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Say his name.
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Memes about names aside, imagine this thing just shedding teeth hourly like some unholy psoriasis sufferer.
i doubt it was constantly spitting out teeth
Africanus Socioeconomicus factorsaurus
Floydasaurus Rex
the leading theory is that floydasaurus went extinct due to respiratory issues
Aspiringus Rapperus Vulgaris

Bryce H. Cohen Esq.
Bonquavious Umbuntu
I don't get what's supposed to be so funny about his name. You know there are African countries called Niger and Nigeria? Am i missing something because i'm ESL?
No, you're not missing anything. Americans are just monolingual dummies who don't understand what words mean.
It's just racist crap.
Made me so mad that I kicked my cat, stupid white mewling rat.
I believe in joe hendry
Strange how it's completely ok to pronounce it, but it all changes when you add a second g.....
It's because the I is pronounced "eye" in both, and the G in Niger is pronounced "jue". Neye-jeur and Neye-jeer-ee-ah. Nigger is pronounced Nihg-gher. Note the French influence on the two countries, which if written with accents would be í and ĝ. If you're pronouncing the countries as Nihg-er and Nihg-ur-ea you're doing it wrong, either because you don't know any better or are wilfully stupid.
The fuck are you trying to say? In latin niger is literally pronounced as nigger.
>In latin niger is literally pronounced as nigger.
nobody knows how latin is pronounced
that's the fun part about dead languages, nobody actually speaks them.
you have to realize that most of the people on 4chan are low IQ autists. one of autism's defining traits is seeking familiarity. they like things they know and are uncomfortable with the new/unknown (alternatively known as "stimming"). it's why the same handful of "jokes" are repeated ad nauseam here; they think saying racial slurs for the 10,000th time is as funny as the first time.

it doesn't take much to entertain a simple mind
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>you have to realize that most of the people on 4chan are low IQ autists. one of autism's defining traits is seeking familiarity. they like things they know and are uncomfortable with the new/unknown (alternatively known as "stimming"). it's why the same handful of "jokes" are repeated ad nauseam here; they think saying racial slurs for the 10,000th time is as funny as the first time.
>it doesn't take much to entertain a simple mind
>all this stupid projection because you're offended by a word
not what stimming means BTW, Karen
Pensiosaurus Gratis

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