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All her other friends left her
She is poor
Her mother has schizophrenia and her dad is in prison
Her brother an hero'd
She lives in a tiny apartment in a bad part of town and works minimum wage
She confessed she was planning on ending it before meeting me. She is severely depressed, has mood swings and goes on hunger strikes.
I accepted dating her when she came onto me because I was an actual incel back then (she took my virginity), but the truth is, I'm not happy with this relationship. I don't love her. I'm emotionally exhausted and forcing myself to stay with her because I don't want to deal with the guilt of her possible suicide on my conscience. I don't want to be the last person to betray her. But I'm also miserable, and I feel like I might snap from having to keep this façade forever. She frequently talks about marriage and buying a house together.
What should I do?
Yes if you are a girl
you're stuck, buddy. you lost your virginity to her. there is absolutely no possible hope of you pair bonding with anyone else.
I don't care about that
It's not morally correct, you know that but it is an option.

If she wants to live together and sees a brighter future with you then I think you must put more effort into the relation. Try to not get into emotional venting but go out with her and do something fun. Take her to a nice restaurant and do some fun things with her in town, sit on a bench afterwards and talk about brighter things.
so you don't care about something like emotional investment and attachment but instead you give a shit about material things like her tiny apartment and how much she makes?? you're the worst kind of "partner."
I already do that. I just feel miserable while doing it. Like I'm being held at gunpoint to put on an act.
That's not what I said retard. Get some reading comprehension. I'm afraid of leaving her because her life is already so shitty and she is so depressed that she might go through with suicide if I do.
Yes. You are not obligated to her.
And is it is you are lying to her. It's worse the only thing she has in her life that is good is a lie.
>she might go through with suicide if I do.
you're not important enough to be the cause of someone's suicide. holy fuck, you're completely delusional about the level of influence you have.
That's literally emotional blackmail that she's doing to you. I'm very sorry anon. If I was you I would get records like text messages or something where she threatens to kill herself and call the ambulance on her. They will then institutionalize her and give her the only help she could get. It's drastic but it might be your only way out of this. Ultimately she's an adult and responsible for her own actions. It's the only life you get to have too so please consider valueing your own happiness as well as you're not married nor nothing and that you cant spend being miserable and with someone for no reason other than being held hostage
That's something she told me herself retard. Again proving you can't read beyond grade 5.
You're a stupid faggot. My ex and I took each other's virginities and I found that bitch to be absolutely insufferable. Meanwhile I've bonded with other chicks, both virgin and non-virgin, to a much healthier degree.
>She confessed she was planning on ending it before meeting me
you're right: i'm the one who can't comprehend your gibberish.
My ex girl who took my virginity is ignoring me and she is equally stuck without a mate. How do I get her to observe this realistically? We are living incomplete lives seperate and unbound
it depends. if the fact you dont love her and are exhausted is a result of her baggage, then you can always negotiate that she chills the fuck out since you're basically gonna be giving her a free ride through life.

if you're just done with her completely then yeah you have to leave. if she kills herself that isn't your issue. sounds terrible but its true, it her choice. i just hope you didnt do something retarded like continually promise youll never leave her or some shit.
>What should I do?
Watch Midsomar
Maybe just tell her you're gay or something man, that's pretty rough

but on the upside, women very rarely actually commit suicide, they generally just swallow some pills and puke them up a bit later
Not OP but shut the fuck up you daffy cunt. I don't care what gender you're gonna claim to be but you talk like one of the damage goods man hater foids that prowl this board
you wouldn't know what to do with a girl like me anyway
That's emotional manipulation. You shouldn't be stuck with someone because they threaten suicide
Damn I wouldn't be able

You are a funny femoid, I'll rape you last
This my dude.
The immoral part is you dating and fucking her because you had no other options, and not out of love. You're a manipulative faggot, and you should write a note about how she's the light of your life, you want her to go on and be happy without you, and then kys.
Just because it started off bad doesn't mean it has to remain that way. He should just love her.
Have you talked to her about how she is killing you?

She only told you about the suicide thing as emotional blackmail.
>She only told you about the suicide thing as emotional blackmail.
Yup. My life improved drastically when I broke up with my suicidal ex. It got to the point that she would say she's thinking of killing herself again and I'd just, "Oh, me too!"
nta, but i think he would know
have you tried turning her off and on again?
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Yes, but make sure you're thorough: search through her life and ensure there's absolutely nothing left for her when you walk out. Shows commitment, in a certain respect.
I'm assuming her friends bailed because of her mental problems?
Get her to see a psychiatrist, and see if you can work out a way for her to get meds. You can encourage her to find friends in decent places, but you're not exactly obligated to sink your time into the relationship. These are just the things you could do to try and minimize her risk of an heroing once you break up.

It was absolutely wrong of you to use her for sex., but I don't think you would have done it if you knew she'd come to be that attached.
Do what (you) think is right.
I wouldn't leave her because I'd see that as betraying someone and I'd hate that.
But it's understandable if you want to leave her. Just depends what you can live with.

You sound like a total piece of shit, the best outcome here would be if you broke up with her and she murdered you in response.

She might even get off due to an insanity plea lol
I second this anon. I don't have nearly enough context to speak on ethics, but this serves a duel purpose of getting her help and getting you out.
I tried getting us mutual friends but every time I did she didn't like them. She always made up some excuse why she thought I should drop them, and would get jealous from me interacting with them. The only friends she has are 1 hour away in a different town. She basically doesn't want new ones and doesn't let me have my own either.
Lmao still seething 1 day later, pathetic.
I accepted because she was my friend and I never had been in a relationship before, so I thought it could work. I had no idea it was going to be constant exhaustion and psychological torture to this degree.
That is toxic af, my guy. Sounds like she wants you to be as codependant as she is.
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should've let me date her
does she shave? does she do anal? does she swallow cum and piss? does she cum quick? how often do u fuck? how kinky is she?

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