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hi, this is my first post so i'm sorry if anything doesn't make sense.

tomorrow would have been me and my ex boyfriend's 1 year anniversary. i seriously can't stop thinking about him and it's driving me insane. i really want to text him but i can't. even thought i want to get back with him, he's changed so much since we broke up (in a bad way) and isn't the person i fell in love with anymore.

how do i make this stop? i've been trying to distract my self but somehow i connect everything to him. any advice is welcome, i'm honestly desperate. thank you for reading :3
How do you know he's changed? Stalking?
Cold turkey blocker is your friend.
Literally utilise the control of your train of thought that comes by default in humans above the age of 4 to think about something else other than that.
Given that the answer to your question is fucking obvious use of basic human abilities, you either lack basic human abilities and thus can't do anything, or you don't actually want to change anything. Both cases cannot be helped.
For instance, if I want to think less of a girl, I decide she's unattractive, not worth the attention, and that chasing her mentally is not a valid payoff for the energy invested. If some other part of my brain still finds interest in her, I disagree with that part of my brain and remind myself not to be a dumbass with my own emotional energy and mental bandwidth.
How much of this do you actively do, OP?
Is it 0 of it?
are you from romania
You’re a woman so naturally just find another dude. Shouldn’t take longer than a week
nta but why?
>i've been trying to distract my self
Keep doing that. It may help to avoid things and places that remind you of him. Moving house might help; or throwing out or selling any possessions that you associate with him.
u date me and live with me duh
age? location?

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