>be me>started using 4chan more and more 2 years ago when I was 20 y/o>came across blackpill theory>started obsessively reading posts about it, from 4chan archives, to reddit posts, to actual scientific studies>omw to work and school, during work and school just reading blackpill ideology>came across concepts like male disposability, genetic determinism, >went through a breakup with my longterm gf, i checked out of the relationship months earlier mentally because deep inside I knew I got lucky and it was because of my genetics that she was into me, kept my distance, feeling guilty and undeserving, got over the relationship fast>started feeling a deep despair for my life and the world around me>recently lost my will to fap, it's been a month and the void in my soul kills my erections almost instantly, hardly even have the energy to fap>seeing pictures of girl repulses me, thinking about sex repulses me because knowing the sinister innate nature of women and how its the sole cause for many disaffected men and violence in the world>knowing the deep pain and solitude most non-chad men goes through makes me feel guilty, knowing the pain is for naught and our suffering doesn't matter in the grand scheme of evolution and nature>dont even speak to my sister anymore because shes a women and lives in heaven in comparison>i dont bother improving my life anymore, going to live and die doing manual labor knowing my life is an anomaly anyways and I was meant to die a meaningless death in tribal warfare as biological imperative >even if I was supposedly an above average male Id feel guilty and dont want to take advantage of it, dont want a gf or wife or familyApparently the way I think is insane but I believe I just know too much about the raw reality of things and that juxtaposes with the way our civilization is setup. How do I possibly change this at this stage?
You got your break warped by incels, and destroyed your life. Good job. >> she only likes me for my geneticsNews flash, you only like her for hers too. That's what sexual attraction and reproduction are about. What a spastic try hard.
So you acknowledge yourself that you've had a partner, have decent genetics, but because of your own insecurities you went out to validify them via the blackpill and got what you wanted?>i dont bother improving my life anymore, going to live and die doing manual labor knowing my life is an anomaly anyways and I was meant to die a meaningless death in tribal warfare as biological imperativeStupid line of thinking that doesn't make much sense. >even if I was supposedly an above average maleYou literally had a gf. Fuck off Chad.
>>32575301Your reality is a lie. That’s not what the “pills” are for.
>>32575309>News flash, you only like her for hers too. That's what sexual attraction and reproduction are aboutYeah and I fucking hate that reality. Why perpetuate such a grim state of affair. You're only giving more credence to anti-natalism.>You got your break warped by incelsThe reality that incels - according to you - misconstrue, is the same reality that I've actually observed in person.
>>32575301I feel like I might be falling for a bait here, but...The things you've learnt aren't wrong. Now that you see the world through this blackpill lense, you will usually have your beliefs reinforced again and again, because blackpill is indeed true.But I don't understand why you'd need to unlearn this way of thinking? It seems like you are on a good side of life, so why not take advantage of it? It's not your fault that others are less fortunate and you don't have to try match their misery. There's no such thing as fairness or deserving, everything in life is down to dumb luck.
>>32575319>So you acknowledge yourself that you've had a partner, have decent genetics, but because of your own insecurities you went out to validify them via the blackpill and got what you wanted?That's the problem. Did you not read my post? I feel guilty because why should I enjoy my life and not someone who has supposedly poorer genetics? Why me? And even worse if I become conceited and start status mongering? I'm not even religious but the sheer satanity of it all makes me fucking sick.
>>32575327I read your post just fine. Just be greatful for what you have and enjoy it, by that point it's not a genetic determinism or blackpill problem, it's a life isn't fair problem which isn't exclusive to determinism. If you want to live your life improving the conditions of others at your own expense, that's an option and that's fine. You act like conceit is inevitable when you can keep yourself in check. If you want to see problems with genetic determinism look up criticisms of genetic determinism. >but this validates antinatalism!It does not unless you place inherent negative value upon living. Besides, what's so bad about being antinatalist anyway? Read the actual arguments regarding antinatalism, the blackpill does not necessarily conclude it. Look into stoicism or something if you need to, it works under a determinist worldview.
Illusion vast enough to escape perception.If you notice, you are crazy.No connection between unity Stands above perception Bound by secrecy Use science and poison to shorten life and take their mindsChildren will be born dead except the strongest who will barely survive Conceal information. Let them forget how to think.Treat poisoning with more poison through advertising in entertainment Poison any who escape the womb The cure is more poisonAuthorities point to more poison as a cure for children born deadStart early and target children with sweetsCure them with heavy metalsDistract them with pornographers and gamesFear is the weapon We own each sideDo not mix with themSeparate them with religion, guidance is gentle to let them confuse it with choice Let them kill each other and profit from death.Have them hate themselves so we are not to blameUse colour as a scapegoat to separate them from freedom and spell it without the UTake over resources to manage it for them Accuse decent with crimesReward thieves with richesCreate a false reality to imprison themNever let them know that they are equal to us, or they may unite and hunt us downTake the money and run
>>32575301Is FBI really this bored that they have to make bait posts now?
>>32575425>t. Mossad agent.
>>32575301So you were a relatively normal 20 year old, actually had a gf, and instead decided it would be more fun and fulfilling to read all this incel garbage, jump headfirst into mental illness (WILLINGLY), and throw your life away because you were literally memed into it.Grim prognosis OP. Well you can get out of it the same way you got into it. Stop reading (and posting) this crap, for starters.
>>32575301I relate to this. The fact that black pill is right makes me feel guilty and sad. I don't want to mog someone or get mogged but in this world you can't escape from nature.
>>32575446>>32575454Kinda makes you think.
>>32575301>he got dragged down by the other crabs in the bucketLol, lmao even.
>>32575454>The factBlackpill is 100% wrong. All of it is lies. All of it.
>>32575301The blackpill is for idiots. I mean that literally, I’m not just being facetious. The blackpill is an ideological litmus test that filters out the idiot from the wise. Because people who possess competent intellect understand that ‘pills’ or any ideology meant to provoke your emotions to solicit rapid belief, are bullshit. Especially the blackpill. A smart person looks at the blackpill and notices that the core if it deliberately provokes negative emotions, like shame, like anxiety, like insecurity, like bitterness. And if you can see that and you still buy into it and fall for the trap, you’re an idiot. If you couldn’t see that and you fell for it, then you’re an unknowing idiot. And those who believe in the blackpill and are stuck remain stuck because they are short sighted and to them ‘truth’ = it made me feel an emotion. In this case, anger or misery. They think that’s how truth works and is identified.Stupidity manifest my nigga.
>>32575527TLDR>Blackpill knowledge makes me feel sad, so it's untrue.
>>32575435>glowie tries the no u tacticWeak effort.
>>32575545No. It’s untrue because it’s created by the miserable, for the miserable. Everyone who has ever made a blackpilled post or manifesto only consulted their emotional state, and the people who fall for it are other people who relate to the sad boy mindset. That’s how they get sucked in.
>>32575545>>Blackpill knowledge makes me feel sadNot even close.It seems to me that if the blackpill WAS true, it would be a whitepill if you're actually good looking.
>>32575564>It’s untrue because it’s created by the miserable, for the miserable.The studies that blackpill is based on were created by rather detached scientists and researchers.>Everyone who has ever made a blackpilled post or manifesto only consulted their emotional state, and the people who fall for it are other people who relate to the sad boy mindset. I don't even know how to reply to this. This isn't even an argument, but simply your personal unsubstantiated belief.You are expressing nothing but emotional denial, and call us, blackpillers, delusional.
>>32575593>The studies that blackpill is based on were created by rather detached scientists and researchers.You’re trolling. You don’t actually believe this. >This isn't even an argument, but simply your personal unsubstantiated belief.It’s a simple observation and requires no mental gymnastics to see that.>Man whines ‘im a loser, im genetic waste’>Man believes he is a loser and genetic waste>Man cucks his own ambition, motivation and frequency of opportunity by ceasing efforts and follow throughs>Man becomes a loser out of sheer negative belief, self-fulfilled prophecyIf you swallow poison and then cry about feeling sick, then maybe don’t drink poison. How is this so hard to understand?
>>32575618>You’re trolling. You don’t actually believe this.This was an opportunity for you to explain why the studies are bullshit, but you again chose to reply with a non-argument. I get the impression that you don't understand what blackpill is. Like you saw a couple of tiktoks mentioning some dangerous pills ideology and that's it. Let me explain. Blackpill is a set of uncomfortable truths about human nature and the world we live in. These truths are all supported by dozens of studies and years of research, but aren't widely known or accepted because they reveal the ugly truth that people don't want to accept. Blackpill isn't an ideology or a cult, it is simply a way of being real, honest with yourself and accepting facts no matter how much you don't like them.Some people get demoralized and depressed after finding out about the overwhelming importance of looks, others simply use this knowledge to make better decisions in life. Blackpill isn't meant to demoralize you, it's meant to inform you. What you do with the information is up to you.
>>32575699>Some people get demoralized and depressed after finding out about the overwhelming importance of looks.The funny part is those same people are the most shallow people you could ever meet. Perfectionists who shit on themselves and their own looks have a tendency to shit on other people’s looks. They have a materialistic and vain standard of beauty they beat themselves with and also others. Just as obsessive with looks and assumes everyone else is. Lookism goes both ways. The person who complains about their own looks is also practicing lookism. You see it often with black pilled people, watch them long enough and they’ll call normal people ugly, mock them, your sister, mother, gf, wife, you, or your own masculinity, they’ll lash out and attack surface level shit. They act like victims of lookism yet they’re simultaneously the fucking bullies of it too. And when anyone points this out, its complete denial from there.
I was like you once, my gf even broke up with me because of it too when I was 19. But, Real Reality is literally the opposite of what you're describing. The "Blackpill" is just a small, neccessary step towards the higher truth. If you can perservere through it, your mind will end up in heaven, trust me. If you know where to look you can use your good head to arrive at the Real Truth. Never stop looking for the Truth.>"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
Im lazy so i dont want to write a long post but the problem with people is we listen to too many voices. you cant run your life by statistics and theories (that change all the time). Focus on your own life and your day and stop giving into cynicism. No matter what you think about the world the long and short of it it all is that you started following an ideology and losing things in real life. that's the fruit of what you've been eating mentally just like if yo ueat too much fast food you start to get a big belly and health issues. adjust your focus
>>32575446>So you were a relatively normal 20 year oldJumping to conclusions here. I had no friends and never did any of the usual teenage milestones in high school. My gf was in the same boat. We were just attractive enough that we could get away with it (Literally had a random girl ask for my contact info when I was hiking with my now ex gf one time lol). I'm a spiritual blackpiller and even my middle school teacher once took me aside and asked why I was so negative about things even though I was likeable and a "normal" kid. The blackpill only scratches the surface on why I am full of bitterness at the unfairness and injustice in life. My gf was the same. We had too much heart for this world.
>>32575301I dunno it me like more than 4 years to stop denying the logic that i saw.
>>32576368What logic?
>>32575767Maybe because they're depressed don't you think?
>>32576392>Maybe because they're depressed don't you think?No. Because they’re not the only people to suffer depression. Other people with depression don’t necessarily behave in such a way. In fact, some of us out here have endured worse than depression, we’ve endured horrific experiences, seen death, betrayal, poverty, extreme abuse as young as children. And yet despite that those people never bought into lookism or became shallow and vain or self-absorbed. I’ll never forget one thread ages ago, had a guy who saw the worst in life, we’re talking watching his parents get killed, going into foster care the whole abuse cycle from that. And while he was trying to lift up blackpillers morale, a lot of them said >At least you aren’t virgin and got to date a girl.That’s the level of shallowness we’re dealing with here. It’s like dealing with an automaton whose only problem and directive is: ‘I need a woman’. And that’s it. And from that one–to be honest–non-fucking issue, they derive an entire philosophy and blackpilled outlook. more than a mental gymnasium, a fucking colloseum. And in it they just repeatedly slay themselves over and over. For nothing. There’s depression and then there’s just outright stupidity.
>>32576425Why do you pretend to not know that depressed people are pretty much always self defeating? Do you just want a comforting lie?
>>32575778Okay but do you have a wife? This advice is useless without that crucial piece of info.
>>32576448I don’t pretend to not know. I made it clear that I already know in a previous post. What angers me is I know what self-defeatism is like, I practiced that myself too. It angers me because I had to grapple with problems that were genuinely out of my control, problems that were violent and mind-bending at an age before I could even count. Shit as learned helplessness and self-defeatism is, I think it’s understandable to feel in extreme circumstances.Being unable to get your dick wet is never an extreme circumstance. Not getting a girlfriend is not an extreme circumstance. And if that’s all the blackpiller has to back up his own self-destructive narrative, then someone needs to tell them: >You had it fucking easy.
>>32576466Where did you get this idea that people want nothing but their dick wet? People don't get depressed because they don't fuck, they get depressed because they experience overwhelming negativity on a daily basis. The sane ones anyways.
>>32576497>they get depressed because they experience overwhelming negativity on a daily basis. The sane ones anyways.The sane ones, sure. The stupid ones? No. And I won’t even give them the rank of insane because at least madness and intellect are of the same coin. The stupid ones, what they do is they experience overwhelming negativity because that is exactly what they choose. They choose it by listening to blackpill ideology, defending it, arguing fiercely to defend it even. They will fight to prove their mindset as correct. What’s the prize? To prove they are a loser and/or genetic waste. They fight just to lose on purpose. They are the authors of their own negativity, and for their complete and utter lack of self-awareness to acknowledge this, they are stupid. They can stop being stupid at any time. Today even. Will they? That’s their decision. Go and see what they choose next, place your bets.
>>32575326>I feel like I might be falling for a bait herethis whole fucking board is bait (minus one or two legitimate posts). dudes larping about having a gf, dudes larping as women; etc. every other post here is total shit and you retarded fuckers eat it up everytime. /atoga/ and "femcel" threads always get the most attention here even though the posters are all obese dudes in their 30s pretending to be a cute anime girl. people complain about all the incel and "tfw no gf" threads here but at-least they're genuine.
>>32576466>Being unable to get your dick wet is never an extreme circumstanceYou say this while normal cattle of your kind literally go crazy after a month without it. Only ~1% of men 25 years and older remain virgins. They have more claims to suffering then you ever will, normie.
>>32575618None of that makes blackpill beliefs false. I dont think people should be self-hating sadboys. But they shouldn't deny reality and delude themselves that they are going to get a gf despite all evidence of biology.
>>32576466>Being unable to get your dick wet is never an extreme circumstance. Not getting a girlfriend is not an extreme circumstance.I agree but this is never really what it is, its being ugly, experiencing social rejection in every circumstance, being so beat down by failure since childhood that you have to wonder if something is genetically wrong with you. Not being able to get a gf is just the last straw>>32576537>They can stop being stupid at any timeMaybe but you can't ever change your face or your place on the spectrum
>>32575321You only hate it because of genetics and hormones too. Listen, if really is too much for you to handle, you should rope. I'm not sure what you think the alternative to reality is, but regardless if understanding the casualties of genetics makes you this upset you're too weak for life and shouldn't be here. This post is pathetic. You are pathetic.
>>32576425This is a good insight and I think you still miss the point hidden here. Because it isn't about trauma or the things that happen to you, but about your own faith in your ability to overcome challenges. Blackpillers arent shallow, they have extreme learned helplessness so that trivial things to you seem like impossible challenges to them. And for you to trivialize that life ruining issue as stupidity is what keeps that cycle going.
>>32575558What do you expect from government employees?
>>32575301Youre lucky. At least you had a gf for a while. I got blackpilled at 13-14. Over for me long before it even began
>>32576458I live together with my girlfriend, we are not married yet. I would disagree that having a wife solves everything. The biggest and most real change anyone can make is inside yourself
>>32580865Nah that's some bullshit advice. The only problem I have is not having a wife, I have solved every other part of my life. I am in good health, I have a good career, self-confidence, I exercise regularly, I have a variety of hobbies including playing an instrument. I am quite happy except for my romantic life. The one time I had a girlfriend I felt like I finally had all the pieces of the puzzle assembled for the first time in my life. "Work on yourself" is advice for losers, I'm not a loser.
>>32575301My will has been exhausted.The lockdowns (2020) combined with discovering /pol/ and other alternative outlets, learning the truth has crippled me.Always was an outcast but when I finished highschool and went down the self-improvement road I had a plan and hope for the future. I spent 2 days in college before the lockdowns began and both men and women swarmed to me.Weight loss, strenous exercise, grunt jobs, martial arts, cold showers and austerity beyond normal, all self-imposed for years combined with surrogate and academic education on all practical subjects was my path to becoming what can only be referred to as Nietzsche's Overman.But my will has been exhausted. The veil has been lifted. Reached the conclusion that I am a tax-cattle serf in prison nation where everything human and masculine is either illegal or prohibitely expensive. I can't hunt, I can't own firearms, I can't drive a motorcycle at full speed. Can't be a man. My only options are to drink, smoke, do drugs and gamble. If you keep up on global events you can see everything and everyone has gradually become gayer and more retarded and insane. Consequently I have become more alienated and ostracized.I'm fine with being alone. Fine with nobody remembering or caring about any important conversation. I'm fine with life being cruel and unfair. I'm fine with at 24 never having had a social circle, a woman, real friendship, or any other milestone. I said it'd get better. It's fine. Life doesn't guarantee "Happiness".
>>32580896So let me get this straight. Your life is perfect in every sense except for the romantic aspect. And yet this fact seems to drive you insane and makes you depressed. Your problem is you have a corrupted worldview and you have made the idea of a wife who doesn't view the world that way into your god, since she will fix everything. Your problem isn't not having a wife, it's your worldview. Thats why I said what I said about inner change.
>>32581497Nigger what are you smoking. Intimate relationships (including romantic ones) are literally a core part of the hierarchy of needs. It's totally rational to not be happy or satisfied until you have a committed LTR or wife.
>>32581569nta, but I will admit you are right. I begrudgingly admit that too. The reason why many people don’t want to admit love from the opposite sex is a need is because we’re men, and we hate to appear weak and all that. Okay now I admitted it, this conversation didnt happen.
>>32575301>>went through a breakup with my longterm gf, i checked out of the relationship months earlier mentally because deep inside I knew I got luckythe girlfriendbros are getting into incel theory lmaooooooooooo, can't make this shit up>Apparently the way I think is insane but I believe I just know too much about the raw realityyeah it's insane + no you don't know shit. your best bet is to realise you are retarded but you won't do that because of sunk cost fallacy. may god help you.
>>32581569nta but you better watch that mouth, faggot.