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A little under two months ago I got a new roommate, who is a very attractive woman (pic isn't her) and had just broken up with her boyfriend. I was surprised she was cool moving in with a guy but the biggest problem is that she's kinda a stuck-up bitch to people. Like, I don't think she has any real friends, she treats wait staff poor, she is dismissive to my friends and stuff... people do fall all over her when out but still.

Except she's chill as fuck and overall really nice to me, with occasional shit-giving, but in a friendly way. She loves hanging out at home and unlike previous roommates wants to watch TV/movies, game, have a drink, eat dinner... but man, I can't take her anywhere. I also kinda get flirty vibes when we hang out but I'm not gonna make a move and ruin shit.

Should I try to tell her to stop being so shitty to everyone?
/adv/ is not your personal dream journal, brah.
>>Should I try to tell her to stop being so shitty to everyone?
Yes. Slap her ass too in a disciplinary way while you're at it
rich and beautiful people are rude to everyone else by default. you arent going to change her.
Who else will then ?
Depends, girls have to be crude just to be left alone when they are out and about. There are things girls are painfully aware of that men just dont catch.
Ask her why she has clothes on. She should be nude in your apartment at all times, no exceptions. Then you bend her over, spread those ass cheeks open, and fuck her raw.
>There are things girls are painfully aware of that men just dont catch.
Like what?
Maybe, but like I mentioned, around my friends she's been needlessly dismissive. Not bothering to remember their names, burying her head in her phone, acting like she doesn't want to be there... and I'm like "why'd you even come along then?" She's already met these people and some of them are women. It's not like she's getting hit on.

Anyways I know people think I'm making up some lie here but it's not like I'm asking how to plap that ass. She literally came home like 20 minutes ago from the store complaining everyone stared at her and the cashier took too long. It's so grating because I've seen her cool side.
Ill take her off your hands bro
Tell her how you feel
Don't give unsolicited advice unless the topic comes up or you're both drunk.
That being said, feel free to tell her that you have a problem with her behavior when you're together. "I don't appreciate it when you do X" is much better than "It would be better for you if you stopped doing X".
no one. they never change. look at the incoming american president.
You're her roommate, not her father. If her behavior doesn't affect your day-to-day life in the shared space, it is none of your business.
are you for real?
she sounds perfect lol
I think I'm going to throw up...

This is why you're an incel
I've fucked this up with a similar woman. She could be a bitch to other people, very snipey. But one-to-one she was nice, and I wish people saw that side of her.
Ultimately I 'challenged' how she was with people, she absolutely flipped and it almost ruined my life.
>Should I try to tell her to stop being so shitty to everyone?
No. If she react badly, you'll have to find another roomate. Be careful around these types of people.
Shut up fucking simp pussy. Men want to fuck women. You probably have female friends that you want to fuck but pretend you don’t because you’re a manipulative simp pussy
Is she rude? Or just cold?
Depends on the scenario, but both. I'd say more cold, but sometimes outright rude.
Ask her if she has any specific moral codes, books or persons she looks up to for behavioral inspiration.
Ask her what her pet peeves are, and if she ever tries to manipulate people into doing good, bad or just neutral silly things.
The kind of conversations that people of the same household should know about eachother/ what siblings eventually would have known about.
Roommates are adopted siblings, and anybody denying this is either delusional or retarded. Get to know the people of your own house, incel. Either she becomes a wife, in which case sex is a given, or you both realize that you're siblings in which case you'll simultaneously hate and love eachother without being silent retards about it.
It is both of yous responsibility.

Roflmao. Not even close. You're an incel because this is how you think things are. Grow up, learn how to be a man, and stop worshipping women or pussy. There's more important things in life than women. They're just a background thing that will present themselves to you if you have any value. You don't though so I guess you wouldn't know.
evil women are hot
have you met any rich people, the rich people i know are perfectly nice
she was nice because it served her in some reason. you being nice meant you stopped serving her and you saw the real her.
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I'd suggest just keeping it all very low key. Maybe rib her back, in the same way she'd give you shit, about if she's ever nice to anyone but you.

This still applies. It'll be like breathing to her. The flirting will be the same, it won't be real. Which doesn't mean she isn't real. Breakups shape you, for better or worse, especially when you're young. Give her the space to be herself, and she will. It might help to give her time to get comfortable with your friends, it might not. You'll have to see.

Wow, except for the roomate/sibling bit, which was so deep it made me yawn, that's weird fucking advice. I suggest anon not take it.
>wife material
No fully functional human being talks that way, not in this context. You might just be in your early 20's, i'll grant, but you should probably try to be a bit more chill about things yourself :)
Anon, why are you upset? She’s literally for (you)
She's your girlfriend, deal with it.
You are a weak piece of shit!
This woman is rude to wait staff and everyone else.
You not only give her a pass but do so only because she’s hot.
If she was a 200 lb pig you wouldn’t have anything to do with her let alone make a thread about her.

This thread reveals not only is she a miserable cunt but you are too.
sounds like she's manipulative to me.
Only if I can correct them.
Yeah I've seen this before. Cluster B as fuck. Tread carefully. She will ruin your life. She's not nice to you because she likes you, she's nice to you because she's getting something (whether material or immaterial) from you.

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