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How do I get rid of my hate for men?
(this is going to be kinda long)

To be honest I wasn't always like this. I used to see men and women equal. "There are good people and bad people" ykn.
I never had any problems with men in my childhood in fact I used to have more male friends becuse boys always treated me better than girls. So I wouldn't say it comes from childhood trauma.
I feel like it's becuse of Internet. Basically I grow up thinking men are more chill gender but after spending time with incels, misogynists and other similar groups, I feel like I was backstabbed and lived in lie my whole life in a lie.

The thing that concerns me is that this started to manifest in real life.
Basically I was at market few days ago, waiting in line to pay for my groceries. One guy was right in front of me. He was just casually paying for his groceries, until he accidentally drop a bottle of lemon water. I pick it uo for him. When I gave it to him, I looked him in the eyes with most angry, pale, cold face ever. He just said "thank you" in concerning voice.
I feelt bad after. I don't know this guy. He never did anything bad or good to me. I just felt rage and anger towards him becuse well...he is male.
Just like misogynists feel towards women.
Which obviously isn't fucking normal and I shouldn't havw reacted in this way towards someone who I don't even know just becuse of their gender.

Believe it or no, I wish I wasn't like this. But on the other hand,I saw men online talking how they want women dead, killed, raped, abused etc. One even told me ge respects literal murders and rapist more than women. How can I respect gender who act like this?? How.
But then..I wish I could be normal again and this reaction at market concern me, it's literally not normal...
Should I find a therapist?
No, just stop talking to incels...
you shouldnt change your life because of a singular incident.
also: it is important to hate some men

the issue is when the hate is blind and holding back other aspects of your life.
t. a nasty man
Majority of men seem to be "incels" or misogynistic in some way.
So this means I have to stop interacting with 90% of male gender. That's probably not even possible.
>the issue is when the hate is blind and holding back other aspects of your life.
How do I stop this?
Listen retard the only reason you are protected from rape is that good men outnumber cruel ones, and in the west that ratio is overwhelming, among whites and Asians at least. Go to India or Egypt if you want to see how bad things can get
Women have been talking about how they want to kill men longer than the internet existed so I don't know what you're upset about really.
>I feel like it's becuse of Internet
Stopping being terminally online, cumlord.
I'm the normal blue collar guy who just wants to have a wife and kid, and to provide for them is my dream.
You're right. I hate women and wish I could use them as punching bags for all the things my exes did to me. I don't trust them, I don't like them as people, and I would honestly not interact with them unless it meant pussy.
I never act out on it though, I just maintain my facade of a normal guy.
I don't think this is anything you'll be able to completely accomplish alone, for better or worse.

Reducing your exposure to negative sources (4chan) will help; meeting different people IRL. Therapy or at least joining support groups, doing CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) are all great ressources. There's men'slib on reddit that's basically about deprogramming men from manosphere/redpill content online.

I'm sorry you feel this way and for the negative experiences you've had; at least I'm glad you recognize that this is a problem you want to get over. I hope it gets better. Take care anon.
Your mind is quite warped if you think 90% of men are potential rapists
>be woman
>hates men
>post on image board with 99.99% men
Do you ever think? Seriously, do you even have the capacity for subvocal thoughts, or are you just an aimless brute roaming from one instinctive drive to the next?
female exclusive spaces pride themselves on manhating
any slightly wayward opinion gets you banned
Go out more
Learn to be safer
Make more male friends your age
Maybe get into a self defense course to help with your fear
>hang out exclusively in spaces where misogynists congregate
>assume all men are rapists
no offense but are you retarded
this is like if a black dude decided to chill with the KKK everyday and decided all white people are racist
if either was true then civil rights wouldnt have come as far as they have, and you would've been raped already. get a grip.
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Anon you clearly need to ponder the statement "there are good people and bad people" a lot more. I empathise with what you are saying of course, since I experience literally the same thing in reverse - I look online and see awful women everywhere. But just because that's in front of my eyes does not mean that that's all there is. There are, as you said, awful men, and I don't see myself as one of them. And there are awful women, and I am sure that some women don't see themselves as one of these either. And I live my life trying to be respectful and open minded because of that. There are four billion men and women, it's impossible to generalise all of these people under the same category. It's just not possible.
Not to mention that if you are observant, different groups become apparent within gender. A vulgar moron rape apologist man shares nothing in common with an honourable, firm gentleman. Similarly, vicious hysterical shrew shares nothing in common with a kind and prudent lady. These are all distinct groups that are divided by enormous gulfs.
>Majority of men seem to be "incels" or misogynistic in some way.
>So this means I have to stop interacting with 90% of male gender. That's probably not even possible.
You are on this website and seem to be one of those "not like other girls" girls. So yeah I am willing to bet that you are seeking out extreme male spaces and are getting a king's size serving of sample selection bias. It's ok to visit extreme male spaces, just have to remember that they are EXTREME for a reason, and to not take things so seriously - have fun with it, keep an open mind, and connect only with people you like. As a southron, if I am speaking to a Nordicist who says "you need to be gassed", I don't develop a burning hatred for Nordics. I just ignore it and talk to the guy about other things. It's fine if he wants to have me gassed, since it's not gonna happen anyway, and a lot of these folks are interesting and charming in other ways once you get to know them.
90% of moids is generous. in reality it's closer to 99%
>...he is male.
But then again, so are you.
Extremely delusional take. Out of all of the men I know, I can't think of a single one who I can even imagine being a rapist. Not even the Muslim religious extremist who has a burning hatred for women.
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Watch youtube videos of chimpanzees and gorillas and you'll understand how men work. They are almost the same but with less fur.
70% of the men I met were obsessed with being the dominant male, had limited empathy and limited emotional maturity. You can see it right here on /adv/ where seething incels are crying on how mean women are with them on online forum, while they do the very same thing spewing hate online, without realizing that they are doing the same thing they hate.
Testosterone is literally a poison, men literally lose their hair from testosterone overdose. A study about testosterone and male employment had shown that testosterone levels were lower for successful new male employees than they were for new male employees who had quit their jobs or been terminated.
Hating on moids is not wrong, it's actually healthy. No need to find a therapist. (Do you notice how it's always men that joke about 'the-rapist' and not women? Really tells you about the inferior size of their frontal lobe.)
Assuming this isn't a troll post, imagine you're reading the same post from a man who hangs around in misandrist feminist spaces online then hears some colleagues say "all men are trash!" or something else.
You don't have you write what you think here, but that's the reply to your question.
Maybe you're trans.
I used to fucking hate men with no reason. Until I realise I don't hate them.
I'm envious and I want to qbe them.
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Yet an estimated 91% of victims of rape & sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male.
Keeping away from men is just logical self preservation.
Just stop being dumb and low-attentionspan and reactive. That guy could've been a sadistic serial killer rapist, but he's not going to harm 99% of women he interacts with. Most men who rant on the internet are venting because they grew up with a BPD mom and their mid ugly tween oneitis with braces rejected them in middle school. The world doesn't revolve around you, it's not about you. You may not realize it but you're just being egotistical, you get an adrenaline or dopamine rush inventing imaginary rape murder fantasies in your head, like you want to star in a true crime Lifetime television for women movie.
Stop talking about this retarded men vs. women bullshit with 4chan chuds for chrissakes. Go fold your laundry. Visit a girl forum and chat about baking and makeup tutorials and fanfiction. "How do I stop hating men"... "I know, I'll visit the butthole of the internet infamous for hate and ask the folks there".
There's always danger in the world, just be realistic and live your life. If you live in a country with running water and electricity and wifi, women are the safest people in the world. Men aren't going victimize you unless you act like a slut or a pickme. It's not that hard not to glare and innocent random men at the supermarket. Just stop inventing imaginary drama. Stop with the psuedointellectual hamster-wheeling "men be like this and women be like that", go do something else.

>Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male.
Which is radically different from 99% of men being rapists. You have to be extremely stupid or extremely evil to twist statistics like that. But in the end of the day, I think if this makes you feel happy, sure. IMO most women who post stuff like this have extreme levels of traumatic anxiety, but if staying away from men really is a healthy thing for you, then by all means. I am hoping for the best for you.
It scales and it means that statistically you have a lot more chance to be raped by a man than anything else. Man is the gender of rape, simple as.

I'm convinced that women who post shit like this know that it's stupid deep down, but they want to get a validating reply like

>nooooooooooo queen please don't avoid men, we NEED you so bad, we'll do better I promise

In reality, I don't give a fuck. Die childless, no skin off my back and fewer liberal voters in the world
>fewer liberal voters in the world
dont worry they're importing more liberal voters
read that 25% of democrats voted for deporting migrant rapists, whereas 100% rebuplicans did
>How do I get rid of my hate for men?
Recognize what it is that you hate about "men", and then separate those qualities from abstract 'maleness'. They may be heavily correlated, but they're not synonymous.
Being wary of men because they're more likely to be a threat to you is perfectly fine, as long as you can manage your life alongside the thought (i.e. you're not so paralyzed by caution that you're unable to provide for yourself)).

> I used to see men and women equal.
Lots of incels do this, too. Their hatred often stems from the implicit acceptance of this belief, and then disillusionment at the fact that women take different actions and have different motivations from men. Since men and women are equal, in their eyes, and should thus always be judged by the same standards, any difference in outcomes is either a wrong itself or proof of wrongdoing.

>Should I find a therapist?
If you want. Keep in mind that there are different specializations and different things you could go for. Dealing with past trauma isn't the same as dealing with negative intrusive thoughts.
>read that 25% of democrats voted for deporting migrant rapists, whereas 100% rebuplicans did
What's the feminist opinion on this? What do you >>32044372 >>32044291 think of this?
The bill's called the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act if you want to look it up.
>The bill would deport or deem inadmissible to the country undocumented immigrants who have been convicted of, or admit to having committed, sex offenses, domestic violence, stalking, child abuse or violating a protection order.
Let's be real. If women were really concerned about being raped this bad, that would mean they have good survival instincts. Which they don't because they all took the vax and vote for more immigration.
>What's the feminist opinion on this?
they're with whatever pushed they men's shit in
they didnt push migrants in out of a weeping heart, nor do they care about the rampant rape pandemic during the 1st influx circa the arab spring
I'm not western.
please, PLEASE just adopt. DON'T have a gf or wife.
My post isn't even about rape that much its more how men hate women just becuse they're women
I don't think this is possible
My post isn't even about rape, freaks.
I will keep coming to those spaces becuse it makes them mad.
I literally wish I could do this I wish I could be normal. Maybe I seriously need to stop using Internet this much but I can't
>You are on this website and seem to be one of those "not like other girls" girls.
>and a lot of these folks are interesting and charming in other ways once you get to know them.
only if you're another man
Umm yeah this kind of masculinity is literally cancer. It would be better if men are more feminine in some aspects.
>Testosterone is literally a poison, men literally lose their hair from testosterone overdose. A study about testosterone and male employment had shown that testosterone levels were lower for successful new male employees than they were for new male employees who had quit their jobs or been terminated.
holy shit. so its testosterone that makes them retarded?
> (Do you notice how it's always men that joke about 'the-rapist' and not women? Really tells you about the inferior size of their frontal lobe.)
oh yes, belive me, I have. I guess testosterone really makes you a bald retard.
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Most honest women are misogynistic too. Women in general are spoiled rotten children.
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Hey I get it honestly. From the other side, simple interactions like yours at the grocery store can often be taxing as a man too (for other reasons). I feel like if I did this for a woman, there's a good chance I'd get a terse "thanks" and avoidant eye contact.

Which I understand, completely. I see the way a significant amount of men act in these situations (especially folks I'd imagine post here), and I know that so many of them would try and take this as "the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation!" and treat it like some moment where they can practice meeting women, etc. I feel like a of the coldness men perceive from women is really just social self-defense; they're pre-empting a reaction to these scenarios so they don't have to keep constantly rebuffing men's advances after engaging politely, even from something as simple as a passing smile, because men use it as an opportunity to get their foot in the door constantly.

I think that a lot of men without much self-awareness just see this as "women being rude" / "she doesn't even know me yet and she's being a bitch" or whatever, and this contributes to the feedback loop which causes women to be on the defensive by default.

That being said, while I understand this, it still takes a toll on me to feel like anything more than the bare minimum social acknowledgement is seen as potentially predatory. Sometimes I just want to shoot someone a smile as I pass by because I'm having a good day. I got no answers, it just sucks.
This world is full of weird people, my girlfriend isn't safe at night and risks various shit if I'm not there with her and yes of course its 99% men.
There are good men, protectors, providers of food, electricity, dangerous jobs participants, sewer disposal you name it. They are the real men who give a shit and care for your safety.

And there of course are incels on the internet who believe that it's best to give up on life and spread the most insane shit such as raping women as you mentioned. Should you believe it's 90% of men? No, you're unlikely to see those people leave the house because nobody who has an actual life acts like that, just a bunch of idiots with unrestricted internet access and the freedom it provides.
There are also the weirdos at night as I've mentioned who prey on women, those are the same as incels but actually leave the house, depending on financial situation or mental health or whether or not your country suffered the immigration crisis you should be worried. As a man myself I despise those kinds of people who prey on women.
This world has a lot of shitty people regardless of their gender, don't associate an entire group because of how some of them act, it's heavily an environmental thing.
Without man there would be no woman and vice versa. We are both needed for this world to fulfill our roles.
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>I pick it up for him.
You don't hate men or else you wouldn't have helped him. What you did was a nice thing you did based off of instinct because you're a nice person. It wasn't until you thought about the fact this was a man that you gave him that look. You're too nice to be filled with hate. You don't hate men. You hate what men are capable of. I don't hate women, but I hate what women are capable of. I hate women that lie about rape because they're bored, I hate women that think they can get away with anything because they're women, and I hate women that lust for attention. But I don't hate women. You hate people that do and talk about doing bad shit. I would recommend therapy to work through this, unless you really think you can do it on your own.
I did the previous post and this guy said it better. I fully agree.
I never said this post is about me. Its how men treat women like shit becuse we are women.
>It's not that hard not to glare and innocent random men at the supermarket.
What if he hates me and think I'm a stupid woman, hole or whatever? It gives me anxiety that someone will potentially hate me and have need to slap me up just becuse I'm female.
why do you think everything is about rape.
found the incel.
>"she doesn't even know me yet and she's being a bitch" or whatever, and this contributes to the feedback loop which causes women to be on the defensive by default
i guess men act like this for similar reason
>There are also the weirdos at night as I've mentioned who prey on women, those are the same as incels but actually leave the house,
Incels will always shit how they're harmless after telling women they want us DEAD.
>Without man there would be no woman and vice versa.
that's true...Since you have a gf you understand how much dangerous it can be..
I honestly just wish more men were like you. Thnaks for the hope.
>You don't hate men. You hate what men are capable of.
ok this made me think...
no u didn ):<
>I feel like it's becuse of Internet. Basically I grow up thinking men are more chill gender but after spending time with incels, misogynists and other similar groups, I feel like I was backstabbed and lived in lie my whole life in a lie.

as a whole, men are. But these specific problems you dropped are serious and typically male-centric problems that there historically has been very little consideration for by society. Its one thing to have problems, and its another thing to have problems that it seems like nobody else takes seriously.

So you got exposed to a bit of it thanks to your being online (because its not a new thing, men have dealt with these things always)....

>Basically I was at market few days ago, waiting in line to pay for my groceries. One guy was right in front of me. He was just casually paying for his groceries, until he accidentally drop a bottle of lemon water. I pick it uo for him. When I gave it to him, I looked him in the eyes with most angry, pale, cold face ever. He just said "thank you" in concerning voice.
>I feelt bad after. I don't know this guy. He never did anything bad or good to me. I just felt rage and anger towards him becuse well...he is male.

this is probably a piss-poor example on your part. You just encountered someone who's baseline level of niceness was a shock for you, and you also felt condemnation that you also hadn't experienced before for his attitude, presentation, whatever.... and you didn't like that your encounter with him made you feel that way.
Stop using the internet, you can't handle it.
>How do I get rid of my hate for men?
You can have sex with someone you hate - you aren't losing anything.
Syop using the internet those people don't even leave their house.
Go to a therapist.
But yeah stop using the internet and make friends with a mixed gender group and you'll see how kind men and women are to eachother irl.
Interesting, very nice.
Can we get a racial and religious breakdown of this statistic?
>Maybe I seriously need to stop using Internet this much but I can't
Well you may actually need to do so. If you have a nervous constitution to such an extent that just browsing dumb takes online winds you up LONG TERM, then yeah the internet is literally fucking with your brain and reprogramming it. At this rate you will be a slave precisely to the dumb rape apologists who get to determine how you feel and act around people in real life. You have to either develop mental detachment or sever yourself from the online toxicity that is messing with you. Otherwise before long you will find that you will have become an unrecognisable individual.
>only if you're another man
Not necessarily. If you shrug them off and don't take them seriously, sometimes you can have a back and forth. Few people are so dumb and so robotic to be able to spam hate at you without responding to anything you say. Look up TRP "agree and amplify" "disagree and amplify" and then experiment with those tools. Very effective for breaking the ice, even with people who hate you for dumb reasons.
>I'm not western
I feel bad for you because though male bad behavior is bad in the west its dismaying how bad it is elsewhere. In Korea I go to the bathroom before I go out because some man has put a spy camera in every womans toilet. Work, school, store, office building you have no expectation of privacy. And the men treat you like shit, the macho fuckers.
OP is a shallow woman who doesn't want real help, move on

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