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In relationships, in content I consume, in life.

How do I control this urge for NOVELTY?
You dont. you indulge it. Only small minds find comfort in repetition and sameness.
I can't retain relationships because of it nor complete any long term projects. It's a disease ag2np
that just means you haven‘t found people or projects worth putting effort in yet
read the recognitions by william gaddis
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You crave for novelty because you are hollow and empty inside so you can't deal with be alone with yourself and your thoughts that's why you always want be bussy with a novelty.

Im affraid you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder or at least some traits of this mental illness.
Elaborate more I think you're on to something
>recognitions by william gaddis
Do you have this constantly need to get attention and admiration?

If someone else gets attention or admiration, do you have the feeling he is getting that attention and admiration at your expenses?

Did you have an absent parent(divorce) that make you feelt abandoned as a kid?
Yes to both (not divorced but unpredictable parents). But I thought everyone wanted attention all the time. And how did you deduce that I had narcissism from my addiction to novelty?How would I fix this?

Kek, complete opposite to reality
I would also like to know, because this feels like it matches me also.
Definitely the first and third, maybe not the second, but the symptoms described match me uncomfortably well.
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>And how did you deduce that I had narcissism from my addiction to novelty?

I studied about this mental illness in order to understand a girl i fell in love with. I accidentally realized she had this mental illness so i start to study her mental illiness in order to help her.

Plot twist:
Wasn't love but emotional dependency because my dad had traits of this personality disorder(we always marry to our parents). And more i learned about this mental illness more i realized she was hopeless abd due my familiy background this relationship was not goid for me so she just die för me.

>How would I fix this?

You don't. This mental illness has no cure. BUT just like other personality disorders there's a SPECTRUM(from light to severe). You here being able to recognize about your narcism and accepting you are not perfect and you wanting to change/fix thidms only tells me that you only have traits of this mental illness and not the full personality disorder.

I suggest you read the yellow pages of mental illness: DSM-5. There you can read more about your NPD.

I suggest you develop your empathy because lack of empathy it's the core problem of Narcissistic people. Narcissistic people have an "emotional autism" that makes them spend all their "empathy points" to themselves because NOD is nothing but a coping mechanism, a shell to protect themselves from childhood trauma(like the feeling of be rejected by one parent due a divorce, so the kid feels he don't deserve be loved so NPD it's a way to over compesate this lack of love: i was not loved so i would over love myself because this trauma made shit my Self-esteem and my mind)
Bless you anon. I don't love myself in the normal way but I can definitely feel the narcissism. Again though, how does this relate to novelty?
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Narcissistic people are very superficial, they are hollow and empty inside therefore they love novelty in order to be bussy. Narcissistic people hate be alone with their thoughts because that's when they start to ponder about their lives and that's when they start to thinking about their trauma and about how said trauma makes them put a wall between them and the world(Avoidant attachment is part of NPD) and that makes them hard have deep conections with friends, familiy and sentimental partners(gf/bf or husband/wife), and due this lack of connection(that they don't want make deeper in order to not be hurted again like happened with their original trauma) they rather novelty instead: i know this relationship will not go deeper so this gets boring pretty son, so let's just jump to the next relationship, över and over. That's why a lot narcissists are often promiscuos: they get bored easy so they jump from a partner to other, always seeking for novelty, attention and admiration, but always in a superficial way in order don't get attached and be vulnerable.
So it's literally over for me. I've never been able to keep a relationship. I don't have many friends. I think my future is lonely even though I don't want to be. But I just push people away because I genuinely do see them as lesser than me

I grew up in an unstable household and was also bullied relentlessly for years as a child and spent years of extreme anxiety. I have spent years since as a social hermit. Everything you said describe me perfectly. Please tell me there is a way to fix this.
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>I genuinely do see them as lesser than me

That's because in your mind you must be the best on everything and there's no way someone is better than you. That's why you often end up in a "competence" against people around you, a competence that's just in your head only, so if your neighbor got a new car you must have a more expensive car than him, same when you see other people with an expensive smartphone, clothing, house, life style, or even a more sexy sentimental partner, and when you are not able to get all this stuff that you legit feel you are Entitled to have, it's when depression hits because för you reallity is an agression, so when you don't have all this previous listed stuff the reallity is telling you that you are not the best after all, that you are not even someone rich or famous like you think you should be.

So the first step is accept that you are not entitled to anything.
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>Please tell me there is a way to fix this.

All the info about NPD can be sumarized in this way:

5% Psychiatric and medical info to diagnose NPD.

95% Books, youtube videos, podcasts and therapy is about to help to the victims that suffered by someone with NPD(sentimental partner, friend, parents, brothers, coworker, etc) to understand and heal the abuse and damage caused by this people(closer the person is= bigger and deeper the damage is, specially if you had a narcissist parent, because children lack of tools to understand and deal with emotional abuse).

As you can notice there's no % dedicated to help to the narcissist to change or fix because 99% of narcissist people legit believe there's nothing wrong with them(another trait of narcism is never be wrong, and they will gaslight you to change the reallity because for Narcissistic people reality is an agression) so this people never changes.

As I already said there's a spectrum in NPD, you don't have the full combo of this mental illness but traits only. So I suggest you start to watch youtube videos about this topic in order you can understand yourself better.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula it's the most popular divulgator about NPD in the U.S:


Dr. Phil itself had a podcast talking about NPD and explains how was growing up with his Narcissistic father:


Dr. Frank Yeomans is another of my favorite divulgators about NPD:


Of course there's more podcasts about NPD so just like a Therapist you must find one that hits the nail.

I suggest you join to /r/narcissism/:


There you will interact with both victims and people with NPD.

First start to understand what NPD is, and just after you feel enough ready you could go to therapy to understand this trauma childhood that made you develop your narcism in the first place.
Thank you fren
I hate monkeys. take that you grotesque little shit
>You have the ability to feel remorse. Something narcissists don't. You may have done hurtful things in the past, but you're not a narc.
>Don’t think you have NPD because narcs don’t go seeking help, ever. You do have trauma for sure. You sound more codependent than anything. You don’t want NPD, once you have that you’re screwed for life. You’re beginning to have self awareness. NPD don’t have that, they go into excuse after excuse. You’re beginning to connect the dots.

This is what reddit says, guess I don't have npd then
NPD it's an spectrum. You only have traits so you are on the light/lower spectrum.
Learn to love god, and put God first.
You are misdiagnosing your problem. You don't have a problem with "seeking novelty" you have a lack of focus and energy.
You cure this by increasing biological energy.
I am definitely on the spectrum of CNPD. This has been an eye opening experience. I've fucked up large parts of my life because of my social rejection sensitivity. I've failed semesters because a girl completely ignored me. I am timid to strangers but secretly often have feelings of grandiose. Doesn't help that I'd been a gifted student through most of school until uni where I found myself surrounded by other nerds and was mogged by cracked autists who'd cruise though international olympiads.

Guess understanding myself is a first step.
So what do you think made you develop your covert narciscism? What childhood trauma you think was the responsible?

In my case with this npd girl her narcism was due the divorce of her parents. Her dad was absent so she feelt she was not loved and she feelt that nobody will love her again. She was just 10-years-old when this happened.
try to get an MBTI diagnosis and then try to look what you really want on an ideal partner
I had to do the halo like this monkey. The doctor or one of his minions screwed it on too tight and busted my skull. They didn’t bother to mention their mistake or that it may have been contributing to the headaches of course but, when I cut my hair, it was clearly visible that there was a hole in the side of my head with spiderweb cracks emanating from it.
How do I do that?
Bro ur literally me. I'm graduating soon and have zero close networks. People in my class HATE me.

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