How do I beat my hardcore porn addiction? I’ve been addicted for years and over time it’s only gotten worse and started to ruin my life. I feel like can’t control myself I masturbate at least 4 times a day and watch over 90 mins of porn. Jesus help me
>>32325047Can’t do things alone. I guess don’t be ashamed to join a community. NoFap for example, those people, even if some are not into your type of porn, understand your problems. And you can truly be open around them and fear no judgement. I might just go look for a community myself.The world is empty. Seldom reward for good merits seldom consequence for bad.90 years (approximately) of human life, just to be a decent human. Is it reasonable to believe a human to go that long without making mistakes? We aren’t dogs, especially as an adult, there’snt a consistent supply of society treats for “ behaving “. But, not a lot of people care at the end of the day; Consequences ( good or bad ) are more of the result of luck ( good or bad ). Seldom is it the result of pure karma.
>>32325047Porn sucks dude. You'll meet a real girl who's down to fuck, and it will be impossible to get hard. Trust me dude you don't want that. It's so embarrassing & emasculating. If you want to be turned on me real women, you have to drop the porn. You don't have a choice. You can still whack it, but try to go for long streaks of retaining, and just use your mind. No screens.
>>32325047find the root cause
>>32325047>Jesus help meThis. You've said it yourself.
Do you go to school/work? Or do you stay at home most of the day? What conditions need to be met for you to do it? Do you look at it on your phone before bed, then don't keep your phone in your room. Or block the NSFW sites from your modem. When you get the the urge do some pushups.