I've had it for many years. It also applies to my note keeping on the phone, files on the phone, files on the computer (sometimes when my desktop gets too full I just throw everything into a single folder and then put it in another folder and so on and so on), lot of shit on Google drive across multiple google accs, I got thousands of pages bookmarked for later viewing, I got Firefox save states with thousands of tabs open, the most tabs I ever had open was like 8k on Firefox, im using a Vietnamese browser right now, because my other 3 browsers on the computer have a gazillion bookmarks/tabs open "for later viewing" and I went like fuck this and just installed a new browser. Got shit ton of tabs open on my phone been doing it since like 2015-16.I tried being orderly, but I can't at all. When I have a spontaneous idea that I want to write down, even though I've already designated a spot for it, I make a new txt file/note on phone and save it with random numbers. Oh yeah it happens to my brain as well, I have lots of daydreaming concepts/ideas about many various subjects and I feel compelled to write them down first of all to "save this idea for later" and secondly "not to worry about forgetting about this idea"
If you're not willing to purge all your tabs and your bookmarks without looking back, you will never stop that habit. It's literally the only way you're going to break through that bullshit. So if you want to kick this habit and you need a place to start, start there.
>>32331142I have genuinely million dollar ideas in some of my notes in some random folder inside another random folder
>>32331436So what? They're not doing shit for you if they're sitting on your phone in some five-levels-deep folder you forgot you even had. If the idea is good enough, it'll come back to you. If it's not, you're not losing shit by culling those folders.Review what you can, save what you feel resonates the most with you, and delete everything else. You're a digital hoarder and it's not doing you any good.
>>32331446Kill yourself retard
>>32331597Kill me yourself, coward.
>>32331436If they were genuinely that good and you genuinely had the ability to do something with them, you would. I think you're using this weird disorganization as an excuse
>>32331654Retard advice. Wish this board had a mandatory IRL date of birth check before posting , and display of it
>>32331597>>32331692Kek, they're right you seething dipshit. Once you bury your "genius ideas" deep into a mountain of bullshit, you're never going to use them. Because you lack focus. In order to actuate an idea, you need to focus on it. Which you clearly can't do.
bookmark all the tabs and organize them, then periodically clean them up by deleting the lowest quality crap>t. hoarder of 21,000 bookmarks
>>32331436Have you heard of hoarding?
>>32334187Which browser do you use? Idk if you can organize bookmarks
>>32330998Spend some time going through them and culling anything you no longer care about, and then doing something with the stuff you do.Then set a time periodically to clear up your tabs as they build up again; do something with the stuff you still care about and close the ones that are no longer interesting. I do it every Monday.It's procrastination. A lot of stuff is like>This looks interesting and I should do something with it one day but I don't feel like it now
>>32334768You can also export bookmarks and then you can import them elsewhere to organize them if you prefer. Google is your friend (inb4 google is shit, stuff like this is very easy to search and find)
>>32330998Writing things down is good. As for tabs, if they're a one-time thing, try watching them. Spend a few days to a week if needed. If that's not possible, set a minimum goal per day. Minimize postponing things.Start doing your tasks, complete them. It'll be over eventually. Until then avoid adding if possible.Also, why do you feel impelled to make a new txt?
>>32330998Based information collector.I should let you know:>(sometimes when my desktop gets too full I just throw everything into a single folder and then put it in another folder and so on and so on)If the name of the file path (with the folders and stuff) becomes way too long, it will exceed the capabilities of your operating system and you won't be able to access those files anymore. Happened to me.Anyway, onto the main topic. This is what helped me:1. Knowing what things are actually important and limiting my information collection to that only. I will ignore "valuable information" in other fields that do not pertain to me. 2. Write things down and organise it ON THE GO. As soon as the idea comes, organise it. Don't let a week pass with the idea still open in a tab or a notepad file or whatever. Write it down by the end of the day, or if the circumstances don't allow, the end of the following day.>>32331436Keep in mind also that "million dollar ideas" are not actually million dollar ideas unless they net you a million dollars. Ideas are valuable but they are the kernels for projects. Unless you are the idea guy for a major organisation, only the few ideas you plan to implement will be worth anything at all.