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look who is coming over to spend the night
What an ugly slampig
I need an update
based OP. your good boy is going to make quite a few people upset here
lol is that an actual smashling?
very nice specimen make sure to give it lots of pats and hugs
post moar anon
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he didnt feel like going poop this morning
hello little fella :)
squished and squashed
Are the SMASHED & SLAMMED dogs generally cuddlebugs?
I've considered getting one for awhile
If I was walking my dog and I saw you coming down the sidewalk, we would cross the street
He looks adorable OP
you're black are you?
>an actual SMASHED SLAMMED exotic bully visits /an/
What's his inbreeding coefficient?
what's its name, wonderbred? loaf?
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He likes being around people he recognizes
He is friendly with other dogs
No, he doesnt like black people. He barks at them when he sees them
I dont know, i am not the one who bought him, my older brother did
His name is Big Hoss
Does he snort like a pig from time to time? My pug learned to make honking/snorting noises to catch my attention whenever she sees me with human food.
wtf his paws look fucked, can he walk normally?
How SMASHED and SLAMMED is he?
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I hate how realistic the memes are
>i am not the one who bought him, my older brother did
your brother sounds trashy and retarded
>Big Hoss
/an/ finally has it's own toad to call it's own. Post moar OP
I haven’t heard him do that
He sometimes positions his paws like that, in the past he has scraped his paws against sidewalk pavement from the way he tries to run

He is going back tomorrow, I will share some last few photos of him
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forgot to attach image
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>in the past he has scraped his paws against sidewalk pavement from the way he tries to run
lmao why did he buy this dysgenic goblin?
It wasn’t a decision that was backed by careful thought, he was drunk and he had a lot of money on him. He wanted to resell a day later but my mother convinced him to keep him
>drunkenly buying a smashling
fucking lol, I hope he doesn't do stupid stuff like that all the time
I love this little guy like you wouldn't believe.
Record Big Hoss in all of his SMASHED and SLAMMED glory
based name
cute, but they shouldn't be bred the way they are

or at least try to breed them better

The skeem will live on
Where's his place on the chart?
Pls post Big Hoss again next time he visit
I really want to know what's going on in sober people's heads when they buy something like this, a dog so disfigured its paws drag when it runs
>breed them better
They were bred from the crossing of Pocket Bullies to XL Bullies, two somewhat acceptably healthy (sub)breeds, to create the "Exotics". That was freaky enough, but it still resembled a dog in basic body plan. They then speedran the process that took about 100 years for the English Bulldog to degenerate into the physically unviable specimen it is today, in maybe 5 years.
I've been so warped by the SKEEM that he actually seems like a relatively "normal" pocket bully with unfortunate feet. Even the fact that he's merle should annoy me but this lil nibba aight do
Late generation but his vitae is still potent.


He is fairly well bred, probably because he was bred with a different line to get that merle coat.
Would cave in this shit breeds head with a fucking shovel without an ounce of remorse. Dogs owned by the biggest most delusional retards on the planet.
Hide yo kids hide yo wife
can it stand for longer than 10 seconds?
Check this out. Turn your phone ninety degrees counter clockwise.
sometimes even when it's horizontal 4chan still flips the image, there's no winning with this site
Give it a shot for me. Remember, counter clockwise
You sound like a not very nice person anon.
Absolutely toadoidal
You sound like a ghetto zoosadist anon.
Bumping this thread for the skeem
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Pffft, ok faggot
>t. guy professing a desire to kill a dog with a shovel
He's an ugly little spud, isn't he.
I mean not specifically with a shovel, but any tool that makes it easier really. It's for their own good, like a deer culling. Except its all of them.
Bump for Big Hoss
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>Mark Wahlberg
Marxy Marx don' answer 2 hiz slave name

>Calvin Klein advertisement
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You Say "Karma," I Say "Darwin Awards"
Did the Halloween outfit provoke the dog, or did the dog provoke the Halloween outfit?? Which came first, the chicken or the egg: the cause or the effect??
Knick knack, paddy whack, throw a dog a bone..
Jazz americans and dollar americans should stick together

>For Dhe Love Of Pit Bulls
remember to report bots, and never reply to them, that's how they learn
do not disrespect big hoss
Big Hoss is love
Big Hoss is life

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