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Food & Nutrition

Outside Enrichment
Behavioral problems

Kitten care
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You already have a thread

that one has retarded vegans in it, let them stay there
I have a cat problem, should I feed it copious amounts of weed?
Cute dummy
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“Obligate carnivore” is a broscience myth. Cats can go vegan with urine monitoring (which you should do at the start of any kibble diet). Since cats can be vegan, and live longer as vegans, feeding your cat is animal abuse at every stage of the process.
>feed cat poison
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let me guess, you're one of the guys in the other thread saying shit like meat is poison, causes cancer etc
What do you guys consider non-negotiable rules for cats. For example
>no climbing on the counter
Nothing is surprising for the bro
>try to integrate new kitten with existing kitten
>end up giving new kitten away to friend as they aren't getting along
>existing kitten is now hissing at toys similar to the ones the new kitten was playing with
will he stop doing this? he had never hissed before we tried to introduce a new kitten
it seems like he hates feather toys now and although I'm not going to get any more of them and has never hissed at us, I fear he may start hissing at us
I just want him to be happy
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found my cat just sitting in the bathroom sink, staring at me, so I turned on the sink for her
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she wanted to drink water?
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yes. clearly sink water is better than the filtered water in her bubbler
Seethe about it birdfag
Kinda true ngl

It takes almost no effort for your cat to go vegan. Either you are a good person and care about murdering animals, or you are not and so not. So what makes you different from someone who cheers when their husky kills a cat?
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How do I make this retard stop over-grooming the tip of his tail? He doesn't show any other signs of stress, and he's been doing it for months so it's not a matter of it having gotten anything on it. Do cats get fungal infections that make them itchy in certain spots or something?

He's sweet and perfect in every other way but sometimes I'm just sitting there and this sopping wet tail slaps me in the face, or worse some litter sticks to it and he's walking around with that shit
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Please post cats standing.
that's clearly featherless biped, a human
>feeding your cat is animal abuse
lmao, talk about a freudian slip
the cat needs FRESH water in his water cup. a water cycling dish with dirty water is useless.

change the water cup/dish every day
To add to this, sometimes it helps to keep the water cup away from his food bowl and/or elevate it. They can sometimes be prissy about drinking where they eat - something to do with dead body contaminated water instincts
Would it be unfair to adopt a cat or two when I know my future is unstable and I'll be moving a lot in the next few years?
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probably why the bubbler has a filter then. only reason I got the thing was because she was getting finicky about drinking still water even if it had been mere hours since filling the bowl. not like I can just leave a sink running. so in other words, it's that, or risk her not drinking because I'm not changing the bowl water hourly
due to the bubbler pumping water up, it's already higher up than the bowl so unless she's flicking food everywhere, it's not ending up in there.
side note, she has drank from sinks various other times in the past, before the bubbler, just sitting in the sink and watching people walk by is new behavior
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Cats like running water. I have a fountain coming in today that's open top (to prevent whisker's fatigue). I also have multiple cups of water around the apartment so they can drink from there, all away from the food.
Stop shitting up this thread, you already tried shitting up this board with your kot hate thread.
lmao fucking reddit newfags
shut up pedophile
Cats really did just go and enslave us, eh?
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him sit
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him jump
cute cat
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there's opinions and then there's being a retard spewing shit about how eating meat is animal abuse, how meat is poison, schizo shit about jews in the government etc etc
we love cats here
I see nothing wrong with his statements.
>If you're rich enough to do the kibble companies job for them and pile on the supplements while a vet nutirsh fag monitors your cat for $1000 a visit, your indoor cat can go vegan. The only real downside is if they run out of vegan food you'd need a really fucking long transition period or the shock of having to digest a bunch of meat again would fuck them up, and feeding your cat would be a nightmare of mixing supplements, foreign "superfoods" and industrial plant paste 3 times a day. Is that not how vegan humans live as well? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Weed - yeah, he's right, this plant does legitimately threaten the pharmaceutical industry because it is several dozen non-patentable medicines that you can grow in your backyard, and "marijuana toxicity" is misused to refer to harmless marijuana intoxication in animals. but it's spreading in legalization and you can already buy CBD pills for your cat. THC unironically is not far off, especially for cats, because they metabolize it better than dogs and tend more towards ataxia and sedation when started off on high doses, while dogs tend more towards paranoia and diarrhea even on lower doses.
see >>4880154
>Killing animals is animal abuse according to a vegan? No way
The founding principle of veganism is literally that all animals are of equal worth except for humans, which are worthless, so bad they're too unclean to eat, so they can only eat plants harvested by abused third world child labor.
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>no climbing counters/curtains/people
>no begging or stealing human food
>no antagonizing the dog/fish
>no sleeping on PCs/keyboards
>do not play with the toilet paper
>no scratching rugs/leather/walls
I don't have many rules for cats come to think of it. As long as they piss in a box I'm usually OK with what they dog

Allergies? Neuro disorder? Is it bleeding or damaged at all? I knew 2 cats now that looked very similar to this guy that wouldn't stop chewing themselves - one fucked his front paws up so bad he had to be euthanized. The other just chewed on his right knee all the time and had to live with a cone on, until he switched to chewing on his tail and they amputated part of his tail. But one night he got the cone off and it was just not good, ripped his own belly wide open and had to be euth.
Don't know why they did that, vets chalked it up to neuro since they showed no signs of stress or pain and tests came back clear. I always wondered if it was a breed thing or related to that sort of chocolate color.
Not to spook you because your guy doesn't seem to be that bad off, just a bit of a wet tail. But there may not be any explanation for it.
IDK if you know the state of animal overpopulation in the current year +4, but it will not be easy to re-home them or even drop them off at a shelter anymore if that's what you're worried about. People have been actually having to euthanize their healthy family pets because shelters aren't doing it anymore.
Now if you're just worried about moving with cats, they'll be fine with moving around. They didn't become one of the worst invasive by not adapting to change.
I wish I had a cat but my wife's allergic.
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He's so pretty!
Stop buying litter robots
Just scoop their poop
it's like playing in a sandbox, just with piss and shit
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something's wrong with my cat
He's cocooning
Soon he'll be a beautiful butterfly
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Is this a rare genetic phenomenon or is just a random tortoiseshell pattern? There is a kitten outside that looks like this. Complete with the little black patches on the body that makes it look like it came out of a chimney.

...I kind of want that kitten even if it has 2 other siblings and I already have 3 cats. And the mom is so friendly too. Sucks.
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>in bed
>kot sleeping at my feet
>itch my nuts under the sheets
>cat pounces on the moving lump
Kek, my kittens do the same
>scratch balls
>drink water on a ledge above my bed
>Jump on my face kek
>Zoomies from living room to bedroom
>run over my balls
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085bWhy does my cat like to watch me piss and poo? She basically runs to me in the bathroom when I'm about to do my deed.
kek, same. They apparently feel save and like the smell/being near you. One of my kittens damn-near climbed into the toilet when I was doing a #2. They always climb in my pants, too.
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>random longhair patches on a shorthair cat
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more sleep
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I know there's a lot of F.U.D. and r/cats seething around vegan cat foods and sperging about muh nature muh obligate carnivore because of taurine and arginine, which is stupid because that's like saying humans are obligate liver-vores because of our vitamin and amino needs, but this vegan cat food 100% works.

The same logic that says you can't have a vegan cat also says you can't be a vegan human and that humans and dogs are obligate carnivores. Obviously, that is false. With advanced nutritional science any animal can be vegan. Meat is outdated. Stop fucking murdering animals.

>inb4 doomsday preppers: i murder animals all the time in case walmart runs out of vegan foods! and this is totally animal abuse even though i am murdering animals to feed my cat! durr i wont give money to le jews! i wont depend on le globohomo durr! i would rather murder my fellow sentient beings and sully my soul in the eyes of God and be punished than spend money that might go to one single hebrew black person bla bla bla *right wing idiocy*

Nope. Get. Your. Fucking. FACTS.

If cats can not just survive, but thrive as vegans, they do not have to eat meat (and neither do you). Therefore your choice to feed your cat the products of animal abuse was not necessary.

Murder is outdated. Either you are a good person and won't support the systematic torture and murder of sentient beings, or you're no different from a chinese cat torturer.
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>retarded vegans
Didn't you know why veganism, aka respecting all life correlates with higher IQ? For the same reason the chinese are high IQ but don't respect any life. Either you respect life, or you don't. It's that simple. Dumb people are inconsistent. Smart people are logical. Which one are you?

You can not logically pick and choose which life you like. Life is life.
Logical people are far more likely to join cults than illogical ones. Also people that get educated in using reason will reason for deeply held convictions that they had prior to their education so everything is fucked regardless and you can´t trust anything or anyone including yourself.
>you cant trust yourself!
>the issue: “killing and suffering are bad”
Veg/an/a opponents btfo themselves every time
Cats should only eat bug based kibble

Vegans are complicit in murdering bugs for plant agriculture anyways, because bugs cant suffer. Everyone wins. Besides, dont cats already live in pods and own nothing? Eating healthy and cruelty free worm chow would be an upgrade.
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>there's an unironic vegan cat poster in here
>vegans: facts and logic
>carnists: simpsons memes
Another Veg/an/ W!
he's a false flagger, not a vegan
My cat refuses to eat unless I pet him
jesus christ fuck off faggot. no one is clicking those. no one gives a shit. it's a good thing you were banned from uploading.
I click them
Based killer
Kots are such shite rat killers amirite
yeah because rats always breed faster than cats can kill them
>kills 30 out of 300 born this month
>next months crop: 900
why do you think rodents arent extinct retard? their evolved response to cats is to hide, not flee. they keep eating and fucking, carefully. at this point they are smarter than the cats.
Moved out and adopted my first cat since I was never allowed to have any pets. This is Hachi
Some observations:
He only licks his food so I’ve had to mix his pate with water to make soup in order for him to finish his bowl.
He tries to bury this soup.
He is neutered but still has the sack. Will he have the sack forever?
He doesn’t play with wand/feather toys and he’s Not very food motivated.
Doesn’t like boxes.
Pretty chill but I don’t understand what he’s trying to say to me when he meows but he Likes to cuddle
He tries to get in front of me when I walk so I end up accidentally tripping over him/kicking him. He doesn’t mind.
Looks like a true fellow. Introduce him to things he may not understand yet like being carried/chilling on your shoulder, or being inside box.

Cats are all different. Some love being held others don't. Gotta love them for who they are. :)
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What do you call this pose?
sprawled out
no stealing food from my plate
Sneed Cat
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I think the soup thing might be over-kill, he's an adult ass cat he must have eaten enough food to survive this far. They do tend to 'bury' their food to 'save it' for later.
>Will he have the sack forever?
It takes time for the scrotum to shrink in size, but so long as there wasn't any abnormal skin stretching like testicular masses it should reduce down to size over the course of a year. It is very gradual. He is pretty cute, glad you found a cuddly one.

My brother has a ratter cross that single handedly killed 150 rats and mice in a neighbor's barn in about 2 hours that their ~200 cats couldn't. I love cats, but they are more of a deterrent than control.
what the fuck how did you do that?
clicked, viewed, and chuckled
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an interesting way to sit in the sink
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such an unclean looking animal

give it a bath
>get long haired cat for first time
>has a giant dangleberry
>wont let us near it, comb wont get it out without ripping his hairs out
>wont soften up from pet wipes
what the fuck do I do? how do I get this winnet out of my cats arse? will he remove it himself?
should I take him to the groomers?
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>such an unclean looking animal
it's a cat, how's it supposed to look
I would find a cat groomer personally. Might need to ask for a sanitary shave - it will look like ass but it will at least not have this problem.

Pic related - it's not as exaggerated as I expected but the blue areas are long hair and the red is short hair
buy dingleberry scissors
One of my cats (neutered male) keeps fighting with a neighbor cat (neutered male). They are literally tearing each other apart. He has had 4 serious wounds this year, and the neighbor says their cat comes home bloody and injured as well. Neither cat will tolerate staying indoors full-time, so we are at an impasse. I chase their cat away when I see it, and they do the same to mine. He went out today for the first time after two weeks healing a shoulder wound, and I heard them yowling at each other after sundown. I was able to get outside fast enough to bring him in before a fight, but I don’t know what to do. Is there a way to get them to stop fighting?
Give your cat steroids so it can kick the other cats ass with ease.
are you also a (neutered male)
Alright anon, I need your advice. How do I make my cat lose weight?
Yesterday she is struggling to go through our fence gap and that's the point where I decide that fat fuck need a diet.
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name it Harvey if u get it
I tried searching why do cat collars have bells and I got the wrong answer. I get that it alerts prey so your cat doesn't come in contact with some diseased animal, but wouldn't it alert predators at the same time? Most cats that would be wearing a collar live in places where they wont harm the ecosystem and they wont be hunted, well by cars at least. On my cats collar, I taped up the keychain so the nameplate doesnt rattle. So why have a bell on the collar
Dog buttsniffer post
My cat's lost most of his teeth with age and I think he's starting to have real trouble eating. Are there like super soft foods I can get for him?
Looks like an older cat
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I love when black cats have little white patch on their chests
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what would you call this loaf, french bread?
How I sleep as a man
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I hate outdoor cats as much as the next guy, but can you coordinate what times y'all let your cats out so they are out at different times? That seems like the logical thing to do.
Feed less. If it goes outdoor unsupervised though, there's only so much you can do as it will likely find food elsewhere.
That is literally why anon, idk what to tell you. The main reason people get collars with bells is because they think it will stop their cat from killing birds. Whether it's a good or effective tool is another thing entirely.
Wet cat food, pate stuff should be easy on him.
marbled rye with a lot of flour on it
Eventually one of them will give up and let the alpha cat do as he pleases. Maybe.
Or you could try this russian method I heard about
>put both cats in a bag
>shake them good for a while
>in theory the shared trauma will make them bff
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like this?
Put hot pepper sauce on both cats.
I like it.
My cat demands to sleep in a new box every night
My cat likes sleeping the the center of my bed so I always end up like this
ummm, someone posted a butchered cat in /ck/
This is just an /an/ thread
>cat on counter gross
>u haet cats!
who could hate rupert
Dis thread dummy
1) Cats would taste horrid due to their mostly carnivore diet
2) Cats carry a LOT of parasites that are zoonotic to humans, that do not only reside in the intestines and may be in the muscles and fat
3) Cats, especially in America, are very likely to have loads of medicines and vaccines in them not suitable for consumption that either have a long half life or no known half life
I'm all for making the most of invasive, but don't eat cats.
it's a succulent chinese meal
Big cat. Very cool.
You could say that about any animal
Cow vaginas are probably a succulent chinese meal as well
Such a beautiful culture
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I have actually eaten mountain lion. It's fucking delicious. Nam vet relatives tell me both dog and domestic cat taste like "shit - even if a white man cooks it" so maybe it's because pumas are more muscular and have better diets, while dogs and cats are habitual garbage scavengers.
a lot of that is boredom. Cats are indoors all day while youre socializing at work or out and about and they are very intelligent animals. Maybe leave boxes and bags around with hidden crumpled paper balls for him to find in a different place every day and redecorate his favorite areas every now and then with a new setup to jump in and explore. just grocery paper bags and boxes are often more entertaining then expensive toys.Turn tv on for birds to watch or dog walk videos and they are very engaging to cats.
>Have ledge behind bed
>Put water there in glass
>Let it get too empty
>Cats chill there sometimes
>Cuddling this morning
>One of the kittens accidentally knocks it over, we're all wet
>Other kitten now ducks when I try to pet his head
Kitten 1 gave kitten 2 trust issues? How to rebuild?
Today we binge watched the Terror and he bit my ankles and I yelled OWEWWWWE!!!!!!!
dont let your dumbass instinctual fleabag outside
My cat is very well behaved (no scratching, biting or things) but rather stupid and trusting. Was "missing" for the last 5 days, meaning I didn't see her, but a cat, likely her, was eating when I was at work.
Pretty sure she chilled at one of my neighbors. Should I be worried?
that's a rabbit
Can aluminum window screens stand up to cats?
Are there better options?
My cats made a hole in my screen that is big enough that they could squeeze through.
why are there 2 kot generals?
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Because carnists have a meltdown just knowing veganchads exist

Its all the estrogen in animal products making them hysterical, please understand
Because the newfag OP of this thread got his feefees hurt in the other one. And of course the jannies in their unbounded usefulness have left both threads up.
Vegans don't deserve attention
um bro, rabbits don't have long tails. >>>/ck/20855677
It's Anya rapist. He posted about catching a cat and asked how to eat it the other day.

I told you he brutally tortures and eats people's pets. Puppy flesh is his favorite.
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>I have actually eaten mountain lion. It's fucking delicious
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Cat is tasty. Coyotes can’t be wrong.
Perfect artist's depiction.
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how my cat wants us to sleep
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nap time
There's a dying/dead kitten trapped somewhere outside and nobody could help me. Would you break into private property to save it?
Don't let her nap.
I'm afraid the mattress cover has fused with your arm
Depends where i lived. In a castle law state? Hell no.
I will let my cat nap with me whenever
Thanks I spat my whiskey.
I see. If you lived on the property but had to break into the unfriendly neighbor's crawlspace, would you do it in a non-castle law state? They could still open their window and hit you on the head as you break in.
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Got a pic. So should I cop? And why Harvey?
presumably harvey as a reference to two-face from batman. spose it's better than some marvel comics name
The other one is made by a cat-hating troll.
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cat in a box
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>pet cat
>she starts cleaning herself
she thinks I'm dirty doesn't she
>bengal approaches black cat
>black cat growls at him
>bengal stares at her for a few seconds
>bengal approaches her nonchalantly
>black cat freaks out and runs away
>they do this every day
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Is my cat chad or virgin?
>ears without a single dent
>no visible scars
Virgin cat, will be raped by first stray cat he meets
she's a girl
domestic cats are barely cognitive
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May be an over-stim response. Not necessarily bad, your cat is just autistic which actually means it's normal.

From this it sounds like the black cat isn't comfortable around the bengal, and the bengal isn't respecting the black cat's wishes to be left alone.
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Is it normal for 2 female cats to love eachother this much?
If I scan her will she go gold?
Bit of an odd question but does anyone have a flat extension cable recommendation for this heating pad I bought for the strays? I already have a little weather resistant house for them
There's no outside plugins, I'm in apartment so I can't create them either
This will have to be plugged into one of those under door extension cords but I don't understand this sort of thing with watts and kilowatts and AVs and ACs
I work from home all but once a month so I'll be monitoring the usage regardless
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my cat has been on a remarkable weight loss journey, lads
she was 5.9kg last april, and now she's 4.8kg
still a little chunky for a little cat but she's come a long way
>40 watts
You don't have much to worry about, but definitely use a cable rated for outdoors.
soft lookin calico
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My cat is a pokemon
Hey that's the missing bellcat from the Space World demo!
Thank you anon I'll see what I can find on amazon
Congrats to a beautiful lady
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Whelp. It happened. My cat is snuggling with my wife instead of me for the first time. What's the best way to make him sad, show him I don't like him anymore and don't want anything to do with his cheating ass, but without being abusive?
Bite him.
Alright /kot/ let's see which of you really owns a cat

post wrists
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>you don't own a cat if your cat doesn't bite and claw the shit out of you
I've had this dumb cat for two fucking years now and he finally decided to stay and cuddle next to me in bed, in petting distance no less, for the first time. If I weren't a faggot that uses a laptop in bed instead of a cellphone I'd take a celebratory picture and frame it.
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use the laptop webcam
a lil nibble
Journey to the west volume 2
I decided to give him a kiss and forgive him but I told him it won't happen again
I say this and I look like this
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>I look like this
you look like a cat in a bed under a box? think you might need to get off the streets and get a good shave
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This, my cat never scratches me besides when I try to cut her nails
I have a question.
Why does my new cat just randomly grab me and then bite me. He will be purring away and I won’t even be touching me and then paws grab whatever body part he’s gonna bite and then he brings it to his mouth.
If it's only a gentle bite, it's because he's a retard and doesn't know a better way of saying 'stop now'.
It’s usually a gentle bite but I’ll just be laying in bed under my blanket not touching him and he will sneak under to bite my knees
How old is he? My mum's cat sort of grew out of chasing people's ankles at 1 AM.
He just turned 1 in September. I hope he grows out of it in tired of hiding my limbs under the duvet

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