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/adv/ - Advice

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Previously on /atoga/ - >>32031865
Foxes eat these.
State gender
Who, in your opinion, is a 10/10?
Who fits your type to the letter?
dο women like salarymen?
people do too, but damn that's a dark first post. This is truly the dark heart of 4chan.
unironically my old boss, her body type activates my almonds like you would not believe
I wish girls liked needy guys who just want to hug and lovebomb them
F. Your dad.
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This is my 10/10
I'm pretty neutral towards them.

F. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. The actor is an absolute cutie, but I really like the character in general.

When my bf was skinny he got compared to him a lot and it made me very happy.
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What do you think of Omikron: The Nomad Soul and men who play Omikron: The Nomad Soul?
You like Carribean Latino men with bad knees?
Femanons, at what time did you realize you were trans and what form did that take?
In other words, broken men who will be clingy and possessive and freak out if their gf goes out alone.
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I mean, that description hasn't completely put me off.
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>to the letter
My old coworker who had blonde hair and blue eyes. I would have done anything for her.
Gentle giant here
Animals I eat = Good
Animals other people eat = Bad
Also a ten
Why do women hate seeing men do things we enjoy?
Broken by who?????????? How is clingy bad????
Christian Bale in "American Psycho".
I am largely neutral or happy about it, as long as you don't hurt me in the process.
Only looks-wise, of course.
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Either or
Long haired engineers or big meat heads with construction jobs
I’m finally out of my reading slump is this how men feel after no nut November
Hello, /atoga/. My feelings towards women AND men are indifferent.
I can be jokingly mean, sometimes
So if he plays videogames you don't mind?
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Where would someone like Jimi Hendrix fit in?
Would you like FFM threesome?
is it true that fat women are better at sucking dick?
What's the joke?
Nowhere because he’s ugly as shit
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Women, are you ever attracted to wise old men? Could you love one?
who is bottom left in that pic owo
What about Richard Ramirez then?
Only if they stand in the corner and watch me play Elden Ring.
>long haired engineers
nerds who keep their hair long tend to look disgusting, and most of them are only in college anyway
Wise old men?
I like older men but people who think they're "wise" are usually just dumbass boomers
Not in principle. If he spends 10 hours a week doing so I might not want to date him, but I'm not offended by the fact that some men like playing vidya.
Yes pleaze
How would you satisfy them both?
I don't like old men, no.
I'm not like the fuckboys where is my gf??????
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I would drag my pussy over broken glass for him tho
>a week
I will never see my friend's penis. This is bothering me so much. It wouldn't hurt anything if I saw his penis, but he won't let me.
>sister tells me to take the trashcan in off the street
>literally been there for four days
>"Because some is going to clip it"
>"No they aren't. I'm not moving it."
>"fine then, I'll fucking do it"
>"If someone hits it, I'll take responsibility"
>throws down her shit and storms off
What's her fuckin problem? I'm the one who takes the trash out anyways and it's my house
Ew no
Apollonia kotero,princes ex

All of these people are Mexican American mutts.
>pickmes don’t get picked
>10 hours a week
Lmao, thats not even rookie numbers. That is someone who doesnt play video games
Yeah? It's fine if it's something you do occasionally, but if it's your main hobby I'd have a hard time having a relationship with you. Same with watching tv.
>I'm not like the fuckboys
that's the problem
>It wouldn't hurt anything if I saw his penis
Yes, it would.
>t. his penis
Simultaneously would be best for me otherwise consecutively
It literally wouldn't change anything or harm anyone.
I'm laughing because it's like
>I don't mind it
>just don't do it

You're alright femanon
Get her flowers, chocolate and a good dicking.
It would change and harm everyone.
>can't cum during sex
wut do?
I don't understand why it has to be this way
Women are repulsed by men who are not abusechads
>"What are you doing, onii-chan?"
I don't think men should not do it. If that makes them happy, I'm happy for them.
I just personally wouldn't date someone whose main hobby is playing videogames. I don't really care for vidya, so I don't want to be with someone who does.
Do you have 2 dicks?
>Women don't care about anything but your money.
>Women don't care about anything but your looks.
>Women don't care about anything but your abusiveness.
What's next?
Tongue and fingers
Because you are making a choice to bury your head in the sand.
It's hot in theory, but I can't imagine it working out well.
What the fuck does that even mean anon
You're just saying random shit to make me respond
I'm a man and I don't even blame you
For wanting my partner to do things I also enjoy doing so we can do them together, instead of things I have no interest in? Alright.
I (F) finally lost my virginity and 24 and now I am completely convinced that "waiting" stunted my development. I am now less concerned with the thoughts and experiences of others, when before I had borderline obsession over it. I no longer feels at odds with my body and in the dark about what it is capable of. I am not longer terrified of people and their power over me. I feel not happier, but more docile. Like I got a horrible presentation over and done with. Are these normal experiences?
Women don't care about us in general
Hopefully suicide on men’s behalf
Both of those things are valid. But you're simultaneously saying you mind and don't mind at the same time. Like if you matched with a guy, and he decided to play more than an hour of games a day, you would break up.
I love video games but men only play retard vidya like genshin impact and call of duty
A bird supposedly buries its head in the sand and pretends that a predator doesn't see it. No matter how much the bird pretends, the predator still sees it.
You are burying your head in the sand and pretending that seeing your friend's penis won't change your relationship. No matter how much you pretend, it still changes the relationship.
Whats you're question? or you just wanted to shit on men?
I would do unspeakable things for a night with that man
If he has a gf, buy a new SIM card, text him with it and say you're her with a new phone number. Hornypost a bit, ask for a dick pic and done.
If he doesn't have a gf, buy a new SIM card, text him with it and tell him that you're a girl from his university/workplace/whatever who prefers to stay anonymous but is madly in love with him. Hornypost a bit, ask for a dick pic and done.*

*This is pure satire, not advice. I do not take responsibility for any actions that may be taken by retards who take it seriously or the resulting consequences.
Are some of you really into dad bods? I've started to gain a bit of a belly and getting super insecure about it.
I lost my virginity at 24 and had the exact same experience. The panic over not having done it yet all went away too.
when matching with women on apps, is the man supposed to think and plan everything or some shit? I don't fucking get it...
Can't stop thinking about Christine Chubbuck. She had so much more going for her than me and she still couldn't find anyone to love her. I guess that means I just have to blow my brains out in private instead of on TV?
>I feel not happier, but more docile
Congrats you have graduated to roastie
You see every man that is not an abusechad as unworthy of life.
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today I shall remind them
I am so angry I wasted my formative years in that horrible state of mind. It wasn't my fault I didn't want to force myself and it wasn't my fault no one wanted me, but wasn't it? I was such a socially retarded teenager and young adult. And now my brain will probably never recover from the deep damage it has done to my self esteem
"Oh, no, I actually love dad bods" is the female equivalent to "I actually never liked those Victoria's Secret models. Real women have some meat on their bones".
If you have big arms it doesn’t matter
Lmao don’t even try they won’t listen
yes, women give very little on apps in general
We've always been artists. Ce acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl is probably the greatest one. Nezahualcoyotl is probably number 2.

AncientAmericas made a video about nezahuacoyotl life which is pretty good.
NTA but it's pretty simple to see that time devoted to gaming exists on a spectrum, it's not like flipping a switch.

1 hour a day is fine, 2 hours a day is not so fine, 3 hours a day is pretty bad.
How do I stop being insecure about my roast beef?
Untrue. I actually love and demand to be called a femoid.
Victoria Secrets' models really are too skinny for me though.
Women call us "moids" all the time, though
This isn't true. I've been around enough Chads to hear how they talk about bitches.
There are little boys go with victimizing yourselves and being hypocrites. Stop whining, monkey fuckboy.
I'm a man and I have literally never played either. I like fun games.
The guy whose penis I'm obsessing over is a 48 yo chubby dad if that helps you out
He's sent me pics of his feet before. It's not that different. Nothing changed then.
I like doom
Just big arms? Nothing else?
Do Chads even know what femoid means? I thought that was imageboard lingo.
did those "chads" bend you over and plap you gayboi?
>Christine Chubbuck
from her wikipedia page:
>Her lack of a romantic partner was considered a tangent of her desperate need to have close friends, though co-workers said she tended to be brusque and defensive whenever they made friendly gestures toward her.
maybe she should have put some more effort on herself...

also, from the start of that paragraph:
>According to Quinn, Chubbuck had an unrequited crush on co-worker George Peter Ryan. She baked him a cake for his birthday and sought his romantic attention, only to find out he was already involved with sports reporter Andrea Kirby. Kirby had been the co-worker closest to Chubbuck, but she was offered a new job in Baltimore, which had further depressed Chubbuck.
sounds like she had oneitis to me.
I would usually try to be nice/reassuring, but right now the women are mean and i have no desire to say nice things to you guys
But why are you obsessed over him? That's the real question. It's probably not because of his physique right?
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>2 hours a day is not so fine
This is so funny to me, but I'm curious how 1 hour is fine but 2 hours is not fine.

I want to game with my misandrist gamer wife
Yes. My butt still hurts from it.
>There you little boys…
This picture is perfect. Thank you for posting it.
I lost it at 25, she was gorgeous, put out candles for me, did everything and had wonderful experience. I'm convinced I've been missing out and it drives me mad & sad, it was a huge boost to my self esteem and for a brief moment I was in heaven
It doesn't sound like she couldn't find anybody to love her but that she was closed off and focused on one particular guy
Are men allowed to be hurt about things without be seen as whiny?
Thats not a good enough explanation for me.
You're welcome, it's a good image.
It is 4channel lingo that nobody uses irl, but I'm talking about being disrespectful of females in general. If you're a nice guy who never insults them, females will avoid you like the plague. Every female fetish is about them getting abused for a reason. The whole thing about females wanting nice guys is a shit test to filter out nice men and see who will actually abuse them, which makes their cunts wet.
man you people take this shit so seriously
He's hairy and I have a hair fetish. He sent me a picture of his neck covered in stubble and I know his chest is hairy too. Idk man physique is part of a person, it's not like a single trait makes you attracted or repulsed, it's the combination
I want him so bad I can't stand it
Roastie and incel are two sides of a one coin.
they're extremely mentally ill
if a woman loses her virginity at 24 she's a basketcase, she probably smells like poopoo too
She was pretty and successful. It was the 70s. Guys would chase and pressure women back then all the time. Her being "brusque" isn't a good enough reason for me
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Just saw someone say on twitter that men who rape women do it because "they love women too much"
I want to impregnate this aspie coworker.
Shes completely crazy too.
>If you're a nice guy who never insults them
The issue is that that's your baseline for being nice. You don't get a participation trophy for the bare minimum.
Why don't you try being nice AND charming?
she also had a massive mustache but of course y'all ignore that detail
as some other anon put it, it probably was the fault of her fucking boomer parents.

>According to Christine Chubbuck's brother, Greg, she began dating a man in his 30s when she was 21, but her father did not approve of the relationship and she had never dated another man since then.
also, her mother excusing herself in pic rel for her death. in fact, the mother says no one wanted her... like, her own fucking father drove guys away.
I am in a similar situation btw.
That's cool to hear. Go get that dick girl!
Women, which videogame should I, a man, play next?
>Chrono Trigger
>Disco Elysium
>Divinity: Original Sin I
>The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
>Phoenix Point
>Pokemon Black
These are shortlisted at the top of my backlog and I need to clear them out before moving on.
How is it not a good enough reason? People don't really talk to those you come across as unapproachable. Most likely she got sleazed on if she was out and about but among people who knew her that's a normal reaction and not something new.
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I like girls with an almost... noble or superior look to them
Pokemon Black.
Morrowind my favorite game so I'm biased. Disco Elysium looks pretty good
>guys have you tried being NICE and GOOD guys
>Dude is nice and a good guy
>Uhhh, i am NOT settling for BARE MINIMUM
>You also need to be Handsome
>Dude is a good guy and handsome
>Uhhh, you earn below six figures? Ick.

I celebrate every cat lady single woman who makes a tiktok about feeling lonely.
I think I've been pretty clear. I personally don't want to date a man who spends several hours a day playing videogames. If Johnny from the office is elated because he got to spend 24 hours playing videogames over the weekend, I'm very happy for him that he's doing something he enjoys.

I don't think men as a whole have an obligation to conform to my tastes. I've never asked a man I was dating to change for me, either. I just am picky and yeah, I'd stop seeing a guy who likes videogames a lot.
Worst part about losing your virginity isn't realising how great sex actually is, it's hugging someone and making out, it's cuddling in the dark and talking nonsense
lol retard
Yeah, it's pointless to take females seriously. We already know what they're attracted to and what they actually respond to, and it's not kindness nor niceness.
Nice try. I still won't be having sex.

Yes, and this has been the norm even before dating apps
women how do I gently drop the "first dates" facade without scaring you away
I understand. I hope we all find our preferred people out there.
I just want women to like me. If that means giving up video games, then i guess...
My daughter's best friend's mother
Marisa Tomei
femanon is going to say that "it's not supposed to be a facade" and that you're fucked up for wanting to be nice for your date
I'm a boring guy and don't plan for shit. am I fucked???
Where do I find a female misogynist to date? Even self-proclaimed female anti-feminists, conservatives, right-wingers, etc. are usually crypto feminists.
Or just be a whiny bitch. That's attractive!
Sounds very nice
When'd you lose it? 16? How the fuck would you know?
I'm not mentally ill
but she has peasant face
she looks like potato farmer
>When'd you lose it?
I prefer foxes eat them.
>When'd you lose it?
53 years young
No real man.
It was the 70s no one gave a fuck
My parents aren't boomers and they do the same thing
How is it her fault she was unapproachable by 13?
lol, guess I'll just just go on dates as the morose asocial jerk I really am so I can find the one
If she was polish I would agree
Go find Pearlythings
A girl told me that she's really liked me for the past several months. I've spoken maybe three times to her during that time, but she seems really infatuated. I don't want to date her but I'm scared she's crazy and might hurt herself or myself. Do I just date her or do I say no and hope for the best? I don't want to be her friend because I don't know her.
>How is it her fault she was unapproachable by 13?
don't teenagers usually do a great deal to try to be liked specifically because they don't want to be unapproachable
You really shouldn't enable crazy people and should take steps to protect yourself from them. You aren't responsible for their feelings.

Not necessarily but it's going to make a bad first impression if you're like "I don't know, what do you want to do?"
she's basically polish
ugly as one
I have a tinder account where I get matches here and there. I made a hinge one where you have to put in your height and I get like zero matches at all because I assume every woman swipes left the moment they read 5'8 lol
I live with my gf but I doesn't feel like fucking her. There's so much hassle with it while jerking of is much easier and faster
this is just anime tulsi gabbard
most likely. every time I get a match who suddenly disappears I assume they reread my profile and only then noticed that I'm a manlet lmao. Hinge is the worst performing app for me personally.
Bad taste desu
You can tell hinge was made by women 100% because height is obligatory but weight isn't lol. I assume getting a date with a guy they liked and him turning out to be short was a bit criticism with the others
At least you have an option. Men are always complaining they have no female attention at all.
They're pretty common, and most guys don't view them as a negative. As long as it's clean and healthy, any pussy is great. Personally I like outies and innies equally.
She's a retarded attention whore grifter. I want someone like the in the pic I posted.
Wish I could actually find a man who's really into cuddling and kissing.
I'm her height (163 cm) and am aiming to be her weight (47 kg). Thoughts?
Why do women always pee after sex?
Disco Elysium.
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Shut up femcel
Pearl despises women so much not even mother of God is good enough for her
Tulsi Gabbard is ugly.
You should eat more.
Pearl fucked some disgusting 30iq nigger to get tiktok clicks

Shes epitome of everything that is wrong with femoids rn
State your gender
Do you like sending letters?

M and I send them to people I appreciate sometimes
>You should eat more.
No, not until I've lost 5 kg.
Men who have sex with the lights off: why?
I like to scratch inside my pussy and then use the cream collected under my fingernails as a hand moisturizer
Would you moisturize with my pussy cream if we were dating?
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channeling dark energy
It reduces the risk of UTIs.
Even women can't decide what I should play next, your answers are all over the place.

Time to go back to killing time by reading books, getting exercise and studying. I'll just let my unplayed videogame backlog keep growing larger and gathering more dust.
My first instinct with my ex was to always kiss her
Two people said Disco Elysium faggot
Why do you still follow the rules of the same society that hates you and failed you?
brother euuugh
I don't
That's why I don't make eye contact with customers
800 billion dollar annual military budget
I don't know how women exercise wearing makeup like that.
F. I'm self-conscious about my writing.

Who exactly do you send them to, anon?
I keep hoping maybe they'll change their mind
Why is this thread so overrun with femcels, black girls and dykes?
white female autists have their own hangout. no men know about it.
You're a female, the rules were made to benefit you on the backs of men.
Someone I am pen pals with, met them over 4chan! Someone from Kazakhstan. You get better with time
>no men know about it
You think we dont know about crystal cafe?
crystal cafe has been dead for years due to trannies. I'm talking the "other" other website.
Lolcow Farm
This is all I want...
I wish it was benefitting me
That too, but that's not the one I'm referencing.
That's me but unfortunately I'm also into video games.
The first warning signs of being gay.
None of those
Play deceit with me
I'm depressed all I've been eating is cheese toast
Post impact Asuka
What is it about
Only if you play Dignity with me.
I like letters. But men don't like me.
What do you like sending letters about
I like letters, I'm bi but girls hate me for it
I have never met a 10/10. White blue-eyed blonde tomboy with an interest in history and cooking/baking. Where the fuck do I find that level of perfection.
sounds like a good time
>But men don't like me.
And you don't like men
I'm a white blue eyed tomboy who likes history and baking
I'm fat, don't wear makeup, and very butch tho
It is my only joy in life
women are you disappointed if a man has a flat ass?
Good taste, want the same but she should be brown instead of white
It's just crazy bin flavored amongus.
Nta but this reminds me of when I met a girl online who was tomboyish, shared my interests, overall had soulmate style banter but we didn't click because she was too butch. God it hurt and atage gave me so much shit for it
Yes. Same if he has small dick
How do you conclude that waiting stunted your development from those consequences? Something different would’ve ensued had you done it earlier? Or that these consequences are normal maturing that just got delayed?
I like writing how you look to me.
I like medium shirt white non balding bi guys as a F.
Oh sounds fun I’d play that with someone
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>Same if he has small dick
Women is 5" girth enough to give the "stretching" feeling?
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Women, in your view how many men think like the 1st post and how many think like the 2nd? Which is the majority?
he clean, he happy, he live better life than you
No. It means he's skinny. Like being able to fit a medium tshirt.
State gender and average electric bill
Are you looking forward to any movies or games in what's left of the year?
You have insulted my man hood and induced my penis insecurities. I will now incel-post about roasties and so forth
Depends on age. I'd say it's 70/30 for 18 year olds, and more 50/50 for men around my age (30).
>every cool and interesting nerd girl is a man-hating lesbian
I don't even want sex anymore I just want to be in her life but there's no place for me
Guy number one doesn't actually get pussy and he's mad about it
I think I would've been different if it happened earlier. I always felt different from people who had gone through with it
I'm hyped for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero and Sonic 3.
Me but I’m straight. It’s over.
F, 50 bucks every 2 months.

I'm not really a big vidya or movies person.
If you let me douche you and lick your butthole still then you're still straight.
Women are you racist?
around $66 a year, but that's only because of the conversion rate kek
Not disappointed. But it does look unattractive, can't lie.
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I would make sweet tender love to paradox
I'm black myself but yes
I don't pay
No I don't watch or play anything
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Douche me? Like wash me?
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only for the memes
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Rebecca Ferguson. Imagine your wife looking like this into her 40s
What color is the pussy?
Women what are you thinking when you see cat/dog balls?
Psychos (narcissits, psychopaths/sociopaths) think like 1, so a minority, maybe 5% of the population. Vast majority of normal men think like the second.
Yes, lil water, like a bidet.
Against Indians or who
>aw, cute little peanut
Don‘t get the butthole part but sure
F. Nowadays generally £60 a month. That includes heating because my heating is electric too.
>Are you looking forward to any movies or games in what's left of the year?
I'm looking forward to the next season of Devil's Hour.
move on.
Reddit is down the hall
>man-hating lesbian
Thats all women these days, anon
i said no you retard
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You can still be friends you're just too horny to be friendly.
Porcelain white, with pink puffy labias
Debatably the new goat milf
I want to please your prostate a lil
Would you date a guy who smelled very strongly of onions sauce due to a terrible kitchen accident 3 minutes ago?
Can I bathe you?
Can you? I smell like a Chinese restaurant.
If my gf wants to, sure please me
why is height so important to you?
It's masculine and H O T

that's manipulative af though
It's not to me. This 6'0 or above height requirement seems like an exclusively American thing. I've never seen any men or woman from another country sperg out over height.
Indians and spics
That‘s barely racism honestly. Everyone dislikes Pajeets
that's been my experience with insecure men. Maybe those women are just insecure and you need to stay away from them anon. I love seeing my husband enjoy stuff and he enjoys seeing me happy. It's all about mutual respect and interest. If it's not there, they no bueno for you.
Let me go run it.
Please don't serve me over rice. :(
Why would anyone be friends with women
my experience 20% for the first and 80% for the 2nd. The 80% are basically teddy bears that will go grizzly for their lady when they need to and the 20% make it worse for the rest of you teddy bears and are the ones that give men a bad rep
Dead general?
/atoga/, should I start one piece?
You haven't gone outside or you're just psyopping lmao
In Europe, it's 180 cm or 185 cm now.
Do you also consider eating shit?
I don't get it 9 times out of 10 I ask here in America the girls just say they want a guy taller than them
>Losing my virginity because I think about what others will think

I fckin hate woman so much
I went into like a gamer cafe and there was a friend group there who was playing a card game, in the middle of the card game a guy groped his girlfriend on the ass and nobody batted an eye.

Is that normal? Am I just autistic in thinking that's weird?
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I'm going to stew you and sip the bath water.
Pda is pretty normal, yes.
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Do I
>buy a Marshall DSL20 amp head with a cabinet, a boss sd-1 overdrive pedal because I like playing guitar and I want meaty tones


>buy a powerful PC because I currently use a laptop and I miss having a proper setup which I haven't had in years because I chose a nicer laptop due to doing an undergrad and postgrad but now I'm done and looking for work I'd like one

I dunno what to get, on one hand I like shredding death metal and then on another id like a real computer, I dont wanna cheap out on both as a compromise so one or the other or neither. I can technically comfortably afford both but I dont wanna do that.
Sicko lady.

What game though?
>leave women alone with eachother
>they immediately become 300 iq
>leave men alone with eachother
>they immediately become 300 iq
>allow women and men to interact
>everyone becomes retarded

so gender segregation is optimal right
Never said any of that! You stupid retard
Its optimal for productivity thats for sure
Stop, sweetheart, don't let the retards see you in a state of anger, he'll assume he's winning over you.
Nta, but you gave away your flower to the wrong man.
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He can think whatever he wants he clearly already does
Who cares it doesn't matter
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People like to say the obsession with height reflects some deeper human truth but it kind of does and kind of doesn't. Obviously men on average are bigger than women so it makes sense that women like bigger men but the current laser focus women have on height comes more from the fact we have something like 80-100 years of Hollywood tradition idealizing the perfect man woman couple as one where the man is roughly a head taller than the woman, which comes out to about a 8 to 10 inch height difference.
The problem is that on average men are 4 to 5 inches taller than women, and in fact this gap is closing slightly since part of it came from the fact men used to be better fed (since they had to work earlier) than women.

The "tall" treshold is also somewhat arbitrary and I personally think it has to do with the imperial system. 5'11 to 6' feels like a massive jump in height. In Europe the threshold for tall is 180cm (5'11 in imperial) due to being the digit change from 179 to 180cm.
All in all it's a view pretty confined to Western countries, but funnily enough as more countries get westernized height starts being a huge deal for them as well. Just a cultural thing that doesn't seem to have any sort of end in sight because for some reason shaming women for being fat is wrong (and rightly so) but shaming men for being short is epik funni.
Fuck you, she's my little sister
Im 6'3 and i wish i was 6'8
If you're a husband and wife about the same value (almost looksmatched, make about the same amout of money, have equally respected careers), then the husband socially has more value.
Why? Because the bar is lower for men than it is for women. If you're a man who's average looks, makes decent money, isn't an autistic woman hater who can't hide that hatred for 3 seconds straight... you're considered someone who has their shit together, and women will flock to that guy like a magnet. Whereas a career, money... do nothing to a woman, and the only way she can get men flocking to her is if she's hot, willing to show off her body. An average woman wouldn't have men singing her praise as women do average men who have their shit together.

>inb4 this is not true, foid wrote this, etc
it is. as women would tell you. if you're a guy who has his shit together, not a woman hater, makes decent money (say 80k a year), you' be considered a catch. for a woman, your value is calculated in looks, and even if you have qualifications but no looks, you're low value
Maybe by women who just want to be maintained. A man like that is not a catch because women already make their money (and often good money) so if the only thing you bring is that you can hold down a job why would they bother dating you?
It's a stupid view. Both men and women have pretty high requirements right now and since it's hard to meet people organically and let the hormones do the work it's why so many people struggle to date.
Imagine allowing yourself to be kidnapped by a woman. What a fucking pussy lmao. Just give her a good shove and her frail bitch ass will fall and you can run away or knock her teeth in.
How is hugging and lovebombing manipulative if it's honest.... I just want to make someone think I'm their one love
Ai rabu yu, /atoga/-chan.
>Imagine allowing yourself to be kidnapped by a woman
Yes... imagine.
Women and men just don't value the same things in a partner. Men tend to care far less about our career and how much money we make.

I've gone from making 50€ a week to about 1800-2000€ a week, and men like me just about the same. The main things men always liked me for is that I look cute and I'm feminine.
It gets a lot of shit here because of it's popularity, but I think it's the best Shonen. At least get to Arlong Park and see how you feel about it, I think that's the first really good arc and would be a good test to see if the series is for you.
Based and truthpilled.
Except it's not. Women started to make good money, but to say they all do is wrong. Ask most women, they'll tell you the number one requirement " good provider". And that's not because they don't make money as well, but many still expect the man to be the main provider, not to mention who tf wants a deadbeat bf who can't take them anywhere, or a husband who can't provide for his children?

My point is it's easy for a man to be considered a good man; it's not for a woman. For a man, you just have to be normal: literally don't be a sociopath, be average looking, and have a job... you're already in the upper echelon of men. Whereas for women, you can be educated, have a good career, look average... and you still wouldn't be considered a catch.

I loved One Piece a lot until the timeskip personally. It fell off so hard that I can never recommend it.
I like feeling small. I love the feeling of being on my tip-toes and raising my arms to wrap around his shoulders when he hug and kiss.
You won't have to imagine for long . . .
What does that mean? I can't read moonrunes.
Lovebombing is not just showering someone with love. It's defined by showering them with attention for the goal of manipulating them. It's often paired with times of abuse, and the lovebomb is to try to make the relationship justifyable.
Married women,

How would you feel if you found out your husband uses 4chan and posts offensive things here?
If you're doing it too soon it can be unconscious manipulation or a sign of your own insecurity
Not just
I know my husband, I don't really care.
Nta what if I don't show her love or affection at all
Women really go through life just enjoying it and not having porn rot.
Anon(ette), women see men who dress nicely, and they're like "what is it about him that's so irresistible? he's sooo bf material!" that's how much the bar is on the floor for men
Idk I've never been shown any of that
You do know that like 90+ percent of the time when a famous historical person had "no known lover" it's because they were gay and in the closet
Thank you!
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>kidnapping the scientist and having sex with him until he makes my dog immortal
Men can I be quiet with you
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Because of the things I can attribute to and fetishize about height. The number alone isn't what matters, it's the context.
Freud would say it's because my father was bigger than me
Literally just schlicked to a borderline snuff fanfic, so I think you're wrong.
so, I have this woman "friend" that I matched with on Tinder that I've been talking to for a while. honestly I am not looking for female friends (or friends at all), but I guess this could work. BUT I need to stop thinking about her in a sexual way... or, do I? yes, that's my question.
"I'm 23 and feel old and that I haven't achieved anything in my life. What do?"
"Good question. I've thought about this, you know? And let me tell you:
Yes, you're old and haven't achieved anything. You know why? Because human life expectancy in modern times is completely, utterly unnatural. Humans were never meant to live so long. For most of human evolution and history, humans lived until 30 or 40 years old. What you feel is the ancestral wisdom in your genes telling you that you're going to die SOON, so how come you haven't achieved anything biologically, physically, intellectually? What you feel is only natural, your feelings are valid. I think this is important to know."
They have social media rot instead.
Why do you sometimes see hot women dating or married to men whose features indicate genetic deficiency and possible retardation?
Even my ancestors and my hindbrain think I'm loser!
Sorry, forgot to say:
State gender. Thoughts?
I'm gay.
>Whereas for women, you can be educated, have a good career, look average... and you still wouldn't be considered a catch.
This is true - but at the same time, you will develop higher expectations of your future partners. With a university degree, a career, etc. you probably wouldn't want to date some minimum wage guy - unless he makes up for it by being exceptionally good looking of course. And given the fact that women quite substantially outperform men in terms of educational attainment, there is a big mismatch.

I suspect a lot of the issues on the modern marriage market are also a matter of society having more strongly stratified along socio-economic status. In the past, you would have lots of female employees from lower social strata: junior secretaries, "office ladies", etc. who were just hired to prepare coffee and look pretty, for whom the white collar workers who couldn't find women among their peers who would be willing to date them, still a pretty good match, while nowadays there is little intermingling.
Who raped you and converted you to homosexuality by inflicting anal pressure upon you?
I did.
>t. his uncle
"On the other hand, what should you do? What can you do? The answer is not much, because it's not you who's at fault, but society: our society has been purposefully manipulated to keep people infantilized, in a sort of arrested development, as a form of population control.
For me, a salient example of this is teenage pregnancy: when a 15-years-old ends up pregnant during highschool, she gets looked at as if she were a fucking subhuman, like some kind of stupid animal, or an unfortunate victim--but if you think about it, it's only natural that she ends up pregnant, because if by nature a human lives until 30 or 40 years old, then at 15 years old you're literally in the middle of your life, you ARE an adult, and that's how it was for most of human history. Had you been born a few centuries ago, by 23 you would've been married for 8 years, you would've had and raised multiple children, you would've worked on your own farm or woodshop or whatever, but instead in the current century all you've done with your life is learn two plus two equal four at school and then play Mario at home. See how ridiculous this is from a biological perspective?
You feel this way, and what you can do is recognize that your feelings are valid, that society failed you, and that of course you shouldn't repeat the same mistakes: if you have your own children someday or become friends with a younger Zoomer or Alpha, don't coddle them, don't keep them in this mindset that they're stupid little children, and teach them how to grow up."

State gender. Thoughts?
Nobody thinks like this except people who for some reason build their entire worldview on the internet.
No woman lists "good provider" as a core requisite. Woman can live by themselves, and plenty of them do, and even after dating most women will still work. You live in a fantasy land where women land a man then suddenly because SAHM while the man works and provides, this is simply completely imaginary and not how it works in the real world, unless you're marrying somebody making a shit ton of money women can't afford to not work (and many of them don't want to quit their careers either).

If you are a man who doesn't hate women, average looking and have a job you're a decent human being a good member of society but you also have zero going for you that will make you interesting in women's eyes, unless they're just desperate for a kid and will pick the first guy that knows what personal hygiene means, which bodes badly for a relationship. You need to bring something else.
The majority of men already have good hygiene and a job, it's really not that difficult to do. In the past since women had no way to sustain themselves that was the only requisite to have a wife, it no longer is the case.
also, she said we could go out together this weekend, but now she told me her parents are at her house. I'm dumb and kinda tone deaf so, what should I do? should I talk to her later today? tomorrow?
I'm 35 M btw.
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Fake news.
NTA but you assume women are intelligent, rational beings who take into account modern circumstances, instead of being animals acting purely on instinct (instinct being "I want a good provider").
I'm gonna try the manga for a few chapters, think that's more realistic than watching the anime kek
>you have to be special for a mediocre woman
Garbage just like that bullshit that was getting posted last night.
Most people weren't actually getting pregnant at 15 back then
Reads like something this schizo bastard at my work would say.
… Dylan?
You're right, kween. They waited until 40 like strong indapandont wimin.

Imagine a close male friend or family member coming to you for advice. He's a real great guy, but he's struggling to find dates.

He shows you his online dating profile. If he tells the truth about his height then he gets no matches. If he lies about his height then he gets matches.

Should he make that one single lie on his online dating profile?
State gender.
If you could ban the opposite gender from saying a specific word, which word would it be?
I just don't like it, I'd ban everyone from saying it if I could
Has anyone here ever made a Halloween costume?
>Should he make that one single lie on his online dating profile?
Yeah. That's probably what I'd do if I was a short guy.
M. Love.
thanks for the absence of answers, ATOGA
what if it isn't as big as you imagined?
I "make" one every year I just wear regular clothes
No, if his goal is to actually date those women they will see his real height when they meet him IRL.
"Booty". I hate that word.
Cat. That way they're forced to use a cuter word like "kitty." Diabolical, I know.
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Men tend to lie about their height on dating apps, so you wouldn't be doing anything unusual. But what you need to consider is that women for whom height matters to the extent that they would be willing to sort you out, might not be too happy to learn about your actual height when they get to know you better. Not to mention that you obviously can't overdo it, otherwise your lied would immediately get called out (or she might not say anything but still be upset).
You didn't ask a good question. Try again later, incel.
it's just more for a guy's mouth to play with
If I pull away from my friends and family for a few years, suicide wouldn't be so bad, right? They could make fun of me all they want
I think segregated education is a lovely thing but maybe that's just me having my bra snapped beginning in middle school
maybe he's insecure about his body? This is more for both genders
>that chart
Maybe the men who use OKCupid are taller than the general population?
Exposure therapy by showing it to /atoga/ men.
How do I make myself more impressive to women? Not sexually, but as a human being.
I want every girl to say "Yeah, anon is great" and be in agreement. My stats.
>I'm not handsome
>I'm not good at conversation or self-expression
>I'm not funny or charming
>I'm smart
>I'm wealthy
>I'm polite
>I have an eclectic autism bundle of interests (too long to list)
The average height is a bell curve?
Live, anon.
>he has friends and family to think about
When I was 8 years old a boy only a year older than me tried to pull down my pants at my birthday party and told me it was so he could make babies with me.
That is quite possible. But if they are otherwise similar to the general population and we have no evidence that taller men are particularly struggling with finding partners, I would argue it's a less likely explanation. In particular since we have substantial evidence that women care about height (at least for first impressions) and men tend to know that women care.
Fucking based. What a madlad.
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So reality is all statistics?
Yes, height is normally distributed.
If life continues like this I don't want to. I'd rather be dead than a burden and a dissapointment anymore
Don't misgender me
What‘s your favourite movie and why?
>he gets no matches
Because he says nothing in his profile or is cringe in convos.
Would dating and finding partners become less of a burden if we all just abandoned how we apply the market logics of Capitalist Realism to dating, and instead embraced an alternative discourse rooted in Marxist dating theory?
How come at the same time women are irrational and only want chads that are drug dealers and criminals but also only want good men that make good money and never miss work?
You have to be interesting to date someone. Ideally the woman should also be interesting for you to date her. It goes both ways.
If women can bring nothing but pussy to a relationship it's because men let them do it.
What did our ancestors do? I think they were much wiser and unbiased than us.
Did they support segregation? At least some communities like the Amish and the Mennonites do.
>we have no evidence that taller men are particularly struggling with finding partners
In my experience, it's the men who *don't* have trouble finding partners that tend to frequent dating apps.
The issue is that, that's a far too easy way to get a guy turned on and horny. I'd rather eat it cause that's more giving in to the horniness, while only rubbing pussy cream over my hands is pure blue-balls torture. If im not allowed to do anything to you after moisturizing my hands, im just gonna jack off to your vids alone.
Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049. The first one especially reminds me a lot of my own life story and experiences irl.
Well I have an idea of doing vecna form this tutorial. It’s probably really stupid because I’ve never even worn make up before so I’d be wasting money on all these supplies.
Haven't you heard of the dual mating strategy? Alpha fuxx beta buxx?
femcels are cute, black girls are fun, and lesbians are pretty cool
Jesus, this is what you think of your close friend or family member?
Don't Look Now. It has this amaingly eery, trippy, stifling atmosphere. Love the off-season Italy setting. Dream-like.
m, wanna be penpals
I'm actually genuinely surprised it's that way.
Trying to find some actual statistic for Europe, but I just find these funky maps and then some clown graphs I can't fucking read. lmao
In which way?
What I think of my close friends and family members is that sometimes they would creep into my bedroom at night and poop on my face while I was sleeping. The last "friends" I had were plotting to help someone rape me.
There's also telegram groups and discord servers.
However, the ones who run those are usually clinically insane.
>I'm actually genuinely surprised it's that way.
This is actually the case for most human traits we can measure.
>in a relationship, generally happy pursuing my passions when i start my job
>get along with everyone
>break up and the page i uploaded my art to got shadowbanned
>become very quiet, angry, and resentful towards everyone. genuinely hate happy people with friends and partners
>slowly healing
>coworkers (especially women) look at me with disgust now
i know it's deserved, but is there any way to reverse this? is it even worth the effort?
It is about alienation and being perceived by society like you are simply an artificial being in a human body, despite your ability to feel your feelings deeply.
Idk just talk to more women, and listen more than talk.
As much as I'm sure plenty of dudes with cuckolding fetishes wishes that was true most people have sex with the one person they're dating and that's that.
What's that country beside Italy with an average of 1.84?
Telegram is full of very very bad people. Ones who make 4channers look like paragons of virtue.
Women what would you do if you found out your bf has been donating his sperm for extra cash
nta, what are your racist views? Be honest, im very curious
Well, you're ironically more likely to get cucked as you reject the mere possibility outright.
For some that might be the case, but there are obviously plenty of men who are struggling with dating who are also using those apps.
Oh it's you, never mind.
Grossed out and confused, but I guess it makes sense a bf of mine would do that.
If you're struggling with hooking up with women, try men. Practising gaiety is not a bad second choice.
>mfw below average in every European country
it's over
The only thing I could really find was that of Germany.


I think the only worse chat tool to use is that matrix thing or whatever it's called.
Who do you think I am?
I don't think I'll ever get cucked since I don't swing that way, I can get cheated on of course like everyone else but well, that's life, cut the relationship immediately and move on.
It should be noted that Germany is a dying nation where most people are old, so the average is probably lowered if they didn't control for age.
hot take: pickme vloggers >>>>>> asmr
I love women agreeing with me and telling me I'm right
Coping with semantics. Kek.
What's the point of these posts? Men can't choose to be gay
An American.
Have you tried?
>pickme vloggers
Any examples?
What do Bosnians eat?
I don't support censorship.
Men lying about their height is no different than women using angles honestly, they lie because they know a guy that lists 185cm gets significantly more matches than a guy that lists 1180cm because something about that number just hacks women's brains.
If you are a man and another man pulls down your trousers and sodomises you, you become gay.
I went shopping recently and wanted to vlog, but then I remembered this isn't the early 2010's anymore.
>I don't support censorship.
You will.
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do it I can hear women vlog about literally anything
>I don't support censorship.
What a beacon of freedom you are, in this grim world of ours.
I'm not coping, if anything I'd say you're the one coping considering you think avoiding getting cheated on has to do with you and not with the person doing the cheating. If literal hollywood actors get cheated on do you really think you're just going to be such an irresistible gigachad that the possibility is entirely out of the question? Be real.
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>google Austrian's height distribution
>first result is some white dude utterly TOWERING over Asians

My guess would be Slav shit. lol

Or this.
Does anyone have parents who were losers? What am I supposed to say if I have kids? "Oh, mommy would stay home every weekend and cry by herself"
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Both genders:

My length is a bit larger than a can of monster energy. My wide is 2"/5cm(1.5cm smaller than a can of coke) and my girth is 6 inches/15cm(My condom size is XXL(normal condoms leaves a painful red ring mark on my dick)

Am I big?
Do you appreciate the philosophy and aesthetics of sexual violence?
Fuck off already.
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State gender
thoughts on this?
Too big I don't want that
>Does anyone have parents who were losers?
My father sometimes acts really weird and uncomfortable in a way that resembles Michael Scott from The Office (US version). He's a well meaning but offensive buffoon. Makes me wonder what my mother saw in him.
My friend, you're doing an irrelevant distinction between cuckolding and cheating when it was obviously used for the same meaning.
Who do you think is more likely to get cheated on, a man who controls his woman or a man who lets her do whatever with no oversight?
>Stealth advertising for Monster Energy
fun ones for halloween parties, yeah. It pushes my creativity and edge of perfectionism. If you have friends who are going all in, do it too, itll be fun
Made me chuckle.
Yes, the Halloween right after 9/11 I dressed up as Osama Bin Laden.
M, it's stupid
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HAHAHAHAHAHA women, specially modern women, don't give a shit about wisdom but about how a man makes them feel because women are totally ruled by their emotions.
I'm so tired of being itchy someone please make it stop
get good at conversation and do your best to be funny. If you're smart you should easily be able to do these. Lots of people think im alright, I don't win over everyone, lots of girls think im alright.

It's very doable, wagmi
I wonder whether this is yet another twitch/onlyfans thing, where guys are pimping their girlfriends to present themselves to lonely, disenfranchised men for profit and tell them what they want to hear.
>"Oh those poor incels, let me have sympathy for bad men who hate women and want to kill us if we don't fuck them!!!"
Fuck that.
You can tell it's written by a woman because it tries too hard to be funny and quirky while actually ending up being mega gay and retarded.
>tradcuck shit
Is it true that women can tell a guy is a virgin just by the way they carry themselves and talk?
Gay art is the best art. You need to appreciate the aesthetics of homosexual lust.
You threw away into the trash bin your value as woman literally for nothing. You will never forget the man you gave your virginity and that will fucked up your future relationships. Congratulations you idiot for make harder your life.
I don't really know/care, whatever it is I'm enjoying it. I love being right.


KEK lighten up, it's just youtube videos
I don't lie about my height, women constantly question my height and ask if I really am that height or if I am shorter.
It's some real bullshit.
Women how do you feel when you make eye contact with a dude on the street and it causes me to smile, on my way home this older women held eye contact and I tried my hardest not to smile cause I didn't want the people next to us to see which sounds stupid as shit in hindsight, anyway I wonder if she was able to tell I was trying my damnest not to smile at her.

I started rambling, oops
Yeah that woman is tripping balls on red pill ideology. Very clearly detached from reality.
What's your body count?
Don't tempt me. I might actually turn on my computer tonight and do a haul voca or something.
brother half the reason the dating market is such a massive headache is precisely that what was enough before isn't enough anymore
why do you think there are so many cases of boring guys with jobs whose family is like "whoa you're such a catch why do you struggle with girls anon?" and the answer is always B O R I N G
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>how you doin btw?
Getting by.
Keeping busy.
the stupid bitch that always comes here to complain about being suicidal
>it's just youtube videos
It's literally misogynist, male supremacist propaganda spoken by women but go off
Femanons how would you feel about your bf selling his sperm on the unregulated grey market for cash?
>Are these normal experiences?

Virginity and sex are not as cataclysmic as 4chan might suggest.
Never happened to me because everyone can see that I'm short.
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Is it weird to smile at people you make eye contact with? They look back at me like I'm offending them.
>No men offered to help me with my heavy briefcase
>She literally didn't ask
Is she mentally deficient? Did her mama drop her on her head as a baby? All she had to do was approach someone and ask "can you help me?"
nta, so suppose your first guy eats you out like a starving man, would that remove your insecurity?
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State gender
Would you fantasize about this?

M, gave me a Sensible Chuckle
These videos are such bullshit. Amazing that some people actually believe this stuff.
>I'm only pretending to be stupid
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>Did multiple~300 lbs sets on the leg press machine on Wednesday
>Thighs are still kinda sore

Is this normal? I typically don't focus on legs and I'm not a gym rat so I wouldn't know
That man's face resembles a hamburger and now I am craving a well done hamburger beef patty.
Why do you even post here if you support censorship?
>Weighs 300 lbs.
>Is being sore at the gyn normal?
Gee, what do you think, fatty?
Artillery shells :D
>leg press machine
I can max those out and it usually doesn't do much.
I have a giant ass though
I don't know if you know this, but you can still get censured on 4chan. Doctor Poo Poo Hands has been censured. Doctor Poo Poo hands knows too many truths. That is why he must be silent. His behaviour must not be aloud!
>he uses the leg press
Tf is wrong with you? That machine was designed to destroy your knees.
I don't. I was just being sardonic.
M, this is the kind of thing I would have dreamed about doing for my crush in my younger years.
Leg press machines were destroyed in the war a long time ago. They don't exist anymore. I am sorry to ruin your self indulgent fantasy but we all know the truth and why we should not take some of these people at their word.
I had gay sex with your dad last night, how does that make you feel that I was sodomizing his anus?
what kinds of stuff are you thinking about buying?

LMAO I swear to god I'm not trying to upset you, I just like this kind of content.

>gentle giant
ooooh, now I get exactly the type of woman who throws around the term "himbo"
fucking revolting
How do you become more exciting for women?
I already bought a bunch of stuff when I went shopping today with friends. My ex talked me into buying a bunch of random shit, but to be fair it's been a while since I updated my wardrobe.
It is very funny to me that some women make their money running their own business (twitch/youtube/tiktok/whatever social media channels) telling people that women should not work. It's like those tradwife influencers that are in their 30s and still childless talking about how women need 3 kids before 24.
Yeah that makes sense. Imo you can't really be considered a mature adult without first having lost your virginity
I really hope it turns out this way for me
It won't. You will lose your virginity through gang rape in a prison shower.
Yes. I'm a female.
But are you a woman?
My father was a drunk. My mother was a drunk. They met and fucked in a bar and had me.
Based freaky femanon
Were you ever kept as a sexual slave?
Do you have a specific style of clothing you go for or is it mostly like, casual everyday items?
hell yeah
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I'll come there are some people, (mostly the normal ones oddly enough) that are really a verse to looking someone in the eyes? I noticed this one I walk on campus. This isn't every person but I notice some go out of their way to look down at the ground or pretend to do something on their phone whenever you even walk towards them (for example, if you're both walking in opposite directions and are about to cross each other's path). I thought only aspies and socially retarded people did that?
holy shit it's just some autist in her bedroom not the pope
>I'll come

*How come
Flat chested femanons, if your boyfriend had significantly bigger pecs / chest muscles than your boobs, would that make you insecure?
Let me rim you, sweet medium shirt white non balding guys from ohio.
Damn, I prefer ladies myself.
You should honestly kill yourself for even entertaining this question. You are gay.
>she got that ohio aim
Please let me use your ass as a pillow
Nobody asked you poojeet
Go wash your ass
If you didn't feel any pain when you did it then you didn't broken anything. Pain you feel now are your muscles griwing up, just like the pain you feel the next day after a long day walking all the day at the street.
What is the shirt range that you like?
Do you like smaller shirt wearers?
Perks of being fat and ugly is that I won't get harassed or used for my body <3
Squeeze my head with your thick thighs you tease
Not really. I usually like to just thrift and make outfits with what I can find, really.
Men, have you ever unknowingly put a woman in this situation?
That isn't true, there are many men with a fat fetish and/ or a feeder fetish.
*Fucks your throat anyway*
I don't know, possibly, the girl I dated for 8 months, we never had sex because my dick was too big and she was a virgin.
But I once asked if she wanted to try anal and she said yes, after that she ghosted me and I never heard from her again.
So maybe but I hope not, she was really into the oral sex I gave her almost every day.
Plenty of desperate men out there.
I'll use femanons body as a human shield against drive by shootings

I tend not to bother women a lot and as a consequence I've never had sex, or a girlfriend for that matter.

There probably is a healthy middle ground.
Hamas meat shield tactics
No I don't think so. I'd be proud of his achievement. it's not like I can grow bigger boobs like him
I thought there was a healthy middle ground, then I realised my definition of a healthy middle ground was unzipping my trousers and waving my penis around in public spaces and telling people to look at it.
No, I just assume every woman is not attracted to me
How can homosexualism and autism be simultaneously cured? What is the best medicine for these mental illnesses?
That seem fun. You mentioned your wardrobe, do you ever like to go window shopping or things like that? I guess, browsing. Like, I sometimes look through catalogues I get in the mail for stuff. A lot of it I don't buy but I like to imagine how I'd look in various jackets and things like that.
I can't wait to quit this stupid fucking job I'm covered in red marks bec ause I've been scratching my skin off/ What lotion helps this shit???? I've tried everything
What job causes you to scratch your skin?
I actually don't understand how can anyone like cats.

>its proven cats are less friendly than dogs
>cats come around only becuse of food mostly
>more dirty than dogs
>carry more parasites than dogs due to eating from literal trash
>will beat you with their stupid paws and leave scars that looks like SH
>constantly jumps around and act crazy, you can find many videos of cats online ruining christmas tree, pushing things from table etc
>literally useless

how can anyone love this? please explain. are you just retarded? seriously explain.

bunnies in op picrel are cute tho.
Whats the fastest way to get a woman to drain me of my mana without paying her.
Another thrilling entry in the saga of the femanon with the messed up pussy. Try putting vaseline on it or having more will power.
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Am I the only one that find pretty women with a black eye?
Are you sure you're finding them and not creating them...
Worst job in the wrold
I tried vaseline it just made me slimy and itchy
drug addiction
hang in there lifeguard anon
Yeah thats my faut, should've clarified thats not on the table either.
>Worst job in the wrold
Yes, but what is it?

Have you tried something with panthenol/dexpanthenol?
Do you think midgets will get sodomized by wizards? Do you think the Keebler elves are lizards? Do you think Gandalf is the lizard wizard and the dwarves in the mines of Moria engage in horrifying sodomistic sex up the bunghole with each other? Do you enjoy being tentacle hentaied by creatures from space? I think that maybe if you think so you are a creature and are no longer human. You have transformed into a creature. A tentacle creature reaching for female pussy. Why do you think that is?
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>I tried vaseline it just made me slimy
Uhhh....Put more....
take your meds
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Cats are affectionate, but can also take out their frustration when they are bored. They are very similar to autistic women that way.
jesus christ
fix your gut
I'm at my limit
I will try those thanks
No thats a waste
This is gettinh rather annoying.
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Whats wrong
>No thats a waste
Get slimier
>Is it weird to smile at people you make eye contact with? They look back at me like I'm offending them.
It depends on the time spent doing it.

If you accidentally make eye contact, make the slightest possible nod to acknowledge their existence as a human being and then immediately look anywhere else to indicate that the eye contact was accidental and you have no intent to engage with them.
You can include a smile but the longer you look at them the more they wonder what your interest is in them.
And if you do nothing but smile and stare, it gets creepier with every moment that goes by.
starting to consider suicide seriously. I am ~40, tall, handsome and have enough money to do whatever I wanted (except get a house), but I'm lonely af, can't forget her and can't find her replacement. this sucks..
What does my gut have to do with it
If me posting once a day is annoying I can't help you
>What does my gut have to do with it
skin issues mostly begin in the gut
what's causing your skin issues?
>Whats wrong
I interpreted your post as a strongly-typed hornypost.
Well if you do kys could you at least send me some of that money before you do?
do autistic women love cats?
I'm autistic woman and i love dogs. cats scare me.
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Your intuition is strong.
Autistics usually get along better with animals than people.

Source: am an autistic man who's kind of like a real life Simple Jack. Dogs, cats, and horses all greet me and want to be my friend.
>shoulders broader than hips
>and she has stick legs too
>that video
"Why would a man want to get married if he can get casual sex?
Dropped. Stopped watching. Opinion discarded.
Casual sex sucks.
no. humanity has failed me. I'd rather throw it away than give it to another human being.
I think you're cool, sorry
Chlorinated water
M, I'd rather have casual sex and be going through my fun "hoe phase" than being told I'm marriage material.
You're pretty cool too anon.
Just say you are are a manlet and mad about it
>describing Kat again
I swear, she's 40% of 4chan's perfect girl
Fortunately, I am not a "manlet", but that wouldn't make the behavior any less revolting.
I'm happy now.
Yeah but I haven't done anything to you. Help a fellow 4channer out.
I'd be okay with it.
Husband started sleeping on his back due to issues when he sleeps on his side. It took him a while to get used to but he eventually got used to it though he doesn't sleep as well as he normally did

I don't have an issue with that but suddenly he bought a body pillow and has it plonked on top of him. Wtf is this when he gets annoyed when I try to have my body on him
I accept smal shirt guys too.
Maybe large if you're like tall.
No problem anon~
I'd rather be told anything than have casual sex. It's just unappealing.
ok. I just PM'd you :^)
Nice, reminder that this arrangement is only for IF you go through with it. I'd much rather you dont.
this explains why i kovw animals more than humans huh
Why do these men like to tug on each other's pee pees so much?
Um. Are you a high calorie human?
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Im tall and XL haver.
I wish a woman would casually peg me up the bottom in a display and expression of friendship.
You weigh a lot more than a body pillow. You are also uncomfortably hot and sweaty unlike a cool and dry body pillow. Imo, body pillow > another person.
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Why are white girls held on such a high pedestal and used as an indicator of "making it" when the US is filled to the brim with them?
Everywhere you look and across the street is an blue-haired blonde-eyed instagram chick with 500-2k followers.
Why do ESLs and third worlders act like sex with white women is something special when I've creampied and made countless colored-eyed white girls swallow my cum just by going about my life as a middie minority dude?
You ever just slightly awkward or cringe and then your brain holds it against you for years afterward
I am a white man and have had sex with numerous black American women while their parents and siblings watched us from the sofa and masturbated to the sight.
You must kill the part of you that cringes.
Cool cool, would you kiss me directly after eating my ass or would you use mouthwash first?
>working with the qt girl today
>she hums some tune and does a little dance
>I look at her and smile
>She gets shy and stops but smiles too
You could lose some weight.
I wish I could sleep on my side. I've always been most comfortable on my back but it seems like normies tend to sleep on their side or stomach while losers like me sleep on our backs.
I wonder if the anon that I'm fake dating is in the thread today. I miss her.
Damn, you're freaky.
this bitch did not wipe

too bad I don't have cute female coworkers
or any female coworkers
Does Midwest have better moids than Florida?
NTA but we objectively have the best sleeping position. Unfortunately it is a little unsettling watching me sleep because I am akin to a vampire or a mummy when I sleep.
Why is this comic trying to excuse petulant, entitled, and disrespectful behavior?
On the contrary, I have a bidet and do wipe.
Only if you love Jesus
>Shes seriously considering Ohio anon now
I think you're freaky and I like you a lot
>good hygiene
ME NEXT me next
I'm here whya!... I miss you too
I don't look a thing like Jesus
>ME NEXT me next
What are you doing next?
<3 good to see you fake babe, hope you've been well
Tugging on my winky
Do you talk like a gentleman?
I don't think this is GIOYC.
I'm not really understanding what you mean by being on top of him, but while he's trying to sleep? having too much weight on your chest in general makes it hard to breath. I sleep on my back with a weighted blanket which is really comfortable tho so maybe that's what the pillow is for?
Yes, m'lady
*tips fedora*
I'm not into men
oof I'll see myself out, just give it a few seconds so I can delete my post (cringe)
You will be. Men - active the homosexualizer ray! We've got another straight boy to convert.
Probably because of your body heat he feels like he's overheating.
Men, what is your idea of big boobs?
Good luck anon, drink some water but dont chug it
>want to take girlfriend to dinner
>she rejects every single restaurant I suggest
>I go through at least fifteen
>too pricy (I'm paying so who cares!)
>too bland, nothing unique or exciting
>I've been there and it's garbage
>not feeling the vibes

And then she has the gall to complain "how come you never suggest places for us to go?", like I'm compiling a massive list of restaurants to present to you like you're royalty and you reject each onel ol
Bigger than a handful.
First let me preface this with there are no average or medium sized boobs. There is only flat and big. Anything B cup or lower is flat. Anything C cup or higher is big.
>But what about band size
idk, still figuring out that part of my methodology
Hers are big enough for me.
I don't know anymore dawg, I used to think my girlfriend was flat but she started wearing lowcut shirts and cleavage appears and I'm like wow they're not really small
Please rank the regions from best moids to worst moids
>My brain: "HEY! Remember the *incredibly* embarrassing thing you did? Ha-ha! You-"
>Me: "Oh hey, I do. Heh. Remember how one day the sun will expand and consume the Earth but by that time anyone who ever cared about anything vaguely regarding this era will long be dust, if any humans survive at all?"
>"Dude, that's a bit much. I was just saying -"
>"Nothing you say, think, or do will ever matter to anyone beyond the moment it happens. Ever. Heh. You will turn to dust and nobody will care about your passing."
>"Jesus. That's a bit dark. This is not a proportionate-"
>"Nothing matters. Ha-ha! Laugh it up because this moment is all you get so do something Good in the moment, right now, and fuck the past. We're all going to end up discarded finger puppets eventually anyway!"
True Story.

This is part of what I mean when I say I'm the best kind of crazy.
how are you this retarded?
can be seen from behind when topless
If it's bigger than my outstretched hand.
I always read that the side was the most natural, back sleepers only exist because of pillows and beds
>Bigger than mosquito bites
>Mosquite bites.
She is the only woman I have been with, I have not examined breasts other than hers
Im a himbo.
He's not gonna leave you for the body pillow.
Back is actually technically best for your spine but arguably the most uncomfy. Pretty rough when you have boobs as well.
you might as well call yourself a gay bear or something if you use this terminology
Im okayy how are you
It aint the best.
Puts pressure on lower back
Dont ask me how i know!

Side with pillow between knees is best(at least for me)
Now that I am surrounded by ugly women who are not my type I do not particularly mind being alone.
I guess temptation had to do most with fueling a bad state of mind.
Why is this? Or does this backfire eventually?
Im doing better. I am eating half of a chicken bare handed.
For my peace of mind I need to make sure.
You are not medium shirt white femanon right?
Grapefruit or bigger
>another complete stranger good looking chick walked up to me and said hi as if im her buddy or something

First panel, the kid is just wrong. The end.
It's church, not Walmart.

Second panel, it depends on if the adult is trying to enforce a balanced diet or vestigial "eat everything" rules passed down from the Great Depression.

3rd panel, the kid's right. You can carry anything you want within reason. (No dildos)
Being "too old" for things is arbitrary nonsensical bullshit. If you walk around carrying a toy, people will think you're strange because it is unusual or strange to do so. That's it.

Students should absolutely question their teacher. But they should argue respectfully.
I argued with my teacher when, in 1995, she commented on how they proved that homosexual was genetic. Not even politically motivated. She just stated it like how Pluto wasn't a planet.
This is what girls dont get, small boobs are much better than they think
Do women dislike that men are simplistic in what they like?
Anon, legitimately, when was the last time you got a mattress? If your lower back isn't properly supported, it can lead to discomfort.
I guess. I've slept on my back my whole life, and I'm always popping my back when I stretch. I've tried sleeping on my side, but I will literally just not fall asleep until I lay on my back. Back is most comfortable for me. Moid
The only real size comparison is can tit-fuck and cant tit-fuck
White men, would you call black girl nigger during sex?
>Implying im not going to rub my dick on her flat chest, especially if shes wearing a tiny sports bralette
Far from it. It's almost cute in a way. Woman play head games too much.
No but i would call her my cute horny monkey as im balls deep in her horsepussy
I wouldn't have sex with you so no nigger.
I would never have sex with a black girl, sorry. Pale latinas maybe, otherwise white girls only.
>Pretty rough when you have boobs as well.
State gender
What are some names from the opposite gender you like?

M here. I like Marina and Helena, all girls I've met with those names were really pretty and nice.
I have a mattress and an pretty expensive one, always
I injured my spine and after that i couldnt sleep pain free until i discovered side sleeping with pillow between knees
In my case it makes it a little harder to breathe.
When they go off the side of your ribcage and into your armpits does the skin in the middle hurt from stretching
Not relevant. Paizuri vs Naizuri is simply a size comparison, not a desire comparison.
When you're on your back? A little actually.
Good because flat chested qts are very desirable
Amelia, Gabriella, Hannah, Katie, Darya
That sounds good I'm really hungry
No I'm not. is that the 7ft tall girl? I'm only 5'8
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Babe, do you like to sit around and do nothing?
I need a big titty gf who cooks good and calls me sweet pet names that make me blush
If you were here I'd hand feed you the other half
>No I'm not
>I'm only 5'8
>a good looking girl dating experience
I wouldn't have sex with a black woman.
Why does she need to say that on a public forum?
Did you wash your hands
Lol what did she do
humble brag
To remind you that you will never have it as easy ywnbaw
Of course I washed my hands, I'm not a monster.
>What did she do
Nothing in particular, she just has a type.
Suffering from dead bedroom cos she had no libido etc.

Would resort to putting up wife's pics over my 3 monitor set up. Would use videos of her I stole from her work website of her just talking for a few mins about stuff. Would have that playing on repeat so I could hear her voice and see her in motion while I gooned out .

One day she caught me and was mortified but found it funny. Kept calling me weird and creepy that i was stealing her videos she does for work and used her work photo to masturbate to.

Suddenly she was in the mood and stuff and basically directly gives me the original files for the videos she sometimes has to do for work.

Why did this fix her?
No, and if she wanted me to as some raceplay kink or some shit still no.
average married cuck lmao
What kind of work is she in? ASMR?
Anyway, feeling strongly desired by somebody you love, not just for sexual gratification but because they adore you, is a huge turnon for most people.
Women only care about gooning depending on how similar the girl looks to themselves. The more similar the girl, the less they care. If the girl is literally her, she is flattered.
Legitimately, why WOULD a black woman want to be called a nigger during sex?
Eating with the tools god gave us thats why I love sandwiches
It's called having preferences (standards)
I hope the dude is making this shit up
Imagine marrying someone but you cant even bang them (outside of health problems)

Not making a good case for all the average bros out there whose only hope of getting laid is getting married
Because you don't wait to magically be in the mood. You get into the mood.
In the initial relationship, everything is new and exciting so you don't have to get into the mood. The mood just appears.

She was surprised. It was new. It got her thinking. And the mood magically appeared.

Next time just start making out with her. Kiss her neck until she begs for sex or pulls your clothes off.
Lmao no. A non-profit. Just a vid of her promoting and talking about an upcoming fundraiser. She occasionally has to do these sorts of things for work.

Her work photos are things like her "meet the team" profile pic on their website or random events on their work blog page or Instagram/facebook
Good evening /atoga/
I hate women.
Would you rather a girl get dates just BECAUSE she's black?
Incorrect, there is nothing humble about it.
Where do i find milf single moms with fat pregnancy tits to become a human dildo for? Only a dildo i dont want to date single moms
Good evening /atoga/
I saw a woman today, and made eye contact and didn't turn into stone, WTF DO YOUR JOBS WOMEN!!!
Doesn't seem like it fixed anything.
We were meant to feel our food as we eat it.
Exactly You get it. Forks were invented by Big Fork to sell more forks
How do you eat rice with chopsticks? No, seriously.
One grain at a time, it generates discipline.
Was she wearing sunglasses?
I don't think a black woman would ever want to be called one in general? During sex if they have raceplay kink or degrading kink and they're fine with it there? Not sure.
A lot of real asian rice has vinegar in it to make it clump
I dont know, you just kinda do it. Its easier to eat white rice cause it clumps together more. Fried rice is kinda impossible.
You kind of shovel it in against the bowl.
There's a subreddit for married cucks with dead bedrooms. I don't feel bad for them because they're the same fags who tell you to respect females and brag about fucking their slut wife or a fat wife once a year, as if that's a win.
No she looked at me then looked away after a second or so. Maybe it needs a warm up time to work.

Also it was embarrassing enough so why did she have to keep grilling about why I have a folder of pics and vids of her doing normal stuff and where I got them from. She kept calling me creepy and stalker that I had a collection of her work related media and saved social media pics and was going through them.

She didn't tell me to delete them or anything just laughed at me that I was doing this stuff
She's just jerking your chain, anon.
there's a specific kind of rice preparation for chopsticks usage
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One cashier girl in store i sometimes visit is so adorable.
Sometimes she smiles to me, and it feels nice in the moment but then i realize she just gets paid to do so and shes just being friendly.
People working are not your friends unless you know them from elsewhere
This reads like a doujin. Would read though.
>Suddenly she was in the mood and stuff and basically directly gives me the original files for the videos she sometimes has to do for work.
>Why did this fix her?
I'd guess she either talked to someone else about it and they told her it was ok, or realized that you really wanted to fuck her and that the alternative would have been to masturbate to someone else.
How do i ask if a girl has a meaty pussy before asking her out?
>I hope the dude is making this shit up
It's pretty common.
A new relationship is easy because the infatuation takes over and makes everything amazing. Then the infatuation fades and the training wheels come off.

Many people never learn how to ride. They just coast until they fall over and decide it's too much work to keep trying and start all over.

Married men in this situation often fall over and resign themselves to their fate. They are lying in the grass with a bike on top of them simply convinced that there's nothing they can do about it.
Never said shes my friend anywhere
Shes just pretty and does her job well

She's way out of my league anyway
how do I fucking stop thinking about my ex gf jfc

just ask her bro. I'm sure they will be ok with it
Take her to gym
She will inevitably wear slutty leggins and you can see if she has just puffy abdomen section (good) or hanging beef
>why did she have to keep grilling about why I have a folder of pics and vids of her doing normal stuff and where I got them from.
That's pretty standard protocol in this situation, dude.
State gender. German Shepherd or Doberman?
I don't wear leggings like that to the gym because I'm self conscious.
Both nice but i personally love doberman, we had one as family dog years ago, lovely dogs
>German Shepherd
F German She- HEY!
Of what?

Just wear grey sweatpants, and flip the waist bands inside out

It activates my almonds somehow
My large labia. I'll keep that in mind. Wear it specifically like that?
One thing I noticed is that the bitches who wear the sluttiest see through leggings with the back pulled into their asscrack always wear big headphones to make sure nobody talks to them. Makes it better for creepshots though.
>My large labia
nta but hot
Idk how its called when the waistband is flipped out.

Saw it couple times at gym with chicks wearing sports bra and sweats like that and it was incredibly hot.

Or t-shirt with back tucked behind to show off back/butt
>My large labia.
Puffy pussy or hanging out minor labias
With that being said, some dudes fetishize that
Body count?
can confirm, i am puffy pussy enjoyer
Same man
Stop it, guys!

You rang? I was sleeping :(
This reminds me of that stupid trend where people would wear hats with the tag still on.
Does she have a history of masturbation related accidents?
For what? I would never want to have a dog ear me.
Yikes. No wonder.
>at gym once
>this girl i spoke with multiple times before is lifting in front of me
>Can see her cameltoe, because she has bright teal leggins on
>try not to look and focus on doing my tricep extensions or whatever i was doing by the cable pulled (she was on opposite side)
>She noticed and visibly covered herself

Not my goddamn FAULT i can see your pussy from 2m away
With that being said my dick shows through my leggins often too so i dont blame them
is it puffy though
>trying to take selfies with tips I got last thread
>send one to one of my friends
>she gives it a C
She just didn't like you. If she doesn't want guys to stare, she would cover up, but bitches hate when non-Chads or ugly guys stare.
is there anything wrong with dating someone significantly younger than me if my life from 19-25 was a giant blur?
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I would like to have one (1) gf.
women, say something wholesome
Well, considering she was the one who was approaching me to talk, giggling from my shitty jokes and complimenting my lifts?
C is still passing
I like how you always try your best.
F. Shepherd. I've met more and would be more comfortable with their temperament. I prefer the look of a Doberman though
>I like how you always try your best.
I do always try my best! thanks!
Women have you ever cried your eyes out over a man?
Single femanons, we could be cuddling rn watching a movie
Why aren't we?
Goodnight atogays

Wish me so i dont wake up
Yes, many times back in high school
The class bimbo cucked me out of my cruch
It's over. And I still smell like s*y sauce too. Fuck my ass.

I hope you sleep great and wake up feeling wonderful.
Significant how? Age gaps matter less the older you get. And it depends a lot on the person. My bf is three years you get than me. We met at 24/27. He was really pushing it for my comfort level, but he's incredibly mature and has well thought out goals
Mainly protection, but also for playing and cuddling.
>I would never want to have a dog near me
Why, though?
It could always be worse. You could have no friends at all to send your selfie to in the first place.
Absolutely. Did for a long time over my ex when we broke up. Then found out he had been cheating on me for months
Have you guys talked about kids?
Did that make it better or worse?
Why are women so nitpicky about age gaps holy shit. After 20, a 3 year age gap is literally nothing.
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Is someone's appearance a good way to gauge what their personality is like? What would you guess pic rel's personality is like?
>Why, though?
Should be obvious.
They stink, are loud, potentially dangerous when big.
>Then found out he had been cheating on me for months
Dunno, but her nails are boring.
like 5 years
Yeah. We both have very similar ideas on how long we want to date before an engagement and how long before we want to marry. The big thing is we both agree we want to wait a year after marriage before trying. He'd prefer 4 kids and I'd be happy with just one. He's willing to compromise with 2
Keep them clean?
Train them not to be?
>potentially dangerous
Good? They'll protect you if you train them.
it's a very north american/anglosphere thing
I can't fucking stand dogs, nothing you say will change my opinion. And dog fanatics are utterly insufferable.
She's not a total bitch but shes kinda dumb
Women, earlier today i slipped and bent my toenail backwards, and it started bleeding. Am i going to die?
So much better. He broke up with me and had blamed it on me not doing enough. It was such a sense of relief when I found out.

3 years is a lot in your 20s. People are at wildly different stages in life. A lot of younger guys were either still in college or just graduating and lacking real life experience. Most are still in the party on the weekend and casual relationships too. I just couldn't relate to them when I had an established office job and wanted to date with the goal of marriage. I hadn't met a younger guy who wanted something serious until my bf
>The class bimbo cucked me out of my cruch
Did you actually ask out your cruch?
the Dark Passenger...he beckοns...
Women, have you ever caught a man spying on you?
you got some trauma or something?
>I hadn't met a younger guy who wanted something serious until my bf
That says more about the men you are attracted to.
I'm going to a Disco party. How should I ask strangers to dance with me in ways that it makes it likely they and I will link up?
No :(
Oh it's this kind of incel again...
I'd say it's only weird if she's under 22. Again, depends on your personalities though
Women have you ever caught a man looking at your boobs or ass?
Don't be sad, females love cheaters. They despise loyal men.
I get you. Like you thought it was your fault, but realized it wasn't. That's good.
Ofc, every woman has. Many times
Akita or Shiba?
>If he spends 10 hours a week doing so I might not want to date him
That's like an hour and half a day. That's too much? People watch more TV than that.
>every woman has
Clearly not this femanon >>32036468
We can only hope hehe
Not an incel. Are you saying that you don't have a choice in which men you interact with and date? Lmao, you're a dumb cunt for an old hag.
Caught my ex bf with creepshots of me on his phone. I used to walk around his place naked a lot. Stopped after seeing them
Wanna booogie baby ???
You are so predictable and generic.
I've noticed, yeh. Hasn't been excessively.
Tfw no mermaid gf
Why do women want me dead? :(
state gender and age
have you ever pushed people away out of shame?
Yes, and if he isn’t being creepy I’ll give him a wink as I leave. It’s fun to see their reaction, like I made their whole day better
How can it be creepshots if he's your bf? and you're literally just walking around his house naked?
I literally found a tracking device in my car once.
Did yοu ever feel like nothing good was ever gonna happen to you?
nta but it's still kinda creepy and could be used for blackmail material.
>afraid of stinkbugs
>they always, without fail, fly right in front of my face while I'm in /atoga/
Hi anons
Are you a bad person?
They like the monitor light.
a man would have asked to take sexy photoshoots of her
a beta male takes creepshots
that's the problem, don't be a pussy with your own girlfriend
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I know right?
SEX [spoiler](with my hand)[/spoiler]
I dont think i am :(
F 21
No? What do you mean?
Nude photos taken without my knowledge or consent

Because I didn't consent. I felt comfortable and safe walking around naked. Doesn't mean I'm okay with photos
Now I don’t know where it is. I’m thinking of just leaving my place for a while.
He was spying on you so he could recruit you as an intelligence asset for a hostile foreign country. You caught him in the act.
So since women in their 20s won't date me because I'm too "immature" I should date women in their teens since they don't know any better. Thanks for the advice!
Would you say that when two tribes go to war, a blunt is all that you can score?
If he was a bad person, you females would be sending him love letters.
I am sometimes really fascinated (and sadde ed) by spouses dying relatively early.
Take the author Julian May e.g., she died in 2017 and her spouse, who she was married to since 1953, died in 1991.
You live with somebody for 38 years and then they die... but you live another 26 years.
Call me a hopeless romantic guy, but that just sounds horribly sad to me.

Ozempic entered from the window
Body positivity went out the door
No I thought they would and then they didn't
Oh ok, yes then I would call those creepshots too probably, especially if he never told you he was taking those.
dο you ever think that the chinks were onto something with the killing women at birth thing?
Just put on another light in the hall.
Women i am 26 now...
Im a fucking grandpa...
Maybe then again it was probably just electric frequency interferences
>I felt comfortable and safe walking around naked.
Honestly this is kind of a mistake to be fair.
I got a kinder egg and I got the Barbie one and the Barbie was a white news caster with dark hair just like Christine. Is this the universe talking to me? I have been thinking about her all day
I caught a government surveillance drone hovering around one of my second story windows.
She likes attention but hates being looked at by men that she doesn't find attractive
M, 30
I don't know about that, but I like that they forced female feet into tight shoes that made their toes grow fucked up. That's something we need to start doing to western foids to teach them basic respect.
Not it isn't.
If you believe certain conspiracy theories, toddlers and babies are already being cannibalized by the politicians, celebrities, and CEOs who met on Epstein Island.
Incels are bad people and I would never send you a letter
Nobody knows who Christine is.
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Akita Inu or Shiba Inu?
Ladies, how do I talk dirty?
My gf keeps talking to me during sex, things like "yes yes I'm yours claim me I'm yours" and so on and I don't know how to reply without sounding atupid
like, when you do something stupid that (usually) affects a loved one, and instead of asking for forgiveness, you respond defensively or even aggressively against them.

so this is normal? what is one supposed to do to avoid this?
I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little poem
But off of the dome would probably be a little more
More suitable for this type of song, whoa
I got a million reasons off the top of my head that I could think of
Sixteen bars just ain't enough to put some ink to
So fuck it, I'ma start right here, I'll just be brief, I'm
'Bout to rattle off some of the reasons
I knew I shouldn't go and get another tattoo
Of you on my arm, but what do I go and do?
Used to live in a building, were, over the years, new tenants would come and go and they all love to peak, try to flirt...
I used to have my desk opposite the window, and every night a guy living in the opposite building would stand in the window of his room and would light the flash of his cell phone and wave it
The fact that I was 15, 16 ... and they were mostly in college didn't stop them either
Just groan/moan. Call her a fucking whore, dirty slut, say take it you whore

M, 36.

All the time, all through my life. I don't know what it is, but I am a magnet for weirdos, freaks, and degenerates who see me as an emotional bellhop for their baggage.
Yes it is? Not even a serious leave the house one. Don't want to get boiling oil on your boobies or anything I mean. We wear clothing for protection.
RIP to Epstein, but his life story has a lot of holes in it that don't make sense. He started off as a school teacher and somehow randomly started managing money of rich people and became rich as a result of that?
>be me with my gf once
>she wanted to try strap on play, she was excited
>she put it on ahead of time for a laugh
>she’s walking around in a tee and shorts, with this huge monster between her legs
>thought it was funny so I went to snap a picture
>she covered her face so fast and got really mad
Fuck she thought I was gonna use it against her didn’t she?
You could not be younger
Unless you actually have a grandchild
Why is it so important to you to retain your independent ability to fuck other men at random but have a loyal bf?
I guess I should have been more specific: out of SELF shame.
A long time ago. I used to get these streaks of good luck. And sometimes I pray for one tho i'm not religious hoping i'd play my hand right and turn things around for me and my family

but i know that no one's coming to save me and i have to save myself
This wouldn't happen if you females didn't like that behaviour. You encourage this behaviour in men with your dating choices. Have fun.
My favorite sick, horrifying part of his life story is how he wanted to start a selective breeding program based on filling women with his seed to create eugenically superior human specimens.
Only if you're a neurotic.
Have you tried wearing an apron while you cook?
Are you handicapped?
Nta but like self-loathing, feeling unworthy, like people are better off without my presence? Then yes.
I went outside and it followed me out, and landed right in this gigantic spider web I have outside. We’re talking a web that dragonflies and cicadas die in sometimes.
Spiderbros saved me again <3
Weird thing is I had sent him nudes and even posed for some that he took. My biggest thing was I didn't want my face in them.
My dating choices? Kek, you think i had a flourishing dating life at 15 and 16? And if i did, these men telepathically knew? Not to mention, I'm not against a bit of flirting, but I was underage, and those men were at times no less than a decade older than me
>You could not be younger
But... i used to be 25....
And sometime before that i was even like 20...
>Unless you actually have a grandchild
Nah, ive never had a gf
Shiba. They tend to be nicer.
I want a hot exhibitionist gf who loves posing for me nude, i would fill sketchbooks and photo albums with her
Party girl. She's pretty much flaunting her boobs there.

Well it still applies, I'm ashamed to be seen associating with certain people
When do you stop fucking with a condom? I hate sex with condoms, am F.
do americans think people walk around with numbers over their heads or something?
I'm 20, except people say I look 24-25
Therefore I might as well be 25 since people my own age won't associate with me because I'm too "old"
I broke up with my gf half a year ago out of self-shame (amongst other reasons)
and I just realized that THAT is what happened.
and I feel even sadder now. fucking HELL.
when you want to risk a baby or an std
I should get a wife soon if I'm going to, but it's so peaceful being out of "the dating pool" that I might despair and kill myself if I ever actually tried dating. Everything about it just seems so wretched, evil, and mutually degrading.
It would almost be better to be forced to marry a stranger for stupid political reasons or something like noble families used to, just to avoid the potential endless toil and torment of "dating".
The term was even born just from this psychotic city asshole practice where women pretended to be interested in men to get free meals, you can look it up.

If I can make it a few more years of solitude I'll hit my mid 30s and just be old enough to forget about it and not ruin my life
when you decide you're gonna have a long term relationship and you've picked what birth control method you will use
I would happily be in a relationship with a guy who is in his early 20s, late teens but I am a single mom who gets mistaken for a 14-18 year old(I'm in my 20s) by high school and college guys and am not going to give some guy inner turmoil and also hurt my own ego because I know most decent guys will rightfully reject me, I know I'm trash and am not worth being bothered with.
>He'd prefer 4 kids
Typical moid. :)
I don't want a like super beefy guy tho.
I did that once, because I felt like I had a deathwish.
Too unbalanced for a relationship.
Women can feel the difference?
>pedophile terrified and angry about Americans
You love to see it, as always.
i'm 25 and look (and feel) 20-21 kek
what if I'm on birth control? How long of knowing someone and fucking them exclusively can I stop using a condom?
>do you ever put your first love behind you
Has two partners since. Find myself thinking about them most days, especially in bed before I sleep.

I want to put them out of my head but there's still lasting regret 3 years later.
I could do either. What is your preference?
Ah, it's this troll posting fake stories again kek.
do stupid fucks say "americans" hoping it add substance to their piss poor attempt at replying?

you have eyes, dispshit. you can tell a middle schooler / high schooler from a college girl
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>describe atoga women in one image.
Definitely. The cock feels thicker in an uncomfortable way and the grip is less slippery/ideal feeling, almost dry.
You love to see a retarded obsessed pedophile received to schizoposting
After mouthwash.
Would you feel a little sad if I said that?
With personal experience,
Best moids are the canadian brand.
Worst are cali brand.
Whenever both people are comfortable with it and make plans for other birth control or a baby. I hate them too, but even though I'm on birth control my partner wants to use them until marriage
Is your partner lubricating the condoms before going in?
you are extremely retarded. There are 25 year old women who are fucking 4'11 and no tits and there are 24 year old women who already have wrinkles lmao.
>Worst are cali brand.
It's so ogre
>and the grip is less slippery
For some reason i thought it would be the opposite.
I guess normalfags are right when they say, time helps
I'll be honest senpai, when a woman is in her early 20s I cannot reliably tell her age just by looking at her. If I can't see any obvious wrinkles or signs of aging I geniuenly can't tell if woman is 16 or 25.
btw, before you try to continue to make up some weak excuse, let me tell you in an advance that being underage was NEVER a reason for men to back away. if anything, it made many more disgustingly more interested.
is this a gen z vs millennial thing? Maybe gen z is more insistent and better at birth control?
Let's split the difference and both of us be 22.5
Americans can't because all the women are fatasses.
You're too autistic to make her feel desired because you don't court her.
Yes. But total opposite of OP for me. It feels smaller and is super slick. The friction from their skin is what feels so nice
Think about it. You know how they sell shit with rubber grips, because it's easier to grip?
Would you rather jerk off with your bare hands, or with rubber gloves?
The rest of the world is mind broken that the "epic great social ideas" they shilled at our dumbest demographics were in fact shit both for them and us so they are panic backpedaling trying to blame our culture for the past century of their shitty failed ideas which also gets them in the habit of trying to justify their subhuman cultural practices by saying "Americans won't like/can't understand this!"
A great example is the "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" cope where they pretend to be dumb niggers unable to understand that anyone would ever oppose tyranny out of anything other than direct financial interest...while calling US psychopathic capitalists who only care about money
Europe has become truly subhuman philosophically speaking.
and those are the exception. most people look their age, or at least in the interval, not fucking 10 years older

>Texan man
>Florida man
>California man
>Washington Man
>Nevada Man
>Ohio man
Rate them based on percieved attractiveness.
Of course we can. This is honestly as ignorant as "female orgasm doesn't exist".
You will not get pregnant women if you don't give consistenly.
"people can only date someone born in the exact year as themselves" is such a weird take
Maybe? He's super paranoid about having a kid after an ex faked a pregnancy. It took him a long time to even have piv with me due to it
That would be the opposite of what the other obsessed faggot was saying, you obsessed illiterate faggot
That's ok. I was busy playing legofortnite.
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/atoga/ is unfun today.
Gonna go do picrelated, bye.
How do you fake a pregnancy? :/
we've even got the american schizo who melts down about europe here
This but I was the abuser in so many different relationships it fills me with joy knowing that I will be remembered in everlasting memories by my exs
>most people
you said it yourself, MOST people. not ALL people. I've had girls talk to me that I thought were much older than they were, and I only realized after asking them
but I guess >>32036673 is right. you can guess the age of american women from their weight lmao
The take is that you're a subhuman pedophile, you glib amoral cocksucker
Something wholesome.
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Really a Juice WRLD kind of night
nobody this eager to call someone a pedophile isn't a pedophile themselves
Yeah and they never appreciate my genuine emotions in the long run.
Non-american man >>>
I haven't met this many men
Cause you're probably fat and balding.
Best to worst:
Yes. He probably doesn't care either.
State age
Do you own property?
>fentanyl addict
>fentanyl addict
>fentanyl addict
>fentanyl addict
>fentanyl addict
>fentanyl addict
>not fucking 10 years older
>PeOpLe CaN oNlY dAtE SoMeOne BoRn In ThE eXaCt SaMe YeAr

You have abhorrent reading comprehension skills and low iq. Cut down on the loli porn and you might grow a few new neurons.
is a 6-8 year age gap older female younger male bad?
Not out of shame in particular, no.
Americans, have you been to many different states?
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Sounds like fun. :) I've never played Fortnite. I almost exclusively play pre-2010 games.
F 27, yes.
I'm neither American, nor did knowing my age stop men as I mentioned in >>32036669
Can you shut the fuck up now
You are a retard with no object permanence, a goldfish memory and you are probably an actual pedophile.
27, yes I do from inheritance
How will you make it on your own?
This world is awfully big
Girl, this time you're all alone
But it's time you started living
It's time you let someone else do some giving

Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have the town, why don't you take it?
You might just make it after all
I don't think I could do that to somebody that I love. If I die I want them to have more love after me. Please leave me in my timeline.
By proxy, technically? My grandparents on both sides on land. So like, i guess i own a part of my parents share?
americucks mad ITT lmao
>believe in alternate reality where I the person who had been defending pedo is not a pedo and the person who complained about it is

Is there a reason you've consistently stated "they knew my age" in passive voice? Did you outright tell them, if so, why not just say "I told them"?
very manipulative
As long as the male is older than 19-20, then I don't see a problem. It's less of a "power imbalance" since men are inherently more powerful than women.
>schizoposts calling everyone a pedophile
>nooo i'm not projecting
How so? i always hear women say there's not much nerve endings past the first 3 or so inches. So it just feel like pressure down there?

Only to Pennsylvania.
>It's less of a "power imbalance" since men are inherently more powerful than women.
the modern age doesn't rely on physical power anymore. With a single phone call, armed men can come to your door and throw a guy in a cell.
This is also such creepy hypocritical feminist rhetoric.
Buddy, you're trying to be smart and you end up sounding dumber and dumber.
If I tell them, hence, they knew, no? did you think you broke the case wide open with this stupid bullshit?

just say i'm a pedo and move on
I own a four bedroom house despite only using two of them

If you're calling yourselves boyfriend and girlfriend it's probably time to get birth control
you used the word pedo first. i used it back, except, i'm right and you're a pedo

next time you take out the trash, don't forget the biggest pile there is: you
Only using 2 of what ?
You threw that insult out first when you accused me of consuming certain types of pornography.
Retarded chimp.
>singer belittles the woman, tells her she can't survive alone
>offers financial support for sex and obedience while calling it "love"
>makes grand promises
>frames her new dependency as a good thing
This tactic works on at least 80% of girls, too
Time to take your meds, nutjob
No. That's your preference.
But I could keep a bottle by the night stand.
Would you be ok if I just swished like a little and swallowed it? Getting up feels like I'd just go brush my teeth and mouth at that point.
Stick your finger in your mouth. Now put on a rubber glove and stick your finger in your mouth. Which feels worse?
I'm a dude. I just think that men manipulating women happens more often than the opposite. Men arent as easily coerced into doing something they don't want to. Sure I guess it is hypocritical but so is reality. To put it in a way that you can understand, is it hypocritical that I don't want to be around people of certain races that tend to commit more crimes?
Why do we have 2 balls?
Why do women have 2 boobs?
Hahahah /thread why do we get dumped with all the weirdoes
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I know the tall girl from yesterday was probably a larp but I still think girls with big hands are hot
In case one gets damaged.
I only played it because my roommate asked me to play coop.
I would be fine with that if it was safe to swallow but if it's not I'd rather you spit it out into a cup or something.
You communicate like an idiot and then get mad when people push back.
For some reason women genuinely struggle with stating things clearly, like "omg I said no and he stopped trying but I wanted him to!!" and "how do I get my bf to spank me without asking him to spank me!!!" and "I looked at him but he didn't approach me!! doesn't he realize im interested!!"
why stop at 2 then?
I'm not but ok
>I just think that men manipulating women happens more often than the opposite
nta, but why would a man NEED to manipulate a woman to have sex or to get into a relationship? why do you ASSUME so? I've had teenagers interested in me at 35. I rejected them, but that's besides the point.
manipulating a woman shouldn't be necessary if you both are attracted to one each other. I find it sad that people assume that women have to be manipulated, and somehow "fall" for a man...
When I was at dinner last night there was girl staring at me from the booth behind my girlfriend and this mysterious stranger got up she was at least 7 feet tall I’m taking basketball giant I was so ready to snarky comments to my gf about her until I saw the absolute size of this giant woman
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>I just think that men manipulating women happens more often than the opposite.
> Men arent as easily coerced into doing something they don't want to.
Go on say the line about how you don't have male friends because you're obsessed with homosexual rape
Easier for bipeds? Stuff on four legs have more tits anyways.
Oh I didn't interpret it like that
Hopefully you enjoyed it at least.

I got upgraded to a C+. :)
Btw, smartass, "they knew" isn't the passive voice. That's not how you form the passive voice.
you sound like a schizo or an ESL
Thats a good point. Still 2 balls tho
My gf and I sleep in one room and we use the other for a gaming/study room the rest of the rooms are kinda just for storage and stuff until we figure out where it goes lol
>"i need to retroactively claim victimhood somehwere in my life" tier
Yeh... sounds like you guys have trouble enough with two on two legs. More would probably be a hassle for four legged ones even.
Men, should I take a bath or a shower?
I'm getting eepy. And I feel like if I boild myself in a bath, then I'll crash onto the bed.
If a schizo (an illness know to effect language) or an ESL has better command of your language, maybe it's time to pop one in your mouth
You don't have good command of the language, that's the problem retard.
Don't risk falling asleep in the tub, it sucks
Bath, but don't fall asleep in there. I'd be too worried about you slipping from sleepy-daze in the shower.
Yeh, have a bath. Girls like that for some reason.
>Hopefully you enjoyed it at least
Yeah I learned a lot since it's mostly different from first launch.
Kek, again, I won't take the opinion of someone who struggles with middle school level grammar to tell me, when I already have a certificate that says I speak english better than you (and I do, i just don't care to observe the rules all the time, but you don't even know the rules kek)
Tell me more, anon. What do you even do in it? And what sort of game do you usually play?
Because all women are actually asexual. If men didn't coerce women into sex we'd be extinct
I haven't changed my sheets in a month
>Italian man
>French man
>Bri'ish man
>Irish man
>Spanish Man
>German Man
>Romanian Man
>Swedish Man
Rate them based on percieved attractiveness.
Why do women require a certain level of comfort my gf always has to shower before sex it pisses me the fuck off and ruins the mood unless shes horny then we’ll just fuck right then and there like last night
Nothing you say is true or reliable, schizo
Are you a woman?
That is pretty common as a man.
I tried using the Tomorrow theme, but its not that great. Yostuba B is just so much easier on the eyes.
That's the behavior of neurotic, low energy women who are not worth the effort
>I already have a certificate that says I speak english better than you
Confirmed ESL shitter
Necking myself now
Ew, I change mine like once a week.
Or maybe it’s just a hygiene standard she does it for me so I don’t have to smell her stinky ass while we fuck
Women do you like taking bath with guys?
You're jealous because unlike you I'm not a retard who confuses the active voice with the passive, or how the passive voice is formed

I'm better educated and smarter than you are. I speak your language better than you do. Cope and seethe.
>so I don’t have to smell her stinky ass while we fuck
I feel so sorry for american niggas
"They knew" as opposed to "I told them" is the perfect example of passive voice as opposed to active voice.
Pipe down and be respectful when my native tongue is in your mouth, whore.
Why does complimenting women feel so forced and unnatural? No wonder I've never done it before lol.
Btw, when I say I'm smarter and better educated than you, it's really not saying much kek It's a low bar
Women would you date a man who is actually kind of excited for the switch 2?
Because you're doing it disingenuously in hopes of getting in their pants.
It's essentially the cleanest and politically correct-est minecraft.
They even make the cows trans with massive horns and udders. And you don't milk the cows or shear the sheep, you just pet them and they poop out wool or milk.
And apparently there are dragons you can ride and stuff?
Smol survival kinds of stuff. Fight skekaltons/wolves/bears. Gather resources. Build big town and get fortnite characters to help you.
British (please have 100 iq)
The rest are brown and I don't care.
Doesn't sound bad. You can teach me about it after you abduct me.
I'm a big Switch fan but what's the huge difference with the Switch 2? More storage space?
I do. Idk about other femanons. I'm probably just a freak.
Good luck bro. My bf got me into mtg and it's been a big part of bonding during our relationship. Hope you can find your own nerd to play with
Why do you taunt me with experiences I'd love but never had
Are you a wicked anon who waits until we're relaxed and then dumps cold water on my balls?
I don't have this same problem, but I've learnt very quickly that even earnestly complimenting women, even on something non physical, is rarely a good idea.
I will only pay women compliments if they've given me one first, or if they've shown me romantic or sexual interest first, and it's got to be multiple times.
I feel the same complimenting men I never know what to say. Complimenting girls is easy
Women would you sit behind your bf as he leans back on you in the bath?
Coming from someone who has fucked multiple women from varying ethnicities I across the globe I can confirm that every woman has a smelly asshole no matter how well does to clean herself we just don’t tell her because we’re horny and ignore it and it behaves like a pheromone to some extent
What makes it not a good idea?

Honestly you can compliment a guy on anything and it'll make his day.
Again, that's not how the passive is formed.

They knew / I told them = active voice
They were told (by me) / It was known by them = passive

Seeeeeeethe. An ESL, ME, has better cammand of your pathetic language than you do :)
>Complimenting girls is easy
nta but it's really difficult for me. I never know what's a "safe" compliment and what will be "icky" for them. I don't have autism even.
>when you're trying to bluff this hard one something you don't actually understand
kek keep coping
It gonna have a lot better performance. According to leaked shipping data and stuff, the specs seem to be around PS4 pro. I just cant wait to see what a modern zelda or metroid game will look like
typo, so don't bother correcting me
Backwards compatible?
>I'm probably just a freak.
Not really

Dont worry femanon, ive never experienced it either. I just like asking questions about things i would want to do, to see if women would also enjoy those things
>What makes it not a good idea?
Usually the conversation dries up afterwards, consistently, or they are less interested in talking later. The same thing seems to happen when I speak earnestly in general honestly.
Shut up, shut up, shut up
Not confirmed yet, but it seems highly likely
Holy fucking kill yourself faggot men are talking
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If they name it the Super Switch, I'll buy it.
>consulting AI
>completely divorcing two words from the actual context of the conversation
>types "they know" instead of "they knew" to boot
you really are stupid and insecure about said stupidity
Seeeeeeethe kek
I can't wait to buy Super Mario Bros. for like the billionth time.
>Honestly you can compliment a guy on anything and it'll make his day.
I get nervous still
Well I'm a girl so I can just go "omg I loooove your hair/top/nails/makeup/boobs/outfit" and it doesn't even have to be true
The world is watching you and your sexual partner having sex right now. They are watching it on camera. Security guards are watching it on their monitors. They know.

And people all around the world? They are examining you and your sex partner's bodies. And they are taking notes.
Kek imagine having to ask AI how to speak English we truly live in a dystopian era get fucked ESL nigger
Sure but I'd want to shower afterwards.
There is no context, you fucking dumbass. Do you get told "noooo, the way you form the passive depends on the context" in middle school? And neither is the tense of "know" of any importance to deriving the passive.

Eat shit and die. You can't even speak your own language properly, failure, yet come here to bitch about immigrants and ESLs. They *should* replace you, waste of air.
because he's stinky or because you don't like baths?
This is such a predictable post.

I mean, its not the same game. Im not particularly a huge mario fan, but some of them are pretty fun

Lmao im pretty interested to see what they name it. I doubt they'd want another Wii U situation
Because a lot of body germs/debris develops during baths.
Fair, guys are creeps
Maybe something banal like "I like your phone case"?
Let them watch they might actually learn something
>There is no context
That comment about the goldfish memory and lack of object permanence really was true huh
>to see if women would also enjoy those things
I think I'd like it
I like the idea of a guy struggling to fit into my 5 foot long bath
Why not shower first before getting in the bath to soak? That way you have to stew in less filth
That's too neurotic/germophobic thinking for me
but a shower before bathing makes more sense, no?
Shut the fuck up, dumbass. I asked only because the other retard kept insisting "they knew" is the passive voice. And I only needed the snapshot as proof. I don't need it, because I know the rule by heart (and that's how I picked up on his mistake)
You’re a fucking loser for owning a switch go fight and die a war you pathetic incel freak
No, I understand there's a context, you fucking moron. Except the context is IRRELEVENT, as I go on to explain. Holy fucking shit are you dumb. Rope.
Quiet Bitch, stop spitting on my language.
I'm honestly really jealous that you are able to compliment a girl's boobs without seeming creepy. :)
You’re arguing with strangers on 4chan I already know that your IQ must be lower than my credit score kill yourself retarded ESL dummy
Let's be honest, it's basically the same game. There are some minor changes sometimes like Galaxy or Odyssey but it's basically the same thing.
Can 2 people fit in there? lol
>I doubt they'd want another Wii U situation
Then actually do a good unavailing that doesn't just make it seem like an attachment.
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>I like the idea of a guy struggling to fit into my 5 foot long bath
I'm a 30+ year old creep who goes on to /atoga/ to frighten and harass young women in their 20s. Anyone else?
No. What are you gonna do about it, nigger?
If it's useless, then shut the fuck up first, and maybe I'll follow suit
Do women really be happy with a five foot long bathtub?
They would be happier with a five foot long cock poking their pussies.
They should be happy to have their baths replaced by being sprayed down with a hose in the backyard
>five foot long cock
>That much blood when he gets hard
I think the guy would just die
If dying is what it takes to be good at sex and to give a woman orgasms.
A blue whale cock is about 8-10 feet long, so just assume he's half the size of one of those. He's a big guy.
If we squeeze yes. But Even my knees go up when I try to use it
It means nothing to me
I don't know but I'm not
Every place I rent it's the "standard" shower tub just wide enough for a person, way too short for a person, absolutely no way to submerge my shoulders doubling up my legs and ramming one shin into the faucet and folding my head down sideways
How is it even a tub at that point?
Does that mean if he impregnated someone, the babies would be half-giants, like Hagrid in Harry Potter?
Guy sits at one end, his legs to either side. Girl sits between them, knees up. It's very intimate.
No. I can't really stretch out properly.
Women, when you castrate men do you deep fry and then snack on their severed genitals?
It hasn't been tested, nobody has been brave enough.
I will let such a man pound my asshole, but his own penis might be far enough away from him that instead of a reacharound I'll need another person to suck on or jack off my dick.
>If we squeeze
>Girl sits between legs
That sounds like bliss
State gender and favorite season
Which of the following terms for ejaculate do you like most? The least?
>Nut butter
>Cock snot
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>tfw remembering that when women are thinking about their actual BFs or their hypothetical/idealized BFs when answering a question, 99 times out of 100 they're thinking of some tall and lankly or tall and hairy bf who dwarfs them.
Yes. And she leans back and her hair is sorta itchy, but you like it too much to really care.

... It's still not really comfy but it's fun for a few minutes.
M, Winter
Cum the most, tadpoles the least. Ew.
Yay, teaching boyfrient legofortnite
Nta but I personally enjoying making your miserables lives even worse lol
I feed them to my cats like little protein snacks
Been there, dated the tall guy twice, and now I'm happier than ever with my very average bf
No. I get out and rinse in my separate shower with cold to seal my moisture in.
>State gender
>favorite season

>Which of the following terms for ejaculate do you like most?
I say cum like 99% of the time
>The least?
Cock snot. I hate this.
nta but how does Lego Fornite differ from OG Fortnite?
Yeah. My chest has nice pillows.
My nose would be all up in that hair. Especially if she shampooed...
Ejaculate (the noun not the verb)
F Spring. Jizz. It's like jazz.
Is this song lyrics?
F but I honestly had no idea that was in so many Sherlock Holmes stories.
It's no guns. Safe for babies.
Kids yearn for the mines.
what happened with both the tall guys?
>My chest has nice pillows.
i need to experience boob pillows
I am very scared of how lonely I am and how much it deteriorates my brain. I have put myself in dangerous situations because of it, chasing affection.
How does Fortnite work without guns? :/
Me (Anon) and my sex partner (Mattress)
What dangerous situations?
It'll be fun and cozy. And you can try to teach me how to take selfies too.
Having sex with strangers and experimenting with party drugs
It's reskined minecraft, bro. It's only fortnite in brand.
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How frequent and how long should cuddle sessions ideally happen?
That is fairly easy.
High angle for pretty, low angle ughleeeey.
Trusting strangers. I've never had sex
When you pay a professional cuddle therapist for them.
my ex
I'm still only at a C+ level. I need intensive training.
I would like to touch a woman's vagina. It is Saturday night, why am I not playing around inside of female pussy?
You need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 for maintenance, 12 for relationship growth.
Should I make proper food or eat crackers anons? It's almost midnight here
Nta but how about 2-3 a month from my mother
You don't want a relationship with women bad enough to figure out how to talk to them nicely.
At least two of them need to be penis hugs
How strictly are we defining "engineer" here?
But you went there FIRST, and back for seconds, and your current boyfriend is third at best no matter how you'd rationalize it.
>Being nice is currency in exchange for sex
Incel logic
Anon, you should not be having sex with your mother. even 2-3 times a month.
It's not a currency. The exchanges are not simplified. It is a barter where you agree on the give and get.
Who said a relationship is purely sex?
It's not nice to demand men read your mind to preserve your glass ego while you treat them like shit and look for things to act hurt and offended about and evidence no ability of your own to communicate efficaciously.
HUGS not sex. Sorry you mother didn't love you broveler
I don't even hug my mother anymore, anon.
Hugs are foreplay and a prelude to sex. If your mother hugs you, she is grooming you for sex. It's very incestuous behavior.
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...She really didn't.
Your mother was a gynecologist. She played with women's pussies all day.
Why? We hug whenever I visit. Nothing wrong with hugging your own goddamn mother.
What did she look like
Olive skin, hair the color of oil, a broad nose, and very dexterous toes with sharp, painted nails.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
I just wish I had that type of relationship with mine.
Women can i take a nap on your lap?
Women, are male gynecologists or female ones better?
Women, can I...?
Would you go to see a mechanic who doesn't own a car?
No she was a drunk and she never wanted me.
I'm sorry, that sucks. I'm lucky to have a good relationship with my parents and they're still around.
Do you think you're objectively lonely or is it more a thing of feeling lonely more easily than others? I would assume to end up in such situations you have to be somewhat extraverted to an extent, know people, and so on.
NAG but I'd rather have a prostate exam from a woman so it isn't gay
So, wait, you're angry and sad your mom didn't sexually molest you? That's fucked up.
Long straight brown hair, blue eyes, 5'1", ~100 lbs., petite, probably B-C boobs, wore skirts and dresses almost every day.
Well, when you say it like that, no. But I thought a guy might be more gentle because they don't know what's going on down there.
>trying to cut up veggies
>realize only now I don’t have a cutting board
Any chestlet femcels around?
Oh, and I forgot-
She never wore makeup (except when forced to for a dance performance), never wore nail polish, and her ears weren't pierced.

She also had pretty severe acne that I completely didn't notice until she pointed it out.
This meme needs to die. They have imaging for that now.
Get over here! I need to chop these peppers!
>instead of a finger, a dude stuffs a metal phallus with a camera attached up my ass
No thanks
Eating sushi off of a naked woman, is that actually a thing?
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>female friend with a bunch of red flags relating to high levels of anxiety and indecision
>her indecision about boys (she's abruptly ended relationships as soon as the honeymoon phase ends and she gets anxious about the future of the relationship) has now spread to her major and now she's questioning if she should change majors or not

hahahaha I'm glad I didn't try to date her but I'm startin to feel bad for her
I mean like ultrasound and MRI.
Having sex with a woman, is that actually a thing? I've heard about it but never done it before. Do people actually do that IRL?
She's literally me
Is morning wood actually a thing?
I've never done it either. As far as I'm concerned it's not actually a thing.
I used to get it daily in high school but not anymore. I'm 20 now. Idk if it's age or staying up till 1 am every night but I rarely get it anymfor
Yes and it's actually pretty awkward when you need to pee.
I've found it happens more often the more sexually active I am
Do women have an equivalent to morning wood?
Men are the sun, women are the moon.
I seriously dislike women.
why? i think they're neat
Maybe? Sometime I'm kinda wet in the morning.
The reality is much less appealing than the ideal.
I have a couple female friends, and they are always nice to me
i sort of get horny in my sleep and its a weird feeling when i wake up
I just had a thought...
Women, when you get wet, do you have to use a pad or something? or do you just let it soak into your underwear??
Literally a minute or so after I posted this my ex looked at my LinkedIn profile.

Dang it. I'm supposed to be over her. It's been almost 10 years.

She's 5000 miles away and was completely uninterested in talking to me 5 years ago, and I can't imagine that's changed at all.
I pretty much sleep with a pad all the time. I bled all over the place one night and that was not fun.
I hate retards
what do normal people do on weekends? what if I wanted to imitate them? how the fuck do I do that?
t.reclusive guy who hates mainstream media and entertainment
Do you think you can do anything about it?

She's a nice girl otherwise, albeit a little scatterbrained.
Women what would you do if your bf stood in your backyard and held a boombox above his head and played love songs until you look out your window?
What do girls ACTUALLY talk about when guys aren't around?
I can't speak for people more normal than me, but my weekends are usually some combination of:
>dance class
>social dance events
>seeing friends for games
>seeing family
>events with meetups
Our boobs.
you sound teenage. how old are you?
They don't. Women simply telepathize pure energy at eachother without the presence of males.
What about them?
I've already got my degree so too late on that but relationshipwise I think I would need someone who could be extremely patient with me
I assume you're familiar with the big screen/little screen split, where some activities are done on a big screen (ie a computer) and others are done on a little screen (ie a phone).
Post gender.
Is watching porn/reading smut/otherwise consuming masturbation fuel a "little screen" activity? Personally, the idea of seriously watching porn on the computer seems odd.
Comparing size mostly.
women can i just look at you?
>I think I would need someone who could be extremely patient with me
in what way?
I see, I see. And the best way to do this is obviously to press them against each other. I'll add this to my notes, will add it to my next story, my readers will be so impressed by my exclusive woman knowledge.
Hmm. Tonight me and my friend talked about: the books she's reading for her class and literature in general, my evolving feelings about feminist literature, cat cafes, food, how proud I am of my sister for excelling in life despite a learning disability, accents, the shrooms I'm gonna do tomorrow
Oh, no, full on hand grope works best.
Do you feel aroused when you get morning wood, or is it just erect with no sexual feelings attached?
Women, if a man made you ice cream would you fuck him? Good ice cream, the dense creamy kind, not the airy bullshit.
Someone willing to go slow and push me to express myself
You've got a broken metric, I'm 28.
Dance class and festivals are expensive, and teenagers don't do chores or errands.
Ahh, makes sense. And maybe a motorboat or two. A wonderful social bonding activity.
im talking about pets and dogs with my girlfriend rn
Did I pass?
>You've got a broken metric
well, you see, I'm reclusive
and also didn't read your list before writing that

>festivals are expensive, and teenagers don't do chores or errands.
dunno about dance classes but kids these days are given a lot of money by their parents (in my country at least... others are thieves or drug dealers so they also have money) so I'm not sure that's a good argument.
anyway, thanks for the list
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>I will never have a portly, suspenders wearing, mid-60s boyfriend with side whiskers to watch thunderstorms with on a screened in porch
Why fucking live
Women what is the cringiest thing a man has ever said to you?
Big screen.
I carry my phone around with me. I don't want records of what I jerk off to on there.
>Women what is the cringiest thing a man has ever said to you?
Its usually not the words themselves, but the way they are delivered, which is cringe.
You might when you're 60, you never know!
Old men only want younger women. I have to snag one now, or never. :(
Probably when I joked about my cat being competition with an ex because he (my cat) was kneading my lap, and he said "I don't think I like you joking about other males touching you like that."
But you could use incognito tabs on your phone. And using a small screen means you can have the phone in one hand, the other hand on yourself. Where does the big screen go? Do you jerk off at a desk?
NTA but I'm in a recliner with a laptop on a padded wooden board. Pretty comfy.
>other males
lmao cute
The range that is "younger" becomes larger and larger the older you get because the upper limit keeps increasing but the lower limit barely does.

Also mid-60s single men are in high supply and low demand. If you're at all attractive you could walk up to one any time in the next 30 years and have no issue asking one out if he's single.
>cutting board
Haha, I get it, because they cut themselves because they're sad about being flat
don't women's nipples get hard in the morning?
your life is so exciting, i've spent years sitting behind a computer doing fuck all instead
I don't want ANY chance that I open my browser and some insane shit is there. What if my mother asks to use my phone and I forget?
>Where does the big screen go? Do you jerk off at a desk?
I have a lap desk so I keep my laptop on my bed right next to me. Or, I put it on the coffee table if I'm in the living room.
Sometimes I felt aroused, but it was a unconscious sort of arousal. It's hard to describe I guess
is this a moid or a woman with big tits joking that she can't see below her?
Either gender
What's the polite way to refer to "women that look visibly autistic"? That's my type, but I don't know how to say that in a way that doesn't hurt a woman's feelings.
Girls, do you consider yourself good at dirty talk? What do you find works really well?
>Also mid-60s single men are in high supply and low demand.
The ones with good personalities are married. Only shitty people are single at that age.
> If you're at all attractive
I'm not
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>The ones with good personalities are married. Only shitty people are single at that age.
NTA, but widowers exist
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Just say something generic like "women who look like they have a lot of love to give"
You people are all stupid. Fuck you
Honestly for a while that was me too. But the pandemic really made me realize that I needed socialization, so once people were doing things again I went all out.

There's no time like the present anon, go out and do something! (well, no time like tomorrow's present at this point, but still.)
Women how would you react if your bf wiped the mouth of a bottle after you drank from it so that he can drink from it?
Snowball him later that night
I wish it were that simple for me but it isn't.
Why? What's stopping you?
Girl did that to me, I would snap and fucking kill her.
Not really, but she'd probably get a thrill out of me acting like I was going to.
Sad and self conscious
it's not just mental for me
I feel like it should be neutral, and contextually I could argue for it being a compliment due to it being neutral and good in my eyes, but I understand that it's not the gentlest way to describe what I'm thinking of and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
NTA How do you find all these things? Are you a girl? I'm scared to go alone to places but my friends don't want to come with me and Im having trouble making more friends
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NTA but facebook events listing is actually pretty useful
how can you tell im autistic? just wondering
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>message a girl too much too frequently, she gets the ick and thinks you're desperate
>message a girl not enough only every now and then, she gets annoyed and thinks you're uninterested
>don't message a girl at all for a prolonged period of time, she gets angry
Normally, I'm an optimistic guy that tries his hardest not to buy into fatalism and the defeatist mindset that seems to have taken over our social culture entirely over the past 3-4 years. But if there's one thing I have to admit 100% exists, it's that there's no winning the game if you're simply not a girl's type.
Woman make this painfully obvious with how easy it to get them to do things when they're interested and how difficult, nigh impossible, it is to get them to do anything when they're indifferent or uninterested. It's simply impossible to win over an uninterested girl's affections, her heart, her favor, anything if you she's already seen you and has made up her mind in the 1/1,000,000th of a second afterwards about her first impression of you.
It feels like nothing I do matters so I may as well just throw in the towel the moment I see a hint of potential disinterest or reluctance coming from a girl I'm talking to or hanging out with.
If you're bad at masking, then "by observing the symptoms of your autism", that's how that I can tell you're autistic
>Woman make this painfully obvious with how easy it to get them to do things when they're interested and how difficult, nigh impossible, it is to get them to do anything when they're indifferent or uninterested.
>may as well just throw in the towel the moment I see a hint of potential disinterest
Please do, clingers are fuckin annoying
what is the correlation between mommy issues and childhood trauma and being too much of a fucking pussy to approach women as an adult?
You're disabled? Sorry to hear that. That would make it harder. If you have good access to transportation, there are probably disabled-friendly events, but if not yeah online is likely the best option for you.

I'm a guy.
Meetup.com, and look near you (or if you're in the middle of nowhere, the closest decent size city) for things you might vaguely be interested in. Hiking, games, gamedev, dance, meeting new friends, languages, spirituality, politics, 20s & 30s, dating...
I was a little involved in the dance scene already, but you can usually google
-dance studios in X
-salsa dance in X
-contra dance in X
-bachata in X
-swing dance in X
Where X is your closest city, your state, or your region. Depending where you live. Often it links you to a facebook in my experience, but you can usually (not always) look at it without a facebook account.
i dont really mask anymore. its too much energyl
little male hands.....
Really ? I don't have facebook, is there just an events section?
Thank you! Are there... boyyyss there ...
This time I was literally the opposite: only messaged her like once a day with 12-24 hours between our responses
I want to know this too
You dont need an account to browse events
my strategy is to talk to them a bit (and respond almost immediately) until the convo dies every day or, say, half-day.
Don't you risk looking like you're messaging too much/being clingy if you do that?
I dunno but usually women won't talk back to me, I'm the one that has to message them UNLESS they are REALLY interested in me
Bro you are totally missing the point of social interaction. If talking to someone feels good you should do it. Reply as often as you want. If talking to someone feels like a chore then stop talking to them. Chasing someone who isn't interested is a complete waste of time. Why would you even want to? And if you are this person >>32037280 you need therapy or a dating coach or both.
If you're asking about dance specifically, in my locale it's very even. But that's maybe because every other social hobby around here seems to be about 70% male, 30% female in a relationship.

Other scenes have a different gender ratio, so it'll depend where you are. I've heard of places where it can get from 2:1 to even 5:1 gender ratio. I've never seen it myself, except for the dance competitions parts of dance festivals that are around 2:1 female to male ratio. For those locales there are typically a number of women who learn the lead's role as well. Or so I've heard. In Thailand it was mostly white guys and Thai girls, but it was a decently even ratio there too.

Regardless it's a very welcoming community! For most types of dance anyway, there are some that I've heard they can get a little snooty.

Other hobbies in my list are likely to have more men than dance. Some hobbies would have less, like knitting or book club.
I have neither of those and I'm terrified of approaching women
Date an /atoga/ anon!
I have come to accept that my place in life sometimes is to not succeed and enjoy mediocrity sometimes as dictated by God. A sort of forced leisure.
Women would you date a man who will often just do nothing all day randomly because it is part of his relationship with god.
No but it's because you talk like a medieval friar mostly
Thank you!
>totally missing the point of social interaction. If talking to someone feels good you should do it
And yet when I've done this so many times as I was finally starting to get interested in a girl and started liking talking to her. I get ghosted and her interest wanes from me being too responsive and being seen as clingy and overly available. So which one is it?
I promise you, they lose interest because you are weird, unpleasant, or both, not because you are "too responsive."
In this instance, literally just be yourself. Talking too much or too little is only an issue if they outright say it is.
Now, that doesn't mean they're obligated to like you.
I will try it then. I get very nervous dancing though
How? Why?
Mostly joking. Just, you're already here and there are plenty of male anons.
anon, you shouldn't message women for too long. you should invite them for coffee or whatever.
good to know it's not an exclusive club
trying to diagnose every problem you have with MUH CHILDHOOD TRAUMA MOMMY WASN'T NICE TO ME is beyond fucking tired. We've had decades of this type of thinking and it hasn't made a dent in people's wellbeing.
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Tfw no asbestos gf
When I search for the events section on facebook and put in my city some the event that came up are a bar Halloween event, an art showcase in the nearby park, a pride festival, another bar event, a music festival, means girls play, shrek rave, a fall festival that was yesterday, a tattoo festival, a tour of a historic cemetery, beetlejuice (the original) showing, live music at another bar, free wine sampling, homecoming football game in 2 weeks
i said mommy issues AND childhood trauma you absolute fucktard
You should! It's a great hobby, everyone should dance.

And remember, we've all been there. For most of us there we can remember a time when we didn't know how to dance at all. Just focus on your partner :)
(and go to the teaching sessions before-hand!)
What kind of response is this?
yeah, that seems about standard. are you saying this is good or bad?
Accidentally saw my penis, God it's so ugly ;_;
I bet its beautiful
You joker..
Wtf I never find anything cool and free like this. I hate it here
Ahh teaching sessions. Cost money?
Damn I feel bad for you I cannot imagine being a man and not loving my penis it is literally one of my only good traits and it is a travesty all women on earth cannot experience the joy of having it in them.
I'm sure at least one male anon is nice.
I mean I guess good but I was just pointing that out.
I just expecting anons to complain that it was all girl stuff
I see it as a useless extremity for pissing. It's just a tube I can hold like a cigarette to aim the pee. Other than that it's kinda dry looking (thanks america) and sad. A pointless vestigal nonfunctional sex organ.
I've been flirting with a girl for the past few days but I don't really like her but she's brought me presents and stuff so I'll feel bad if I just block her. What should I do
Sometimes, not always. Dance can be a decently cheap hobby or a very very expensive hobby.

Here, there's one place where the teaching and dance is free, but most of the time it's between 10 and 30 dollars, typically 30 minutes to 1 hour of teaching followed by 2-3 hours of dance, for the social dances. Some of them have "recommended donations" or "need a break" prices instead of "pay this much to enter" prices, if money's a concern.

If you take lessons at a private studio that could be as little as $20 a week if you only take one lesson a week, to $200-$300 a month if you go all out with a private studio, to as high as $135+ a week for private lessons plus group lessons at a franchised studio (which will also try to sell you on their events which will cost a few hundred at minimum, and some people take it into costing a few thousand).

I am in a franchised studio, but I avoid the events. I'm still paying like $1000 a month because I love it so much. But I'm definitely paying WAY more than I should.

As a follow (presumably), you'll be able to learn through social dance more easily than a lead.
Doubt it
Do you masturbate? Why do you feel this way?
My gf has dated a lot of shitty guys in the past. She has told me things like she’s never felt this way before or never been this close with a man and has never known what it’s like to communicate this much or be treated the way I treat her.
I see memes online about how this kind of woman will just fuck me over and cheat and stuff.
I do think people change. I used to be a player and I’m out of that now. Maybe she wants to be different
I can't speak for everyone but I'm late 20s and have severe mommy issues / trauma (according to counsellor) and khv and dancing w a milf in the techno raaaave rn doing sum coke so ttyl xx https://voca.ro/1h7ipXZBKs0h
Yes. Because I'm a virgin who is too old to be a virgin. I'm just one of those people who will never have a relationship or children, or do anything meaningful with my life. So everything about me is pointless.
are you fucking retarded? two injuries are worse than one and will set someone back even further. whats fucking complicated about that?
>She has told me things like she’s never felt this way before or never been this close with a man
Thats what they all say. Stay vigilant anon.
Your half-assed retort doesn't actually counter what I said at all, and my original reply accounted for both anyway.
You are a splintered fuckstick of a retard.
Nah that’s not true. I’ve had a lot of women. They don’t all say that shit.
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I shouldn't put my dick in here
BUT . . .
>My gf has dated a lot of shitty guys in the past
I will never take this as anything but a warning sign.
Are you the same anon that pinched the head of his dick the other day
I wasted this whole day in this retarded forum
I really, REALLY don't know what to do with my life, with myself. I have almost everything I need to be happy, but... I'm stuck and can't do shit, and I'm surrounded by shitty people that I definitely cannot trust. wtf do I do...
Surround yourself with better people.
Gooooooooooooodnight /afogdiear/
I was talking to a hot girl 2night in the rave and she was like
>so what's that ring for haha, are you married?
>yeah I'm married lel
>wtf, you look quite young to be married... highschool sweetheart?
>yeah I'm married... to techno ;p
>oh... so you're single... do you have a soundcloud / following
>yes but it's a bit rubbish cause my best tracks I'm saving for other releases [blah blah]
>OK... well see ya...
Should I try talk to her again or just leave it, desu if I go toilet and do another bump I think I will buzzed on just the tunes
except for the fact my original inquiry was asking what (and implicitly, if any) was the correlation. not that you could be bother to infer that on your own with your lazy, sloppy thinking. fucking low iq subhuman.
Its not like you're gonna do anything if you talk to her again anyways
that would take me a lot of effort and I'd have to waste some money. I don't really know how to make new friends, and honestly I hate people because they usually see me as a resource, not as a human.
I'm too old for this shit. I just hope my bet pays off and I get a ton of $$ to do whatever the fuck I want with my life without having to worry about money ever again.
whats wrong with it
It's bleeding
>except for the fact my original inquiry was asking what (and implicitly, if any) was the correlation.
And my entire point was that this line of thinking is a MASSIVE WASTE OF TIME
exploring the possibilities of causes and effects is a waste of time? yeah, youre retarded.
Only solution is to put a little bit of rubbing alcohol to sterilize the wound
I've never encountered someone this stubborn and retarded. Congratulations.
Remembering that time that I argued with a girl on a first date about conspiracy theories.
New thread
>To put forth reasons for or against; debate
I was telling her that lyme disease was created by the US government and she works in a lab,
not really. to acknowledge a problem implicitly entails understanding the cause and source of it, retard.
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Demoralising me much?? Jk xoxo
Anyway whatev I'm gonna rave a bit longer then probs get taxi home lol xx
Have a good Sat night wastrels xx
>continues to blindly thrash about
no i just like making psueds like you look stupid
>has the opposite effect
I can't fix your lack of self awareness
i have more (yous) than you with my op, therefore im right. deal with it nerd.

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