for that reason, though.
NTA but the studies show a slight increase of an already rare risk. It's really not a huge issue
I only get turned on by some insults online. In person, there are too many nuances to being insulted for me to feel anything positive. Too busy worrying about serious the person was.
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Gender? Do women feel weird about disposing of their used products in certain peoples washrooms?
Buddy came by with his fairly new GF and she used my washroom and left a wrapped up pad in the garbage bin. Though it was weird since even my female friends never seem to leave anything behind so I would imagine they have some sort of trick to avoid using the bin at my home.
I don't like being insulted unless the guy is obviously being silly and doesn't actually mean it
Did you eat it
>I tend to date conventionally attractive guys and said that in my response to the OP. But one of my best friends is always falling for
This is the "my cousin once dated a disabled guy with a 3 inch penis" trope. "Not me, I only date the hot and accomplished ones, but there's a woman out there who likes you!"
calling me dumb. I've never been seen as smart, so it's kind of affectionate in a bad way.
this explains some behaviors some short women I know have kek
>Marry a qt lesbian
I will
fuck no, not even interested. only even noticed since my bathroom garbage bin takes several weeks before it has enough garbage to bother emptying and i just dump whatever is there into the larger bin in the kitchen.
I always use other people's bins if I need to, I don't really know what the alternative would be. I make sure to wrap it up in toilet paper or something though so they don't have to see it
That's what it's for? Stuff that don't flush.
If it has to go, it has to go. It's not ideal, but I'm not putting it in my bag or something if I can toss it in a bathroom bin.
I've been told I'm weird, though. So don't assume too much using me as your only example.
No reason to live. Men are animals not worth taming, cause I'll die.
I thought we were talking about white wedding gowns being a symbol of religious purity? It's not something that came from the church, it was just a fashion thing that became part of the culture. Nothing to do with religion at all. Of course the concept of virginal purity itself is religious, but that's whole separate thing
No, you don't ask, you don't get.

Most days. Sometimes when I'm reading or watching something, I'll mindlessly slip a hand in my shirt the same way men do with their hand in their pants. A strange phenomena.

Because abuse is insidious. Nobody stays with an abuser that just abuses. There are highs and lows. And women will typically try to stick it out with such men.

Cringe moid perspective

I grew up on strat games and rpg's, so games like Warcraft 3, Kotor, Baldur's Gate, XCOM, Civ, Planescape, etc. In recent years, I've only been playing AAA goy slop that with compelling stories.

Skip Beat
A Silent Voice
Too many good anime characters to pick a favorite

None. Degradation isn't one of my kinks. If anything, I get off on praise.

I had a weird interaction with a friend's wife because I left a tampon in his trash can and his wife only uses pads. Since then, I'll just wrap them up and put them in my purse.
>men want women to find their body attractive
>wtf grow up
>man doesn't find every inch of the girl she had sex with attractive
I thought I loved a man who mistreated me, but I was just dumb
toilet paper? why not use the wrapper from the fresh one?
i always figured most women were self conscious about it and avoided that which is why ive never seen a spent one in my own bin.
>I'll just wrap them up and put them in my purse.
AHA! i knew some of you had a system
Exhibanon, I think I'm seeing you in a different light.
It’s a fucking trash bin
What? You’re gonna complain that they THROW CANDY WRAP IN YOUR KITCHEN TRASH BIN NOW? HUH?
t. js
Don't many male singers have songs like that too? It's a universal thing
I got cucked after 4 years LTR.
How do I not hate women? The wrath inside me is caustic.
I don't think I have another fight in me, I feel like giving up on having a wife and kids.
Uh, yeah. Candy wrappers lead to insects. Let a bitch know when you're puttinga fucking ant magnet into the lest frequently changed trash bag in the house.
It's definitely not the time to have a wife and make kids. Women can't stop themselves from cheating and literally all of them branch away from their partner eventually, onto another.
Women, what part of a man's body do you think more of them should groom more?
Realize that you likely just got unlucky and picked a bad egg. Most women don't cheat, just like most men don't cheat. And you being in the thick of it probably left you blind to a lot of signs, either of her unfaithfulness or your relationship deteriorating.
Take better care of your skin in general.
You're just making that up in your head, I guess because you don't know that many couples irl

I have to already be interested and turned on by him in order for that to make me more turned on. It would never create interest where none exists in the first place
How long does that period last?
I hope it's a good one. A divine one, even.
Their mind.
Ants in your kitchen…
Whatever happened there
Are you rooting through your garbage or something? As long as she wrapped it up properly and put in the garbage it shouldn't be an issue and is none of your business
NTA I was not expecting this reply. That's kind.
nigger, my bathroom is a hole in the wall when you are sitting on the toilet you can easily see the contents of the bin. also said the bin is near empty most of the time so the sudden appearance of a strange green bundle is easy to notice.
I'm making breakfast. What do you want?
>You're just making that up in your head
No, I just rightly don't trust women.
No, she is literally one of my best friends and the guys she goes after are often accomplished in a particular field that she finds attractive. But usually the guys themselves are not physically handsome, she has a type
why would anyone think it's appropriate to basically diss someone's body right after sex?
Frozen chips thrown hard into oil that's way too hot.
Help me out boys.
I have a massive crush on this woman at work

That said, she's always around guys and mainly talks to guys there.
She even has one of these guys take her home from work. They're all just friends, though, but it still kinda bothers me.

I dont know if i should i go after her.

I already get so nervous talking to her and just stumble my words.
People can tell i have a crush, and i get looks trying to talk to her.
One time, i tried talking to her, and I said that I'd see her tomorrow at the end. And she just sorta said out loud, "Really, me? You wanna see me?" I don't know if she did it to make fun of me for having a crush but I nodded and laughed when she said that and it was 100% apparent by that point.

I'm fucking wreck around her.
I can chat up a storm with other women and can flirt with others, though.

Should i just give up on my crush?
A lot of men need to do a better job of grooming their nails, their hair, and their clothing. But at the same time, a lot of guys need to relax on the overgrooming. There's a happy medium
I misread and thought you were talking about the bathroom trash can. Sorry, sir.

I've always had a high opinion of you, exhibanon. Even if you lie about your penis size.

Sounds messy
men with well kept nails is kinda hot.
NTA but if you relax on the overgrooming, other overgroomed guys win and you lose.
Green bundle? She didn't wrap it in toilet paper? If not, then yeah that's rude assuming there was plenty of toilet paper to begin with. But that's what the garbage is there for, garbage. Do you expect her to walk home with it in her purse?
>Sounds messy
The point is to make burning oil splash on her half-naked body and burn her. Possibly even start a fire at the same time.
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>I've always had a high opinion of you, exhibanon.
>Even if you lie about your penis size.
Well now I don't know if I should be appreciative or planning to go to war.

Adorable af.
Another day of being nice to women so they ignore me.
maybe she wrapped it in tp before she put it in the wrapper of the new one? thats what i assumed. i just tipped that bin into the kitchen bin and called it a day.
Overgrooming is as much of an ick as undergrooming desu
>She even has one of these guys take her home from work. They're all just friends, though, but it still kinda bothers me
give up if this is bothering you
no way she'll change for you before she even knows you
if this bothers you from the start, imo, don't bother
another day being horrible to women
If a guy missed shaving a few hairs from his neck and only applied deodorant, you'd rather have the overgroomed one who went to the barber's shop yesterday and is wearing perfume.
Women don't hate chad, they hate the women who like chad.
You know what, I reread your OP and just realized you weren't complaining, just asking if girls ever feel weird about it. So I apologize for being snippy, and also to answer your OP yes I do feel weird. So if I'm ever in that situation, I wrap it up in like half a roll of toilet paper and hide it under whatever else is in the bin, or if it's the only thing in the bin I'll throw a bunch of toilet paper on top of it after wrapping it up. Basically you're losing an entire roll of toilet paper either way
I don't know but considering my last relationship longer than a year at least.
For me it never ends, until I catch wind of them branching off to other men.
I literally want to worship and cuddle my gf 24/7 365.
Women don't hate chad, they hate the women whom chad likes.
I have nothing against haircuts or cologne, as long as it's good and he hasn't bathed in it. I'm talking about stuff like manicures, eyebrow waxing, jewellery, etc
Never forget that Fortune is a woman :)
Ew shit taste
What kind of person doesn't like jewellery
yeah and she hates me and the feeling is mutual
Toe nails
What are some sex acts/fetishes people overhype and will be disappointed when they actually try?
Any and all forms of giving oral. Doesn't taste good, doesn't get you off, needs a literal hand to do so.
Ball breaking. Done that, the guy was just in agony.
Piss play, messy, smells.
Threesome, too much going on.
>What are some sex acts/fetishes people overhype and will be disappointed when they actually try?
sex in general
Breath. I'm sleepy
>women are chadcels
Either the guys you've sucked have had something unique about their cocks or you're bad at sucking dick. Blowjobs feel fantastic if they're done right (what that means probably depends on the guy; I've only sucked a couple of dicks other than my own).
I've only had one threesome but it was amazing. One of the best nights of my life. We didn't think hard about it, just made each other feel good.
Sex with feelings
You have pleasure nerves in your mouth or something?
I bet that a hookup slut would devalue sex with feelings
I'm a bit confused by what you mean. When you said that sucking a guy's dick "doesn't get you off and needs a hand to do so", were you referring to yourself? I mean, would it not be obvious that you'd need some kind of physical stimulation (not necessarily a hand; you could be 69ing for example)?

Anyway, for me, giving head is extremely arousing. It's a cliche, but it really makes me feel good to see someone feel good because of my actions.
women will really just stand there letting people take pictures of them and say "this is fun"
I said
You see guys here talking about how they want to lick pussy all the time and its like... cool it tastes bad and won't simulate your dick
You are welcome to take all the guys who wear pearls and garish metallic jewellery
I'm going to watch a movie at my home with the girl who rejected, she wants to stay friends. What should I do ? should I bring it up again to see if she changed her mind? Should I cancel the movie?
Pussy taste varies wildly between women. Some women taste bad, some women taste perfectly neutral. It doesn't stimulate your dick but so what. Who thought it would lol
I would love to
Sex should not be an act. It is a form of communucation. Not all things are explicitly for your pleasure, but it doesn't have to displease you either. Everyone is different.
Rejected me*
Family friendly movie.
She has not changed her mind. She will not change her mind. You will never date her. If you're even THINKING of "bringing it up again to see if she changed her mind" then hanging out with her is a terrible idea. You are not ready to be friends with her.
Can the possibility of hotter and better sex be a motivator for a partner to get into shape? Have you ever convinced or been convinced by a partner to lose weight or get into shape?
Why what?
Should I just text her saying I'm sorry and I'm still not over it and that I don't want to watch the movie with her then?
It's a horror movie
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Neighbours gf spends inordinate amount of time gagging on his cock. I can hear it. I am trying to sleep. Why don't they just fuck? She'll do it for ages.
why would you entertain that kind of hangout?
she doesnt want you and she wont change her mind
Are people born evil or they become evil after the way others treat them?
Hot, I'd just jerk off
>Have you ever convinced or been convinced by a partner to lose weight or get into shape?
No. Never had a gym bf.
>Can the possibility of hotter and better sex be a motivator for a partner to get into shape?
If you withold things from me on purpose I will just go to my fwbs.
Idk it was her idea we were talking about this one movie she wanted to see but when she rejected me she said "I still want to be friends with you and if you're still up to that movie that would be awesome" I just went with the flow cause I didn't wanted to sound like I only made friends with her cause I was after her body (I really wasn't lol)
Oral is amazing, both giving and receiving, but I guess it takes some skill and it's easy for people to be bad at it. Pee isn't messy if you confine it to the bathroom or get a sex blanket, and if the person is properly hydrated it won't smell that strongly as long as you wash up within a reasonable time. Not saying it's for everyone, but if people are curious to try it won't necessarily be disappointing
>It's a horror movie
Sit far from her so she doesn't jump and land on you "on accident"
Point some speakers to their wall and blast porn sounds. From deepthroating compilations, to be precise.
both. some people are born with defective brains (sociopaths, etc) while others are groomed or lean into it by life circumstances
Neither. Good and evil are social constructs, so you're literally evil because society says so. Murder is not actually an evil act by any measure beyond the one we made up. Some people are born naturally predisposed against the common concensus (some interesting studies on this, how a good chunk of humanity will be against whatever is popular simply because it is popular), but not to such a degree to be 'evil'. Some people are legit born with impeded (such as myself) empathy, or none at all. Some are born with urges to do what would be considered bad things; that's simply their nature. They're no more evil than a Moose protecting its territory, which would not be called evil even if its killed a man, but will be called as such simply because they're human and therefore part of society, in which bad things are bad, rather than in the wild, where they simply are things you have done.
People can be pushed into desperate acts, cruel actions, but they're not actually evil, they're just acting out.
The average muslim doesn't think how they treat women is evil, but do think you eating a cow is, because that's their society
This doesn't happen irl and she already explicitly rejected me so it won't happen even on purpose. Tho the reason we're watching it together is cause she's afraid of watching it alone
Yeah bitch, because if you really like someone (PLATONICALLY) then the normal thing to do is to want to preserve your FRIENDSHIP. If you're a serious person with a functioning brain who also values her as a friend, then you'll shut down your infatuation and do your best to pretend to just want to be friends with her until eventually it becomes real. It's perfectly doable -- I did it myself -- but you need to be utterly on board with the fact that you will never date her, she will never change her mind, and you actually want to be friends with her.
Never said mine was
Born with the propensity, or just flat out born. Lack of empathy is a genetic trait. The vast majority of people who suffered horrible abuse do not go on to commit egregious acts
What if she's just being kind out of pity from rejecting me and doesn't really like and I'm being a bother to her
Disagree about oral, and threesomes require a lack of ego and the ability to do on the fly logistics.

Both, but made villains can be fixed.
NTA but do you want her to come over and watch the movie with you? Or are you looking for the best way to cancel?
I do want to watch the movie with her but I'm afraid of she's just having pity on me from having rejected me and that we might never talk to each other again after the movie
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How often should you shower?
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sexiest dress?
NTA but why not just do the first strike and ghost her right here and now?
You know you'll never date her and you're afraid she'll ghost you
so the options are either she keeps you in the friendzone and you get to watch her flaunt guys in your face or getting ghosted
be the man, ghost her
>so the options are either she keeps you in the friendzone and you get to watch her flaunt guys in your face or getting ghosted
She's lesbian (I didn't know about it until she rejected me) but that was the reason she just went on "I can't respond your feelings cause I don't like mans"
I don't care what experts or people as arrogant as the retweeter say
I shower everyday I have to go out or I'm seeing people.
If I don't go out I shower once every couple or three days depending on how much I sweat
Daily and before going outside.
3 times per day
thats just the statue overlayed over a mid bitch
Once a day
What if the sun is a demon sent to eat your soul and the earth will one day open up beneath you while you sleep.
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Does every girl have a slut arc?
What the hell are you on about?
I like the art on the bottom, but it seems like it's glorifying the sluttiness, which is stupid.
I'm telling anon to stop being a silly bitch who's worried about something which he has not a shred of evidence to suggest might happen.
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>Cosplaying makes you a slut
>eat tomato soup
>feel good
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Nah its a printed design on the dress itself
Why do you assume she didn't want to show her body in 2017
A lot of girls wear that kind of baggy loose clothing because they're ashamed of their bodies and wish they had the kind of body they could show off
This is me as a man having muscles bigger than most men but still not "enough"
I do have evidence not rock solid evidence but well: she takes longs to answer sometimes days, im usually the only one who texts first (I think we would stop talking at all if I were to not send her a message again) and other couple of reasons
This is really me.
If you actually want to watch the movie as friends and she mentioned it herself as you said, then text her and ask if she's still up for it. If she doesn't respond, try not to take it personally. If she does and still wants to see the movie, then go ahead and make plans
Pan always had a great body

No anon, being a slut online does
Nobody agrees to watch an entire film with someone they don't want to hang out with. That's a lot of effort she's going to. If she's almost evasive whenever you mention the film or smth then yeah maybe she doesn't want to ig, but if not then there's no reason to be worried. Is the long reply time new or old?
I seriously do not understand how anyone can shower less than twice a day, at least on most days
every girl on the internet
>How often should you shower?
Daily. How is this even a question?

>Does every girl have a slut arc?
No, but then if you consider dressing more provocatively a "slut arc" then maybe most. I don't consider myself a slut, but I do like showing skin.

>eat tomato soup
>feel good
Gonna make some grilled cheese and tomato soup later. Thank you, anon.
Women, if you had a typical incel son
>small cock
Would you try to help him? Would you feel more sympathetic towards incels and spergy guys in general?
We already have plans to watch it on this Sunday tho we tried to watch it last week but on the day of the movie she said she couldn't appear cause she had some stuff to deal with.
When we first meet we would text everyday, didn't lasted long tho about 3 days and she started taking longer and longer to answer to the point were we stayed 1 week without talking to each other until I asked her if I was being a burden to her and she said she was dealing with a break up of her last gf and that she noticed that I liked her more than just friend and didn't know how to approach me, but even now that we settled it down she stills takes long to answer
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for me its whatever these type of dresses are called
thats like a guy wearing a muscle suit
stupid bitch
That's corduroy
Hmm fair. If you act completely like someone who just wants to be a friend then this is still doable, but the film sesh will make or break it. If you act lovestruck -- in person or over text -- she'll make the smart decision and peace out.
It's difficult because with the cancelling and the long reply time it does sound like she might be worried about you, but you can't bring it up because being worried about reply time is classic "I still have a crush on you" behaviour.
I would never let that happen to my son. I already feel sympathetic to the incels that don't hate women.
looks similar but its not, its much lighter material
You're mentality is a tad bit infuriating. All you're saying is "anything I don't like is slutty"
>I would never let that happen to my son
Four out of five of the things in that list, you have no control over
It wouldn't happen to my son.
How should I act on so that we can stay as friends, since she told me she noticed before I talked to her how I felt I decided to act a bit more colder on ours text but idk if it's getting good results or bad ones
Anon.... Have you seen her thumbnails?
Love girls with curves wearing slutty dresses like that
Simple as

Atoga if i see you wearing that you are.getting the PLAP
Why should that be either of our concerns?
Read >>32017709
>anything I don't like is slutty
literally how is that even your conclusion?
Obviously if my son were autistic, overweight, or depressed, I'd do everything in my power to help him and get him all the professional help he'd need. And that would go for my husband too, his role would be even more important for helping a son in that way
How could I help a small cock or autism?
It's a harmless cosplay
Maletoga who loves you dearly but needs to have sex daily
What would your reaction be like if the woman you were in uni with (you never talked to her) would approach you online?
Bring him to social therapy, and make sure he goes outside. Oh, and help him jelq every day, and apply ointment to the tears
Also you never gave her any contacts. She found you
I love sluts, if I call you a slut you're just being slutty which I love. However it's still slutty and loose
Only 2 of them.
You can lose weight, you can stop being a whiny ***** and get some perspective, you can go have sex. Only small cock and autism are birth issues that you're stuck with. The latter is a spectrum and >>32017744
This is a bad idea since they can and will and did perscribe drugs which literally do not work to fix autism in children so you're just going to be drugging your child for no real benefit
Only being a dicklet or specifically low functioning is a major issue you can't deal with by whining less and doing more, and even then only if you're like 3 inches or less.
t. autist, not overweight, not depressed, not whiny
Don't ask her if you're a burden on her, those kinds of questions put people on the spot and beg them to lie. I would continue laying low and not pushing it either way. If she gets in touch and wants to go ahead on Sunday, great. If she falls out of touch, then let it be
Would you let your future daughter date someone like you?
Why and why not?
Unless you want it to be painfully obvious you are interested, make up some excuse for why you are talking to me. I'm still going to suspect something, but you'll at least have plausible deniability
whether or not it harms someone has nothing to do with being slutty
I wouldn't let her date. Straight to marriage for her.
Don't you think thats a little unreasonable? I mean men have biological needs.
I would be flattered
But the way it goes is always "hi :)"
And thats it
Are you a kind loving man?
I'm a completely different person
I think if i was in relationship girl would have it rough because i would molest her twice a day at least.
I'm not talking about medication for autism, although if he actually needed medication I'm not against it. I'm talking about Occupational Therapy and anything else he might need, and I would obviously provide that from the beginning. But if he were an adult and struggling, of course I would pay for whatever he needed
Quads !!
Yes, for her, that is why I posted that.
Would you rather have a son or daughter. Explain your choice
I genuinely don't care at all.
nta, but if the girl in the pic didn't initially show much skin then she ended up doing it, that should tell you it wasn't her first choice, but she quickly discovered modesty doesn't sell

i mean the way OF girls live very comfortably off of that, sth 99% of girls can't achieved fully clothed should tell you that the whole men want modesty is a myth. it clearly is otherwise OF girls wouldn't be millionaires
Because I want one and I see myself getting one
Daughter because I know someone else will take care of her after she turns 18. At worst she'll have to upload feet pics
By the time she's 18 we'll have perfect AI feetpics that pretend they love you.
Female, I truly and honestly don't care. I guess at least one girl would be nice because the clothes and toys would be more fun for me to buy, but that's a completely selfish and stupid reason. I'd be happy with all boys or all girls, or a mix
I do, still no
What is your most shameful desire?
NTA but you're one of those who believe in cutting your kids off at 18? Even if your daughter had to sell sex pics online? Gross
Daughter because she'd have better odds at a good and fulfilling life.
Male led marriage where we happily and naturally conform to traditional gender roles
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Would you be disappointed if you were talking to a girl online for ages, hitting it off, finally going to meet her in person, then she was a level 99 chestlet?
Men, do you compare your dicks?
F, i always wanted a daughter ever since i was young
No, not an issue for me. Women with smaller chests are cute
M, daughter
Being male is Hell, and nobody cares about you.
If I had a son he might have to go homeless and sexwork is real work imo. I'd still support them but I'd prefer they have income
No, we don't even look at each others dicks unless we're in the shower or something and its that one obv in-closet gay guy who lets it hang loose all the time (instead of wearing a towel)
I compare my dick with my girlfriends.
So should I ask her on the day or the day before if she's still up or wait her to say something about it?
F, son. I've been babysitting since I was a kid myself, and I taught in schools for many years. Boys are so much more fun and easier to handle than girls, at least at the ages I've spent the most time around. Also my child is a boy in all my baby dreams, so it has to be some sort of sign.
Who was in Paris?
um ok that has nothing to do with what I said though
If she has a nice butt she can have mosquito bite titties
I will still tease her nipples
Ugly nose

I have never heard that before in my life
>I will still tease her nipples
Not an option. Be happy with my perfect butt and leave my sad chest alone.
I do it in frustration when they get in the way, which is often
Popping in the thread just for the daily JH affirmations

JH, you're a cutie
are you pretending you weren't bashing the girl in the pic for being "slutty"?
Daughter, so I can see if big boobs really did skip a generation
aww baby, all the 7s <3
What makes a woman wake up and decide "today I will discuss my breasts on 4chan.org"?
It's a hard life, being mid
its heaven compared to being ugly
I'm not going to pay you for this, you know.
Nipples are still fun even with itty bitty titties :(
Attention seeking behaviour.
Gurren Lagann
Madoka Magika Rebellion
Marshall D Teach
*Gives you a smooch*
What if butts had nipples?
its on the house
If my pillows and sheets have some yellowish staining, i just have to dump them right
Don't particularly like any
See above
See above
See above
>Only one F answer and its a mass replier
I guess only men are childish enough for this crap
No, just wash them with bleach
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Was them in very hot water
Small tits are hot
Big tits are hot
Tits ate hot
nuf said
f, use something like napisan
rip hot, another victim to hots rampaging vorephilia
Big tits are objectively hotter, since they produce more body heat.
They also cause back pain. This is your reminder to get brs. Thank me later.
>work put me on performance review for failing to reply to an email
Wagies how we coping tonight?
thank you
Big dicks are hot
Small dicks are not
Another loss for the patriarchy
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What about these
You're a man though, so your preference on dick size doesn't matter.
Hi Courtney.
sup idiot
Piss sheets anon is that you lol
>Immediately a female tries to act like small dicks being unnatractive isn't common knowledge and big dicks aren't among the top 3 search terms by women on porn sites
Typical reverse gentialia man
I will not participate in your inferiority kink.
>More deflection
As expected of a woman facing a tiny erection
Most appealing names? I like Steve. A Steve is a good guy. Good, hard working guy. I'd call my son Steve.
Pedro is also good. Its like Steve, but more exotic.
Ana de Armas
Steve is a cuck Pedro just sounds too easily like Pedo
inb4 the Jack Black pic
No i just sweat
My sister said that despite today being her bf's bday she has no idea what to gift him

this smells fishy since for any other festivity and whatnot, she always prepared or even asked me thoughts for a gift. what does this mean?
"I have no idea what to give him" is the same as asking for your thoughts
Why do you sweat tumeric
Guy literally can't even take his own fucking sisters words as stated.
Sometimes people just say what they mean.
Your baboon ass?
please stop embarrassing yourself
Girls, how can I get to be the one to apply moisturizer on your skin every night?
too bad I have dermatophilia I pick at mine and have small flakey like scabs :(

No, her words literally were "idk" not a "I don't know what to gift him" she said it as if she didn't even care nor she even bothered to look at what he likes and stuff. Besides, I didn't even know his birthday even was today, but atleast I scrambled a quick videogame gift to give him and shit. I know she was very busy with her studies and work but she usually asks around or shows me what she's planning to buy. Yet this time, she was just indifferent.
Maybe she's going to give him sexual favors and didn't want to discuss it with her brother
Help him mask. 99% of people I meet can't tell I'm autistic.
>small cock
Don't let him be insecure about it.
There's nothing wrong with that and make sure he knows it's okay to lose it whenever he feels comfortable.
Promote a healthy lifestyle. This is the one I'm most confident of.
Get him the help he needs, whether that be therapeutic or psychiatric.

It's almost like being an attentive and loving parent will prevent these things. So, what was your relationship like with your parents, anon?

This question would be crazy for women because 99% know they wouldn't. For all they like to tout about how proud of themselves they are, they're actually ashamed and delusional.

I guess a son. There's something more noble in raising a good man. Boys are easier to raise, so long as you keep them from hurting themselves doing stupid shit. But you also don't have to worry about their safety as much. I'd be so afraid of something happening to my daughter because of the type of men out there. Plus, I'm not sure how I'd mesh with a girl and I wouldn't want any leftover influence from my own mother making its way to her.

No, it's not the size of the titty on the dog, it's the size if the dog in the titty

Have you ever lost?

Big dicks are esthetically pleasing but intimidating irl. Not saying micropenises are attractive, but you shouldn't be ashamed of something you have no control over. Just learn to do your best with what you're given.

Get him Jada Pinkett Smith's book, as it's her birthday today too. Mine is tomorrow if you want to get me anything.

Sorry, I'm the only one that does that. You can apply sunblock to my back, ass, and legs, if you'd like.
Feet. I used to love that shit. Then I tried it with a woman one day and it was mediocre at best.
What would be your personal 'cheat code' for having sex with you?
Maybe she just had mediocre feet?
For me it is...
If I had a bf I would put on makeup on him for fun and dress him up
Be a perfect clone of my boyfriend
Stop embarrassing yourself baboon ass normalfag attention whore
I'll be 31 in a few months, should I give up the dream of finding a good life long partner that wants to make me a mom? Pretty sad rn, and if you're the anon that says I haf ten years to dosomething you're not really helping since it's the past now. Unhelpful.
They looked good, but they didn't taste so good. I'd like to try it again with a woman whose feet are cleaner. Maybe after she gets out of the shower and dries off or something.
Another time I fucked a different woman's feet. That was kind of better. But that one was more for the novelty than actual fetish. Fuck we made a big mess that night.
Pull my hair. It's like picking a cat up by the scruff of its neck.

Same, but I would peg him too.
compliments and aftercare elevate sex to the next level. as for actual sex part kissing and having me in a comfortable position (eg legs behind your shoulders, pillow under my back). no need to over complicate things
Hm yeah, it does require the conditions to be just right
It's worth trying again imo
Think of your 31st birthday as being your second term as President of the United States: You've got four more years to do what you think has to be done. After that you're out and all anybody will remember you as is that person who failed.
No, but you should pick up the pace a little...
F How do I not have puffy eyebags when I wake up? They're not dark but the feel like they're packed with cotton whenever I wake up.
How does receiving affection feel?
its really nice
If a man is striving for financial independence, with the long-term goal of early retirement or semi-retirement, he's probably going to cut back on spending an awful lot. If your bf or husband did that, would you be on board, provided he explained what was going on? Or would you still expect him to keep buying you shit all the time?
Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night, don't have too much salt before bed and drink enough water.
Apparently a guy I was seeing had a ton of red flags and it took me four dates to notice. I feel really stupid for ever liking him. How do I get better at vetting guys?
I make my own money, but I'd appreciate him trusting me enough to tell me, I know that can be an insecurity for guys, so I'd respect his honesty and commitment to his financial goals
I used to listen to Nirvana and RHCP and think who would listen to this cucked faggot noise and now I realize that shit was the most important thing to our generation and culture, it’s not much but it was ours and will never belong to anyone else
Feels good but can feel bad if you're not used to it.
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Sometimes, there's just nothing you can do
Stalk their social media
Stalk their friends’ social media
How can I allow myself to receive affection when even hugging makes me tense?
>Or would you still expect him to keep buying you shit all the time?
This is rude. I would expect him to keep buying himself shit. Planning for retirement is not an excuse to like not buy underwear.
They’re designed to keep the sun out of your eyes so you can see better while you hunt predator chan
>not buy underwear.
Oh you dense bitch.
I try my hardest to live a minimal lifestyle so i think we would work well. In fact the only thing Im thinking of buying in the long term is a new guitar and amp
>who would listen to this cucked faggot noise
Where the fuck did you get that idea? 90s music was PEAK. Everything since then has been comparatively dogshit.
That's even worse, I guess she could a site for background check, that's still as shit as stalking. Wtfs wrong you anon.
I don't expect him to buy me anything. I could also help him save, as I save about half my income too.

What in the name of Van Gogh paintings is this dude's face?
He looks like he's melting.
That is honestly too difficult for me to answer. I honestly think you need professional help there.
It’s very dark and foreboding, I didn’t realize how important it was until now you will never see 90’s early 2000’s emo culture alive like that ever again
where do i find a man who wants to make a little family with me?

that's an interesting way to put it, like a different way to motivate me. maybe there is still time...
how do I pick up the pace? I wouldn't want to scare away the right guy, but I am also trying to think about the timeline of milestones like the big questions such as getting what I want. feelin secure/positive in the process of having a long term love, when to have a baby with good environment with my time frame available etc.
What are the types of men in this current age you shouldn't date?
Tall men
You said cut back on spending. What kind of spending? Exclusively for a girl? Why are you spending on a girl so much?
Lol just kidding. Buy yourself a few cats and a wine cabinet in anticipation of what's about to happen to you.
Actually vet them. Don't "hope for the best".
Women, your thoughts on momma’s boys?
To add to this I’m still trying to wrap my head around how an entire subculture disappeared overnight
What if he doesn't have social media?
90s music time? https://youtu.be/8dQYscoYsx0?si=L4dn64aRR6-cM77m
>What are the types of men in this current age you shouldn't date?
Any man that hides things about himself and or is manipulative
Guys who will lovebomb you and give you a lot of compliments affection then decide to disappear/cool down
Does that mean grilling them on the first date? What if they lie?
Autists. They are almost inevitably sexual predators who fail to understand consent. And then become violent when you call them on it.
No thank you.
I find it attractive and endearing when men love and respect their mothers but if she's pulling shit like making us sleep in separate rooms despite being in our 30s when we visit and he has ZERO issues with that I'm running. I want him to be making his decisions not his mother.
The pipeline went emo, scene, e-girl. Emos are still around but now it's "ironic".
Being ugly is having a firm path set before you. Being mid is walking a tightrope and constantly being aware of any icks or perceived unattractiveness you might be giving off.
>Most appealing names?
I will name my son Solomon, or my daughter Miriam
Girls would you date someone who drinks by himself or is that a redflag? I can't enjoy drinking on bars or with other peoples I can only enjoy it when I'm by myself maybe I'll one day find someone who I will enjoy doing it with but I doubt considering my personality
Beware of covert narcissists, they’re the worst
I found my husband on 4chan at 29. Maybe check out the /soc/ marriage/LTR-oriented threads.
I like cats and haven't already but I don't want to become an alcoholic. maybe just kill myself?
No, use the internet.
I’m autistic I never found this to be an issue with girls
Actually 3/5 of those things I can control.
That's because you are too mentally special to know when you are being a sex harasser and a creepster
Any of them desu

I'm the only one my man should be calling mommy

>Any man that hides things about himself
The last thing I want to do is support men, but there is plenty of reason to hide things about yourself. Especially when they've had women weaponize things they told them in confidence.
Sounds like a 60 year old spinster librarian.
If I have sex with you daily, it'll be leg day everyday. Sometimes torso day at the same time. You will submit.
I clean shaveded and cut my chin this must be what its like to be at the month time of women
they have those? I never really checked out /soc/ before. how long did you two date/in relationship before marrying?
Stand naked in your window where they can clearly see you, staring outside at nothing in particular. Get back at them by scaring them by showing off your genitalia to the entire neighbourhood.
This is extremely harmful. People with mental issues are often the victims.
No, autist.
Yes, narcissistic abusers will often play the victim when they are called out, and many will pull the autism card in their defense. That doesn't mean you should take them at their word.
There was something special about being a kid back then, not in the cringe sense but it has some sort of reverence to it, like nobody knew their neighbourhood was going to be bought out by foreign investors things like that, everything was comically simple
No it means don't be delusional and don't trust people quickly. You should be able to observe him long enough to find out what kind of person he is without getting too invested.
What if nothing comes up?
Anyone experienced this glitch where someone (You's) you but it's the wrong post?
If you only drink a little, sure, but drinking itself is a yellow flag
No it isn't. It doesn't even compare or come close. Use some cool light water with a cloth
I still don’t see your point
M, autist, I understand consent fine and I'm not violent.

Eh. When I was diagnosed my family started letting me get away with anything because "he doesn't think like we do". I had to reel myself in because my parents, completely overnight, decided I'm incapable of acting normal.
Because of this many mentally ill peopel will act up; they're told its okay
honestly I just got done talking to a guy with autism and he was pretty mean sometimes and just not a good fit for me, he was tiring. live and learn.
some victims turn into abusers, repeating the cycle
The premise is that we're spoiled bitches who demand gifts of jewelry and cosmetics, I think
Girls, do you know any guy with a bigger ass than you? How would you feel if you knew a guy with a bigger ass?

I'm a guy and my ass is bigger than my cousin's. I wonder how she feels about that.
Hey its lifeguard girl. How do I write this quitting letter? I am not giving them two weeks notice or anything because I don't want to fuck up my skin and all that anymore
Yes, there's usually at least one thread for serious relationships.
We're getting married this spring, we've been together 2 months now. The benefit of meeting people online like that is you can find people who more openly state what they want. As a woman though, be prepared to relocate. And the man should visit you first.
Everything was not comically simple. The financial crisis happened and the housing bubble popped during that same era, and several western countries decided it was a good idea to become involved in endless wars and stoke antipathy from foreigners. None of that was comically simple. The 2000s was a fucking shit show, and if you were a teen at the time you were likely severely anxious or depressed from realizing your peak years were not as you expected or hoped they would be.
Gems, are men with smaller dicks easier to dominate/tease?
What gen are your parents?
It's not much but I get drunk easy I like to watch romcom while drinking
Just google resignation template
Red flag that you have never enjoyed drinking with friends. Not necessarily a red flag that you often have a drink alone if it's not to excess.
I dunno, I don't follow that kind of crap. My mom would have been born somewhere around the 60/50's, I don't even know how old my dad was
>some victims turn into abusers, repeating the cycle
This is why I will never have children.
That's a complicated question. They were zoomers who traveled back to the late 1960s in a time machine and made me during an orgy at a hippy festival. To this day I don't know if my father is actually mine.
>be me
>wolverine genetics
>never have to shave again due to impenetrable jungle of hair
>cuts I received heal the next day
>life is painful watching everyone around me age horribly and die in unforgiving ways
Yes, he and his sister both have huge asses. It's weird.

They're easier to upset.
>if you were a teen at the time you were likely severely anxious or depressed from realizing your peak years were not as you expected or hoped they would be.
To be honest though, what teen DOESN'T feel like that?
Many autists are unintentional abusers because they don't realize when something they say is rude, threatening, or sexually creepy. Source: autist who has been canceled for being a sex pest because I didn't know shit I was saying would be interpreted as having sexual implications.
Should I be a bitch or be nice
I was thinking of writing my resignation letter today, I love making it a big deal and pretend like I’m writing my own obituary
What if I honestly have no friends to drink with? Is a girlfriend going to drink with me?
I watch dogs and cats die all the time at the end of their 15-20 year lifespans, why would it be any different seeing this happen with humans? They are still precious and lovable to me. I already got a taste of that when the woman I lost my virginity to died of very rapid cancer.
I used too. I didn't care, i just hoped he wiped well, did butt stretches so his ass wouldn't hurt, and didn't get sweaty butt. I also read here or somewhere people with big butts and some people don't wipe well, it's unhygienic and weird. I think some men and women do it on purpose
"Friends" would be exaggeration since I don't have any. I am and always was not very social I don't like most activities involving many people around me but if it's just me and one person it's more bearable
Anyone have any experience with any online language learning class things? Got a holiday coming up, thinking of trying one.
Ok so they have a zoomie mentality anyways. That's why.
My parents love me a lot but they are very judgmental of potential boyfriends and I think thats a reason I'm an eternal virgin. How do I get past this?
>The 2000s was a fucking shit show, and if you were a teen at the time you were likely severely anxious or depressed from realizing your peak years were not as you expected or hoped they would be.
I’m 25 and I’m only feeling this now bruh you people had it on a fucking silver platter
I've never tried to dominate a guy without being asked by him so I wouldn't know. Teasing men is easy in general.
Be nice. Nobody like bratty cunts
At least the girls didn't just humor you. Honestly I think that is partly to blame as well.
I wish I were still 25. That was a really carefree time for me.
Okay thnk you. Adios
I feel you brother you didn’t do anything wrong we’ll have our revenge, day of the chromosome when
To a point. But she's most likely not going to want to get sloppy drunk with you like a guy would.
Let me back up. If you somehow magically found 6 people you really like, would you be willing to attempt to attend a low key gathering of those 6 people plus yourself and drink with them?
Be nice. Both for potential use as references in the future and because there's no reason not to. Its not like whoever hired you designed or built the swimming pool. They're just another cog.
I would like to have a sexual orgy with those six people where we express our bond of friendship by performing oral acts on each other's genitalia.
I drink alone listening this
Sounds a little unsanitary but I'm not here to kink shame
>Blood dripped onto my boxers, soaking into my cock
This is literally LITERALLY a male period
. < ----- right there
RIP she will be forgetten in time like tears in the rain
Have sex
Rub it in oil crisisfag
Things were pretty good if you fit into one of the common labels. The only thing you didn't want to be was a loser but that's the same in any generation.
I'd rather stick with just one of them
How does it feel to not gave to work for love?
I shaved my nuts too hard and popped a wart on my scrotum, which caused me to bleed a little bit all day. My balls were too sweaty for any bandages to stick. I was also wearing white pants so people would come up to me and whisper in my ear "why is your crotch bleeding?"
Honesty, that many people would make me nervous. I'm kind of an introvert. Why does there need to be that many people? Are we playing Catan?
Do you even need a letter? Seems like something you can just talk to your boss and quit on the spot, politely of course
What is it about being in a group that you dislike? I find it draining but still enjoy doing it like 4 times a year.
ESL, what?
ancient Hebrew desert nigga
protagonist of a shitty 2D porn game
They always want sph and I actually hate humiliation play.
But I prefer smol pp.
>work for love
>Are we playing Catan?
Obviously! That's what you do at parties. Play Catan and get shitfaced enough to comfortably sleep on someone's floor.
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Men, last woman to make you react like this?
I dont like talking with too many people hearing at the same time even talking with just one person if we are in public already makes me nervous and more people means more opnions so it's more likely to brew discourse and misunderstandings between the people there
Really good, but also scary. You catch yourself accepting it, leaning into them, trusting, and then get that spike of anxiety that there's something you're not doing to deserve it and you'll have that love and comfort ripped away and replaced with scolding or coldness.
>Obviously! That's what you do at parties. Play Catan and get shitfaced enough to comfortably sleep on someone's floor.
Nta, but I would.
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Someone posted this yesterday
Okay I will be nice. I will never ask them for a reference but sounds good
I barely ever see my boss I'm not going to wait for him to come around
While there is a desert just past Jerusalem, the city itself is not a desert. It is arid but there is still plenty of greenery.
Despite my insanely high IQ I do not have the patience to learn a new language fluently but I can have a full blown conversation through gestures and sign language
You say that like it's ever really been better
OH! Well in that case I'm totally down for it. Seriously though, drinking and like, just talking, is kinda boring.

Going to a wedding as a guest with my girlfriend. She’s in the bridal party but I’m a plus one. Her dress is like a lighter green color.

I need to buy nice clothes this weekend. What should I wear and what colors?
I'm so tired of being ugly
>discourse and misunderstandings
You're choosing the wrong people. If you choose people who have similar morals and opinions to you then this isn't a problem.
The late 1980s and early 1990s were probably a great time. All the media I see from that era consists of high energy music videos and cheery comedies with bright colors. It probably wasn't great if you were gay and dying of AIDS, though.
The girl I confessed to and rejected me, she was not hot or had big curvers but she was the prettiest and cutest girl I've ever seen in my life, btw everyone who knows me says I have shittaste in woman and they said she looked weird so don't get high hopes
She's literally average with tits
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Male, pic related is my 3x3, I also really like D&D and other tabletop RPGs and just tabletop games in general.
Dude, you know sign language?
>atoga jew
Lol made my day there’s a jew out there more depressed than me rn
She's pretty mid. The best thing about her is her boobs.
Yeah I'm not into the whole "sit around a bonfire for like 8 hours drinking" thing I like activities. I have learned that parties are what I make them so I always bring a snack and an emergency activity.
OKay so if she's mid I'm DEEPLY ugly
Be nice. You don't probably have another job lined up quick enough to be a bitch.
I'm saying that "ugly" is entirely dependent on how great your boobs look
It's true I don't :) I'm so fucked guys lol
Yeah I used to hang with the special ed kids in highschool and they taught me never used it tho, I can roughly translate a myriad of other languages from video games and movies though
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Describe your ideal woman/man that would make you go hummina hummina ooga booga *eyes pop out*
>he likes the game I spam posted about
You think she'd try harder to cover the granny bra and hanger loops. And pick up the clothes off the floor before posting this on the Internet for possibly millions of people to see.

Oh my god am I old
There is literally NO reason to burn bridges you don't have to. So be nice.
My boobs look like shit
Basically a blind date I went on in May.
She never sent a picture and I didn't care to ask and once we went on the date she was insanely pretty, big perky boobs where she showed lots of cleavage and she was dressing like a emo/ scene girl.
She has the statistically most attractive eye color, a very symmertical face, good hair, shit nose, mediocre lips, good skin care, good figure.
Not mid, but far from ugly.
Don't worry too much about looks that are people's with exquisite taste like me whose all people I know says I'm only into weird/bad looking woman. Not saying you should think yourself ugly but tastes vary a lot hopefully one day you will find the right person and they will find you attractive
>beige bra
Sign of fat tits.
F Deus Ex, Half Life 2, Super Mario 64, Disco Elysium... The Sims...
nah my mom is hotter
What is the most interesting thing about you?
I saw a girl studying in the library today with massive tits like they’re were proportionate to the size of her face
Oh... then you're fucked, sorry
My wasted potential
There are*
My condolences for being considered a gifted child.
My growing relationship with Jesus.
Nothing that's exactly my biggest issue talking with girls that I find myself very uninteresting and thus can't find anything to talk about with said girl
Yea its called being pretty
I've never met a man who found me to be so
Yea that's what I'm saying
You needed to see her bra to tell that? :)

But yeh, seriously, when you get to a certain point bras stop becoming cute. Kinda bugs me.
I did a 100 mile bike ride in death valley at 13 years old.
MGS3 radicalized me and Arma III helps me enact guerrilla warfare strategies I’ve only thought about in my head until now
I wish men would take care of their beards instead of letting them grow into those huge frizzy zz top beards with scraggily ass ends.
hmm yeah
Maybe from your POV, but try to put yourself in the shoes of a man who really, really, really likes boobs, I bet he'd like them
woah who pulled the trigger on marriage? that's pretty soon, have you guys met already? I suppose a thread like that really does cut through all the bullshit though, have you two been talking everyday? I just wasted 5 months on a guy who couldn't reach me at my level, and I'd like to take the hopepill.

are you relocating? do you feel safe about it? I'm a bit of a neet right now but could make good money with my art skills if I opened up commission.

I'm seriously gonna post on the soc thread I think.
They're too small
I’ve had 3 different careers and now consider myself semi-retired
Heh. Bonfires and drinking is legit dangerous.
How so
Describeth theym
But are they small?
I think boobs have to be a certain size to look ugly, otherwise they're literally just nipples
>I've never met a man who found me to be so

It feels like shit I know and I have no right to say keep hanging in there cause I myself was never in any romantic relationship either (tho idk if its cause of my looks it's more about my personality) but wish you best of luck
>emergency activity
I absolutely love the idea of a guy bringing an emergency Uno deck to party or something.
Too small for what? It's still soft there, right? (if it's bony that's ok)
That's all a man needs.
M but is it?
Woah I want to try
I also just spent 5 months on a guy who was playing mind games... but I'm 23 maybe I'll wait until I'm 24 if I'm still single
My gf has those latina sideways boobs that are trying to run away from her chest
Yes. A girl with huge tits could be covered in burn scars and guys would still love her.
Too small for my chest which is pretty broad
Yea but they look stupid and disproportionate
light gray suit, black shoes, black belt, white dress shirt and a black tie
Optionally, a watch, silver or gold depending on your skin tone
>You think she'd try harder to cover the granny bra and hanger loops.
A normal woman with big boobs would. She's n obvious thirst trap. That was intentional.

I wonder what all of these woman are gonna do when their looks fade and sag,
Is that it? Sounds fine.
I was expecting tube or torpedo tits or something
>casually carries around nat 20 dice in his back pocket
>pretty broad
Ah yeah, smallish breasts + wide shoulders is an awkward combo. But that's not an automatic dealbreaker.
>they look stupid and disproportionate
Maybe >>32018243 her boobs look stupid too, they just look great in a bra?
In your opinion but to a guy honestly most boobies are nice boobies.
That still doesn't make sense to me. Put the hanger loop away that does literally nothing for the thirst trap. If it was just the bra strap I would accept this explanation but there's no excuse for the hangar strap other than not giving a shit about presentation.
Even the worst boobs look good clothed
The only actually ugly boobs are where they're small yet somehow have fat tig sag
Doesn't stop you from getting men above your level of attractiveness. Not one, multiple.
>smallish breasts + wide shoulders is an awkward combo
Also no neck and flat ass
Having a purse makes carrying a game a lot easier.

At least all the dice would actually fit in your pockets lmao.
>Yea but they look stupid and disproportionate
F bit of a tittymonster but MY boobs look really stupid imo when they're not in a bra.
There were plenty of economic downturns back then as well as threat of nuclear war
>the only actually ugly boobs are ones that look like yours
Time to kill myself
Why? I'm just one guy. Someone will be into that.
Boobs are so beloved even other women and animals cop a feel.
Its not like that one dicklet dude here who is legit just doomed by genetics.
The hanger loop needs to be visible because it lets the guy imagine that it could snap at any moment. You don't know how to girl. :)
Women only think their boobs look stupid because they're not sexually attracted to them
Without their hypnotising powers of lust, they really are just sacks of fat
We were both clear on dating to marry & have children from the get-go. We talked everyday for a month, he flew to meet me and we committed to each other that first day. I flew to him for another few days a month later, and I just moved in with him last week. I actually posted in the thread for my country, not the marriage thread, and he left his contact. I felt safer with him than anyone else from the day we met. I truly believe God led us to each other.
We're both autistically honest and direct about what we want, and our goals and values. I'm a neet too, but he's happy to provide for me. It is smarter to have some of your own money though I suppose! If you're white and based we may be able to match you with someone.
Not the original girl who's been complaining about this btw. And I'm not looking to argue about it. You COULD have left off the part about the only unappealing kind being ones that look like mine and so could all the other guys that say it.

I know you're lying to me the same way women lie to short men. Sure someone will find them tolerably appealing but they're no one's first choice.
There was some REALLY bad stuff going on then but I didn't care because I was a white boy watching cartoons.
Here's what ruins boobs: letting your weight fluctuate tens of lbs repeatedly. Oh, hormonal birth control, so helpful, so safe. Deal with it now.
My tragic backstory
I could, but why would I? I'm an honest person.
>boohoo nobody likes me
>and if they do, they're secretly lying
Fuck off, doomer
Why would a dress falling off a hanger in a closet be alluring? Do you know what hanger straps are? That little ribbon loop hanging in front of the bra strap. It's only purpose is to keep the dress from falling on the floor while it's in the closet. She should have tucked it away.
come to think of it, I've never met a lesbian who hated her own tits
Well, mostly. Baby stuff but I'm probably not going to get to that. I'd honestly be pretty happy not having them but I know guys like them.
Haha oh that was female pockets joke I’m so dumb lol
It's meant to be "casual" and "relatable" to create the impression that she just woke up like this and started recording with no prep time
tfw no monogamous straight pretty man bf/husband with long hair who wants me to to have his child/children and look at the stars in the country most nights and go to the beach and mountains and see live music and have pets together while also going to nerdy conventions and supporting me at art galleries
You appear to be talking about different things. Her closet is closed. There are no visible hangers.
What he's referring to is the brastrap
Omission /= lying
Consider your goal. If the goal was to make people feel better the smart thing would have been to omit it. If your goal was to share your honest opinion then mission accomplished.
Oh please like there isn't a guy whining about being short or having a small penis every 3 minutes in here. This is standard fare.
>tfw no guy who takes me to expensive places and pays for it and also pays for my art but I didn't even mention his hobbies at all
Damn you're every single woman on every dating app
I feel the same. Don't tell this to guys IRL though, they're utterly devastated at the idea of women disliking their own breasts for some reason lol
Sounds comfy would
Ffs sake
Look at the video. In front of the tan bra strap is a little ribbon loop. That is the hanger strap. And it should not be visible. It's like wearing something and leaving the tags on. It's a mistake.
>If the goal was to make people feel better
I am an honest person.
yeah, tfw I'm the most stereotypical quirky art girl and I have the most stereotypical pipe dream that has no chance of being fulfilled and tfw I'm literally 35 years old and daydreaming about rich men's hair..
What are torpedo tits
It most certainly does
Solidarity across the spectrum
So the goal was "receive attention"
Okay here's a (you)
How did you survive?
>tfw no polyamorous bisexual pretty man bfs with long hair who wants me to to run a family buisness with him and look at the stars in the country most nights and go to the beach and see live music and have pets together while also going to nerdy conventions and tending a greenhouse.
Oh I thought that was part of her dress. Its cute.
>But its aktually
Don't care, its cute
What I did notice and dislike is how messy her room is

Like tube tits, but thicker at the base. Think one giant erected nipple kind of shape. I forget what the actual name of them is, they're super rare, like winning a lottery of bad tit look, but I think they're hot
Oh, part of the dress? That makes a guy think that if you pull it the dress comes off.
>Its cute

PSA ladies this kind of shit is why you NEVER trust your boyfriend to tell you if you look okay. Find a mirror.
Hey, it's that riff that's been used a bunch of times.
Both genders, I’m into vomit, and I’m wondering if I should hang out outside some bars around last call, and wait for some chicks to barf so I can scoop it up in a bag. What I wanna know is can I get a disease from doing this? I don’t plan on eating it, just sniffing and maybe masturbating with it
It's an 1/8 inch wide loop of ribbon sewn into the shoulder seam. Only an idiot would think that takes off the dress?

Man I assumed hanger loops would be somewhat of a foreign concept but I didn't expect this level of misunderstanding.
You don’t think black / white is too basic? I don’t want to look dry but I do just want to look nice and fresh
I haven’t heard someone say the word doomed since 2019 my soul is replenished
I speak for all men when I say
A: I didn't know what that thing is
B: I didn't and don't care
C: Its cute
If she's trying to look good to men, it will help
If she's trying to look good to women, why is she straight?
Really all that should matter is she looks good to her bf, and he's a man, so he thinks its cute

Yea I dunno why he'd think that but I still speak for all men and say its an honest mistake
Yeah you can get sick from it.
M 25. What's a good Hobbie for a workaholic wagie with no friends no social circle and no previous hobby other than reading. I already asked my boss to let me do extra hours or work on my days off but he won't let me and I hate sitting home alone doing nothing my mind is growing tired too and I can't read as much as I used to
What is this haircut called?
>Only an idiot would think that takes off the dress?
Guys are idiots? Don't know what to tell you here. We don't know women's fashion. Seems like part of dress strap.
I swear to god there was an episode on my strange addiction about this or maybe it could’ve been shower plug hole hair idk lol
I will never understand men. If a guy came to a date with his shirt on inside out I would find it kind of funny and endearing but it's because he made a silly mistake it's not the inside out shirt that I like. I just don't understand your perspective I guess.
Try a martial art/yoga/similar. A group activity. If you're a workaholic you're probably better in a group.
Or try singing, dancing, something you wanted to do as a kid now you have the cash for it.
nta but what is it for then?

You wouldn't give a shit about it if she wasn't pretty
The dress has sleeves though? And the loop isn't around her arm it's hanging in front of her bra strap?

Are men seriously this unobservant? You guys are really just out there doing whatever without scanning for threats or mistakes every 10 seconds?
It's not a haircut. It's probably a regular layered haircut and she used a styler to curl her hair
I trained for like 6 months by going on 15 mile bike rides every weekend.
Its not hard to understand. You're a woman, so you can wear female clothes OR male clothes OR unisex and no one cares. So you've almost certain worn a shirt. You understand how those work, what looks right and what looks wrong. Its common knowledge to both genders.
I'm a man. I don't know how dresses work. I don't wear them. Unless I see seams on the outside or something similarly extreme, I don't know you're wearing it wrong, what that random ribbon is, etc.
Men have no real fasion so we don't get fasion.
Get a clingy gf to fill in the empty timeslots you would rather be procrastinating in t. haver of sex
There's no such thing as a "mistake" in fashion
For a while, it was cool to wear hats with the tag still on, remember that?
Haha as if it was possible I've been trying get a gf for 25 years and no success whatsoever in all those years never kissed old hold hands with a girl.
oe okay thank you
She's actually not my type; she's white.
>what is it for
Hanger loops are exactly what they sound like! Loops you put over the hanger to keep the dress from falling on the floor in the closet.
Ooh bummer, so you know how it feels. hate that for us! did you cut him off? mine felt like cutting off contact because he knew he just wasn't it, blessing in disguised suppose lol. the block/unblocking game isn't for me. good luck!
ahh yea, my neetness doesn't really give me the option to travel to a guy, which really sucks but it is what it is. it does worry me a guy will be deterred by this though especially in the beginning.
>white and based
aww that would be hella sweet. unfortunately I am mostly white but a quarter viet lol. regardless I'm super happy you found someone by chance like that! I wish you both well. <3
There absolutely is. Try wearing a skirt and accidentally tucking it into your tights after using the bathroom. There's no reasoning your way out of that one as an aesthetic choice lmao.
>Are men seriously this unobservant? You guys are really just out there doing whatever without scanning for threats or mistakes every 10 seconds?
Unironically, yes. I check myself out like once or twice in the mirror per day. But I don't have like boobs that could slip out or hair I put a lot of work into or whatever.
People can't even agree if it's ok to show panty lines or not, I don't think we'll ever come to consensus on this
I did cut him off but it still gutted me which was weird. maybe I'm not cut out for this dating business
>For a while, it was cool to wear hats with the tag still on, remember that?
nta but fuck your for reminding me of that. :)
Getting a gf is probably easier than trying to get a job nowadays man I’ve already given up on my job at least do something for yourself for once
I have never worn a tie myself and yet I know how to do a half Windsor.
I truly mean no offense but all you're saying to me is "I have never had a girlfriend" which, fair. That is a valid excuse for not knowing these things.
Why don't you just have a better hanger? :/
You can do it too, just depends on your hair type.
why would he pay for my art if that's covered in my costs for when people order from me? I'd let him though but would be kinda bashful and embarassed about it ngl
Supreme comfy
I love harvest moon sm, shame it had to be changed to story of season due to lame stuff.
ok I'm okay with a bisexual guy actually but poly might break my heart
Is it difficult to make boobs look good clothed?
Don't you just push them up and together? Or is there more to it?
Oh I see. I guess that makes sense. This stuff is mysterious to boys
>but poly might break my heart
Why. He loves you too.
I've had 2 girlfriends. I don't pay attention to their clothes or anything other than their ass when getting dressed.
A tie is also not comparable. That's common knowledge to both genders.
This is a strap on the inside of the dress you said most women would have removed so I wouldn't see the thing anyways.
Most men literally no nothing about womens clothes. At all. I had to have how to properly unhook a bra explain to me.
>Try wearing a skirt and accidentally tucking it into your tights after using the bathroom.
Are women really this unobservant? Like, will you actually fall in the toilet bowl if the seat is up. I keep seeing video of women walking into glass doors and stuff and it seems like they might honestly be.
No just wear a good bra that fits well.
So men approach fixing their appearance the same as I approach going to the doctors? Don't bother unless I have a sense that something is wrong lol?

A consensus has been reached about not tucking your skirt into your underwear bro you're just being weird.

Things like tags and hanger loops are not meant to be seen.
also I'm open to learning about a guy's hobbies it's a wildcard
Ah yes white women; natures landmine.
F Half Windsor is basically all you really need to know, depending on how wide the collar is.
I'm not going to go buy a bunch of the expensive ones with the velvety no slip plushy covers when the plastic hangers I have work just fine if I use the loops.
Females, how many centimeters long was your last poop?
No, not really. Making cleavage is only the one somewhat tricky part sometimes.
I've crossdressed multiple times and I didn't even know about hangar hoops or loops or whatever.
I've literally taken them off and hung them back up and it never registered I was hanging or removing any specific part of the dress.
Are you Pam?
This. Bowties are just for clubbing
>It's easy bro just do it
Bro I tried time and time again I'm a human failure when it comes to human relationship I don't know how to react when someone's tries to talk with me
>common knowledge to both genders
According to who? I only know because I learned to put a tie on for a boyfriend who had to wear suits often.

Couldn't be me. Sounds like they might need glasses.
And forgetting that a man now lives with you so the toilet seat might be up at 3 am when you go to pee in the dark is totally different than forgetting when you've been awake for a while in the middle of the day lol.
it's not quite that simple... if I just mash them together, I get the dreaded "cakes on a plate" cleavage, which is Not Good
It only takes a bit of adjusting to look great tho
That's entirely normal. You're mourning what could have been.
>Don't bother unless I have a sense that something is wrong lol?
Well, yeh? Because why would you? You check yourself once in the morning and expect it to stay pretty much the same during the day, right? Unless you legit have body dysmorphia, I mean. Which I'm honestly starting to think most women lowkey do in some form.
Men; is your toilet seat down?
>Things like tags and hanger loops are not meant to be seen.
...unless they're trendy. you are not the queen of fashion.
>Plastic hangers
EWWW. Better than wire anyways.
No it's either up or down with the lid down if I've just flushed
Some of us can't even make cleavage :/
I tend to glance when passing reflective surfaces unless I'm in a hurry. I'm constantly fixing my hair. You know how wind and hair longer than like 4 inches don't get along that well?
It's adorable how most women know more about ties than guys do.
>getting a gf
>getting a job
Those are the same thing.
I actually have a dear guy friend who admitted to having a crush on me later on. he became poly after a few years with his now long term gf/wife, and I thought about it but no really. also I find it super unpleasant they have this trending attitude to shame monogamous people into it. it's a lack of boundaries/opposing lifestyle for me.
tricky how? it seems simple to me... I must be missing something obvious
If you have a boyfriend or a dad you get to learning about how a tie works pretty quickly.
But what could've been was just a delusion
Your gf gives you health insurance??
Just mirror them and listen, being a psychopath this comes naturally to me but you don’t have to use your strengths to gain power of them, just listen and observe
And visible hanger loops isn't trending on tiktok. She made a lazy mistake. Do you have another point or are you just going to keep repeating this one?
I have like 100 of them I'm not spending $500 on nice hangers I'd rather spend it on shoes.
Why would I leave it up
I just pooped and I live alone so yes.
Yes I can see how that would make sense sorry
Your stance is "I don't like it, so it's a mistake".
I cancel you out because I like it.
Let's call it a tie :)
Yes that was my point. Unless you have a man to tie a tie for you wouldn't know how. So it isn't common knowledge.

You should pay more attention to your girlfriends. Show more interest in them beyond their asses.
Oh, right, ok. I guess women get a pass because of hair. But can't you just bobby pin the shit out of it or something?
Won't they be mad at me anyway for quitting on such short notice
>it's adorable how men are manchildren who expect women to dress them like little boys
once maybe, but not for 40 years
Depends on the width of your torso and size of your boobs.
State gender and:

What did you get in trouble for the most when you were a kid?
Alright you've got to be trolling so we're going low effort.
I don't like it BECAUSE it's an obvious lazy mistake. Not the other way around ya dummy.
I wore my retainers for the first time in a month and now my teeth hurt
I know. I'm not saying it's rational, it's just how it is. Especially if he was playing mind games with you, there's a lot of confusion and addiction to that/that person that comes with it. I'm just saying feeling gutted over a shitty nonrelationship doesn't mean you're not cut out for dating. Just give yourself the time to get over it.
>mfw I learned that you're supposed to wear a booby pin with the curly side in so it grips the hair better.
Absoltuely nothing. My family was full of drunks, druggies, violent people, thieves, etc and I made the concious decision when I was very young to distance myself from them as much as possible
Maybe? If it's like a student job, they could be used to workers dropping in and out with short notice. Do you know if they're short-staffed right now? If not, it's not a big deal to leave.
Jerking off in front of my mom and her date as a toddler. She was mad
Bullying, stealing, girls.
I didn't say that. It's cute because some women, obviously not you, go beyond what they're expected to know. Those are the women that get boyfriends.
I have to bend over or awkwardly twist my torso to even see my hemline, because boobs. Out of sight, out of mind.
I wish my gf actually groomed me respectably like Jack in Titanic
Ok, but can't you feel it?

M, lying to my parents about my homework being done. I was such a good little boy
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Rate my food
Wow, you’re gonna have a big poop later
Health insurance is useless here.

I'm forced to fork over almost half of my monthly salary and in return I get a multi-tier system of healthcare where I first have to sit in line for 2 hours for a referral letter, then I have to go across the city and wait 2 more hours to be told that I'm next in line 5 weeks later, and then once I patiently wait 5 weeks, I go back and wait another 3 hours for a practitioner who leaves the building and suggests finding him in a private clinic if I want a more expedited resolution.
If I have an emergency I have to go and sit in line even more hours, only to end up in a room full of med students that are doing their live practice, or whatever the fuck, on my own person. And of course there are a couple of laughing sluts in the back making fun of my medical emergency.
Yeah, I don't shame monos unless they say some shit about my identity.
But I absolutely won't date a fence rider either. Best of luck to you.
You keep telling yourself this as a cope. You force yourself on us because you like when we're color coordinated or some shit. We honestly hate it but we don't want to piss you off because then you'll deny us sex or something petty like that.
I'm uncomfortable in skirts already, so honestly I don't notice. I try my best to pay more attention, but usually I'm much more concerned about my top.
>I don't even understand the problem, but it's all your fault!
What is it with autistics thinking movies are how life actually works? :)
I cannot consume fresh fruits and veggies due to being a carnivore
Unironically showing emotions
Mainly when I was angry or frustrated at something I would get yelled at abd sometimes even spanked
When I was happy (for the first few years of conscious life) I was ridiculed for it
>THIS is making you so happy?
This went on until 26-27
Yes, I still live w my parents, figure out why
I could, but I'd look like I'm trying to cosplay as Victorian woman but forgot my outfit. I HATE how my hair looks slicked back or pinned down I have to have some volume on top of my head.
F. Not cleaning my room I guess?
Right like why is that not on the packaging?
Man... now I want some kiwis.
I can't becuse I haven't actually ate whatever that greenstuff is (watermelons?)
Are the black ones bluebeirries? I don't remember if those are nice
Ignoriong that, 6/10, its okay
F, cutting my hair too short
Anon, not being color coordinated is not a problem. Wait... is it for women?
Do women intuitively know how to use their breasts to seduce men? Or do you have to watch youtube tutorials on that too?
Not her but it really depends on how thick the fabric of the skirt and tights are, how tight the waistband of the tights is and how breathable and flowy the skirt is. If you have a thick tights/breezy skirt combo it's entirely possible to not feel it unless you check with your hands.
Life after high school is really just one big play ground, moving forward with this concept in mind helped me so much to climatize to the corporate working environment
Oh 7/10 I vaguely remember kiwi being nice
>I'd look like I'm trying to cosplay as Victorian woman but forgot my outfit.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>I'm not responsible for any fashion faux pas below my waist because my massive titties block my view
Anon pls
So many of you want wifes but none of you want to be a husband
neither. breasts are just inherently alluring. most of the time were not trying to seduce you at all
its like if all men suddenly started wearing tight boxers as their regular clothing, they'd inherently attract a lot of female eyes
If I had a full 1870s outfit I'd commit
But with modern clothes that's just silly.
Looking black
I don't "use" my breasts. I just exist in my body, and men accuse me of leading them on. It's infuriating.
>If you have a thick tights/breezy skirt combo
M but this literally doesn't make sense to me. Are you dressing for summer or winter?
Pls be my nubian queen
Good selection, but I would swap the gmo blueberries for wild. They're smaller but much richer in antioxidants.
Lemme guess, being a husband means
>Being a provider (so you can sit on your ass)
>Buying you nice things (but you never return the favour)
>Taking you nice places (with my time and money)
Sounds good on paper doesn’t work in concept
i just observed other girls in school, "boys like cleavage" is pretty simple to learn
I have never heard worse pretty privilege.
Fall and spring also exist my friend.
I couldn't have imagined such a shit show of garbage men.
I thought most guys would want to do the lil white picket fence thing but no.
You learn what angles work from movies and stuff but sometimes you honestly do it unintentionally.
People who call themselves carnivores are, 99 times out of 100, manchildren
I work with what I can
How are guys on atoga garbage... All we want is to simp for the one special girl....
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>Nubian, eh?
It's so you don't flash your panties on a windy day. Safety shorts are for the same purpose.

I don't think I said anything too outrageous? Boobs have pros and cons, that's all.
>wants a trad wife
>doesn't want to be held to the same trad standards
Color me surprised
Who wears thick tights in the spring? That's for colder weather.
I've never had to learn how. They seduce men by existing.
Spring IS cold in many places
If I could travel back to the 1950’s then my spirit animal would be a drunk workaholic abusive father
OH... ok, I get it now. Thicker tights probably make you feel more secure?
And sometimes it's cold in spring? I live in New England. In April it could be 70 or 40
Dumb question, there is no "technique" to using boobs, just existing is enough to drive men insane, no matter their size or shape or what clothing is over them
I was just thinking about this a while ago. I used to be shamed for being mixed. Both in my community and online. Now it's cool and people like try to emulate it. I don't know how to feel about that.

Understandable. Just remember that most things are marketing terms, like organic.
Yep, it's a psychological thing, skirts are fun but not everyone wants to show off bare legs.
Lol. Sorry. Sometimes I forget there is more than North America.
>wants a trad wife
>Putting words in my mouth
When the high diddly doodle fuck did I say that?
I will eat anything as long as it’s not asian or halal
>diddly doodle fuck
mill*nial detected, opinion rejected
People who date knowing they want to get married are psychopaths, that's unnatural. The healthiest and in my opinion the only way to form a relationship is to start from a situationship, a "fwb" type of thing where you have sex and get to know someone

Straight up looking for a relationship? Psycho stuff, probably seen too many movies, completely alien
Somewhat related... if my busty friend has a stain on her shirt underneath her boobs, how do I tell her?
Women, which looks better/hotter, sleeves rolled up above or below the elbow on a guy
Below imo. Forearms look good, elbows look weird.
I had add, hummed a lot, got bullied by an Asian girl and my other classmates and even my teacher.
Did you take a good shit?
Getting bad grades, cheating on tests
>bullied by classmates and teacher
hope you had understanding and loving parents
>dating someone for relationship :/
>dating someone for sex :D
What's wrong with Asian?

Just before the elbow, unless you're buff, in which case just over the elbow.
Sigh I hope it passes soon
nt but if it's really underneath her boobs how can you really tell? How would she even get that? Sticking them in food? Do women do that?
What is something everyone else in your gender seems to just 'get' which you don't?
Male, style. Specific in regards to beards and such. I don't know how guys figure out what looks best at all.
Yea, my parents couldn't do much about it. I kind wish sometimes we never moved to this city back then.
They are short staffed but that's their own fault
get well, anon
>unless you're buff, in which case just over the elbow.
If you're buff, over the elbow could be slightly uncomfortable.
The simpsons is older than you. Or it should be if you're delusional enough to think you deserve the princess life in 2024. Would be sad if you're like this 30+
>What is something everyone else in your gender seems to just 'get' which you don't?
Make up fashion style
Conversing well
Can't do much about it now.
>Male, style. Specific in regards to beards and such. I don't know how guys figure out what looks best at all.
Literally everything men like us are supposed to avoid comfortably contained within a race
For every dude with a good beard you're seeing a man who went through like 5 styles that looked like shit

Anonette it's not that simple, relationship should come after sex
I’m not american in any way shape or form
My point still stands kek
F dressing respectably with big boobs.
I would show you my beard but I’ll get banned again just clean it up so you don’t look like Charles Manson
I’m a guy you tranny faggot get out of my sight guards!
So your country is completely uninfluenced by America?
>Simpsons, only popular in America
You're the zoomer aren't you?
Liking beards
Fucking ESL you will never take my culture
Anyone here not really prefer bare butts to clothed butts?
Yeah but it shows off the full forearm

Nigga every culture in the world uses onions in cooking
And what's with white people and msg?
Latinos eat insects too
Everyone has carb-heavy dishes

Anything that prevents my face from being able to bury into someone's ass should consider itself an opp
You’re not fooling anyone Wei
SunTzu said something about LARPing as your enemy on Korean lawnmower forums
Men would you date a girl with judgmental parents
Huh I never thought about it before. Below I think.
I don't feel nearly as lost as I used to compared to other women. The things I don't "get" I've never really tried to get. Like complicated skincare routines or flavored water. Just not my thing.
Clothed anything is always better because it leaves stuff to your imagination.
No, that shit's exhausting.
Least insane crossfire player
Yes because I can guarantee I’m alot scarier than them
You type like a girl
How is that support to be "chad"
>Weak chin
>Jawline is only saved by his beard

Like that's an incel
Is that why you feel so intimated by me?
All > naked
Women with big boobs aren't able to get cute bras?
I’d protect you from them
Scarier how?
Something interesting is giggle ai will try to paint almost anything in the positive if you ask them about eye colour, hair colour, height, etc, but if you look up if specific breast sizes, even the average, it'll just say
>Just because its average doesn't mean its ideal
Even AI hates women lmao
Not a single Caucasian woman in that pic, whitebread girls your response?
I mean it's like, near her belly button, her boobs just stick out SO much that half her torso is invisible to her
It's harder, yeah. And nearly impossible to find cute bodysuits and lingerie. My chest is a size XL but everything else is M
They are now if they're willing to shop online
17 years ago Victoria's secret didn't even carry my size and mine aren't even big, just a comparatively small ribcage.
really? seems like nobody knows how to do that, myself included lol

above a certain size they just default to beige and black, no style, only substance
How would a girl get a stain on her midsection? Wouldn't the boobs catch food and stuff like that?
Me on the middle right.

>shopping for bras online
That sounds like a nightmare. I don't want to spend months buying and returning bras.
>They are now if they're willing to shop online
That's such a bad idea when it's bras.
I have no idea, all I know is that it's there, she's unaware, and I can't help but stare
Nta but if it was chocolate it could potentially roll down the boob and get caught in a fold underneath and melt. When it comes to stains there's always a way.
My mom had to have government funded specialist bras made specifically for people who are way too big for the norm, which were light brown, because her tits were an actual health issue. I don't know what her actual size was; no size chart online gets even remotely close. I was going to say "think hitomi tanaka (who does wear nice bras)", but looking her up, she's actually not big enough
I do want to be a husband.
In going to out husband all the other husbands if I get the chance.
Then out father all the other fathers.
>such a bad idea
I'm not disagreeing with that I have 2 styles from aerie I like and ONE from VS finding bras that fit right fucking sucks. But it's really not THAT bad if you buy from places that let you do easy returns and if that's literally the only option other than boring bras then...that's the only option.
Why? Do companies honestly just not want to make the effort for a smaller group customers?
>middle right.
Very nice. Keep up the good work. Looking hot, looking sexy. I want to see how thicc you can get. Keep me updated, I have faith, you'll knock it out the park
I'm cooked, I've been rolling them.up above the elbow this whole time.
It's so ogre.
Nta but of course they don't. That's not how capitalism works.
imagine laying your head on the ass on a black queen as you sleep. imagine the aroma.
I think that look works if you're more outdoorsy. A flannel rolled above the elbows because you're doing something outside is a different vibe than a dress shirt rolled below the elbows.
Some do but then you pay out the ass for it.
right, not difficult exactly, just time consuming… I’m just mad at myself since I shoulda done this years ago

it’s really that simple yes, the market is too small to mass-produce product for
they already sell to 90% of the middle, but edge cases on either side can suffer :(
>I'd protect you from them
I've been on that ride too many times. My worst one was a woman who would always listen to her parents no matter how retarded their advice was. She was on my insurance and her parents talked her into doing like $1500 in out of network lab tests because they didn't like my insurance plan, no real reason they just didn't like me so my insurance plan must be bad too right? Anyways that is fucking over, they can pay for her to see whatever fucking doctors they want.
>mfw when I learned that bra lasts for like a year, if that.
On the other side of it I'm a man who wears a medium, it's difficult because most companies either assume you're really short or flare out the gut part. Amazon is a godsend, half of my clothes are chinese items in a large.
Oh that’s just very strange my parents don’t do stuff like that
Just adapt.
I can't even roll mine up, they get stuck about halfway.
Nta but that sounds like the problem was the woman. If you found a seemingly perfect girl but 6 months in you meet her parents and they're judgmental and dumb would you break it off before even investigating how much she's influenced by them?
Men have big and tall shops. Is there any store like that that caters to women with big boobs or whatever?
I think it's a defect unique to Asian and Middle Eastern families. The kicker is that they then told her I was a bad provider because I didn't want to pay for $1500 in unnecessary medical bills when I was providing her medical insurance.
>obvious humblebrag is obvious
Its joever
I don't know who joe is, I just want to fit in
If it's any consolation, I've decided to never date Asian girls since it's unfair to Asian guys
yep, the wear and tear from breasting boobily every day is no joke

there’s several “plus size women” stores, but those cater more to women with a whole plus sized body, not just a plus sized chest…
If I haven't met them until six months in they probably don't have enough influence on her to make her do truly stupid things, but I'd be very wary about the relationship going forward. My current in laws I am very close with, it is like night and day having a supportive family while dating vs one that's dumb and judgmental, no matter how little you might think they influence her.
I have a question
At the men's big and tall shops do they assume all the men are big AND tall and size things accordingly or can you find things if you're big OR tall too?

Because it's my impression that the stores that cater to women with big boobs expect all of them to be fat.
Can I meet a qt girl and make her my gf at gym? I'm skinny and short but I like tomboys and muscular women
>simp for the one special girl
Simping is not a relationship, retard.
Parasitic anglerfish bf who inserts his penis and then never leaves, eventually fusing with my body and taking nutrients from my bloodstream
I wouldn’t know my parents are European
Sorry they did that to you
Could you not just theoretically get stuff there and tailor the shit out of it?
Why don’t titcows just wear maternity bras?
Men's big and tall shops assume you're a fat fuck as well, my brother is morbidly obese and we buy most of his stuff at big and tall places, 90% of the store is "big" and maybe 10% is "tall"
Happy birthday
Nta but who wants to get literally everything they buy tailored? And honestly I'm not sure tailoring would go too well on a bra. Better to make one the correct size from the get go.
Possibly yes, but realistically no, not unless you're extremely charismatic, since
A: Most people working out are there to work out. Trying to flirt is creepy
B: Most girls in gyms if they are looking for a guy will be looking for... the kind of guy you find in a gym, so you, but only once you gain muscle (don't worry; newbie gains will do a lot quick)
C: You're short sorry king
D: Saying you're into those types of bodies is also creepy
The sizing typically caters to both big and tall men but some actually have one or the other stuff.
Cause they're ugly as fuck and come with extra "features" that are annoying if you're not breastfeeding.
You can't really do that on a bra.
Only the shoes actually assume you're genetically big, the rest is just fat dude gear
Are men hotter in boxers than briefs? I've seen a lot more posts here referencing boxers than briefs
They're even uglier than the beige stuff.
Like shit mixed with coca butter, that's nasty as fuck
Men, rate the following BMIs on a woman:
Boxer briefs are where it's at. Provides the support I need.
I don't know what any of that shit means beyond the vague concept of what a BMI is. No pics?
What's your gender, and do you like Miku?
Huge puffy robe>naked>briefs>boxers
She's just like me!/10
Yeah I had assumed it was like this, that's disappointing.

If there are any tall but not big guys itt I have a tip. Eddie Bauer makes extra long shirts for tall guys we get them for my brother all the time. He's a size 14 shoe and a beanpole but they fit him nice.
>I had a weird interaction with a friend's wife because I left a tampon in his trash can and his wife only uses pads. Since then, I'll just wrap them up and put them in my purse.
Kek, she thought he was cheating?
Which game? I haven't been paying a ton of attention the last few days. Did see someone post about Gauntlet once, which made me smile.
Really though if tall guy shops were actually for and frequented by tall guys, you'd have a lot of women scouting them out (which is okay when women be creepy like that, yass queeen)
>you'd have a lot of women scouting them out
No you wouldn't
>Huge puffy robe
Like a Hefner bathrobe?
That's pathetic though. I think too highly of myself to do that without taking a tall male relative with me as a reason for being there.
>maybe 10% is "tall"
This really makes me mad desu. Big boobed women, I somewhat understand your pain.
Telling women that they pass is the new congratulating fat ladies on their pregnancy
You know what's slightly annoying for a tall girl? Trying to find a maxi dress.
I feel like I should be mad but this is just true
Sadly, I've never been able to find a picture that shows women of different BMIs. Such photos exist for body fat percentage, but not BMI. Just for reference, here's what a 5'4" woman would weigh at different BMIs:
116.5 lbs
110.5 lbs
105 lbs
99 lbs
93 lbs
Calling it that took the sexiness away


atogans are the normies?
I'm still sad he blocked me everwhere. I mean last resort I still have his email and home address since he showed me them in pics he sent. would it be wrong of me to reach out to actually try communicating with him? he blocked me Sunday night and I miss him. he had one avenue open to reach out but that may have been by accident before blocking me there too, and I don't know if he meant that as a way for me to contact him within a certain timeframe or just forgot to block me there until he did yesterday.

how long does it usually take a guy to come back after blocking a woman? yes he's mentally ill yes i want to try harder I feel like i could of been better towards him
Okay fine, hotel bathrobe
I'm tired of these blog posts
I swear the wall arrives sooner every year.
I prefer Luka
yeah, that's how time works
Anon… I thought we talked about this just last night.
I kept telling you but you never pay attention
these "teens" look 30. Almost like time traveling boomers
I'm sorry, did you say mid-calf length dress?
anon i know but I fucking miss him
I wanted this so badly to work out is there anything I can do I hurt his feelings

any anons please help advice
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femoids really dont realize there's a single move that basically guarantees marriage
if only they knew
If, in a relationship, the man isn't able to lift the woman with ease, the woman is too fat and/or the man too weak. Both can be changed.
>don't want to date a girl because she's a "project"
>get ghosted by a girl I previously met, and feel slightly relieved more than disappointed because... I don't know why

Weirder because I'm a mid 90's zillennial that feels more aligned with gen z
State gender.
Thoughts on picrel?
Me parents are kicking me out. What do I do to survive? I don't even know how to become a prostitute
Where can I find a woman willing to encourage me to simp for her like pic related?
skinny man muscular woman is also cute
M. It is known that small and frail women like a big muscular man to dominate them. Next question?
If you fall in love with a woman and she falls in love with you, there's honestly a lot you'd both be willing to do for each other in and outside the bedroom. You don't need to think in terms of "where do I find a girl who X"; rather, if you find the right girl she will likely be willing to do X with you.
That thigh is anorexia tier gross
Shes too skinny
Miku is cool. I even was at the regent Miku expo
Yeah, she called me up in a tizzy and asked me when the last time I was over at their house was, which was the night prior.

No, most fit women go to the gym to lift, not to get hit on. Also, they likely already have a partner.

God, I love women's asses. I get why men are so down bad.

Thank you, anon.
Her spouse's new nickname will be Tampon Tim
I wish I was like her.
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Now why exactly would I want to do that?
I didn't even realize that's someone's thigh. At first I thought it was a penis, then I thought it was an amputee's arm
What can I say? I’m kinda sad anon. I thought I was being helpful but it’s like I said nothing at all.
At the age of 19 years old, is it irrational for me to want a girlfriend who has a bodycount of 2 or less?
I'm starting to think "le heckin virgin" meme is dumb, but I still have limits kinda.
I want a moid
What are you going to do to me if you have me?
Why do men enforce the male pecking order and the male hierarchy through inflicting violent homosexual behaviors on each other? I swear in any group of men the senior and powerful men always rape and try to sexually dominate junior and less powerful men to assert their authority. And women are either blind to this form of gay bullying through homosexual rape, or just choose to ignore it.

that's basically just me and my younger autistic sister that only eats yellow colored foods
Two more weeks.
What are your PTSD triggers?
>men who can't get gfs, see large feminist groups openly and proudly promoting a lifestyle of refusing sex, marriage, and childbearing, all the while your countries have the lowest birthrates in the entire world
>"rebels without much cause"

Do people really not see why some men would 'suddenly' become anti-feminist under such circumstances?
Sex for the purpose of recreation
I want to spoon a foid that hates me specifically but also craves intimacy.
that bad, huh?
In other words, they want to dictate women's choices for them. No wonder women are refusing to date, marry, or have sex with them.
Most men aren't kevin spacey, and most men have never experienced gay sexual harassment
Literally every man has at least experienced homosexual harassment, and in majority male groups like sports teams the more popular and powerful men brutally anally rape the weaker and less powerful men to put them in their place.
take your hand out of your panties, fujoanon
misandrist hugs are warmer
Why are collarbones so sexy?
All signs point to everyone being happier under patriarchy, and that form of civilization actually functions and grows, so why not?
if after post nut clarity you still want to be with a girl... do you love her?
>agreed to a date with a girl, but I jerked off and I realized I was horny and don't really want to fuck, I'm just lonely.
>Women are oppressed and not allowed to have a voice
>Their suppression of speech means they're happier because they're not allowed to complain
Circular logic
Orrrr this redpill meme might be false!
>feel lonely
>want gf
>don't want to talk to girls out of fear of being "weird" or "creepy" if it goes bad
>no gf

How do you break the cycle? Women, what would you say the cycle you're stuck in?
Nigger girl hasn't posted in nearly two days. Any ideas on what might have happened?
lol poor anon
Serves you right though for replying seriously to spammers
Your lust for ass is nothing compared to ours. We have testosterone fueling our horniness.
They just speedrun to be oppressed by chad out of the frying pan into the fire
No, as long as you realize that trying to meet this goal makes it harder to get any girlfriend at all.
For starters, how will you even find out that info without offending her?
no it's actually way simpler-
one form of civilization lasts thousands of years and always successfully has more children than the last
one form of civilization has lasted barely 100 years and is spiralling towards cultural extinction due to sub 1.0 birthrates

Also girls schlick to the handmaid's tale so it can't be THAT bad.
She's biding her time
We talked about this before, women like to be immensely choosy when it comes to tall and handsome men, but without everyone knowing because then they'd be judged for being shallow.
Shops for tall guys are more frequented by morbidly obese men.
'tall' men are still generally within the height that they shop at normal stores. the 6'8" thing is a redpill meme, but yeah women are attracted to guys who are around 6ft or higher, but you run into diminishing returns quickly.
>>feel lonely
Can relate
>>want bf
Can relate
>>don't want to talk to anyone out of fear of being "weird" or "creepy" if it goes bad
>>no bf
I mostly just don't go out much, I've become too stingy and would rather rbe at home. Every costs too much
why do incels always talk about civilization when they're told to take a shower?
Eloped with KP.
>if after post nut clarity you still want to be with a girl... do you love her?
Maybe, but not necessarily.
And I have no idea what you mean by that greentext.
We're talking about east asia (probably focused on Korea), not about the west

can you not follow the thread?
>>feel lonely
>want gf
>don't want to talk to girls because they are dumb and boring
>no gf
Why do foids type as though they have an invisible audience reacting to their every post.
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Favourite Fast Food meal?
Picture unrelated.
>feel no desire to leave my room
>lay down and die
that's my female cycle
ladies, is it a redflag for a guy to have no job even if he is financially well off? circumstances has me taking an extended leave of absence.
Ok. Forget birth rates. Chinese men have a legit reason to be incels when there are literally 2 million more men than women in every city, it's a literal numbers game of improbability.
NTA but you can use this 'argument' to shut down every inconvenient argument. Showering isn't a problem for anyone here. Of course incels know that they need to shower and they do shower constantly. They're incels, not retards.
Try reading acceptance commitment behavioral therapy books
yeah but why the grandiose talk of saving western civilization? it's the most obvious deflection ever
why two more weeks? do you think he may reach out within that time or that's when i should? genuinely curious why for 2 weeks. he's only ever blocked me for two hours before and that was over his insecurity, this time may be that but also I hurt his feelings.

this feels surreal because we have been talking everyday for 5 months and I find that i miss his good morning messages. he is sweet and funny, and even if he deals with mental health i still want to be there for him through the good/bad. I also tend to be bad at articulating words sometimes, and I am kicking myself figuratively for messing this up. I hope this isn't forever.
For me, it's a Culver's Butterburger

Not as long as he's ACTUALLY well off
Investing heavy in bitcoin doesn't count btw
He’s fucking with you. You ignore genuine advice anyways lmao
Is the grandiose talker in here with us right now? Or is the stinky mute in here with us right now?
I sometimes see /pol/ types advocating for "White Sharia"-type polygamy. Don't they realize that polygamy worsens the problem of male loneliness? If one Chad has ten wives, nine other men won't be able to get a wife at all.
The state-asigned gf stuff seems much more sustainable.
It's not a deflection in any way, it's a rebuttal of the article's premise
Losers often tie their self-worth to vague concepts like patriotism or gender wars. They have nothing to offer, but at least their "side" can "win".
Women, explain
This girl had me on close friends for a good 3 months period. She put me on cf after at least half a year after I mer her for the first time.
During this time she had me on cf I was talking with someone else, was also in a rut and didn’t want to start talking with women just to lead them on.
We met once irl randomly in the city, hanged out for an hour or so, but also at that time my friend was interested in her so I passed (guy was a snake but nvm).
After a while I noticed that she took me out from cf, and here I am now.
I tried starting a conversation with her but she’s responding after 2hr, and my last message is still on delivered after 5hr kek
What’s the reasoning behind this? I knew that adding someone on cf means that they’re interested in you.
Now that she took me out from cf I assume she’s not interested in me anymore and my messages are hitting a ‘delivered’ wall?
I’m not complaining, I should’ve done something earlier, I’m just trying to get some other opinions
nope turns out she dumped him

i feel sad, I don't know why, yeah he wasn't always great and stuff but she dumped him because "she doesn't like him like she used to"
Girls ITT date guys who don't even wipe their asses properly. Chad doesn't need to take showers and no amount of showers taken is going to make incels attractive.
It's also funny how they always think that they would be the Chad with ten wives rather than one of the nine wife-less guys.
The nice part of not being perceived as a sexual entity by women, is that they are attracted to me when I ignore them.
So the Chad in your head smells bad? Ew.
>She put me on cf
What does this mean
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>I'm starting to think "le heckin virgin" meme is dumb,
That's because it is.

Depictions of child abuse. I had a really bad episode when the Nightmare on Elm Street remake came out.

You don't know how deep this runs. You are governed by hormones. Meaning that you cum and your lust is abated. Whereas I am governed by my incomparable love of ass. No matter how many orgasms, I still want ass. You're not about this life, son.

>Favourite Fast Food meal?
You can't beat a good burger and fries

No, so long as there is something he likes doing.
This is wrong on many levels
How would you view your (theoretical) boyfriend having a feet fetish
cf = close friends on instagram
he said it in the first sentence speedreader blonde
As long as he has long hair and wants her to have his children and look at the stars and supports her financially at art galleries (do you know how much organizing an art gallery costs?) he can shit in a squat toilet and go straight to dinner.
If I had to pick any kink for my bf, I'd pick that one, since it takes zero effort to satisfy.
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I think what they mean by white shariah is not the part about polygamy.
He'd be disappointed in my feet and unironically he'd probably have better feet then me. I like guy hands so eh
You need to give us a little more info than that. Why do you want a gf who has a body count of two or less?
Well, he might expect you to give footjobs, or take exceptionally good care of your feet.
No it's not. They fucked chad and he shat on them like normal. Literally cyclical behavior.
Maybe your friend was badmouthing you to her?

I honestly don't know. I'm not very curvy or feminine, so it would be nice to have a part of me I know he likes? Maybe?
I really want him back
Would you date a nasty physical beast? A bipedal fucking meat tank? A beef-fueled genetic jackhammer?
>block bpdemon ex on everything
>she starts sending me paper letters
How do I make her fuck off?
>many women have awful feet, even though many men like them
>many men have awful hands, even though many women like them
we're not so different after all
From above, I assume
Wtf why does he look like a mulatto?
No. Not really my type. But I commend the effort.
My friend that was interested in her didn’t even get a follow back from her
I’m thinking she might have found someone, but she didn’t post anything about that, so can’t be sure
note: due to me wanting to keep the friendship I decided to not get involved; he didn’t do the same
>Imagine having a women so invested in you and still complain
literally the most vile, forced romance in all of modern fiction. Who the fuck dates someone who cucked them out of their previous lover, and then dates their brother? God damn I fucking hate the romance in Korra so much it's unreal. Never post them again.
I want to reach out so badly and follow m heart.
Nta. I wouldn't mind having to take good care of my feet, but footjobs just sound plain weird.
negative iq post
Why is that penis tposing at me
i swear this is the same pair
Restraining order?
I have uggo Asian feet, he wouldn't like me.
No thanks, I don't eat meat.
Equal rights mean that gay couples can be toxic too!
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>work at a job doing loan applications
>not really but that's a close enough descriptor
>client submits an appeal for a denied loan
>immediately sussy about this person's name
>attached a shit ton of medical history that I don't care about
>credit is some of the worst I've ever seen
>consult supervisor since I'm pretty sure there's a hard rule about credit this bad
>she agrees with me, tells me it would be an outright denial if she was the reviewer
>still curious about the name
>look up client info
>oh god, it's a trans person
>medical history literally made no mention of that
>still process the denial
>hours later
>hear receptionist explaining something to a walk in client
>sounds suspiciously like the case from this morning
>peak out my cubicle
>6'5 dude wearing a dress and weird 1920s looking female cap at her desk
>literally hulking over her as she tries to explain the next steps
Sorry for blogging
Men, please don't troon out
I chuckled, that's true. No I've seen men irl and online with beautiful hands but they need to trim their nails.
hypothetically speaking, lets say he just quit his lucrative yet stressful job after a number of years. hes spending time to take care of his parents temporarily (1-2 months max, until full recovery is made), then is focusing on himself for an unspecified amount of time.

tl;dr its just a complicated subject and I feel like I'd have a hard time navigating the topic on a first date. I dont wanna get too deep into the details but it's hard to explain without hitting all the points.
If you clip your fucking nails and use lotion, I will keep my feet nice and soft and paint my toes
Do we have a deal?
dumb himbo, theres no point making a tldr nearly as long as the rest of the post
I’m already clipping my nails twice a week and using hand and face cream
You feet better me mouth ready frfr nocap
The Mako subplot for both of them was bad because Mako is about as interesting as white bread. That being said, Korra and Asami made sense during book 4.
>1-2 months max, until full recovery is made
I'd say that's a huge assumption. I've taken care of many relatives, and it's never that fast.
>Men, please don't troon out
if he wasn't tall you would've shrugged and moved on with your day.
Why? Caressing a dick with feet seems pretty normal
That man's name? Tucker Carlson.
Not a red flag to take care of your parents after a lucrative job you've held for years. It is a red flag if you have no defined plans for afterwards though. You could just leave it at what you did before, and caring for your parents for a few months.
>Caressing anything with feet seems pretty awkward

I'm so tired of tumblr fags on every board
one of my family members has two surgeries back to back, both are common enough. i want to take care of them until theyre able to get back to work in order so the other doesnt need to take time off for it.
I already keep my nails as trimmed as possible. But I can't stand lotion. My relatives would use it so frequently that the house was constantly covered in a thin layer of slimy lotion grime. The feeling of lotion now makes my skin crawl.
Fortunately, I don't care for feet!
>posts tumblr's most beloved show in the last decade
I got a new bed to stop sleeping on the floor (congratulate me women) but actually because so many mattress springs were stabbing me that I could no longer bunch my comforter up over all of them at once.
It has been so many years since I slept in a normal bed that the feeling reminds me of the last time I did which was around the time my mom died so I keep having bad dreams about her dying and waking up in the middle of the night after sleeping four hours
Then I can't get back to sleep and am exhausted all day and just want to lie in bed and go to bed even earlier and wake up even earlier in the middle of the night after four hours.
The bed can massage me too and adjust position which is good because it was really heavy to flip and move on my own without breaking the legs (because of the extra hardware for these functions).
Instead of giving me better sleep and extra energy to clean the rest of my apartment and apply for jobs and do paperwork, now I am low on sleep and sore and exhausted and only want to eat and lie in my more comfortable new bed all day.
I am running out of money and thus time.
I guess i'm burned out from my old job and don't know what I wanna do after that. Still trying to figure that out. Not sure how I can spin that in a good way.
Not sure what you're implying
Tucker trooned out
Do I lay on my back when I do this or what?
People who have casual sex are almost never good
> I have uggo Asian feet, he wouldn't like me.
As Long as they have a nice light brown colour not gonna complain
straight male here
i wish futa was real so i could suck futa cock every day
Good at what?
No? Sitting upright while doing it is perfectly possible
what lotion
i may aswell add something else to my skin routine
actually he may have bpd, not me
I've never actually sent an irl letter/plushie to him but I am thinking of emailing him...

that anon might just be larping after my posts desu
In today's world where cheating is so rife, how can I as an introverted and rather mild guy trust a girl/woman? Is there a chance I can make sure she doesn't run away and leave me for a more charismatic guy?
This holds me back from even trying. I'm 24 already and idk man. I wanna focus on my career, and I don't have time for gym, I don't think I can afford a girl or take the time out for both.

Life is simple yet complicated.
I think I need to look up a diagram or something, I assume he's standing at the foot of the bed and I'm laying on it
Based alt-fujo
Even if you make sure at first and do everything right, she will still cheat and monkey branch. They hate stability and they don't want to miss out.
Your post is just going to be reduced to "women = bad" and you'll get victim blamed.
Do do it. You'll end up giving your bf fungus on his dick if your feet aren't clean
I'm not sure which world you're talking about, but it's not this one
How is he a victim?
>If you clip your fucking nails and use lotion, I will keep my feet nice and soft and paint my toes
>Do we have a deal?
Why should I care? You won't even acknowledge my existence irl so why should I give a fuck about your feet which I will never get to see?
I think he's talking about relationships not lasting, "soft-cheating" where people just breakup/divorce the exact attosecond they want someone else.
Men, why do you become trans?
I watched an interview of "Charlemagne tha God" out of curiosity and the thing that shocked me was how he had to learn that the average man doesn't cheat. He grew up watching his dad cheat on his mom time and time again to the point where he became an adult and was going out on business trips with married men and basically short-circuited the first time a guy said "Nah I'm not gonna go out to the clubs while we're on travel, I'm married."

You have to realize that just because you're surrounded by infidelity doesn't make it the norm.
Oh, that seems impossible to track, so why would someone think it's "rife" unless they assume every breakup actually counts as cheating?
a few misconceptions. world has always had cheaters since the dawn of time, its no different than any other era. where you place on the mbti chart won't change much either. you can be attentive, compassionate, you name it the perfect model partner and they still may choose to cheat on you at some point or another. its not a certain thing and it never will be. its a truth you need to comprehend. once you do, it gets easier to accept that - you can do the best you can each day and it may not be enough, but thats okay because that just means its not something that can be helped. focus on what is most important to you, but if a relationship/family is something you want, dont neglect it. good luck.
For a first date you don't have to mention you don't know what you're doing next. You could just frame it as you're just taking the months off to care for family and going back to what you were doing prior.
maybe not futa dick but I would love to have a girlfriend with a half-inch sized clit
Women are denying him sex.
Nooooooooo anon think about the advertisers
Any foot fetishist is gonna obsess over cleanliness
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There are actually *two* kinds of MtF transvestites.
Uh, hm... I'll have to work on my balance...
Oh damn I forgot. At least I posted from phone. RIP
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Boxer breifs are best
fair point. i see that being the least likely decision i would choose to make, but you're not wrong in saying it could be a valid answer to what i decide down the road. it just doesnt feel very honest to me though.
Men what would make you forgive a woman if she accidentally hurt your feelings? I really really want to show him that I still care about him and our connection and that I still want him.
Then just do it. It’s not like anyone can convince you not to.
Good luck anon. I think I’ll take a break from trying to help.
I-I saw nipples on the porn website!
>man giving vagina footjob in return
Wtf lol, that would never happen
>You're just imagining it/things were always this way posting begins
I wish I could believe it was AI generated
Do you want him to fuck you?
You should know that we suffer for your enjoyment. Those pants are fucking awful. So uncomfortable with my balls. Unfortunately if I wear boxers they look dumb and you can see my penis through my trousers.
If it's an accident, just reach out and apologize, let him know it wasn't intentional. If it's an honest mistake in something that got misinterpreted or whatever, then it should be water under the bridge, yeah? Don't need to overthink it too much.
I prefer Teto
There are some classics miku does. But energy wise, pink spiral curl tails.
You will get an infection + get mad if men want to put anything in there even benis
Agreed, it would be the only way I could enjoy cock
do you think there was an era in time where people were never unfaithful or something?
Shome ur cockle
Bro, you're introverted and have too small of a sample size to be able to say anything
Show don't tell. Honesty is the best policy.
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Ew, don't enable the mtfs
>the truth must be that the world became dark and twisted as soon as I started liking girls
foid hands
Proof that it was accidental
If it can’t be proven then I personally can get over it
I’ll see if the behavior repeats, if there’s a pattern that she (you) is not willing to change then sorry not sorry
I'm wearing boxer briefs right now and I have an issue where my balls are gigantisized to a degree and its still literally fine.
Where do I find an enthusiastic girlfriend that doesn't get all of her takes from unmarried women?
I'm wearing large boxer briefs right now (and I wear extra small clothes normally) and I'm still in constant wedgie land.
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The underwear holds your balls so you don't sit on them.
Basically what the other anon said. Communicate it. Be as open as you can and get the thing over with, don't drag it out.
You don't wanna let the disappointment turn into resentment.
Le binary goalpost purity spiral
Are you incapable of observing other people or something?
Hey go check out some paternity test statistics while you're talking about sufficient sample sizes, asshole.
This is not a problem for me
I adjust my crotch everytime I sit down, no matter what
Checkmate capitalists
>he doesn't grab a handful of cock and balls before sitting down in order to readjust and sit comfortably
skill issue
You just can't help yourself, huh?
Always minimize, mock, false flag, false equivalencies.
>men touch their pee pee to sit down
you bleed monthly
TFW no concerned with the health of my testicles wife
Trust is the same as faith, which is believing in something despite no evidence. If you have trouble with that, we can't help you. Try going to church.
I will go to the toilet
Wash my hand
High five my buddy
Sit down
Grab my junk, moving it, thus aborbing the manly piss essence
Then shake your hand
My dick is as clean as my other hand
Only I am allowed to cbt you.
Not your underwear.
not in front of you, foid, you think I enjoy sitting like this in front of foids? can't fix my shit
Sometimes the peanus weenus gets stuck on the balls so after unsticking the balls from the leg I double dip to peel the foreskin out of the pocket between the balls and leg
women really wake up in the morning and say "today I will have Breast and Booty"
Reminder than men take a shit with their po in the toilet bowl
When they flush, all that shit water is sprayed on their dick
It might feel dry, but it’s not, it’s contaminated
the pussy is nanometers away from the butthole though but of course it's men's fault
Pimp slapped my monitor on instinct desu
If your balls touch the toilet bowl, I am coming to put them in your butthole.
I have to shove my penis down every time I go to the fuckin toilet it sucks
The balls block the spray
Nothing blocks it for women and yours opens straight down right next to the ass
That was the joke anon… both men and women shit with their organ inside the toilet…
Speaking of, the revulsion women must feel when the water splashes their pussy must be immense.
You don’t flush while still seated you fucking retard
The balls are behind the benis btw
What if the tip touches it?
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>women flush while sitting down
What if my butthole is full, will you put them in yours…?
Nta but this honestly haunts me. One time it splashed right up there. I have never recovered.
Clown world
Enjoy eating pussy after she takes a shit
Don’t bother with her anon
There are sane people in these threads too
That's true for most people yeah. But then you start seeing researches about infidelity and those numbers are like over 30% who admit to having done it, and way over 50% who wish they could.
Gives me a bit of relief. Some things are best left to nature.
The modernization of world and giving women rights brought some pros, but also cons. I guess I'll just keep riding the wave and not anchor myself down with marriage.
after lurking these threads for years i conclude that women seem more interested in bodily functions than men.
It's okay, all of that skin is already gone, your body is pure again, be free
This conversation is just reminding me that my destined wife is out there somewhere peeing right now without me being there to watch. I am going to cry hard and start shaking now.
My advice is to stop reading numbers that make you sad. Ignorance is bliss.
I guess so!
I want to watch femanon brush her hair without her noticing me. I hope she doesn't turn around.
You wanna hear a joke…
Two tomatoes are walking in a desert
Which one is the woman?
The rotten one
Women, I wanna hear (read) a misandrist joke
that may be on the menu yes, but I also want a potential real long lasting relationship with him but yes
well he is depressed and last I spoke to him he didn't wanna exist and felt like being alone. but he saw me in a chat group thing sort of and joined it and heard me talk about his personal stuff in a sort of debate thing about relationships and gender role stuff, and I mentioned other guys who tried to get at me who superficially seem better than him but i denied them for him but idk if he understood that or how long he even heard all I said. never said his name though. so he was already sad and dealing with mental problems and then probably saw all that by me. definitely feel he may have misinterpreted me.
how do I go about this if we are long distance
read my 2nd reply above in this post for context, say you have traumas and I mentioned it but I still like you anyway. I may have embarassed him or made him feel like I didn't like him but the other people in the chat were toxic even to me. he may have just seen a little bit of it, not sure but he was also really depressed when I last spoke to him before the no contact
read plz
I don't know if it's me not responding as much due to me grieving(my mom died), him possibly overhearing me talk about his personal issues in a debate/conversation online with others, or just him being severely depressed so that's why I feel bad wasn't as attentive because I was also sad for reasons
Thank you anon.
I don't get it
Yes but only in a secret pervert that's why she really plays the Sims way
The minute you want to chain her to an examination table and tickle her mercilessly until she helplessly soils herself she will suddenly be a grossed out neat freak again
If a man says he is going to do something, he will do it.
No reason to remind him about it every year.
>Damn they didn't buy the not common bluff, time for the didn't worry your pretty head over the statistics pos
It doesn't but if you can't get what you want and you're not being dominant then you shouldn't be able to complain. If you're into femdom you can decide how long foreplay lasts
What is pos
>long distance
Honestly? just put "~" at the end of your posts.
>I'm Sorry~
>I didn't mean it~
M, same. There was no setup so there's no real joke. Should be
>There are 2 apples walking in the forest
>One of them is normal, one of them is rotten
Then the rest
As is it just aks
>WHICH ONE ROT!?????!?
I wasn't aware one was ROT??!?!?
Why reply to me and not even actually read what I said
I tend to overthink and hate myself being being scared to make the move because I am afraid of anger in response. I have dumbness and anxiety
This but unironically
I will do it sometime before I die
Just let me lie down please
Is tickling domestic violence? My gf punched me for tickling her.
Men, what's it like to lose your hair? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm honestly curious.
I don't know then
I don't understand the social rules people have where they're always in eight chats and always hoping to date some guy who wants to die
I hear this scenario a lot on /adv/ but I do not understand it
I like it
Two tomatoes and you’re being asked which one is the woman implies that these tomatoes are a couple, thus male and female.
The reason for them being in the desert is because the answer is ‘the rotten one’.
The joke implies that in theory neither of this tomatoes stood long enough in the sun to rot because both would be rotten, because it’s an implied distinction through the question.
But because of this distinction being made, and the question is ‘which one is the woman’, is a pretty good setup for misogynist joke in which the woman is rotten from the beginning (before a tomato would start to rot by being in the sun, in a desert).
Is that clear enough?
humiliation ritual
Anon are you dumb? He just said he’s not trying to help you anymore
It's really very demoralizing. I take comfort in knowing that it happens to most guys to some degree.
Why'd he do it?
Since you guys made plans, it's perfectly reasonable to text her the day before to confirm. Just be prepared for the possibility that she might never respond and that will be that. And I would keep it light, just literally ask her if she's still up for the movie at your place on Sunday
>Two tomatoes and you’re being asked which one is the woman implies that these tomatoes are a couple, thus male and female.
I did not get this at all
Too much subtext when the joke is just "women bad" on the surface, people won't read any more deeply than that
I dont know but I live in constant fear of it
On short, the punch line makes the setup make sense
The implied difference is in the fact that two tomatoes are exactly the same and can’t be male or female, so there’s a differe ce that beeds to be found, which is the punch line
I always think of this nigga too when I'm like
>Actually there are x number of blah blah blah
What humiliation rituals do you perform on your gf in bed and outside of bed?
>definitely feel he may have misinterpreted me.
Sure, that's valid. Putting myself in his shoes (I'm in a similar rut) - I think if you reach out and just talk, to me that would make my day. Especially so if he likes you. I think the main point that he/I may have gotten upset about: for me personally, I really dislike it when people share details in private conversations. That's info that's between me and her, I don't want that being brought up to public, even anonymously. Also, you're admitting that the people you were talking to were toxic, so that would make me feel even worse. For me, I think an apology may be well deserved and in order. Anyway, I hope you're able to reconnect and work things out, I appreciate you going forward to try to fix things. Good luck
Overstimulation is against the geneva convention
I stabbed my uncle in his nose for tickling me and not relenting.
Men want boobs so badly that they BECOME the boobs
It’s a retarded joke
Didn’t think I had to explain it desu senpai
How does that work for men who are ugly even with makeup and girly clothes?
Tie her up next time, understood.
Wearing a synthetic condom instead of using natural lambskin
I like it when she gets on her knees ready to give head, and I like holding her cheeks/caressing her lips with my fingers while she's hovering by my crotch. Dunno if that's considered a humiliation thing but I like making her feel all demure and vulnerable, ready to get defiled by some fat fuck retard like me
Yes. I'm extremely ticklish and I would literally kick anyone full force in the mouth if they tickled my feet, it's an automatic reflex
First I found little strands here and there, more noticeable because I grew my hair long and let it clump into dreads
Then the week after my mom two of the little bang dreads fell out from being securely attached before
Like the whole clump just eventually fell off of my head while sitting there from not even noticing it was loose
I think my hairline probably receded a quarter inch that month
And I think I started balding faster after that, I was almost 25 when it happened and within a year people were telling me I had a balding spot on the top.
I have lost a few larger dreads gradually from the front and top over the seven years after that, I put them in boxes and sometime maybe when I sort my stuff I will make a little wig out of them or something
I don't really feel any way about it
I never cared much what I looked like and I have been mostly just waiting to die since 2017 anyways
>having sex with you is "defiling"
I don't like it when men hate themselves :(
Why do some women go FtM?
Her being with you is a humiliation ritual
Men don't think like women. A man thinks he's hot stuff even when he's not. A woman thinks she's ugly when she's not.
I didn't ask lol
I tickle her until she pees (the bed)
In daydreams of course I will literally never touch a women if I live to be 100
I solved this problem by simply removing my balls. Life is so much easier now.
I put her on her knees, hold her hands above her head by a wall and cock slap her mouth
t. virgin
We still text each others even if barely I'm reading a book she reccomend me too so she will probably at least answer maybe she will give me rain check again tho
They actually take the "double standard" seriously.
I'm going hiking in the Alps tomorrow, anybody want anything?
I bet you moan really high pitched~
Is it okay if I hate everyone else and just dislike myself for lacking the power to force them to act human?
>A woman thinks she's ugly when she's not
I know plenty of women who are unattractive but think they are hot stuff. Usually fat girls.
Wildlife animal pic
Or bug if colorful
Why don't you correct them? Afraid of being eaten?
Oh, right, yeh... fat girls think that just because they have huge boobs.
I'm gonna find you autism boyfriend with overstimulation in public issues.
Men, thoughts?
And if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride
kek you're alright
Yeah, but that’s because he thinks he’s a snack
I don't know what this is but I think I dislike it and will not spend money on it
Why did you guys let me date a guy with red flags for so long
M, autistic
Looks retarded. There are phone apps which do this, probably. Why would I want to 'vibe'? Stupid shit.
Why do you decide what "acting human" means, and not the 8 billion other people on earth?
Dammit, anon, I loled.
Because most of them don't even act human
Life is easier as a man.
Is this your first day on 4chan? You know we love seeing women suffer
What does love feel like? I can't tell if I'm in love or not.
It feels so different from when I've had crushes.
I don't feel infatuated, I can still recognize her flaws.
I don't idealize her, sometimes we disagree.

Yet for some reason I feel drawn to her. I always want to be with her. It feels so natural to exist in the same space as her. She makes me feel comfortable in a way nobody else does. I want her all to myself. It scares me because it's not what I thought this would feel like. Was I manipulated into loving her? I don't know. How do you know you're in love?
I'll see if I can get one with Swiss cheese in a restaurant there.

There are some mountain capricorns in the area, and definitely some cows. I'll see if I can find some for pics!

I... might pick the wrong ones and posion myself...
I warned you and you said I was jealous and should touch grass
1x1x1 foot cube of snow. i've never seen what thats like.
It's lust. You want to touch her naked body, and that's it. Don't pretend your feelings are any deeper than that.
We didn’t
Everyone suffers the consequences of their actions
Are you used to being talked about this way?
And then when we take them in our mouths, it strengthens our immune systems
This is what I thought when I transitioned. It's not really, you guys just have different challenges. Don't worry, I went back.
I am going in a region where there isn,t any snow currently, but the surrounding mountains are covered, I'll send a pic.
I told you it wasn't a good idea. You should have dated a fat and balding /atoga/ moid instead.
Were you the one last night who was okay with him crying because you didn’t say “I love you” after the first date
I do actually type like that with him lol,but idk if they are appropriate atm even if I want to
which one?
hey I have wanted to die to but I assume he has glimmers of hope like me that it'll all be okay in the end, great even
thanks for perspective, I do deeply regret it looking back. I also felt ganged up on and I am not sure of all he was there for. if you were in his hoes and ended up blocking me everywhere, and left open one social app for two days for also blocking, would you be upset if I went for your email to reconnect? I this scenario you shared it with me? you were pretty comfortable with the idea of sharing medical mail to update your progress and even showed your address. and we talked about you moving in together with me. like, we both stated we were looking for life partners and such and have been taking the time know eachother.

sorry I know when people say good luck it's a way to snip the convo, but I do appreciate it I am just nervous to be bold even though I want to show him I tried.
Do you get any shit for detransitioning? I feel like detransitioning is just as politicized as transitioning.
Explain please
So if you don't like being studied and talked about just tell them your important high and mighty feelings
Did you get more flak from transition or detransitioning
Yes. Most people are. Wide sweeping statements like that are made for men, women, children and all mental illnesses and even lifestyle choices like being a fat
Typing is different from talking, dummy.
Women, do you find this hot? >>32019580
I am heartbroken and my disappointment is immeasurable
I was at a time in my life when I broke away from my existing social group and got a new one so I don't think anyone knew.
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Why are women so sex-minded?
State age
Favorite snack? How often do you eat it?
Women are human oriented
Men are things oriented
Because you can't suffer the disdain of others for the dumb shit you say as easily
Tired of every "on the spectrum" asshole are shyness, anxiety, and the need to be an intersectional social victim to justify everyone avoiding them
yummy yummy cigarette
burger w 2 normal paties
once per week at least, I’m bulking
Any basis for this statement?
Oh, ok.
Calm down lol
The level of first world priveledge you need to be on to be this mad about autistic people of all things
So if I am attracted to women that means women ARE objects! Great Scott we've done it lads!
see >>32019644 but detransitioning I think honestly confused a lot of people I know. I had to explain a lot that I was a girl to start. I guess detransitioning is even less common.
I've been enjoying cheese and salami recently.
Like twice a week.
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How about a picture of very snowy cars from last winter?
Experience with men.
Is it normal for frequency of sex to change in relationships? My S/O and I had sex pretty much every time we were together when we first started dating, which was roughly 2-3 times a week. At this point we are together maybe 4-5 days out of the week and will have sex usually 60-70% of the time we’re together, though I am usually the one to initiate. They did once tell me they didn’t really like initiating or aren’t used to it and that they like being lead in the bedroom.
However, it feels like we’re having sex slightly less and I’m concerned about it.
My partner is still very affectionate physically and vocally but it feels like we have sex less.
Autism zoo is being manifested
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what kinds of hoes can i pick up if i look like this
(am a 5'11 supersoldier btw)
It looks so soft
Snozzberries then
Men how many of you smoke vape or dip?
All my favorite foods are meals
I literally cannot stop eating, I weigh 350 lbs
Food is all I enjoy I am already hungry when my stomach is still full from last meal
For every sex I do not have I will eat another pizza instead
Top kek that’s not what I meant
More along the lines of: women chose social jobs, men use labour or computer (things) oriented jobs
Oh my gooood fuck off with this shiiiit.
Nobody you aren't getting any if you act this way.
>My S/O
>My partner
Gb2reddit, fag.
That's a sweet boy haircut and shirt
You want me? I have no tits
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I'm not fatphobic but if we can't do this some of y'all need to put down the fork.
I totally misread that. The people I know weren't really angry about it, more confused about the whole situation.
You look like you're in high school and you took this in class
Me again cause I'll be away from the thread and it will probably be archived when I come back but if she gives me the rain check again I can give up on her and my assumption that I'm bothering her are probably real right? Thanks for all advices it really helped if she does come to the movie I'll treat her as friend and try to really become one and forget my feelings for her I think that's the right thing to do here now
>sorry I know when people say good luck it's a way to snip the convo, but I do appreciate it
Yeah no worries, I'm just at work and I didn't want to get too rambly or self-inserting in your situation, because that wouldn't be fair for you.

Like I said before, if you don't think it was a very good "in faith" debate or w/e, and he witnessed the same stuff as you, I don't think he'd be too impressed with his personal details being discussed among those sorts of people. If it were me... I probably would feel hurt by all the above and blocked as a reaction to it, but all the same, I don't think I would be able to cut you out of my life forever, especially if you showed signs of trying to reach out. I think ultimately, if you love this guy you need to go out and take that chance to reach out and talk to him. If it's been a bit, he probably has some things to say to you, and it's entirely possible he regrets his reaction and wishes to apologize. If you don't try it, you don't want to live with that regret of "what could have been", because it will eat you up, trust.

Anyway I don't want to build up a false narrative because I don't know the full story or this guy at all, he may react very differently but I'm just telling you how I am feeling/would feel about it. I think i remember you posting about this the other day too iirc. Either way I hope you post a follow up some time, I'm interested to know what unfolds.
Not my fault you have a thick neck
You were warned about "confident, assertive" men who are very careful with their personal appearance.
Is it because you are flat or because you chopped them off
It can be very soft,
Or very dense when it is wet snow.
What kind of cheese
>I'm not fatphobic
I am. That girl could stand to lose some pounds. Look at those fat arms.
thank you my mom said i look handsome
at this point i wouldnt mind as long as you have a relatively level head on your shoulders
yeah it's a picture from before i graduated in may, i just use it because it's a nicer one
Oh, you're just like her. Yeah she thought that too but it's not true. She actually wants sex more than I do. I'm sure someone loves you for who you are, anon.
F you have nicer hair than I do. I don't now how to feel about this. Don't button your collar up completely, that makes you look 9.
Stop being a bitch and gender your partner.
I was born like this
Yea I’ve got good head yea yea yea
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Everyone except me, they smonk gangweed and snorf crystal ketafent too, I am the only man who does not drug-do
No, you put down the fork.
This month it is Manchego, next month who knows
you just want his partner to be female so you can victim blame him.
Come to mommy boy
yeah idk why it's good, i use like $2 shampoo
also ill stop doing that, i didnt know it was bad
shieeet you crazy mayne

anyway im gonna go, just thought that'd be fun
Too late I have already objectified you with my male gaze ray...... It's over womenbros...menchads win again...
nta but dibs
Your meme is not going to catch on
I fucked up my reply because Im goofy and dumb.
I took all I could from your vague statement. Sorry.
If it was that easy, I wouldn't be wearing a tiny bralette right now
I want vagina warmth on the nape of my neck
Im so much older than you nevermiiiiiiind I feel like a cradle robber now
Go ahead but why
I want to throw a ball at you
No conditioner even?
You were warned but chose to ignore
I’m a man she’s a woman
I’m probably over thinking as we still have sex most times we hang out but it isn’t every time anymore
I want to ask women their opinion on a sfw body part
Will jannies warn/ban me for /soc/ tier posting?
Women with big boobs, would a bralette just completely not work?
What’s your favorite kind of cheese
Flat is justice.
You will meet a tall, mysterious stranger at a cafe in the city
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No thanks I'm bulking, I love a heavy-set woman. She can have my shoulder in about 8 months after I'm fokkin RIPPED
No, just black out your face.
Yeah, I think that's a good approach. If she she does put you off again, I'd take it as sign and leave her be. Hope it works out the way you're hoping for, anon
How long have you been together, its only natural that the frequency of sex would decline over time.
give it time.
I don’t get you people
It's a meme.
I will have you know my body is steeled from living in the snow.
I am essentially a European eskimo.
I have none, I eat them all equally.
If you put a gun to my head and made me choose I would probably say dubliner.
Your mom’s a meme
It would work as long as I didn't move at all, or breathe too deeply...
Bralettes can be pretty large, but at some point, you need an underwire.
atp the best bralettes are sports bras
We’ve been together for 4 months
I figured this was probably natural in some way. We’re still pretty active nonetheless. A part of me feels like she’s less interested but I could be wrong.
Like we used to have sex in the mornings a lot before work and it’s not so much anymore. I’ll try and she’ll say we don’t have much time and that she doesn’t want to make either of us late but that wasn’t a thing in the past.
I dont get it either but I stopped trying to make sense of it years ago. I like what I like.
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Women, how true is this image?
I said it and I’ll say it again
small tits are hot because I can get the full titty in my mouth
Begone sexhaver. Did you just come here to taunt us.
If you can get it in your mouth, it's not "small", it's at least medium imo
Truly tiny titties are just squishy mounds that don't even separate from the torso
belongs on the blond girl not the raven haired one
It would work in the sense that it would kinda fit but it wouldn't support me at all and I couldn't really move without popping out.
My cousin is trying to set me up with his friend and I’m going to see him at many family functions going forward. I am NOT interested. I need a boyfriend stat. Ohhh maybe I can do the Fake Dating fanfiction thing too men would you do that for a girl
Yeah pretty normal, try not having sex for a week and see if she'll initiate. I dunno man.
How would I know?
I’ve never had my boob in a mouth but I’m pretty sure it’s wider than that
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Give me an honest arm rate
the chick on the right should be brown
I mean I guess I could like, wrap it around my chest and not wear it as intended
Wait, what? You guys don't really like those because they squish it all into one big lump, right?
I am low key doing that right now. We had sex Monday night and Tuesday morning, I initiated both.
Kinda wanted to just step off and see if she tries at all.

Just date your cousin.
>maybe I can do the Fake Dating fanfiction thing too men would you do that for a girl
I have, it was nice. Fake boyfriend to real boyfriend is kino.
nta but is overflow not hot?
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Normalfag women owe me sex
Very nice, would ask to hang from it like a monkey

nta but if uniboob is the price I must pay to keep these fuckers locked down, then so be it
yeah and I don’t like bralettes either, no underwire support sadface
It is
Tits are hot
Im not gonna date my cousin…

You’ve done it before????? Are you fucking kidding me. Why are you people living my dream life
I am going to become the president of the world and abuse my power to deny women pink bows, animal mascots, plushies, mascara, razor blades and chocolate.
All of my mass is in my ass. So, I hope your shoulders are at least 2ft wide,
medium shirt white non balding man.
I only read F/F fake dating fics, sorry
Swap the body counts and make the right girl brown.
Will you pay me?
>I’ve never had my boob in a mouth but I’m pretty sure it’s wider than that
NTA but my jaw unhinges like a snake, it'll fit.
are young single women meant to be going on dates? im 22f and i dont understand how women are going on dates so much. i havent been on a date in years. how does this even happen?
How much
Good luck anon but it really sounds like you're just using your gf for sex
wait for me
1. have friends
2. ask friends if they know any single guys
3. date them
I’m the same as you lol

I have no idea I’m assuming they just use apps
>Im not gonna date my cousin…
Coward, your bloodline will grow weak.
>You’ve done it before??
Ye, her idea.
Doable if your weight is around 130
I have a firearm like yours but smaller from working in warehouse and stuff but my bicep barely exists
Do I have to do preacher curls or what for bicep only?
I'm not trying to get jacked I just want my upper arm thicker than my lower arm, it looks weird as is and I don't understand how I can pick up heavy stuff all the time without apparently using my bicep at all.
nta but my gut is telling me they are not white.
And you guys started dating forreal
I'm barely 105, very nice
Ye, that was my idea though
life is unfair and gay and rigged
That’s hot I would like to see how many grapes we can fit in there
I'm not sure I understand the problem. If you want more sex and they enjoy being led, then initiate more
I ohp 135 kek
You’re lightweight
>tfw failed at step 1
I don't know
I don't even know what a fake dating fanfic thing is
I just need money and can write well
Are you still together
Not doable, they'd just slide right down my gullet like a Hot Wheels track.
apps dont work for me (no friends to take pics/butterface)
lol im answering my own question.
maybe someday i can make friends and go on dates. hooray
I don’t have money but I’ll give you food and $20 base rate $50 if you really impress my family
Negative ghost rider
I am white. That is why I want white men.
I'm not brown.
Women with friends are too much annoyance for me but women online always bitch that I must want a friendless gf to "control, manipulate and take advantage of her" like I'm some highway serial killer.
Shame you are too young for me.
You are so scary and you want me to put my boob in there? What if I lose it
They like women that look like teenage girls.
how young am I?
Brown women don't even want brown men.
Like I would have to meet people in person? Sorry no I won't leave my apartment unless I have to get a retail job again from lack of work online
women, if you squeezed your boob into a square container for a week, would it stay that shape when you took it out?
Okay some come fake date me
I can read...
need 40+ yr old gf with body of teenager (yes she exists)
>You are so scary
>What if I lose it
Your boobs are attached to your chest, you'll be fine.
In the man, she’s the one who likes being lead. I like the idea of her initiating more though

Not at all. I treat her kindly and she knows it
Picking up heavy stuff from the ground is a movement more similar to deadlifts, where the biceps is not involved at all
Do curls, preacher curls, standing close grip ez bar curls, one arm cable curls with your hand behind your back are god tier
I’m envious anon. You look nice. I wish I could post myself and have girls say nice things.
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Does anon like being height bullied

>t. 6'8 giraffe woman
No? It's just fat. You need bones for that to happen.
What does height bullying from a woman look like?
I think I'd enjoy it, I'm just not sure what form it would take
Now wait a minute sir. I’m a grown woman and just because I’m not “filled out” doesn’t mean I look pubescent
This guy eats (literally) women lmao nerd
You look like an anime boy. I mean that in a good way.
That’s what they say and then next thing you know they’re sliding down some snake man’s gullet
Yes you do, and it makes my cock ROCK hard (sorry for horny posting)
Okay, we are dating now. (But not really)
Bruh adult women can have small tits
What are you on?
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aw, I was hoping it was like those square watermelons
Good advice, thanks. I don't have a gym around and just do curls at home and use a pillow thing to do preacher curls with the barbells
It does hurt my biceps but they never seem to grow much and also hurts my shoulders but they get noticeably bigger.
Maybe I just have bad bicep genes.
We have at least 2 of them that do.
If you can't tell the difference between a teenage girl and an adult woman that's honestly kinda weird.
Does femanon like being become my bride get pregnant 1000 years of kisses and sex and cuddling bullied?
You might have to consciously learn how to make yourself seem more approachable when you're in social situations
My appetite knows no bounds. I am ravenous.
My snake is gonna be sliding down your gullet if you keep talking like that.
Its not like you have a whole lot of titty to lose in the first place anyways.
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Best height gap ship
Do you have resting bitch face? No, seriously.
There is no difference.
Women mature faster because they stop maturing altogether at 15 and men socially compensate for their self centered immaturity.
This post made by men gang
oh okay! yeah but no lie, role-playing it out a little bit did make me feel better. he blocked me sunday night and I really miss him, and we've been talking so long i definitely have a soft spot for him. it scares me to say I love him but i may be falling for him, so maybe. I am scared to say it though ad we were only dating taking it really slow, he asked to since he wants to get better mentally before meeting me irl. We have been talking for 5 months nonstop so I hope it isn't forever, and I hope I give him enough time to think about it. it feels like a shame to throw all that effort in eachother away. I just don't know when to reach out, I mentioned his traumas so I feel really bad about it but I was talking to the toxic people trying to stuck up for him but felt outnumbered by the alpha asshole bro meme guys.

I definitely have regret and it's eatin me up now. part of me hopes he regrets the blocks too. Hopefully he has relaxed more and I will try to update! Have a good day at work anon!
Ok yay the other guy bailed
Will you impress my family
It gets harder each year
You are literally little girls.
Now get in the fucking van.
Also correct?
Mostly everyone wants a whitewash and only gutter sluts and proud brownie troopers like other brown men?
Brown men need to lean into being fetishized when they find one that does.
Jesus I can’t tell if you like me or not
Dude, have you seen a teenage girl lately? They wear way too much makeup and they dress way more mature and they have boobs and stuff.
So you gonna be my gf or not?
I can hear this picture and I like it.
I am the whitest man in /atoga/ but I will never have sex.
It is over it is literally over it never even began.
Please send me your energy so I can sleep without headaches tonight.
I will charm them with my warm personality and looks but I will not impress them professionally.
weird racist poster
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I wear high heels sometimes, and I place random objects like an apple on your head. Sometimes I pretend I didn't see you, or I say "let me get that for you" and pick things up for you on the high shelf, or I put things where you can't reach them so you can use a chair to get it back and I watch. Sometimes I stoop really low and smile to talk to you, like you're a child, or I pick you up so we can be eye level.

are any of them girls?

honestly this one too.
dont women kinda like that
Yea sure
Hmm. Sounds kinda hot, I'm up for it. And I wouldn't be able to look down your shirt unless you were sitting!
I like brown men but sometimes I wonder if that's just because that's what's more common around me.
Based, I'll see you around the playground.
ive been doing this as part of "curing" my "autism", but its a hard road and im not confident at all in my appearance, so i think that its a lost cause to try to extend the cure to dating and relationships.
butterface. i have slight rbf i guess. i dont know.
>are any of them girls?
That’s perfect I don’t even impress them professionally
Is it because you're fat and balding?
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NG when I impregnate her
toga, did you ever have to deal long term with someone who never grew out of high school bully mentality?
>Sometimes I stoop really low and smile to talk to you, like you're a child, or I pick you up so we can be eye level.
I'm ok with this because it gives me a better view of your boobs.
If you have decent tits, your face doesn't matter one bit
Its like 60/40, I dont know you well enough yet
Learn to be more expressive with your eyes, not with your mouth.
When you zone out, practice having a slight smile on your face instead of just going blank, it makes a huge difference
Sweet, I thought that was gonna be a deal breaker. Do we have to make up a backstory now or are we just not gonna explain that.
But she literally told you she doesn't like initiating, right? And you still decided to keep dating her? It's up to you how much of an issue it is for you. Personally I don't see the point in turning it into a power struggle, and if you're starting to do that this early in the relationship and already getting resentful, then it doesn't bode well and maybe you guys aren't really sexually compatible. Otherwise, just let it go and initiate sex whenever you want to have sex
Yea I want a story that we met in real life or through a friend of a friend
You know what, I will send you anti migraine vibes. Sweet dreams anon.
It's true. I've had guys say they didn't recognize my face because they rarely look above my chest. Lol
No, but I am.
At least you like my boobs
That's kinda rude, innit?
ive been trying this in the past 3-6 months. the "eye contact" communication. but phrasing it in this way- expressive- is a helpful idea.
my problem is that my smile looks quite mischievous because of my facial features. so i think a "slight smile" would look smug, wouldn't it?
Do you like me?
Not bad, but you should probably lean out a little. You have the muscle for them to look really good if you could see a little more definition.

I don't know, and I don't think we're gonna find out.

me in 10 more years.

I want to be height bullied by a 6'8 woman, ngl. Give me some of that lauren phillips meme.

I hope you sleep without headaches. I don't actually date guys just because they're white. I like white guys, but you also need to be other things.
Thanks anon
Yeah. I have to laugh or else I'd cry.

NTA but I'd say "she looks smug" is better than "she looks like she hates me".
Cool. Yeh, you don't even really need a bunch of eye contact. Just try to appear focused. And it's ok to move your eyelids and cheeks around.
Okay, we can do that. I'm too stupid to come up with something believable though
Wife, what are you doing on 4chan, get back inside my daydream...
nta but do you have autism?
Yea you’re funny
Thats a crazy thing to say to someone lmao.
How ya tiddies though...
>me in 10 more years.
I'll wait for you <3
It does if you don't smile with your eyes as well. Letting them crinkle up a bit.
What would you do if you found out your boyfriend sleeps with a pink pig plushie every night?
Distracting, apparently!
You could probably still see under my shirt If I stood up

Not even one? I'm not gay but

My boobs are probably cranium sized, but I'm kind of fat

mine now <3
>unlimited underboob
Oh man
>tall but fat
Wait what
tall and "kind of fat" is my ideal
I guess that’s a good point
I don’t want to make it a huge deal and it doesn’t bother me that much. I’ll probably just drop it
You got any pets? or hobbies?
no, i dont. i just was exposed to lots of unhealthy things and went through some stuff. that made me maladjusted. but im curing my maladjustment step by step.
good point...
move your cheeks??? how and why?
this is another good point. ill have to practice.
okay heres part of the problem. my face is really smooshed looking when i smile and so im afraid to smile. it makes my smile look unsettling. i have braces rn which is helping but im near the end of my treatment and the smooshed face look isnt going away.
I don't understand how women can be NOT gay. They're just so incredibly erotic, I can't imagine not being attracted to women
No pets but I boulder and am considering getting a pet rock. What about you
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>Wait what
I'm bottom heavy but my boobs are also big
ask him to switch from bf to bf (best friend) ngl
Perfect I also boulder let’s just say we met doing that
HOly shit, nta but damn that hurts. Please say sike.
the coverstory writes itself
>by "fat" I mean "my ass is amazing"
Why do girls do this? Be proud of what you've got
This shit is too eaaasy
these hoes dont deserve us
Glad to hear it. So does that mean you kinda have a shellshocked look all the time?
nope. sorry anon. i wouldn't be able to see him as bf material anymore. it'll make me feel like i need to protect you and stuff, and that's friend/little brother category, not bf

even if i don't tell you, the switch will be made in my head
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Maybe raping and murdering women isn't a bad thing
I thought women loved sensitive men, what happened
Wrong thread
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is this vidya list icky for a dude
i dont really play much anymore, maybe an hour or two a day at most
go be a fag on your own time low t dipshit
People are supposed to have smooshed faces when they smile. It's not a bad thing. Embrace the smoosh.
idk if that's normal

I agree but there's no cock so it just seems awkward

I'm mostly leg and boob
Pitfall is a crazy pick bro but 3d pinball space cadet is a good nostalgia pick
Not really, seems pretty basic or palatable for most. No one really cares about these unless they're huge gamers themselves and you don't want to court those types.
Now its just a matter of who's gonna fall in love first
>I'm mostly leg and boob
and you think this is something men will dislike?? you've got a lot of learning to do
>idk if that's normal
I don't see why it wouldn't be
There's just more lady there. Like a big tower of lady that's hard to get your arms all the way around
No, it's pretty normie. Why is Pitfall there, nostalgia?
no, i don't want a sensitive man. i want a man who's in connection with his feelings, a good communicator, but still a man (stoic to some extent not whiny; athletic, responsible)... i.e., we're not gonna paint nails, apply face masks, and cry while watching cheesy romcoms... bc i'm not gonna date a gay man who larps as straight
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>I agree but there's no cock so it just seems awkward
If that's your only problem, there's an easy solution for that...
it is bad in my case. i used to work in customer service and when i smiled at customers they would walk away from me as if i was mentally disabled.
i dont know if its shellshocked. its just blank. ever since i was little, i kept my face blank because i was insecure and very uncomfortable with others.
No, a game list is honestly petty icky if it's all just generic shooters or sandbox games. You have variety there.
Oink at him when I tuck him into bed.
>requirements: medium shirt, white, non balding
I dont remember falin being so dummy thicc
Sauce the lister link?
I went to an "elite" wedding over the weekend. It was really stressful for me. This just proved to me that there is no point for me to ever get a gf, there is no way i would ever be able to get married and make it through a wedding day. What is the point of dating if you can't get married?
State gender
Do you ever get chills or goosebumps from listening to music?
>What is the point of dating if you can't get married?
You can get married without a fancy wedding, anon
Probably me but I’ll try and trick you into it
No but every time I hear Secret Base I start sobbing uncontrollably
F Sometimes https://youtu.be/dP4t_GGl3Es?si=JY158baQLT8VwZd_
We can just elope. I’ve been to several family weddings and have decided I am not doing all that shit
i fucking hate this reply chain so much. get a room or dont, idc but get the fuck out already reeeeeeee
turn up the volume

>What is the point of dating if you can't get married?
To live together peacefully.
I really don't want to get married legally anyway. I own too much in assets to risk dating some asshole with debt.
I feel like men just say anything half of the time

That's what I mean like wouldn't it be better to be thinner so we can hug like normal people

literally me on the right but a head taller than that and bigger boobs.
That anime was so good.
What were the red flags he should have been aware of?
No, you will continue to bear witness to our cringe and there is nothing you can do about it.
We'll see about that. Now lets go on a fake date so our cover isn't blown. We can go to a bookstore and then a cafe.
yes sometimes usually from music that has an uplifting progression / vocals
Hearing that in the theatre must have been really cool.
You aren't the passenger of your emotions, you are the driver.
You aren't the victim of your feelings, you are the manager.
Grow up.
Beam me up for the new thread.
We're on page 10.
Which man is going to make it?
I feel like I can't breathe.
im going to maim u both.
Don't ick me twice you soulless secular bitch
Why am I supposed to care?
Just don't be around people who behave like this. Including the behavior of the people in the video, not just the actual cheating. Your life will be waaaay easier.
I have an opinion that if the day the guy you're dating or your husband disprespects your father, he disrespects you
I remember once I went with my father to get my laptop fixed, and on the way there my father kept nagging, so after we got there, at the shop, my father asks me sth and I kinda involuntarily snap at him, and I notice a change in the demeanor of the guy who works there an d who had been trying to subtly flirt He starts to make jokes at my dad's expense, acting like I gave him permission to do that, and I immediately step in to put the guy in his place

That day I came to the conclusion that to a man, your father, your brothers... in short, the other men in your family, are like a shield that protects you and they are the people whom your bf or husband feel accountable to. And if your bf/husband for any reason gets the idea he can disrespect the men in your family, then he'll get the idea he can do anything to you, his gf/wife with impunity

Men, is this true or false?
F https://youtu.be/soL8JK6kALc?si=OtfdsxR9I--5U8vd
I went and it gave me an anxiety attack
right? Now try this one. Turn up the volume and close your eyes

No no that would be sexist, a woman must make it, I insist
what the fuck are you talking about? where is this coming from? or in what capacity does anything you said relate to what I said?
New thread
You can hurt me but you'll never stop me.
Greatly depends on your relationship with your father. Guy at the store probably just thought you had daddy issues and that maybe you'd fuck him to piss your dad off. You were right to put him in his place.
F Still https://youtu.be/-5rAjOjTGtc?si=_FkX3UyY9V2rJZh6
>That's what I mean like wouldn't it be better to be thinner so we can hug like normal people
No, I WANT to struggle a bit to get my arms around you. I WANT the soft embrace of your towering, pillowy body.
Thin girls are just too small, hugging them is nothing.
First part true and obvious and men mention this all the time, second part is your rape victim fetish making itself known and only relevant if you go out of your way to date the obvious red flags I am now assuming you do.

But the thing to keep in mind is that if your dad ever gives me the "you make her cry, they won't find the body" establishing dominance type generic threat, unless we are on his property where he can say whatever he likes, I am punching him in the throat and if you break up with me I'll consider it a bullet dodged.
god bless yoko kanno
We are practicing fake dating
Sounds perfekt
I mean it's nice but it would be tight because you're struggling so much
Yes, but I’m generally pretty sensitive regardless. Music happens to be especially good at making me feel.
>Guy at the store probably just thought you had daddy issues and that maybe you'd fuck him to piss your dad off
That's exactly what happened.

>You were right to put him in his place.
Thanks anon

>second part is your rape victim fetish making itself known

kek, care to explain how tf did you get to this insane conclusion?
What sort of treatment did you receive as a child for your gigantism?
>second part is your rape victim fetish making itself known
>kek, care to explain how tf did you get to this insane conclusion?

Sorry, this was meant for >>32020149
Lol. I just got put into volleyball until I graduated.
It was revealed to me in a dream.
Above elbows = actually getting hands dirty
Below elbows = purely numale fashion
Ex-Libero? I thought you were a shorty.
Our thread is dying...
I'll miss you babe <3
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That's funny I was just playing ico yesterday. Handholding simulator lol
i see. i mean me and you bearing any kind of relationship (the 2nd part of your comment) can only happen in your dreams, so... ^_^
Oh, you're back. Have fun larping I guess
nta, but this is but a 4chins thread. but you're connected by a red one; the thread of fate

Sorry, I'll see myself out kek
Good bye see you on the other side

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