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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>32004714
inb4 6'3 guy
>accepting pain.
I unironically think that this is what masculinity is all about. To accept the pain and still move ahead. And that attitude must (logically) attract women. Let me put it to the test and come back with results.
What do you think? bruder
yes, use it to improve yourself. that's the difference between a man and a sissy bitch.
thanks, bro
There's literally nothing to lose
Daily reminder that if you're less than 6'3" or if you're white,
It's actually pretty doable to have a stable loving relationship.
The vast majority of relationships are monogamous, so 80% of women are dating 80% of guys.
If you're below average in terms of social development and lack social approval, you can fix that.
If you're anxious or shy as a result of your past, then be confident and outgoing instead. It feels better than being stuck in the past.
>I unironically think that this is what masculinity is all about
Could just not have pain
My testicles didn't fall off when I got over my mental
oh you're a browncel, it makes sense now.
life is pain for men. the pain of having to earn everything and to have to deserve nice things.
>the pain of having to earn everything and to have to deserve nice things.
Working for rewards is not pain.
according to freud, it is.
It's the pain of sepparation, the pain of the father who comes to take what was yours when you got all you needed from mom. Father came and took it from you and yuo suffered and you had to learn how to get satisfaction based on what you do.
Lol that's retarded
Is it bad I want Dasha to tell me about/ write down the experiences she’s had with men in the past? I want to hear how she’s had sex, who with, and who she came for. I’d probably let Dasha cuck me, I’d drive her to her dates with other men and wait in the car while she had sex, made out with other men in the club.
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I recommend the FarFromEden youtube channel to learn more about women. Been watching her for a while and she makes such good points. She mostly shits on modern women and rightfully so, but here and there I can catch a glimpse, an advice as to what I should aspire to be as a man and it makes complete sense. We have our natural roles, we should strive to aspire to them. Doesnt mean the man or woman is worthless if he or she cannot achieve it at the moment, because of circumstance, mental health etc. But its a hard truth. We need to do our part, and women do their part. It helps me because then I can focus on becoming a good provider and working on being the future head of my family. Remember it is all perfectly fine to expect this of the man, but at the same time there are expectations for the woman as well. If both meet fulfill their natural role and love eachother truly, unaffected by modern day brainwashing then a good relationship is created
>Who's Dasha
Da shallow Enda my ligma, xd lmao gottem
Personally I enjoy the whole "be horny and sort your own shit out" modern attitude.
it's still the truth
quick rundown?
Something's gone horribly wrong in my life if I ever find myself on a date with Dasha.
What's something that is immediately sexually attractive to women? I'm talking physical traits: what are the "chad" traits?
nice haircut and clothes. low bodyfat. do those three and you're putting yourself on the right path.
it's true in big cities, not so much in smaller areas

You ever notice how 9 out of 10 people who complain about being in 'situationships' are women? There's men who get on dating websites and get a "roster" and then all of the girls are unaware that they're part of a pseudo-harem where none of the girls know each other and will keep sleeping with a guy in hopes that it'll lead to a relationship when he has too many options to be willing to settle for the time being. Then these girls have to make facebook groups to determine, "Are we dating the same guy?"

I'm not a cityslicker so this doesn't really happen where I live, but it definitely happens in big cities with lots of multimillionaires like LA/NYC
>I don't live in cities
>I'm an expert on the dating scene there
This is what the average guy looks like in my town. How am I supposed to compete?
what town? what state?
A college town in Texas.
Does anyone here do daygame? Do you do direct game or indirect game?
That's... literally the minimum.
everyone in this thread is most likely trying daygame. We're so autistic that we don't have normal contact with people let alone women. Normal people just exists and gravitates towards other people and that includes women and suddenly a girl feels attracted to them and they date and yadda yadda
>everyone in this thread is most likely trying daygame
Far from it
what do you do, then?
24M Virgin, there is this girl that i talked a considerably amount of time with her, even told her that i was a virgin and she talked that she liked and we could fuck (she is the same age and lost her virginity 2 years ago) , we went on 2 dates last week and we had fun and kissed, but now i feel like that our conversations are getting more tamed and it will be difficult to go further than kissing, how can i let her know that i feel ready to fuck her without sounding desperate, or how do i make her wanting to fuck me? we already traded nudes and everything. We might go on another date next week. I'm not in a hurry but i don't want to lose momentum and regress.

We are not in a serious relationship btw. i ended asking
dasha has like a 100 body count lol
where did you go on dates?
i did no fap for 5 years. No changes at all. I even lost libido and when I started to jack off again, it hurt
I did this two years ago and it hasn't given me anything positive.
elaborate, please
I realised that due to my not likeable personality I would be alone forever. It has happened many times that someone sets their eyes on my (not romantically) and then they ignore me or go away when they realise my personality is not what they thought.

I thought I could live without wanting a GF and managed to do so for a year or so. I had lost all hope and was alright. But then came this bitch and started talking to me every day. She was very attractive and intelligent. When she realised I was not what she thought, she left. Now It's been two years and I still suffer because of what happened.

TLDR; You can't change who you are. You can't stop wanting to have a gf. Pain gets more and more intense as you age and see everyone progressing but you.
you're hung up on someone that you didn't even know turning you down.... two years after the fact?
The biggest hurdle you'll face in your seduction journey is trying to convince someone to invest in a product (i.e. YOU) that you don't believe in. Take some time and focus on you. Go to the gym, develop your style, work on building a life and lifestyle that you're happy with and proud of. It makes it so much easier to interact with women/people when you have an awesome life backing you up.
At least do things to be better, it doesn't matter how you feel.
First time was on a bingo that she wanted to go, the second she was drinking with her female friends and texted me if i wanted to meet her after that, then we just walked around the city and sit on a city square and talked for almost 3 hours, than did some kissing at the end of it.
Yes. Because I had finally accepted no one wanted to be with me, but now I realise I had repressed my desire to have a gf.
Only thing I don't do is sport. I'm skinny-fat. I have a job, hobbies and I'm doing something in college which I'm very passionate about. However I'm not attractive and my personality is that of an undesirable. That's what matters.
Can't you just say you wanna fuck?
Don't do any of that apology sorry shit tho. Just say what you want, see if she's interested
>You can't change who you are
I can and do tho
>However I'm not attractive and my personality is that of an undesirable.
in what way?
think there are women that will be receptive to that if you say it in a very confident and chill way. Imagine you're a gangsta
Hmmm i can but she is not the most communicative person, so i think if i just ask for sex instead of leading for it *naturally*, (which i don't know exactly how to do, and not sure if she really want to do this now) it could be a turnoff for her. Also she may think that I'm desperate.
I say that because she told me once that she HATES when the guy are in the middle of it and ask if she wants him to eat her pussy instead of just doing it.
If you match with a woman and her replies are only answering your questions without asking anything back does that mean shes not interested
Ugly face. Uncanny cranium shape. Schizoid personality disorder.
Maybe but i think it will be more difficult to pull this off cause she knows that I'm a virgin, although i don't think she will get mad at me, but it may repel her
can you try to be unapologetical about that? perhas you can attract a borderline girl
just try
stop thinking it. You will learn and adapt. Yo uhave nothing to lose. the worst can happen is she calls the cops.
I don't want a retarded gf. I want a normie mommy-gf.
hey guys, might be going out tonight: Any tips for pulling chicks? I've only pulled like 3 times from a club (2 for just kissing, 1 for sex). I've said this before but I think I need at least 1 kiss to get over that girl I caught feelings for. I don't wanna come across as too desperate, which I think might be part of the issue.
you don't have many options, champion
Idk, is that dark triad thug shit even real?
I just say what I want.
Stop having feelings for women who aren't interested, dumbass
there are women who fall inlove with murdersrs, and thugs,and low lifes. The probability is there.
Id say stop having feeling for women you want to sleep with. It increases your chances of sex
logically yes, she was a giga slut and the amount of redflags was insane. But emotionally, I had only been with one girl before her and that sex was terrible. I spent a decent amount of time, constantly around her, constantly smooching, having sex,showering together etc. I very rarely get action, so hence why I got attatched to an average roastie. It feels bad but it is what it is, next girl I hookup with imma treat them like trash instead of a lover, like I treated the whore from before.
She won't, but any other advice about how can i demonstrate that i want it without being so direct or maybe make her want it
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Will I lose a kidney or get robbed?
I'm in Taiwan right now without a place for the night, and this random girl I just matched with on tinder offered me to stay at her place
My tinder profile is shit with only one pic of me (not a face pic) and a picture of a cat
This is a prostitute you halfwit
How do you figure that?
I've never used tinder before so idk what people usually do
If a random girl is being this open with a person online with a profile like yours, speaking English in a non-English country, in a country that is notorious for rampant prostitution...
Connect the dots.
Hmm, Taiwan isn't known for prostitution, quite the opposite, it's actually known to be notoriously bad for it. Did you think of Thailand?
But it does seem too forthcoming anyways
Reminder that even if you have your shit together, unless you are top 1% in looks or social status or money, women are often not worth the hassle.
If you don't have your shit together, women are largely a distraction and Western women will bring drama to your doorstep.
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Just your daily reminder that if you're under 6'3 don't even bother.
Just your daily reminder that you're a lying 6'3" kissless virgin faggot. Go away back to >>>/r9k/.
Seethe harder. At least I cannot be accused of wishful thinking.
>Seethe harder
He says, while seething hard in every thread...
I do daygame. Most people here don't cold approach. They either use apps or they talk to someone in their class etc. Newb. Besides I'm not asking for your assessment of everyone, I'm asking people if they do it personally and as I fucking said, direct or indirect. Fuck off.
Kay, I went and so far I'm still alive. Talked for a few hours and I'm laying on her bed waiting for food rn
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>women are le riddles wrapped in enigmas that do not signal interest. just take le shot, bro!
I get that you're saying this to encourage guys to cold approach, but it's a blatant distortion of the truth to pretend that women express IOI to guys they like.
>pretend that women express IOI to guys they like.
*do not
This weekend I will try to approach at least one non-Asian girl and do some direct daygame. All 44 approaches I did this year were Asian girls and indirect daygame. I want to try something different this weekend.
Most girls girls I had dates with had not shown any interest beforehand. You're just a faggot. You approach, and THEN you see if she's interested or not.
>Most girls girls I had dates with had not shown any interest beforehand.
They probably weren't that into you then.
>You approach, and THEN you see if she's interested or not.
lol nope. I can think of easier ways to torture myself.
>Ugly face.
>Uncanny cranium shape.
>Schizoid personality disorder.
That's an issue.
There's no use really trying to prove to you that you're wrong because you'll just keep shifting goalposts so I'll just leave this for other anons: Fags like this are literally eliminating themselves from the dating pool of their own volition so if you persist, rest assured you'll have less competition fighting you for success.
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Lmao this isn't a competition. The game is rigged. It's not a skill issue. It's not confidence. It's all down to genetics.
>muh touch grass
This is the best advice because you'll see for yourself that women are dating dudes who were 6'3 or above. Doesn't matter if they're awkward lanklets with noodle arms.
>They probably weren't that into you then.
NTA but you have literally no idea how women work.
>lol nope. I can think of easier ways to torture myself.
And you're a coward to boot.
Don't you claim to be 6ft?
You're an "awkward lanklet with noodle arms" yourself, so what's the problem?
Not a lanklet, I work out regularly.
But yes I am 6'0. Too bad that's too short for a gf these days.
>I work out regularly.
I SERIOUSLY doubt that. I'm a personal trainer, post body from the neck down and I'll be the judge if you actually look good or not.
>Too bad that's too short for a gf these days.
Funny, I'm 5'10 on a good day and I never have these problems getting women. Maybe you just suck?
how many girls have you approached this year?
good point, many posters on here are just trolls
I agree. But most of us are cowards when we start out, we have a lot of approach anxiety. Even after hundreds, possibly a thousand, approaches, I still sometimes have approach anxiety, and still sometimes get mad when rejected. But if I were to limit myself to only approaching girls who look and smile that would be too few approaches. Plus most girls don't look and smile even if they later turn out to be attracted. Many girls are shy. It might be taboo in some cultures. Also some girls have guys staring at them all day, they don't need to look and smile for guys to approach, so they might deliberately not do it, both because they want to have time for other things than talking to guys nonstop and to filter out cowards who only approach girls who smile at them and wink, or girls who sit near them or hover close to them etc. I prefer to approach girls who are sitting. It's good because if they stay and keep talking they are at least somewhat interested. If they don't reply at all or walk away they are not interested. Sometimes girls can even seem somewhat cold initially but warm up after a while.
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Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
>Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.
>Don't talk to women, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them.
Women are about to breathe a sigh of relief.
>post body from the neck down and I'll be the judge if you actually look good or not.
Sure, "just let me roast you bro". Fuck off.
>Funny, I'm 5'10 on a good day and I never have these problems getting women
Cool story, Richard Simmons.
>how many girls have you approached this year?
Zip, zero, ni,l nada. Women never show me any interest, so I am not cucking myself by approaching them.
>Many girls are shy.
Lmao. A quick flick through TikTok will debunk that in five seconds.
>inb4 "those aren't average girls"
The average girl is a social media-obsessed attention-seeker. Women these days aren't shy unless they're severely autistic.
>Sure, "just let me roast you bro". Fuck off.
I thought you looked good and weren't a noodle-armed lanklet? What's the problem heightfag?
You don't sound that confident after all...many such cases!
I'm not a noodle-armed lanklet. That doesn't mean I have to prove anything to you.
Yes, you do. Why do you expect any of us to take you on your word that you're in good shape when you post nothing but delusional coping bullshit otherwise?
Most girls these days are not shy, totally agree. Especially white girls or Western girls in general. I mostly approach Asian tourist girls though because I prefer shy girls, and a higher percentage of those girls are shy. Some of them still take selfies and probably use some social media, but they can still be shyer than the average white or Western girl. Asian girls who have been in the West for some time are worse in my opinion than those who live in Asia. Some of the latter are cunts too though.

Anyway you are just a whining troll. Says in the OP this general is not for moping. I suggest you start out practicing by approaching people who you are not attracted to at all. An old ugly man is sitting on a bench for example, ask him what time it is. Ask some cripple if he knows if there is a grocery store nearby. Stuff like that. Or you can take a cooking class, painting class or something similar where it's natural to talk to people, in contrast to talking to total strangers. You don't even need to talk to girls initially. You need practice in just talking to people in general. If at a painting class for example, there is some other guy who seems similar to you, talk to him. Or go to church, I think a big part of church is helping hopeless loners out of their black hole.
I don't expect anything from any of you. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.
>cucking myself
It feels like cucking yourself/humiliating yourself, but that's just because you have an overgrown ego and low self esteem. That's the reason girls don't like you. I was like that too, am still to some extent. A chad doesn't take a girl's rejection as cucking/humiliation, only a faggot takes it that way. But you become a chad by putting yourself in that unpleasant situation repeatedly. Your problem, like most of us, is that you were not put through enough unpleasant situations, you were coddled, instead of being out there in the world experiencing rejection you spent years swiping on apps. I wasted decades of my life on apps. Delete that shit, get out in the real world and grow through adversity.

go to /r9k/ instead of shitting up this general, faggot, you don't belong here
I have posted this video a hundred times in this general. As I have said before, everyone should watch it. It's about how not to feel so cucked/humiliated by another person's low opinion of you. But I never ever got any feedback on this video, because you're all faggots who never take any of the advice posted by people like me who have experience.

>A chad doesn't take a girl's rejection as cucking/humiliation
Because a chad knows that sooner or later he will be successful. Although there have been examples of violent murderous chads who didn't take rejection or break ups too well.
>It feels like cucking yourself/humiliating yourself, but that's just because you have an overgrown ego and low self esteem
This is the main problem I see with like 90% of the incel posters here, that really awful simultaneous superiority and inferiority complex all at once. I was the same way when I was younger, until I started actually living life. Then my unfounded (at the time) ego started getting brought down after life knocked me down a bit (something I sorely needed at the time) while my actual sense of self-worth was brought up. Way up.
Heightfag is "cucking himself" alright, but only by being a cowardly faggot who never tries because he thinks all women are supposed to throw themselves at him on sight, because he bases what he knows of women by watching attention whores on staged tiktok videos and not on ever actually interacting with them.
>Because a chad knows that sooner or later he will be successful.
No, that's not what defines a chad. It's the attitude of not being fazed in and of itself that makes a chad a chad, whether or not he is an attractive man otherwise.
>Because a chad knows that sooner or later he will be successful.
Interesting, so you admit you're succumbing to a self-fulfilling prophecy here then?
You think you won't ever be successful, therefore your actions follow your thoughts, and therefore you're not successful, just as you "predicted" (but really created).
Chad does the opposite.
>Interesting, so you admit you're succumbing to a self-fulfilling prophecy here then?
I don't know how you read that into it. A Chad knows that a woman will find him attractive sooner rather than later because he's physically attractive, whereas guys like me will just keep getting shot down until we cba anymore.
I don't have a superiority complex. I acknowledge that I am disadvantaged through no fault of my own. I have tried to compensate for my inherited weaknesses but unfortunately it has not been enough to attract women. Nowhere else you can go after that.
>because he's physically attractive, whereas guys like me
Well here's a plot twist, I thought you were in good shape and "didn't have to prove anything to me" before. Which is it?
>I don't have a superiority complex.
You have a huge ego for no discernible reason.
>I acknowledge that I am disadvantaged through no fault of my own
And here's the inferiority complex side of the equation right on cue, only proving my point.
What disadvantage would that be exactly? Being "only" six feet instead of 6'3, while meanwhile there are guys shorter than you with women all around you?
>You have a huge ego for no discernible reason.
No, I don't. Quite the opposite. My lack of self-esteem is the reason I don't want to knock it down even more by getting rejected by women.
>inb4 "rejection means nothing"
Bullshit. You're asking a woman out, you've placed value and importance on the outcome. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be approaching her. Also, rejection is entirely personal. If she rejects you, then she's deemed you unworthy. Anything else is cope.
>meanwhile there are guys shorter than you with women all around you?
Are there?
>Well here's a plot twist, I thought you were in good shape
I'm in good shape in terms of fitness, hygiene etc. but I'm too short and got shit bone structure. This is what I mean by looksmaxxing being a wasted venture.
Aha! So you admit then that I'm subhuman? That only validates everything I've posted.
When you have trouble reading signals, the best way to get yourself out of the uncertainty is to shoot your shot. I don't think the rationalization really matters.

You can't have your sex life live and die by non-verbal communication because people aren't mind readers.
Women are only human, and humans are obvious when they are interested in something or someone. It is cope to pretend that women are all shy wallflowers who don't show interest.
Yes, your continued behavior makes you subhuman. Now fuck off and stop trolling this thread.
At my place of work there's a female coworker. A lot of the time I'm in the same room or whatever as her, I keep seeing her staring across the room at me pretty regularly. There's been times when I've been in meetings with her and when she's been speaking, she keeps glancing at me for a moment and seemingly not looking at anyone else apart from the meeting host who she'd be talking to. One meeting, there was a couple of seats spare but she sat next to me. I've only spoken to her a handful of times, but one time I ran into her and we were headed in the same direction. I asked her something about work and she instantly became giggly when I spoke to her, and even more giggly when I made a humorous quip about work.

However, another occasion I struck up a conversation with her, while I wasn't getting any "go away" vibes from her and she seemed content to chat with me, she was coming across as rather stoic and serious in her manner and not many smiles. There's also been times I've been in the same room or wherever and she seemingly hasn't noticed me, even when I've walked right past her. Also she never strikes up any conversations with me beyond saying hello when we pass each other. I've seen her when she's been around her male colleagues and while she doesn't appear as flirty with them, her manner is very jovial and obviously she has good rapport and laughs with them.
Did she take your kidney yet? Have you checked your food to make sure theres no poison?
God damn dude. Fuck off already.
>Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women.

>Women never show me any interest, so I am not cucking myself by approaching them.
Okay, you're loud, retarded, and the source of your own misery. Good for you.

>I don't expect anything from any of you. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.
The difference between you and me is that I could (in theory) say that and mean it.
I wouldn't say it, because not giving a shit about things is the default, and loudly announcing all the fucks I do not give communicates no new information.

>It's about how not to feel so cucked/humiliated by another person's low opinion of you.
Disagree with them. You need a youtube guide for that?
Fine I'll watch it.
>How can I change myself to change the perception I have of the people around me
1. Identify the purpose of function that the people around you have to you & your goals.
2. Assess them on the metric of how well they're fulfilling that function. For the people who honestly have no use to you or your goals, this means treating them the same way you'd treat a stop sign or a closed door.
>You start by not labelling your reality as negative
Useful idea, but once you have the power to actually correct (or at least punish) other people's behaviour, then you should start acting on that by judging them negatively. It's only if you can't change or control things that you should be non-negative.
>You choose a worldview that you want. If your worldview makes you miserable, you want to be miserable
Yes. People cope hard and pretend otherwise, but that's a hard yes.
>Beliefs you don't agree with don't affect you. Ergo if something affects you, you believe it
Pretty much.
>It's very subtle
It's not. Pick a mindset that doesn't feel shit.
>You inhabit your own mental space
He's wrong there. Most people do NOT inhabit their own rooms. Most people simply LARP as inhabiting their own rooms, while in reality they do not exist in any room at all, they just hurp durp from moment to moment following their impulses.
On the woman? Shes a pretty based older woman with MS diagnosis. Christian too. Shes self aware of a lot of things we would criticize her on. Sometimes shes even too hateful of women. I noticed a small double standard where she would find particular behavior X ok if a man did it but disgusting if a woman did it. A very minor thing but still. I think its the overal vibe. She is such a sweet mommy. Its good listening to her
>Are you understanding that the other people are hallucinations
You're a hallucination too. He skips this.
>She's choosing delusion instead of growth
Actually she's choosing ignorance instead of growth.
>She doesn't process it out of fear
False, she doesn't process it out of laziness and complacency.
>Will you believe in your own truth, or someone else's truth?
He ignores the vastly more common option that the person simply does not process truth.
>If someone else's opinions intrude on your worldview, it's a sign of them having the same problems as you
He's honestly right.
>And you can shine a light on what they're doing
You really can't.

>How do I get over needing people
Get a clearer idea of what you want the people to do, and then pursue the goal, not the person.
>[yap yap yap] You build your world [yap yap yap]
Yes. And what this cunt says in four run-on sentence with four ums each, I type in four words.
>If your actual problem was that you were building a shit world for yourself, you'd ask how/why you're building a shit world for yourself
She did ask that, dumbass.
>Denial and avoidance build your world as much as active pursuit does
>Your inner being is real
False. Source: Literally this thread
>Everyone wants to feel good
YOUR OWN NARRATION contradicts this you dumb yappy bitch.
>Don't you find yourself in conversation wanting people to agree with you?
She explicitly stated she wishes to AVOID people, you dumb yappy bitch.
>Once you correct your own internal state, you can then use that to uplift others
If they consent, yeah.
>Your tuning is too open and receptive
She explicitly states that her turning is too closed and restrictive and wishes to fix this, you dumb yappy bitch.
In short:
First narrator has some points, but isn't aware of how ignorant and lazy the average person is.
Second narrator legitimately cannot understand what the client is saying and should be fired for being a dumb yappy bitch.
Yes, the choices you make determine your worldview.
Your worldview adapts to what you believe in, what you practice, and what you believe is true. If you opt to believe bullshit, then you'll shit your own bed emotionally. Try not.

So yeah there's some points in there, but you'll need to filter it a bit because neither speaker is particularly wise.
>A chad doesn't take a girl's rejection as cucking/humiliation
>Because a chad knows that sooner or later he will be successful.
No, it's because a woman having an opinion doesn't mean shit to us and our worldview.
It matters not if there are 3.5 billion other women who agree with her or if she's the only one with that opinion. The opinion of one woman is equally irrelevant as the opinion of any other.
That said, one woman actually girlfriending the fuck up and getting on board? That's hot. That's worth pursuing.
I meant to recommend only the part with Darryl. I don't care about the woman talking in the second half of the video.
Ask her if she's checking you out.
She'll most likely say no because women hate taking responsibility for their own interests. At that point just ignore her and be disinterested in her and see if her behaviour changes. This is baiting her into being like "Um well actually yes I am checking you out", at which point you can reciprocate and initiate.
If she actually unironically says "Yeah I was checking you out", you can then be like "Nice, you wanna hang out this weekend?" and proceed to have normal human interactions without the need for flighty flakey grabass bullshit.
Ego=/=self-esteem fuckwit, fuck off, nobody wans to read your whiny posts
Hang on, how are you defining ego?
My definition would be your habits of self-assessment, which has a lot of overlap with self esteem.
Wrong word
Ah balls. What's the one where you actively give a negative amount of fucks about something.
How do I ask out this girl I work with? We've hung out twice with other coworkers and I think we're both into eachother. I think she's getting kind of sick of waiting for me to make a move though. Can I just plan to ask her out to a concert with me next time we're alone, or do I need to play it by ear and ask her when it feels natural.
>How do I ask out this girl I work with?
Tell her you find her attractive and ask if she likes that.
If no, reduce your attraction.
If yes, tell her to encourage your attraction.
>No, I don't. Quite the opposite
Ego and self-esteem are not the same thing retard.
>Are there?
Yes, you're talking to one right now you halfwit.

>but I'm too short
YOU'RE SIX FEET TALL you whiny bitch!
I'm shorter than you and I do fine, how do you explain that you fucking loser? This is pathetic.
I'm a 36 year old virgin. I have never had a girlfriend or been on a date, ever. I am completely socially isolated. How do I get started or should I just forget about it?
Genuine question,

Am I in the wrong thread if I have been turning to the Bible and God and just doing what he says to do and letting him fill me with his will and word? Is submitting to God and being humble, and merciful, and thirsting for his word unattractive to women? I'm not an incel or a volcel or anything like that. I want a family, and I want a woman who is a friend and who I can seek God together with. I know a lot of women out there aren't so genuine but Christ died for them too and their sin and he loves them, so it doesn't make sense to act like you're better than them or that they're wicked and resent them. I think God would want me to just be kind and patient. Whatever "use" they "take advantage of" is negligible because it's what God would want me to do while still trying to be an example of his word.

I guess I'm just wondering what I'm in for. Do women revile this type of attitude? Should I expect what Jesus said on the sermon of the mount where he says -

"10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

I genuinely don't know what to expect. I also don't know if this is the right thread for discussing how to be a man to find a good wife.
>How do I get started or should I just forget about it?
You're asking the wrong questions here.
You should be more worried about your complete social isolation. Not ever having a gf is merely the logical conclusion of that. That's what you need to work on first.
Are you at least able to talk to people and make friends and just, "aren't" for some reason? If so, you might be ok. But if you can't even do that, then honestly, YES, just forget about a girlfriend.
She ordered food for us on Uber eats, paid for it too 。◕‿◕。. Only really ate/drank what she had too
Still just watching movies and shows with her on her bed

Too sperg to do anything else
I can talk to people. I have a full time job. Are you a woman or gay? The way you talk about friends makes me think so. I'm a 36 year old man. I'm not a 14 year old. I don't even know what it means for a 36 year old man to have "friends." It sounds bizarre. I have acquaintances. I have friendly interactions with people at work. That's mostly because we are forced to interact though.
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how does she look?
>Too sperg to do anything else
She must've been pretty. IKTF bro
>. Are you a woman or gay?
I'm trying to help you out here asshole, if one of us is gay most people's money would be on the 36 year old virgin who has never had a gf or even a date with one.
So tell me then, if you can talk to people and have no problem making friends, WHY did you never have a gf then? Or not even ask anyone out? You're leaving big bits of the story out, and expecting people to just jump in at the end and deduce what you've been doing wrong and know how to fix it.
By the way I'm 43 and I still have friends. We don't see each other often, let alone "hang out", because we're functional adults and all living our own lives, but we do have them. So do most people.
I wouldn't call such people friends. Maybe that's the disconnect. I had friends when I was a teenager. We spent most days together and shared our lives with each other. To me that is what a friend is. Not some guy you haven't seen in years but you're on each other's Facebooks.
But it's really all besides the point. I don't know why you are harping on this "friend" thing. I mean I can follow the logic in your mind, you see getting a woman as some kind of extension of having a circle of friends. But then you immediately blow up your own premise by admitting that your friends aren't really friends. So I'm not sure where you're going with this. I think you are using movie logic. Like I will be at Dave and Buster's with my racially diverse group of friends and then one of them will bring a girl and introduce us.
>by admitting that your friends aren't really friends.
No, my friends are my friends. You're just doubling-down on being an asshole and trying to apply only your private definition of "friend", where you're sharing your whole lives with your boys at a sleepover as grown men because you did as a kid.
> Like I will be at Dave and Buster's with my racially diverse group of friends and then one of them will bring a girl and introduce us.
LMAO at this sitcom strawman you've built up in your head. You still don't get it. It's not about having friends to "introduce" a girl to you, it's that if you're able to talk to people and make friends (spoiler: you're not) you should be able to meet and hit it off with women too, because it's really an extension of the same skillset.
Mind you you've been insufferable in the last two posts now I've interacted with you in, so I can see why people don't like you.
I may be an asshole but I don't think my definition of friendship is all that controversial even if you personally disagree with it. Some people would disagree with it and some people would agree with it. It's certainly not a private definition, which I take to mean you are implying it to be especially idiosyncratic.
>so I can see why people don't like you.
I wouldn't say this is true, people tend to like me I just don't know how to establish intimacy.
I think your emotional and vindictive reaction validates my hunch, when I asked if you are a woman or gay, which is what set this whole thing off to begin with.
>I may be an asshole but I don't think my definition of friendship is all that controversial even if you personally disagree with it.
Anon, by your own admission, you're socially isolated. You literally don't know how any of this works and you have no idea how people are actually living their lives.
>I think your emotional and vindictive reaction validates my hunch
I don't know where you're from where you think it's somehow "manly" to just allow another man (let alone one lesser to you) mouth off of like that without getting answered back. I don't share your cucked worldview, sorry buddy.
>I don't know where you're from where you think it's somehow "manly" to just allow another man (let alone one lesser to you) mouth off of like that without getting answered back. I don't share your cucked worldview, sorry buddy.

yeah, we apparently need to develop a predatory/malicious social intent, because being the better man does fuck all
>because being the better man does fuck all
Stop with this ridiculous cope, you are not a "better man". You've been acting like a complete asshole in this thread.
I just got here.
Then why are you speaking for another anon then?
Lol approched two girls today. Daygame. Got out too late. Just before sunset. Haven't gone to bars/clubs to approach in almost a year, still don't feel like doing that even though it's Saturday night. Might do it sometime this fall but I'm still fed up with it almost a year after quitting. At least I accomplished my goal for this weekend which was approaching at least one non-Asian girl. She was Indian, I don't count that as Asian, my goal was one girl who isn't East Asian or Southeast Asian, because all the other 44 girls I approached this year were either of those two. She was fairly positive but then she said she was waiting for a friend so I got up and walked away. The other girl was an ugly Chinese girl who lives in another European country. I was contemplating walking off but I thought I'll keep talking as practice. Talked for a few minutes, then asked if she wanted a drink. She said "I'm good, I'm going back to my hotel after this". I got up and walked off without a word. I think maybe I saw her like half an hour later but not sure it was her. She walked in another direction, maybe to avoid me. She asked my job so maybe that's why she rejected me. I had 5 dates this year, 4 were much hotter than her, 1 was a little hotter than her, I made out with 3 of them and one of the girls that were much hotter I was very close to fucking, so I don't give a shit.
Fuck, I realize in hindsight I made a mistake today. I was in a grocery store looking at conditioners. This girl came up right beside me and was looking at products. I just took a bottle and left. I should have said something to her, because girls rarely stand that close to a guy, they normally wait until he's gone. I should have taken the bottle and said "this is the best conditioner I've tried" or something. Fuaarkk.
You must be that whining faggot who made half the posts in this thread. I talked to a girl in a grocery store a long time ago, she had a positive response. You on the other hand don't approach girls at all, not in grocery stores, not in parks, not anywhere.
How many girls did you talk to this year?
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I'm a fucking volcel man. I'm a virgin still and no one believes it, it actually pisses some people off which is in a strange way a compliment I suppose, but for a multitude or reasons my brain is almost hardwired into telling myself I don't deserve or can't be with anyone. I make friends easy so my personality is there, and I look decent enough cause I'm fairly aware of when a g irl's checking me out, but as cliche as it is, my greatest enemy is myself, everyone believes in me but me and I don't know how to break out of it. I just get deep into overthinking about how I will absolutely disappoint and fuck up my first relationship, she will leave and it will validate my negative thoughts sending me further into my pessimistic head.

Wish I could just delete these feelings
What was your opener?
It's weird, many of the girls that rejected me were uglier than the girls I got dates with
if I remember correctly
Indian girl:
>do you like the view? (first in my language, then asked if she spoke English, then asked again in English)
Chinese girl:
>can I sit here?
>it's cold out
Chinese girl was sitting on a much smaller bench so I had to sit really close, that's why I asked if I could sit there, I normally don't ask that.
>first in my language
What are you?

>Can I sit here?
Never noticed this could be an opener, I would sometimes do this because I really just wanted the seat, no girl has ever turned me away but I chalked that up to just them not being an asshole. Huh....
European. Indian tourists are rare as far as I know, but then again most of the Indians who are here for other reasons probably don't speak the local language. I sometimes use my language with foreign looking girls just to probe if they are girls who have lived here for some time or are even adopted. If they speak my language fluently I normally bail, no matter how hot.
>If they speak my language fluently I normally bail, no matter how hot.
lmfao, I think I know why, but I wanna hear your reasoning
>Never noticed this could be an opener, I would sometimes do this because I really just wanted the seat, no girl has ever turned me away but I chalked that up to just them not being an asshole. Huh....
It was late in the evening, and a small bench. It wouldn't be normal to sit there other than for approaching her. But it would also be kind of rude to sit so close without asking first. I took a chance knowing she might get up, but at least she sat on the far end so maybe that was to make an approach by a guy possible, ugly bitch anyway so I don't give a fuck about her, rejected me, possibly for my job, again, I don't give a flying fuck because I had 5 dates from daygame this year with hotter girls, 4 of them way hotter, and made out with 3, was close to fucking one of the hotter girls, as I said earlier.
Walk me through your successful ones, I'm >>32035827 trying to kill the negative parts of my mindset
I don't like most girls who are integrated into the culture here, don't like girls who know hundreds of people in my city, don't like girls who are sucked up in their studies or career. I mostly approach tourist girls because they are away from their everyday life, and don't know anyone here most of the time. Preferably young, so they aren't sucked up by their career thinking yet. Also those who live in Asia are normally better than Asians who live in the West. If it's a girl who lives here I prefer the simple girls who barely speak the language and haven't been integrated.
Damn, you've fucked a girl you cold approached on the same day?
Not this year, made out with 3 the same day, one came to my home and I was very close to fucking her but then I made a mistake. Last time I had sex was a little over a year ago, we walked a little and talked, got her number, met once and walked and had coffee, then I think second date we fucked. The year before last I approached a girl in a park, then went and ate and had drinks, then took a taxi to her hotel and fucked. One other girl also from cold approach back in 2019 we had drinks the same day and made out, then fucked the next day I think it was. Another girl back in 2017 I think it was she sat very close to me even though there was lots of vacant space, I started talking, got her number, we met maybe a week later and fucked right away. One other girl I think the same year we met a few times, then I kind of fucked her, licked her pussy just briefly, tried to penetrate but it didn't work, don't know why. That's all 5 girls I've fucked from cold approach, all daygame. Only got 2 dates with one girl from nightgame, only got a kiss from her. Fucked a few from apps the same day I think. I don't do nightgame and apps anymore.
Also gonna ask you how do you shift shit into a sexual direction? I tend to friendzone myself due to fear of being too forward/creepy
As I said in the crossthread link. Get drinks. Sit close. Start touching just a little. Hand behind her shoulders or on her knee, then on her thigh. Hold hands. You notice if she's receptive. They often refuse a little. You take a step back. Go slower. It's called escalation for a reason. But you have to do the pushing. Some girls you can only go so far, they'll make out but don't want to fuck. They'll refuse to kiss first attempt, but do it on second or third attempt. If a girl gets bitchy you can bail as I do if it's a girl I have no chance to meet again. But some girls want to take it slow and it might take a few dates. One tourist girl this year, the first girl I got a date with this year, she refused touching and after a while became a bitch. I walked off. But I think she was going to stay here a few days and wanted to hang out again. She might have been open to escalating on the second or third date. Maybe she didn't like that I touched her in a bar. I should have backed off, taken a chance to hang out again the next day and tried escalating then, so I made a mistake with her. Of course she might not have wanted to meet again but I should have tried to set up a date.
I'm 26 and women keep trying to make a big deal out of it, mainly those who are late teens/early 20s, it's annoying, I don't feel insecure about it but I feel like they're being overdramatic.
Age gap relationships are the new taboo. The last taboo in a way. You can be trans, gay, dress up like a pony, but you can't be older

I'm 30 and my gf is 21. I mostly get away with it because I'm pretty attractive and look mid 20s, but I do get the occasional banter thrown at me. It's silly but what can you do
It really is hilarious how women are now trying to steal the agency of other women who are adults and can make their own decisions.
He won't answer this. They never do.
Remember bros, the motto of a chad is NEXT!
That's the thing though some of these girls I'm not even trying to flirt or hit on them but they automatically get weird the minute they find out how old I am, I don't know, people are weird these days in general, not all girls are like that though, the last two girls I fucked were 18 and they liked the fact that I was older.
If you're hot enough in her eyes, trust me they won't care. Anything else you hear from guys on either side of the argument (whether older guys or younger guys) is cope.
how often does this happen?
I'm 24 so only two years younger than you anon
Yeah my hairs pretty long right now, it's growing in from an undercut so it's long in some parts and short on others so it just looks bad, maybe that's it. Every girl keeps telling me they're surprised I'm that old because they initially thought I was 19 or something, which is kind of a stretch but then again, I've met teens who I thought were at least 25.
Not that often, but I've met some people who try making a big deal out of it, I even got shit when I was 24 also, like some 18 year old girl just randomly said "You know, you're not young anymore right?" to which I replied "Is 24 old now or something?" and she said "No but I mean you're not young like us anymore, like you know?" I just looked at her and said "Uhm okay bro" and laughed. I mean I get it, when I was 16 I thought anyone who was 24 was already a well established adult with a career and a house, in any case reality is going to hit these people in the face hard, they seem to think they're going to be young forever.
I know. I find it hilarious honestly. Millenials are already so fearful of age ( all people are, but with your current youth culture it's much worse than before ). But it's gonna hit zoomers even harder
I started reading "No more mr.nice guy" and I'm 1/3 in. It feels like hes talking about me. Where do I go from here? Hiw can I change? I seem to get chances with women but I never get anywhere, I just don't know what to do/say.
>muh age gap
Bunch of fucking brainwashed faggots ITT as always. I'm 40, I had a date with an 18 year old a few years ago, was approached by an 18 year old last year. I approach girls all ages and frequently have dates with girls who are in their early 20s.
Because I'm not a faggot like (you)
Based as fuck.
39 year old Seinfeld with 17 year old girlfriend
Not complaining retard, it's just annoying how brainwashed everyone is regarding age gaps.
Who fucking cares
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so my date canceled because she got news that her brother died.
what do i do now?
If you were rich and famous in New York and looked around at women in your "age range", you would do the same thing. Admit it.
it's a shittest. there are three ways out:
>start prying and ask for proof
>be the cringy emotional tampon shoulder to cry on
which do you think is the right choice?
She's cute!
We slept in her bed together, nothing happened though desu she's still asleep
IOI's are worthless.
The only thing that matters for a successful relationship is that the woman puts in more effort than the man. An IOI is fundamentally low effort, as the woman doesn't approach the man, placing the burden of activity on him. Won't work out.
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this is true. if not getting blatant IOIs, something is wrong. a lot of guys here will know what it's like to be invisible to a woman. not only will she not look at you, it's like she will refuse to look at you even if given the opportunity. well imagine the opposite. that she doesn't take her eyes off you even if there are other people in the room. the way she looks at chad. you'll know it when you see it anons. you'll know it when you see it
A lot of girls are shy though, the last girl I got with I approached and eventually she got comfortable around me to the point where we became friends and later fuck buddies. At first though, she was completely shy and reserved and did that thing where it's obvious they're trying not too look at you.
I'm 31 but look young enough I get called 23~25 all the time, there's an 18 year old I added on IG recently that's liked literally every story I post, not sure if this is an invite to start something or not, but I'm weary about something like that blowing up in my face, we have a handful of mutuals
Depends, my coworkers 30 and he hits on the 18 year old girl at work and she flirts back, it really depends on the girl.
I work with this girl, and I've fallen completely in love with her. I know she has feelings for me too. We really have a great connection, and I love her a lot. We've hung out a couple times, and I dont want to get friend zoned so it feels like it's now or never.

How do I do this? I've never dated or fucked before. She's kind of a ho, so it shouldnt be too hard. Do I literally say "do you want to go on a date?" just ask her to go to a restaurant with me, then take her home afterwards and hope she invites me inside?
You're putting her on a pedestal. Id recommend see scorts to lose fear of women
If she's "kind of a ho" just stop treating her like shes better than you faggot

you are the man. you are better than her.
Lol I went through something similar at work, I'm 27 but the girl thought I was 19 for whatever reason, once I told her I was born in 1998 she said "ewwww!" then she told me she was born in 2008 and said I was an old man by that time, like bro, I was 10 years old, old enough to be your older brother, but not your dad.
There is this girl that i went on 2 dates last weekend and they were great, the thing is: before the date (we kissed but im still a virgin), she used to send me a lot of messages, Instagram reels and everything, and would answers all my messages properly. Now this week she is still send me messages, but on a much lower frequency, and half of the time she barely answer my messages properly, i think we are still good but i don't know what to do.
They say that usually we fell for people have traits similar to our parents, her parents (from what I've heard from her) are the avoidant/silence/distant type. But people also say that people raised like this are the one that seek attention/interest from others the most. So what should i do? Match her recent disdain or still try to make her feel like she is someone very dear and important to me?
Who's the better catch?
If you are then do whatever
If you aren't don't come off as desperate
>go out into the big city on some errands
>figure I'd try to maybe approach some girls while I'm out and about even though I'm super inexperienced and have never had any success with women
>first girl I tried to approach from the side literally recoiled and made a "ugh" face when she saw me so I didn't even bother
>second girl flat out ignored me when I tried to say hi
>third was a girl I sat next to on the train because it was crowded af, literally the second I sat down she got out her headphones and slapped them on

Awesome. Wonder why the fuck I even bothered trying to lose weight and get /fit/ at all. At least I was somewhat happy using vidya, sweets and soda to drown out my feelings. I didn't think I was THAT ugly.
Pss pss
The women get you
Sadly im the virgin here and she has big tits and ass so she is the better catch
Psyche yourself up to think otherwise somehow
Anons, I am 40. how do I get a mid girl with low self esteem and >2 kids? Thinking of lurking at local buffalo wild wings.

6/10 here, a little work and I could be a 7/10
What do you mean by mid? If you're desperate, go for fatties. If you aren't fat then it is easy pickings. The downside is obvious.
I got catfished yesterday. Tinder date was quite a bit heftier than her pics let on. I had coffee with her and now I have to find a way to break the news that I don’t want to keep going. I wouldn’t mind a bit of chub but not obesity.

Problem is I have been talking for weeks. How do I let her down gently?
>I noticed a small double standard where she would find particular behavior X ok if a man did it but disgusting if a woman did it.
This is completely normal and even healthy. I don't mind if a man swears but if a woman swears, it better be used sparingly and with nuance. Man should never be caught crying, it's the ugliest thing in the universe. But women can cry their hearts out. Double standards make sense because the sexes are inherently different and to have double standards is to acknowledge the differences.
>hello there cutie
Is this cringe?
I am 33 years old and recently divorced (guess whose idea that was). I tried all the big dating websites in my country and except for two websites, they all suck. On the two websites that do not suck, I have gotten 2 likes from people living 500 kilometers away, so useless. I have sent 30 likes very deliberately and messaged 6 people. I got 1 message, turning me down. She wanted someone with very specific similarities. She wanted someone who did street theatre and knew stuff about castles. I just so happen to do some theatre and know a bit about castles due to my National Geographic subscription. But no, because I want kids some day according to my profile, and she was very adamant about not having kids, she turned me down despite similarities.

I can try Tinder, but I know that this app is not meant for serious relationships and I know that the algorithm is against me.

I am in the top 10 percent income bracket, got a house, creative company on the side of my regular job. I am 185 cm, so 6 feet tall. So... what am I doing wrong?
>someone very dear and important to me
Nigga you had 2 dates. She should mean nothing to you. YOU have to push for sex. Also texting is for setting up dates, not for talking, you talk face to face.
Do you look like Henry Cavill, have very high social IQ and can say it in a self-deprecating joking way that will make her laugh? The fact that you have to ask if it's cringe should tell you to not try to pull it off. Trust your gut.
Doesn't mean you're ugly. It means nothing. Shit like that happens A LOT before you get the hang of it. And even when you get the hang of it most girls reject but I'm getting dates with 1 out of 8 girls I approach now. I did 46 approaches this year and got 5 dates. Last year not sure but think I did about 70 approaches and got I think 1 date. I bulked up since last year so that probably contributes to the higher success rate. It was lower last year compared to earlier, probably because I had lost weight. Looked like an Auschwitz victim last year. I rarely even bother with girls who are walking. Ideally they should be sitting, second best is standing still. Don't think public transportation is great for approaching. This my standard routine:

so I had some luck yesterday. Made out with this white women, must be in her 30s? Her breath tasted like ciggs though. Regardless a W is a W and she wasn't ugly at least. Anyone think I should see an escort again? I am going on a work trip potentially then on a contiki tour of thailand next month, maybe just to get more experience? my bodycount is only 2 unpaid, one paid.
I'm a loser and I approach some very hot girls. When you're a newb girls are intimidating. After you've done many approaches you begin to see that even the hottest girls are just human. They may think they're hot shit, they may treat you like they're hot shit, but they ain't shit. They're holes. They ain't worth shit.
Ghost her and stop using apps.
brutal how chance based this all is. a man can utterly fail in one dimension of life and succeed in the other. I'm 30, had to move back in with my mom, after fucking up my 20s, to work on my CompSci degree, yet I have a loyal qt 20 y/o gf despite being broke as a joke and pretty much a loser by society's standards
Yeah. I rarely open with hi or hello. Also I rarely say to a girl I think she's pretty. Sometimes when they ask me later on why I approached them I'll say because they were pretty. I do daygame indirect game. I've experimented a little with direct, will try it a little again, but didn't have much success with it. Hi or hello is normally a shit opener.
>Hi or hello
So what should say to entertain the quirky dungus that use dating apps?
>yet another faggot using dating apps
as I said earlier, very few guys in this general are actual men who approach IRL
How can women have relationship problems when they can easily get a partner of their choice? They can ask out any man they’re attracted to and 9/10 he’ll be hers. The entire dating world is the woman’s oyster.
Forgot to add, Men fall in love easier than women do
Cause the definitions of success for women and men are entirely different. For women it's getting actual commitment from the men she desires
Just because you have more options readily available doesn't mean you wont have issues. Women are human and men can suck too
Also women only choose who they get to fuck, men choose who they marry

Dating apps suck but can be useful. You need to have good pictures, IE no selfies, decent quality, display you doing things you enjoy and out in the world etc etc

However, in your position you should probably be much more focused on making yourself grounded and meeting people naturally. Learn to socialize and build smaller social circles, even if its like public group activities. This sounds drab but its really the best way. Most people don't understand how friendly most other people will be if you present yourself kindly and take in interest in what they have to say.
Also unironically just approach women at places like bars, stores, etc. Just be friendly.
Like I said, a woman can ask out any man of her choice and he’ll be forever loyal to her. Men will do anything for a woman to talk to them, or even acknowledge their existence. Finding a man to commit to you is the easiest thing in the world for a woman.
Nah. The men who women actually desire are seldom loyal because they have a wealth of choices themselves. And most men in such a position aren't monogamous. I've seen women hurt themselves again and again by chasing these unattainable men and trying to 'fix' them. It's an age-old cliché proven by reality
This is a meme
Most normal people aren't going through all of these hoops and would just prefer a healthy relationship.
>Men will do anything for a woman to talk to them, or even acknowledge their existence
Project harder there buddy.
Somebody hasn’t been on dating apps
It's not a meme. Why do you think women have all these female dating strategy websites and stuff ( the woman equivalent of redpill bs) where they all dream of snagging up a 'high value male'. They blatantly put in words how most young women think. The desperation that you, as an average man, feel in getting women to reply they feel in trying to get commitment from a 'high value man' , whatever that means
You're right, I haven't. You know why? Because I don't need to be on them. I have no problem meeting women irl and having them like and be attracted to me.
So in other words, I am not a guy who "will do anything for a woman to talk to them, or even acknowledge their existence" as you said all men are.
Thank you for proving my point.
This general:
>95% basement dwelling faggots who only use dating apps
>5% guys who did even one IRL approach this year
I did 46 IRL approaches this year, this puts me in the top 1% of guys here. My success rate is 1 date in 8 approaches which means I'm a gigachad. I never got any advice from this general. I just come here to give advice, but most people ignore it and keep whining about their gay apps. Did 2 approaches yesterday, hopefully I'll do a few today too.
I just wanna pop in to commend all the experienced anons in here genuinely trying to give good advice. It's difficult enough trying to help regular guys who are struggling let alone the average 4chan autist grappling with psychological complexes out the ass and stubbornly refusing to accept any other worldview than what's been fed to them through years of isolation.
Where do you approach? Like what physical location? Don’t say some vague shit like “anywhere”. Give specific examples.
where do you live tho. cold approaching is a location thing. in my country ( western EU) it's associated with migrants, drunks, and low class people in general. it's seen as a nuisance. a guy I know got into trouble for approaching girls on campus for example, killed the last bit of social standing he had
I mostly frequent the same spots. Two places with benches by the water. One place with a good view over the city and benches. A park. One long stretch along the water with benches all the way. Sometimes I walk in a shopping street and adjacent streets but it's not great because women have no place to sit, and I prefer women who are sitting or standing still, rarely approach women who are walking. I've tried cafes but I've had more luck outdoors. It's getting colder though, my spots are best in the summer.
nah fuck off coping demoralizing fag, it's all about how you do it
Where the fuck do I go from here? This this girl I’m deeply in love with because she helped me through some tough times but she doesn’t feel that way about me and just wants to be friends. I deeply care for her and I still do want to go out with her but I know it’s not going to happen and I shouldn’t just harass her until she does but I can’t get rid of these feelings for her. But what the hell should I do at this point.
it isn't really. it's a culture thing too. in southern Europe everyone cold approaches. in Italy I was approached by women even. in northern/western Europe it's just not the done thing. there are far better options that don't harm your reputation or get you into trouble
let it go and create some distance. harassing her will kill everything
Do girls like alt/emo/skater boys with long floppy hair and baggy jeans? Like the current alternative aesthetic
I look like this but I'm 25 though people think I'm 19 at the oldest, what is this gonna get me?
I met this girl last semester that I ended up really liking but I haven't seen her in a while because we don't share any classes. I want to ask her out because I don't want my crush on her to turn into an obsession and I want some closure. I thought I could lose some weight and beat my porn addiction by now but the only thing I've managed to make progress with is the porn. Anyway I just want to ask, should I go through with it anyway? Give up? Wait longer? How do I gracefully accept rejection?

some fashion ideas for men this fall season
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>women complain that men are no longer approaching them
>they approach
>they are rejected
>women want to be approached
>when you do most of them treat you like what you're doing is horrible
Islam is right
I like Courtney Ryan but sometimes I feel like her advice is very basic and kind of vague. Most of it is the basic "shower and be yourself"
>her advice is very basic and kind of vague.
That's the best kind of advice though. Especially when you don't know the particulars of a faceless audience, such as when you're talking to your youtube watchers. OR for that matter when you're posting here. A lot of my advice here comes down to that as well and I'll get anons asking "HOW?!" after every post.
What some people need to realize is that part of it is discovering what works best for you on your own. We can give general advice, but if you need to be spoonfed then you're not actually learning anything.
I've been texting to and talking with girls I matched on tinder, right?
I had good convos with them, but the bitches stop talking when I invite them
what the fuck
I usually invite them after a day or two, some on the first day, you know, because it's the weekend and shit
HELL one bitch said she wants to chill out, we talked A LOT man, actually had good chemistry, she even asked me for my fucking number, which I gave her, when we talked on friday
anyway, she said she wasn't gonna be able to come on friday, understandable
so she says maybe saturday, right?
so I text her, and she just ghosts me
anyway, I didn't text her yet since that, and it's monday
should I text her? what do I say?
how long should you wait before answering a text on tinder? I give it like 5 minutes
maybe because basic advice is literally it, there's no magic formula, when people posit specific shit or follow this model it comes across as autistic as hell and fails 99% of the time. Yeah "keep frame" and make sure to look at her from a 3/4 angle to exert dominance. It's just PUA bs that has no bearing in the real world.

The best advice is, the more women you talk to the more likely you are to find someone. So talk to as many women as possible, that's it.
Help bros, lads LADDIES, how do I respond, and why is she so passive?
Shit, I matched with this girl, right
she likes to work out and shit, so I asked if she worked out every day
she says most days
I say I used to work out 3 times a week, but now I don't, since I had a lot of work and stuff, then I say you know, I should start working out again
You know, trying to bait her to talk about our common interest
the fucking bitch goes
>well idk
I haven't dealt with something like this. Spell it out for me, what the fuck does that mean? If she wasn't interested, she'd just ignore me right? What THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN, WHAT DO YOU MEAN WELL IDK
HELL I'm pretty sure she matched me first

shit, for ONCE dude, I actually want this bitch, and she's not even actually pretty, actually, she has a pretty shit face, almost like a man, but she's a tomboy, and I like that, I want to fuck her, and you know, be friends with her, maybe train with her
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right lads, i just want to share something

met a nice girl on the beach 2 days ago, real 8/10. I was walking past her when i noticed she was looking at me. I walked a bit more before turning around to look if she was still looking: she was.

I walked up to her and talked a little while, like 45min before i had to leave to catch my train. when i got home we texted a little, me saying i want to meet up and do something together, but that ill leave it up to her to decide when/where (since its a 2 hour drive for me to get to her area). i did not want to put pressure on her, and since only know her area, not specific location, i though she would like it more if she had that choice. hasn't texted me today as of rn.

I've decided to wait like 2-3 days to see if she comes up with something. Dont really know what to expect. we had a nice confo, but her dm-game is weak (she told so, could be real, could be a good lie to not bother with texting, idk). I know she read my last messages.

If the ghosts me then fine, ive learned that even I can be desirable(since losing 20kg) and that talking with people isnt really that bad.
Approached a girl sitting on a bench. She was positive. After talking for a few minutes I asked if she wanted to go eat. She said yes. We started walking. On the way there she started showing reluctance. Half way there she said she had to go to her hotel. No idea what happened but I'm guessing when she walked to the bench it was a little brighter, around sunset. Then when we got into the streets it was darker so she changed her mind about going on a date with a stranger. Next time if I approach when it's dark I'll pick a place really close, rather than 10 minutes away or whatever this restaurant was, so she won't have a chance to change her mind.
Tales from the basement
I don't want to harass or do some other scumbag shit. I care for her and I don't want to hurt her feelings but your right I guess I should just put some distance between us for now.
Lmao guys I got ghosted because of this.
that's more than like 60% of guys are willing to do. so you've already like doubled your attractiveness in comparison to the "average" guy
the low bodyfat one is kind of a big one, it means you have to care about your body if you aren't naturally lean
it's a way to express some amount of sexuality, which is probably what most 4chan users lack due to rampant fucking pornography perpetrated by israelis and psychopathic women
>>when you do most of them treat you like what you're doing is horrible

That's not true, otherwise you're doing it wrong. They are extremely fucking flattered by it.
nobody here actually does daygame
they pretend they do and give out indian-tier advice that they've never used themselves. they can post entire essays about what you're supposed to do. but not a single one of them will actually post any proof of an approach. they could mic up and post a vocaroo, they could have someone record them and post it on catbox, but none of them ever do.
because despite all their claims, they recognize that walking up to a random person at wal-mart and trying to get them to agree to a date is literal insanity and would never work.
I hung out with some female neighbors yesterday and the friends and they had a female friend who I'm interested in. I wanted to get her number but did now. Would it be advisable to reach out to my neighbor and say "hey could you pass along my number to your friend?" OR ask "hey if she's single could you provide me with your friends number?" which is better?
second one sounds better imo
but im a 20y/o khhv so what the fuck do i know
yea this is me rn. im depressed and i have no confidence or self esteem whatsoever. so for now im just trying to build myself better and restore that confidence. in the meantime i am quite lonely. it feels awkward to try and get women, like i have to do a lot of lying and the whole time i want to tell them that i hate every single day. should i just stay single for now or is this worth treating?
Good for you faggot. For me 1/8 is wants a date. Of the rest maybe 1 or 2 are very negative, the others are on a greyscale from quite negative to quite nice so I wouldn't say most treat me like I'm doing something horrible but most aren't flattered either.
Anyone have success gaming in subway stations/train stations/bus terminals and similar? I got out too late for daygame. Still managed to do one approach. Then I walked around, didn't see many targets plus success rate for outdoor game when it's dark is low. Then in the subway station on my way home I walked around a little. It's the central station of a capital and is combined subway/train/bus station plus has many stores and waiting areas. I saw tons of hot girls but they're walking, are sitting on the platform waiting for a train, are two girls together with suitcases etc. Doesn't seem like a good place to approach unless you are naturally in the same spot waiting for your train. I tried one of the grocery stores a long time ago. She was positive but I bailed prematurely.
I wish I could read her mind. But I can't read girls' minds so it's a numbers game.
Yep. Talked to a girl once when were both alone on the platform at night waiting for the train. Felt sketchy, but I was in a great mood and went for it anyway. We hit it off and discovered we lived only a few streets away from each other. went on a date a few days later.

It turns out just a few days ago she was racially harassed on the train by some homeless person, yet she still opened up to me anyway. That blew me away. One of the fun things about daygame is that you never know who you'll meet and where you might meet them.
Daytime pulls are always hit or miss. If you got that far you most likely didn't do anything wrong. She just changed her mind for whatever reason, probably nervous. Great job. Keep going.
want pussy so bad, anons

In the right city it's very possible. Plenty of girls sitting at the park on their phones wishing they could do something more interesting that day.
I'm not talking about random luck things like that. I'm talking about going there purposely for gaming. I also got one lay in a similar way years ago. Other than that I can only remember three approaches I did in a station, the one I mentioned where I bailed but shouldn't have, another was sitting on a bench and we went and had ice cream I think, I think she rejected me for sitting too close when we went back to the station, and one twoset who ran away when the train arrived.
Yes I've done that a few times, which is why I was able to approach that girl on a deserted train platform.
It was my 47th approach this year. Got 5 dates, 3 makeouts. She clearly liked me and wanted to hang out. I can't think of anything with me that happened after she agreed to go eat. As I said it was probably the fact the streets got darker. Despite liking me she knew very little about me and the dimly lit streets made her change her mind about going on a date with a stranger. Had it been half an hour earlier she would probably have done the date. Had I picked a restaurant very close she might have done it. Whatever her reason was, fuck her, onto the next. Now that I think back I think maybe she appeared reluctant already when we were going through a brighly lit tunnel right after leaving the bench though. I have no clue what it was. Fuck her.
How many approaches have you done in stations?
No need to be angry. You did fine.

Not many. I preferred being outside. I barely took the train when I lived in the city so I had no reason to be there.
Met an Asian woman last year. We went on 2 dates and had sex on the 3rd & 4th. The 5th time we hungout she wanted me to use a condom because her vagina was itchy. Told her I lost my mood and we went for breakfast. Didn't text her for a week and due to that she said she needed a break from me. Fast forward about 3 months and she randomly texted me at night asking to hang. I agree, she comes over, we talk for a bit and then have unprotected sex. Told me she is going back home soon until her next contract.

Reconnected with her at the beginning of August when she returned. We hung a few times w/o sex but I did eat her out one of those nights. Eventually says my communication is lacking etc. Said she doesn't see this going anywhere serious. End up having unprotected sex that night and did so 3 more times throughout the next 1.5 weeks.

After the first time we had sex again I asked her if she was seeing someone and she said she'd been going on dates with this guy and it was going well. I asked her if they had slept together yet and she said they haven't and he hasn't made a move yet.

Fast forward to yesterday, we ended up hanging out for 9 hours. Lunch she paid for, got ice cream, went for a drive, gave her a massage, had sex and then watched some shows. She has apparently been on around 8 dates with this other guy who has been courting her and he still hasn't made a move. She said that she thinks he is scared to "mess this up" as in him and her. He doesn't know she has been sleeping with me this whole time. I told her that she should at least be as honest to him as she is to me and to tell him that she's been seeing me the entire time.

She was confused as to why I didn't care she was going on dates with him. She also "warned" me that she doesn't plan on sleeping with two people at the same time. I don't get the point of spending so much time as well as money on me when you have a whole other dude courting you.

What's up with this woman?
pick the prettiest fucking girl in the room, tell her you want her number just because she is the prettiest girl in the room.

If it happens to be true, they will probably be extremely flattered by it.
I mean the i feel sorry for the other guy (I'm kinda like him sadly) but he is making the biggest mistake by not being assertive.
And how many lays did you get this way? Fuck off faggot.
Also her behavior is weird because she was sitting on the far end of a bench as if she wanted a guy to take her on a date. But then when a guy did nope that won't do. Fuck her.
Walked past a cute girl. She didn't look at me but she stopped right as we passed each other, turned to the water and seemed to take a photo of the view of the city. When we were maybe 30 meters from each other I looked back at her and saw her do the same, ie look back at me. Maybe she stopped to give me a chance to approach and looked back because she was attracted? I didn't approach when we were next to each other because she didn't look at me and because it was dark and only me and her there so I thought she'd find it creepy. Thoughts? Also passed another hot girl earlier in almost the same spot, looked at me a little but was kind of making a discouraging face. I rarely approach walking girls but I think maybe I should try it more, for example girls like these walking in the opposite direction in the street, just stop them and run some cheesy pickup line.
fuck it, I'm losing my virginity with a prostitute
What signals i should look for when a girl is willingly to fuck on one of the early dates?
If she is not showing these signals, what could i do to make her in the mood for it?
Perhaps your body language is too nervous and youre untidy. Try relaxing or at least pretend and see what happens
I just lined up a date with an "ethically non-monogamous" MILF from Bumble for Tuesday. She's 40, I'm 32.
Anyone have experience dating one of these poly women? Is there any world where dating one is a chill experience or should I be prepared to just break things off? I'm obviously not looking for anything serious with her, just to be a regular hookup partner for her although she claims not to be looking for hookups or ONSs. Over chat she comes off as autistic and crazy but she's hot, a redhead with big fucking tits and the perfect mommy body and I wouldn't mind having a situation with her. I'm talking to a few other girls right now too but I want to break my dry spell ASAP
I'm either banned or shadowbanned from all dating apps. Anyone else have this happen to them?
Yes, keep seeing scorts. It helps with anxiety
Perhaps because your whole vibe is relaxed and calm
>to work on my CompSci degree
She sees you workinng, focused and determined. That inspires confidence imo
This is a very good post
>actually spent last week hoping I would have a girl approach me
>girl tried to strike up conversation with me as I was leaving a bar tonight
>irritated she tried talking to me because I wanted to go home

Why am I like this
So I've been seeing a girl for a month and the past weekend has felt "off" for lack of a better word. This is my first relationship in goddamn 20 years and the first girl I've ever kissed, so I'm probably hyper obsessing and fixated on a problem that doesn't exist. Anyways, feels like she's putting distance between us by communicating less and by being a bit shorter and colder. We met today for lunch for what was our shortest date yet and we kissed goodbye but it still felt off. I don't want to kill the relationship by spilling my spaghetti but I also feel like I might kill it by letting it fizzle out into nothing. Would I be wrong to talk to her about all this the next time we meet up? Feel like I'm schizoing and spiraling.
I don't think I am, I usually walk quite slowly. I do have a bad habit of "people watching" where I just look around at different strangers while going about my business or waiting for something out of curiosity. I've been told that it's a bit creepy especially since I often forget to smile when I make eye contact with people so I suppose I could come off autistic or unhinged even though I'm not. I've been trying to practice smiling more in the mirror but it just feels so unnatural since I haven't smiled properly since I was a kid.
I think that what matters is how you say things, not the things you say. Obviously you don't have to swear of say threatening things, because that's too much. But you can say almost whatever in a relaxed and cool way and you will come up as cool and increase your chances of make her attracted to you. I legitimately think that confidence is the most attractive trait for women. I can see anon saying "are you checking me out" in a chill and teasing way, and producing a positive response in a woman.
Work on yourself. Get great work skills, get a good job, have a plan to keep growing, and pick some normies activities you enjoy doing (meaning, avoid the internet and videogames as much as possible)
Shoot your shot. Push her until she shows clear signs of disinterest (not reply messages). Then move on
It's funny. If she were Asian I'd find her way more attractive. Just because she's white I'm kind of turned off. How to cure yellow fever?
You see the roles of mental pain reversed only for the west. Middle eastern chads refused to accept the demands of cuckhold society and are still based.
Good. I did it. It helped me with my fear of women
How do I find prostitutes? Did 47 approaches this year and no sex. Haven't had sex in over a year. I'm contemplating fucking a hooker. Tired of shit like this girl I approached today:
The face is probably the problem. I know the feeling because I have resting bitch face and people think I'm angry. All my life I have suffered from this curse and since I got as a child people hasn't been friendly to me. Imagine the impact that had in my development. I practiced my smile and try to make it look natural. Now I smile a bit every time I make eye contact. I have gotten good responses from regular people.
>How do I find prostitutes?
I use trusted sites here in Brazil where there is a catalog of women from each region.
I think I have this problem too, probably affects how women treat me. I need to smile more. I'm probably just not happy. Most of my life I've been a loner but the few times I had friends I noticed just on my way to meeting them women treated me differently because it probably reflected in my face. I've noticed other times too when I was smiling or happy for whatever reason that girls were more positive to me.
I looked for local escorts on Twitter. I used all my 4chan autism to find a legit profile (older than 1 year old, constant pictures, recommendations from more than 1 non bot accounts). I also looked for information on how to navigate the local escort scene and avoid being scammed or robbed.
I texted her, she gave me her price, I made an appointment and showed up. I told her I was inexperienced and she gave me some pointers on how to see escorts in a safe way. She now texts me once a month to schedule an appointment because she knows I'm a good customer.
Face is the second most primal way of communication for mammals, second to sounds. We convey powerful subconscious information via our faces and it affects how people perceive us in an emotional way. See studies on babies who weren't exposed to faces; they developed some kind of autism or some shit.
Now that I think it, is eerie to think how powerful our faces are, as they can affect how people feel about us. And that's very important information because if you have a face that tells people you're dangerous, they will feel real fear and anxiety, as humans can be very dangerous (were the most dangerous specials on the planet). I do believe that my resting bitch face is a direct line to my subconscious; I do think that my face's muscles get in a position that communicates my trauma to others as I, indeed, had a traumatic childhood.
A girl I know said she's "bad", should I take that at face value or is there some deeper meaning here?
Not sure if you're in the wrong thread or not, but becoming Catholic and going to confession fixed my self esteem and self image issues, which allowed me to fix my social skills and ask out a cute girl when I saw her. Our wedding is in 3 months.
Tease her.
"How bad are you"
Congrats bro. I feel somehow I will also make it
How do I stop intimidating women? Every girl I meet tells me I'm intimadating. Pic related.
she's only scared of how wet you make her
What picture do I use in dating apps when I'm like real fat? Or should I wait a year until I lost some weight?
What's your take on crazy cuties?
Been chatting with this girl who told me she's tried numerous times to kill herself, been hospitalized and thrown in the psych ward a few times as a result, and is a self proclaimed alcoholic with a controlling mother
but she seems fun & cute
Yeah focus on yourself until you feel that you can approach girls IRL. I will start focusing on myself soon bulking until next summer. Probably won't do a single approach from when I start sometime this fall until July next year. Then I'll slay.
What do you say exactly when you walk up to the women that worked?
Common noob trap. "I'll wait until I get X and then I'll start doing Y." What you are actually doing is training yourself to put off your goals. You'll keep finding something else you need to do or be before you're ready to start meeting women.

Do what you can with what you have. Unless you're horribly disabled or really sick you can still do something
Have you posted proof? You're expecting a lot for an anonymous image board. If you're so unhappy here go find a FB group or a forum.
Nah. Women suck your life force. Women aren't important. You work on yourself for yourself. If you're very fat or very skinny it's better to take half a year and get in shape first. Unless you're desperate and your life revolves around pussy like you.
>put off your goals
Approaching women isn't a goal. Getting in shape is.
>walking up to a random person at wal-mart and trying to get them to agree to a date is literal insanity and would never work.

For you. I literally named the last girl I talked to "Walmart Becky" in my phone because thats where we met.
>it's cold
>it's windy
>good view from here
good morning saars!!
Don't be like this guy when you approach.
Just posted that as joke. I do daygame but didn't try much in stores. One girl I approached in a grocery store had a positive response. In hindsight I think she wanted to have a drink but I bailed prematurely. Daygame is all about doing it the right way. Dan Cilley clearly didn't get the hang of it.
I think she's wet. Keep talking to her until she says no. You have nothing to lose
I was going to say fuck n dump but no... She's going to be a problem if you don't know how to stay level headed. She can get in your mind and fuck you up. Id avoid her
>Women aren't important
Try being a 35 year old virgin with a good job
Bros any tips for first time virgin couple sex?

How do I make the bleeding the least painful as possible to the girl?

What are some tips?
I'm 40. Most guys who struggle with women it's because we care too much about women and too little about ourselves, I'm guilty of this myself. I took a long break from women this spring to focus all my energy on getting in better shape and I will do it again. It pays off, I got 5 dates in 47 cold approaches this year, 1 date in 70 cold approaches last year.
new thread


I fucked a virgin last year. I used a lot of lube and at first penetrated with one finger, then two fingers, then my dick.
What does this joke even mean?
Human women are the only species of mammal that don't outwardly show visible physical attraction. A woman could have a huge crush on you and you would never know it.

I've had sex with a woman that kept saying "how did you know!?" multiple times. I only knew for sure because the other woman I was having sex with told me lol.

A different woman from a past job I had said she had a crush on me the entire time. I've only seen this lady maybe 3 times in the three years I worked there. I've never even heard her voice.

That's why it's always better to approach than assume.

Yep no need to argue with WEBM collectors that anon. More women for us. Have fun on /gif/, bro.
Just go to church, bro.
They're projecting.
What city do you live in?
On the contrary, weak men make harder times and women adapt to those hard times. Look at japan women are practically begging for impregnation.
The more fags like him keep it up, the easier he makes it for us AND him included, fag

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