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Raked Episode
Last Episode: >>32029056
Women want used men and men want unused women
lovers just want each other
Two days ago I fell asleep while listening to a dirty ASMR audio and I don't know how to feel about that.
Hi /atoga/
State gender; what was your last dream that you remember?
Nothing wrong with that at all wtf
They’re designed to be relaxing on some level.
Literally tomoki
I was revealed to be the worlds first sentient AI and after the convention a bunch of scientists at a diner wanted to speak to me. Then as I was exiting the diner another sentient robot tried to kidnap me.
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I was moving into an apartment in Japan, some buddies were helping me get moved in. I was setting up my TV, but I wasn’t getting the free cable the building offered. I got really mad and my friends were too uncomfortable to even leave.
The cable line just wasn’t plugged in. Then I woke up.
this has been a bit of a recurring dream ive been having lately that slowly progresses each time and i havent reached the end yet. when i was younger, maybe like 5 or 6 years old, (this is one of my youngest memories) there was this house down the street from my parents place where the guy who lived did a massive landscaping job on his backyard and he had a beautiful garden and he had like these 3 small ponds, and in the small ponds he had a full aquarium of fish. he was a friendly man who let me into backyard anytime i wanted to watch and see his fish. but anyway i only ever saw his backyard, and never went into his house.

lately ive been having dreams where ive been slowly going into his house, but his house is completely abandoned. there is furniture, and clothes, and possessions in the house, and it looks like somebody is living there, but as i look through the house i cant find anybody. the house on the outside isnt that big, but when i go into the house its massive, like a 50 room mansion, and i can never finish looking through his house before i wake up. i have no idea why i have this dream or what it means.

thank you for reading.
That was sweet, anon
I had a bunch of missing teeth and teeth I was able to push around with my fingers.
So the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life. This dream may be an indication that you need to be more assertive and believe in the importance of what you have to say.
I have a recurring dream that I wake up in like the 14th week of the semester and realize I totally forgot about a class, and have to make up all the work in 2 weeks.
We had a fella doing AI oneiromancy and I hope he comes by to respond to the answers given to the question. cuz I think its kinda funny
State gender, how long should a good makeout sess be until you want to move on or escalate?
30 minutes
10-15 minutes but really I could spend all day there
Good evening /atoga/
I hate women.
Women is is possible for PiV to be comforting?
nice pic, what is it from?
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It’s AI
Pic related, not a real photo if you can believe it
Women, is there any way a short guy wins over a tall guy on physical traits? I've heard that girls like tall+lanky and tall+strong, so I assume it wins you over more than short+lanky or short+strong, but is this really true? Also, does short+big dick win over tall+small dick for you? Does short+good face beat tall+mid face for you?
There is always an undercurrent of anxiety and risk of pregnancy or std. And if I am not rubbing my clit and you are not super hung frankly it's not that great. I love piv if the dick is huge and I can rub my clit well during it. I hate when the guy tries to act cocky like hehehe no I will twist you weirdly so you can't touch yourself NOW CUM on my dick ONLY. Uhhh no yeah you are hung like crazy your dick is like a fucking red bull tall can but I still need the nerve endings activated. Plus clit stimulation makes my pussy tighten up so it's in your best interest to let me just fucking do it. Christ. Men are so fucking evil I swear some of you have a fetish for orgasm denial. Just be a good dildo and let me use you
how short are you? 5'9?

t. clitoridectomy deserver
Taking a break from the Korrasami to post protein powers I have tried and liked.

I want women, regardless of used or new.

>I don't know how to feel about that
Certainly not sleepy

>what was your last dream that you remember?
I dreamed of Hogwarts. I don't remember much of the details but I remember it had to do with a magic school.

>Women is is possible for PiV to be comforting?
Yes, especially when he makes you feel safe.

The Rake of Nanking

>is there any way a short guy wins over a tall guy on physical traits?
I'm not into tall guys, generally. Especially when they're skinny, as it accentuates their height. Face is most important, build is second, dick size is third, height is last.
I love piv you can tell by my post but I'm a total size queen. Also most men are fucking stupid and can't maintain the same position for more than 10 seconds even if they hit the g spot. I think I have had like 1 or 3 vaginal orgasms in my entire life. It's not easy cuz men are fucking retarded so I've learned to adapt
I stole it from /tv/
>The Rake of Nanking
f, last night i had two dreams. one where i was skinny and hot and the other where aliens were forcing people to have sex
so this is what the day of the rake looks like
Considering that old age is full of aches, illnesses, and overall weakness that might make life particularly unenjoyable (especially because you remember the days you were younger and livelier), should humans be allowed to live until old age?
Humans were never meant to live so long. For most of human history they would live until 30-40, and even the particularly old would only live until 50-60. By that time you're starting to get pretty weak and sick, but not too much: having to live longer than that seems unnecessarily cruel.
Not to mention that old age is costly not only for the old but for the young as well, society in general.
There was an old man trying to walk into a garden. Something terribly tragic would happen if he did, but I don’t know what.
Tall and strong is king even if ugly.
Tall and lanky can be unfuckable to king depending on dick size (tall without strength signifies weakness like shortness does).
Short and lanky is gross unless big dick in which contrast can make him hot.
Short and strong same, if big dick it's hot if not it's compensating
Yes, short and big dick wins over tall and big dick as 5'4 woman. My favorite fwb is 5'6 skeleton with massive horse cock
You might just be horny
>he other where aliens were forcing people to have sex
>size queen
How would you rank a 7 inches long, 5 inches girth dick?
upward curve
>My favorite fwb is 5'6 skeleton with massive horse cock
So when do you plan on getting married and having a family?
Thank you!
Femanons would you date/ marry a guy with higgh functioning autism?
I feel like I am good at masking but people notice I have it somewhat often.

I was searching through the wreckage of a harbor town. I felt like it was after some event that changed everything, I think it was the second coming and I was part of the group that got left behind. I remember just wanting to do good but knowing it didn't matter regardless. I went into a building with some people who were with me and as we were looking through stuff I found an old lord of the rings DVD box set and PS2, I hoped that I could see lotr again when a guy next to me got shot, I didn't see where but when people came in I started shooting them with my shotgun. I got two of them and they looked like mobsters, old 1920's suits and all. I ended up being surrounded and I surrendered and I knew they were going to kill me. I asked the leader if he'd let me watch lord of the rings one last time before I died and for some reason he was merciful and agreed, but the box set was empty. After that they pinned me down and he cut my throat with a knife and I could feel warmth and blood and my throat felt full and it was hard to breath and things were dark. I didn't resist though, because I felt like I made a deal and he upheld his end and was merciful and so I shouldn't beg or die miserably. But I didn't die, I just lay there a while until I saw a woman searching around. I tried to ask her for help but when she drew closer I could tell she was evil and foul and she wanted me to die in a way the other experience wasn't. I thrashed and managed to stab her through the eye with something on the ground and then I crawled on top of her and punched her face till she was dead. Then I woke up.
if I drank an energy drink when I was sleepy and still fell asleep, where did all that energy gο?
What is big?
Grab a ruler pls.
Boomers look like shit when they're older because they all party hard, drank lead, breathed in asbestos 24/7, and other shit
They look like shit because they didn't take care of themselves
Gen x and Millennials look a lot better compared to boomers that were their age
So 3 days ago I posted here talking about how I'm trying to maintain friendship with this one girl who rejected me and how she called me to watch movies at my place tomorrow I decided to forget my feelings and try to be a good friend with her now that the day is coming should I DM her with something like "hey just to make sure you still want to watch that movie tomorrow?" Or should I want for her to make a move? I really wanted that she makes a move and shows interest in it but I'm afraid that if I don't say nothing it might not happen at all, also I need advices on how to act during the movie I can't act lovesick cause she will distance herself probably but I'm a completely failure when I'm around her I never stuttered I'm my life but when she's around I stutter all the time and my voice fails, what should I do before the movie should I small talk about something?
yeah i get kinda horny in my sleep sometimes. i dont really feel it during the day though and a barely masturbate (like once every few weeks)
Just ask "are we still watching the movie tomorrow"
And when you're there after the movie plays for a bit, say like 10 minutes put your arm over her, and then in a couple minutes try to kiss her.
Women, what non-normal aspects of a guy or even red flags do you find attractive in a guy? Girl in the last thread mentioned she had some red flags she liked but didn't mention which.

Kinda like how lots of guys like BPD or problem girls who'll ruin their lives cause "I can fix her"
What if people lived as if they were to die at 30-50 like God had intended?
Not happening she already rejected me bro I'm forgetting my feelings for her
Isn’t that false, a statistic skewed by high infant mortality rates in ages past?
Sorry I thought you wanted advice.
>tfw no gf to eat out while she has horny dreams
god is so cruel :/
On how to keep friendship and not to ruin it and makes she hate me
>she called me to watch movies at my place tomorrow
Women is this a normal thing to do with a friend you've already romantically rejected once.
God intended for eternal life. The tree of life only was guarded by an arch angel after we ate of the tree of knowledge and gained sin. That's because God didn't want us to live eternally in sin but to be cleansed with rebirth and then eternal life in heaven.
wrong idea man, you want to eat her out while she's asleep to give her horny dreams
Women, how would you react if your ex was jerking off to nude photos of you?
>like God had intended
Didn't adam live to be like 900 or something
No. They specify "X years at age 1" or "age 15", i.e., if they survived infant mortality, then they got to live so many years (e.g., 30 years).
Ok, but answer the question. How do you think it would affect human lifestyles?
not my problem
To be more clear about the situation we were planning on watching this movie before she rejected me, when she did she said "hey if you still want to watch that movie I'm free next weekend cause I really want to watch it" also she's lesbian
No I want to see her whimper and quiver in her sleep like a dog runs and then I will eat her out.
Does anyone else ever make loud primal caveman grunts when they're really thirsty and take a big swig of something hydrating?
is it better to live forever as a retard, or die at 95 with tree of knowledge powers?
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I'm going to put two babies into my wife, turn her body into something only I can love
>also she's lesbian
Ohhhhhhh you're that anon lmao. Yeah good luck, try not to have horny thoughts I guess. Jerk off before she gets there. You just need exposure therapy. Have drinks and snacks, I recommend a charcuterie board.
>when they're really thirsty and take a big swig of something hydrating?
Not as I take a big swig but as I am gathering my water I will.
Hi Tsundere-kun
>making noises while something goes down your noises
sounds, gay
Is there a way to avoid this? I remember reading about spreading oils.
Yeah I also want to ask her what she would like for snacks and drinks but that depends on how she answers me when I ask if she still up for it
Nah, it's a mark of ownership
just adopt
To all things an appointed time. I think humans tend to ignore death until it's upon them. I don't think it would affect their judgement much. If you read stuff like St Augustine's confession, or biographies on different people I don't think people change that much fundamentally. Beyond all of that I believe that we're largely instruments of God's story and that our lives repeat his narrative again and again. The only thing that really matters is whether you accept his word and him working through you to play your part at the appointed time or whether you're going to choose sin.
>The Rake of Nanking
>hung like crazy
Said this like 3 times lmao. Get better rage bait
a lot is genetics
moisturizing and hydration helps
a healthy diet with good fats and plenty of collagen helps
Women what do you think about the way water runs of the pp when a man showers?
>aliens were forcing people to have sex
That's apparently the whole point of abductions
adoption is basically non-existent in my country due to how the system works, but whats it like in the us? can you actually adopt a baby? idk how i feel about it but as i approach my 30s i kinda see its the only option for me to raise a kid (i might move to the us one day
My mother has a 6 pack and she's 47, fat women just cope
Let me drink it.
>Yes, short and big dick wins over tall and big dick as 5'4 woman. My favorite fwb is 5'6 skeleton with massive horse cock
Is this what cocoa butter is for. I dont know, Im not a woman.
Ok, but only Aryan boys and girls.
Atoga moids, be fr: could the foids of atoga make for decent wives and make you happy?
>men are fucking stupid and can't maintain the same position for more than 10 seconds even if they hit the g spot. I think I have had like 1 or 3 vaginal orgasms in my entire life. It's not easy cuz men are fucking retarded
Is that retardation or lack of stamina?
Bitches love cheese, cant go wrong with that.
Women weigh in on this.
Only the ones that'd date fat and balding men.
Why can't we just be friends?
If I drink coffee before bed I'll wake up covered in sweat
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I know none of them personally so I cannot say it with certainty but there is one that I believe is self aware enough and is a good person that I thoroughly think would make a good wife and mother.
Nta but that sounds average.
They're just whores like all women with the difference that they like to larp as trad and virtuous occasionally.
Popcorn with grated cheese maybe?
>could the foids of atoga make for decent wives and make you happy?
I would swim across the Atlantic if I got Swiss anon to be my wife and pump 20 kids into her
Most of them are okay
Fine, but only if I get the holy dripping-from-nipple water.
I was going to judge him at first, but you know? Would. I would too.
Only the flat ones, the ones with c cups or larger are succubi and harlots.
is it possible to maintain the same position though? if he's going in and out, wouldn't that mean slightly different angle, different depth each time? besides, how would he know to try to keep the same position if you don't tell him?
Women, would you tell a guy that really really likes you
>I’ve always liked you
>You’re agreat guy, too good maybe
>And this scares me, and I don’t want anything romantically from you
And then expect him to not be confused and ask questions?
And then expect him to be ok and jolly?
Probably. I think if they willingly come to /adv/ and try to give advice to people, they can’t be too bad.
What uses can we give to old people who can't really work anymore?
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girls get mad when you don't fuck with them
calling you sexist or an incel
I don't get it, doesn't that make you a femcel for compaining
just keeping it real, best wishes
>You’re a great guy, too good maybe
This is often true. I need a man with some edge.
I don't think any of them are virgins waiting for marriage
What are your thoughts on the Canadian actress Sarah Gadon?
Male confessions only work in anime, irl it’s awkward and weird. She’s trying to let you down gently so you don’t kill her or shoot up a school
guidance and advice
I call dibs on the femanon who writes paragraphs about what she likes about men! Would marry her in a heart beat
NTA but how dare you
How was your birthday?
It's hard for me not to think they're mostly just after attention and many aren't seriously interested in answering questions or helping male anons.

I don't think most male anons are genuine either. I think most male anons on adv and soc are lazy and simply not actually putting in the effort to fix their own character or cover the basic aspects of normal life that would make them a reasonable mate.

I think there's some chance that most foids could be good wives but I have no idea how that would happen realistically. if they're just looking to be swept away by some stranger on the Internet thats not going to happen. I don't see either party actually reaching out and joining together and treating things as a serious effort to find connection with someone else to the point of marriage. Beyond all of that I've heard a bunch of foids actively shit on marriage and God so that automatically cuts them out from the start.
>Sarah Gadon poster is back
It’s been a while, I was wondering if you were okay
Question for everyone.

Is it true women in their 20s tend to go for men in their 30s? I'm soon to be 25 and have been with a pretty small amount of girls; kinda want to know if it'll get easier.
like 95% of them, only ones that couldn't would be the ones who spew unwarranted hate towards all men, I can't live under constant vitriol.
Nope, they are trannies
they must convert back to the male race immediately and start working on their herculean labors
if jh didnt hate jizz, she would be the perfect woman
Yeah, adoption isn't abnormal. You gotta show you got a stable income I think, so it'll be harder if you're trying to be a single parent, but it's a thing. Gay couples do it all the time
it gets easier the more women you fuck
male body count is a meme, just keep fucking sluts
I didn’t confess shit kek
Before that I told her
>I know we’ll never be together, that’s clear to me and it’s fine
She already told me she doesn’t want anything from me before, but we hanged out and got a bit too close to call ourselves ‘just friend’
Sarah Gadon is simply perfection
I wouldn't say this to a guy, but if i did, i understand from his perspective he might have questions (he would want to know why, what traits about him i don't like, etc)... but from the point of view of the person saying this, you should understand they're not interested and they're just trying to be polite.

Also, I wouldn't expect you to be jolly, because it's a backhanded compliment. But yk rejection happens and there's plenty of fish in the sea
are you into piss-play too?
I think only some couldn’t. One that comes to mind is that femanon constantly complaining about being blocked.
Who wouldn't desu
I think the fat femanons would make good gfs and I would marry one.
women what do you think about the way balls move when you touch our thighs?
>fat femanons
Fat people are evil just like gays
I dont think so.
I still think cheese and crackers are better but whatever you say
Women always go for older until they hit the wall.
Teenagers go for men in their 20s, tweens go for men in their 30s, postwallies try to go for younger (see the whole seething about age gaps) but settle for older.
>the ones who spew unwarranted hate towards all men, I can't live under constant vitriol.
All that passion though! Imagine them taking out all their frustrations about the patriarchy on your cock.
When they tighten up? Yeah thats cute. My favorite is when they get all tense before cumming.
>I know we’ll never be together, that’s clear to me and it’s fine
nta but arguably worse than a confession
They're going to be taking it out on my ears and anonymous image boards.


1. A human in modern civilization lives on average 82 years--a year is 365 days, so a human lives 30.000 days on average. Assume this is the maximum time you will be on this earth.
However, on average, 8 hours a day are spent on sleeping, so a third of your life, or 10.000 days, is reserved to recovering your energy.
Moreover, presumably, 8 hours a day will be spent on education during your childhood and adolescence, then later on work during your adulthood, so another third of your life, or 10.000 days, is reserved to preparing yourself and providing for yourself in society.
Therefore, my son, use your time wisely and seek efficiency, so you may waste time freely on what truly fulfills you. Follow the path I have devised for you, to gain useful skills and build your character.

State gender. Thoughts?
Are you sure you know what tween means?
I think all women should engage in the experiment where you place a knife or a sharp and pointy object on the inner thigh of a man and watch as the corresponding teste retracts in fear in an attempt to defend itself.
do you just really like cock then?
>My favorite is when they get all tense before cumming.
Hold them when this happens. Feels amazing
>A person in their twenties, between 20 and 29 years old. Possibly including 30-32.
I dunno man. An angry woman in an untucked woman in my experience
Yeah, I think I allowed myself to get played
She said she doesn’t want anything from me, but kept me around, told me her personal life, events, etc almost everytime we met at functions
I liked her too much to truly let her go, and I suffered hoping she might change her mind
I cut her off, but what she said really stirred me up and reignited some sort of hope in me
Wishful thinking hoping I can be with someone
>too good
She didn’t even know me that well but idc
First for tucking in women and kissing them goodnight.
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Generic and a bit cringe to be honest. Memento mori and carpe diem are not new concepts in any way.
Noted. What I really want to know tho is what to drink cause ik she doesn't drink alcohol and she's kinda fit so maybe she doesn't like soda I have zero sugar ice tea at my place maybe that can do the trick
We got too close and she opened the subject again
another anon beat you to it
Look up the definition, bro.
oh yes
best believe i do
Total nonsense
>use your time wisely
not very cool and stoic of you desu
Who? none of the replies did? unless im blind
Women, how many points are deducted if a guy is
>fat (not fit)
>small dick (not big dick)
>short (not tall)
>poor (not rich)
>thin (not muscular)
>hairy/not hairy (not [opposite])
>dumb (not smart)
>grower (not shower)
>bald (not hair-headed)
>preferred race (not preferred race)

idk, am i missing anything else?
>My favorite is when they get all tense before cumming.
Wait, can you tell we're about to cum from this?
dibs on >>32032126
Life is short when you think about it, and a lot of that short time is wasted against your will.
>Generic and cringe
It isn't trying to be special, though?
"Cringe". What's that supposed to mean? Does it make you uncomfortable? That's a you problem.
>Memento mori and carpe diem are not new concepts in any way.
Forgot to read the "therefore, my son" part, that clearly states this is from a father trying to impart wisdom to his young son?
I spent an hour browsing this thread and replying to anons getting no bitches and even worse getting NO (you)s. I should have been reading the Bible or some other book. Don't be like me anons, I'm fucking retarded for doing it again.
Thoughts on the Canadian actress Sarah Gadon?
Fuck stoics
Idk since when everyone wants to be a cool hecking stoic
Emotions are part of being human, they need to be processed, defined, understood and mitigated if need me in an intentional way
Stoicism is a cope for people who’s parents weren’t emotional regulators and they don’t want to work on themselves
Fucking outdated philosophy
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>Woman tracing her nails lightly on my balls
I want this so much, you guys have no idea..
Who cares?
>fat (not fit)
>small dick (not big dick)
this is not good at all
>short (not tall)
not good
>poor (not rich)
kinda aesthetic
>thin (not muscular)
skelly boys are great
>hairy/not hairy (not [opposite])
i prefer a good balance between the two
>dumb (not smart)
no thanks
>grower (not shower)
why not both?
>bald (not hair-headed)
buzz cut can look great on a man
>preferred race (not preferred race)
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I did, bro.
Wouldn't call it getting played desu, anon. Because she didn't lie to you, give you false hope, string you along under false pretenses... From the start, she gave you her answer, you chose to ignore it hoping she'd change her mind. Well she didn't. I say that as someone who was once in your position: when you ignore the other person's wishes, continue acting unilaterally, well, don't be surprised when you find out later on you were alone all along and they haven't been on the same path as you.
Kek retard
Woman moment right here.
Stoicism is a good option for men since we're supposed to conceal our emotions
Women is it okay if I have average length but above average girth?
shouldve just said white
Not conceal. Leave the hiding and deceiving to women.
You aren’t in the year 700
Quit acting like a fucking retard
Hell no, definitely not.
Women are disgusting in every sense of the word.
Herbal Tea, La Croix, Juice. If women don't drink they'll have specific tastes, hard to account for.
I like medium shirt femanon
ooh, dude should've listened to his own /adv/ lol. Can't really argue with Tolkien either
elite taste
ive spent 12 or more hours in atoga before
git gud
yes, if you pay attention you can observe the tension building in the thighs, stomach and balls
its so fucking hot
>It isn't trying to be special, though?
ok fair
>Does it make you uncomfortable?
no, it just is so self explanatory that it feels patronizing to even say out loud
i guess it is ok if it is from a father to his young son
maybe 10 or so
Fucking normalfags getting triggered by anything slightly outside their comfort zone.
it is not triggering, just lame

>relatively normal responses
>Fucking normalfags getting triggered by anything slightly outside their comfort zone
dont throw stones in glass houses anon
What a little bitch. I’ll use your post to teach my son how NOT to appear intelligent.
>why not both?
How would one be both?
and thats a good thing
You're into polyamory?
Yeah, you’re right I was retarded
I still don’t understand why would she message me from time to time, look for my attention, call me to help her wash her car, let me hold her hands when we were talking sensitive topics
This shit is more than ‘just friends’ in my head
She did kind of play me because she claimed
>I can’t be with anybody in a serious relationship right now, I have issues
Then get in a serious relationship a couple of months later
And I asked her what did she not really like at me, and ber answer was because I told my family we talk after 4 months, and that I said I was looking for something serious
I mean, these are some pretty lame excuses but idc anymore
I did have an obsession with her because she was acting way different towards me than all the women around me
I’m on 4chan, I’m a loner amd this gave me hope
>>grower (not shower)
>why not both?
This is a great impression of a stupid person who thinks he’s smarter than everybody else. 7/10
there is definitely guys that are both big when soft and huge when hard
How would you ask out your black coworker?
>ayo we finna get sum KFC or wut? u bad af namsayin, bitch
>Hello miss, may I take you out on a dinner date? Not in a slavery way but a gf/bf way
Hockey bf
Do the femanons find it weird anons outnumber them here by like 6:1. Do anons find that weird most of the time they're talking to dudes on an ask the other gender thread?

This is just a loneliness thread isn't it?
What about me?
Is that her real name? It’s lovely.
im not sure i believe this
there is a lot of femanons itt sometimes
Wrong I want a unused bf to use as a sub that blushes and looks overwhelmed to be touched
10-15 mins
That's me, but that doesn't make one both. Grower / shower refers to how it looks when flaccid! It's regarding how much the size changes when it gets hard. If it's small and becomes big, you're a grower. If it starts big and doesn't become all that much bigger, you're a shower.
I think the pool is a lot smaller than it seems
I think there are maybe 20 moids and 10 foids that frequent these threads
>>relatively normalfag responses
>>fucking normalfag responses
>woah there anon! glasses stones!
I-it's not triggering!!
Samefag. Or did you forget to read the "therefore, my son" part too?
Most of them but definitely not this one >>32032180
This just brings more questions.

>it gets easier the more women you fuck
Well, I'm more of a quality>quantity guy, so I don't think such an approach would suit me. And this says nothing about whether every woman was attractive in the first place.
>male body count is a meme, just keep fucking sluts
What do you mean by "male body count is a meme"?
Every dictionary I checked said it means adolescent
ok fine
then a grower i guess
I only come here because this thread tends to be more active and is more general, so I can ask questions that would be entirely offtopic in other active threads and receive a quick reply.
I think it's fine to experience your emotions in private
Good choice. I'm definitely not biased by being one. Definitely.
I don’t like tall lanky, I prefer my height stocky.
fuck no one of my exes dad was a professor who has autism his mothers life was being a full time mom for him
good for you
>Women who like average sized dicks
Haven't we done polls before where it's like 3:1? Don't think it's that bad.
And so is it in public when relevant or useful.
Can’t take criticism. Another great sign! What a keeper you are anon.
>fuck no one of my exes dad was a professor who has autism his mothers life was being a full time mom for him
You're being pretty rude.
will you also teach your son to throw temper tantrums at the slightest inconvenience and to immediately resort to ad hominem?
kinda based
so irrational and intense
Maybe you'd end up with better men if you didn't pick ones that think being a porn sick fuccboi is a progressive lifestyle.
Who are you talking to?
Are you underage, anon? What are you mad about? You posted something lame and generic that has been posted here years before, as if it was some big revelation.
You don't think there's a gender bias to those who take polls on 4chan?
Reddit tier philosophical insights.
Everyone here has already thought about this multiple times.
Why would there be?
Here's the thing, anon: for a long, long time, I also had to deal with guys in your situation: I'd tell them a 1000 times I'm not interested in you romantically, try my best to not do or say anything that could be interpreted that I've changed my mind... And you know what happens? Even if I as much start a convo with some guys, or smile at something they say... they take that as a glimmer of hope
And what's even more frustrating is when it's all said and done, they and their guy friends blame me for "stringing the guy along"

Let's be fr: you strung yourself along. And don't talk to me about hints and blues clues: if you get rejected by someone, unless THEY EXPLICITLY TOLD YOU THEY CHANGED THEIR MIND, then they didn't. Here's why: if they did, they can always confess their feelings, just as you did. You're not a mindreader, and they know they told you no previously. Besides why should you be the one confessing over and over even after getting rejected? You did your part once, after that, if they change their mind, they have to tell you. Otherwise, as far as everybody's concerned, the last answer was "no".

>I can’t be with anybody in a serious relationship right now, I have issues
>Then get in a serious relationship a couple of months later

I mean it was months later. It's plausible she wasn't looking for a relationship, then months later, she was.
No, in fact, critical thinking, logic, and ancient rhetoric (which is basically never taught nowadays) will be an essential part of his education.
>throw temper tantrum, immediately resort to ad hominem, irrational and intense
Ironically, you just described this femanon:
What makes you proud?
>La Croix
I'm not proud, that is one of the deadly sins.
Sometimes I think fit girls are so hot then I look at the protein sloppa they very likely consume
Of ourselves?
>reads something intended for a kid
>Uhm, akchully, we ADULTS, extremely wise and smart, have already thought of this, your writing feels patronizing me, so generic, so lame, pls don't point out my lack of reading comprehension
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u so silly
>Women tend to be more likely to self-select to participate in online surveys. It’s a fact (Smith 2009). The question of *why* is one that has a less definitive answer.
I've seen polls done here sometimes tho. I never mentioned anything cuz idgaf but that was the first thing that come to my mind.
my cock
I’m not kidding her life was miserable. Despite the man being incredibly smart, he spent most of his time not considering her emotions because he couldn’t. She did everything for him and hated every second of living with him. She was the one who worked after his surly disposition got him kicked out of the academic world, and she had to take on three jobs to keep things afloat. She did all the cleaning and all the cooking. Her life was, and still is, my biggest nightmare. Once her kids moved out, she divorced him quickly.

Another friend, who’s a psychologist, recently broke up with her autistic boyfriend of eight years for the same reason.
this is open to your own interpretation
Four of those are me and I'm a guy. You're retarded.
I'll say this. You're wasting your time. You're never going to reproduce anyways.
When I make a girl I like happy/smile/laugh. It's such a high to be valued by em
I've got a 97% win rate in 942 games of Wordle. Yeah, try not to be too jealous.
You're talking about a person with a mental disability with contempt.
I've never been in trouble with the law and have never done any drugs
I'm proud that I finished college
My >>32032228 superior intelligence
I haven't had anything happen in my life in the last decade or more that I can be genuinely proud of
not just crushing-like, could also be admire or respect or trust
Im not, or maybe I am too proud and it circles back into not
Seeing people in my life accomplish something (especially if they doubted they could do it).
not too shabby
what a good boy
what would make you proud?
Post IQ now.
thats cute
so, confidence?
>what would make you proud?
Getting my life back on track
Creating a great artwork of some kind
Where's chapter one?
I can’t claim she was stringing me along, she wasn’t
I just really liked her and wanted her because in reality she was like my mom, and subconsciously this made me feel ‘at home’, hence the obsession
In my mind, there are things that I wouldn’t like my gf to be doing with other guys she considers ‘just friends’ and what I described is part of that behavior.
Offering each other affection is not something I take as ‘just friends’.
I get your frustration, but this is not just smiling or asking about the weather type of conversations.
I don’t think you’d like your bf to have heartfelt conversations with his female friend, hold her hand, hug her, help her wash her car just because they’re friends.

I know, my ‘job’ was done when I told her what I want and her ‘job’ was done when she rejected me, and that’s fine. If she really chabged her mind she could’ve said it. This I accept and agree that it was a mistake on my part.
I don’t want to care about this anymore, she has an avoidant attachment style, that’s pretty clear to me.
I hurt myself in the end.
We’re getting Rasing Caines and then watching Nightmare Before Christmas and having sex
one if you had to pick only one trait to have in a bf, what would it be?
Added a girl on IG last week or so, she immediately followed me back and liked a few of my posts, we've exchanged some words, but nothing I'd call a real conversation yet, but she likes every single story I put up, if this a choosing signal or is she just being friendly?

The question is whether I would date someone like that, and I wouldn’t. I watched a smart, pretty, and kind woman get chewed up by the emotional meat grinder of dating someone incapable of being caring. So no, after that experience, I steer clear of those type of relationships.
Speaking of cocks: I was promised a social security number on a dick

... where is my dick?
No, you tried to sound smart and anons pointed out that you're a retard, so now you're angry.
Anons here seem to like my poems sometimes
A man must conceal his emotions from women in order to be their rock.
can you chose one thing today that gets you closer to that?
what art work do you have in mind?
god complex
eww, not you again
very nice
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Haven't written it, but it'll basically be an exhortation to seeking (and accepting) wisdom, just like the first/second chapter of Proverbs.
Does she call you papi?
How can I avoid being manipulated by women? I feel like i am literally the type. For instance, lets say i broke up with a girl and she begged and cried, i would absolutely fall for it and i hate that :/
>can you chose one thing today that gets you closer to that?
Stop avoiding my blood draws
>what art work do you have in mind?
Nothing specific, i just want to develop the skills to make what's in my head real
You keep saying that. Why do you feel so triggered and belittled by something intended for a child?
Kill yourself christcuck
Getting manipulated by a girl is hot and based tho.
>t. definitely not triggered female
Based autistic sex haver
blood draws?
You haven't been behaving very Christlike ITT, my man.
Truly a blessed weekend have fun anon
What do hot girls eat for breakfast?
Sorry bud, no counter play to that. Devs need to nerf the strat still.
What makes you think I'm a Christian?
>nooo you can only read a religious book if you belong to that religion reeeee
Peak midwit normalfag right here.
Femanons in the thread, so cute and pretty
Responding nicely to anons one and all
How I wish to suck their breast - their titty
While they stroke my cock and caress my balls
>For instance, lets say i broke up with a girl and she begged and cried i would absolutely fall for it and i hate that :/
This is why I have conditioned myself to get aroused at the sight of a woman crying. Only manipulation thats going on will be my horny levels, then post nut clarity will hit and its back to the streets for her.
Please don’t do this I am so lonely and depressed
A banana and a cup of matcha
im a sickfag, which is why my life is shit
I need to get tests done
>follow micro eceleb
>comment on her things
>seems friendly enough, tends to go back and forth a bit consistently
>live in roughly the same area
>have run into her twice
>avoids the hell out of me
>tries to hide her presence via the environment or friends
>can feel that so stay away
>makes me feel kinda shit
I get that I'm not actually a friend or anything, but I really hope I haven't been creeping her out or something, but it's making me feel really awkward this 180 in personality depending on if it's online or off is really confusing me, and if she wants nothing to do with me I think I should just unfollow and leave her along entirely
good idea
will do
You wouldn't necessarily need to be a Christian to be Christlike
>He's writing his own book and using us as his testing group
Pretty sure this falls under advertising
>I don’t think you’d like your bf to have heartfelt conversations with his female friend, hold her hand, hug her, help her wash her car just because they’re friends.

I actually agree with this. However anon and though I understand at the time you were probably up for anything because it meant spending time with her, seeing her, talking to her... and saying no to her means you could lose her or be short of excuses to be around her... but anon you're also a part of this relationship (whatever title it takes) and you should get to draw the lines too, define what stuff you'd be okay doing with a friend and which you don't
And I know it's not easy to figure out what you want, whether it's fair, and how to enforce it, but that's something everybody struggles with all the time

I hope you find someone who likes you back, anon. And don't be sad this happened: it's an experience, and you learned/will learn from it. Trying and failing is better than never trying never being hurt never failing but also 0 chances at growing as a person or meeting the right person.
Having sex is great and all but have you ever gotten drunk by yourself? I think not
>good idea
>will do
Well, she was an anorexic ballet dancer so I'm not saying it was healthy.
i see
why do you avoid them?
>can't argue, tries to get me banned
Bruh at this point you might as well say "I wish it were still legal to buy you"
partially because i have to leave my house and that takes a lot of energy+anxiety
partially because I fucking hate blood draws
Too high 4 (You)
>Hello miss, may I take you out on a dinner date? Not in a slavery way but a gf/bf way
This one is my favorite
>Do the femanons find it weird anons outnumber them here by like 6:1.
>This is just a loneliness thread isn't it?
I just think you'd be better off in /lit/ is all
Not being a woman
in a slavery way bc i'd love to call you mine
Is Pagananon back?
I have never had sex before so I can’t imagine it being any better than my life right now
no that's me
nigga you need to understand that christcuck is a common insult on 4chan
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sounds aesthetic
>will you also teach your son to throw temper tantrums at the slightest inconvenience and to immediately resort to ad hominem?
NTA but
Also my daughters
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>where did all that energy gο?
Nowhere. Caffeine isn't energy, it's a stimulant. Energy is the calories, and your body stores what it doesn't use to a certain limit.

>how would you react if your ex was jerking off to nude photos of you?
I'd wonder where he got them because the only one with nude images of me is my gf.

>Does anyone else ever make loud primal caveman grunts when they're really thirsty and take a big swig of something hydrating?
No, but I have moaned. Cold water on a hot day is orgasmic. Especially when you can feel it running down your throat, into your stomach. There's nothing quite like it.

>How was your birthday?
It was good. Not very exciting, but good.

While I might not be attracted to most of those traits, the only one I will judge a man for is being fat. It is the only one of those in his control.

>Women is it okay if I have average length but above average girth?
Is it okay? It's preferable.

We stan averaged dicked kings

>protein sloppa
Don't sweat the technique. I don't want meat sweats from 150+ grams of protein a day.

yeah i can understand that
sounds like a hard place to pull yourself out of
>What makes you proud?
I just am.
Don't need more than just bein' me.
>yes, if you pay attention you can observe the tension building in the thighs, stomach and balls
>its so fucking hot
Tfw no observant gf
kinda low hanging fruit
Not as aesthetic as she was.
Literally a BPD goddess
Having a job, being in a relationship and owning a house
good answer
if i think about this more i will get horny oh no
why did you fumble a bad bitch?
>Is it okay? It's preferable.
We are so back boys
>Gay couples do it all the time
me and my wife fr.
Women thoughts on simpy bfs?
please do not respond to my posts and put your name back on
>Cold water on a hot day is orgasmic. Especially when you can feel it running down your throat, into your stomach. There's nothing quite like it.
I think the feeling of wrapping up in a warm blanket when you're cold is similarly viscerally satisfying. Some weird primal "yes this will help me survive" pleasure instinct.
Thanks anon, I did struggle with putting boundaries in any sort of relationship
And I get the idea, in the end me being hurt is my fault, can’t blame her for that.
I think she wasn’t supposed to tell me that ever, but oh well it doesn’t matter anymore.
Since then I’ve done some ‘self improvement’, I now know a bit more what I want and what I accept in my relationships.

Thanks anon, I appreciate your comments. At least I can find some sort of understanding from anons.
Truth be told, this turned me upside down, since she’s now dating a close ‘friend’ of mine that in reality didn’t give two shits on our friendship, but that’s a different story.
In the end, this is more complex than what I commented about.
Thanks anon
and let me be his simpette
>why did you fumble a bad bitch?
She wanted a break so we broke up and when she called me I put her on speaker and had a short conversation but she said I love you at the end I and I didn't say it back because I was still hurt, and she ghosted me for the final time.
They should be castrated and forced to dance publicly in the street until they bleed out with everyone cheering and laughing
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real dumb of you
i hope you learned your lesson
>meat sweats
Shit, that's a thing? I'm always the one sweating when everyone else is fine
What a loser lmao XD
Moid hands
Loving someone isn’t simping
Marriage is just mutual simping, if you think about it.
>Caffeine isn't energy, it's a stimulant. Energy is the calories
Do stims just burn the energy you have faster?
>thanked 3 times
I’m too tired kek
yes and it is very based
Sounds like everyone involved has a skill issue, honestly.
I buy my gf flowers and chocolate when she’s sad does that count as simping?
how canadian of you
Any time
I guess you're probably going to bed rn, and so good night <3
Heck if I know, the word has been overused to the point of becoming almost meaningless.
>How can I avoid being manipulated by women?
If a woman wants you to do things she likes, but she isn't doing stuff you like
then don't
Also if you're mentally ill and you do that whole "AAARFFGFGFG IM SO ONEITIST AND NEEDY BLARGGGJG I GOTTA SNIFFA DAT BOOTY I GOTTA NOT SCREW THIS UP HURRFG HURRFF" then don't be mentally ill.
Please respond
You could totally use your perceptiveness to edge a man four hours...
You don’t have to simp for latinas man they suck your dick if you just open a door for them lol
caffeine specifically works by blocking adenosine receptors (the tiredness receptor) which causes cerebral vasoconstriction
Yeah, maybe in theory. It's just state-enforced simping in practice.
best believe i do
>four hours
A bit of a Freudian slip :)
a good one
Sounds like a good way to reinforce undesirable behavior.
You should beat her and degrade her instead.
It's basic operant conditioning, bro.
>Not very exciting
No birthday sex?
nta, but not every mistake is a "freudian slip"
gn anon
I dont think any of us here understand the ecosystem of IG
I don’t take relationship advice from singles ick
This was a joke btw
You're mistaking stimulation for energy. Your body always requires energy and in fact, good sleep requires high levels of energy.
I wasn't complaining.
Most simps are single, most manipulators (who use operant conditioning freely) aren't.
You can ask her out for coffee or something
Liking every story someone puts up right after you met them is not just being friendly imo
But still, you don’t know what short of person she is, so expect to be rejected and take it lightly, don’t get too invested
She might expect you do the same just so she feels more validated, you never know what’s in her head
>Women thoughts on simpy bfs?
That's not a fumble, that's you getting a pass sent your way and going
whats wrong?
Why is height so important to foids?
>I buy my gf flowers and chocolate when she’s sad does that count as simping?
>Sounds like a good way to reinforce undesirable behavior.
Depends why she's sad.
If she's making herself sad then yeah it's retarded.
But if she's sad because of some other reason then trying to cheer her up is a good idea.
Take my opinion with a grain of salt, you’re on 4chan
Foids are like meerkats, you use your superior height to scout out the danger.
Status among other women.
The women who don't care about height aren't obsessed with status.
Yeah I know, no one knows the situation better than me and her after all, but replies as nice, so thank you
female sexual selection for superior genetics to breed the super human race of the future
She makes herself retarded for me
>Depends why she's sad.
True, but I meant it mainly as a joke.
Like, imagine your gf's dad dies and she's sad, but you beat her and call her names instead.
>has no idea what he's talking about
>whats wrong?
If I'm being honest with you, half the problem is this fucking website, in showing me that the average man who has a self-sacrificing and pleasing mindset is actually a barely restrained bundle of neurosis ready to explode on the first person who looks at him funny.
It's on you guys for showing me that men who simp don't do it because they love women, it's because they fucking hate themselves and wish someone else would fill that void in themselves, and they project those expectations onto other people.
I wish I could be ignorant of that, and just take it at face value, that the guy wants me to be happy because he likes when I'm happy. But it's not like I can unlearn this shit. Now I know that if a guy's going out of his way to make me happy it's because he's one bad day away from a self destructive spiral and if I show him any kindness in return he's going to make that spiral my problem.
I have said it a lot but it's not important to me
My friend asked me if it was okay to give my number to a girl who wanted to talk to me about a specific hobby. I said that was fine, and i talked to her for a day and we seemed to have nice conversation, but then she just left me on unseen and hasn't spoken to me since lol. What was that about? Was that some kinda weird attempt to set me up and i fumbled? Cause i had no interest in her like that in the first place, but its weird cause i thought the conversation went nice
>he doesn't know
22M. Is asking for sex on the third date ok? How direct should i be? What would you make you want to fuck on a date?
Shut up stupid incel cut your own dick and balls off right now
So I've heard that women are creeped out by being on elevators with men.
But it almost seems more creepy to jump back and insist on taking a different one everytime you see a woman.
Am I on to something, or am I just being biased?
what the hell lol
Calm down, woman.
>doesn’t care either
They don’t belong to you anymore you’re not gonna need them in the future anyway lol
Calm down. Your emotions are invalid
Fair point, honestly.
NTA but I get you. It's a fucking minefield, huh?
/atoga/ females say that you need to see her for 5 years and print out a paper for her consent before you even touch her. They say that's attractive or something despite them being non-virgins.
>They don’t belong to you anymore
>Why is height so important to foids?
I think it's a preference for conquerors. Idk, I don't have it.
But how is it superior genetics if taller guys die earlier?
Bae I was just trying to protect you from your feminine urge to kill family members for clout
Lol my gf gets so scared when we’re about to have sex she loves it
>The women who don't care about height aren't obsessed with status.
Those females are also sluts who fuck dogs or black guys. They don't care about anything which is why they don't mind short guys. You don't want a relationship with those.
that is only true if you fail to feed them correctly
>be ubermensch giant conqueror
>die of a poisoned arrow from a tiny manlet 200 meters away
Reminder if you’re under 6ft to castrate yourself and put on make up and a dress and dance infront of your parents until you eventually bleed out and go to heaven
shut up piss sheets
You have experience fucking dogs and black guys?
Cause it sounds like you're speaking from experience.
>It's a fucking minefield, huh?
I wouldn't be so melodramatic.
It's just, if you're with a guy who isn't happy to be himself, there's like a 99 chance out of 100 that he's going to dump that shit on you, with only a 1 chance out of 10 that he's ever gonna do anything about it but dumpa dumpa dumpa.
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helpful visual
summer girls belong with autumn boys
>this fucking website, in showing me that the average man who has a self-sacrificing and pleasing mindset is actually a barely restrained bundle of neurosis
Have you forgotten where you are? You realize 4chan has been the weirdo loser capital of the internet for decades, right?

We're here because at some point shit went sideways. I would've left years ago if I had anything resembling a normal life.
>We are so back boys
I think men misconstrue the fact that the optics of a big dick are much more appealing than the reality. Like, they look good, but the thought of taking a dick over seven inches gives me genuine anxiety. It's disappointing too because it ruins so many fantasies.

>I think the feeling of wrapping up in a warm blanket when you're cold is similarly viscerally satisfying.
I will one-up you. The feeling, after a long day, of stripping down and crawling beneath your favorite blanket and your body starts to shake as you curl into the blanket.

>Shit, that's a thing?
Scientifically, no. Anecdotally, absolutely. I think it might have to do with sodium content as well.

>Do stims just burn the energy you have faster?
Not substantially enough to have an effect on your metabolism. Caffeine does act as an appetite suppressant, though. Which is why it is beneficial to drink black coffee when dieting.

>No birthday sex?
Yes, we had sex, but sex doesn't always have to be exciting to be good. It was slow and sensual and she was very attentive.

>Why is height so important to foids?
The two biggest reasons are because of societal norms. Many women want tall men because other women want tall men. But I think it is also a matter of biology. Women want men they think can protect them and taller men are more imposing than shorter men, even if less built.

>Is asking for sex on the third date ok?
Realistically, you should be able to go off body language. Directly asking, while respectful, is kind of cringe.
both are cringe
Oh shut up shark tranny :D
>It's disappointing too because it ruins so many fantasies.
nta but good
Because they're hotter
You take your "Everyone's a sad boi like me" and shove it up your ass, thanks. There are people who are here because they enjoy it, not because they hate life outside of it.
u wish i had a cock
Nobody will ever make love to you with big Wolverine dick
>stripping down and crawling beneath your favorite blanket and your body starts to shake as you curl into the blanket
You can't just say such erotic things on an innocent blue board.
>NOOO dont give money and attention to the 10/10 instagram model
>give money and attention to MEEEEEEE
Your art reminds me of that yoshi game on the n64
the first one actually is a simp, the second one isn't a simp, he's just lonely and fantasizing
Yes I do <3
Hungbros, it's over :(
LOL thank you(?)
bend over then, ill make do with my hands
cut off your gross hairy excuse for a penis
Yeah I guess so. It just seems like avoiding guys that are too nice would be pragmatic at that point, to avoid having to be a therapist / surrogate mother, rather than a partner.
>the other where aliens were forcing people to have sex
Ever read Slaughterhouse Five?
This is the neurotypical failing to comprehend the process of the autist.
NT: "Hey, Anon, do you want to talk to Example-Chan about Trains?"
Anon (mentally): Hmm, I do in fact like talking about trains, and I trust Example-Chan with this task
Anon: "Yeah I'd like to talk to Example-Chan about trains."
Example-Chan: "Hello Anon I heard you could give me a quick rundown about what type of train James the Red Engine is?"
>A few hours later
Anon, Example-Chan: "That was not communicated to me as an option or a goal and so it did not occur to me. If you wanted us to fuck, why didn't you just say it?"
is your cunt shaved?
Autumn boys deserve to be turned into fertilzer for my veggie garden
Perhaps it's changed in the past few years. Regardless, you can't deny there are more men like me here than on the normie net.
I don't see what the big deal is over women demanding tall men.

If I had been fortunate enough to possess any freedom or autonomy in the dating market then I would demand tall women too.
The tables have turned, we are back to David proportions being the ideal
that is very violent
Well yeah but NAMALT.
the fuck
NTA but I sorta see it, the flower in the top left.
>you should be able to go off body language.
could you give me examples on how to do that? tongue kissing? hand or her thighs or what?
aw yes very bubbly and cutesy
Im in love owo
Incels need to be paralysed and stripped naked to become garden nomes in my private backyard to scare away scavenger birds or at least then them peck out their genitals locked in sissy cages
Well he was a ginger, so i can live with that
swear stop posting at me pajeet
Asking for consent verbally is cringe, you are supposed to telepathically know and infer from her movements whether or not you have consent.
State gender. Thoughts on Stellar Blade?
I'm watching a gameplay of it right now, and my goodness, the model is drop dead gorgeous undiluted sex and the soundtrack is top tier.
Oof, the nostalgia. Remember the skeleton dragons?
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shits so hot when they say yes with their hands
But then how will she have an excuse to falsely accuse you of rape, ruin your life, and play the victim for attention? Think of the women, anon!
Nta but that's one inch longer than my (F) hand, which does sound big.
Is that the game that people had ridiculous hours put in on the demo becaues the model was lewd and they were presumably jacking off?
Yeah and that upsets me a little, because in an ideal world you'd want to make your boyfriend happy.
But in reality, if your boyfriend isn't happy it isn't because he needs more headpats, it's because there's some schizo gremlin in the back of his mind giving him more negative headpats than anyone could ever outproduce, and he's never gonna fight the gremlin since he thinks the gremlin's his friend.
FNAF lore
f, I've seen it compared to nier and I liked nier. is it like nier?
You're an obvious newfag. Reminder that /pol/ is by far the biggest board, and they're not exactly well adjusted.
Chad doesn’t get falsely accused of rape
>Anon, Example-Chan: "That was not communicated to me as an option or a goal and so it did not occur to me. If you wanted us to fuck, why didn't you just say it?"
But its not so much my friend's behaviour/intention that im confused about. Its the girl's
I don't know much about Nier, but it does look similar.
Cut off your skin
Welp, either we're taking Alsace-Lorraine or we're taking the Alsatian.
Here's the gameplay btw
>when they say yes with their hands
What does that look like?
>t. Virgin
I only want 8 feet tall animatronic children
Women really want Elsass Lothiringen back?
Eh as long as his oshi's streaming his favourite decklike roguebuilder with early crafting and survival access (And she doesn't suck ass at it) then the guy on the right's happy. Let him be.
Do women ask men for consent? or is that something only we have to do?
like them using their hands to guide your hands down.....hehehehe
LMAO! Get a load of this guy
How big is your butt?
Have you given a man a buttjob before?
If not, does it appeal to you?
You only have to ask for a paralysis potion and then you can be stripped naked while holding up tea cups outdoors for extended periods of time
No, they just assume they have it, which to be fair is following the golden rule.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
>fat women just cope
Yes. People call picrel "body shaming" because they don't want to be reminded of their own laziness.
Ask them if big ass women bully little ass women
I showed my hamster up my ass once and he suffocated
/pol/ aren't sad, /pol/ would set a truck of ""vaccines"" on fire purely because they're so many layers of irony deep that they can't tell if they're nazis pretending to be accelerationist, accelerationist pretending to be MKUltra, or MKUltra pretending to be eBaumsworld. It's a different type of crazy.
Yeah. I was one of those guys once and it's a shitty situation all around. I put a lot of strain on her and it wasn't fair.
I think there are probably some decent guys here who just like to make femanons feel happy. But it's an extreme minority. Most moids here want a tall mommy gf who is absolutely accepting of all their glaring faults to make all their worldly problems go away.
B-cup sisters, we are so back.
apparently western women only care about their tits
Wait you've fucked girls? Did I miss some lore?
He was once a married man with intact genitals until he got into chinese fendom
I'm not telling you anything you've said is wrong, or that your feelings are incorrect, but I think it's funny to observe just how much less tolerant women are to male neuroses than the other way around.
nope just with my bf, thought we were speaking generally LOL
Because many men think all their problems will be solved if they just get laid. And who better to get laid with than a neurotic girl who will settle for you even when you're fat and balding?

is this some kinda reference?

Love (You) <3
To be fair though if there were glaring faults that the guys were actually interested in fixing I'd be down for that, that's why I'm on /adv/.
This is far too much of an oversimplification. I'm talking about men who have no problem getting laid or who have been with plenty of women.
I am moderately unhappy with women.
Unironically this solved my problems
I am. To be fair, I'm a virgin because I spend most of my free time on 4chan and I want to wait for marriage because I don't want to do the most intimate thing you could do without the safety of marriage. So it's not like I'm some virtuous pure maiden, I'm just a terminally online loser who is scared of being intimate before marriage because I don't want to give my body to a man only for the relationship to end.
>If I had been fortunate enough to possess any freedom or autonomy in the dating market then I would demand tall women too.
Demand tall women without any freedom or autonomy because it would be funny to see people's reactions. Your bio MUST include the phrase "uppies <3"
I am mildly unhappy with women.
They would prefer it if you skinned your balls with an exacto knife and replaced them with chicken eggs
>Incels need to be paralysed and stripped naked
I'm on board
> to become garden nomes
Nah you lost me
Hahahah :D
>State gender.
>Thoughts on Stellar Blade?
I talked shit about God of War for being a QTE simulator and I'll talk shit about God of War: 2024 Titty Edition for the same reason.
M, coomer wannabe nier, bad narrative and general writing, combat is a mish-mash of every other souls-like / character action game with nothing interesting of its own. I liked the enemy design tho.
I like tall women for their aesthetic, not for femdom.
qte are so fucking trash. why do gamers like them?
Day of the gamer soon
Women i am desperate for your attention
Yeah, you sorta alluded to that prior. I agree, that's why I'm here too. But so many guys seem just unwilling to actually bother. So often it's
>wtf I started going to the gym weeks ago! where's my gf? where's my happiness?
>So it's not like I'm some virtuous pure maiden
Frankly I'm not all that pure or virtuous either, else I wouldn't have ended up here.
so true
I remember this creepy-ass level.
Tsundere-kun, please don't go changing on us!
If it makes you feel any better I think it's absolutely fucking cringe how men will take the most broke down girlfailure and enable her.
I'm >>32032561, this >>32032567 isn't me.
>>32032562 just that one.
Cute femanon
>I talked shit about God of War for being a QTE simulator and I'll talk shit about God of War: 2024 Titty Edition for the same reason
Holy based!
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No this is actually me I was just lying to hide the fact that I have a small penis that I am also ashamed of
Thank you!
State gender and favorite color
If you're ordering takeout or delivery, what's your favorite place to order from?
Have you played Bayonetta?
I am desperate to get fucked by Tyrone
And did you talk to the girls and show some lewd intent, anon? Did you go to places where you could meet with girls?
>NO! FUCK YOU! Here's a girl in a bikini playing a piano. My parents were mean to me, so that's why the west has fallen
It'd be tragic if it wasn't predictable.
I think like that, but i was skinny and now im getting toned and have good hair, but nothing changes...
Women if you turn me down for sex, do you still want to cuddle at least?
>Bro doesn't want his uppies
Male, idk probably a deep blue color
I don't really have a favorite place, it depends on what kind of food I want. If it's sandwiches I go for Jersey Mike's, Asian food probably PF Chang's or a local place, pizza I prefer Papa John's but others are good as well. I also like Italian and Mexican food sometimes, but I usually get those from local places as well.
>State gender
>and favorite color
Blue and white
>If you're ordering takeout or delivery, what's your favorite place to order from?
Einstein's bagels
cuddles better than sex anyway
I don't order takeout or delivery. It's a waste of money.
>I am mildly unhappy with women.
Just woke from a dream where I was buried alive at my own funeral
Yes but, as someone who works in healthcare, the aging population is crippling our economy and taking opportunities from young people, it's a difficult moral dilemma
Out of your ass
In reality though the caffeine probably does disturb your sleep cycle and the glucose is stored in your body (liver and muscles etc.)
Are unicorns real?
Oh, certainly. But I'm mostly thinking of the 'milder' neuroses and behaviors that a lot of men seem to just put up with.
Forest green
There’s a Mexican joint near me that has great tacos
Behead incels, curb stomp incel children into the pavement, roundhouse kick an incel to the back of the head causing permanent brain damage
>Have you played Bayonetta?
Cool movie though, I love the part where the player watched something badass happen.
This but for women instead
green….. my favorite..
This but for rape victims, they are trash.
you are extremely low libido if not outright asexual, you've been in a relationship with a guy how long and you don't bang?
What are uppies?
>Are unicorns real?
Yes, the Indian Rhinoceros
eh, i dont think i can live without either

I just prefer the cuddly parts over the sexual parts, as sex isn’t important to either of us
What did incels and rape victims ever do to you guys? They didn't choose to be what they are.
>Follow the path I have devised for you
Fuck this, do what you want son
Nothing, I just try to help people every day to distract myself from the dark thoughts
Avoid them in the first place
Or develop more resilience and boundaries/assertiveness
How do you feel about Ninja Gaiden and old DMC?
I dislike taking showers with my girlfriend because she likes the water borderline steaming hot while I like it lightly warm.
Answer my damn question, men.
hi >>32032488
Who cares? Boobs
>Do women ask men for consent
In my experience no, I've been "assaulted" by women, but nobody cares if a woman does it to a man, so you just have to laugh it off
M, green
Panda Express is slop but I love it.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy too. They think their problems can only be solved by a woman (see also: >>32032556), and so they don't bother to truly try to help themselves.
One day, only oldfags will remember NG and KP.
>How do you feel about Ninja Gaiden
You're telling me bro can't grab onto a wall after being hit by a bat
You're telling me bro needs to land on the ground first
You'd best be joking
>old DMC?
Honestly had some interesting mechanics, a shame pretty much every game has an overpowered combo you could spam to max rank, even though the game's design was trying to get you to not do that.
I love boobs so much
M, purple, JustEat
>Indian Rhinoceros
Fake news
Can you draw a woman with huge tits wearing a tight sweater?
It’s a good color and looks good on me
>I've been "assaulted" by women, but nobody cares if a woman does it to a man, so you just have to laugh it off
Same, actually. In front of other girls too
What the fuck are women doing on this website
it 1 am I cozy in bed
real shit I love green
water dripping off women's tits and pussies
Rhinoceros unicornis, mufugga.
Plz draw a surly guy who likes boobs so much that he wears an 'I <3 Boobs' shirt
Lurkin' and poastin'.
>You can't just say such erotic things on an innocent blue board.
I can and I will!

>could you give me examples on how to do that?
Pretty much just go as far as she will let you. Instead of asking, say "I want to ____ you" and it's effectively the same as asking her without making you look like a bitch in the process.

>Asking for consent verbally is cringe, you are supposed to telepathically know and infer from her movements whether or not you have consent.

>Thoughts on Stellar Blade?
The only product I buy from Korea is Samsung

>Do women ask men for consent?
Sometimes, but if we are getting down and dirty, we assume a man would speak up and say no if something makes him uncomfortable.

>How big is your butt?
Pretty big, but it's mostly because my frame and waist are small.
>Have you given a man a buttjob before?
Does him hotdogging count?


>State gender and favorite color
Blue (and gold, when I'm feeling bougie)
They both look beautiful on my skin.
>If you're ordering takeout or delivery, what's your favorite place to order from?
Sushi places, because hot food is always cold by the time it gets to me.
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>tfw go on bar crawl with colleagues last night and we all get trashed, get home really late (I also walked my MILF crush home)
>tfw wake early to several messages from my mom asking me for favours and to call her this morning
Should I just go back to sleep bros and say my phone died or something
ID LOVE TO but I already put away my laptop and iPad … bedtime for me ….
>What are uppies?
You know how your parents picked you up to help you see over the fence?
That but instead of family bonds you have an erection.
>Does him hotdogging count?
Yeah that's what I'm thinking of as a buttjob. With the asscheeks nice and oiled up too.
>They think their problems can only be solved by a woman (see also: >>32032556), and so they don't bother to truly try to help themselves.
Speaking from personal experience, getting a gf did solve a lot of problems. I wanted to be better by default than just when I'm single and don't need to groom myself when I go outside. How long have you been single since you're saying that?
>Blue (and gold, when I'm feeling bougie)
>They both look beautiful on my skin.
Are you a blue bone?
why i turned it down
I ignore my bitch mother for weeks. Just sleep, you're an adult.
>Fuck this, do what you want son
>*ends up an ugly loser without skills, knowledge, charisma, status, money, friends because of childhood neglect*
Yeah, once I woke at a party to a girl kissing and getting handsy with me while the others were laughing and cheering her on. Got a taxi home cause I felt humiliated lol. Imagine if the genders were reversed lol
>don't need to groom myself when I go outside
Wat, is your gf a cavewoman
Man, the ATF are such cock gobblers. I don't even own a gun and I know they're cunts
Am I a fish?
Water flowing underground
How do I make sure I become a MILF?
Jesus Christ lmao

No, he was trying to attract women. Now that he's snared one, hygiene doesn't matter anymore.
Which is kinda the shit I'm talking about. No desire to actually improve as a person.
Women cause most of their own problems and then blame men for them.
F Blue
Either getting chicken korma from the indian place or chicken low mein from chinese place.
Alright, I'm done for tonight.
Here's hoping I can fall asleep fast enough to forget this.
Or am I an algae?
Caught in the sunlight
No escape from the open sea
Anyway the tide flows doesn't really matter to me

I just krilled a man
This is my intention for any woman with me, to make her a MILF
Progesterone is the MILF hormone, keep it high
Ya know? Red bone, yellow bone, blue bone. Black has many shades
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>Now that he's snared one, hygiene doesn't matter anymore
What the fuck lmao
Stay fit, stay hot, stay flirty
I have a crush on a woman who's nearly 60 cause she's hot af
>Here's hoping I can fall asleep fast enough to forget this.
No, you won't.
Uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies uppies.
>. Now that he's snared one, hygiene doesn't matter anymore.
Why do so many people behave like this? it's revolting
>Jesus Christ lmao
Are you single then? Why are you avoiding that question, retard? You're gaslighting single anons with your bullshit of
>no bro you don't need a gf, just focus on work and be a 40yo virgin like me! look how happy I am!
>Yeah, once I woke at a party to a girl kissing and getting handsy with me while the others were laughing and cheering her on.
Yeah thats rough man. When i was like 13 or 14, a girl older than me grabbed my hands and rubbed her knee in my crotch while in a pool. Was fucking weirded out
>(I also walked my MILF crush home)
Hahahaha silly QT
>once I woke at a party to a girl kissing and getting handsy with me while the others were laughing and cheering her on. Got a taxi home cause I felt humiliated lol. Imagine if the genders were reversed lol
Damn, sorry anon.
I'll answer when you take a bath, stinky.
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Fr, they're even more unlikeable than parking attendants
Because people are selfish
That's some degen shit bro, sorry that happened
>Progesterone is the MILF hormone, keep it high
Any tips on how to do that?
A lot of menopausal women are on HRT to keep these hormones high.
Thanks for proving my point.
>Because people are selfish
Next time, if you can't produce a response that isn't a TRUISM, don't respond at all.
Stupid, sexy ATF agent.
We were all doing lines tbf, it just makes my ADHD brain eepy
Whai am I silly
It was dark out and she didn't live far from the bar
I have nightmares about HRT patients shouting for their prescriptions
I might start prog soon after my orchi but is it really a milf hormone?
Does the ATF ever do anything involving alcohol or tobacco? I've only ever heard of them in relation to guns
Women why didn't you stop them from taking my foreskin?
Yeah...Preferably advice that doesn't involve that. Like, are there certain dietary or lifestyle choices that help you keep your progesterone high?
Well if i turned you down because you are some slimy ass idiot at the club that said hey bb wan sum fucc then i will not want to cuddle but if you are my bf and i turned you down because i have period cramps then cuddling is ok.
You were asleep right after doing lines of blow?
*touches your circumcision scar* I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you.
F. Green.
I quite like fish and chips.
>Do you think it could have ever been filled?
In retrospect, no.
Her circumstances were too bad and even now she is too broken of a person.
Women love jews
I need help!!
I want to take a selfie for somebody. I don't know how. I don't know how to make it look nice. What expression should I have?
Yup lol I was just having a lil nap
Tbf I think I'd all-nightered the night before
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>Well if i turned you down because you are some slimy ass idiot at the club
I'm talking about in the context of a relationship
Depends why I turned you down. Personally, I've never said no to sex but some guys have said no and were happy to just cuddle and kiss me endlessly instead.
Slight smile, camera angled a bit downward, natural lighting.
Try both sides of your phone cameras to see which one ends up with a better quality.
Did you get anything on fish and chips Friday lass
I accept your apology :')
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I have no willpower though, time to call her and get shouted at
It's funny because those guys actually do get a lot of bitches because females love that behaviour more than some nice guy being respectful. Her mind immediately jumped there too because she's attracted to those "slimy men".
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Look up Ray Peat, it's primarily about maintaining a high metabolic rate. Just like how men's testosterone is destroyed by environmental estrogens, the same thing happens to women's progesterone.

Why bother if you're taking HRT estrogen and the only progesterone you're gonna get will just be synthetic crap?

I call it a MILF hormone because it plays a role in fertility, health and it skyrockets during pregnancy.

A question I have for you is, If you could choose between:
>trying to transition genders with surgery and castration
>removing the feeling of "gender dysphoria" completely and being happy with what you were born as
Would you pick the latter or the former?
I've heard some women talking about some guys having a "nice seam". What does a "nice seam" even look like?
Sorry ladies, no such thing as a bad bitch in 2024.
If you have to ask, you don't have a nice seam.
Femanons, I would rather be dead than know I'll spend my life alone.
That doesn't make sense lol
I'm a good bitch.
Get some hobbies bro
Well, you won't know you did until you are actually dead.
>only progesterone you're gonna get will just be synthetic crap?
why does that matter? estrogen is synthetically made too but they're both bioidentical I believe.

I would choose transition, because it's already made me happier and I don't really get that bad gender dysphoria anymore
I guess it doesn't. I don't know what a nice seam is, either.
atoga is a satanic coven filled with demons
Please voca this
I hope you find love.
Thanks for replying anon. I'll give these a go in the morning.
That's perfect. Stay that way.
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Women.... would you?
I want to drop one of these off of a tall building.
No I do not want watermellon calcified coconuts that I have to squeeze constantly to crack like eggs.
>why does that matter?
in your case it's a nitpick, it doesn't matter
>because it's already made me happier
For how long has it made you feel happier?
fake boobs harden???
Tfw I got on the bus yesterday morning and one of the brickies was like "it's fish and chips tonight lads" and everyone was like "wheyyy" and then this nan from the chippy said how she'd give discount
Sometimes I love this nation lol
about a year so far.
>What does a "nice seam" even look like?
I hadn't thought about this before now, but I have to admit - some men have a very neat ball seam that not many others have. I've only seen one man's balls with an attractive seam, about 7 years ago now. No other ballsack had a neat seam like that. Most just look like discoloured scar tissue. I wonder if skin tone has something to do with it?
>tfw have ugly balls
It's ogre
I don't think I can even post this here. But over time, boob implants harden and the body covers them in calcium from our bones.
I am never getting implants
Yes, the ones most escorts get turn into hard silicone boobs. Best fake boobs are the ones with a fat transfer like the ones Kim K has, but you're looking at 6 figures at least on those surgeries.
Same bro, same :(
Ugly balls gang!
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I'd rather just be dead in general desu, but we can't all have nice things, so suck it up and suffer
i don't know if my balls are ugly but i hope i can meet a girl who loves sniffing them
Gang gang
Just one of my many insecurities
I can't imagine ever getting naked around someone lol
Thanks for delivering <3
Why do you all have background noise filter always set to turbo-maximum?
Femanons… I don’t know if my balls smell good. Can you help an anon out?
No. Go let other men sniff them.
What did you say at the end
NAG but yes.
Women can you help me get the plastic out of my balls?
>Women cause most of their own problems and then blame men for them.
Men do too. At least as far as it pertains to women.

>Ya know? Red bone, yellow bone, blue bone. Black has many shades
See, I've heard redbone and yellowbone. I've never heard bluebone.

>no such thing as a bad bitch in 2024
Why live?

>I'm a good bitch.
"From those evil yids".
Hammer or whip
This has backfired in a way I should’ve expected
That's when we think with our balls, fellow hornibro.
how is that gonna help?
why is there a mean femanon on her period lately
Fellow males, do you take your balls out when you pee? I do. Idk if its a mental thing, but i feel like all the pee doesn't come out if i dont
>testlets getting filtered by microplastics
thats not how we make future generations more resilient
Give it a couple days, they should be ovulating soon
Femanons, are you ovulating?
there is so far no man without microplastics in his balls anon
i think she is sad
What about Amish men?
yes and only the ones strong enough to overcome it will make strong offspring anyways
you dont avoid change, you let it make you stronger
I dont believe you. Say something horny
no, i am doing laundry
>uhhh who cares about the mercury in the water just accept change and be strong enough to overcome the mercury poisoning!
I bet you're doing it while naked.
plus i already said lots of horny things earlier itt
now you are trying to understand how natural selection and adapting to a changing environment works
>Doing laundry
>Not even sitting on the washing machine
uh no?
i meant starting
merely "adapting" to a slum is not overcoming anything.
True evolution is the expansion of consciousness.
i am FOLDING it, ok? thats not arousing
ok, then expand your consciousness to a level where you do not have to answer to the laws of mortals
I heard someone say balls feel like eyeballs in chicken skin and i cannot stop thinking about how accurate that is
suck my chicken skin foo
Ladies, are erogenous zones a meme?
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>Women need to wait once a month to experience a fraction of male horniness
thats what you think
I was crawling on the floor in some kind of hospital, I got poisoned or spiked or something and was looking for pills there that could save my life but I couldn't find the right ones and I could barely control my body anymore. Harrison Ford was with me and he sat down next to me in this defeated way and said "I'm really sorry, I'm so sorry" so I said "Why, you didn't do anything wrong", assuming he was talking about my current state, and then he said "I'm a child rapist"

Then I woke up
I can tell from this dream that you're an incel
No. We just don't expect you to be trying to elicit pleasure when you're trying to pry my tits off my chest. Breasts should be handled like balls. [Not your level ball busting enjoyers, the normalfags]
So I can make a girl cum by rubbing her ears or her soles?
Need gf whos armpits are an erogenous zone
Probably not. They are for foreplay and to just feel good.
No. It feels like my neck has a direct connection to my clitoris sometimes. When a guy kisses me there or touches my lower back, it's very arousing.
Being a woman sounds like an over exaggerated doujin
State gender

Post a character who's literally you
more footfags? sigh
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Soon we'll all be footfags
pls no
Wait wtf is that actually from the manga lmao
It was in the anime too.
I still dont see how foot fags are any different than women who like hands
Yeah but the hand stuff isn't on the same level as feet right? I don't hear about women licking hands and sucking fingers and shit
Great choice, and great scene.
Is she sad or cumming?
there are none, all characters merely possess one or two aspects of me, but i myself am so large and multitudinous in my personality that no character fits the bill... although i find reason to relate to characters whose aspects i share... i relate to like 12 characters and those 12 characters together just about cover the gamut i'd say.

right now im feeling kotobuki from wonder egg priority
>I don't hear about women licking hands and sucking fingers and shit
Thats because its so normalized they dont have any need to specify it. Its implicitly assumed that that already goes on. Have you really never had your hand sucked or sucked on the hand of a man (dependant on your gender)
Thats the best part, its both!
That absolutely does gappen lmao
I'm Larry David, except I don't have money and I do have hair
I have to admit I'm a virgin. So what kind of hands are sexy? I kind of want to know if mine are. Can they be hairy?
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based türk
>So what kind of hands are sexy?
Too many answers to answer succinctly, its like asking what kind of woman is attractive. One of the most common features women universally agree is attractive though is veins.
>I kind of want to know if mine are.
This is a good time to use soctoga. Just dont do a palm up pic, somehow a lot of anons manage to get that wrong.
>Can they be hairy?
Some women are into that, others are not.
How much pressure do I use to make my woman horny during foreplay?
Which one of the two is it?
Only a stacy would post this baka
thats not how making someone horny works
Explain it to me then, I'm retarded and need help.
you have to make her want you, not press random body parts
But we're dating? Or you mean something else?
Are you trying to tell me women are not a picrel?
Imagine that you want head. Now instead of her going directly into sucking your dick imagine she starts kissing your thighs and stomach, the areas around it but not yet getting to the main course. Shes taking her time and you want it more, almost getting impatient.
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Ohhhhhhhhh that's smart! What else do I do?
I feel like I'm being mocked.
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Men, we're getting a mini moon.
explain please but it sounds cute
No! I'm not mocking you, I literally don't know anything about women. I just pick them up and plop them on the bed.
Time to lure an unsuspecting woman into a remote area!
M here, I find that majority of men who don’t find female comedians funny are the ones who don’t think the female experience is relevant. That venn diagram is a circle. Any other men here notice this?
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Cute so its like the earth is getting a butterfree it will eventually have to let go!
>women closely guarding their horny techniques
I swear to god if I get ghosted again
Andrew Garfield Peter Parker is literally me. I hate watching those movies because he looks and acts exactly like highschool me, he has that exact same combination of awkward nerd and big-mouthed asshole
Just work on taking your time. Dont jump right into it. If you're using your hands explore her body and see what gets a reaction. Always start soft then gradually turn up the pressure until you get a bad reaction. Before you stick it in you can slap her pussy with your dick or rub it on her clit.
I have a friend from high school like that. When halloween came around he went as peter parker and the women could not fucking hold it together.
It's ok.
The women here are evil, never forget it.
His version of the character acts like the kind of lamestream prepster or sporto jock who calls himself a nerd because he likes comic books, even though he has the personality of a popular kid douchebag. We all know the type. You know, rich fuck from a McMansion in the north side of town who enjoys Magic the Gathering but that doesn't stop him from rushing a frat and then taking sick glee in asking the new pledges to eat shit off the floor and forcing them to drink a beer bottle full of blood and piss during the hazing ceremony.
lol why do people here think that my being an ethnic Jew means I'm a wealthy shyster in on some kind of grand conspiracy to manipulate the global banking industry, ethnic politics, and international conflicts when I can't even get hired for an entry level job at a car wash?
If you fail as a hew that is even worse.
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Would you say that this represents accurately the typical conversations between male men and female women on the /atoga/ threads?
Oh okay so it's like... trial and error? Just like, figure it out, but in real time. You're smart. Okay! Thank you! I can do that.
I swear I'm not trolling. It seems it'll be kind of obvious if I fuck up, but how do I know if I'm doing a good job or find the right "thing"?
Like how do I tell if I suck or if I'm doing a good job basically. Squirming and stuff like that can mean a bunch of stuff.
I almost made a girl cum but she was reacting as though she was uncomfortable or in pain so I stopped. I do that a lot.

I have so many questions if you don't mind. You mentioned like, gradually escalating. I'm a guy so I don't know stuff like that, is that like edging? or different.
Yeah this happens all the time lmao
>femanon: bleh.
>anon: you are courting death
>Women of /atoga/ are hyper logical autists
>Men of /atoga/ are unhinged, psychologically abusive lunatics who direct their worst tendencies towards women
>Most threads turn into deranged, potentially violent incels using hapless autistic ladies as emotional and verbal punching bags
>hyper logical
foid hands
Well, have you?
No, it all went to
Nope. Had these mutant tits for as long as I can remember.
Honestly I'm normally not at all an incel, I'm a very friendly, sensitive and caring guy and I genuinely respect women irl. But when I come here the sexual deviant in me awakes and I start teasing and bullying women just because it turns me on. I just have thing for dominating and degrading women and I just kind of lose control and become a horny beast in these threads. It's kind of evil I guess. Sometimes it feels like there's another (evil) person in me who takes over when I get angry or horny, I can go from a very sincerely sweet guy to a nasty scary fucker
>I'm a very friendly, sensitive and caring guy
>Read: I'm a "nice guy"!
*fedora tipping intensifies*
no, but im guessing thats the premise
I wish aliens would abduct me and probe my anus
I'm not pretending to be nice, and I often don't show much of it but I know I sincerely and genuinely care for people and don't want to hurt them. It's not a performative thing (if anything I act as if I'm more uncaring than I really am), but sometimes it feels like a switch flips and I become like a different guy
What do you think of this?
>aliens were forcing people to have sex
Good to know these sorts of dreams aren't uncommon. Makes me feel less weird.
id make a joke about pegging you but i think its too obvious
I don't care how women feel about me walking to the gas station at 2am.
What if I was one of the aliens? And I presented you with my grey, veiny, forked Martian penis, glowing at the tip?
Cut pp and hands off.
Problem solved.
Being pegged would feel wonderful.
It's not the premise. It's been a while since I've read it, but in the story, there's this schizo old man with whom you can't be sure whether what he's telling really happened or not, and he claims to have been abducted by aliens, put in a zoo with a human woman, and forced to mate with her.
I mean he's right in that a woman has a right to be scared of you even if you'd never even think of hurting her, but "all men" usually means all men are evil and would hurt you which is obvious bullshit
Dildos with lights are universally awful, so I'd assume your dick was of equally low quality.
I usually detach mine and put them in my pockets when I'm walking at night so that any lone women passing by don't feel threatened.
You should. What if there's a neighborhood rapist breaking into women's apartments or trailers and savaging them in the dark of the morning, and you soon become a prime suspect because you're seen walking around the area at night time so often?
i am adding this to my list of books to read
Women, would you be interested in offering up your homemade Haitian-American cuisine to me? By which I am saying, would you be interested in letting me eat your pussy?
You should.
Goodnight /atoga/
I hate women.
State gender.
A fucking sorcerer appears and tells you to pick an animal and he will create a bf/gf for you who embodies the "spirit" of that animal.
It won't be a catgirl, wolfboy, or some furry thing, just a human being with a personality based on the animal of your choosing (playful and clever like a monkey, friendly and serene like a capybara, etc.)
What do you pick?
I get captured and he keeps raping? If you want me to kill him you could just ask.

How does this affect me? It's not like I can keep her safe, it's not the chivalry days. She goes her way I go my way.
F. A duck.
F. Horse.
M. A bobr (kurwa)
>In terms of reproduction and social structure, beavers are family-oriented creatures that emphasize cooperative parenting and lifelong pair bonds.
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How this would affect women's menstruation?
An older cat that just wants to lay all over you and be in your presence all the time.
>I go my way.
I ate it.
Women if you had been with your bf for years and he suddently came out with a diagnost(sorry for bad english) autism, wwyd?
I dont like the implications of this...
A diagnose does not change who he is, so if i was fine with the way he was before it, why would it make me feel different?
I probably already knew before then.
monkey gf pls
if hes dating me hes probably autistic anyway. all my friends are autistic, my gf isnt autistic but she said im still me after i told her im autistic, but if i was dating a guy he would probably be autistic because i find normies hard to socialise with
Crow. I want a loyal big-brain goth gf who's charmingly mentally unwell
My boyfriend is attempting to get a diagnosis for autism. It's easy to tell even without a formal diagnosis.
Why is body count so important to moids?
You will never love your present/future partner more than your past one.
She won't stick around long and be avoidant.
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Good choice
I don't really like animals for their personalities because I understand that they are only acting symbiotic because I feed them and don't kill them.
I like human personalities because they are capable of being gentler and sensual.
Footfags must burn
Moids have "must pee on it first" down syndrome.
Why are 'male feminists' disliked?
Because they are slimy wormy weak spine dudes who would throw anyone under a bus for a crumb of female attention
Who is she?
nta but i have must watch her pee down syndrome
Grace Gummer as Dominique DiPierro from Mr Robot
It appears i have been ghosted again
They typically are not actually real feminists.
They are abusers that lie.
Meryl Streeps daughter
I didn't care until I read the studies on how it increases future divorce risk
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>thats what you think
My ex was literally only horny while ovulating.

M and I feel the same about my neck. If you scratch me with your nails there, I become a tall log of butter in your hands.
I like radfem books and agree with their stuff sometimes but have latent misogyny, so guess I'm safe
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thats when you hit her with this
What happened
I agree that it feels good and makes me melt but it doesn't have any connection to my cock
Just a usual form of miscommunication where you want to talk but another side doesnt :)
that is, once again, not ghosting
It definitely makes me horny and probably involuntarily give me a boner.
He is right. The man who takes your virginity, you'll always have a special bond with him forever. If you jump from bf to bf, you're just a broken female and will never be satisfied nor find love.
>my ex
Maybe you just were not hot enough for her.
>once again
nta but do we really have people that complain about that. i'm not sure i have the whole picture though.
Yeah just don't date women.
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Both genders:

Am I big?
yes she keeps moaning about her guy friend that does not show up to her discord seshs and calls it ghosting
Pretty sure I experience the same or at least similar sensation that you do but it sounds fundamentally different than what the femanon described
Hmmm no. I will be making sexist jokes from time to time.
Oh I thought this was a different anon.
What do I get out of a relationship with a high value woman.
>She is stubborn, and I have to literally be perfect because everything is my fault or a failure of what I could/should have been doing automatically.
>She sees me as a constant revenue stream of money, attention, affection, time. I can't hesitate or be busy with anything I'm an omnipresent lever that is pulled for instant dopamine.
>She bosses me around, she is my boss and I am her employee.
>She treats every living creature, that is not her partner, with care consideration and understanding, not me though, I'm a workhorse moid. I have to earn my keep 24/7 for the *entire* relationship.
>Her affection is the equivalent of when girls on atoga reply positively i.e. (You) but with the least possible effort reply attached. e.g. "<3" and nothing else
>She also sees literal human empathy itself as a reward, so she is a sociopathic glacier until it's time for the bi-annual report "you did good so I will be care about you for the next 20 seconds"

I hate being lonely but not that much.
Mayeb its not
It just shows im undesirable

But at the same time it was kinda low investment from me either way so not much lost
Sounds exactly the same to me.
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their authors are kinda hot desu
>>She is stubborn, and I have to literally be perfect because everything is my fault or a failure of what I could/should have been doing automatically.
I decided to not read the rest, since this mentally ill mindset of yours that you display in this sentence alone is enough for me to know the rest of your delusion is not worth reading either.
Firestone is dumb, it is the one I dislike. Also I don't like her looks honestly. Dworkin is infinitely better
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she looks like a boy but thats okay i guess, still would
I'm sure your maladaptive coping strategy pays dividends. You not reading is you literally being stubborn, but go on. Live your life ignoring everything you don't want to hear.
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>watching my favourite ethot
>she's camming live with a vibe and a dildo
>session goes for hours
>sweaty and slimy as hell after she finishes
>see the post nut clarity slowly hit her
>"yup. Never thought I'd end doing this for a living"
>gives the stream thumbs up and starts visibly sobbing
Muh dick
Muh heart

I think I'm genuinely in love atoga, why am I like this? I just wanna save her, she made my cock hard and my heart ache
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Would you rather choose, buy and consume a can of Pringles sealed and with all the intact chips?


Would you rather choose, buy and consume a can of Pringles that had the penises of 12 men inside and the chips are now turned into potato mashed?
A highly incorrect word.
Some things are just not worth reading, since they have no value to anybody besides the person who wrote it.
I'm also not going to read the diary of some random 14 year old teenage girl.
You just described a woman with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
hot who is she
Do you get off on being emotionally invalidating or is it just a phase?
Guys, how long do you have to avoid cleaning your dick for smegma to form?
>You will never love your present/future partner more than your past one.
Wouldn't know #CutKings
To everyone: State gender and what is an acceptable age gap for a hag-zoomer relationship?
Like two days+
Delusions and blackpill garbage are not emotions.
F. Half of your age + 7 is a good rule of the thumb if you're concerned about "acceptable". I am 31 and I wouldn't personally date someone younger than 28.
If she wants to have kids, the gap is much smaller, like 4 years, if she doesn't want kids, then same as an older man/younger woman
"I could have told you for free"
Anything above 20 years age gap, below is fine IMO
Why do women use shame/guilt to gaslight men when it's about men dating younger women?
>implying you know what emotions are

You could have easily ignored my post for not being relevant or applicable to you, but you wanted to be hurtful, because I said something you didn't agree with,

>"Hmm how do I hurt this person who slighted me"
>"Oh. I know." "You're mentally ill. You're delusional, your feelings are invalid, and you're not worth talking to."

Girls like you are the worst because all they ever do is retaliate by making sure everyone around them knows "just how unimportant they are" just for being near you. You're way of pushing people away is to hurt them, so they don't like you, and don't want to talk to you.
Gee, if it's that quick, I feel bad for shaming all those people for not taking care of their elderly relatives in the nursery homes.
I don't think you're high enough EQ to understand what a high value woman is and so you are instead describing your gold digger and wondering why you are feeling bad when you are the one feeding, financing, and not fucking her.
Biased but I would date my crush over 30 years over than me
I think as long as both people are over like 21 who cares
>she just posted this after not reading my msg

Its beyond over
Anyone who refers to themself as a "high value woman" is a narcissist lol
Nothing could have prepared me for this to be the follow up
See? Men STILL don't understand that the vagina sheds every single month. So a girl could technically have 12 different relationships in a year and you'd still all not get cooties.
You guys with this mindframe are closet gay so that doesn't matter if you get laid anyway.
RIP, sorry brah
>session goes for hours
Bro you could've literally watched a movie or baked a cake or something
It's not gaslighting. Men's sperm turns rancid and putting it in young women should be rape. Date your own age or go straight to jail.
>It's easy to tell even without a formal diagnosis.
Tfw a BPD girl the other night asked me if I was autistic
She wouldn't fuck you with a 20 foot pole.
Hope she sees this bro
One can remove only so much cheese out of an old guy's dick before they start to wonder.
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Or maybe these old women are trying to destroy their competence because they can't compete against younger, more beauty and more fertile women in their 20's?
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I wanted to comment "check your dms then" but i think it would only seem desperate
This cant be real, Im so sorry if its not a larp but I have to believe it is for my own sanity.
You keep the DNA of all the men you fuck, gross slut. Your cunt isn't some dustbin you can empty out.
It definitely would
That is a bit desperado bro
If she's not replying to you she's not interested soz
>You keep the DNA of all the men you fuck, gross slut
I'm not a fruit fly, anon.
Are you saying that sex for women is a choice and sex for men is a task, sometimes a mission? Also do you realize that we men have 2 categories för women? Virgin women: for marriage. No virgin females: för pump and dump only.
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Do fruit flies actually?
I could've


Bro suddenly turned German
They found some evidence that suggest that it happens in fruit flies, but still pretty up in the air.
[spoiler]Become a medfag, they said, it would be glamorous![/spoiler]
>up in the air
I see what u did there
why did you ignore me
Women would you get the ick if i hug you and tell you how important you are for me?
It's never a competition. You're stealing from the young moids and they should kill you for it.
I'm literally so jaded by anything a woman says at this point, anything that excludes *any* possibility of the other woman being accountable in any way.
>you just need to be a better man to *see clearly* that you are wrong and that women are *always* right.

I just think the male definition of high value woman involves "being a compassionate person" and the female version doesn't include that. I feel like women think compassion is a trait reserved for "icky" low value men women, and are larping as hostile materialistic people as like some kind of "power move" dating strategy.
I don't wanna share
well yeah because i dont know you
rude and mean
Nta but thinking of people as "high value" and "low value" is not very high EQ imo
Yeah, we don't know each other.
> I feel like women think compassion is a trait reserved for "icky" low value men women
NTA but every woman who has loved me specifically cites my compassion and tenderness as for why they love me.
>women think compassion is a trait reserved for "icky" low value men women
Normies don't think this lol, only bitter femcels on the internet who think girlbossing compensates for being an unlikeable cunt
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>recently been thinking not that I just wanna fuck girls I think are attractive
>but that I want to impregnate them
>don't even want to be a dad tho
>cute 18 year old at my work
>latina, short, got a little chub
>would never go for me, 28 year old white nerd
>still regularly think of plowing her from behind and knocking her up
Usually it's just fucking. Why am I thinking of impregnating them now?
Yeah, time to get adjusted to the fact that im simply not attractive
Depends whether I perceive you as a friend or as someone with an agenda.
>why am I fantasising about impregnating hot women
It's almost as if we're biologically programmed to want to continue the species
>would never go for
>28 year old white nerd
Yeah don't be so sure
Oh yeah? Then why do I want to kill myself.
Maybe you're just a 50 iq and can't comprehend anything I'm actually saying.
Why do I bother?
Because your subconscious knows you should not be part of those that continue the species.
As a white nerd who loves Latinx chicks my heart bleeds for you
Idk. I have some muscle on me, but still overweight. She just turned 18 in June. There's no way she doesn't like younger dudes or even just other Latino dudes
Shut up faggot.
Yes, but usually it's just fucking them. I don't want to be a father so I usually don't think of impregnating them
Everyone get in the pity pit.
you knοw how they say psychopaths have no emotions, like they are just empty inside and extremely apathetic?
what if I have that but am not a serial killer? what does that mean?
>Girls like you
Typical of you to assume I am a woman.
As I said, you fit a very clearly defined mentally ill frame and you just keep proving you are exactly like all the others.
You will NEVER have sex ever again, har har har!
You're one quarrel away from starting to fantasize how their head looks on a pike.
You're funny. I maybe think about the guy I lost my virginity to once in 10 years. It seems like every boyfriend since him has had more and more significance in my life.
Has it worked out for you, anon?
do as he tells you or else
but I don't want to kill myself?
I do have violent/gory dreams every now and again and one time I did become dangerously obsessed with a woman but I have enough self control to stifle that shit. She actually thinks of me as a friend whereas I lust after her.
This isn't narcissist or "HVW" behaviour. You want a submissive woman, and she is, innately, not submissive.
Disgusting statement.
>kill myself
you have zero idea how depression works huh
Psychopaths usually do not end up like that because life isn't boring to them
I think you're also low IQ because you do not associate high value women as high EQ.
shut up idiot
Had dreams about him again. How do I stop?
It's true, we are one.
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so true
Every woman knows the kind of old men into younger women aren't the ones we're all competing for.
Wolves in sheep's clothing
Read books before sleepy time instead of obsessively fixating on him before sleepy time.
I had 2 odd dreams in a row today. I did not like them. In the last one, I was in my old school with my current coworkers and it was like a prison with strict rules.
Either a hyena gf or a dog/wolf bf
I can’t read
I had a dream I was in a crowded dark dim McDonald’s and there were a bunch of books it looked like an antique bookstore but it smelled like McDonald’s and outside there were a bunch of old wood plank pathways and ravines and I was pulling my car by a twine string like a sled
>hyena gf
as in you want a trans gf?
This is probably an obsession with him
Find the reason for obsession and address it. Most likely, it could be the need to be with someone, or him not being in your life (I assume) means you miss something that he gave you.
Go out more, meet new people, realize he’s not that special.
Anybody want something from the grocery story?
Yeah, can I get uhhhh the intrigue and the climax? Spare the performance of the action, I’m on a cut
Finally accepting that here he is the prize not you :^)
No, just a gf with big dick energy. Most other species, the sexual dimorphism benefits the males. Female hyenas are big and dominant and love to laugh. I can only imagine a big, barbarian woman that I meet in a tavern, laughing boisterously, draping one arm over me while downing a pitcher of ale with the other.
Being 100% honest, I've only ever gotten that kind of response from women for busting my ass day-in-day-out. Putting large quantities of investment into the relationship, for nothing in return, without asking for anything in return or even suggesting I may want anything in return, despite being criticized for every time I had been less than standard on anything I did or offered. I vent here because I have to stay mr. positive despite neglecting my mental-emotional wellbeing, because being sad/angry is "icky", I have to enjoy what I get without complaining. You have (had?) a lot going for you, and that's something to really appreciate and enjoy.

Women literally treat me better when I'm not dating them. I have never understood it. Dating just turns them into mean people until we break up, then they go back to normal, maybe I have bad judgment.

I don't see why you felt the need to reply just to call me dumb.

>actually I'm male
Here's another (You) since you're just commenting and not really participating.

I don't think like "dominant and submissive" that's kinkshit I just want mutual respect, same as I get between 100% of decent humans.
>anon I see you've had a long day, but I still need you to prove your worth, do XYZ
>anon I know you had a bad day at work, it's not my problem I want XYZ
>anon don't get upset, I didn't do anything to you, also it's not my problem, figure it out yourself
>anon if I wanted to do something for you I would have done it already, don't even think of requesting anything
When it's like this It doesn't make sense to be in a relationship seeing as it doesn't benefit me at all. At that point we're not even friends, I'm just a slave laborer that is bullied into shit.
Just call your FWBs and obsess about them instead.
I haven't fucked in a store in quite some time, but sure, jump into my car.
Though I also wouldn't say no to a futa dommy mommy
Yea I was very touch starved when I met him and I think I grew addicted to it
How do you know?
you're right, I don't know, because I don't have it. The only thing that ever tempts me towards darker thoughts is the prospect of damaging my social image.
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Would you fuck Aella Girl?
so what if I am empty and apathetic and bored with life? yesterday I was chatting up a match and immediately started pushing the boundary with my teasing out of sheer boredom and that was the most fun I can remember having in a long time.
Nta but wdym? Most people with depression have suicidal thoughts
Tbh you just sound two-faced and a bit cowardly, if you have built up your life with people that are only enthralled with your image, then perhaps you should start to put forward your true image, and you will find people who love you for you.
>Aella Girl
I've no idea what this means but the girl in your pic is fit, so sure
Would you rather drink a fresh can of Coke or a Coke that had more than 1 dick inside?
What store?
You said story… the climax of the story, that’s what I want
baka my head desu senpai
What a pointless question.
>When it's like this It doesn't make sense to be in a relationship seeing as it doesn't benefit me at all. At that point we're not even friends, I'm just a slave laborer that is bullied into shit.
Then break up with her. The relationship isn't "serving you". It seems like you're also viewing the relationship transactionally, so be done with it. And submission isn't necessarily "kinkshit" - it's a way of viewing social dynamics - from what you've written, she clearly has a dominant personally type. Lots of more submissive men will be happy in a relationship with someone like that. Not sexually submissive, personally submissive.
Showers 32 times a year, has regular gang bangs, and is a sex therapist
State gender. Do you have type? Elaborate on it if yes.
Oh, I completely missed that!
Well the climax of the story will be you being bent over in the store!
>put forward your true image, and you will find people who love you for you
Nta but a lot of us have a shit, unlikeable true image so have to put on a mask
Sluts are based but I've never met one who wasn't mentally ill
ion got no type
bad bitches is the only thing that i like
there's a type of woman I've discovered that just straight up doesn't exist on the internet, as far as I'm concerned. Like, there's no name for this type and I never see anyone talk about it.
F. I like really big guys, overweight and tall, with dark hair and beards. Scruffy-looking. Neckbeards, basically. Geeky/nerdy but without a nerdy group of friends.
>Showers 32 times a year
Ew what the fuck
Your mom is my type
Just means she is a good fuck.
Would rail her hard while giving her an unprotected creampie.
I can probably bench your scrawny ass
Male, Yes. A few. Redheads, goths, emos, and needs are my go to girls. I'm also a fan of chill frumpy girls
Let's see you ripping off my latex clothes when we're in the store, party boy.
Physically, not much except liking pale guys with broken noses.

Personality wise - smart, funny, loving, with ADHD.
f, idk if i have a type but i think i get along better with people that are a little fringe
fuck that I can throw you around the store
100lbs “dom” wannabe actin ass
sit the fuck down
I’ve never had one of those
I'll show you who's boss of this grocery store, benchwarmer!
What happens once you become so bored with life that you no longer fear embarrassing yourself because its the οnly way you'll "feel" anything?
is this a normalfag thing?
I wish so badly to be pretty. Not because I want to gang bang or anything just to look nice and get a husband
Sounds like you may be depressive/ADHD or similar and are looking for an adrenaline rush to feel "alive"
What in particular "bores" you about life?
Are you fucking all 3? Who is the top contender rn?
Tall, lanky, pale, dark hair, bespectacled, reserved.
Back in high school, I sat next to a guy like that in math class for a while. He was really cute. I noticed that he didn't have a textbook, so I always shared mine with him. We never really exchanged a single word, though. I think we were both too shy.
I also had a teacher like that. He was cute as well.
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>gf makes a comment on a random instagram reel
>tells me she gained dozens of message requests from said random comment
>has deleted them all
>realise how utterly replaceable I am and I could be replaced by seveal dozen men within a single afternoon

the female experience is absolutely wild. Despite being a muscular 6 foot man with chest length thick hair and disposable income I could never attain those numbers and I have never received any message request off random women. Ridiculously easy mode.
I was responding to >>32033373.
Dommy mommies, women who will physically and/or emotionally bully me, wheyfus, popular girls who are kinda bitchy but also give really blunt (if not backhanded) compliments, goth/alt girls, confident women, women with seductive voices. I have eclectic tastes.
Women that are skinny, cute face, with a great voice (I must love her voice), longer hair, soft spoken, emotionally mature, loving, more in tine with her feelings but also strict and withgreat ethics
Deleted bc cringe lol
No I have not kissed/fucked any, I'm too awkward for that, they just hit on me
Have you ever been with a girl like this
gag on my fist
Can someone rate the different types mentioned ITT?
>top contender
Hydm? Who do you think I'd have the best chance with, or who I like the most?
I don't get why men believe getting low effort attention from random pakis on IG is the pinnacle of life.
Reminder that French Montana invented the term "bad bitch".
I have met some
It didn’t work out unfortunately
I worked on myself since then, maybe one day
>Tall, lanky, pale, dark hair, bespectacled, reserved
Didn't realise Nagatoro posted here
I don't think I exhibit any symptοms of depression or ADHD aside from boredom and anhedonia. Life bores me because its the same day in and day out. I don't mind working and routine in the sense that it provides me money but the only reason I want money is to continue living comfortably (like in case I have to go to the doctor or my car breaks down or something).
It has seriously affected my relationships in the sense that one girl that was close to me accused me of "collecting friends" because I would concentrate on getting to know a person really well then completely ghost them once they considered me a friend.
Sub women, like >>32033416
its not but its still a stark contrast, a woman can post any nonsensical shit and just get bombarded by infinite amount of men.
Man, you became uncreative really fast.
So little fun.
Anyway, I'm off tot he shoppe, bye bye!
Only females can afford to have a type because of the options they have. Men just pick a gf that isn't too annoying to be around because a female liking them is very rare.
>completely ghost them once they considered me a friend
Perhaps you have anxious-avoidant traits and are afraid to leave your comfort zone and be vulnerable enough around people to form meaningful connections, so life bores you
Called it.
That says more about us men than the women.
Getting undesired attention from unattractive men who literally spend their day spamming every woman they see is not really that great.
>Didn't realise Nagatoro posted here
Funnily enough, I'm also petite with olive skin and dark hair. My personality isn't like hers, though. I couldn't bring myself to be that mean.
Weird girls.
he's a cοward, he'll never fuck any of them
M but I'm mentally ill (I guess) because the only girl that I ever considered my "type" was the one who I instantly became obsessed with upon meeting and had all these violent sexual fantasies about. Eventually those subsided for the most part.
Funny guys. This has gotten me in many an unsavory situation
I know I said "ghost" but the reality of it is that I just stopped putting effort into the friendship. I would still hang out with them if I had nothing better to do and to keep up appearances, so to speak.
I hit every mark except pale u_u
time tο kill yourself
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>he's a cοward, he'll never fuck any of them
I hate that you're right
Time to kill myself I guess jk
Being a little anorexic is kind of great I’ve been saving a lot of money on food
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okay u_u
well, what are yοu waiting for?
Both. Who do you like the most, but also, who do you think you have the best chance with?
Your health is more important anon...
Qrd on the pic? Why did you delete your post?
shut the fuck up and stοp giving him attention
I just haven’t had much of an appetite for the past month. I still eat but I don’t really enjoy it
But he's my fren.
>what are yοu waiting for
Killing myself is too much hassle
>Who do you like the most
Hm it's apples and oranges, they have different appeals. Probably the older woman cheating on her husband though
>who do you think you have the best chance with?
The BPD girl definitely, but she's very unstable atm
frens are replaceable, didn't you knοw?
State age
What’s the longest relationship you’ve ever been in?
sο you're just too much of a coward to kill yourself too?
27, 6 years.

M, 36. 1 year and 1 month
Is it just me or was Nikola Tesla really handsome? Fellow women, what do you think?
Croatian moid hands.
unironically, only a few days after we agreed to call each other bf/gf
happened multiple times toο
He was an ethnic Serb, retard.
I thought Tesla was Autistian
>but she's very unstable atm
Easier access to the pussy and she probably got that gorilla grip too
Unfortunately the only person that likes me for me is myself. My true image is emotionally burnt-out, mentally burnt-out, irritable, extremely disagreeable, combative, competitive to a fault, extremely jaded, hurt, unhappy, unfun, cynical, etc. none of these are attractive traits, but rather the "injury" of dealing with shit people. My only outlet is this kind of "take care of everything so everyone leaves me alone" energy.
I obviously don't need anyone as regardless I always end up handling everything by myself, but I'm lonely and want to have another person there.

Transaction implies I'm expecting *something* in return for being leeched, which is normal and reasonable and sane, despite this, I'm not expecting much of anything. No, transaction does not mean "women owe me sex".

Suppose every time you wanted to drive somewhere there's a gnome siphoning gas out of your car. The gnome doesn't owe you anything, the gnome isn't even using the gas, it just takes gas out of your car, and puts it in its gnome-mobile, which has storage for infinite gas, because that's what it understands as "your role" in the relationship. You fill up the tank, the gnome siphons it out and puts it into its own vehicle. The gnome never drives, it just does this over and over.

You still have just enough gas to go where you need to and drive home. If you decide to not fill the tank up all the way because it costs money, the gnome feels you don't value it enough, you have to fill the tank up to make the gnome happy, for nothing in return. Maybe you want to keep some of your gas to drive other places, you have to ask the gnome to spare you some more gas whenever it does its daily siphoning, the gnome, asks "what do I get in return?

I wrote this mostly for my own amusement, but also to explain my situation in a way that could be understood.
Unfortunately for you we will never meet.
and that's fοrtunate for you? cunt.
Men why haven’t I felt like eating for a month
yοu already posted this, attention whore
Wow rude
>Qrd on the pic
Shadow the Hedgehog was created by Gerald Robotnik as part of a series of experiments to find a cure for his terminally ill granddaughter Maria. They lived on a space station and Maria was his only friend; before she died of terminally illness however she was brutally shot to death by GUN soldiers while trying to help Shadow escape the colony during a raid
Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty dark
He was a handsome mentalcel
It'a more that I couldn't do that to other people
I'm not gonna take advantage lol
Has it happened before? How are your habits and health in general? Have you seen a doctor?
Kinda cute. Not really my type.
RIP, sorry to hear it anon ):
I also lasted barely 2 weeks as a girl's "bf" before she just wanted FWB lol
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Because you rather male validation and male attention than your own health and that's something good because here the man is the prize not you.
>I'm not gonna take advantage lol
She wants you tho
all me
yοu're like my little puppet made οut of garbage
thinking about setting you on fire btw
M 28
Four and a half months and then we both realized she was asexual, so I just broke up with her. Wack cuz she was cute but it explained a lot
Never had a relationship
Is this the girl with the gangbang attendance graph? Aella's gangbang on Xitter? Or am I mistaking her for someone else?
Because now I’m concerned
I don’t think this has ever happened, maybe I’d feel like this for a day but it would go away. I just realized it hasn’t gone away
If the man is the prize then why are they so obsessed with Me
>thinking about setting you on fire btw
Can't we just go bowling or something
I think she would shag anything that moved at the minute
I guess I shοuld have specified that -I- was the one who broke it off in each case. Every girl was some sort of crazy (usually depressed but sometimes BPD) and I just couldn't deal with their bullshit once we became "official" and thought I could do better.
now I'm alone but its not so bad
State age
How many men have give you the wedding ring and not just pumped and dumped you :^)?
>I think she would shag anything that moved at the minute
Then make that thing you! Holy shit, anon. Come on!
>rather male validation and male attention than your own health and that's something good
Bro really posted a Sailor Moon pic, the complete antithesis to this sentiment
let me make you a bit more concerned: last time I went through something like that, it was because I was dangerously undermedicated and ended up trying to kill myself after a month or two of being like that
>Can't we just go bowling or something
nο because I hate you and want you to suffer
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I get the feeling I can't cum from sex because of my excessive masturbation when I was younger and SSRIs that I am on. I still jerk off, but try and keep it less. But I was constantly fucking this girl raw over the summer, and no matter what, I couldn't cum despite really wanting to. What do? Should I stop taking my lexapro?
>If the man is the prize then why are they so obsessed with Me

Because your budget in youth, beauty and fertility still good. But don't worry because your youth, beauty and fertility will not last forever.
So that's where all the /atoga/ moids come from.
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if I died in my apartment I dont think anyone would check up on me unless people reported the smell
31. Never been pumped and dumped, married once and hoping to keep it that way <3
Never gotten a ring but never been pumped and dumped either
Yes i like teenager girls wearing mini skirt.
it is what it is
>foids thinking of ways to victim blame anon's corpse for smelling bad
pedοphile detected
Hey retards, if you didn't get the wedding ring then he just used you as a fleshlight.
I’ve never been medicated for anything
Isn’t it the same for men. You’re not gonna be hot and tight forever. At least I know I’m ugly
I actually feel pretty good about that fact that if that happened, a few of my coworkers would probably take it upon themselves to do a wellness check on me since we're "friends"
its a nice ego boost
I'm saying you should be, dumb bitch
>the guy who proposed to you and you broke up with just used you
State gender.
Did they change the captcha? It's mostly the same but it looks like it's split up by a white grid, can't tell if I'm going schizo

About 24 hours. I was 14. When people ask I flip flop between saying that and "never been in one" because it feels a little bit sad to bring up a one day relationship from when I was that young.
A non-transactional relationship is a parasitic relationship.
guys: how many women have you had at work that absolutely wanted to fuck your brains out?
What if I got neither
Foid jealous of a fucking cartoon detected
>-I- was the one who broke it off in each case
Chad moment
It was always the girls who dumped me
>Should I stop taking my lexapro?
See your doctor
Get some cats, then they'll find them gnawing at a skeleton
>Then make that thing you
I'd rather drink bleach
She is hot af but mentally unwell
Who's your fav?
>I hate you and want you to suffer
Sailor Moon has some top-tier MILFs tbf
For what? I don’t need meds I can overcome this myself. And don’t call me a bitch you stupid faggot
I think one or two. I almost went through with one, but her room was absolutely gross, so I faked not feeling good to not fuck her
Have you ever been in a mutual break up?
>She is hot af but mentally unwell
You will regret this in a few years
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>Who's your fav?
But i feel disgusted with her high body count.
Kind of, my highschool gf and I were basically just friends who tried dating for a few months and realised we worked better as friends and the spark wasn't really there
I am strictly a heterοsexual male, I just like shitting on him
more faggot talk
but you are a dumb bitch
loss of appetite could mean a million different things that have fuck all to do with your actual metabolism
I feel weird and dizzy, I lifted more than usual but have not eaten yet, but this never usually happens, I had a snack beforehand. The feeling reminds me of when I accidentally inhaled boiled linseed oil fumes.
She has a high body count? I only remember her constantly talking about her ex, but that was one guy.
why did you quote me
I'll regret not taking advantage of someone who's just had a mental health crisis? I don't think so lol
Eat something and get some rest
Bro was mistaking smut fanfics for canon
I am pretty sure one at my old job with a husband (who everybody incl. herself made fun of) and two kids wanted me to fuck her. She'd spend really long in my office and often ask me what my type was and if I have a gf now.
>Parents are religious and superstitious
>As in raised in Africa superstitious
>Find a necklace I bought last year
>Misidentify it as some thing witch doctor's use
>Tell them they're dense and tell them what it actually is
>They look at me blankly
>Ask for my fucking necklace back
>Oh uhh we'll have to look for it
>Know I'm never seeing that thing again
I'm so fucking livid. No question, I just needed to vent. My only solace is that they're careless enough with my stuff that I think they probably did just lose it instead of throwing away.
F, 26. Once. But I told him no.
Nta but maybe you're just a very quotable poster.
>I feel weird and dizzy, I lifted more

Check your testicles: does your testicles veins looks like a worms?
I am so sick of being flat chested every photo I take looks like shit
>I'll regret not taking advantage of someone who's just had a mental health crisis? I don't think so lol
You'll regret not fucking a hot chick when you had the chance and in a few years, will wish you did while you still are on 4chan
I think you're probably mistaking me for the femanon in that post.
You contradicted yourself, or maybe you don’t know what the words mean or what you like
That's emotional damage for riding the Cock-rousel.
Own it by being self confident and knowing you can get fucked while being bent over more easily.
I’m not becoming. A human experiment for meds
daily reminder to men that women are not dr. phil and cannot fix you.
time tο kill yourself
just make sure to leave a suicide note that asks the coroner to give you some implants
not sure what you're talking about, all I said was cunt
>I just like shitting on him
Literally who
some people can't live without meds, its unfortunate but true
I even weened off meds under medical supervision one time and it still ended badly
sucks but it is what it is
Picrel is my proudest /atoga/ moment.
nah looks fine
Women? Yeah that's true? The particular woman I'm pursuing at any given moment? There's no way for you to verify that, so for the sake of scientific rigour I'll have to get her to fix me anyway.
if you knοw, you know
I'm not going to give him the dignity of calling him by a nickname, he's a colossal faggot
atoga is not puyo puyo for your vanity
Your face is more important than your boobs. Your body shape too.
So far it's been the other way around, that the women I was attracted to needed fixing.
And it got worse over the past three times.
That's so fucking hot, I'd buy you so much cosplay holy shit
Is teaching a fish to climb a tree. He doesn’t want to lose his virginity, he just wants to mope about it.
Grim. I weened off of them because my mother got upset I was taking meds and they made me dangerously apathetic. I went from wanting to kill myself to feeling so much apathy I was indirectly killing myself with poor life choices. I hate being mentally ill.
>to feeling so much apathy I was indirectly killing myself with poor life choices
ayy yοu're just like me!
>women are not dr. phil
Well duh, Phil is a boy's name
(You)'ve made it
Don't ruin his chain bro
I'm not moping rn I'm just saying I don't want to take advantage of someone vulnerable
I... fucked up. I had a Bumble date lined up for today, and she unmatched me. most probably because I didn't give her much attention...
I really have a hard time understanding women, even though I'm still learning (at fucking 35...)
This is me

This is not me
He was abused by his aunt tbf. It happens to lots of good-looking guys in their youth, Bieber, DiCaprio etc.
Godspeed, anon. I want to say it gets better but this was a few months ago, so I really don't have the experience to do so.
Dr. Phil can't fix you and has not had a license to practice in like 20 years.

He's a charlatan.
>I... fucked up
No you didn't, online dating is just like that. Count your lucky stars she unmatched instead of standing you up and ghosting you. Not a woman thing as far as OLD is concerned either, it just brings out the worst in people.
>This is not me
because its me, cunt
Women, please understand that these men are not Dr. Oz and cannot pennetrate you.
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>absolutely wanted to
Not that confident in any of them, but I can think of three examples that may've liked me
The first was a cashier girl who'd often come over to my area, ask me how her hair looked, DM me outfit pics (and also traumadumped in the DMs), and at the Christmas party she kept dragging me outside for smoke breaks or on the dancefloor, and offered me a ride home. When I left she got me a sweet card and present
The second was a single mom secretary who would often ask if I was single, or if I worked out, and said that I smelled good etc., and would make a great manager (I was pretty shit at the job ngl)
The last one was a trainee nurse who would often chew my ear off and touch me when she talked to me, and would ask me to come to her room to fix basic shit like plugging in the computer mouse or the phone
I have anti-rizz though so nothing ever happened
he's an attention seeking faggot and his abuse story probably is a lie
I had a dream that the headliner in my car was fixed and then I was disappointed when I woke up to go to work and it was still sagging
Fake news! And I got nothing on those guys lel
>attention seeking faggot
You're not wrong
I dunno man. we matched on wednesday. we messaged a bit on wednesday and thursday. I didn't talk to her yesterday.. and was about to message now and find out she unmatched me.
>I have anti-rizz though so nothing ever happened
You mean you are severely autistic.
Again, literally normal on online dating. It's how shit is. People are notoriously flaky on it, and getting cold feet is an extension of that. I wouldn't take it personally, as I did online dating brings out the worst in people.
I see. I was also thinking that maybe she found a better guy or some shit
oh well, whatever
After setting up a date on an app, I don't chit-chat until the date (he usually sends a "we're still on for today?" message which I reply to). So it's nothing you did, anon, she got cold feet.
Will you post the chat log? Blur your name if that concerns you. I'm intensely curious to see.
I honestly think women in my country like talking, so I strongly think that might have been it

I won't.
I'm a spanish speaker so you wouldn't understand much anyway
nta he’s unmatched so pretty sure he lost the chat logs
also this lmao. I'm dumb. yeah, there are no logs anymore.

Women, why don't you tell us when you're planning on going back to our place to have sex when we go out on a date?

I assume 99+ percent of the time we're just going to part ways so there's no need to clean my pig sty. You can imagine my embarrassment at having had to explain to past sexual partners why my bath and toilet are clogged, why there are pizza crumbs on the floor, and why there are shit stains and skid marks on my bed from when I masturbate and sleep naked.

At least give us advanced notice so we can put on an image of cleanliness in our homes when you go back with us to absorb our penises!
I unmatch men for not being talkative enough sometimes.
She probably decided you weren't compatible or got cold feet about meeting. Either way I wouldn't take it personally. That's how online dating goes.
Dr. Phil sent Bhaad Barbie, aka the "Cash Me Outside" girl, to a violent and prison-like teen remediation camp where a boy was brutally murdered on her first day there. That man is no good.
You don't deserve sex. Jfc I hope this is satire
>maybe she found a better guy or some shit
Could also be the case, desu. Dating apps are cutthroat
Damn, you're scum. You're the type that deserves to get beaten or pumped and dumped.
I have severe depression and anxiety and it manifests as having an unhealthy and unclean environment. I spend more time outside of my abode self-medicating by drinking, popping benzos, and taking edibles than I do indoors. Usually I only go into my own home just to crash.
No one deserves or is entitled to sex, bozo.
Stop being mad that a women that you can't charm them.
Lmao women will always steer clear of you because they can sense the vileness you hide
And then guys like that turn around and say "but I'm a nice guy!"
My face is worse but my body shape is okay
You're a butterface!
Sure, they can, what about all those stories about bfs murdering their gfs? Where was that 6th sense then, dumb cunt? You female creatures are attracted to abusers and violent men.
>female creatures
Every time I hear about this I think of that movie about the gay aliens genociding women so they can turn all men on Earth gay
What movie
Hi, everyone. I know you guys don't talk much, but I'd like you to meet your Uncle Fruitcake. Uncle Fruitcake is a homosexual. Say hi, Uncle Fruitcake! Come on, why won't you give your homosexual Uncle Fruitcake a great, big gay hug?
He also would leave drugs an d alcohol in the dressing room of addicts that were on his show to.get them to relapse or come on the show under the influence.
That sounds shitposting kino, drop the name.
No how could I be if I’m flat chested. I’m skinny
It has an offensive word for people of African ancestry in the title.
It was Master Fatman's last movie.
>The film follows a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet Anus, who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using rayguns, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth, eliciting gratitude from the previously oppressed male population.[1] Before leaving the planet, they leave behind a "Gay Ambassador" to educate the Earthlings about their new way of life.
You can be skinny and flat chested and still be a butterface
Men, please say that I'm a good girl.
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She’s literally me :( Christine Chubbuck… except I don’t have a job I love
*pats your head, scritches behind your ears*
Good girl, what a sweet princess you are. That's it, what a good girl. :)
>Come on, why won't you give your homosexual Uncle Fruitcake a great, big gay hug?
I don't want to catch AIDS.
>match with cute girl
>21 yo
>a bit young for my age range but w/e
>bio says she's recently relocated from an abusive husband and is going through a divorce
>lives not that far
>bio mentions karaoke
>ask her about it as my opening
>she responds that she likes to sing
>try to be funny and ask "okay but are you good at it? >:)"
>she unmatches
did I come on too strong? honestly I just hate being overly nice in the οpening stages
I no longer believe in wine and roses. I now believe in swine and roses.

Butterface means "but her face". It implies that the girl has a nice body, but a not-so-nice face.
femanοn is a bad BAD girl!!
*sprays you with water bottle*
Don't worry, that's why we will never leave you unsupervised with Uncle Fruitcake. We wouldn't want him sodomizing you and turning you gay through homosexual rape and molestation, now, would we?
Yes, a nice body doesn't necessarily entail balloon tiddy's.
We’ll have you been a good girl? Do you deserve it?
I'm noticing a trend of suicide cases and shitty emotionally unavailable retard boomer narcissistic parents
Negging a woman that just got out of an abusive relationship doesn’t seem too smart anon
Isn't it funny how Boomer hippies spawned both Gen-Xers and Millennimal Animals? Gen-Xers seem to have more strongly rejected Boomer creeds, Millennimal Animals started returning to them.
Females love abusive relationships.
Nooo. Stop it!
I think so, yes.
Would you say you are the way you are, because of ritualistic abuse you endured in your youth?
I don't hate being a narcissist (because I'm literally incapable of hating myself) but it is disheartening when I realize I've been doing nothing but talking about myself for 10 straight minutes and she is bored out of her mind.
How do I stop myself?
>Millennimal Animals
I'll have to remember that. It's a good one.
>in your youth
I'm enduring it now. I have never not endured it.
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How would you like if you were being abused, dickhead?
lmao I didn't even think of that, I'm such a retard
makes for a good story though
>I think so, yes.
That’s not enough, you gotta say it with your chest.
Nta. I don't think all women like abusive relationships, but some definitely do. That chick will probably get with yet another abusive man. Those women purposely look past the red flags to get that adrenaline rush that makes their vaginas feel funny.
Happy bisexualist visibility week to any bisexualists or pansexualists. Do we have any in the audience tonight?
Like moths to a flame
>you are severely autistic
Wouldn't be surprised but I've suggested this to mental health professionals and they all said I seemed too "normal" to be autistic
Have you seen Christine (2016)? It's really good
>That’s not enough, you gotta say it with your chest.
I have been a good girl!
Is it normal for men to masturbate in their own feces?
>seeing a girl lately
>they're putting Mask of the Phantasm back in theaters
>that movie rules
>want to see it and thinking of asking her if she wants to go with me
Would this be a turn off for femanons?
I was never abused as a kid, I was just born fucked up
You should be okay with her suggesting an alternate choice of movie
That’s more like it, you’re right. You have been a good girl and I’m proud of you.
Also she was passionate about her work but I don't think she loved her actual job
If you're going to watch an action movie, at least go with a western, a war movie, a crime movie, anything other than capshit.
Welp now I’m hard :/
Thank you! :D
Watch movies about people being butchered for food by cannibals so that your erection will shrink
cut it οff
Ask her questions instead or at least change the subject
NAG but do you know if she likes superhero/animated stuff? Might not be her thing
Why? Because of the "good girl" foid?
*pat pat*
I already kinda like guro and I don’t need to be hard watching practical effects, that’s gonna form some new neural pathways I don’t need
nta but I have a fucked up fetish and if such a movie involves cute girls then I'm probably gonna cum
It would be better than being alone if she was hot enough.
Are there any good doujins where Senpai has had enough and dicks her down?
Yes :/
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I will now watch your film.
I would, but what other movies are even out rn?
Mask of the Phantasm rules. Are you retarded?
I know she's ok with superheroes and Batman is so normie core, I feel it would be fine. Not sure about animated movies tho
Foids like her are one of the better ones. They know their place and are cute.
So proper, you really are a good girl. *pat*
How do you feel about wearing sandals, slides, flip flops or other open toed shoes, knowing that there are people masturbating to the memory of seeing your feet?
femanon I'm sorry but I have a dashcam and it is obvious that you are at fault
Solution: Wear socks.
Saw a milf at the store the other day wearing open toed shoes and I couldn’t help myself from sneaking a peek. My brain is rotting more and more each day
>gf works at a bar, usually has to work til
3 or 3:30 and gets home late
>talking to her yesterday and we planned a bunch of stuff for today
>she was supposed to take a dress to get hemmed early this morning and call / text me after or when she got up so we could figure out a time / plan
>it’s been hours and I haven’t heard anything from her
>she’s not the type to sleep in at all
>getting annoyed

I’m trying to have patience as I understand she works late and she could be sleeping but it still isn’t like her at all. I would be really surprised if she wasn’t up by now. This is the second time this has happened in the past couple weeks. She’ll tell me one thing and make a plan, and then I won’t hear from her or she’ll be super super late and won’t even bother to text me to tell me she’s running behind.
Literally all I want is for her to let me know or not make an obligation and tell me one thing if she thinks she can’t follow through.
I’m just annoyed. Again. Maybe she’s sleeping but I doubt it.
I can’t tell if I’m over reacting or not. Like if she can’t take the 5 seconds to send me a text and say “hey running behind, I’ll call you later,” or literally just not make a plan with me for the morning when she thinks she needs more time for herself, does she even respect me all that much?
I only accept kindness from women who are single.
Seek God.
After seeking, I found God and he decided to forcibly suck on my cock while sticking his fingers up my ass to massage my prostate
What about women who are multiple?
I am much, MUCH more likely to jerk off to your ass in tight pants or your cleavage from bending over than I am you feet.
They are Legion.
........One of each.
I'm not into feet, but I had a tall blonde girl rubbing her foot against my leg on the bus because she was very tall and it was tight.
a lot of people love abusive relationships. men and women. you don't know half the shit many men stuck through while dating my sister and she treated them like crap. but they thought it was hot. a lot of people have issues (self esteem, like avoidant people, etc)
plus, it creates a dynamic of constant ups and downs and you get addicted to the highs and keep chasing them

last but not least the "drama" distracts people from who they/the other person are and instead of getting to know the other person you spend the whole time playing the mouse and cat game and so it distracts you from how little different or even shitty they are. and it's the purpose of the push and pull: so that they other person never gets close enough to know how you truly are, and discover how uninteresting and how unworthwhile you truly are
>works at a bar
Anon, I would have so much anxiety over that. How do you do it?
Didn’t Jesus wash feet on the regular?
Would you say that you have ever experienced the ravishes of rape by a homosexual wizard?
Mary also washed feet.
I would rather date a abusive but hot & exciting girl than a boring plain Jane. That's just how we guys are

Nothing wrong with it, getting hit is a tradeoff
Why would you have anxiety?
Your mom also washed my feet.
You are watch some too much Japanese animation. It rot your brain!
>tall and athletic girl, I paid attention to her way better than her boyfriend, including listening to all her daily complaints. She wanted to hook up and texted me one night that she was drunk and horny, but I pushed her back toward her bf
>this younger girl who was all about social media, I only learned years later that she had wanted to fuck
>this one cute girl who always dressed pretty but was secretly totally covered in tattoos underneath, she was sweet and giggled at everything I said, but she had a fear of men due to past trauma. So she wanted to fuck but was afraid of me getting close, if that makes sense
>black girl who liked that I was a nerdy white guy, I joked about getting her a collar once and she got visibly turned on. I learned later from one of her friends that she wanted me to fuck the shit out of her
Instead I've just been alone for years.
girls that watch too much Japanese animation are often the boring plain Jane types in my experience
I think I’d actually get harder if a woman slapped or punched me.
*slaps and punches you*
I suppose so
I got fed up and just never messaged her again, and she never messaged me again. And that was the end of that.
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yes lol
Rude, my whole friend group agrees with me. Some of them were scammed thousands but they still prefer unstable girls
I can’t tell what gender you are so I don’t know if I should be hard or not. Is this the good girl
Your feet needed washing.
Have you ever watched the anime or read the manga B Gata H Kei, about a young women desperately trying to lose her virginity and failing?
M, I'd be flattered ngl
>I can’t tell if I’m over reacting or not
Yes you are bro, maybe she was tired and fell asleep after work? Especially if it was a busy shift and she was kept late? Working til 3:30am is ass lol
Was feet really just a euphemism for genitals in the Bible?
the problem is that you think contrived/artificial problems are hot
let me tell you, at a certain point the contrived problems go from love games to real ones, because the stuff you say to each other, hurt each other "to spice up your relationship" at some point gets real.

it's like when you were little and you play fight with your sibling. the first hit is done in jest, so is the second.. but at a certain point both of you get serious, angry, vindictive and start seeking to inflict pain on the other in retaliation of the pain they caused you
>Is this the good girl
Yes. I hope I didn't hurt you too much. I just wanted to get you harder.
The purpose of women and chad is to remind normal men to opt-out of society if they hadn't already.
You’ve been upgraded to a very good girl
Should I wait before replying to people?? I'm almost always on my computer or phone, so when I get a notification, I reply instantly. But I'm worried it's annoying.
Gayniggers from Outer Space
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>took adderall
>spent the night gooning instead of getting my assignments done
I did have a revelation, though. Part of the reason that I have performance issues when it comes to sex is because the sensation of a mouth or pussy is so different than that of my dry hand yanking my circumcised knob that it’s very difficult for me to stay aroused if I’m not the one servicing myself. My thoughts end up becoming scattered and the mood begins to progress steadily towards frustration rather than sexual arousal. I even tried to use lotion but the coldness and wetness of it STILL made it incredibly hard for me to become fully aroused, and instead I began to have intrusive thoughts about dick shrinkage.

Damn. I really need a gf who is willing to let me ease into getting gud at sex. Any chick who expects me to fuck her brains out right off the bat is gonna be sorely disappointed.
I know there's people here that are Xanax fiends, do you agree that this is the appropriate "stare"?>>203724967
I know a woman that's a Xanny Queen and she dοesn't have this stare, she just gets sleepy and placid-faced.
>Damn. I really need a gf
No, you need to fix yourself.
No, responding too quick is bullshit that doesn’t exist. If someone is intimidated by that that’s their problem, not yours. Reply when you want to. Don’t live in fear
I'm honestly like a puppy so I can't see that happening
What should I drink today? Rum?
FUCK I didn't link it correctly >>>/tv/203724967
Nta, but a gf fixes him. People who get gfs don't go on your autistic grindset of self-improvement for 10 years before they fuck, you retard.
I do, but my buddy came to me with a problem last night and I instantly replied "What's wrong??" to show I was paying attention, and he vanished. So I thought maybe I did something wrong.
No, a gf tries to be patient and he just lets the problem get worse until he straight up can't perform at all. Then he blames her for not fixing all of his problems.
Not your fault and not your problem any more. You showed concern and did what you should have.
I'm not a zoomer but I love Xanax stare, it's an invitation to fix them and offer something wholesome they haven't experienced yet... At least that's the fantasy
then you're probably gonna end up being beating up and the abuse will only escalate
yk, like that OF girl Courtney who started by abusing her bf verbally and physically and finally killed him
My parents are gen x but they are not absolved. They had me too young and fucked me for life
I haven’t but I’ll watch it
Why do you say that?
Nope, he just needs a gf who won't judge him for not getting hard. That's it.
Ah, right, that'll totally undo the damage he's caused himself. My bad
Yeah I get it. Again I’ve been a bartender and I know how it is.
She just called me and said it was busy last night and that she didn’t wake up til 9:30.
She said she was at home getting stuff together but there was a ton of white noise in the background and it sounded like she was driving. I usually never hear that kind of static when we’re on the phone at home.
It just doesn’t seem right Idfk.
>like that OF girl Courtney who started by abusing her bf verbally and physically and finally killed him
The issue I’m describing is ED due to performance anxiety. That’s not the kind of thing that goes away without rewiring your brain through firsthand experience (i.e. by spending enough time having sex that you overcome it).

Even if I do nofap, it’s not like I’m going to forget the last 15+ years of masturbating into my dry hand. I’ll just end up having ED again until I can successfully complete the sex act.
Yup. Don't post stupid shit next time.
>be ugly as fuck
>get a glow up
>boys who never noticed your existence before are now interested

I feel nothing for them knowing they only like me now bc of my looks. What to do?
That's life. For men it's the same with success
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Summoning goth midget bf
Not even worth a try, anon?
Women, thoughts on bimbofication?
It’s okay femanon I know you are funny not because you are pretty but because you had to develop a personality due to not being pretty
Whats your bimbofication method?
There's this OF girl (Courtney Clenny) who had a bf (Christian Obumseli) whom she abused (she slapped him, called him a dumbfuck, was caught on camera hitting him, called him a nigger (he was black), and finally she stabbed him to death and plead not guilty / self defense in court

She is obviously one of those crazy chicks/people who have deep seated issues and will keep abusing their partner, "pushing the envelop" further and further, taking out their own insecurity, sadism.. on you, until they eventually kill you (like some men also do to their (weaker) gfs)
Meet someone online that falls in love with you without even knowing what you look like.
I dunno. Never tried it. I have thought about it, though.
Sometimes women are nice. I have performance anxiety sometimes and have trouble getting hard but they never judged me for it and still gave me a chance.
>Meet someone online that falls in love with you without even knowing what you look like.
How? First thing men online ask for is pictures
r*ddit tier answer
>called him a nigger
Maybe she's nigger girl.
There's a bottle in my left hand and a pistol in my right
Shoot the bottle.
So how would you do it?
Meet guys on /atoga/!!
>becomes physically attractive on purpose
>still complains about not receiving the right “type” of attention
Boy, tell about hubris.
Pics or you’re a faggot
Weird men you talk to.
I dunno. My fantasies involve the girl becoming a bimbo because of a pill or a spell or something. Any advice on IRL bimbofication?
Maaan I agree with her (assuming it’s not a larp)
u on dem need niggas hittin on u cuzzz she need a nigga dat luv her fo her nocap fr sheeeeesh
What hand are you typing this with, then?
Yesterday I had a threesome with 2 mtf, a dream come true
How would her behavior change once she took the pill?
She'd become ditzy and giggly and stuff. You know, like a bimbo.
I’m into it
Like - a little dumb?
it's actually crazy how different the life of a 5'7'' man is compared to the life of a 6' man assuming they're mostly similar in everything else. the impact height has in your life is insane
Awsome. Any advice on IRL bimbofication?
Artistic, creative, kind of misandrist, more petite, with wavy shorter hair.
Only men that hate women are into it.
State gender
How do you deal with stress and anxiety? I have a really hard time, my jaw tightens and I have pain in my chest and stomach....
Enjoy it? Idk
If you're a manlet or a non-Chad, you just need to take the crimepill since nothing you do matters anyway.
Anon wtf
You ask a question about bimbofication, and get somebody to talk about it, and don't have this shit thought out?

I gradually steer her into it. I love her, but she knows she's not exactly my type. I tell her she doesn't need to change for me, but I plant seeds. I offer to pay for her to get her hair done, new clothes, makeovers. Bit by bit, she becomes my ideal.
So she wants to be your fuck toy?
Just had the most amazing sex with my Gf oh god my balls are drained and I’m full of fried chicken
I guess, yeah.
Why would you want a stupid girlfriend? I want her to be as smart as possible with whom I can have discussions with, that's hot.
Not really. Nofap is literal nonsense for people who can’t see the forest for the trees. Avoidance isn’t the right way to deal with a psychological problem. Every single idiot who does nofap is just digging themselves further into the hole of misery while simultaneously believing that they’re making a genuine effort to fix what is broken.
Nah I love women.
Bimbo shit is like a perversion of what I love about them though, so it's kinda hot. Like how people want loving partners, but a bit of abuse can turn them on too.
Mental illness
I have hairy toes and yellow jagged toenails but if someone wants to fap to that its fine with me
>I’m full of fried chicken
Easy on the caffeine. Mindfulness. Valerian root if it's really bad. Exercise is good for channelling that nervous energy.
I'm not talking nofap, I'm saying, maybe don't masturbate for hours on drugs and then wonder why your dick doesn't work anymore.
Can you post pics of your goal aesthetic?
Fukkk. I didn't mean to quote >>32033977.
Nope, anon, she was white. And to people with sense, that should've been enough for him to leave, but he didn't, because he obviously had self esteem issues. And to be honest, I doubt she would've ever let him leave. She would've killed him before he could move on with his life with someone else. And if she didn't kill him, she would've killed the next bf. Before she killed him, she stabbed him in the leg, she hit him in the back of the head and left him bleeding

she would've killed someone sooner or later. but he stuck around and that kinda further sealed his fate.
Weed and a vibrator
Usually I don’t.
Sometimes when I’m driving I’ll scream at the top of my lungs and try to drain the reservoir.
Yeah we ended up going out for Raising Caines lol how’s everyone doing tonight?
Sorry for you struggles?
That's an oxymoron.
Ignore the problems piling up and just play video games instead
If I'm at work I try to breathe deeply and not think about it
>Nope, anon, she was white.
No, that's not what I meant. There's a tripfag named nigger girl that hasn't posted in a while. NG's a white girl that likes to say nigger. That's what I meant.
>luv her for her
The only people who love you for you are people who’ve known you for a long time. 9/10 men would rather date someone attractive than someone unattractive. If you hang out with someone for a prolonged period of time, chances are pretty good that the two of you will start to grow on each other regardless of what your initial intentions were.
I take MgB6 and occasionally ashwagandha in low doses
The most delicious meal in the world is still unappealing if it's presented on a rancid upturned garbage lid.
Presentation matters.
Always has.
Always will.

The question is: What are you presenting?
Relationships survive on compatibility.
Present your important traits that are the least compatible and present them as positively as you can.

It is needlessly restricting your options to reject men who are attracted to you but might have thought a girl who wasn't presenting herself well was unappealing.
My response was a joke…
My gf is latina and has the braincels of a carrot but damn this girls got such a tight wet little pussy
>the impact height has on your life is insane
No shit lol. Believe it or not, the impact every aspect of your physical appearance has on your life is pretty significant, anon. Height happens to be one of those things. So is having good teeth.
It's about more than aesthetic; the mental changes are interesting too. Not so much becoming stupid, but a shrinking sense of modesty and reservedness, a growing sense of vanity and materialism, and an increasing obsession with sex as well.
I get that but also you're not gonna be fucking constantly when you're older so someone smarter is more important to me because else I'll go insane when hitting old age
>How do you deal with stress and anxiety?
Cumulatively or in moments of stress overwhelming me?

I have heaps of reduction by avoiding stress.
Very little methods of relieving stress.
>I offer to pay for her to get her hair done, new clothes, makeovers.
I would leave a guy so fast if he did this to me.
You aren't the target audience. Cute girls who are already pretty are.
Anyone? What's the best alcohol if I want it to taste good and get drunk? It's rum and Coke, right? I wanna get drunk with some snacks while gambling online.
It *does* work. It just doesn’t work well when it comes time for sex because I am very sexually inexperienced and have had nothing but bad/insufficient sexual encounters my entire life.

My dick isn’t broken. I just need to have more sex to get over this.
>I’m full of fried chicken
Whatever gets you off. I don't kinkshame. But keep it sanitary for your own safety.
My brother in Christ you’ve got it all wrong lmao
Basically going back to animal instincts?
>height doesn't heckin matter it's your personality!!!
>change height on app, get way more likes despite obviously being short in pics
Hahaha nice one bro XD how you doin btw?
Rum and Coke is a classic
Start fapping with a loose, lubricated hand.
Wine and beer
Top tier combo, you will not regret it, trust me
pls for the love of god put your damn retard name back on you ban evading faggot
State your gender
What are you studying, and are you enjoying it?
Yikes, my bad. I got the impression you were taking the piss ironically, not in earnest.
If you think talking to a woman is going to keep you sane then you’ve obviously never lived with one before lol
>no sex into old age
Bitch I expect to be RFK jr. levels of testosterone well into my 60’s haha
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Life feels so empty when I don't have a special person to obsess over
In part. Not so much a mating obsession though. She should become comfortable with things she used to find difficult. I.e., she may start out uncomfortable with sex, but by the end, she would be open to a gangbang by him and his buddies.
Then the question is, is it corruption or liberation?
I only enjoy math when I figure out how to solve the given problems. Rest of the time is spent banging my head against the desk and violently sobbing.
Have sex
>corruption or liberation
Both, depending on who you ask.
No I know that I just can't respect stupid people as equals so it's gonna annoy me a lot as time goes on if she's not very bright
State gender

How do you feel about the ridiculous number of mentally ill violent people who roam cities and public transportation? I'm always impressed how city normalfags treat them like some kind of ignorable fauna that are just part of life.
Women were never meant to get an education and this is exactly the reason why do I make myself clear
I minored in Japanese, and I'm studying it again with the intent of moving to Japan.
I think everything about how the US operates is fucked up and I see no hope in sight.
What was your motivation for getting into math? Are you going for a doctorate?
How did you get your glow up?
>What are you studying
Computer science.
>are you enjoying it?
Eh, not really. It’s a shitload harder than I was anticipating and ever since my psychiatrist took me off of amphetamines my motivation to study for it has been hanging by a thread. I thank God for GPT because without it I would’ve been completely fucked.

Spending all day trying to wrap my head around the way a given data structure works is mind numbingly boring without amphetamines to spur my interest.
You should get into philosophy of math, that might be more enjoyable for you
Right? And that little bit of ambiguity makes it even better. She definitely grows more confident and extroverted, but at the cost of how she was before.
It's profoundly arousing.
How do you know that someone smarter than you thinks the same way about you lol what if she happens to be a woman peak midwit levels of IQ how did you even get past catcha lmao
I agree, making people worse(better) is great.
Couldn’t give a fuck seeing as how I live in the suburbs and try to avoid urban shitholes as much as possible.
>I can’t breed
Well then kill yourself sex is awesome! Fuck off back to whatever void you came from incelious
Why did I have such a great connection with a man who was manipulating me? Like yea he was being delusional but also we were really good friends
People should know what to expect from urban environments nowadays
It was all fake
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Because he was MANIPULATING you into making you think you have a connection, making you always feel good, mirroring your behavior, telling you sweet lies
Idk, just a thought..,,,,,.,..,,…..
I want to move out of the US but my only options are European cities (I have citizenship) and I don’t want to live in a city anymore
For men
Is it gross to hear about a womans period if she wants to complain? How much detail is too much for a friend or a partner?

And a related question for other women,
Any tips to stop being bloated on my period? I want to wear a tight top in a few hours but I look slightly preggo
At least you avoid them. Often I have girls express wanting to visit urban shitholes like that's in any way desirable.
It is.
Why can't you live in the European countryside ??
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I got a D in trig in high school. I failed it in college five times. Math makes me miserable.
It felt real
I’m not insane I realized it wasn’t smart and broke it off
They didn’t feel like lies I think we genuinely connected about some things
Do Americans think rural towns here don't exist? Get a wfh job and work by the countryside somewhere
>What was your motivation for getting into math?
I've been good at it ever since I was a kid.
>Are you going for a doctorate?
Probably. I'm not sure. We'll see how it pans out.
I don’t blame them, it can be kind of exciting in short bursts. I’d never want to live in one, though. Nonstop chaos seems like a pretty great way to get cancer and die at 40.
Nah we fuckin on her period blood sacrifice
Is that red flag anon?
Ah, sorry. Didn't even know the lore behind nigger girl ... TIL, I guess.
Can’t afford it and there aren’t any schools in the countryside generally that I could assimilate through. Also less jobs
Do you ever hear women mention these when the guy is not really doing anything particularly special and she's just projecting it onto him
>there aren’t any schools in the countryside generally that I could assimilate through
How old are you
>failed it 5 times
Did you eventually pass it? Ultimately that’s all that matters.

>t. took Linear Algebra 4 times even though it really wasn’t that hard
Period blood doesn't count as a blood sacrifice because it happens naturally.
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The ones who get squeamish talking about periods are weak.
Who were you guys obsessing over before?
In graduate school doing a statistics based degree! My undergrad was in math and cs
I enjoy it. I really wish I could have done a pure math degree for grad school but that would be pointless, and not help make me more employable
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I am part of the Avengers fan club so if I ever run into a bad guy I don’t have to worry
Personally, idc, it’s a natural process that can cripple a woman for a few days
I was told by a woman that she had her period and that she stained her clothes because she was careless etc
Idc, it’s same as venting about anything else in my book
On the other hand I’d think women would feel uncomfortable to hear about a man’s boner and why it happened
>Did you eventually pass it?
No. I wasn't allowed to take it again. I had to settle for a BA instead of a BS. Same degree, just no math.
I studied math and physics, it was fun
I'm currently obsessing over
Need mathy girl so bad
I like the suburbs out here but they’re super expensive I hate the driving and the shitty hospitals and shitty work life benefits
I'm always on edge. I'm thinking of getting a knife of some sort at least. So far, people just shout at me and try to hit me when I pass by.
Did you post about this guy a couple of threads back? When most of us told you he’s a massive red flag?
Or are you a larper fishing for (you)s
Can a Hebrew confirm please?
Yea why
His behaviour was special to me, maybe it isn’t to someone who was used to it?
I’m just repeating what others have told me
State gender. How many calories do you eat daily?
>matched with girl on tinder
>talk for a bit and she gives me her snapchat
>at bar with a friend
>she messages me and asks if im at the bar
>say yes and she invites me over to see her friends
>chat for awhile and go back to my friend but as im going she grabs my hand and slowly lets it go
>ask her out and she says she cant as a friend is visiting
>keep talking on snapchat
>invite her to a houseparty my friends are haaving
>she cant because another friend is visiting her on that day
Should I keep trying? She messages me fairly quick enough
same, feel like a magnet for violent shitheads but most people I talk to act like it never happens
I did and I broke it off I’m just trying to understand how it got so far. I’m sorry if I’m being annoying
I can protect myself and my gf from any dyel schizo faggot that thinks he’s the Arthur Fleck
>>t. took Linear Algebra 4 times even though it really wasn’t that hard
I'm taking it a 2nd time. Wish me luck.
500-1000 (I'm trying to lose weight).
>wasn’t allowed to take it again
Dafuq lol. It blows my mind when colleges do shit like that. I guess they think they’re helping you out. To be fair, if you couldn’t do trig then you definitely wouldn’t have been able to succeed at any higher level math courses.
Hi. That's all

About 1,200/day this past week
3000-4000 sometimes 5000 for training days
My best friend. I've posted about him multiple times over the past few days, sorry it's probably obnoxious.
He's an online friend I met on Reddit and we started spending every waking moment chatting/gaming/voicing but doesn't like me like I like him. Sometimes he's so cold to me. After three years of hanging on his every word I finally woke the fuck up and realized how big of a retard I've been, and this whiplash of going from loving him to feeling indifferent is the most heartbreaking thing I've ever been through.
But we're so busy doing homework
You got this, anon. Just don’t skip lectures or fall behind on assignments and you’ll do fine.
it's a tinder girl you should not take anything seriously, most of them are just there for the validation
if she was really that interested she'd make the time and space
I simply cannot understand what the hell sin, cos, tan are. Everything else in the course I could do fine... but that's half of it.
Yeah. I'm retarded at math.
She is expressing interest but has a very active social life, I would say keep trying a bit more, or wait for her to suggest a date
You aren't "wholesome," yοu have an empty smile and a hungry hug, even a barred out hoe instinctively knows not to touch you with a ten foot pole
How old are you to supposedly be majored in maths but are still oing problems? Because at college level, and especially graduate, you are proving theorems, rather than doing problems
Unlike street gangs anyone can be a part of the Avengers fan club by mailing in twenty dollars plus shipping plus tip to the knoife store
No problem, it felt like the same problem
It’s ok to vent, I also posted about my problems multiple times in atoga and someone always replied
I was manipulated by another man to think he’s my friend
The thing with manipulators is that no matter how much people from the outside tell you that they’re awful, you can never see it in that moment
Imo, you can try talking to a shrink to help you figure out how it happened, what made it feel genuine for you, and why did you fall for him despite the obvious red flags
You can compare his behaviors with one of your parent’s or care taker’s bahvior, see if there’s a pattern, not a 1:1 match, but certain aspects that made you feel like he’s ‘home’
Sometimes being a housewife only requires basic measurements and volume like how much flour and sugar to add when baking
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girls, if you BF says "wear this while we're fucking" would you? Would you still do it if he talks about putting his swedish meatballs in your bag during sex?
I don't want to be a housewife (male)
Most mentally ill people aren't violent, and vice versa
>Why do you say that?
Watch the film and you'll find out :p If you like psychological dramas I recommend
Spoilers ahead, but basically as a reporter she wants to do more gritty stories and human-interest pieces which her boss shoots down because he just cares about the station making money, and all her colleagues are normies who just treat it like a job so she's seen as the kooky one. Also she asks out her work crush who screws her over, taking her to some weird cultish self-help group, and then picks a stacy colleague to transfer with him to Baltimore when he gets promoted. It's a pretty depressing but really well-acted and edited story of what can happen when someone has unchecked mental health issues for a long time that eventually spiral and come to a head
Life of a BPD
I don't enjoy school so I dropped out, I just work (well, calling it work is generous) reception desk
People like attractive people, that's life
You need to chill out painter boy
I might be misremembering but aren’t sine and cosine just descriptions of functions the same way a tangent is
What I’m trying to say is that most likely familiarity made you fall for him
Your subconscious mind found that familiar pattern, it’s not something that you found by rationally analysing and deciding, it just made you feel at ‘home’
I don't mind being used for hugs either, it doesn't have to be wholesome
You’re probably thinking too much about it. Succeeding at math involves following the instructions first and foremost and then worrying about understanding the theory behind how/why this shit works later. I’ve discovered that I’ve been running into that same problem with computer science. I’m 10,000 years too incompetent to be worrying about theory. What matters at my level is knowing HOW to get the shit done; not knowing WHY.

Realizing that has made it a lot easier for me to just accept the fact that there’s a ton of shit I’m gonna be completely clueless about and just focus on wrapping it up anyway.
I don't know, I never had it explained. I just sat there during tests for maybe 10 minutes staring at the questions before writing "I have no idea" and marking them all wrong for the teacher.
Not anywhere close to enough but I am progressing
I have "predator mindset" and it's not something that can be cured. How do I navigate dealing with someone that can see through my facade? Anyοne else dealt with this?
What does that mean?
I'm always "studying" things in my free time though, whatever catches my interest, I feel like a jack of all trades. But my bipolar brain cannot get through a degree
Younger girls.....
Get a latina gf to take out your frustrations on
>I don't know, I never had it explained
Wtf then how do they expect you to understand and why are they being paid
Honestly getting a hug from a woman is such an ego trip for me. It means she feels safe/comfortable with me.
I know and it hurts not being able to help. Yet I find you so endearing
>jack of all trades
>master of none
The fate of every autist
no No NO(t necessarily)
some women are really naive and manipulated easily, and that activates something in me that wants to do things to them
I think it was taught in a prior class maybe... They ask me to find sin A, I scratch my head. Maybe it's A/C? No, that sin button on the calculator must have something to do with it.
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That’s actually not a bad way to describe them. They’re terms used to describe the relationship between a given length and a given angle, and their functions are based around pic related (the unit circle).
Jack of all trades master of none
Often times better than master of one
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You guys eat every day?
he's always pre-dating, but never dating
Eh even if you got 30 in math too, you'd only be looking at a composite 32. Maybe.
I'm more of a carbon dating man myself
Tsuki Project was cool
Ironic coming from a tripfag with nothing to show for it
Question for men

Do you really find picrel body type the most attractive? I can't help but think they are fat
There's a guy where I work who is the embodiment of cringe. He doesn't speak to anyone but pretty girls. He won't even make eye contact with me. But he follows my friend around and pesters her to the point that everyone is laughing at him behind his back about it. She's an ultra Christian straight-laced girl and he tries to impress her by telling her he grows weed at home and had to get new tires from doing burnouts. Whenever guys on here complain about bitches who don't give them a chance, or "nice guy" stuff I imagine they are someone like him irl.
No, but they aren't fat.
Probably around 2k - 2.5k (not counting beers). I seriously need to start getting into the habit of exercising, but I keep putting it off because I hate working out and would rather just get drunk instead.
Perfect ass, if you find this fat or unattractive you are low T dyel
But I have a femanon gf
I just won the game
>most attractive
No, I think it’s just attractive
I don’t think it’s fat
same, you could say we're carbon copies

i'm sorry
Eh, that’s hard to say for sure. She does have an incredibly sexy figure, though. Seeing someone like that in real life is always a treat.
Death to the nuclear incel inshallah
Here is what I think is the most beautiful body type
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>I can't help but think they are fat
Not a man, but that is fat. Picrel is ideal imo. You can see by her arms and clavicles that the rest of her body is thin, but she still has breasts.
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I think this is objectively the most attractive body a woman has ever had
Selma Hayek in her prime
And I have a latina gf when are you gonna get off your ass and live your life bro
Not true for me. I would prefer an unused man.
I think she looks fat and big boobs do not look good. Medium size look better
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Here's a better, full-body example of what I mean.
>I think she looks fat
Lol anon, pls.
Sounds like you have an anorexia fetish, her waist is tiny compared to her hips, her stomach is flat and her ribs are showing
Yes I would love to look like that
Men, women for all ages: how often do you shower and shave?
>22 y/o
>4 days a week, at least
>shave pits, vag, and ass once a month before period.
Shower daily, twice if I work out. I shave when the cool stubble starts turning into just facial hair, so every few days. My upper chest hair sucks so I shave that maybe every two weeks
What do you think of girls with short legs? Are they much inferior compared to girls with long legs?
I have a body like that except my hips are more narrow than my shoulders
I try to shower at least once every day unless I have nothing to do that day and don’t leave my house. When I’m working out I usually go for twice a day. Been avoiding flossing for a while which has gotten a bit out of hand. I only shave my pubes when I’m going to a party or out on a date.
M 27
Shave beard line twice per week
Shave my dick about once a week
Trim pubes, pits once every 2 weeks
Trim chest every month
Trim leg hair twice per summer
I shower every day, however I shampoo only every 2-3 days. Shaving once a week or sometimes twice a week, depends a bit how short I shave.
>thread ruined by incel fetishes
Get some real ass bros
>much inferior
I wouldn't say much, but inferior to long legs. A long torso can be hot if you are very slender like >>32034227
>I think she looks fat
Hotdog fingers typed this
I didn’t know you could shave your cock, like the shaft part.
Stop being insecure
As long as they’re proportionate, it’s fine
M 30
I shower and shave daily, my hair gets greasy if I skip once and my facial hair grows so fast that I look like I haven’t shaved in a week after a few hours.
I need to shampoo more often now that I’m growing out my hair. I’ve been hella lazy about taking better care of it.
How many times will you post this bitch? :/
Don’t shower I until I have work don’t shave until I see my gf she likes hairy rugby player bod and ultimately determines my grooming schedule
The gap between her tighs would fit a 2nd pussy, what are you talking about
I have been growing out to medium-level hair and 2-3 shampooing works for me right now, I use leave-in conditioner though which helps I think
I can go as long as a month to not wash my hair because of how dry my skin is. Wow…
My goal is for everyone on this board to find love or at least have sex with someone they love once
Short legs vs
How do I ask out this girl I work with? We've hung out twice with other coworkers and I think we're both into eachother. I think she's getting kind of sick of waiting for me to make a move though. Can I just plan to ask her out to a concert with me next time we're alone, or do I need to play it by ear and ask her when it feels natural?
How does that make sense as an answer to that question
Finding love is one thing.
You guys think too highly of having sex.
Long legs
Fat in flats vs skinny in heels.
You girls really don’t know the meaning of fat.
Shower daily
No shaving if I don't think I'm getting laid soon
to his credit, he said "sex with someone they love" not just sex
For women, fat means a BMI over 19.
>when it feels natural
When it comes to shit like this, it’s always better to approach them confidently. Waiting for the “opportune moment” is just a way to convince yourself that it’s ok to avoid it.

In any case, dating a coworker will probably get really weird really fast, so if you’re gonna do it, prepare yourself for some turbulence along the way.
F, 31.

Shower every day. I got laser hair removal so I don't shave anymore.
Everyone over 19bmi is fat... Men too
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Picrel has a BMI of 18.5. Fatties might seethe, but she is ideal.
The point still stands. Sex is held too high a standard.
I did it bros shes coming to my place tomorrow at 4pm, it's a horror movie so I wanted it to be more late at night but she said she don't want to get home late and it's the first time she's coming at my house so it's understandable I guess
No, men can have a BMI over 19 if they're muscular.
That’s very scary but that makes sense
I’m going to try and think about this thank you
Damn, imagine the smell of the ass slime, sweat, and skin flakes stuck in fissures.
I’m also a woman, BMI about 17.5, and still know that that woman isn’t fat.
People blow things out of proportion.
She clearly weighs over 50kg. You're a fucking idiot if you think a body like that is 18.5
Fuck you, I love men that are all muscle and kind of big rugby build men are the besssttt
Have you guys actually tried interacting with the actual humans outside of your home or do you just live vicariously through rectangle images.
try it and report back
>Have you guys actually tried interacting with the actual humans outside of your home
> or do you just live vicariously through rectangle images.
When did Atoga become edtwt calm your best Ana brain and fuck off to the forums, unless my pro Ana won’t accept you because you are fat.
Can someone translate this into either Boomer or Twitch lingo, please?
I'm currently still fat (BMI 19.6), but if I continue losing weight at my current pace, I'll be BMI 17.7 in five weeks.
I only leave my place to go to work
I talk to a guy I see at the bus stop sometimes. I talk to cashiers sometimes.
Yea but I like you guys more
>I was wondering I was being stupid or if this bitch just didn’t make sense
so it's joker for foids
Why did you become eating disorder twitter, fuck off to pro-anorexia forum.

My SIL is anorexic and this place just saddens me now.
edtwt and anas are based. Guys with ed are hot, girls with ed are hot and honestly? ed is healthy if you're 18.5 bmi

Blow me
State your gender
What is your favourite book? For me it‘s Magic Mountain and M.
>Why did you become eating disorder twitter, fuck off to pro-anorexia forum.
Oh okay, thanks.

Nigga u yappin

I have, they're boring as fuck. Like, I swear people respond based on what they want to hear, and not what you actually said.
Yeah ok, let me put this straight.
No one gives a fuck, I went down your path and got tubed at 16.

Posting and ranting about it here just makes you seem like you crave attention from incels, there’s ed spaces to have this conversations.
I’m managing with ortho atm, I get that you want to autistically shout to the keyboard gods that you got skinni or whatever but put a lid on it k?
Disordered eating is always unhealthy. You can be very skinny and healthy, but you can't have an eating disorder (whether it's anorexia, bulimia, binging, etc) and be healthy.
Since you’re one of the few who have such a great issue with us, then leave. That’s your solution. Suck it up and get over it already, whiny cunt.
Not real.
> edtwt and anas are based.
> Guys with ed are hot
Wrong, I dated a guy that had to cut often for training and it was shit there’s nothing better than some muscly rugby tree leg bf.
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Ed girl and gym bro is a match made in heaven.
bone women are overreacting to fat women. fat women supremacy.
This >>32034333
I’m under 18 bmi yet eat all the nutrients I need in one day. I do gentle exercises; it’s just not in my genes to gain weight, yet I’m healthy.
I don’t have a specific issue with it I’m going to filter her out anyway but it’s always wannarexics that are the loudest.
Do normalfags actually get horny to images like this?
This shit is anti-boner to me.
Godspeed, as long as no other harder bonds were created, you will be able to go past this fairly quick I believe, at your pace and in your time
No, I get horny looking at your mother's nudes
Erectile dusfunction?
so is female approved porn the veganism of porn i.e. not even porn but vaguely resembles porn to make anti-porn people happy and to irritate normal porn enjoyers
I tried but people don't like me much, I don't like them much either. I can't be bothered going through the effort of trying to find "my people"
>im not angwy about it, despite me whining and complaining! fuk U!!
Wanting to lose weight healthier is not a wannabe anorexic. You have bigger issues than me, and get some self awareness while you’re at it.
Okay, sis. Die.
Eating disorder.
Your reply was unrelated to the post you're replying to.
You may have schizophrenia.
it wasn't meant as porn tf is wrong with you? the pic looked annoying tho harmless so i picked it, PER CONTEXT
How can I impress a woman that reads a lot, and likes Lolita, and possibly erotica - but idk this yet?
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The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar
Lupin is so fucking cool.
> Wanting to lose weight healthier is not a wannabe anorexic.
Groom her.
I'm literally tripping over myself trying to farm (You)'s give me a break

I didn't mean to reply to you ma'am I just clicked on the thing and didn't erase it
White nights and anything Anna Barkova has ever written
give up already. no sex haver thinks in terms of impressing women with his superior knowledge. this is autism incel stuff
Do you use tiktok?
Journey To The End of The Night by Gigachad Autist
You're not losing weight to be healthier, you're trying to get underweight lmao
What does he actually do? I only know of him from anime and shit
Stop poking her bony ass pleaseee she finally closed her mouth, let her become a queef machine when she gets Anna pussy lol.
>but we can still be friends, you're a great guy, I'll text you later
These are the most painful words a man can hear. It's worse than a gf saying she cheated on me.
If you say so.
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Skinnies have reclaimed /atoga/.
I posted about a similar situation itt
I agree
Would be better to just tell it to my face what you don’t like about me, would be easier
Not anymore
The skinny pussy was dry. real dry.
Good looking at fat is gross and makes me feel nauseous
tfw no ana goth bpd latinx wicca gf......
daaayum theodore that was cooooiol [3xiceemojis]
Yeah, idk why they think a friendship is something I'd want while another man plows her holes.
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> my uwu bmi 14
>I didn't mean to reply to you ma'am
*pat pat* all's well
Fucking hell I meant cold**
Can’t even shitpost properly
But she is skinnyfat.

Other books I've read may have been "better" than The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I would be betraying my childhood self if I named anything else.
He sends letters to places asking for a piece of art, but if they offer resistance he cleans the whole place out.
He goes around mingling with high society and stealing their shit.
He solves mysteries too, for the thrill, and for the reward.
He has endless accomplices and endless romantic conquests.
He made Sherlock Holmes look foolish when they first met.
not being anorexic is not “skinny fat”
Still fat
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>*pat pat*
you get contant queefing and air inside, vaginal dryness and overall uncomfortable feeling of your vaginal canal being “open” like air just flows in it. Because of losing muscles and “meat” down there.

since its “open” and your immune system is weakened its easy to get vaginal problems and infections, along with a stinky discharge, weaker pelvic floor muscles (you can’t clench it) and much more shit that’s not worth the trouble.

I don’t miss Ana vag
Idk either
Fuck if I understand how some people think they can stay friends when one side is attracted to the other while the other isn’t, this goes for both men and women no matter the situation
It’s unbearable to meet and talk about personal stuff while I know some other dude bangs her
Even worse when the other dude is your ‘friend’
>mistakingly leave my phone at the office before going to BF house
>he says he wants to take a shower
>ask him if I can use his phone to look at clothes and stuff while he’s showering
>says no and that he just doesn’t like people being in his phone and values his privacy

is this weird to anyone else?
brother, your lube?????????
A lot of you guys need to get over yourselves…
>is this weird to anyone else?
No, I also wouldn't like my husband using my phone or laptop. I have nothing to hide, but it still makes me uneasy.
Maybe he's a degenerate who uses sites like 4channel, you know, ones terrorists use
It’s a reference
Name is Filmore, not Theodore I forgor
Mine’s always wet or very easily so, so that means I’m not ana.
>Most mentally ill people aren't violent, and vice versa
bit of a non reply
No, you would have snooped around on his phone. Don't lie.
The guy I’m talking to has 0 fear when I use his phone to play music
It’s not really rational. I just don’t really want somebody messing with my phone. It’s private.
Just yesterday I had a trusted friend walk away with my phone (I was showing him something) and my heart rate spiked.
>Mine’s always wet or very easily so
My fault, sorry about that.
>anything Anna Barkova has ever written
Are there any English collections available online? I could use some political prisoner poetry in my life.
I think it's different to use someone's phone for a specific task in front of him vs you just using his phone to do your own thing while he's not in the room.
I wouldn't mind giving my husband my phone to get directions, make a phonecall or to play music but I'd feel uneasy giving him my phone to mess with.
I guess it makes sense from a female perspective. She will still win if she gets your friendship and she has her emotional needs fulfilled by you while another guy gets to fulfill her sexual needs, win-win for her.
No need for an apology
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I just be letting life hit it raw

>How many calories do you eat daily?
I eat roughly 3200 - 3600 calories a day, which is my maintenance.

Don't do that. Don't give me hope.

>What is your favourite book
Parable of the sower

>Do you use tiktok?
I'm not in the habit of willingly downloading spyware.

It just wasn't as sweaty as the fat pussy.
Please post more hilarious photos like that
>go on a date
>act all talkative, smiley and physical
>outside of this I go back to my normal blank schizoid self
>have to keep up the act every time I see this girl now
women why can't you just be into me when I'm being myself
older than 17? old hag
bmi >17? fat foid, do you not comprehend i want to see less and less of you?
you should be thin a sheet, preferably 2 dimensional, preferably fictional
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> I could use some political prisoner
I’d laugh if I didn’t want to cry
Maybe 700
Men are happy if just 1 girl talks to them. Stop being a dramaqueen.
Yeah, fuck that
Nobody deserves this setup
I should’ve cut her off long ago
Imagine trying too hard to make someone mad. You’re talking straight nonsense.
It's obviously a foid complaining about how men allegedly have too high standards.
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on your knees, foid.
have we been browsing the same thread? fat fucks demanding girls look like eugenia cooney. that's why men older than my father hit on me: men are delusional.
Women on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you feel/notice the throb?
I only get on my knees for BWC.
That is the gayest fantasy you have downloaded anon your FBI guy must love u
Clearly it wasn’t fucking obvious to me, cunt.
If >>32034447 is you, none of you on this site deserve any woman anyway. You’re doing a great disservice to any woman if she even looks at you. Get over it.
F. I aim for around 1800-2000. I exercise 4 times a week and I'm at my goal weight, that's slightly below my maintenance.
I prefer aphorisms over chapters of lecturing wisdom.

Here's mine from way back:

*Everything* is a waste of time. Waste yours wisely.
I'm 6'/158lbs and wish I had a slim gf to motivate me to drop that last bit of weight
>fat fucks demanding girls look like eugenia coone
Give one example ITT.
Women, rate the current cbt thread on /fit/
I'm pretty slim and my husband gained 50 lbs since we met.
>If >>32034447 is you
It isn't.
>dead link
Don't know what you mean but thank you.
>fat fucks demanding girls look like eugenia cooney
Nobody has ever talked about her. The famous girls frequently talked about are Taylor, Sabrina and Sydney - all of whom are borderline chubby or skinnyfat.
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Lose weight first.
I relinked, forgot the ‘/fit/‘ in front
Not me, I'm most happy with several girls talking to me. It engages that part of my brain that wants a harem. Just one girl feels depressing.
If you could prove you only need your motivation to lose weight, I’d date you. But if you think I could help do that, you won’t lose any weight and will most likely gain.
>I should’ve cut her off long ago
I always cut off every girl who tried to still talk to me after saying we should be friends. But I understand it can be complicated if you have strong feelings for her.
Yeah, you live and learn
I learned my lesson
I hope so :( I really can’t comprehend finding someone who cared that much again
Your discord harem doesn't count. Every guy talks to several girls online while they struggle to get 1 gf irl.
>Men are happy if just 1 girl talks to them
l m a o

Have you ever dated men?
10/10 if he’s not on steroids
I don’t know if I want a body builder though, because I feel like he’s too good for me. The most exercise I can do is walking 8–10 hours a day.
The aspie girl from work was slightly flirty to me again today
Don’t fret, there’s plenty people out there
Keep your head up, learn from this experience what needs to be learned and go out and meet new people
Don’t ruminate on this, it does way more harm than any good
>Every guy talks to several girls online
NTA but is this true?

I don't really talk to girls online either.
He needs more borgers. But he looks like he worked hard for it, good for him.
What’s your question?
Would you date this dude

He looks intimidating and mean but actually is very sweet
It's true. I'm a man I'd be incredibly fulfilled with just one girl....
Guy in OP looks is natural
Why does she still need attention from me if she rejected me in the past
I am busy as fuck living it bro what do you want from me
No. Maybe if he loses weight first.
A little too chubby for my taste. He looks like my dad.

You all say that, and then :<
>NTA but is this true?
I'd be different. If you love movies a lot.
She’s probably too damn stupid to understand lol
Keep rejecting her, she’ll probably get it eventually
I do it as a cope because the girls I get dates with aren't as hot as the girls I talk to online. I was still doing it while with my past gfs, too.
If white people weren't so Eurocentric, I would be widely regarded as a 9/10
>e-cheating on my LDR with femanon
oh so lewd what if we get caught
I don't really care for movies, and I'm happily married lol

Just a few of rough experiences with men. My first bf cheated, the second guy I dated after him was on dating apps on our date, the guy I went out with after was trying to cheat on his gf with me. A lot of men are not very nice.
irl gfs are unironically easier to get, I don't think I've ever spoken to more than a handful of women online
And what anonette tell the class.... Jokes aside I'm not like the other guys
>I was still doing it while with my past gfs, too.
I somehow think you're pointing that out to make the foids insecure about their relationships. Devilish.
>but actually is very sweet
Do you really see yourself as sweet? You're constantly complaining in these threads about how much you hate women, they're all leading you on, they all act like sluts...
Where are you walking to for 8 to 10 hrs a day lmao?
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how do I get men to pay attention to me
Middle eastern or hispanic?
170 cm
58/62 kg
Would list


Would x2
>>>75131135 - Those aaaaarms omfg
you don't love me I notice you when no one else does
>girls: lizzo and taylor swift r sooo beautiful plss stop fat shaming them
>also girls: >>32034515
Why not date an Indian man then?
pretending that salma hayek is fat here>>32034218 or that this>>32034272
or >>32034377 are fat

This coming from men who most likely are fat and look like ogres
>>>75133665 -Would in like 10 years

>>>75133698 - V legs omfg
His nipples look like the were cut open to get implants.
Lizzo and Taylor Swift are just living their own lives, not asking me to date him. This fatso is asking me to date him.
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Hello, man here
I think i am generally and i have a pile of female friends who say I'm a good guy.

With that being said maybe i am just good at fooling them and maybe i am just evil

I think i am sweet towards people who didnt wrong me
>Hate women
Never said that.
I only hate entitled single moms
If Lizzo and TS ask you to date them, you're free to tell them they're a bit too chubby for your taste. Commenting on random people's weight is weird.
>>32034509 - would specially if he has a shaved head or long hair

>>>75135626 - would

>>>75153408 - would
I ( >>32034515) am also >>32034290 and >>32034299.
If you're a guy, go on r9gay, if you're a woman, hornipost.
Just talk about your favourite books or albums
I mean real men, not anonymous words online
>if you're a woman, hornipost.
yeah, I guess that does work
Arms are that attractive in general?
Didn’t knew, I’m gonna hit arms more frfr nocap
Have you tried posting tits?
I did that a few days ago and anons roasted me over it
I just drank 0.75L of banana milk I made myself.
I am so fucking full to the point where I feel like I'm about to PPP (puke, poop, piss) on my couch.
But i am a real man, i have the special attachments and everything
My advice works IRL too, though.
Just hornipost IRL.
A man cheating doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Do you know how rare it is for men to get an opportunity to cheat in the first place?
Why do you live in binary world, where you're only all good or all bad?
Why do you live in rock world, where you're set in stone and you can never change what's inside?
You're not good today but you can work on being better tomorrow.
Because she likes Harry Potter
I’m usually a leg girl but those guys arms :Q
But it means he did not love her enough.
It's not particularly weird.
I let my wife see my phone all the time with ally apps unlocked and access to all my passwords.
But if I can totally see it bothering someone.
I've seen a girl chimp out over her bf going into her purse for a mint.
Yes it does. Or you're just willing to hurt people you love for your own pleasure.
Last night at work a male customer made eye contact with me twice even though I was autistically keeping my eyes down as much as possible. I don't know how to express interest in people when my instincts are telling me to run away
>hear people chatting outside from other apartment
>meanwhile I'm doing nothing on this nice Saturday evening, just laying around alone, again
>A man cheating doesn't mean he doesn't love you.
Yes, it does. He didn't care enough about me to not hurt me.
Why does it feel so bad to be ignored? Especially by women?
I like the current /atoga/. Fellas and gals getting along. Comfy hours. All the bad people are outside on the weekend, I think.
Up and down 2 or 3 neighborhoods
Moids only read shitty phillosophy books from centuries ago, they don't get that reading can be fun. It doesn't all need to be homework.
Maybe. Thank u
Well then you have only yourself to blame if you aren't forward.
If you live in a nice city you should look up events on FB. See if theres open mic comedy, trivia, or a craft show to go to.
If you live in a bumfuck nowhere place you could go for a walk.
If he tried to hide it, it means he didn't want to hurt you.
Fuck off with your terrible gaslighting. lmao
No, it means he didn't want to lose me and deal with the consequences of hurting me. If he didn't want to hurt me, he would have not cheated.
>stop being a hater, babe! i get ONE opportunity to cheat, and instead of being happy for me, you start an argument! this is so not gyatt from you
>All the bad people are outside on the weekend, I think.
I'm here though.
Nigger what? No, it means he knows exactly what the consequences will be and is too much of a bitch to face them.
Middle eastern.
My legs are still sore from hiking recently.
I think I'll just play some Satisfactory, online poker and see if a friend is online to chat a bit.
Maybe moids shouldn't shit on women for not reading Nietzsche obsessively
Why are you sad?
But how is that relevant for her being flamed for posting about books she likes
Men, why are you always criticizing women for not reading Nietzsche? I always see you doing this, this is a thing you're always doing.

Anon why are our posts so similar...
Can you post your banana milk recipe
Because all the men were shitting on her for liking Harry Potter while posting the most banal and boring shit that they read
because women are bluepilled. 100% of female behavior would change if they read a single page of nietzche. Most men are done with nietzche by the time they hit 13.
I did my make up for the first time in 4 years tonight and I feel like such a babe.
I'm really sad to take it off. I wanted to whine with you guys before going to do my skincare.

You're a sensible person and I hope you're very happy.
Why do women hate seeing men do things we enjoy?
Women only love satan, the first abusechad.
I will never read Nietzsche.
mother fucker just be gay. holy shit, no one wants your dick or your love (if you had any to begin with). seriously, don't ruin some woman's life and just fucking suck dick
>I hope you're very happy.
I'm okay. Not that sensible. I got advice on selfies last night >>32032722 and I'm trying to figure them out still...

Maybe you should use makeup more often? It sounds like you like it a lot.
I love your dad tell him I said hi
>Maybe you should use makeup more often?
I am too lazy. But I am trying to do it when I do something nice, at least.
Did you try what I suggested?
>make up
>and skincare products
Your face would look better if you stopped messing with it. Men don't like clowns.
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I read books, I only need one girl in my life, I love baking and spending time together.... I'm not like the other guys why do girls hate me
You will never love normal, emotionally well-adjusted, men of good moral character.

He said hi.
I literally get compliments on my skin on a daily basis. Probably the one thing that I get compliments about the most.
That's good! You have a reason to do more nice things. :)

Yes! But I'm a bit confused at the left-right angle I should use. And I should look at the lens, right?
Because you are an Asukafag
>You will never love normal, emotionally well-adjusted, men of good moral character.
What does that have to do with men who read Nietzsche
books are gay
women prefer men who can command a harem
women hate availability
>And I should look at the lens, right?
Unless you want to try to make it look like an IG model pic, yeah looking at the lense is far more personal.
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Men what do you want for Christmas?
Going to buy the guy I love stuff
are you drunk? you replied to the wrong incel
For my dad to be cancer free and alright.
no one normal says this >>32034655
Yeah, that part is logical.
I'm guessing holding the phone physically up a bit is way better than downturning my face too. I'm trying to figure it out anon!
I know a MILF who has legs like these but she also has a short torso. She petite and fine as fuck.
My friend sent me a picture of himself wearing a new hat
I wonder if he knows I saved his pic to my phone to masturbate to
>unironically have a thing for Brazilian girls now
fuck you, jh
Recently discovered a love for fidget toys. They really help with anxiety / ADHD. Aside from that, a plush for my collection would be neat, or money for a game service can never go wrong.
Godspeed, fembro.
Are you sending it to a potential date?
Name one good male you like that isn't a family member, a background character, or a friendzoned beta.
No but srsly why don't girls wanna date emotionally available guys...

You first have to ask yourself if those women are that themselves.

I'd rather kill myself

You're not me
You say emotionally available, but what you really mean is desperate
No potential date, I'm just really insecure about my looks and I realized, after an anon said I sounded cute, that I always look horrible in selfies and photos in general. I wanted tips to see if I could make myself look slightly less retarded, staring straight into the camera dead on with a neutral look.
I want to have sex while snuggling beneath some comfy blankets on a snowy winter night. Also, and this seriously embarasses me, some micro machines.
You have to be b8ing m8
NTA. My husband.

We do, stop being retarded.
Yes, women don't know any good men. Good men only hang out with other men.
Your father also wasn't a good man, and your mother only likes satan
A "Merry Christmas" alone would make it for me. I don't think I am your target audience.
>staring straight into the camera dead on with a neutral look.
Ah, doing the prison mate style!

Did you post a vocaroo here?
I did two or three times. Not recently.
I see.
Would you be willing to share or link them again?
>its statistically improbable that a girl has masturbated to a thought of me

Sure, but I sound as stupid as I look...
>How do you deal with stress and anxiety?
I destroy my life by letting it take over my reasoning capabilities
Yes the fuck I am
Don’t begin to act like white are any more desirable, hence the reason your faggot ass is here.
inb4 I’m not gay so I’m not a fag
you can fix your teeth you can't become taller
Agreed. Don’t know why people don’t believe it.
I'm white so I know what races we consider "next best" in terms of looks

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