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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>32030898
Made a thread but 0 luck on this board.
So I just got cucked again after a nearly decade long stint with a lying, cheating bitch.
Now what? I'm in my kid 30's, have no friends (work abroad), and am very introverted.
I literally don't feel the need to go out if I have a few beers in my fridge and some weed in my jar.
I did go to a few bars a few months ago, but it made me even more depressed.
Best part? It's been a year since the breakup, and I'm still not over it. Dating apps are a no-go, and I don't have the patience to meet women IRL, they all give me the 'ick' as the zoomers say.
gonna need some more from you to give you any proper advice. sounds like you already have decisions made about what you hate: dating apps, meeting women IRL, etc.

well guess what, you do have to interact with the world of women if you want women in your world

so either get okay with dating apps and meeting women IRL again or stop seeking a magical third road to them that doesn't exist

and stop smoking weed, it's awful for your motivation
You posted this 11 hours ago on /pol/. I know because I made the thread. :)

Yes, also got no response.
I've tried it all dude. Bars and dating apps are full of old women, cuck couples, or single moms/danger hair types.
I just don't understand how my ex had no problem fucking around, texting others, going behind my back and lying to me, while I'm still hung up on it a year on.
She has all the dick in the world, and all I'm left with is trust issues and bitterness
>Dating apps are a no-go
Good on you for not being a faggot
>and I don't have the patience to meet women IRL, they all give me the 'ick' as the zoomers say.
Do you mean bars or daygame? Why do the women give you the ick?

You have to put yourself out there one way or another. I do daygame. Just don't be like Dan Cilley. I spend tons of time at it though, some people may not have that time. I did 47 daygame approaches this year and got 5 dates.

>Yes, also got no response
The thread got deleted
>Bars and dating apps
Yes both suck. That's why I do daygame.
Please stop posting these videos. No one has to know or care who this guy is. There are hundreds of decent cold approach videos online yet you chose to post these.
I think it's more to show people how NOT to act when approaching women.
I post them as an example of what NOT to do, not to discourage from daygame in general, faggot. Also anyone starting out doing daygame is better off:
>not doing it in a place you can get kicked out of/blacklisted from
>approaching women who are sitting or standing still, and if the girl walks away, don't follow her
>approaching when it's bright out in a place with some people nearby so the girl feels safe
>not stalking
Follow these beginner rules and you shouldn't get in trouble like Dan did. Many faggots claiming daygame will get you in trouble, no it won't as long as you follow these rules instead of being stupid like Dan.
Read Day Bang by Roosh
>I'm 40. Most guys who struggle with women it's because we care too much about women
That's correct. We only experience anxiety because we feel some kind of subconscious fear of them (or their rejection). We give them too much importance. I've been more confident and got better responses when I don't cate about fucking up the interaction, or when I say, "fuck it, I'll screw this up on purpose".

> And too little about ourselves,
I don't agree. You're also thinking a lot about you
> I'm guilty of this myself. I took a long break from women this spring to focus all my energy on getting in better shape and I will do it again. It pays off, I got 5 dates in 47 cold approaches this year, 1 date in 70 cold approaches last year.

Proves my point
See escorts
Wtf am I supposed to say to girls on dating apps?
Nah, I can just jerk off, I'm not some pussy starved virgin.
"hey baby"
>I don't agree. You're also thinking a lot about you
Incoherent post
okay, but will take some brainstorming on how to meet women in new places
>hotel and upscale bars
>charity events
>local fairs
>dance classes
>church events ("where are all the good women?" types are ignoring religious women)

if this all sounds like a waste of time to you, ask ChatGPT for 100 more ideas and keep experimenting until you find both a scene and a crowd you like. keep taking action with full knowledge that it's trial and error. approach it like Jeff Bezos who called it something like "hot women proximity ratio" or something nerdy like that. point is, be a doer like bezos, who got shit done.
Why are there so many threads on here? I just wasted my time posting in the last one. Why isn't this board like /vg/ where threads can get as long as 500+ posts?
How to get women:
Step 1: When meeting her, don't sexualize her just yet. Be friendly like you would be with anyone else.
Step 2: Start slightly sexualizing her. Make some hints/risqué jokes/compliment her. See how she responds.
Step 3: If she responds well, it'll go naturally. If she ignores/responds negatively, revert to step 1. At this point, it's possible she goes herself to step 2 with time, so keep an eye open.

It's literally that easy.
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How do you flirt when you're stoic and solemn 24/7 due to autism?
pretty good advice. especially the hotter she is. if she senses you're not desperate and she knows most men throw themselves at her, she'll assume you're good with women, already have women in your life, etc. being normal and friendly and non-sexual can therefore build attraction. counterintuitive but true
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Stop Asking Women On Dates, stop texting them thinking you are interesting because you are not. The reason you are getting ghosted is because you text and try to be funny, try to make her laugh or sound interesting. If you do manage to go to the next step and are actually meeting up and then get ghosted, stop taking women on dates. That stuff doesn't work anymore in the current year.


Most importantly stop approaching women, at least for a while. They are already seething and this will only get worse and worse as they get less and less attention from men.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
Is it okay to accept that women do not find me attractive? I had a good think about it, and desu I don't blame women for not being interested in me. I'm a fucking loser. I don't have a car. I don't have my own place. I'm not even young either. Just arrested development and shit.
How many girls did you approach this year?
Zero. I have no social life.
Then you can't know whether girls are attracted to you. You don't need a social life to approach girls.
>You don't need a social life to approach girls.
Don't they think you're a loser if you don't have friends?
Become a monk and transend sexual desires.
Don't care.
And then?

What do I say?
20/yo khhv (went to an all male academy from mid-elementary thru high school). minimal contact with women my age EVER, compounded by an addiction to the internet that has left me utterly fucked.

I decided I would try and find an escort, but all these shittynigger apps are scam central and I dont know where else to go. I've gotten in better shape (not hugely rotund like your typical fatass, but I was quite bulky) and found a decent-paying job. I think I have decent social skills due to my job but don't even bother interacting with women my age due to fear of failure, which is why I wanted to see an escort to begin with.
>How do you find legit escorts?
>Should I bother with escorts?
I want to fuck so badly to kill my fear. I will literally die if I don't fuck soon
>general advice eternally appreciated
Really? I haven't been approaching girls because I feel so insecure about not having a social circle. Instead of working on getting dates with girls, I'm working on getting a social circle. And it's so fucking cringe trying to get "friend dates" with dudes. And they fucking ghost me.
>I'm a fucking loser. I don't have a car. I don't have my own place
These are things you can fix. First work on you as the product you're offering. Just get skills and make money. Or work on getting skills. As long as you're working to get something, you'll earn a woman's respect. Check las thread or previous one. An anon said he's broke, back at his parents ' in his 30s, and he has a gf because he's working on his computer science degree. Another anon said that as long as you show the attitude of someone who's working to get something, and has the skills to get something in the future, a woman will find you attractive.
I looked for local escorts on Twitter. I used all my 4chan autism to find a legit profile (older than 1 year old, constant pictures, recommendations from more than 1 non bot accounts). I also looked for information on how to navigate the local escort scene and avoid being scammed or robbed.
I texted her, she gave me her price, I made an appointment and showed up. I told her I was inexperienced and she gave me some pointers on how to see escorts in a safe way. She now texts me once a month to schedule an appointment because she knows I'm a good customer
listen pal im not interested in reading your copypasta from the last thread. How the actual fuck do I actually FIND THEM? Do I look up [town name] PROSTITUTES? Jesus fuck
I reposted it because I thought it could help you. This is my experience.
But you seem to be an insufferable faggots so kys
I thought that comment sounded familiar lol.
Hey stupid faggot maybe be a little more descriptive. Anyone with a pulse can figure out what a scammer looks like so why waste words on it instead of elaborating on how you're supposed to scour local Twitter for whores.
I looked for tags, you stupid nigger. Something like #escorths(city name). It made me find pimps' twitter accounts that pretend to be independent users that recommend escort's profiles. There are also profiles called "recommend escorts x city". They reposts profiles of women.
That's it, nigger. If it doesn't work for you enjoy suicide
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Anyone have tips on finding FWB?
I got out of a long relationship 3 months ago and I would like to start having sex again but I am not totally over the relationship and dont want a new one for other reasons too. I just want a consistent girl to fuck and do some things with. I try dating apps and most that match with me only want a relationship and are turned off by FWB. I dont want to lie either.
Women don't want to date a loser in his 30s with no place or car.
I've matched with a girl on bumble, how do I convert this into a date and then maybe sex?
Expect it to go nowhere
I usually vibe check. Some girls like to talk for a while, some are low percentage to begin with so I just ask them out to get it over with.
Is there a socialization guide out there for people who were shutin and didn't have formative experiences in the realm of dating and relationships, but aren't autistic (i.e. able to read social cues and such, just clueless of how it's supposed to go and the mental models of the people involved)
>I wrote Improve Your Social Skills because I believe that everyone deserves a place to belong.
>as long as you buy my book
The free stuff is so good. He explains how conversations work.
He put in work to build it up,prays the host, he paid for the design, why doesn't he deserve to get compensated for his work? Anything of value costs money. The info there is valuable, faggot. Make more money, then
I have zero experience with girls, except rejecting one years ago, but I tried something new and I don't really understand it.
I spoke about it last thread, where I met this girl who let me sleep at her place. Is this common? Or maybe she's just a friendly person?
>you: no place to sleep tonight, have to go home
>random girl immediately invites you to stay the night
>say yes and go to the address
>she picks you up and offers you a shower
>orders and pays for dinner afterwards
>she watches movies with you in her bed until 3am, with your heads like 5cm apart (hair touching) and occasionally puts her hand on your arm
>lets you sleep in her bed, right besides her, for the night. Offered to supply pyjamas and a tooth brush. Sleep well (nothing happened)
>next morning goes outside in the rain with you, she hangs onto your arm for an hour as you walk with an umbrella. She pays for breakfast
>she hangs onto your arm for an hour as you walk with an umbrella
The sleeping in the same bed thing is weird, but if a woman is super comfortable with you I suppose it's possible. But the arm holding thing makes me feel like something's going on. I don't know many. Some women are weird like that. I couldn't imagine a guy doing all that and being like "No we're just friends wtf".
Nope. You have to get out in the real world and interact with people. That's the only way to learn. Do it faggot. But there are tips. Day Bang by Roosh for example says don't ask a girl personal questions if she hasn't asked you a single personal question. Took me several instances of making that mistake myself to see that he's right. And if the girl is hot and on the fence about you even one slightly personal question and she goes from giving you a chance to not replying at all and possibly also walking away. Never read How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie but it gets a lot of praise. You can read stuff but you have to actually interact with people to learn. Your brain doesn't process it until it sees it for itself.
post a single example of you approaching a woman in public.

you won't because you're a LARPing faggot.
I was exactly like you but probably a bit worse. I got out of my shell by interacting with people irl. It's really all you can do. It's something best experienced through practice and not theory. You can read whatever you want, but when talking to a person for the first time, is your mind really gonna go "Chapter 8 page 45 said to do this"?
Yeah, the holding thing felt rather intimate to me, but then again idk if she's just very chill. No idea really. I had only sent her like 5 short messages before meeting her.
Oh right, after I mentioned a place I wanted to go to she then told me that she was gonna go there next week, and invited me on a trip with her and some of her friends
Anyways maybe I should try to meet more women if only just to get friends
>invited me on a trip with her and some of her friends
Okay now that's an odd sign. She might want to introduce her new friend (you) to her friends. Or something else? This is an odd situation.
I'd try making a move next time. Say something to her. Go on a date.
Studying something well makes knowledge stuck in your subconscious and somehow you can apply that stuff while you practice. Practice plus knowledge makes great. See surgeons.
I'd go just to see where it leads to
This. Worst case scenario, you meet new people and make new friends.
Or you fuck up and you learn
I have posted several. For example:

Yes it's good to read and watch videos but you can't leave out practice. Practice/personal experience is the more important part. You read something but you won't "get it" until you see it for youself through trial and error. As with the example of asking personal questions I mentioned.
I'm looking for suggestions of stuff to do where you meet people and/or become a more interesting person. I have no hobbies and no social life. My brain is fried, I used to read and lift but not anymore but I plan to start lifting again soon. All I do is work a shit job and cold approach. Thinking of trying some activities. The only thing I tried was a salsa class a few years ago. I guess stuff with young hot girls in it is preferable but also just doing stuff in general might be good. I've only traveled once 5 years ago. Is church good? Was disappointed when I looked at a website and saw they had stuff specifically for those under 35. I'm 40.
Also I tried bars/clubs for about a year and a half to interact with people and approach girls. Did too few approaches and I don't like it for meeting people. I got fed up with bars and clubs. Might try again to approach girls but maybe not. Bars and clubs aren't the kind of thing I have in mind.
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The blue-eyed blonde Stacy in my class just broke up with her bf.
Quick, tell me how to flirt with her tomorrow before anyone snatches her up.
I'm not rich nor a Chad, but am the only white guy in the class so I probably have some advantage over my classmates.
Id try to look around for places where people do activités and go do these activities with interest in them
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I’m so fucking done bros.
I did everything yall told me to do.
I got /fit/
I spent thousands getting /fa/
I went to the run clubs
I learned to dance
I approached girls for the sake of approaching, knowing damn well I’ll be rejected.
It’s always 3-4 days of texting and then I either get ghosted or rejected when I ask for a date.
I can’t fucking take it anymore.
I have nothing more I can do.
I’m done.
Have you tried grinding Tinder and writing to literally everyone?
>dude my made up story is totally evidence that I'm not just an indian LARPer bullshitting
women don't want random dudes coming up to them and harassing them stupidass
have you tried not being a zoomerspeaking faggot? girls probably picked up on your sub-80IQ due to your speech and said fuck that
Sooo your issue is your texting skills. What do you do to get ghosted?
how do you do /fa/ btw? My style is omega basic rn
Everyone says yall where I live.
Our governor even says it.
Also, you’re probably my 13th reason.
I said suggestions retard
Fuck off faggot, dating apps are for faggots, you don't learn anything by using them, they're a waste of time, also I'm blanket banned or shadowbanned on all dating apps, don't care though, regret wasting time on them in the past. I get dates from daygame but I'm thinking of maybe trying some kind of social activity, and also just having a hobby or doing some stuff to become a more interesting guy who has something to say about himself when talking to a girl. Maybe it's not necessary though, I'm a boring loser, but I still got 5 dates from daygame just counting this year, all young, 4 of them hot, one of those 4 hot girls came to my home and I was very close to fucking her, would have happened if not for a mistake, I made out with 2 or the hot girls and the ugly girl. I got 5 lays from daygame, one last year, one the year before that.
I don't need to prove anything to you
Stop autistically nigger ranting about shit, you close minded prehistoric homosexual. Only 5 dates in a year is an abysmal stat. About the hobbies; did it ever cross your little mind to actually hang out and do interesting activities with the people you meet off apps? Being a self proclaimed boring cunt just proves you're miserable and without interest in life, maybe you should try random things, since clearly what you've been doing is nothing.
>5 dates in a year is an abysmal stat
No, it's 5 dates in 47 daygame approaches, 1 date in 9.4 daygame approaches, that's gigachad numbers and for sure way better than what you get, you don't even approach.
>try random things
great specific suggestion, very helpful gigafaggot
fuck off kike faggot, get a life, I can smell you through the screen autist
>gets exposed as a LARPer
>I-I don't need to prove that I'm actually applying any of the advice I give!!
sure thing ranjeet
"How to Win Friends" is in fact a great book for navigating work relationships and getting a foot in the door in friendships, but it won't help with dating. I am good at socializing and talking to people, I am terrible at romance

I've tried doing dating/romance blind and failed enough to realize I'm not doing something right. Normal socialization I am good at, it's specifically hitting on girls and flirting and such I am awful at. I can talk to a girl as a friend or as someone who isn't interested just fine. The millisecond I want to escalate to something more is when I flounder because I have no mental model of how this is supposed to go or how it works in general.
You're not nice.
I see why women don't like you
women like me, never said otherwise, faggot
Eat a bag of diks
>poo projecting

Cope Rajeesh girls still think you're a creepy pervert.
Kiss eachother.
I won't so you can seethe and cope when a non-white gets her. Fuck off racist faggot.
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>go to anime meetup
>its a bunch of single dudes

>go to video game meetup
>its a bunch of single dudes

>go to anime night nightclub
>its mostly dudes

Where am I supposed to meet women with similar interests? It feels like there are lonely dudes everywhere but single women are nowhere in sight. They just exist and get a bf.
Maybe you could go to a makeup conference or Taylor Swift fanclub
Change your interests
Your arms must be sore from moving those heavy goalposts
>Girl that i don't see since the end of middle school (10 year ago) ask me if i want to drink with her
>Say yes, ask her where is she living now, she answers me and ask if i know, i answer that i don't but it's no problem
> Ask her if it's ok for her to drink during the weekdays or only on weekends
>1 day later and she still didn't reply

Wtf did i do wrong
Do you show sexual intent and do you either imply, or autisticly state, that the girl should be horny alongside you?
you've already been exposed, I don't know why you're seething at me. back to r/indiandatingstrategy with you
>having the most incel consoomer hobbies and being surprised there's no available women
grow up and lay off the chinese cartoons tard
the last girl I met, randomly, has learned japanese and watches anime, so I was with her catching up on shows while she occasionally murmured in japanese besides me. was kinda cute
just exist and maybe it'll come I guess
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I don’t show sexual intent whatsoever.
Like, I won’t even make jokes / flirt about anything sexual cause I don’t want to get #MeToo’d.
Is that the problem? Should I be making lil sex jokes? How does that look without me looking like a creep?
>t. Actual fucking autist
>It’s always 3-4 days of texting and then I either get ghosted or rejected when I ask for a date.
Fail. Texting is for setting up a date, not for talking. You talk face to face. I do daygame and almost all my dates are instant dates. If a girl doesn't want an instant date but gives a number I text once to set up a date, no reply I delete her number and find the next girl.
You be the creep. Ez.
But yeah if you aren't signalling interest then girls are gonna check out.
You can be subtle about it, but if the girl doesn't know she gets you horny then why would she waste her time on a guy who doesn't want her?
Bros any tips for first time both virgin couple sex?

How do I make the bleeding the least painful as possible to the girl?

What are some tips?
The fact that you know a sub like that outs you as an actual poo.
Every time I get a conversation going with someone for a longer while, and I start to not be totally uncaring about them, I get an intense urge to put my phone "on do not disturb" mode or block them outright
How to fix this autism? Just make sure I never actually care about them?
She's not meant to bleed. That's a meme
ok gang can you rank my stats and tell me what's giving le wamen the most ick?
I like autistic artsy girls if that helps
>visibly autistic (not Chrischan tier but I have penguin motor skills and speak a little weird)
>25 but look and act like a teenage emo boy (albeit an average/relatively attractive one) and everyone is shocked to learn my actual age
>NEET and live with my parents
>mentally ill and traumatised
>too forward when making moves on girls
>relatively socially connected and have a handful of solid guy friends, but my networks rarely lead me to meet girls I'm attracted to
positive traits I have
>kind and compassionate
>gregarious and funny
>relatively attractive (like 6/10)
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in a few hours I'll meet with a girl I'm going out with, because she asked to see me to tell me something important. I'm 90% sure she wants to say she likes me and wants to start a relationship. I'm conflicted about it.

- sex with a hottie
- experience for future girls

- I'd very much prefer it if my first time and my first relationship were with my future wife, and this girl isn't wife material
- She's muslim, which complicates matters
- Time with her could be spent looking for a suitable gf/wife
CONS: - If the relationship became public I'd lose my backup/plan-B girlfriend (currently friend)
You're going about this the wrong way, but I'm sure nothing I say will change your mind.

- Wanting your "first time" to be with your future wife is an attempt to see the future at best. You may as well just tell women you're looking for marriage first and foremost. Otherwise you're trying to win the lottery.
- Religious affiliation doesn't matter for a single date.
- The dating process doesn't mean you're exclusive. There is no reason you can't be talking to women while dating another that isn't your girlfriend, but you need to be upfront about that.
- Your friend doesn't give a shit what you do. If she was interested and you're friends you would have done something by now.

You're talking about getting experience but you also only want to be with one girl. You're very confused, which is understandable, but there's no cure for that but getting out there and meeting some girls. Drop this idea you're ever only going to be happy with a woman you would marry.
>Wanting your "first time" to be with your future wife is an attempt to see the future at best. You may as well just tell women you're looking for marriage first and foremost. Otherwise you're trying to win the lottery.
you're right. I mean, I think that if you select your girl accurately you minimize the chances of a breakup significantly, but obviously you can never be sure, it's always a bet.
>Religious affiliation doesn't matter for a single date.
We've already had 2/3 dates. and religious affiliation would probably matter at least somewhat for a relationship. moreover, I'd rather avoid dating a non-native.
>The dating process doesn't mean you're exclusive. There is no reason you can't be talking to women while dating another that isn't your girlfriend, but you need to be upfront about that.
Right. I don't know. It feels like cheating. That's good advice but very situational.
>Your friend doesn't give a shit what you do.
she was in love with a boy, who seemed very serious and dignified. this boy unexpectedly had casual sex one night with a random girl. she lost all interest and is now kinda disgusted by him. I don't want to end up like him in her eyes.
>If she was interested and you're friends you would have done something by now.
The only reason nothing has happened between us is that, despite being wife-material, she's ugly. and I'm trying to find a girl who's both pretty and wife-material. that's why she's my plan B.
>You're very confused
absolutely. it's true that I don't know what I want, I don't know what to do. experience would help me when wooing other girls in the future.
>Drop this idea you're ever only going to be happy with a woman you would marry.
I see. that's not easy. I'll meditate on that
I already replied in the previous thread dumbass
So do women bleed when you take their virginity?

So is it painful for them or not
daily simp delusion thread
Me and a girl from an app are meeting up this week. Im only avaible evenings after work wich means no coffee/cafe shops will be open.
Is there a better alternative than dinner/bars?
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Where do I go to meet women in their mid-20s? I tried going to some events and functions but it's all dudes, couples, and/or people 40+ depending on what it is.
I have a few new hobbies I'm trying to get into, but if I don't meet anywhere there what are my options?
Not really into nightclubs and I'm already on dating apps.
On dating apps, whenever I try to put my actual personality or humour into the app I think the result makes me look desperate, somehow. It just gives off that air to me. But if I make it more generic it just seems boring.
How do I strike the balance?

Related question: Is it better to have a silly "fun" picture as your first pic or one focused on your looks? I still look good in the "fun" picture I'm thinking of, but I look excellent in the "looks" one, just generic.
Spend 30 days at the grocery store. The thing to keep in mind is single no ring age like in differences they most likely will be what you want is a shopping cart full of stuff. A single hardworking surrogate awaits you anon. What items will she have well grocery from the grocery for the grocery. She will be whimsical and live racist epene texted to her social medias tablets isps firewalls. Here Bluetooth will always be on so you can search for active Bluetooths in the area. This is the new way to find just know what to look for and what tools to use to prey. Let us prey. We pray.

Lots of groceries but not too many a months supply or a week short.
Maybe try an ice cream/gelato/niche local dessert shop? It's a more casual option for the evenings
This is the one. It's cute and, if needed, short.
What app do you use? Do you have some tips?
great idea. only problem is that im lactose intolerant so if i eat ice cream ill be gassy all night, but lets be real, its not like anything is going to happen on the first date anyways

not really sadly. i live in a major city so there are a lot of women but at the same time alot of reason to swipe left on you. i use hinge just because i can filter by race, not really interested in blacks/latinos which sadly is 40% of my city. just brute force it until one of them matches with you. I rarely get women liking me first, and the ones who do are fat/bots so its really up to you to be active to keep sending those likes out
>only problem is that im lactose intolerant so if i eat ice cream ill be gassy all night, but lets be real, its not like anything is going to happen on the first date anyways

Go somewhere that also has sorbet lol
Most ice cream places have some dairy-free option of some sort these days
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It's over as soon as you turn 18 and leave the school system without a well established social circle. You go to work, but you won't make any friends, just coworkers. You join a sports club, same deal. It's over, because everyone already has their social circles locked in since childhood. You'll be nothing more than a coworker, destined to be alone for life. Social life and relationships are like trains you have to catch at the quay, a race against time that takes place during adolescence. And by extension, logically, ofc, no social life, no womens.
But normies dont understand this because they are clueless normies who think you can walk into a bar full of strangers and magically form a social life like in The Sims. Only women can start from scratch and create a social life and get a boyfriend from scratch because of their status as women.

Whether you're 30 or not, it doesn't change anything, maybe for the normies, but for you and me, Chud, a year like any other, the sands of time flowing towards nothingness, nothing more.
I had a date this saturday with a nurse christian girl, it was a lunch and she didnt drink but she was so boring, she had no world view of anything
physically, she was bad looking, worse than the photos, but i said "ok nvm, i just want to have a good talk, maybe i mellow" and at first, she was a relaxed nice girl, but then she started talking about her job and all her problems as a nurse, and it was too much, holy shit
so fucking boring
she threw names, procedures and nurse stuff that i stopped paying attention at some point because it was way too much information
am i wrong on this? was it her fault? should i always listen to everything they say? i tried to pay attention and say stuff but it became so boring
lastly she didnt even try to say anything on splitting the check, she just shut up and let me pay it fully, big red flag

Now this friday i have a date with a girl from bumble, not pretty but she has a nice body and more important, she seems to be a more fun woman with a bigger world around her, we had a pleasant chat so im excited to meet her, now it is at night at a bar, she also drinks

right now im just grinding exp on girls, so i dont mind if ends up on nothing
If you really have a bad time and think it's not going further, why not talk to her?
Just say that was a lot of unfamiliar stuff. Maybe ask what X or y means. Maybe she didn't know what to talk about, maybe she is just boring
But if you only sit there you waste her and your time
The thing is, i tried to change the subject to stuff of my own or other stuff, but she kept going back to her own shit
Like, i understand that kind of talk when we are together and she just wants to vent i get that, but right now I KNOW NOTHING OF your environment
so whatever
Maybe im boring myself? i tried to change subjects i dont know, i wasnt even that interested either on her so...
21 here, I've spent most of my life trying to do the whole self-improvement routine, and i'm at a pretty good point in my life having both a career outside of school as well as getting a Bachelors degree. I figured that sorting my life out would be the hard part and a girl would just come naturally which is evidently not the case.

for the past 2 years I have been taking online community college classes and most of my social interactions have been with older guys at my job. I've recently Transferred to a university and have gotten to talking to women my age again but I still have a problem initiating conversation. There is a good looking TA in one of my classes who is also a honors member in my major, and I want to go talk to her but I can't seem to bring myself to approach her. I don't even need to find an excuse to talk to her since I have genuine questions about internships and senior classes. but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it.

There is another qt at my work but she is in a different department. I have been trying to get close to her by asking random questions about work that I usually already know just to strike conversation, but it usually doesn't go beyond her giving me the information I needed. Again this is my fault but after she answers my question i'm not sure how to keep the conversation up so I just say thank you and leave. although lately she seems more comfortable around me.

I'm at a loss because i'm not overtly socially retarded but I cant converse beyond basic technical conversations, I've even had women compliment my eyes and I just say "thanks." At this point i'm not even looking to date I just want to practice being social. My only Idea is trying to watch movies like the notebook or other ones girls like to try and pick up on the social cues of the actors and see what women want. I know this was kind of a ramble but I just wanted to put my examples out there.
>i'm not overtly socially retarded
>but I cant converse beyond basic technical conversations
Well, which is it?
All this self improvement stuff for guys has made me absolutely hate fat women. How is it fair that a guy has to bust his ass to even have the chance of getting a girl while fatties stuffing their mouth with ice cream can still get a guy?
It's not fair, but it's nature. That's how it is
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sorry man. Women like these are a dime a dozen but still get a lot of attention from men. the trick is to just forget they exist
Don't ask just DO
Need some help bros.
>volunteering at homeless shelter for my local church
>qt kind petite girl and I are in one of the groups to hand out food. She’s in an Ivy League med school so very smart.
> there’s also another guy in our group. I don’t know if he likes her but he kept talking to her during prep and insisted we go to an art show after service. He also went to an Ivy League school.
>He’s short but also jacked and handsome no homo. Think he wrestled based on his build. He’s around 5’7 or 5’6 so a little taller than girl.
>I’m 6’0 and fairly athletic myself. I do get compliments from women about my looks from time to time but I’m very autistic and don’t have an Ivy League education.
>bags with food rip due to leakage. I get some bags from a local store and salvage the situation while everyone else was wondering what to do.
>I also empathize well with the poor since I grew up in poverty and a broken home. Was homeless for a bit as a kid. They were a little uncomfortable with approaching people at first. Felt like I was leading the group in a way.
>she seemed interested in me and initiated a lot of the conversations but I tended to hyperfocus on the present situation due to my ADHD so I guess I was brusque.
>I was talking more with the homeless than talking with her. Other guy kept talking to her.
>volunteering ends she helps out a pregnant lady, I’m genuinely attracted to her soul. Idk never felt this way.
>I walk her home after the guy leaves
>I see her again next day during mass, she’s friendly and about to hug me but then doesn’t. Was I stand offish? What does that mean.

She doesn’t have social media. She’s so kind and with the personality to match. Her beliefs matches mine as well.

Should I ask her out or get her number? Not sure how I should approach this. Seems like the guy was into her as well. Scared I’m not enough for someone like her. Also idk if I’ll make things awkward at my church.
No need for social media dude, just ask for her number and ask her out
Just be direct, obviously dont tell her "i like you", but just say stuff like that if she wants to go out for a coffee or something
if she says no then dont take it personal, just be cool and keep the contact
Any tips or tricks for meeting women who might be down to have a more casual relationships (not necessarily just for sex, by casual I mean something laid-back, low commitment, but we're still there for each other if something ahppens, you know)?
I will do this next time I see her wish me luck man thanks
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So I've been talking with my coworker ever since she broke up with her long-term BF in June. We're both remote workers, so I've only seen her a few times in person since then, but we chat online every day and play vidya together at least twice a week. I think our conversations have been good and a bit flirty, and she even invited me to see a concert with her, but it coincided with a business trip so I couldn't join her.
I got a raincheck on another concert, but before then I want to meet with her for something more casual. The problem is that she has a second job that she is on schedule to work every saturday, so timing is always an issue. Any thoughts on how to get her to hang out? I think she'd be taken aback if I were to invite her over or something out of the blue
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Any opinion on this guy for dating advice?
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How should I approach a girl like this? I saw her at a college event. I'm fat, under 6ft, and not white so should I not even try?
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These responses seem kinda cringe. Or am I just a pussy?
How much do I need to lift to pick a woman up literally
foreplay, foreplay, foreplay

drive her wild and get her wet first or it'll be like you're fucking couch upholstery
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>supplanting your frontal lobe with a text generator

>>too forward when making moves on girls

How is this negative? do you want to be locked in a friendzone instead? Are you coming off like a creep? (if so then the problem is how you're doing the approach, not the fact that you're approaching)
It's just a guideline bro please help
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I have a fairly rich social life but it’s mostly between friends I’ve had since grade school and people I have a need to interact with like my coworkers. I have trouble interacting with people I’ve just met which I know is not uncommon but is something I need to overcome.
Research ice cream shops before hand and find one that has lactose-free options. Most do.
Me and this really cute asian girl have been talking on boo since saturday. It's been a basic conversation about movies, tv shows, anime, etc. How do i steer the conversation towards a date like getting coffee? how long should i wait? i dont wanna scare her off by being too direct too fast
>"Are you free Saturday? Want to grab a coffee at ***?"

Make sure to start the convo off with the inquiry so you don't come off like a nervous sperg.
I was daygame approached by a girl only once, in a shopping street. Gave her my snapchat but she never contacted me. Wish more girls would approach me. I've been approached a few times in bars and clubs but never got a date with any of them. I don't go to bars and clubs anymore. One girl kind of approached me by sitting very close to me in a subway station even though there was plenty of empty space to sit, the station was almost empty. I was the one to start talking though. Got her number and we fucked but she later ghosted.
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Any personal recommended resources like in the op for cold approaching in bars / clubs / conventions or just in general ??
>t. seething little jeetcel
Daygame is better. Day Bang by Roosh
bros how do you bring girls mood up in a relationship?

I keep saying autistic shit that puts it always in a really bad state. Will she ever get used to my personality?
I'm surprised I haven't read this yet. I really liked Daygame Mastery & Infinite
>You go to work, but you won't make any friends, just coworkers.
False in my case
>everyone already has their social circles locked in since childhood.
Nah they like meeting new people
>You'll be nothing more than a coworker, destined to be alone for life.
Nah I make friends. Or maybe other people make friends with me, idk
>Social life and relationships are like trains you have to catch at the quay
Nah you can just make new ones whenev
>but for you and me, Chud, a year like any other, the sands of time flowing towards nothingness, nothing more.
Nah I have autism
Just make friends, it ain't hard
>we should check out a bar with a cool outdoor space
>guess we're waiting for warmer nights
>spring bar crawl. you in?
a bit cringe.

I'd go with
>So what do you think I get up to?
As a way to gauge if she gives a shit about you, goal of leading her into
>So when can we meet up?
>How do i steer the conversation towards a date like getting coffee?
Measure her sexual interest first, talk about lewd or flirty stuff.
Then once she's receptive you ask to meet up.
>bros how do you bring girls mood up in a relationship?
If you mean my relationship I explain why she should be in a better mood and remind her she has the ability to lift her own mood, and she does it.
If you mean in general, I don't think you can. The average woman gets addicted to moods and won't bother changing them.
>I keep saying autistic shit that puts it always in a really bad state.
Tell her to not be upset because it bothers you. If she doubles down and gets twice as asshurt (and she probably will), tell her to fuck off. You're clearly not compatible if she's not even trying to be comfortable with you.
I got lunch with a girl yesterday. Idk if it was a lunch date or not, I didn't ask if she was seeing anyone. But it was really good. I think I'm gonna ask her to go ice skating with me this weekend. I wanna do it today, idk if it's too soon, but I just woke up at 3 in the morning thinking about her and can't get back to sleep.
Neither a jeet nor an incel but whatever helps you cope faggot. You're still not getting that girl.
I am 28 and got a good job, it's not too late to get a cute gf right?
Need to lose a lot of weight though
In a weird situation and i'm not really sure what to do going forward (beyond just hoping things work out) so looking for some thoughts.

I'm a no relationship no fucking idea what I am doing guy. Tried online dating but it never really works well for me, got like 20-30 matches and we would talk for a bit but they never manifested in dates, thinking back, I just got sick of talking to them and it going nowhere for most of them, some I just couldn't really figure out a thing to setup with them at the time (be it from timing, being too busy, whatever) others I tried and it just fizzled out, or couldn't get things organized, multiple reasons, but no conversions.
At the same time I was working on in person approaches, had some go well but I didn't realize they went well and I shit the bed on the follow up and closing, friends kind of hearing about this told me how much I fumbled and how well these ladies were setting it up for me so it was only retroactively that I realized I fucked up and that my approach was solid. I had more female friends than male when I was younger and I have never really had an issue having female friends, so talking to women (in general) has never been an issue for me, just romantically.

Fast forward to a bit more recently, still been working on this, no dates, but got numbers and socials off irl approach, just couldn't make shit happen and would lose interest before setting up a date. I met this girl, not interested in her, we are just friends, about 2 months ago, shes tried to put in some work to set me up with some others, for whatever reason, so I talk to some of these girls for a while, even go on my first "date" (its the first time i'm meeting her and its a setup so not really a date, but sure) and I kind of realize shes just super fucking boring, she spends all her time on social media and doesn't really have any hobbies or interests and talking to her is difficult, shes attractive, but fuck, I just had to carry the conversation
part 1
I just had to the conversation, organize everything, do everything, and it was such just a hassle to deal with her.
She kept messaging me afterwards but I wasn't really interested, which is crazy, because I thought she was so attractive and I was surprised she would even be interested in me, now shes clearly putting in more effort but her personality is so bad.

My friend told me this girl is enamored with me and keeps going on, but I told her I wasn't interested and how hard it was to talk to her, that I just didn't vibe with her
So she suggests this other girl I have met but don't really know, I think shes attractive and she tries to organize a situation for us to more organically get to know each other better with some others and then we go from there as she doesn't think she wants to be setup.
So we do this, we talk, I talk about what i'm into, what I do, etc, we have a bunch of stuff in common, but she again, just doesn't fucking do anything, it seems to me shes just waiting for someone to come along and just entertain her and give her stuff to do.

So I let my friend know this, that it seems to be the same problem and how strange it this that this happened twice.
My friend tells me that most people aren't like me who just go do things, who try out new stuff, who confidently go and meet new people and have a good time no matter what, who fill their week with hobbies and events to go, most people are just sitting around waiting for things to happen, and I don't really think this is true. She told me this other girl told her that shes interested in me and wanted her help setting something up with me and that I can pretty much organize something with her if I want but idk what to do.

are my expectations just too high? am I being unrealistic? idk if I want to deal with people who just want to sit around doing nothing, its a shock to me that someone says when they want to relax they just browse social media and that actively doing things tires them out
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Where do I find an egirl gf?
I feel like I'm turning into an anxious wreck.
I have literally been broken for 3 months now. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NEVER GET ATTATCHED TO A SLUT YOU ARE HOOKING UP WITH!
A girl i matched with only responds to messages between 11:45-12:30am. We have a date set up so its fine, but I'm really curious whats shes doing all day that the only time she gets back to me is after midnight
Bump because I want to know too.
>don’t want to get #MeToo’d.
You won't. You're too unimportant and not worth anyone's time. You are a minor annoyance at worst. Most women have dealt with worse shit than what you could come up with. Don't get scared shitless.
Don't think too much about it. She only matched with you, so you're not a priority in her life. She probably has a job, friends and other guys she's talking to that take away her attention throughout the day.
Focus on yourself. You already have a date set up so she wants to meet you. Don't make yourself anxious and needy by fixating on details like the time she texts you. The key here is to relax. Don't text her too much.
When did you match? How long were you guys talking before you set up the date?
Im not worried about it, just curious. most women i talk to on these apps usually respond in the afternoon or evening.
we matched on friday, had about 1 message a day back and forth and i asked her on a date monday. she said she was free wednesday and thursday so the date is set for tomorrow.
Yeps, that is most people. Dull. You're looking for a unicorn.
>texts drier than her insides
>keeps double texting me after I leave her low effort texts on seen, asking why am I quiet and such

I understand we're both young and she is even younger but holy fuck what do I have to do for her to stop being so stiff?
Just saw this post above my mine and as you can see I have the same problem. She's got nerdy glasses, tall, modest hourglass figure, 95% chance she's virgin but i don't know if i can spend my life with such dull people even if it means loyalty.
Recently got back on Hinge, what do I open with on these prompts?
some girls just aren't texters, even if they like you. focus on getting her out with you, or dropping her if she's not interested. that's the only goal.
Damn, moving out for uni soon. Gotta act fast
My biggest roadblock in online dating is my native language. I grew up bilingual but the country I'm living in is non-English and it's so fucking hard to be funny or flirt in this language. I was abroad studying in English for Uni, all the content I've ever consumed has been in English, I find it easy to know what to say, to be humorous and playful in English. Meanwhile in my other native language I struggle with everything. Responses that would instantly come to me in English never come in the other language. Direct translation obviously doesn't work.

It's like I have an different personality depending on the language I'm speaking. I even feel more free in a third language I learned for fun as an adult in which I'm fluent but nowhere near native level.

Does anyone else struggle with this? It's fucking infuriating. IRL it's not as bad but over text it's awful.
What exactly do women provide in relationships? Why are you in a relationship?
Companionship, intimacy, kids
Not required for living
Not required for living
Annoying and gay
Get the dragon balls
Owning a PC/phone and shitposting on 4chan isn't required for living either yet here you are. What's the point of your question anyway?
That's all
To le epic own you normgroid sex havers
Surely if any number of women aren't into you, then it's a pretty safe bet that no other woman will like you, right? Since women are unironically a hivemind.
Unless she wants to as well it doesn't matter what you do. Don't waste too much time on one girl.
>Just make friends, it ain't hard
Tips on how to do it? I tried at bars and clubs. I've given up on that. I have a shit job. To my surprise I almost never met people with shit jobs. I'm not the only one in this city with a shit job but I don't know where the others are, doesn't seem like it's popular among them to go to bars and clubs. People with a college degree don't want to be friends with people with shit jobs. Also bars and clubs don't seem good for making friends in general. But if you have a good job I'm sure lots of people want to "network" with you at bars and clubs, be your friend and invite you to afterparties where they do cocaine and have orgies or whatever, invite each other to play golf I have no clue. It's fucking easy to make friends and get girls if you have status, fucking hard if you don't.
At silly instagram tourist traps like the Ice Cream "Museum". Often accompanied by her straight or gay best friend whose job is to hold her camera for her. both of them will cock block you, so be prepared for that.
Generic answer but hobbies. I play yugioh and when I moved to a new city I joined a club and met a few people that way. I play table tennis for fun so joined a local facebook group for it, met up with people a few times from there and became friends with one of them. I learn a language in my free time so I met up with natives of that language living in my city that want to get better at english. Made a good friend that way. I work in software development and went to a conference, saw a guy loitering around alone and since I was alone I started talking to him and we hung out for the day. Didn't talk to him after that but I could have if we clicked better.

Clubs and bars are indeed shit ways to meet friends because people are there to hang out with their existing friends or to fuck, they're not there to make lasting platonic connections.

People like talking about themselves and don't usually get the opportunity to do so much so once you break the ice initially with someone in one of these contexts, just being inquisitive and decent in general is enough to get people to like you. Feign interest if you have to.
It seems I'm on a blacklist all dating apps share. Every app I'm either shadow banned, can't register or get banned shortly after registering. Never tried boo but it's probably sharing the blacklist with all the other apps. I don't care. Only faggots use apps. I regret wasting years on apps. Real men do daygame.
Wants what
what does it mean when a girl starts trauma dumping on you and tells you she was molested as a child?
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wow cant wait to slay some puss with my fantastic pics lmfao
I work from home overnight shift and my only options are dating apps. I get no likes on them. I am going to kill myself and not be found for 6 months until property taxes are due.
This is true. You ever notice how women seem to date the same kinda guy?
I have now gone on 3 dates, that were all initiated by the women after talking to them for some time, they all ghosted me afterwards because “we didn’t click”.
Last date I felt a connection and we even planned for a future date in the upcoming week, but then she started ghosting me 2 days after the date because we “didn’t click and our personalities weren’t compatible”, what do I do bros, I have never been on dates before and I think women can sense it by my personality how much of a loser I am. Do I just a cast a wide enough net to find a women that will accept my autistic personality? I am not bad looking either, as the women were the ones who asked me out. Maybe go for uglier women who doesn’t care about personality ?
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Need advice,
for the past 5-6 weeks I've been getting coffee at this place with a friend. The girl working the cash register always smiles and look at me. the one day I decided not to go, my friend went solo and the chick started asking him about me, and confirmed that she was into me.

What am I supposed to do I'm a 20M and I have zero experience with women + never had a gf, what should I tell her? how do I ask for her number? I just don't want to say the wrong things I need help, I hardly get opportunities like this.

If I get good advice I'll go drop In tomorrow to buy some coffee and try and get her number and report back. I know If I get nervous I'll fuck everything up so I'll make sure not to.
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Bros I'm starting to accept that the secret to happiness is not obsessing over this gf shit and just trying to live your life in the best way you can. 28% of men don't marry by 40 and that number is only increasing so it's not even like we're particular outliers anyway. I didn't even really care about this that much until I felt like I was supposed to. Carpe diem and whatever happens happens.
You shouldnt obsess about it but a loving gf/wife is a major contributing factor to a happy life and to act otherwise is cope
So long story short my job was transferring me to a new area and this girl I had a few convos I chatted her up and ask for her number and she gave it to me..I waited about a week a messaged her today a simple greeting with no response. Should i send out another message or just chalk ot up as a failure...
Through this guys (>>32043133) detective skills, I was able to figure out that you currently reside in Germany. What city if I might ask?
The latter. If she was interested she'd have responded simple as. Women often times have multiple guys they're talking to and she likely found one of them more attractive than you for whatever reason. Also a week is too long bro. Anyways if she does respond it's up to you, it can be salvageable if you play your cards right but the likelihood is pretty low since the chance of you coming off a desperate has increased a lot.
Work at a restaurant or fast food place, plenty of girls you can meet there.
Stop being a bitch. Work hard, improve your life. Make more money, get new skills, make new deals.
>my only options are dating apps
ah fuck
guess I need to figure out what I really want then, didn't think I was looking for it all but maybe I have been....
>were all initiated by the women
Don't know if that ever happened to me. Therefore I won't give advice but instead tell you to fuck off.
There's a lot of things tied in to not caring so much about it.
For one, you're not desperate, clingy, or weirdly intense at the beginning of meeting someone. If you honestly don't care,you can flirt relaxedly and casually. If you aren't concerned with how a girl perceives you, you can be yourself. If you don't jump at the opportunity to speak to a girl, it gives the impression that you know such a thing is no big deal.

And when you things don't work out, you shrug it off like a champ instead of being emotionally invested in a potential future that never ended up starting.
You already know she likes you so all you do is ask if she wants to go out sometime, if she says yes ask for her number.
>I don't have the patience to meet women IRL, they all give me the 'ick' as the zoomers say.
You realize that any woman you meet, you'll have to interact with irl, right?
You're going to have to narrow down the problem.

It sounds like:
"I can't find a compatible woman."
""Yeah, everyone struggles with-"
"I've already looked around my living room and nothing has worked!"

Not being over your ex is also a common struggle. It can take roughly as long as half the length of the relationship to fully get past it. But that's an arbitrary estimate.
>message girl
>get her number
>inviter her out
>"I'm busy the next two weekends and am sick rn, but I'm free weekdays"
Wtf is the play here? I'm not really free during the week because I have work and exercise, don't want to skip that for a stranger. Do I hit her with the
>ok, let me know when youre better and not busy and we'll plan something
And don't text her again unless she reaches out? Or should I try and plan something for a few weeks out and if she flakes then who cares?
>I just don't want to say the wrong things I need help, I hardly get opportunities like this.
What the other anon said, but also this statement right here will make you fail 100% of the time. It will make you needy and desperate if you think you can't do this stuff regularly. This situation should be boosting your confidence because you know she likes you, this means even if it doesn't work out a girl of her level or below is out there that WILL be attracted to you. Relax motherfucker, if you start worrying about the wrong things to say, you won't be you. If she happens to like this fake "you", and you happen to start dating, I guarantee you won't be able to fake the real you for more than a few months and she'll find out and probably dump you, if you even manage to get that far. Women are pretty intuitive, and she'll probably figure out before then. Unironically chill and be yourself. Be honest and authentic and if she's not into you it's no fucking big deal. She's a 120lb girl, she's not gonna kill you faggot, calm down. She will give you time if she's into you, and if she doesn't just move on and learn from the experience. I'm 28 and never had a gf, stfu.
Lads, need a second opinion
>meet girl through online game beginning of this year
>start flirting around and eventually start "dating"
>couple of weeks ago, she went radio silent
>worried, but not much I can do since she lives in Europe while I'm in USA
>today, I get a message during work
>it's from my gf
>tells me she's in a psych ward after cutting herself on the wrists
>tells me that thinking of me gave her the hope to stay alive
>eventually has to say good night because curfew
>promise to talk tomorrow

I still have feelings for her and want to continue in our relationship, but is this a good idea? Something in what she said is giving me doubts. I'm worried I can't be the man she needs, and she'll hurt herself if I mess up even slightly. I can add more detail if you guys need it.
>relaxedly and casually
This is what I've been thinking. People like me more wen I behave like that
How do you not look desperate when talking to a girl in public
It's her life, not yours. You're not obliged to anything. She's and adult and should be responsible if herself. You barely know her. It's clear she's not well and you aren't obliged to help her
Dude, it's not even a real relationship. It's a larping one. Besides, she can be a dude larping for all you know. You got emotionally attached to the idea of a "virtual girlfriend"? Pathetic. Stop playing videogames for god's sake, you're an adult.
Assume that she doesn't even care about you and that the interaction is inconsequential. This will help you stay casual and have a water er attitude. I always tell myself that it is not a big deal. In the big scheme of things, being rejected by a woman is the least of your problems
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>start seeing this girl who's a month out of a breakup
>I like her a lot, but not sure how she feels
>Slept with her a bunch if times but it doesn't feel like we're dating
>She's always comparing me to her shitty Ex, but positively
>Just openenly shitting on the dude when I never asked
Like one time I'm enjoying the afterglow and she just starts giggling at her Ex sending her dickpics.
He's... Below average, I'd say and I'm pretty well endowed. She's just mocking this dude when I didn't even want to see his ugly dick.
She had me send a dickpic fro. her phone in response and he's been quiet since... But she still won't STFU about him!
By approaching girls who are sitting or standing still, not stalking, not hesitating, not following her if she starts walking, and approaching when it's bright out and there are people nearby. Anything beyond this and your success rate in daygame will be low, although you can once in a blue moon have success even when one or more of these rules are broken.
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Also uhh, I posted this without my question.. I'm not sure if her Ex thing is a red flag or not.
I knew that manlet too because she's my neighbor in the apartment complex and they'd have screaming arguments in the middle of the fucking night.
She'll shit on the dude during SEX. Like, mid-fucking she'd start talking about how she was "wasting time with that bitch when good sex was next door".

He's since stopped contacting her, so why won't she just forget about him?
Does she even like me or am I just the month-after rebound?
She's undateable
>Does she even like me or am I just the month-after rebound?
Lmao, reread your posts and tell us how you ARENT the emotional support tampon. You're getting laid though, so it's not so bad. Either keep banging her and kill your feelings for her (because she obviously is in no position to develop feelings for you anytime soon) or break it off.
kek, but very true
Be non-anxious
Yeah, I get what you're saying here. I know it's not my duty to be her support, but it feels wrong (and kinda terrifying) to just leave. It's also not like I can just turn off my emotions and stop caring about her. I want her to be better, but again, is it really my job to get her there?

Sorry for sounding like a bitch. It's my first "relationship" (quotes for a reason) at 20, so maybe I'm jumping in too far too fast.
>not a real relationship
Yeah, that also crossed my mind. Everyone I know irl thinks I'm single. If I just stopped talking to her, nothing would really change besides 1 less person to talk to.
>she can be a dude
I hope not. Otherwise, trannies have reached insane levels of passing these days lol.
Bit degen of her but ok
Bro touch grass. You can't help her, and you aren't even on the same continent. Go on tinder, set your age range to 30+ and literally just put, "inexperienced looking for an older woman to teach me" or do any age and just explicitly say "looking for a hookup/fwb". And i bet you get a match or two that give you some good experience and you can say fuck that girl and move on. The amount of times i told an older woman I was a virgin man, it's so fun. Do it while you can, if it interests you. It'll kick start your pussy conquest and you'll realize there are tons of mentally ill gamer girls thatll ruin your life for you to bang closer to home.
It seems I'm on a blacklist shared by all dating apps. What do?
Does this still work at 28?
Not really interested in casual sex personally. Just feels wrong morally to me, and I doubt I'd even get a match to begin with. If you can't tell by my situation, I'm not exactly God's gift to women kek. Thanks for the advice though. You are harsh, but keep it honest.
I think I might have to move on from her. Of course, not right away but probably with time just cut her off. I know I probably can't fix her, but worried that I can really hurt her.
She responded date set for Sunday.
The inexperienced looking for older women shit? Fuck no, but could possibly do the second one and get a match or two. I did it once and didn't even have my face, just a skngle cropped pic of me in a suit and got a match and same day date. My profile was something like "looking to explore extreme kinks with other freaks". She was a bit below average looking, but nothing too bad. She just wasn't attractive enough for me to care and after that date I was super non committal to meeting again. We didn't fuck the first time. If you use your face, I bet you could get more desu.
Does using emoji in text lead to more hook-ups? Does it give off a playful vibe? Do bitches love emojis?
Went on the fourth date with her today and while we were making out she was giggling. What did she mean by this?
It happens. NTA, but people sometimes read your text, get interrupted in real life, and then forget since your text notification went away. I accidentally do it a lot kek.
No. Yes, but not too much you look like a dork. Depends on the girl. I stick with basic ones if I do use them: thumbs up, laughing, 100 emoji, etc.
She was happy?
>She was happy?
Makes sense. I guess I'm too conditioned to think people are laughing at me specifically.
A reply can take up to 48 hours. Any more, delete number. Stop being needy.
How do I approach when its a group? When there is a woman I want to make a move on but shes in a group with friends or whatever I never know how to go about doing this, I don't want to just hit on her directly in front of others or her female friends, let alone if I am interested in multiple of them try to hit on one and then another.

Really became clear to me this was a problem when I was with a friend of mine (a female friend) who there were these two girls I thought looked alright, they were sending some signals over and my friend pointed out that they were interested in me (which was obvious and I had already figured that out, was kind of giving them a look to feel em out and they reciprocated), but I had no fucking idea if 1 or both were open to an approach, what if it was 1 and the other was kind of helping her friend, if its both how the fuck do I make a move on that. My friend said I messed up by just letting them walk away when they had to go, I didn't really have an answer about why I didn't approach, it was at the time because "I didn't know what to do" which is a strange thought for me, but thinking about I figured out the issue.

So whats the strategy here? Is it a made move to approach on a group? do I just take the L and move on? only if the situation is right? do I just go anyway and that fuck it gotta make a move?
This is also assuming I can't split the group up or something to get the 1:1, and also that when I make an approach their friend wont get the hint and give us some space (which is usually the case in when I have) for whatever reasons.
How much does moving matter?

Two years ago, I moved from one of the big Texas cities to a small town because I was able to live with my parents and save a lot more money. However, I've found the small town dating scene to be really cliquey and the single women that are left and interested are trashy trainwrecks. Obviously, I'm no Gigachad myself.

I'm planning to move because this dating situation is making me miserable, I was starting to go on dates when I was out in the city, and I don't want to disappoint my parents (staying with them basically ensures they'll never get grandkids). I've been looking at going back to Texas, but I've also seen some appealing jobs in Huntsville - but I'm worried that it's one of those places like where I am now where you'd better bring a spouse or girlfriend, because everyone decent is taken. In my late 20s, I feel like I'm rapidly aging out of any chances of dating people that aren't gross fuckups.
>because everyone decent is taken
This is a stupid thing people keep saying for some reason. If you move to a big city there will be a fuckton of single people, no exceptions. There is no such thin as a city where "everyone decent is taken".
>In my late 20s, I feel like I'm rapidly aging out of any chances of dating people that aren't gross fuckups.
One of the few advantages of being a man is that age doesn't matter as much. If anything, you'll be more attractive by the time you're 35 if you play your cards right in terms of career progression, fitness etc.

Stop being a pessimistic doomer bro
Well, going from a multi-million metro to a 20k town was a disaster for my dating life. I'm trying to decide to pursue professional opportunities in another multi-million metro (potentially the same one where things were starting to go well), or a 200k small city. I'm a little worried the 200k will be similarly disastrous because it seems like a place where mid-career professionals who are probably married move to.
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I talked twice to my work crush.
I am going to go tit-for-tat all the way until rejection or, if she bites, I will make her my gf.
I know this is work but I will try to get her to meet me outside of work some way.
I will never make it inappropriate. I will throw cheese until she stops biting. She is intelligent and I know she will be able to show me appropriately.
Now I want to hear advice from you.
You'll run out of people on dating apps in the 200k town most likely. If you can meet people the old fashion way it shouldnt be too much of a problem. It is a valid concern though so you gotta figure out if you have the option the bigger city would be better of course. I think you'll still be able to get a gf and fuck around even in the smaller town though, 20k vs 200k is a big difference.
Don't shit where you eat man
I did my move. I will wait for any response. If there is none I will move on. I am not going to press the issue anymore.
why do people always say this dumbass "don't shit where you eat?" garbage ?
where do most relationships emerge from organically ? I don't have the numbers but most couples aren't from sliding into DMs or tinder or shit. People approach each other at work, at gym, at dance classes, and everywhere they want as they should.

Like there's already a loneliness epidemic and single men are being crucified for "not getting pussy" as is but if on top of that you're gonna judge them for trying it's just cruel.
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I want a gf but I hate meeting and talking to new people more than anything in the world
I'm not judging anyone bud, I want the best for all my bros itt. I have 2 friends that had big problems at work cause of dating someone that also worked there. One of them got reported after he broke up with her with complete bs allegations and lost his job and the other had to transfer to a different department despite really liking the one he was in. It's just not worth the risk imo but if you feel differently that's fine.
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What do you open with when you message girls on dating apps? On Hinge what are good responses to prompts and photos?
Reminder that cold approach is Indian tier and no woman wants a random loser coming up to them and stuttering his way through a pickup line. They’re just trying to go through their day without being harassed, and they don’t owe you their contact information let alone a conversation.

Actually true in Europe, even my chad friends that fuck all the time never do cold approach
>be me, 33 years old, married for 5 years, relationship of 15 years
>divorcing my wife because I have not had sex the past 14 months and my wife has no feelings for me and I tried everything, including relationship therapy and even though we reached mutual understanding, shit is still hopeless

Did I also mention that I am already on dating websites? And man, it is rough out there if you are 30+. All the dating apps and sites are worthless. Women are either A) fat, B) have children C) basic as fuck (they like traveling, wine, horses or other animals) or D) a mix of the above. They also never respond. I send them personalized messages. I know that they are online. I might try Breeze or Bumble and then I give up and go back the old fashioned way of offline dating.

Anything I can do to up my chances?
>C) basic as fuck (they like traveling, wine, horses or other animals
What do you like?
whats cold approach?
When you start chatting up random women on the street, in a store etc
oh, so the zoomer tik tok videos about approaching women? kek
The term is actually 20+ years old, it's from the mid 2000s when pick up artists were popping off on the internet and shit
Yeah, i read the game recently
it always felt so retarded to me
it only helps you lose your fear to women

I like decent women. You know, higher educated, decent job, interested in something. I have a creative studio next to my IT job. So someone with a creative knack I like very much. For example, someone who does judicial work and does painting or music in her free time. Someone who wants a family too with a sense for values and virtues. I am a Christian, so another Christian would be nice. In short, someone decent. Not filthy hedonists who do drugs or have tattoos or casual sex.
RSD Tylers older stuff is actually quite good imo. He has a very strong understanding of what makes you attractive to women and conveys it well. But the utility of any material designed to help you get pussy is inherently limited and like step 1 out of a 100 to actually getting there.
Unfortunately the way you have to communicate with women on dating apps is different than IRL. If you're at a bar or at church or something and are talking to a woman, you have her undivided attention. On dating apps, any woman can get a thousand matches and will have a fuckton of guys just like you messaging them. Generic messages about stuff on their profile, asking about interests they've listed etc doesn't work a lot of the time especially for the more vapid ones.

This leads to the question of wtf to message and unfortunately have to play the game a lot of the time of being brazen, witty, provocative, explicit etc right off the bat to stand out. That, and the women that are responsive to that, don't seem to jive with what you're looking for unfortunately.
Because they understand it’s fundamentally weird as hell to walk up to a total stranger with the expectation that you’ll end up having sex with them.
It’s weird regardless of the circumstances, like the Indians ITT will tell you to do it in public, with people nearby, etc, but none of this actually changes anything about the principle of harassing a stranger hoping to get sex from them.

So, what you are saying is, there are no decent women on dating apps.
Who cares? Some have a positive response and want a date. The others, if I bothered them I'm just happy to have made their day a little bit worse. Fuck off.

Grinding exp on girls? Dude, you've got too much free time in life. I did the same thing, "I'll give her a chance even if I don't like her". Now? If she isn't a 10/10 personality with a face and body that gets me hot and bothered, I'd rather just be staring at the ceiling.

To my knowledge, nothing sucks more than being stuck with a woman who isn't doing it for you.
What do you want me to do? go for the woman of my dreams with 0 sex and dating experience?
>if I bothered them I'm just happy to have made their day a little bit worse
Great worldview. How would you feel if it were you being constantly harassed on a daily basis?
The woman of your dreams should be someone you actually can share a stimulating conversation with and like minded ideals. Or is your dream girl just a hot body?
Women who don't cover themselves deserve to be harrassed. Fuck off cuck.
Not what i asked, i agree with you. But how am i gonna find her? i have to go take a dive in dating and get exp, go out, meet women.
And what if i find her and i have 0 experience?

What do you do? You start by ignoring whatever that other guy is doing and wants, that's his problem. You then go and do what you want. Will it potentially make church awkward? Who cares, ignore what people think.

Here's the thought experiment question you need to ask yourself to get your head out of your concerns:

If you knew for a fact that she was head over heels for you, right now, just waiting for you to do something... Anything... What would you do?

Me personally? I'd be sick of making her wait for me to fulfill her desires, walk over next time I see her and say, "I need to apologize for not telling you I liked you when I first realized it, but I'm here now making up for it. I like you and I'd like to take you on a date"

She'll respond how she responds, either way, you'll know. And if she doesn't reciprocate, the life lesson is next time you see a woman you like, go walk up to here and say that last part "I'd like to take you on a date" and find out. The worst part about rejection is the not knowing, so do yourself a favor and rip the bandaid asap. At worst the pain was sharp but fleeting, at best, you get a few more moments to spend with the woman you'll love because life is short and at the end when your remaining life is measured in minutes, you'll wished you could have just a few hours, just a couple days or maybe 1 week more to spend with her, but now you have to wait 7 days between each Sunday.

Quit being a doofas and go be the man of her dreams or just another nobody because right now you have the potential to be somebody to her and that's the worst position to stay in.

You start by stopping superseding this poor girls judgment by subjecting her to your own when you don't walk up to her.

Do what I said to do here, just above.

> 32060337

I don't know how to cite on 4chins, so figure it out.
You shouldn't necessarily have to go searching for her, you can pursue hobbies and fields of interest that are important to you. That will more accurately target someone who shares common ground with you. Then it's less about grinding dates and more about grinding your social interaction skills so you can maintain a conversation with them without the preface of being "on a date".
Thank you for the input, Abdul.
i'm meeting up with a girl tonight for a first date in the city. i shoot photography as a hobby so i want to bring my camera with me to get some night shots after the date is over. is that a bad idea or could the camera be a good conservation topic?

Dude, look at what I've just told this dude in this comment.


I don't know how to cite, but figure it out with the search or whatever.

Basically, you know she is into you so you can basically say almost anything and she'll find it endearing. In fact, the only thing you can do to screw this up is to not get over yourself and fail to approach her. Just get in there, tell her how you're interested and she'll do the rest. Here's a total turd of a comment that a chick who likes you will love:

"Hey, I am glad you showed up to your job today, I always liked that about you. In fact, I would like you to show up to a date with me"

If she likes you, she'll say something like, "You'll find I'm a very punctual and loyal employee, Sir!"

And she'll hand you her number written on a lid or whatever. Of course, you're nervous and so you'll stumble all over your words and fart them out in the wrong order, but she likes you so she will find it cute. And she won't even be thinking about the stupid things you said, she will be over analyzing the fact that she called you "sir" wondering if you think she's into daddy play.

OR, she isn't really into you and you've been given bad information, in that case she'll mock you to her friends, but at least you won't be here farting up the discussion board with questions about how to approach so I don't got to keep telling you the same things.

Get over yourself and get in there champ, life's waiting and it sounds like she is too. Strike while the iron is hot.
Buy The Mystery Method book for groups. Still the best content I've found on it. Lone wolf shit gets so mind numbingly boring and lonely sometimes.

The general rule seems to be move to a place with 1M population or higher. Any lower, throw parties so people come to you. I don't have experience with the latter.

Who cares if it's a good topic or not. You want to do it so do it, she'll either be into it or she won't, go be you camera bro...

Heck, sneek a few shots of her so she catches you. When she catches you, be honest and say she's too beautiful not to capture even if this date goes nowhere. If she likes you she will immediately start play posing and if she isn't, she will have either no reaction or run. Either way you'll know.
I could have gotten into a lot of trouble messing with women at my job, even though they were both blatantly into me. They opened the door but I was the one that chose to walk in. Christmas parties seem to have that kind of effect on people. Looking back it was fun and exciting but it wasn't worth it. I was so relieved when I got laid off.
I understand what you mean.
In fact i understood it so much that im kinda questioning my line of thought.
I realized that i have hobbies, yes, but i havent dwelled on them too much.
I have a college degree and i have high paying job (well, on my country at least), and i was thinking or pursuing a masters and eventually a PHD, maybe i should pursue that?

It's OK that you didn't know what to do, ignorance in light of inexperience is expected. However, let me explain it to you now.

You walk up, apologize to the group as a whole for the intrusion and then speak directly at the lady of interest. You are now speaking to her as though she is the only one there, if some uppity chick gets jealous, ignore her politely and carry on with the one lady. But you should be very direct, "I would have regretted not offering you to go on a date with me".

You'll get her answer one way or another and the gaggle of friends will almost certainly give you immediate feedback. Yeah, if she turns you down you now had an audience, but if you think about it...the best ammunition they have is either to suggest their friend isn't worthy of being approached or that you weren't worthy of approaching her. Which, all women secretly want men they want to approach them, but they have to deal with what thy get and that isn't your problem.
.in other words, a group is no different than an individual once you apologize to them all for the intrusion as they're there together.
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>"I would have regretted not offering you to go on a date with me"
thanks anon
cold approachers never beating the Indian allegations
>apologize to the group
What is with this beta bullshit of starting off an interaction by apologizing. The most retarded shit imaginable.
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>Forgive me m'lady, I would have very much regretted not speaking to thee
Works every time bro

You're apologizing for interrupting what is almost certainly a constant and steady conversation. You don't need to make a huge thing of it, but a simple "excuse me" or "sorry to interrupt".

Do you people ever go outside?

No problem, happy to help.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Admittedly not a great line on paper, so go ahead and hit us with a better one. Or is criticism your only skill on paper?
should I warn her ahead of time? i was told that it could be construed that if i bring a nice camera with me to the date it means im planning on doing bad things to her later that night.
Thanks bro if I don't see her on Sunday should I just message her on the groupchat we're in for the volunteering? It's through Groupme.

I will answer you, but I can't answer your question directly, so let me share a story. In my state, the 2nd amendment is minimally infringed upon meaning I open carry my 1911. I do it to restaurants, grocery stores, on my own property and basically everywhere. Now mind you, I actually live on the outskirts of a very liberal city you almost certainly heard about before that shares a state with a certain someone in 2020 who laid out a few protesting baddies. On my own property an nice elderly lady walked up to me and after some conversation asked "so what's with that?" (My gun). I said, "it's for self defense" she asks "do you really need it?" I say yes, she then asks, "so what, you just shoot anyone who seems suspicious?" I say, "no, only violent threats". She talks a little while longer and then leaves amicably.

What am I to think of what she thought? Was she afraid? Was she interested? Did she think that the only gun toting person in this city I've ever seen was planning on shooting people?

I have no way of knowing and that, in and of itself is the answer. You'll almost certainly never know, should this lady not come back for more dates, what really turned her off (or failed to turn her on). But you do know what you can do that you believe to be right. So if you are the kind of guy who would like to give her a heads up, say, " I'm bringing my camera to get some shots of the city " or don't mention it at all. Neither is the wrong answer, the wrong answer would be to ask her "if it's cool" because that is not cool. In other words, be you camera bro. I can't tell you who that is.

She'll either like whoever you are or she won't, in either case, that really isn't for you to decide to stop trying to.
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Get new friends. That improves your social vibe tremendously. I got first time laid without paying after I went chatting to three strangers and I got one's number to my contacts.

My concern is precedent, if you cannot have a one on one in that group chat, I would not reach out. If you can, the issue is that you would be actively singling her out on a medium with which you two have never directly spoken before.

If it were me, I would wait until the church day. If she's not there, wait another week. Rinse repeat forever, but messaging the whole group to get to her is wild... And even if you can single her out on the chat, if you've never had a one on one convo there, well, my gut says she would really, really have to like you to be cool with it.

I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying I wouldnt and I certainly wouldn't worry about it right now seeing as how you two are both tied to this church so it seems likely she'll be around at some point in the future.
Excellent answer. thanks anon. i know what i will do.

You're welcome 2.0. If she doesn't like you, I know someone will because you know how to be you. And that's a very rare quality these days.
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This is a woman's preferred type isn't it?
Yes, a group of billions of people are entirely homogeneous when it comes to their preferences lol
I think google has has blocked me from all dating apps. The only one I can even register on is tinder and I'm pretty sure I'm shadow banned there.

Dudes delude themselves when they think women care about a man's body like men care about men's. That leads to delusional beliefs that women aren't as sexual as men, what a joke.

The first thing a man looks for in a women is her looks, the first thing a woman looks for in a man are intrinsics. Of those intrinsics, one is looks, but there are many others. This is why a guy like Patrice O'Neil can have a loyal girlfriend while weighing 400lbs.
I don't mind responding and talking to women but I think I'm afraid of making it seem like I engaged in a stupid conversation that's obviously just there for the sake of me approaching them. To be honest that's also the case for men but at least some men approach me so I interact with them, which isn't the case with women.
Do I have to just man up or am I looking at it the wrong way?

Short answer? Be honest with yourself and do what you see is fit, adjust accordingly.

As a guy approaching women, I don't care to have stupid conversations about what their favor color is before I know if they like me or not. I already know what I feel, I am there to see what they feel. So I do what is most expedient to result in that.

"I want to take you on a date" seems to be pretty effective. But there are a lot of ways of wording your interest that make it clear to her and let her decide what she wants. Good women are really good at choosing between two options, but bad women like infinite options. Give her a choice, come with me(so to speak) or don't. If she doesn't, walk away.
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>Yes, a group of billions of people are entirely homogeneous when it comes to their preferences lol
This but unironically.
She liked my story, that means she wants sex right?

Unironically, yes, almost certainly. With you? Unknown, not enough information to even begin to guess.
Hey anons, I have been going to the gym for 7 months now and I recently made an instagram account to post and show off some gym pics.
I only post pics after workout where my body looks really pumped, and there is this one girl, who I don't know in real life, but lives like 15 minutes away from me, who has taken an interest in me. I am not sure if it's because of the looks or if she generally likes me, but we have been messaging for some days now. She's saying stuff like "wow you have big muscles, I would feel safe around you, you are handsome etc. etc." but I don't look that big at all when I'm not working out.
I'm also quite the loner, awkward, have only had one girlfriend, whereas she seems to be the outgoing kind of type, but she told me she is quite introverted too, after I told her I am.
She wants to meet me, most likely this weekend. It's going to be one giant fuck up right? What should and shouldn't I do? She's probably not going to be impressed at all right? Any advice for this situation here? It would be appreciated, thanks

You're going to go to the store and buy condoms and preparation H.

Whether it goes well or not, you'll be glad to have the condoms. If it goes poorly though, you'll need the perpetration H.
These threads are just glorified humblebrag-a-thons aren't they?
> preparation H.
Err, no? I was actually going to ask on /fit/ but might have been too off topic.
>talks about how it’s impossible to get a women and efforts are better spend elsewhere.
>defeatism, blackpilled bs, the whole thread is like this.
>talks about getting women
>humble bragging I see, the whole thread is like this.
How do I find the type of woman who's type of man is a cuck?
Can someone make me a list of 100 free ebooks on attracting women and female psychology?

Let me just say this, given what you said, there is likely to be boning, the question is just of who.
Pretty much.

>ask for concrete advice on how to get a girlfriend
>"try dating apps"
>"i don't get any likes let alone matches on dating apps"
>"just work out dude and they'll come to you"
>"but i do and i still never had a girl"
>"then get some hobbies, i dunno"
>"none of my hobbies have girls in them"
>"then find some that do, geeze"
>"so i should pick hobbies that have girls in them but don't necessarily have an interest in?"
>"no you faggot, they'll know that you're only there to meet girls, just talk to random girls"
>"ok but how? how should i approach them?"
>"omg it doesn't fucking matter, just do it!"
>do it and either get no results or girls are creeped out and report you for being a bit awkward
>"holy fuck you're such an incel no wonder girls don't like you"

Either you've already got it in which case you don't need this thread other than some small pep talks or you've never had it in which case nothing here will work for you because nobody wants to admit that this shit is incredibly random and based purely on luck. Literally every guy I've seen who managed to break out of incel/forever alone mode did so based on sheer, dumb luck where they were introduced to a girl that really liked them and they liked her back. I've never seen a single example of a gf-less dude who never had any luck with women whatsoever suddenly make it by taking generic advice given by the sex-havers. It's called "getting lucky" for a reason because our forefathers knew how this shit works and built society to maximize all men's chances. But somewhere along the way societal norms got messed up and people started pushing this happy horseshit so that unlucky men would continue being miserable wageslaves in the hope that life gets better if they work hard enough.
>>"but i do and i still never had a girl"

Doesn't fucking matter if you "work out". Do you have a legitimately good body wit a Vtaper and big arms? If not shut the fuck up and go back to the gym. If you are dilligently doing all those then you will inevitably get a gf.
>moving goalposts

It's remarkable how you dishonest faggots are so keen to keep proving me right. I've seen dudes with wives and girlfriends at the gym and out and about. Maybe like 1 out of every 10 has even close to the body you are describing. In fact the one dude I know who DOES have that kind of body only managed to pull a chubby 3/10 while he is objectively above average. Other guys had way hotter girlfriends including one fat guy who has a pretty girlfriend with a ridiculous body at the same gym.

It's just sheer, dumb luck. To all the inexperienced, unlucky anons lurking here hoping for something that will change things, it won't. Maybe pray to God and he might like you enough to throw you a bone.

You had me gearing up to disagree in the beginning, but had me agreeing fully at the end. Yes, men and women finding mutual attraction is either entirely luck or as close to it so as to be completely indistinguishable for us mere humans. In either case, maximizing chances behooves us all. Society, however, is and was built by men. Therefore, in a sense, your "luck" is dependant upon whether you have made a functioning society or not.

I keep saying it and I'm not kidding, modern men won't find any good women until we have ourselves a good old fashioned Godly defiant revolution. Our masters are tyrants and defying tyrants is a duty to God. You want a loyal, lovely wife who respects you for life? Do something like say no to the VAX and tell the tax man to pound sand when he comes for your unrealized gains. 50/50 you wind up dead or find a wonderful woman. I'd say, either way, it's a win win.
>girls are creeped out and report you for being a bit awkward
Report you to who?
What authorities are you guys so afraid are going to come arrest you for making someone vaguely uncomfortable?

>nobody wants to admit that this shit is incredibly random and based purely on luck.
Social skills are, in fact, skills. You can develop them.

>Literally every guy I've seen who managed to break out of incel/forever alone mode did so based on sheer, dumb luck
I spent years developing skills and improving myself (while simultaneously developing alcoholism and crippling debt which I don't recommend)
So when blind luck happened to put a girl in my path while I was out in the world doing new things outside of my comfort zone, I had the ability to talk to her.

>I've never seen a single example of a gf-less dude who never had any luck with women whatsoever suddenly make it by taking generic advice given by the sex-havers.
Probably the biggest is me piece of advice was "stop hiding your sexual interest in women". I saw an immediate change. I probably lost years of time because nobody told me that and I had to figure it out myself.
But most of it was steady improvement and practice.

>somewhere along the way societal norms got messed up and there's nothing I can do and nothing's my fault so blah blah blah I'm sooo unlucky boo hoo poor me
In every society, there's always been losers who refuse to even try.

>modern men won't find any good women until we have ourselves a good old fashioned Godly defiant revolution.
Alternately to fighting a war, you could develop social skills and put yourself in proximity to women.

>You want a loyal, lovely wife who respects you for life? Do something like say no to the VAX and tell the tax man to pound sand when he comes for your unrealized gains.
That's not a casual reaction. One doesn't lead to the other. That's like telling someone to watch cartoons if they want a freshly baked cake.
What qualifies as "hitting on" someone as a guy, and how do I achieve it?
I can't think of anything clever. I just think "hey bitch, I wanna fuck you."

> Alternately to fighting a war, you could develop social skills and put yourself in proximity to women.

Minimal necessary force. A lot of men are realizing social skills aren't helping....because society is broken.

> That's not a casual reaction. One doesn't lead to the other. That's like telling someone to watch cartoons if they want a freshly baked cake.

False. My source is, the entirety of human history. Read about it, it's self evident. Next you'll tell me to validate my claim that the sky is blue, use your eyes.
>I don't look that big at all when I'm not working out.
That's your opinion and it's irrelevant. Unless you're using trick photography, it doesn't matter. Your muscles don't magically look bigger because you just worked out.

>I'm also quite the loner, awkward, have only had one girlfriend
Ultimately doesn't matter if she likes you. If she suddenly gets weird and quiet while talking irl, you probably said or did something off and she's likely trying to figure out why you'd do that. In which case, apologize for being awkward, laugh at yourself, and remind her that you're inexperienced.

>she seems to be the outgoing kind of type, but she told me she is quite introverted too, after I told her I am.
It's a sliding scale. She's closer to a Stacy than you are but it seems far away to her.

>It's going to be one giant fuck up right?
No. Not at all.
It's going to be lots of tiny fuck ups!
Enjoy yourself, relax, have fun, and get to know her better to see if you'd like to date her again. Remember that she's hoping for compatibility too.

>What should and shouldn't I do?
Relax and enjoy getting to know her. Don't stress about the outcome or results. Be in the moment.

>She's probably not going to be impressed at all right?
You aren't trying to impress her. You're trying to get to know her while trying to present the best version of yourself. She is trying to do the same. Remember that dating goes both ways. You're not interviewing for a boyfriend position.
Dating isn't serious. It's fun

Any advice for this situation here? It would be appreciated, thanks

> Dating isn't serious. It's fun

Those are not mutually exclusive. What's the point of dating if you aren't taking it seriously and you're not having fun?

The whole point of dating is to take it seriously. Except don't take yourself too seriously while doing it. THAT is when if becomes really fun.
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