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Woman edition

Last thread >>32020133
First for I hate women.
Men, why are you actually so secretive about your phone? Are you just watching porn, or are you embarrassed about what you're using it for?
State gender:
What do you sleep in? Why?
I love men
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Hiding the edge.
Reminder that fixing your problems is better than making excuses to keep having them.
Staying attracted to someone who isn't interested in you is retarded.
Obsession is not attractive, it is a red flag for mental health abnormalities.
No you don't.
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You shopping for guns and heelys?!
Oh, the only thing I sleep in is a pair of Joma.
I do. You're lovely and warm and fun to tease
I resent that. I'm none of those things.
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Mind your business.
Because if a woman is in my bed, I want to rub my dick against her when we sleep.
This. I don't even know how many 4chan shitposts I have saved.
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Post them.
SHARE THEM. Why are you hiding the good stuff?!
Thread for the bros to chill

Because it's my personal space. I don't want others to know, because it's my brain space and I don't want anyone to dig into it. Like looking into my soul
Fuck off mate, don't do this childish thread war shit.
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That ain't edgy mate, that's cute as fuck
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That is a pic of me having swallowed all the edgy things to hide them from you.
>Bc I'm watching Hello Kitty or something
Cute. Share it, let us watch together
>Wtf make up your minds motherfuckers
Just ignore it, it's just a bored anon trying to start shit
but I like feminists
Oh no, it's retarded.
>Made 3 minutes later
Enjoy posting in a duplicate thread that'll get deleted soon
dead meme, boomer
The feminine urge to go all femcel on your thread.
I like that thread better because the women are nicer there
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I have this /tv/ chart saved in my favorites album because it will always be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
State gender
Thoughts on widows as dating material? With or without kids, feel free to specify.
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A bed?
I read that as windows and was very confused.
Often easy sex, bad long term partners.
Naked or panties.
>Oh, the only thing I sleep in is a pair of Joma.
s.. shoes?
>Often easy sex, bad long term partners.

Widows fire is too real and hits like a truck man
>Thoughts on widows as dating material?
Idk never considered it
>thread literally the same person replying themselves over and over again
Come to the real thread
Man, someone forgot to take their meds when they put this shit together
The best part is the inclusion of topics that are completely normal to have on a television and film forum and are about works old enough to not have any shills or bots promoting them.
No thanks, I want something less complicated
I’m here too, I like this one
You dumb dumb it is about the fact that nostalgia is not productive.
Jokes on you I can post in both simultaneously.
>Do you work out and how much?
Being normal topics is why these nutcases thinks it's a conspiracy lmao
3 days of weightlifting ands 3 days of running, with some tennis and swimming sprinkled in
Do a few rounds of 50lbs dumbbell training, 8 full motion bar pull ups, 40 arm stretches and 2 minutes of planking, and 30 minutes of cardio.
Squats, leg presses, and a 5K or 10K run every day. I only really focus on legs, has some damage there that'll get bad if I don't work them out properly and regularly.
People can watch a work of acclaimed cinema for the first time and try to talk about it authentically. There will always be loads of people watching Kubrick films for the first time.
Do small penises feel good at all?
f, i go for a walk every night and i used to weight train (sqautting and deadlifts feel good, shame i cant afford a gym rn)
Define "small". Doesn't need to be big to the its thing.
Sex is also less about the size of the dick and everything else he does. Being dicked down is GOOD, and pretty essential part of it, but what mostly gets me off is everything else. Don't really get off to penetration no matter the size.
Just some bodyweight exercises everyday. Yesterday was push ups, today is squats, tomorrow is core
I mean, compared to what? The new slob that gets thrown on the screen? If you think stuff like Acolyte is more productive to talk about, then IDK man, you just have a different taste than most people I guess. People will always talk about the good stuff, and we aren't getting a lot of good lately.
i think its funny that what gets men off is different to what gets women off. like you can grind on me if your balls deep with a small dick and it will feel good for me but maybe not for you
>Anon is having a meltdown over his thread not being used as much
Anon, you forgot to take your meds again
Personally I think watching anything is cringe and gay.
True senpai, read a book instead, much more stimulating.
I mean, that's why I like /atoga/ too. I'm addicted to reading
>Vocaposters are gaylords
I just hate it because I can't listen to it where I'm at.
Books are just elaborate effortposts by random weirdos tho.
>Books are just elaborate effortposts by random weirdos tho.
>Implying that isn't a good thing
I only want to read the weirdo efforposts of one person.
But I love elaborate effortposts by random weirdos. That's why I'm here all the time. Hoping to spot one of those rare gems that'll soon be gone forever
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It's my birthday

>What do you sleep in? Why?
I usually sleep naked or just in my underwear. I used to do it just because I could. It felt great to finally have my own place all to myself. Now I do it because it's comfortable.

>Thoughts on widows as dating material?
I probably wouldn't, unless I had kids of my own too. If there are no kids involved, I see no reason not to date them, so long as they've properly moved on.

>Do you work out and how much?
I work out in the gym 5 times a week. I also train bjj and kickboxing.

>Do small penises feel good at all?
I don't have any experience with small penises, but if fingers work, I'm sure a below average dick can too.
>I only want to read the weirdo efforposts of one person.
Can't say that without also giving us a name, anon

Happy birthday
Ah, my favourite Powerpuff villain
All of the day bro
60 kg press (because that's all the weight I have), I don't know how much curl 'cause I was doing 20, but I tried 30 yesterday and it was like, then 34. Maybe 40 is the limit right now
Various forearm excersizes
No legs 'cause I pulled a ligament and I'm not allowed to until it heals
I'm not. That's why I can afford to shit post here all day.
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Woman was bragging how they are the stronger gender. I jokingly told her I could end the life in her eyes within 10 seconds and she looked like I was some sort of monster.

Fucking women man, learn to handle a joke.
Daddy pls
How are you able to have so much in savings despite posting here constantly 24/7
I would take this over a woman any day of the week
>Happy birthday
Thank you. I'm getting old.

>You! Yes you! Why are you broke?!
Not to brag, but I do think I'm objectively the richest person in ATOGA.

>Fucking women man, learn to handle a joke.
Men murdering women isn't so much a joke as it is a reality. Especially over petty shit.

>Ah, my favourite Powerpuff villain
Freddy Krueger ripoff. Now Mojo Jojo wad a real villain. I liked the Rowdy Ruff Boys too.
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my wife is in her 50s and im 30
she says she will help find her replacement when she is old

does this mean she might be open to letting me fuck other women at some point? how can i test the waters of this topic?
Nothing, I need to be cold
Soft shorts, underwear and a tshirt because my wife likes having the ac and fan on which is honestly cold to me
It's healthy to let your body breathe
Everytime I see another woman say this, I wonder if you just accept waking up in a bloodsoaked bed, or if you actually do wear something during your periods.
How do i make it happen without hurting her
Maybe, but she might not mean anytime soon.

How to test? Ask. Just be mindful of how, she might dump you if your question is worded wrong.
Panties and tshirt
Maybe she likes getting hurt.
He's right there anon, go for it
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Woman said that to me once I looked at her and said
She goes
I yelled
She looked around, confused, like she thinks someone else is there
She backed up a bit, shrinked into herself and asked what's wrong
I yelled, while walking towards her, towering over her tiny, cowering frame
She yelled out that she's sorry and tried to run, but I grabbed her, pulled her close and looked her dead in the eyes,
>Hahaha just joshin' with ya just 'avin a laugh ahahaha
>women amirite
>Fully paid house worth 500.000EUR
>Fully paid out apartment worth 280.000EUR, which I'm renting out for 800EUR/month
>Index funds currently worth about 1.5MEUR
>10.000EUR in my bank account, because leaving too much money there is pretty stupid, and most of my earnings go into the index funds.
I sacrificed my early young adult life to accomplish this, and I'm pretty happy about the stability. Still, I do wish I was less of a recluse, but at least I'm set for life.
I’m not broke, have luckily been avoiding debt while schooling
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Bro I barely have £63 in my bank account
Also not to brag but I do think I'm objectively the poorest person in ATOGA
there is homeless anons that can not afford to buy food tho
Since when are heelys edgy?
Unfortunate man, I wish I'd find a guy who knew how to banter.
>Guy said I looked super easy to lift
>I asked him what he'd do with that information
>He ran off scared
How to find people who still have the spine to banter
It's a Shadow joke. He has heelys.
Alright women I'm looking for the name of something that possible doesn't even exist but is there like a name for a front open skirt or front open pants?
Damn I knew he was cool but I didn't know he was radical too
NAG but aren't assess chaps kind of like that?
Which ones?
I mean that was me at one point (still technically homeless but that's by the by), I do believe you but I haven't seen others post recently
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like - chaps?
>Dated this super left wing chick who constantly cried about rape and patriarchy
>Told her about my flatmate who is a Tate fanboy and bragged about raping women
>Told her I have slapped him for being a little bitch and would genuinely put him six feet under if he tried any funny shit on women I know
>She tells me this is not the solution and she takes pity on him (probably because he is a third worlder)

I genuinely don't understand women.
yea is there something that doesn't have the bottom part on the front though?

open front skirt is a thing
I don't blame him women are scary as hell
>front open skirt
Literally Open Front Skirt.
Rape culture is bad but you cannot kill rapists!!!!! You need to reeducate them instead!!!

No bitch if someone raped my sister I'll kill him and cut his head off
what I've been searching for it but can't find it

That's the spirit
What should I do if I am very not vocal in general and my body language is confused? People misunderstand me a lot...
She got that batman mentality fr fr
>muh rehabilitation
It's the real problem with the modern western world. Fuck your girl, you're right, I'd cover for a boyfriend who murdered a rapist.
>front open pants
I do not understand. Are you looking for crotchless pants?
Search on Etsy for Open Front Skirt, you'll get plenty of examples.
Based, I just cannot stand how some women generalize rape as a crime all men do but then get angry about normal men wanting to punish the actual bad men.
My bf says I fuck like a sewing machine. Is this a compliment...?
nta but I've been playing too much eroge to look at this without depraved thoughts

Probably means you ride him fast and hard
Weird imagery unless you're pegging him but he probably means you ride aggressively and rhythmically, which are good things
Explain yourself. Why are you looking for this.
State gender
Have you ever been bullied?
yea but also nothing on the front like the front of the thighs or something
Yes. Didn't grow boobs (Still flat), and that got me heavily bullied during my entire school life. Also got bullied a ton for often wearing male clothing that fit really poorly, because my parents didn't care about getting me proper clothes.
Yes it's why I'm a shut-in that doesn't like people
Lucky man
It's okay man, we can be shut-ins together
Yes. I was bullied for being a goth kid, but then I became a goth adult and now they all want me
Under 6 inches.
And yeah but even if you're horny about the rest you'll still want to be dicked down won't you?
honestly there aren't that many that are exactly what I'm thinking of. most of them have the opening too small I guess this is more in line if it looked like it was made of actual clothing material though https://www.etsy.com/listing/1238408201/chic-leather-maxi-skirt-with-open-front?sts=1&content_source=b035dd9f98eb76ac67a6641c02087fd1f7106b2a%253A1238408201
There's this extremely pretty girl at my Italian class and I have no idea how to approach her. She probably has a bf anyway she's stupidly beautiful.
Everyone point and laugh at this flattie I totally don’t think is a hottie
>Under 6 inches.
5,9 inches is NOT small. Hell, my boyfriend was exactly 5,1 inches, and he felt massive to me. Small is like, 4 inches or less.
>And yeah but even if you're horny about the rest you'll still want to be dicked down won't you?
Yes. I can get off without without it, but it wont be satisfying without a little abdominal stretching exercises.
Okay I think cape skirt may be the name of it
seems to bring up a lot of examples though none are actually titled that
>honestly there aren't that many that are exactly what I'm thinking of. most of them have the opening too small I guess this is more in line if it looked like it was made of actual clothing material though
Aaah, it's called a Kama Skirt.
we are SO back!
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Thanks man. We're never truly alone
Nevermind, I'm a fucking nerd, I just remembered that's the star wars term lmao
idk what the real life word is anymore lol
Does this mean that women shouldn't befriend men, because men are oppressors in a patriarchalist system?
>We are SO back
So are the dinosaurs, but that won't stop them from getting hit by a meteor again.
I befriend men specifically because they're intimidating, even as friends.
F, yes. I was bullied in middle and high school, but I honestly deserved bit because I was also a bully.
>we want to be accepted by you but we don't want to be friends with you
is there a more confused people on planet earth?
women :
How to I get the "abundance mindset" and stop succombing to any woman just because it's my only option ? Former incel, just found a single mother and a very old woman (didn't age well).
Women : Is restricting male options and getting yourself desired a strategy ?
I would ideally want to find the right woman to marry and establish myself with for life, and I would want to preserve myself for her. But how do I get options, don't succomb to them or just know I'm a worthy man and not just an incel ?
>We don't want to be friends with you until you stop oppressing or trying to kill us
More to the point
Have you hacked into God's files and gained unauthorized access to His plans for you and those closest to you?
No, but I wish I knew what his plan was. Feels like he has the mentality of a 7 year old boy with a magnifying glass who enjoys tormenting me
In my college days I got revenge on women who were dating and fucking other men besides me by sexually harassing them during in-class exams, usually by pressing my t ooesr knuckles up to their shin and lower leg and gently petting and massaging the area if I was sitting near or next to them. Made them really scared and uncomfortable, and they couldn't do anything because they were in the middle of a class test and trying to finish it so they could leave ASAP. I got a huge thrill out of doing that. Probably couldn't get away with that behavior these days. Very cancellable stuff.
But you want to live alongside them, work under them, date them etc.
The picture shows a crooked white cop (oink oink), a hate group member, and a MAGA moron. Literally no one fucking wants to work with a Klansman, a guy who sees his job responsibilities as tasing homeless people to death, or a guy who screams that Haitians are trying to kill his French bulldog.
Happy Birthday, you crazy kid.
Is it possible for a man to be castrated without dying? Not asking for myself, or a "friend". But because I just saw the movie Lisa Frankenstein and there's a scene where a man is murdered by getting his dick and balls chopped off and immediately dies.
But that's my point, can it be so tiny getting dicked down doesn't feel good?
Too busy using my vision board to manifest my own plans.
Yes, if it's like, 4 inches or less
fuck that, if i ever met my rapist again im going to beat the shit out of him
>announcing your bday on 4chan
Do you not have friends or what?
I (M) jacked off an old man who was struggling to maintain an erection. I actually thought his struggling, shriveled little penis was kind of cute.
Men, should I make a pancake or a waffle?
Pancake and then send pictures
>He's a third worlder
Of course, *of course* you had to add some xenophobic, foreigner-hating propaganda to this obviously made up story. Such transparent bullshit.
Who was the last person you creeped on or sexually harassed? How did you harass or creep on them?
NTA but this actually isn't funny. I actually have had lengthy periods in my life where I had no friends whatsoever.
yea liberals do
A guy at work. He's a student, and he had to wait for me to get something for him so he couldn't leave until I was done prepping. In the meantime, I went slow as an excuse to ask him questions and hit on him. And just the other day, I did some title IX training and realize now I could be crucified for it, so I'll stop.
french toast
Blue Waffle Disease
Did this happen to you?
I was raped when I was 8, so yes.
I wish that had happened to me
I see, that's good to know. 4 seems like micropenis size though
F. I was bullied but it wasnt that bad. I dont think my bullies were super bad people or anything, I think they were just kinda bored
No, you don't.
I actually offered to show off my penis in my Micro Biology class to demonstrate the use of a microscope on a micro organism.
I was virginal for too long, getting a bad touch early in life would have prevented the trauma of surviving virginity and given me the satisfaction of knowing I'd experienced sex.
No, I was a bad person. Sorry for bullying you.
He was very cute. He's going to come in tomorrow with my boss for some one on one catch-up stuff for her class and I'm jealous. I wish I was a TA so I'd have the excuse to help him instead.
>Have you ever been bullied?
Lol most of my life

>Happy Birthday, you crazy kid.
Thank you

>Do you not have friends or what?
I do, but that doesn't mean I can't tell all of you as well.

>Who was the last person you creeped on or sexually harassed?
My gf. Sometimes when she's doing something, I'll just do weird shit.

>Did this happen to you?
Yes, I started getting sexual advances from grown men when I was about 10.
Please be a troll
Not really. They are just too rapey and murdery
M, when I was in elementary school a male classmate stalked me by following me around including outside of school and to the nearby public library. He would giggle at me, pull down his pants, wiggle his penis at me, and tell me he needed ketchup on his hot dog.

I told him to stop and that I would tell his parents, but when I did that he grabbed me by the neck with one hand and punched me in the face with the other.
State gender. Do you have any siblings of the opposite gender? Do you think they made your childhood better or worse?
Surviving long term virginity is as traumatic as surviving SA. At least if you get SA'd you can legitimately say you've had sex and are spared the trauma of being a virginity survivor.
>Does this mean that women shouldn't befriend men, because men are oppressors in a patriarchalist system?
Unironically, yes. But then I've got police friends, racist friends, and homophobic friends, so I'm certainly not leading by example.
Objectively worse. My eldest brother used me as a drug mule and my youngest brother would go out of his way to make me miserable.
F, yes. I think he made my life growing up with our abusive father much better. I wish he'd say the same, but he doesn't talk to me anymore.
You should teach those homophobic "friends" a lesson by having gay sex with someone in front of them.
You might be on to something...
M, it's probably good that I didn't. If I had a female sister I probably would have tried to have sex with her.
its ok :)
If a woman is dogshit at league of legends the pussy will be immaculate.
If a woman is good at league of legends the pussy will be mid.
If a man is mediocre at league of legends he is capable of giving good advice.
If a man is good at league of legends you should never listen to a thing he says.
F. I have a brother and a sister and they are both cool, I still watch movies with them pretty regularly! Also my brother is a computer nerd so he has been helpful if I'm ever having computer troubles
Worse, he lives at home being a loser incel. My parents are thinking of kicking him out
Nta but I miss rollerblading when I was younger and listening to Shadow trax lel https://youtu.be/Sv3gOaniEBU?si=zcq-vxkRfdaHsvJl
>If a woman is dogshit at league of legends the pussy will be immaculate.
What if she's great at strat games? RTS, specifically?
I happened to be walking behind some girl in leggings at Walmart a while ago and I stared until our paths diverged
I generally don't even look at other people but it was right in my line of sight
I have the same issue, I personally would consciously work on being more communicative and explaining things where needed, don't be shy
I will never use the word "brother" to describe that lying, thieving, narcissistic, methhead piece of shit
Wherever he is, I hope he's dead
M, worse
My older brother and younger sister would keep fighting and screaming at each other and make our parents mad.
It still happens between my sister and father to this day since older brother doesn't live with us anymore
She's good at clicking. Clickclickclickclickclick.
You are stinky but I would still sniff you
Eunuchs were an entire high-ranking class of men who were castrated ritually, which multiple copies had despite having no interaction, so its one of those ideas everyone comes up with like hitting people with a big stick
And that was with super old tech
Not only that, but eunuchs also lived longer AND the operation had a fairly acceptable mortality rate for the time
it was easier and healthier to cut a mans dick off for most of historty than for a woman to give birth
I was the bully for a period ngl
Have changed my ways and made amends though, one of the guys even became a best friend (taunted him cause I was jelly of his family lol)
Bro went ER
Pancake waffles!
>it was easier and healthier to cut a mans dick off for most of history than for a woman to give birth
Maybe we should bring that back as birth control
how come some guys have no middle part when they do that hairstyle but some do
M, I don't think I've ever done this, to the point where people IRL assume I'm asexual or gay
In reality I just don't really like interacting with people outside of work
Oh, never mind. Misread the question.
Still hate him though
M, yes I have three sisters, and yes they've definitely made my life a lot better
Also if it wasn't for my eldest sister I'd be homeless rn
f, i would have liked to have a sibling but oh well
F. I have an older brother who I look up to, and he gave me an unrealistic expectation of what men are like. Ie: Generous, strong, chivalric, protective. Guys are really none of those things and would watch their girlfriend get robbed and beaten without lifting a finger. Meanwhile, my brother drove across three states to pummel some retard who tried to rape me.
I'll be your step sibling
>my brother drove across three states to pummel some retard who tried to rape me
Bro is a g for that
The female mind is so interesting.
She says A, she sees B.
She recognizes A is 1 guy
She sees B as every guy
She casually insults every guy except A, because a few guys were B
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I made both anyway because I made too much batter.
And they were a bit too fluffy so they break really easily.
Nta but it's a bit obvs she means most guys
I was sexually assaulted by the neighbor's son when I was six, and again at 13 by a stranger. If there was a "childhood" for me it was over by then.
Thank you for delivering on the pic. The heart is super cute and made me audibly say aww
are youuu
ready for
Gonna get FAT
Gonna get AMERICAN
>I'll be your step sibling
looks yummy!
And so the foot comes down,
one small step for family kind
Thanks for noticing~
dreading work today :(
There is nothing wrong with hating foreigners


Bender, you idiot. Those macros are terrible. There's not even a good source of protein.
Self-preservation is only bad when you're white.
I'm already a big fat fuck and I'm 30
It's time for the final cut
>I do not stink
Guilty until proven innocent, I can see the sink lines emanating from the exclamation point
If I confessed to a woman and she rejected me but then gave me a kiss on the cheek, am I still the "kissless" part of "kissless handholdless virgin"?
Women, what is a guy supposed to do when you are on top?
No, you're no longer one of us
Kick out at 2.9 and fire up a comeback, brother
i got to gold 5 5lp when i played, whats my pus like?
Men: If you could go back in time, where and when would you go?

I kind of wished I could see early 1800s New Orleans.
You give good advice
How do i get gf?
Probably decent
How the fuck do you manage to be such a pretentious piece of shit about League of Legends? Return when you are no longer underageb&
For a woman that’s considered good, so I figure yours is a biohazard
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Historically speaking? Not far. I'm a Jew with ADHD. Not a lot of kind places to be. Early 18th century London was banging tho so I'd go there and get syphilus and die
I'd go tell Caesar that Brutus is a little bitch, the Ides of Match thing is real, and Marc Antony is a retard
Then I'd panic and get executed or enslaved because I can't speak Latin
I think I've been too available for this girl by messaging her and I'm afraid she will at some point think it's unattractive. Should I let her message me instead? I didn't one day and she was the one messaging me.
I can speak only one line of Latin poetry. Unfortunately, I think that line would get me executed or enslaved too.
>pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo
you can play with my boobs if you want or ideally put your hands on my hips
Yes, I would very much like to play with your boobies
i was a smelly neet hikikomori when i played so youre probably right. im glad i quit
Nero would be into that at least
Let me pin your hands above your head and kiss your neck.
State gender
Have you ever "raged" at a video game? What was your worst freak out?
Hnnnng, need smelly neet gf
No, never understood why people do.
When I was a kid I raged so hard I threw my xbox controller against the wall hard enough to brake it when I died in dark souls.
Not really. I generally either stop playing or get depressed.
There was one time where I sort of did. I was playing Tekken 7 and some guy beat me once and did not rematch me, there's a fucking unspoken agreement in Tekken that you AT LEAST give your opponent a 2/3, but he ran like a bitch after bullshitting one win off me. I did not throw or punch anything, I just lightly slammed my controller on the couch so I could go take a shit and process these feelings.
Once I did, I heard a loud crunch and realized I broke my vape. I'm still a bit ashamed.
Damn, so now I'm truly alone?
My gf is weird sometimes and last night she basically told me she hopes I’m not intruding by being over my house all the time. Which is soemtbing that’s come up in the past. I always re assure her that I love her being there and that it’s not something I think about but it came up again this morning.
Apparently this past weekend I was making comments about how some people move too fast in relationships but I don’t even recall this and if I did say this I didn’t even mean anything by it. She brought it up again this morning and mentioned I had made those comments and that she thought about it and got a little anxious.

While I reassured her, a part of me wants to text her and just tell her that I care about her and that I don’t want her to worry about it. But I don’t want to be too pushy or anything. She clearly thinks about it and I just want her to know that I’m not worried about it and re assure her.

Is this reasonable?
That's right, stay the fuck out of /r9k/ Chad
I broke two different laptops over League. Punched one so hard I cracked the mobo.
> If a man is mediocre at league of legends he is capable of giving good advice.
Spoken like a silver fucking surfer, you probably main Darius and Astro dog run it like a cancer patient. Go to the morgue faster pls.
No, my brother did this and it made me hate playing with him. I both don't take games seriously and tend to be in the top 3 scorers in any given lobby of any given game so there's really not much to get mad at to begin with.
If a match has something annoying like a sniping hacker, I just leave the server.
If my team all switch to a useless class, I just leave the server.
If the game itself is full of annoying classes, I play a better game.
Yeah, 5 sisters. The little ones are amazing and I love them dearly. The older ones are druggie fucking losers, one of them molested and assaulted me a lot and genuinely fucked me up. Now she’s a homeless methhead so I won.
Go back in time and deal with the one who hurt femanon

Alternatively pirate age and insist on bringing tactical anti scurvy rations
F. Yes, playing Valorant. I got mad because my team wasn't trying and then I got called a cunt for the first time in my life.

M, just underwear, I tend to get hot easily and I hate it when my clothes are all twisted and out of place in the morning
f, naked. i get in trouble for being naked around the house so now i wear a nightie after showering
Wrong on every count
Hoodie and gym/muay thai shorts. No shirt no bra and often no panties. I will sleep in a hoodie even in summer though
The Skyrim character creator screen, when I saw some of the character designs were too woke

M, I've had a few rage-quits and screams from Call of Duty but I've never broken hardware
My bad, emerald babby.
Nude or undies
I wash sheets weekly.
You should put me in touch with your older sisters
>I wash sheets weekly.
you so get it. any less is gross
>I will sleep in a hoodie even in summer though
Dont you get sweaty?
To my own past to cheat at the lottery and give myself paintended designs and claim I made them under the advice of playing off my autism so I come off as an idiot savant.
Any other time is pointless
>Go to the middle ages
Cool, I die of disease
>Go be a pirate (how?) age like that other guy said
Cool, I become some other guys bitch on a bitchless boat (at best) and die of a disease
>Go talk to long-dead famous person
Cool, I die of a disease
Not really. I just report and move along.
Of course, but that's part of it isn't it? I just crank the fan on full and don't use a blanket. I like being warm

You are no longer kissless. Even if it's just a sympathy kiss, a woman chose to kiss you, that was not required of her.
Get a load of this guy he likes being alive longer
I just watched The Big Short so I'd get rich off of the economic collapse

I'd want to go to the US the day after WW2 ended. Probably the most joyous time in the nation's history.
1710 in the Caribbean, I'd be a merciless pirate because I know the king is pardoning all the pirates in 1717, just go hog wild and rack up as much loot and plunder as possible and then retire
>Of course
State gender, whats a hobby you have thats either atypical for your gender or a hobby thats not too common
f, fencing
The masculine urge to plunder and then bury it somewhere never telling anyone where
Gardening. I like the little bugs.

That's not atypical or rare. Men are all over the flower section in hardware shops.
>give filtered namefag a chance and unfilter his post
>he's replying he has a gf to a post about hobbies
I was right to filter

The only thing I can think of that would be uncommon is my proclivity for searching for potentially real ufo footage
In many ways, it's more complicated than dating a regular divorcee. They still love their deceased spouse and don't want to just throw away their memory. I'm also not keen on raising someone else's kids. In order for me to really consider it, it'd probably have to be a unique situation, like someone I've known my whole life or my friend's widow that died on a battlefield with me. I would naturally feel more respectful of their time and commitment than a divorcee's, so it's not something I could do lightly. I wouldn't just bang one.
I don't know what it was about me, but I got a lot of advances from older women when I was growing up. My 3rd grade art teacher, my high school play director, my manager at my summer job.
Pre-Christian Germanic Europe. It must have been great to just alternate between going to war and fucking your blonde tradwaifu for your whole life.
>keep having dreams about being criticized for my alcoholism
I'm trying, okay? I had the perfect chance to drink yesterday and DIDN'T.
How are my fellow alcoholics doing this morning?
Where can I find a guy to sexy (not 4chan) that I can just dump once I get bored
>not 4chan
why not? 4chan guys are alright
I'm also on discord ;)
Yes, I get really mad when the game lags right during a crucial moment
None I have no hobbies
You went all the way through to 2020 without ever being called a cunt in your life? That's kind of everyone else
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M, I love browsing through art and finding cute anime girls
why not? depression?
M, shipping

How hard was it to get into fencing? Did you just walk into a fencing club and rent the equipment there?
There's a difference to it when you're a girl, anon. Everyone gets called a bitch, and british people call each other cunts. But when a man calls you, a girl, a cunt, and they mean it in a vicious way, it actually hurts.
I'm on the spectrum. How do I get off it so I can make friends, get laid, successfully self-promote, and earn professional advancement?
Not to start a discourse but I thought women get called cunts all the time, from the mean bitches to dudebros
No idea. I don't feel particularly bad I just never feel like doing anything
Aussies and Scots call everyone in their orbit a cunt, don't take it personal, lass.
>How hard was it to get into fencing?
I decided I wanted to learn how to do it, and then I showed up to a practice and took an introductory class. Then I stayed on.
Are Rapists called Rapists because they follow a Philosophy of Rape?
its actually hillarious. my mum will call someone a c*** or my friends mum will casually say it in front of people. i dont really like the word personally
Words hold different weight in different cultures. I know Brits and Aussies call people cunt all the time, and it's usually funny. But an American guy saying that to an American girl just hits different.
oh sorry i should have specified im australian, but i dont really act typically australian
>what is a guy supposed to do when you are on top?
"Touch my body" - Mariah Carey

>Have you ever "raged" at a video game? What was your worst freak out?
"All you had to do was follow the train" smashed my ps2 controller

>Kick out at 2.9 and fire up a comeback, brother
Do it for the 100,000 screaming Hulkamaniacs in the Silver Dome

>whats a hobby you have thats either atypical for your gender
I like tuning cars. I want to open up my own customs shop when I have the money.

>What colour is your gf?
She's a hapa and she's perfect

What nationality are you?
I used to have a Twitter for that. New Twitter just sucks so much I think I’ll just wait for something better to take off
>I like tuning cars.
Teach me mommy. I like car stuff too but was told it's weird for girls to be into that. Like, I've watched engine rebuilds and stuff on youtube.
But I don't hate cars? I just don't have any tools or upper body strength. I've replaced things on my car before though, whatever could be done with a socket wrench really.
Men, how big is your dick?
he smol
Never measured it
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Invasion of privacy. Most men don't want companies, their family, friends, or the government looking at it. What makes you think they want you digging through their porn and weird search histories?

Boxer shorts. I used to sleep naked but now I live with people. It was liberating for a time because godDAMN did it feel good and was supposed to help increase penis size

If I loved them enough kids wouldn't be a problem but I would prefer if they had older kids, I would love to date an older woman but I don't know how to go about it without sounding weird

Father stole money from me and left me destitute

I saw your other thread but I'm replying here. You got it made. You got a hagwife and a future lover lined up for you. You never have to worry about sex again. Congraturaisins

When I was a kid there was this midget I used to know who used to forcefeed me woodchips on the playground. Most people would tell him to fuck off or help me but I have a deep psychological hatred for short people now.

Happy Birthday

I'd go back in time and stop the JFK assasination by any means.

Team Fortress 2 when I get taunted. Only thing that pisses me off. That annoying 3 second dance makes me wanna punch my monitor screen.

Fetish writing and model trains
It's perfect for
Exactly 6 inches

I didn't bother until 32
Just felt like it one day
I don't know how men are able not to cum immediately when that happens.
7", too bad I will never use it
>How are my fellow alcoholics doing this morning?
It's 2pm here and I'm wasted but congrats anon, genuinely
>Press X to doubt
Nigga, you post Total Drama Island. You've got no room to talk.

>Teach me mommy
Buy a shitbox, take it apart and learn about every component. That's how my uncle taught me. You'll learn about things like compression ratios, reinforcements, forced induction, and so on. I'd post my own builds but ENTJ might have a stroke.

>girls hate cars once they realize how frustrating and time consuming it is
It's why I like it. It's not frustrating to me because when there is a dilemma, it allows me to find out a solution. It's very engaging and ironically relaxes me.

>Happy Birthday
Thank you

You're being exceptionally bitchy today. What's wrong?
Women, do you think men are allowed to feel hurt by hurtful statements/generalizations about men?
yeah, I think generalizations like that are silly
It’s been a problem in the past
>do you think men are allowed to feel hurt by hurtful statements/generalizations about men?
Yes, but it's awfully tone deaf and lacking in empathy, which is what I've come to expect from men.
If a dude is ranting about how all women are whores I wouldn't dismiss a woman's dislike of that guy as "lacking in empathy" lmao.
what is a thing you like in other gender that is accepted to be a bad thing
society hates it
State Gender.
Do you ever think about reporting someone just so that (You) can be a menace? Do you ever follow through?
Do you actually report people for the health of this thread or is it just for your own personal vendettas?
feet :/
Depends on how hard I am, approx 7.5 in

M, I don't think it's that atypical but I like to cook
>tone deaf and lacking in empathy, which is what I've come to expect from men
You know i was gonna get riled up, but whatever. Honestly speaking, this is exactly how i feel about these kind of responses from women
The ccp would've loved you
I know nothing about women so I don't know
fucking foot fag every time
this isnt about fetishes
most people dont fucking think about feet and theyre not on women anyways
its like
>stereotypically men are much more direct with women
>a lot of people hate this
>its likeable
No, I’ve always been the same with my laptop screen too. I have nothing to hide like that, I just look at stupid shit and might not want to be judged.

Just boxers. I sweat like a bastard so I need to be as cool as possible. I don’t like my balls hanging out though.
Dominatrix. It pays well, but I see it as a hobby more than a job.
Is there a real different between being a pleasure dom and being a sub? Both seem to have to the same goal of making the other person feel good before their own needs
F1 races
By making good reports or by making malicious reports?
Supposedly subs reach a "sub space" that is not reachable for a dom
Is 4 months of dating and spending most days throughout the week together too soon to have a talk about the future and what we both want out of the relationship and where we see it going?
How'd you get into that, how much you make from it per session
>State Gender.
>Do you ever think about reporting someone just so that (You) can be a menace?
Irl or online? I don't do it out being a menace online
>Do you ever follow through? Online yes
>Do you actually report people for the health of this thread or is it just for your own personal vendettas?
Not applicable
how much salami can i eat before i get sick
They get pleasure out of it
Wait until the 6 month mark at least.
I'd say it's control. I like seeing a woman feel pleasure in bed but I also want to be the one in control. I also specifically like it when they enjoy a bit of pain and rough sex and for them to put the power to hurt them in my hands
No, I was the class clown and most people liked me
>can't browse atoga from phone
When will it leave?
I don't want to turn on desktop mode and activate 4chanx cuz the mobile layout is very comfy...
Possessiveness. It's allowed in sexual fantasy, but outside the bedroom seen as a "red flag."
Yes, though I think any man who is too affected by it is a touch too weak.

Most of my sexual interactions have been me pleasuring a woman and getting her to climax first before me, because I have sexual anxiety and cant climax with anyone else, so if they tried to make me cum first they would be there all night. I enjoy seeing them happy, but im worried this starts veering into sub category because it distills down into "touch me here, bite me here, lick her there, harder, harder" etc. which is just me following orders. Then i learned about what a pleasure dom is and thats what I would rather be.
When I was watching Sopranos for the first time I would eat entire trays of deli meats during my binge watching sessions, just constantly wolfing down gabagool, salami, pepperoni, and the only fiber I was getting was a bunch of pepperocinis that I'd eat with my fingers right out of the jar.

I never got sick from it, but it did spike my blood pressure for a while. Deli meats have a shitload of salt.
Damn, my bf and I discussed this when we first started talking. You're overdue.
I make $500 an hour. I got into it slowly over time. Porn, forums, open bdsm events etc. I did it for free at first because it’s for my own pleasure, but then I got offered money so now I charge. Which is also pleasurable
My sister basically raised me, our mother was always drunk or passed out.
I feel bad though. My sister says she never wants kids, because she had enough of parenting as a teenager. I shouldn’t have been a brat.
Are you in it for the races or the drivers?
I’d go back to 2000 and save my cousin from being preyed on by her stepdad.
The only wholesome man in chat.
I mean we really just haven’t had a talk about the future or where we want the relationship to go
Why do men insult each other's mothers and women don't insult each other's fathers?
Yeah, I got that. Go talk about it lmao.
On the prostitution thing, if I write smutty monster romance novels for lonely women and they pay for them does that make me an emotional prostitute?
That's because women want to fuck each other's fathers
I mean my idea was I just didn’t want to push too much onto her and I just wanted us to connect and learn about each other
I didn’t want to make things too serious too soon
>implying men dont want to fuck each other's mothers
I’d go back to 2000 and prey on his cousin
I'd go with Literary Courtesan, personally.
Oh look, the bitch is whining again
Yeah I didn't think that through :P
Well, how do you feel about things? Where do you want the relationship to go?
I don’t have frustrations, I get tons of respect it’s a huge part of what I do. Every time you talk you only show how little you know. I advise you to post less
State gender; do you shower at morning or night??

I never even got the chance to know her. Nobody knew what was going on, so my sister who was best friends with her didn’t get to offer support, or even get to say goodbye. It’s all so sad.
I see a future with her. I am definitely in love with her and I think she’s great and I want to move things forward and I can see her being in my life indefinitely. I just haven’t told her this yet and idk if she feels the same.
She does tell me she feels really good about me all the time and that she’s super in love and so forth but I haven’t really made the picture clear
Everyone insults each others mothers because "your mom" is a long-standing, go-to insult, so much so its evolved into just a thing to say and the "your mom so X" framework for jokes.
The reason "your mom" was so big to begin with is because in "trad" relationships, which were most for much of history, the man would barely see his own child between working, drinking and beating his wife. So "your mom" was the parent who, to a child who doesn't understand the world, seemed like the "good" parent, because she was there and cared (as a child is typically too stupid to understand the father is out of the house working because he cares). And since the men at the time were often working hard jobs, they wouldn't want to interact much when they were around family, as its hard to simutaniously be the only provider and a good parent.
This leads to the mother being put on a pedastal as an ideal, so insulting someones mother hurts a lot. You're insulting what is, to them, the foundation of their life.
"Your father" doesn't work because its like "okay the guy I never see?" or "the guy I resent for not being around?"
This continued even into adulthood, when people know why their father wasn't around, because people are inherently seflish and unwilling to accept reality as it is. Their mother remains a saint, father the devil.
F. Morning because I need time to let my hair air-dry.
Christ just tell her that. If she's saying she's super in love with you, she sees and wants future with you. Man up, take the lead here, talk to her.
why do you do that?
Where's that femanon that begrudgingly agreed to marry me?
Women do you want to date/marry men? Why/why not?
you say women, not a specific woman
you know nothing about me
you're just desperate
desperation is ugly
"Men", not "me" lol
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Ok ok

Funny enough she had expressed to me that she’s anxious she feels like she’s not giving me enough space and that she wants to make sure I’m ok wit all the time we spend together. I reassure her of this often.
This morning I sent her a short text just expressing that I don’t want her to worry about it (cause it clearly bothered her,) and so forth and she now has her notifications silenced which she’s never done before
Night, but I shave in the morning, otherwise I have permanent five-o’-clock shadow
No, I’m lesbian. But I could go for a woman with a dick. Men are… smelly, and hairy. And boring. Bad personalities. Also why don’t they wash their butt?
interesting. I have no interested in butt stuff and havent my fingers anywhere near a girls asshold
Femanons, why do so many women out there regularly feel disgust for and regularly shit on short men?
I head a department with several female coworkers and practically all of them say the most vile, most cruel things about the manlets in our wing even though they're all inoffensive good dudes minding their own business.
You're going to lose her if you're not clear about your intentions and desires with her lmao. Your passivity is making her anxious and insecure and implies you want to take things more casually.
It’s fine I might just be over thinking
I am worried I stressed her out now tho
>she now has her notifications silenced which she’s never done before
Don't overthink this in particular.
t. overthought it and thought she hated me so I called her enough times to get through the Do Not Disturb, which freaked her out and made her think I was a psycho. She was in DND for a totally different reason so it was pointless
I only shower when I leave the house, so at night for me
Honestly the only ones I hear whine about this is men, they blame their insecurities on women who seem to mostly not care
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>boring. Bad personalities
Yes I want it more than anything
Am I understanding it correctly? Women and men are mutually afraid of each other but for different reasons.
Women of being physically assaulted and overpowered as well as not being taken seriously (in general, they are afraid of their words not having as much weight in the eyes of their audience)
Men of being shamed and rejected or called creepy... Which is morally damaging for them
State age
Have you ever been with a virgin?
I want to marry my man! Because he's good and kind and strong and protective of me. He's intelligent and fun and brave and very handsome, and when we're married I can have his children.
I'm with myself every day
I hope you’re right
Women won't let me near them
Femanons, what kind of lesbian porn do you watch?
Women with outie pussies: When you shave, how do you not accidently nick your flaps?
my MILFy supervisor is supposed to be back and said we're going to have a 1-on-1 about my project
7.5 inches long, 5 inches in girth
Even mine is a big enough problem. mfs think I'm joking when I say it's got down sides but it really does.
Yeah I get it.
I am stressed tho. I feel like I should have talked to her sooner and I didn’t want to blow her phone up or anything and she hasn’t got back to me at all but she’s been active on social media

m, 36, yes, two of them

I simply hold them out of the way
how come if sex isn't satisfying it's always the man's fault? i've never seen anyone say a woman was bad at sex
I don't shave
Liking female ass is gay because men have asses too?
Only biracial stuff I can self insert into.
All sorts, but lately pee-play and anal gaping
Ok thanks. Everything has been good otherwise.
Yesterday after work she was being so sweet and affectionate about how she feels about me and stuff and then when she mentioned her insecurities about us being together a lot I kinda got thrown off guard
Have you guys ever had someone in your life that's sexy as hell but stresses you the fuck out such that you basically avoid them?
>marry men?
Why/why not?
Too violent and not worth anything financially.
Poor guys don't want to afford girlfriends.
Yeah why wouldn’t it. Sexual compatibility is a thing. I lost a couple of gf’s over it, but now I’m married. The only thing she doesn’t do is anal but I’m allowed to sleep with other women for that.
Bitter, bitter hearts.
Lying ass niggas, it's embarrassing.
You guys told me to stop thinking about him and I have but now I'm having dreams about him. I'm going to rip all my hair out if this doesn't stop
I haven't lost anyone over it but it's fuckin hard taking people's virginities, and all three of my exes were virgins. It's also just kind of psychologically taxing. I don't want to feel like I'm hurting a girl I care about every time we fuck unless we're doing BDSM.
ofc, my cock's 19cm so maybe that 2cm makes the difference
I agree that statistically at least some of us are lying, but I'm at least not
>I agree that statistically at least some of us are lying, but I'm at least not
I think they just fudge the numbers, hard bone pressed comes out to 6.2, squint enough its 7, becomes 7.5.
I have to lie about my dick size online because no one will believe me otherwise
I’m not bitter, enjoy your little cope
Not for me personally. I'm not worried about being called a creep or whatever; throwing those sort of allegations around seems to be more of an american thing (i know of literally 1 guy called a creep in the last decade and he was hitting on school kids at work)
For me the issue is women are just very judgemental. Its "I did something weird", not "I did something creepy"
And by "women" I mean "girls aged 18 to early 30's".
Most people get hit by apathy at about 30 and become more reasonable to deal with.
Technically teens are also like this, but I don't actually care about what teenagers think, they're kids, they don't matter
Are you being sarcastic? I can’t tell and I honestly don’t know what to do
You are definitely bitter, what do I have to cope about? I have a beautiful girlfriend that loves me very much, I don't want stinky, bitter, unwashed femcel pussy.
Is it this small?
Heh. Yeah, when I was a kid I I kind of just couldn't believe that I actually had something going for me body-wise (I was...insecure) and I kept redoing the measurements just to make sure I wasn't deluding myself. (Ofc, now I know that actually a more ideal size would be seven inches rather than seven and a half)
Once a girl on tinder asked how big I was. I told her 19cm. When I was having sex with her she stopped me, extracted herself, and picked up a measuring tape she had next to her and measured my cock. She said I was the first guy who'd told the truth.
I measured mine by grabbing a tape measure and looking at tits. Good enough.
Pressing against bone sounds really uncfortable
t. dicklet
I'll take his place femanon
aaw haha so triggered. Talk about being bitter some more
She's insecure cause she doesn't think you want to be with her seriously dumbass just fucking tell her
Kek, that would throw me off so fucking hard if she busts out the tape measure during sex.
Weird, but okay.
Turned me on desu. It was so goofy.
Yeah I can see that kek, bit of a "yeah I'm him" moment, eh? It does feel damn good to see the shock in their eyes. I'll never forget the one girl who called me a "warrior" when she saw mine.
Nah, you're supposed to press against the pubic bone. I guess it's how they try and keep things comparable between different body types and BMIs n shit.
Eh pass I'll take my 6 inch dickleto burreto
Just imagining pressing above my dick feels physically uncomfortable
By not blocking you no matter what
I'm married lmao, I really would not want to be pussyfooting around after 4 fucking months
There was definitely an element of "hell yeah I'm the only guy who told the truth, why would I lie?" but I'm also just into weird girls lol
>It does feel damn good to see the shock in their eyes
We've had somewhat different experiences, I reckon. I didn't have a great time when my third gf saw my cock for the first time and literally sprang to the other side of the bed in shock and horror.
That said, it does throw me for a loop whenever a girl ISN'T shocked. My second gf was so inexperienced she had no idea what a cock normally looked like so she was just like "yeah it's a penis". I met a girl recently who got gaslit by pieces of shit into thinking their gigantic penises were totally normal and stop complaining and put it in already and if you feel any pain it's your fault, so she just thought I was average too. It puts me out a little. Like I threw a party for someone and they're like "eh yeah nice cake ig".
I don’t think the other anon is wrong. She is clearly insecure about stuff and maybe I haven’t been clear enough
I'm not the blocked girl I'm someone else. he hasn't blocked me on anything
dicklets the big cock chads are laughing at us
Oh. Honestly thank god
No I'm not :(
No guys denying the butt thing is worrisome
Like I wash it but I'm not particularly interested in responding to a
>men bad
>I didn't have a great time when my third gf saw my cock for the first time and literally sprang to the other side of the bed in shock and horror.
No shit? Maybe I've just had coomer gfs and FWBs because they all give me the heart eyes when they see it, but I've also been told I have big dick energy, so naturally, the girls who would be attracted to me would want that. That shit sounds depressing as hell.
>I met a girl recently who got gaslit by pieces of shit into thinking their gigantic penises were totally normal and stop complaining and put it in already and if you feel any pain it's your fault, so she just thought I was average too.
The fuck? Guess some folks are just mindbroken. Either way. I've had more issues going in deep than anything else. I used to measure what I called "usable" cock, which was just 7 inches, but I recently did the bone pressed meme and it came out to 8.2, so idk. Just feels disingenuous to say I'm 8 inches because besides my current gf, never met anyone who could take it.
I’m not. Having a huge cock has its issues, but having a small dick is way worse it seems. I can get laid anytime I want, doesn’t seem like you have the same perks
>heart eyes
>mind broken
Ick, actual coomer just making up retarded stories.
How low IQ do you need to be to unironically call people "mind broken" outside of hentai?
Naw I don't laugh at you guys, I laugh at the average dick guys who claim they're 7+ when they're a 5.9, like Exhibanon.
This >>32023972
I feel like the "men don't wash there ass" is on the same level as "women don't know how to drive". Its such a way overblown stereotype that i dont even need to respond to
Why? You see women bad post daily and you guys respond to that. Are you guys that sensitive?
>doesn't (You) me
>sees buzzwords xe doesn't like so they can safely discard my post but still felt like commenting for some reason
I mean if you must know, it's literally the first thing I wash in the shower every time...
I've somehow managed to only date virgins, which is odd, because going by 4chan I'm the one guy on Earth who doesn't care about prior dating history and isn't into virgins. There's been a lot of worry and "I'm sorry anon, I don't know if I can take it" "It's good, you're good". FWIW I have been told the exact opposite of you -- "wow, I never expected you to have a dick this big! You do not give big dick energy" is something I've heard a few times baka
>Guess some folks are just mindbroken
There's a lot of guys out there who don't really get that women are full on people rather than something to conquer.
Totally agreed on the 7 inch thing. I feel like I'm just slightly too big for most women.
I only respond to women bad posts to call them out, usually. Like that one guy yesterday who said he hates all women because HE had commitment issues and a girl was being nice to him anyways
Regardless, a bad thing does not justify a bad thing
If I were to punch you, then you punched me, we would have both been punched. There's no upside. It doesn't magically become anything more than violence because we both did it.
>and you guys respond to that
we do?
>biting the bait

>what is a thing you like in other gender that is accepted to be a bad thing
I like traditional masculinity in men.

>do you shower at morning or night??
Shower at night and rinse after workouts

>Women do you want to date/marry men?
No. Men are only good for one thing. Women are good for six.

>what kind of lesbian porn do you watch?
The good kind. Though I much prefer having lesbian sex than watching lesbian porn.

>i've never seen anyone say a woman was bad at sex
You've been talking to the wrong people. Starfish are well known.
>Mind broken a buzzword
>Implying people regularly use it outside of literal 2d porn
Buzzwords are words commonly used to win arguments by simply throwing the blanket statement on the opposing target and, having so insulted them, instantly 'win'
Is a buzzword
Is a buzzword
>Mind broken
Is not a buzz word; its not in common use, its not used to defeat arguments, its something even the sub 40 IQ coomers on /v/ don't use in actual conversations (as is "heart eyes", you know people irl can't change eye shape, right?)
You are literally lower IQ than spambots on /v/.
Actually shameful
>because going by 4chan I'm the one guy on Earth who doesn't care about prior dating history and isn't into virgins.
You and me both, it's weird. I used to want virgins until I realized how much fucking work it is, and it just got exhausting. But also, 4chan, most of the guys here haven't had sex and/or have low self esteem, kinda leads into "no competition means I can win for sure".
In a way, you're the exact type of dude I'd expect to have a big dick, you have that like, freeflowing confidence. I think I'm just a lot louder, that's what makes it more obvious. Two sides of the same coin. It's sad though, the fellas here if they just went out and had more than one or two experiences would realize their average dick privilege kek.
She seems like a total nut, just asking the same question every day, ignoring any actual advice
I'm still agonizing about whether to go to pub trivia night.
I get tired of faggots telling me to meet people doing activities, but the truth is most people at activities are already coupled. There are very few people who go to trivia night, usually its m/f pairs or families.
I'm going to a party in 2 weeks but it will be mostly my sisters female friends and married friends.
So where the fuck do I meet men aside from apps?
So where did I trigger you? The part where I said 8.2 inches of cock? Sorry man, but being an asshurt autist is a bad look. If I didn't bother to respond to you, no one would look at your rant and care.
Just do it
My mom used to do it and believe me, she brought home tons of strange men.
She's going through it I kind of get it. men poison the mind
Is the pussy supposed to be stinky? I've only ever slept with one woman so I have no other points of reference. Hers doesn't smell horrible but it is kind of smelly.
I'd go, why not
I've been doing people activities for a year and haven't met any guys that way so I get your struggle. It's really frustrating and I'm feeling pretty hopeless
State gender
What are you currently obsessing over?
Never been afraid of a man in my life. 4chan men are tiresome because of
>words not having as much weight
Talking to men from 4chan on discord, I do notice this. But this doesn't happen with men irl who aren't terminally online.
Lil B.
I don't have one and my life feels empty as a result. Until recently it was a man, but he said some hurtful things that made me lose my feelings.
Nothing much really. My obsession right now is getting more fit I guess.
Why is it a red flag if he cried after I didn't say that I loved him back on the first date? He also showed his family my pictures after that date, is that normal?
Brainlet, who the fuck is talking about your cock. Being so fucking stupid you call people "mind broken" and say they have "heart eyes" is the issue
Ironically though, you're using a buzzword to try and win the argument now though (which is impossible; you're objectively talking like a fucking retard, in a way only a 10th level coomer would; fucking mind broken, lmao)
Women do you want to love, or do you want to be loved?
My gf is super insecure about whether one or she is good at oral.
She is really good but will occasionally scrape my shaft with her teeth.
She did this recently and it left a little cut that has caused me a lot of pain.
I basically have to tell her we can’t have sex for like a week until it heals and she’s gonna feel super bad about it.
How do I bring this up in the nicest way possible?
What did he say?
So you take issue with literally just words, gotcha. Because talking to me indirectly instead of just reply chaining wasn't a strong enough signal of your autism kek.
Why would I give (you)'s to a coomer
I've been adding guys on soc and they aren't adding me back. Lel
If someone says they love you on the first date, block them immediately.
Tbh, loving someone feels better than being loved, in my experience. Would be great if it was mutual but it never is.
It was more like what he didn't say. I told him he's my best friend and he didn't say it back. I told him he's the most important person in my life and he just said thanks instead of saying I'm important to him too. He's also told me that he doesn't have the emotional bandwidth for me.
That's so retarded. Why are you even talking to me in the first place? Lmao.
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Oh shit, are you red flag anon then?

Because he shouldn't be saying 'I love you' after the first date even if you talked for a month prior. And him being upset that you didn't say it back suggests that he doesn't even know it's too fast.
>If someone says they love you on the first date, block them immediately.
We had been friends for months beforehand, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt
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My area's wrestling territory. I always love learning wrestling lore but Maritime Canada is kind of a wasteland of irrelevant provinces so I never cared to look into our history. My dad mentioned working at arena's during their shows and seeing Andre's legendary binge drinking so I decided to look into it a bit more.
Turns out we have a richer history than I ever would've guessed. AGPW is actually where Randy Savage and Lanny Poffo got their start, we also had dudes like Ric Flair, Andre, Terry fucking Funk, Roddy Piper, etc. Lord Alfred Hayes was apparently a top guy here before he went to the WWF.
However, a lot of the details seem lost to time. There's a few grainy tapes on youtube but not a lot has been documented sadly. I'm thinking of writing into Jim Cornette, if anyone knows more about it, it'll be that turbo-autist.
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Just ate one of these bad boys.
What's the last thing you ate?
>Oh shit, are you red flag anon then?
Yea... lol
Sorry for being a dating noob in the thread

That makes sense. I don't know why I keep making excuses for him
I want to love. I wish I objectively knew if I understand what love means or not. I always feel like all my failed relationships must've been obviously incompatible at the start, and that I must just be a tard who doesn't understand love. Maybe I'm not even capable of love. Maybe I'm just a stupid horny animal and everything that I think I want and need is just surface level sex shit and I'll never be able to express or understand what it means to really get to know someone.
>No loving gf to lovingly sleep with other men and send me pics of her lovingly getting plapped by superior dick
Women would you date a man who puts milk in all coffee and tea he drinks? i love milk!
Bro I drink milk with every meal and my coffee has more milk and creamer than coffee in it
Women, would you rather date a sugarcuck or a steviaCHAD?
>Bro I drink milk with every meal
For me its just breakfast and dinner
>my coffee has more milk and creamer than coffee in it
Same lol
A woman exists,
she looks at you
She thinks
What about you icked her?
Yea but I get to call you my milky boy
Sugarcuck. stevia tastes like complete shitted asshole
Ffffffuck it's my bad, I guess I had blocked anon on the mind.

Showing pics to his family is fine. Saying 'I love you' after the first date is not great, but not a dealbreaker. Crying because you didn't say it back is the issue. It tells me one of two things
1. He's way too attached way too fast, likely to be very possessive later
2. He might use tears as a way to manipulate you (not even consciously perhaps)
My fuckboy energy.
My outfit maybe or my face
Stevia is gay and makes you infertile
Picking just one thing is impossible
I am a giant mass of icks in the vague shape of a man
you're perfect just the way you are
>my milky boy
I will act like its cringe and i hate it, but i will secretly like it
Women, is this true?
No it's not, but the way men express their attraction can be a little offputting sometimes. Women are more likely to know how women want to be talked to.
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don't toy with me, woman
miiiiilk boy
I wear oversized shirts for the breathability
Why do lesbians have such an inferiority complex?
You'd have to add the "my" for me to be more attached to it
Do you get immense satisfaction from getting all your boogers out in one scoop or is that just a man thing?
Im a straight man, and i have one too! Maybe we're not too different after all...
They are your people, go to them.
If you want to go out to meet guys doing activities why would you go to shit that is clearly designed for couples and women?

Let me break this down for women here.

Guys do not go out to coffee with each other.
Guys do not go out to lunch with each other, we send someone to go get lunch and bring it to the place or activity or work.
We don't go to trivia nights.
We don't go to bingo.
We don't go to dinner parties.
In general we do not go to places or events specifically designed for socializing. Whenever a guy is at those places it's because he needs to be there for some reason.

If you want to meet guys doing activities you need to branch out to shit that involves actually doing something. Winning something, building something, gaining a skill, etc. Which admittedly is going to be difficult because of you go on Facebook or something and see shit like a beginner carpenter event or something that's going to be something annoying to us because it's going to involve a bunch of retards being retarded. We don't mind people that are retarded picking up a hobby that we're experienced in, but we'd much rather that happen in a one on one dynamic where they can actually learn. In a group event like that it's a performance for beginners to feel like they're doing something and it's basically a fucking waste of time and really dumb. So the best way to find a guy is probably.

>Figure out some hobby you're interested in
>Find guys that do it
>Start doing hobby there, saying you're looking to meet a guy but also interested in the hobby

Do not do it saying you're only interested in the hobby because we can smell that shit from a mile away and we will hate you for it. We fucking hate women that invade our male spaces looking for guys while pretending they're just interested in the hobby. We know you're going to fuck everything up with drama and to get attention and then ditch the hobby after you've fucking ruined everything.
Aw you just want to be mine
No it’s okay why would I be mad

Is unconscious manipulation really a thing? But also it definitely worked and that freaks me out
My biggest issue with the too fast attachment was that he might’ve been making up a version of me that doesn’t really exist
Women, if you had horns, would you let your partner grab them during sex?
>telling cute coworker about how cold my temporary office is
>ask her if she wants to feel my hands
>she reaches out
>have retard moment because /atoga/ has brainwashed me into believing girls are hand-sexual
>don't want to creep her out
>press the back of my palms against her open hands
Is there any possible way I can recover from this?
What the fuck dude
If I listen to this while mowing the lawn and cutting down trees will I grow manlier? Will my body react instinctively to the auditory stimulus?
Hell no. That's where I'd store all my misandry.
Yes all the time. First time here?
Do women like this exist in the real world? or just social media?
What high school does she go to?
Women do you think sex is comforting?
What? this woman does not look under the age of 20, grandma/grandpa
the girl I tutor looks like this
she even wears the same kind of panties (none)
Should I give up
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>When she has stretch marks on the boobs
Yes, unconscious manipulation is 100% a thing. I used to do it myself. You get used to people giving you what you want when you do X or Y, and you end up doing X or Y without even thinking. For me, it was
>I thought we were friends… I thought you cared about me…

And yeah, it sounds like he might have an idealized version of you in his head, and maybe crying was due in part to the real you not gleefully exclaiming your love and leaping into his arms like he imagined.
You don’t speak Japanese, it’ll just be noise
You should self-destruct
Do you like cats or dogs more?
Would you rather be a cat or a dog?
I love cats, but i think i like dogs more.
>Would you rather be a cat or a dog?
Probably a dog
Do you have any pets?
I guess a cat. They have pretty easy lives.
I used to have a dog for 13 years
Yea. I'm really sad about this and I don't know why. At least he was honest? I just don't know if I'm making the right choices
Because you see that he’s really not a bad guy, but at the same time, you see bad behavior. It’s totally understandable.
What do you think about the 30+ year olds that post on /atoga/
Yea exactly :( I don't think I'm qualified to "fix him" either so I guess I have to let him go?
At the very least, I’d say to pump the breaks. But he might take it very poorly.
Well I'm in love with one, so pretty awesome.
I had talked to him about it and he just said that he felt like we were going pretty slow

Boxers only (when I’m drunk and can’t be arsed to change). But usually, basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt. I’m not bold enough to sleep in the nude.
Is it me? :)
Yeah. Nah. Doesn’t sound like it.
No, sorry. It's
Yea. I feel bad for giving up but I don't think it would've been smart to keep pushing it and ignoring his actions
I still get laid regularly enough without being in a relationship anyway.
You guys don't hold value, and that's not my fault.
It is definitely your fault, but okay.
Is it bad if I resent my parents for being immigrants? They want me to marry a man from our country and be just like them but they raised me in America where there are no men from my country, and now I'm not acclimated enough to our country to ever go back and assimilate normally. I belong no where
She's a bit of a cunt though, isn't she?
An anon actually taking advice into consideration? Now I really know you aren’t blocked anon
Depends on who you ask, but I find it endearing and refreshing.
No. Or anyone else for that matter.
How do I know if I'm her or not?
I am telling you you are not her.
You're not. And it's not me either.
Haha I'm doing it begrudgingly. I hope it's the right choice
Well then fuck all of you.
So do I anon. I believe it is, based on my experience in his shoes. Your situation sucks, but it’ll be worse if he just keeps going as is. What about when he wants sex on the second date?
>What about when he wants sex on the second date?
He did and I told him I want to wait and he said that was okay but would still kind of push for it when we kissed
Wait he actually said that?? I thought I was going too far with that. Jesus fucking Christ.
He didn't saay anything, he just kind of took physical cues from me, and I felt bad that I couldn't bring myself to do it because he was really attracted to me I think
That’s really really bad anon… At that point you genuinely might be better off with an /atoga/ anon…..
Is anyone else's litmus test for compatibility whether your date proposes to have sex the first time you go out together? That's the only way I can tell there's a mutual vibe that might last a while.
Is it really that bad?? It didn't feel that bad in the moment...
No. That means he's porn addicted.
Yes, that is bad.
Oh. Usually I'm so careful about that stuff I don't know why I didn't have alarm bells going off. I guess I just felt comfortable with him?
Not comfortable enough to go through with it. Some part of you had alarm bells going off.
Ain’t no way women irl actually put up with men that ask for sex on the second date
The fuck is wrong with you
I like it when I get a big crusty booger under my nail
I dont care about the slime boogers, only the dried crust ones
M, if a woman asks me for sex on the first date I know that our connection is going somewhere. If she doesn't, that's a good sign that she's not emotionally invested even in the idea of a relationship and is just going on a date to make friends and kill time.
I guess but I thought that part was being irrational
Men: Wah wah! It's so hard to meet women!
Also men:
>We fucking hate women that invade our male spaces looking for guys
In my fantasies it is, in real life it probably isnt
My sister is getting played by a fuckboy but shes 19 and doesn't want to listen to me. He refuses to make things official after almost a year of hooking up, is always out partying and is super vague with her
* forgot the question
Do I just let her go through the motions and figure it out or do I tell her to get a grip?
You’re fried
Stop watching porn
I did an informal poll of my workplace and the consensus, before I even got to crying or expecting sex after the first date, was “RUN.”
She’s your sister
Make her see what’s weong with him
It might be in vain because all of this obvious knowledge will stay in the prefrontal cortex, while her attraction to him is emotional and not rational
So good luck
I assume >>32024769 was satire
Telling people how to live their lives tends to backfire and make them want to do it just to prove you wrong
You did lol
Did they say why??
why two threads?
Tell her bluntly how it is and that's all you can do besides beating him savagely
Comfort her if it doesn't work out. Assuming you don't gather friends and pummel him
Niggergirl niggergirl where are you?
“That’s how you die, bro. Take it from a woman who’s been there. I nearly died multiple times in situations like that.”
Direct quote from one lady.
Ugh...reset the clock.
I know jealousy is an unattractive trait but goddamn I get so fucking annoyed when she talks about our mutual friend. She denies that he's flirting with her but he only does the shit when I'm not around.
No, it is not satire. Why on Earth would you think that is a joke?

I don't watch porn, so no.
Oh god... did she say what exactly almost got her??
I feel so stupid for not knowing these things
Just angry and entitled men, she says. Another says that kissing on the first date is a yellow flag, the rest is definite red flag behavior and “he’s a pussy”.
This stuff is scary he seemed so nice and sweet. I guess he could be both
I've never heard of yellow flags though, whats that about?
Most any guy can seem nice and sweet when they want you.
A yellow flag is a bit weird but on its own not the worst.
I'm kind of sad. I thought he was the first guys to ever like me in a real way
I never said he didn’t like you anon. Just that he has toxic behavior that will cause serious problems.
This sucks I feel like a chump
Anon, you have value. Guys are allowed to have to work to get close to you. And it’s okay to be confused.
Why do you hate women?
You are free to suck dick and marry one.
Have been for 8 years now.
>Guys are allowed to have to work to get close to you
I suppose. Thanks for your help anon and thank you to your coworkers as well haha
You’re welcome! I hope I genuinely helped in some way, even if it’s just food for thought.

I don’t hate women, I actually more hate men because almost all just act like animals.
I’m afraid of women.
Behavior can be inappropriate even if it is not the person's intentions. So whether or not he's actually intending to flirt doesn't matter.
What is he doing, exactly? Is this a pattern of behavior where she's too forgiving/naive of the actions of men?
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Is hypersexuality an adhd symptom?
It helped a lot, thank you. I shouldn't have gone into this without outside perspectives
Hey Anon, did you grow up in the type of household that insisted that you hug family members even if you didn't want to? Was refusal or hesitation seen as a major slight, as if you're saying you don't love them?

I ask because it seems that you feel obligated to allow someone to touch you, as if not allowing them is a betrayal. That if you really loved them, you'd let them touch you. So you should go along with it even if you'd rather not. Sounds like you thought, "well I guess it won't be that bad", and it wasn't. It doesn't sound like you were excited about it, looking forward to this stage of your relationship, feeling super close with him, and feeling he's super trustworthy.

Does any of this ring true or am I off base?
:) Hopefully you keep us posted.
But most of us on here grew up in abusive households.
Yeah, me too. But we've all got different flavors
>anon is describing my upbringing exactly
>I went along with my ex wanting sex even though I wasn’t ready at all
Fuck… I’m fucked up
I guess I was... it was just the polite thing to do? We do the three kisses on the cheek
Thanks I'll try :x
Yep me too... It got to the point that I blamed myself for not being more into it and took supplements to increase sex drive (they didn't work).

It also screwed up my brain about consent. "Well I went along with it anyway" "I didn't directly say no" "I didn't say no enough times" "He got confused thinking I was doing a fetish thing" "He just forgot that I wasn't into that, I'll just have to explain to him again, oh he forgot I'll just have to explain again, oh he forgot-"

He always played oblivious. But after our breakup he said he could tell. He liked to see the fear in my eyes. :(

With my current boyfriend, if I just flinch or pull back, he'll respond and either slow down, check in with me, or stop. He wants reciprocation, that's what gets him off. He times the escalation based on how enthusiastic I'm returning his advances.

I was baffled the first couple times he did it. I was used to having to always physically push my ex away and use exact clear verbal language when I got overwhelmed. I didn't know sex could be so... Easy
Tsundere owning both threads!
It can be a result of having ADHD yeah. Can also be the opposite.
I’m a guy though, people say I’m gay when I met a girl and within minutes she was rubbing her crotch on my flaccidness, and I didn’t like it.
Women can get so offended about it too, it's fucked up
What is the opposite of adhd
You can have the opposite of hypersexuality, hyposexuality as a result of ADHD is what I'm saying.
Yeah, it's a possible symptom. I've got it. It's not infidelity either, idk why you've posted that pic. It just means I need to FUCK you twice a day min (or do boobjobs/thigh sex/footjobs/blowjobs/handjobs).
Why are you scared of women?
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Men of /atoga/ why don't you have this?

Women of /atoga/ why don't you look like this?

(Thats Sarah Gadon btw)
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Because women know how to inflict emotional damage way better.
How so?
Well it may more so be that I just disregard any insult another guy hurls at me, but I put more stock in what a lady says.
Why are people insulting you
because I'm fat and bald
Because I’m a dork!

No!! I’m thin and hairy!
Cute <3
thanks babe *applies sunscreen to scalp*
*shampoo to full head of hair
you're too late buddy boy
No! My hair is luscious!

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