Is there anything I can do about being 5'2?
hit puberty
I had a classmate who was about five centimeters taller than you but very confident and he fucked tons of bitches even in high school and I believe he still does
>>32580764I'm 6 cm taller than you and I've had plenty of gfsgranted 6cm when it comes to being this short might be a big difference I don't know but one of my exes was 20 cms taller than me so I guess her being 26 cms taller than you wouldn't have made much difference to her
I had a classmate who was about five centimeters tall but very confident and he fucked tons of bitches even in high school and I believe he still does
>>32580764>Is there anything I can do about being 5'2?Stand on a box.
>>32580764Not much. You are pretty much stuck with your physical height. There are surgeries to make you taller, but they are very costly and they will not get you into the height range where women are automatically interested in you. Thus, cost-benefit analysis favors not getting these surgeries.Best thing you can do is what the other Anons here say. Be outgoing, have charisma, be funny, don't be afraid to start conversations with girls, dress nice, have a good job, etc. What you lack in height, try to make up for in other ways. It is possible, also as other Anons stated. I am around your height and married, for example. My wife is a solid 7 or 8 (at least before she started aging) and we've been married for years. So, take heart that it is all possible.
>>32580764I would date a guy who is 5'2, no problem. Height is never the problem, personality is. So if you are insufferable, sorry lol
>>32581595>never the problem, personality is.The mere concept of having something like a personality is something our dear incels do not understand.
>>32582927What compels you to post such retarded shit?
>>32581595>>32582927Heard of the halo effect?
>>32584802incel cope