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Guy from this thread, that day she was defending her abusive brother and considering to date him because " I cannot deny anything of what he told me in his proposal and he also has a place to live and he's 181cm(im not kidding she actually mentioned her height)" and "she didn't wanna make me feel bad but she can be objective about her man of choice" she was literally typing to me scared that her brother tried to touch her and was afraid of his harassement the next day, I told her she lied about that if shes considering it but she said "its okay I understand him he couldnt hold back!" and that "his brother is not a bad person and told me he wont force me to have children if I dont want to" most of the conversation was her pretending to feel bad and defending him so I was just very upfront and dissapointed and didnt talk to her more. It's been 2 days since that.
I probably had a lot of typos but this mindfucked me some
What's the best way to get over an incestuos lying backstabbing woman is what im asking now.
What you do is tell her this:
>I can’t sit around and watch this. I am going to do 360 and walk away.

That will shake her up to take what you’re saying seriously. If she continues, do exactly what you promised if you actually give a shit.
>What you do is tell her this:
>>I can’t sit around and watch this. I am going to do 360 and walk away.
>That will shake her up to take what you’re saying seriously.
yeah I did something like this 2 days ago, Im just wondering if there's more to do. I just wonder what more I could from this point because this has been pretty infuriating
Nothing. That's all.
>What's the best way to get over
By just getting over it and wishing her the best. She wants to fuck her brother. That's her choice.

Do you want to fuck her? I'd say it's dangerous to put your dick in crazy. So better let it go.
Sorry, that was a stupid response from me. What is this girl to you? You present her merely as a "girl you know" but seem very invested in her life. Either way, I don't think you as an outsider have much chance of influencing her. I would move on, there's probably something wrong with her entire family.
basically I knew her for a year and we were a couple, like a month ago she was calling me couples names and other sweet things, until her brother got jealous and its doing this right now and she's actually accepting this shit
she would also generally listen to me and let me influence her but this the first time she is outright denying, when her brother tried to touch her a few days ago she asked me what she should do and I told her to get the fuck out of there but she was indecisive
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>By just getting over it and wishing her the best. She wants to fuck her brother. That's her choice.
Nobody should say this to a girl that cheats on you, specially one that does it for her brother, bad advice for OP
Yeah, my point about walking away stands. I can't think of any reasonable explanation for her actions. And the fact she's considering dating her own brother because... uhhh, he's tall (181 cm is still in the manlet range, isn't it?), makes her come across as fucking retarded so consider if it's even worth to try and win her.
it's not even clear to me what's been happening from your gibberish writing in op. much of it didn't make grammatical sense and it seems much lacking in context. so i have no clue how any situation was or is.
maybe you should beat up her brother or something. but not sure. maybe not.
it wasn't clear from op gibberish that he had been in a sexual relationship with that girl. only that she is horny for her brother and he was trying to dissuade her without success.
>Nobody should say this to a girl that cheats on you
i didn't suggest saying anything to her you illiterate niggerfaggot subhuman.
why wish her anything but the best? it's a no-brainer in any situation.
this sounds worse than regular cucking
i wonder what kind of trauma this gives someone
>why wish her anything but the best? it's a no-brainer in any situation.
nobody should be wished the best in this situation
everyone should be wished the best in all situations. wishing for the best is always optimal. no better wishing is possible.
you shouldnt do that to epople that actively fuck you over
Wishing them the best is always best. They will experience the consequences of their actions. Not your problem.
I see no fucking over. I see a story about a crazy woman who wants to fuck her brother.
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>I can fix her
No you can't. Also smelling BS.
I really wish I was bullshitting
I can fix her. Pls send me her contact details to retarded-asshole-faggot@protonmail.com
Does she speak English? Or should I use Spanish?
how can you fix her
by turning her off and on again. that's usually the first thing i try. if that doesn't work i'll need to perform some deeper analysis to see what i can do. but so far I've never failed at this.
>by turning her off and on again
elaborate what this means
provide examples of this and how would you fix her exactly
i'm joking, if it wasn't obvious. but you can still send me her contacts. then i'll try my best and report here.
Enjoy neither of them being your friend forever lol
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Wishing them the best and you the worst OP
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op is jerking off to his cuck incest fantasy as we speak but for the 0.01% chance that there is some truth to this story
>she was literally typing to me scared
she liked it and is using you as a verbal vent dump + confidence boost
>best way to get over an incestuos lying backstabbing woman
shame her, spread rumors, shame her some more, and dont feel bad about ur relationship cuz she's a female nutcase from a sicko family and has some wires crossed anyways, do not go back to her because she will cheat
there you go
wishing you and them the worst and op the best
who would want to be friends with people like that
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what I dont get about incestfags is that so many advocate for it but none actually do it
Why dont you see them rallying and make marches like gay people do
theyre fags
whats this asian lady from
this feels like a madeup story desu

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