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Superpower 2030 Edition

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State gender
Do you have a favorite anime villain? Pic is mine
Second for I hate women.
yeah, you :3
Femanons, how are (You)?
Are you going through a rough patch?
Between the ghetto "muh dick" blacks, and
Sister raping pajeets

Who is worse
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I am not Frieza anon
Indians. Ghetto black guys at least tend to stay in the ghetto, but Indians are everywhere.
If only F5 were a bitch, you'd actually get to smash.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here
I just realized that my car is old enough that if I shut myself in the trunk I would not be able to get out since there isn't a latch on the inside
Thoughts women?
I'm not an incel, I've had sex.
I think I'm addicted to caffeine.
If I have zero caffinated drinks, I can't get out of bed at all.
If I have coffee, I shit it out, even liquid.
Too much caffeine like energy drinks give me migraines that put me in bed and in pain.
B vitamins make me want to vomit and give me heart palpitations.
I took a green tea pill and that seemed like some steady energy.
Should I just microdose coke?
well, waht are you waiting for? get in
>microdose coke
as in Cola or cocaine?
Porn, dick pics, girls I've sexted, poems I've written, more porn.

Caffeine addiction isnt real, i take way more than you daily
But im also 235lbs man so idk
It's just uncomfortable having people looking at your stuff. I don't even like the cleaner touching my desk at work.
I didn't claim you were a virgin, just that you're currently celibate.
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>poems I've written
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Girls, you take a phone from a guy (not your bf, lets say a classmate or work collegue) and you see he has some pretty women pics saved on it (not nude)
Are you depressed?
Assume it's his type and then dump if it's not me.
A woman complimented my appearance today and I corrected her. She seemed bewildered and the convo fizzled out soon after. I'm wondering how women here would feel or react in such a position.
Hello girlies
How did I even make it this far?
>and I corrected her
What the autism?
Yeah, porn. Hentai, random insta chicks, etc. If I wasn't such a coomer I wouldn't give a fuck.
Yes, by choice, because I hate women.
This is chris chan isn't it.
>complimented my appearance today and I corrected her
What does that even mean? Did you say "Actually, my shirt is ugly" or something?
Women think all men will appreciate anything they say or do. They're usually right but sometimes they run into depressed virgins like you
she wanted the man beast to be unleashed on her coochie
man beast man beast man beast
>men are a bunch of whores
I suppose I misinterpreted the above?
if a girl really doesn't give a shit when you compliment her appearance, does that that 100% mean she doesn't respect your opinion?
Have you tried any treatments?
Well women get complimented so often it doesn't really mean anything at all at that point. So the best thing to do is to never compliment women.
I've tried a few antidepressants. I'm on celexa rn.
>Girls, you take a phone from a guy
I have no motive to do this.
why are mst women not cool like this?
>Yes, by choice, because I hate women.
I think they're pretty dumb and annoying, but I still use their holes.

You don't need to like them to pump & dump
Humans regularly lie as part of social bonding. Humans expect you to lie too, and treat the lies as though they're real.
You went off script, which confused her
It happened to me in high school and the girl saw a pic of another girl who looked *extremely* similar to her

It was pretty awkward moment
What about therapy?
>Well women get complimented so often it doesn't really mean anything at all at that point. So the best thing to do is to never compliment women.
This 100%
I don't recall the exact wording but basically I said I know I'm ugly and that white lying about my appearance isn't helping anybody.
For context I am a 3/10, at best. My nose is heavily crooked from breaking it as a child and not having the money to fix it. I have a huge forehead and have been told my eyes, which are slightly off sync if you pay attention, look like those of a serial killer. I am also ghostly pale despite being outdoors regularly, and my face is fat despite being thin otherwise.
Off it. Can't find a therapist to trust.
I've reintroduced myself so many times and I hate that.
Would rather just repress shit and get by.
>some frumpy mid stem bitch
Yeah, nah.
>implying therapy is useful for anything but hugboxxing
I love jewish women
Sometime ago i met a girl at gym, and we hit it off and started talking but i fumbled her BAD
Anyways, she found a bf later and is now in LTR with him but we still sometimes exchange couple messages on ig, for example ill compliment her dress or she reacts to my ig story.

Anyways, saw her yesterday at gym again randomly, she looked as hot as ever and we had a short chat, joked a bit and she lowkey complimented me.

I know shes just being friendly but it still kinda stings that i fumbled her.
Its not like i have a crush on her im just salty i guess.

I think i need to find a curvy queen like her
>tfw no gf to forcibly stick her fingers up my ass (non consensually)
I got over a couple of phobias through therapy.
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Reminder the White Knight archetype? Not really a kind of guy you see anymore, they've either realized they were idiots or become leftist lunatics
>I think i need to find a curvy queen like her
Don't give me hope like that.
Have you tried any SNRI or NRI medications?
the right girl wouldn't care that you fumbled
>leftist lunatics
What brand is this? Where do I find the true feminist men? (That are not trans?)
okay let's just get this out in the open, what phobias?
To not be a misogynist but women's sports sucks
Makes me nostalgic for the old internet in a weird way.
I can't think of a single women's sport I'd watch where I wouldn't just be checking out their asses the entire time
No. I had to google what those meant.
I've only heard of ssri's.
They're so slow; it's unwatchable
>What brand is this?
Guys who are always preoccupied with the Current Thing (i.e. Covid, then BLM, then Ukraine, and right now it's huuuuh proving that haitians don't eat cats?)
They don't have time to rescue maidens anymore because they're busy fighting for whatever is the Current Thing
Men online just don't love women as much as they used to. Not enough to defend them on they internet anymore.
Womens volleyball is good because they gaslit the women into thinking they have to dress that way
>need haircut
>stains from work
>early 30s immigrant women still checking me out

Why do immigrants have no standards desu I do not look appealing rn. Is it really JBW
This is just guys with adhd.
Ask your polycule
I am.
There have been occasions where I've actually gotten more attention (from white women) when I've looked worse than usual. It's weird.
I take an SNRI in conjunction with an SSRI, and it seems to help with energy.
You look like you actually work for a living, and that's attractive. Duh.
>Where do I find the true feminist men?
The dumpster
>true feminist men
No such thing.
so you got brainwashed into believing fags are good?
F. Ulquiorra
Conversion therapy but in the opposite direction kek
Have you ever called anyone of the opposite gender's bluff? How did they react?
That wasn't me.
Looked worse in what way? Idk I think it has to do when certain chicks like different races they see it through a biased lens. I.e. successful, thug, kpop, etc
How is that attractive tho. It's standard human experience
Had a woman friend that would say "Eat my ass" as a replacement of "Go fuck yourself"
wouldn't that make him gay?
I wonder if some became simps?

I don't understand, what do you mean
so what, did you just expose your stuff to these things? I know that's *techinically* therapy but not in the same sense of some Jew sitting in a chair with a notepad asking you how you feel
maybe it might make you gay but anon is clearly a different breed
Why am I craving mexican cougars broes
Nothing more empowering than showing your ass off
>Looked worse in what way?
Haven't shaved, clothes unwashed after 3 wearings, haven't showered in over 2 days, less sleep than usual, just worse in general. This doesn't really happen to me anymore.
have you been drinking tap water?
Because you looked in the mirror and felt unworthy for non-disgusting women
this comment is giving me deja vu...
Just did why
Umm rude
>so what, did you just expose your stuff to these things?
Yeah, exposure and response prevention they called it. He'd ask me how I felt in between exposures, and about the experiences that likely created the phobias in the first place. I got bit by a black widow as a kid for example
Because they're easier than white women your own age
Decent taste in Espada
I know a girl who loves Aaroniero...
Apparently they age slower than women of other ethnic groups.
Hell no, they go full abuela mode in their 30s.
Asians are the ones that never seem to age.
Wow, TERF much?
Mi espalda es un espada.
Coños, me creen?
To women at work think I'm weird

Are you?
I think a lot of them actually pivoted hard to incels.
McDonald's Japan had another family ad again...
Yes I imagine x3 idk. Have not talked to a white chick my age since ......? Highschool was all Mexicans and most my coworkers now are black
Nah they don't age that well desu.
30s are OK but 50 looks 80
that explains it
Until they do and they turn into corpses in what seems a matter of days.
Women how freaky are you?
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Fess up, which of you moids is this?


I'm sure at least a few of you are actual rapists. And I think at least one of you hacked my laptop and you're spying on me through my webcam.

So I wouldn't be surprised one of you is both a rapist and a spy.
I don't know. I feel like I act weird but nobody has really mentioned it to me
Why do AFAB enbies and FtM trans still swear their allegiance to Feminist causes, knowing that because they no longer identify as women they are now more likely to be harmed than helped by Feminist ideology?
Because they still get raped if people know they have vaginas.
Cuz women are stoopid.
Why are women with highly functional autism forms such as Asperger's Disorder more likely to sexualise themselfs?
>knowing that because they no longer identify as women they are now more likely to be harmed than helped by Feminist ideology?
They don't know that.
When women say feminism helps men too, they're not lying. They genuinely believe it.
It's like when women think it's an issue that men "don't express their feelings" or whatever. They're wrong but they're not lying. They actually believe it.
Because feminists are have completely captured the intelligentsia
If you're a real queermo and identify as male, doesn't that mean you actually want to drop soap and take it up the arse? After all, gay men have no concept of consent. They just go around forcibly buggering each other or forcing themselves on unwilling straight men, and leftist liberal society celebrates this behaviour as PRIDE.
Because it's kawaii.
I heard a rumour that you will be representing your country in Eurovision next year? Is it true?
>Men online just don't love women as much as they used to
I used to get a warm fuzzy feeling just from thinking about women in general. And while I definitely don't buy into the incel, black pill, or even red pill stuff. It definitely feels like we're on different "teams" in a sense.
It makes us feel normal and desired for a change.
That's called growing up. Your idealistic and naive feelings go away and you're left with nothing but jaded melancholy.
I thought TERFs hated polyamory?
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>Do you have a favorite anime villain?
My favorite is probably Schneizel el Britannia.
Because he's such a masterful manipulator that he literally behaves kind and altruistic at every step and almost never once drops the mask in the entire series. He always acts exactly like what the righteous hero would.
Because that's what an actual genius villain would do.
We still think you're annoying even when you try to be sexy
You're a peasants sure loved the act I put on for them whenever I go there and the fact that I will dance my ass off given the opportunity
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Here's the way that women view men, from a male man's perspective. It's like if you put a rabbit in a pen with a cat. A well-fed, calm cat will leave the rabbit alone but another cat might tear the bunny apart for sport. The poor, frightened rabbit has no way of knowing which is which.
Truly based taste
Yeah, I suppose you're right.
Any girls here like the movie Amelie?
I think it's just you that wants to be forcibly raped in your bussy, anon.
The other gays tend to want to get married.
Heard this a million times and every single time I lose sympathy and come to the conclusion that women are shameless cowards.
>>Do you have a favorite anime villain?
Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill and Ragyo Kiryuin from Kill la Kill, because they are both kinky, buxom, rapey female villains who appeal to me as a man who thinks only with my dick and whose sexual fantasies are pathologically based on idealized maternal abuse.
So you're saying all men are predators who will eventually rape and murder women because it's male nature.
I haven't seen that in ages but she was a generic manic pixie dream girl, right?
I thought you didn't believe in incel/black pill/red pill theories?
Not me.
I love cis people that I find attractive.
You trans are just ill and selfish.
Go to bed, you English bum
Sure that's the cover for homosexual legitimacy, but when you get right down to it even married gay men go out on the prowl for usually young men they can turn by groping, homosexually harassing, and raping them until their spirit is broken and they adopt homosexualism as their new lifestyle and godless religion.
Not the same person
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Thoughts on public displays of affection?
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I would like to study those gays.
Where do they reside?
Hand holding is ok but kissing makes me nervous.
Make them pay for it.
The worst age gap I ever saw was at a shopping mall food court with this maybe late 20s, early 30s looking gangsta dressed guy making out and holding hands with a young girl who clearly couldn't have been more than 13 or 14 at the most.
That is Predditor behavior, the CIA would never hire someone who uses 4chan.
Most male problems stem from a lack of purpose and belonging in life
Something that crying about with absolutely not solve
How many times have you read your favorite book or book series?
Gender age and which book/series
>f 22
>harry potter, over the last six or seven years, 16 times already
>m 24 my brother
>chronicles of narnia about 10 times since 12 years old
All my homies hate the *I*
Extraordinary rendition
The Finders Cult abducting kids

Hate those scumbags
All male problems, ALL, stem from a lack of pussy
Are you... both on now?
Does manga count?
Both of those series were written by dipshits who injected their dumb ass problematic biases and insane opinions into their children's fantasy books

>We should have monarchy again and modern education is bad because it isn't authoritarian bullshit - C.S. Lewis
>Slavery is good actually, now here's a story about a jock who becomes an enforcer in a broken system and we're meant to celebrate it! - J.K. Rowling
All you guys do is complain about women not taking responsibility or accountability yet here you are not doing the same thing.
guys quickly.
I'm into my friend. she just asked "what are we?" what's the best way to answer?
Actuaranon posted an NHI study a few threads back showing latinx age around 3-4 years slower iirc
Any context?
I wouldn't be surprised if 4chan is a contemporary MKULTRA. All part of a Program and Control Study.
She's suspecting that you're something more. Have you had sex? FWB, right?
Fuck you, weird bitch
You have issues you need to fix before talking to me
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>I have cancer because I lack purpose and belonging.
>My house caught on fire because I lack purpose and belonging.
>The government sent 20,000 haitians to my town because I lack purpose and belonging.

>I have cancer because I lack pussy.
>My house caught on fire because I lack pussy.
>The government sent 20,000 haitians to my town because I lack pussy.
Then how does this explain homosexualist male proplems, especially those of homosexualistic men with abundance of access to arse and cock?
>>f 22
>>harry potter, over the last six or seven years, 16 times already
Holy mother of cringe
Say that you don't know but that you do know you want to take her out on a date.
I want a girl to hop on me like that
>"I would like to be more"
God that cat is so ugly. I want it.
Huuuum yeah in case you didn't realize, homosexuals don't get any pussy! That's why their lives are fucked up!
What do you think of Rowling's opinions on Trans Folx?
I love ugly cats!!!
Okay good! I read books but I don't tend to reread them often, I was having trouble thinking of one I've reread.

M 30, Death Note, I've read it through probably 100+ times since 2008 and I actually have them on my desk ready for another go.
>Recycling tired shit about scary foreigners
Oooh how horrifying, people who look different from you and have accents live near you! Grow up.
So most of you are homos here
Nice to know!
>as if it weren’t obvious…
Lie and tell her what she wants to hear
"Come over and lets figure it out togheter"
So you are saying vaginal rape of a homosexual man through forced envelopment of his penis would cure him of his psychological problems?
I'm hoping she's counting each book separately
How does he know what she wants to hear? This really seems like a big shit test.
You’re so damn dumb and retarded. These illegals are here on behalf of us, you know, taxpayers. That’s the reason they can come here for free and get everything for free, because of us real, natural-born citizens. Dumb cunt.
Everything men do revolves around pussy. They don't work out to be healthy, they just want to attract pussy. They aren't nice to make other people happy, they just want to attract pussy. They don't go to clubs to enjoy themselves, they just want pussy.

Men mindbroken by lack of pussy
This one looks like it should be put down and that keeping it alive is animal cruelty.
You have 2 months
I said most goddammit
And we're clearly talking about male problems today not like general malaise
I chose homosexual behavior because women were not willing to abduct me and force me into sexual slavery. When I was a pubescent I remember watching Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock movies and wishing they would snatch me into the back of a van with promises of free candy and then keep me chained up in the dark where they starved and beat me until they got bored and decided to play with my penis and use my body to pleasure their vaginas.

But Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts never came to abduct and rape me. No women did.

So in the absence of a woman to sexually abuse me, I chose gay activities with other men instead.
Post more hairless cats
>I'm whatever you want me to be. Your confidant, your buddy to hang out with, or maybe more.
If you took the Platonic ideal of silly and crafted it into a Siamese cat, this is what you would get
Good for you, bud. You’ll say that about any book I read anyway.
I’m not. Such a big deal, isn’t it.
Take that back.
If "prison gay" is a thing, why wouldn't the reverse work? Imprison a gay guy in with women for months and forbid him from masturbating, how long before he cracks? Eventually he'll tell himself, an ass is an ass.
Sounds indecisive and wishy wishy. The lack of confidence is a dead end.
>Recycling tired shit about scary foreigners
>Oooh how horrifying, people who look different from you and have accents live near you! Grow up
NTA, but I think we'd see fewer complaints if a bunch of Japanese and Taiwanese were coming into the country
If you read the Hungry Caterpillar 200 times, I would hold you in higher esteem
Really? Thought throwing the ball back at her would be good. Damn no wonder I have problems
This is exactly why women don't trust men, even gay ones.
> So in the absence of a woman to sexually abuse me, I chose gay activities with other men instead.
Thank goodness. I don’t think any woman would be lucky to have you anyway.
Can I rape gay men now?
Im a straight man and i got an ick reading that
Never cook again
I love him. He looks like my scrotum if I was white.
What about declining test rates?
In retrospect, maybe throwing the Japanese in concentration camps wasn't the best idea.
>Because he's such a masterful manipulator that he literally behaves kind and altruistic at every step and almost never once drops the mask in the entire series.
His plan for Damocles was unironically correct. He wasn't a villain.
>thinking I need esteem from someone like you
"Prison gays" also exist in women's jails.
>conspiracist incel talking point
oh noes! Fluoride in the water is turning the frogs gay! Drinking onions milk is giving men transsexual boobies! Western society is ending! /s
Quite literally, yes. Fuck off, we're full.
I love pink hairless cats.
I'd stroke them all the time.
Ah so it’s like pugs that were bred for deformities
I don't think I've ever read any particular book more than once
Yohji does have some developmental deformation but i love him anyway

T. Deformed male
Just ignore them anon, they thrive off of (you)s
Like whatever you want, who cares? It's better to be honest than be some pretentious fag posting about reading Nietzsche
You have to go back
I'd like to stroke your hairless cat.
We called them interment camps
Aw... looks like an Ewok with really messed up teeth.
I don't see the problem
Internment camps don't sound all that different from the public school systems in most American counties
>I’m not. Such a big deal, isn’t it.
Sorry for being judgmental. As long as you're not neglecting anything, and still growing as a person you're fine.
Enjoy your shit taste lmfao
Actually it was a great idea. Who knew what those jap bastards were scheming. I can guarantee it prevented more attacks on military and industrial targets from Japanese still allied with their mother country.
My cat is not hairless.
Such a smooth boy
Let's be honest, they were pretty much the same thing.
Can you tell me what’s good about it? I’ve tried to get into the anime when I was young but couldn’t because I found it boring. Now I can’t watch anime at all and don’t care to read manga anymore. :(
I'd like to pet your hairy pussy
Even better
Lole that's a fatty.
I want to kneed it like gum.

Sphynx are covered in very light peach fuzz hbu
Pretty similar in concept
>you’re about to go down on a chick
>slip her pants off
>your face to face with this
I will enjoy it
Do you think we should round up all the Russian people living in America?
Feels slower than usual. It's thursday/Friday morning, where is everybody
When I was in high school I did a project on it so I agree
Great thread, love these raw chicken breast looking mfs
Russia is not at war with the united states, so no.
I wish someone liked me
The manga is a bit better paced imo
It's a fun cat-and-mouse detective story at its core, with a ton of neat tricks and interesting bits of logic and deduction in it.
Living in modern America is already worse than any prison, blyat
Me too
There was a thread some days ago where almost every moid just listed a bunch of philosophy books as what they read. Then they have the nerve to wonder why girls find them boring. Books are allowed to be fun.
I can't tell if you're trolling? But in case you aren't https://www.urologytimes.com/view/testosterone-levels-show-steady-decrease-among-young-us-men
Gopniks voluntarily abandon their asiatic, communistic ways almost immediately
I can't help that women are retarded.
Lol are you sure about that?
I am also coated in clear hairs.
Peach fuzz!!
Yes. Some backwater shithole in Europe is not my concern
You realize we want to date people right? Not university lecturers? Go talk about the allegory of the cave to students, not us
Aren't we sanctioning the shit out of Russia and directly funding a country they're at war with
Ok, bad example. Where's ISIS, Iraq?
>we want to date people
Women hate men, so not really. You want wallets and bodyguards and beasts of burden.
Maybe not formally but there's tensions.
Russia is about to be at war with US with how things are going
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update: I made a move and she responded with this gif
its over
So... import my sweet russian twinks soon as prisoners of war?
Honestly think that would be a bad idea to formally declare war on America. They have too many allies.
I don't read philosophy, but what exactly would be an "interesting" kind of book?
If I was you I'd consider roping.
I would put my teeth on that cats head as if I was about to take a large chomp out of the girls puss
Anon said fun, not even interesting.
Well it's certainly not your vibrant personality drawing us in.

Something that makes you feel, not just think
Its over
it's a blow to my confidence because i've had women into me but she's really the only one I want, so
KP and NG got benned
Actuaranon is getting railed
Blondie has posted some, but not like she normally does.
>he went all in
Lmao why do guys do this?? You have a great friendship and you do your best to fuck it up
Russia had many chances when they were stronger, wealthier, and more advanced relative to the US than they are now but balked every time.
>KP and NG got benned
Really? I remember KP saying he wasn't going to post anymore
we see the potential that you and me could be so much more
why don't YOU want that?
>Not university lecturers
Tenure track bros, what's our response?
Then leave, musty russy
When was that?
Significantly different shower systems.
What was your move?
Doing that as a job is one thing, but I swear to fucking god if I show up to another date and he starts giving a lecture, I'm kicking his balls off.
men are efficient. if they have more intentions with a woman than friends, they will make a move. if she doesn't feel the same it's not a worthwhile relationship, meanwhile women thrive on many friendships to fuel her ego.
>His plan for Damocles was unironically correct. He wasn't a villain.
So anyone who does the correct thing can't be a villain, regardless of motives?
AYOOOOO... wait, that's not that funny.
1950-1979. Hell, even in February 2022 there were in a better spot.
>I'm kicking his balls off
Hopefully you're not dating any subs
Maybe I just want a friend I can be myself with, somebody I can really trust, who isn't only my friend because he wants pussy.

Case in point. You know, it hurts when you're friends with somebody and it's literally just because you have holes.
>Maybe I just want a friend I can be myself with, somebody I can really trust, who isn't only my friend because he wants pussy.
How do you want a guy to show interest then?
...this is your brain on cats.
You're not making a point, you're just claiming men make friend with women just to pipe when that's entirely not true. It's only natural a man will catch feelings if she's worth it.
Be Chad
NTA but the second anon she replied to did say to throw the friendship away if she doesn't want to fuck
Pick a fight with America and you rile up all of NATO. That's 31 countries. Possibly even more if you consider the sorta partnership stuff like Israel, Japan, South Korea... Australia. I don't think Russia wants to risk that.
>i've had women into me but she's really the only one I want, so
What's special about her?

The 4-6 part Hitchhiker's Guide Trilogy
I rarely read things twice as I it's a time investment and it usually takes five to ten years for me to start forgetting stories.
Rewatching a film is a two hour investment.

I think probably also the Taran series. with the Black Cauldron and all that.
Or maybe Xanth.
But that's a while back.
Why can't you just be friends? If I want to take things further, I'll let you know.
Oh... because you befriended me just to get into my pants, that's right.

It isn't? Lmao
>Tenure track bros, what's our response?
>Doing that as a job is one thing
>You want wallets and bodyguards and beasts of burden.
>not a single original thought
Found the philosophybro!
>Blondie has posted some, but not like she normally does.
You okay, blonde femanon?
She's strong. had a pretty bad upbringing but she's making a good life for herself. family and community oriented and wants kids. in higher education and balancing her art hobbies and volunteer work. we share world views. very cute. edgy aesthetic but gentle personality. home body. etc. she's just everything I would like about a girl.
My dick exists, therefore your mother sucks it
Is that part of what you said in 'making a move'?
you didn't answer the question you just deflected like a manic bitch
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The house down the block from mine that used to have a bunch of pro trans and pride decorations now has a full trump layout.
Men, why did you pull trans from the DSM? This is a clear example of being mentally ill.
I agree with your post in principle; but let's be real, Israel would never help the U.S in a major conflict
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Femanons, would you cheat on your bf with this man?
I wouldn't even want to look at that dude.
Why have you offended my eyeballs. Put a shirt on your grandma.
>Why can't you just be friends? If I want to take things further, I'll let you know.
>Oh... because you befriended me just to get into my pants, that's right.
Presumably you want to date someone, yes? How would you like him to go about it? Do you prefer cold approaches?
>If I want to take things further, I'll let you know.
Why is this not a good enough answer for you?
Because it's not an answer. It's almost like saying men should never make a move unless YOU'RE interested when that's unrealistic.
I assumed you were jesting instead of being hypocritical.
Making femanon wear a remote controlled vibrator while she's cleaning and cooking
>Israel would never help the U.S in a major conflict
I disagree. Maybe not directly but they have a history of military and intelligence cooperation with the US. I could see Israel sharing intelligence and logistical support. The relationship is rooted in shared strategic interests and mutual defense agreements.
But how do you feel about guys approaching you in bars/clubs?
It’s necessary - men befriend us JUST to fuck us all the time. How is it fair to put us in the position of choosing to be in a relationship we may not want, or lose a so-called friend who never really cared?
How about men just start being genuine? Then we can talk about when you make a move.
They actually helped us a lot by doing nothing when Saddam lobbed SCUDs at them in '91
>How about men just start being genuine? Then we can talk about when you make a move.
I am genuine. I've never asked a friend out before.
How do you guys like to fidget with your genitals when you are alone?
>M like to pinch the tip my foreskin through my pants and then squish it around between my finger and thumb
>just looks like my hand is on my lap and im pinching my pants
>Literally all books were written by dipshits who injected their dumb ass problematic biases and insane opinions into their books

You're welcome!
>The relationship is rooted in shared strategic interests and mutual defense agreements.
It's more rooted in Jewish billionaires and white evangelicals.
Do boobs count?
Bruh only men will answer this and you know it kek
maybe that was intentional…
Leftists don't inject biases into their works
Why would you want a friend who's a guy?
>Why would you want a friend who's a guy?
Asking the real questions!
>How is it fair to put us in the position of choosing
How is it fair that men just have to sit quiet when we may want something more? It only benefits you.
Are they approaching me for my interests or for my personality?
The real answer is be hot enough for her to say yes.
The US provides Israel with significant military aid, including advanced weaponry and technology. Both countries share intelligence, particularly regarding threats in the Middle East like terrorism and regional instability. Israel is seen as a key ally in promoting stability in the Middle East, which aligns with U.S. interests in countering hostile states and non-state actors. Israel develops military technology, including missile defense systems like Iron Dome, which the U.S. learns from and incorporates into its own defense strategies. There are strong economic and trade relationships. Israel is a hub for innovation and technology, and U.S. companies benefit from partnerships in sectors like cybersecurity, agriculture, and healthcare. The U.S.-Israel relationship strengthens U.S. influence in the Middle East and among American voters with ties to Israel.
Made friends with a nerdy cute female in one of my classes and we’ve hung out once outside of studying with the rest of our lab partners. Did some online stalking and I learned her sister suddenly died 3 years ago, it’s the only sibling she had. We’re both 23. How much would this still affect her? Do I ask if she has any siblings so that she’ll tell me about it and then I can comfort her and ultimately make her fall in love with me?
They should make a movie about Desert Storm and play Slayer's War Ensemble in the background while pilots hoot and holler like cowboys during the Highway of Death.

I put my hands under mine when they get cold.
That's literally the point of being friends with women, so you can become more than friends. The fact that women hate this is strange to me. You can be friends with your fellow women, but men want to be your bf. If a guy is friends with you and he hasn't asked you out, he still wants to, but is too afraid to do so.
>Leftists don't inject biases into their works
I lack a Bender-Laughing-Harder image powerful enough for this shit.
It would require a looping gif powered by albino shouting gorillas or something.
>How much would this still affect her?
More than you realize
>Do I ask if she has any siblings so that she’ll tell me about it and then I can comfort her and ultimately make her fall in love with me?
Don't touch it. It almost certainly still hurts.
I can't go to bars or clubs for another year. So you'd have to tell me :P
Women do the exact same shit. They just reserve it for guys who they think are hotter than average. Honestly, women do every single thing they complain about men doing, just for a smaller segment of the male population and with less accountability.
>How much would this still affect her? Do I ask if she has any siblings so that she’ll tell me about it and then I can comfort her and ultimately make her fall in love with me?
Damn bro, that's cold
With my way, there's still a friendship if I don't want a relationship.
This is entirely a male-created problem. Start caring about women as people, for fuck's sake.
>Do you ever bark back at a dog when no one is watching

>which is more important boob size or boob to body weight ratio.

>do you prefer hummus or Philadelphia
>male-created problem. Start caring about women
Whoa, I've never seen the reverse of "men and females" before
I bark back at dogs to get them to shut up even when people are around
You really think it's so insulting that a man would think you're quality enough of a woman to want to date. Women like you really want me hate women and I don't get it.
No, I think it's insulting that when I say no, you berate me and cut contact. After you trick me into thinking you maybe really care about me.
>With my way, there's still a friendship if I don't want a relationship.
The cat gif anon didn't say he was cutting ties with his friend, did he? What are you kvetching about?
No but I bark at my cats sometimes
Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just don't be obese
Neither I hate creamy shit
>female-created problem
Why should.i care about you if I can't have you.
Right, and the solution is for us to never talk to guys like you.

Lol what a nice guy
It would be colder if it was a parent. Isn’t it a normal question to ask a new friend?
Not if you obviously know better
Literally every man thinks like this. Every single one.
Yeah, you're not worth what you think you are.
How would it affect her? I’m an only child so I can’t even imagine.
You genuinely can't.
What am i supposed to do when i get complimented by a girl
Im a man
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I'm doing alright.
It feels like something is changing inside me but realistically it's just another desperate attempt to justify my stupidity and insanity.
I do feel good though, so there's that.
My life is going more smoothly than ever.
The only thing I can't seem to deal with these days is people. Incomprehensible yet so predictable, but that's just my social retardation. I can't deal with anyone liking me.
I can't deal with having to be there for people and see commitments through to the end. But people like me sometimes, so there's that.
I'm madly depressed, but life is going well, so there's that.
No actually I feel great, better than ever..you feel me?
>Do you ever bark back at a dog when no one is watching
Not since I was a kid
>which is more important boob size or boob to body weight ratio.
Just have a high sex drive; the best boobs are the ones in my hands
>do you prefer hummus or Philadelphia
Context? I know hummus is a dish, but Philadelphia?
Somewhere in between losing a dog and losing a parent?
Uh sure. Way closer to losing a parent. It's fucking heartbreaking.
Say thanks then forget about it.
Philadelphia cream cheese nigga

If shes in shape and has a nice butt she can be flat as board

Act really flustered and stammer out a thanks
It's too much effort to maintain a friendship, especially with a girl
Oh thats what i usually do but i also try to downplay it
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>why do guys do this?
I did it because I fell in love and was only 99% sure she had no interest in me. That 1% was killing me.
In hindsight, I really wish I had just told her that and asked her to please reject me so we could be friends. Instead I tried to be clever and fucked shit up.

Xander Harris did it right. He waited until she was single and not pining for another guy. And he took his shot.
Then he fucked off and was sad for a while and came back.
He had the best response to a classic line. I don't remember it verbatim but yeah...
>You have a great friendship and you do your best to fuck it up
Bitchy twist on:
>"I don't want to ruin our friendship"
"Well, neither do I."
Then he said something like:
"But I want to try for something more. I think we could have something great. But you don't. And that's that."

It's only "fucking it up" if the girl isn't interested. If she is, it's a romance novel.
>If I want to take things further, I'll let you know.
So, the guy should just sit there torturing himself and waiting for you to care? Fuck that shit.
When a woman friend zones a guy, she doesn't get to take it back. She either acts like an actual friend or not. If she changes her mind later, too bad, so sad, he's moved on.
You're describing an orbiter, not a friend.

>befriended me just to get into my pants, that's right.
Many such cases. Ngl. Even the guys who aren't pigs but are happily waiting for marriage first are still fuck heads for doing this.
Friends are friends.

>How about men just start being genuine?
Sometimes feelings just develop. Without a barrier it's pretty inevitable.

>That's literally the point of being friends with women, so you can become more than friends.
That's 100% wrong in every direction. It's a bad way to become more. It's a bad way to be friend.
How has this worked out for you?
Not the person you're talking to but I had my brother die suddenly a few yrs ago and I think it is maybe worse than a parent. Because you expect your parents to die before you, but you expect your siblings to be with you for most of your life
When i develop a crush on a girl i DO want to fuck her.
But i also want to put a baby in her and see her belly grow and tell her how shes prettiest woman on earth.
>>Do you ever bark back at a dog when no one is watching
Not since I understood dogs. But then I'd do it in front of people.

>>which is more important boob size or boob to body weight ratio.
But I'm not picky

>>do you prefer hummus or Philadelphia
Watch Goldfinger and combine your genuine feelings with the kind of crap Bond gives sluts and you might get her completely bent around your finger
>Philadelphia cream cheese nigga
Oh, nah, I prefer sour cream or brie
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Brie sucks kys
Where is my /atoga/ wife?
Girls be like:
Ewww he befriended me just to get in my pants thats so icky

But also:
This dude treated me like trash and called me a dumb hoe, i will now spread my legs open and let him hit it raw.
I cant believe he didnt love me afterwise
Let me translate for you anon
>Girls be like: Ewww he befriended me just to get in my pants thats so icky
Not handsome
>But also: This dude treated me like trash and called me a dumb hoe, i will now spread my legs open and let him hit it raw.
>I cant believe he didnt love me afterwise
We're all gangbanging your mom and only posting while we're catching out breath and waiting our turn to go back into the pile
Damn I’m sorry.
Yeah for sure but I have nothing else to compare it to.
Neufchâtel is the actual best
It's extra funny because women use Nice Guy tactics on men
If you think her ashes are hot now, you should have seen the cremation
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women, how does it feel knowing you literally cannot compete?
Who needs friends? I honestly can't imagine being better off with them than without them. Beside I was always bad at being friends with people anyway. Everyone is better off when I'm alone.
Yo mama
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>Reminder the White Knight archetype? Not really a kind of guy you see anymore, they've either realized they were idiots or become leftist lunatics
I used to be a white knight back in the day.
It was some anon in 08-09 telling me about women sending hundreds of love letters to psychopaths that finally cured me.
I wish I could shake that anon's hand.
>one of my lady friends has a silky smooth, sweet voice
>thinking of asking her to show me her room or something and explain stuff just to hear more of it
Either gender
What kinds of voices do you like? For men, for women, whatever preferences you have.
That's the dork you rejected in high school
A voice that sounds like him.
Describe it!
Damn, is it Friday already?
No, it is actually
Gotta love Sakartvelo accents
>Either gender
>What kinds of voices do you like? For men, for women, whatever preferences you have.
Scratchy tomboy voice, or soft and feminine
Imagine how a man should sounds like and that is exactly how it sounds.
i unironically really like the voice of kamala harris
I don't really like anyone's voice. Ideally I could marry a mute
Including the laugh?
her wine aunt energy gets me going
>So in the absence of a woman to sexually abuse me, I chose gay activities with other men instead
This is a bit like wanting sesame chicken on waffles at a buffet, not finding it, and therefore eating the curtains.
Quality lunacy.
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Girls gain way more from staying in shape and being fit than what men do
Its unfair
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thats just your opinion
why dont you live together and have sex every day instead
>Femanon upon seeing uncut guy for first time
I had sex with my bf 2 days ago
that you
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i have sex with my wife every night
>yeah i have a girlfriend
>No she goes to different school

Fucking dumb pajeet cant even make a believable lie
>my dad has George Costanza tier hair
>his dad has Jack Nicholson tier hair
>my mom's dad has a medieval monk tier bald spot
How fuxked am i
No but mine looks like it
your ass?
Women, how many points does being a kick ass cook buy me? I just made my gf a lamb chop with a red wine and mushroom sauce and got a totally decent hand job out of it.
what do you mean handjob
like damn she didnt even suck on that shit
>"the way to attract women is just to be a genuinely nice person"
>be nice and become friends with woman
>"ew why are you into me?"
>>Do you ever bark back at a dog when no one is watching
Yes, I sometimes do it even when being watched
>>which is more important boob size or boob to body weight ratio.
The former. Larger is generally worse, especially because it scales with weight.
>>do you prefer hummus or Philadelphia
On what?
Go buy a fleshlight - you'll probably care about it more
its gross because you became friends with them specifically to get with them
just like your gf is leaving you alone "working nights"
No but she did some dirty talk the entire way through. Calling me her good boy and some other things I won’t describe. Was wild and unexpected.
How else do you get with women
i met my wife online
cool i hope she gets caught and loses her qualifications so she leaves you for a richer guy
It was also a sautee of peppers with the right amount of heat (black peppers and chipotle) and a couple of polento crisps with basil and green onion.
Seconded, what pieces of shit
How do I get good at anything?
Not a woman, but you shouldn't eat lamb
Sheep are frens
Try and fail.
total time spent
im not american
I nuked humans in war with high explosives. I don’t care about any living thing at the moment
Not to be too rude here but I personally hope you get abducted in the night and skinned alive, then thrown in a salt bath.
>girls stay up all night gossiping and drinking coffee if a patient presses an emergency buzzer they don’t respond until they’ve finished their little chat lmao
Woman moment
I've never seen a woman complain about dating like men do. They might complain about the quality of the men that approach them but never about being actually invisible.
why would i want to
First you realize that it is almost impossible to be good at anything by the current standards due to the Internet, and then you practice a lot and become competent at it.
with love and passion
Women, would you be shocked if you told a guy that likes you
>I like you, I’ve always liked you, you’re a really great guy, maybe too good
Think you’re also into him and that you’d want to be together?
either I’m having a stroke or your prompt was incomprehensible
I think it's worth dicussing how unfair it is for men, but the fact that the male and female experience is different shouldn't be surprising.
Women would you rather a man with a gianormus penis, or a man with 2 little penis?
how about one little penis. a little friend >>32027293
Be honest. You think anybody will miss you when you’re hanging from a meat hook?
Nah, I can't comprehend that spatial anomaly either.
>i have sex with my wife every night

That's only because she's too busy having sex with me during the day!
oops accident
It’s okay anon :3
We know you’d never reply to him on purpose
Why is every profile I see of women on dating apps the exact same
>instagram model style photo in an exotic location
>bikini picture to show off
>another pic in exotic location
>few insta model style home pics
>no bio
>probably 200 matches per hour anyway
And why do women not smile in photos anymore. They always have this mean girl vibe about them, like they're models trying to act edgy for a professional photoshoot
No you don’t lol
You’re alone and your best years are behind you. You will perish and nobody will remember you.
just be happy that its so easy to instantly tell theyre not worth it
Oh fuck my phrasing is shit, I’m tired
I meant
If you told a guy that likes you
>I like you, I’ve always liked you, you’re a great guy, maybe too good
And you actually mean it
Would you be shocked if he’d think you want to be together?
My point is, would you tell this to a guy with which you don’t want a relationship?
I think there are more pressing issues to discuss but it's annoying that we all have to pretend dating isn't absurdly lopsided.
No, that’s pretty clear
>Be honest. You think anybody will miss you when you’re hanging from a meat hook?
just ask her and be ready to move on if she says no
A “girlfriend”? At your age? Lmao
If ENTJ was my neighbor….. lmao
I did and in the end she didn’t anything from me
Her answer was
>Yeah, what I said was true but that doesn’t mean I want to be involved romantically with you
In my head this shit doesn’t add up
That’s why I asked, because there’s maybe an angle I’m not seeing here
Yeah I think last time I expressed my condolences for your father sexually abusing you. Poor guy, I hope he recovered.
He's asking if you would be shocked if a guy interprets the response in the greentext as an indication of you being into him and wanting to be together
i lost my virginity at 21 and she was 47 but had told me was 39
She doesnt have the balls to cut you off and wants to keep you around to give her attention
Cut her off
Move on
That's stupid anyone who don't like anchovies is a closet faggot!
No, that’s ridiculous. She’s playing games.
>she doesn’t have the balls
I hope so
I cut her off, I wanted to see if I’m not interpreting this situation right
You like what you like, can’t blame you for that
I can blame you for being a total piece of shit who deserves to be devoured alive in a pit of maggots though. Assuming they even wanted you. Not like anybody else wants you. Lol
Of course not. The only dates you go on are with your hand. Right or left?
Funny thing is I’m good enough to offer her attention, hold her hand, hug sometimes, you know basic affection you’d get from a boyfriend
And I’m even a great guy in her eyes, but she doesn’t want anything from me kek
Man, I thought I was tripping and that maybe her point of view is correct and that I misinterpreted her
Ew, you call your hand a she? Fucking freak.
I’m all for giving girls the benefit of the doubt, but no, definitely not in this instance. I have no idea what she was thinking here.
I'm a woman and I noticed this too. It's a bit disheartening; firstly, these women aren't my type but also it intimidates me! That's what my dorky profile is competing with?!
Anyway, which profile you like affects the algorithm and eventually changes which profiles are shown to you. After a few likes, it gets what your type is. I've matched and been on dates with guys who've said my profile looked very different from the others.
Wait… a few nights ago you were working nights. When you were getting btfo by anon and taking forever to reply?
More delusions. I feel sorry for you. What a pathetic life.
I applaud your abilities to understand that
If that's what she said verbatim, then it suggests she likes you. However this bit
>maybe too good
could be taken two ways. I friendzoned a guy I met off a dating app for this very reason. He was just too good and I wanted him to meet someone better than me.
That type of woman is disproportionately likely to be using "dating" apps.
The apps are purpose-built as dehumanizing meat markets for superficial people.
anon :3 what are you doing up
did you draw something to share with the class
Care to explain? That’s a very altruistic mindset, that I’ve previously only heard from a woman I was with who admits she never actually loved me.
Yeah, those were her exact words
I see, it could’ve been easier if she actually stated that she wants me to meet someone better, but I’ll never know what she was thinking
It's a shame, because the apps replaced traditional online dating. I've heard that before Match Group came along, online dating was not so skewed based on looks.
not anything that I can share and simultaneously keep my anonymity, but I’ve been working on a little animation project! no little doodles and can’t make any more now cuz I’m cozy in bed ..
I was 19 she said she was 26 but was actually 36
i wish it was raining literally all the time
Nah it’s true I remember that. I was verbally raping you to the enjoyment of the whole thread, and you were taking like 30 minutes to reply because of “work”. You’re just full of shit, a weak fuck whose life is so meager that you need to make up retarded lies to try to feel like you matter.
Did you ever end up drawing the anon babbling about robots to the enamored femanon? I’d hate if I missed it
But then the entire world would flood and also die.
no I don’t recall getting that request so don’t worry u didn’t miss anything LOL
I think you forgot….. or an impostor?!
I deeply respect him and admire him. If I were a better person, I would marry him on the spot. After going on a date with me, he deleted the app because he said none of the profiles appealed to him "all they care about is shopping and food" but I don't feel I'm any much better than them.

For example, he has productive hobbies which he's very good at and artistically interested in - climbing and cycling - and on my profile I mentioned I enjoy wild camping and hiking but I feel unworthy because I don't do it as much as him. I want him to find a woman who's as obsessed with adventure like he is. I don't want him to settle for me, just because the pool of women who share our religious/ethnic background is so small he can't find a better match than me.
It feels harsh from my end. Difference in perspective, surely.
unban my baby at once or else
Yeah you sure do buddy, you’re in these threads trying to impress strangers with your totally cool life all day every day. You’re a terminally-online piece of shit, the same as me.
oh yes I remember now
no imposter here
What if he just preferred you? It feels a bit odd to respect him that much but not respect his feelings
why are u so mad that people actually live their lives
It’s late though, please don’t feel obliged to crank anything out. I was just wondering if I missed it.
Kek, he was waiting because he wanted to get the last word in. He's the most pathetic namefag ever.
yes I must get to bed … midnight and I gotta be up at 7.. only one class today!! early class too, I love fridays
Nta, but he's an obvious larper. A Chad that is always fucking females, yet he's posting on 4chan about his totally real billion dollar business and how he's always fucking supermodels every week? Use your head, dumb cunt newfag.
Why don't you get a job now if you picked a meme degree, retard?
ENTJ isn’t a person and doesn’t have a life. He’s manufactured a completely fake identity. And why? To try to make people feel like shit.
I have no respect for people who come to an advice board solely to shit on people for being genuine. He’s a fucking wormy retard who thinks it’s funny to make up stories about his totally hot nurse girlfriend letting patients suffer. He replies to anons who are depressed to tear them down further. ENTJ genuinely deserves to be butchered.

Posts of truth.
Every time in college that I had an early class, I just failed it. I can’t be up that early. I hope yours goes way better.
sorry I’m not caught up on 4chan atoga lore
working my way to your mothers gaping asshole for the 100th time actually
oh early classes are the best cuz I have the whole rest of the day! It’s the evening classes I dread </3
Are you sure you're in college by acting and typing like an 8yo? Your mother jokes, really?
It’s not your fault anon, don’t take my post >>32027415 too harshly please. And good luck with your class.
yep :3333333333333 I have my coloring book class and another playing with toys class I love it here
You seem to be up late pretty often too, I figured evening classes would be easier. It’s nearly 4 AM where I am though. Surely you should sleep?
I don’t take anything here too harshly it’s 4chan
Lol, you're as pathetic as the ENTJ fag you're trying to defend. Were you raped?
Upside is that most anons ignore him, they see him as the loser he is
I can survive one late night (one of many) plus it’s weekend after this so hooray!!!
a..anon…. this made me really … s-s-sad.. and …. Angry!!!! how could you say this to me!!!!!! (Is this the reaction you’re looking for)
Yeah but I'm not here to spread unhappiness around, even if it is just a minor bit.
Do you drink a lot of caffeine or something? Idk how you do it.
Libtard women have you ever reformed a chud to act employable?
Do relatives count?
im 18 so i have a lot of that natural energy. I try to avoid caffeine (coffe make me tummy hurt)
Not even one person in these threads likes you. Despite your glamorous fictitious life. I can only imagine how utterly reviled you are irl.
I mean. I was 19 and still needed to crash my system with multiple 5 hour energies to make it through long days. It’s good you don’t have to.
Dating apps work with a ranking system. The reason you see those profiles is because they're popular and people swipe on them a lot, and the reason people swipe on them a lot is because they are usually very hot women.
A significant amount of them are fake profiles and a bunch of the rest are just women trying to boost their Instagram followers, but most men just swipe right on every sexy picture so it works out for them.
Just another reason to the pile why dating apps are completely worthless for men. Unironically dating apps let women score a LOT above their weight class because all they have to do is put a bit of effort in and the guy will be so gobsmacked he'll accept.
I feel like the nature of dating apps suggests that mostly certain types of people will even sign up. Sorta like how a poll about “do you like answering polls” should theoretically skew toward “yes”.
30 minutes... lol
Sorry I don’t speak uncle, what is a chud
Praying that you really do become dead in the near future :)
Think incel.
Nah I think you were seething like the little bitch you are.
That might have been the case in the early days, but with society becoming more and more insular dating apps are one of the few ways you can meet single people nowadays. Most of the people I know who have partners met via online dating. The only exceptions are people who met through work or school.
women severely overrate the value of their friendship
I agree with the other anon, maybe in the beginning, but now like it or not dating apps (and stealth dating apps like insta) are how more than half of all relationships begin.
In fact the whole "just meet people organically :)" thing is one of the worst pieces of advice you can give. Almost nobody meets organically.
Makes sense. I’ve personally never used one. It sounds miserable.
What do you do if you’re a guy who just wants a ‘plain’ girl?
you get fucked because plain girls do not exist, every woman in the planet has been to at least 3 continents and moonlights as a tiktok/insta influencer while working on her thesis
I somewhat dislike women.
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The hero /atoga/ deserves
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women what do you think about my minecraft house
Men, do you have a nice car?
Haha my phone refuse to type out incel. Even technology ignores them
Because in practice there are limits to self-sufficiency and it's good to have allies who can help you when you're at your limit. This is also speaks to the imbalance of "friendships" between sexes, women are often pretty useless as friends.
The outside wall is very plain…
i dont drive
my wife has a car from work and she drives me everywhere
its a prius alpha
It sounds like an actual nightmare.
what can i add
im new to actually trying with building
I am more interested in what enchantments your bow has.
Don't follow the advice to like every profile. You'll get shown different profiles based on your profile like history, at least that's how the Hinge algorithm works. When you first join, the app front-loads with profiles that are typically attractive and that's why you'll see lots of normie Instagram women. Just have to let the algorithm settle.
power 3 and thats it
I think it's nice. It's about five years old, leather seats, climate control, a large touchscreen, remote start, very roomy. In my opinion the only things it's missing that would be nice to have are rain sensing wipers and 4WD.
Does your wife know you flirt with atoga girls?
I hope I get my license back by year’s end
i do not flirt with atoga girls
i doubt there is anyone here who is my type
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that is a bit lame to be honest
at least get infinity
Also I'm a neat freak so my car is always clean. The only things visible from the outside that you wouldn't see in a car sitting on a dealer lot are an umbrella and an ice scraper.
Dating apps front load you with the most popular users. Women who uses them are also seeing more template chads than there are actually are which makes your profile look bad should any ever see it.
I’m not necessarily an aesthetic genius. I failed architecture when I took it. But I’d personally try
>making the corners of the house a different block, maybe oak or sakura logs
>reduce the overhang on the roof, or use fences to add support
>windows and some external torches, maybe with a fence around the outside?
>What do you do if you’re a guy who just wants a ‘plain’ girl?
Be good looking and have her like your profile first.
No, I bought the cheapest one to meet my needs
Not all time favourite but I like him enough
But she’ll be seeing chads from the start since it front loads the most popular users, right? I’m guessing they let you pay for a boost or something, huh?
W-why did he do that Gary anon
Light I'm a gay did literally nothing wrong except become too pleased with himself and make mistakes
Yes even killing L and other innocents was extremely justified given what he was accomplishing
well yeah the idea is you have to be a Chad first, "plain" girls have inflated standards on dating apps
yeah boosts are the way they make money but you shouldn't bother, you'll probably just get more left swipes because you're not a chad and they will permanently mark your account as "sucker"
Why is Baki so fun to read, it's like there's always some stupid surprise
Not plapping Misa was a mistake
He gained echo location when he got blinded so decided to gain more powers by deafening himself
Now he can sense vibrations through the air using his bare skin instead of needing eardrums
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Why did I get (You) for your post? Did you get one too?
shes not thicc so it wouldnt be plapping
A-anon are you in the same home…
I am in your walls. Nice shirt.
The whole thing sounds horribly depressing and demoralizing.
>i do not flirt with atoga girls
sure, sure
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im just here because its an active general even when my others arent
You guys used to spam that on every board on here every time I pointed out you were harassing or sperging out about women who have done literally nothing wrong. Now you never do that because there is an overabundance of women making themselves known on social media who no sane person would defend.
I didn't change, the world changed including women and this place.
Also I wasn't defending people out of some misplaced sense of male chivalry or instinctually thinking I would have sex with random women, and don't want that to begin with. You just never cared when I defended men.
I stand up for what is right because I have an innate and well-cultured sense of justice and fairness and 4chan is overall too dumb to appreciate something like that, it's just now the outside world is too.
Manual labor is exotic to the average woman and they never have/will do it
Anon come the fuck on now, you know men here hate the CIA with an undying fury.
Right and they believe it when they say "doctors say embryos (a fucking life stage, it's in the term) aren't alive anyways"
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Therapy doesn't cure cancer or house fires you subhuman pedophile
State gender
Do you like smoking after sex?
Yeah the problem with these authors is they weren't woke enough kek
ive never tried it
my wife doesnt like cigs and ive stopped (used to smoke weed a lot and sometimes cigs)
but i would like a picture of her smoking one day just once
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>But she’ll be seeing chads from the start since it front loads the most popular users, right?
F. Yes, at the very beginning. After a few days, I tend to only look at my likes and see who's put effort into responding to a prompt (this is on Hinge, one of the most popular apps amongst young people). If I found the response to a prompt interesting enough to start a conversation I'll answer them. People who respond to prompts I've noticed actually share some interest with me so have always been a good match.
Behold! The living manifestation of "based retard"
Women, is it a porn meme that fingering is best done by rubbing the outward wall?
I know you're saying this in good faith but men do not have a repository of likes to choose from lmao. We match like 5% of the time compared to like 70% of the time for women.
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For me, it's Musashi
my wife wont let me finger her because it hurts her even if i think ive cut my nails right ;(
we fuck every day though so its ok
and i eat her out everytime
You did it, you did the meme and got the Internet points, but you're still an idiot
I'd say it's more that we've discovered that the archetype mostly didn't exist. Same way nobody gets accused of being a Gamer Girl any more because it was just a mass delusion
>make Hinge account
>you have to put in your height
hahaha this app was made by women 100%
Her heart belonged rightfully to L despite everything she said, the only man able to satisfy her craving for being watched while she peed
Imagine having a 4channer husband
But what is the point of that when he had eyes and ears before?
As long as you have to put in your weight also, I’m ok
>I tend to only look at my likes
That says it all. From the male perspective it's just sending likes into the void. You soon learn writing anything is a waste of time because in the vast majority of cases it makes zero difference, and in the worst case she won't be interested but will respond if it's funny leading to a fake match.
Did nothing ever happen again, anon?
>but men do not have a repository of likes to choose from lmao.
I'm not suggesting that they do. I'm telling you about my perspective and how I use the app. That I don't just look at the users and like "Chad" profiles, but filter based on who has liked me and then filter based on things I can respond to. I don't ever match with Chad profiles in my likes that only like a picture with no prompt response - what am I meant to say to a guy like that?
I honestly feel sorry for Indian women for having to put up with Indian men.
Indian men are beta providers though, assuming they actually get a partner. That's why indian women are so uppity when you hear them talk. Not an ounce of testosterone in their world.
Take a wild guess LMAO
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It's definitely the opposite. Guys on the internet used to have a more fantastical view on women, the majority of these posters having been teenagers. Just mentioning you even had a gf was seen as a big boast. There definitely was a cohort of guys who were overprotective of girls on the internet, and thought acting that way would win affection. I saw enough forum meltdowns over such drama personally, and this realization that women are not nearly as magical as they thought is probably what a lot of the incel/blackpill shit spun out of it.
Half of Indian men are as you describe, and the other half are prolific rapist and will sexually harass a botfly if it catches their eye.
I agree with the first half, but those aren't white knights. Regarding the second half -- I think those guys basically didn't exist. Yeah, you'd occasionally see them in screencaps of twitter or something, but I never actually saw them myself. Certainly not on 4chan.
why are NPCs so rapey over there anyway. Seems like every third guy over there is the town rapist.
>what am I meant to say to a guy like that?
My experience is women just don't say anything most of the time. They often ignore the actual response and wait for you to start the conversation.
Does femanon like pasta?
man I'm thinking standard nerd forums and when 4chan was still an evil rape dungeon from the perspective of the rest of the internet, white knight posters were 100% real even if the accusation was loosely thrown (like incel or neckbeard is now)
I never really went on those forums (unless fuckin freeform RP counts, which...maybe it should, desu). I definitely saw guys treating women like some mythical, unknowable beast which you couldn't actually speak to or see in real life, but they weren't white knighting. I guess to be clear about what I mean by white knighting, I'm talking about jumping to the defence of a woman who may or may not know you exist just because she's a woman and not for any other reason.
Yes, I love pasta but unfortunately I am not a very skilled cook.
>tfw no bf to make me yummy pasts
Why even live
would you date a woman with a 32E/F bra size, not fat just a little chubby, cute face, decent ass BUT she has chronic arthritis?
Moid hands.
what does the arthritis mean for her day to day life
I would also help soothe the pain if I can
Depends on literally everything else about her, like her personality, goals in life, passions, drive, sense of humour, political views.
I prefer rice, but pasta is alright.
If you respond to a prompt on the girls profile, you are starting the conversation. This is why I tend to look to my likes, first; the men who respond to prompts always have a shared interest. Men who just like a picture, especially the main picture, are just sending mass likes and are never suitable. And, like you said, it means I have to start the conversation which women are not wont to do.
That’s the thing, you don’t actually know until you date her for a while
NTA but didn't white knighting get rebranded as simping? Same genus.
yes, i make an amazing mac n cheese
If I breathe the same air as anyone who has any sort of health problem I will completely die.
Aha, I see, so the chronic arthritis isn’t a deal breaker?
I’m talking with this woman, very smart, very cute, so far great personality and body, but I know she has this arthritis and I’m not sure if I should continue talking to her to find out more
If I were to find out something that I will not be ok with in my life, I’ll have to stop talking to her, which will make her feel like shit most likely because the reason will be something she can never change
Idk what to do…
look up videos on youtube from people who have it
maybe like day in the life type vids
Sounds like my ex and it didn‘t affect her life.
>If you respond to a prompt on the girls profile, you are starting the conversation.
Maybe in theory, in practice not really. Most of them just match and say nothing, waiting for you to say something. This is why writing responses is in general feel like a total waste of time for a guy, keeping in mind it already takes me ages to sort through to profiles I think are worth sending a like to. It's pretty depressing.
Femanon where do I find single women who like 5/10 attractiveness men?
That’s a good idea, didn’t think of that
I keep myself fit, I’d want to know if she could come to the gym with me
I want to know if that’s even possible, and if it is, I want to know if that makes her feel any pain
And of course, if she’d like to go to the gym, but this I can find out without making it awkward
State Gender, State Thoughts
Isn't it crazy that if you try hard enough you can get your man to pitch in on milk duty?
hes talking about men being able to lactate
White knights saw women as delicate flowers of pure virtue who need protection, simping seems broader than that and also encompasses just being servile to a woman because she's hot
What don't you understand. Try reading it again.
Define ‘milk duty’
f, i want to lactate but i wasnt able to with using a breastpump (i probably just dont pump enough)
ah you are a serious business poster
Morty, nice to meet you
Milk Duty- when you have to feed your newborn child breast milk so they can grow in a strong healthy human
Shoulda had your man pitch in
i have a gf. i would die bringing up this topic with her
yes, I love lasagna with a layer of basil leafs
also think about how ridiculous it feels, spending effort sending openers to women when 99% of them don't get any response
hinge is horrible I don't know why everybody recommends it
I could do that, if I get to use a bottle of milk instead and wear a mask with my wife’s face on so my kid wouldn’t cry
I would cry if I saw that and I'm 30
>would cry
From laughter? Or?
Women would you rather be stock in an elevator with a bear or a random man?
That's how dating is for non-Chads. We're in the worst timeline to be average men. You're expected to put 100% effort for a chubby slut with tattoos who will cheat on you anyway.
abject terror
Depends if that men is a redditor
bear, because theyre gay so im safe
It's a random one you don't get to choose
At the end of the day, it's the only way you're getting a girlfriend. By putting effort in you're increasing your chances. This is the world we live in now.
Until they're prison straight
I think there might be an issue in your approach if you're getting a 99% rejection rate.
You're increasing your chances in the same way buying lottery tickets increases your chances of becoming a multimillionaire. Perhaps true but not meaningfully so
A man, obvs. A cornered bear is more dangerous than a man who knows people are coming to check on us eventually, giving him no reasonable deniability if he were to hurt me.
>prison straight
what does that mean?
You have never met an Indian woman
a match rate of 1% is hardly unheard of for men on dating apps anon
And when you win, it will be like 10 bucks, the equivalent of getting a fatty as a gf, just to say you have a gf kek
This is one of those the pain is too great to have sex but everything else is normal things, isn't it?
Believe what you like. If you're going to use an app to find a girlfriend and you're not a normie, and you're hoping to find a girl who isn't vapid, put some effort into not being vapid.
Have you heard of the term prison gay?
>cornered bear is more dangerous than a man
Bullshit, they're both dangerous. You just want to fuck the man
A match rate of 1% when men literally swipe "yes" on every woman's profile, is completely reasonable. Of course hot Stacey's and time-wasting women who just want validation aren't going to match with you.
Its okay, I dont need hand jobs. We can do foot stuff I guess
So what? Fuck you.
even normal and even fat women aren't going to match with you when you're competing with plenty of other guys, and that leaves aside of the issue of even finding those profiles in the first place
Greetings from the world of showers.
Are you naked? so slutty
Without me :(
would you associate or serious date/marry someone who kind of struggles with bulimia?

sometins i over eat or my tummy will hurt or i will feel sick and eventually throw up.
Sure you can make an effort but in practice writing a real response to every like you send is not a good use of effort. As in the expected return for doing it is absolutely marginal, she's not going to not find you unattractive because you wrote something funny.
I have no experience dealing with it but I think I could.
Men, what's the best-before date of your coom?
Hey I'm in the shower, too. We're shower sisters.
Obviously. How convenient.
So sorry. :(
I might but I've never been in that situation so I wouldn't know if I can handle it once I'm actually in it
It starts fermenting within hours of leaving the body.
>how convenient
so true, easy access
>and that leaves aside of the issue of even finding those profiles in the first place
When you're matching with every single woman, hot women, the algorithm will keep pushing women who won't match with you.
>even normal and even fat women aren't going to match with you
That's their problem. Not putting effort into responding to prompts isn't going to get these women to match with you. Putting a little effort might help you find the rare women you're actually after (the ones who'll match with you).
Day of purchase
At least send us a pic
What men produce isn't the same as what women produce, and you shouldn't feed it to kids.
Are blood sigils more powerful than cum sigils?
Lose too much blood, you die.
Lose too much cum, you get a little tired.
>she's not going to not find you unattractive because you wrote something funny.
Your aim is to find the women on the app who overlook photogenics for connection. By sending a good conversation starter, you're appealing to that type of woman. By not sending a conversation starter, you're going to be completely overlooked by the women you're specifically aiming to find.
I'm surrounded by them every single day at work. 8 of the 10 people on my team are Indian, and three of them are Indian women, and the teams around us are also mostly Indian and have Indian women on them.
It's possible. Cum sigils contain lots more potential souls than blood sigils
So getting cummed inside 2 days before my fertile days is safe?
Cum is harder to get though. Vampires and succubi are both powerful, I vote they're equal.
No, semen can live for several days longer if it's inside of you. Be careful anon.
Depends what exactly you mean, but if it's not cleaned up within a few hours it's probably not going to be pleasant. If you mean in terms of fertility, the little swimmers die within minutes outside the body.
>When you're matching with every single woman, hot women, the algorithm will keep pushing women who won't match with you.
lol, I swipe left on the majority of such profiles. It's still going to show them the most.
>Not putting effort into responding to prompts isn't going to get these women to match with you.
Putting effort isn't going to make them match either, in the vast vast majority of cases. They usually just like the look of you or they don't. You might get the very rare case where it lead to a match but then it doesn't speak well for her attitude.
I would be banned, sir.
The other anon already said it but Im doubling down. Cum can live inside a person for longer than it does outside the body. That includes your vagina.
>find the women on the app who overlook photogenics for connection.
Oh right, I'm sure you can find all 3 of them pretty handily. Come off it man, it's a dating app. Your appearance matters foremost with basically all users. You might as well tell people to hold out for that perfect virgin trad wife to find that true connection.
Put it on soctoga
Weird. I always thought that sperm would die quickly from starvation if they didn't eat the egg in time.
Sometimes I think about putting my laptop on my lap so I can induce sterility but then I worry about not doing it enough and then actually creating super sperm.
how do I deal with a bitchy coworker
everyone was really nice but she was the only one to cause an awkward silence
Bang her
revoke her voting privilege
tl;dr: the Hinge trash software works for women but doesn't for men, much in the same way every other app works for women but doesn't work for men. Case closed.
it's all relative, Hinge requires even less effort from women and even more from men
I don't drive
Yeah its, great.
What is sex
You really waited for that anon to leave before being brave enough to post again? Holy kek lmao what a tough guy you are
>Oh right, I'm sure you can find all 3 of them pretty handily.
You won't find them by sending mass likes and not putting effort into conversation starters (prompt responses), that's for sure. The pool for normies is larger, that's the nature of things. Focus on the things you can control instead of complaining about what you can't.
he is so tough he does whatever his gf tells him to do
In realistic terms you will just burn yourself out before you find them, being more selective with your likes already filters you more not less.
The alleged "gf" he needs to brag about on a Mongolian throat singing board
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Not gonna lie, I only listen to what pretty girls say. I think anonettes on atoga should try their utmost to pretty aura in their messages
>both want chad
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i prefer left
more a whole boat load of disgust
I hate that I have a boner from this
without a doubt the least mentally stable poster we have
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funny how special having sex is for you
if it wasnt special you wouldnt be prancing around bragging that you finally get sex in the weekend
The more I think about the advice the more daft it is
>filter yourself out from most girls by not liking their profiles
>only send likes to the girls who you are super special
>pretend there isn't a single digit percentage chance she will like you back
>craft a special message for the 0.015% of girls who that will effect
>in that case pretend she's not a haughty bitch for expecting extra effort from you when she makes absolutely none, it's about the connection!
This is the equivalent of telling somebody to keep striking up conversations with strangers despite most of them blanking you and pretending you're not there like some homeless person. At that point it's obvious you should wait for a bit of positive eye contact at least (analogously a match) before putting in that effort.
but i have sex literally every day
missed a total of less than 5 days over the past year and a half
nice selfie
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I didn't get home until 7pm yesterday and was too tired to post, so I'm one day late, but I actually found a squirrel and a pretty very smol butterfly. There were also tons of birds like eagles flying around.
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There actually ended up being way more snow than I had expected.
I also slid down around half a meter in a somewhat dangerous area, but I gripped like a motherfucker onto the iron rope for security. lol

There were actually some red berries near the path, but since I don't know them, I didn't try (and didn't die from poison).
The loneliness is getting to me
Or maybe it's because I'm horny
the guy blocking and ghosting me is making my suicidal thoughts worse and I am too worried about upsetting him if I reach out through an email to try to make amends

I feel really down and I don't know if i will be able to post anymore
Oh shit you delivered, thank you. Looks a bit treacherous but nice nonetheless.
>I also slid down around half a meter in a somewhat dangerous area,
Get it together girl, damn
just stop being crazy
>Women going crazy when they are denied chad
Many such cases
Please put this trip on:
>Alpha widow
She already has a name and it's Decades Schizo because this isn't even her first obsessive fixation on a guy who doesn't want her.
Hmm, but I previously thought that the Decade Girl hasn't had contact with with her limerent object for years.
This is a new guy who she met on Discord about five months ago. They've never met in person, but he has a big penis, so...
tis all a larp
Dio and Cell
I love magnificent bastards who are evil for no reason. Fuck the sympathetic villain. Bring back bad guys.
Men, if God were to offer you your ideal gf, with no restrictions on your specifications, what kind of gf would you want?
I wasn't up to speed, then. Admittedly, at the start of the year it seemed like she wanted to devise an action plan to get a new man. So you might be right.
Big titties
What did you do to get blocked
Dio really killed a dog just to fuck with Joseph and I admire the level of hate that nigga had
I have that already.
She’s perfect.
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It was the first time I did such a technically difficult track. Part of it was a steep descent where I had to hold onto that iron rope to actually make it.
It's considered a "T3" level track, meaning a "mountain tour", the scale goes up to T6, which is basically hanging upside down on a mountain cliff. lol
T3 is where life threatening falls can happen, like pic rel.
I would just make God pick her out, He knows me better than I know me
I had a dream last night where I was petting a bear. Probably the man because he likely smells marginally better.
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>4chan twisted it
Oh well, you can see how parts of the track look like at the bottom of this pic.
Women, if God were to offer you your ideal bf, with no restrictions on your specifications, what kind of bf would you want?
Do you think it’s important to be open and vulnerable with your partner?
I was out at the bar for a friends birthday with my girlfriend. Everything was fine and dandy and she mentioned she knew someone at the bar and shook her head about it in kind of a negative way.
We go back down to the bar where my friends are and I notice her looking across the bar at some other guy and I immediately knew it was him. I asked her jokingly which person it was and she said it was that guy, and I didn’t think much of it but I noticed that she kept looking over at him and I had tried to out my arm around her and get close and it seemed like she suddenly wasn’t reciprocating. This felt weird to me.
I brought it up to her and she felt bad and that she wished she hadn’t said anything. I still feel weird about it though. I don’t think she would have brought it up if there was anything going on but I just didn’t like it. I dunno.

I feel like I fucked up.
it's been 4 days and today i start of 5th is that too soon to reach out after fucking up

how the fuck do I move on if I feel bad, the timing for everything is sad and I felt like we could have really had something
are we in love now?
None. Women are nice and all until you remember they're people and you need to offer them something
As a man 4 days is barely enough time to get rebound sex from a FWB of his, if their schedules don't align. Don't rush things; give him some time to get his affairs in order and then reach out.
Holy shit thats steep, was the view worth it?
You could ask God for a woman who doesn't need you to offer her something.
Just Henry Cavill
I love everything about that man. If he had a southern accent, I'd never recover.
all i could ever want and need
I want her to call me a pervert and I want to call her a pervert.
is it dishonest to position yourself as the rebound for female friend that's in a relationship?
>I felt like we could have really had something
If you ever want to have a happy life, then accept that you were wrong.

DO NOT try to find closure. Block him anywhere that the Block Button isn't grayed out, and move on. Do not respond if he attempts to contact you. You were wrong and you were stupid and you were foolish, but you can do better from now on.
Perfect you're already doing a good job. God really understood the assignment on this one.
She already knows what you're planning
>6+ looks
>Sophisticated taste
>Traditional values (waiting for marriage, having the wife stay at home, etc.)
Even better. It's not supposed to be a surprise, right?
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Yeah, I had a really nice Alpine panorama around me for most of it. :)
There were some clouds (not fog, but actual clouds lol) surrounding my descent for about an hour, which made me see no further than maybe 30m.
Here's a resized pic of it. You can also see a bit how narrow the path is in some parts.
Men, I made 4 scrambled medium eggs with a dash of heavy cream and maybe a tbs of cheddar melted ontop. And two palm sized waffles.
This is all I'm eating today.
I'm fat right?
Not a man, but state height and weight.
I can barely eat two scrambled eggs.
You can go a whole day with only breakfast? Contents aside I never could
What's wrong with you?
State height and weight and band + cup size
I agree. While I would like it and he would do justice to the character, Huge Jacked Man already cemented himself as Wolverine.

He was the perfect Superman, though.
I don't want that to happen and he might not be the type to do that because reasons. literally when
doubt you're him but if so please respond
or not idk what to do he i am so used to us talking all the time I miss the good morning texts
why would you do that. I wouldn't appreciate it
i am absolutely wrong for what happened but what if I can do better with him? I want him to contact me and give it to me, talking to etc I feel so much regret. that IF he contacts me is a big IF
Does it sound to you like I fucked up?
I am the anon from yesterday talking about a future with my gf.
She told me that it’s incredibly important to her that I tell her about this kind of stuff so she knows what triggers me and that she wants to work through this stuff together.
I also talked to her about the shit in regards to having a future with eachother once things were back to being sweet and she seemed like really happy and surprised and said she feels the same way. And this morning she talked about it again and said she has a future with me as well and re assured me that she wants me to be open with her about everything.

I’m just scared she sees me as insecure and weak and I’ll lose her over my shit. She says she doesn’t care and that the things I’m dealing with are not as big as I make them, especially compared to things she’s dealt with in the past. And that she loves me and wants us to work through stuff together.
>What's wrong with you?
Eggs are heavy food and I'm skinny.
Shut the fuck up
If you're fat off that, your metabolism is in the gutter and you do no physical activity whatsoever.

I eat more than that each meal and I eat 4 times a day.
4 eggs is only 280 calories
You're either retarded or this is bait
Superman is literally the perfect man. It's his shtick.
Men, is a 5'4" 116 pound woman fat?
Depends, what’s your cup and band size
Not yet.

No, not until I get to her.
Calories have nothing to do with someone's perception about food. It can be 50 calories and still prove difficult to eat.
That doesn't explain anything.
Stupid question.
She’s perfect…
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>Men who grow up with psycho single slut mothers are tortured by them. The only way to stop the torture, as a boy, is to do everything your mommy wants you to do.

>When you are doing everything your mommy wants you to do, your brain is rewired, and you end up associating all positive emotions with your survival strategy, which is pleasing women. As you become an adult, you maintain these mechanisms you learned as a child, and you go through life looking for a mommy to give you a pat on the head (the “pat on the head” from these mommy figures is usually in the form of sexual rewards).

>Orlando Bloom is not unique. Most white men are wired that way these days, as most white men were raised either by single women or by women who dominated their husbands. It’s very sad that an adult man, a man in his 40s, would be acting like a little boy, trying to please a woman so she will give him her approval.

>Most of you, the readers (AKA “my close friends”), grew up with a dominant woman controlling your life, and so you are probably going around looking for a “girlfriend” to be your mommy, to give you approval. That is what the “tfw no gf” meme is all about.

>You may live your entire life with a desire to please women, to find some woman to give you approval. But you can overcome this desire using logic and reason. Eventually, you can rewire your brain to not seek this kind of approval from women, and instead to look at women as people who will please you for money.

>She will give you sex and maybe children, and you will pay her for it. There is nothing else you owe her and there is nothing else she is capable of giving you.

>If you go into relationships with women trying to please them, you’ve already lost.

Is this true? Do I want a loving girlfriend and cuddles and everything because I was raised by a single mother?
Am I supposed to just keep going without a gf or anyone who loves me?
She’s be 5’4” 116lb and 32b
Who said that? I'd like to read more.
Andrew anglin. https://dailystormer.in/
I don't necessarily endorse all his views
I just feel stupid and like I made myself look weak. She is clearly open and transparent with me and and I feel pretty insecure. It bothered me that she kept looking over at him and while I’m probably over thinking it it feels like she restrained a little bit when I went to show her affection, like she didn’t want him to see. Which is probably stupid.
And I didn’t tell her that but I did tell her that I felt insecure and she basically told me she loves me and I’m the only person she has eyes for.
And when we talked about the future looking ahead and I was expressing myself I looked over and she had this huge smile on her face and said it made her really happy.
She also told me that she doesn’t want me to stress talking about that stuff and that it’s not a big deal and I’m just not used to being able to do it.

I dunno man I love her a lot and I don’t want to ruin it
That's really disgusting. You and your gf are degenerates
Makes sense. I was raised by two parents and I never wanted a "mommy" gf. I still get >tfw no gf at times though.
>Boring lol
Moid perspective. He's handsome, chivalrous, kind, strong, funny, and can probably dick you into next week.

f, i feel like this is bs and misogynistic. i think its carefully worded to shift blame away from deadbeat fathers and construct a view that women only have one role (provide kids). please be careful, because grifters try to provide convenient solutions to complex issues
How dominant/submissive was your mother? Did she tell you or your father what to do at all?
I'd be interested hearing what a man raised by only his father with no women in his life (homeschooled or all male schools with no female teachers) has to say about tfw no gf
I just wish I knew the likelihood of him unblocking me after messing up
I want to reach out so badly :(
You don't know what you're talking about there's plenty of men who aren't "deadbeats" they're just oppressed by the family courts and police and unable to see their kids they're forced to pay for.
I think women having about as much rights as children (guardianships by father then husband) would be better than the current statues quo.
Nta but nice
0% if there really is no way for you to circumvent it.
i remember researching the statistic for my country a while ago and in cases where the dads actually showed up for court (they have a tendancy not to) they more often than not had favourable custody outcomes. so i think there is a false narrative being pushed
>How dominant/submissive was your mother? Did she tell you or your father what to do at all?
She nagged him at times as any wife does, that's about it.
Born in Russia to wealthy parents, moved here. Highly educated, degree in mathematics or similar. Prefers conversations that are similar to debates. Good at networking. Always dresses as if she is going to the theatre that same day. Physically: Slender and on the taller side, eyes as cold as ice and very pale.
NTA but showing up in court means seeing the ex wife and possibly the child, who might've been turned against the father.
I'll preface this by saying I really hate women and think the average woman has about as much empathy as a male sociopath. That said, a lot of the "can't see muh kids!" stories peddled on social media are flat out bullshit. I've never seen a dad rejected for joint or shared custody when he's asked for it, but the harsh truth is that a lot of men custody as a bargaining chip to get other things they want, full well knowing they can go to social media and then paint the woman as "keeping them from their kids" later.

Now getting PRIMARY custody as a dad when the mom is clearly unfit is a whole other ball game and that is where the feminist bullshit starts.
today, there's a cute new girl at work. her seat is just across from me
I have his email and address(we live in neighboring states so email or snail mail)
I feel like when he hadn't blocked me on one of the apps was my golden time to reach out since it was available for two days but I got scared due to being worried after the sudden block everywhere else but now that option isn't available either so it's either email or regular mail. i am worried he is more hurt now I didn't reach out sooner if that one app was the case

he has been very worried about losing me in the past and got upset at himself and I probably should have reached out sooner

I'm also worried about explaining everything so he doesn't get the wrong idea i don't actually like him when I do
Nah, men raised by actual sluts with shaky fathers become total psychos, eminems entire killing women schtick was because his mom was such a slut. Guys who hate their mom do not magically grow some kind of respect and reverence for women, quite the opposite.
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Favorable is the father getting full custody and that's extremely rare in western countries.
Women are the problem
Joint custody is a joke
There is pretty good evidence that the effect of nurture on personality is rather minor.

The reason why men with psycho mothers are messed up most of all not because of how they were treated growing up but because of the psycho mother genes they inherited from them.
And chances are the fathers who got themselves involved (and uninvolved) with psycho mothers are often messed up in various ways too, so whatever children are born from such a match are going to struggle later in life - even if you took them out of their families and had them raised by a loving foster family.
Have you ever partaken of gothic incest?
i mean, sure thats understandable to some degree. but you would expect if a father loved their child that they would want to see them at least a bit, and not not at all. anectdotally ive seen several messy divorces with mental illness on both sides and each time the father (when they actually engaged with the courts) get half to full custody.
Just kill yourself
whats it about?> is this book good?
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How do I stop comparing myself to my peers? The girls I was friends with all have good jobs and boyfriends and educations and I don’t have any of that
If you're only defining a favorable outcome as full custody for the dad then I don't know what to tell you, even denying partial custody to a dad seeking it is an uphill battle, denying it to a mom requires her to be a serial murderer or something.
Agreed, but if the child is coached to have a certain reaction upon seeing the father then it's quite harmful for him to be there.
No, because even if I was an incestuous creep I wouldn't be in a big empty crumbling house moaning about my meaningless hedonistic existence, I'd either be going full Hapsburg or I'd be the most normal looking guy in a Hills Have Eyes family chasing down cars on the turnpike with bumper stickers that suggest the occupants probably aren't armed.
only in the short term, and while i dont doubt it happens, its important to not treat it as a defacto scenario.
I feel like I’m holding myself back subconsciously. Idk I’m 23 I shouldn’t be here at this point
It's a literary commentary about the theme of incest in the Gothic novel. In Regency era gothic novels you have a lot of uncles plotting to marry and rape their nieces, and so on.
Are you both stupid teenagers or what?!
Anyway, send an email and leave it at that or don't.
Have you ever been wrong about a woman’s body count based on stereotypes about her appearance/mannerisms?
hmm, i dont think ive ever read any gothic literature before i guess We Have Always Lived in the Castle is technically gothic? thats the only one ive read. what would you suggest?
>already made an ass out of myself in front of my supervisor this morning trying to be funny
Welp guess it's gonna be that kinda day :/
Don't you work a minimum wage NPC job at the age of....?
Yeah I’m just not used to this man. All of my relationships have been bad and I’ve been slighted really hard in the past.
She’s so open to talking about stuff and has been really patient and a part of me feels like it’s too good to be true or something.
Like she’ll listen to my bull shit.

She still told me she could see us having a future together granted we both agreed there’s work that needs to be done but I just remember opening up about it in the car and looking over and seeing this big smile on her face it was wild
NTA but I definitely remember brainwashed by anime and manga into thinking people over 27 or so barely existed.

Like anime is aimed at teenagers so of course the pinnacle of adulthood is a troubled, manipulative geek in their late 20s with a doctorate who works on operational combat robot projects for a living.
Thanks ENTJ <3 this made me feel better . Maybe I’ll never get to where they are but that’s okay at least I’ll know I tried
Veiled Muslim girls are massive sluts. Blonde bimbo girls only have 2 long term relationships.

Well I didn't exactly take a survey of my social group, but yes the girls who dressed and acted like sluts tended to be with more men. The only real exception was this Arab student girl who wore a hijab and she fucked everyone who made the effort.
Found out the flirty girl who makes sex jokes is a virgin.
When I see a slutty IG girl at most I think "she must be a good fuck", but that's about it.
The Mysteries of Udolpho, The Castle of Ontranto, The Monk etc.

I'd suggest starting with The Monk. It has a particularly ridiculous plot where its celibate monk, a popular preacher, is seduced by a woman in the service of Satan into having sex with her. He becomes so addicted to sex that he plots to rape an innocent young woman in his congregation who's betrothed to a handsome knight.

For a modern take on the Gothic, A Series of Unfortunate Events uses a lot of Gothic tropes including the scheming, gold-digging villain who the protagonists are placed in the care of.
That's not surprising at all. The biggest hornyposter on my social media social circles turned out to be an autistic woman who was saving herself for marriage while dating an ultra-Christian boyfriend.

It's like you can tell who the 21-year-old virgins are when going out to the pub by the fact that they're always the ones who order a Sex on the Beach cocktail. Sex is a novel, comical fantasy concept to them so they get a giggle and a thrill out of ordering a drink with the word Sex in the name.
thank you, i have made a list of books to read and these have been added
>work in a factory as engineer
>see the cutest girl ever working as an operator
Please advise me
how the fuck do I talk to her? We're part of different teams
guys she's so cute it's not okay
she smiled at me and almost broke me in pieces
women please send advice how do I fix a cute hardworking factory operator girl
just know in advanced it wont work out.
like if you can make this work i will be suprised.
Would you break up if a girl (my friend) had a pussy that smells like a fish market and tastes like curry?
I knew this girl who was one of those ghetto asians, and she used to joke about being a slut, post slut memes and songs etc but she only ever had 1 bf, they split after quite a long relationship, like 5 years or something then straight away she got another long term bf
No, I rather like Indian women, they are quite beautiful.
Act fast man, the very next time you see her alone in the corridor strike up a conversation, she's probably a little interested
I'm stupid and absolutely FRIGHTENED we won't talk anymore
he even sent songs saying that sort of stuff to me we haven't actually said it to eachother yet but I do have real feelings for him and I wonder if that was just his kind of way of saying it but I got really shy but I love how connected we are with music and other things. I want to meet him so badly since I'm so much better in person, we've been talking for ages and he was the person to ask me be his gf twice before but it just takes time and I genuinely like him whether a relationship or not and he said the same previously too

I haven't liked someone this much in a long time, and I definitely haven't been talking to anyone else or tried this much for something real in a long time since i have been shy of dating again for years
why wouldn't it work out? she's so cute.
that's my plan just talk to her and crack a joke and suddenly we're buddies
Can't be her bitch though
if I simp like that it might just look weird
I am vastly insecure tho and I think I need like therapy
I will occasionally check her instagram following list and see who is on top to see who she’s been chatting with and it’s usually other guys
Right now it’s some dude at the top of the list that she said invited her out to the bar with friends after work but then asked her “oh wait you have a boyfriend, right?” And then revoked the offer because of it. She told me about this
But the fact that he’s on the top of the list makes me feel like they’re chatting or something
She's Thai
>cunt finally got deleted
None of what you say makes any sense really.

>he was the person to ask me be his gf twice before
So after you pushed him away two times you now suddenly want him?
No wonder he blocked you, what a terribly hurtful asshole you are.
Fuck off.
was wondering where all the filtered posts went lol
no I said yes but was surprised the first time because it was so soon and asked to talk more and he said take m time and then the second time he asked later but he figured he needed to work on himself more too due to his own mental health issues. if he asked again I would say yes or also have thought about asking him out this time to show he really means something to me. I also want him but again this is my first time dating someone after a really abusive relationship.
>ENTJ trying to actually help for once
>noo chads stealing all my pussy
I hope you genuinely die alone and miserable you will never be half the man that he is you sad sack of shit go to /r9k or something jerkward
I didn't report it.
I don’t care go away creep.
>least obvious samefag
I return to calling you two really stupid teenagers and just send him an email.
women, should I take care of my nails before my date or will she respect how rugged and manly my jagged edges are and want them in her right away
Women are the perverted sex.
Who hurt you?
this shit just sounds exhausting lol
Keep them clean and short.
clean? do I look like some sort of queer to you
I won't let any dirty fingers spread their germs to my vagina.
fingers get dirty anon, you just need to have a more sterile vagina
Where do I find a woman who doesn't like romcoms?
Down the road keep moving bucko
>ignoring women makes them like you more
fuck off already
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Should I message again on dating app or is it over? Matched but a couple of the chicks did not respond after initial message.
I've been ignoring them for many years and none of them like me
>file deleted
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State gender and your reasoning:

How crucial is masturbation/sex (the former probably being the easiest form of stress relief we have) to maintaining one's mental health?
>my delivery driver is named fucking Fang
The final villain is coming to my house
If i wont get laid before next september i will kill mysefl
clean nails are a green flag.
Masturbation is not important, sex is probably not that important. Having no friends is a very big deal
You should expect nothing and that it's over, but you can do a hail mary follow up if you want it's not like it makes a difference. I personally don't out of pure ego but I guess there's a non-zero chance it will reignite the conversation. Keep in mind flakey women like that are the absolute worst.
which is why I am worried about reaching out, we've had some traumatic experinces outside of our relationship since talking.

I don't kniw how to express to him i want to be his girlfriend seriously after all this.
Do you have a tattoo on or close to your genitalia?
>go to /r9k
ban evading retarded poojeet
literally like a fucking caveman with a cellphone
? Masturbation doesn't provide me stress relief. It provides me horniness relief. If I didn't have such a high libido I wouldn't need to masturbate as much.
Sex with someone who cares about you is amazing at relieving stress, but only for much the same reasons cuddling with that person would also be amazing at relieving stress.
Every time I go to my exes apartment she never wears pants, just undies. Is this a bootycall or is she just sloven.
>clean nails are a green flag.
How clean? I wash and clean mine regularly but some bit of generic fluff or hard-to-remove stains are going to end up under/on them just from using them.
i kinda considered a fertility tattoo, but i think i will just do temporary tattoos instead one day for a fetish
I got my trousers stolen by a girl with flowers and vines tattooed on her vagina
We are. Men want sex because it's a biological imperative. A man nuts ince and he's done and can think clearly. Women want sex because we're hedonistic degenerates. We can cum ad nauseum and the more we do it, the more we want it.
Maybe she just prefers not to wear pants.
if i can look at them and theyre mostly white thats a good sign. i keep mine super clean and long, but i understand why guys need shorter nails (like work and stuff). whats a huge turn off is smokers nails
Only when I'm plowing your mom.
I didn’t know asians did uber I thought it was beneath them
come to melbourne, every food delivery guy is asian
>A man nuts ince and he's done and can think clearly.
God I wish I could have post-nut clarity all the time, it's night and day. Sadly it only last a few minutes.
>the schizo who was obsessed with me turns out to be a creepy pajeet

L m a o
You. Cannot. Make. This. Up.
The bwc envy is real
I need this energy in my life
Yeah no thanks
Is the reason I have fat chipmunk cheeks and extra flesh around my chin is from opiate abuse and the eating of excess carbs?
>fuck off already
I don't think I will.
Good morning atoga
Or good afternoon if you're a bong or sumthinn I dunno
I need to get flowers and vines tattooed on my penis.
Why? So you can steal some poor girl's skirt? Pervert.
>Good morning
It is not. I want to go back to bed.
Good morning anon, how did you sleep?
These are the cutest things ever
How normal is it for girls to just walk around in panties.
Fellow men, what makes you instantly swipe left on a girl?

For me it's
>has kids
>mostly drinking or nightlife pictures
>too dolled up/generic bimbo
>only face or angled body pictures (she's obese)
>mentions travel/holidays
>instagram handle
>zero text

I find it very hard to find profiles without these, is it like this everywhere?
Very normal when you're not around to ruin the vibe with your creep behaviors.
>has kids
>only face or angled body pictures (she's obese)
>instagram handle
>zero text
>mostly drinking or nightlife pictures
>too dolled up/generic bimbo
>mentions travel/holidays
absolutely disagreed
In my limited experience, pretty normal.
Sorry, I don't smoke or toke
Do the people at the top of your follower / followed list on instagram represent the people who you chat with the most?
They represent a broken people with fallen souls

M, Very important to me. Sexual arousal is one of the few things in my life that is consistently enjoyable and easy to get started. I enjoy being horny.
Ello guv
>This message was sent from across the pond
So does this mean she trusts me or she just does not like pants. We're in an on-again-off-again relationship.

when we were together she had a layer on top of the undies, like shorts, but she's been not wearing the outer layer. Women communicate with signs and wonders so I'm not sure if I interpret this or just shrug.
I'm 30m and have a crush on a 23f year old at work.

She's normally with other people, and I can never talk to her on her own.
I was thinking of asking her out.
Is it weird to ask to speak with her one on one as she's leaving work.

Is the age gap too weird?
I don't have Instagram.

Her being a co-worker is a bigger issue than the age gap.

Don't try to talk one-on-one as she's leaving work. People want to go straight home after work. Do it earlier in the day.
Not too bad. Stayed up too late and ended up being 5 mins late to work, no big deal.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a simp would you say you are?
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So what do women fill their day with? Women are all boring wagies right? What do you do when not at work? You barely eat, you don't talk about anything. I only ever see you do chores and take photos of yourself.
10 for
3, but it's not specifically for people I'm attracted to. I just have lingering scarcity mindset regarding people actually liking me.
10. touch starved mentalcel. mutual friend keeps feeling me and I can't stand it.
Why do... less skilled people usually think they're really good?
dunning krueger
Noob gains, or just not knowing the actual depth of the topic
>mentions travel/holidays
There's nothing wrong with traveling unless you don't like travelling. It's not some dogwhistle for being a whore.
They're happy and not jaded by info spam.
Men are silly little sluts.
I love watching them be slutty on twitter.
Nothing wrong with travelling in principle, most people like it now and then. On a profile it's either her being a boring dumbass that she can't say anything but that she likes holidays, or indicating she expects an expensive lifestyle of regular travel (90% of the time she has a low-income job).

I find myself thinking on God and his word constantly right now. I realize what I need to do in order to live the life he wants me to live and I'm going to try and do it. I just worry that I'll never find love if I do that. I have faith in God regardless. I guess I just expect people to dislike me for it. Which I suppose to be expected since that's literally promised as well from Christs sermon on the mount. I guess I'm just wondering what women actually think about a guy who submits himself to God and humbles himself and who is actually charitable and merciful and who prioritizes God and his word.
>normalfags are having depraved sex today and tomorrow
>will come back to larp as doomer as though nothing happened
6 for girls I like
2 for women in general
...the fertility/breeding fetish?
Less of self awareness and too much positive reinforcement.
>who submits himself to God and humbles himself and who is actually charitable and merciful and who prioritizes God
I'm generally not much of a simp due to being very reclusive, not putting myself in simping situations and so on, but I'm not going to lie that any bit of positive, personal attention thrown my way will immediately make me go out of my way to accommodate the other.
Are we having a drink or other recreational drug this weekend?
NAG but women love Satan. Satan is the alpha fucks to Adam's beta bucks.
Idk. Weed gummies make me horny.
Yep, it’s going to be a good one
A beer today and weed tomorrow.
I want to be Captain Kirk.
What does it look like when you spread the word? I am cautious with religious people who spend a lot of time on conversions instead of living by example and focusing on all the other teachings. They can end up being judgmental and pushy, resulting in pushing people away. It's very counter productive.
>It's very counter productive
But religious people pushing others away is a great thing.
1, I have a collection of simps
Do you talk to her while in the group, though? What are both of your positions? How much do your job duties have you interact to get work done?
Coworker and age gap. Bad idea
exceedingly based and christpilled
You found Christ whom most cannot find
Thus a wife will be found as well.
Most female christians are ex-partysluts. If you're okay with that, then go for it.
If she liked you she would make an effort to talk to you one on one, but she is not making any effort at all to do that.
Have fun with HR though.
>be a total piece of shit 99% of the time
>be a sane person 1% of the time
>wtf I did nothing wrong!!
The world would be better if ENTJ died by choking on his own vomit tonight.
Let's talk about Sabrina Carpenter. Why is western entertainment media continuing to celebrate the exploitation of a woman who is barely past childhood? Didn't we all learn the lessons of the Britney Spears fiasco?
I've dated guys with catholic backgrounds and they were pretty bad from my small sample, but I occasionally went to a few churches growing up that my friends wanted me to go to, either because one was a Satanist and needed a support buddy since her grand parents made her go, or genuinely going with another friend and participating I the nativity scene plays, chorus etc and watching over the nursery and going to a couple classes on the weekend for bible stuffs.

my male friend recently decided to go to church even though he is kind of an agnostic or atheist, I feel like it can help with routine and sense of community, especially since he used to be a worse off alcoholic.

Just don't use it to abuse women like my exes did, or shame a woman if she is open to go to church but has an interesting/different view of god/spirituality to some degree like bullying or being resentful towards her
I’m not your ex but I literally never wear pants in my own home either.
How come women only miscommunicate?
It seems like something that sucks its own cock desu.
That gives me more opportunity to peep through your window with binoculars and watch you walking around with camel toe showing through your panties
Don't you get cold?
I haven't actually converted anyone yet. However, to me conversion means living a Godly life and allowing the Lord to work through me. Listening to God's will and doing what I'm called to do. I see his work as being honest and kind to those around me. Building a family and loving them, raising my children, and giving to my community. Helping people when they ask me for help, and studying the Bible and his word every day to help guide me so that I remain humble and grateful and filled with him. It does also mean rebuking sin even if it makes people upset. But ignoring sin is not showing love to others. I hope that I can do so in a way that doesn't harm God's will though, and I expect that the way to do it correctly is by submitting to God and knowing him and giving grace and mercy while still being firm.

Those who would do evil must still be put down even if I pray for mercy.
tough to say since idc, I'm neithero those anons but she may just be comfortable with you now. feels like a care free possible fwb deal or nothingburger
We do?
I keep my blinds shut usually, but I did masturbate while forgetting they were open a few times.

Excuse to sit around under a soft blanket.
100% of what women verbalize is miscommunication.
I get nervous and sound like gibberish sometimes trying to express myself, especially in text or will re analyze before I send and my edit it too much due to overthinking if I like you and then not being really authentic as I'd like to be
NTA and N, but do you not have heating?
I exclusively wear PJ boxers and a good 70% of the year nothing on my torso.
Am I miscommunicating right now?
Yeah; they can’t mistercommunicate after all
>because one was a Satanist
By satanism do you mean the atheistic political movement or the one viewing Satan as a diety?
Yes, actually. You're not using enough words for yourself to be properly understood. I'm having to guess your meaning and respond to what I think you're trying to say, and not what you might actually intend to say.
Dang. Looks like you got me there.
I'd have to make my house pretty warm to be comfortable bare legged and it seems like a waste of money

I do like soft blankets when I'm cold. But I do find that I become reluctant to leave it and end up not doing anything that day.
I never wear pants at home
Women are physically weaker than men and evolution means they rely more on agreeableness and proper socialization. This brings with it the tendency to be indirect, imprecise and maintain plausible deniability in order to maintain her social position.
>It does also mean rebuking sin even if it makes people upset.
What does it look like when you rebuke sin? Can you give an example of how an interaction would go down?
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Don't feel bad. Have a cookie.
Why, thank you!
I don't know what you just said, but I hope you're doing okay. Sometimes, life has its ups and downs, but never forget, flowers need both sunshine and rain to grow.
I'm just a person who is naturally too hot.
Even in winter and negstive degrees I just wear a t-shirt under my coat.
Just don't be too disappointed when it doesn't happen.
Men don't understand english.
You're welcome!

They know more about it than average person, which boosts their confidence and don't realize there's so much more they don't know about
Women, why are you so mean?
more like a philosophical stance yeah
My assessment is that they don't even know that they are mean
Western entertainment media and exploitation of minors are the same thing
Read >>32028548
because they overly value socialization, they subconsciously punish societal dissidents and see them as threats to the status quo. They're mean because subconsciously you are a threat to their safety.
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Men are evil and deserve my mean side.
What mean thing did a woman do to you?
Based TERF
I dont smoke or do drugs anymore but a girl who smokes weed and sucks dick could be pretty comfy to have after im back home from gym.
I’m trying to stay positive about my life but it’s really hard to justify how much of a loser I am
Look at the post above yours.
We’re all losers anon. Just keep doing your best, to be happy.
you mean a joke posted in a shitposting thread? ok
I hope you make decisions to be independent from them.
They're not mean, they just have the communication skills of a 5 year old boy.
In this case

>Just don't use it to abuse women like my exes did, or shame a woman if she is open to go to church but has an interesting/different view of god/spirituality to some degree like bullying or being resentful towards her

I don't see any reason to resent or bully someone for having different views because ultimately we all have a personal relationship with God and Christ. However, there are still Christs teachings and the word actually given in the Bible. For example, if you're spiritual but think being spiritual is enough then you're not following his word. The Bible teaches that only through Christ can you be saved. So believing that Christ existed, that he was the son of God, and that he really did raise from the dead are all necessary. It's not just a story or a historical reference to guide action. He existed and was raised from the dead and did deliver Gods word.

It's important because Christ died for you, and because he died for you how can I do anything but view you with care and love as one of his flock? You're Gods work, and that's remarkable. There's no shame in struggling with sin, that's human. I'm afraid of Gods work too, because I know what he asks and it's everything. He wants all your actions and thoughts on him, all throughout your life, and his works which are the people around you. It's not easy at all, so I understand.
I already did.
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28 and never had a girlfriend, I hope every female on Earth is proud of ending my bloodline and instead going for loud, vulgar, tattooed, weed-smoking lower-class douchebags over me.

The only reason society doesn't want me to reproduce is because children raised by incels like me would become too smart and powerful to control, and Jews would rather have masses of low-IQ cocomelon-zombie toddlers that dumb whores will raise along these normalfag douchebags they go crazy for.

Fuck you all
What's your life like now?
>28 and never had a girlfriend
You look like you'd be the gf.
Christfags are so fucking annoying
The Christian god is the most morally bankrupt character in history, who routinely fucked with people or murdered innocents to make a point or coerce people into worshiping him, told people to cut off parts of their babies dicks, (which he designed imperfectly for some reason) and you go "that's my guy"
Thinking of getting Maccas for dindin.
Had barely anything to eat today and too tired to cook anything.
NTA but I'm also devout christian "christ schizo" : That second paragraph is 100% true, but women don't like hearing that, at all. They want the Joel Osteen Christianity, not the biblical one.

Yes, actually.
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you don't want to date the trailer trash girls who date guys like that so what are you bitching about
Deja vu
Why are you using this poor Mexican fellas picture for your bait post
Yeah I'm fine with that.
Women, if they have to be religious, should be into some kind of girls-only witchcraft circle, with mandatory oversized witch hats
I agree
Oversized witch hats are erotic
How about the church of honkism and they are all clowns?
Even better. I love clown girls
Cut your hair. Don't forget to wash it afterwards.
Wait wtf, i literally posted something and it didnt show up. Its not even on the archives, so jannies didnt get me. Where did it go? lol
Nah no good, witchcraft or nothing. Trve divine feminine etc.
Glitch in the matrix. Try again
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Do women have nightmares?
>Even better. I love clown girls
Boy, do I have the movie for you...
finally sent the email I hope he see it and gives me a chance back in his life. i feel better sending it to him. i miss him and just wanna hold him.

anyways what's the best first date you've ever been on? where was it and how long did it last?
There's this girl in my class and she has that perfect combination of looking like and old crush and looking like my mother. I just want her to hug me and then I want to cry in her lap. I dunno what this is, I don't even have sexual thoughts about her it's just that. What is this? Anyone else know what I'm talking about or have similar feelings?
Instead of big witch hats, they'd wear big clown noses and big clown shoes.

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Forgot pic.
>woman asks me if she should wear heels to our date
>tell her to wear the highest heels she has knowing full well that she is already taller than me barefoot
>Fellini and Anthony Quinn

>But it's b/w
Keep us posted.
Hot that she asks you that.
Cool that you aren't spreading manlet vibes.
Jesus Christ lady you had to send a fucking EMAIL?
Just tell her to wear the clumsiest fucking heels that exist so she will inevitable take them off and go barefoot
what's the best first date you've ever been on? where was it and how long did it last?
I haven't had any really really good first dates because none of them ended with a relationship, but I went to the beach we got ice cream then walked along the beach and we kissed and she asked me to grope her and I did and she grabbed my cock.
That was a cool first date but she told she didn't want to go on another date.
Cute clown girl
About to get maybe 3 drinks from the gas station and a burger from McD.
If a friend's online, I'll play some Rocket League, PUBG or Satisfactory.
Based. My wife is taller than me, and she enjoys wearing boots or other thick-soled shoes to accentuate the height difference.

I can't describe how loved I felt when I saw that she reorganized the kitchen cabinets so that the plates and bowls I like were easier for me to reach.
Men will enter relationships with women they don't want because they want, more than anything, to be wanted.
So is the below your anecdote in rebuking sin? What sin did that femanon commit that you're rebuking?
I mostly find christfaggotry annoying because Jehovah/Yahweh's very obviously a legacy of just some local ethnic religion and it's cope. All the stuff about moralfagging is aside the point except to highlight his origins as being made from the same cloth as Ra, Marduk or Zeus. Jesus's innovations sprung off in that context and his ideology sold well so it all went from there. The evolution of God from local deity who will fuck you up to ethereal being and permeates reality is part of that too

yes I am tipping my fedora hard now
That is awesome
Women will enter relationships with men that don't want them because they want, more than anything, to be with abusechad.
Since girlfailures are a thing, do women also have a thing for boyfailures?
There's already the term incel that encapsulates it perfectly, no need to invent a new one.
But incel is a whole ideology, most of which involves making excuses for being pathetic and hating women. It's more than just being a loser or mentally ill
yeah regular sex is nice
I thought that was "blackpill". Incel is just the new virgin/neckbeard/whatever insult
What are either of those?
Women do you want a relationship with a man? why/why not?
Blackpills don't have to be virgins or even single to be blackpill
Stop asking women questions they're all being fucked by chad
NTA, nah incels are people who are misogynistic. It has a very specific meaning used for hateful and miserable people.
It's not anybody who is just single.
>Stop asking women questions they're all fucked in the head
>chadsexual incel has woken up
Girlfailures are women who are deemed as pathetic/loser/constantly failing in whatever they do. Boyfailures are apparently incels according to the other poster
Go on, bring up your ex one more time.
I feel really alone. No other girl my age is struggling this much
I don't like booze. Psychedelics or weed for sure.
There are three states:
>1. looking for chad (enthusiasm and confidence)
>2. being fucked by chad (extasy, hopefulness that he will stay)
>3. neurosis once chad leaves (depression and then back to 1)
need deranged shitposter gf
It's actual very specific meaning is just "involuntary celibate", people who are just making shit up otherwise and saying "no that's the definition now"
>Women do you want a relationship with a man? why/why not?
Yes. I like penis and sex is better with someone you love and see frequently.
I don't think so.
I don't fantasize about guys anymore.
No, I want a relationship with a woman
You’re in the wrong thread, incel
don't bother, NPCs are logic immune. They just say "everything means what I decide it means" and don't care about definitions, at all.
back in my day words meant things and you'd get laughed at for calling a father of 4 an 'incel' because he said something sexist
No, I’m a lesbian. Women are so hot and interesting
Really? Not one?
Nope, that's just the term written out.
That'd be just like saying "nazi just means national socialist". Nah, if you call yourself a nazi, you know what you're doing. Same goes for incel.
The number of times we have redefined that term is staggering. Maybe if Twitter was still Twitter, it'd mean something completely different at the moment.
NTA but I never call myself incel. Other people do.
The irony is I've been accused of being a Nazi for arguing that Israel has a right to exist and is a safe refuge for Jewish people fleeing from oppression elsewhere. Instead it gets distorted as wHy Do YoU hAtE MuSLiMs? My dude, I've lived in a Muslim country, don't try that shit on me.
>can't even take a spoonful of cereal without a woman saying something really dumb
humiliation ritual general
Spoons represent a male phallic impulse as a subjugation of feminine energy.
>arguing that Israel has a right to exist
That would make sense if Nazi in English wasn't already borrowed to refer specifically to NSDAP and its ideology, while "incel" was contorted later to refer to an "ideology" (apparently just blackpills) when it was coined and still has currency as a word for those who are but don't want to be sexless.
You do realise that anti-hate group nonprofits are increasingly studying incels as a terrorist threat comparable to radicalised Islamists or Neo-Nazis?
you're retarded and you should never post again

That's like saying "Damn I haven't slept with a girl for 3 years, I'm such an incel xD"
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>anti-hate group nonprofits are increasingly studying incels as a terrorist threat
>comparable to radicalised Islamists or Neo-Nazis?
I have never read a more bluepilled post in my life.
You do realise some random pearl-clutchers deciding something carries no weight by itself and if anything just undermines the idea they should be taken seriously, "incel" is less of a thing than the IRA.
>a terrorist threat comparable to radicalized Islamic or Neo-Nazis?
I.e. not a threat at all? Fukken lolz. Been over 10 years since Muslims blew something up, and "Neo-nazis"? Lol what a joke.
It's a country I honestly think everyone should visit at least once in their lives if they have the means to. Preferably supplemented by a visit to the West Bank when conditions are safer to do so.

If there's one thing I've learned it's that most people from outside of a country who talk about that country, even academics and journalists, are usually spouting a bunch of shite they've been spoon-fed instead of actually seeing daily life in other parts of the world for themselves.

educate yourself by 4chan's favorite historian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSAdNFhWFdE
The teacher from Kuzu no Honkai
he responded! he actually cut me out because he wants to die and didn't want me hurting... trying to show him love now
old skool
sounds nice, feels felt. I get that, but eyy!! character development in your story:D
More effort goes into convincing the masses that incels are a cohesive movement than it goes into "studying" them.
>Kuzu no Honkai

man that series was some real ragebait
I have to admit I'm a little staggered at how trusting that poster apparently is, he really has faith in those kinds of things
>he responded! he actually cut me out because he wants to die and didn't want me hurting...
New Anon here but that's what my guess was when I saw your story a thread or two back.

>trying to show him love now
I suggest reading into codependency to make sure you don't do this in an unhealthy way.
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>anti-hate group nonprofits
>25% of women want relationships with men
Meh, chances could be worse
The only reason you would have a problem with the ADL is that you have murderous thoughts towards minorities and people you consider "other". Go fuck yourself.
I've seen it, the Eltingville Boys have a fandom
Yes that's where the word comes from but the meaning has evolved into much more than just that. The same way that when you say that somebody is a nazi, you probably don't only mean they are into socialism and nationalism.
State age
What’s your favorite color and why
>Why is western entertainment media continuing to celebrate the exploitation of a woman who is barely past childhood? Didn't we all learn the lessons of the Britney Spears fiasco?
the south park episode about bullying britney to death as a pseudo sacrifice for a bountiful harvest was truth
sacrificing young fertile women has been a staple of society since basically ever
Not ones that I know. They either have a boyfriend or a career or something going for them
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This. Anti-hate group nonpofits are run by compassionate and thoughtful people for the benefit of all groups of people. That guy is an asshole. Probably antisemetic.
Red, cause its fuckin cool
wait you already said >>32028834 lol, I should read replies before I post shit
Red, cause it's fucking cool
Are you people reading from the same crib sheet or something?
Men, why should I even dream of you?
What do you even do for me that isn't violent?
There is a set of twins with a birthday today.
It's just an obvious counter-argument I guess. Nazi is the most obvious abbreviation that carries a much deeper meaning that the literal words it stands for, it's the most obvious and powerful example
men generate the most tax revenue
>What do you even do for me that isn't violent?
I help my female friends all the time. With school work and stuff
I'll hold you and give you babies.
a foot massage?
I want to hug you and cry in your lap. I'm very handsome and attractive btw
Girl I was talking to asked me the same question and I randomly said yellow. She told me it was also her favorite color so yeah.
Green. It’s the color of verdant fields, of tranquil forests. The primary color with which flourishing plant life is painted upon our blue marble.
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Why don’t you, anon?
It's also a bad example because it's not even the native English "natsoc", it's a specific borrowing while "incel" is a word popularized just a few years ago that still means what it says
Red. I cannot think of another color with as much power, while still having dignity. Red is bold and aggressive, it always jumps right at you, without quickly becoming overly flamboyant or childish.
I’m nice :) I love listening to you tell me about your day.
>It's also a bad example because it's not even the native English "natsoc", it's a specific borrowing
Who cares
>"incel" is a word popularized just a few years ago that still means what it says
We wouldn't be arguing about it if it still meant exactly what it says and has no implications otherwise whatsoever.

Language is alive and it evolves constantly, that is just the way it is and there's no use seething about it. Incel means more than involuntary celibate and that is an undeniable fact that I could prove to you with research.
Black. Way better than faggot red.
>durr look at me i wear red
women why don't you care about me being born?
I think because I’m not very assertive or outgoing or smart
Everybody was born, it's not a very interesting accomplishment and you should stop bragging about it
What do you to fill up your days?
double nigger
>Language is alive and it evolves constantly, that is just the way it is and there's no use seething about it. Incel means more than involuntary celibate and that is an undeniable fact that I could prove to you with research.
No anon, this is an argument for it taking on an additional sense by some speakers not the original sense that is still used being eclipsed.
Navy blue because I feel sexy when wearing it.
I've never done anything to you because I don't know you.
okay, sorry
I want to hug you and cry in your lap. I'm not handsome or attractive at all btw
get off of 4chan what the fuck
he said he will still talk to be and unblock me(idk we'll see) but told me he realized he also was in love with someone else. which is fine and all, a little disappointed but atleast he's still like, alive.. I would still meet up with him and go to shows/concerts though given the chance. even as a friend.
the fuck do you want to know that you creep

36, orange. It's jovial and energetic and reminds me of the citrus fruit which I like. My car is orange and I like how it stands out in parking lots
How much easier would it be to get mexican women in their 30s, or 50s, decent looking, vs white girls or mexgirls my age ....... ya know effortmaxxing
The new meaning has become so popular that you shouldn't use the word anymore just for its original meaning because you will end up heavily implying things you don't mean.
27, blue like
Women would you date an Ubuntu user?
Orange is a bit of a silly color and it is very hard to take seriously. It is red without the dignity
What's the fastest way to get a gf?
I think I'm:
>average - kinda good-looking
>not an asshole, not particularly nice
>pretty funny according to people I know
I've been single for 8 years. During those 8 years:
>have been a part of an affair
>woman ended things with me cause apparently she has too many red flags
>ghosted after sex
Seriously, what am I doing wrong?
You weren't born chad, so dating is now the lottery.
Fuck no. Please kill yourself right now so there is no chance of me ever meeting you. I feel like taking a shower just because I got reminded that people like you exist
Sounds strangely prescriptivist, I reject your proposal as the original sense is valid and more correct.
As a what
Regular college white guy
>what am I doing wrong?

How frequently are you meeting new people? Are you asking girls out? If so, are you getting rejected, getting first dates, or when do you find yourself falling short? Are you expanding your social circle?

Dating is ultimately a numbers game
>not an asshole
>have been a part of an affair
standards sure have sunk
I can make a birdhouse for you like I learned to in highschool
At night I will rub my hand over my hips, ass, and thighs and think about how soft it is and how a man might have appreciated me but my youth is being wasted on nothing instead. Then I look at myself and remember I'm a fat mentally ill slug and no one is missing out on anything.
>not including gender in my posts so femanon doesn't victim blame me for being male
outsmarted yet again
Staring isn't violent.
I go to work or I go on walks go to the gym or study
You could just go to cancun for spring break bro.
I don't mean you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T use incel in its original meaning, but you should always be mindful of it's extremely powerful negative implications. Incel has become a very powerful word beyond its original meaning, you cannot deny this. I am not a prescriptivist, I just don't deny the meaning of words like you do. It's a huge miscommunication waiting to happen.
Bro at least try a little more with your blackpill baiting larp
I don’t like this numbers game thing because I can’t keep taking rejection after rejection and failed relationship after another and still have the energy or mindset to keep trying or to hold the same standards
>hips, ass, and thighs
>not breasts
Chestlet detected
Women won't date me because they're intimidated by how good at videogames I am.
It was a joke
Me but I’m skinny and mentally healthy. Life is hell girl we’re all suffering
and its women's fault
I feel the same about my dick. I can't believe no one wants to use it while it still gets hard :/
I don't really make an effort to expand my social circle. I have messaged a bunch of women though(not necessarily asking them out on a date) and all of them rejected me kek. The only ones who didn't(but still didn't end in a relationship) were those who approached me first.
Yeaaah. Just realized that. I meant I'm not an asshole towards women(and my friends).
No, you just play solos so you won't want to play with me.
This is me, but my problem is very mild phimosis
*and people I know or have met. I haven't even seen her boyfriend before in person.
There are women here in my city I don't live in UAE
Women don't like candy anymore?
I don't think I've ever felt anything but repulsion for my body, either looking at it directly or in the mirror
People who've taken both barbiturates and benzos: do you prefer a barbiturate high or a benzo high?
we were put on this earth to suffer
The contrast between /atoga/ men and females is crazy. There are men who are 25+ KHHVs and then there are females like JH who started sleeping around at 8. This means she has 26 years of sexual experience of giving bjs and fucking, since she's 34.
How can she be fat and have small boobs
Oh, are you lesbian?

>I can’t keep taking rejection after rejection and failed relationship after another
All you can really do is get back on the saddle again.

This is for both of you, or anyone who wants a gf/bf. Remember, for the right person, you won't have to try. All you can do is maximize the amount of people you meet, and open up to them until someone likes what you're all about.
Makes me feel like you want me to be fatter.
Because it's not the 1980s anymore
Very true. All of the time spent fiddling with joysticks will obviously make us too good at other things. That's simply too much power.
Many women have shit luck when it comes to that lol. If anything fat women tend to have smaller boobs
Im no jh lore expert, but hasn't she only had like y or 8 partners? Thats pretty low for being in her 30s
I am not a lesbian but it feels like every effort I make to expand my social circle fails
Wait, she wasn't raped?
Are you against it?
That's because women are raped, abused, and pressured into sex more often than men, which is what accounts for the "high body count."
10 for
>men and females
neckbeard energy
Does it bother you to know that your purpose in life is to make fun of someone being abused as a child?
I think it's a pretty good advice. Thank you!
It also is kind of infantilizing.
I don't like flowers either because I just watch money die.
Those are only the ones she counts. >>32029009
No, she willingly did it twice. She never fought back.
>neckbeard energy
Hey buddy, did you just blow in from reddit?
I would give money but I don't want you to think I'm paying for sex.
I'm a candy fiend, but I also workout and don't have fatty genetics.
I don't want money either. It's a non thoughtful gift.
are you the weirdo that keeps saying she liked having sex with her uncle or some shit?
I've spent all day scraping flakes of dry skin off the underside of my scrotum with a butter knife. How does that make you feel?
That's actually pretty high. It should be 3 TOPS. anything more than that, it can be inferred that you do not desire a long term relationship
What do you want, so I know to not get it.
Just got a notification that my girlfriend screen recorded our friendship profile on snap chat. This was weird to me. I’m gonna ask her about it but does anyone think this is weird?
How does that even happen? I dont particularly "moisturize" my balls, but its never flaked??
American incels are so fucking boring, it’s just smarmy bait posts.
go cry about not being white somewhere else, fag
Women just turn every discussion into one-sided podcasts, it's hard to be entertaining.
Being American doesn’t make you white, mutt.
Oi cunt, stop hopping like a kangaroo on the cock boomerang
It's a powerword because calling somebody a seething virgin always has been, beyond that it's mainly a boogeyman so the contexts will be different anyway.
No. Are you autistic?
I’m not a thirdie and I guarantee I’m whiter than you, muttling.
>our friendship profile on snap chat.
What the fuck is a friendship profile? ive never used snapchat
Yes. I've been told I have creeped out, sex harassed, scared, or bullied women without even knowing I'm doing that. My only one previous relationship ended badly because my partner thought I was flirting with another woman in front of her when I was just acting how I thought was gracious, normal, and friendly. Thanks, autism!
Us European incels are indeed the superior breed.
Do you have a good job or how is it easy and you are fully independent?
tell me more about your aryan heritage, Kumar
What if there was a zombie apocalypse but the zombies fed by licking the sweat off of men's balls instead of eating brains?
I do feel a sense of closure after he responded to me and explained he was just going through deep depression and then after talking a bit later said he had feelings for someone else.. but it still feels weird because he admitted to having feelings for me too before. thing is she seems to be firm lesbian, so idk if this will work out for him unless she changes and feels for him too...

i assume he has 0% feelings for me now, but guys do you just try to stick around a girl if she is unavailable to you in that way and slowly try to change someone else's sexuality? genuinely worried how he's going to cope with this long term especially if she keeps responding to him less as time goes on.
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Women, would you date a man who wears a mask and refuses to take it off for any reason?
Men always wear a metaphorical mask. A mask that hides the darkness within. Sometimes in a relationship they take off the mask and you can see what horrible monsters they actually are.
Idk I've never had feelings for anyone
My gf says my monster is sexy and cute. ^_^
>just going through deep depression and then after talking a bit later said he had feelings for someone else
This is either an elaborate LARP or you really should start using that trip I suggested. Holy crap.
>slutshamed again
I love being a BPD whore.

How is everyone's weekend.
this but with women
>Idk I've never had feelings for anyone
Not even the woman you abducted, restrained, and subjected to horrifyingly traumatic sexual torture in your basement?
I'm a bong but I find euro incels worse, they just post their facts and logic and dogma endlessly, humourlessly, bait is surely preferable to that?
ignore my post I'm moving to the new thread
This. I have no idea who the woman is that keeps getting talked about, but the obsessive guy is a fucking piece of shit.
it is very cute
and also hot
Nah she was kinda meh. Didn't even enjoy it at all tbqh.
He just sounds like a retard. Why do you people continuously get involved with moronic headcases? What is so terrible about being sane?
Not a metaphorical mask nor a physical one.
I could feed dozens each day...
a lot of psychopaths don't feel things so while your attempt at humor is admirable, it's very mistaken
abusechad gets all the foids.
It's probably a selection bias. Continental Europeans who end up here have a language barrier to overcome first, so they are pre-selected for even more extreme kinds of autism.
I accidentally took a screenshot before of it with I guy I was sort of with because I thought the bitmojis together were cute but got embarassed and mortified when it sent a notification to our chat, I forgot it did that desu
Interesting. What kind of job do you have?
Lifeguard lol

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