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Your /kot/ can help save the planet, the climate, and other sentient beings!

Old thread: >>4871667
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>that study
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my cat died recently. I think it was shot. I'm no detective but the hole was big enough to stick my finger in. it was at a park by my house. sorry I wasn't a better owner, buddy. you always liked being outside.
>Your /kot/ can help save the planet, the climate, and other sentient beings!
oh no the vegans are back, just stay in the old thread peddling your nonsense about how meat is bad for you
somebody make the real thread please
How do I stop my cat eating my vegetables? Since he realized being carnivorous is bad he keeps eating my salads and cabbages in the garden
I noticed the protein based dry sloppa (advertised as grain free) i got my cat ((branded as purina beastables (nah its actually called true instinct) or whatever)) has occasional large airey bits
What are those I wonder
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delicious flesh
But meat is bad for you. It causes cancer and organ failure.
meat kibble is made from boiled slaughterhouse waste and dead shelter pets
Stays away from the cucumbers for some reason though
>meat causes cancer and organ failure
what kind of meat has your family been eating anon, smoked long pork?
Removing all Indians from the planet would be more beneficial for the environment than 2 vegan cats.
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>dog thread is complete garbage with animal abusers and /r9k/ rantings
>cat thread is spreading dangerous misinformation
>people still claim mods = gods

>finger size
that doesn't sound like a bullet wound that sounds like a mass that burst open.
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>Dangerous misinformation
There is no dangerous misinformation in /kot/

A proper vegan diet with veterinary monitoring results in longer lived cats. Scientific fact. If you stick to commercial vegan kibble and monitor your cats blood and urine with tests every 6 months while adjusting their supplements they literally do not need meat. "Obligate carnivore" is a broscience myth for any species. Meat is just chemicals. There are no special chemicals only meat can make.

Are you talking about the weed? Weed is totally, chemically unable to kill a cat. There is no physically attainable LD50 for THCA unless you are injecting an entirely pure substance a full syringe at a time. Anyone telling you its toxic is making a retarded philosophical distinction to avoid cognitive dissonance (they grew up on "weed bad" propaganda) while prescribing legitimately dangerous meloxicam and behavior altering gabapentin and pregabalin like fucking candy.
>Pet gets sleepy and dizzy on weed and needs to go to a lower dose
>pet gets sleepy and dizzy on gabapentin
>Normal side effect, use a lower dose.
>pet develops irritability and aggression on gabapentin
>hahahaha thats rare ok
Note, gabapentin can actually kill cats.

Rather, marijuana is extremely well tolerated by cats and has been proven to be an effective treatment for OA pain.
The only reason it ISNT being prescribed to cats en masse is because the faggot jews in the US government see marijuana as a massive threat to their money laundering operations in the pharma, tobacco and alcohol industries. They are financially obligated to cry and stomp their feet if they can't legally classify it next to cocaine and meth to stop interstate cannabis commerce.
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Beautiful cat I saw at a restaurant
Can someone create a real /kot/ thread instead of this charlatan liar who wants to kill kots?
>has science backing up everything he says
>you have karens blog, futurama memes, and being irrationally mad because your parents told you that weed is evil and vegans are gay and on deaths door
yeah sure killing cats. nothing kills cats like scientific studies on extending their lifespans.

go back to /dog/ if you dont care about improving feline health

fascinating studies. ill remember this next time the (((vet))) wants to give me cat bloody diarrhea causing nsaids again.

vets and big pharma are truly more dedicated to causing problems than fixing them

im glad someone posts real sources instead of screenshots of non-credible websites.
>but its a vets opinion that the toxic nsaid is fine and the harmless plant is bad, that has nothing to do with which one they are allowed to sell without being prosecuted by the boomer feds!
Naturally speaking, cats get most of their hydration from the meat they eat out in the wild chucklenuts. This is also part of the reason feeding them kibble is horrible. Like all snake oil salesmen you want to tell the patient what's best for them without understanding the patient first.
The kibble vs cans argument is not as simple as an appeal to nature, because cats are not natural to begin with. They are radically different and even have novel social behaviors and better grain digestion than their ancestors. They are domesticated and artificial, not wild and natural. For over ten thousand years the primary food source of cats has actually been scavenged food scraps.

Since cats have been domesticated for longer than your race has existed and predate christ by over eight thousand years, most of them have adequate thirst instincts to live past 20 years on kibble. If your cat is a minor throwback or admixed with a wild breed well sucks to be you, pay extra for cans.

If you are worried, when your cat is finally ready for an adult diet the correct thing to do is provide adequate water sources with kibble, and then do some blood panels to see if they're keeping themselves hydrated. The majority of cats will be fine.
>vegan pothead crying about jews
are we sure we aren't in /pol/ right now
There are no scientific studies backing up your lies, vegan cat killer.
Nice, some actual scientific facts instead of vets that get pharma kickbacks spouting hyperbole.
>ataxia, cannabis: "marijuana toxicity"
>ataxia, gabapentin: "side effect from excessively high dose"
my 2 male kittens are licking each other, even their butts. how do i discourage such homosexual behavior
Singles and I will give my cats a little treat right now for being so good
all male felines are bi. live with it.
You're just projecting your repressed homosexuality, they're just bros cleaning each other
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>my patience has paid off... finally I reap my reward for dealing with this fucking vegan...
I'd be ok with it, they must survive until someone comes to save them.
holy fuck you're serious, actually fucking kill yourself you soi wristed animal abusing schizophrenic cunt
>I hate animal abuse!
>therefore, I'm gonna get an obligate carnivore as a pet and force it to eat a vegan diet!
Do you have any actual arguments against them? They've presented source after source and you're just seething at them for, what exactly?

Why do you feel so threatened by a non-toxic medication for pain and anxiety management? Because the senile old man in the government keeps yelling that pot is "for niggers"?
Why do you feel so threatened by vegan cats? If you're not poor and have a good vet, you just monitor their blood and urine until you get their supplement regimen right and then they're fine. Meat is just chemicals. Every nutrient found in meat can be synthesized or also found in plants and fungus.

Explain your hysterical, baseless anger.
>Meat is just chemicals. Every nutrient found in meat can be synthesized or also found in plants and fungus.
I will eat meat. My cat will eat meat. You will seethe and spaz out and cry as you choke down your NUTRIPASTE and force NUTRIPASTE for Cats on helpless animals. I have a soul. You are an automaton.
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Industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Vegan diets and weed predate the industrial revolution

Veganism was originally invented because people didn't want to eat animals since God gave everything souls, and stuck around because vegans kept staying alive after meat eaters died of sickness.
Weed stuck around because it's fun and the idea of it being bad was invented by salty americans who also tried to ban alcohol and only backtracked on that one because the white gangs that controlled illicit booze were much better armed. Weed's coming back for a similar reason, the gangs that moved in to replace the legal market started taking drug running more seriously and toting machine guns around so it's not worth a social purity retards sanity to keep fighting an actual war over beer: plant edition.

>I have a soul because my foods description sounds more "metal". Nutripaste, or FLESH OF THE CONQUERED? your choice cuck #maga
you have a childs soul lole :^)
My cat started having trouble pissing a few days ago – she only does a tiny amount each time, and it has blood in it. I’d been giving her a lot of dry food, which I think is what caused it. She’s been on wet food only since the problem began. Her mood is unchanged, she doesn't seem to be in pain while pissing, and she's been eating a good amount of wet food. Will this resolve itself on its own? At what point should I take her to the vet if it's still happening?
keep desparately trying to change the narrative to make your weird hangups normal and normal people some kind of mental illness but it will always be the other way around. You should get therapy for your problems instead of taking them out on others.
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>God gave everything souls
so not only is he a vegan pothead that raves about jews in the US government, but he's very religious too. add another one to the bingo card
>A proper vegan diet with veterinary monitoring results in longer lived cats
this is true because "cat food" is 99% jewish chemicals and 1% meat. if you were to feed your cat vaccinated mice it would live to be 30.
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I've befriended a stray cat. A couple weeks ago I noticed him hiding under my porch, no collar, very skiddish and impossible to approach, definitely not used to humans.
I started leaving some cat food out every morning and after a week or so he was brave enough to eat while I was present. Now he comes running up the moment I open the door, even when he's not hungry. I think he likes being around me but he still refuses to let me pet him, if I reach out to him he usually shies away.
I'm hoping I can get him friendly enough to let me pet him because he looks super soft.
Here's my new friend Tangerine.
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>jewish chemicals
meds please
list the ingridients of your cat "food"
Disregard trolls
Celebrate kot
>yes goy give your cat jewish chemicals
>do not listen to the trolls
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how many cats do you have and why are they all chubby
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only one and she's 7-8 pounds at the very most
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My cat is cuter, softer, and more loveable than cows pigs and chickens so I don't care lol
rub the belly
I took the "troll" advice (that was backed up by science) against the "sane" advice (that was backed up by cartoons with labels on them) and gave my cat weed to clip his claws

it worked and he is doing fine

Based, and correct. I guess you just figured out /kot/ is full of alt-right maga nutjobs huh? Nothing makes a maga nutjob as angry as pot legalization and vegans, besides jewish IQ scores and african immigrants in the UK outscoring native whites.
based vegan chad.
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I don't have any pictures of me doing that but she loves when I do. I'm honestly surprised since I thought female cats hated belly rubs
>/kot/ is full of alt-right maga nutjobs
If you're talking about >>4878100 here saying shit like "the faggot jews in the US government see marijuana as a massive threat to their money laundering operations", and >>4878454 who thankfully got removed after constantly going on about "jewish chemcals" in this and other threads, then sure I guess.
every cat i've known has liked belly rubs
some took longer than others, but eventually they all warmed up to it
Antisemitism is left wing now since israel is now openly white supremacist to the point of bombing the west bank any time a brown person expresses dislike for israel. The right loves israel. Keep up with politics if you’re going to post politics.
>Keep up with politics if you’re going to post politics
thanks for the offer but I'd rather not go to /pol/
Usually a few days and I'd make an appointment. Trouble pissing, is in unable to piss or only dribbling piss or trying to piss a lot, can be a sign of pain. Cats are prey animals and will hide signs of pain if possible. It's not ER level but I would make a vet appointment.
is that fur a brown tint or a trick of the lighting? looks cool as hell
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>is that fur a brown tint or a trick of the lighting
she's got a few hints of brown here and there, but mostly gray
She started eating some of my finished mac and cheese, she likes the salt I guess
Is she gonna get diarrhea from it?
mmm mac and cheese
My neighbours cat breaks into my house almost daily. I have no idea where she comes in from.
On more than one occasion I have woken up with the cat laying between me and my fiance.
We give her water, but thought that not giving her food would make her go home.
She goes to eat at home and returns to our home immediately. If possible she jumps on our laps and starts to knead both my fiance and I.
We dont know anything about cats. And the more we try to ignore her, the more she seems to get attached to us.
Is this the "cat distribution system"?
You gotta figure out how the cat gets in because soon it's gonna be squirrels and mice and racoons and shit.
I had squirrels living above my bedroom in the attic for a year and it was a nightmare hearing them scurry around and scratch in the early evening. It's loud as fuck.
Also that cat chose you.
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Just adopted him about a week ago.

He’s about 4 months old and very vocal, social and clingy.

Any ideas on what breed(s) he could possibly be?
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Another picture with a laptop for scale
That's a beautiful coat
I sneezed and my cat meowed loudly at me, then chased a bug
Looks like a typical shorthair cat to me.
Cats don't have as many breeds and aren't as breed based as dogs are. I'd argue a good 70% of cats aren't a specific breed
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I have a siamese cat. He will ONLY eat shredded wet food and a specific brand of kibble (purina indoor cat). Ive tried giving him treats of any kind, pate wet food, different types of purina kibble, and human food. He wont even lick them.

Anything I can do? I figured if I just left the food out he would eat it eventually but he seems to prefer starving and yelling at me. Last time he went three days without eating.

pic related =)
and thats a bad thing. too much risk of receiving an aggressive asocial cat any good breeder would sterilize and give away to someone they dislike.

guess well stick to giving them some dank in the meantime
Or just don't be a fucking retard and spend significant time meeting and playing with any shelter cats you want to adopt and asking in detail about their medical history before signing anything.
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Why does this cat get eye boogers everyday?
you ever smoke weed with your cat? i did it with mine when he was younger but these days he seems to really dislike it so i've stopped. the way i see it if i get to choose the time, location, and manner of his death i'm allowed to get high with him.
Domestic shorthair. If you wanna be fancy, bicolor grey and white mackerel tabby. I'm sure there's a specific term for how much white he has too.
Iirc it's like much closer to 95%. Cats didn't need to be bred to be useful to humans, their usefulness came from their predation on pests. So we didn't do fuck all with them until recently. Dogs on the other hand were not very useful as skittish wolves, and we bred them to be good guard animals, hunting companions, herding tools, etc.
You can very very very slowly introduce new food, by adding like a sliver of it to the existing food, and slowly adding more over time. I wouldn't bother unless it's a prescription diet though, it's a huge pain in the ass. I have a cat like this, won't eat any human food just one specific kibble brand.
Allergies? Underlying illness like herpes? Does it seem to be bothering her?
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Just how bad is it for me to separate a kitten from its mother at only 7 weeks old? I'm fully aware 8 weeks is generally the minimum, but unfortunately due to circumstances I have no choice. Long story short one of my mom's unspayed cats got out and got knocked up, and had 3 kittens born on August 2nd. Just last week my mom had a stroke, and now shes unable to care for herself or the cats and is moving in with family on their farm 6 hours away from where I live, this week. The cats are going to the farm as well, but will solely be free roaming farm cats. I wish I could let the kittens mature for a bit more, but I feel like if I allow them to become farm cats before bringing one back with me, they will need to be socialized and house trained from scratched again.
I have visited several times since they were born. They play with each other, groom each other, and have recently started eating solid (wet) food, only one of the kittens I've seen is still nursing on the mom. I haven't seen them use the litter box though. All but one(I think its the one I've seen nursing) are very comfortable with people.
I currently have an adult female cat of somewhere around 4 years old at home. Of course, when I bring the kitten home they'll be separated for a couple weeks. I was hoping if there are any cat skills that the kitten is lacking in, my current cat can help show her the ropes, assuming she isn't a total bitch.

Is this a bad idea?
Pic related: 2 of the 3 kittens. The one I want is closest to the camera. I haven't really thought of any good potential names for her yet
>my finished mac and cheese
boy that ain't finished. get back to it!
yes it's a bad idea
ideally you'd let them stay with their mother until she rejects them around 3-6 months old, 7 weeks they're going to be traumatised basically
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he sleep
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she snooze
What's her name?
What's his name?
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I should be happy someone is coming to take one of the strays today, but it's going to ruin my routine a little bit. She's probably the cutest one and I'm going to miss her even if it's only been a few months since she was dumped here.

I feel some regret that the 2 cats I took into my limited space are standard issue ones. I wish I could have taken her. Off to feed her one last time I guess.
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>What's her name
>gf comes home with Norwegian forest kitten
>feel bad for kitten since we both work long shifts
>get another kitten, bengal x ragdoll
>norwegian hates the bengal
It’s only day 1 since getting the new kitten but I don’t really have enough room to keep them in separate spaces.
Will they be okay together or should I put the new kitten into a pen?
I’ve only really ever had kittens from the same litter so I’ve never had this issue.
give them low doses of cbd-present myrcene-heavy weed. it treats anxiety and aggression by reducing symptoms and using positive reinforcement to make new associations.
Thanks for replying. She's only pissed twice since waking up a few hours ago, and there wasn't any blood in it either time. I think she's going to be ok :)
Just found fleas and ear mites on the new kitten. After checking his claws it looks like the tips have been broken on many of his toes.
I am absolutely heartbroken for this little kitten. My other cat has had preventive treatment for the mites and fleas so he should be okay. I’m taking the bengal to the vets asap to get him fixed up.
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Inshallah I shall feed him to the Haitians
he looks like he's going to leave a present in your bed
You should be much more concerned that a cat sized animal is finding a way into your home.
>free roaming farm cats
As someone who grew up on a farm, just keep all the cats inside until you get them fixed. Otherwise this cat having 3 kittens will be the least of your problems. I have seen one female cat turn into actual hundreds of cats in just a few years, it was like a hoarding situation but outdoors. You have no idea how expensive that is to fix, rich farmers were barely able to do it. If your options for the cats are let them outside unfixed or euthanize them, for your own family's health I would advise you to euthanize. I'm assuming y'all aren't made of money since your mom just had a likely expensive medical bill and probably can't work, and having a fuck ton of feral cats around isn't healthy for the humans living there, neither mentally or physically.
But with hundreds of cats they will finally get rid of the rats!
Unfortunately cats don't really predate on rats. They eat much smaller and less aggressive prey like mice, voles, and small birds. You need a terrier for something larger and aggressive like that.
Just rent a ratting terrier one day a week for a month and it will still cost less than fixing one cat and be more successful at killing the rats on your property than a million feral cats. Look at terrier groups in your area, many will actually do it pro bono because it's good practice for their dogs.
are you sure the scales haven't wrapped around and she's actually ~332 pounds?
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If I let these 3 kittens go off to the farm, they will 100% not be kept inside. Its now or never if I want to take a kitten home, which I do. At the farm, they seem to be regulated pretty well. I've never seen more than 5 cats on the whole farm. Either way that's not really my problem, they can deal with any potential cat infestations themselves.
I was just worried about causing irreparable behavioral problems with this kitten by taking her away from her siblings and mom a little earlier than recommended. I haven't raised a kitten since I was in elementary school myself, so I don't remember how that went. Every cat I've had since then has been adopted as an adult.
There's a good chance you won't find that kitten again if you let it out at a farm. There's a reason cats have multiple kittens a litter and can breed 6x a year; most of those kittens die before hitting sexual maturity. Those cats have no chance if they are going to be thrown out in a new environment outdoors; they are going to scatter, kittens will surely starve to death if not predated on or succumb to illness. Even if he did survive the first week, what's to say he'll be able to be captured when you come back? He may have fucked off entirely, or evade traps. The humane thing to do would be to euthanize the remaining kittens to save them from a slow and painful death, but it sounds like you live in a third world country where this isn't possible.
>his name
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A bunny ran in front of her
Anyone feed their cats whole mice?
My friend got a kitten. It was his first pet ever. He had it for a month before it died in a horrible accident involving an automatic litter box. It wasn't the enclosed ones, it was an open one. I told him I don't like those machines and recommended he return it, but he didn't want to. I had never heard of the open boxes killing kittens, so I wasn't on his ass about it-- had it been the enclosed one, I definitely would've gone there and returned it myself. I'm kicking myself for not being more aggressive and telling him to just get a standard litter box.

He's been devastated and I have no idea how I can help him recover. I'm trying to be there for him, but it's understandable that he's just been scarred by this and there's not much else you can do other than allow time to heal the pain.

I've lost several cats throughout my life, but I've never lost a kitten and especially never one so soon after getting it. It's gut-wrenching to see him so excited to get a pet for the first time and have this happen. He doesn't want a pet again and it's heartbreaking to see what should've been a great pet experience has turned into a traumatic event. I suppose there's not much else to do other than let the days pass.
How did it kill the cat? Trapped it in the waste bin?
The kitten slept inside the litter box and I guess, based on what he told me, the litter box went off and the bar crushed kitten. He woke up and to it with, assumedly, injuries to its spine.

I had looked at many reviews for that litterbox and even looked around to see if there were active lawsuits for that particular brand and I can't find any instance of this happening to other people. It's possible it was a freak accident on top of a faulty design with the sensor not accommodating for kittens or something. I had considered hiring a lawyer on his behalf, but he already buried the kitten before getting an official vet examination. I don't know if it would be worth digging up his pet and trying to get a suit going, especially when I'm certain the company could rebuttal with, "It was not designed to be slept in".
There's probably something written in the user manual as well that says it's not meant for kittens.
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I love my kitty!!!
I gave him a piece of steak last night
Why is he in the rack
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The side is open and he climbed in. He can go in and out as he wants but he likes it in there. I think he likes the warmth.
That's a cute name!
How do I make my cat sleep with me
become their pot dealer
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>dog thread is complete garbage with animal abusers and /r9k/ rantings
>cat thread is spreading dangerous misinformation
Blame the influx of Malaysians, Indians, and other subhuman third worlders to not only the website, but the moderation team too
cat prison
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not much you can do to make them stay in bed, mine just likes to be with me either to bug me for attention, or for my warm blankets when it's cold
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some cats are no different than dogs.
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I you are not vegan colossal fag, go here
Nope, heard of people using whole prey model though. There are some risks especially as most feeders aren't catered towards mammals, so they don't really give a fuck about things like flea eggs, intestinal parasites, shit that wouldn't bother reptiles. Sorry I don't know enough to help you out there. All I remember is that you should keep whole fish frozen for 6 months to kill parasites.

Yeah don't dig up the cat - there is a very finite amount of time where a necropsy would be viable, and that time has passed. Pretending the vet could even distinguish a cause of death (which even with a broken back will be difficult because the organs are now breaking down and could also look like a cause of death now), it could absolutely be argued in court that cause of death can't be correctly determined because of the time that has passed.
Just gave my kot another bowl in your honor

Don’t worry little bro loves it. He rolls on the carpet and takes a nap. Its the perfect time to dull his nails with a dremel too!
Hopefully someone can help me out. Google is useless these days and reddit is loaded with people telling me to intentionally overfeed the cat for some reason.

The issue is the cat screams for food like an hour and a half after feeding. To be clear, I've never given in to the behaviour and I'm not reinforcing it at all. To me it's just annoying, but I can tell she'd be a lot happier if she wasn't sitting around screaming and was playing or napping instead. Some days she doesn't do it at all and it's clear.

Previously she had one wet food pouch in the morning and evening and free-fed on the biscuits, which is what the shelter told me to do. But was clearly eating too much. She also screamed anyway, wanting wet food.
So I went with 1.5 pouch in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, 1 in the evening (approx 250 kcal for a cat weighing 3.7kg) and removed the dry food. She never much liked the biscuits so I thought it'd help along with the strict timings, which it seemed to at first, but now it's worse than before.

So I got a few possibilities:
1) I'm just being impatient and the bad behaviour will go away, it's only been a bit over a month
2) I'm actually feeding too little. I've started monitoring her weight to check.
3) It was dumb to change the strategy and I should go back to how it was before, because she needs to free-feed.
4) Some gentle negative reinforcement is required. I'd prefer not to.
5) Something else I didn't think of

Today I tried 3, 30g biscuits and 2 pouches (still split into three) which is about the same amount of calories, but she ate most of the biscuits right after I put them down between the afternoon and evening feedings.
So a few things anon, just trying to understand
>How do you know it's really about food and not playtime or something similar?
>Does she show this behaviour for other things (forementioned playtime, wanting to do certain things etc)
>Have you tried switching brands with kibble or something similar?
Good to find out if she's actually hungry, or just bored or finds the food absolutely delicious.
>How do you know it's really about food and not playtime or something similar?
She takes a particular tone with wanting food, and freaks out if I go near the bowl etc. She likes playing with the toys but doesn't really ask me to play much (she was a stray prior which I think influenced this). When she wants some fuss she chirps and squints at you and stuff like that, no screaming.

>Does she show this behaviour for other things
I don't think so, but it's pretty frequent so it's not easy to tell 100%. She doesn't even really ask to get through doors or anything like that. But mostly when she's not thinking about food she makes little chirp noises.

>Have you tried switching brands with kibble or something similar?
When she first arrived I noticed she was selectively eating only certain biscuits out the mix I had, so I switched to another one that she definitely likes better. At the time I was hoping it would convince her to just eat the biscuits and stop complaining. It was a pain to convince her to eat them, was kinda surprising she just gobbled them all down today. Wet food she seems to eat just about anything.
Would finding less palatable food actually be the right thing to do maybe?
Might be the part where she used to be a stray. Does she eat slowly or gulp it all down? On the streets any meal is a welcome one and needs to be gone ASAP. I'd see if you could get a delicious kibble so she has food 24/7 and give it some more time. I'll think of other things for the night and see if I can find any solutions for you anon.
>Does she eat slowly or gulp it all down?
At first she'd eat all the wet food right away, but after a couple weeks of all wet food she started eating half and coming back for the rest later. That's until the past few days when she suddenly regressed, which prompted my post. She never fancied the biscuits much but did eat most of them overnight.
So you're suggesting to allow unlimited dry food on top of some wet food, which is how it was when she first arrived, till she gets over it?

Thanks for your time anon it's appreciated.
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Assuming she's healthy weight and all, is an adult, no health concerns, average activity, 250kcal is a good starting point.
Dry food is full of sugar and can be addictive for cats. I am assuming with the free-feeding she was not just eating more, but eating whenever the fuck she wanted. With canned food, palatability tends to nose dive after half an hour or so. So there may be a few issues you're righting here; the cat prefers the dry food over the canned food, the cat was able to eat more beforehand and is upset about the calorie reduction, or the cat is upset it can't eat whenever the fuck it feels like.
I don't think free feeding is a requirement; some animals will self-regulate, most will not. If you want to be snobby, cats do better on wet food diets because they get most of their water via eating. If your cat ever needs a prescription diet, you'll be SOL if you free feed.
Maybe try making your cat work for the food, put the food in food puzzles or canned food on lick mats to spread out feeding times a bit more? Slowing down on feeding and making meal times longer may help with the behavior. It won't fix it overnight though.
Make sure you're not getting trained by your cat and feeding the cat specifically when it starts getting annoying. Then you're just creating a vicious cycle.
netcat, he even has the paws of a hackercat with that cool b/w coloring
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To shoot a fucking CAT. Jesus christ how sad and pathetic you have to be. I'm sorry anon I hope my cat makes you feel better. This is trixy I've bad her for a year and a half. She's my world.
Maybe they were tired of finding shit in their vegetable patches or piss soaked into their patio furniture

people have shot notoriously friendly dogs over garbage cans. cat shooting used to be a country boy pasttime.
Nah, that can't be it. It's probably just shit human beings trying to blow off some steam on the innocent.
I don't hate my cat but sometimes she acts really feral. She'll smash stuff out the way to get to my computer cords that ive hidden, and she also sometimes bites really hard and makes these weird noises. I raised her since she was only 2 weeks and shes 12 years old now, but she was found outside. Is there any way at all to help her not act so feral at times? i think she might have some cognitive imparements maybe.
based kots
>no, animals can't do animal things, people can't shoot random animals in hopes of getting the one that has been destroying their property at night
when pets get out its pretty normal for them to be shot late at night because people think everything is a fox/raccoon with rabies or its the same stray that snarled at them after ruining their food garden/outdoor furniture/etc

if your pet gets out the only thing you can do is stay behind them until they tire out
>its pretty normal for them to be shot late at night because people think everything is a fox/raccoon
yes, we get it, you live down south where everyone has an itchy trigger finger in the night
based Trump voters
From anon's description, it doesn't sound like a bullet wound. For a bullet to leave a finger sized hole in a cat, the exit wound would be a fucking massacre. It is much more likely it was a tumor or abscess that burst open from neglect. It happens a lot more often than cats getting shot in public parks.
what book is that, fren?
Which one? There are multiple in that pic
She is giving you your daily dose of toxoplasmosis
Such a high yield trvth nvke the retards had to make another thread to hide from its blinding light
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Whats better for my kot, vegan kibble or bug kibble? I'm leaning towards bug kibble but my cat already lives in a pod and owns nothing so i'm worried it might be a step too far.
>vegan kibble or bug kibble
how much money do you have available to spend on supplements
My roommates got a bengal cat a few months ago and he's honestly not too bad. He sometimes goes for people's legs and scratches/bites them though. Is there any specific way to stop him doing this, or do we just continue to do what we're doing (sternly telling him no, squirting him with water if he really gets into it)?
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Hey kot, Anya and I finally caught a cat.
I'm going to go to a vet first to double check it doesn't have a tag.
play with him more often and get another cat he can play with and do that with. the other cat will bite him back when he's too aggressive
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My friend had kittens.
>That feels when the study of the effect of marijuana on cats is.... already done by someone else
So that's 6 years of veterinary school funded by
down the fucking drain
Anons wtf do I do with my life
aww, calicos
This partially-sighted ankle-biting fuzzy goblin is currently getting his balls cut off, and afterwhich we'll be formally adopting him.
Need name suggestions because the one they gave him at the shelter blows. One to two syllables prefered.
This is him at about 2 weeks old, from when we rescued him after his idiot teen mom rejected him from the litter twice in two days. Poor little shit was covered in so many flies he made a feed the children ethiopian kid look like the after photo from a raid ad. I had to comb probably about a thousand eggs out of his fur.
Name him Dalton
I have a similar kitten and I named her lemon cos her headlights are out
Sorry she's sideways, I didn't invent this dumb site
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this sweet girly had her lab work come back with elevated T4 levels (and they've been trending up). she's not presenting any clinical signs of hyperthyroidism but has had consistently elevated levels. vet suggested starting treatment with some oral medication. i elected to hold off for 3 months and then run bloodwork again.

anyone dealt with this? I've heard there's a diet option for this as well?
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mid-defecation entertainment
My cat is not eating. Taking her to the vet as soon as I can. She's 15 years old. Please keep her in your thoughts.
Start feeding her real food. Chicken, mice.

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