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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>32043097
just bee urself retards, that's all it takes
you don't even have to leave 4chan
do whatever you want that won't ruin your life
that's what old people wish they did
From the same category as asking
>How to Be a Responsible Citizen
in an African American neighborhood

Idk if these posts have ever been useful to somebody. Inhabitants of 4chan lmao
i went on a date with a girl tonight from an app. She was very pleasant and talkative, we had ice cream and walked around the park and sat and talked for almost 2 hours. we had a lot in common and i enjoyed her company. however she was heavier than her pics, but in a weird way, she had a big chest, a big butt, but thin arms. Anyways she said she goes the gym, but shes only 27 so it could either get worse or better. i could see this being short term thing but i dont think shes looking for that.

tldr, at the end of the date i said it was nice meeting her and gave her a hug and left. i think she got the vibe that i wasnt into her and i didnt text her after the date. Do i text her tomorrow and lay out the rejection text?
if you like her pursue it, if you don't like her don't say shit
if she is interested she will ask and you can POLITELY say no. don't be rude
youre suggesting I ghost her? that doesnt seem like the right answer either.

it's only ghosting if they text back and you don't
i suggest you be honest with her if she does text back
Of course not. Please prepare your 200 word essay why you dont want to meet that woman again
if you are confident that solves all your dos and don'ts
I went in on a first date with a hot girl and we had insane chemistry I was sucking toes while getting the 2 hand jerk first date

then a day later I try to get with a practice GF side piece who's way uglier and she pulled away from my kisses and ghosted me after first date

why does the loss of the uglier practice gf hurt so bad? Do you think she has some kind of psychic knowledge of the night befores activities
who said it had to be long? ive gotten rejection texts from women before that are short
your spacing makes my eyes hurt
all the women i have been with sexually, save for one, have allowed for anything on the first date.
you don't need a side piece because you are fucking retarded. women are way better at telling your intents and she knew she was the side piece.
having sex with a girl doesn't mean she is your gf, they know better.
calm the fuck down and devote yourself to a girl you actually like. it sounds like you are coping for liking the less conventionally attractive girl but we have all been there and i regret you not running your girl by friends
fuck the girl you like, learn how women think, and don't give them the wrong idea.
Ive been the rejected girl plenty of times. If its someone I really like, I do what to know what or how things went wrong. If there was no chemistry, sometimes its better just to leave it alone.
It does really suck being the hot girl having a great first date and being the one to initiate the follow up text, just to get ghosted.

This really sucks too. I dont "give it up" until Ive established a comfortable, mutual friendship foundation. A nice date at the park or a long walk are great ways to build that rapport and dive into it.
Hand holding is a very romantic, sensual way to kind of break the ice, form a middle earth ground and reduce the chances of ghosting.
Confidence does not fix ugly or asexual.
we were already holding hands and all that stuff.

I initiated a kiss but nothing deep or passionate came from her end after a couple seconds and so it was just awkward.
yep ive been there, i went on 8 dates last summer, all 8 didnt make it past the first date. of those 8 i thought 6 went very well with great chemistry, and yet i either got ghosted or rejected a few days after.
id say me and this girl definitely have chemistry. she be cool as friend, but i dont know low long we would be able to date before thigns went south
>Be me
>Have partner
>Havnt had a real kiss in months
>Rejected at every advance
it doesn't fix asexual but women are straight up scared of men for their sexual tendencies. you get one girl out of some creepy situation and she will respect you. doesn't matter if you are ugly if you are a creep, you keep her safe and she will think you are her dad.
are you in a dead bedroom marriage or something. At least she fucked off and ghosted me and I don't have to see her 24/7
What makes you think things would go sour? If you think its worth giving a real shot, or there was some undeniable connection that you have never experienced - would you try?
I mean .. reallllly try.
Having a friend is great but if you really wanted to make it work, compromise and common goals with good communication could take the "i dunno" to the "i do" lol

Or do you just get bored easily?
To me, being overweight at a young age is an indication other things are going on in her life.
I dated a woman for 3 years, a woman i thought I would marry someday, but in the final year she starting gaining weight, and every time i tried to talk to her about he she would shut me down and tell me it was none of my business. I take care of myself and am not fat. If someone is is committed to losing weight im all for it, but in todays society it's one of those things that becomes "if I do it, be proud of me, if i dont love me anyways" which i do not agree with
This a woman's preferred type of guy isn't it?
Having a sense of security in a relationship isnt bad. Being able to provide for whom ever your dating is nice and imo should be reciprocated to an extent (but not expected to be). Some people like that, tho. I want to have my man nussle my breast and I want to feed him and make sure he has clean socks.. Thats a motherly instinct and trait, but is it bad? Makes me happy. He seems happy and seems to enjoy it.
Kind of like calling your lover 'daddy'.
>Personally didnt have much of a father around so there isnt so much of a family connotation there.
>is my freud slipping?

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