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has anyone seen the anon article from the woman who stopped giving a shit about her cat after giving birth? They're now covering her and their own asses, and brushing it under the rug, when she should be in jail by her own admission/ in her own words. She abuses, tortures and neglects her senior cat and has no desire to change her behavior. This isn't edgy commentary, it's animal abuse. They are profiting off of animal abuse.
A list of her crimes:
Nudging a cat out of bed
Throwing a puked on bra in her cats general direction
Forgetting to open wet food and switching to kibble
Forgetting to fill her cats favorite water bowl so it drank out of the toilet a few times
Shooing her cat away while she was working
Leaving a 1st floor window open, so… letting the cat out

So a normal cat owner. You want to harass a mother with a child over this. Toxos have fantasized about killing her baby over this

So nah. Most cat owners have done worse and no one gives a shit because cats are disposable alley pests
NYPA and fuck cats. And most of all, fuck catredditors. Dog website. Go back.
I like cats, but this doesn't seem outright evil.
catredditors think anything short of worshiping the pests is the same as hating them. shooing a cat away? letting them out? not letting them out? abuse.

so we hate cats here now, might as well. fuck cats.
*pets cat*
I get the article is paywalled but she stopped feeding it until it ate houseplants (and subsequently threw them up) and watched it become increasingly depressed, cowering from her. She left her window open hoping the cat would jump out. Thats not "normal cat owner behavior" you weirdos. Rehoming is an option in these situations and she has made zero effort to do that.

Beyond all that though is the journalistic integrity of publishing that without any acknowledgement of "Hey if you are feeling like this there is help out there and here's some resources". Pretty much anything that mentions suicide anymore does this and rightfully so.
>a depressed woman forgot to feed her cat
Who cares?
>other redditors: Some bullshit about social justice and coddle culture and a lack of it being heckin problematic
I hate cats an their owners (redditors) so much its unreal

Go back. We are not going to ruin peoples lives over a shitty pet that you can get for free, until you all stop driving cars, using electricity generated by coal, and eating meat. Those are our terms.
>Who cares?
>I hate cats
considering you clicked this thread and read it I have to assume you do
buy an ad
it's a fucking animal who will jump onto the next idiot who feeds them. amazing how some people give so much of a shit about that
I thought /an/ was weird for all the stupid cat people that instantly start screeching about "le dogfuckers are hating cats!" if you dare say cats aren't magic pest control gods or something

But now I see, cat people are just like this. The toxoplasmosis meme is real. They want to ruin a depressed womans life because she forgot to feed her cat.
I'm a huge cat lover, literally the only thing preventing my suicide is that I know my relatives wouldn't care for my cats as well as I do and trust me, she doesn't deserve to be bullied because she's a shitty owner. She deserves to be bullied and to suffer because she's a woman.
I know lots of people who stopped liking their cats
You get a cute kitten when youre in your 20s and it turns into an average ugly shitty cat thats still alive, walking on your counters, licking its ass 24/7 and shitting in a box inside your home when you're approaching your 40s
People get over it
Catfaggots fault for outright lying about the reality of cat ownership and pushing them on people all the time
Why do you try to make yourself deserving of the mental illness that has alienated you from your friends and family?
nypa applies to personal army requests. When cats are involved we will, on occasion, be your personal army.
>it's another dognigger bait-thread
This is the kind of thing you'd hear some normie who read an encyclopedia dramatica about 4chan say. It's been 10+ years since the actually competent people left this place. It's just flavors of idpol now.
Console War niggers need to go back to /v/
Your containment board, negro
no, we wont. we dont like cats. we grew up. and you want us to ruin a depressed womans life because she forgot to feed her cat. this further reinforces our dislike of catredditor tourists.

the nyt has her dox. nothing can legally happen. she forgot to feed a cat.
I agree what she did isn't that bad, but she didn't need to write a blog about it and draw attention to herself in typical woman fashion. Also, this will always be a cat website. Go post about your doggo on the place with the gay alien mascot that shall not be named.
>women gets a pet that can live over a decade
>abandons it when she gets pregnant
many such cases
Does she lives alone? Because all of this could be solved by a second person being around
This has never been a cat website like you tourists think. We do not have to like cats because of some dead meme that is now a subreddit. Also we can tell you’re a redditor because you’re afraid to even name reddit or admit you know anything about it.

Oldfags grew up. We stopped liking cats. We stopped liking anime. We stopped liking video games. When you dont have your mom doing all the work cats are just disgusting and obnoxious.
redditors are like jews, always afraid to even mention anything that might tip someone off, acting like a parasite, telling everyone what their culture should be.
>my fellow 4channers… i am not from a made up country in the levant, and…us 4chan folk should really stand up against fascism and anyone doubting that cats are amazing. this is a left wing website where everyone knows cats are simply superior. am i right my fellow lulz enioyers? candlejack!
kek what the fuck is this mentally ill post?
imagine endlessly seething over redditchads while they don't even think about you at all
>the reddit rabbi reveals himself
I should not have opened this thread, knowing another innocent animal is suffering at the hands of a crazy woman.
I saw this article a week ago and as angry as it made me it made me feel better about my own intrusive thoughts.
I would still decapitate these bitches who want to kill their dogs because they're an inconvenience, though.
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That's called post partum psychosis and it causes them to have homicidal tendencies they do this to cats, dogs, hamsters, horses, etc any type of animal but the ones most in danger are their own children. The fact that people only talk about post partum depression/psychosis when it affects animals shows you what a pet worshipping culture we are instead of the much more common abuse and murders of babies and children which these whores are responsible for and get away with because of simps in the justice system
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I bet you fags still believe in SIDS "sudden infant death syndrome" that's a fake disorder made up by feminism to cover up the murder of children by these bpd whores. Health professionals have tried to speak out about this for years but they keep getting censored by the mainstream feminist, anti natalist, child hating media
She openly admits to trying to kill her and wanting the cat to jump out the window as "voluntary catslaughter" and wanting the cat to die of starvation or dehydration
>No one gives a shit
Clearly people do.
I don't care about human babies personally but Lucky the Cat needs saved
Also how do you expect people who don't have children or want them to even know about this shit I've never heard of it
Not sure what the solution for human babies is if CPS needs to get involved or what but removing at risk animals from the home when a bitch has this is something that clearly needs to happen
You are as histrionic as the woman who wrote the article
You're the one coming into the thread screaming about SIDS and how people on /an/ love animals more than human babies I dunno what you want
>anon is one person
you also just aren't very smart
>I'm not that anon
then why are you mad lol
Not mad. Just pointing out that you are unintelligent and histrionic :)
>>I don't care about human babies personally
I know you don't cause you are a product of a sick, morally corrupted, degraded society that places animals over the most vulnerable human beings which are children.
>>Also how do you expect people who don't have children or want them to even know about this shit I've never heard of it
That dosen't matter, everyone should be aware of evil and letting these child killing whores off the hook under the veneer of the fake disorder SIDS is just about the most evil deed I can think of up there with abortion and child sex changes. To add insult to injury these mothers are painted as victims. Look up andrea yates, dena schlosser, weneta hoyt, lindsay clancey and many more, we were all supposed to feel sorry for them cause thier post partum depression made them do it. No one with this illness should be within 5 feet of an infant or child and when the cat or the dog is taken from them their children will become the next victim as we have seen played out countless of times.
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>go to 4chan board dedicated for animals
>is shocked and appalled when users love animals and don't want human offspring
>claims to already know this yet proceeds to get mad anyway
Leave, tourist, and take your meat potato photos and list of random white women names with you no one here cares go back to /pol/
go back
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The longer I live the more I realize that women are just irredeemably evil. Grizzly man had the right idea. He probably only died because a bear smelled his gf's period and got hungry.
>liking animals is in any way correlated to antinatalism
David Attenborough has children you know.
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I'm no tourist, I think animals are valuable and fascinating. I'm especially interested in wild animals and usually post in threads related to them. That being said I would never put any animal above my family and children and the fact that so many people do shows just how much of a demonic and demented society we've turned into. The further we stray from God the more we worship false chimera idols just like they did in biblical times, only this time it comes in the form of modern pet worship culture
>Women are retarded
>More news at 11:00
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Reditards need to go. If anyone should be harassed it's the evil government of Ohio and Springfield.
Wish I could be there for your empty funeral.
She didn't "forget" she was intentionally trying to kill him and admits to it
Read the article
But if you're there it wouldn't be empty? lol
My husband makes a generous six figures and we are beloved in our community
We foster cats and donate a lot
Shitty b8 faggot
Go back
Threads full of predditors, what do you expect. They think they're "heckin wholesome" but we know they aren't. They actually hate animals. Like that chonkers sub reddit. Yes...so cute looking at obese animals.
>depressed women forgets to feed aggressive pet she’s grown to dislike
oh no
Here's the definition for "forgetting", hope it helps since English isn't your first language
>Wanting to ruin a womans life because her depressed ass was too busy taking care of *her blood offspring* instead of a cat
Her husband was there the entire time

Watching her not feed the cat that continuously attacked him and made him have to live a life with special cat-centric rules starve

Probably wondering what would get him a divorce, a child support check, and alimony for life: Just put the thing out of its misery like he should have done when it attacked him, or let his wife be retarded.
What drives someone to submit a confessional like this for publication anonymously in some bougie rag? I don't get it. Also I never heard the phrase "late-onset psychopath". Is that a new fad mental illness to dodge responsibility? Sounds like some psyop bullshit. I don't like this woman or the people publishing her.
>First she forgot
>Then she was "too busy", thus forgot
>Ignoring how she says that she very purposefully wanted to kill Lucky and wished she would die
>Now suddenly the husband is a victim and not an accomplice to the very real crime of animal abuse
>Putting a cat "out of its misery"
>When the misery is entirely inflicted by humans abusing her
You've moved the goal post off the cliff
FYI animal abuse has been a felony since 2019
The Cut is protecting a criminal
Buddy she didn't feed an aggressive cat

Who cares
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Do your part to help lucky, vote for Trump
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>guyssssss someone was sorta mean to a cat!
they're not even trying anymore
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>Cat was aggressive
>Cat kept trying to give affection from her human partner until the woman kept hitting her like a psycho
>Who cares
50k people who signed a petition demanding an update, for one
I was going to vote for Trump until JD Vance made it clear they didn't want my vote, so best I can do is just not voting this year lol
Sounds like you need to make a decision. Your ego or lucky's life. Choose wisely
That's up to The Cut to prove they actually made sure Lucky was okay
But hey if someone makes an attempt at Vance the way they have at Trump and they succeed Trump can have my vote back lol
>Dog website.
hi retard, fuck any good huskies lately?
With Trump that woman can be charged with a felony, kamala will reverse that shit immediately cause they know it'll affect non whites the most
Hating cats is a normal behaviour. They're useless pest that gives nothing back. They don't give a shit about their owner a all.
What kind of a mentally ill post is this? First redditors come here with a personal army request over a marginally unhappy cat (you want us to go after everyone who lets their cats outside too? someone somewhere let their cat out knowing it would be ran over, are we supposed to go ruin their life now? ) and now you ask us what we think of dog pussy? people like you belong on a cross.

Personal army requests used to be over future serial killers gutting or burning peoples loose pets while they were still alive not a depressed woman being a bigger ineffective insincere effete bitch than you
Yes saaarrr very good saaarrr
>Hating cats is a normal behaviour.
...for nonwhites (dogredditors)
early morning schizophrenic samefag
Reminds me of this psychotic shit from Slate. Welcome to the cult of killing your dog.
take your meds

>listened to caesar milan, whose abusive methods CAUSE aggression
The cult of hitting, screaming at, caging, and generally torturing dogs probably kills more dogs (and people) than anything that is not "allowing pitbulls to exist"
good. total cat death
Why isn't there any outcry over this?
>Sorta mean
Read the article
Wow. You know a lot of shitty people
>we dont like cats.
Who’s we?
>Oldfags grew up. We stopped liking cats. We stopped liking anime. We stopped liking video games. When you dont have your mom doing all the work cats are just disgusting and obnoxious.
Yet you are still here… Getting pissy over the fact that people are upset over animal cruelty. Nice bait
Anime website, tourist
>This has never been a cat website like you tourists think.
>we dont like cats.

Anyone who isn't an election tourist newfag would know that's not the case, but there is literally documentary about how this is in fact not the case, so there is no excusing for not knowing or believing this.
He's right in that it was never the kind of "cat website" that 2020 tourist thinks its meant to be. 2020 tourist thinks we need to admire cats beyond what they actually are and dislike dogs. We had funny cat pictures. And...? No, that's it. Just funny cat pictures.

These cat/dog console wars where if someone says cats dont belong outdoors or benefit from roaming some sperg (read: the same schizo over and over again) says "CAT WEBSITE YOU CAT HATING DOG FUCKING REDDITOR!" were never 4chan. Both cat hate and dog hate are actually redditor culture, directly transplanted here in waves corresponding with the fappening, gamergate, 2016, and 2020. Remember 4chan also doxed and fuck with a lot of dog-abusing psychopaths and furfags. It just got forgotten because normies were enamored with reddit which had recently stolen our funny cat pictures.
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I love these maga cats
its really sad for a supposed future leader to be shitposting with AI generated cats like a 14 year old /b/tard but hey, this is "democracy" when one candidate for the nuclear launch codes can't legally own a gun, and the other is a two person ticket that no one voted for in a primary that came after every other ticket was kindly asked to step down by the parties and their rich as fuck donors, who then, without the consent of the american people, put all of their funding into a ticket not one single citizen voted for in the primary.

also lol @ your president not being competent enough to campaign, but remaining president despite his clear intellectual disability. i was surprised to turn on the internet one day and find out the leftie biden is suddenly as anti-wolf and anti-nature as a trump. i guess he forgot which corporate shill he was supposed to listen to.
>really sad for a supposed future leader to be shitposting with AI
Kamala does it too.
>>and anti-nature as a trump
Trump is pro nature, gb2 reddit with your liberal fake environmentalism funded by elites to eradicate whites

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