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Confused Wizard Edition


please keep the name/tripfaggotry to a minimum
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Women, would you date a man who wears a mask that he refuses to take off for any reason?
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really makes you think
The opening for the Jushin Liger anime is such a fucking banger
Wow I'm a socialist now. THANKS OBAMA
How's everyone's weekend. I'm thinking about getting shit-faced.

Men how do you spend your weekends.
how soon can i reveal my foot fetish
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we can think further
Men, how do you disassociate?
Yeah, I'm still mad they gave him a generic stereotypical Japanese theme in WCW
Vodka, Nine Inch Nails or some goth playlist, crying, maybe a weird movie.
The same way I spend every other day
How do people who people who fall in love or catch feelings etc. square it with the objective reality that the person isn't that special? Do they just not notice?
>Men how do you spend your weekends
Sleeping and drinking.
>Men how do you spend your weekends.
playing video games and shitposting on the internet
I second this
How do women spend their weekends?
Speak for yourself, he is very special.
What do you mean how?
they're special for you. it's about seeing the personal perfection in the everyday imperfection
Spending time with the greatest man to ever exist.
You turn a blind eye to all the boring things about them. It's like they are covered in this sparkly veneer so that everything they do seems magical. When the veneer wears off, it feels terrible. I hate feeling this way.
Women, how 1970's style can a guy dress before it gets cringe and dorky? I love 70's aesthetics
How do I locate and attract BPD women? I need my dick sucked and it doesn't matter if she ruins my life because it's already a mess.
With their boyfriends or fwbs.
post sideburns
Some people are special though. I sure am, I'm fucking weird
What kinds of movies do you watch

Do you like, fap?

I wish I could sleep I have bad insomnia

I still don't get why people like videogames, what kind of games do you play

I hate 70s pants and mustaches

lounges and nightclubs
I dont have either
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>Do you like, fap?
More than you could imagine
I used to have big ones but I keep them shorter and subtle now. It's one of those things that is almost impossible to pull off anymore without looking like a huge nerd or a larper. I want a 70's inspired aesthetic, I don't want to literally cosplay as a time traveller from the 70's
>I still don't get why people like videogames
It's a rather diverse medium, so the motivation likely differs from person to person.

>what kind of games do you play
Mostly role playing games. In the past I also used to play flight simulators.
How do you have a 70s inspired aesthetic then? Sounds boring. just get a yellow shirt and call it a day
How do guys decide who is in charge?
How and why does the "pecking order form?"

One of my guy friends says its about the guy who sounds most confident, another one says they look for the most competent guy (might take a while) who has most peoples trust at the start.
But how is it really?
Why did women take the scumbag steve aesthetic and use it as a template for guys they should date? And then have the audacity to complain about cheating or abuse?
I do feel a sense of closure after he responded to me and explained he was just going through deep depression and then after talking a bit later said he had feelings for someone else.. but it still feels weird because he admitted to having feelings for me too before. thing is she seems to be firm lesbian, so idk if this will work out for him unless she changes and feels for him too...

i assume he has 0% feelings for me now, but guys do you just try to stick around a girl if she is unavailable to you in that way and slowly try to change someone else's sexuality? genuinely worried how he's going to cope with this long term especially if she keeps responding to him less as time goes on.

I guess I kind of felt it happening before I knew for sure, so I think I am taking it pretty well. but I just dunno if he truly wants me around just because he gets suicidal and ghosts me because if he really dies that woukd be sad, or he was worried about me finding out about his true feelings. I also think since I had a good guess of it, that it dimmed my cute girly normal self round him and I'm kind of sad figuring it out made me act not so myself and more chill like, like I inadvertently self sabotaged it ;_; how do I become less self concious in dating and weak if I sense another girl could have a guy? idk how many girls guys go out for dates with at a time

it's okay, going forward not what I'd hope but probably really chill, might have lunch with a friend. <3
I found out my ex had one when I made a pun about feet just by looking a his reaction lol. sometimes you don't get to choose.
Got a notification that my girlfriend screen recorded our friendship profile on snap chat. I asked her about it and she said it was an accident.
That sounds weird and like a lot of work to accidentally record someone’s profile?
Usually it's the one who introverts reply to.
We're human beings, not wolves. This does not exist.
Whoever has the most big dick energy.
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How more likely would I be able to bang a 55 year old vs 35 year old vs a 20 year old as a normal 20 yo dude. All women considered normal looking
whoevas da biggest
Women, how much do you like cock?
Yeah but that's special in a bad way
You hang out with stupid chads so it's probably stupid chad logic like whose dad makes more money.
Enough to fantasize about it daily, not enough to have a ONS
I like gritty 70's movies and stuff that really focusses on the characters. I also like goth shit like The Crow or The Hunger (I'm kind of a closet goth I guess). I love Lynch, Herzog, Verhoeven, Jarmusch, Leone. Surreal stuff is awesome but not if it's pointless.
need mini milf gf
tfw he will never give me his cock
feels bad because I'm still attracted and can't help it it's retarded
>I wish I could sleep I have bad insomnia
What do you think the drinking is for?
In general the most chaddy runs the group because they have the most social clout, moment to moment though it shifts, if someone's area of expertise comes up, they become the leader, etc.
Some people also sink downwards because they keep losing dick measuring contests, you also see extreme cases of this turn into that guy being the group punching bag
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Lusting after a chad who doesn't want me
Is this how the chick who acted all quiet and wanted to talk to me so bad even after I was a dick one time
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Does it matter how cool the mask is?
I like it so much that I sometimes feel compelled to just say the word "cock" out loud at random times.
It's a shame that flared jeans are mostly strictly women's fashion nowadays, so much cool fashion from back in the day makes you look like a raging homosexual now and that's just not what I am. These pants still look neat tho, I like them and I envy the people who can pull it off (that includes women)
>tfw chad loves me back
feels good
>How do you have a 70s inspired aesthetic then?
I don't, it's just small subtle things so far but I want to take it further without going into clown/fag territory which is tricky.
there is no preset pecking order and the balance of power shifts constantly
in general people who talk loud shit and don't see responsibility for the burden it is will volunteer to lead for the most part, until they can't stretch the bullshit and nobody listens to them
It's in a bad way and in a good way so it evens out
I just dgaf. Something happens, I simply don't react to it and then forget about it.
I don't actually like cock at all, I just like cumming.

Have you watched any ingmar bergman movies? I liked a few I watched.

Just up the age range on tinder
Anyone else here just to cope with loneliness? I just want to talk to people and these threads are fast and have women. I need a hug bros
Most of that crap is faux 70's anyway. The only people who wore those gay ass flared jeans and afros were the extreme hipster equivalents of back then. Straight fit was still the most common.
>idk how many girls guys go out for dates with at a time
This is getting ridiculous...
main reason I'm here
also the low entry bar for participating
>Have you watched any ingmar bergman movies? I liked a few I watched.
I haven't but I should. I honestly know very little about him and his movies. Seventh Seal was him, right?
Yeah it's him. I'm not an expert but his movies are very slow and moody. Very goth despite not really being goth.
Pretty much, I read the questions for men too and sometimes post questions
That's why I hate capitalism.
F. Whatever the sexual version of loneliness is, yeh.
I don't think it was anymore shocking than the baggy hipster jeans of today. At least that was my impression, I'm not old enough to be sure. Of course my perception of the 70's comes almost exclusively from movies and music which mostly shows the "coolest" people from that era
Damn, what is an ugly guy to do?
Hornyness, sexual frustration. Know a lot about that as well but I can't fuck 4chan posts so this place doesn't help much with that aside from that one time I convinced a girl to post her feet
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Why should I even want you for your cock?
It's nice knowing I'm not the only girl on this website. I also like the sexual tension between certain posters.
Not me tho.
*hugs you back*

Please be a cute girl
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Is there a way, I can pull an uglyhot look? Or should I resign myself to being ugly?
Sorry, we're all fat and balding men
No homo
Can't post yourself here. Uglyhot relies entirely on voice and personality.
Same. What is your favorite atoga ship?
Shit, am I the only cute boy here?
you look like my arab drugdealer. he was together with a qt but troubled 19 y/o girl
>there is nothing good in my life
>i do not bother to improve because there is nothing worth getting up for
>nothing changes
>there is nothing good in my life
Just making this post to show why even low dredges of society need to be gifted state mandated things to be able to get a jump start.
We do not live in such a society so I will continue to live in a low state of being.
>but I can't fuck 4chan posts
>they can't schlick to a well thought out hornypost
Get on my level.
Why the fuck did they translate Dungeon Meshi to "Delicious in Dungeon"? it doesn't even make sense
You're not pretty but you're manly looking, so yeah you could pull of uglyhot. The trick is to be masculine and not awkward and autistic, it's what seperates the Tony Sopranos from the Private Pyles
they were anonymous but sometimes atoga has these really long reply chains of two people chatting about nothing I always read them like little romcoms
Yeah, you can.
I'm a boy, I can't slick, I have to wank
thats cute
half of them are probably men chatting anyway
Yeah I base the 70s mostly on family photos, my mom's dad literally wore the same black suit from like 1964 until the early 80s when he died, and my dad's dad just wore jeans and solid color t shirts.
Usually playing vidya, taking care of some chores and errands, dabbing (weed), and hanging out with my husband. Sometimes hanging out with a friend, but that's usually during the week after work rather than the weekend.
How many of you "femanons" are trannies?
uwahh your pic is me too.has he ever sent pics/vid? mine did but he didn't like me that way in the end
maybe whyvwere you a dick to her? to make her stop liking you? i kind of got that way after he snapped once but figured it's just a random moment feels we all get when not in a good mood being human beans
All of them most likely. Can't imagine a female using 4chan.
we can only hope
Yeah I guess people looked basic even back in the day.
It’s my last days at my lifeguard job. The panic is setting in I know I need to quit but I have nothing lined up yet and I only have two weeks to find soemthing
None of my friends wished me happy birthday. Should i start distancing myself?
uh oh, a fujo
Ahhhh I'm drowning!!! Help me brpblprbrlpblvllplblbmm......
Most of them are pretty ugly, which is disappointing. I only feel spontaneous desire for the good looking ones about 1 week out of the month. Then I remember how awful the typical guy is.
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>comes to these threads for the women
>asks for hugs from the men
How'd the visit to the coochie doctor go?
I think left-handed people are just pretending
NTA but you can hug me anyday, babe
How old are you?
lose a little weight and get a real haircut. you have potential.
>lose weight
Nta but he looks lean enough based on his neck. Unless you want an auschwitz-tier physique
Tranny enablers get the rope
If you mention them at all, you want to suck their girl cock.
State your gender
What would be the fetish you would like most for your partner to have

Gentle femdom, of course
I need peggable men.
I have too many suction cup dildos that I don't even use on myself.
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That last thread was such a fun time
Suicide pact cuddling (once initiated, the cuddling does not cease until we die of thirst and starvation).
Submissive BDSM. Also getting her feet worshipped and her head shaved.
giving me full body massages
I got slapped today.
On the ass or face?
I wish I was a man so I could roll out of bed and be good enough just the way I am instead of being expected to hide my face and change everything about myself to be considered by others to be doing the bare minimum
Shame. Why did you get slapped?
Cigarettes. I need smoke blowback from
I was being a bitch.
Women why do you bother with men, when women are so much better?
State gender.
Why does god want me to be a loser?
What made him look at me and go "hm yes this man needs to be kept a no life pudgy loser at all costs and impede all success as much as possible."
The fuck did I do to this nigger to make him so mad?
Any girlies here who'd like to have their ass slapped?
drooling in my mouth and on my pussy
God didn't keep you a loser, you did
Lovey dovey
Can I just spit? Drooling feels so... mentally challenged
State gender
What legal fetish/kink would give you the ick in a partner?
not necessarily a question but I made a post like a week ago talking about how I went out with someone and wasn't sure I wanted to keep at it because I didn't think she was that pretty compared to how she presented herself and she lives like 40-50 minutes away from me, among other random stuff and insecurities

today I ended up sending her flowers since she mentioned it as a joke apparently and I took it seriously, and now apparently I have a gf for the first time after 29 years

I don't like, feel like I have a crush on her, I keep finding reasons to not want to be with her, after so much time with no relationship (I do have plenty of good friends, though not a very active social life) I'm scared/nervous of losing my comforting "me" time and doing things at my own pace

and yet I still want to see how far this goes anyway, sure it may not be the best ever but what the hell

feels wack, like I'm 14 and 29 at the same time

is there music for this feel
I really like to do in risky places, and I think it's your right as a human to have sex in the wild if you want to
M or F?
No he clearly did sorry that's just the wrong answer.
Get serious now what did I do to piss him off so bad that he couldn't even wait for me to die before sending me to hell?
f, have a lot of seemingly fucked up fetishes but probably loves eating pussy is non negotiable, somnophilia, and iffy but I want to experiment with pet play with him as the pet maybe and I also like soft mommy domme from what I've read, maybe harder
Why not both?
Anything involving like piss or shit, or like furry shit or vore or other Sonic OC deviantart porn kind of shit. Also chasticy shit, when I get locked up at least, I like it the other way around.
There's too many to list. Anything regularly seen in hentai or mainstream porn, for starters.
Shut the fuck up you whiny FAGGOT
like PiV?
How do I date a femanon and love her better than men? (I'm a bi femanon)
dumb foid
I'm never going to find my chastity/orgasm denial bf
Men hate this fetish
Normal sex is not a fetish.
Mostly when I am driving but I cope by looking in the mirrors.
tfw kind of want this too
there is a couple in the UK who got approved for the suicide pods in Switzerland recently, she was diagnosed with early onset demenia and they don't want to gonthroughbthe tragedy of it. which is much quicker. i want to universe jump to a better place
anon said anything you see in porn
F. Scat. I don't want to admit this, but also prostate play...
When women talk to me with a hostile energy or tone.
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Torn between ending this long distance relationship and suffer for a couple of months or continue suffering for the reminder of her stay away from home. She might be the one, she might not. I might make a huge mistake by ending it or it might set me free. Never had to make a decision this hard I don't think. She's the first woman i've met who can deal with my bullshit.
Spitting is already a compromise so no, absolutely no drooling. But maybe I'll suddenly change my mind if you throw in some feet, or if you let me tie you up
Why is that so hard to admit
My god, good thing he likes drooling and is not into feet. Compatibility is really important huh.
It goes by who is the most competent, usually those guys assert themselves.
Within my friend group I've learned who is reliable and who isn't.
F. Being really into kissing.
Hard kinks in mainstream porn like aggressive throat fucking or just mean, unloving sex in general
Femanon what's the biggest cock you could take before it becomes uncomfortable?
God that sounds hot.

Bros I want a girl who's an arrogant bossy cunt, and then I want her to submit to me and let me dominate her during sex. It is my ultimate fantasy
You're like the only femanon itt that DOESNT want to sticker her finger up a guy's butt
I don't want him to really be into scat at all, anal(me receiving), and I don't want to drink piss or punched/beaten, not into being cheated on(cuckqueen), and absolutely NEVER spit in my mouth GAGGG but I might be ok spitting in his
Follow your own advice nigger god forces me to have a bad life, he doesn't force you to read my posts.
The tamest fetish I really can't get into is brat taming, that whole dynamic
This is so cute.
tfw me when I get the right vibe with a guy
I want a boyfriend who will docilely pull down his pants and put himself over my lap for a spanking when I tell him I don't like his behavior.
Mine was a histrionic white chick from california.
6.5" is uncomfortable but after a while, the vagina stretches to accommodate. First moment of penetration is painful though.
thing is i like it when it is uncomfortable
Why is that cute, he's literally just saying he posts in these threads
Because it's a harmless act that allegedly gives the man a lot of pleasure. So I understand why men would experiment with it, but I have gotten the ick IRL when men have mentioned enjoying it.
Same. On an intellectual level I have no problem with prostate play but touching a butthole really isn't sexy to me. Why couldn't the prostate be somewhere else?
Girls, do you like being pressed up against a wall with your hands held above your head while being kissed?
Just the way he replied sounds very innocent and endearing.
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I can't stop plowing older women.
Thoughts on sleep sex?
There’s a million incel posts theory crafting how to ensnare a women but what’s a woman’s opinion on this?

Imagine I was your non-discript brother who’d just moved to a strange city where he didn’t know anyone. What advice would you give me?
I have insomnia so if someone woke me up with this bullshit I'd be livid.
Yeah but it's a really submissive and gay thing to do so there is no shame in not being attracted to guys who do it
Yes, please.
Do you think people on 4chan giving advice about how to get women are actually successful at it themselves?
what's your bullshit? is she coming back close by, how long til then?
Shut up nigger no one asked.
Femanons, do you enjoy piggyback rides?
>titcow wearing glasses
>"""older women"""
Jesus Christ I've been in ATOGA threads for like two hours. I just can't get enough of you girlies.

Why the fuck am I still such a fucking lonely loser. I'm too cool and sexy to be this lonely bros.
My sister is a hot stacy and she shows me the PUA lines men use on her (on FB, tinder, and over text etc) and howl with laughter at how transparent they are
Is it normal that when I was asleep on the sofa, several women pulled down my britches and started torturing and grating on the skin of my cock with a sharp stainless steel condom they placed over it? Is it normal that one of them had a syringe and injected my penis with liquid diazepam?
Yes. But I'm tall, so it's awkward.
the cock I had trouble with the most was 8 inches and I've cried out in pain before. so probably less than that, I think the guys before him were maybe 5.5-6.5 or 7, I honestly forgot
Women, should i wear fake glasses?
I've known a lot of Doms who've indulged in prostate play. It's more a sign of sexual experimentation and adventure than anything else. They've been attractive to me but I just *wished* I didn't know that's what they got up to when they wank.
Girls are silly like that, just let it blow over
What makes you enjoy (the thought of) sleep sex
This. They might as well just type "GIMME PU-Z" since that's the level of begging it is.
it's a heavy favorite of mine, both ways for me and a guy. it's like waking up on a rollercoaster
Yes. I'm heavy though, so only my body builder ex used to piggy-back me quite far distances! It was fun.
Maybe, men with glasses are cute.
I don't know if you are into audio read by a woman but Yes Senator on literotica has the vibe I think you are going for
I enjoy being powerless, that's why all of my fantasies are about being forced on or taken advantage of in a vulnerable situation.
Why do you want to either eat us or live in our organs
Posting on /atoga/.
>orgasm denial bf
I can do that, I don't even need to deny it I am just incompetent enough to not be able to give you one.
because yummy and cozy
God I get anxious just thinking about being dominated or not being in control of a sexual situation.
I need you to define this for me. Like, I'm in bed asleep and then some dude tries to fuck me? If so I would be mad because I was trying to sleep, and sleep is good.

If you're referring to being drugged and fucked, then yes, I have masturbated to this notion and love reading it in erotica.
Doubt any men is gonna dislike orgasm denial in short amounts, chastity is nuts though
State gender,

Describe what you look like and if you think you are attractive. I want to know what kind of boys and girls I'm talking to
How does it make you feel that your father often dreams of sneaking into your bedroom and raping you?
Men, is it weird if I rarely watch movies? (By "rarely" I mean once every few weeks at most.)
Both the second and trying to fuck you without you waking up
how do I get over being sad I'm not a super white girl and I'm mixed but like white guys who kind of look like they could be mixed with what I have in a stupid way? makes me self concious being asian-ish and wanting nerdy white guys who prefer white women even though I'm white but not really

especially in the context of seeing them like white women who cosplay all the anime asian stuff and it makes me feel sad and weird in my own skin makes me feel like not wanting to enjoy it too
Legally I cannot help you sir good luck
Haven’t gone yet! Honestly even if I’m fine I’m still quitting
If you're the one who gets denied, it sounds like my cup of tea.
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Why do women watch shit like this
Usual bullshit; jelousy, insecurity, controlling, suicidial tendencies, borderline alcoholism. She's coming back in a year.
I only watch movies once every few months.
I think that is normal.
No that's not weird at all.
It‘s not weird. I just think you are uncultured. But that‘s most people
M, internalizing this behavior
Having sex
Being asleep, (drugged is ok too, with someone I love/ SO) but having them watch me sleep, fondle me. The idea that they are turned on and want me. Waking up to my SO being inside me, breathing on me, just incred hot. Especially because I want sex alllll the time and waking up to it sounds amazing.
is that the only reason you want to be with her, because she trues or actually understand you? that is a long time anon.
Confident, classy blonde women who mildly resemble my mother owe me sex
F. Giving buttstuff. Ideally as often as I'd like to receive it.
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>yeah uwu lets fuck by the crosswalk
so cringe
Based misandrist.
I'm fat, bald and my nose looks like a cockhead. I think I'm quite attractive
Pretty useless lifeguard imotbqhwy
Not a fetish, but her being radfem
>I need peggable men.
What makes one peggable?
Tfw no self-proclaimed Zillenial GF
Breast feeding
Not worth the jail time
>chad those incels on atoga are so mean to me
Good afternoon /atoga/
I hate women.
Girls, if your bf said he'd think you'd look really hot with a shaved head, would you consider doing it?
Fucking her and getting away with it / her getting wet dreams from it is hot
This >>32029107 but I also watch movies/shows or YT videos sometimes while doing the other things.
Interracial porn?
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You think those are women you're talking to?
Hi Tsundere-kun your later than normal
Ignorance is a bliss
State gender
How do you cope with anxiety?
Based. Lets have gay sex
Average height (5'4"). BMI 19.8, but aiming for 17.7. Small waist. B-cup. Bottom-heavy. Waist-length, dark-brown, wavy hair. Round face. Brown almond-shaped eyes. Full lips. Olive skin.
I'd rate myself a 6/10. I like my waist, eyes, and lips, but other than that, I'm pretty average. Losing weight should bump me up to a 6.5, maybe even a 7.
Christina Hendricks is sex.
Even straight girls would fuck her
Accept it and don't let it control you. Or the alcohol + music combo.
Women do you think men are boring?
>saw a girl on social media who lives not far away
>We share hobby (fitness)
>Jokingly asked if shes in a mood for gym date
>She liked my reply

Should i send her dm on ig?
Man, fuck you. At least humour me as I sit here drinking alone in a bar on Friday night.
I liked this response though.

Damn these captchas are getting are hard to solve.
Isn't that underweight?
I would only do this if she also busted my balls while giving spankings.
I don’t understand the question? This is the most tame, standard sex scene. Person holding another person and showing physical affection? Seems pretty straightforward.

Unless this is from something specific and I’m an idiot
Her body is almost comically sexual, like dumb hentai proportions except she's a real person.
Girls, do you cum from anal?
I say my cat's name softly, like the way I call her over
>Olive skin
>Bottom heavy
I'm not anxious, I'm just depressed. Why try when it's pointless
Some men, sure.
Fuck you.
Yeh, it's the only way I can get myself off nowadays.
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she just wants chad to do all the work as she pretends she hates men
Face my fears. I’ve done a ton of exposure therapy. It really works, at least for OCD and phobias.
Sounds cute
No. Why would I be in atoga if I did?
Slut. I can't show anything hardcore on the safe board.
There are way too many trannies pretending to be women ITT.
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How do I become more active during sex? I’m not talking about foreplay, but usually me and my bf usually end up in the prone bone position. The only way I can cum is through sort of humping my clit with my thighs while my hips grind against my mattress and my legs are closed. Prone bone allows me to masturbate while my bf is fucking me, so we both get off. The thing is, I feel really passive in that position and I can grind back because I’m driving my hips into the mattress. What can I do?
Which one were you JH?
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Yeah. My goal is to be slightly underweight. Not full-on anorexic, but something along the lines of picrel.
Thank you!
Yes ikr. Hello fellow men I am tired of these trannies in this atoga. I'm also about to go the the gym haha.
my ex told me this but I'm kind of glad we didn't since we broke up lol. I feel like if I ever did that it would have to be what I really wanted at the time since it's a bit more "extreme" like old he be willing to buy me wigs for funsies?
How hard do you want them busted? I would be okay slapping balls but hardcore torture/pummeling them, no
No. Because he must be insane, I don't have the bone structure for it at all.
Very kissable tummy
Cute man impression
I don't think men are boring but in conversation, many of them seem to be inhibited.
Is JH calix from soc?
Thanks bro, but I am actually a guy. You just got pranked XDDD.
Slapping would be fine, I'm not looking to become infertile, lol.
Not from anal alone. But I've often had easy orgasms after anal, when he's still soft in my asshole or during anal with a vibrator.
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>Chad I miss my ex, other Chad!
With pills.
Okay, I'm not currently taking pills for anxiety, but a few years ago, when I struggled with it, I didn't take anything for it (nor did I go to a doctor), but years later while talking to someone's struggling with anxiety I told them to get prescribed medication, and I believe in the advice I gave them.
If you have a headache, you take pills. There's no reason why you should go on suffering from anxiety without something to alleviate it either.
>soft still in butthole

Fat, short (5'8), white, Cro-Magnon face, pig nose, dark narrow and sunken eyes, small mouth, oddly twinkish skeleton, perfect hairline but shaved, footlong beard, immense body hair everywhere.
I have been told by many, many people that I'm extremely ugly and I have to agree with them.
So wait, lemme get this straight. You’re just asking what the appeal of porn in general is? It’s because of watching other people fuck feels kinda like fucking. Again, this is pretty straightforward.
girls don't have prostates
*spank* Haha, well, take that, "anon"
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No it's always some unrealistic shit where the girl is just a doormat and the dude is "the one" and everything works out with zero conflict.
so the guy who ended up not liking me and liking someone else, is it possible to stay his friend? I still find him attractive but will not flirt with him unless he magically(unrealistically) tries to again, but that'sa big maybe and idk wht to think if that happened. i like this dude as a person and he really opened up to me this whole time we've been talking. do guys trust girls they've friendzoned? I'm just trying to get into his head and continue being the friend he can talk to about deep stuff so he doesn't feel alone
Just become his sidepiece like other hoes in his dms
Men, thoughts on girls who like to bake?
Wait JH is into pegging? Gross
Boyish face I guess. I have a strong chin that juts out a bit much. Black rim glasses. Dark brown hair, sorta messy, shoulder length. Bluish gray eyes. My lips are really pink, naturally.

I’ve been told I look like an anime pretty boy. I think I look like a dog’s ass.
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State gender
Do you think manlets are evil?
You sound cute.
Gross. If your in a relationship, there shohld be no side pieces.
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>Chad you're perfect... that's why we can't fuck, I want "other" Chad *more* I need him!
>Just below six foot
>Skinny with broad shoulders
>Pale skin
>Strong chin, prominent roman nose, strong browline, rest of my features are unimpressive but nothing embarassing
>Piercing brown eyes and thick dark eyebrows that really want to join eachother but I won't let them
>Permanent thick five-o-clock shadow, even right after shaving
>Long dark curly hair, usually pretty messy since I've completely lost control over it and it does however it pleases
>Thick dark body hair on chest, arms and legs
>Look grumpy, angry or serious most of the time
>Dress overly formal, but not in like a clueless autistic way I just like that style
I think I'm good looking and attractive but I don't know how others feel (shut-in virgin). I'd fuck myself definitely and I'm 100% sure I'm at the very least not ugly at all.
Yeah you can keep talking to him and even about deep stuff, but if you mention your feelings about him it will only annoy him so never do it. If he ever becomes single you could probably have rebound sex with him.
The obvious one.
I don't even use /soc/toga anymore.
No. I said I wanted a partner who is into giving anal, not receiving.
Ohhh that’s just shitty popular media. The junk food of TV, escapist fantasy, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice if everything worked out perfectly without any effort? Life is not like that, but hey, it’s fun to dream for a few hours.
I would be bitter and become evil too if I was a manlet.
That’s why I’m quitting ;)
Short (5'8"), literal skeleton (BMI 16.7), short dark hair, greying at my temples. I'm not ugly enough for people to turn their heads but I'm not attractive either. Probably 4/10.
Women do you think men are a nuisance?
Hahaha why
Bro eat a burger. Also grey temples are neat, I really want grey temples.
She's doing the whole I hate men thing but then being in love with me I would find really cute. (And I don't mean this in a demeaning way). Also I read Dworkin once and she was cool
>only one of six replies is by a woman
white 5’8 bmi like 18
okay but what do your boobies look like
We got two now and one of the men was me shitposting
What about a noncommittal radfem ie believs that stuff but doesn’t really enforce it in daily life
>I think I'm good looking and attractive but I don't know how others feel
Judging by what you've described, I'd definitely agree.
Really not feeling like describing myself rn. Why even?
Why not? Got something to hide? Do you have toe-thumbs?
Sounds cute and elegant
My description is biased though. I literally wank in front of a mirror sometimes.
Relatable, I'm a manlet but would be a radfem if I was female for sure
250, 6'6, 25% bodyfat by now. Greek nose but eye bags, no maxilla, fat lips, so ugly. Pale skin.
No. Not at all as a matter of fact. Women show no interest in me and I have come to accept it. Better than them being scared of me.
Yeah that'd be the ideal for me honestly
5'8" plus or minus an inch
Broad shouldered, barrel chested
Fairly straight dirty blond hair, bluish eyes
Heavy dark brown body hair, except for forearms which are also blond
Bad farmers tan
Fast growing facial hair and unibrow I have to shave off
Face is alright I guess. Nothing super weird, but my nose is slightly asymmetrical and I have a knot on my forehead from an hockey accident when I was little. I'm insecure about it but other people claim to not notice it even when I mention it.
My parents have said I'm handsome and no one has outright said I'm ugly, but I've never been flirted with or asked out, so I'm assuming 6/10
No, just dont feel like attentionwhoring.
F. Olive skin and brown slightly wavy hair, a little longer than shoulder length. Large brown asymmetric eyes, always obscured by big glasses (picrel). Thick eyebrows. Narrow oval face. I'm around 5'3, average build with wide hips and slender top half, broad shoulders. Hip to waist ratio is 0.67.

I would say I have a below average face. Slightly better body. Overall, I wouldn't say I'm particularly attractive.
So you're fat and ugly
>pretty toned and visible muscle but no abs yet (ex fatty down from 230lbs)
>not particularly attractive face but can get one online date a week if I'm willing to go out with 4s and milfs hit on me at gym occasionally
>keep up with later zoomer fashion and hair trends so I guess that's a plus
short, pale, ugly
not really but think what you want
I work for a moving company ama
Come on just describe the exact dimensions of your labia, how hard can it be?
How much Zenny will it cost to move my annoying sister to Japan?
Forgot to say I'm about 160-165 lbs
I'm not patterns:
Bottom-heavy, average height, brown-eyed, olive-skinned, wavy brown hair grills.
Dark-haired, nerdy pretty boys.
I didn’t describe myself well then. :(
Dunno as we just load the stuff on a container and the shipping company handles the rest. Really expensive most likely as most international moves are paid by the employer.
*noticing patterns
We should set up a double date
Girl I started seeing likes to be called a slut, whore, and things like that during sex.
Women that like this: what other things do you like men to say to you
Men that do this: how do you not feel cringe as fuck doing it?
well she is a lesbian so... idk, we're both single but clearly he is going through a crisis so that tops my old growing feelings for him. I'm pretty level headed and accepted defeat basically lol. I think he wants to just be in a better position in life because we're both poor and the girl he lsays he oves is pretty well off, so she comes off a lot more dreamy because she can afford it, and she is pretty popular online

I could never be someone on the side though, it isn't my moral code. i want to talk to him about how down he is feeling whether it's about her, or his other serious problems because he can't keep running away and trying to hurt or kill himself, and I worry if it's about this girl and why he blocked me previously and idk if he has done this to anyone else

as for rebound sex idk, he is pretty fucking hot, but I am eventually gonna look for someone long term so that timing matters because once I find someone else if it happens I don't want to play games with people and just be real
I like girls who like "slut" but hate "whore"
I been with 5 girls and not a single one has told me this.
>saw a pair of teens hugging eachother on a scooter while I'm an angel wageslave
Billions must unironically die
I'm sure you did. Especially if you've been compared to anime pretty boys. Ugly guys aren't told such things.
>There’s a million incel posts theory crafting how to ensnare a women
Point and laugh because they deserve the most abusive "captives".
5 women isn't much of a sample size.
No. I want my feet on the ground.
Mmmmmhhh feet
i look kind of like an asian fishing pic of ariana grande i posted here before, but with light grey-green eyes and dark brown hair. hair is naturally curly wavy but I straighten it a lot
Great idea! Who should be set up with each other?
Men, can I have 40k to go to school online?
I'm bored and I want to learn something.
>figuring out how to get a relationship is "esnaring" now
Jesus wept
>6'8 giraffe
>BMI 24
>pasty white, freckles
>ginger, redhead
>long thin neck
>thin face
>green eyes, eyebags, negative canthal tilt
>flat stomach
>proportionally narrow waist
>wide hips, big/firm butt
>long legs, big/firm thighs
>enormous hands
>enormous feet
>big mouth, good dental, overbite
I'd say I'm facially attractive, my body is just ridiculous
Doesn't really matter does it
Oh you are that retard who keeps talking about the same shit.
And they'd probably be thankful for it.
>have dreaded 1v1 meeting with MILFy supervisor this morning
>ask if I should program the application to ignore "x" status in this instance
>she tells me that we're not really "ignoring it", we're just omitting it for programming purposes so that the application works as intended
>write down "ignore x for this instance" in my notes
>"Anon, did you just write down "ignore" after I said not to!?"
>"I am going to smack you!" *laughs*
That was highlight of my day. I love her.
Sounds hot if you're not trans
No. Die.
they hang down to my knees
What's the difference?
I've also never done before and didn't know what to say. I want to get better at for next time I meet her
I really feel like maybe we had a second jesus already but they died. Like caylee anthony or judith barsi.
Well. Thanks anon. Now I’m getting flushed at work.
Do as many pushups as you can.
State gender.
How many pushups did you manage to do?
Marry me. Now.
5’8”; 175 lbs; slim build with a bit of a gut.

I have brown semi-curly hair that I typically wear in a man bun now that I’m growing it out again. I have what has been described as a beautiful face, but it’s gotten rather plump over the years due to excessive drinking and physical inactivity.

I have thick dark eyebrows and eyes in a positive canthal tilt. They’re light brown but sometimes shine in a silvery sort of way under the right light.

I have hairy legs/ass and a hairy chest, but my arms are much lighter and I don’t typically get much facial hair except for a thick mustache and goatee. I try to keep my face shaved but sometimes get lazy and let it grow out until I feel like a dirty bum. Usually try to keep my pubes trimmed, but don’t bother much unless I’m going on a date or to a party or something.

I think I’m a pretty solid 7 objectively, but I like to believe I’m an 8. Most women are extremely nice to me and shower me with sweet attention.
What is some media you wish you could re-experience for the first time? Can be anything from book to movies or video games.

Back in the army?
Zero. Flunked it always but nobody gave a shit
Go to trade school and get a good scholarship and they'll pay you to go there. I'm making like $400 a semester to learn to machine
Oh and it's ok to name an entire series of media.
Based. Can I come over and play jumprope?
>Now I’m getting flushed at work.
Like I said, cute!
No, I won't.
I muscles hurt just walking up and down the stairs to my apartment from hiking 6h yesterday.
Twin Peaks
Do random people actually like receiving flowers?
You're a BIG GIRL
Dark Souls
Twin Peaks
thats not how labias work
elite taste
My face has a decent shape to it, sort of oval-ish. Forehead on the bigger side. Eyes are good but drowsy-looking. Nose is on the bigger side but also short. Mouth is much too small for my face. Chin is average. Face is overall not very symmetrical. I wear glasses. My hair is long and dark brown. Eyes are grey. Usually have trimmed facial hair.
Body-wise, I'm skinny. No real muscle on me at all. 5'9" roughly. Broad shoulders. Not much hair on my torso. Hairy legs. Average-sized hands, tiny tiny feet. I've got a decent bit of loose skin after weight loss, which causes my stomach and thighs to be pretty squishy. Happy trail leading down to trimmed pubes. And obviously, most importantly, big pp.
I think I'm a 5/10 overall. Not super attractive but not super unattractive either. Just kinda average. But also unique, haven't really seen people that look like me.
Australian anons
Is the country worth relocating to? Autistic Finnish guy here with a degree and 3 years of experience in field that's in a skilled workers list. The shit weather is just killing me, man. I just want go to a work, surf and shotgun beers with bros after.

Dark Souls

The whole world seemed to be going straight to shit up until that game came out.
Resident Evil because those games kind of stop being fun when you know them inside-out and get really good at them, the tension and scariness is gone
>Autistic Finnish guy
Will you ever forgive the Koreans for what they did during the Finno-Korean Hyper-war?
>that’s not how labias work
Don’t worry, I’m a doctor.
M. VTMB. Hannibal.
Keep your PERRKELE ass out of that monster-infested VITTU country.
Nta. Is that Finnish? What a funny language.
Thanks for the recs bro, I've never watched or played any of those yet
>Describe what you look like and if you think you are attractive. I want to know what kind of boys and girls I'm talking to
5'8, Blonde, blue eyes, pale white, 44-40-52. I know I'm attractive because I get hit on even on grindr. I humble myself by admitting I'm fat, and my standards are actually pretty low outside of what I find attractive. But I've been bitten for feeding males, a lot. I really want to go gay instead of abusing myself on men.
I was a model, that should tell you everything. Blond and blue eyed. 6 feet, lean. Things people have said to me
>perfect Cupid’s bow
>amazing eyebrows
>chad jaw and cheekbones
>very vascular hands
>big dick
Idk, describing myself is dumb. I know I’m hot but who cares.
I should fucking rewatch this shit but it's so fucking hard to get your hands on, it is only available on the most random ass fucking streaming service here in the Netherlands and the old illegal streaming sites got taken down or went to shit
I'm not i'm just a genetically enormous normal girl
everyone in my family is tall

It's so weird on the internet people like me IRL I'm like a circus animal

HUGE I eat a lot too puberty was generous
i do not trust your knowledge about the female body very much to be honest
>I get hit on even on grindr
Everyone else does too
Extremely, we have a billion different quadruple meanings for words
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Homestar runner

M, 37
tf is a former model doing here
>believing the LARP
Need your BIG HANDS on my FACE
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How do I cope having a chud/incel chin and not being able to grow a beard?
The men are supposed to be gay there...
I have it on BR.
Just torrent them like any sane person?

But anyway, like two months ago I felt the same about rewatching, but didn't want to spend all those hours, so I just watched a ranking of all the episodes on YT and that was sufficient:
I think it's because on the internet men don't hide how fucking thirsty they are for "weird" stuff and irl you have to deal with mean girl bullshit from other women

M, I have a dadbod (some muscle with a bit of gut), despite not being a dad. I have short dark brown hair and blue eyes and wear glasses. I've been compared to Tobey Maguire, though I'm not as handsome
F. Outer Wilds.
Would you date a guy literally a foot shorter than you lol. I can be your manlet king
Tom from succession?
Mewing. At worst, it does nothing. At best, it fixes your chud chin. What do you have to lose?
You didn't spot any """straight""" profiles that just happened to want suck cock and get fucked by cocks?
personalitymaxx or become androgynous
Don’t worry I’m ugly and unappealing
You are correct, I want to remove my vote for Danganronpa and add this.
Outer Wilds is a masterpiece and I loved the DLC too.
What a shame. At least you have cute boobs
>, 44-40-52.
Jesus. And you still get hit on? Is your face very pretty or something?
Lol no.
I could be your everything
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curious how tall you are I'm about 3 centimeters taller than this image

I actually didn't have many bullies growing up. God that reminds I've gotten some weird DMs people either roast me or they're really intense
Yeah, my parents were department store models.
I've been saving the DLC for when I have a long stretch of uninterrupted time. The main game is very nostalgic for me. I'm also slightly worried it'll be too scary for me!
Why am I still here, I've been harrassing women non-stop in this thread since it was created like four hours ago. I can't believe I'm this pathetic
And they let you to get fat?
Well, it's clear her being fat isn't doing her any harm! It's only ugly women who need to stay fit, otherwise it's game over for us.
post legs post legs post legs post legs
Something to keep in the back of your head is that what guys value greatly amongst other things is respect. Both genders do, just guys more than girls. Don't disrespect me [or the things i care about], assure to me i'm valuable, trust what I have to say, do what I fucking say, don't touch my car unless I say so, you think you can fight me? Stupid shit like that.

>who's in charge
Who's got the respect and is there a benefit to me? Getting respect means people need to know about you, what good parts make you great, and why anyone should want to be around you. Winning athletes, successful musicians, guys who got the money, guys with drugs - these guys are respected because they're better in some way, and there's a chance that by "putting them in charge", you'll reap the benefits.

The popular person has a lot of friends, so being friends with them will get you more friends.
The confident person knows what they're doing, and they'll guide you to success too.
Earning the respect of coolest person will make you cool too (to urself and others).
To the leader I give the utmost respect, and will trust his vision and follow him in battle.

Everyone wants the people they like to like them back. Every guy wants the respect of people they respect. Letting people "who've earned it" be "in charge" is a simple way to do this.

I once met a group of frat guys who I mostly liked. It seemed to me that one guy was "the leader", and guys spoke to him in a most fond way. I try and treat people the same when I meet them, and I could never find any real reason to put him as MY leader, cause all he seemed to me was he has some charisma. Like nothing wrong with him, nice guy imo. But how the other guys acted, idk.

So, it's all just respect and how much can I get from being your friend/letting u "in charge".
If it makes you feel any better, I (F) regularly spend hours in these threads, too.
There is an option to "tone down the scary" and I enabled it too. It absolutely does not take away any of the experience, but just change one animation.
I hope you haven't been spoiled by /v/ yet, because it's an absolutely phenomenal experience.
Seconding this. We're gonna need to see feet as well
You’re too nice.
>IRL I'm like a circus animal
I have never met a woman over 6'5 so just come to where I am I guess I can change that.
Why do you do it?
What would we do together
Boredom, I guess.
Wayward Pines
No, I'm not. You're just too hard on yourself.
I'm not posting myself on this website sorry.
>I can't believe I'm this pathetic
If it makes you feel better, I believe you can be pathetic.
Same, and it's a way to cope with intense loneliness.

Also I enjoy bullying women >:)
Hi esl
Jump rope, brownie.
Didn't ask you to post yourself dummy.
Nobody is gonna dox you, break into your house and kill you if you post a leg. You're not gonna get recognised by your employer and your parents and you won't get fired and disowned.
I'm sure you never make any typos.
I never really thought about this. I'd suck if anal were off the table, so I suppose her fetishing it is better than her hating it. Similar with medium-low physical stuff like slapping or choking, in that I'd rather it be on the table than off.

I do fetish eating girls out, so it'd be cool if she fetished sucking cock and then we could both enjoy each other in a maximum way.

Im more open than not for most monogamous fetishes a girl might. So i dont care too much I guess, but only vanilla would suck
Hands maybe?
I am curious how they look on a tall lady like you.
what are the fucked up ones? Just list em
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My eyes at your collarbone
Uniforms. Both on me and on him.
Finnish domination?
Thank you for confirming your identity~
>But I've been bitten for feeding males,
Translating from women:
I have ridden so much Chad cock I'm jaded
God us men are so fucking pathetic. Yes I'm posting this unironically, as a man
it takes energy to react, so just don't waste energy
>her head shaved.
Wtf. Why is this a fetish for anyone?
State gender

Please kill me in the most painful and messy way possible
I'm a woman and even I'm curious by this 6'8 person. Even a man that height would make me double-take in real life.
Such a woman would truly be a behemoth.

Slaying this pussy would require Guts’ sword.
sorry i grouped you with the other guy

pic rel is my height, I'm just a heavier version of this with bigger boobs.

Yeah! If I held your head it would be like if you held a canteloupe
sure for give and take
im not a pretty sleeper tho so i dont think she'd like giving :(
Oh I thought you are a horny simp like me.
Nah, I'm good.

>pic rel is my height, I'm just a heavier version of this with bigger boobs.
I'm not short myself, I was asking about hands, because I am curious about those.
Chrischan, good luck with your new home away from here.
Chad won't be there either so he'll be cucking your freedom indefinitely.
I don't want to kill you.
if you're with someone who likes to watch movies, would you watch it with em, or do you just dislike movies
Don't settle, you deserve the best? You deserve the best?
This is so fucking hot jesus christ.
You better be correcting me whenever I let up my misogyny
women, I'm not a virgin but I haven't had sex in a pretty long time. I know the next time I do I'm going to cum like instantly upon penetration. What's the best way I can handle this the next time I do ever date a girl assuming that I do.
I'm too old
I had someone joke about a blogpost I made being a thinly veiled ENTJ shitpost and didn't even realize that was a poster here until I came back a couple threads afterwards. I thought it was just a personality test joke. kek
im not white so my words won't be that effective
With that said, mixed girls are very attractive, you really shouldn't worry about it. Lots of white dudes I know date asian girls.
How much do you weigh? Like 300 lbs?
If you kegel hard enough you can suppress ejaculation
>My goal is to be slightly underweight
weed, alcohol, sleep
Maybe I just deserve to die.
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are a joke.
Our systems are set up as a cruel joke.
I am a white guy and go crazy for mixed girls. So they exist, just find them
>Men, thoughts on girls who like to bake?
Sounds awesome. I'll taste test everything :)
Is that a good or bad thing
Also would you even fit in my car, I might have to tie you to the roof to go anywhere.
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[both genders] I just signed up for piano lessons, and they begin next week. I'm not used to socializing, and when I do interact with people, my brain turns to mush and I act all retarded n stuff. What are some things I absolutely should practice before I start lessons with my new teacher? One thing I'm already lamenting over is my gimp back, and my feet are all wonky and I can't set them down straight. I have posture worse than a paraplegic neanderthal.
Also, even though I'm a beginner, what are some things I should already know beforehand?
State gender
Assume you face a major life decision, a fork in the road. You have two choices, both very appealing but mutually exclusive. Speaking purely abstractly, how do you choose between them?
>I would be bitter and become evil too if I was a manlet
Appreciate your understanding. I'm trying to work on the evil part though.
It is the IDEAL.
Are you a brocon/siscon
I'd watch them. I don't dislike movies as a concept, although I do dislike most of the stuff coming out right now. When I watch a movie, it's usually one that is from the 60's or before. I feel that the main purpose of movies should be to be visually appealing, and modern movies are ugly.
Good people
M. Cost/benefit analysis appropriate to the situation.
How different is the feeling between cumming from your clit vs vagina (inside) vs anal? >>32029521

To men, how different is prostate from dick orgasms?
NTA. Isn't that bad for guys?
How do you deal with missing out on teenage love and love in general? I feel like a drone, made to slave and have responsibilities while others have fun
If you were using a buttplug, is it easier to get off from piv?
I have a sister so the concept is repulsive to me.
He asked for a solution and I provided one?
>I'm mixed but like white guys who kind of look like they could be mixed with what I have in a stupid way?
You're saying you're a hapa that's attracted to other hapas and quapas?
>it's usually one that is from the 60's or before.
Oh you are just a hipster egirl.
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I think women look best when slightly underweight. Picrel is another good example.
wrist to middle finger is 24 cm

221 pounds

I'm glad you are enjoying this it's actually quite embarassing

canteloupe always look kind of small when i see people hold them

The passenger seat usually goes all the way back. I'd have to get in first unless you don't mind my head in your lap.
If you don't let me bake with you, that'd be a dealbreaker
I don’t have a sister so it is very appealing to me
>F. Giving buttstuff. Ideally as often as I'd like to receive it.
But I'm really afraid of increasing a woman's risk of developing anal cancer?
Sour grapes.
All that porn and videogames was probably better for you in the long run, I mean, did you really want to ruin your liver drinking with friends? I bet it wasn't even that fun.
If it's what she likes and it's harmless, why care? Of course I'd do it
>school online
just download textbooks and read em. Thats what i do
Feeling of horny outweighs the cringe. If she likes it who am I to judge.
>the constant red exclamation marks after posting a lot
Is that how normalfags feel when they get a ton of social media notifications?
Why is appearance more important than health to you?
what are these numbers?
I've not tried that before. I've had a guy in my ass, with a vibrating dildo in my vagina and a hitachi wand on my clitoris, and came within 30 seconds of him thrusting in my ass. That's uncharacteristic, but could just be down to the combined vibration. I've never used a buttplug before.
>tfw can't practice kegels because I have a benign perianal hernia that could RIPPEN me a new asshole if agitated
Hang out. whatever you want. Go to the grocery store
>tfw i don't even know wtf a kegel is so I can't even so it
This sounds fantastic, ngl.
How to ask my guy to do this?
Are you male?
The right to be born for no purpose, the privilege to carry defective genes and to be the defective gender, to slave away your whole life in a free world, the right to pursue goals that will be long gone by the time you can get there. Saddled with debt, barred from having a place to return to, denied the chance to form a family, excluded from retirement.
Nta but Bust-Waist-Hips. Just for reference, her waist is larger than my hips.
I will
>everyone left to jerk off to tall girl
It'll either be your dick or my buttplug, you're not increasing any risks.
soo, are you taken yet?
Yes. I thought it was those weight things with handles but I don't think I'm thinking of the right thing
That shitty american food and lifestyle are anything but healthy, miss 25.9 BMI.
I'm still here.
Yeah, im taken for granted
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It's exotic and also kind of humilliating and degrading. When it's done on a woman with the right face and head it looks extremely beautiful, there is nothing distracting from her beauty anymore and there's lots of details you normally don't get to see like the back of the neck and the ears and the skull shape. And it just feels good to take something so significant and personal away, the idea gives me a rush of power. Like she belongs to me after I've shaved her.

I honestly think it comes from some kind of childhood trauma and it's a control thing, most of my fetishes have to do with that
>it's actually quite embarassing
Do you like that?
what guy would say no?
It's definitely a larp sadly. It is known that many atogan males have a giantess fetish so even if it is a girl (unlikely) she's just posting for attention from horny losers.
Looks like shit
What are your hobbies? Else I would just do a clay date
Brutal, I’m sorry to hear that
It’s okay
Would it be weird to have my GF touch herself while I kiss her and play with her nips? She doesn't know how to schlick
I don't choose the option my mom would want me to pick (yes that is actually how my brain is wired)
You know the muscle you can flex to stop peeing midstream? Flexing that muscle is a kegal. It's part of the prostate.
I guess you’re right. I just don’t know any better though… I hate when photos get taken of me because I figure I’ll just be made fun of.
Sounds painful
Stopping yourself from ejaculating sounds painful, as is stopping yourself from peeing.
Nta but you should practice for your own health
Did I miss some pics?
No, not yet, but I honestly haven't tried looking for anyone. I can't imagine what that would be like for them. Internet is different because guys are more fetishy, it's different in real life like I wouldn't want to embarrass myself or him.

No, I've lost a lot of weight but it's still kind of embarrassing to talk about my weight and stuff like that.
Kegels aren't the best to prevent cumming, you gotta do reverse kegels. These are a bit harder to do. Doing kegels gives you better control of dick hardness though. You can move your dick up and down by doing them
No. Sadly she's too tall to have her photo taken indoors without an ultra wide angle lens.
NTA but you just press down on the underside of the penis and nothing will come out.
Didn't another anon itt just say it is unhealthy?
What the hell is a reverse kegel
How did you not end up in the WNBA?
what was your heaviest size?
Stopping the ejaculation is. Just doing them without that part though is good for your boner though.
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It looks goofy on most women sadly but some can pull it off
I would marry you
I want to believe
>tfw 6'3 king of manlets
>Tfw no 6'8 queen gf


Captcha: 0mgmyh
You prevent ejaculation from starting in the first place. It's not painful
Relaxing the pelvic floor muscles rather than tightening them
No, holding back an ejaculation that is happening is. As long as it doesn't start it's fine. It ends up going backward into the bladder if you block it off(retrograde ejaculation)
>6’3” king of manlets
That’s just insulting
I didn't play basketball, I played volleyball

341 lbs

aw thank you
nta but the dateable range is converged around 6'2 now and even the black girls can confirm having upgraded the filter up from 6
>She doesn't know how to schlick
She should learn to do it herself before you distract her by kissing/nipple play.
It can be painful if the muscles are weak or you're doing it mid pee
>I played volleyball
You grew 5 inches?
>embarrass myself
>or him
it'd be dumb if a shorter guy chose to date you and got angry, as dumb as getting mad during a shower cause you're wet. If a short guy wants to be with you, he doesn't care.

t short guy
Would you date a slutty cosplayer?
>even the black girls
Are you really even considering them in the first place?
Looks based. Lets hunt down the tall girl and shave her bald
You can't be a manlet if you meet or even approach the filter faggot
You will never be a real manlet
long as she aint sleeping with other guys why not?
No, I don't date mentally ill women.
Body type?
Yeah. I find it hot because other people get horny but I would have her for myself in the end
Yeah sure, as long as I get cosplay sex.
Only if you're slutty for me
Cosplayers are cheaters. Conventions are debauchery. Instagram is prostitution.
Close, I was 6'1 when I played, and 6'4 when I stopped playing.

I just thought guys bully eachother for things like that.
yes but I'm surrounded by stereotypical white guys with blonde hair and gym bodies so it doesn't matter
>341 lbs
jesus christ
Uhh… I’m not super fit. Kinda lean. 5’11”, 170 lbs. I’m totally cutting out soda now so that should help me there. I still wear clothes from high school though.
Shes a big girl
>But I've been bitten for feeding males, a lot. I really want to go gay instead of abusing myself on men.
Many such cases!
Thanks for being encouraging to us manlets though. I've felt more confident because of it.
This post made me realize it's a larp. And like yeah we all knew it was by some horny guy or girl, but god I hate it when people just pull shit out of their ass.
>Would you date a perfection
How old are you?
I only ever actually orgasm from clit stuff, adding piv or anal just adds to it. I couldn't get off to them alone.
Slutty as in wears a bikini and ears and calls it a cosplay or slutty as in blows four guys in a row at an after party?
Nta, but her hips are much larger than your supposed hips too. Probably more fertile too.
I had a crush at girl from my gym who was my height (6'3)

Its a rare sight to see a girl this tall, not to mention 200+ cm tall girl
Yeah, I'm calling cap on the 6'8 bitch, too. It's probably that anon who spammed his small man big female fetish. A 6'8 female would be a microceleb.
I am going to have a steak and some broccoli while playing helldivers 2, and I'm female.
Men, I bruised myself on accident while mowing my lawn. Will you come kiss it, medium shirt white non balding anon? Even the one from ohio?
The first one.
>men, would you date a *TYPE everyone wants to date*???
Why is atoga like this? Everyone wants to date a cosplayer
I love clay I love arts and crafts
One from Ohio here. Lol
Depends how silly the accident was.
I don't
Are you selling pics? What's the deal?
Yeah that’s fine and posting it online would drive me horny mostly
Not exactly.
341 lbs is straight up obese on any 6'8 person man or woman. It is anything but a healthy weight but she or he must have said it because they thought that is what a "thick" 6'8 woman must weigh but it isn't.
The moment she said that I just said "And just like that it's ruined."
It reminds me of times when I'd be in ERp with a girl and obviously I know she's just dirty talking fake scenarios for us but then she says "Yeah I took a 3 foot cock once."
In a moment the magic is gone. Blatant larp.
>retarded teens on 4chan now think being 6’2 is being a manlet
Jesus Christ kek

Being 90 IQ must really be suffering.
Men If the bus doesn’t come can you come pick me up?
Then yeah.
Being desired by a man you like feels like crack. Why don’t more men understand this
Ah nice, I am right now doing a pottery course. Pretty fun. Beyond that I like movies and music a lot and do some photography. Could do duo photography sessions too as date
If she's the /soc/ nudeposting kind that gathers simps and paypigs in Discords that she then deletes and recreates, no.
From my perspective it seems like women hate men.
People do this?!
Because you only like black NBA players.
you're having sex with a bus?!
Women literally cannot relate because the average man is in a different category of attraction than the average woman
Being desired by a woman is like the gates of heaven opened themselves for yourself, and women understand this and still refuse to do anything about it
Not yet because it didn’t show up
You clearly haven't been on /soc/ or seen their female superstars come and go.
Redpill me on applepicking dates, what exactly do you do?
Pick overpriced apples
I feel like shit anons, how should I cheer up?
Because I hate women
That sounds really fun… I’ve always wanted to do pottery but I could never afford the classes, how much are yours?
Get completely plastered and watch random shit on TV
This but also buy overpriced apple based products like cider.
But I love you
150€. Expensive but it‘s the only one I found and seems okay for an intro course
State age
Do you drive? Do you just have your license or do you have a vehicle as well?
No you don't
You make your gf happy by doing something cute and something she can brag about to her friends, even if it's overpriced
30. I live in suburban America. I have to drive and own a car.
Yes, most weeks I drive at least 100 miles.
Yes I do
I'm 34.

>fat women don't exist
>okay they do exist but they don't lose weight
You guys are so toxic. Yeah I was fat before. I got really fat. but I lost weight. No it wasn't magical nikocado weight loss it was several years of dieting and exercise. I could literally post the before and after but I'm not going to validate bitter people.

I've only ever seen professional athletes my height.
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>Would you date a slutty cosplayer?
Only if she cosplayed as her for me
You don't know anything about me, and also women hate men
I know everything about you. I wish I hated men my life would be easier
>be me
>42 year old
>if my 37 year old little brother forgets to thank someone for something, I always tell him he needs to go say thank you
>he gets mad at me yesterday and says to stop that because it's condescending to do that to a grown man
Who was in the wrong
>What would be the fetish you would like most for your partner to have
rough play
me licking every inch of her body
Hating women has made my life easier, which is why I keep doing it.
Also, stop lying. You know nothing about me.
I just want her to be attracted to me
Grope me
Give me hickeys
Make me feel like I'm more than just a wallet
I can drive. I don’t exactly have a family so it was a pain to learn. No license or car.
Women hate other women more than they hate men
The ones in my city go for $400!!! I hope you’re having fun I’m jealous
I know what I need to know and I know I love you
As a guy only really into tall girls, I'd say its more a combo of
>You're intimidating
>Its assumed you're already taken (after all, literal super models tend to be tall)
Only foot fags will really note foot size, hand size fetishizing is more of a woman thing
>Red hair
>Eye bags (only in women; its a femine trait)
Are both popular features; overbite is also fine, underbite is the bad one
>Green eyes
Literally the most statistically attractive eyes you can realisitcally get without being < 1% of the population (ie less than 1 in a million)
Wide hips/thin waist is well known as the ideal
As are long legs
You didn't even mention your tits but however those are, they'll be fine too; very few aren't
What you basically said is you have combination of multiple rare to extremely rare and ideal features against shit no one actually cares about
Add this to your height and very few people are actually going to approach you because chances are you're out of their league or married
any virgin mommy gfs who would tell their bf to eat healthy and go to sleep at the right time? :3
Just license. Technically I own a car but no one has driven it in nearly 10 years. Just transferred to my name so I could get insurance.
My peanus weanus of course :)
giving blowjobs if imma be selfish
I thought the meta was horsing around in apple fields. Carrying on my shoulders so she can pick good ones, handholding under apples trees, kissing in the apple fields, etc
as a counterbalance I personally would not find you attractive but it would be mutual so all is well
Not a virgin but I had a bf I had that kind of relationship with once. I'd tell him when to sleep, what to eat, when to eat, what to wear, even what to buy me for my own birthday. Anything he did had to go through me.
He was kind of stupid but very good at doing what he's told and hard working.
Unfortunately his mother hated me.
No, I watch movies less than that. Movies are a time sink.
Long blond hair, down to my chest
Mostly green hazel eyes
Strong/athletic. I can 1/2/3/4
Guys, what is the deal that guys have with cat ears? I cannot understand it.
I have a license and a car. Not having these and relying on public transport would be severely limiting.
Because women don't like me.
What country are you from
Jeez, yeah that sucks! Would put me off for sure because that’s too much money. Also you‘re American seemingly, rip
34, yeah of course I have a license and a car, I'm an adult.
Why would I care to understand this? What relevance is it to me that you're a crackhead
>apple fields
What country are you from?
The cat ears thing began with the Japanese. You should ask them.
Yes but that’s okay I can come to you
Sure, but lots of guys everywhere love them now, so they should also have an idea why they like them.
they probably think easy chicks like them but I am not a zoomer so I have not seen this personally
Femanons, if your bf was to die, how long before you'd start dating again?
Ur just being brothers
Why wouldn’t the bus come?
because it is condescending and unmannerly to police somebody's manners
I feel like it's cheap xenophilia. You can imagine them as different without actually having to date someone different.
Sorta like anime monster girls.
Combining cute with cute = double cute
Oh in that case everything is fine : )
What art do you enjoy? I just like art galleries so can mostly discuss that kind of stuff
Never. No man could live up to him anyways desu
So you're saying adding a cat to a girl makes you want to fuck her more... implying you want to fuck cats at least a little bit?
Nta but I've seen a bus that caught fire on the highway. Pretty sure it didn't show up to where it was going.
it's more like the lame goth slut motif
I’d kill myself
Am I allowed to call the doctor and ask how much the visit will cost with my insurance before I show up? I’m not sure and my insurance isn’t clear about it
I have no interest in cats, it's just the notion of cuteness, like oh look that girl has big fluffy ears that's pretty cute and she's cute too so that makes it double cute
That's the case with my dental insurance at least. You just have to provide or have insurance info on file with the doctor
>Am I allowed to ask the price before buying?
The jews really did a number on you guys huh?
Like less than a day, I'm going to dump him anyways
What is the visit for?
Been driving since I got my license at 16. you literally cannot function where I’m from without a motor vehicle in your possession.
Man how did that talk go?
I'm from balkan peninsula. I was born in croatia, but my parents are from bosnia and montenegro.
Women, if futanari were real, would you pursue one?
Ok yea I can do that
I’m am por
32, no.
In the middle of getting one. Not really a given for people to have one here like it seems to be in america
I also like galleries I like neoclassical and early baroque stuff
Hardly seems like something a person should be concerned about actually happening. You got to see something truly special that day, anon. Buses aren’t designed to catch fire on a regular basis.
pu C
If cuntboys were real, would you pursue one?
>stopped drinking when I told myself to stop, even though I could have gone for more
I'm always glad afterwards, even if in the moment I want to have justonemoreglass
What should I drink tomorrow?
So I got a girls number...and in leaving for japan in 3 weeks but I wanted to go on a date before I left.
So I was thinking if waiting til next week to text her and asking her out a week later to a resturant...is that an appropriate amount of time? Also I'm not sure what type of place i should take her there is a gyu-kaku near Me that I really like but I heard all you can eat places arnt good for first dates...is that true or should I go for a more traditional place?
I like modernist art the most. Vorticist Room, Fall of Anarchy by JMW Turner, Merry-Go-Round and In the Hold are some of my favourites. I like Dutch-German Renaissance a lot too, they have the prettiest depictions of Christianity
Oh it's you. What's confusing about the policy?
The short answer is probably not. They can tell you your copay, but can't predict any additional tests they may run so you won't know the total.
Americans have to pay even for shit like gyno you literally need to function right?
That’s the basis of the Sinclair Method, except you no longer enjoy the high from drinking so each time you decide you’ve had enough, it progressively builds up until you no longer crave drinking at all.

I’m gonna start up on that in October.
The point is that it can happen. Being struck by lightning is rare, but that hasn't helped anyone struck by lightning.
>Oh it’s you
Wow don’t act so excited…lol

Aw fuck this sucks. I’ll call anyway see if I can get an answer
Last time I went it was free but my insurance changed
I have the exact opposite view of that other anon and want a manipulative gf
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Chestlets, your time has come
Never heard of that, I wonder how well that works for an alcoholic when he or she decides to just not take it.
It's probably not for somebody who is an alcoholic on the level of drinking every other day just to get out of bed?
I'd even take up cosplay myself so we'd have something to do together.
would you date a girl that was *obsessed* with horses?
Had a car, no longer have it. Still have my active license.
What happened to it
I would date a woman who was a serial murderer of her partners as long as she pretended to be nice to me sometimes before the murder and wasn't overweight.
Just to ride or to "ride"?
You also pay, you just pay the government.
We pay the government, the insurance company, and (sometimes) the healthcare provider, so we're still getting jewed bigly.
Darkness crept back into the forest of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the east, whispers of a nameless fear, and the incel perceived its time had now come.
Are you a horse girl?
>He was kind of stupid but very good at doing what he's told and hard working
So it’s possible for us to make it…
God I have seen what you’ve done for others
ew the former

>ew the former
NTA, what a boring reaction.
It pays dividends. It doesn’t just pay salaries, it pays you other people salaries.
Do you have sheath cleaning experience?
I love anime and I'm obsessed with my dogs so it depends if it's just horses or not.
you guys are turning into the girls here just perpetually judgemental and rejection-prone
>Describe how you look
>Everyone describes themselves as 10/10 demigods
>Describe how smart you's're'am're do be
>Everyone has 250 iq
>Describe how rich u am
>Everyone is a millionaire
damn I didn't know /adv/ attracted such utter chads
They are real, we just call them trans
>Aw fuck this sucks. I’ll call anyway see if I can get an answer
My guess is that if you show up and say
>my vagina spends 8 hours a day exposed to public pool water and now it's irritated
I can't imagine the diagnostic process will take very long. She may even have suggestions for how to mitigate the issue enough that you can keep your job if you have to.
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yeah it's crazy
Kek! What this anon said >>32030288
Bit of a whitepill 2bh
I fundamentally don’t trust horse girls. They will love that horse more than they will me.
Sold it and moved because my family said I wouldn’t need it. That was a lie.
I think his reply was at least as well thought out as your question.
Maybe but I really want to quit. The rest of my body is irritated too and I can deal with that myself but I’m worried about my coochie
But I also don’t want to go broke at the doctor. Hm
It was, I punched my theigh on accident while starting it.
I will not explain. Ifykyk
Of course I have a car.
I also like to rent cars when I'm on holiday somewhere to go on roadtrips.
people posting fantasies aside I'm not going to go into great detail about what a goblin I am so a bit self selecting
Man her face is like a fucking arrowhead, weird
Okay that’s silly enough. I’ll be right over. We keep bumping into each other anyways so…
All that's happening is people are maybe one of those things, and when it comes up they brag and if they aren't they stay quiet.
For example:
I'm a disfigured freak and I disgust myself. I won't allow myself to ever date because I become physically ill at the idea of sex involving me. I'm feeling sick now just thinking about it.
I'm mid IQ. I know a lot, and a couple of "smart" things, but I'm not witty and socially retarded. I might score *kinda* high on formal IQ tests, but I'm not that smart, and frankly I'm a slow learner.
BUT, I have a couple hundred grand in the bank (though mostly because I'm supposed to buy a house but can't because I'm in Canada and I don't have 500k+ down or make 300k/year so I'm disqualified from living here).

Generally I would only bring up that last point if it were relevant. I imagine that's what most people do.
How would you react if your friend was jerking off to ai nudes of you?

How would you react if your friend was jerking off to ai nudes of your girlfriend?
I don't even give a shit about the surgery. Not my thing, but whatever. However who the fuck thought that display wasn't weird as fuck when thinking it up?
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I have a somewhat superficial interest in them due to being interested in medieval arms and armour, where they obviously played a big part.

Most sane medical professional.
If you don't mind me asking, when you look at job listings, what do you find?
The creator of the tower.
Yeah, fair point.
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Hehe, yay, man kisses~
Nta but I like horses in armor and their role in combat. I think their neat when they’re all dressed up and I like the tactics people came up with to terrorize and traumatize those horses.
Did you suggest for me to make steak and broccoli yesterday?
Wait I only have one question
Do you like yard work? Because I like yard work and I’ll steal it all away if I can
Invite meeee
my gf left a jacket at my place and I've been sniffing it all week because I like her smell, should I tell her?
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state ethnicity
would you date and procreate with a latina?

state ethnicity
would you date and procreate with a latino?
do you feel threatened by latinas?
I apply to everything and anything indiscriminately
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I would make love to this latina until my dick shrivels up and dries off of my body
M, white
Yeah, Latina chicks are based.
My biggest fantasy is to have a family with an Latinx girl
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>the surgeon getting fined for his horrific ed gein tier display
>3,000,000 million won fine (3,000 usd)
They really be playing with Monopoly money there huh.
What do chestlets dream about?
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>I like the tactics people came up with to terrorize and traumatize those horses
It seems a bit mean to describe it that way. At the end of the day, people were struggling for survival and it's not like they were kind to the riders either.
I have no dreams. I've given up on them long ago. I could have dreams if I could afford to get implants. I have no idea how random 19yo girls with like 3 OF subs can get boobjobs.
M. W. In theory yes, in practice I generally don't find Hispanics attractive.
Avoid it. Avoid all bitter foods because these can make your cum taste bitter
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>it's not like they were kind to the riders either.
Or the riders to them - for that matter.
Love ancient treatises. Just like
>Stab the other man directly in the face while you avoid him stabbing you
Latinas are succubi and they could drain me dry
Not what I asked. What, specifically, are you applying to?
It's so unfair there are like +1b mixed people or Latinas whatever and I CAN'T FIND THE ONE

I hate being white in a homogeneous white counter, I wish I had been born into a favela
Femanons, babies?
You can just move to a favela, anon.
Yeah we can bond over our mutual domestication by the Spaniards
Not really. I had neglected it a bit too much and had to fight it clogging up in there because it keeps fucking raining and flooding where I am. It was very long.
I had to take a 30 min break because I was hurting my hands by gripping tightly since my nails are long. Then I had to sprint back out there because it was starting to rain and I didn't finish so I was mowing in the rain a little.
You're jealous because you can't slut out for money?
Beef and broccoli, yeah. The chinese food. Because you said something with rice.
Unless you are going to suck me off, you have no say in this.
I will continue to eat broggle.
>I have no idea how random 19yo girls with like 3 OF subs can get boobjobs.
They get boobs sponsored by sugar daddies...
I love you femanon, remember that
No, I don't wanna do OF or anything. I just don't get how those girls are swinging the cost when they aren't even actually making any money either. Those things aren't cheap.
My ex was from Spain. Neither of us was interested in having children though.

Chinese food? You mean the (napa) cabbage rolls? I'm from Europe, those exist here too, not seen as a Chinese dish. haha
So these girls just know guys who will shell out 10k for them to get boobjobs? I don't know any guys that would do that (not that I'd want to be on the hook for that anyway)
Well, clearly since you aren't interested, you haven't tried to find them.
Kind of an hen & egg problem, baby girl.
State age & gender
Do (You) feel best in the morning, afternoon, or evening?
I'm too white
Yes and yes
I am 100% indifferent.
If I like her, sure, if not, no. I dont' find them attractive or ugly. They simply are.
Ok, incel.
But if you aren't onlyfansing, what good would the implants do?
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I'm a night owl. It's the best time of day because I can be an introvert in peace.
If you had an daughter and she was flat and wanted a boobjob and you were so rich its trivial to pay for it, would you let her have one?
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>You mean the (napa) cabbage rolls? I'm from Europe, those exist here too, not seen as a Chinese dish. haha
No silly.
This is close to it. It's an american chinese thing.
I mean.. or you could make Bell peppers and beef.
I don't think they would be that hard to find. While 10k is a bunch of money, it's not 'that' much money either, when you're a lonely guy past a certain age.
I'm definitely more of a night than a morning person.
>couple years ago
>Working in warehouse
>This 20yo part timer with ponytail works with me, pretty cute face and super skinny
>Thin stick knocked i legs poke from under her oversized jacket (we work in cold)
>I kind of tease her and ask her name
>She seems shy and blushes a lot
>One day she asks me if i can help her restack some boxes
>Shes wearing a thin jacket only, her neck exposed and shirt opened little bit further than usual
>Accidentally peek under her shirt, didnt even see boobs because shes flat, but i saw her pale collarbones, upper chest and she smelled nice
>I think she noticed and blushed and smiled
>Later on she was kinda flirty with me
>One day she arrived in different clothes, wearing black sports leggins and hoodie, could see her butt for the first time, and it was a cute round bubble butt
>Got even more attracted to her
>She kept teasing me at work, and being flirty
>At that point i wanted to pick her up and carry her to toilet stall and fuck her silly

Moral of the story: flat chest doesnt matter if you have the feminine charm
So incels and rape victims are two sides of the same coin.
I'm eating peanut butter and bananas and oats like that one guy suggested a thread or 15 ago and now my poops are immense
I no longer need to imagine the smell
I'm neither of those adjectives.
No, because i would be the dad who tells her shes beautifull as is and pay for her gym membership
I dream of world peace and a nice husband who likes me
Yeah why not
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Can you explain this chart?
Anything entry level, but no more wagie jobs. Marketing, sales, admin jobs. Whatever shows up on Linkedin
>Can you explain this chart?
Girls, I went to a water park today and saw lots of girls in thongs, and now I have an overwhelming desire to spank someone. I haven't been able to thank of anything else all day. Do you realize this is what you're doing?
>would you date a latina?
Nah, don't want kids.
probably a fault on measuring
No. Any guy who would date her with implants who wouldn't date her without them is not worth dating.
Wish granted.
But he wants at least 3 kids.
>develοped a left forearm splint
good god this is uncomfortable
should I still try to do my shoulder exercises in that arm? or just rest?
Joint pain should not be worked through
Rest, and unfortunately you need to rest for weeks, if you do anything it just puts you back at square one
mistakes were made and I learn to not gaf
>I have an overwhelming desire to not keep my hands to myself.
Don't rape, anon.
Go jerk off in the bathroom and then go back to being gay.
kill yοurself, pajeet
Biological daughter? Yeah sure if she really wants it. Kinda weird though.
Stepdaughter? Only after calling her a bimbo multiple times.
Never ever exercise through pain anon. I screwed up my hand doing so and couldn't use it much at all for 2 years. It's not worth it.
Because I don't like being turbo-flat. I just want b-cups so I can look good in a bra.
is this some shit you do and are asking for validation/ a reaction or something
This stacy at gym keeps smiling to me and greeting me and saying bye.
Sometimes she hovers around me and asks if im using some piece of equipment and will always look nervous asking for it.

We spoke a bit and she giggled a lot.

Saw her today again.
Shes out of my league but for some reason i feel like shes attracted to me.
Im a fat ugly bastard

What gives
I'm going to wait for him to respawn.
DENIED, turbo flat is good
technically its tendon pain, not joint pain, though it is causing my elbow to ache
got damn it, seriously? its been hurting for a week or so whenever I work out, I thought maybe it was just my form and I was putting torsion on the bone by accident. I tried to take it slower and even drop down some weight today but its fucked.
Guess its leg day.
Hey, my barber is from montenegro, cool guy.
I live in Netherlands.

Are you really 203 or just scamming lol, it feels hard to believe
Get fatter. It's easy and less expensive/invasive.
Walkable cities, bike lanes, turning busy four-lane roads in commercial areas into highly congested two-lane boulevards where pedestrians are encouraged to just walk across whenever and wherever they like.
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men, would date this woman? answer this first.

she happens to be a 3'11 midget, how do you feel about that?

women, is it ok for a normal-sized man to date a midget?
super sleepy… woke up from nap more tired than before But had some fun times chatting with my friends earlier :3333 fun event tn so I’ve been trying to recharge til then
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Women, state age and which body type you fall under here.

Men, which do you prefer
If you do barbell squats, thats whats causing the problem :)
Probably not, I want kids and I'm not sure how that would work with her.
You say that, but I'm the one who has to walk around with guys (and girls) probably suspicious that I'm trans. Not to mention I'm 90% sure all the 'flat is justice' guys are just indirectly negging and hoping that a sad little flat girl might actually be desperate enough to date them so in their mind they think they like flat girls more. But it's only because they know the flat girls aren't as good as the bigger chested girls.
I don't like her tattoo.
Man here

All 3 are highly impregnable
Middle probably best, too bad girls dont look like that
If you've had shin splints before and it feels like that in your forearm yeah it's the same thing and you need an equally long recovery time
All are sexy, but middle is best.
>barbell squats
nah, it hurts most when I do curls, actually
Any "admin assistant" stuff?
I think if a normal person and a midget have a baby there's a 25% chance the baby will be a midget. But he'll probably be normal.
Date? Sure.

But there would be serious doubts over long term commitment.
>men, would date this woman?
Yes but not long term.
>she happens to be a 3'11 midget, how do you feel about that?
Conflicted but I'll try most things once
You goof. I’ll take care of all of it. :)
*Smooches your flat chest*

Besides, most famous OF girl ever (belledelphine) has TINY chest until she got implants and she made her "career" with those small tits
I want 3+ kids so odds are one of them would be a midget, but also I'm not sure if it would be more dangerous for her to get pregnant than a normal sized woman.
Middle normally but I like right when I need to cuddle and I feel bad
I've also already had someone I love die already but I let him go to do his hookers and blow thing before he croaked at 24.
I was kind of sad that all his operations essentially made him into someone I didn't know. His taste in music changed. Hell, even his taste in porn changed.
thank u anon zzzsz but idk if I want another nap… but my blankets are so warm………..
gib gf with low self esteem. i will love her enough for both of us.
>men, would date this woman?
I don't know nearly enough about her to decide that.
>she happens to be a 3'11 midget, how do you feel about that?
I don't think it matters all that much. The major height difference would cause inconveniences, but it's not the end of the world, as long as it's not a variant that comes with health complications
Would you prefer to nap on top of a big teddy bear bf

Or be smothered by big teddy bear napping on top of you
I am not doing that shit I am not dealing with customers ever again. I was born to be nice and to work a stupid office job
Try tuning your resume towards those.
She's cute but I would wonder if it's heritable, most little women are not that lucky with their face, and obviously life is a bad joke for a man with that condition
sign me up for a big teddy bear
No big bf please. It actvates my "I'm going to die if I touch them".
You're going to die if you don't touch me bitch
Signed on the waitlist.
LOL it was so cold this morning, bed was a perfect warm place for a rest :3
Skinny twink bf for you then
(Hes cold to touch)
this caused a physical cringe reaction
Cold room and sleeping in warm bed is best stuff ever

I would sometimes sleep with window open and it would be so cold in room i dont want to leave my bed
I would impale her
>(Hes cold to touch)
Good. Then he can massage me and I can hotdog his ICweiner.
I've never had a BAD shin splint before but this like bothering me to even type.
Really fucking bums me out. Like what the hell am I supposed to do on days where I would lift now?
Is your bf a big teddy bear?
RIGHT??? when I was outside, it made me so sleepy as I wore a sweater and jacket and pajama pants… could have napped right outside if I wanted to
>women, is it ok for a normal-sized man to date a midget?
This is legal pedophilia.
its my time to shine!
Almost Hairless INTP teddy bear gf is the last one on menu (me)
not big but yes he’s very teddy I love hugging him
>got banned with his name on so now he has to resort to “anonymously” boosting his name
You do? Where?!
You think its him posting about self?
Holy shit thats pretty pathetic kek
That doesn't answer the question.
Is it okay for a normal sized man to date her or not?
I am trying really hard... it's rough when my only experience is Customer service and pool girl
I think retail is more toxic wdym
Married to WHO?????? No one wants me man!
I saw your weiner.
It was very nice. Kinda chode-y.
he is the saddest pοster in this thread
even worse than exhib
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snuggles with this guy
I just accepted defeat and did cycling and running for a while, 0 stress on my forearms. Muscles luckily don't deteriorate as fast as running gains, even 6 weeks off won't set you back that far
7 inches is a chode these days? They must be putting weird stuff in the food.
Should we get a German Shepherd puppy? Neither of us has ever had a dog, though I have some experience with police line GSs and I'm a neet so I have the time.
Nothing a single strafing run cant fix.
If you're saying he's doing everything consentually and she's enjoying it, then yes it is ok.
If you ever EVER are a nigger at her, you should be put to death.
Good idea
Just the thickness, silly.
You're like 6" circumfrence or something.
You have the trans shark?...
21 middle
Close! 5.5". I'm flattered that you like it though.
>sometimes interacting with this girl on social media
>99% sure shes freaky and horny
>She liked my posts and interacted with me on occassion
>I sent her dm on ig but she didnt even open it, not even left on seen

Its over isnt it...
Shes kinda chubby with very pretty face and alt aesthetic
Negative ghost rider.
nta but it does not photgraph well
>nta but it does not photgraph well
You think? I thought it was plenty photogenic, but I am biased.
>german shepard
Are you a runner?
Those are muscle dogs and they get agressive if you pin them up.
What kind of dog care are you expecting?
No walks? Then you get smol breed and nothing else.
What social media?
yes #ally but to me he’s just shark
I guess I mean the poses arent that flattering
No experience? I would advise something smaller like a spaniel.
I could never buy one of those things. They are greenland sharks. You know how ugly greenland sharks are? But that's not even the worst thing about them. Their skin and flesh is saturated with urine. This animal secretes piss through its flesh. If it was a lemon shark plushie or a whale shark plushie I would love it even more. Actually, you know whale sharks would make an ergenomically better plushie. Imagine lying your head on their big broad heads.
I do like your penor.
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Yeah he’s a bitch.
Wake up babes, sseth dropped another video.
Date a latina, no children. I don’t feel threatened
Who is we
Hmm, I tried taking pics of it from other angles but none of them looked as good as a top down shot, in my opinion. Any recommendations? I'm not super comfortable (publicly) posting the rest of my body, so shots including more of it are kinda out.

It likes you too.
Where is he
but……. he’s cute….
>tfw femanon doesnt compliment your cock
Its so over
>greenland shark has entered the chat
lmao, "that anon" was me
fuck that poοjeet loser, he gets what he fucking deserves
My mom told me to find her vape in her car and to search around and I accidentally found her oral sex pop rocks candy. I did not need to know she does this. State gender, have you ever found yourself in a similar scenario.
>mom tells me to get this stupid certification to boost my chances of getting a job (I’m unemployed and want to move far away from where I live)
>studying for it out of spite
>spending morning until night doing it and absolutely miserable even though there’s zero need for it because I want it to be done sooner
If I don’t get a job within a few months of getting it should I tell her to fuck off forever
I’m beaming he’s so cute … that little face…..
I recently watched a yt vid about deep sea creatures, how they get to huge sizes and get very, very long lifespans
>oral sex pop rocks candy
People really felate with candy gravel still? How has our population still not learned in 50 years?
21 F
Morning and evening. Middle of the day is usually chores or studying, not as exciting
He’s a namefag so he’s automatically wrong
He was literally obsessed and trying to dox some guys here just because they got more attention than him

Hes a spineless street shitter
you're not foοling anyone, Kumar
For the love of god stop referring to yourself in the 3rd person
glad to see /atoga/ is finally running this retard οff
maybe they'll do exhib next
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Femanons would you play videogame with me
Or come over and watch me play (apprently its a thing for some girls)
Women fyi every guy who wears a beanie has a bald spot
He's just a 300 years old grandpa.
My dad was present and treated me like shit and so did my mom fuck off assuming shit about me I bet not even your pet dog loves you
If I liked you, yes. Vidya is fun, I played Satisfactory today
Scared? Of a pussy fag who is in /atoga/ even more than I am? Who lies about every aspect of his real life because it’s so pathetic that even losers here will laugh at him?
Dont be retarded it's clearly supposed to be a great white
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>It likes you too.
I am not a runner, but that will change for the dog. I am generally active now though, I like being outdoors and taking long walks. I'm expecting care to be quite intensive, an all-day thing. I'm not looking for a pet to just look cute and cuddle with on the couch.
I have some experience in the care and training of a police-line GS from a roommate owning one.
My fiance and I
This is why I swipe left on hatted main profile pics.
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Are you the same as this one?? Shit was hilarious, kinda the turning point.
Doesn’t matter if women like ENTJ or not I’ve seen the types of men that get a lot of female attention and I am not impressed
Namefagging instantly makes you pathetic
>that will change for the dog
Change now before the dog.
Don't get the dog and then hate running.
I live my life for my own approval rather than for 4chan's approval.
False, I just like how they feel
Earlier I took a shit, but in a toilet.
>Their skin and flesh is saturated with urine.
Oh no... now I want something I really shouldnt
Nah that wasn't me, I'm usually not THAT bad
Exhib isn't as obnoxious
Holy kek
He's still annoying and a blight on this general.
Where is impaler I'm horny
He doesn't take advice for himself because he's stagnating as a NEET loser.
He can't give actual advice because he's a NEET with no life experience.
All he does is come for the "chatroom" which makes him essentially the same as ENTJ.
Men like being useful to people they care about so yeah
this is a people thing, not a gender thing
>captcha: SPRKS
>Don’t they do arranged marriages in your culture literally easy mode dude
?????? I'm a white girl
>implying anons care about femanons and that they are not at constant war with each other with small breaks in between
>talking to mic to voice act/voiceover
>alone in room
>still embarrassed
why does this happen
If only women understood us :/
Im the great white impaler
But i have only one tentacle

Never heard of that game?
You must kill the part of you that cringes.
The only breaktime is when femanons cycle syncs up and they start ovulating.
Then suddenly they ask for dick pics on soctoga
I jerked off so much yesterday that my dick bled a little :/
There is a small scab, What do I do now.
is there an atoga discord?
can I have an invite?
Pick the scab and eat it
Speaking of, I think we gotta start preparing. I'm pretty sure that starts next week.
NGL, I prefer the idea of me digging the graves and burying my loved ones than some rando doing it.
it’s hard to not cringe at yourself </3
give it a little kiss
Can you imagine that a woman could have thoughts when seeing you irl like:
-damn hes hot
-i wonder how he feels to touch
-i bet his dick is big
-look at his forearms omg
-Did he just smile at me?

I cant imagine being sexually attractive to opposite gender and its making me sad.
Did voice acting for a game and I still feel embarrassed just trying to figure out what to say in a vocaroo that 2 people will hear.
You sound better than you realize. Kill that part that gets embarrassed.
Pulled a trigger and sent a dm to girl on ig
Wish me luck
Obviously no woman is ever going to think any of those things about an anon.
godspeed my nigga
The temptation to pick the scab is immense but the fear is greater.
>give it a little kiss
no u
Weaponized psychopathy is beautiful, lmao
I think it’s the making-silly-voices part that’s embarrassing LOOOL all alone in my room yelling at my phones microphone….
I’ll bite it grerrrrrr
>tfw asian so no woman will ever look at you and think "i bet his dick is big"
on the bright side i can always surprise them
It’s a factory building game. Harvest resources and build stuff so you can harvest resources more efficiently so you can build stuff more efficiently.
I would, but I don't think they're fans of red haired men
>I’ll bite it grerrrrrr
Jokes on you, I'm into that shit. It'll harden even more in an attempt to defend itself.
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Oh, numbers go up kind of game
I like those.
Or city planner games.

Normally tho i play competetive team games like dota or recently deadlock.

Helldivers was fun too for a while.
Or Baldurs gate 3
>Im the great white impaler
>But i have only one tentacle
You're not him
omg I remember u saying that a bit ago LOL unless there’s another anon who likes dick/biting
Is that a...gungan?
Dont you have a bf
nta but noooooooooo ivy should not be lewded
This is your wake up call to get over your addition
But I'm right aren't I
Nta but i would also become rock if a girl tried to jokingly bite my dick through pants

Could result in more consequences
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Men, can I have your liver?
Just for funsies?
Yeah pretty sure thats me, I think I'm the only one that talks about it regularly.
>through pants
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I love her goofy fan art i hope valve makes her model goofy and funny

Im still thinking you mean impaler from Hd2
Only after I'm dead
yeah and I tell my friends to bend over so joking to bite someone’s cock isn’t news
I only jerk off twice a week :/
I have and I do. All of those actually.
Theres this .gif of a darker skinned girl pestering guy to take off his pants but hes resisting and she jokingly bites him through and its hottest shit
Did you use sandpaper?
It's like how if someone has glasses, it doesn't necessarily make them look prettier, but if they're already attracted, then it will.
Or like how intelligence itself isn't attractive, but if it's on someone who is already attractive, it makes em more so.
I'm gonna keep it for as long as I live.
fucking my sand dune gf….. mnnghh….
post it
She starts biting his arm too
Horses smell disgusting, id be a little dubious w/o more info
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Oh yeah
Oh i dont think i will find it, it keeps being posted on /gif/
Its a webm actually not a gif

Ill try looking for it.
If i wont find it means i started wanking and fell asleep
what are you going to do with it
It's never enough, you'll never be one of those guys so hot girls just throw themselves at you
>fucking my sand dune gf….. mnnghh….
I'm gonna keep it in a jar
No, I just went for a couple hours ._.
I lubed up though...
It can’t NOT sound silly to you, so throw humility to the wind!
Sorry about the benzo damage
yeah I guess, but I have been learning to get used to it :p
That's ok. As long as it's yours then I want it.
State gender, suppose every couple of nights (a week?) your SO likes to swap out your pillowcase for a fresh one, so that they use the old one over a pillow that they occasionally use to hug and smell when they're feeling a little low? Yes or no?
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Did you see the dude who fucked the popcorn bucket
Need me a freak like you. I'll give you a quarter of it while I live and then you can have the rest when I die.
my ex gf is still responding to my sporadic messages
but she already told me she's not open for another relationship
I can't forget her, but I feel sad whenever I think about her, because I regretted breaking up with her, and I could have had her, but I had doubts and when I told her I wanted her back it was too late
do I really need to forget her?
weird hοw impaler is only mentioned when name/tripfags are under attack and anonymously posting to defend themselves
almost like he's one of them
That dude either has a thick dick, or likes gaped whores
Heavy yes but I want hers also. We have to trade or else its not fair.
I would give her any piece of clothing she wants, sweaty or not

But then... Why isnt she sleeping in my place?
Femanon, you know most of us would happily give you one of our hoodies right
Theres a 50/50 chance he put a fleshlight in it or just did it for the joke.
I had a coomer moment a few weeks ago and pinched the head of my dick; burned when I pissed for a week after
>state ethnicity
>would you date and procreate with a latina?
Probably. White/latin kids don't seem to develop a complex about being mixed like the white/black and white/asian people I know.
He did not even cum. That was so cringe.
>she already told me she's not open for another relationship
Just bone her. Nut on her chest then leave. She'll come crawling back if you do that.
FML, as a guy I hate that I cant really go in public water areas anymore (skin issues that need resolving)
He's talking about people paying for femboy porn
nigga this thread IS the /atoga/ discοrd
Im short so it's less an issue.
If she had a good personality, then yes
Femanons, how often do you think a guy should fap?
I’ve been working out before bed this past week and I’m so tired afterwards that I don’t even want to fap. It’s been days since I last came.
>Men, can I have your liver
My liver is probably fucked desu.
>Had a coomer moment... pinched the head of my dick
On purpose?
F or M?
Like every third day.
I tried getting her to let me go to her apartment but she said my messages made her uncomfortable so I told her sorry and stopped
I went there once though... a month after our breakup. she obviously wanted me to fuck her but I was unsure so I didn't.
I don't know her period cycle so I have no clue when to message her.
If he doesn't let me jerk him off so he doesn't get death grip then I don't want him.
Sounds healthy 2bh
Are you the medium t-shirt femanon?
I was reminded of him because of >>32030633
How'd he get banned?
What was the discussion that he lost?
>tfw no gf to control my orgasms
god is so cruel
She's talking about Zendaya
I thought it was forced and it didn't really get to me.
I used to leave my tshirts at my gfs house so she could use them as pillowcases.
Why do women demand school girls to be able to dress in sleeveless and backless tops and crop tops and booty shorts?
>boys should be taught not to stare.
Middle school boys cant dress like that either u fucking sluts.
Nevermind, you were rude to me. You don't get my liver now.
ngl I would be fine with both οf those
Why not just have sex at that point?
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Girls should be dressed like this:

I find it weird how WAY TOO YOUNG girls at gyms are now wearing tiny shorts and sports bras that could pass as bikini tops

I guess they leave the house in a baggy tshirts and sweats, and dress down at gym because its "so hot haha"
this gave me a chuckle
You have no love for the simple things In life
Every pro choice argument is fucking retarded. Just don't kill your baby.
Sound like a sub thing so it makes sense
Skirt is a bit short, but she looks nice overall.
Every pro fap argument is fucking retarded. Just stop genociding millions of babies.
yeah, I thought the pain would help I guess
who is this impaler and what did he do before
You had to be there
I think we men should stop wasting cum that rightfully belongs to women!
How hard did you pinch it bro wtf
if an ex sent you a message like this
>I hope you ever let me explain to you the reason I left you
what would you think of the message and of him?
This is the stupidest pro choice argument of them all. A sperm cell is not a separate, whole human life like the baby inside a woman is.
caring for femanons is like a third of the reasoning for existing, and the feeling of being cared by one you like is another third

girls are so likable
Love of putting penis in vagina is one of the simplest things there is tho.
Why do I miss my ex even though he was toxic

Men sometimes SOMETIMES DEPENDING ON WHAT IT IS "red flags" can be really cute
He's the guy that spams plap plap plap
I just watched episode 9 of semen extraction ward and I think I could be into a woman kicking my cock. Balls are still off limits though.
I thought it was >>32029299 because ENTJ vanished for hours after this
Men, you can have your perfect 10/10 trad dreamwife and she will be loyal to you forever, but she has one condition before she marries you, you must bring her the decapitated head of a Haitian immigrant to prove your might. It must be fresh, no digging up a grave and cutting the head off, she will know. Do you accept the task at hand?
I would unironically give my left nut to be with a woman who looked and dressed like this.
>episode 9 of semen extraction ward
This isn't knowledge to us, we know chad can get away with anything
I just came to vids of a guy abusing his dick because of you.
Maybe women don’t deserve rights after all
Hi, NG, how was your break?
Only lame people think red flags are a turn off.
I would slap you and apologize afterwards
the thought of getting to know people itt more is a little revolting. Some people here seem alright but the others, just no. The only thing that gives this place value is the anonymity, unless you're a cool person, otherwise it makes it much worse
Check it out
He wasn't chad
You guys can't talk you fall for BPDemons ALLL the time
You cum fast for a chick
not hard enough to piss blood or anything
like I said, I was in coomer mode and wasn't really thinking
Because he wasn't toxic all the time and you miss the better times?
This anon gets it.
I'd rather be lame and safe . But they aren't an active turn off I have to make a mental effort to identify and react to red flags
Hitting is an instant no. Jail if you put your hands on your partner
Are you a sub?
“Go to hell”
Yes, if I get horny it takes like two minutes.
Well… guilty as charged. Carry on
Yes... How did you know?
Who is she?
you scare me
I'm a masochist if that's what you're getting at. Sometimes I swing the other way and get sadistic though
Question for women:

What do you find immediately sexually attractive? Emphasis on immediately. Traits like "kindness", "empathy" are important but that's not what I'm asking here (nobody gets turned on because someone actively listens to them).
>lame and safe
Ok, enjoy your boring life.
Can I just shoot it in front of her instead?
LOL Thats what I thought
That isn't anti climactic for you?
>scare me
my liver has ruined my life, so you can have it
Big dick energy
Yes it is a real thing
>nobody gets turned on because someone actively listens to them
I have experience that says the exact opposite
>SOMETIMES DEPENDING ON WHAT IT IS "red flags" can be really cute
Can you name some of them?
No, it was very satisfying.
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My blister on my pinkie toe hurts so bad.

not white, you wouldnt like it :(
Sure, but you must fortnite dance over the body afterwards.
Idk why people think this is an insult. I love being boring I love never experiencing or starting drama I love not being abused I love being a homebody I love taking only highly calculated risks
Sorry. It just seems manipulative. Does any such reason really matter? The relationship is over.
1) What does NAG mean?
2) Well if your experience says the opposite, your standards are really low. That's like the bare minimum.
These feet look too soft to be a man’s feet
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Anons would you tell your gf a bedtime story?
Girls, would you wear a thong bikini in a family water park?
NAG = not a girl or not a guy. In this context it would be not a girl
Thanks but they are.
see >>32030897
I left her for reasons that could have been prevented. she agreed to break up. that was almost 6 months ago.
Because it's really common and obvious once you've seen it enough times.
Expected as much. Thank you!
Do you have insoles to put in your shoes?
You are so smart tell me more
How’d this happen. Anyways best bet is to let it air out
Sure, I’ll recount the entire plot to Gundam or Dragon Ball to her. Or give a history lesson.
Please list these cute red flags
It's not usually a problem, but I've been on vacation and I've been walking tons. Every step hurts.
Anal and ass eating (receiving)
Cum eating
Exhibitionism (preferably the solo kind)
Scent kink (sniff my balls and armpits please)
Move on.
Yes. I'll do voices too if she wants.
The pool is closed anon.
I think I need these. Walking always hurts my ankles and feet
easily, haitians don't know shit and nobody would be looking for them if they went missing. Maybe I would wait awhile until the controversy and attention around them dies down first though.
This is a woman I know from work.
>middle aged
>from US midwest
>parents are typical boomers
>got married to a Sikh and converted
>into punk rock, anime, pink hair, tattoos, facial piercings
>feels abused by her husband, not because he's actually abusive toward her but because he doesn't approve of the things she likes
>put off having a kid until late 30s, not doesn't want to leave abusive husband because of the kid
>meanwhile takes the kid (~10 years old) to drag shows and pride parades
>constantly bitches about job, husband, kid, and life in general, yet fails to see that she did it all to herself
Women, why are you like this?
I would have never guessed you meant something like that by just saying "beef and broccoli".
Those aren't cats...
I'd rather read to her in the bath while she whispers me to sleep
Sit your ass down anon, you earned a break.
Are you aware of Go The Fuck to Sleep by Adam Mansbach?
OK I'll call a cab.
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NTA but I thought Chinese food from just beef & broccoli.
It wouldn't be real love though if I'm winning her over that way. I don't care if she's trad or wtv, I just want her to choose to want me and I want her by my own choice.

If I have to kill someone or give her money to make her love me, I don't want that. Maybe it'll break my heart if I found that out later but I'd rather we both find real love than have a fake one. Only got one life to find real love.
The cats are saving their energy for 3 am zoomies.
what was he doing? Just rubbing furiously or like, hacking it off?
I can't. I'm having a hard time trying to forget her. every single fucking day I see something that reminds me of her. I remember her even when I travel. and I feel sad. sad for me and sad for her.
do you like ball busting and similar?
>because somebody actively...
Dude, you need to interact with women more. They're whores for attention and validation. Most people are, but when girls do it it's so cute you want to go all in
>Girls should be dressed like this:
adult women yes
not kids.. shirt too short and skirt too short.
Yeah yeah I know it exists, but I would have just made steak in a mushroom sauce and steamed the broccoli on the side. lol
>dont try talking sexually early
>Get ghosted after conversation slowly dies out
>Talk flirty and sexy too early
>She thinks you are a creep and runs away

Theres no winning
I bet if i was handsome i would get away with talking dirty right away
I’m that way too. All you can do is move on though. It isn’t easy at all, but you aren’t alone in that pain.
Just try to think of her less. Straight up slap yourself on the wrist, “bad thoughts, don’t think about her”. If things remind you of her, try instead to appreciate them for what they are, rather than any nostalgia.
>you must bring her the decapitated head of a Haitian immigrant to prove your might.
Why stop at one head? I'm taking over a country, arming the Dominicans, blockading the entire country, and turning Haitian """cities""" into ash with the longest, most brutal bombardment in history. I will make the Siege of Leningrad look like lent.
>Go The Fuck to Sleep
I am, yes.
Well of course im talking about grown up women
Kids should wear baggy hoodies and jeans or what have you, sweatpants
I wish women dressed like this
Try being romantic through actions
I interact with women all the time. A university literature cohort is like 85% women!

Also, that's not what I asked. I asked what was immediately attractive.
My voice kinda sucks. I wish I had a good reading voice. I've read stories to people before and I just don't have it, unfortunately. If a girl somehow deluded herself into wanting to listen to my voice, I think I'd marry her.
>All you can do is move on though
I'm trying. but what if she still loves me?

I *think* the formula is to talk to her as if you were talking to some random person, and leaving the sex talk for when you've talked for some days or, evern better, for the (end of the) date itself.
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>finally take this one girl out on a date after a month of texting
>didn't let me kiss or grope her during the movie
>all we did was hold hands
>she kinda ended the date early even though we initially had plans for boba
>been less enthusiastic and responsive compared to how she was before meeting up for the first time
>in the sense that she's been sending only one message without emojis or memes exactly 24 hours after I respond
>sometimes posts stories or updates her notes hours and hours before responding
>kinda dodging my attempts at flirting as well
>decide to match her energy
>post a story today about how bummed out I am over my new haircut
>haven't responded to her like 3 word response from earlier yet
>blocks me on insta after several hours while I was working out
So I guess she's not that into me?
>>she kinda ended the date early even though we initially had plans for boba
>been less enthusiastic and responsive compared to how she was before meeting up for the first time
Could have ended the post here. No, she's not into you.
You fucked something up during the date and ahe lost interest OR someone hotter has hit her up
I feel like you would coerce me into doing painful things to my cock.
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state race/ethnicity
would you date (for the purpose of marriage) a black chick that looked like this?

state race/ethnicity
would you date/have sex with a black man?
Im talking ig dms after talking irl or dating apps
Nta, most people are ignorant/complacent/lie to themselves all the time. It's like, how do so many people seem to let themselves be abused? If a friend came to you and said the stuff, you'd be like, wtf!?!? Get out of there fast! It's always easier to be the outside opinion than to be the actual player.

Is it really that hard to understand a situation where a child loves their parents even though the parents suck, and it's only when the child gets out do they realize that the love was actually unwarranted? Or when you're so accustomed to the good times you've been almost conditioned to your state of being that you become tolerant when it gets bad? Or even romanticize the bad because the entirety was romanticized?
not really
With the ass like that i would bark for her like a golden retriever

Im white racist
Based on looks alone, I'd go on a first date, sure. But if we don't click/her personality is shit then I wouldn't continue.
Im not their type
American white
No, her ass/thighs are too fat. I have seen some black women that are very attractive though.
No buts. If you two get together, it’ll just turn out the same.
Oh I don't use those but I heard the best course of action is to meet up with them IRL asap. Don't do the texting shit
>at gym
>Lifting with a chick that i wanted to fuck
>Pretty sure she was into me lots too
>Were doing some exercise togheter
>A young chick arrives no more than 18yo, wearing baggy grey sweatpants and a tiniest sports bra ever, that barely covered her flat chest, starts exercising in front of us
>I notice her but im focused on doing the exercise
>The girl im with ask "she has nice outfit huh"
>I reply "i guess"
>And keep on lifting

Theres no correct answer in this situation, whatever you do you lose
I shitpοsted a bit too hard and lost my image posting privileges, but here's a funny cat image I would like to post (SFW I swear)
Quality stuff.
The iphone came out in like 2007? Touchscreen phones came to dominate in the 2010s. Nowadays you also have touchscreens embedded inside cars themselves. Google maps or any type of map app is basically used in every car.
Me with my /atoga/ homies:
what's their type?
Yeah, i guess.
I sent a msg today to a girl and i right away asked if she would like to hang out.
Most likely gonna get blown off but whatever
Good luck babe
>i like yours better
Wow that was hard!
it wasn't bad until the last half a year or so, and I decided to leave her because I had built resentment against her and was too stressed out
general "bigger" dudes (im short)
All that will come back. It’s not worth it. Find somebody better.
are we talking about height?
black people are walking around more?
George floyd effect
Either gender
State shoe size
Do you have a favorite video game song?
nta but how do I develop this way of thinking?

you think people can't change?
also, the stress thing was temporary. I'm in the process of resolving it (and hopefully making me a lot of money)
Assuming we meshed well, absolutely.
No. They can’t. Move on.
Yeah i guess
I didnt end up banging the girl becauze she moved to different country and found a new bf in like a week, so maybe i dodged a bullet afterall

We vibed really well togheter though, gym sessions with her were always flirty and fun
Lots of touches too
Yes, short refers to height. But muscle also looks better on taller guys too, and girls like her do like muscular guys, and in a similar way she puts effort into working her ass
Why do you miss your ex?
10 & 1/2
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I have never even kissed a girl or had sex
Because I loved her.
I recently really like BG3 music, but theres a bunch of videogame tracks i like.
Its not my usual background noise though

have you ever interacted with a man?
men are alone 90% of the time, of course we are going to miss someone that liked to be with us and give us attention at some point.
I'm lonely af, and she was nice to me, and I fucked up
He is literally me
>Had 2 girls offer me hookups though
Intermittent reinforcement over 10+ years made me psychologically dependent on her. Even now, hating the person she became, I feel drawn to her.

It’s fucking scary. My feelings for her aren’t even real. My brain has been rewired to want her.
45-46. No, I don't know what that is in any of the other bazillion systems for shoesizes there are.
Maybe Ocarina of time's forest temple song.

I don't miss her, but the unfulfilled potential.
US 14
some hardcore songs from one of those old skating video games.
>your ex
Why don't you love her anymore?
How did you fuck up?
>but the unfulfilled potential
Do you think it could have ever been filled?
I have never had a gf.
You meet early 30s guy, you vibe well, he seems witty and funny, is in good shape and drives a decent car.

But he reveals on second date he is a virgin.
This is not a bad question. The answer is that it takes a good sense/experience of empathy. This doesn't mean nice or a good heart or wtv. Understand that charismatic evil psychos can be very empathetic. All it is, is being able to understand how they're feeling at the moment, and how to use this information to benefit YOU best.

In this situation, why did she make that comment? It's born out of some ratio of jealousy or insecurity. How do I use this knowledge to my advantage? Well she gave me an opening to respond. Instead of thinking of it like OP did as a "omg im fucked" moment, you should take it as a "here's my time to shine" moment. With the knowledge and the confidence, give a response that quells her jealousy/insecurity by showing her that you prefer her more.

Guys with experience with girls will be able to think these on the fly since they've gotten practice. Quick thinking people with decent empathy will be able to do this too. In general, to be more empathetic, just spend more time on questioning WHY people do things.
>How did you fuck up?
see >>32030897 and >>32031204
M, 9
probably https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OO2epH8gXs
>Why don't you love her anymore?
She didn't love me and left.
How did you know she didn't? How did you get over her?
Great song. Have you heard the JP version?
Because she said so when she left. I'm not sure I did.
I really hate women.
>Understand that charismatic evil psychos can be very empathetic
this is obvious to me. the charismatic fuckers are the most manipulative men out there. and women fall for them because they love being lied to.

>In this situation, why did she make that comment? It's born out of some ratio of jealousy or insecurity. How do I use this knowledge to my advantage?
right. i never thought of it this way, I'm a slow thinker and I hate manipulative people, and I'd hate to see myself manipulating someone. on the contrary, I reject the smaller sign of manipulation from or against me. so it's over for me.

still, thanks for your explanation
>Because she said so when she left
She said it outright?
How do I find out if a guy is racist? He says he's not racist but my friends say it's a redflag that his discord username is GroyperFascist1488
btw, if it were me in the situation, realistically it would go down like
>she makes the comment
>i immediately give a smirky-smile and huff out air from my nose, so this is almost a laugh
>i'll give her outfit a look
>then I give her my response

That whole semi-laugh is to "lighten up" the situation. What a WEIRD ass comment she made. But who cares, I like her and want her on the good side, so I'm always trying to make her feel comfortable with me. But the huff of air and the look at her body gives me time to think a million thoughts/sec so I can give the response in the right way.

Giving you time to process is a pro move. Some common tricks in my bag are asking them to repeat themselves, or to just pause before you say something. In this case neither work, but you get the idea.

I remember I was with a girl and there was this situation that required immediate fixing, so I paused, then took action and she was like, wtf was that? And im like, well I need to think about what to do. What I did wasn't trivial and if I did the "normal" thing to do i would've hurt myself.
That doesn't mean anything, if his username was ThreeEyedSloth1920 would you think he's a 100 year old sloth?
>She said it outright?
Pretty much.
she was so cute and nice, and the way she cared for people made me want to care for her and for her to care about me in the same way (she half didnt)
Can you say what she said word for word
Girls, yesterday, I just found out latinas fart. When I went to the carnival by myself, I had to set next to a group of drunk young puerto rican chicks, and one of them ripped a big ass fart right before the ride started. it vibrated on the plastic seat and everything, it was loud and really smelly. Like it was the kinda smell you get when you open a fresh bag of potato chips, mixed with sweaty ass and shit.
What should I do now that I posses this knowledge? Should I write a book about it?
why are you trying to make him suffer? what kind of monster are you?
Unfortunately I'm not built like 2b

I'd think he wrote the sentence retardedly and I would be disappointed I ever dated somebody who wrote like that.

I have a more fun one. Men you can have a 10/10 trad dreamwife... but you actually have to be able to provide the white picket fence life for her on your single income. How close are you, anons?

No. That seems inappropriate. but trashy people can if they want.

Idk, ask her. I didn't do that.

Final End Times from The Outer Wilds for game moments, but Echoes of the Eye (the song) is a better song and still a pretty good game moment.
Probably not my favorite ever but it's the first that came to mind.
>I'd think he wrote the sentence retardedly and I would be disappointed I ever dated somebody who wrote like that.
what about
>I hope you let me explain to you the reason I left you some day
I don't believe that someone told him that they don't love him or like him. Seems mean
Okay well in that case I wouldn't care unless I've been super hung up on why he left me. But I wouldn't be.
m, it is a red flag, 100%.
Well, whats a groyper?
Ignoring that, it's only ever not bad if the "joke" is obvious. Like, if my name is SexWorkersForStalin, obviously that's a joke. But just saying I'm fascist is just a bad sign.
Not word for word. It has been a while and I obviously don't like to think about it much.
Effectively she said that she saw that we were good together but she just didn't feel that way about me and apologized.
Women would you date a man who gets horny when looking at women's bodies?
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Rip, had a feeling things were going south for awhile ever since that date and my hunch was on-point as usual.
Didn't think something as trivial as that would warrant throwing away a month's worth of back-and-forth talking, especially given how much we had in common and how she tried resuscitating the conversation just when I thought I found a good stopping point to lay low for awhile.
>please keep the name/tripfaggotry to a minimum
Fair enough.
>wizard thread
In homage to me, the Harry Potter lover.
>obviously that's a joke
obvious to whom
most onlyfans bitches do love stalin though
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Reddit is genuinely just dumb.
gah, I need a woman...
I don't get how some women complaing about not being able to find a man and shit, when dressing like this is all you need to get a dick to like you.
The one the moids were throwing a fit about the other day because you like the books?
Women would you date a man who looks and personality wise is everything you want EXCEPT he is completely non verbal and can only communicate using two words? POGGERS when happy and CRINGE when unhappy.
>see a girl on social media leaving a post like "only 2 days and im gonna see him again aaaa"

>this will never ever be about me
4chins, today I fooled someone into thinking I DIDN'T have autism because apparently I made good eyes contact which they lauded me for

I didn't have the heart to tell the person that I'm so autistic I don't know when I'm actually doing eye contact and when it's too little or too much, and that next time we meet, I'll probably ruin it because I'll be self conscious about it now that they said something
State gender. The person you have a crush on walks up to you and whispers, "Gyatt skibidi rizz toilet ohio baby gronk poggers come come come goon cave livvy dunn"

How do you respond?
Unless it’s just a coincidence that they chose wizards
Sometimes people think I have autism because I just don't bother making eye contact with people I don't respect. Many such cases! Sad!
I think it’s a coincidence but welcome back anon!
Well thank you :)
4chan is just as bad @_@. It's just people
i know how you feel
Women, masturbating to men, which ones do you do it to? Name them please. Do you watch porn and imagine yourself and him, or do you just jack off to pics of him in normal attire and situations?
I'm curious anon, is that the only time you have trouble/refuse to maintain eye contact, or are there other instances?
> Do you watch porn and imagine yourself and him
> or do you just jack off to pics of him in normal attire and situations
I wouldn't care
However, this is a flawed hypothetical. A 30 year old virgin who is relationship material does not exist.
I only bother making eye contact if there's a reason to. I just generally don't respect most people enough to bother paying that much attention when talking to them lmao
You’re something more foul than autism, trust me
Half ?
Ah, sorry to hear that. How long were you guys together?
You deserve to be nailed to a burning cross
>to bother paying that much attention
i'm the oppposite. most of the time, if i keep eye contact, i can't focus (be it whether i'm the one speaking or listening). and people take that as a sign of social ineptness or lack of interest

am i the only one who can't focus when keeping eye contact? ^^'
I'm so fucking tired of this. 27 years alone. 27 years of missing the signs and opportunities, and picking up on them way too late. 27 years without a girlfriend. 27 years without a single date. 27 years making plans with girls and having them cancel last minute. 27 years talking to girls, and getting rejected. 27 years asking girls out, and getting rejected. 27 years texting girls, and getting one word responses, and ghosted. 27 years going home alone. Sitting by myself in the dark. I'm almost numb to it, but every time I get close, I see a glimmer of hope, then the hardened scar gets ripped wide open, and the pain returns in full force. Why? What is this curse on my head. What is this demon that assaults me? How can I be expected to endure this? How can any man be expected to tolerate 27 years without a woman? 27 years in this hell? I ask the Lord to help, and get an answer I do not want. I'm reduced to despair. I'm surrounded by darkness and the light will not come to me. This pain is like death. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to keep going through the motions. I don't want to keep living like this. I don't want to die alone. I don't want to keep wasting my time and energy on people who don't want me. I'm tired of being rejected by the people I putsue. I'm tired of being worthless to the people I care about.
Anon, you should ignore any fag who replies to others solely to brag about himself.
>which ones do you do it to?
1. This guy on reddit who posts softcore porn of himself
2. A man in an AI generated image I fell in love with the moment I first saw it
3. Pics of my best friend
I don't watch porn. Usually I stare at a picture of one of these three men before I fall asleep and I fantasize about kissing them, cuddling, or playing with their dick. I don't masturbate very often anymore (dead libido)
State gender
Whats the longest relationship you've ever had?
>or lack of interest
i mean yeah that's what it means if you don't have autism sounds like you have autism or untreated adhd
My last shoes were an 8 and perfect, my current shoes are an 8 and too big. Its annoying.
I've never had a relationship.
>I'm tired of being worthless to the people I care about
Then die. You have no purpose so what’s the point?
Hard to say, it was on and off for close to 13 years.
1 year
>27 years of unemployment. I'm so fucking tired of this
>What do you mean 'have I applied for any jobs'? Of course not, wtf that's weird
>Woe is me, why won't anybody simply appear and give me a job?
I've never had a relationship.
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This was my favorite time you got blown the fuck out, faggot. At least you found a purpose in life at last
kill yourself little faggot boomer slave
Yall on?
0 Years, 0 months, 0 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds.
what's his reddit
why not date your beset friend if you like him so much
You don’t make eye contact with anybody more respectable than you. That is, anybody else. That’s what it really is.
have you taken your antipsychotics today
who are you talking to
I mean I ignored the bragging because even a show off can ultimately give valuable insight
Thanks, anon
No, not since 2021. We would date for a few months, she would block me, then unblock me, and repeat.
is theyre some kind of basis for that quote or is it just
>i made shit up about the other guy, which is insulting, therefore i win?
also why are you obsessed enough to screencap that

i notice a lot of people here like larps like this
>wow im so edgy i dont even look at people when they talk
are you 12
dont answer im going slep
>what's his reddit
jamesnikko1, I was talking about him the other night
>why not date your beset friend if you like him so much
he's married and does not like me that way
>im going slep
I looked him up, he’s so damn hot so I see why…
I already know what I’m doing tonight.
The one you replied to is a notorious, horrible namefag who is currently ban evading and who comes into these threads to drag others down and brag about a life he doesn’t have. See >>32029299
Im 32 kissless virgin
I have been on couple dates and even had girls coming over to my place but my crippling autism coupled with insecurity made me unable to ever get a relationship or even get to kissing stage.

Its over.
I have nο idea what these two retards are bickering about
A worthless fag who should overdose on some pills right now
You will not be missed
Something about white influencers not traveling and not having non white friends.
I think my fav larp part was
>Yeah im finally going to see my gf
>Because she works other shift thats why haha

Anyone who actually ever worked shifts knows this isnt how it works, so not only poojeet lies about having a girl, he also probably types this from the moms basement
State gender
Do you have a favorite streamer?
Recently watching /
Hes a path of exile streamer, a chinese background american. Hes smart but sometimes really autistic and likes to make fun out of himself
If you know you know.
I used to like Jerma but he doesn't stream anymore
I used to like Joel but he doesn't stream anymore either
Jon Townsend
your mom when she gets horny and streams privately for me to watch her masturbate on cam
People have seen through this jaded retard lmao
I talked to ENTJ last night and he was a bit a dick kek
But he said nothing wrong to me (I didn't care about the bragging). Thanks for looking out for me though
anyone up for some srkibblidi?

Yep! I prefer the English one though so I can sing along to it. I know all the lyrics.
Didn't he just call you autistic
Men what's a good way to fuckzone a guy I've been hooking up with without hurting his feelings? He wants to actually date and go out places but he's only sex-tier and I'd like to keep him around, he's thrilling and soo angsty. He brings up making me his gf and not sharing me 100x each time and I feel awkward
>Jon Townsend
oddly wholesome choice
Male hands
What do I say about his hands
A little less than a year.
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he was agreeing with me
8 months
9 years and 3 months
Just say, "This gyatt belongs to you, don't you want me to be the livvy dunn to your skibidi toilet baby gronk babe? Why do you want to be unpoggers and date when you can ohio my gyatt?"
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We are so fucking bac-
Wait, is she playing games with me?
What happened after 9 years? Why’d you break up?
Anons, do you like cooking? I'm picking out instacart items right now and I think I want to make stir fry tomorrow

No, it sounds like she's quite annoyed with you.
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The only streamer i watch

based skeleton fren
I feel like i have no problem forming new contacts with hot girls, and even befriending them and making them laugh etc

But then it never goes well romantically.

Example 1
Girl sees me, keeps staring at me and we start talking, shes with her bf at the time
Eventually she tells me "haha i broke up anon" and we start talking even more and hanging out, but a real date never happens and it doesnt go anywhere, she still stalks me on social media

Example 2
This younger blonde with flat chest and pretty face kept staring at me, and smiling.
Eventually i bit the bullet and approached her and we started talking.
Found her on ig and we started dming and talking lots.
Never had a date though becauze i didnt truly ask her out or anything. I wasnt even sure if she was single.
One day she drunk texts me from hotel room on vacations and sends me cute selfie.

Example 3
Met this pretty hot blonde, approached her, at first she seemed really not into me, but then i met her again and she was very chatty and warm, and we went for a hangout / date.
Date finished with a hug, but we basically had no contact after, she didnt seek it and I didn't msg her either.
I still see her sometimes at gym or so and we chat but its just friendly.

How can i fix this shit?
All of those girls were out of my league
If they decide not to take it, then it doesn’t work. It requires a conscious decision to wish to eradicate the alcohol cravings from your brain. I’ve reached that point, so I see the value in eliminating my alcoholism.
He was morbidly obese and wouldn't lose weight also wouldn't have sex with me much and had a very low sex drive. I begged him to try new stuff with me and act more dominant and he said he "just wasn't like that" (he was submissive). I simply grew out of him I needed a better man
Just respond, "I don't respect you as a human being I'm just tryna get some pussy frfr"

Women appreciate directness and honesty.
Women would you indulge a guy in thigh sex?
>he was submissive
this post is just bait for the resident incel schizo submissive closeted homo
stuff like this makes me wonder why all girls are lesbians or why gay guys exists
What do you see in him? Is it just the height and the cock size and maybe cause he's white?

funny side note, the first thing off google cause google sucks now is some different account with a zelda pic, and before I caught it I was like, are you both trolling? lol
As a dude
This is on my bucketlist
I’m glad you realized you deserve better.
t. pajeet

You wish you faggot
I have a thigh gap so i don't think it would work I'd have to cross my legs
shut your bloody whoreson of a mouth you dirty milk drinking bastard
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/atoga/, why can't this be us?
Yeah its part of the deal
Thigh gaps are perfect to park my dick in
>Is it just the height and the cock size and maybe cause he's white?
None. It’s because when I look at someone, if they’re hot, they’re hot. I don’t know how to explain it.
You guys are going to take the piss but desu, that guy isn't my normal type, he just happens to remind me of my tulpa. His body type and hair more than his face
Is it gay to do heart reacts?
Because medium shirt femanon doesn't want me
don't worry my dick is twice as wide as a coke can
Then you'll have to either settle for XL+ shirt lady, or try men instead.
He will be when he's burning at the stake lmao
it's gay to care if people think you're gay
which one is the real anon?
Is there a way I can engineer my dick so that instead of semen it produces an intoxicating chemical that gets people who suck it blissfully high and makes them feel like a raver on MDMA?
that girl listed her "wishlist" yesterday or something. It was not normal. Unless you were into her shit (idr what they were youd have to look em up or someone else say it), I think you'll be fine without her
inject lethal amounts of MDMA into your prostate before you coom
That doesn't sound right
Exactly, this is why performing homosexual sex favors on another person in public is the straightest thing you can do.
I heard its common practice in pakistan
She seems sweet enough though
Her wish list was the same shit I can buy for under 50 dollars from the Spencer's at the mall. Nothing too out of pocket.
What does sex actually feel like? I'm a girl and I've hooked up with guys but never gone all the way. I literally cannot even picture or comprehend it
anon, you need to push a little bit more. just like with all things "technical", as soon as you get to know women better you'll gain more confidence. keep at it like the autist you are and youll find gold.
watch porn before getting her come to your place, and maybe tell them you "need help" with intimacy or something, I guess that could work. or hire a hooker...
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just do it normally and put some cocaine on your dick and let her take it however she wants.
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there is nothing straighter than having sex with your homies bro
only low test beta males don't engage in gay sex
Quick rundown?
I can be the big spoon, you can be the small spoon :3
I wouldn't go as far as call him sweet. He was literally shitting on his gf (or "gf") and other women last night
bags of milk coins
This is basically masturbation, ENTJ
>he can choke me anyday
with the grip strength of a Polish woman
What do you even mean you've hooked up but haven't gone all the way? You've only done handjobs, anal, and blowies? You've had someone fill all the holes but the magic one?
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Polish women mogging indian and pakistanian males


What an inferior inbred culture they are
even a 12yo girl is strong enough to choke a woman to death
why do you need a strong grip strength to fuck women?
only matters if you're doing the dirty gay sex with man on man action
Not comprehending
I have, touched a penis and done some heavy petting. That's it
He has to pretend to be someone else, or else that anon will come in and verbally rape him
So girls won’t like me just because I’m fat. How fucking predictable: all women are shallow.
Women, thoughts on squirting?
it's like when you put your dildo inside you but it's smaller and warm
Im not going for hookers
I might be lonely idiot but im not this desperate...
I would hate myself if i went for hookers
Why do we talk about sex like it changes you and leaves an indelible mark on your experience and character?

I've had sex a few times in my life and I don't really see the difference between the supposed profound spiritual experience that is filling a flesh hole, or getting a flesh hole filled - and doing something more secular like blowing a raspberry on someone's belly button or patting them on the head.
It’s pee.
>done some heavy petting
i love women lmao
Are you jealous?
>to improve the betterment
Low IQ post
>all women are shallow
literally everyone is shallow, everyone
yeah, nobody wants to fuck fatties
cope seethe and rope
if you want sex just pay for it
jfc what's the issue
they're autistic and hyperfixate
I don't have one
What? Are you bullying?
Just touched a penis? So you didn't even masturbate it? And by heavy petting you mean dry humping?
Saaar redeem the betterment of the board saar
Stop talking bad about india, india superpower
we aren't made of plastic
It's fantastic
I'm a Barbie girl
In a barbie world
who the fuck is ENTJ and why should I care?
where do these namefags come from?
but we could be
let's get surgery
We have a different moral compass
Dont reply to my posts ever again
He's an autistical man who has no friends in real life so he says insane things on here attached to his online identity. This behavior is very typical.
The most annoying namefag imaginable, currently ban evading
>>32029299 is a quick rundown
I tried but he told me to stop :L
No, but we are all yellow with jaundice from liver damage due to excess drinking and opioid abuse
... You don't actually drink or do drugs, do you anon??
You’re a fucking cunt and don’t deserve to serve a man
>Are you bullying?
No lol. Its just endearing, thats all
I drink heavily on weekends and pop prescribed benzos as needed. I am very afraid that my occasional drinking and taking valium for anxiety will turn on me and one day destroy my internal organs. That is the nature of Generalised Anxiety Disorder, you see.
Damn. I'm sorry to hear it
Hm Are you sure
Anon(ette), if you're a person of color and asking this, you're probably a bit racist yourself
Because if you're a person of color who's lived in a white majority country all your life, then you should by now be able to detect racism that white people can't pick up on. and if you can't, it's probably because you've been complacent
>he told me to stop
No thank you it's embarrassing
Men who have resolved to approach one woman (or man, if that's your preference) per day - how's it going? Is it backfiring on you, or are you getting positive responses?
>Men who have resolved to approach one woman (or man, if that's your preference) per day
this is called a harrassment campaign
He's a zoomer so that might actually work? Bible
He just taught me bible today
How much does your opinion of others depend on their online presence, how much they post, how many followers they have, how many likes they get, etc?
Men. If your mother propositioned you for sexual favours after your father died, how would you respond?

Women. If your father propositioned you for sexual favours after your mother died, how would you respond?
He's the personification of schizoid personality disorder
Then why did she unblock me? Just to tell me how annoyed she is?
I'm an honest guy anon but I'm not THAT honest
>Iran and Chile have the biggest disparity between male and female among brown countries
>If your father propositioned you for sexual favours after your mother died, how would you respond?
I would probably kill him. There's really no other course of action.
Only a bit
I don't like when girls are constantly on insta or snap

>wtf? you aren't even with my father. wtf??

>Then why did she unblock me? Just to tell me how annoyed she is?
Honestly, maybe, yeah.
Anon, asking a woman if she wants to dance, if you can buy her a drink, or if you can exchange numbers isn't harassment. It only becomes harassment if you can't take a no and flip out about getting rejected.
>then why did she unblock me
I unblock men all the time. Maybe I'm bored and want to see you grovel, maybe I wanna play with you again. In this case she wants you to use the magic words to get back in her good graces because she finds you attractive but not responsive enough. You bruised her ego
cmon, we guys always tell our stories
A deeply insecure mentally ill pajeet who steals pics and enjoys showing off his plastic rolex and hand typed "private security government contracts"
Women what is one thing men could do to become more appealing?
>brown country
There are some women who love getting shit on. I had a classmate back in my school days who everyone called Shitty Titty because she was very open that when she had a male guest at her house she would ask him to blindfold her and poop on her boobs. Then after he did it she would make him sign her bedpost in sharpie.
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>but I'm not THAT honest
is your way working better?
have you ever tried my way?
Lift weights every single week. It shows even a small amount of muscle is so fucking hot
I don't use social media.
Technically Brazilian women MOG all of them. In both looks and grip strength.
Muscle and hate
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Fuck you
Looking forward to your inevitable demise lol
>lift religiously for past 8 years
>Still undateable

Most important muscle is still the brain
You will
Kek, ok, this can't be real. you're just him pretending to be someone else.
just because i defended the person who's supposedly him earlier doesn't mean he's happy and enlightening kek he's really just another retard who hates women except he seemed to take himself a bit more seriously and happened to have decided to namefag

so if you're not him, you're plain wrong

nta, isn't this the guy who trashes on other people? Being happy and enlightening isn't mutually exclusive to being an asshole.

I haven't been a part of the discussion on this guy. But that being said, my overall opinion of him is he's an asshole.
Curious, do you just really value happy attitude, even over assholeness (as long as it isn't towards you)?

But yeah, i sure I guess he doesn't say explicitly depressing things about himself?
Women does having your clit touched feel as good has having our dicks touched?
Doubt it.
You will be sodomized.
What’s embarrassing is you can’t quote me properly. Like a real man. Fave me head in; go ahead!
How would I know that I've only ever been a female? Next
yeah, i guess. But balance is way better. Ill be the first to admit it. I need to work out more :/
wouldn't you look up their social media accounts if you were interested in someone though?
Female here I can give you advice on what you might be doing wrong but it will require a pic of your torso in a white tshirt with water spilled on it
I can tell that Rolex is fake. He's cringe even by Pajeet standards.
>Only a bit
>I don't like when girls are constantly on insta or snap
But if you were to look up a girl online and found she got many followers and likes on her posts, would that influence your opinion of her? What about if she didn't have that many?
How to find a woman in Alaska as an 11B infantryman? Clinically braindead due to skiing accidents. Is retard rizz real?
What magic words?
>You bruised her ego
Wouldn't that only happen if I was unattractive and not responsive enough?
I have. As a matter of fact, it's my go-to and usually it gets me what I want, but not with the kind of girls I'd really, really want to stick around for.
>t. former plapjack who's sick of plapping certain kinds of girls
Because you've at some point been able to astral project into a male body and hijack the consciousness of the body's owner. We know you have. Don't lie.
Just wait and see, then.
It wouldn't influence it. It's about her mindset more than how much people like her.
I don't think you can do that without an account.
He just said I wasn't doing it right
That's your problem, if you were cavalry or artillery the Inuit chicks would be munching on your whale blubber all the long winter night.
I’m in big lake Alaska and I think it’s real. You could try.
Brain isn't a muscle. Fitness shows discipline and dedication, but it says very little about your personality, your interests outside of fitness, and your level of intellect. Women also tend to be put off by impressive physique because it makes them insecure.
Lol, its not a mystery
I just refuse to diet down to sixpack leanness.
I took the powerlifting pill and i cope with being fat by telling myself im strong haha
Himbo much? I won't explain the magic words and how you bruised her ego. Stay in your lane moped rider
You can, anon. Not all, since at a certain point, the site will ask you to log in, but enough to know how many followers/people she follows and to get a pretty good idea on the average number of likes she's used to getting
what were you doing, and why didn't you guys continue in general?

Lol I'm so chad. I just got done shitting in the street. I hope that anon doesn't come in here so I have to leave for hours again lmao
My tale is one of sorcery and sodomy. Of bastardry and buggery. It began when, as a homeless lad of 19, I was groomed into living in the single wide trailer house of our town's only homosexualist, a Wiccan who ritualistically performed depraved acts upon my body.
No one says this or thinks this.
I felt bad so I gave up
what mindset are you looking for?
Donald J. Trump grindset.
Nice pecs and kiwi meme but stop shaving your chest
Lmao, i have barely any bodyhair, including facial hair
A kiwi meme for kiwi farms.
You won't. There are practically no women in Richardson or Wainwright. Should have requested to be stationed somewhere warmer.
Moreso, what am I not looking for.
If she doesn't really use social media often, that's fine.
If she likes updating her socials in her free time because it's fun, that's fine.
If she's obsessive over getting followers and gaining popularity, I'm not a fan.
Be a good boy and put the work in
>Stay in your lane moped rider
Oh, so you are actually female.
That was the most woman-esque thing I've ever read in my life
Anchorage's downtown First Friday surely has woman milling about for him to approach.
My ass was feeling off, so I took a scratch and a whiff of my fingers. Need to hold back on the curry next time. Fingers tasted fine though.
keep going
Oh, come on. Aside from the fact that I think Trump is a fucking idiot, which you obviously don't agree with, how is this not a cult of personality?
I just tried it with facebook, instagram, and tiktok. Tiktok just showed followers, the other two asked for login immediately.
2 sets of push-ups
2 sets of diamonds
3 sets of body squats
2 sets of cossack squats
1 set of bridges to failure
Front plank 60 seconds
Side plank 60 seconds each side
Did you just leave? Or did he just leave? Was there an awkward silence?
Okay yeah fuck this guy
Making jokes about people’s family members being left to suffer just isn’t cool
Worked hard all day in food stand cutting meat scraps with my toenail
Had bad diarrhea all day, shat around 7 times, but i got another 15 rupees selling my food to white people.
Good day for a businessman like me
But I'm not fat or an incel...

No he was nice and we just kissed
don't know what to tell you: i haven't used facebook for a while, so i wouldn't know. as for instagram, i'm pretty sure in most cases you can see the number of followers, how many they're following, and the number of likes and comments on a few of their posts before insta asks you to log in
Where are you stationed?
what about 0 social media presence?
Fort Homosexual, near Camp Gayfer
Also fine. That's how I am now.
Fort Bragg
>11B infantryman
Have you ever killed anyone? Were you haunted by the look in their eyes as they drew their last breath?
finally sοme fucking truth
>Fort Bragg
Something isn't adding up. Alaska's a long way from Fayette-nam.
Alright, one last question: your social security number?

jk ofc. thanks for answering
Did you guys ever see each other again/howd yall break it off
They might as well be the same place for how close they are.
Only one Fort Lewis away
It's tattooed on my penis. You'll have to pull down my britches and inspect my humiliating micro dick with your hand if you ever want to see it and copy it down.
Yea we'd just hang out
It doesn't matter, both are places where meatheads who are good at nothing else get put so Uncle Sam can train them to murder innocent brown babies overseas.
can we do it in a dark room and i use night vision?
When do I receive this training? I’ve been signed up for years.
Clearly they're good for something (murdering brown babies)
A bit unrelated, but
1. does anyone feel as if they're going through a mini breakup when a show ends
2. does anyone feel like what position they sit in matter for productivity (laying down vs sitting etc), if so, which position works for you the best
Persians are brown. No matter how much they like to say they're Caucasian, they're not white.
Women, if a guy is eating you out, would you prefer his hands to be grabbing your tits, your thighs/ass, or your hands? Please rank in order of highest preference to lowest
You should see some of my Iranian friends. You’d never in a million years suspect that they’re anything *but* white.
1. A little bit. I’m known to cry at series finales. :(
2. Yeah, I’m most focused when sitting I cross-legged. If I lay down, I become retarded.
Handholding please and thank you.
/atoga/, it’s Friday night.
Whatcha doin’?
>schizoid personality disorder
anon, I doubt making up shit is "schizoid". more like extreme narcissist looking for attention at all costs.

I see... no, thanks
Its saturday morning.
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NTA But this is my workout but i sub out side plank for leg raises and ab roll. Should I be incorporating side planks to my routine?
nta but when do you want his fingers in your pus pus while he eats you out
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No way anon
Hanging out and picking away at little projects.
>1. A little bit. I’m known to cry at series finales. :(
It's a reminder that the world is vast and lonely and that everything will eventually come to an end
Nah that doesn’t bother me, I actually find some comfort in that! I’m just a sentimental wimp
nta, but
>pus pus
is just worse than pussy or even cunt in my humble opinion
New Thread
It would be better if his hand was between my legs when we make out.
>"private security government contracts"
>on campus security for a university
technically not wrong until he posted the military fit
comfort in the fact that everything you've ever or cherished will one day come to an end?
Planks and stationary positions under load are just better for building core stability, which had a huge impact on compensatory musculature and muscular imbalances.

Also, some notable catches I've gotten: Y0L0, ASMR, YMMV, AT0GA
It served its purpose then :)
shut the fuck up
you've ever loved or cherished*
Sorry im retarded can you phrase that in simpler terms. If Im understanding right you said that side planks are good for stability which is good for muscle imbalance, ie left arm bigger than right arm?
hitler said iranians were white though
Comfort in that it doesn’t matter who you are, we all share this blue marble we call home, and we all share the same inevitable end. Even the stars eventually will all die. We’re all united in death.
So why stress out in the moment? Cherish what you have while you have it. Enjoy this fleeting life. :)
He said he was US fed gov private security kek. He stole the tacticool pic from a namefag on /k/. He's a neet pajeet in Australia who lives with his mother.
When you have weaknesses or muscular imbalances, your body will compensate in different ways. Like if you have weak lats or lower traps, your body might compensate with your upper traps. If you have weak glutes, you might develop hip or spine pain. Then things like that add up. Improving your core stability can start to fix a lot of these imbalances.

Go to a good PT and you'll be surprised at just how suboptimal your body is, even if you have no pain.
>Cherish what you have while you have it.
Yeah, until you no longer have it, which is what we were talking about
Besides the "united in death" bs reminds me of religious nonsense. Why should the fact that everyone else (and everything else) will die some day be of any comfort?
In fact, even the realization that there are a lot of things that are slipping away even as we speak is terrifying. Just imagine how your life was 10 years ago. At some point you stopped listening to some songs and never noticed, stopped wearing some clothes, maybe graduated, started a job, slipped from one routine to another... and everything happened gradually, it never seemed like a big deal... until a few years later. You realize how much has changed and didn't even notice. It's terrifying the unrelenting all obliterating effect of time
I don’t find it terrifying at all anon. I guess I grew out of existential dread when I was in middle school.
You're just saying buzz words. It's not about "existential dread" and you would understand if you knew what that phrase meant. Do you know why people fucking built the pyramids? To immortalize themselves. For the same reason people drew on caves (and invited writing): to say I'm here. To fight against forgetfulness, and hence, against being erased by time.

Anyway, talking to you is of no use.
(and invented writing): to say I was here*
Why are you so upset that I’m not afraid?
>Do you know why people fucking built the pyramids? To immortalize themselves.
Will that matter when Earth is gone? No, what matters is the here and now. Work to make people happier, healthier. Don’t worry so much about what people will think of you in 10,000 years.
Is that what you think? That I'm upset that you're not afraid?
And is that what you gathered from my comment? That I or other people from the past wanted others to think well of them in the future?
You're a dumb dumb and truly it's of no use talking to you. You don't even want to think and too busy trying to spew nothing new.
Sorry to break it to you anon, but I’m not going to fear death or time or anything else no matter how hard you try.
Because you pray 5 times a day and say halalu snakbar
>be scared! death is scary! you have to be scared!
>pseudointellectual is a bigot too
Not shocking
I never asked them to be scared of death, both of you are so fucking stupid
Go blow yourself or sth (in both senses)
>pus pus
please don't say that again.
>It's terrifying the unrelenting all obliterating effect of time
You thrive on fear, typical demon
Answer the question ladies.
>believes in demons
>you thrive on fear

typical dumbfuck muslim. and pls don't let me start on your beliefs
How is this thread still up?
You have smol feet. :3
True. One time I had a dream that I was in a group of friends who were talking about the "big feet means big pp" myth. I thoughtlessly said that it's not true, speaking from experience. Then they all started to try to see how big my feet were, and I got embarrassed and ran away.
Does steak sauce really give you bad dreams?
I just dreamed that I killed a guy at a target and forgot the whole thing instantaneously.
I don't even live near a target anymore.
>Then they all started to try to see how big my feet were, and I got embarrassed and ran away.
Awwww. Accoding to this we have the same euro size.
Clearly our feet would get along well. Perfect excuse for footsie.

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