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/adv/ - Advice

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Is getting a pilots license worth it?
Is it a good career path?

I am looking into getting a PPL/CFI credential now.

the government might be able to cover up to $7000 of it I believe. so it would end up costing maybe $3000
Why are you posting this thread again? You got plenty of advice from pilots last time. Use your own brain.
>Is getting a pilots license worth it?
yes, but it will cost you a lot of money.
>Is it a good career path?
for people who are responsible, trustworthy, and very detailed oriented? yes.

it took my nephew more than 10 years to go from student pilot, to first officer on an airline. he did it with half the hours the airline normally wants in a candidate. he is VERY serious about his flying. he has a ton of student loan debt.
You should ask this on /n/ in /gag/ - General Aviation General

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