How do you cure autism?
>>32578429recycle your navy
seethe, neurotypical.
You don't. It's a fundamentally broken selection of genes. It's like asking how you fix a recipe after it's cooked where you forgot to add key ingredients. The correct course of action is abortion. Prenatal identification of autism is now possible.
>>32578429Actual autism: can't. Need to handle it by being around people who mesh well with autism.Internet "autism": stop making excuses for your shitty self-defeating mindset, go fix your problems instead of worrying about them, and quit listening to your neurosis 24/7.
>>32579041high functioning autism is the next step in human evolution and you empathylets will never create a society as cohesive as we can
>>32579054Unironically would fix many issues in the world if it happened
>>32578429>How do you cure autism?You can't. You can learn to manage it, so it doesn't impact your life to badly.
Why cure autism when we can just make everyone autistic?
>>32579041>You don't. It's a fundamentally broken selection of genes. It's like asking how you fix a recipe after it's cooked where you forgot to add key ingredients.I personally believe that there’s more to it than genetics. I think pointing to genetics for mental disorder is lazy science, lazy psychiatry, and even though we understand what gene can select for autism (shank-2), that same gene can also select for other things beside autism, including:- Schizophrenia- Learning disabilities (dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia etc)- Speech and language delays- Motor skill development delays- Adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- ASD (Autism)- Bipolar disorderJust saying ‘it’s genetic’ means nothing, scientifically and practically. Because that exact gene isn’t always going to determine autism. And when something in any science stops being an accurate predictor, it becomes unreliable. What scientists cannot understand is why that gene may call for autism. They got no clue what informs the gene to choose autism over bipolar, or bipolar over schizophrenia, or schizophrenia over adhd etc. That has no answer.And the reason it has no answer is because to only cite ‘muh genetics’ is absurd.
>>32579054>high functioning autism is the next step in human evolution and you empathylets will never create a society as cohesive as we can>empathyletsKek. You’re not wrong, but you’re not entirely correct either. Do autists have massive amounts of empathy, larger than the average person? Absolutely. Here is the problem though:That empathy struggles to actually connect to the outside world, to other people. This is because of communication barriers, sensory barriers, the autist will have a hard time knowing the ways to express that empathy during the correct moments that call for it. So, the autist feels all this empathy inside, and it’s real, it exists. But to everyone else on the outside, they don’t see that. Often times they see someone who looks like they have zero empathy. Usually because the autist is masking, acting aloof and cold, or the autist is saying things that come off as rude or heartless (the autist usually isnt aware when they do this).
>>32578429>How do you cure autism?kill yourself and hope that reincarnation is real and hope that you respawn with a normal brain
Idk 4channers like to say those autists who are able to mask are not genuine autists. Maybe dealing with autism is changing your lifestyle and friends in a way that suits you and doesn't cause conflicts with people.
>>32578429By not believing in it
>>32580251>the autist will have a hard time knowing the ways to express that empathy during the correct moments that call for it.because of the psychotic social games the allistics created society around instead of just being honest
>>32578429Autism doesn’t exist
Autism can be mitigated, but it's a battle on several fronts. For starters you have to focus extra hard on social interactions and take notes (mentally or if need be literally); you can at least learn what tends to be well-received and what doesn't, when irony is likely, etc. and eventually near-normal social abilities can be achieved.Autism is tied to problems in, among other things, the mitochondria and the microbiome; for both of these there are many supplements/drugs/foodstuffs that might help. A diet rich in varied, high-quality plants (but not a vegan or vegetarian diet- meat has things like taurine and carnitine that are also good for autists) and fermented foods can go a long way in improving both of those two Ms. Some mitochondria-focused supplements you can try are PQQ, CoQ10, methylene blue, and spirulina, among others.A lot of habits that are healthy for everyone are particularly good for autists, esp. exercise, socializing, & balanced diet; sadly most 'tists are picky and shy and lazy and compulsive and aren't inclined to do them. So basically to overcome it mostly entails doing all the things you know are good for you but don't want to.One more thing: I took MDMA once and it showed me a perfect window into the neurotypical mind, and helped a ton in beating autism/realigning myself; that can be a dangerous drug so be sure you know what you're doing and that it's legit, but taking it *just once* can be profoundly helpful if done right.
>>32581249>because of the psychotic social games the allistics created society around instead of just being honestYou probably already know this, autist, but they’re not psychotic games. They’re psychotic copes. We add flare and socially twist our pure intentions so as to make it indirect because honesty scares us, makes us all ashamed and vulnerable. And yet, the autist, who feels emotions twice as intensely, chooses to speak honestly despite that.That’s why I admire autists, friend. Your people are a strong people. Salt of the earth. God bless you.
>>32578429you don't. you own it and revel in it, knowing you aren't vapid normie.
>>32580251>But to everyone else on the outside, they don’t see that.Not that anon but it doesn't fucking matter of normies don't "see" it. What matters is that the autist isn't going to be a piece of shit and hurt other people like normies do. I'm sorry normies are too stupid and intolerant to "see" that someone is a good person because they don't play a bunch of bullshit social games but it doesn't matter whether they see it or not. The effect is the same - there's one less piece of shit walking around fucking over other people.
>>32582026Autists hurt people all the time. Trouble is, autists don’t even know when they do that. They’re like people who were born with iron feet, they can’t feel whenever they’re stepping on someone else. Sometimes they say some really fucked up shit too and overshoot their targets, verbally. Happens all the time. That’s a good thing and a bad thing. Bad that they can’t tell when they hurt others. Good because at least they have a good heart and they typically don’t mean to hurt others. I envy that about autists. When I hurt others, I know exactly that it will hurt someone, and I fully intend that.
>>32582086Any examples?
>>32582086>Autists hurt people all the time.No they don't. They simply don't go along with bullshit and tell it like it is. They go ahead and tell a bitch that her "Live, Laugh, Love" sign is fucking retarded. If that "hurts" her well then tough shit. She deserves to be mocked for buying such retarded shit.Autists "hurt" normies because they refuse to go along with their retarded social bullshit. When normies are confronted with even the IDEA of not conforming to social norms, it physically pains them because they're retarded and refuse to think for themselves. That's not the autist's fault.
>>32580220The other problem is 'muh genetics' is that its acclaimed genetic nature is not based on any actual genetic studies but only studies that are thought to be correlated with genetics, e.g. twin studies. Problem only is that twin studies cannot meaningfully differentiate between genetic influences and shared environmental influences for the first two years.