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Horse General

Rancho Relaxo edition

>>4837006 - thread that was nuked by the mod's global purge
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Oops! I messed up.
Previous thread: >>4857796
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May this very important medic horse keep this thread alive and healthy.
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Equines are stealing all the oxygen.
This horse is candidate for next thread's OP because I say so.
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The mod deleted the threads because its hooves were too wide for the keyboard. Bottom pic is a live recreation of how it looked.
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I keep telling them to use their prehensile lips...
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Did you never go to a typing class? You use the back corners of your hooves and keep them on the home row. Just like Mavis Bacon used to teach!
What happened? Did the board lay down?
horsegen was nuked by ufos
much 4chans was destroyed
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It's top secret
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big sniff snoof edition
schizo rumor on /g/ is someone posted pizza somewhere like crazy and mods accidentally the whole site
webm related is the only thread relevant animated horse girl, not your kids show furry trash
This is why everywhere outside the US needs to be range banned.0jknt
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more webm roulette
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There's no way that pony has any kind of medical training. That pony is a liar and a fraud and should be reported to the red cross.
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second webm roulette
horse roulette

what's next? horse banquet?
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I can't do webm roulette. Last time I did they had to delete every thread on 4chan because my horse webms are far too powerful.
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i wanted to reopen the discussion on this webm from last september. Have you ever seen a horse enjoy petting like this? it's so bizarre.
The nosters are sensitive. I've met at least 4 horses that loved nose rubs.
That behaviour is weird. Horses don't like their snoofas rubbed as far as I know. It's even worse if it's done quickly because it will make them sneeze and that angers them.
Oh That explains it.
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more webm roulette
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Weebshitter cope. Your slop will never be a real horse.
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let’s not start a argument autismo

more webm roulette
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Why are mares so angry?
not enough human cock
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Because some people like mares bit too much
>be whore
>horse: i got u chika
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that birds gonna be hoof stomped
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The duality of man
say the line
>>mlp is this way
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What was his fucking problem?
Oh gosh best princess
because they have all them teeth but no toothbrush
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based jannies not jannying
Trips confirm
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'cause mares just wanna have fun.
[spoiler]Context: She's a whorse.[/spoiler]
They have no sense of humare
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alright which one of you forgot to turn off the stove last thread
I wish horses had big udders like cows and humans.
Horse teats are perfect as nature intended however
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Mare milkers are perfect fuck you
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This aged like milk
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my apologies. hot.
Poor horse.
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Do milk.
why poor?
Very cute calf. They look so adorable when they are desperately chugging milk. I hope it didn't get any milk in its lungs.
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webm roulette
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let’s try again
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She is unfulfilled.
If I live to be 100 I will never tire of the horse lip wiggle.
this webm is like fucking crack to me, horses are so fucking cute!
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mare from the pervious thread
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It really captures the fury
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>Rancho Relaxo
I know about the hotel that they send in the little shetland pony to neigh you awake, but I wish there was a horse spa.
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if a horse kicked me would i die?
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It would be extremely painful
Should have dropped chaff as soon as it locked on.
They only kick bad people.
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was it satanic
The International Olympic Committee is the only organization in the world that gives FIFA and Formula One a run for their money, in terms of corruption and whitewashing of crimes against humanity. Of course everything they touch is polluted by Mammon and the Adversary.
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Why didn't they bother dressing the horse up?
They also will kick you if they think you are a horse only to find you are actually a very pissed off human with a lead rope with leather tip. That's what you get when they are playing bullshit gelding herd hierarchy fights and back into you standing near your own horse. I am top horse.
the christian horse passed his detect evil check and refused on religious grounds
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I can't help but notice two of those entities are European and heavily non English speaking.
It was trolling to make nutjobs feel unwelcome. The world hates these guys >>4869933 (americans)
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I am setting out to do something extremely dangerous again. If I never see you again horse general just remember that I love you.
don't fence hop
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I think the world needs to stop seething over America and maybe pay attention to what is going on in their own boarders. America didn't cause that. Their own politicians sold them out and many of them didn't even have the grace to allow themselves to be compromised first.
ive never ridden a horse or even been near one but i just wanted to say horses are pretty cool
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He... Left the stove on...
Horses may be autistic drama queens, but you can't deny that they are some of the most looksmaxxed creatures on the planet.
I'm 100% sure horses reprogrammed us humans to find them appealing.
>awkward long head/face
>super weird nose
>almost humanlike hairstyle on an already furred animal (wtf)
>ear-cutting sharp call noises
There are so many facts that should technically make us not like them and yet we still find them beautiful and even CUTE.
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High heels were made to immitate clip-clop of hooves
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Tall, upright, muscular, and naturally athletic maps onto human awe I think. Longer neck gives them more range of movement of their head which makes them seem more curious/intelligent. It gives them a natural sort of "noble" appearance.

Compare that with something like an ox which, while very strong, is squat, less expressive, and has an awkward-looking gait.
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more horse webm roulette
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let’s try that again
Buddy you seriously need a horse webm folder.
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must be an exotic breed
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Are there any rope harness techniques that would work well on a horse?

I'm not looking for restraints. I'm looking for cheap diy harness builds, preferably something I can hook onto a wagon and make my gelding look sexy.
I have a near infinite amount of hay twine and I know the basics of weaving and knot work. Please nothing that restricts limbs but accentuation of limbs is fine.
gushing mares
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gushing on mares
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There are horses in the world that have never felt the gentle touch of a human hand
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There are humans in the world who have never felt the soothing snoof of a horse
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horse lips are so soft
The thumbnail makes the wood look like speedlines
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The equines are joining forces...
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They're building a team!
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Now show a horse trying to walk with those on.
But hooves are perfect footwear already
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Touch the nostril
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What are the downsides of owning a horse?
Needs a lot of grass field and you need to clean up its shit
They sneak into your house when you're sleeping and bite you really hard on the back.
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Tails tend to break on the new models
>clean up shit
so, just like every single animal?
horses shit A LOT and every 2 hours
me too
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Same, we must have horses in our blood.
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just like me after drinking shiner bock
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flop flop flop flop flop
webm roulette
Does your device not have thumbnail previews?
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iOS doesn’t preview webm
>lol itoddler lol
and how is your android phone?
remind me how much viruses exist on the google app store
Thank you saaaaar i will now buy a worse product because its possible to install a “virus” if you’re retarded and install literally every candy crush knockoff there is
>worse product
what is so magical about Android or Google phones retard. Tell me what’s better that isn’t “muh privacy” because your privacy is moot regardless of what you do
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the amount of phoneposters i've seen on this site since coming back reaffirms my theory that iphones are the root of all retardation on the innanet. please leave, and come back with a proper machine. preferably when you are of age.
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where’s the horses?
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I'd be more embarrassed of admitting to phoneposting
>oldfrogcacas literally offended by the concept of someone being outside and touching grass
Fellas horses can't use phones
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That's why horses usually post here using a desktop computer..
everyone phoneposts whether you like it or not.
maybe instead of being such a miserable “oldfag” you should go with your other oldfags and circlejerk there
Nah, just the retards.
Ugh just post horses instead of arguing
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No fuck you, I'm posting a donkey instead.
cute donk
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donk snoofa
My horse has sent multiple SMS messages. They are incomprehensible in any human language but she's done it
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Gookmoot fix pics flipping
Bro your whole phone is a virus
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just slightly crop your photos faget
webm roulette
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let’s try again
Im straight, I'm not gay
Straight up loving these horses
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Moved back to the land of brumbies. Finally have internet.
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Baxter’s a cute
god i was that ball were me
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If a horse laid on you like that you would be crushed to the tiniest of specks
Janny's gonna freak!
surf's up cherie
I exist as a higher reality, steel needles bend against my flesh and stone crumbles beneath my fingers. I seek to be crushed by horses because women cannot.
>because women cannot
Weak reasoning. You know in your heart that horses were superior from the first time you laid eyes on one.
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im gonna steal all the horse's Ketamine and there is nothing these low IQ creatures can do about it
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Horses: Strong, beautiful, aesthetic, healthy in mind and spirit, useful for work and recreation

Ponies: Short, miserly, strangely proportioned, exists only as a novelty for children, wants to inflict pain and suffering on everything it sees

Why are they like this?
are you telling me MLP lied to me?
Wrong, ponies are necessary for entertaining horses on the paddock. That's important work.
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Yes, ponies aren't magic they're evil
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Wrong on all accounts. Ponies are for sending down into mines and pulling mine carts!
Much like dwarves, ponies aren't happy unless they are underground prospecting for gold and precious stones!
>He doesn't know
why would you post such savagery on a blue board?
is that a museum?
how is that taxidermied pony so well preserved while standing outside exposed to the elements?
How is that boy still intact?
They probably take out the pony and the boy only for special museum occasions.
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I hate how shit from this site keeps getting adopted by normalfags.
Now they're even taking our horse electrolytes.
same happened with borzois.
absolutely no one cared about them until /an/ had regular lonboi/borzoi threads around 2016 or 17 and since then they exploded in popularity and memes
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>horse electrolytes
go on
Apparently there's a fad now where people buy horse goods since they're supposedly compatible with humans but in way bigger quantities at lower prices. So basically instead of buying energy drinks they buy horse electrolytes and mix them together with other juice to get similar results but for a fraction of the price.
I also remember some anons here using horse shampoo and how well it worked for them I guess that will be the next big fad.
Mane And Tail shampoo has been sold in store beauty sections for ages. It was oroginally for horses but ended up being good for human hair too.
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>Apparently there's a fad now where people buy horse goods since they're supposedly compatible with humans but in way bigger quantities at lower prices
I bought some mosquito repellent earlier this year "for horse and human", picrel. it's great. buying stuff in bulk is also great, and nothing new - I have an account at a local wholesaler
>I also remember some anons here using horse shampoo and how well it worked for them I guess that will be the next big fad.
mane and tail has been a thing for years
i wish birds fucking did their damn job and just eat all those shits
Normies will never truly get it though.
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A horse leaves this world. Its body will not go to waste.
an intruder is snoofed into submission
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Remember when we watched Evenstar live until she gave birth 3 years ago?
What happened to her? The links aren't working anymore
>offspring is a fully grown horse by now
Bros we're getting old
Ah... the classic that started it all...
I wish that was me
What youtube channel is posting this horse face pov stuff
pretty sure it's some tiktok shit
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Guess her doppelganger finally got her. rip.
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can moose be honorary equines? >>4880481
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Split hooves can never be equine!
Zebras only barely count!
there goes the neighborhood
kys carlos
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Source? Slight chance I know that guy
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Sir, a second cup of lean has entered the chug challenge
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>That filename
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I've heard there's actually a component in that mixture like calcium or something that comes in a massive volume. It's too much for people, but horses can drink it fine. Like how a horse could drink way more beers than a human could.
nice horse!
>Like how a horse could drink way more beers than a human could.
How much wine do you think it would take to get a mare drunk? Asking for a friend
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Today we had to put down my horse. He was 27 and I'm 28, we had him since he was 9. He started showing signs of EPM about 6 months ago and we tried treating it, but it only made him have phases of comfort. RIP my nigga Steele
A lot, I wish we could still get green lit on these experiments still.

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>risked a good job saying I'd never shoot a horse in the face
I'd do it again too.
Pet the horse
Boop snoot
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The last time I did that the horse filed a restraining order against me.
can horses help you get fit?
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>is even driving a Horsa
the dude is completely horsed
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The only good use for that retarded Tok site is horse videos but even that is really difficult with all the normalfag shit everywhere that would make your hair fall out instantly if you clicked it.
Their algorithm is still a bit "cleverer" than YT's since after a while if finally "gets" that you want to see horse videos. Then you get recommended a lot of horse content but only in the related videos next to a horse video you're currently watching.
If you fuck up and watch just one normalfag video it's all over though. For the next week or so you'll get nothing but retarded normans "dancing" like retards instead of horses.
>primitive markings
0/10 should be killed for race mixing
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>you're OOOOOOOOooold! you don't understaaaaaaaaaand!
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RIP my nigga dude died doing what he loved
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apple says hi horsegen
Hi Apple!
Give an apple to the horse.
is that zelenskyy
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>distraught mare faces the darkness after foal dies
Powerful image.
That foal can't be dead. It is just heavily sleeping after birth. Why else would the owner clothe it?
Anon...if a horse lays down for even a second...
Death shroud. It's traditional horse funeral rites.
Hi Apple
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Hello Apple
um...is there a story behind that? Wtf happened here?
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what are you

I keked
The deer has no money to donate so I doubt it
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unf steamy horse breath...
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>horse springs a leak
She gave em a good kick to turn off the flow
If you pretend to cry like a baby around lactating women they start blasting milk apparently.
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The milkies must flow
I rode my horse through all these cows who were on heat. Like they have been induced to cycle at the same time with injections and with seeders inserted inside them. My horse is a bit of a cow horse I was cutting out a cow and her calf into the yards, all these other cows prepared to cycle for a breeding program and that one being the accident who was already pregnant.

My horse played up hard she didn't much want to work and kept stopping and sniffing at the ground. Is this normal around cattle on heat or was she just having a bad day or overwhelmed by the number of cows doing this at once (there was like 140)

I never came across it before, but never done such a breeding program before either
I didn't think hormones were legal in a ton of systems. Quarter of a million bill if one of our old cows makes it to the slaughterhouse. Horses are weird, could have bean anything.

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