I'm starting to resent my unemployed partner. We're barely scraping by on my income, they haven't worked in 10 years. They don't have a disability, other than maybe undiagnosed anxiety. do I have to break things off? if I do they'll most likely become homeless, it's awful.
>partnerBecause if you say wife, millions of incels will start shitting down your throat to support her because you're the one with the penis.It is sad that men like you don't want the american dream anymore.
>>32325725I'm the wife
>>32325727So you never once pushed them to get diagnosed and try to work on themselves? For 10 years? You invested in this? You must have severe insecurities to keep a guy like that for longer than 2 years. What lie did he tell you when you met in order to be such a neet to you? Does he even fuck you or has he cheated the entire time?
>>32325722Never understood you women that choose manboys to raise. If a male hasn't figured out supporting himself by 18 he's never going to. He just bounces from mom to mom
>>32325722You did this to yourself.>partnerwhore
I'm kind of in the same situation, althoug with my partner it's been almost 'only' 3 years now. I'm working while he's supported by his mom. If we break up, he has to move back in with her, since he can't afford the rent by himself & I know they have a bad relationship. I also feel like by breaking up I would push him into some hole, because he's been isolating himself from everyone except me.
>>32326057You need to do what's right for you though.
>>32326356Thanks man, I think I needed to hear this
>>32326057I will avoid spiraling into a full blown misandrist even though I kinda am one. I’ll just say, go take a look at the stats on tbe average womens happiness in marriage long term vs men’s. Thats just the average, you and OP are in worse relationships than the average so there’s likely nothing but more pain coming for both of you in the future. Seriously, please look out for yourselvesAlso if you have children, they will only benefit from having a happy mother. Thats always been my motivation for looking after myself. When I become a mother, I’ll be happier so I’ll have more energy to give to my children.Maybe this could motivate you too??
>>32325722People only take advantage of you when you let them. Stop letting him.
>>32325722Nah. Figure out how you can profit from someone without much to do.