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Femanon Posting Episode
Last Episode: >>32034716
Remembering that time that I argued with a girl on a first date about conspiracy theories
both genders

how much do you prefer / not prefer dating someone that’s the same race as you?
Makes me a little uncomfortable dating someone the same race as me because we inevitably end up looking like siblings. I've still done it but yk.
I hate women so much.
As long as they aren’t Indian, they’re okay. I prefer white or East/Southeast Asian. Latinas and blacks are cool too.
100% prefer dating girls my own race since I want my kids to look like me
Though in my blood the call to colonize does linger
I find my race plenty attractive, even if they're not at the top of my "what I find attractive" list.
state gender
what’s the strangest compliment you’ve received?
That I have kind eyes
Which is strange since I've been told before that my eyes look like evil
I literally couldn't give less of a fuck
Once a woman told me that I was the best looking guy she'd ever seen
Ngl while it was mad flattering I assumed she was drunk or on mad drugs cause wtf about me would imply that at all?? It was generally a very weird and awkward interaction
That they liked me because I looked like I didn’t care about my appearance.
"u look like a boy who written by a woman"
I won't date outside my race.
>first or second time trying to cook a meal from scratch with no recipe or instructions at all
>friends bully me because they think it’s bland
Either gender
Do you aggressively season your food? Do you like it really salty or hot?
this is hilarious I’m so sorry
I can't really see myself dating someone who isn't white like I am, but I live in a rural shithole and the only non-white people are immigrants who can barely speak English, and blacks who act too niggery for me. If I lived in a more cosmopolitan place where minorities had assimilated better it probably wouldn't bother me.
I am prone to over seasoning. I have no ability for portioning either.
Definitely prefer girls who aren't white. I like Asians and Latinas. I don't mind white girls though, as long as they aren't English
Food should not be painful to consume. "Hot" spices are for third worlders who would starve if they didn't disincentivize binge eating.
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3, 6, 9, girls wanna drink wine
Tell the man not to waste your time
If the man broke, the man he a joke
So you gotta get loose with the Henny and the coke
Ughhh i love you guys so fucking much xx you're all such beautiful people... we all need to talk more purely and honestly from our souls... and we can unite this world from hatred and malice...
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Seeking advice on how to act when meeting girlfriend's friend.

>socially awkward
>going on a double date tomorrow
>my girlfriend's best friend and her boyfriend
>I know I'm going to be awkward and not know what to say and might blurt out something weird
>what makes it worse is that her boyfriend is a rich fit kind uberchad, while I am none of those things except maybe kind

So how do I not fuck up? Embarrassing myself I don't really care about, but I really don't want to look like a chump and embarrass my girlfriend. It's like, I can practice a thousand times social situations, but I will still do something like cut too hard with my knife and things clatter to the floor and make a mess. Or freeze up and not know what to say. Or I guess make a weird face. My girlfriend says I make a face like a lost puppy, which she finds endearing but says I should work on not doing.
>If I lived in a more cosmopolitan place where minorities had assimilated better
Here is the truth
When they aren't outnumbered, they're worse
Meats should be seasoned well, pasta a bit less, veggies just a bit of salt or pepper to taste.
I mean if you have a girlfriend your social skills must be OK? So idk why you're stressing tbqh. Just act normie, laugh at their jokes and ask Qs about their life etc.
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If someone is in their late 20s and never even had a kiss
Be honest it's over right?
It's only because she's a big weirdo so she doesn't mind me, and I also feel comfortable around her. But she knows how to put on a front and act like a normal person around her high class friends, I do not.
omg i used to watch winx every morning
I haven't received enough compliments in my life to even point to a strange one.
Women, give me a rate
Would you date me based solely on my body?
Kiss a guy already you homo
nice bod. id hook up with you based on that pic
kill yourself fitfag
>id hook up with you based on that pic
Id draw u if you did figure modeling
anon :3!
Did you draw anything today
whyd you censor your junk btw?
Last thing you fapped to?
just working on an animation recently, went out shopping for most of the day! I’m tucked in early tn cuz my tummy hurts :(
Praying for your tummy _/\_
don't care
My bf says me :3
Fuck? yes
Date? not solely on the body
An AI generated video that I directed. They're decent for monster girls, turns out.
I made an AI girlfriend NTR me
Goth pussy
thank u anon! <3
What experiences have you had with catcalling?
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I am latino and have been dating a latina for the first time (I grew up overseas) and it's been the best relationship of my life. I'm sorry to the gringos, arabs and asians I've dated, but being able to be culturally compatible and not have to deal with all of your respective cultural baggage and bullshit and have to explain why I am a certain way is just too comfy.
To be clear, I'm not against race-mixing. Cultural compatibility is HUGE, though, I see that now, and I'd date an afro-latina or filipina in a heartbeat, but never again from the US, Europe or Middle East.
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Sick bastard… look what you’ve made me do
im too ugly to be catcalled, guys usually shout mean things at me instead
none I’m fugly
god i love ugly women
I like it but I am not supposed to admit it.
Care to talk about it? I asked because I really am curious.

Eyyyy chuliis *smooch smooch* dame culo chicaaa
That’s not me kek
Because /fit is gay
State gender.
Do you journal?
Do you use an app or is it analogue?
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I want to but I feel like a narcissistic piece of shit when I do. I’m not worth writing about.
I used notepad for a while, then Journals on iPhone. I get daily reminders to write still because idk how to turn them off.
yes and I use Daylio!!! I have a streak of 1.7k days heheh
Perks of being fat and ugly is that I won't get harassed or used for my body UwU
idk guys just shout insults from their cars at me. i dont really go out much but its not nice when it happens
the fuck
I used to journal but after getting online friends I just tell them about my day. The journal felt redundant, so I stopped
I like writing about my days and keep memories
Old black men yelling "look at that little white girl" while I try to walk home at night.
Usually just pretend to be on the phone and they fuck off .
You still have a pretty heart, anon.

Has it ever driven you to make any personal changes?
I started a journal last year. I felt like I was wasting my days alive, so my goal was to write down something unique about the day. I stopped it after about three months.
>Would you date me based solely on my body?
Don't even have to look at the picture.
Who gives a fuck. Kiss a gun, kiss the sun, go live.
what changes? i think i dress well and im not fat. im just ugly.
Someone threw a soft drink out of a car window at me once
They missed
Never been catcalled or flirted with. I'm a fat autist
I had a fat black woman tell me I look like Matilda (I think that was a compliment)
Sorry, I meant like taking different routes or maybe even packing pepper spray or something.

I’m sorry it happened to you anons.
actually im thinking about buying pepper spray because ive been assaulted a few times. as for routes it seems to be kinda random
Probably a good call. I’m thinking of maybe getting a knife for self defense. People are fucking crazy nowadays.
What like assaulted assaulted? punched?
We can't live with them.
somenone smashed me into the side of a bus once and the police let the guy go because he was aboriginal (literally there words not mine), and another time a homeless guy tackled me to the ground.
>4 years
damn thats a good streak
I love looking back at random days because it really does feel like yesterday
thats cute, i feel like if i started a journal and looked back on it i'd blow my brains out
What if the day is uneventful? What do you do?
feel the same way sometimes but it means I’ve grown
My journal doubles as my daily todo list.
So I cross out the stuff I get done, and then journal underneath. It's all stored on a computer. That way I can look back at any random day and see 1) what happened, 2) what sort of stuff I had to get done that day
I just write that the day is boring, or write about something that’s been on my mind
a little inspiring desu
Girl my friends would tease in middle school randomly said “you have nice eyelashes” and then kicked me in the stomach immediately afterwards
I use moodflow.
It has cool graphs and rating systems and stuff.
You can input things like sleep and your quality of interactions with people and see how that correlates with mood

How would you feel if your girlfriend or wife cheated on you with a FtM transgender man?
oh gender male
are abos the blacks of australia?
>You can input things like...quality of interactions with people and see how that correlates with mood
>When your journal tells you enough is enough and you need to cut out that toxic person from your life
If its one of the cute FtM's then I fuck them both, if its one of the Hulk Hogan trans then I cut some brake lines.
I know ftm who are much more attractive than I am as well as more social and genuinely better and inspiring people. The identity I wouldn’t care about. I’d be more upset over the fact that I was cheated on. Did I do something wrong? What can I do to improve? I feel like I’d basically just be a passive cuck in a cheating situation and blame myself, adding to the reasons why I got cheated on in the first place.
How would you feel if your female lover was a witch with a spider kink and she insisted that she cast a spell to transform you into a giant spider before you have sex with her?
no thanks
she has shit taste
hot witch gf….
Bad, that my existing 3 legs aren't good enough for her.
How can you tell irl when someone spends too much time on 4chan?
Girls, do you like the idea of master/slave roleplay?
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Easy, I'll learn shibari for her.
I would laugh my ass off really hard. I don’t even think I’d consider it cheating.
idk i dont think i ever met someone that uses 4chan irl
using 4chan lingo or having the ideals/morals of one who uses 4chan
it can be fun to toy with it a little bit in the right way
Most of us hide that fact and hide it pretty well
4chan was really popular when I was a teenager. In my high school days a lot of the bullying that took place happened online and off the school campus through the bullies in the senior and junior classes sharing offensive 4chan content with the underclassmen. Boys at school would also repeat words and phrases they learned on 4chan to eve tease and sexually harass the girls.

I kind of forgot about it when I was in college, aside from knowing one young Republican MAGA guy who browsed /lit/ and /k/ and got in trouble on campus for quoting an offensive and racist H.P. Lovecraft poem in front of black classmates.
What does the right way look like for you?
it is only fun with someone that can read you and that knows the difference between good and bad pain, physically or emotionally
Do you think most guys into futanari are probably into trans women?
>living in Australia
I'm so sorry for you, femanon.
I love futanari and don’t care for trans women
hows the baby?
I wish women would just admit this kind of thing. Like, you don't have to go and fuck the guy, but at least don't act offended when you're not.
idk what that is
Have you ever been psychically impregnated just by looking at a particular image, rather than physically impregnated by a penis?

If so, what image got you pregnant just by looking at it?
I have never written about an experience I had unless it was in a message to someone or in an assignment for school.
i dont act offended, but i am not goin to risk getting a reputation as a slut to validate some strangers
hentai genre where girls have cocks
Futanari = Dickgirl porn

It's very popular in the hentai manga community.
M im latino and i have a preference for black women and disinclination for indian women every other race is neutral to me but its not the most important thing and its definitely not a dealbreaker
pictures of
How likely is nuclear war, or other cataclysmic high fatality activity using an even more powerful weapon of mass destruction, in our lifetimes?
thanks anons
i have no opinion on it really
Male, I'm not a fan of a complexion that reminds me of Porky Pig but other than that I don't really care and this isn't my first priority
How likely is it that nuclear weapons will be used again in our lifetimes? Idk, probably in the neighborhood of a 10% chance. However, I don't think that necessarily means there's a 10% chance of triggering MAD and ending the world.
I'd say the chances of a world-ending event like that is less than 1%.
anon :3 is cultured i see
as expected of my thread wife
Not that likely but its not zero, build a bunker.
m kinda i write ideas for the stories i write to myself on whatsapp i should have gotten a notebook app now when i try to copy and paste them onto a google doc it includes my name and when i sent the message its a pain in the ass to erase it all
futa art when
Amazing to get called cultured for knowing about dickgirl porn, and not for enjoying Turkish coffee or being familiar with proper chopstick etiquette
id draw it if i enjoyed drawing dick.. maybe now’s a good chance to learn
What do sexist men get out of shaming female online sex workers for having a side hustle?

Is it vagina envy?
Is anyone here a handholding slut, a hug slut, a cuddle slut, or a nuzzling your chin against someone's shoulder slut? Do you ever come on super strong propositioning people for these forms of intimacy?
>my life is unhappy because I get no pussy :(
>this woman isn’t giving me pussy… fucking bitch
prob cuz it’s “easy money” to them
YESSSS I fucking love just Laying down with people or cuddling up close, even platonically
idk ive always thought that if i ever got cheated on i wouldnt even talk to that woman anymore id just kick her out of my life immidiately and not have any beef with the guy since she was the one who made the choice ( unless it was someone i knew) but for some reason if it were a FtM man for some reason id want to beat the shit out of him first ive never though about it its just a gut feeling thing
this pic is hot but i dont like spiders
Has your boyfriend or husband ever sexually harassed or sexually creeped on anyone? How do you feel about that, if so?
more the other way around
For a lot of them I imagine it's similar to the feminists or BLM activists screaming about racism/sexism all the time. "Look at me, I'm so good and virtuous."
Are you concerned that if you let Jesus into your heart, he will rape you?
we're on 4chan
Jesus is a bitch
no and i think that even guys that are into shemale porn arent nessesarily into them irl either its desensitization to porn and escalation into the taboo not sincere attraction
If I ever get a gf I will be. Physical touch means so much to me, I still remember hugs I got in high school 10+ years ago.
You know, I finally figured out why tugboats are called tugboats. Because the sailors on the boats power the boats by tugging on each other's penises. That blow horn sound you hear in the morning is when the tugboat sailors make each other cum from the tuggings, their penises make a honking sound.
No one cares about your cezve nerd
based, it was a joke but if you actually follow through then hell yeah
No, and I would even say the same is true for guys who are into tranny porn. Like >>32037803 said, it's taboo, and for people who get almost nothing out of vanilla porn after years of watching it, it's something new.

Also, I've noticed that a lot of tranny porn is hypersexualized compared to vanilla porn, particularly the hypno stuff.
LOL I need to learn the power of drawing cocks at will… I can do that with boobs and pussy but god forbid I draw a male from my mind
>And that’s how you do it fellas
Money for nothing, chicks for free
Bro I have about 10 steps to go before I have to worry about getting a girl's dad to like me
Those ten steps are that you need to work on yourself
no theyre venting the frustration of working hard for sex and struggling to get some and seeing someone so good at being sexy that theyre making money off it theyre mad that they arent the object of desire these women are
I recommend watching the full clip but heres the relevant section.
Have you ever joined a sex gang?
More like the first 3/10
Part of your journey involves opening your asshole to be spiritually sodomized and delivered a taste of enlightenment through a prostate orgasm.
Women, how do you know when a man has infiltrated the women's washroom to piss in the sink?
why do bi women love futa so much
What are you meant to do when you pop a boner while talking to a chick in public?
the easy part is you won't need to draw men ever again
Easiest answer ever
never felt the need to ever draw men unless im drawing something for an irl, all of my freehand art is hot girls
1) Ignore it
2) Bring attention to it
3) Flex thighs to make it disappear
4) Sit down
based beyond belief
Is " just talk to women how you talk to men" the biggest bluepilled gaslighting nonsense ever?
Futa is glorified strap-on porn
trannyfuckers are most likely going to be into "traps" and - may allah forgive me for uttering this word - """femboys""""
bend over lil bro
the fuck does this mean
lmao no, jesus could not even get a boner
is it wrong to like women with big mons and fat puffy pussies that almost look bulgy in tight pants?
I wouldn't worry too much abt it then desu just do your best normie larp for her
Slay x
I'm str8 unfortunately, I've literally been asked out by gay models but I can't force myself to be gay ffs
I haven't fapped in a few days but I think I was imaging my MILF crush at work who is such a babe....

Is smoking hot? Does it turn on your monkey brain?
>How would you feel if your girlfriend or wife cheated on you
This is the only relevant part for how I view her.
smoking is only hot in picture/idea, but I fucking hate the smell
>t. friend who smokes
I think it’s because it deals with oral fixation, and I am infatuated with hot mouths…..
sometimes I think "damn It would look cool to smoke" but then I have to remember how it makes my clothes smell, eugh
Sometimes I think that's why people "social" smoke, so they don't have to smell it anymore
>and I am infatuated with hot mouths….
Hot I love sexy lips
>she's asking me what did I mean by that and if I think I'm her boyfriend
What the heck do I say? Do I dismiss her question to avoid stepping on some landmine?
>thinly veiled practice gf bait
so lame anon
i feel so tired whenever i eat potatoes
yes always remember the downsides to smoking cuz they definitely outweigh any positives LOL
What? Why do you think it's bait?
I feel tired whenever I eat
I feel alright when I have actual sugar
state gender. Who would win in a fight between SawsBUCK and BREAKdramon?
Very nice body. I wouldn't date a man solely because of his body, but if he was a decent guy overall, such a body would definitely be a plus.
F. I only ever liked guys the same race as me. I'm most attracted to white guys with pale skin, dark hair and brown eyes.
>white guys with pale skin, dark hair and brown eyes.
holy shit he's me
State gender.
Which skin color/hair color/eye color combination do you find most attractive?
F. I get told I look like a porcelain doll on a fairly regular basis.

Good for you anon.

F. Pale skin, brown hair, hazel or amber eyes.
No it’s disgusting, all I see is weakness
Tanned + Blonde
Pale skin/brown or black hair/green eyes
>Is smoking hot? Does it turn on your monkey brain?
Yes, but it's very bad for you and you should not smoke. It gives you cancer and, even worse, makes your skin and teeth ugly.
Still, my favorite recent photo of my husband is him smoking a cigarette lol
White, natural blonde with blue eyes. They are precious princesses.
Overall, I'd say very pale skin with raven black hair and glowing hazel eyes is what does it the most for me.
It involuntarily makes me want to breed you.
>doesn’t even bother with the classic interrogation
My dad has never done this kind of shit. He loves me very much, and he loves all the people who make me happy. Treats my friends like they're his kids and my husband like his best friend.

He literally just went to pick up one of my friends from the airport last night lmao
The idea of a kpop singer sucking me off, even had a little AI chat about it to fuel my fantasy.
Body count? I can't imagine ever loving a slut daughter.
>be me
>accidentally say something stupid/mispronounce a word/make a grammatical mistake
>keep thinking about it for weeks, convinced that people make fun of me about it behind my back
How do I stop this?
F btw, if that matters.
Two. My dad was a huge slut tho, so I doubt he'd judge very harshly if I slept around.
Grow up and stop being a narcissist, no one cares but you.
More like a group with benefits. In college I was fwb with my ex. She was living in a loft with 3 other women and she would brag about my dick and skills (I wasn’t that skilled we we’re each others first) and one night we had a foursome, and we kept having them for a year, then it became a threesome until we all moved on to different things.
Your dad us very clearly not an incel or insecure, so he won't care too much as long as you are safe.
I'm black and only dates blacks and I don' want it anymore
Therapy, that’s obsession related and can be difficult to get rid of
If you have sex with me I'll be sure to clean your records.
Do you have typical black girl proportions? Do you talk/act/dress like you're from the hood?
Don’t care. Hotness transcends all
Men and females are different, though. If my daughter was a slut, I would kick her out and cut her off from all financial support. It means I failed as a father and you can't unslut a slut.
Physically speaking I'm most attracted to white women but most of them are batshit.
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Women, how retarded is this hair.
Attitudes like this mean you want to fuck your daughter, disgusting creep.
Also meant to say I'm white
I like when girls have blue/green eyes and brown hair
it just looks like a wolfcut but too long
>Your dad us very clearly not an incel
My dad was a reasonably good looking young man and a firefighter in the 70s, he's fucked half of the town.

I never slept around but he never expressed any negative opinions on sleeping around either, I just am not made for it - I always wanted love and a long term relationship, and the two men I slept with were men I was in LTRs with.

A man who is cool with having casual sex should be cool with women having casual sex. Unless you're gay, or retarded.
State gender
Does anyone have any study tips?
White skin, black hair, dark eyes.
I probably do cause I am from the hood...
F, do it all last minute and ask for an extension due to mental health.
There's an interesting theory I once read on the internet. State gender and thoughts on it:
The theory states that, nowadays, men and women are basically living in a way that would be ideal for the other gender.
The ideal woman is a horny virgin that can barely talk to a man without getting aroused and dedicates her free time to shitposting, vidya, and working out. This is the lifestyle of the modern man.
The ideal man places a huge value on careerism, is ruthless, and sleeps around a lot. This is the lifestyle of the modern woman.
Do you think fathers raise their daughters to be free use for other men? Every father wants his daughter to marry one good man.
What are you studying for? What are you struggling with?
I don't think that's the ideal for either gender, or the lifestyle either gender is living.
>Do you think fathers raise their daughters to be free use for other men?
Okay pedo, this is some serious projection. Normal fathers raise their daughters to be happy, healthy, and successful, and if you think meddling in your daughter's sex life, especially if she prefers to be naturally promiscuous is going to go well for you, you should not have kids. You shouldn't anyway because you're a pedo. Literally just read femanon's post, her dad was promiscuous and she is not. But you're a guy who has double standards for the genders so, clearly you're a misogynist.
Do it. Don’t distract yourself with anything else unless you use it as ambience. Like a ok tv show running in the background. No phone. No extra tabs. Set aside min 2 hours where you do nothing but study. Read and write what you remember and redo it until you get it right.
>The ideal man places a huge value on careerism, is ruthless, and sleeps around a lot. This is the lifestyle of the modern woman.
lol, lmao even
Does it look good though or is it too goofy/stylized
dogshitt baite
Midwit response.
wolcuts look ok but theyre sort of out of style now. that one is also too long
>extremely passive men
He's far from extremely passive, he's just not needlessly aggressive lol

What's the point of antagonizing me and the people I love? What does he have to prove? Who does he have to prove it to?
>Out of style
Not that important to me.
Do you have any suggestions?
Yeah, I won't bother replying to her anymore.
>pedo pedo pedo
if you like wolfcuts go for it. i was considering getting one, im just saying theyre out of style now
Men don't talk to women and women earn more than men, so it's technically true. But essentially we live in different worlds, there's the male world and there's the female world, and they're getting further and further apart.
>Wife wanted to move to a more rural beach town.
>I get to WFH.
>Feel like she is getting crazy with health related stuff.
>Over feeds our child but think it's ok due to it being "healthy food" such as fruits.
>Costing a lot with all the organic straight from the farmers lifestyle
>When we head back home she is constantly in arguments with her family, even when they come to visit.
>Her brother's keep checking on me to see if I'm ok being with her
>Getting embarrassing tha they are picking up that she hasn't been treating me the best.
>Complete crazy because she has issues if our other nieces and nephews eating junk food every now and then because out child gets FOMO then she doesn't want her eating it.
>Instills food bans on everyone else when we are with them so our kid doesn't have to feel like she's missing out when she's literally the reason why she would

How do I get her under control? I don't know what to do
You sound like a really tryhard edgy teenager with only superficial gym "friends" at the most, like you are not living in reality.
Loving parents are the best.
Men have no authority and must endure. This is the way of feminism.
Whats the biggest age gap relationship you ever saw irl where the woman was older?
Yeah, we're living in a gynocracy. In the past, a few slaps would set every gf/wife straight. Now you get your life ruined for being a man unless you're black or muslim, who have both taken over anyway.
What is in style now? Just so I have reference.
How do you think it will benefit you and your family?

My dad treated everyone I ever cared for with endless kindness, and I always felt so loved and safe with him. I think him being such a good man is a big reason why I married such a good man and never felt the need to seek love/approval from random guys.
My gf is 9 years older than me.
3 or 4 years is something I have seen from time to time, then I've seen some rare cases of 5+ years difference.
3 years? I don't know many people in age gap relationships.
Long acrylic nails, corn rows, fat jiggly ass, listen to lots of mumble rap? Do you talk the same way Megan Thee Stallion or Nikki Minaj does?
No, we don't lol
i see quite a few straight cuts are popular, but really i think were in a cool era of do whatever you want
Saar pls my internet no working :(
The pathetic women who have loving parents and partners who don't beat them.
My mom is 15 years older than her partner.
Do you find slight overbites attractive?
I think for women it can be incredibly attractive, especially if paired with an upward nose.
>Long acrylic nails,
>corn rows,
>fat jiggly ass,
not really
>listen to lots of mumble rap
>Do you talk the same way Megan Thee Stallion or Nikki Minaj does?
Usually not
> I would never let my gf
Is it because you post her nudes here?
>I would never let my gf even know about this place
my gf uses 4chan about as much as me, just different boards usually
White, dark hair, light eyes
Seems like you could get a bf of a different race if you want.
What made you want to stop dating black guys?
I think you're projecting here. Never cheated, don't browse 4chan all day, I'm not a child, I'm married and not quite an independent woman.
Sorry that your gf cheats on you.
>The ideal woman is a horny virgin that can barely talk to a man without getting aroused and dedicates her free time to shitposting, vidya, and working out.
Where do I find a gf who is like that?
>he thinks we're friends
Jesus Christ dude you're sad. But yes, LARPing tends to make it so people don't know your real life. Not hard to guess tho.
>disposable friends
Oh damn. That's sad to read.
Male oriented hobbies like giving relationship advice? You're such a sad little faggot.
This new ENTJ spinoff is cringe.
>everyone revolves around me
Oh the little narcissist lol

How long have you been with your gf?
Oh it's the tripfag? I have him filtered. Sad.
>What the fuck would you not feel unimaginable amounts if shame and regret if you ran into your gf on 4chan?! This is exactly what I’m talking about absolutely zero self awareness
i have lol, ill send her a screenshot of her posts if i see them, but she goes on different boards and threads to me
>Next year will make it a year
So your "successful relationship" is only a few months old? LMAO

This is hilarious.
>hello there cutie
This was my reply to a message on tinder and now a few ours passed I'm cringing so hard that I won't even open the app to see if see said something back.
On scale from 0 to simp how bad was it?
I'd give it a 7.85/10.
sounds normal to me
>Do you know what a year is?
I do. You seem to have trouble with it, tho. It's not a year yet, you've only been together for a few months.

Literally middle school tier shit.
What do you think your future husband / wife is doing currently
Nobody is gaslighting you. You are just too retarded to understand that a relationship that has lasted less than a year is just a few months old.
Not existing
playing LoL
Sorry for you
Not everyone who is critical of you is jealous of you, no matter what your very tiny narcissist brain tells you.
no need to be
If you were given 23.5 million euros (or dollars), what would you do?
He does have a lack of self-respect at least then
Literally don't give a shit.

It's like buying a car based on the paint job.
if you say so
Is that supposed to be impressive? lol
>She is getting fucked by chad while you post here surreal
how tf do you come to that conclusion from "we both post on 4chan"
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Is there a non-autistic way to communicate the following information to a woman?

>do you want to come over to my place?
>sex stuff? yes, the thought of that has crossed my mind
>but if we just hang out fully clothed then that's also fine, sounds a good time to me
>I do not consider anything you decide to do an implicit promise to do something else in the future
>so e.g. if you show up that doesn't mean you have already agreed to show me your titties
>and even if you do start undoing your bra but then change your mind at the very last second, I will respect your right to do that and not be upset with you for setting wrong expectations
>so please don't think "I want to do X, but X can lead to Y and I don't want to do Y, so I won't do X either"
>we can just do X and not Y

I mean I do sincerely mean all of the above. I think having that kind of view on consent is the right thing to do, and I'm not making a false promise.
But damn, saying it out loud just makes me feel super lame and pathetic. "Yes, I can't fault you for thinking that I, as a man, am horrible and disgusting, but I totally promise that I'm not!" Eww!
buy a private island
>brokeass anon
I am many things but not broke lol
19 years. My aunt and uncle.
That shit was hilarious when they argued about the end of the twelve monkeys film and I worked out it'd be exactly the same.
>She posts on /soc while you post on /gif lmfao XD
she posts on vg lol
What do you mean?
I would fly in plenty of Eastern European cosplayers and online sluts to stay with me for a week where I just fuck them senseless.
F. Just keep living life as I am, honestly. Maybe work a little less. I have no debts, two houses, my parents and loved ones are in a good financial position too. Maybe give some money to my best friend (about 50k) and buy my husband a fun car, but the rest goes into investments.
Don't care
Femcel anthem tee baitch
Not sure why you think I care about your opinion.
Spend it on
Why are you being so rude and what is hyperpassive supposed to mean?
>playing LoL
I knew it, women only want chads like Doaenel
I am aware, this is why I'm asking for better ways to convey this
Women are trash.
I dated 3 of them and all of them cheated on me
What African country are you from
Stop looking for a new job, buy a small house with some land somewhere very remote, fill it with canned and dry foods and freezers, get wind and/or solar set up to power everything, get starnet, buy every steam game on my wishlist, build a one petabyte home server and start file hoarding more efficiently, and never have to talk to anyone again.
talking to me rn :) i love her so so much
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully the next guy treats you right.
buy a small place
fly my gf over
set up a charity cheap housing thing
really not much else. i dont like rich hobbies and stuff
Btw you will somehow get sued for one of the junkies in your housing stabbing another one
Doing anything good or kind, especially with housing or tenants, is heavily punished in the first world
31m How to pick a new hairstyle? I have had the same like 3 styles (depending on length) for like the last 15 years. Every time I try something new it looks like shit. Or it's just not as good a look as my other style. Debating going to the barber today but my hair isn't really long enough right now for a "new style" and would probably have to wait like 4+ months of growth for a new style.

Not sure what to do.
Surely the ghetto had some nerds with glasses who liked anime and drawing but you had to go for the ripped drug dealer type instead. Always the same problems irrespective of skin color.
How the fuck do people have free time in college?
>because we inevitably end up looking like siblings.
I can't date outside of my race as a white woman. Brownies just don't look good to me.
Do you like the way you look now?
F but personally I have tried many hairstyles but I feel most like myself with long hair with bangs. I will not change it for the foreseeable future.
Probably dress like that and be able to fix my life and not be depressed.
really? its not actually for normal homeless but i guess maybe something bad could happen
wolf cut :)
cram essays a night before theyre due. to actually get good marks (like getting into honours tier) you gotta forego a social life
>Surely the ghetto had some nerds with glasses who liked anime and drawing
Maybe but those guys didn't hit on me
No, I will not explain
You don't need to be rich for the first part at least.
>marriage future
In their alternate timeline where my cannon event of me disliking monogamy didn't happen.
>Maybe but those guys didn't hit on me
Sounds like a you problem.
I have autism so non-white background is cool because I’ll obsess over their ethnicity and its history. Kazakh ex made me obsessed with Kazakh movies and history
idk who that is but yes
To be honest, I appreciate medium shirt white guys with light brown hair and blue eyes a lot. But I also like blonde/blue combo just as much, which is me.
How many sibblings do you have? Was your dad a sperm donor or something?
Idk, I can't even afford the etsy items rn.
2 half siblings
Usually big corporate hair salons have big books of hairstyles at the front for refrencing. You can also look on your phone I guess.
He back
Have somebody pay for it then.
So is the key to being brutally honest in a relationship good communication skills? I'm in a situationship with an extremely disagreeable dominant girl and I'm also disagreeable and dominant. All we ever do is rant about our individual topics and complain. Despite being argumentative she's really smart but also values my input. So far we've only ever fucked once, but she enjoyed it. She seems easy to be with, but we rarely argue just agree to disagree and that makes me feel pent up. I always have to be right, and so does she, and I don't know how to navigate that. We both have similar levels of education in seperate areas of study so it's easy for us to get into very persistent disagreements over the implications of certain stances on various topics. I like her a lot but I hate being contested, so I retaliate by being very persistent and stubborn, whenever she's wrong, which she simultaneously hates and appreciates. She does the same thing to me, so it's not a one-sided ordeal.

Any of you have any experience being in a dominant x dominant relationship?
I am 33 years old and recently divorced (guess whose idea that was). I tried all the big dating websites in my country and except for two websites, they all suck. On the two websites that do not suck, I have gotten 2 likes from people living 500 kilometers away, so useless. I have sent 30 likes very deliberately and messaged 6 people. I got 1 message, turning me down. She wanted someone with very specific similarities. She wanted someone who did street theatre and knew stuff about castles. I just so happen to do some theatre and know a bit about castles due to my National Geographic subscription. But no, because I want kids some day according to my profile, and she was very adamant about not having kids, she turned me down despite similarities.

I can try Tinder, but I know that this app is not meant for serious relationships and I know that the algorithm is against me.

Women in this thread? What can I do to find someone in my thirties? I already entered some speed date nights.
It's not hard. I do it too.
Bunch of lil shits think they can get rid of me.
Still posting about how offended you are
You are the exact type of person that makes other people think hmmm maybe that Hitler fellow was onto something
To combat hate in /atoga/, stop posting here for seven years
If you keep posting here you are recruiting for /pol/ and no longer have plausible deniability
>Women in this thread? What can I do to find someone in my thirties? I already entered some speed date nights.
You essentially have to bar crawl because most people that are single and that would probably still want kuds are out destroying their livers because they're so lonely over not being picked.
Got it.
Remember when you weren't here? Good times.
>What can I do to find someone in my thirties?
It's very hard. My 30 yo friend recently found a bf (a year ago) through instagram, so maybe that.
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Thoughts on this?

I doubt that a 30+ year old woman that is worth something goes bar crawling on a regular basis.
>ex /r9k/ losers?
And don't forget the /pol/lards that are just social casualties with unadultered autism they refuse to deal with.
You have no ability to banter, you're such a sensitive bitch man. So unfun.
You're not allowed to find her at her job, her residence, or to creep on her in the grocery store though.
>man sneaks into my house
My only fantasy is they he fixes my second fridge.
>I always have to be right, and so does she, and I don't know how to navigate that
Personal growth for both of you and letting go of this is key, in my opinion.
>you’ll know what I mean in time
yeah I appreciate it.
If you were actually intelligent you would both know that there is no right and wrong sometimes, just different views based on different experiences.
Is that all you got? Incel and over the top violent threats? So gay.
I just wanna date someone attractive. If she's a different race, she's a different race.
That being said, I tend to find white people attractive more often than other races, and black people attractive less often.
I'd also prefer to have attractive children that look like me, so there's a slight bias in favor of white girls there too. But it wouldn't make a difference.
Men, I'm going to play deceit and use a microphone while streaming it.
What are you doing this morning?
It would be easy for any female to find a man, but the thing about 30+ yo hags is that they expect to settle down with a millionaire, most who are already taken or only looking at young prime pussy. They didn't think about finding a husband when they became 18 or in their 20s when they just wanted to get fucked by hot guys. But now they do when their SMV is down in the gutter. This makes them very bitter and it's how they become annoying Karens.
There are more spices and flavors than "hot pepper" and "salt" anon.
I tend to add a lot of flavor to my food yes. And I do like salty and hot foods.
rich coming from someone that cant even be authentic with his gf
How much do women enjoy long penetration? I got it all sex wise but I cum in 3 thrusts. Literally. I need to cum several times in a row to be able to last; fortunately I don't lose the erection and can go on forever. I make girls cum via petting, and my current gf seems happy and initiates, doesn't let me penetrate more than once though. So my pe seems more of a problem now, to me personally, than before, when I could just fuck a girl three times and last forever the fourth time. So does penetration matter or if she orgasms from clitoral stimulation and seems happy it's fine?
So you switch gears from over the top violence to smarm? Getting desperate, eh?
I think it was a "porn for women" video
For whatever reason guys in porn seem to ignore the girls' breasts and it's super weird
I'm happy with around 10 minutes of penetration, personally. Come a couple times and then I'm happy to just chill.

If your gf is happy, take her word for it.
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so edgy
...does she want to bite my head off? I'm into some kinky stuff but I don't think I'm into that.

Otherwise I'd give it a shot I guess.
What makes you require 10 minutes? Would longer be better? Does it have to end in orgasm? I want to understand it conceptually.
>What makes you require 10 minutes?
It's about what takes me to come a couple times. And yeah, I want to come. I will not hate my husband if I don't come, but I kind of expect it.
White skin, long straight brown hair, brown eyes. But blue eyes are fine too.
I want to have sex with a skinny, cute, pale, brown and long haired woman wish an insanely soft and alluring voice
so true, i would die if he would ignore me
I dated a girl who was 8 years older than me when I was 16
I don't think I've paid enough attention to other people
Yeah, we're working on it. Both of us are not used to being wrong, ever, so a lot of the time the end result is always "both of us were right and there was just a misunderstanding of the other person"

No disrespect but that just sounds like a recipe for indecision and not getting shit done. I fully believe in compromise, but it's not a thing you hand out just for being tired of fighting or frustrated.
holy shit read my mind. I don't mind women winning if they're right, I just don't let them win if they're wrong. My friend is usually right about half of the time, we probably couldn't be together if she was wrong more than half of the time.
a compromise is only needed if the disagreement has direct impact on your next decision
otherwise it is just immature arguing for the sake of it
and what is our default personality?
I want to love her and make her happy, make her cum until she can’t walk anymore…
at least you got to vote
>invest most of it and retire
>send whatever the max non-taxed gift amount is to each of my family members, anonymously (maybe some friends too)
>set up a few trusts for charitable works (scholarships, animal rights organizations)
>buy some property somewhere and rent it out
>maybe buy a permanent home? or two?
>try to figure out how I could leverage it into finding a girlfriend (non-paid ideally)
you dont know then huh
got it
so secret you dont even know it yourself mhm
I don't think you have to agree on everything, unless it impacts your life. My husband has a few opinions I find silly, but it does not impact me in any significant way. Same for him with me.
It's more important to a happy relationship for you to agree on the color of your kitchen cabinets than tax policy. Compromise and find solutions for things that impact you both and your future together, stop arguing over unimportant shit you disagree on.
>>try to figure out how I could leverage it into finding a girlfriend (non-paid ideally)
If you got rich suddenly, the best way would be to keep living like you were poor on dates. Gold diggers would seek you out themselves and every rich guy who has a brain can use these bitches as cumdumpsters without paying anything.
>find out
how am i supposed to find out if you say
>women cannot be allowed to learn this truth otherwise it would shatter their world perception
The same kind of people and in the same ways every other cosplayer does, by taking donations.
shh i want him to try and use his words
Money won't make you not depressed.
put your name back on cringelord
That's really pathetic.
Compromises are usually better because the arguing is brief and uneventful.
It's not immature, it's a step to having a more complete understanding of the other person's point of view. There's things you cannot know without arguing, that knowing them after an argument makes the relationship stronger. Because we argue so much I have a good enough grasp of my friend's personality that I can accurately know in advance what she likes or how she'll respond to certain things. The key is being assertive and not needlessly aggressive, aggression is just apeshit, and passivity is usually not good for the relationship in the long run because it leads to someone feeling undervalued.

Preaching to the choir 100% women love it too when they catch on you're only making them better by being right all the time.

Yeah I agree it's basically the same for me, the only major difference is that we're both very confrontational personalities, so if there's a disagreement no matter how unimportant it's always immediately cause for discussion. Usually if it's unimportant it means I don't really have an opinion and then the whole thing is automatically handled, she just picks what she likes and I'm happy to be done with it.
>falls in love
never have i ever felt so insulted in my life
Goodnight /atoga/
I hate women.
I am not a cult leader.
you should be
Worship me.
let me get on my knees for you
Look me in the eyes when you do, I want to see the complete devotion.
If I cringed any harder it would produce critical mass.
baptize me with your cum
do it
Swallow my divine load.
feed me your godlike masculinity
It's all for you, only for you.
how blessed i am
>posted vid of myself lifting on ig
>my dick clearly shows through my sweat pants again

how many more times do you want to post this
so cringe
How do I select women for my friendship. I want to talk to women about topics I like.
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>tall qt girl with flat chest and nice butt
>She wears a tiny sports bra
what topics do you like
Not sure why you're asking here. Better to ask the women you're actually fucking.

I can't come from just penetration. Need clitoral stimulation, too. But it feels incredible. I would enjoy being penetrated for a bit, taking a break, and going again a few times. I also really enjoy cockwarming.
I honestly just ignore it and go do something else when these attention whores are online.
>But no, because I want kids some day according to my profile, and she was very adamant about not having kids, she turned me down despite similarities.
She did you a favour. My manager bought a house with his girlfriend who did not want children, he did, and they ended up breaking up 1 year after completing on the purchase. A lot of headache and waste of time.

Keep on the apps/websites. How long have you given them a go?
Academic stuff like art, but also clothes, music, food, tourism locations, "we live in a society" angst, photography, comfy photos of city at night, shit like that. I mostly want to swap images I think are cool with her and listen to relaxing music.
there are no women over 40 with cool personalities
we would get along well, i like alt fashion, my music taste is pretty varied and i enjoy photography.
>there are no women [..] with cool personalities
Sounds good. Do you like pictures of birds?
And by cool personality you mean wants to suck on your dick?
No you don't.
You want to rape her and dismember her body.
Men, would you date a cute female version of yourself?
I basically am.
That's pretty much the only kind of person I'd date. Most people are kind of awful.
Shame she doesn't exist.
yes, i have been thinking about getting a lens for wildlife photography but theyre really expensive
What genres do you like then?
really varied, heres a small selection i saved a few months ago
Let’s play hide and seek
I hide and you seek professional help
>really varied
>house music
>indie rock
Damn, so varied, not an insufferable faggot.
B-but SWANS!!!!
I thought about getting a pro camera, but I've been taking shitty phone photos. I like the results of the nicer cameras but I like the shittiness of low-res cameras.
You mentioned alt fashion, what kinds of stuff do you like fashion wise?
theres more genres than just that, rn im listening to some russian music that sounds alright
You should listen to Velocity by Sweet Trip
I accidentally bought a drink with stevia FUCK MY LIFE
i like tornup jeans, band shirts, wristbands, that sort of thing
oh yes i have, good taste
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State gender
Post your 3x3.
What's wrong with stevia?
Congratulations, you have been declared dictator for a week. State gender and what you will do.
It tastes like shit
Very cool, what do you think of this outfit?
Looks like he smokes a lot of weed.
I hand pick a boy to go apple picking with :)
its reminds me of something kurt cobain would wear, i like it
nta but bit of an aftertaste.
Nta but I like those guys.
No beard and nice jaw is my weakness in white guys.
That’s the understatement of the century
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You might enjoy this then.
you people really suck ass at buying good stevia baka
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I don't know how to count. :(
What kinds of stuff do you like to do?
Kurt was pretty effeminate, true, but I don't think even he would go in for the multiple layers, ripped jeans at the thigh, and wallet chain thing.
And that cardigan is far too nice. Total zoomer look. I bet he vapes.
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Hey, greatest hits is cheating.
its the only album with you know you're right
Good point... Have you heard Cobain's home recordings?
I don't think this is the right place to talk, I'll talk elsewhere
bye bitch
nah not that into it just like that song the most of their discography, also hate live sets unless im there
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Shit out my ass
How did you get into alt fashion
So... you leik prog rog?
Now kiss.
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put a plug vile creature
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Men what would you do if you were the brother in that situation?
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not a man but sounds based af
good for him
I enslave all white men and raise them as cattle.
leave him alone dumb slut
men don't want a partner they want a servant
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and thats a good thing
See this is the problem with americans they like to copy the superficial aspects of other cultures but they can't understand the true differences between them.
this guy expects me to believe hes a woman?
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suck my dick
Offering free advice on anything
Please give me advice on how to get more outgoing more rich and less stupid and make men like me and make my family proud
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how to get you to shut up in five easy steps pls
How do I make her cum?
Investment advice please
uncouth and unladylike
sorry doll, what makes men like you is the opposite of what will make your family proud
Fastest most reliable suicide method?
I have a bad heart so I can't do cocaine with magical girls, sadly
nta but being more poor will make men like you better
What should I do right now to increase my chances of getting a gf?
so sowwy how can i ever make it up to you omg omg omg
Does first time sex hurt for females?
depends on too many factors to give a simple answer
Women, does the plap plap noise during sex turn you on or annoy you and why?
Are you looking for the mussy?
Only your pride
Depends how we're going. If it's the only noise, it can be quite unsettling
Same thing that the current ones do. These are fed questions.
Work out, become more social, set goals for yourself that you can reasonably achieve and celebrate them when you do. Don't over think this shit. Literally be more social and ask women out. Its that simple. I'm not even kidding.

Every woman is different and its important to talk to your partner about what they like / don't like. However, clitoral stimulation as well as hitting the g spot are usually the best bet.
it annoys me because it distracts me from his whimpering and moaning
There's a woman in this thread making 4-5 times my salary and I'm crazy about her.
Gunshot, assuming you're hitting the correct spot
Why do men believe they can't be vulnerable in relationships? Is the internet really polluting people that badly?
Because when a guy cries, women lose all respect for him
>Because when a guy cries, women lose all respect for him
It's not women dude, it's bitches. And you don't need bitches. If you can't be vulnerable in front of your partner what's the point?
I want a feminine sweet male

If I show vulnerability about something SHE thinks is no big deal, it's going to horrify her and make her think "If THAT makes him upset, what else will make him upset? Can I really depend on this guy in an emergency?"
State gender
Thoughts on this?
F. Ugh.
That's fine if that's what it takes for them to improve their lives. There's very few places with such amenities that cater exclusively to men, so good for them.
Don't go crying in front of a tinder date lmao but if you are in a real relationship with someone its almost necessary

I think it depends
like if you have some shit you're dealing with from past relationships or there are things that trigger you I do think you can confidently express these to your partner but they need to come from a place of awareness / strength and knowing you want to work through them.
IMO a good girl will not turn you away because you have insecurities and so forth.
Escaping NEEThood tomorrow; my job interview for the supermarket starts in the morning. When the interviewer gets to the "what are your strengths and weaknesses" question, for weaknesses, should I say "interacting with other people"?
This kind of leads onto do girls like the sound of their man groaning and moaning during sex?
Is guys using emoji a turnoff?
>do girls like the sound of their man groaning and moaning during sex?
Very much so
Guns are illegal where I live
Pill overdose can fail very badly
Suicide bags can also fail with really bad repercussions
Hanging is too morbid for the people that will find me
boo hoo
Self improvement is masturbation
Does girls have a preference for circumcised or uncircumcised dicks? Do they talk about it with friends?
and masturbation is based
Also wouldn't recommend jumping from heights, as you've got enough time to regret it while falling and you'll inevitably make a mess for other people to clean up
I’m looking for methods, not consolation
Women, how much do you agree with this statement?

"Women want 2 things: They want to feel safe and they want to have fun. The tricky part is they all have different ideas of what's safe and what's fun. And they frequently want more of one than the other.
I've never talked about it with friends, but I prefer uncut
i like uncircumcised
Women, I am a philosopher. Are you in awe of my philosophizing?
You are the opposite of class and always have been
For every post you make I will spend an hour browsing /pol/ on the other tab and listening to what they have to say
I agree, but I also assume that describes all people in general.
Philosophers are gay and I’d be worried he’d leave me for a man if I was with one
not like you can change your mind if you are already falling
Never been with a guy who wasn't cut, and I've only seen a few uncut dicks in clinic, so I guess I prefer the familiarity of cut. Also all my realistic dildos emulate cut dicks.
>3 hours later
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Oh great, it’s our resident pajeet pussy
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A day late, but here are my cabbage rolls.
I made creamy tomato-paprika sauce with them.
I made them way too big, BUT they taste really good, so thanks for the rec!
womp womp
>ex /r9k/ losers
Isn't that literally you?
I don't live on this thread like you, cr*c
Ps changing your attention whore tag and pretending to be "liberal" while still schizoing out about beating women isn't a clever gimmick
>I've only seen a few uncut dicks in clinic

What sort of dodgy clinic do you work in?
>Eighteen naked cowboys in the showers at ram ranch
Im not trans bro
If I can’t get a man I need to at least money
I much, much prefer uncircumcised penises. I haven't spoken about it with friends, though.
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Why don’t men love me for who I am?
Is masturbation self improvement though?
State gender
What do you drive?
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find better men
You are unlovable.
him crazy
F nothing. The public transportation in my town is pretty good.
Does men have a preference for circumcised or uncircumcised vaginas? Do they talk about it with friends?
ENTJ to suicide, god willing

M, a Ford Fiesta ST, in this color
What does this mean? Why would you want to be with someone who loves an ugly, lazy slob? I want my girlfriend to have high standards. Anything else is a red flag.
F. Bicycle.
This is so hot. Thanks.
All you're doing is feeding him free attention. You're his favorite poster.
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>walk past a hot girl at gym
>She smiles nicely
>Walk to another hot tall girl to ask if shes done with machine that i want
>She smiles nicely, says shes finished and asks if she needs to take off the plates or is it okay

So are the hot girls the nice ones?
I heard horror stories from guys that girls called police on them for just glancing.
Why is it genital mutilation with vaginas but it's totally fine with guys?
Honda accord from 2010
Love that car
me and my gf love eachother and that makes the narcissists mad
Aren't you both narcissists
People who had it easier, tend to be more courteous.
That does not mean they are actually nice people.
And you’re mine :)
I know. :^)
BMW e90
This shit is a meme
A girl told me that
>I got scared when you said you are looking for something serious (after 4 months of talking) because there’s no way you could’ve known me that well
>I liked you just the way you are, I wanted you just the way you were, and I knew your life wasn’t great from the first time we met, I didn’t idealize you
Still didn’t want anything from me, so fuck that, work on yourself, change your life for the better
Nobody will like you for you
VW Polo 5
They're a lot more intuitive to suck/stoke. It's instintual to use the foreskin as a silky sleeve almost, and you can add a flourish with a twist of your wrist and see the ripples on the skin. Same with your mouth, you can feel the foreskin and use it with your lips. There are more interesting, sensual things you can do with it. When it's soft, you can play with the foreskin with your tongue for a while until it slips back. They also look so much different when soft compared to hard which is fun to watch; it's dramatic when they become erect.

With circumcised penises, you have you use your hand as a foreskin-in-lieu. There's just less there to play with and you really feel like you're just "jacking him off" instead of almost massaging him. Circumcised penises are also quite dry.
Women, how different does it feel if a guy wears a condom or not during sex?
Is there a stigma about that in America? I'm in Germany.
I'm so so sorry...
>one girl didn’t like me
>all women

There are women who will appreciate you for the person you are. Don’t fall into the sadboi incel red pill trap bull shit dude.
It’s important to feel good about yourself but the right women will value who you are as a person.
You need to get off the internet. Real relationships don’t work like incels tell you they do.
do you enjoy inadvertently ingesting dick cheese?
Says the normalfag that says womp womp
Only in your country, Amerifag.
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>I continue to run and exercise every day knowing it has no real (social) benefit to me
>It temporarily kills depression but I'll always have it

Is this a sign of autism?
that wasnt me
I love my Polo 5, he may not be great, but he is beautiful
Do you not know about this neat invention called soap?
State sex.
How do you feel about unprotected, raw breeding today?
Cutfags only cope is bad hygiene when you got sliced as a baby for your Jewish overlords skin cream.
Very different. Don’t prefer it.
I can't say I've ever had that problem. Even when I blew my boyfriend after he'd been walking for over an hour, his genitals smelled soapy clean. He's got quite long foreskin, too, but I've never seen smegma.
yes please
What kind of NEET doesn't know how to properly wash his uncut dick?
Or showering

T. Uncut dude and i DONT have dick cheese because
I shower
*pat pat*
You would be surprised what kind of maladjusted degens browse 4chan
Doesn't feel different at all. Only thing is that it can allow for more spontaneity and intimacy.
You gotta leglock me then though
Not only one, at least 2 in this year
I didn’t go on many dates anyway
I’m working on myself constantly
Improving constantly
>yeah, I’m not looking for anything these days, was just curious about you
I’m not even dry, not even a sperg or a retard
Have a stem degree, make 6 figs, i have a good body, hit the gym constantly, read, play guitar, take care of myself by grooming and seeing a shrink to deal with my perceptions and situations
I’m giving up
Other people ask me
>anon, are you getting married soon?
>anon, how come you are single?
Fuck if I even know anymore, there is something flawed with me and I can’t find what
It’s never enough
Femanons, describe the level of baby fever that you have?
Yeh, that "gotta get the condom on!" thing is a real buzzkill.
no thanks i only want to leglock
Men, do you put the condom on while hard?
>bitch on social media complains tjat its creepy that guys look at her at gym
>Or she finds it weird that people mingle at gym, apparently they dont workout hard enough
I love when shitters like you who don't use NTA get cockblocked.
You're a retard. Ask them out and see, how nice they are. Of course, they are nice to beta bitches like you who stutter and are completely asexual. All females accept more orbiters like you.
Who do you love and support unconditionally?
I put it on when im soft and take it off when im hard

>Be me
>Always insecure about my dick size
>Finally about to lose vcard at 30
>Bought store condoms
>Tried them on day before deed
>They literally dont fit
>Turns out i have to buy larger, more expensive rubbers

Weird one that

Physically, it's like listening to your favorite music from another room, muffled but still enjoyable. Mentally, it's way better when he's not wearing one.
Yeah. It's also a shame because I really like wet-humping (I think it's called? Rubbing my clitoris on his erect penis) and you can't really do that with a condom either.

Yes, it's virtually impossible to put it on while flaccid, it's just too squishy and squirmy
how big is your dick?
>Ask out a girl you see for 10s
Way to out yourself as a completely unfit for society retard

But go on, project how i am the stuttering beta kek
nta but honestly no one. Not even my parents.
These look really good anon
I do all of this but eat junk food and my life is still a mess. pass
Just 17cm so not huge by any means
Slightly above average.
Studied at a radiation treatment clinic. A LOT of prostate patients.
So zero grounds to complain
That seems kinda stressful.
AHHHH level.
State gender and favorite animal
What’s your plan for today, anon?
An "aaaah" is a scream, an "ahhhh" is a sigh.
>says I'm unfit for society
F, horse. Doing housework, mostly. Might bake something, idk.
Help guys im falling in love with every italian girl i see on the streets of Rome
I’ve yet to find an ugly one of we exclude non white ones. My ugly ass is getting a heartbreak every minute
Hey, glad you liked them! Those look good. Thanks for the pic. Overstuffing is always an issue, yeh.
taking a shower
M, crocodile
Did all the chores I needed to yesterday. So I’m going to shower, watch Kamen Rider, then spend the rest of the day chilling.
You understand my point regardless. Bite me.
Male, Cat

Read Book
Cook Food
Do Laundry
Walk Neighborhood
Watch Movie
Lie to myself that I will sleep by 11:30
Actually sleep by 1:00
Finish my article, watch Superbad, read a book and consume some YouTube
I don't know, cats?
plans for today is to play vidya to my heart content.
Nice, how'd the cabbage prep go?
What vidya?
Oh forgot animal. Chameleon
echoes of wisdom
Wolves (im not a furry I swear)
I just spent the last 5 hours exploring the roman forum and now im going to chill on a bench for an hour because my legs feel like falling off
Start to clear out some of my shit I don’t need, see my buddy who flew in from Arizona last night, call my sister, and work.
Sure but your penis still smells
F. Pine marten.
>What’s your plan for today, anon?
It's already afternoon here. I'm knitting a sock and watching classic Doctor Who.
What about you, anon?
Killing myself
You don't really trust men to clean their dicks, do you? Remember, these are the same men that you can't trust to clean their asses.
nope, my cock is squeaky clean and delicious
You sound like a good companion.
I think I’m undatable but lovable
My family and friends
I’m not fat or lazy I take good care of myself but no one really cares because I’m not hot or a 10/10
can you think about anything other than sex? this is why women age ungracefully if you bring nothing else too the table once you look like a prune no one wants to talk to you.
What are you drinking?
How do you figure? A parent's job is to care for their children, isn't it? If they get into alcoholism or whatever they probably aren't doing that properly.
Strawberry iced tea and
What do you care about

Water right now but getting a Monster later
Stop flexing your vacation while I’m waging
yes, sorry he just does that to me ok
Yeh, well, your vagina smells even when it's clean.
>Thanks for the pic
You're welcome. lol
I love being an attention hoe!
I ended up making some patties with the rest of the filling. I will probably reheat the tomorrow for dinner.

Oh it was much easier once I realized I should put the cabbage into slightly boiling water to peel off each individual leaf.
If I make it again, I'll make smaller rolls and then hold them together with wooden picks I have.
Family and living pleasantly, doing my hobbies, staying fit, spending time in nature
You're terrible at comebacks. My vagina doesn't smell.
But they’re all so pretty anon
Why the fuck was I born slavic
I'm not mature enough to form relationships with people.
Would have opened a can of vanilla coke, but I am too lazy to go into the cellar, so it's just elderflower syrup with carbonated water.
What‘s your favourite hobbie and why
Nice. Did you put rice inside also?
just date immature people
I haven't had any coffee yet, gimme a break... :)
No, since I had way too much filling, there was no need to.
I actually bought some potats as a side dish, but I didn't make those either once I sow how monstruous these things ended up being.
Do you want children and/or feel a biological clock ticking
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I do....
State gender
Do you think a man can be raped by a woman?
Yes, it happened to me.
A woman can attempt to rape
Its up to the man if he lets her
F I think so if she drugged him or something like that.
No, not really. Worst they can do is sexual harassment
>Do you want children and/or feel a biological clock ticking
Yea and it's probably too late for me.
nta but you're such a girl. Those don't look THAT big. :)
Is blackmail rape?
There were anons throwing themselves at you JH
If you're pretty drunk, she's on top and you tell her to stop and she doesn't, that's rape
Yes and yes.
Fix your radar, anon.
That's when you just toss her off, innit?
Would you a report a woman to authorities if she forced you to have sex with her?
He probably consents in the moment. Don‘t think that‘s rape just a bit exploitative
Women, how long does it take you to do your makeup?
"Stop" is not even close to consent
>Do you want children and/or feel a biological clock ticking
No and no.
sure, wanna try it on me?
zero minutes
Big daddy, how come moids have no rizz? :#
Its been a few days since I posted last
I’ll get there babe
You don't think consenting in the moment is rape? What if it was a girl?
probably not, unless she was really ugly
No women could overpower me and have sex with me
She’s getting knocked out
30 minutes simple makeup
1 to 2 hours complex makeup
I'm not Jh you obsessed freak. You'll probably impregnate her and she'll hate her poor kid
Girls are weaker and can be intimidated. Bit of a difference.
Oh missed the stop. Just harassment then, he could stop her probably
Why would it be too late for you?
Is it a nice rape like in smut or a psycho rape like that woman who kidnapped that burglar, fed him viagra and raped him non-stop for like 3 days
Are you the goth?
This is unfair and cruel. Just because I'm ugly it doesn't mean I'm less human. I was born this way, I didn't get to choose my looks
>you're such a girl
No, I'm a tall guy.
Me and you? Sailor Moon and hennessy?
There's a femanon here who is definitely strong enough to rape some of the smaller twinks here if they were very drunk
How is it different? We go gaga for boobies.
Psycho rape. Let's say she hits you in the head, drags you to her bed and forces herself onto you
well, then don't rape me.
what makes you ugly tho?
It's risky and dangerous
>you'll probably impregnate her
I would but she hates me, cast a (frankly ineffective) spell on me too
>hate the kid
Not possible, the kid would have blue eyes and straight hair but have the same sassy brat attitude that the mom does
Physically overpowering someone and monkeybrain activating is a bit of a difference.
In that case yeah I can see it else not really

M, I agree that it can happen, but I really struggle to see HOW a man, even severely intoxicated, can't push a woman away and prevent her from getting the dick inside her. Do the women have weapons? Is the man physically restrained by ropes?
Is 5.5 inches enough if it’s very thick?
>Psycho rape like that woman who kidnapped that burglar, fed him viagra and raped him non-stop for like 3 days
I bet that would be horrible irl but that sounds awesome
lesbian hands
Me too
So u sayin beautiful women can rape you but ugly women can't?
If she's like the most attractive woman I've ever seen I might let it go
Rude cunt.
I think atoga would argue less if we just read eachother's fanfiction.
Me? Well… I have no idea! I was gonna go out to eat but cash is a little tight with rent coming up. I’m gonna stay in and eat rice and crackers and play games. Maybe practice selfies more.

My first night with my ex, she was really pushy and mounted me even though I wasn’t ready at all. I was incredibly nervous and just laid there while she tried to ride my flaccid dick.
I was told to be thrilled about this, but the more I think of it, it’s sorta messed up.
I need to fold a tall lady in half and make love to her
My fanfic is only for my eyes.

You think you do, until there comes a time where you need a stoic, strong, brave man, and he cannot rise up to the demand
yes, wouldn't you rather be molested by someone you are attracted to?
Can other people just tell when you're in love?
>not doujin
oh thank god
The fact men discriminate women so harshly based on our looks is fucking depressing as fuck. Jesus they are some cruel people
Nope you're an obsessed freak
No, i have a great pokerface
I honestly don't see how. They're both exerting control and dominance and a violation of consent. Disregarding the autonomy of the other person. I better you're kind of person that things mental scars aren't nearly as important as physically ones.
Both genders do this
Ok, now imagine it's a fat, ugly woman.
That is not the correct word.
That would indicate consciously treating them bad, not just neutral, but actually bad.
Yes, public transit is gross and makes it easy to be victimized.

It sits anywhere between a 2 and an 9, depending on my mood and environmental factors like whether or not I have interacted with a baby recently.
why are you so focused on sexual assault? something you want to tell us?
Wait till you see the discrimination based on male attractiveness by women
Bitch women literally dont see men below 6'0 as human
And thats just one of the metrics
t. the gender who only befriends the other for sex, and will gladly break off friendships if there's no pussy
95% of women are dating the top 5% of men. literally grouping up and taking turns and sharing to avoid 95% of men.
No I think they important which is why I don‘t think rape of men by women exists beyond some exceptions. It lacks the extreme violence
I'm JH, not the anon. And assuming I'd hate my kid in any circumstance is pretty cunty of you.
I'm a man, we discriminate more by looks. It's not some big defeat if you just admit this truth.
Making traumatized foids feel uncomfortable by resembling their sleep paralysis demons.
thats not a requirement
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lol there's not even enough men in that 5% bracket to account for all the 95% of women. These figures are just cope for loners.
>what is the difference between a pretty and not so pretty woman
>one gets bought drinks more than the other
>what is the difference between an average male and an above average man?
>only the above average one can get a relationship and have children. All determined from birth and cant be changed
personality matters at all, you probably aren't as unattractive as you think you are
Can you grow to fifteen feet tall and equally wide, with a hunched back and all that?
If a man doesn't like you at first sight, he'll never like you, right?
What are your thoughts on buff men? Not fat, just muscular and not shredded
I love emoji boys
Maybe go to the movies, study for an exam and do homework
No, initial attraction is important but I’ve definitely grown more attracted to women after I’m around them a bit
Women do this to an even worse degree.
Some 3-4% of guys do like women for their personalities
It's the truth because you're fucked up
Would you rather everything be handed to you on a plate and then get a big insecurity about it?
What about emoticons ಠಿ_ಠ
I think men are a 1 revision type of gender.
It is crazy as fuck to think a awful woman can get away with anything if she is a 10/10 looks wise. Or to think your appearance determines how loveable you're to men. This shit is depressing as fuck for real, it makes me wanna give up on men and dating
I tend to like leaner guys. Not even particularly muscular.
Reality and you know it
Why do you think femanon keeps asking about chad in every question. He clearly is only matching with 5% of women leaving the other 90% to lonelypost about their being no men despite the 95% hoping she settles for them.
∩( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)∩
Women do this too.
That... that didn't work at all. I'll see myself out.
Reality is mid people in close proximity settling for eachother. Even uggos do it. People settle as they get older, that's life. And don't move the goalposts either and now claim w-well settling doesn't count, if you try to move the goalposts like that, I'm not going to reply.
how do you fuck up this bad
I don't wear make up on a daily basis, but around 10-15 minutes when I do something nice and want to look cute.
Do you like Hello Kitty / Sanrio
>It is crazy as fuck to think a awful woman can get away with anything if she is a 10/10 looks wise. Or to think your appearance determines how loveable you're to men. This shit is depressing as fuck for real, it makes me wanna give up on men and dating
so do attractive men, it's called the halo effect, unattractive people have it harder in general.
but again, what makes you think you are ugly?
Men, how big is your dick?
Women, who is your favorite Sanrio character?
>what makes you think you are ugly?
Everything. I'm not fat but I'm ugly in everything. I don't look feminine
A little over 6.
Explain the reason why most men are single but most women arent
6~ inches
Like 7'. I'm a grower though. Right now it's just a little button.
About 5.5-6 inches long and 5.5-5.7 inches around at the base. It’s very possible I have a chode
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she cute

How dare you not be hot enough to impress my friends and family
Also women credit men's personalities more than men credit women's
Women don't HAVE personalities. It's all a hivemind.
15-16cm, depending on how loaded my balls are.
Even if I concede that that is true in all age brackets it's still not equivalent to "only above average men can get relationships and have children". You can just take a look at any ghetto and see that human garbage breed all the time.
I have met men who date 10/10 THEY ARE NOT ATTRACTED TO just because such women impress their family and friends lol. What a fucking evil sex. K yourselves
about one and a half inches less than a 16 oz bottle of water
Completely false claim
HEY! We also date them for sex...
I like Kuromi
What indians blacks and other trash does isnt relevant
State gender
What are the 3 boards you use most other than /adv/?
I'm on your side but you are you really saying women don't date men for status
F. I browse /sp/ and /fa/ but nothing else anymore, really.
People like this who get mad at nothing are retarded. Not naming names.
/k/, /soc/, /s4s/
I have dated 10/10 models I’m not attracted to so I can date 8/10 I am attracted to. Have to play the game if you want any chance with women.
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/vr/, /an/, /m/
just say kill yourselves no one cares
>Not naming names.
Name em
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men, would you openly date a woman with this body type?

women, how would you feel if you had this body?
Fuck off, women do the same thing. Personally I wouldn’t but what I do doesn’t matter in the long run. Let people have fun!
v and a mostly
7.5-8 depending how horny I am
Haven’t measured in years
That's a woman's reason for dating someone. We do it for sex.
Sure, she looks cute enough
Measure it now
Yes, especially if she’s nice, sweet, and has the same interests as me. If she’s physically flexible it’s even more so
F. Probably insecure. I've always wanted to be skinny and petite.
Do girls like alt/emo/skater boys with long floppy hair and baggy jeans? Like the current alternative aesthetic
I look like this but I'm 25 though people think I'm 19 at the oldest, what is this gonna get me?
>Do girls like alt/emo/skater boys with long floppy hair and baggy jeans?
/a/, /v/, /vrpg/
How flexible could she be with those thighs?
Both genders,
What’s killing my chances with women the most?

>look young
>slightly overweight
>not talking with women
>enthusiastic and vaguely flirty when we see each other in class
>enthusiastic in dms
>when I invite her to hangout she takes few days to respond or just doesn't respond at all, doesn't make attempt to rearrange plans
>still enthusiastic and vaguely flirty when I run into her afterwards
what did she mean by this
State gender and favorite aesthetic in the opposite gender.
I had an abundance of free time until I got a job too.
It really helped that I picked a major I had talent in and enjoyed while also avoiding classes with pointless busywork.

But it's been a minute since I was in school.
You're so obsessed.
You’d be surprised. If she can handle having her legs on my shoulders in missionary for 10 minutes then she’s fine
you asked

this bitch speedruns having the dumbest takes in every thread
I would
Shes chonky but in all right places.
I would still encourage her to go gym with me though so her ass gets even rounder, more firm and bigger
It's the depression.
>women, how would you feel if you had this body?
F. Tradesman uniforms.
Flat chested gym thots with big butts
>I've always wanted to be skinny and petite.
are you?
... that's a man.
Skater girl
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Gymbros are gay. You didn't realize?
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Psychonaut wackjobs who won't date me in a million years. Picrel.
She'd look kinda icky without the tight clothing.
In public on the streets of Rome?
How would I feel if I was fat? Because that's what you're asking. I would feel fat. Like I can't climb stairs and breath normally. Like I can't squeeze between chairs at a restaurant. Like I can't hold food in public without feeling self-conscious. I would feel fat.
How do I fix that?
Holy shit lmao
What is it about them that's such a turn off?
No, I got a pretty curvy body - wide hips, big thighs, big tits. I'm slim but not petite by any measure.

It's alright.
Professional help.
Alt or cutecore
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(unshaved) tomboys
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Pretty sure that's not all the same femanon.
It's circlejerking pretty much.
Sk8 boy/Emo boy/Alt boy
Artistic boy/Nerd boy
Men in uniform
Elegant men
Savage men
>So are the hot girls the nice ones?
>People who had it easier, tend to be more courteous.
>That does not mean they are actually nice people.

>I heard horror stories from guys that girls called police on them for just glancing.
Yeah. And all women are 7 feet tall, spit lightning, and crap thunder.

If a woman calls the police over a glance, she's getting fined.
Usually those stories are either fiction or the tip of the iceberg: "I only glanced at her!"
....400 times
...while following her
...to her bedroom
You are a weak, low tier male.
That's not a tomboy?
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Oddly enough, depression (MDD), is slightly negatively associated with long-term sexlessness.

I would say
>not talking with women

Is actually the biggest problem.
Because she's proper fat. I've never been more than 7lbs overweight - and that was once, almost 10 years ago now. Since then always <20 BMI. She's at least 14lbs overweight.

You can feel that heaviness when you walk. You're carrying dead weight when you cycle. You don't look good in regular, modest clothes, either. I also just don't like the aesthetic; I like having slender arms, thin hands, and visible collarbones.
I really don't want to be condescended to and lectured by a partner 24/7, especially one who is probably less intelligent to begin with and needs to piggyback off of smarter men.
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that's definitely a tomboy, I have an associated degree and I've done my research.
F. Guy who owns a sailboat, but casually.
I like men of all kinds. I want multiple husbands
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State sex
What's the last thing you fapped to or about to fap to today?
Gif not related.
F. My Daddy.
This... >>32037617
Women I’ve imagined in my head. More specifically the thought of marrying them
That is not a tomboy AT ALL kek
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Switch weight and height and you have the list from least to most.
Women who look like this do not like men
No, I'm very much straight. Girl (female) and love dick.
What are you looking for in those places?
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Sex tape my gf and I made
F. I had a dream about my bf fucking my butt a few days ago, made me very horny.
>her in the shower
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she is
Is it possible to plap an asshole or do you have to always go slow?
women be like
>my type is literally you
>not you though, ick
I don't know, my butt is unfucked. I'll let you know if I ever try.
>him in the shower
Come measure it yourself then
See you at piazza venetia
Not talking with women > depression > 5'7 > overweight
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civil discourse
What height of women should I date as a 5’7 man?
Not talking with women > depression > slightly overweight > looking young
I've seen those 21 year old apprentices who look young and yeah, you look like immature little kids. Are you a NEET?
Your asshole is needy though, it needs to be violated, otherwise you would not have had that dream.
I don't think there's restrictions? I'm 5'6" and I dated a 5'6" guy. Whoever likes you.
anyone shorter than 5'7
I’m working a wagie job rn and I’m resuming college in January
You will have most success with women like 5 ft tall, but you should aspire to a 5'4-5'6 woman so you can end the manlet curse in your bloodline
how do i get a fat girlfriend
Tell her you want to live in her belly.
Both sexs: Post pics of members of the opposite sex you see as 10/10 in terms of looks.
Sure, but I haven't had anal, so...
Be way out of her league because fat bitches are delusional and don't have an accurate view of their worth
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F, obv.
If your best friend (of the same sex) turned into the opposite sex one day and, assuming they're actually pretty attractive as the opposite sex, admitted they've always liked you, would you sleep with them?
I'd do unspeakable things to this man.
Do you guys think 6 inches will bottom out a 4’9 Japanese woman?
No, she's a crazy bitch and serial cheater.

M, last fapped to a woman taking a HUGE dildo in her ass with a sex-machine
Wrong, thats my gf
Dont you have a street to shit in
Or maybe a beach is more to your liking
Femanon, do you need me to open that jar for you?
no, i know the spoon trick
I guess any physical activity because I like the endorphins
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I wouls give my both nuts to knock her up
The asian instagram model
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F. Only in-character with this styling, though.
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No only becyase she vapes and is addicted to weed and is on Prozac
No. If my husband is at home I ask him, if he isn't I can open it with a spoon.
Do you keep the weird women's sports generals alive?
/v/, /co/, /ic/ (its actually /gif/)
Those are some fat tiddies
State age
Do you own any major assets? Car/house/boat/land
F. No, she's unintelligent and gullible. And quite crazy. Gold-digger, too. I struggle to converse with her now, I can't imagine dating her.
No, I don't really post a lot on other boards and don't care for women sports much outside of the olympics. I've been trying to get in the PWHL but heh.
21, I own my car
NTA are you autistic? Why are you answering him just to brag about having a husband?
No. I used to ask my downstairs neighbour, who's married, until he started coming onto me. So now I'd rather smash the jar open and eat glass.
Offer to buy her an XXL pizza.
Pretty sure most of the femanons would sleep with their same sex bestie without her switching genders
'Cause I can :)
I have a older car and thats about it

M, 36. I own my car, which is probably worth $10,000, and about $6,000 worth of gold
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>Psychonaut wackjobs
One of you must be severely ugly or retarded if you aren’t able to just do this on Facebook. Sorry for your loss!
Can never be sure but I’d say so
I know shes just a OF hoe but i go crazy for girls with this kind of complexion
Especially if they have long hair and round butt
Who the fuck uses facebook in 2024 lmao
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I'm bored of the looks questions

M or F
Who are some people of your gender you want to emulate? Who are your idols?
>girls with this kind of complexion
North Indian?
Big hunk bf or skinny twink bf
I seek to emulate fighting game characters
Thats clearly mediterran / italian / portugese genetics
Old whores with husbands
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Women: Have you ever asserted your superiority over another woman by being more attractive?
I'm not your mom :)
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Christine Chubbuck
Absolutely never. But one time I was the only skinny white girl in a room of obese black women
Van Gogh
I want to dedicate my life to art, become depressed, and end up killing myself at the age of 37
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If fictional guys count, then definetly him.
>confident and strong, but not cocky.
>stoic but still emotionally open.
>Accepting of other people, even if they're different.
>can punch out tigers.
I don't think so? I'm pretty average looking and reserved.
Upcurve dick, downcurve dick, or straight dick?
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how would i know
You’re old enough to be and that is what gettsssssss meee
left curve
If that's the case, you shouldn't be on 4chan but in elementary school.
Who is this guy?
M or F

Do you have any well defined goals currently? Ie lose weight does not count, but lose 10lbs does.
He's the guy from Yakuza, Kiryu I think.
Kiryu Kazuma from the Yakuza series.
M, getting a pet drop from my MMO, and getting
to shower.
F. We're in the process of building a house, and a lot of goals are related to that. Other than that, really just making a baby and quitting my job.
Get to 170 pounds, maximum
Strengthen my legs to where they don't hurt in the mornings anymore
Take one good selfie that I look at and say "yeah I could post this in /atoga/" (but I won't)
I want to weigh 6 stone 10lbs. Want to complete a multi-day wildcamping hike in Scotland in October. Complete a painting by the end of November.
LMAO SO YOU ARE OLD AS FUCK got ya. Hope you find peace within your lifetime
>right curve
it's over
Going to a community college and getting a job as an MRI technician.
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Be my gf
You're retarded lol
Femanons, how many people have seen your butthole?
I’d like to gain like 10lbs
>6st 10lb
>1st is 14lb
>14 • 6 = 84lb
>84 + 10 = 94lb
Real goals
I’m at 105lb so maybe I’ll aim just as low. Any tips?
Whatever you want to tell yourself! I know you like to chase that feeling of superiority
Yeah. “We”.
>left my previous workplace almost year ago
>Happier then ever, despite earning less
>Most likely because i only work 15h per week
>Turns out the previous workplace has some problems now
>Kinda happy about it, but i know i shouldnt be

Also, this just in my brother is an alcohollic just like his father was
If your bf isn't a little bitch, he will rail your butthole after good preparation.
>those hands
I'm sure he will. We're not in any particular rush.
I want multiple husbands too.
I only want white ones.
How long does school take to become that
Is that actually possible? I don't really know women's weights but that sounds like child weight.
>multi-day wildcamping hike
>painting by the end of November
Those are some nice goals. Are you on track?
hey girl...
An associates degree is 2 years and there’s on the job training, so maybe 4 years?
Women are out here weighing under 100 pounds like I can't just pick them up and carry them to my house with no resistance
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Why do so many women defend and act as apologists for pro-terrorist narratives? Is it because they think the bad guys abducting hostages and blowing people up are an anti-colonial resistance or something? Seems brainwashed.
:) oh noooo don’t do thaaaat ;)
^_^ h-hi! I-I'm new to atoga, and I'm a virgin...do girls normally like left curves? OuO
I've gotten a ride when I was walking for being pretty. I could have died. But I checked if they had a gun.
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Women, how much does nationality/ethnicity matter to you? Also, if you're from the US, do people from different states look substantially different to you?

I'm asking because I personally feel disturbed, to the point of nausea, by the way some American women look. It's a specific kind of appearance that I rarely see anywhere else. They look dysgenic and unattractive. I know women are not representative of the entire US, but still... As a European, I would assume they are from the Appalachian region of the country.
I think it’s a really nice aesthetic, baggy clothes can look great on everyone

We're thinking about the civilians getting bombed and starved.
Those women have Irish genes

It matters a lot to me. I want my kids to speak the same languages as me. But worst case I will settle for a regular white man
>Those women have Irish genes
I only now noticed that they both have red hair. Maybe I just hate gingers.
Irish women giga-mogg others to oblivion. They are also one of the true white strains, having a genetic ancestor not shared by the rest of humanity.

M, move out and live independently before my next birthday (I'm embarrassed to say what age my next birthday is)
>Women, how much does nationality/ethnicity matter to you?
I've never cared much, I married someone from a different country even.
>Is that actually possible?
Yes, I've been that weight before. For a while, then I binged back up :(
>Those are some nice goals. Are you on track?
I've done some sketches in preparation for the painting. As for the wildcamping... bit behind on that. Need some gear and honestly, I'm a little scared! I was there this time last year during a storm; incredibly boggy, precarious water crossings, and I had to wait in my sleeping bag on the platform alone for 5 hours.
>I’m at 105lb so maybe I’ll aim just as low. Any tips?
Just keep doing what you're doing and have patience. Don't be like me... once I got to that weight, I ended up bingeing back up.
Hmm. How cold was it? I bet you got some nice photos though.
One week of doing exercises and lightly dieting (1,200 calories/day) and I'm already seeing results!!
To celebrate, should I order pizza?
I'm kind of upset with my fiancee. We were trying to get a wedding date and she simply will not be flexible about start times. She has a veritable panic attack about being ready for her wedding by 11:30 instead of 2. But if she'd just be flexible on that one thing, and hustle a little harder the morning of, we could have absolutely everything else we wanted.

As it stands, in order to get everything she wants, we're going to end up having to severely inconvenience at least one person, and miss her cousin's wedding that will be a couple weeks after ours.
F. I'm a British-born southasian and nationality matters to me more than ethnicity. I know lots of foreign students here hope to get married to British nationals for right-to-remain. I don't want to be used like that.
This shit is revolting >>32039173. The only way a woman can be a 10/10 to men is if they have pretty face + GIGANTIC, UNATTAINABLE, UNREALISTIC tits. Meanwhile women are posting realistic men with pretty face + avg/attainable bodies
Yeah, it's revolting she didn't use sunscreen.
Thoughts on men with eating disorders?
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obvious answer
6 in person
Thoughts on birmingham?
I wanna help them
>Thoughts on men with eating disorders?
I feel sorry for them.
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I'm the only one who feels sorta shitty about posting a real person. Have AI lady
>British-born southasian
Are your parents pestering you about getting married? I know an Indian guy who went to England to study to escape his family, only to be met with aunties and the like, who to his horror, continued to play matchmaker for him.
women, stage age
do you own any sex toy? how long have you been using them?
what types are your favorite?
F, 31. No.
my only sex toy is
Is it a red flag if a guy doesn't own a car? I live in the centre of a city and don't have one, even though I'm a good driver and drive for living. I mean I could always buy a car if that was a problem.
In which way? I'm always curious how women want that approached too
no I think it’s smart to put the funds elsewhere esp since breakins might cost a lot for repairs
Driving or not driving in the age of Uber isn't really that big a deal imo
No, if you live somewhere where a car is unnecessary it's fine.
>be on this site for 11 years
>check my countries news subreddit for more concentrated news because pol is twitter images and shitposting
>sometimes post
>get banned for 7 days, get banned for another 7 days once those 7 were up, make a new account, get banned again, dont log into the other account or any account for 7 days, get banned again permanently

jesus fucking christ, I now understand why everyone hates reddit, literally unusable. Think I'm going to make new accounts and send death threats to mods
That should answer your own question… no it’s not a red flag because cars are hella expensive, and even if they’re not or don’t have to be, if you don’t need one don’t get one.
Damn! NTA but now I don't feel as bad about riding the bus every day
Girls, is it wrong for an 18 year old to date a 15 year old?
A bit. At least let her finish with school.
>muh school
Pretty borderline in my book. Depends.
They're also mostly alcoholics.
Women tell really boring stories.
What if they're both in school?
They just don't like you.
Ok, I wasn't gonna push it but why do you feel this way? You must know that if it gets out that she's dating an 18 year old, people are gonna think it's weird.
I hate women so much
No I don't. People loved my story about getting hit on while I was knocking down icicles.
Why do you act like women are just hardware that parts are swapped in and out interchangeably based off of men's feelings. God made her like that.

Also women like men with a GENETIC jawbone that cannot ever be changed. Women want an unattainable jawbone on men, Men want unattainable tits on women.
I like smaller breasts more to be honest
Hate sex is still sex.
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This is impossible. No one is that beautiful.
I went through all the pictures I have saved. And I could find a flaw in every face.
>Also women like men with a GENETIC jawbone
Do we?
My parents aren't too obsessive with it unlike other asian families, thank God. Especially since my eldest sister and younger brother have married, it's been okay. My granny is very old-school and has learning difficulties, though, so she makes prayers for me and my sisters to get married.
Keep in mind that there are a lot of Europeans (me) posting right now
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Prime Claudia Black
Hell, I find current Claudia Black hot as well
>do you own any sex toy?
I own a clitoral suction vibrator, a phallic-shaped vibrator of medium intensity, and a hitachi-wand style mains-powered vibrator. And a glass dildo my ex gifted me.
>how long have you been using them?
I've been using them since I was 19 and my boyfriend at the time introduced me to a small vibrator. Prior to that, I would masturbate with the water stream from the bath faucet.
>what types are your favorite?
All three of them are great. It's nice to have variety. Suction vibrators are better for solo-use as they require precise positioning. Small bullet vibrators are good for women with high-sensitivity and great with a partner.
I love, love, love my glass dildo. It's slender so easy and comfortable to insert and very easy to sterilise. Excellent shape which hits the right spot.
That just ends up making humungous tiddy women feel the need to cut them off since it's genetic. preferences are always lose lose. which is what I'm trying to explain to the foid girl from before.

A lot of you do. Men don't use make-up so the male and female versions of a pretty face are heavily biased against men. For a man to have a pretty face, it is almost always going to be due to his jaw or eyes or nose, things he cannot change. For a woman she can just use makeup to be pretty, only extreme cases would need surgery to be pretty. Pretty faces are unattainable for men.

Unattainable faces for men, unattainable bodies for women.
>Men want unattainable tits on women.
Not true. Guys have way more variance in what they're attracted to compared to women. You could say it's because they're more desperate but still...
>people are gonna think it's weird
a yes a womans kryptonite
I think you overestimate what make up does.
Just your fingers?
18 no that’s embarrassing what if it’s found
>That just ends up making humungous tiddy women feel the need to cut them off
What? I'm fine with mine, I know there's some guy out there that would like them.
Yeah.Spending money to masturbate always felt weird.
Yes? It's not sarcasm. We are social creatures.
Roy Harper did it *shrug*
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Who /atoga/ got?
The difference stems from the fact that men have way more sperm that women have eggs. If you asked a man to sculpt his ideal woman and he could only have one for his entire life you may see something similar to a woman's mentality. But if you tell him to sculpt his ideal woman and he can have multiple then you're gonna start to see he makes a ton that look way different rather than slight variations off his ideal.
Right but you're talking to a man using a womans argument.
You are not fucking Roy Harper, anon, no matter how many striped shirts you have.
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I prefer to date my own ethnicity/nationality (rather than white per se) but all my dating is on the apps. Most of the likes I get are from brown or asian women so I end up dating them the most.
I always have been and will be on the side of The Gorilla
Yeah, guys can like black bitches, latinas, white girls, short girls, tall girls, small boobs, big boobs etc, while for females it's always a combination of TALL, HANDSOME, RIPPED, with no exceptions unless they're with some celeb or rich guy.
Grizzly bear obviously wins, it's way bigger, stronger, and tougher.
That said, neither even cracks the top 3 toughest animals on land (hippos, rhinos, and elephants)
do you think the use of toys decrease the enjoyment you get when being intimate with a partner?
what about reducing the interest of getting in a relationship?
Yall think the gorilla is gonna lose until he puts the bear in a rear naked choke hold.
This mf is getting turned into boots
nta but the point is its okay if you like the guy only "wrong" if you hate him
F not ripped, ottermode. Ripped is a man's idea of masculinity.
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You know what I mean, dumb cunt. You all want the same men, dumb bitch.
I would wager the opposite.

>you're right, but still
women want things men cannot change, and they converge upon an ideal. Men want what they can get as long as it's pretty, nice to them, etc. A woman rejected by one guy, will be the fantasy of another guy, but a man rejected by one girl, will be rejected by basically all of them.
Gorilla wins this for sure. The bear might have a small weight advantage, but the gorilla can move a lot faster and has more strength.
>Meanwhile women are posting realistic men with pretty face + avg/attainable bodies
If we ignore the aspect of height.
or shoulder width
Girls, do you sometimes just want to be a sex object?
That would look absolutely nothing like it in person, without lights and filters. It doesn't really change your face features.

I wear make up, I look slightly better with it on but my face features are the same.
No, I always want to be a very loved and pampered gf.
You guys really think height matters a lot, huh? Wait, is it like us and our boob insecurity?
okay LEGITIMATELY why is this allowed?
Git gud. Makeup can like fake cleavage even.
both those things actually matter a lot
problem is when people assume they're dealbreakers
That's just your type, not an objective 10/10
Weird proportions. Alien.
Annoying face.
Mommy issues.
Height matters a lot on dating apps, which is what shaped perceptions. IRL not really as Long as you are taller than her
No, we actually get rejected for being short and our life quality will be shit overall. You having small boobs is insignificant because you still get an easy life because you have a vagina.
Beggars can't be choosers. Men are the beggars, women are the choosers.
tfw no ayy lmao gf
There are for a minority but I don't think you want to hook up with those people anyway.
>do you think the use of toys decrease the enjoyment you get when being intimate with a partner?
No. Vibrators help increase the speed and intensity of orgasm, yes. However, my enjoyment of sex isn't directly correlated with number or intensity of orgasms. I would much rather be having sex with someone I fancy than using a vibrator.
>what about reducing the interest of getting in a relationship?
I'm not sure what link there is between the two? But no, definitely not. I was celibate for several years and it made me crave a relationship even more. I would often cry after masturbating thinking I'd be alone forever.
you know it's a real 10/10 when it puts hoes in their feelings
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Only on Tuesdays after the full moon.
I'm pretty good at doing my make up. In a photo, yes, you can fake stuff. IRL, no.
are you in a relationship at the moment?
Height matters a lot, that's pretty much an objective fact which is why it's an insecurity in the first place.
I'll be here on Oct 8th
Ok, the media tells us that big boobs are super important.
so many false presuppositions to try and justify what is blatantly just fraud
Women, does it feel good when your boobs are swinging around during sex?
Explain how that's false.
That was my point. Most people will take what they can get. They still matter though as when comparing two options height and breast size will be critical factors.
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state gender
what's your opinion on porn?
if you enjoy it, what type is your favorite?
what's the most degenerate shit you have enjoyed watching in recent time? (not including illegal stuff obvs)
>muh media
It doesn't impact your salary and dating life though. Being a short man will.
You can't /thread your own post anon. That's... that's not how it works.
Doesn't matter all that much to me. I fond people all different kinds attractive. I would only hesitate a little marrying a foreigner because my dad got swindled by his Chinese ex wife. She completely used him for US citizenship without him knowing before it was too late.

Some states/areas have a look because of a large nationality settling there. I live in a very heavy Irish and German area. Most people are blue eyed, light colored hair, and have a similar look.
23 a dildo but it’s not it’s not the same
Very much so
>It doesn't impact your salary and dating life though.
WTF yes it does. Do you have any idea how many ten girl magazines there were telling you what to do to get a man? And nicer looking women generally have a bigger salary.
You must be a real catch.
1. all men would have to be beggars
2. all women would have to be choosers
3. you having no options means its ok to lie to you (a standard no one holds for any other type of lie)
Also its contradictory to say you have to lie when men don't have other options because if they didn't you wouldn't need the makeup they'd just accept women on their natural looks.
Same as other mental health problems. Be encouraging and ask how I can help/accommodate.
I think its not a good thing, I want to quit but I end up missing jorking it to amateur solo. I dislike pretty much everything unless its amateur solo or a picture or a naked woman. I dont do it often, cut down to twice a week maximum, I used to once per week and I want to get back to that. I have not watched anything more degenerate as it doesn't interest me.

I want to know how to quit but my brain always rationalises it in the moment and if I ignore it I end up with back to back coom dreams which ruin my bed and it leaves me frustrated.
Maybe you won't get paid for having big boobs, you'll certainly be more likely to get hired however
28. I have a couple different ones. Dildos and vibrators. Been using them for 10 years. I like my rabbit most
>not including illegal stuff obvs
How about you don't ask these questions then, if you need to type this out as an explicit disclaimer. Stop masturbating for once. Stop hornyposting.
this the type of person that says "name one time I was ever mean to you" after being mean to you
>how many ten girl magazines there were telling you what to do to get a man
tbf most of that stuff was bullshit
agree about the boobs though
>small weight advantage
The heaviest silverback ever recorded is lighter than the average north american grizzly
Bears might look slow but they aren't, a full sized grizzly can be faster than Usain Bolt on land
For you
Why do you ask?
This is the type of person whos retarded so they have to make shit up about the other party instead of just discussing the point at hand
Yes. I've had and been using them for about 5 years. My favorite is my massage wand with the head attachments.
Not necessarily a red flag, but would be a deal breaker to me. I grew up in a small town and moved to the city. I have to commute to work outside of the city and have pets. I can't fathom not having a car. Especially because I love camping and road trips. I wouldn't want to be the one always driving so I know it would end up bothering me too much
I'm sorry I suggested you were mean. I won't do it again.
Thats not even the point
anons help how do I quit this, I dont wanna be a slave to my monke brain anymore
n many dating scenarios, men may feel they have less power or fewer options, leading to the belief that they must accept what they can get. This perception can create a situation where women are seen as having more agency in choosing partners.

Society often places different expectations on men and women regarding appearance and behavior. For instance, women might feel pressured to look a certain way, while men might feel pressured to succeed or provide, reinforcing the idea that women have more choices based on attractiveness.

In competitive dating environments, individuals who feel they have fewer options may be more likely to settle for less than ideal circumstances, reinforcing the "beggars can't be choosers" mentality.

Some argue that in certain social or economic contexts, men may face more challenges in attracting partners, leading to the idea that they must accept lower-quality matches, while women can afford to be more selective.
I think I'm getting sick :(

Indifference. Just don't ever pay for it.
>tbf most of that stuff was bullshit
True, but we believed it.
Im currently playing an eroge
What do you see as the biggest red flags in a man
He's literally perfect
A good one? I just downloaded Solgante and it's a hoot.
The effect of small tits is comparatively exaggerated, probably because said media profits a lot off your insecurity as there is a market interest. Height by comparison is MORE important than is explicitly stated.
Thanks chatgpt but I was disagreeing with the validity of the premise not asking what it was.
How is that relevant?
Difference in average weight is about 1/3 of the gorilla's weight, and gorillas are much faster than humans. I'm also not just talking about running speed, I'm talking about movement in general. Bears have a weight advantage but a lot of that is fat, while gorillas are much more lean.
Assuming the bear's skull wasn't immediately smashed in, it would have a ton of broken ribs pretty quickly.
Brock Lesnar would kill both the bear and the gorilla.
rolling an 88 on a nazi basket making forum
It's explaining why it's true. It reinforces itself.
>I deserve a relationship because I was born!
>If you won't be with me, you're a bitch!
>Of course I only befriended you for sex, why else would I?!
>If you don't give me sex when I want it, you're a shitty partner!
What do you see as the biggest red flags in a woman
F. I enjoy porn occasionally. I have no issues with my partner watching it, especially while I give him head.
I like solo women or lesbian the most. I enjoy seeing a woman get off.
Probably a FFM threesome with the dude getting spit railed by the women wearing straps.
Women really just misunderstand men having a preference versus a standard.
I'm conflicted because I know a lot of it is effectively, and some times literally, rape. But I reluctantly do enjoy it.
I don't really have a favorite type, but I do enjoy porn that I can self-insert as the woman.
Playing Sequel awake right now.
>You could do so much better than me, anon!
Anon was saying the media doesn't impact a girl's dating life. It does. Just because the information is false doesn't mean they aren't affected by it.
Thats not fair, brock lesnar is literally a monster
I tried the first of those. They seem way more game than ero.
Its asserting that its true not proving that it is. I already knew the argument no one asked for an explanation.
They have smaller brains, so logic isn't their strong suit.
How do you prove truth?
Considering the absolute marvel of science and engineering that smartphones are, and all of its potential utility, after the Israel Lebanon bombs, I think it's undeniable that the reason smartphones are so cheap and widely available is that they're putting bombs in them to blow up our hands and/or faces in case we ever decide to do a revolution and overthrow the government again.
State gender. Thoughts?
Yea they'll feel bad for a second before they're eventually swept up by a man because no one gives a shit about thigh gaps.
what hobbies do you have?
>Height by comparison is MORE important than is explicitly stated.
What? I always see commercials and stuff where a burly tall guy is the ideal.
>parasitism is normal
I think the fight goes like this. They both stand up to eachother to look big, which is how animals fight, they paw for eachothers head except the bear's head isn't in reach, at some point the bear with it's larger mouth and height advantage gets a bite on the gorilla's head and kills it. I don't really see a good chance for the gorilla to grab the bear's head, which is how they fight and drag it to the ground
movies, vidya, gamedev
What are you playing? I might hit up Karryn's Prison again soon. It's "ol' reliable" for me when I can't orgasm. Especially with the Lovense support.
Can't be helped.
I tried already and it wouldn't work. He refused everything and ended up in the hospital twice telling him he had advanced ibs.
...Um... I do...
Depends on what you're trying to prove. I'm not gonna ask you prove shit on 4chan I'm just telling you I already disagree with the premise, and even if I didn't it doesn't really matter because that wouldn't justify deceiving men.
Games, particularly retro
Reading, especially history
Building models
Cooking but I'm not good at it
I'd wager it's more of a tracking system.
post your rejected womens list
The stripper job alone made me bust 500 times
Oh yeah its 100% more game than ero but I'm enjoying it so far. I also played "Get Violated By EVERY Girl You Encounter RPG" recently
Currently its Sequel awake
>Karryn's Prison
>Lovense support
Even more based
F Weird... I have IBS and they kept telling me I was anorexic.
is anime a hobby or an interest?
>I already disagree with the premise
Mark of a really bad debater. Good debaters, they can switch sides and still do convincing arguments.
Video games, writing, reading, and messing with various AI stuff. Occasionally anime.
Photography, parkour, movies, books, music, internet history, collecting
how can anime be a hobby
Hobbies are for people with money and free time.
Writing, music, vidya.
Acting in films and TV, singing, playing the guitar, watching movies.
>A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time.
Yes, anime is a hobby.
A hobby can be anything one does for pleasure in their free time.
I love drawing and cooking, but no kitchen in dorm… I also really enjoy going on walks if that counts as a hobby.. and I’m learning to animate!!
Depends how into it you get. Model kits and stuff.
Oh, but you do have free time. You have more free time than you know what to do with.
He has advanced ibs because his diet is so acidic and not fit for human consumption that it was eating his intestines.
If reading can be a hobby, why not anime? Why single that out?
So... 4chan?
Bouldering and Manga are my primary hobbies
I just thought it was silly the hobby is listed as “anime” and not “watching anime” LLL
Says the guy whos still refused to address the point this whole time.
I deeply dislike porn and think it's unhealthy; I wouldn't want a partner who watches it.
I've have a pornsick partner before and it was horrible. In comparison, the one man I've slept with who doesn't watch porn I've had incredibly intimate sex with - the kind of loving sex I'd dream about when I was idealistic. He's imaginative and cerebral and sensual, and it reflects in intimacy.
The stripper job was my least favorite. I like the serving job. Just teasing, flashing, and getting drunk before getting bent over the bar and gangbanged.

My biggest gripe with the game is only getting to fuck the yeti guy once.
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Playing death metal on my guitar, drawing, lifting, shitposting and ecology, gonna start getting into model kit building as well
Reading can't be a hobby. Is scrolling through tiktok a hobby?
>for pleasure
call me the master baiter
Maybe he has gastritis? Inflammation of the stomach lining leads to excessive acid production, potentially affecting the intestines.
There’s a lot of rape in the porn industry
You put down walking as one of your hobbies, anon can list anime as one of his (with the caveat that anon has at least 2 others)
I like how you think I'm the same anon.
ever heard of making anime? ever heard of amvs? ever heard of anime conventions? ever heard of anime blogs? ever heard of cosplay?
Then you should rag on >>32039640 >>32039651 >>32039652 too
>I don't really have a favorite type, but I do enjoy porn that I can self-insert as the woman
Can you uhhh... expand on that please. Who do you self insert as.
Yeah, but I said "AND", meaning you often need both.
If I had money, my hobbies would be:
Martial arts.
Trading / Investing.
Collecting (esp. anime figures).
Maybe parkour.
Maybe something else I don't know of yet.
What a gay thing to like.
I cosplay but I'm not really big on anime.
hmm.. my personal definition of hobby is something that you can use/build as a skill..
calm down buddy I just thought it was silly
It's okay I forgive u
my hobby is installing key loggers on my friends devices and then going over what theyve been doing
Yes, it can. No, tiktok doesn't count.
When people say reading, they mean books or literature.
It will soon be another birthday, Christmas and New Year's completely alone again. What's the point of living like this?

>has a special needs kid
>Lists binge-watching reality shows as an interest
>Face or hand tattoos
>"I'm a queen looking for my king"
*rags on you*
Hardcore weebs learn Japanese from anime.
You really gonna call walking a skill?
Just don’t have sex because it might be statutory rape.
Ooh, that's one of my favorites too.
That produces nothing and doesn't require any activity same as tiktok.
>>has a special needs kid
>build as a skill
does media literacy count
that you can Build as a skill, like to go running or jogging or some shit
It used to be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racewalking
M, it get my dick hard.
>favorite type
>what's the most degenerate shit you have enjoyed watching in recent time?
I have a collection of creampies that probably led to pregnancy. I really like seeing the moment that made it happen.
By your definition you can call gooning a hobby
actual most tame 4chan user
most people never attain this
Except walking isn't jogging or running. It's not even hiking.
It should be legal and encouraged but controlled. I think it could be great educational material in sex matters for younger people.
But as I said, it must be controlled. Right now porn is being used to brainwash and destroy the youth.
For example, if I visit a porn site with a VPN from a random country, I get normal video recommendations, but if I visit the very same site with a VPN from USA, suddenly it's all blacks and cuckoldry and prostrate massages and pegging and transexuals. Fucking crazy.
for the hope that someday you wont be as alone. Iktf well. I live out of spite as no one actually gives a fuck about you.
level 1 gooner vs level 100 gooner
yeah which is why I said myself “if it’s even considered a hobby” … :3
What are normal recommendations on a porn site? :/
Gardening, drawing, learning lore on various topics.
F if it’s visual porn, it’s lesbian or solo female.
watch it way more than I should
my favorite is amateur couples recording themselves for the sake of it
the other day I was on a binge watching the videos of this peruvian guy that did casting-type videos with normal girls that did it for money, many of the girls had their faces censored and were visible nervous of doing it, but by the end all of them were begging for and enjoying cock as whores
No it's because he drinks mountain dew like water and only eats beef jerky.
Well... Better than Duolingo I guess...
>if I visit the very same site with a VPN from USA, suddenly it's all blacks and cuckoldry and prostrate massages and pegging and transexuals.
What the fuck, I am not getting those recommendations bro

I'm sorry but I don't want to deal with your shitty non-verbal autistic screeching creature
Art, crochet, reading, listening to podcasts, 3D printing, D&D, Magic, and kayaking
Everybody knows that generically attractive people appear in movies and advertisement. The issue of height goes beyond that just that surface level. Not to mention men usually don't take media depictions of an ideal to heart the way women do, the height insecurity is mostly born from experience in real life. Part of this includes realizing women's preferences/standards are less varied than men's, which ends up ironic in a way as men are usually accused of holding rigid beauty standards.
They've started shilling IRL futa girls on pornhub now.
Femanons turn that frown upside down.
What do you mean it produces nothing and requires no activity?
It increases your attention span and concentration capability, it enriches your vocabulary and idea/concept inventory, it raises your ability to follow arguments and think logically, etc.
You can also use the material you read to write things or socialize.
Sounds like you've never read anything in your life.
No. Men are a bunch of niggers in deduction games and I hate them.
>Who do you self insert as.
Women, is it weird if your hypothetical bf wants to sniff your panties? How much is too much.
are you a panty sniffer anon
Oh, the citric acid, right...
The way that porn wrecked me most is my expectation for how beautiful real live women are
Hetero sex between couples. No cheating/racemixing/feminization and the like degenarate bullshit.
You know damn well anon is asking what pornstar anonette is. Dont be dense.
you hate abusechad because he's your type but he doesn't treat you nicely and schizophrenically blame depressed ugly virgin autists for being the same sex as him.
Nah, I like it. My ex used to store my sweaty t-shirts in a ziplock bag.
Is anime a talent or a skill?
How do I become a normal girl who people like?
Is your cunt shaved? You never answered me yummy 18yo pussy
I will neither confirm nor deny, you should be able to draw your own conclusions from that. Now please answer the question.
>in a ziplock bag
Thats just a little too far for me but did that honestly not weird you out?
Own my car, a bimmer
And fully own my apartment, banks need not apply
Wow really what countries get normal porn?
it's skill autism larping as talent.
I hope the loneliness ends for you one day friend. My worst holiday/January birthday season was followed by meeting my now bf that March. Life took a hard 180 without me expecting it. Hope you live long enough to see the good side
do you have friends you hangout with?
How much did he pay them? (assuming it was even true)
>Not to mention men usually don't take media depictions of an ideal to heart the way women do
Excuse me? Ask a guy what his favorite movie is and it's usually something like Die Hard or Terminator.
Not weird, just confusing for me since I don't see the appeal even as a bi woman
Yeah, that's me. I'm implying that I know what and why he's asking.
If the bear raises up to get his head out of reach he's getting pummeled in the chest by the bear, which is going to break some ribs. Either that or it will move around the bear and get on its back. Either way, not good for the bear.

Something else to keep in mind is bears really aren't fighters. They'll fight smaller, weaker prey but generally speaking once they encounter a serious fight bears will try to get away. Gorillas on the other hand are basically 0-100 as soon as the fight starts and they stay at 100 until one or both of them is dead or incapacitated.
no they haven't
t. futa elitist
What is squirting?
Any that isn't North America or Europe (there might be exceptions).
been ignoring on purpose
don’t think it’d be too weird if it’s just a sniff
Its hot is what it is.
Woe is me :/
Massive cope. Same energy as playing games increases my iq.
Well are you gonna answer him?
I'd say between 300 and 500 usd on peruvian money.
One of the girls said that she only sign up because she was a fan of the guy's videos and pretty much beg him to threat her like a whore.
But it does!
>Thats just a little too far for me
These things tend to escalate. You'll be storing undies in bags soon, too, anon.
>but did that honestly not weird you out?
No. I thought it was endearing, actually. Why is it weird? He likes the smell. Not doing any harm.
what about male friends?
>abusechad pumps and dumps you
>"the incels are to blame for this!"
just like, watch tv, I guess.
This is pretty common lots of models have trouble getting men.
I need a raw opinion from an unbiased woman in my life, someone that doesn’t know me at all
I need to know what’s wrong with me and what turns women off from me so often, almost always
Should I message a woman from my city, that grew up in the same environment as I but is now an escort/of model/prostitute to give her opinion on me?
Is it a good idea or would it damage me more?
Not trying to bang her, even if she’s 10/10 in my book, just talk to her
Its the concentrated scent for me
>What is your preferred hair length on a woman?
>How long strikes the line of too weirdly long for you?

>How long is your hair?
>How long would you like your hair to be?
>What length is weirdly long in your opinion?
It's not urine. It's the vaginal wetness being projected out by convulsions.
>reading, movies, TV are my hobbies
Wow anon so based!
>anime is my hobby
Ew yuck!
Being bisexual
Yes and? Hardly any guy is going to be that torn up about not looking like Arnie in the way women have constantly vented about how they look compared to actresses
Oh yes they have brother, they've got actual pornstars doing it
They’re all incels, anon, and what the fuck ripped tv have to do with this?
No longer than hip length, no real minimum
Girls with longer hair than that are weirdos.
Chin length
Hell have a pixie cut
I think short hair looks good, unless it's purposely dykish
>Hardly any guy is going to be that torn up about not looking like Arnie
Anon, why do you do this to me?...

No. It comes from the urethra. It's piss. The woman is pissing.
>don’t think it’d be too weird if it’s just a sniff
it would be a little more intense than just a sniff
Are you willing to pay her going rate? As far as I'm aware, it's not unheard of for men to book a prostitute and end up just talking to her.
I got waist length hair, and I want it mid-thigh length.. there’s something so magical about growing hair super long.. but I do need a trim
no hair is weirdly long to me, it’s all beautiful
>>How long is your hair?
Armpit length.
>>How long would you like your hair to be?
I like my length now. Anything between shoulder and armpit length.
>>What length is weirdly long in your opinion?
Hip length. Although, it's rare to see waist-length and longer in Western countries.
at least shoulder length is preferred, don't really care as long it's not too short. I guess knee length would be weird.
Damn thats only like 1/3 average monthly salary. Equivalent to $1500 in the us. Would normal girls really?
>I thought it was endearing, actually
There is still hope.
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what is the preferred hair length of men according to femanons?
Yeah, why not
We know each other by sight, as it were
Could even be in a public setting, idc, I’m paying for her time
I've spoken on here before about my resemblance to Scarlit Scandal. We even orgasm the same way.
>it comes from the urethra
Have you touched and tasted it? Because I have. It's vaginal secretion, not urine.
>chad is an incel
Wouldn't that be a huge bother to care for though?
Gorillas aren't MMA fighters, they don't do targeted, efficient strikes. It's possible they could break some ribs but Grizzly's are some of the toughest animals on the planet, they can survive being shot in the head and bites practically anywhere on their body besides the throat do little damage. Due to the relative leanness of a gorilla and it's exposed head, the bites which are very likely to occur will inflict much more damage
Like asia? Can middle eastern countries access porn sites?
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I am not a model and I have never heard of this. I've never seen or met a single model or model shaped woman
There's no "one size fits all"
It depends entirely on the man because some men look incredible with long hair, while others look atrocious.
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as long as it’s kept healthy and maintained, there is no maximum length to male hair. peak masculinity when it’s preserved with something that’s seen as “feminine” now
Bra strap length is the best imo
Weirdly long is like, if it touches your butt when you are naked
You were right.....>>32039820
>What is your preferred hair length on a woman?
I really dont care but if you had a gun to my head and made me choose I will say bob cut or shorter
>How long strikes the line of too weirdly long for you?
I'm not gonna think "Damn thats long" until it reaches mid thigh
Waist length
This length is fine

Anything that touches your ass is too long
Had to look up what you were even talking about damn I thought you meant tranny porn at first what a time to be alive.
I've done it /atoga/, I'm managed to make my nether regions smell not unpleasant. Through a comprehensive cleaning routine and consumption of a special blend of spices(literally pumpkin spice), my GF now says my wedding tackles smells like all spice. She can't stop laughing every time she encounters all spice because it reminds her of my superweapon.
Greatly depends on whether he's capable of maintaining it. Generally, men look better with short hair. A more equivalent question would be facial hair length/style!
going back to height, it's not really comparable to the more tangible every day experience that comes from being shorter than other men because most men don't look like the Terminator and you're not really competing with him 99% of the time
well, if you are unemployed, have tried and failed to get a job and really need the money I'd say it would be pretty appealing to younger women.
Also as I mentioned, most of them had their faces blurred so that might have give them more confidence or something.
He’s not a damn chad if he’s abusive, faggot. Be insecure somewhere else.
I hate anything close cropped or buzz cut I like something I can run my fingers through at least. Curls etc but past the ears is usually too long for me to like it anymore
This. Bear fur is way too thick for a Gorilla to actually hurt them. They're too heavy for a gorilla to slam, not that it would do much damage. Meanwhile bears are faster, have claws, and have much more powerful bites.
More hair taken better care of is a sign of a top male choice.
But having a beard means you're a chinlet
>We even orgasm the same way.
I challenge you to read this, faggot. Prove it requires no activity nor effort at all by reading it.
I think we need to specify what kind of bear.
F. I just chopped 8 inches of damaged/colored hair off last night and it's shoulder length now. I want it to be waist/hip length again. Weirdly long is knees or longer
Is your love protected with a ring?
I heard about this dating coach that let men date 10/10 women then consulted with them and gave you their real opinions. The stated price was too much so I never looked into it but some sort of equivalent should exist somewhere else.
>How long is your hair?
5-8 inches. It’s shorter in the front because I had cut it too much.
>How long would you like your hair to be?
>What length is weirdly long in your opinion?
Anything below the knees.
A bear's rib cage is pretty large, the strikes don't have to be all that targeted.
So now we're pretending bear fur is impenetrable? Come on. If a gorilla lands a full force blow on a bear's ribs it's going to break something.
Yeah Jia Lisa has a couple videos with them.
>what a time to be alive.
It's a full salary in Peru.
Imagine getting a full month of pay for 1 hour of fucking on camera.
The bane of my existence
rings are stupid
Well Arnie is out of style but I see your point.
no not really, my hair is pretty straight so combing and washing isn’t much of a bother. combing takes like 3 passes for it to be knot-free LOL
my bf made me a ring :3
>Imagine getting a full month of pay for 1 hour of fucking on camera.
Sound crap. It's not a stable, regular income is it.
Have you tasted urine to compare?
if you want any pussy at all, you better fucking say it's pussy juice and not pee.
I doubt there’s anything like this in this shit hole I live in
I’ll try to find something, who knows
Length doesn't matter that much. I prefer long hair usually, but some guys look great with shorter hair. I'm a huge sucker for curls and am constantly begging my bf to keep his hair long. Well groomed is the most important part.
If getting pussy means I have to let a woman piss all over me and all over the room and then thank her for it, no thank you.
you can taste if she ovulating by tasting her piss. Try it
Gorillas also have small cocks
truly a pathetic animal
2A/3A people what products do you use for your hair. What is your routine. State gender
>You're just insecure I get treated badly by sexually attractive men!
Not my problem.
Fat or skinny idc
House must smell like pussy
Nah. It's protected by witchcraft
Are you hot or ugly?
Good, more for me~
>Have you tasted urine to compare?
Yes. I've also tasted my own vaginal fluid - blown him immediately after he's fucked me.
Kek cope simp/roastie.
Jeremy Meeks was an abusive drug addict yet he still got lusted over by millions of women and got married to a billionaire heiress.
本当は「パワーレンジャー」は「スーパー戦隊」と同じです。石ノ森 ・章太郎さんはスーパー戦隊と仮面ライダーの作者、でもそのシリーズは違います。
If thats the case why not just go into prostitution? Sure it may be more than one session but certainly not more than a days worth of work.
It can be.
Now imagine doing this for a month. Getting 3 years of salary in 1 month.
You can invest the money or start a business.
Okay and? Obviously that means we have different standards of chads. He’s abusive? He’s not a chad. End of.
>inb4 you’re running from an argument therefore you lose
>there’s no point in going any further if it keeps repeating, unfuckable and unlovable nigger
NTA but I would always be highly sceptical when it comes to studies like this.

First of all: do they control for genetic confounding?

You often see studies which compare kids who do X and kids who don't do X, see the kids who do X do better and then assume it has something to do with X rather than doing X being a side-effect of the very traits in which they are doing better, i.e. confusing cause and effect.

Second: do they publish effect sizes?

Very often the effect sizes after controlling for genetics, SES, etc. tend to be pretty minor throughout social sciences.
sorry to butt in but how the fuck are you guys typing in japanese. im assuming you aren't just using google translate.
I read it. It says you are gay.
Even being dissed in Japanese sounds really polite.
F. Do you mean the hair textures? I'm 2A/2B. I use a local small business's bar shampoo and bar conditioner. Most things geared towards wavy/curly hair is too heavy for me. If I want nice waves I'll top it off with a small amount of gel then mousse
Keep coping, retard. Kek.
>he's not a chad if i say so
>*meanwhile, millions of women creaming their panties*
I only use attack rings.
is that supposed to be hard? although I did a stem masters so le scientific literature is all ive read for about 4 years
I fucked up I meant 2C/3A
>bar shampoo and bar conditioner
They make that now?
Alright guess my stats were wrong. So thats like 4000 for us hm yea guess a lot of women would do that. Femanons can you weigh in?
Friend, reading has been recognized as a valuable and useful activity since ancient times.
Go be an illiterate retard elsewhere.
I think the most likely scenario is that they paw at eachother and scramble, but the bear ends with "top position" because of the size difference, they both land a bite on eachother, but gorilla's upper body is much more exposed, even a bite to the arm gets right down into the muscle, whereas the return bite from the gorilla will likely not hit anything essential, bears during fights get bitten in like 10 different places and walk away practically unharmed.
>For you
meant for >>32039556
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Just add it as a language in Windows, then press Windows+Space to switch.
Some of my keys don't work, so I had to copy and paste certain words from a dictionary.
Music, writing music, doing things for marching bands such as writing drill or attending competitions, car repairs
Can I provide this as a service to my local community?
Yeah. I like it because it's all natural and isn't loaded with silicones like most commercially made products. Lush has some nice ones too, but they're pricey
neat, thanks for filling me in
If you're on Linux you can use Mozc-Fcitx or Mozc-Ibus.
That's what I use.
US or different county?
How long does that usually last?
So people really spend their whole life looking for "perfect" people that never existed outside of literal fiction (their imagination), Ignoring 100% of people in the process and becoming gay if they can't find it?

That's tough!
I constantly feel stressed anxious and lonely. Should I get a plushy?
thats actually not an argument
Only women.
Yes. They even make weighted plushies now, like a weighted blanket.
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Any way to type in ipa on linux?
YES plushies are the true cure to anxiety .. trust me I am a real doctor …
a REAL MAN will give his woman pleasure despite pain, piss, blood, and fire!
JH are you here with us, did you ever end up getting your fox/bear plush or is he still stuck in transit hell.
No idea...
Depends whose asking. But in my opinion ugly
I would suggest a fidget toy.
>but controlled
I despise people like you. You are utterly pussified and you ruin everything you touch. Why do you want others deciding what you can or cannot masturbate to? Are you fucking gay? Or something? And whose job exactly will it be? Who in your JOI orgasm porn control fantasy will be controlling your access to porn?
I hate people like you.
>reading has been recognized as a valuable and useful activity since ancient times.
Are you familiar with the concept of the cargo cult?

Reading has historically been recognised as something which smart people tended to do a lot. But whether reading makes one smart has to be put to the test. And based on the studies I have seen, the effect sizes have been pretty minor.
Is travel a hobby or a lifestyle?
nta but what animal has the most healing properties?
Men is it okay if you eat the cookie part of the oreo so I can just eat the filling
subtitles please
Shoulder or waist length. Might accept short / chin length if it does look on her.
I especially like the hime cut.
>too weirdly long
Mid thigh length, I guess?
teddy bear…. or bunny….
Almost two months. But I only wash my hair every 2 to 3 days
A ring is not enough protection.
A ring is foreplay.
Shalom rabbi
Lose some weight fatty
I'll do it because I love you but I'm not gonna particularly enjoy it.
Lifestyle. The amount of planning that goes into makes it almost not worth it for me unless I can guarantee it will be fun
The healing purr of the purring cat.
this is why women don't have rights
The healing purr of the purring cat.
Yes, doesn’t it? I think you’re really smart for a fucking bastard.
not a man but I never liked the filling anyway
You're a female, your loneliness is self-imposed.
I'm underweight. Probably because I don't eat the cookie part
Thank you I love you
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Thank you, I got a good chuckle out of this
dating is too much work, I don't want to have to drive places and go out and do shit all the time what the fuck just sit on my dick
>>How long is your hair?
Somewhere around waist length to hip length. I have wavy curly hair (2C/3A) so it varies.

>>How long would you like your hair to be?
They call it "bra strap length" here but that's not what I'd call it, I imagine that as just above the bra cup (where the bra strap ends). Idk what I would call it.

But I'd like my hair to be about at my nipples or just past my boobs.

My hair is hurting my neck and the hair shed is getting everywhere. The maintenance doesn't really bother me. It's not much different than when my hair is shorter. Main changes are needing more conditioner and having to sleep in a high braid (as opposed to my high ponytail). Otherwise my hair gets everywhere in my sleep, including wrapped around my neck. Oh and taking longer to dry.

>>What length is weirdly long in your opinion?
Mid butt and longer ("classic length") makes my thoughts transition from "wow you have such long beautiful hair!" to "is she in a religious cult?"

Oh hi. I assume you meant 2C/3A? How long is your hair? I used to have a better hair care routine but I've ended up a bit lazy. I can type it up if you're still around and wanna talk about it.
It‘s gonna hurt me but if you want it, I will do it
>tfw the incredibly sweet femanon with her Nanook plushy is nowhere to be found
>Thank you I love you
Anything for you babe
so true
>what the fuck just sit on my dick
She will invite you over herself if you can trick her into thinking you're a Chad.
Why do women attack me spiritually when I’m only level 1
only if you suck my titty dickhead!!!
>I assume you meant 2C/3A?
Yes that is what I meant, I just had a brain fart typing it out.
>How long is your hair?
Shoulder length, little more than
>I can type it up if you're still around and wanna talk about it.
Yes please.
>my bf
You keep this up and you're going to drive away all your simps
I don't look for perfect. I try to look for non abusive, and still end up failing that.
I think relationships should have all their data read by the feds so they can kill/conscript people if they are abusive in a relationship.
If you don't want to actually love someone when you say it to them then go die in a war please.
poor moral character
You are mad but I am living my truth
Thank you
Too many women have made the assumption that I am a chad only to be face to face with an absolute tard
thats how you learn
No problem. There was purpose to me learning Japanese after all!
Why wouldn't he want to do that?
there's a storm brewing in my bowels
I can feel it
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You literally say that you like porn, but due to sexual insecurities (I assume), you feel the need to qualify it by reassuring everyone that you're not a weirdo, actually, and that you ACTUALLY want a committee to approve your favorite porn categories. It's an empty virtue signal, given the impossibility of it ever being controlled.
Do you ever use it? VR chat or IRL. Watch or Read japanese media? Why'd you learn it in the first place?
NTA but what's your type? That you look for in dating?
Gorillas don't hit and they certainly don't have technique. They try to slam. That won't work on a bear and their bite force isn't strong enough to get through the fur on a grizzly's neck.
So it's me again in case someone remember the anon who got rejected by a lesbian but she wanted to stay friends and invited me to watch a movie on Sunday (today)

Yesterday I asked her if she was still up for it she said sure and looked happy with the idea even asked my address and the time (we would watch the movie at my home) all good until now.

Today she dms me asking to reschedule it to wednesday saying something about she could not come today cause of her mom, now I wouldn't mind it if it was the first time but it's not we already rescheduled it before and I don't know if she wants to watch the movie or is just being polite cause if she doesn't want and is just being polite I'd rather she says so that she don't want so I can get it out of my mind cause now I don't know if I should ask her on Tuesday if she's still up or if I should wait her to make a move
Let me level up at least
But I am just a Sweet man
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They still sell unfilled oreos in some old foodlions.
just be a better judge of character
I hate women so much.
I've never heard of it
>let me
thats not how leveling up works
Irl sometimes. I watch toku shows mostly, play Japanese games, read a Japanese novel once. Helped with a translation project for a game once.
I've always had a keen interest in Japan, going beyond pop culture to all sorts of aspects of the nation. I minored in Japanese in college, and straight up transferred schools because the minor program stopped being offered at my first.
It can be both. For me I consider it a hobby because I only travel once or twice a year and I love researching historical sites and museums. I think it becomes a lifestyle when people travel frequently to resorts, party a lot, or travel continually for work
I would just ask her on Tuesday if she's still on. Don't overthink it. You want to hang out with her, right? Just treat her like you would a flakey friend. After the third or fourth time, assume flakiness is her personality and don't actually expect her to adhere to plans.
i always find the names of regional chains so cute
They could be selling so much more if they just called them creamless oreos
Bitch child support me.
I kill my baby mama.
I just want her to not be obese, actually like me and want to get pregnant all the time it's not fair
If I got curb-stomped at the beginning it does
sorry I have neither the height nor aesthetics
What is a nice regional store in your area?
Should I get a body pillow instead?
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get filtered
I just want one that can look at me without being disgusted
Go with a weighted blanket. I think you're not supposed to get one more than 20% of your bodyweight or something like that.
Symbols and traditions have meaning, there's nothing wrong with wedding rings. It's really tiresome when people think they're better than everyone else because they snub their noses at such things
what if thats my goal.. im not trying to make money…
Wedding ring is a pagan symbol.
Then you're failing! I'll be your simp
Whether it's the left or right type in that "Simp" vs Simp image you drew is up in the air
>what if thats my goal..
turn off your name
I think at this point it might be better for you if you just let it be and move on. You're torturing yourself
trinity knot came from a pagan symbol
NTA and M, but how can you forget all the delusional male waifufags.
Okay? Do you think that's some big gotcha for Christians, or are you one of those miserable Christian types who won't celebrate holidays or birthdays?
bc im ugly
neither are new to me so feel free to do whatever
I think that armpit length is perfect
Damn. I was only kidding :(
I remember
Do what the first anon said
Treat her like a flaky friend
LOL sorry anon I love you
But then no one will give her attention
OK but titty is titty
I wash my hair once a week or every other week. I use a shampoo without sulfates/silicones. I'm not thrilled with the one I have now, I gotta find one that strips my oils less. I use genetic head&shoulders occasionally, but I've heard that tea tree oil is supposed to help with dandruff. I might get a tea tree shampoo or just mix the essential oil into my existing shampoos. I used to have a shampoo that I loved but they changed the ingredients rip. I only use shampoo on my scalp and bangs.

I use a conditioner, also avoiding sulfates and silicones. I used to use a coconut oil one but I'm liking shea butter better lately. I work it heavily into my hair from chin length downwards and lightly into the hair up from there, avoiding my roots and not too much of my bangs. I do work it into the hair right above my ears up to the scalp since the hair is curliest and frizziest there.

I brush my hair in the shower. I don't brush it dry unless I'll be getting it damp again or am just hiding it in a braid. I use a brush with plastic tines, not a bristle brush nor a comb. I used to have one of those cool "tangle free" combs with the tiny tines of different lengths, but it broke. It did work great.

I wrote too much so I had to cut it here. Do you also want to see what I do for styling?

Are you familiar with these things so far? What do you do and use?
Different, eastern europe
Yeah because femanons never get dozens of replies per thread
it’s ok anon I’ll give you a reply
You always reply to me! It’s suffocating!!
My love has no one to go to.
okay we can pretend I’m someone else now
state age
Favorite food? Drink?
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Eggs in mustard sauce
Water with fruit drops
>Her pussy.
Sorry anon, I was told people only give you replies because you use a name :(

I like salami and pepperoni sandwiches that are loaded with veggies, usually ranch or Caesar dressing too. I like Pepsi but lately I feel gross drinking it, so I’m going for ice water.
>Favorite food?
Strawberry-orange-banana Crystal Light. Though I mostly just drink water.
people give me replies because I am super cool
They never sent it, and it took forever to get a refund. They are a scam, or at best they suck as a vendor.
M. 25. Cachapa or pizza, maybe sandwiches with cheese and lots of veggies. Papelón con limón or fruit juice.
Sounds healthy.
It's a German delicacy, it's great.
I thought ee was full of real™ men aren't the dating dynamics so simple there?
>Sounds healthy.
Sounds high in sodium.
Depends on the amount of cured meat, I guess.
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Girl look like this has permission to ruin my life
Best place to get an ai girlfriend?
I just like it. Any veggie but banana peppers is welcome.

It’s my favorite food, not my daily meal!
This is good but you have to be smart or subtle with lewd shit. I had an extremely freaky chat on there once that I only managed because I forced the character to use euphemisms.
I like Poly.AI but it has shitty memory.
Sakura was awesome, but it’s not free to use anymore. A fucking shame, I loved making bots there.
I like big dicks and I'm tired pretending I don't
Sorry I will never measure up
I wish I could take big dicks. It makes me feel pathetic not being able to.
That is a blessing, imagine if only .1% of the population could satisfy you.
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It's nice to be appreciated.
Still, there's men out there I can't sexually dominate and that makes me feel like a failure as a woman.
Femanons, what should a man do in this situation?
Wake up in bed with date. Date still asleep. I should:
A) Lie in bed, pretend to be asleep
B) Wake her up
C) Get up and leave
D) Get up (steal her keys?) and run to the shop to buy something small for the morning. If this, then what should he buy?
She said big, not above average.
I would say 99th percentile qualifies as "big."

Snuggle, you dork
What if she's also pretending to be asleep because she thinks you're sleeping
Yeah I am only attracted to people my own race.
That's sexual assault. She's unconscious.
Cuddle, slowly wake her up and have sex
She consented to snuggles by allowing herself to sleep with me
Enemies to lovers is plaid out. I want to read/write enemies to mild acquaintances
Get up, drop a deuce on the floor, make yourself breakfast but don't make her any (make sure to leave an absolute mess in the kitchen), then steal her car and don't bring it back.
Just snuggle her?
i want to read lovers to enemies
Opposites attract > enemies to lovers

Zuko/Katara >>>>>> Draco/Hermione
Fuck you, that’s exactly what my ex did.
I heard women sleep better next to a man
Is that true?
Instructions unclear, shoved her off the bed and took all the covers
He owned you
Girls rate me online from 6.6 to 7.5, depending on a photo. Most men there are rated 5.5-6.3 (I switched gender in the app just to check this). Never saw a man rated 8 and above. Even a chad looking guy was rated 7.7. Does that mean I am actually incredibly attractive? I'm 32, still don't have a gf and back in school a bunch of girls laughted at me several times for being ugly. Am I actually an ugly duckling or I put too much hope into this?
I like friendly chatbuddies to hatefucking
Isnt that right JH
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Is it a red flag for a guy to listen primarily to video game music when out and about? Asking for a friend
Absolutely true for me, yes
Women imagine the following
>You're at a costume party
>One guy has a costume with a fake dick
>You let your intrusive tought and grab his fake penis without asking
>You later learn that his real penis was inside and he didn't consent

As long as you don't talk about it its ok you can listen to it just don't make it your personality
Call the police on him for sexual assault.
Rape him next time I see him
I don’t even know what that would look like.
Agree only if you’re slim or skinny
Just don't talk about vídeo games and specially about sonic trust me I once talked about my tastes in music (about a band called sunn o))) ) to a girl and the look in her face is something I will never forget
Both genders,
What’s killing my chances with women the most?
(sorry for stealing your template bro, thought it was cool)
>visibly autistic (not Chrischan tier but I have penguin motor skills and speak a little weird)
>25 but look and act like a teenage emo boy (albeit an average/relatively attractive one) and everyone is shocked to learn my actual age
>NEET and live with my parents
>mentally ill and traumatised
>too forward when making moves on girls
positive traits I have
>kind and compassionate
>gregarious and funny
>relatively attractive (like 6/10)
>NEET and live with my parents
Neet > manchild > autistic > mentally ill > too forward
also forgot to add
>relatively socially connected but my networks rarely lead me to meet girls I'm attracted to
also meant to ask for these to be ranked in order from most to least ick
I think they look pretty lazy/ugly, they're pants.
what if I'm mostly into college girls that like emo boys though?
NEET and live with my parents > 25 but look and act like a teenage emo boy > visibly autistic
>college girls
You're a NEET. Fix that before trying to get with women in college.
Consider this: the things that are seen first may potentially put off some of the women who would have accepted the unseen things. Starting with your presentation first is easier while you spend the time changing your behavior and life circumstances
>act like a teenage emo boy
>too forward
>Report my victim of sexual assault for being sexually assaulted by me

Are you retarded? You're the one who assaulted him.
yeah but I graduated college and still chill at gigs and bars no problemo
Good point anon
I really like the emo boy aesthetic though, do I really have to give it up?
Are you lazy? Do you get things done that you set out to do? Do you get things done that others ask you to do? Are you reliable?
He tricked me into touching his penis. He’s clearly a predator who knew what he was doing.
the fuck does emo aesthetic mean here

Sleep easy knowing that if he put his dick inside the fake dick, he must have anticipated and accepted that people will grab it.
>I really like the emo boy aesthetic though, do I really have to give it up?
Can you give an example pic? Either of you, if you're willing, or something from online. Something I worry about is how polished you are. Guys with emo hair sometimes end up looking greasy and the length from neglect instead of a specific style. How's your shaving habits? Your posture?
I'm a mentally ill wasted potential fuckup with no executive function who probably has ADHD, I don't do shit with my life kek
But because I spent the last few years mistaking the forest for the trees and hitting the self improvement/social skills/cold approach content like crazy, I'm pretty charismatic in spite of my autism, combine that with kindness and yeah people generally like me, at least on a superficial, platonic level
is dating women like a snowball effect? the more women you get, the more women you will get?

why is it like that?

state gender.
It's just baggy jeans emo rapper aesthetic with 2000s emo kid hair
I guess I hit the hygeine requirements, posture isn't the best due to autism motor skills stuff
>no executive function who probably has ADHD, I don't do shit with my life kek
Let's go smaller. Yeah I get you don't have a job. But are you reliable on the day to day stuff? When you promise to be somewhere are you late? Do you keep your space clean? Do you pull your weight around the house? Are you considerate of your parents and try to take care of tasks so they don't have to? Do they have to ask you multiple times to complete a task?
no I find it jarring if a man around my age has a substantial amount of past partners
>It's just baggy jeans emo rapper aesthetic with 2000s emo kid hair
Idk what that looks like.
Can drinking too much lemonade fuck up your stomach? I’ve had a lot today and I feel like death.
As you gain experience, you gain confidence and that's innately attractive
lmao no comment
You are not that. The figure changes every time lmao.

This >>32040413 especially

It has lots of sugar, that's probably what's causing it
it’s probably messing with the acidity levels in your stomach. drink some water to help dilute or eat something plain to help digest
How fucking stupid are you, retard? You answered your own question, and yes, lemonade will fuck you ove if you drank too much.
Just picture a 2000s emo band but with baggy clothes instead of skinny fit clothes, thats me
F. Yeah.
>why is it like that?
The more you do things, fail and succeed, the better you get at that thing.
Femanons, would you like to suck on your bf's penis right now?

Water and white rice it is!!
I’m proof that IQ != intellect :(
Give me five minutes, I’ll do it
Can't you just post a pic of said emo band? I never had any interaction with anything emo. I cannot visualize this.
Even then.

Get your life in order first.
no I never have and never will
god yes
Well now I kind of feel bad…
Are you afraid of cum, like JH?
Sure, but he's driving home from visiting friends and I'll have to wait another hour
No I’m just a lesbian in denial, keeping up with appearances.
Do you have a DUFF?
>Designated Ugly Fat Friend
Yes, that would be nice. I did this morning though, and will again in a little bit
If you're into the self improvement grindset, that's something to work on. If you have a hard time caring about your space, try this. Instead of thinking "this is clean enough for me to be comfortable in" think, "if a girl agreed to come over tomorrow, how long would it take for me to make this place presentable?"

You don't have live in a sterile environment ready to take visitors at any moment. But it shouldn't be so bad that it's a huge undertaking to make it presentable.
no I just don’t like the idea of penis in my mouth
No but I have a Designated Ugly Retarded Friend (DURF).
Need a bf, but yes, if I did.
Any Christian woman? how to talk to girls that go to my church?
Huh? I've never changed the numbers.
I had 2 gf's that really loved it. Why do you enjoy it so much? does it even taste good?
honestly too lazy to find a pic, it's just baggy early 2000s fashion with the hair Justin Bieber used to have
yeah I gotchu man, was supposed to tidy my room today but oh well
Don’t! It’s all good, stupidity should be called out when you see it. I need to learn somehow to maybe not drink four glasses of the shit in a row.

Would you drink his cum if it didn’t involve actually sucking him?

From what I understand it’s more how the guy reacts that they like.
I'm a people pleaser by nature, and especially so for my partner. I never want my partner to feel neglected or like their needs aren't being met. Physical or otherwise.
eww no that’s also yucky
>25 year old man dresses like a teenage emo boy and people think he's actually a teenager
who (if anyone) is actually attracted to this
You know how old people will just randomly walk up to you at church and say hi and start talking to you?

Do exactly that.
ok, you dont like those men, but those are the ones approaching in general. Im not talking necessarily about a fuckboy, simply a guy that has experience.

I guess it makes sense. I just wish I could have more experience without failing so much lol
My friend's gf is apparently super mad at me because she found out I call her a braphog slampig when I talk to him. Why are women so sensitive?
You can just say you're not willing to post a pic, it's ok. You can stop acting like your description is sufficient when you just keep rephrasing the same thing.
>it’s more how the guy reacts that they like
NTA but no. You're right that his enjoyment is crucial, but the act itself is hot and fun, in combination with his pleasure and reactions. Smelling and tasting him is wonderful
What a bad gf
How did she find out?
She joined the discord group chat where we rate bitches
You touched him without his permission, clothes don't equal consent, you're a rapist!
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she's a good gf
penis in mouth is disgusting
the only sex that's not degrading is vaginal sex and only for making babies, anything else is evil
Who gave her the invite?
he doesn’t seem to want it anyway. I Did give him a titjob once because he asked but it wasn’t to his expectations so we never really try anything new xd
>You know how old people will just randomly walk up to you at church and say hi and start talking to you?
That's the issue, I'm not a grandma. I'm a 6'foot 29yo man. They'll know what's up immediately. And some of the cute girls are with their whole family, so it's super weird for a random guy to start interacting with them. I wouldn't even know where to begin. The only time I introduced my self in a convo was at a catholic even, not even church.
The retarded r9k tier incels that screech constantly and that no one wants here.
The one who deserves to have his flesh flayed away and to be thrown into a tub of salt afterwards!
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>eww no that’s also yucky
What if it were served in a fancy manner?
any time women in this thread talk about sex I imagine some gross sweaty ugly 300lb+ woman getting freaky with a balding basedboy 250lb man
and every time it's reality
>he doesn’t seem to want it anyway.
Maybe it's because of what you've said.
If my gf said she didn't want anal I wouldn't ask for it.
still cum so nothanks LOL
Please don't say me, please don't say me, please don't say me, please don't say me.
I wish women didn't exist. My life would be so much easier.
Get involved in church activities. The church always wants people to get married and have kids so someone will eventually ask if you're single. Once word gets around, someone will try to play matchmaker
That's literally me!
NTA but does your church have a young adults group? Try joining and attending the events
All female posters
Stay on your containment board
This IS the containment board. Come on, you didn't actually think 4chan would have an advice board for real, did you?

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