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Total Drama edition

Previous >>32020133
First for I hate women.
Fixing your problems is better than making excuses to stay miserable
It's stupid to stay attracted to people who aren't interested in you.
Obsession is not attractive. Try being more satisfied with life.
Islam is right about women, gays, and trannies.
Men: Why do you wish to be left alone? What good does privacy do.
People only value us for our labor. Just like you guys can't stand us because we want to fuck you, we can't stand you because you see us as an ATM machine.
Because I need my solitude.
I want company but I just want my space why is that so difficult for foids to understand.
Actual thread:
Women, why do you always want to spend every waking minute of the day with us?
>ATM machines
Why would I need you when I have a job?
Because I value spending time with someone I love.
You kinda cute and entertaining.
Does that mean you will be a different person if we decide to date?
I can’t be around people for too long it’s mentally draining to participate in humiliation rituals
Because we know what’s best for you
Women: why can’t we be best friends first and lovers second?
I can be your gf if you pick one personality
Because you're a faggot
Hehe thanx u

Me too I find a comfy homemade meal much better than going out

You can??
How do you know what’s best for me are you my mommy?
Nta but if you loved me you would understand that I need my space.
Will you be my gf?
I don’t want to be left alone I am sick of it
Yes now be a good boy

Space is only temporary what will you do when you left alone with your own thoughts

Of course anon I love you
Men: would you let me feed you fruit cake and oolong tea like a Japanese maid cafe?
Throughout the day/week/month/year, people constantly demand things from me. There's always something--I've got to fix their problems, go there, do that, make calls, plan things and justify myself.

Since you're asking here, presumably you're wondering why we want to be left alone by women. Well, it's because women are the most demanding and draining people there are. And I can't tell them to fuck off, like I'd tell men, because that would be too mean. So it's better to avoid them. Appeasing women is not only pointless, but financially very costly. You all want to do activities that always cost money and you expect us to pay for everything, plan everything and ensure you're having a good time. I already have to do that shit at work.
We love you Chris!
We can, if you’re a woman
No I’m too tsundere for this
Would you refuse to date a hikkiomori if she had vibrator?
I am a woman.
Perfect. So why ask?
Yes but I want to wear a diaper like in Yakuza
I thought you guys only wanted StancyTM

I have small boobies that makes me kinda shy
I will do it for it no biggie hnng
Men: would you give me a cat bath?
im wondering if i meet these criteria. does a magic wand count as a vibrator?
Yes it doth m’lord
You are disgusting I love it
Pff no one is upset about small boobs. If you were a woman you would know this
>no one is upset about small boobs
NTA, but I am. And as someone with small boobs, my opinion should matter a lot.
Is this stacy's ugly sister lel
Yes pls
I think I've been too available for this girl by messaging her and I'm afraid she will at some point think it's unattractive. Should I let her message me instead? I didn't one day and she was the one messaging me.
There's no point in participating in society when everyone just goes around victim blaming you for being born ugly, traumatized, abused, having the wrong opinions, etc.
I don't wish to be alone but I don't know how to approach people and nobody's approaching me
How to signal that I’m horny to men?
Just text them and ask them to come and fuck you.
My gf wants me to be more flirty. Why? Also why is there always something I gotta change according to her depending on her mood.
Ask me out
I'm a relatively normal guy in a healthy relationship and I also need some alone time here and there. I can't spend the entire day talking, it's tiring. Sometimes after work or a long day I just want to watch YouTube or play some vidya in silence as a way to relax or think

I would refuse to date a hikikomori in general. I don't care about looks or vibrators if she's a hiki, I would only bother with a functioning member of society

Flirting is fun, keeps things interesting

Serious question, why bother flirting if one or both are in a relationship? Where's it gonna go?
Women are rarely satisfied. That's why they're always changing their hair and stuff.
It's just fun, a social game, makes you feel wanted and attractive. I miss flirting with more women personally
Any money you make goes to rent food and utilities. Your job is fake make-work, that only exists on the back of someone else, and you still expect money from anyone you're in a "relationship" with.

Please point out any fucking women who actualy want to support thier deadbeat man.
Can't you just do compliments though? Wait, are compliments flirting?
Which is more important, motivation or discipline?
Compliments can be flirting but not necessarily. It's partly how you say it, who you're saying it to, etc
Discipline. Motivation is fleeting, and you need discipline to use it appropriately anyways.
>Motivation is fleeting
If you're really motivated though won't it come back at some point?
Flirting is its own end, not necessarily a means. There's a rush in knowing you're still sexually attractive to the opposite gender.
Yes but you need the discipline to keep going when not motivated
To use an example, all the biggest authors crank out a certain number of words a day for their novels, even if the prose is terrible and what they wrote doesn't make any sense. Why? Because they can go back and edit later. Meanwhile, they make forward progress every day even if they don't want to and don't care. It's also why some of the best authors are all substance abusers. "Write drunk, edit sober" is actually a discipline.
>It's also why some of the best authors are all substance abusers.
nta but this romanticization of addiction really bugs me.
Women, why do you hate th existence of male only spaces?
There's nothing romantic about it. It's a means to an end. Pay attention to the author lifestyle. The first thing they do after finishing a book is go on a lengthy vacation.
nta but isn't what you just said a big contradiction?
Do you not know what romanticization means?

To think about or describe something as being better or more attractive or interesting than it really is.
So there's this girl I like and she keeps saying stuff like she would want to play tennis or games like that or that she wants to go climbing and saying stuff like something needs to be done at her home and she's going to ask her brother to do it. Are these hints that I should be taking and saying stuff like I can take her or that I could help her? Because I feel like I should offer my help, but then I don't want to seem like a creep if it's just small talk.
>male only spaces
Like your asshole?
everybody needs their own private spaces
Literally like what? I'm honestly having trouble trying to understand what that would be. A bathroom?
The fact you can't means you probably hate them
That honestly doesn't make much sense. Women don't hate ugly guys, they're not even on their radar. Same deal.
Question for other bros and maybe some women if there's any here.
>I'm a former NEET and I've begun making a few female friends.
>I'm an autistic dumbass so they just see me as the social trainwreck and nervous disaster that I am.
>Despite just wanting to be friends with them I sometimes think about maybe trying to start something with one of them who's around my age and who I speak to.
Am I fucked in the head for this? Are all men like this? I do just genuinely want real friends but my stupid hormones are making me feel shit I don't want to. This is only happening because the class I'm in is just primarily women, so the first friends I've made in years are now mostly women.
You should honestly learn to walk, making friends, before running, getting into a relationship. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
>Are all men like this?
Yeah, we tend to catch feels if we're around girls too frequently. That being said, how do you think the girl in question feels about you? Match her enthusiasm and test the waters. With girls in a friend group, you can go at a slower pace than you would with say, a girl you meet at a concert or have no clue when/if you'll see her again.
Is this true?
Have I wasted my whole youth?
This is incredibly grim...
Huh? Like what
She has 1.1M+ on IG so she must be right
Yeah, this is really normal, especially if you don’t have many friends or haven’t had friends in years.

This happens to women too, when they’re in a similar situation of having experienced social isolation/rejection/friendlessness, it’s just that women don’t find themselves in that situation as often.

In other words, it’s a really normal human reaction from someone who naturally craves intimacy, comfort, etc. even without sex being in the picture.
Buy you can be with people in similar situation
Boy scouts
No, it’s not true.

It’s a good rule of thumb, but that doesn’t mean a guy can’t get his shit together at 25 and go up from there. It’s just that if you haven’t gotten your shit together by 25, odds are that you won’t— doesn’t mean you can’t.
>cute as fuck coworker
>turns out we went to the same college same degree same year just never spoke
>we laugh together and she smiles at me in such a cute way
if I go for it I will get fired
should I?
Why would it? Honestly, we have girl scouts, our own sports and fandoms, etc.
This isn't true at all, it just makes it harder. Kind of crab bucket mentality.
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My brain tells me smaller women like smaller dicks, and bigger women like bigger dicks. Is there any truth to this?
The boy scouts were forced into accepting girls
I hate them when they overlap with the professional world because they just become a way to exclude women from socializing, networking, etc.

If you wanna do Boy Scouts, be my guest.

But fandoms are not male-only spaces no matter how much you want them to be. They just inherently are not. Any kind of interest or hobby you can think of is not male-only, because a particular interest is not restricted to gender.

If you want a male-only space where you invite buddies over for beer to watch the game, I don’t see a problem with that. But don’t go to a sports bar or someone else’s watch party and complain there’s women there.
Can only speak for myself. Am small— 5’1– do prefer smaller dicks.
Wait, what? WHAT? Honestly, I have more of an issue with this really lol. Can a boy be a girl scout?
The problem isn't necessarily that there are female fans
Just that because there are female fans or to make it more accessible to women the content is changed
>because a particular interest is not restricted to gender.
I would agree with this for the most part unless it has to do with the obvious physical differences between us.
What counts as smaller or what's ideal?
That happens with anything, though. Age, race, stuff like that.
hope fuel!
Men how do I found out if a guy is a sub without fucking him, I don’t want to date specifically in kink spaces but I also like to cum semi regularly.
I realised i get my hardest boners from intimate and sensual porn. Women, what are your professional opinions on this?
>I hate them when they overlap with the professional world because they just become a way to exclude women from socializing, networking, etc.
So we have to include you just because you're a girl?
You are more lonely than horny and still a coomer
I assume this is about fandoms in particular.

The content changes because creators are trying to make money, and when female fans present a large enough portion of the audience, their wallets are worth as just much as a man’s. That’s just capitalism at work. They’ve captured a wider audience, now they’re trying to maintain that audience and grow it.

There are other reasons content changes other than to appeal strictly to women, mind you. The type of men who join a fandom can also change over time, and they may not be the same kind of guy as you, broadly speaking. For example, I have a male friend who really dislikes blatant fanservice in his anime.

It’s easy to blame women for the changes you dislike, but I think you have to admit that there’s a broader cultural shift at play.
This gets into the whole affirmative action thing.
My brain tells me smaller men have smaller dicks, and that's clearly not true
>You are more lonely than horny
What if i am equally both?
>still a coomer
at this point, i dont even know what this means anymore lol
Eh… honestly, anything around 4 inches. The girth is usually more of an issue than length, but excess length can make it more difficult for us both.

A 25-year-old PhD student is gonna be judged by potential since they're probably not graduating until 29-31

A 25-year-old without any degree is gonna be judged less so
My word. The purpose of conversation is to find these things out. The problem with the youth of today is that they expect to find everything in one person, for each specific preference you've got, you exclude several people. If you find your sub he'll likely have a handful of different contrasting personality elements, some of which might not line up with what you're after. You can get anything you want if you're willing to settle on certain aspects, but getting everything might be rough.
Is capitalism a tool of the patriarchy or not?
Didn't expect that. Do you have vaginismus or something similar?
>t F that dates grad students only
nta but sometimes you get into circular things. Like with action figures they say women action figures don't sell. And they don't make them because they don't sell. And they don't sell because they don't make them.
If you’re inviting everyone to a drink after work or to go golfing or whatever, then yes. Because you’re taking work socialization off work-campus to continue work-socialization.

If you’ve just bonded with one or two guys at work and are going home to get a beer and watch sports, then of course not, no.
nta but 4 inches is all you really need to get the job done. It may not be as visually appealing but that's all you need physically.
The fuck kind of question is that? Who the fuck doesn't want to be left alone at least every once in a while?
I’m currently talking to someone and I’m worried about being stuck in an incompatible relationship sexually, although I see your point and will heed your warning I’m against casual sex.
I wouldn’t consider a partner in bed before vetoing their ability to be compatible in other ways but I’d like to actually know before developing feelings.
Maybe you shouldn't be invited because you're an annoying cunt
NTA but this is valuable advice. Date the person, not the shopping list of expectations.
You have dependant personality disorder.
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what about a 26 yo still doing his bachelors?
Are you implying that a guy being a sub WILL make you cum or won’t make you cum because the implication of both of these meanings is kinda funny
Mainly it's too vague to give a proper answer.
The female centered projects in except for Barbie has almost all been flops
I am incompatible and uncomfortable with dominant men in bed. It’s boring
Maybe if this was the 1980s, zoomers and millennials are stuck in arrested development. Good example, putting any stock in some random (She/Her) asshole's opinion.
You seem to assume I’m one of those “the patriarchy is responsible for all my problems, down with the patriarchy” types. I’m not. Discrimination exists, but it exists the same way the soupy fragments of a cyst still exists in the pocket after the cyst has exploded, the pus has been squeezed out, and the cyst wall has been mostly extracted.

We live in a capitalist society. Both men and women have money. Money talks. Men and women have evolved and developed new interests over time as culture marches on.
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Women please tell me you are okay with doing reach around handjobs?
If this is true and it's solely for capitalistic purposes, why do female fandoms never get male coded?
Who said I meant female centered? Just give me a Misty from Pokemon or something.
This + other hand in neck combo
How am I supposed to continue being alone when now I know that even when I don't like him it's still good
What anon said >>32024270

Bigger looks more visually impressive but when you’re actually in bed together, the visuals don’t matter. And guys tend to like bottoming out, which means that if they’re long and you’re short, they can hit your cervix and for many women, that’s uncomfortable at best and painful at worst. Especially if they’re really ramming it/trying to force it because they want the whole sensation along their cock.
>other hand in neck combo
Woman's hand on guy's neck?
How do you mean?
Well if you're solely looking for a capitalistic perspective, you should be aware of the enshittification of fandoms too
Only when I'm pegging them
I don’t like pegging I just want to be in control of the guy
Probably because men will often reject something that has its origins in being female-coded, even if it tries to change to appeal to them. Women are socialized to not feel threatened by showing interest in masculine-coded things. Men are socialized to worry about appearing effeminate, gay, etc.

Most female fandoms are very over-the-top in female presentation. Male fandoms are much closer to what society considered to be neutral or normal. It’s just not a perfect 1 to 1 comparison, because women are used to things they like being coded for men, and men aren’t used to liking things coded for women.
I understand. For some reason I thought that vaginas are generally similar among you, even if you are short, because they need to adapt to giving birth in the same way.
Are there any positions that make hitting the cervix less likely?
Dating is supposed to be an opportunity to figure out as much about whether you're serious about being with the person long-term as you can. You have enough conversations to figure out if you want to try being with that person or not. Don't let anyone pressure you into anything you don't want to do yet. Always go your own pace, and if you're worried about like, them being upset, you just explain yourself honestly, anyone that's being stubborn after you've spoken your opinion is being a dick. It's two adults making decisions, you have as much control of the relationship as they do.

You can just say "I want to take things slow if that's fine with you" If he's a real one, he'll honor that, and you'll be able to figure out more about if he's compatible through conversation. Literally gather as much upfront info before things get more serious. Worst case, he'll reveal himself to be incompatible, and you can break-up and find someone else.

Anyways, I hope that's helpful, hope you find what you're after.
Well I guess go on the femdom thread on /soc/ and say you’re interested in long term dating? That’s all I can think of but most of that board is likely basket cases of people
> I hope that's helpful, hope you find what you're after.
Incredibly insightful, you are one of those rare gems that make up the reason of why I come back here.
On a scale 1-10 how bad do women find it if a guy was ultimately dating them just to get a shag? I'm not hot or tall enough to just hook up so you can appreciate that it's my only viable strategy right?
State gender
Any legit autists here? What are the actual worst things about being an autist?
> Are there any positions that make hitting the cervix less likely?

That’ll be different for every couple because the shape of the guy’s penis (how it curves, etc) affects that and women can have vaginas at different angles too.

Vaginas are generally similar, but when you’re taller, you have more room to expand. When you’re shorter, there’s nowhere to go.

Shorter women are more likely to require c-sections, so make no mistake, our height negatively impacts that too.
>Women are socialized to not feel threatened by showing interest in masculine-coded things.
We are to some degree. Mechanics and computer stuff and stuff like that. Whenever I go online voicechat in a video game I always get "whaaaat???? A guuurrl?!" Even this website is kind of an example of that.
Wear some black leather boots/heels that make sound when you walk and give him soft offers to serve you in some way.
>Would you mind holding this? Thanks
Stand in front of doors expectantly and see if he opens them. Call him good boy and touch him, see if he gets flustered. Keep firm boundaries and make sure he understands he isn't to initiate anything physical on you. If he's into it, he will be into full on dominatrixes, make some jokes about them, this puts the idea into his mind that you are aware of and possibly interested in "that stuff".
If I find out that’s why a guy’s dating me, I drop him immediately.

I can’t really appreciate it, no, not when it’s my body, my time, and my feelings you’re taking advantage of to do it.
Women are way funnier when you realize almost every interaction with them leads to them asking you to do something for them. It becomes a game of just continuing the conversation until they bring up whatever it is. I genuinely find it humorous now and I don't get annoyed anymore. I just listen to them, and then when they bring it up I just politely do it and then go about my day.

It's led to women asking me to do shit less. I think they feel like it's too obvious or something and they feel bad about doing it then. When you get angry or annoyed then they just act like you're selfish and they don't mind getting into it and fighting over it.
Why are females so different with sex compared to males?

>see female therapist
>discuss me being a virgin
>she tells me that regular sex in one's life is a necessity
>keeps reiterating how important it is that people have regular sex over and over
>entire session makes me feel bad and i leave feeling worse than when I went in

>see male therapist
>discuss virgin problems
>tells me that sex is not so important and that its really just a fun activity like anything else
>says that its not a requirement and that its way overhyped in society
>gives me some hope
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Glad I could help! Just stuff I wish I knew.
>Women are socialized to not feel threatened by showing interest in masculine-coded thing
I don't know, I have heard enough women whine about the (completely retarded) insecurity they feel around liking shit like physics. Women are insanely insecure it's unreal
hand IN neck?
> Mechanics and computer stuff and stuff like that. Whenever I go online voicechat in a video game I always get "whaaaat???? A guuurrl?!" Even this website is kind of an example of that.

I haven’t had that reaction in almost 15 years. I regularly post on computer building forums and not only does nobody care, but obviously feminine-coded PC builds don’t get any unusual reaction or flak. Women don’t get any more attention for posting there than guys. Hell, I’ve seen parents post on those forums to ask for help in picking out pieces and building for their teens as a surprise, and the mothers get just as much good-faith technologically-focused and encouragement as the fathers.

I dunno where you’re hanging out but I haven’t had a “a girrllll!?” reaction to hanging out in discord or game chat for years. Maybe it’s because I don’t game with 12-year-olds.
Females realize on some level that they're only really desirable for sex.
I feel similar. I dont particularly consider myself a "sub" but i like assertive women. But i dont want to be pegged
Both of your therapists sound like they don't believe in Jesus Christ.
Jeez, have some empathy. Men have feelings too you know and dating takes way more time and effort for us!
Not my cohort.
thanks tho
There are women that just want to shag but men that just want to shag go for women that want more for the power dynamic.
If you are looking for something casual be honest.
> give him soft offers to serve you in some way
Good idea thank you anon
> into full on dominatrixes
I’ve had issues with that dynamic, they either just see me as this blow up version of a domme or they aren’t interested at all, I lean into softer not pegging dynamics so finding someone who’s right in the middle likes me and I like them is hard. I’m reasonably attractive so I have no issues with vanilla men and my appearance seems to attract doms in kink spaces. Weird combo, harder to date
We get squicked out in male dominated fields because we know we'll get harassed at some point.
>Women are socialized to not feel threatened by showing interest in masculine-coded things.
Not true

>Male fandoms are much closer to what society considered to be neutral or normal.
I can't imagine that like sports are. Yet they always sneak female commentators into that
State age
Whats the best gift you've ever given?
how many therapists have you sampled to make that conclusion
Sure, I can have empathy while also having the self-respect to immediately drop a guy who only sees me as a way to get a shag.
For me, 10/10. One of the reasons why I made guys wait months when I was single.
I like pegging and assertive women but I'm not a sub.
a femanon the other day talked about how most men don't really exist to women, they're basically just seen as like "tv static".
Women see men as domesticated predators, basically. A talking starving lion you can't feed unless it might eat you.
>Yet they always sneak female commentators into that
They're honestly just there for eye candy.
<3 I wish you a comfortable life and a peaceful day
I mean, most people don’t exist to me. Do you really focus on every single human being who enters your periphery or who you interact with?
Wtf, why would she do that? Virgins can't just decide to have sex one day and do it, especially if they're male. It seems like she doesn't understand the differences between men and women and how they function in society. Therapists are less competent than clinical psychologists, so this isn't very surprising though.
>There are women that just want to shag but men that just want to shag go for women that want more for the power dynamic.
It's not because of a "power dynamic" lol, it's because it's fundamentally easier to get sex that way particularly if you aren't physically gifted or very charming.
Yeah I'm just saying if he's a sub, it'll be because he accidentally saw a woman in leather holding a whip and it woke up something up in him. I can't really help you when it comes to finding a "real" sub, just some tips for maybe identifying normal men who may be into it. I'm speaking as a man but I think you could seduce most men into the velvet veronica treatment, even if not the whole FLR dynamic you are probably hoping for (?).
The female commentators are there to appeal to the men, my dude.
Beth Mowins and Kate Scott are not there for eye candy
women do you want birthday seggs?
Thanks! and same. Happy days and so on. ^^
yeah they can lol. the thing is virgin men only want sex with women way outside their league. That is the problem. They could always have sex with an ugly girl.
Not the fucking sideline reporters
The commentators in the booth
I got cool toy katana swords when i was like 9
>ugly girl
don't those also want the most handsome men?
months without sex, wow can you imagine bros...
All those things have women
Femanon do you like it when a guy you like plays with your pussy, or is that too lewd.
> it's fundamentally easier
You are using someone because you wouldn’t hold the power to date someone that is in the same page as you, it is manipulation at its core and it’s a slimy tactic to get a warm body for your inherent loneliness and 0 game.
> It's not because of a "power dynamic"
Manipulation is a power dynamic so is leading people on so you can get your dick wet.
did you get a refund
No, I don't believe that's true. Women very much prefer staying single. You're looking at virgin men from a limited perspective- they don't exist in a vacuum.
NTA. The hot girls with mics on the sidelines are to appeal to men. The female commentators, nope.
I watch a lot of hockey and I've hated pretty much every female play by play person.
That's probably why women find me so uncomfortable. I basically never entertain conversation I find boring and I hate engaging with most people unless it's one on one conversations that actually involve real interaction. With women it often feels like I'm cornering a rat and then they just fold and agree with whatever I say. I think most women are just engrained to rely on a group or roll over and try to join the new group.
That is cool but I asked about a gift you gave to someone else

Do you still have the swords?
Beth Mowins started her career when she was 33. Kate Scott was 20. That's well within not hitting the wall territory. Damn you for making me google that.
You mean two women who have spent their lives covering sports, and are clearly very knowledgeable and into it, and passionate about their work? I don’t watch sports but a quick glance at their Wikipedia page shows they've been doing this for a long time, and started out covering women’s sports before managing to move outside that sphere.

Those women who’ve made their entire career out of it, and were assuredly hired because of their skill and competence?
I want every day sex. I don't want sex as a birthday gift.

Yeah, you guys get pushy after a week or two lol
> velvet veronica treatment
This is literally all I want T-T I wish I wasn’t so reliant on the reactions of the other person, if they aren’t REALLY into it it’s a turn off.

Thank you
I like assertive women but I would still consider myself a "dominant" type
yes but only if the guy eats me like a starving man
I dated a guy 8 months before we had sex. First and only boyfriend. Still haven’t dated anyone since him and still miss him.

It happens.
Manipulation makes it sounds more intricate or deliberate than it is when it's mostly down to humoring her without making any explicit commitment. It's basically the same thing as women who talk to guys they have no interest in but like the attention, nbd
well yeah of course, but if they are truly ugly chad doesn't want them.
A PS2 with FFX, GTAIII and Silent Hill 2
There is a big difference between covering sports and actually commentating on it ffs
Oh shit, i read it wrong my bad
>Whats the best gift you've ever given?
I got my friend a cool slippers based on an animal she likes. She seemed to love it

>Do you still have the swords?
I dont :(
honestly jealous and it's been like.. 20 years since then.
>Yeah, you guys get pushy after a week or two lol
in fairness the received wisdom is that if you don't push for it she will lose interest just as fast
but yeah she doesn't seem like much of a gf if you're not getting physical with her, at that point it's at least OK to be sleeping with other women right because you're only "seeing" each other rather than in a relationship
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>girl in my class
>sits next to me
>we talk and get along
>she's cute, has black lipstick and goth aesthetic
>is also from Mexico city so has an accent and is latina
>we talk after class yesterday
>get her number
>she seems reception and we joke around
How in am I? She said she's usually an introvert and doesn't talk to people in her classes. Are my chances pretty good if I keep talking to her?
I don't remember, I haven't gotten an actual gift since like middle school
You said eye candy
By play by play people aren't shown
I can't read, I gave my friend a big fat cactus when he was going through a cactus phase
I plan on waiting till marriage if I get lucky enough to find a good girl. I guess I'm fucked if women get antsy after 8 months. I'm also going to mainly be patient because I want to see God working through her and her to see God working through me and for that to be the foundation of our marriage instead of sex. I believe sex will be good as a result of that connection rather than the other way around.
Yeah, making guys wait a while helps avoiding guys like this that don't value love and commitment and just use you for sex :)
fuck if I can remember, I memory hole all gift giving as a finished task I don't have to think about until the next occasion
Kat Scott doesn't even cover football yet she's a voice in Madden
Women, if you lose interest in someone, how long does it take to get it back?
Thats a gift you gave someone?
ask her to get lunch
there's a lack of realism in that, after a certain point you just have to write her off as not interested in you sexually which is of course a deal breaker
The trick to solving women (smug) as a man is to recognize that they are almost 100% of the time in the yellow-red zone. What this chart doesn't show is that red and green are connected, making the thing a giant loop. Turning red into green takes god levels of rizz, but normal conversation can turn a yellow into a green or a yellow into a red fairly quickly.
Over 20 years ago and nothing really beats the joy of teenagers getting consoles and games. I set the bar high for my best friend hehe
Yeh, and do you think they just started with play by play? Beth Mowins started as a sports anchor and reporter for a local tv station. Kate Scott started with radio to be fair but also had tv roles. Being seen.
>there's a lack of realism in that
There isn't, I never struggled to date while keeping that standard.
Men, what's your favorite type of women?
Women, what's your favorite type of men?
I will next class when I see her. I'll also text her in the meantime.
Yes. I was 17 if I do the math right. Spent a few months working in a factory that paid unreasonable well for my age. First time getting a huge amount of money, and I spent it on a car, CD’s, PS2, Video games and a tv
Tomboyish girls. Biggest crushes ive had in the last 5 years were a girl who made the most sex jokes than most men i've known, and a girl who does sports
Foid that can't accept that women are hired for their looks, right?
you don't see how that mostly selects for men who fundamentally just don't have much other recourse and are settling for the only one who's giving them enough interest? that's not so much "love and commitment", many men are going for longer than 8 months without sex.

otherwise do you expect men who barely even know you to become abstinent in the off-chance you turn out to be worth it, or can they sleep around while you wait to make up your mind?
>Women, what's your favorite type of men?
Goofy, loving dudes with ADHD.
If I stick my dong in you and start wiggling as hard as I can do you think I can simulate a vibrator?
F1 drivers
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state gender

What's the biggest disappointment in media (tv, manga, vidya, etc.) you've experienced? What's one you experienced recently?
when emotions are low, they can be shifted, but all emotions can be escalated
Is it bad if I resent my parents for being immigrants? They want me to marry a man from our country and be just like them but they raised me in America where there are no men from my country, and now I'm not acclimated enough to our country to ever go back and assimilate normally. I belong no where

Idk what thread we're all using
>biggest ever
Dragon Age 2
I saw some children's playing cards at the store that had AI generated art. It's a small thing but makes me feel pretty grim about the future
>Dragon Age 2
bought that game as it was hyped
quit after ten minutes
what a stupid game was that
Not gamers
Nerdy smart dudes, think would sit down and nerd out about university level topics of chemistry, biology or any sciences.



No in between
are you inidan?
I (F) haven't watched a movie in months.
State gender and recommend me a movie. Preferably an older one with great cinematography.
>Nerdy smart dudes, think would sit down and nerd out about university level topics of chemistry, biology or any sciences.
chemist here
I have a well paid job
we should meet
> They want me to marry a man from our country and be just like them
I laughed when someone asked me if I’d marry a man that is from my country
No thank you

Embrace being an Oreo and rediscover things from the outside, maybe I’m slightly racist but I prefer any country but mine and only date euros
DA2 was okay really. Not THAT bad. DAO>>>>DAI>DA2
I don't get the popularity of himbos or bimbos. Dating a retard sounds frustrating.
I expect a man who is in a relationship with me to not cheat on me, yes.

>you don't see how that mostly selects for men who fundamentally just don't have much other recourse
No? If a man is in any way bitchy about me not fucking him, I just move on and find someone else. There are men who share my values, and appreciate I won't have sex with strangers.
my cousin is one
he's popular and all his sex slaves are just as dumb as him
he tried to date a girl smarter than him but she dumped him mostly due to retarded drama but I suspect also because he's a retard
you won't regret it

as a scientist I'd probably write off any woman who admitted to wanting the latter, no way should you take a chance with a woman who says "himbo" is her type lol
Idk the unfinished MGSV maybe.
Recently Borderlands movie.
>Men: Why do you wish to be left alone?
because picrel feeling
you wouldn't understand
Gayniggers from Outer Space
Hey what type of chemist?
Sharp objects (it’s a tv series but it’s the fucking best)
Lady bird
Room 2015 A24
Obvious child 2014
>Recently Borderlands movie.
how bad is it?
both my parents are korean and I only date japanese
My le movie...le entertained people?
True Detective season 2
"""True Detective"""" season 4
I got the giggles during a class for the first time since like elementary school and I’m in the bathroom rn what do I do to control them anons?? I don’t wanna laugh at my professor
>Hey what type of chemist?
engineer at a large metal company so effectively metallurgy/inorganic chemistry.
The complete and total disintegration of star wars as a franchise
recently, I finished Boy's Abyss and that ended on a wimper. Though apparently part of that was the scanslation war going on that resulted in shitty translations as it turned into a race rather than "who can make the best translation"
Truman destroyed this dork

White dudes, are you feeling Kamala fever now?
I'm white and am only attracted to white guys but I'm almost never attracted to men from my country
And how does that go
it won Best for nearly every category during the Oscars awards

post the REAL trailer
Women do you get the shiver when you pee too?

from the sounds of it you are not actually in a relationship you're just dating. not having sex with somebody you're just dating is fine but not having sex in a relationship is kind of bizarre, might as well not half-ass it and wait until marriage.
do you really find yourself such a strong selling point that a guy should commit to a sex-less relationship before he knows you? are you certain that some men don't just go along with it, because you know, men don't have that many options most of the time.
Which of you moids was this that the Good Doctor is referring to?
>I hate them when they overlap with the professional world
but that's what they do in the west? they have professional women only events and how is it equality when men are not allowed to have men only events?
Liberalism is a terminal disease for a nation, so no matter what sort of retard like trump opposes it, I'm still going to vote for them just to try to slow the inevitable collapse that occurs in any nation in history due to straying from conservativism
So bad I don’t remember it and I left maybe half way in? Do you remember how fun it was to play borderlands and how cool the story and characters were in B2? Now remove all of that and call it a movie. I knew it was going to be bad though. Eli Roth was involved and when he cast the worst people for every role you knew it was going to be a shit show
>And how does that go
I live in japan and most don't care here.
I largely find women to be pretty interchangeable tbqh. If they have a distinct personality it's usually for the worse so I guess my type is " not bipolar"?
>preferably an older one

Suicide Squad 2016
Uh probably some slock I clicked on Netflix and couldn't stand watching last 10 minutes
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I’ve dated 2 genuine himbos, they are key to a himbo is that they are nice AND dumb not just dumb and beefy.
>see pic

Understandable, still sport science guys are fun.
Men don’t actually understand what we mean when we say himbos, here’s a thorough explanation of the difference
A cock what?
State age
Have you ever been with a virgin woman?
Truman is the kind of man I'd like to see in the Democratic party, preferably running for POTUS these days. Not a "fun dad" character like Walz or an empty suit like Kamala. A man who talks tough and walks the talk.
If you think a relationship is defined by whether or not sex is present, that says more about you than anyone else, dude.

You don’t have to like how that anon and I work, but I think it boils down to us wanting different things than you. And we want guys who feel the same way. And it may surprise you, but those men actually do exist.
A few times, and it's great, like a fantasy come to life, so much better than sleeping with a non-virgin, not going to sugar coat it.
A cock ring. Since I'm assuming you don't know what that is, it's a sex toy in the form of a circlet you wear around your penis to help you maintain an erection. Some of them are battery powered and vibrate to help stimulate the cock of the man wearing it. I've played with a few solo and also masturbated a few men and been masturbated while we were both wearing cock rings. I also wore one during a sex session with a woman I had a fling with a few years ago.
That’s surprising to hear. From my side, losing my virginity sucked and made me afraid of having sex in the future.
>Male fandoms are much closer to what society considered to be neutral or normal.
Looks like a black revenge fantasy.
>those men actually do exist.
He only cares about his pleasure not theirs lmao
>From my side, losing my virginity sucked and made me afraid of having sex in the future.
nta but i'm a guy and i had the same experience as you. Losing my virginity caused me a lot of stress and anxiety. I feel worse now than i did when I was a virgin. I'm more afraid of sex now
it is what inspired Quinten Tarantino when he made D'Jango Unchained
I’m sorry to hear that.

From my side, it was due to being in a lot of pain. If you don’t mind my asking, what was the source of the stress and anxiety?
>If you think a relationship is defined by whether or not sex is present, that says more about you than anyone else, dude.
wholly defined by it, no but sex is a necessary ingredient, yes. I think most people agree with that, because that's the whole reason the pairing is male and female to begin with. you think it's some coincidence people generally want relationships with the opposite sex, really weird isn't it

and they don't exist in that much abundance is the current zeitgeist, same reason guys are told to get real about their prospects of having sex if they don't want fat or slutty women - there's simply too few
Okay, I regret asking. Sex toys are retarded anyway. Nature already gave you "sex toys": Genitals, mouth, hands, etc. Use those instead of wasting your money.
>from the sounds of it you are not actually in a relationship you're just dating
No, a relationship is not defined by whether you have sex or not.

>do you really find yourself such a strong selling point that a guy should commit to a sex-less relationship before he knows you?
He can get to know me first and then commit to a relationship with me. But yeah, I don't have sex with guys I'm not in love with and committed to.

>are you certain that some men don't just go along with it
Sure, but you can usually tell.
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Would you rather have a gay son that dies a virgin because he's ashamed of himself or a typical angry straight incel son that can change?
How many bpdemons have you fucked already?
How many normal women?
>here’s a thorough explanation of the difference
it's a nice chart but doesn't change anything from my pov
None I failed as a parent if I didn’t make my gay son feel safe
And I failed as a parent if my son is a menace to society
I have more than 3 sons
None of them are incels.
Making your sons NOT incels is dead simple.

what do you think of girls like this? Are they annoying and weird to you or do you think they are attractive and you'd like one as a gf?

What happened to her?
Yes, sex is a necessary ingredient— but not all the elements of a relationship come into place at the same time.

Are you saying you’d buy a house, get a joint bank account, have a baby, and adopt a pet together with someone, give them your passwords for subscription accounts, give them a key to your apartment, tell them your deepest darkest secrets, etc. the minute you make your relationship “official” with someone, because you’re in a relationship? I’d hope not.

Relationships take time to build. Building up to sex is part of that process.
I'm scared to lose my virginity, but I want to get it over with. When you were losing it, were you pushing yourself past feelings of discomfort? I always bail the second I feel slightly uncomfortable and I think it's holding me back
>what was the source of the stress and anxiety?
it felt disgusting and weird to be touched. I never had someone so physically close to me, or touch me. Never had someone put their mouth on me or get their pussy fluids on me. I felt disgusted and I just wanted it to be over. All i could think about was it being over, showering and being alone
What, kpop singers?
Sex is still new and exciting to her, you get to watch her having her "first times". She hasn't had any particular part of sex ruined for her by previous bad experiences (like happened to JH and many other femanons). You get to watch her wrestle with the gravity of the notion of losing her innocence, the inherent appeal of being that chosen man, etc.
She got raped
I don’t expect it to change your mind, but it should shed some light on why they are appealing to smart women
you literally don't know what incel means
By an /atoga/ poster?
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KP hasn't posted in a while, either, so maybe...
Asians don't really doing anything for me, but if you mean stage performers, no they aren't really for me, too extroverted.
why do boys freak out when a girl who is very experienced is happy that her boyfriend is a virgin and hasn't had experiences with other women?
Obviously, they're extremely attractive
Even more obviously, they're so far out of my league we might as they might as well be a different species
M, 30

Still technically a virgin since we didn't do PIV but I got intimate with two different girls. The first was a roommate and she just randomly started sleeping in my bed but didn't really wanna do much beyond 3rd base and she didn't let me touch her pussy but anywhere else was fine.

The second girl we were really drunk and she was cheating on her bf after having a fight with him and I had just had some huge complications with the girl I was trying to date at the time, so we kinda hooked up. Fortunately, I was too drunk to get an erection. I enjoyed fingering her to orgasm in the moment but the realest part was the fucking smell. She had dingleberries so I had to wash my sheets the morning after while feeling totally confused about it. We made up and are still (distant) friends but I'm REALLY glad I didn't have sex with her.
I'd say we aren't in a relationship if we're not even intimate, we're just dating
On 4chan they do because they believe it's impossible for a woman to get the same thrill that we get from being our partner's first time. I try to explain it to these retards but there a few, particularly older virgin men that just seem like they will never accept it.
I was trying to force it to happen. We used a lot of lube and fingering, so I thought we were doing it right, and the more we did it, the more painful sensations started to fade… but as soon as he was in, it was agony— like a sharp knife stabbing me from inside.

What I learned from that experience is that if you’re experiencing pain trying to get something in there, it’s worth seeing a gynecologist to check if everything is normal down there.

This went beyond just discomfort, I was pushing past pain signals to try and get through it because I mistakenly thought that once you get it in, the body will adjust and it’ll be good from then on. That’s not how it works.
bro Chaewon is so fucking sexy

There are ways to be intimate without having sex. But I don’t think this conversation is worth continuing, because I don’t think we’re going to convince each other. I certainly am not going to just give it up sooner because some guy on the internet thinks it’s not a real relationship if I do it before I’ve fallen in love.
it's the same reason they're appealing to dumb women anon, it's not really a mystery that women like attractive men
as before it's definitely a non-starter if she expresses a strong preference for meatheads even if she means nice meatheads
Blade Runner (1982)
War and peace (Bondartchuk)
Do you think it was vaginismus? I think my fear is more mental, because I'm usually fine when I masturbate
Do you think your partner was part of the issue as well in any capacity?
One day in Rome and im convinced Italian girls are the most beautiful on this Earth
Femanons why arent you italian
Wrong girl b
This is Momo from Twice
you get dutch cum in you once and lose ur italian citizenship...
they do in real life too. When I was 28 I tried dating a 19 year old virgin. I took his virginity and unleashed myself on him every day because it was my kink that i knew his cock had never been in another girl. So I basically worshipped it. But after a few weeks the guy started to act weird with me and asked me if all the things ive done with him i've done with other guys. Well yeah obviously, i learned what I know from my past experiences. He couldn't handle that and dumped me.
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You can fall in love in 8 months?
Blade Runner is not a good movie to recommend. It’s a detective that doesn’t do detective work. With actors fighting with the director about the direction and meaning of the movie. And you might get unlucky and watch a bad version of the movie since there are several.
they all look the same to me, but I fucking love the Le Serrafim girls that the OP posted. the girl with the short hair (chaewon) makes me so horny. But like you said, they are so far out of my fucking league it makes me depressed.

It's hard to connect with people the same way other people do.
I have friends but they seem to get along more with our other friends, I'm also socially awkward and people pick up on that even though I feel like I'm acting normal.
I have a very tight pelvic muscle… I forget precisely what it’s called, but if you insert your thumb and press downward/toward the rear, that’s the muscle I was having trouble with. It’s extremely tight and difficult for me to loosen.

My gyno also won’t give me muscle relaxers for them because she explained that they’re addictive, so my only recourse is to basically do some vaginal physical therapy. It’s not fun. She also suggested maybe trying some CBD relaxers (non-prescription) and such to see if that makes a difference, so I guess I’ll be trying that too.

A mental block is, as I understand it, also totally normal. If you’re able to use a normal-sized dildo, you should be okay. For comparison, I’m not able to stick a dildo up there unless it’s about two finger-widths thick.

I think my partner was slightly above average in size, but not significantly so, and he was extremely gentle and thorough in fingering/stretching. I do not lay a single iota of blame at his feet.
I’m Italian
Russian and Dutch girls are hotter
Oh, I guarantee you that's more him freaking out that you seemed to have a lot of "experience" (prior men). He probably liked that you appreciated his virgin cock
It feels like youre locked out of a skill tree thats assumed and expected you mastered in your early teens.
Hmmm, yeah he's based.
You can’t?
Wrong, im slavic and the girls Ive seen today just around the streets of rome knock the girls back home out of the park
From where
O’ Brother. Where Art Thou?
I got my brother a Jotaro JoJo x Naked and Famous collab pair of selvedge jeans.
Half balkan half poland mutt im afraid
You can't?
nta but what was the guy thinking?
Oh its fine she is in so much pain? autism much?
No of course not, it takes a lot of familiarity for me not to be annoyed by somebody's quirks let alone fall in love.
I got my ex a hoodie that was the same as the one she kept stealing from me and got it tailored to fit perfectly.
We dress better than you guys but Slavic girls are taller
Where do you live? What languages do you speak?
>Blade Runner is not a good movie to recommend
get lost
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Is James Rolfe an example of graceful aging, normal aging, or aging badly? (Ages 24 to 40)
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Question for women:

A coworker of mine knew a guy who she didn't like at all at first, but he kept being persistently showing interest in her (giving her gifts, driving up to her house) for many MONTHS and eventually won her over. They ended up getting married.
I know several other stories similar to this. Girl says no, guy keeps trying, eventually she says yes and they end up together.
Now I'm not at all like those guys. If I get rejected, then that's generally the end of it. This is because while I don't explicitly believe that being persistent after many rejections is morally wrong, I do seem to have internalized that idea. If I were to try, I would probably feel guilty.

It's kind of like advertising. Nobody likes billboards. But if a company were to say "wow our customers sure are annoyed by our billboards, let's take them down" then those same customers would punish them for this gesture, and reward their competitors who kept their billboards up.
Same thing in my situation. It feels like I act consistently with "no means no, full stop" and get punished for it; meanwhile some other men think "no means try again next week" and get rewarded (with long-term relationships).

And this sometimes me feel angry at those women who spread the idea that that kind of behavior is scummy. Then again, I kind of get where they're coming from. So I don't know how to think about this.

Thoughts? Do you think being persistent in this way is actually acceptable?
If not, do you think those men were wrong to pursue those women that way, even though they eventually succeeded? Should I do what you consider the right thing, even if it'll seriously harm my long-term romantic prospects?

>disclosure for the sake of fairness: none of those relationships or marriages I mentioned lasted. But neither do most "normal" relationships!
NTA but how long do you typically wait when you're dating someone before having sex?
Yeah, watch it again anon
I try to fashionmax too but I cant do much about my face. But yeah sure italian girls are pretty short, i tower even over the guys here
Balkan now
Slovenian, serbo-croatian, german, russian and english
Until I feel ready to. With my first bf, 2.5 years (but mostly because we got together at 14 and I just wasn't ready to have sex). With my husband, 4 months.
If I wasn’t a girl I would date you anon Balkan girls are so cute
He looks like an angry baby
Virgins having pain is generally seen as pretty normal. I think he figured that since we were going slow and making progress, it was okay. Everything he did was by my own instruction so he was trusting me to know my limits.

As soon as he got the head in, I had him hold still and tried to endure it for a minute to see if I could adjust to it. It took about seven seconds for me to admit I couldn’t, so he pulled out and we called it quits for the day.

Don’t blame him. Blame me for thinking that I could just push through it and it would suddenly fix itself.
Men to get a 10/10 girl
Would you get a dick piercing?
Im a dude retard
A couple times
>Balkan now
Another potential Pole taken from us
Congrats? lol
It takes a lot more than that, but sure if it was easy as that
Oh, I think I mixed you up with the other anon who said she waited 8 months. Was your husband the second guy you ever dated? That's actually really sweet, congrats.
Whoops meant for

My bad my guy
No, sorry. My dick has been mutilated enough for one lifetime
>Men to get a 10/10 girl
Do I keep her forever in marriage?
Or just a ONS?
I'd only do it for a marriage.
It's the second guys I've been in a relationship with. I went on a few other first dates, but never progressed past that because the guys weren't looking for something as serious as I was. I had known my husband for a few months before we went out together, too.

>I think I mixed you up with the other anon who said she waited 8 months.
Yeah, I think there's 2 of us who have similar stances on the topic.
Yeah, looks like you did mix us up. Hah.

If you were looking for my answer, I’d say that most of my dates don’t even get to the stage of a relationship. 8 months guy was my first and only serious relationship.

I’ll see how I feel about the next guy. I’m also the one with the sucky virgin experience, so we’ll see how I feel about dating after I find a way to fix my downstairs.
Respect it would instantly kill my boner if my girl was in so much pain.
Women would you kiss a penis?
I wonder how a dick piercing feels when a guy fucks you
10/10 girls do not exist
Really depends on the dick piercing and why she wants it, honestly I could only see myself doing it for a woman I'd been married to for years, like if my wife came to me and just endlessly went on about how dick piercings drive her wild and they're her greatest fantasy I'd consider it, but I'd still need to do a lot of research.

For a girl I was dating? Or just to hook up with? Fuck no lmao.
Does the four months you waited to have sex include the time you were friends before dating? Or was it four months from the time you started dating? Hope I'm not being too nosy, I just find this stuff interesting
Women would you kill a penis?
Yeah. He was an absolute champ about it and didn’t make me feel bad or judged for not being able to do it.
With a piercing
No, 4 months from when we were in a relationship :)
We only went on two dates before we committed to each other so we never really casually dated, we were very into each other from the get go.
I have a lot of experience at it already.
How old were you guys when you started dating? How did you talk to him about wanting to wait? I must have missed your posts about your first time experience, but I think it's pretty common for it to be not that great. What do you feel you need to fix?
MFW I never get to experience being a champ :(
Men do you like being called a good boy
Sounds like you guys were meant to be. What was your timeline from dating to engagement to marriage?
I'm below a dog in women's eyes already so idc
the fuck should I know
I only get called retard and only by femoids itt
Friends for 3 months, dated for 3 years, engaged for 3 years, married for 9 months.

Yes, but I like being called Bad Boy more
Only when femanon does it.

If its guaranteed to be my personal idea of a 10/10, yes I would

He's looking pretty good for his 40's, just his hairline is retreating FAST
Men would you date a girl who has a complete Stacy sister
Women do you care about men?
They wouldnt date me
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>I treat those close to me like dog shit but I have superficially good manners when dealing with strangers so I'm a good person
Why is this so common? My siblings are snappish and condescending towards my mom (who doesn't deserve it) but always prattle on about how important it is to say yes or no to strangers. A friend of mine is often a cold cunt but talks about how being hospitable to strangers is so important. A BPD ex-friend of mine was an abusive monster but strongly believes in being polite to strangers. I don't get it. If you treat your loved ones poorly then you aren't worth a fuck. No amount of polite nineties with strangers and acquaintances will change that.
>say sir or ma'am to strangers
I am not a Stacy my sister is
I was implying you wouldnt date me
Why wouldn't I? I'm the loser of the family
no, she would talk shit about me and convince her to break up with me anyway or worse
I'm just curious, why the long engagement? School or some other practical reason, or just wanted to take your time? After this I'll stop pestering you lol. Congrats again on your marriage
Strangers will kill you, loving trusting people wont. Basically it's normalfag version of incel logic.
Im like a solid 3 on a good day
So am I
She doesn't care enough about me to do that
"I may be a pedo but at least I'm not RUDE" type logic is endemic to normalfags
No worries at all! I love talking about him, he's my favorite.

We were long distance in different countries, through covid lockdowns. And paperwork is a pain in the ass lol
>She doesn't care enough about me to do that
she would under those circumstances
sorry I am too wary of female family members putting pressure on her to leave me because she can do better, simple as
facts on grup
I was… 22, I think.

I was just honest with him that I was inexperienced and wanted to take it slow. We talked about his sexual experience and we just had a frank conversation— about whet we were interested in, about what we’d tried before (me: nothing; him: past partners), that sort of thing. It was a very low-pressure, easy conversation that made me feel even more confident about being with him. I think being able to speak honestly to me was also good for him.

For me, I have a very tight pelvic floor muscle that I need to fix with physical therapy. It’s a diagnosed issue I’ve been to the gynecologist for. Just a bad lottery ticket when god was handing out vaginas.
Women can’t be losers the way men are
Inexperienced with dating = positive in women, negative in men
>So am I
I doubt it, its extremely rare for a girl to even be a 5. I dont even think ive seen a girl in my life that wasnt cute to a certain extent, unless we count older women who let themselves go
You’d easily get at least a 6 or 7 guy. I believe in you
Women, rate your booty-shaking abilities
It's kind of hilarious how simple it is to get people to reveal their true nature

>get into argument with someone
>be condescending and aggressive to them
>they respond politely
>(this is virtue signaling to make themselves look good)
>stay on the attack
>the other person eventually enters a rage and starts swearing and name calling

lmao even.
Anyone can be nice to someone who's nice to them. Being civil even to the mean and aggressive is what shows true maturity, integrity, and character.

Does ATOGA feel the same?
I’m pretty sure going out of your way to aggravate people and push them past the point of a reasonable person’s politeness makes you the asshole, and them ordinary civilized human beings.
thats just mean
Why do men obsess over this dumb hussy so much?
No, you’re an asshole and a wannabe edgy teenager
How do I address my girlfriend flirting with her coworker without coming off like a jackass?
they're pedophiles and she vocaroo'd one time and sounded like a 6 year old.
I would protect you
Well I'm breaking barriers and going where no woman has gone before. Severe loserdom
I wish I could haha you are very kind but I am at most a 4
Why would responding to a cunt boy like yourself be their true nature if you had to continuously provoke them in order to do so?
I got laid by being calm when my gf did this.
Idk, i never liked her purely because she's racist. So i assume its just the racist males simping for because "muh racist queen"
Very much yes.
"Do you think this behavior is appropriate? How would you feel if I did the same?"
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Are you prettier than this?
sex+break up
She has prettier eyes and lips than me but I am thinner than her
Oh yeah, I forgot about covid. That must have been a massive headache. All's well that ends well, though
Just be direct but don't tell her to stop unless she will get uppity and do it more.
>I saw you flirting with so and so
nothing more than that, nothing less.

She will deny it and then do it again. each time she does it from then on just give her a knowing look, but never bring it up again.

Each time she does it, just fall less and less in love with her, and then if she cheats it's good riddance.
No way are you a 4 if you look skinnier than her. Even if your eyes arent as good as hers, which is very subjective honestly, you're easily at least a 6
Women say something sexy
Idk I've met so many girls who are way way prettier than me I have a hard time believing that
I probably look similar to anon, or at least I’d have responded the same way as her, and guys have consistently rated me a 3 or 4 online.

I’m pretty unremarkable and just kind of bleh to look at. That’s reality. Maybe if I did makeup I’d look better, but it makes my eyes itch and I can’t touch my face if I wear it.
>I'm bleh
shit, guess you've got to learn about The Roman Empire if you want a hot boyfriend
you post your face, censor the eyes or sth and we give you compliments
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>Gentle Femdom
Now we're talking!
NTA but it's too much fun to pretend to be retarded and ask stupid questions about the roman empire to autistic men.
Why would my coworker ask my girlfriend if we're dating instead of asking me directly? I've known him for longer than she has...
Irony: Greek and Roman history was actually my major.
Women, do you like cock?
This one girl I dated would always pretend that random historical figures were fictional characters to piss me off, she'd always choose someone like Blackbeard or Doc Holliday or one time Teddy Roosevelt and claim they were just movie characters or marketing campaigns. It took me like six months to figure out she was just doing it to mess with me. Women are so evil
>majored in Roman History
>no boyfriend
Okay are you telling the guys they have small dicks as a greeting or what because something's not adding up here
Huh, maybe I should try that.
You guys shouldn't look so cute when you get pressed about Constantine if you didn't want us to mess with you.
I don’t think most men give a shit about Roman history, anon. I think like only one guy I dated liked listening to me ramble on about it. All the others were polite stares, uh-huhs, then topic changes.
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Women what do you think of men who are knowledgeable in certain areas, but retarded in others? For instance, I am good at math, physics, electronics, etc. But I don't know shit about biology
That sounds painful, but if there's treatment then I'm sure you'll come out the other end. Your ex sounds like a good guy
If you did this irl and I murder you, which of us will get more pussy?
>Dating Chad
>Chad not giving a fuck about a topic that doesn't involve beer, cars, football or fucking
Checks out
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I am good at applying social theory to the academic study of Geography, but bad at everything else.
I’m a huge history nerd. If my gf knew any history at all, I’d cum in my pants so hard I’d nearly die.
I mean there’s always going to be people who look better than you. But that doesnt mean you cant be cute or good looking yourself.
Did the guys rate you from unflattering pictures?
Are you overweight?
Are you putting yourself out there
If you have glasses shaggy hair and are corruptible I’d fuck you
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>social theory to the academic study of Geography
I dont even know what that means
Its actually impossible to have a major in roman history and be single as a girl
I just tricked my boyfriend into talking about Teddy Roosvelt to tell him "The one from Night at the museum? With Ben Stiller?". He's seething.

God I love men so much.
Barry Lyndon
>If you have glasses
Unfortunately I have 20-20 eyesight

>shaggy hair
Uhh idk, my hair is about shoulder length

I have no experience, so yeah, probably
I have a Spencer Reid fetish just find a girl into that
Social theory to the academic study of geography means looking for a reason why a tribal society would settle four miles from a water source and instead of moving closer or building an aqueduct or canal they just make every woman spend the majority of her waking hours carrying buckets of water on her head while the men do fuck all.
NTA but 2/3
I’m a font of goodness; I’ll purify you
Women are usually second class citizens. I could tell you that without spending hundreds on a course.
To guys and girls.
How can guys be so heartless?
>Be me
>talk with my brother in laws big brother
>subject goes to family and I ask about their mom
>I know she has had a series of strokes and her mental state is deteriorating quick
>put in a care home
>Says he doesnt know, hasnt seen his mom in a year
>ask why
>He tells me its no use to visit a person who doesnt remember you or your visit
>completely straight face

the fuck? She is still your mom
Guys be proud of me I went to a job Open House today. T minus 5 days until I quit my job
He might also avoid her because it would be too painful to see her in this state.
M or F
do you bust one before work?
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Is this like an african thing you're talking about?
So it's just another degree in "men bad" huh?
Other anon beat me to it. The true reason is that it’d be way too painful. The “logical” reason given is just to avoid talking avout his feelings.
They probably settled closer to building materials they can use to build stuff. That is what men do.
>How can guys be so heartless?
I know plenty of women who do that shit too
Don't pin it on us
This is evil
>Uhh idk, my hair is about shoulder length
Do you wear ponytails sometimes? Please say you do *sigh*
No, I wake up like half an hour before I leave so there's no time.
Once, I did bust one AT work. When I was working at a hotel I snuck into one of the rooms and rubbed out a quick one in the bathroom.
Is this the live thread?
Typically anything at the source of water would be subject to flooding
I'm sure it's more than "to torture women"
What a retarded, delusional, unlovable cunt you are. I almost feel bad for you.
Good luck
What’s it look like pal?
Well, if these anons are right.

I wouldnt expect a girl to say it so nonchalantly or with a straight face. In a way I would believe at least.
Maybe I am better at reading female faces
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Anyone had dated a Somali? Any tips for getting one to fall in love with me?
t. Standard-looking straight white man with brown hair and brown eyes from America
Yeh, legit. There are stones in Asia that say "do not build below this line". Modern builders haven't followed that and those houses always get flooded.
Why the fuck
I thought flood and drought stones existed in almost every culture all over the globe.
They probably do. I'm just talking about what I'm familiar with.
What the fuck do you mean “why”? Because I want one retard.
>identify with a character in a book I'm reading
>they turn out to be a serial killer/chomo/etc.
I didn't choose to be this :/
Why do you want one of those? I mean what specifically appeals to you about them?
Their bodies, their faces, their hair
I dont think theres a type of woman worse than somali
>Do you wear ponytails sometimes?
I do actually...
Usually when its messy and I just want a quick fix to go to class or something
>Usually when its messy and I just want a quick fix to go to class or something
I think I love you
>their hair
This isn’t the question I was asking, bitch. Either answer the question or ignore the question. Don’t waste my damn time trying to talk me out of it, dumb nigger.
Well, obviously there are also individual differences, but in my own experience moids are more likely to want to be perceived as uncaring than weak, even if they feel differently.
I'm getting a little sick of my girlfriend taking her anger out on me. She started getting really upset yesterday just because the Dairy Queen app wasn’t working, and then today she was randomly rude to me after I walked all the way from the computer lab to the art building on campus to give her my phone charger after she texted me that she needed it. She gets easily stressed about things, but she doesn’t have to put it on me.
Yes…? What?
Im trying to save you nigga
Nothing, it's just... I always get white people asking to touch my hair. It's mildly annoying.
How would you describe "loser tendencies"?
Boundaries, do you enforce them
Do you let them?
JH your hair isnt somali tier hair
Ur cute btw
Sorry, ma’am. I didn’t know you were black or Somali. I won’t be rude again. I don’t and would never even think about walking up to you or anyone else to touch them without permission. I understand your concerns, but I just like looking at your hair, not touching it, unless you give me permission of course!
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Anyone had dated a blue eyed blonde guy? Any tips for getting one to fall in love with me?
t. Standard-looking Italian woman with brown hair and brown eyes

Off the top of my head the following are "loser tendencies"
>deliberately being awake at times most others are asleep (early morning, late night)
>focus on "time killer" activities such as media binging and substance use
>no progress towards any personal goals being achieved
>little involvement in the lives of others
>engaged in low effort consumption (bad food, bad media, etc)
Most of these things are things that are fine in some moderation, so don't panic if you like shitty TV or whatever, but if you've watched an entire anime or completed a game that you didn't even like that's a red flag.
You gotta watch that shit and be able to tell American black girls from the newer ones, this one black immigrant chick told me she was looking for a guy who loved eating pussy and it was NOT what I expected

I am not JH.
Please stop doing that, I've met girls like this and it's infuriating, I do you the courtesy of not making fun of you.
Best I can do is brown hair, blue eyes on lock though
He looks like a massive faggot
I'm flattered lol
>Vladimir Putin wants Russians to have sex during work breaks amid declining birthrate, says fate of Russia depends on it

Gender, would you fornicate during work breaks?
Those kinds of people usually don't have good personal hygiene.
If he was gay he wouldn't style himself like that I can assure you
Nah. It's too funny.

nta but why do women think they have to put effort in to look cute?
How do you know, are you gay?
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Just sharing this with our femanons so they aren't trapped by their trad husbands

I fornicate during work hours regularly ever since going to remote work lmao
I’ll take it if it’s on sale
Im destined to die alone, my bloodline ends with me
>just impoverish yourself and your children!
>you can date Carl, he's a Starbucks barista who went bald at 19 but don't worry he's got plenty of scraggly facial hair!
Sure i like to wear contacts when doing sports though
I love italian girls
sorry anon you should have asked them about their dinner or some shit
You guys are acting like blacks are any different than white women. Stfu.
Will Russia implement free use workplaces?
I think that's a fetish of a large chunk of our femanons
Ok you will remember this tomorrow when qou will be flirting with a cute guy from class. DO IT!
Wait hold up, do you think i'm a woman...?
It's a little demoralizing to realize that you would just as easily prefer me in a potato sack.
Cool where are you from?
"Conservative" here just means "follows a foreign religion"
Black women treat men like retards. I don't mean like they just joke about how men are dumb, they actually just assume any man they meet is full on sped and incapable of basic independent living tasks. One black woman I dated congratulated me for having car insurance as a man, like full on condescending talking like I was a kindergartener bringing her home a drawing.
>"I love a man who can take care of that kind of thing on his own, that must have been really hard!"
exact fucking wording

Sorry, I see ponytail and my mind just immediately goes to woman.
Says an awful lot about black men desu.
Mid/south europe
>use dating app
>take the generic advice of writing a bio and not using selfies so fill out my shit and try to use pictures of me actually doing shit
>sparing amount of likes, maybe 1 or 2 a week usually none
>fuck it
>restart profile with nothing on it but two selfies that make me look less ugly than I am
>8 likes in an hour
women why are you like this

(yes I am a manlet)
It's tough out there for black women, god forbid she's very ugly too, actual nightmare difficulty
Same as this >>32025220 anon. During the summer, I take a 3 hour long lunch break just to meet with a FwB. Today, I put a rock on my keyboard for an entire day whilst I spent the first 5 hours in bed with him and the rest watching films together.
What do you want, we like men that do stuff.
I suspect that a lot of Russian women would happily become free use for western virgins rather than deal with their gopnik "men" any longer.
F. No, he gets too sleepy after he cums to do it regularly if he actually has to work after :<
Okay, and how the fuck is that any different than a damned white bitch exactly?
Likes don't equate to success finding whatever you're looking for on the app.
Hey, they call it a man bun for a reason. Men aren't traditionally known for having long hair.
>using fwb as boyfriend but without any love
Why are women like this now?
That's what I figured, I've dated two black women and both had a very low opinion of male intelligence, like way beyond what is normal for a woman. Some other gems from the same woman
>remember to turn the stove off when you're done with dinner!
>be careful, the spicy wings are hot!
>remember to register to vote, there's an election this year sweetie!
>it's important to do your laundry so you have enough clean clothes
>at one point explained to me how bank interest worked using candy as an example
>"see if you had 100 skittles and the interest rate was 6% next year you'd have 106 skittles"
>"anon I made you a doctor's appointment and you're going to go get a checkup"
>"you already have a doctor? Well look at you!"
The other black woman was not nearly that bad, but like I said still seemed surprised that a man could make it through life without a woman handling all of his affairs for him.
>replace active pictures with selfies and get more likes
evidently not lol
I'm FUCKED I have no idea how to network or make myself look impressive. LOooooool hahahahahahaahah
mommy energy, green flag
White women have the opposite problem where they assume that a man has to have near omniscient knowledge of every minute topic and skill in the realm of "man stuff" which is basically everything she doesn't want to do herself.
Women what do/would you do for your bf?
Likes are a measure of a broadly more positive response. If you don't get likes your profile doesn't even get seen most of the time so it's objectively better to get more likes.
You gotta remember that a lot of black men come from broken homes and kinda have mom dote on them because of it also.
Two sides of the same coin. Either way, there’s nothing wrong with me trying to date a black women just because you had a negative experience with one. That’s like me telling everyone “white women are evil and they want to use you for everything, so never date them” and expecting everyone to just blindly follow along. They’re just as bad as each other. You’re retarded as hell, buddy.
Bought us a house, take good care of our house, cook all our meals (mostly with food I grow myself), have his babies, annoy him, make him laugh, and am his best friend.
Wow, sorry, totally misread that.
Why don't women understand that abstinence is literally murder? Once a woman begins menstruating and is capable of childbirth, she is comitting an act of unrealized pseudo-murder for every year she goes unpregnant from then until menopause. Let's say a woman is biologically capable of having children from 14 until 34. That's 20 theoretical murders she is guilty of, since she could have had 20 children more or less. She has MURDERED those unborn children by denying them THEIR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO BE BORN. It's unforgiveable that society allows women to get away with this. Why is this allowed?
Go and fucking die somewhere, cunty nigger. You should have been aborted.
This guy can vote
Yeh, and how many babies do you kill when you jizz? By choice, no less.
I said "billions must die" anon and I meant it.
I do love him. Just wouldn't call him a full-on boyfriend. He's my best friend and we have sex and spend a lot of time together. I can call it a situationship, if you prefer.
I was thinking the other day about how I've never seen a woman show any sort of interest in me and honestly how do you even work with this? I don't want to be the kind of guy that just approaches nilly willy hoping one works.
Yes, but I’m not having children so win-win
>but I’m not having children
Who hurt you?
reminder that a woman's total egg count peaks 2 months before they are born and by the time they are 17 they've lost half of their eggs
Looksmaxx until you get at least one interest
I never really thought about how impregnation is murder in a way. All those little sperms that don't make it... clearly IVF is the most ethical way.
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is this good dirty talk?
doesn't IVF jizzing into a cup?
Wait, you guys have a limited supply?
Flirting will never not be cringe
How do people do it
>more of Chad's texts
this hurt to read
You don't. Men who are not tall/good looking cannot afford to be passive and wait for interest if they want to get anywhere. You have to make yourself a bit of a sleaze who projects "confidence" because women are never ever going to come to you by themselves.
Would you eat cum icecream?
Wait, shit, I meant, ICSI. You can also use TESE and PESA.
imagine being attractive enough for this to work
No, only when I don’t have school/work.
Wake up, enjoy a coffee and an edible. I get pepped from the coffee and use my vibrator. As I orgasm the edible kicks in. It’s the perfect morning.
I recommend this to all women
You've destroyed your vagina.
Jump to about 32minutes or whenever the "egg vault" talk starts. The whole thing is pretty informative if you're curious about fertility.

But basically women start with a set number of eggs they have for life and run out of them over time, whereas men make sperm on a daily basis. The average man makes 200-300 million sperm a day, or 1500 sperm a second.
F. Bit boring and generic. But I suppose it works for vanilla people.
I don't really think I can improve my looks much more without surgery.
Honestly it's so frustrating. It's so fucking difficult because every single time it's a wall to climb where you have zero interest or anything to go off, you just have to basically trick them into liking you.
It worked, but she clearly wanted him to say something like that.
No haha. But please share what you think you know about vaginas
also I was wrong, girls' egg counts peak in the 2nd trimester, in the 5th month of gestation.
Damn imagine disappointing 1500 potential people a second
How do I make my body use that energy to fuel my gym progress instead
>it worked
not it did not
she was laughing her ass off
Definitely not my sort of dirty talk. "Good girl" automatically makes me want to puke.
Good dog.
Today I was in class and I sneezed and a snot came out of my nose and landed on the desk of a girl who was next to me.
what kind of dirty talk do you like?
Using a vibrator can lead to changes in clitoral sensitivity. The nerves become desensitized from prolonged exposure to strong stimulation. A dick has nowhere near the power of a vibrator I mean, so you won't be able to get off as easily just from that.
Don’t worry it’s not a problem.
>A dick has nowhere near the power of a vibrator
speak for yourself
I’m a hypocrite because I think that phrase is cringey but I would not mind it being called a good boy
Dw she's used to that
He want to speak for both men and women it seems
This is a domy mommy thing though, isn't it?
Don't worry anon one time I was talking to a guy while eating popcorn and I sneezed and got spit and popcorn chunks all over him and myself
Fuck you. At least use the n word if you want to be that degrading.
I like being complimented bombed mid-sex, mostly. During foreplay, I like detailed, visceral descriptions of what they want to do to me and what they want me to do to them.
That's okay, hypocritical fetishes are fine as long as everyone is respected and happy in the end.
A little bit yeah
I guess so
I hear that man, nature is cruel and it's very easy for men to become very cynical about women when we end up having to resort to stupid tactics to get them interested. It's worse when said tactics actually work because it both feels not genuine and makes her seem like an idiot
Women, what are some of your favorite movies?
women do you hate cock???
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Either gender
Do you have a favorite Dragon Ball Z/Super/GT character?
F Krillin. That's right, the short bald guy.
Yes. Frieza
Gohan, Devilman.
pineapple express
pink flamingo
plan 9 from outer space
seven samurai
yes, all but one
YES! I have a chance!!

Goku Black
dodoria, because he‘s pink
F13s and Halloween.
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State Gender

Who did you want to win the War of the Five Kings?
F. Goku, duh. Trunks is alright, too. And Piccolo. And Gohan, I guess. Also Androids 17 and 18. And Cell's bug form.
Women, how do I greet you (when we are acquaintances/friends)? Do I hug you? Wave at you? Shake your hand? Bow?
Vegeta is literally me
Stannis. I like rules.
I mean no disrespect but Goku imo is the worst, most bland Dragon Ball character.


Wave. Possibly a hug only if you really need it.
Don’t care Tyrion is the best.
he was the best character in the whole series
They're all bland as hell, it's a kids show
F. Stannis, he's the rightful heir.
Vegeta is actually pretty complex. His journey from antagonist to hero is filled with struggle, redemption, and personal growth. His pride, internal conflicts, and desire to surpass Goku add layers.
I didnt really like any of them. Jon would probably be the best one to live under.
so true baby
Pls gimme cooking ideas for the weekend, something with a meat. Optionally rice too.
Cabbage roles. No, seriously.
did you like the walking dead?
*rolls >_<
Should i disassociate, and turn off all notifications on my birthday?
A specific cabbage?

No, it's extremely formulaic. How many times can you do NO, WE R TEH WALKING DED
>he short bald guy
He's not fat tho
why do women hate twink-looking dudes
im not kidding i graduated less than 6 months ago and girls treated me like complete shit, i never even tried to talk to them
Women, you do stop sucking after he cums right?
Savoy cabbage if you can. Its crinkly leaves are tender and easy to separate, making them perfect for wrapping around the filling. Regular old green cabbage can be a bit tougher and may require blanching to soften the leaves. If you're looking for a sweeter flavor, you might try Napa cabbage.

Yeh, my ESL was showing. >_>
>make a goody-goody guy who just seems easy going and likes fighting
>undersell his sense of justice while highlighting the self destructive lengths to which he will go to enjoy fights and improve
I think he's a pretty good main character.
No one loves anything more than women love the ability to killed their children
Depends on how annoying he has been that day.
I stop sucking right before he cums, actually.
I definitely love women more than this
my advisor
>I'll be down in a few minutes
>5 hours later, 10 minutes before 5pm he shows up and wants to sit down and work with me




I need to get out of here
That is evil

I genuinely think you need an orgasm-denial bf
Based tsundere
Don't shiits turn gays into trannies?
Women, how would you react to finger in butt, without warning during sex?
>That is evil
Annoying me is evil.
That'd probs be convenient. If a guy had a fetish specifically for all of my preferences and sexual quirks, I'd think we were meant to be.
I literally cannot orgasm without something in my butt, but I'd still be mad at a surprise finger in there. I need communication during sex, and I don't want anyone messing with my butt unless I properly prepped.
Hey, if you wanna get shit on it, knock yourself out.
>Savoy cabbage
That exists here, but I'm unsure if it's in season.

It's called chinese cabbage here for some reason, I'm pretty sure I saw some last time I went shopping.

What filling do you suggest? I thought about something like pic rel. Onyo, garlic, minced beef filling wkth a tomato-paprika sauce around it. Do you think I should cook the napa in warm water before wrapping?
Because if you're small but without having an attractive face, what is there for her to like?
only first 4 seasons
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>pay for dating app
>get no matches
>go back after a year or so to the app
>less options to filter
>same bots like me again
how sad is this?
state gender-
That sounds really nice. You can add rice inside for bulk as well along with the beef, maybe some herbs like dill or parsley.

Blanching the Nappa would be a good idea. Cool them in ice water to stop the cooking process.
>It's called chinese cabbage here for some reason
Kinda racist desu.
Thanks for the idea, I'll probably give it a try tomorrow or Saturday, I'll post a pic!

You're welcome! That sounds delicious, have fun!
odio demasiado a las mujeres bros
Par for the course

Sometimes I see the same women I saw months ago. They don't appear to be bots so I just assume they have horrible personalities if they're still single after so long.
I stop when he pulls me off
>it keeps going up
jesus christ, is "empty profile maxxing" really a thing
what if you accidentally tear of his dick?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
O’ Brother, Where Art Though
The Lighthouse
I remember the 2022-2023 era when these threads were fun
Continuing until he’s soft makes the most sense to me
He better thank me afterwards then
One of those things is not like the other.
I was back then in the 2022 era. Blackpilled as fuck by my dating apps experience.

Ive been with 2 women since. Still kinda blackpilled tbqh.
>Pink flamingo
When I was in LA they had a John Waters exposition. Was pretty cool.

Damn, that's nice.
You gotta stop cross posting from Reddit
My friend says she swipes on everyone, basically for validation of the matching, and ghosts them. Idk how sad it is since I've always lived in big cities where I think there's someone for everyone -- maybe you're geographically unfortunate.
No, they're all shit from what little I have seen.
Thank you~
Although I like tv shows more than I do movies
What? I started using these threads in 2021 and have been here since. I dont feel like its changed much aside from different name fags coming and going
You're either ugly, autistic, or don't use any photos on your profile or say anyrhing in your bio.
not him but I deboonked this personally, not having a bio increases matches. women HATE bios
This is gonna sound stupid, but I always tgought that Three Kings was a parallel universe version of O Brother.

Do you like other Wes Anderson movies too? I know his movies are always quite similar in style and themes, but nobody does movies like he does, so I'm perfectly happy with him not changing much. Haven't seen his newest one yet though.
Beef and broccoli
Women: Hairy, trimmed or shaved balls?
>It's stupid to stay attracted to people who aren't interested in you.
When you repeat this advice, bear in mind that one can't always control who they're attracted to.
It's better to say that it's foolish to stay focused on people people who aren't interested in you, or something like that.
Shaved of course.
Mandatory question
Do you want my mouth on your balls?
Then shave.
>women HATE bios
No. Blank profiles mean you're just there for a hookup.
I've done this myself.
One of my guy friends had some angsty bullshit bio and I changed it. He got 3 matches within an hour.
this question just made me realize he shaved his balls
>when you can see the boob veins
With your words, and a bow/kneel.
Why do balls have hair... what do hairy balls look like
Yeah. I used to live 5m from the office and I'd bring him home, have lunch, bang, then go back. Pretty good way to break up the day.

I literally just took a work training the other day that said repeatedly asking if Laura is available for dinner on Friday night is sexual harassment. I don't know what to think, desu. Seems highly dependent on the situation.
Men need to go.
I'd put him out of his misery.
Women who is your actress "literally me" person?
Really? You guys like that? But not if they're raised, right?
>don't use any photos
I have photos
>say anyrhing in your bio
I say enough in a not so dry manner.
>said repeatedly asking if Laura is available for dinner on Friday night is sexual harassment.
"Repeatedly" is the keyword here.
wordy bios means you get swiped left because she doesn't want to read, the more left swipes you get the less your profile gets seen overall. in fact the more actual substance your bio has the worse it gets as you get filtered more. at best you should write something glib and stupid that appeals to a lot of women but really says jack shit.

also changing your profile substantially after a period of being static will also give it a temporary boost. the extra matches often don't come because the improvements are by themselves meaningful but because the profile gets seen more just by virtue of updates.
Avoidant or mentally ill?
>Really? You guys like that?
>But not if they're raised, right?
Honesty never seen that. I cant imagine i would feel much different
Natural, the hair on balls is soft and feels sweet
I have a single blue vein on the left side and it bothers me whenever I look at it
Stop having thin skin.
Because it makes them feel soft and silky and smell nice. And it's really not much hair at all
Let me look instead.
If i were to kiss you right now, where would you want me to?
Nowhere, I'm tired as fuck from hiking all day and baout to fall asleep. You sleep on the couch.
Good night.
I don't want to use apps but I want a man so badly I could throw up. Why nobady want me
I don't like being kissed by random strangers.
Then don't look at it?
I'll sleep in someone else's bed then
It's over for most people after 25. Every genius or celeb showed their potential before that age. Every normie enjoyed their high school years way more. If you had a shitty childhood, your adult years will be full of suffering too, because you need to fix the damage you experienced and those that weren't damaged, they will just continue enjoying life.
Basically, your life is already over by 25 if you didn't manage to get in a good position by some God gifted luck. But you can decide if you will rot away over the years and let the neighbours find your lone body, or go out while you still have some youth left.
I guess the best take away is that you shouldn't really try to get across who you are unless that already appeals to the lowest common denominator. Best advice is to be incredibly boring and say you like going on vacation and going to gigs, avoid being specific about anything that outs you as an abnormal weirdo with any sort of niche interest that isn't cool or sexy. A good bio must fundamentally say nothing useful or you will spook them.
>Every genius or celeb
How many people turn out to be geniuses, honestly? Hate to break it to you, but you're never going to be Alexander the Great. Lower your expectations.
Medium shirt, white, non balding with long hair, Liberal, gun owning, can cook, prefers to clean, owns a car, 5" pp, no beard, will drink plain water and eat veggies because he is not a picky eater, can swim, identifies as polyamorous even without any relationships, bisexual, loves animals (except for haired vermin), not a furry, doesn't use apple products, doesn't like watching sports, likes anime, likes coop/multiplayer video games over solo/campaign.
And I think that's it.
I met my husband on /soc/. There are good men there, believe it or not.
False flag, he's going to kill you and post about it.
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>non balding
Vocas and picrew were all the rave, I miss those days
I love goofy, artsy ADHD girlies who dress like lesbians (an unfortunate affliction for a man to have).
I find that hard to believe. What kind of person would end up on /soc/ in the first place?
I didn't say wordy.
I meant not faggy and not empty.
There is such a thing as being able to summarize into a short blurb that inspires conversation. You don't need a book, you are not that deep.
No shit, fucking retard? I literally said in the first sentence that it's over for most people, but normies still have good experiences from their youth to look back on, which most 4channers don't.
nta I dunno about you but my childhood was a blast.
Do blowjobs feel better than jerking off?
Voca you saying
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
Then we judge our voices.
I'm a certified voicecel.
How good of a person are you? Would (hopefully, do) others enjoy your company?
The average person lives in the lap of luxury while playing the victim perpetually about how their petty theft and drug habits are justified because muh corporate exploitation despite being exposed to no risk and achieving great financial success in an easy, relatively unproductive job.
The average person cries about ethically sourced everything but "had to try" drugs sourced from murdered Colombian kids.
The average person blames muh powers that be for climate change while screaming bloody murder at any mile disruption of services those powers provide at the expense of the environment.
The average person pretends to care about consent but says rich people "stole" from them as a collective consenting trade and wants the government to steal (actually) it back through force.
The average person supports abortion and infant/child genital mutilation.

Leave me the fuck alone go away do not knock on my door
>How good of a person are you?
I have no moral compass
>Would (hopefully, do) others enjoy your company?
idk I guess
I'm quite agreeable, so people tend to not mind my company in my experience. The problem is more that I am exceedingly nervous around people I don't know very well yet, so I'm more likely to avoid them than vice-versa.
I don't think I stand out as a particularly good person but I'm positive that I'm not a bad person. I don't take drugs, I pay my taxes, I separate my garbage, I don't bother anyone.
public ridicule
specially from women
exactly, it needs to be glib and silly because women hate bios and you can do without them, the guy is the one who is expected to make the conversation anyway so it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter if your profile can "inspire conversation"
Because I'm scared of people. I don't wish to be left alone entirely though. Every now and then I enjoy their company.
I'm a pretty good person. It's just that other people are deplorable.
I'm watching a video of a guy reacting to this "alpha' male giving "advice" to this beta about marital problems

I have to say, for the 1st time, I notice this: "alphas" are just these egotistical men who feel better about themselves by shitting on other men. The beta in the video is a whiny bitch and seems like a failure as a husband, but that's not what the "alpha" was ripping into him for: he was half smiling, telling him you're ugly, you look like you're from amish country, you're not a high value man... Is this what men want? To be pissed on by other men? Do you find this appealing?
Isn't it that pretty pathetic, why would she admit that
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Men of /atoga/ why don't you have this?

Women of /atoga/ why don't you look like this?

(Thats Sarah Gadon btw)
No it matters because that's how the dating apps function and if you can't even type a short blurb then you're a bot or too autistic to reproduce.
I have on purpose not seen many Wes Anderson movies, I’m saving them for a rainy day. I liked directors with a vision and style, like Denis Villeneuve, Tarantino, Paul Verhoeven
That is a last resort. I am too young for that
M, because I'm really quiet and bad at keeping a conversation going
Just scraped the fuck out of my chin and I'm going to have a scab :( Oh shit
Some men enjoy the vicarious social domination of dunking on betas, that's the audience. It's not like catty behavior such as this is a foreign concept to women it's just practiced more overtly.
Because im an ugly freak incel and no woman wants me
Denis Villeneuve's best film is Enemy with Sarah Gadon
>I pay my taxes, I separate my garbage,
I always see people say that, and don't get me wrong, do your taxes and separate your garbage.. but why do some people have this idea that good citizen = good person?
Not great i'm very nice and empathetic but I'm also racist and succh
Don’t know it. Bladerunner and Dune made me feel so I’ll probably get around to it
Im too horny for my own good
everyone can type a short blurb, it just doesn't matter. your appearance + height will be the biggest predictors of success, a blurb will be a minor boost or a potentially negative as per >>32025803 and not having one is not a real detriment
Without having seen the video, just based on your description, I suspect the audience of a video like this are single men who are butthurt about not having a girlfriend, wife, etc. so the guy with marital problems is portrayed as a weak and whiny provider so the audience can feel better about themselves being single, since the guy who possesses something they desire on a subconscious level is portrayed as pathetic.
The 'alpha' is not there to berate the audience but he is a stand in for the audience who cope with their singledom by claiming it was by choice because the women of today are no good and the only people who would tie themselves to one are pathetic simps.
Being racist is a positive
Omg she looks like the default setting in every character creation
Tbh it’s really reaffirming to know that you don’t smell bad because of some girl coming late into your class, sitting next to you and your friend, and your friend pulling their hoodie over their nose ahahah.

She did smell like shit though, mainly weed but I was multiple chairs away and could smell that shit
As I said, I don't think these actions make one stand out as particularly good - it's more about being 'not bad'.
>For the first time I realized what every ideological group under the sun has been saying about this shit since it took off
>Do men really?
When I hear some feminist bitch regurgitate some completely thoughtless cloned cliche that everyone had heard a thousand times at me like it's new information, is it because she actually can't remember having heard it before last week?
Do women actually all just have dementia so everything is always novel to them?
Does the audience identify with the "alpha"? I'd argue it doesn't. If you're looking for content online on you're not an alpha because you don't make 6 figures a year, don't have OF prostitutes co-habiting with you (that you pay to live in /to have sex with you/to be on camera)... I'd say you identify with the beta more

It's like you think you have a problem if you don't live like that and listen to other men validating that thought

And you know what's funny? The "alpha" in the video is some old bald guy whose skin looks like fucking leather... and he's out there telling others they're not alphas
Who are you racist against?
Reenforcing no bio is best is bot shill.
Enjoy your useless app since women are smart now.
>he's out there telling others they're not alphas
This is not how men work.

They are telling themselves they are the alphas and the other guys watching this are the betas.
I violently hate celebrities and people who exalt them (women mainly)
This is not out of envy or class war bullshit, in fact that motivations confuse and disgust me in other people.
It's because they say retarded shit 24/7 like their job is just retard propaganda spreader. And because they all befriend and cover for pedophiles.
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As a nordic nerd by dream partner is a mixed BPD girl, preferably with BPD. Why? Because I was constantly teased by white trash girls and now I have a thing for brown chicks

How do I unfuck my preferences so I can find a stable boring gf? I have this need for intimacy but my preferences are so fucked I have no energy to seek it
mm, no. i didn't hear it anywhere. i only watch stuff when i want to, not when it blows up. and when the whole alpha/beta thing blew up, i avoided videos on the topic like the plague. i'm just watching this shit now :)

meanwhile, i don't think you should live with all hate in your heart, spewing venom at others, and i suggest you kys
I’m 21 anon, you don’t want me to be a dad
Black people > asian people > hispanic people
It varies on the skill of the administrator.
A mediocre bj is less satisfying than most wanks but even an average BJ is *way* better than most wanks.
>2 girls come in
>They both stare at me intensly
>Then look at eachother and giggle

My incel freak life
Like if I lowered my standards and settled for someone native and normal I could fill that hole but I really have no mojo for that
>How good of a person are you?
I'm most an exceptionally good person who has done a few truly despicable things.
How many bad acts makes a person a bad person?

>Would (hopefully, do) others enjoy your company?
Most everyone does. I'm affable and hilarious.
Of course I do. It isn't a tough concept.
lol, you know bots on dating apps have bios yeah? "no bio is best" comes down to if you fuck it up you tank your profile and no women see it, if you don't then it might help only slightly but if it makes/break a match you're on thin ice anyway.
>Posts objective 6/10
>States she's out of his league
you poor bastard
>why don't you have this?
Thankfully, condoms exist.
>identifies as polyamorous
Is cuck close enough? I think I'm too introverted for a polycule.
>>2 girls come in
>>They both stare at me intensly
>>Then look at eachother and giggle
I always feel like complete shit when they fo this :(
Part of what makes you bad is that you act like your bad deeds are all in the past and you've moved on, even though you are still actively doing bad in the present.
>you are still actively doing bad in the present
What do you think you mean by this?
What "doing bad" do you imagine I am actively engaged in?
Aside from continuing to breathe, of course.
Women, what should I wear to Church?

I was thinking about something like this with a softer/thicker vest, maybe cotton. Also pants with a brown belt. My general idea is nice and presentable but also not attention grabbing because Christ calls to be meek and humble in worship. To not detract from the purpose of gathering which is worship and God.

I just want to dress well. I don't want to dress too casually because gathering for God isn't a casual affair, it is important.
I blame all the aerobic respiration.
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Is there a correlation with women height and vaginal depth?

Every tall white girl i know is with some basketball american.
Hiding a secret from your partner isn't an old memory trapped in the past, it's an action that every single new day you choose to commit anew.
Drop the vest. You are supposed to be casual in gods house
I doubt it. I'm short, but I can take a lot with some prep and going slowly while I'm in control.
I do not want a cuck. Your fetishism is weird. And I do not want to date a fencerider that thinks he can wittle me down into monogamy eventually.
Leave me alone.
>while I'm in control
That's just it, though. You might have a harder time if the guy took control.
>Your fetishism is weird.
I thought you were Indian not black
They probably got banned
The other one is page 9, cuck.
You're leftovers.
Monogamy is an abomination to god.
>Leave me alone
Will do
Maybe, idk. Never been with a guy I had to worry about bottoming out in me during sex anyways.
I don't believe that's true. I'm open to feedback but I don't agree with dressing overly casually for church. God doesn't care about what you wear, your never going to impress him with your attire. And your not supposed to be gaudy and distract from worship. But what you wear does matter to your own view of church and worship. It's important to me, it's not a casual affair. I'm not just hanging out in the house or God. I'm coming to him and my community to worship and share in the word. It is a holy day, and something being holy means being set apart. It's a day of worship set apart from your casual relationship with private worship. At least that's how I view it and I believe that's the correct way to view it.
Men would you date a girl who was conceived out of wedlock
Sure. That's probably most these days anyway
...how big was this biggest you had?
That's actuaranon you're thinking of
as long as she agrees that our kids will be born within wedlock
He was around like 5.5".
I'm the only one in my friend group :(
Yeah, you really need to learn what the difference between "actively" and "passively" means.

Explain to me what a "good" person would do and how it would improve my wife's life. How would me being sufficiently "moral" for you help her?
I wouldn't even call what I'm doing "passively hiding" it. I'm simply not mentioning it. She's literally forgiven me carte blanche as of yesterday.
This girl who looked 16 came in to buy some beer. Turns out she's 21. But her bf looks like he's 14. Kinda weird.
If you want to go there I have bad news. God doesn’t want a house of worship, nor organized religion. Why are you new Christians so obsessed with the church part?
how do moids r8 this girl
Fake ids or extreme baby face
I don't think most men care about it anyway.
I never really thought about it myself but I suppose there hasnt been a bastard in my line for thousands of years. (we have a tree, if it is accurate). Idk if the women were ever accounted for if they were or werent bastards. Many prob were.
Do you believe Jesus Christ was the son of God and that he was resurrected from the dead?
Hard to judge face 'cause she's being goofy but she has nice bum/hips.
My parents got married before I was born but after I was conceived, does that make me a bastard
Hebrews 10:25?
Nobody cares if you were bullied and have mental problems where you crave someone that relates exactly as you do.
If you want less mental problems, go to therapy or die.
Smash, next question
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>gun owning
> 5" pp
I'm really close on this one.
why is she so weirdly neotenous?
Teeheehehe hehehehehe my roommate changed the temperature while my toast was cooking and burned my shit hahahahehehehe
do women still like horse riding?
my goal is to have 2-3 horses by 30 and raise our kids to be horse people
She looks hot, love her thighs, but i imagine the suit's doing a lot of work. But the fact that she is recording a video of her dancing on the internet negates all of her hotness and brings her down to a 2/10
You are not.
Do not give me hope.
No get literally any other animal
Not by traditional definition
Just skip to the point.
Yes, yes, yes but short hair, no,depends on the definition of liberal, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, fuck no I'm not a cheater, no, no l love cats, yes, yes, yes, meh, meh.
It's a simple question.
>i imagine the suit's doing a lot of work
literally what does it matter
or do you think its padded or soemthing?
>But the fact that she is recording a video of her dancing on the internet negates all of her hotness and brings her down to a 2/10
oh fuck off, you loser
horse people are fucking weird
She's a figure skater.
>literally what does it matter
Seriously? Typical foid...
>gf agreed to open up a joint bank account with me
>she’s really going just going to give me a ‘love allowance’ every week into my bank account that I control
>whenever she wants to withdraw money she will ask me first
Lovely day for this Chad
shes 18
Well body conforming cl9thes turn any mid girls body into a 10/10
Also I just hate annoying immature tiktok sluts
It's cool and all but shape wear is kinda false advertising.
If I am to be honest when she turned around the only thing in my mind was PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP

i hope that answered your question
Like the one I asked and you didn’t answer?
>Also I just hate annoying immature tiktok sluts
The dancing I'm fine with, girls like that, whatever... don't post it on the internet like you think you're hot shit.
She is physically attractive, I. E. I want to have sex with her. But she does not really seem compatible with me. So she is ONS/FWB material
>Monogamy is an abomination to god.
Which religion is anti monogamy?
Nta but how???? If God wanted us to be polygamous He'd have made 3 Eves tbqh...
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>Men, what's your favorite type of women?
I already did answer in detail.

This entire post goes into detail. The Church was the mission of the Apostles, and it's our mission as well. To learn the Gospel and to spread the word of God. To establish a relationship with Jesus Christ and know him through the Gospel of the New Testament. Church is important and has been since the apostles were called to establish it.
Serious question, in the old testament god is totally fine with polygamy. In the new testament he's not. Why the change?
Joke religion joke peoples
who cares if a girl is saggy when her clothes are off? if she did the work to stay skinny then there's nothing wrong with wearing body conforming clothes
it would be different if she was wearing a fake tits or a butt pad
Idk I never developed a "type" due to never having had a gf or really any female friends.
What does the NT even say about polygamy?
>fuck no I'm not a cheater
So you have no issue with a push up bra?
no I don't, as long as it isn't padded to tell
if a girl's got saggy tits then there is literally nothing she can do about it
its like getting mad at a guy for having a weird looking dick
Do girls like soldiers/grunts? I have nothing else going for me. My only hobby is hiking, camping and highly technical sperg shit like radio propagation. Am I going to make it?
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What would happen if a guy put his dick in one of those mechanical auto-masturbator toy things and was just locked into it with an endless power supply?
are you in the military or police?
>What does the NT even say about polygamy?
It doesn't directly talk about it like the OT. Matthew 19:4-6 refers to Genesis, stating that a man and woman will become one flesh, which is often interpreted as promoting monogamy. 1 Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1:6, church leaders are described as being "the husband of one wife," suggesting a preference for monogamous relationships within the church.
Chafing. Bloody dick.
hahaha based
pajeets are lowest value men in existence, like cavemen versions of SEA and flips
Eventually he would die of old age iirc
Yes but you will be exclusively Stacy only
Too long didn’t bother to read
>What would happen if a guy put his dick in one of those mechanical auto-masturbator toy things and was just locked into it with an endless power supply?
Chafing > lesions > infection > death
Religion is literally whatever you want it to be, that’s why.
Skin fusion to material.
Like the fat lady on the leather couch.
>Too long didn’t bother to read
Haha no. You are viewed as tools that no one cares about, specially the government that you defend with your life
No, my guy. You have to have a personality that isn't autism.
Cope financelet I’m probably younger than you and earning a shittonne more money lol
Women reject men for things they have no control over all the time, and they don't feel bad for it at all. So rejecting a girl for having an ugly body is perfectly reasonable.
>Do girls like soldiers/grunts?
They like tri care, you going on long deployments, and Jody
Some people say the OT had it to spread the religion. Apparently when the PT came that was enough of that and the wars and stuff.
>3k a year
Bravo poojeet
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Honestly, I would assume you're a little fucked in the head from PSTD.
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get on my level
>can’t read a payslip
That’s fortnightly but I guess you’ve never seen one of those since you’re a professional loser lol
No one has PTSD. All the old troon GWOT’s left like 2 years ago. Except a chaplain.
Oh I don’t need photoshop anon lol
This anon
is probably right but I'd be curious if infection got him before dehydration.
Any yet you're still here, on /atoga/. Making a mediocre 63k. At least I have an excuse, I'm a poor loser. You're weirder
I don't want brown man money.
You can live for like 3-7 days without water.
Isn't that actually kinda average for the US? I'm fairly certain that's around the median income. I fail to see how that's something to brag about.
nta but what am i looking at here?
are you bragging about making 63k a year?
>Medium shirt
Short sleeve, sure. I have longer arms

>white, non balding with long hair
I just cut my hair but it grows fast.

Not very /pol/

>gun owning
I'm too crazy

>can cook, prefers to clean, owns a car

> 5" pp
6.75" x 5.5"

>no beard, will drink plain water and eat veggies because he is not a picky eater, can swim, identifies as polyamorous even without any relationships

I misread this earlier.
I'm not bisexual, just absurdly open-minded.

>loves animals (except for haired vermin),
I don't dislike haired vermin. Especially in the wild.

>not a furry, doesn't use apple products, doesn't like watching sports, likes anime

>likes coop/multiplayer video games over solo/campaign.
Ideally, yeah. But my experience with them has been underwhelming. I avoid the competitive bs games too.
So solo campaigns have dominated my playing experience.

Like I said, close.
>Do we lose interest in socializing as we get older, and focus more on intimate relationships
I've always been a pretty social person. Liked to party, go out and have nights out with friends well into my late 20s. 31 now.

Now I just want to cook a meal with a significant other, and lie in bed and talk/watch movies together. I am perfectly comfortable with my own company and I've recently gone months without interacting socially with any of my friends and I have no desire to anymore. Seen a few this week, but that's abnormal. Maintaining friendships feels exhausting to me now.
>Respected by lesbians
>I’m probably younger than you
he literally posted a zoomer wojak you illiterate streetshitter
If you do something wrong, even though there instructions on the fucking thing, even after I show you how to do it, you should be euthanized, no exceptions
>uhh retards fling their own feces all the time so there's nothing wrong with me doing it too!!
I'm aware. I'm questioning the timeline for infection.
LMAO what a poorfag dumbass
we don't even need to make shit up about him, he does it to himself!
If I don't like her, I will reject her. I'm not going to try to rationalize it, nor will I feel bad for it.
nta infection can often happen within 24 hours.
Nta but that’s in credit he’s showing us his bank account
put your trip back on pajeet
I want to laugh at you some more
Based I could buy a house in my country if I had that
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>Not very /pol/
>I'm too crazy
>just absurdly open-minded.
>solo campaigns have dominated my playing experience.
Four yellow cards, so it would take more than 4 dates to reconcile.
Gook luck matching these traits
>white, gun owning, doesn't like watching sports, likes anime, likes coop/multiplayer video games
With these ones
>Liberal, no beard, will drink plain water and eat veggies because he is not a picky eater,
identifies as polyamorous even without any relationships, bisexual, loves animals (except for haired vermin), not a furry, doesn't use apple products
If you're non monogamous, why not date multiple guys who each have some of these traits instead of insisting on finding some unicorn contradiction?
Where do you live husbando
>why not date multiple guys who each have some of these traits instead of insisting on finding some unicorn contradiction?
I don't find them attractive enough for more than a sexual relationship. But it's ok, you men are a bunch of whores anyway.
Calling a man a whore doesn't do anything, because to men, more sex = more better. So if anything calling us manwhores is a compliment.
That doesn't work for men. A man that has a lot of sex is a good thing. A woman that has a lot of sex is a bad thing.
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>U can't call me a whore!
>It doesn't work!
the actual fucking state of your literacy, m8
are you even capable of comprehending something as braindead as sarcasm?
> haha you have sex, take that silly moid
Autistics, do you understand sarcasm?
A man that doesn't build a family is a lost cause.
A woman that earns her living Independently is a Boss Ass Bitch.
XL shirt, white, big forehead short hair, conservative, dont own a gun but love them, can cook, not a cleanesr guy, owns a car, 6.5" pp, clean shaven always, drinks plain water and eats veggies, carbivore, can swim but not fast, i get crushes easily but i get really bad ones on single person, strictly heterosexual, loves animals, not a furry, doesnt use apple products, doesnt like watching sports, tolerates anime, likes team games online.

Overall its a tossup
How do you figure? A man finds more purpose in career development. It's the women that get FOMO when they try to put a career ahead of making babies and their biological clock starts to run down.
Yes to literally all except for gun owning. I just don’t have one yet, I’m not against it.
A woman who builds her career is a crazy cat lady
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Yes but did I miss something this atoga?
But literally nobody wants kids anymore, man or woman. But it's understandable, why waste away your youth, time, money, and happiness for some useless offspring that will also suffer and be worse off than you. Lowering birthrate are a good thing
>A man that doesn't build a family is a lost cause.
I'd argue women suffer from this way more. There's a reason we have the crazy cat lady stereotype.
T. Chaim
It’s true.
I want to PET this pussy.
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He realized his mistake
I want everybody to stop having kids, especially brown and black people. But ideally it'll be a children of men scenario and humanity dies out entirely, leaving the earth to heal
Why are you raging at me I’m not ENTJ fuck off incel
flirting and wearing attractive clothes that show off your body and act in a demeanor that seems approachable and happy and fun
We suffer because the men are insufferable.
So... we should eliminate male genetic waste and legalize grooming for females?
Its common sense
Women get desperate at 30, biologicallh speaking.
Their wombs start screaming internally "why isnt there a little kid inside of me yet HELLO?!"

But professionally speaking at 30 years old a woman OR a man are complete babies and still need years of hard work to get to high positions.

Unless... You are well connected as a man, or well connected with CEO's dick as a woman.
Then maybe you get to have some shortcuts

In my view a perfect relationship split is where girl gets her first child around later part of twenties, and only works part time (for example on weekends) since that moment, and man works full time.

As an example, i work 15h per week and i earn 1600-1800per month. If a man brings home 2500 from his job, it would be enough to have okay life i think.

But women dont want okay, they want yachts, vacations on bali, and responsibility free life.

Therefore dating is doomed
okay poojeet ;)
a sub just means you're gonna have to do more work in general
Good luck with society then. No seriously. Men would even be better used as slave labor.
Because what was deemed "okay" in new testament and agreed upon as gospel was decided in modern times.

In jesus times rich men still had harems of women and it was societal norm
Yeh, women want it all. A career and a family.
a handmade card
>Daddy went for milk and never returned
>I totally dont hate men haha
Aw, adorable, trying to be all edgy and stuff. I bet you're a lesbian too.
I like being alive, and the only reason I was born is thanks to my dad, so I can't hate men.
Imagine having a pajeet live in your head rent free
>society (women) wants me to be the loud, extroverted, party going, rockstar guy
>I genuinely just want to stay at home, lift weights, play vidya and have peace of mind
>Family keeps asking me when i will get a girlfriend
>Having a girlfriend basically requires you to be what first line of my post says
>im boring, therefore its a dating death sentence

When did you realize you are fundamentally incompatible with what society deems you should be?
You want a rich husband who brings fat stacks of money home that also happens to be handsome as fuck and loyal to you, while offering nothing yourself

Yeah, my dad also fulfilled his purpose to make a cute child and die.
Why can't you just have a heart attack after your child turns 18 and your "financial responsibility" towards your spawn is over?
Would you keep having kids to extend your lifespan or die with dignity?
I have plenty to offer I'm just not career minded :(
Same except I still hate all women except my mother and grandmothers. All other women are worthless stupid evil bitches except those three. Including you
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Which homestar runner character has your response to the depicted question?
I don't know the characters but for me it's "I know". I use it for many other situations too.
Do you cook
Do you clean
Are you willing to have babies and be a good mother to them
Are you smart with money or are you recklessly spending
Would you help your man build the future togheter, or do you expect to just walk into his life and hope to just look pretty
Will you leave him the moment you feel bored
Will you leave him when someone better than him appears in your life
Are you willing to stick it through thick and thin, and clench your teeth when times get hard
This does not apply because nobody tells me they love me
But theoretically I would say thanks because "I love you too" doesn't work because I am incapable of feeling love
Thats not a question but I am either a "why" or a *finger guns*

Definitely Coach Z
I've been submitting a resume with a typo for a month. Lol
>Do you cook
Not well
>Do you clean
Yes obsessively
>Are you willing to have babies and be a good mother to them
>Are you smart with money or are you recklessly spending
Im frugal to a fault
>Would you help your man build the future togheter, or do you expect to just walk into his life and hope to just look pretty
I will be as supportive as I can
>Will you leave him the moment you feel bored
No I'm tired of being alone
>Will you leave him when someone better than him appears in your life
No because he should be the best
>Are you willing to stick it through thick and thin, and clench your teeth when times get hard
say it right ;)
>I don't find them attractive enough for more than a sexual relationship. But it's ok, you men are a bunch of whores anyway.
You're a polyamorous slut shamer?
Eh, I enjoy affection as much as the next person, but that one specifically doesn't like, win my heart. Same as head pats. I've gotten em before too.

As long as he doesn't hate it (like how some girls would hate good girl), say it if you want to say it, since all compliments will be taken well
Still no response to my message about what we to have to do Monday for the project. I sent the text 9 hours ago. There are 4 others in my group. The so called “project manager” doesn’t even show up for class half the time and you have to go to class because the professor will say do something and then not put in an email/on blackboard.
Please don’t actually date someone from this board lol
Still here buddy? :)
How did this cat become a meme?
he looks strong
>You're a polyamorous slut shamer?
The shame you feel is from a society you bow towards.
Ah shit here we go again
so glad I graduated college years ago
I went back for a brief stint in grad school and it was still hell
the only way I'm going back now is if my boss literally tells me I'll get a raise for finishing my degree
you realize pajeets are lower value men than chinks, right?
Well since you still seem to believe I’m indian I can tell it obviously bothers you and that makes you inferior lmao
He's a manlet with short legs
You should've gotten of the time train a few stops ago! I think you missed your stop by a few decades even
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There could be a literal street shitter anywhere around us, dreaming of raping his underage neighbour.

Just think about it for a second...
Thats crazy
you are Indian, no matter how much you deny it
spiritually a streetshitter
It all sounds good on paper but we know a woman word is worth nothing so, good luck on your search
And professors love to give fucking group projects. I am currently in 3 group projects for 3 separate courses. I now have a 4th project but the professor said that we could choose to work alone.
It seems strange to want men who are polyamorous but not promiscuous
I hate women so much.
>brownoids raping each other
Why should I care
I love women so much.
Hiya Tsunderekun
Okay well enjoy being cucked I guess
>Please don’t actually date someone from this board lol
Too late
I don't crontrol my birth if I did I'd abort myself
For what it's worth I was being honest. If I was going to lie I'd gas up my cooking more
lmao you can't even come up with a proper response
try using ChatGPT next time, its free!
>Too late
I hope a femanon says this about me someday
You can do so much better than this
>it’s free
>cheapass asian
The stereotype is real! Not to mention asian women being the sex slave race lmao
Women are OK. I've neither had a particularly good or bad experience with them.
here streetshitter, I made it just for you
>I don't crontrol my birth if I did I'd abort myself
You had potential at some point.
i hate this
I feel much the same about men in general.
Nice enjoy your ban dude lol
Better to never have had potential at all,than to have had it and squandered it.
I never said "not promiscuous" anywhere in there.
crying to janny already? why don't call up Hiro directly, since you love sucking off chinks so much
I absolutely can't
Yup and I didn't live up to it
In college I had to do a group project. No one wanted to work on it except one girl, so I worked on it with her, and in end survey when asked about the work ethic of the group we both just ratted the rest of em who did legit nothing.

Idk, just tell the professor what's happening or something
You've never been inappropriately touched or hit on?
Anyone else went to a shitty school because it was cheaper
I want to date and eventually marry a femanon! I want her face to be the first and last thing I think about every day! I want to feel butterflies from the sound of her voice! I want to get all flushed and protest when she calls me cute!
Having potential is actually a huge gift, even if you don’t end up using it the way you thought you would. Life is unpredictable, and not every opportunity will pan out. Just because you might not achieve what you hoped doesn’t mean your potential was wasted. It can lead to experiences that shape who you are, teach you valuable lessons, and inspire you in ways you never expected.

Growth doesn’t always look like a straight line. Sometimes squandering potential can lead to discovering new passions or paths you never considered. It’s part of figuring out what really matters to you. So even if you feel like you missed something that doesn’t define your worth or your future. There’s always a chance to redefine your goals.
You are mentally ill >>>/r9k/
I would rather be a mentally ill incel than a stinky streetshitter
go on, keep reporting me
I am not spending $600 to go on a beach vacation with someone who does not even like the beach and that complained the whole time we were at our last beach vacation
No, actually. Hit on a few times, sure but it was never really inappropriate. I'm not sure what that says about me.
Do you have a face that looks like it was on fire then put out with a shovel? Or a body that looks like a philly cheesesteak?
it means you're yougee-el-why
sorry love
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women, how bad is it if I haven't had a girlfriend or regular sex since I was 19, and I'm 29 now?
Haha. No, I'm reasonably attractive. Kinda plain though I guess. Nothing really stands out unless I do a lot of makeup and dress up, which I tend to not do.
Probably just bad luck. Plain is a lot of guys' type.
If she was legit uggo, why would people hit on her at all?
Kinda shy?
it is what it is
confidence boost
Yeh, that's probably it. I've had people say they don't notice me in a room.
>reasonably attractive
>kinda plain
does not compute
I am not going to mess around like that with an ugly girl to give her a confidence boost. Kinda mean.
not give HER a confidence boost, give themselves a confidence boost
You can be attractive yet plain. It's the girl next door versus the sexpot.
How would that give me a confidence boost?
usually a person wouldn't describe themselves as both
if you know, you know
I'm definitely guilty of rizzing up uggos just to stroke my own ego
>I'm definitely guilty of rizzing up uggos just to stroke my own ego
You monster!

Women do be indecisive.
>You monster!
as long as she doesn't get attached, what's the harm?
>Women do be indecisive
wait, really?
I thought it was like a lightswitch, they know in the first five minutes of meeting you whether they're attracted to you or not.
I'm really suffering lol How do you climb out of a job rut? In this economy
>as long as she doesn't get attached
They always do though. Especially the less pretty girls because it doesn't happen very often.
>he actually believed that
Nah, that's just something we say to intimidate you.
>They always do though
not in my experience
maybe I'm just too ugly for them, who knows
>that's just something we say to intimidate you
man, this is probably why I haven't gotten laid in the last 10 years
I'm really quick to believe women aren't attracted to me, and really hesitant to believe they are. and the longer this goes on, the more I believe that there's just something fundamentally wrong with me that no amount of wealth building or physical training can fix
you just gotta believe she wants you until she tells you "no" then live with her decision
simple as
Guy here.
There's "No." and then there's "No[Leave me alone]"
The first might possibly change over time.

It's entirely about her comfort with you.
If she's comfortable with you, you can try.
If she's not, fuck off and stay fucked off.

And some women say "No[Teehee! Chase me!]"
I don't know how to respond to those women because they bother me and can fuck off for all I care.
>And some women say "No[Teehee! Chase me!]"
>I don't know how to respond to those women because they bother me
As in present tense?
problem is, I can't change my beliefs that easily. everything good about me comes from believing that I'm nothing special and working to make things better anyway, which is great for building skills and making money but it's a fuckin' death sentence when it comes to attracting women

i'll probably die in great shape, with a lot of money and absolutely zero female partners to show for it
Fair enough.

I feel that I should add that by FAR the most fun I've had has been with coop multiplayer games. It's just that to me cat herding simulators are more played out than Isekai anime.

And while I find that I am the absolute best kind of crazy, I am very, very crazy.
ngl you gotta delude yourself a bit and just BELIEVE you're hot shit
abusing depressants helps but I don't recommend it long term
I don't have big boobs
I like how you took that suggestion seriously, if only for a bit. How about Twitch?
>As in present tense?
Yes, technically. Despite none currently teeheeing at me, their existence continues in the world and they bother me. Admittedly mildly.

But nobody is currently interested in being chased by me, if that's your question.
okay but how's your ass game?
The anon that always makes a new thread is showing an unusual amount of restraint.
There's already a new thread.
>The anon that always makes a new thread
there are multiple of us
I'm usually taht one that posts a "guy shit" image like meme movies or literally me stuff
It's the only suggestion I got
I am scared of twitch and don't have much to say and I'm not good at video games
you lead a cursed existence
Yall ever pop the bumps around your nipples? Sometimes actual pus comes out from mine
the fuck? I only go as far as tweezing the hair
What are you good at?
I just tried but couldn't get anything to come out
Clogged milk ducts are actually really bad.
um. Well!
Y'all gonna start lactating if you keep at it.
Sometimes I'll get one long black hair thats fun to pluck
Check all of them
Why... how bad... how do I fix it? I don't have that all the time but I don't check often
I'm a dude
Warm compress, drink more water, don't wear a bra that is too tight.
And? Guys can do that too.
But I don't have titty glands
They don't hurt or anything and I don't wear bras
>um. Well!
I'm waiting... :)
I'm good at cleaning, writing emails, and being nice
Yes, you do. They're underdeveloped compared to girls but you have them. You have nipples, right?
>being nice
That means a lot on Twitch. You could unironically make a cleaning/motivation channel and people would watch. I used to watch a girl that would just do different exercise routines.
Sounds degrading idk
Wait, really? Which one? Why?
Pretty, fun, sexy, cute, SUIT, but she gives off huge normie vibes beyond the video.
>oh fuck off, you loser
hey, guy's just being honest
she looks insufferable enough that I'd personally prefer someone significantly less attractive than her
Don't guys watch girls doing stuff on there to jack off to them
A minority probably do with the obviously non sexual stuff yes. But how are you going to control that that? I mean, how do you know I'm not jacking off to you right now?
Its different when its just words and when it's actually me and my face
I know I'm not allowed but I miss him. I like them a little toxic
>Don't guys watch girls doing stuff on there to jack off to them
That's pretty much existence.

I long ago realized that anything anyone creates could hypothetically get used as something to fap to.
The most amazing art I ever did will never get posted online because it was a drawing of my niece's first communion.
Lady, you are always going to be a sexual object to any sort of man no matter what you do or how you look.
Feeling depressed and I'm only about to go lower. OH its over
there's a variety of reasons
I know a lot of guys watch vtubers and form parasocial relationships with them as a substitute for getting any emotional intimacy/vulnerability from women in their lives
Yea but on Twitch its all I would be, ya know like that woulkd be my only appeal
What if they find my mom and start bothering her
just unlink your online persona from your real face/identity
I don't underestimate hacker boys
If you get a stalker, they aren't going to bother your family, they're going to bother you. In which case you go to the police.
Anna Chess is charming, funny, and dates an Irishman. I haven't fapped to her once.
But she's a YouTuber.
I don't get into Twitch

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